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Exam Preparation Sheet

Year 8Sch CASP (Other papers differ in length, but in essence are the same.)

Religious StudiesImportant information

Due Date SPRING termLength 60 mins

Number and type of questions

Section 1 Answer one essay question from a possible


Section 2 Topics: New Testament, Old Testament,

Contemporary Issues, World Faiths. Answer one question from this section

How will the marks be allocated?

Section 1Answer one essay question worth 25 marks

Section 2a. Summary question (5)b. Explain question (5)c. Explain question (5)d. Opinion question (10)

Total 50

Equipment needed Pen, Ruler

Topics which will be testedSECTION 1 – Essay question

SECTION 2Old Testament Stories (3 from this section will be in the exam)Group 1:God, Human nature and CovenantCreation Accounts (1&2)The Garden of Eden and the Fall (3)Cain and Abel (4)The near Sacrifice of Isaac (5)The Exodus and Passover (6)The Ten Commandments (7)Group 2:Leaders and Prophets of the Old TestamentMoses (8)David and Bathsheba (9)Nathan (10)Solomon (11)Elijah (12)Isaiah (13)

New Testament (3 from this section will be in the exam)Group 1:Jesus’ TeachingZacchaeus (14)The Paralysed man (15)The Calming of the storm (16)The Rich young man (17)The woman and Simon the Pharisee (18)The Good Samaritan (19)The Lost Son (20)The Sower (21)Group 2:Jesus’ Life, Death and ResurrectionThe Birth of Jesus (22)The Temptations of Jesus (23)The Call of the Disciples (24)Peter’s Declaration (25)The Transfiguration (26)The Sentence, Crucifixion and Burial (27)The Resurrection (28)

SECTION 3Islam – learn everything

People (Must know who they are and what they did)Jackie PullingerDame Cicely SaundersMartin Luther KingTrevor HuddlestonMeg GuillebaudOscar RomeroMother Teresa

Revision Resources www.ce-rs.com very useful for all sorts of revision help http://wiki.cumnor.co.uk Files


NOTESBeliefs of Islam


Only one to be worshipped. 99 beautiful names in the Qur’an. Allah will judge all peoples’ deeds on earth. Cannot be fully understood or known Creator of everything Merciful, all-knowing, hearer, bringer of



God’s messengers and made of light. Cant’ be seen. Send the prayers to Allah. 1on each shoulder recording good and bad

deeds. God’s servants and look after humans. Are felt as love and peace


There will be a day of judgement. Only Allah can judge Good go to paradise. Disobedient go to Hell. Only God knows what heaven and Hell are like. People earn forgiveness through actions and


Holy books

Qur’an is the most sacred book. Words come directly from Allah. Believe there are other Holy books brought by

the prophets. Law, Psalms, Gospel Qur’an is the perfect word of God.


Muhammad was the last and seal of the prophets.

God gave guidance to humans through the prophets

Qur’an mentions 25. Adam was the first Moses, David and Jesus also prophets. Messengers of Allah.


Early life

Born Makkah 570 CE Both parents died by age of 6 Looked after by uncle Shepherd and then a trader Married Kadijah at 25 Known as honest and trustworthy


Praying in a cave at Hira aged 40 Revelation from angel Gabriel Ordered to recite and read Refused 3 times before accepting Felt a tightening of heart and recited Shocked and didn’t believe he’d been called Reassured by wife that he’d received Allah’s


Development of Islam

Opposition to his teachings in Makkah. Left for Medina, the Hijrah, 622 CE Set up 1st Muslim community and mosque Returned to Makkah 630 CE Removed the idols from the Ka’bah Makkah became a Muslim city.

Spread of Islam

Muhammad died 632 CE Abu Bakr Muhammad’s successor United the Arab tribes. Islam spread throughout the Middle East. Muslims united against the Byzantine and Persian

empires Muslim empire spread to Africa, India, China


Everyone is equal. Every life unique. All created by Allah. Muslims should thank Allah for this. Do not worship idols. There is only one God.

Beliefs about him

The last prophet. Example of how to live a perfect Muslim life. He was human. Is never drawn or portrayed in art. Life and teachings are very important for

Muslims. Muslims should follow his example.

The 5 pillars


Shahadah Declaration of faith 1st pillar Recited at birth and at time of death. Only One God. Muhammad is his messenger. Recited with sincerity to become a Muslim.


Salah 2nd pillar Pray 5 times a day in direction of Ka’bah. Pray anywhere so long as it’s clean. Friday main prayers in mosque. Use prayer mat, compass, prayer beads. Rakah – set prayer movements. Dua are private prayers. Perform wudu before praying.


Zakah 3rd pillar All belongs to Allah and should be shared. 2.5% of wealth given or what can afford. Given to poor, needy, schools, hospitals. Not given for show. Follow Muhammad’s example

Fasting 4th

Sawm Fasting during 9th month of Ramadan Do not eat or drink in daylight hours. Appreciate plight of poor Act of worship and obedience to Allah Follow Muhammad’s example.




To Makkah at least once in life time. Circle Ka’bah 7 times Run between 2 hills to remember Hagar and

Allah’s care Drink from Zamzam well Pray at Arafat for forgiveness.

Throw stones at 3 stone pillars at Mina to renounce devil.

Sacrifice animal to remember Abraham – Id-ul-Adha.

Circle Ka’bah 7 times

Festivals and the mosque


Celebrates the end of Ramadan, successful fast Started by Muhammad Remembers and thanks Allah for Giving Qura’n Prayers in the Mosque Presents; new clothes; feast; joyful time Give to charity



In the 12th month, at the end of Hajj Remembers Abraham’s sacrifice of Ishmael Animal sacrificed and shared with poor Muslims ready to sacrifice all for Allah Prayers said in Mosque


Means ‘place of prostration’ Remove shoes, modest dress, head covered Men and women sit separately Centre of Muslim life Qur’an and Arabic classes, weddings, funerals,


Features of Mosque

Minaret- tower for call to prayer Dome Prayer Hall, carpeted, mosaic decoration Mihrab and Qiblah wall- direction of Ka’bah minbar – pulpit for Imam Washrooms and shoe racks


Means ‘at the front’ Must be of good moral standing Good knowledge of Islam and Qur’an Leads Friday prayers and gives Sermons Comforts bereaved, gives advice, visits schools Takes Arabic and Qur’an classes


Gives call to prayer, 5 times a day Calls from the minaret Faces the Ka’bah Calls people to ‘rush to prayer’ Adhan (call to prayer) called in arabic Adhan states that Allah is the greatsest.

The qur’an


Holy book and means ‘recitation’ Revealed to Muhammad through the angel

Gabriel on Night of Power. Visions received over 23 years Remembered and written down. Abu Bakr ordered the standard copy to be

made. Completed 2 years after Muhammad died.

Beliefs about it

Exact word of Allah Guide to life. Can’t be translated or the meaning will alter. Final word of God to humans. Muslims believe there are other holy books. Should be obeyed.

Language and layout

Written in Arabic Not translated. Divided into 114 chapters or surahs All copies are the same Learnt by heart – a hafiz

Treatment and respect

Never put on floor Read from a stand No eating, drinking, smoking whilst reading. Wash (wudu) before reading and head covered Wrapped in cloth, kept on a high shelf Read every day.


Collections of books of the words and actions of Muhammad.

Consulted to see how Muhammad acted in situations.

Birth, family life, marriage and death


Father whispers Adhan into right ear Date or honey rubbed on baby’s gums 7 days later aqiqua- head shaved and hair

weighed Money given to charity Name given, boys circumcised Time of celebration


Must respect parent Be obedient to parents and relatives Should not cause harm Be kind and work hard Care for parents in old age Duty continues until parents’ death


Must set a good example for children Must educate, feed children properly Dress modestly No sex before marriage Mothers - feed hungry and look after guests Fathers – provide money, protect family


Often arranged by parents Bride given a dowry by groom Simple ceremony in mosque or at bride’s home Marriage contract with 2 witnesses Wear best clothes and feast afterwards Divorce only as a last resort


Believe in life after death and that Allah will judge them

Body washed, anointed, wrapped in white sheets (Hajj sheets if done hajj)

Burial as soon as possible facing the Ka’bah Qur’an recited and period of mourning Grave is plain and unadorned. Leave 3 gifts behind: knowledge, possessions,


Sample questions

Have a go at answering these questions. Each question is out of 6 marks. Time yourself, each should take no more than 5 minutes.

1. Outline what Muslims believe about God.

2. Describe Muhammad’s call.

3. Explain why Muslims fast.

4. Describe any one Muslim festival.

5. Describe what Muslims do when someone dies.

6. Outline what Muslims believe about the Qur’an.

7. Describe what happens on the Hajj.

8. Describe the role of the Imam.

9. Describe what Muslims do during Ramadan.

10. Describe briefly the five pillars of Islam.

11. Outline what salah (prayer) means to Muslims.

12. Describe some of the key features of the mosque.

13. Outline how Islam spread as a religion.

14. Describe the ceremonies that take place after the birth of a

Muslim baby.

15. Outline what Muslims believe about angels.

16. Describe a typical Muslim marriage.

Adhan Call to prayer

Allah God – has 99 names

Eid-ul-adha Festival at end of Hajj

Eid-ul-Fitr Festival at end of Ramadan

Hajj Pilgrimage to Makkah (5th pillar of Islam)

Hira Mountain where Muhammad was called to recite (also called Mt Nur)

Hijrah Muhammad’s journey to Madinah – The Muslim calendar dates from this

Imam Leader/teacher

Islam Submission

Ka’bah ‘Cube’ – black stone cube in Makkah

Khadijah Muhammad’s wife

Jibril Angel Gabriel who told Muhammad to recite the Qur’an

Makkah Holy city – place of Muhammad’s birth

Madinah Town where Muhammad taught, lived and died (and is buried)

Mihrab Alcove in prayer hall to show the Qiblah wall

Minaret Tower on a mosque from which the muezzin gives the call to prayer

Minbar Podium in mosque on which the imam stands

Mosque Place of worship

Muezzin Gives the call to prayer from the minaret

Muhammad The prophet of Allah and founder of Islam

Salah Prayer 5 times a day (2nd pillar of Islam)

Sawm Fasting during the month of Ramadan (4th pillar of Islam)

Shahadah There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet (1st pillar of Islam)

Qiblah (wall) (Wall in mosque showing) direction of Makkah

Qur’an Holy book

Wudu Washing before prayer

Zakah Giving to charity (3rd pillar of Islam)

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