web viewthe pyramids are the stone tombs of egypt's ... team to first spell their word...

Post on 06-Feb-2018






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1Volcano Clean Up

Indonesia has the most number of volcanoes of any country in the world. It has 167 of the 850 active volcanoes known in the world. These include the

famous volcanoes Krakatoa, Tambora, and Merapi. Japan and the United States follow in rank with the

most Volcanoes.

InstructionsFloor mats will be stood up in the middle of area.

Students will have to try and keep the balls inside the mat while they are being thrown out. After the helpers have been in the volcano for a minute the teacher may pick a 2 students to go inside the volcano. Then every

30 seconds you may add another student into the volcano until it is very crowded. Do not let students jump up and throw the balls down on the students inside the volcano this could hurt. Make sure they

know to loft the balls back into the volcano.

2Hawaiian Limbo

Limbo is a popular form of contra dancing that originated on the island of Trinidad, though Hawaii is

often mistakenly associated with limbo. This is because of the Hawaiian Luau. The Luau is a popular gathering in Hawaii where people eat and engage in

many forms of entertainment such as dancing the Hawaiian Hula or the Limbo.

InstructionsStudents will stand in line and go under the limbo bar. If a student knocks the bar down then they must stand to the side. Each time the line goes under the bar the

bar is lowered. Students able to make it under the lowest bar are the winners.

3Egyptian Pyramid Build

The pyramids are the stone tombs of Egypt's kings - the Pharaohs and one of the world's greatest historical

mysteries. They have stood for thousands of years, filled with many hidden secrets: clues about what life was like in Ancient Egypt. The Great Pyramid is the

largest and most famous of the pyramids. It was built for the Pharaoh Khuf. It is over 140 meters high and

took 20 years to build.

InstructionsStudents will be separated into 2 teams and be in a

line. One at a time a student will take one foam block and build their pyramid in a designated area. After placing their block the student must return to their line and tag the next student in line before the next student is allowed to go and place their block. The pyramid should be built with a base of 6 blocks and

each level up should be one less.

4Soccer Shoot Out

The men’s World Cup is considered the most popular sporting event in the world. The sport could not be more popular in any other country than England. Here we find

many of the most historic and famous football (soccer) clubs in the world, 20 of them in one of the most prestigious

League in the world. Teams like Arsenal, Chelsea, Everton, Liverpool, Manchester United, and Newcastle.


4 teams will line up at the starting point. 2 cones will be placed half way in front of each of the goals with a soccer ball on each side of the cones. The first student in each line will

run up and shoot their team’s soccer ball into the goal. If the student misses the goal they must retrieve the ball and try to score again. If the student makes the goal they will retrieve the ball and place it back next to the cone. When the ball is

placed back next to the cone the next student in line will run up and try to kick the ball into the goal. The first team with

every student to score will be the winner. Students that have scored and placed the ball back will sit in the back of

the line.

5Cool Down with Iceland Icicles

The greatest natural attraction of Iceland is the GREAT GEYSER. Now the geyser is occasionally active. When it does erupt, it could shoot extremely hot water and

steam 60-80 meters into the air. The whole area around the geyser is a boiling sulfurous landscape with hot & cold springs where primitive and rare

vegetation has learned to adapt and flourish.

InstructionsStudents will cool off with some ice pops. Take a rest at this station and please make sure all trash makes it into the trash can. You can only stop by this station


6Autobahn Race

The German Autobahn has taken on an almost legendary mystique where drivers can drive faster than 100 miles an hour. The realty is just a little different than the legend. The myth that there are no speed limits is wrong because speed limit signs are posted along most highways (80 MPH). The

fact is that the autobahn is an extensive network of limited-access freeways that can usually provide a driver with a

speedy route from town to town.


4 teams in line, students waiting their turn must be sitting. One student at a time will move to a scooter that is turned over on a spot marker. They will turn the scooter over and

sit with their bottoms on the scooter. They will then go around the circle (Autobahn). When they return they will

flip the scooter back over on their spot marker and move to the back of the line. As the first student moves across the

line the second will be able to go. The first team with each of the students around the circle win.

7Kangaroo Hop

Kangaroos are marsupials, a type of mammal that carries their young in a special pouch on the mother’s body. Kangaroos have large feet for jumping and large

fat tail used for balancing. Kangaroos are found naturally only in mainland Australia and New Guinea.

InstructionsIn relay form each student will use a hippity hop to move around a cone. The first group finished with

each student sitting wins. The students must not carry the hippity hop but hop on it down and back. Jumping

like a Kangaroo.

8Pastry Pile Up

The French are famous for their love of fine food and they sure know how to prepare it. Sweet pastries are the

country’s specialty. Centuries ago, the French obtained the sugar from Beekeeping Monks. Croissants are the best

known French pastry. In the late 1700’s, Antonin Carem,-The King of Chefs was one of France’s most popular Chefs. He is noted for creating the Torque Cooking Hat, popularized puff

pastries and one of the first “recipe cook books “ for sale.

InstructionsThe object of this station is for each team to stack pastry

boxes on top of each in a specific order. Each team will have to spell out a different word dealing with pastry. The words

are Brioche, Praline, Fondant, and Muffins. Team to first spell their word correctly is the winner. Students must be

careful not to crush the fragile pastries (don’t crush the pastry boxes) because if the pastries are not in perfect

condition when delivered then that team will lose even if they finish first.

9Italian Pasta Pull

Italy is known for its love of pasta. There are over 23 types of pasta. Including the fattest, longest, strongest,

& “wheatest” which we are using here.

InstructionsStudents will be divided into two even teams. The

teams each try to pull the center of the rope past their cone. Change the teams up at this station. Game can

be played multiple times. Out of the 4 even teams you can place each team against the other then combine

the teams together switching out teams each go.

10Strong Man Bolder Pass

Switzerland is a small land locked country in the heart of Europe. The Swiss mountains are famous for

climbing, skiing, and other recreational activities. The “Strong Man” competition originated in Switzerland.

The competition is now a huge world competition and is broadcast all over the world. You may have seen is

on Networks like ESPN.

InstructionsStudents will make 4 lines. The students should have an arm

length between them. Each line will have a boulder (medicine ball). On start the boulder should be passed down

the line from student to student. Each student should take the boulder turn 180 degrees and pass the boulder off. The student at the end of the line should carry the boulder up to the front of the line and pass the boulder back down the line.

All other students will shift towards the back of the line. When each student in the line has carried the boulder to the

front of the line then they are done.

11Potato Sack Race

The Irish became dependent on the potato for their main food source because the potato is one of the few

foods that have all the basic vitamins necessary to maintain human life. In 1846 a disease attacked the potato crop causing the Great Irish Potato Famine.

This led to the great migration of Irish immigrants to America.

InstructionsStudents will hop down to the cones and back. Switch the sack with the next student in the relay and so on.

First team with each of the students done is the winner. Students should sit at back of line when


12Olympic Torch Relay

Greece is generally considered the cradle of Western civilization. It is the birthplace of democracy, the

Olympic Games, Western literature, political science, and Western drama, including both tragedy and

comedy. The torch precedes each Olympic summer games. It originates in Greece and travels a different

historic path each Olympic game. 2008 Olympic torch relay was the first global journey of the Flames.

InstructionsStudents will balance a foam ball on a tennis ball

container/plunger and try to run down and around the cone without losing the flame. Continue until

everyone in the group has gone. If the ball falls of the plunger they must go back to the start and replace

their ball and start again.

13Safari Throw Down

The “Safari Country” Kenya is Africa's single most famous safari draw. The annual Great Migration

occurs every September and October as animals travel between Tanzania's Serengeti and Kenya's Masai Mara

park reserve. This area of the continent of Africa is home to the big five wild animals- the lion, elephant,

rhino, leopard, and buffalo.

InstructionsWhen on a safari you must be able to move quickly to get away from predators. – Call out colors and have students move from one panel of that color to the next panel of the

same color.

Going on a safari you must have good tents – go under the parachute and make a tent by sitting on the inside of the


All animals –try to keep them on the parachute

All animals - Try to make all animals fly off the parachute

14Salute to the Troops Obstacle CourseThe United States has one of the strongest and most dedicated military armed forces in the World. And

because of these men and women we live in the greatest country in the world. To be in the armed

forces, a person must go through rigorous training. This training usually takes place at “Boot Camp”. Welcome to Stoney Point Elementary Boot Camp.

InstructionsStart out by putting on a camouflage BDU top. Each student will run and jump 4 small and large hurdles (if they are not

able to then they need to run in between each of the hurdles. The students will then go through a tunnel. When they come out on the other side they must do 10 jumping jacks before moving on. Next they will move through hula hoops taped

together (running through tires) must put one foot into each hoop. Jump rope 10 times. Then using a bat they must spin

in position 10 times around the bat. Coming back to their line they must give their BDU top to the next person in line.

15Hockey Shoot Out

Hockey is played throughout the world but mostly known to be played in Canada and the northern latitudes of the United

States. With the advent of indoor artificial ice rinks it has become a year-round pastime and is followed almost

religiously in Canada. Canada has 11 gold Olympic medals for Ice Hockey, the most of any country. The most recent

gold medal won was at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver for Canada’s National Men’s team.

Instructions4 teams will line up at the starting point. 2 cones will be

placed half way in front of each of the goals with a hockey puck on each side of the cones. The first student in each line will run up with a hockey stick and shoot their team’s puck

into the goal. If the student misses the goal they must retrieve the puck and try to score again. If the student

makes the goal they will retrieve the puck and place it back next to the cone. The next student may go when they are

handed the hockey stick. The first team with every student to score will be the winner.

16Ping Pong Over the Great Wall

The Great Wall of China is a series of stone and earthen fortifications in northern China, built originally to protect

the northern borders of the Chinese Empire against intruders. It stretches a little over 5,500 miles. Ping Pong is

also called Table Tennis. Today we are going to hit Ping Pong balls over our wall because the Chinese people are

notorious for their love of the game.

InstructionsStudents will get into groups of 4. In groups students

will take turns hitting ping pong balls over the wall into their bucket. Students will each have 30 seconds

to hit as many balls into their bucket as possible. After each round balls must be picked up and the next

student in the group must get ready to go. After the 4 rounds the group with the most ping pong balls in

their bucket will be the winners.

17Great Barrier Reef Sponge relay

Sponges are aquatic animals. Aquatic means they live in the water. Early Europeans used soft sponges for

many purposes, including padding for helmets, portable drinking utensils and municipal water filters.

Until the invention of synthetic sponges, they were used as cleaning tools and applicators for paints.

InstructionsStudents will be split into two even teams. Each will make a line from the blue tub to their team’s clear bucket. The first

student in line will dunk the sponge and fill it with water then pass the sponge down his or her teams line. Each

student in the line must touch the sponge as it passes. The last student in line will squeeze the sponge into the clear

bucket and then run to the front of the where they will become the first person in line. This way the line will rotate and it will not be the same students at the front and end of

the line for the whole relay.

18Pear Diving

Before the beginning of the 20th Century, pearl hunting (pearl diving) was the most common way of

harvesting pearls. Today it is only done recreationally. Pearl Diving not harvesting. Traditionally, Japanese pearl diving was done by women who were called

"Ama". The word ama literally means "sea woman." Today we are going to go diving and get some pearls

with our feet.

InstructionsStudents should take shoes and sox off. Each team will

have their own pool. Students should try to pick up marbles out of their pool and put them in the

collection bucket using only their toes to collect the marbles. Because they are pearl diving they should hold their breath when their feet are in the water.

19Camel Watering Hole Relay

Camels are well known for their humps. They do not store water in them as is commonly believed. Their humps are a reservoir of fatty tissue,

while water is stored in their blood. It is in fact a mound of fatty tissue from which the animal draws energy when food is hard to find. When a camel uses its hump fat for sustenance, the mound becomes flabby and

shrinks. If a camel draws too much fat, the small remaining lump will flop from its upright position and hang down the camel's side. Food and a few days' rest will return the hump to its normal firm condition. This allows

them to survive days on end without food and water. Domesticated thousands of years ago by frankincense traders, who trained the gangly

cud-chewer to make the long and arduous journey from southern Arabia to the northern regions of the Middle East, the camel went on to become

the desert dweller's primary source of transport, shade, milk, meat, wool, and hides.


The students will form 4 equal lines from the watering hole to their camel with a deflated hump. The student closest to the watering

hole will fill a leaky cup with water from the watering hole. The cup will be passed down the line to the last student in line where he/she will water the camel. The last student will then run the cup back to

the watering hole where they will become the first student in the line and each of the other students will shift towards the camel


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