vietnam consumer landscape 2015

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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Vietnam consumer landscape



Years Major Events Shaping Vietnam

111BC - 939AD Chinese occupation of Vietnam

1535 European Jesuits and traders

1802 French given trading concessions

1858 France invades Vietnam

1860-1945 French occupation

1940-45 Japanese occupation

1945 Ho Chi Minh declares formation of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam

1945-54 French re-occupation - finally defeated in the battle of Dien Bien Phu

1954 Geneva convention 17th parallel division of Vietnam

1959 US military advisors in South

1965 US Marine Corps lands on China Beach, Da Nang

1973 Singing of Paris peace accord (US and North Vietnam)

1975 Fall of Saigon - Reunification of Vietnam

1977-79 Implementation of unified socialist society

1979 Vietnam defeats Khmer Rouge and liberates Cambodia

1979 China invades Vietnam and is quickly repelled


Years Major Events Shaping Vietnam GDP Growth %

1986 Doi Moi (Renovation) Congress - open door policy reforms 2.3

1987 Foreign investment law liberalises market access 3.6

1988 Extensive agricultural reform 6.0

1990 Vietnam world's 3rd largest exporter of rice 5.1

1991 Ban on TV Advertising lifted 6.0

1994 US embargo lifted 8.8

1995 Vietnam joins ASEAN 9.5

1999 Asian crisis causes foreign investment to be liberalised 4.8

2000 Private Enterprise Law / HCMC stock market opens 6.8

2001 US - Vietnam bilateral trade agreement 6.9

2007 WTO accession - net foreign direct investment US$22.3 billon 7.1

2010 Vietnam with much of Asia leads the global economic upturn 6.4

2014 Consumer demand struggles 5.8


US$175 billion economy

91 million people

7.5 million households =>US$400

52% urban adults banked

US$1.9 billion advertising spend

US$1,923 GDP per person

37 million motorbikes

45% internet penetration

145,000 new cars in 2014

69% urban adult mobile penetration (4 in 10 smart)

24 million households

16 million rural households

62 million people

47% <30 years

16 million households

3.5 million =>US$400/household


60 million people

38% <30 years

18 million households

29 million people

45% <30 years

8 million households

4 million =>US$400/household


36 million people

36% <30 years

13 million households


Traditional trade still represent 80% of grocery


Since the 1st supermarket in 1994 we now have 975 supermarkets.

1,800 convenience stores have emerged since 2008.

No ROI thus far!

Branded malls: Aeon, Robinson, Central have arrived recently.


Globally modern versus locally explosive




Conspicuously mobile

When the new iPhone was released, I just couldn’t go out. I couldn’t face my friends until I

had one.

Purchase priorities

Versus her home!



I am the “New Vietnam” – I live online, and though I spend more time alone, I am not lonely. I am

connected 24/7.

Generational divides

I don't get it, I don't need to, he does, he tells me which

products are good.


My missed opportunities

Through the eyes of my child I shall achieve success.

His success is my success.

He reflects on me.

Be the boss!

Most want to be their own boss, big or small.

Happiness equates to money.

Success is defined by my job.

Money is the most important thing in my life.


Aware of what could be….

Increasing opportunities (commercial, education and travel)

Community to individual gratification.

Always out of home. Thirst for edutainment.

Happiness defined as money.

Conflicted and frustrated

Emerging gender equality & changing roles

in society.

Change in parenting .

From extended to nuclear families.

Modern day working ethos.

Divorce acceptable.

Fast shifting social trends

“Nowadays freedom is an excuse for doing whatever one wants without thinking about others; women

want careers rather than families, men spend more time out of home, drinking and enjoying with their

friends, more than contributing to their families, women are freer with their favours and couples find

it easier to divorce without thinking of what they are doing to their families and children…”

Phuong 30 years old, from HCMC



Kid is future investment. Ready to pay more & more (repertoire), higher

& higher (price).

Growing power of child ‘Liked by my child’ is spontaneous important


More choosy & picky (esp. urban) Rapid innovation (taste, packaging, advertising,

flavor, etc.) is crucial!

Desire for freedom, happiness, unconventional To rebel the pressure and stress from parent’s

expectations on academic performance.

I want more new experimentation Strong desire to experience product in new ways (customised): packaging, flavor, etc.

Hi-tech is the new ‘trendy’

Online touch point boom: new channel of information, consumption and awareness.

I want my brand

I don’t use my mother’s or my younger sister’s brands.


Urban female adults: Recognition and individualism

Premiumnisation = Me values Charge me more, indulge me more!


Focus! No longer one size (product) fits all (needs).

Seeking for performance enhancement

Help me to maximise my capability & performance at work & life.

Detoxify me! Purify me!

Increasing seek to de-stress; mind and body.


Intensive pressure to play multi roles Seeks for appreciation & sympathy.

Growing financial pressure yet don’t want to be left behind

Affordable quality doesn’t mean cheap.

Feeling solitude & confused Seeks for a clear guidance & role model.

Constant pressure to balance work and family Seeks for fast, simple, convenient efficiency to

take care of child & family.

Realise the importance of parenting & her struggle

Seeks for knowledge & guidance from experts & brands.

Challenge the man’s role in the family

Seeks for the support & sharing from husband.

The family Nguyen - how this shapes who we are

Youth translate

the consumer

world for their





Happiness is


Confused and

frustrated Desperate to

express myself

Thirst for


Success is

imbued in pride


through the

eyes of my





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