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7 Performing Arts

IMCC Year 7 Performing AtsSemester Program 2018

YEAR 7: Irene McCormack Catholic College½ Course: Dance


1 Lesson 1: Introduction

Expectations/Warm up Introduction to course/expectations/rules. Hand out dance booklet and explain dance policy.

What is dance?Dance changes with time and is driven by culture.

Explain functions of dance/why people dance:- Entertainment (for enjoyment/wonder/awe). Example- Hip Hop/Musical Theatre- Fitness/fun. Example- Zumba, social dance or dance classes.- To tell a story or reveal ideas. (Contemporary dance does this).- Cultural dance- Ceremonial/ritual purposes- Celebration E.G. (Maypole dancing: May Day Dance in Britain- It is the time of year when warmer weather

begins and flowers and trees start to blossom. It is said to be a time of love and romance. It is when people celebrate the coming of summer with lots of different customs that are expressions of joy and hope after a long winter. On May Day, people used to cut down young trees and stick them in the ground in the village to mark the arrival of summer. Maypoles were once common all over England and were kept from one year to the next. Schools would practice skipping round the pole for weeks before the final show on the village greens. People danced around the tree poles in celebration of the end of winter and the start of the fine weather that would allow planting to begin.

- Coming of age/initiation ceremonies (Aboriginal culture does this)- To tell stories about culture/pass down knowledge and customs (Example: Passing down

RespondingDance in Context: Distinguishing features and purposes of dance (ACADAR019)


7 Performing Arts

dreamtime stories through dance in Aboriginal culture).- Before war (e.g. haka- New Zealand/Maoris)

- Brainstorm all dance styles students can think of (with prompts). Then distinguish characteristics of each dance and how the styles differ.

Ballet Tap Jazz Acrobatics Contemporary Lyrical/slow modern Song and dance Demi character/character Hip Hop – popping/locking Breakdancing Cultural- Irish/Spanish/haka etc. Ballroom- waltz/tango etc.

Create Students get into pairs or groups of 3- make up a short, creative ‘handclap’ or ‘secret handshake’ that they

can present to the class. They should endeavour to use more than just their hands (legs/feet/hips/elbows/arms etc.).

It must include at LEAST 8 moves.

PerformIf there is time, students perform handclap for the class.

2 Lesson 2: Warm up and Hip Hop

Introduction- Roll/change.- Do a recap of the functions of dance from last lesson.- Discuss importance of warm up and what a warm up includes.

Making DanceDance in Context: Distinguishing features and purposes of dance (ACADAR019)


7 Performing Arts

Brief Introduction to Hip Hop Brief history given/function/role in Aus and America. Characteristics Influence of cultural/social and historical context in development of style. Watch video examples.

Warm up games: Play ONE warm up game twice to apply their theoretical knowledge of warm up.

Options could include:- Numbers game (students move around the room in a way that you direct: e.g.

walk/run/hop/jump/skip/crawl etc. When you call out a number they must get into a group of that number. Last ones to form the group or if there are any ‘extra’ students have to do 5 star jumps.)

- Tepees and Indians.- Octopus- Chain chase.

Stretch –teacher led stretch focusing on the main muscle groups.

Travelling combinations Travelling combinations down the room to address coordination, improving performance by extending own

movement vocabulary and technical competence.

Recap of contextual and historical information given

Making DanceWarm-up and cool down as part of a dance class (ACADAM015)Extending technical competence control, coordination, accuracy, alignment, balance, flexibility, strength, endurance and articulation when moving.

Making DanceSafe dance practice of style-specific techniques (ACADAM015)

Making DanceSkills and Techniques: Dance skills that develop technical competence in relation to body control, accuracy, posture/alignment, strength, flexibility, balance and coordination (ACADAM015)

3 Lesson 3: Warm up and Hip Hop

Introduction- Roll/change.- Recap from last lesson- choreographic intent.- Recap of functions of Hip Hop and characteristics.

Warm up game: Play ONE warm up game twice to apply their theoretical knowledge of warm up.

Options could include:

Making DanceWarm-up and cool down as part of a dance class (ACADAM015)Extending technical competence control, coordination, accuracy, alignment, balance, flexibility, strength, endurance and articulation when moving.

Making Dance


7 Performing Arts

- Numbers game (students move around the room in a way that you direct: e.g. walk/run/hop/jump/skip/crawl etc. When you call out a number they must get into a group of that number. Last ones to form the group or if there are any ‘extra’ students have to do 5 star jumps.)

- Tepees and Indians.- Octopus- Chain chase.

Stretch –teacher led stretch focusing on the main muscle groups.

Travelling combinations Travelling combinations down the room to address coordination, improving performance by extending own

movement vocabulary and technical competence. Recap travelling combinations from last lesson. Give 1-3 focus points for students to focus on when

performing each combination.

Extended sequence Teacher led exended sequence to music to focus on musicality, coordination, retention of movement. Teacher must discuss use of UNISON and REPETITION during teaching of extended sequence. These are

Choreographic DEVICES.

Safe dance practice of style-specific techniques (ACADAM015)

Making DanceSkills and Techniques: Dance skills that develop technical competence in relation to body control, accuracy, posture/alignment, strength, flexibility, balance and coordination (ACADAM015)

Making DanceMovement retention: Techniques that focus on developing retention of movement (ACADAM017)

4 & 5 Lesson 4 and 5: Hip Hop

Introduction Roll/change. Recap from last lesson- choreographic intent. Recap of functions of Hip Hop and characteristics.

Warm up game: Play ONE warm up game twice to apply their theoretical knowledge of warm up. Options could include:

- Numbers game (students move around the room in a way that you direct: e.g. walk/run/hop/jump/skip/crawl etc. When you call out a number they must get into a group of that number. Last ones to form the group or if there are any ‘extra’ students have to do 5 star jumps.)

- Tepees and Indians.- Octopus

Making DanceWarm-up and cool down as part of a dance class (ACADAM015)Extending technical competence control, coordination, accuracy, alignment, balance, flexibility, strength, endurance and articulation when moving.

Making DanceSafe dance practice of style-specific techniques (ACADAM015)

Making Dance


7 Performing Arts

- Chain chase.

Stretch –teacher led stretch focusing on the main muscle groups.

Travelling combinations Travelling combinations down the room to address coordination, improving performance by extending own

movement vocabulary and technical competence. Recap travelling combinations from last lesson. Give 1-3 focus points dfor students to focus on when

performing each combination.

Extended sequence Teacher led exended sequence to music to focus on musicality, coordination, retention of movement. Teacher must discuss use of UNISON and REPETITION during teaching of extended sequence. These are

Choreographic DEVICES.

Skills and Techniques: Dance skills that develop technical competence in relation to body control, accuracy, posture/alignment, strength, flexibility, balance and coordination (ACADAM015)

Making DanceMovement retention: Techniques that focus on developing retention of movement (ACADAM017)


***[Students do not change for this lesson)

Lesson 6USING WORKSHEET ONEFocus: Choreographic Intent in dance

Recap information from previous lessons: Warm up Function and characteristics of Hip Hop dance.

Give definition of ‘Choreographic Intent’- the idea/theme/story behind dance. Discuss choreographic structure- Narrative Choreographic Structure.

Activity: Using a worksheet, students will watch videos of dance works and using dance terminology, will discuss the

choreographic intent behind the dance and reasons for coming to these conclusions. Answers will include use of design elements and manipulation of choreography.

RespondingDance reflecting and analysing: Reflective processes, using dance terminology, on their own and others’ work, and the use in dance works of the elements of dance and design concepts (lighting, music/sound, multimedia, costume, props, sets, staging) (ACADAR018)

7 & 8 Lesson 7 and 8: Choreography


7 Performing Arts


Introduction Roll/change. Recap information that the teacher feels is necessary.

Warm up: game and stretch.

Choreography Main focus of learning how to choreograph is to create dance with meaning behind it. To create dance that tells a story, investigates a theme or idea.

BEST The elements of dance are the building blocks for all choreography. The different ways we use our bodies,

the space in which we dance and the timing of movement, should always be unique and interesting. The more we use these elements of dance in different ways, the more interesting the dance becomes.

The four elements of dance are: BEST (Body, Energy, Space, Time).

BODY Is used to make shapes which create interesting movement. To continually change the shape of the body is

an important part of choreography. You can make shapes individually or as a group to create interesting effects. Some shapes we use in dance are: symmetrical shape, assymetrical shape, curved, angular, open and closed (give examples and explain each).

ACTIVITY: Students are to stand in the space and make individual shapes: symmetrical shape, assymetrical shape, curved, angular, open and closed.

Repeat exercise but in pairs. Use these ideas to create shapes that express mood. What type of shape expressed the following moods?

Sad, happy, excited, angry, devastated, scared.

Energy Movements can reflect energies and emotions. Energy can be used to describe the way movement is

performed. It is important in dance to use different energies to create variety and interesting differences in dances. NOTE- ‘The choreographic element of ‘energy’ is not the amount of energy or level of energy used.

Making DanceWarm-up and cool down as part of a dance class (ACADAM015)Extending technical competence control, coordination, accuracy, alignment, balance, flexibility, strength, endurance and articulation when moving.

Making DanceImprovisation skills to explore new movement ideas (ACADAM013)

Making DanceChoreographic Devices and Elements: Different elements of dance: body, energy, space, time (BEST), explored and combined to develop choreographic intent (ACADAM014)

Making DanceGroup work practices (sharing ideas, problem-solving, giving feedback, listening skills) in dance (ACADAM017)

RespondingDance reflecting and analysing: Reflective processes, using dance terminology, on their own and others’ work, and the use in dance works of the elements of dance and design concepts (lighting, music/sound, multimedia,


7 Performing Arts

Activity [Write the following energy states on the board] Energies: Freeze, shake, vibrating, attack, heavy, light, smooth, bouncy, sudden, flowing, tight, swinging, collapse, fall, rebound and resistance.

Students group together to make groups of 4 (1 partnership comes together with another). Each group is chooses 4 ‘energies’ which they must use to create a dance phrase. They may use the moves

they just came up with (BODY), or create new movements. Students are encouraged to be as creative and non literal/abstract as possible. Speak about “abstraction”.

Give students 10-15 minutes depending on ability of group. Teacher will walk around and support/give assistance. Teacher will view all finished phrases to make sure fit

within task guidelines. When all phrases are finished each group will show a swcondary group their phrase and the opposiyte group

will guess the energy states chosen. Teacher chooses 2 groups (that did the task well/correctly) to show the class and talk through what energies

were used. ASK: Which energy types are the easiest to use? What energy types do you thinkg would be the most

interesting to an audience?

SPACE Space can be used to create and manipulate movement:

- Levels, direction, spacing of people. All groups must think about how they want to space their dance. (what pattern do they want to stand in?) Using the phrase students used when manipulating ‘time,’ each group has to manipulate the movement

given to them in a different way:- Group 1: Manipulate 3 of the steps to be done on the floor (this should go to the group with the

most capable/experienced dancers)- Group 2: Change the direction of 3 of the dance moves.- Group 3: Each person in the group has to complete the phrase facing different directions- Group 4: Change the direction of 1 of the dance moves and add in a jump.

Recap all information at end of each lesson.

costume, props, sets, staging) (ACADAR018)

9 Lesson 9: ChoreographyWORKSHEET TWO




7 Performing Arts

Roll/change Recap of Elements of Dance.

Warm up and stretch.

Time Using time in dance can help the audience understand the story or idea behind the dance and also helps to

make the dance more interesting. We use time in dance in the form of tempo (fast, slow and stillness) as well as other ways such as ‘Cannon.’

Create: In groups of 4, students are to create a 4 movement phrase using only their arms. Each movement needs to

be held for 4 counts- A symmetrical shape.- An Assymetrical shape- One high position- One low position

Cannon: A choreographic device or structure in which movements introduced by one dancer are repeated exactly by subsequent dancers in turn. Once explained the teacher will create and perform a cannon with 3 students as a demonstration.

Cannon Activity 1 Students then put their movement into a cannon. Student one begins the phrase, the following students

begin the phrase 4 counts later (and so forth). Each group’s phrase is checked by the teacher for understanding.

Cannon Activity 2 Students create a phrase that includes 4 travelling steps.

- 4 walks (Counts 1-4)- 1 or more jumps (Counts 5-8)- Roll or Turn (Counts 1-4)- Slide (5-8)

Students put this into a cannon with each student starting 4 counts after the one before. Teacher can either have the whole class perform their phrase, or, choose a group/groups that has


7 Performing Arts

completed the task successfully.

Recap definition of cannon

10Lesson 10: Choreography

Introduction Roll/ change. Recap use of ‘cannon’ from lesson before.

Warm up and stretch.

Motif Definition of Motif given: A movement or phrase (multiple movements), which can be repeated or

manipulated. It usually helps tell the story behind the dance.

Activity: Students get into small groups. Students are shown a stimulus (series of images within the same theme). They must make up a motif that

uses the stimulus as inspiration. The first one should be done as a class. This is repeated for the next three images. Students are then to choose one of the images/motifs as inspiration to create a short phrase. They need to

manipulate their motif in the following three ways:- At a low level- Facing a different direction- Whilst jumping

This should mean they have a 4 steps. Students then need to travel from movement 1 to movement 2 in a creative way. Then do the same for the transition between moves 2 and 3 and then 3 and 4.

They now have a phrase of movement where the motif has been extended/manipulated (changed/edited to make the dance more interesting).

Perform Each group can perform their phrase for the class, or, the teacher can select one of more groups that

completed the tasks successfully, to perform their phrase.


7 Performing Arts

11 - 16Lessons 11-16TASK OUTLINE

- 4 lessons to create dance- 2 lessons to perform/assess.

Introduction- Roll/ change.- Teacher led warm up

Choreoraphy Task Students are to create a dance in groups of four that displays choreographic intent. They are to use elements of dance as well as motif, cannon, unison and repetition. Students have four lessons to create the dance. The music is already chosen for them.

Performance- Students will perform over 1-2 lessons.- Using WORKSHEET THREE, Students will reflect on one anothers’ performances specifically, whether the

choreographic intent was clear and how choreographic elements and devices were used to make the dance more interesting and display choreographic intent. This will be assessed.

Making DanceImprovisation skills to explore new movement ideas (ACADAM013)

Making DanceChoreographic Devices and Elements: Different elements of dance: body, energy, space, time (BEST), explored and combined to develop choreographic intent (ACADAM014)

Making DanceGroup work practices (sharing ideas, problem-solving, giving feedback, listening skills) in dance (ACADAM017)

Making DanceSkills and Techniques: Dance skills that develop technical competence in relation to body control, accuracy, posture/alignment, strength, flexibility, balance and coordination (ACADAM015)

Making DanceSafe dance practice of style-specific techniques (ACADAM015)

Making DanceRetention of movement (ACADAM017)

Task 1Making Dance

Group Choreography


Task 2Responding

Written Reflection



7 Performing Arts

Making DancePerformance skills (expression, projection, focus) demonstrated to an audience and appropriate to the dance genre/style (ACADAM017)

RespondingDance in Context: Distinguishing features and purposes of dance (ACADAR019)

RespondingDance reflecting and analysing: Reflective processes, using dance terminology, on their own and others’ work, and the use in dance works of the elements of dance and design concepts (lighting, music/sound, multimedia, costume, props, sets, staging) (ACADAR018)

17 & 18

Lesson 17 and 18WORKSHEET FOURAboriginal Dance, Torres Strait Islander Dance and Asian Dance.

Differentiation/comparison between styles. Observing and identifying stylistic similarities and differences in both traditional and contemporary dances-

dances from Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islander people and Asian communities Videos shown of different styles. History and culture discussed. Investigating the role of dance in transmitting cultural information, such as advocating change in relation to

contemporary issues (for example, land degradation)

RespondingDance in Context: Distinguishing features and purposes of dance (ACADAR019)


7 Performing Arts

YEAR 7: Irene McCormack Catholic College½ Course: Drama


To get to know each other as a class unit.

For the students to

INTRODUCTION TO THE GREEK CHORUS Class Bonding/ Getting to know each other. Discuss Unit of Work

Teacher to discuss what will take place in Drama rotation (e.g. focus on improvisation, group work etc) the expectations of them and their tasks throughout the unit.

Warm up activity (At teacher discretion)


7 Performing Arts

become aware of the teacher’s expectations of them in this class.

For students to gain an understanding of warm ups in Drama

Develop team work skills to apply to Greek Chorus work.

To be introduced to chorus work in drama

Fruit Salad, Name tag, Ball Tag etc


Students are to now find a partner. They are to stand opposite each other and without speaking, together create the following objects that I call out.

a knife and fork a cup and saucer egg on toast

Now form a group of four and together create the following objects. a vase of flowers a camera a shark a clock a guitar Christmas Tree bicycle

Now form a group of eight. a piano a helicopter a hamburger a computer Motorcycle playground aquarium

Now form as a whole class. The Sydney Harbour Bridge

Lesson two: Improvisation Warm up activity (At teacher discretion): Get students use to making offers / accepting

Follow the leader Students sit in a circle and tap on their knees, the leader will change the movement whilst the inspector guesses.

Group discussion about working in Unison, using peripheral vision, linking back to Greek Chorus Q – What are the difficulties with moving in unison?

Explain how part of the purpose of the Greek Chorus – while moving in unison – was to show the emotion of a play’s story with their gestures and facial expressions.Put students into 4-6 students are to find their own way of representing the following sequence of emotions using facial expressions, movements and gestures. They must use unison and no sound.They are to consider – pace, a leader, performance shapes – in a line or semi-circle?


7 Performing Arts

and experiment with unison

Easy: HAPPY > SAD > ANGRYMedium: EXCITED > TIRED > BOREDHard: PROUD > NERVOUS > JEALOUSPerform a selection of them and evaluate effectively.


Q – What is one purpose of the Greek Theatre you’ve learnt about today? Represent emotionQ – What does Unison mean?Q – What do you think the most important things to remember are in creating good unison? Slowness, accuracy, eye contact

W2 Students will know how stage positioning can affect the audience’s understanding of a scene


Improvisation Warm up activity (At teacher discretion) Recap on the techniques of improvisation: Offers, Accept and Extend

Greek TheatreDiscussion points –

Foundation of Western European Drama Religious festivals Masks, Choral work and movement Male actors Powerful characters, plots and themes Large outdoor theatres – why would they use a Chorus? Open air auditorium Built in stone

Greek theatre worksheetStudents use devices to research and complete the worksheet – complete for homework and submit next lesson.Lesson two:

Improvisation Warm up activity: Working on Extending and Advancing PowerPoint presentation : Greek Theatre & Types of Greek theatre – Discussion of Satyr, comedy and

tragedy playsQ- What are the differences between comedy & tragedy?Q- What are some Greek playwrightsStudents complete the worksheet handed out last lesson and submit to the teacher for marking

Greek playing cards

Students get into pairs and are given laminated Greek playing cards. They must match the Title with the definition

Greek Theatre worksheet

Greek Theatre PP

Greek Playing cards


7 Performing Arts

W3 Define what a freeze frame is

Apply elements of a freeze frame to create exaggerated facial expressions

Identify purpose of exaggerated acting in Greek theatre

Lesson one:

Improvisation Warm up activity: Working on Extending and Advancing Starter – In Pairs

Q – What is exaggerated acting?Q – Why must actors adopt this style when performing a piece of Greek Theatre?Discuss ideas as a whole class.

Speed Tableaux

Whole class individually stand in a space in the room and create a frozen image based on a title or action that the Teacher will call out.Students will have 5 seconds initially to get into the frozen image and then FREEZE. Teacher will then shorten the countdown to 3 seconds then 2 when the game is nearly finished.Students are out if they do not freeze when FREEZE is shouted, or are smiling or giggling. Once out they can be judges to say who else in the room is moving on FREEZE.Use this list as a starting point:TerrorPlease believe meJoyDagger through the heartSuspicionLooking out to seaThe big ideaX factor auditionJLS concertSupermarketQ – What makes an effective frozen image? - tension, body language, facial expressions, levels etc..Teacher to explain that it wasn’t just the chorus who used exaggeration in Greek Theatre. Actors used precise gestures to represent clear emotions.

Activity One - Exaggeration Experimentation

In groups of 3-4, students to devise a short original scene based on one of the titles given to them.An over the top acting style must be used. Each line of dialogue (and actors must only speak one person at a time) must be accompanied by a posture and facial expression.“Complaint at the chocolate factory”“Argument at breakfast”“Crisis in the X Factor studio”“Robbery at post office”


7 Performing Arts

Perform and evaluate

Q – Why was exaggerated theatre so important?Q – How have these exercises today prepared you to perform an original piece of Greek Theatre?Q – What skills can you take from today’s lesson for all drama lessons in the future?

Lesson two:

Improvisation Warm up activity: Activity One – Reading Myth

Read the myth of ‘Theseus and the Minotaur’ as a whole class.(Select students to read a paragraph at a time or go round the circle and ask each student to read one sentence at a time.)Q – What is the moral of the myth?Inform them of the moral if they are unsure about what it is.


Put the class into groups of 7.Their task is to:Get themselves in to a triangle formationOne of them will not be included in the formation; this is because they will be the Narrator.In their groups they are to use the myth to create a scene in chorus groups.Checklist - should use:NarratorUse of movement through mirroring one another in the triangle formation.Use physical theatre to create a monster of the Minotaur in your chorus ensemble.Work in Unison.Use exaggerated movement.

Teacher to demonstrate the use of a triangle formation and how they could create movement in unison through the use of their chorus ensemble.They are only to use the last 5 paragraphs as their stimulus for their chorus performances.One movement for each line and then to create a monster through the physicality of their bodies.(Give them 10 - 12 minutes to create one movement for each line and to create a monster.)

Perform and evaluate

Theseus and the Minotaur Myth

W4 Apply body movement techniques to create a characters


Improvisation Warm up activity Riddle sheet


7 Performing Arts

Identify what gesture is

Solve the Riddle: Students get into groups of 4-5 are handed out the riddle sheet. Students must have their best go at solving the riddle.

The Sphinx In the same groups students must make the terrible monster (from the story of Oedipus) to create the following creature –

Body of a lionHead of a womanWings of an eagle

Tale of a snake Perform and evaluate Extend creature/chorus work- groups must now walk across the room as the creature working in


Oedipus and the Sphinx Students sit in a circle and are each given a copy of the plot overview of the story.

Oedipus and the Sphinx

W5 Use and apply voice techniques for Greek theatre

Identify elements of a drama script

Discuss structure of play and define episodic structures

The CloudsLesson one:

Improvisation Warm up activity Hnad out ‘ The Clouds’

Students are handed out ‘The Clouds’ and are to walk around the room saying the chorus/narrator introduction. As they walk the teacher will ask them to change their use of: Pitch Pace Projection Pause ToneThe teacher will demonstrate these changes with them.

Extension:Students get into groups of 4 and distribute one line each. They must add actions and movement in a chorus style.

Perform and evaluate

Lesson two: Improvisation Warm up activity

The Cloud (chorus excerpt)


7 Performing Arts

Interpreting a script:Students get into groups depending on amount of characters needed for each scene. Students are given a scene each which they will perform in week 8/9.

Students begin sitting down reading the script and writing notes, then assign characters to actors.


Students will work in a group contributing ideas for the performance

Students will rehearse ideas in a group

Students to use the ideas of chorus and ensemble work in their performances


Improvisation Warm up activity REAHEARSAL- at teacher instruction based on progression

Lesson two: Improvisation Warm up activity (At teacher discretion) REAHEARSAL at teacher instruction based on progression


Actively develop effective group work processes (problem-solving, listening skills)


Improvisation Warm up activity (At teacher discretion) REAHEARSAL at teacher instruction based on progression

Lesson two: Improvisation Warm up activity (At teacher discretion) REAHEARSAL at teacher instruction based on progression


Improvisation Warm up activity (At teacher discretion) REAHEARSAL Backstage roles –

Discussion of role of stage manager and front of house. Assign minor characters to do leadership roles.

Lesson two:


7 Performing Arts

Improvisation Warm up activity (At teacher discretion) REAHEARSAL


Critically reflect on own work to identify strengths and weaknesses to develop in next task


Lesson two: Improvisation Warm up activity (At teacher discretion) Performance reflection and interview preparation

Performance reflection sheet

Interview questions and notes sheet

Week 10/11

Lesson one: Performance reflection and interview preparation

Lesson two: Improvisation Warm up activity (At teacher discretion) Drama games Online survey reviewing course

Interview questions and notes sheet


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