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Post on 23-Mar-2018






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We are delighted to present to you a copy of our annual report for Middle Valley Baptist Church. God has been so faithful to this church for the last 80 years. We present this report not only to inform the congregation, but even more to praise God. The report that follows is a chronicle of how God has blessed, challenged, admonished, and been at work at Middle Valley during the last year. Some reports that follow will be presented orally, others you will have in written form. Please take time to read the report in full.

We want to express appreciation for each one that contributed to this report but even more for their contribution to the life and ministry of MVBC. An “Annual Report” is a way you can see all that has been happening in our fellowship. First, praise God, and then thank those who have served faithfully in a wide variety of ministries. It is easy to take people who serve for granted; let’s determine to recognize and affirm those who made a difference in our life and the life of our family.

You will find a table of contents to tell you where you can find each report. You will also find an agenda that will guide our congregational meeting. The reports are generally in the order that presentations will be made in the meeting.

We look forward with great expectancy to see what God has in store for Middle Valley Baptist Church.



Pastor’s Report 4

Mickey’s Report 5

Zach’s Report 6

Session Report 8

Global/Local Missions 9

Middle Valley Academy 10

Music Ministry 11

Technical Ministry 12

Covenant Groups 13

Children’s Ministry 14

North Hamilton Basketball League 15

Camp All Star 15

Student Ministry 16

Women’s Ministry 18

Men’s Ministry 19

Sunday School 20

Personnel 21

House & Grounds 21

Nominating Committee 22

Recommendation of Deacons & Elders 25

Financial Report/2014 Proposed Budget 26


6:00-6:45 Fellowship Meal

6:45-7:00 Worship

7:00-7:05 Student Minister’s Report

7:05:7:10 Associate Pastor’s Report

7:10-7:15 Senior Pastor’s Report

7:15-7:20 Session Report

7:20-7:25 Global & Local Mission Report

7:25-7:30 Middle Valley Academy Report

7:30-7:35 Music Minister’s Report

7:35-7:50 Financial Report & Adoption of 2014 Budget

7:50-8:00 Affirmation of Elders & Deacons

8:00-8:05 Nominating Committee Report

8:05-8:15 Affirmation of By-Law Changes


Senior Pastor’s ReportDear Friends,

This is my third year at Middle Valley Baptist Church as your pastor. I give praise to God for the opportunity to serve as your pastor. There have been blessings from God, special people that have enriched my life, challenges that have provided an opportunity to grow and depend on God, and many wonderful opportunities to serve the needs of our congregation.

God has blessed us with a rich heritage at MVBC. We have been ministering for many years and expect to continue ministry for many years to come. The challenge we face is to preserve the best of our heritage without living in our past and to embrace the challenges of the present without being conformed to this age. Our desire is that the strength of our heritage will preserve our theology, worship and practical ministry and our engagement with current issues will bring fresh power by God’s Spirit to give witness to the power of the gospel at just this time and place in history. God has done much to glorify himself and preserve a place where the Word of God continues to be preached, loved, and lived.

While we appreciate the past we engage the present challenge of ministry with hope and trust. There is so much good that is happening at MVBC; we praise God for those who minister and serve the growing needs of our congregation. This year has been a year of foundation building. We have spent much time and energy in reworking the leadership paradigm of MVBC. The congregation has voted unanimously to move forward with the selection of elders that enable us to be an elder-led congregation. We have made significant changes to our constitution and by-laws and have scheduled an Annual and Semi-Annual Congregational meeting to gather the church to make corporate decisions. We look forward with real hope that God will accomplish much that will be for his glory.

Our Community Groups were upgraded to Covenant Groups and new leaders and curriculum were selected. We added another adult Sunday School Class for younger couples lead by Mickey and Zach. We are just completing an expositional study of the Gospel of John that sought to convince the listeners that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God and that by believing they might have eternal life. We have worked very hard to develop and enjoy a dynamic Men’s Ministry. This year has seen the formation of a Missions Team and a Local Evangelism Team. We have been working very hard to develop our children’s ministry to shape and mold the lives and hearts of our children. We are pleased to see a number of people growing through participation in these relational contexts. It is here that real fellowship and ministry takes place.

Our worship services continue to gather people together to express the love and devotion they have to Jesus Christ. We continue to maintain the centrality of the Word of God through the exposition and appropriation of Scripture. It is my personal opinion that the single greatest factor to the blessing of God we have seen in our congregation grows out of the faithful proclamation and reception of the word of God. We have enjoyed the benefits of mature, godly leaders at NHPBC. I am thankful for the strength of the leaders and the congregational respect shown to your chosen leaders. We can face the future with hope and confidence that God will continue to bless our efforts to be a church that exists for his glory.


There are significant challenges ahead; the path is not easy and assured. If we are to succeed we must resist the pressure of the world around us to conform. Our spiritual health must become a greater priority; we must fight indifference and neglect of the spiritual disciplines. We must find more effective ways of reaching our community with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We must reclaim the Lord’s Day and renew our commitment to gather each week to worship and grow together. We must understand and then embody our Church Covenant. We face the challenge of restructuring leadership to make us more effective as a church and less demanding on those in leadership. With growing ministry there are growing financial needs; we must give proportionately and regularly so that our ministry at MVBC can thrive. We must work to restore and maintain unity in our fellowship. We are confident that God has the resources to provide all that we need to be a church that glorifies Him.

We look forward with anticipation and confidence. Our confidence is not in ourselves but in the God who gathered us together as a body and in Jesus Christ who promised to be with us to the end. There are blessing ahead if we obey. There are challenges ahead that will test our faith and develop our character. There are circumstances globally and politically that we cannot yet see that impact our ability to do ministry. We remain confident that God will lead us forward as we wait for “the manifestation of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.”

We continue to make it our goal to love the Lord God with all our hearts, souls, minds, and strength and to love our neighbors as ourselves. This is the central purpose for our existence as a Christian fellowship. As your Pastor I want you to know this is my purpose for being here. I am committed in every way that I know to encourage, equip, and challenge you to this supreme standard. Together we will give witness to the Kingdom of the Savior we love.

By His Grace and For His Glory,

Pastor Gary L Scott

Associate Pastor’s ReportDear Church family,

I want to begin this letter by saying what an honor it is to serve you as the Associate Pastor at Middle Valley Baptist. I remember when David Sneed and I first started working with the teenagers in the summer of 1991 and the enthusiasm that we shared for this church. After 22 years of ministry, I still have an enthusiasm for MVBC and see the potential for God to do great things here. I want to share in this letter about three areas that I’m serving in that I’m very enthusiastic about. These three areas are local evangelism, global missions and the children’s ministry.

We recently created a Local Mission/Evangelism Team. This team’s responsibilities include building stronger partnerships with local ministries that MVBC financially supports and challenging


our congregation to give their lives away to reach the lost. We recently sponsored a baby shower for Choices Resource Center. This was a first step for this team in helping our local ministry partners in an areas of need. Our team is evaluating ways to connect with NHBL families that need the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are planning to communicate God’s truths to these families through regular emails and providing resources free of cost. Our prayer is that God will work and change lives during this season.

The Global Mission Team has been very busy organizing and planning for the future. The team is now actively communicating with all the missionaries that MVBC supports. We are receiving reports from the missionaries that include their needs and future plans. The Global Mission Team will be communicating with the congregation these reports and updates. The team is also finalizing plans for the 2014 Mission Conference in March. The Mission Conference will be all five Sundays in March. We are excited to have some returning speakers from our last Mission Conference, as well as some new missionaries. The Global Mission Team is also working with the Church staff to plan two summer mission trips in June. We are planning a trip back to Guatemala and Jamaica.

Since this past July, I have been working with the Children’s Leadership Team overseeing the ministry to children at MVBC. We have a very talented and gifted group of adults that are volunteering on this team. We meet monthly and evaluate current children’s programs and plan for the future. The team has been focused on achieving unity and working together in one spirit and one mind. I believe this ministry is going to see God’s blessing in growth spiritually and numerically in 2014.

This past year has had its share of good times and challenging times. Through it all, we continue to see God’s faithfulness to MVBC. God has sustained this church for over 80 years, and I believe He still plans to bless this church. MVBC over the years has been blessed with many faithful men and women that trusted God with their lives and embodied to this community what it meant to follow Jesus. Now their legacy is passed on to us. May we be faithful and live in a way that glorifies His Name!

Because of His grace,

Mickey Rector

Student Minister’s ReportDear Church family,

I thank God for this church and the time I’ve been able to serve. I am now entering my eighth year in serving as the Student Minister, my fifth in a full-time capacity. I consider it a privilege to serve as in this church. I have seen God do amazing things in the hearts of the people of this church and I’m excited to see what He continues to do in the future. My heart for this church and for the students and families I serve has only grown during my time here.



Since I’ve served at Middle Valley, I have been blessed to learn under godly and experienced men. Pastor Greg Lindsey was the encourager I needed when I first attended here. I had recently left a ministry position and I felt jaded and confused about any future in the ministry. It was under Pastor Greg’s leadership that I sensed a calling to full-time ministry here at the church. Working alongside Mickey each day has challenged me as a leader. He’s been an excellent friend and mentor to me in the ministry. Finally, Pastor Gary has probably challenged me in ways I’ve never been challenged. I’ve been able to witness what a solid, theological foundation has done for him in the ministry and it’s pushed me to do the same. Under Pastor Gary’s guidance, I have recognized the need for continued education through seminary work. I began some of that work this year through Southern Seminary in Louisville, KY. My desire is to pursue a Master of Divinity in Pastoral Ministry.

Another area of personal growth has been the practical side of ministry. Pastor Gary has taken time to personally invest and challenge both Mickey and I and for that I am grateful. Not a week goes by that I am not presented with something new to read to inform me or challenge me in some way. I’m also grateful for the regular opportunities to preach in our Sunday morning service. Learning to prepare to preach a message to the entire church body is a demanding process, so I’m thankful for those opportunities.


The most exciting thing for me in ministry has always been to see what God does in the lives of students, both while they are still teenagers and throughout their lives. I love to see God take a heart and change it. Oftentimes this happens when I see students get away from their routines of life and out of their comfort zones. Whether it’s a retreat down the road or a mission trip overseas, I love seeing God move and change the hearts of our students. It seems almost every year after our Super Awesome Weekend Retreat, I’ve had the privilege of baptizing students who’ve trusted Christ. However, most of the time this happens in the context of relationship over time. I’m so blessed to have so many amazing youth leaders who love our students. These leaders take time to invest in our students beyond what happens on a Sunday or Wednesday. Seeing those relationships develop and how God uses those to grow a student’s faith is easily the most exciting thing for me in youth ministry. I love seeing these bonds that are formed last well beyond a student’s jr high and high school years.


The administrative responsibilities of youth ministry can be demanding at times. These include communicating with parents, communicating with students, planning retreats/camps/activities/mission trips, overseeing projects, etc. Hung Thach once told me, “There are two eternal things in this life- the Word of God and people. Spend your time in those.” While the administrative responsibilities are important and crucial for what I do, my challenge is making sure I don’t allow those to be the only things I do. I’m drawn to administrative responsibilities because they are objective, I can typically control them, and I can check them off a list. Ministering to people where they are or wrestling with God over direction for a message can be difficult things, but that’s why I’m in the ministry and bring the most rewarding aspects to ministry.


Pray for my heart for God above all else. Pray that I will grow in my love for Him.

Pray for my heart to continue to grow for students, families, and our youth leaders

Pray for me to respond with active obedience to the difficult things God calls me to do

Zach Wyatt

Student Minister

The Session Of DeaconsIt has been a busy year and a year of transition for the Session of Deacons. As Middle Valley Baptist Church moves towards having Elders, the Session has been instrumental in thinking through the many changes needed to accomplish this. Many, if not most of these changes have been steadily discussed and worked on since early 2012. Highlights from this year include:

The Session formed five teams with each team consisting of deacons and congregational members to discuss and bring recommendations to the Church in the following areas:

Leadership Transition Church Covenant Church Confession of Faith Church Relations/Church Discipline Connecting Point/Membership Class

The Session presented and the church adopted changes in MVBC’s form of church government which includes moving to a church that is Elder led. The constitutional changes needed to facilitate this Leadership Transition were adopted by the Church in March and additional changes are being proposed tonight.

The Session presented, and the Church adopted, a Church Covenant which states how we at MVBC live with and relate to one another. We have intentionally incorporated the Covenant into our observance of the Lord’s Table (Communion).

The Church adopted The New Hampshire Baptist Confession of 1853 as our Statement of Faith which states what we at MVBC believe and we have intentionally incorporated elements of this Statement during our corporate worship the latter half of the year.

The Session presented and the Church adopted a document designed to help the people who attend and lead our church relate to one another in a way that honors God and promotes authentic relationships. These Relational Commitments cover important relational issues, such as peacemaking and reconciliation, marriage and divorce, protecting children from abuse, counseling, confidentiality, and mutual accountability.

The Church also adopted a Church Discipline policy statement that presents how MVBC understands Scripture teaching in how the corporate church and individual believers are to act in matters of heresy, division and strife within the church, gross immorality, a disorderly walk, or a personal


offense against another believer and sin of omission. The goal always being repentance and restoration.

Much work has been done on thinking through how we do (or don’t do) Connecting Point and Membership Class. It is anticipated that this will be completed for presentation to the Church in 2014.

We began observing the Lord’s Table on a regular, monthly basis.

The Session began collecting a Benevolence offering to meet the needs of those who are members or regular attenders of MVBC as well as the needs of individuals outside of our church.

The following reflects Benevolence Fund through November 11, 2013:

Benevolence Fund at the beginning of the year: $ 221

Amount given to the benevolence fund in 2013: $6094

Funds given to those inside the church: $ 515

Funds given to those outside the church: $ 675

Current balance in fund: $5125

Finally, for much of the history of MVBC (certainly the recent history), the Session of Deacons has handled the biblical responsibilities of both Deacon and Elder.

Often, men serving as Deacon have been called upon to handle matters ranging from setting vision and direction for the church to handling matters of church discipline. Many of these men have felt overwhelmed or unqualified to be part of some of these discussions and decisions.

It is anticipated that operating with Elders in place will give freedom to those men serving as Deacon to serve as God has gifted them. We look forward to seeing the Session being integral in the lives of our members as they come alongside our people in serving the needs many of our members have.

What a blessing it is and will be to have a group of men who have a desire to show the love of Christ to our church in addressing the practical needs of the Body.

Global/Local Mission TeamsPURPOSE: To follow the command of Jesus Christ to go, making disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We want to equip the body of believers at MVBC to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ!

WHO IS PARTICIPATING? The mission teams are made up of about 20 members of MVBC, ranging in age from teens to senior adults!


HOW IS THE MINISTRY DOING? This is a new ministry that is just getting up and running. We have had several meetings in the last year and we are excited about the vision of the members and the possibilities of what this team will mean for our congregation and for our missionaries and local ministries.

WHAT HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED SO FAR? These teams have been working on a mission budget, evaluating our expenses and the possibility of reallocating some of the funds. We are making contact with the missionaries that we support to get updates of their work and needs they may have so that we can better encourage and pray for them. We just completed a baby shower to help replenish the Shepherds Closet of a local ministry.

SPECIAL CHALLENGES: Challenging people’s hearts to see the importance of living a life on mission as called to by Jesus Christ, and challenging people to invest in a personal way with time and finances for the sake of the Gospel.

GOALS FOR THE NEW YEAR: We are hoping to personally connect with the local ministries that we support and give them tangible help. We are hoping to set up guidelines for taking on the support of new missionaries or stopping the support of current ones, as well as creating a list of expectations for our current missionaries. We are hoping to create a quarterly missions newsletter to keep the church updated and informed about the missionaries and ministries that we support. We are currently planning for the upcoming Missions Conference in March and the summer short-term mission trips to Jamaica and Guatemala.

PRAYER NEEDS: Pray for our missionaries and local ministries. Pray for the finances to bring in our missionaries to share their stories, to help meet their special needs and to help send our members on short-term mission trips to share the Gospel and encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world. Pray for the team as we seek to keep our congregation informed about our missionaries and pray the Holy Spirit will spark a passion for living on His mission in our hearts.

Middle Valley AcademyPURPOSE: We are passionate about children and our purpose is to partner with parents from our church and community in loving their children, teaching them about the love of Christ, and helping them to learn age appropriate educational and life skills that will prepare them for the future.

WHO IS PARTICIPATING? In the Academy, we have a director, 9 teachers, and an advisory team of 8 MVBC church members to help provide feedback and direction for the program. We currently have about 45 children attending our program either in the 2-day program, or in the Pre-K4 classroom.

HOW IS THE MINISTRY DOING? Our 2-day Parent’s Day Out program has been running smoothly for over 12 years now. This year we began the process to get licensed by the State of TN so that we could meet for more days a week and be considered an official Pre-School. The Lord continues to answer our prayers and things have been going well as we continue every day in this learning process.


WHAT HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED SO FAR? We are almost half-way through another school year. We have been getting familiar with the new school curriculum and feel we made the right choice with ABeka. The parent feed-back for our Pre-K4 class has been extremely positive and the kids are very excited about coming to school each day. We received our temporary license from DHS in September, and completed our mandatory evaluation in November leading to our official license as a Pre-School program! Our families have already participated in several service projects including Operation Christmas Child, a Fall Festival booth, and will be doing a “Mitten Tree” in December to benefit homeless children at the Community Kitchen.

SPECIAL CHALLENGES: It is always a challenge to keep a financial budget consistent as we continually have students dropping and adding. However, the Lord has always provided just enough students! It has been a new challenge this year to get the DHS licensing. We are constantly adapting our program and classroom to try to conform to the state guidelines for safety, education, etc.

GOALS FOR THE NEW YEAR: We were able to put new mulch down this Fall, but our current goal is for our church/Academy parents to raise about $1000 for some new playground equipment. Many of the smaller pieces were damaged in the flooding in July and all of it is over 10 years old. We are also still working toward the goal of expanding our program to include a K4 and K5 classroom next Fall, along with an official ½ Day Kindergarten recognized by the Hamilton County Dept. of Education.

PRAYER NEEDS: Please pray for the Academy Director and the Advisory Team as decisions are being made to expand this program and start a Kindergarten. Please pray for the children and families registered in our Academy. We have a few single parent families and several children we know who have a difficult home situation. Pray for good health and wisdom for Academy teachers who have their own personal and family struggles, yet still come each day to love on the children and teach them about God’s love.

Music MinistryPURPOSE: The worship of our Creator should be active and ongoing in our daily lives. In our worship time on Sundays, the purpose of this ministry is to help create an environment for focused worship and to enhance the preaching and teaching of the Gospel message through the use of music, video and drama. Through all these things, it is our desire to lead the heart to remember and to worship the creative God we serve!

WHO IS PARTICIPATING? This ministry team includes a worship leader, the band and praise ensemble, and the technical/sound volunteers. Throughout the year, for special services and holidays, other church members participate in various ways through choir specials, children’s performances, dramatic and musical presentations, signing, etc.

HOW IS THE MINISTRY DOING? It is difficult to evaluate exactly how the ministry is doing and the team values feedback from our church members, but we feel the Music Ministry Team and all involved have done a great job in leading the worship service and maintaining our purpose. We are


glad to occasionally have new church members who are willing to join us to participate and use their talents on the AV and Sound Teams, the praise band and ensemble, and in special performances like with the Globe Team, etc.

WHAT HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED SO FAR? We feel that a great balance of music has been accomplished in our services with piano music, the band, hymns new and old, and contemporary praise and worship music. We feel like the technical side of the services flows smoothly and is not a distraction to the service. We feel that the use of drama and other dramatic elements have been an asset to the preaching services and add a picture element that helps us to remember intended lessons.

SPECIAL CHALLENGES: Challenges always come in music ministry when people have different preferences to styles of music. It is also difficult many times to find people who are willing to get up in front of a crowd and sing, play, or perform individually or in a group, or even to help with the service planning or working behind the scenes learning the AV and sound.

GOALS FOR THE NEW YEAR: We would like to be able to incorporate the children and youth in the services more often. We would love to occasionally bring in special music groups, and we hope to possibly put together a Dessert Theatre sometime in the Fall of next year.

PRAYER NEEDS: Please pray for the Worship Planning Team as they meet to organize and plan the worship services. Pray that our worship will bring God glory! Pray that the hearts of those participating in the Music Ministry and the hearts of our members here at MVBC will worship all week long and then bring a heart of celebration before the Lord on Sunday mornings as we praise the Lord together for His goodness!

Technical ServicesTechnical Services Team Purpose: Produce the best possible atmosphere for worship. This includes, but is not limited to, creating the best music blend possible, creating audio that meets the mood the pastor/worship leader wants to convey, and supporting the audio needs of the people involved with the church service. To provide IMAG (Image Magnification – This is putting the speaker on the screens) during the service to enhance the congregation's experience. This includes getting the best image possible, keeping focused on the target, providing a non-distracting view of the target for the screens. The technical services team supports the graphic needs of the people involved with the church service. This could include creating various slides/pictures to enhance the service. Members of the technical services team understand that we have a huge impact on the service. While we strive to provide the best audio/visual experience possible, it is important to note that we can also be a distraction to the service if we are not providing the quality that we should. Not all distractions are able to be avoided and some come with working with technology. We take the work we do in technical services seriously and realize that this is a way to serve God and the church, fellowship with one another and build relationships. Ultimately, our goal as a tech team is to glorify God through providing excellent audio/visual services.


Technical Services Team Members: Jeff Martin, Mike Murphy, Mike Richardson, Robby Hoelke, Jeff Cemel, Gus Wilson, Chrystal Murphy, Ruth Dammann, Matt Hicks, Matt Jones, Dakota Toran.

Please see Jeff Martin if you are interested in serving on the technical services team.

Technical Services Challenges: Finances. When a piece of our equipment goes down, it is often costly to repair. We currently need a new scaler which is approximately $500. We also need a better system to communicate between our control room, the camera operator and the sound engineer. Currently we use walkie talkie’s , which are cheap and need to be replaced fairly regularly. An actual communication system designed for this would be beneficial, but again pricey.

Technical Services Goals for 2014: The purchase and implementation of a hearing assist system to benefit those who have a difficult time hearing the messages. We attempted to bring the very old units we used in the chapel to the ministry center, but did not have good success getting these to work. A new unit with four receivers will cost approximately $1,500.00.

Develop an additional 4 person team to spread out the time between dates each team member serves, which will allow team members to take part in the services with their families.

Continue to provide high quality technical services each Sunday and to glorify God with this act of worship.

Covenant GroupsPURPOSE: Middle Valley Baptist Covenant Group exist to help each believer at MVBC resist the world and its temptations and to cling to Christ in everyday living, so that we may embody to our community what it means to follow Jesus Christ.

WHO IS PARTICIPATING: We currently have eleven Covenant Groups that meet in different homes. The majority of the groups meet on Sunday Evenings. Close to one hundred of our adult members meet on a weekly basis for Covenant Groups. We would love to see this number of participants grow in 2014. Our goal is to see 80% of our active members involved and growing in Covenant groups.

WHAT HAPPENS AT COVENANT GROUPS? MVBC has had Community Groups in the past but changed this year to Covenant Groups. The Covenant Groups gather for a two hour time frame each week. The Noah’s Neighborhood ministry provides training for our children during this same two hour time. The Covenant groups have a structured time for fellowship, prayer and Bible study. The fellowship time is critical as we share our lives together. The prayer time is where we lift our requests and seek God’s face together. The primary focus of the Covenant Groups is the time spent in the Word of God. The groups have studied together this year the book by D.A. Carson entitled, “The God Who Is There.” This study looked at many of the attributes about the God that we serve. Carson’s book examined the Creator God, the God who reigns, the God who loves, and the God who triumphs. This doctrinal study challenged all of our groups to see what an Awesome and Mighty God we serve The groups are currently involved in a book of the Bible series. Each group chose from a study on the Book of Jonah, the Book of First John or the Book of James


WHAT ARE THE PLANS FOR THE FUTURE? We want to see this ministry continue to grow and involve more of our members. We are starting a Life Application Study in January and would love for new people to get involved.

PRAYER NEEDS: Our prayer is that God will continue to use the Covenant Group ministry to produce spiritual growth and genuine love within our congregation.

Children’s MinistryPURPOSE: By God’s grace, the Children’s Ministry of MVBC exists to partner with families to bring up our children in Gospel-centered training and instruction so that they will love God with all their heart, soul, mind and strength.

WHO IS PARTICIPATING? Our Children’s Ministry is going strong with around 40 children ages 3 through 5th grade. We have parent volunteers, and a Children’s Leadership Team made up of about 15 adults who have felt called to participate in and further this ministry for God’s glory!

HOW IS THE MINISTRY DOING? Our Children’s Ministry has been going through a time of transition. We have successfully moved from the Kidstuf Program that ran for years, to the new Gospel Project format that began last year. We have had several planning meetings recently about the future direction of the Children’s Ministry, but still have a ways to go.

WHAT HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED SO FAR? The Gospel Project is up and running smoothly for the Sunday School and Children’s Church time slots. Our Children’s Leadership Team has grown from a faithful few who were passionate about incorporating strong Gospel teaching and worship in our children’s classes, to a larger group of parent’s with a strong desire to see the ministry grow and see our children become passionate about the Lord and His ministry. We have just completed a Fall Festival for our church and community families as an outreach.

SPECIAL CHALLENGES: Satan will always try to disrupt where the Gospel is being taught to children. The biggest challenge right now in the Children’s Ministry is for passionate parents, grandparents, and volunteers who are willing to invest their time and knowledge and love to share with our children.

GOALS FOR THE NEW YEAR: The Children’s Leadership Team has come up with several things they would like to see accomplished in the coming year, to encourage fellowship, scripture memory, special Biblical training focuses, etc. Some examples are Movie Night incentives for scripture/catechism memory, Sunday School picnics, Vacation Bible School, Resources to equip parents, and service projects to our church members and community.

PRAYER NEEDS: We need prayer for wisdom, direction, and unity among our Children’s Leadership Team. We pray that the members of MVBC will become passionate about using their time and resources in helping parents bring up our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. This is


the very heart of God! Pray that God will call someone to us to lead our Children’s Ministry into the coming years, and that He will lead us to give to make it possible.

North Hamilton Basketball League PURPOSE: To operate a well-organized youth basketball program for the North Hamilton County Elementary Schools for children in grades 2-5. This league will provide high quality games where good sportsmanship and fair play are stressed. We pray that God will use this league to open opportunities for the Gospel to be shared and received.

WHO IS PARTICIPATING: The NHBL has grown to eleven Hamilton County elementary schools that now participate. We anticipate 400 boys and girls playing in the league this season. The schools participating include Allen, Alpine Crest, Big Ridge, Daisy, Falling Water, Ganns Middle Valley, Hixson, McConnell, North Hamilton, Red Bank and Soddy Elementary.

HOW IS THE MINISTRY DOING? The children and their families that have participated in this league are very thankful for the league. This year will mark our 5th season of NHBL basketball and it has grown each year.

WHY IS OUR CHURCH SPONSORING A SCHOOL BASKETBALL LEAGUE? After over fifteen years of hosting an Upward Basketball league, we realized that most of the kids that participated were churched kids. We wanted to host a league to connect with unbelievers in this community. Our desire is to build relationship with people that need Christ!

WHAT HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED SO FAR? The NHBL has created opportunities for relationships to be established with unbelievers. Middle Valley Baptist has had numerous families visit the church over the past four years through these connections.

SPECIAL CHALLENGES: Our desire is to reach families for Christ through this league. We are working with the local evangelism team on ways to make the league more evangelistic.

GOALS FOR THIS SEASON: To see families reached for Christ!

PRAYER NEEDS: Please pray that God will use this ministry to glorify Himself. Pray that families will hear the gospel message and openly respond. Pray that NHBL families that visit MVBC will be warmly received by the congregation.

Camp All StarPURPOSE: Camp All Star is a ministry that creates a positive Christian environment to minister to families in our community. It is a Vacation Bible School, Sports Camp and Summer Bible Camp all combined! It is a place where kids can have fun, make friends and learn about the love of Jesus Christ.


WHEN DOES CAS TAKE PLACE? Camp All Star operates for four consecutive weeks in the month of June. Each week different specialties are offered for the children ages four through the fifth grade.

WHAT GOES ON AT CAMP? Each year CAS chooses a theme to follow and everything points back to the theme chosen. Each week the children can choose from a variety of specialties. These include different sports tracks, drama, art, etc. The children learn the specialty they have chosen, participate in group competitions, sing and dance, learn about missions and participate in a service project, and every Friday, they are presented with the Gospel message.

WHO IS PARTICIPATING? In 2013, CAS averaged 110 children from our church and community each week. We had 220 children that attended at least one week of CAS during the month of June, with some attending all 4 weeks. Each year, there are also around 20 college kids who work as the team leaders and high school kids from our church who serve on the service teams.

WHAT WAS THE THEME OF CAS 2013? The camp theme was “Around the World in 20 days.” We focused each week on different areas of the world and their need for the Gospel message.

WHAT MINISTRY DID CAS SUPPORT THIS YEAR? The CAS kids participated in a competition between the boys and the girls, bringing in money each week that would go to support a missionary. This year we surprised her and chose for the funds to go to Heather Lusk and her education fund. The boys and girls gave generously each week to help Heather, who shared her story with them, and they raised a total of $1703.31!

WHAT ARE THE PLANS FOR THE FUTURE? CAS 2014 will be the 10th anniversary year for the camp. We are excited to add some new specialties in 2014 that focus on the arts and education. CAS 2014 will also include a new middle school camp for upcoming 6th-8th graders.

SPECIAL CHALLENGES AND PRAYER NEEDS: Pray for guidance and wisdom for the planning team as they prepare for this summer. Pray for the college students, high school students and children who will be hearing the Gospel message each week!

Student MinistryPURPOSE: We want to be used by God to develop students who, because of the gospel, are passionate followers of Jesus Christ, who love Him, enjoy Him and are surrendered to Him.


Family-Driven: We believe we exist to complement and support the parents in their primary ministry, which is their family, rather than the other way around. (Deut 6:4-9)

Authentic Community: We desire to create an environment where students feel loved, safe, comfortable and encouraged. (1 Peter 5)

Mission Minded: We believe God wants students to be a part of His story. We want students to realize that we do not want them to simply come to church, but they are the church. (1 Peter 4:10; Mark 6:7-13)


God’s Word: We want students to see God’s infallible Word as central to all that we do > teaching to worship to small groups, etc. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

Small Groups: We believe a mature adult, other than the parents, needs to be actively involved in a student’s life- to be a mentor, listener, friend and teacher. (2 Timothy 2:1-2; 1 Thess. 2:1-12)


Sunday School: Jr High and Sr High classes 9-10 AMCandice Sneed, Chris and Dawn Morrow lead the Jr High class

Zach and April Wyatt lead the High School class

Refuge (Wednesday Nights): 6:15- 8 PMRefuge is a weekly gathering for students (6-12 Grade) who come together for worship, teaching, fellowship, games, and small groups.

Noah’s Neighborhood (Sunday Nights): 4:45-7:15 PMEach week we have 7 high school students who lead this ministry for children for ages 3-5th grade

Youth Worship Team: Each week at Refuge our students lead us in worship. They have worked very hard over the last couple years to transition our worship to being led completely by students. They meet each week on Wednesday afternoons to practice.


Small Groups are the heart of what we do in student ministry. Each week at Refuge small groups break off for 25-35 minutes to discuss the message from the week and to share their lives together. We currently have 12 small group leaders serving:

High School Girls: Ruth Dammann, Amy Kelley, Lindsey Hunt, Andrea Kirkman

High School Boys: Daryl Crow, Heath Lusk, Zach Wyatt

Middle School Girls: Jenny Richardson, Chrystal Murphy, April Wyatt

Middle School Boys: Joe Kelley, Ryan Schorle

Small group leaders go above and beyond what happens on Wednesday nights. Many of them seek out opportunities to invest in the students outside of church.


Service Opportunities o Currently our students are participating in a Christmas project we are calling 25 for 25. We

are wanting 25 students to raise $25 each with a goal of $625. The money will go to serve 13 different families/communities through World Vision by meeting various needs.

o Pro-Life Movement- During the spring, many of our students helped raise awareness of certain pro-life ministries. In June, we had several students who ran a booth at J-Fest for


o In 2014 we are looking to serve a local ministry in an ongoing effort. Mission Trips/Retreats/Camps

o We did not take a mission trip this year. We are in the process of planning another youth mission trip to go back to Buff Bay, Jamaica in June 2014

o We attended Student Life at the Beach this summer in Orange Beach with Matt Chandler. We took a total of 27

o We plan to go back to GoldRush in Atlanta, GA in July 2014 for our summer camp. We attended GoldRush each summer 2010-2012.

o Cross Conference- On December 27-30, five college students plus Zach Wyatt will be attending a missions conference in Louisville, KY which is spearheaded by To Every Tribe Missions, John Piper, David Platt, Kevin DeYoung and more. The focus will be on raising up a generation passionate to reach the unreached people groups of the world

o Super Awesome Weekend- Each year on President’s Day weekend, the MVBC student ministry leads a retreat for several local churches. Our next SAW retreat is scheduled for Feb 14-16, 2014 and will be held at Fort Mountain Retreat Center in Chatsworth, GA. This is one of the highlights of the year for our students. We typically take between 40-50 students from our church. We have 8 other churches committed to attend this year.

o Pray 4 Me- This is a prayer campaign we are starting in 2014. The goal is to connect each student with 3 adults (prayer champions) from 3 different generations who will commit to pray daily for that student. Each prayer champion will be given a guide to help them pray for their student.

SPECIAL CHALLENGES: One of the challenges we’ve faced this school year is a drop in our weekly attendance from the previous years. We know that students are busier than ever before. Between academics, athletics and extra-curricular activities, their schedules are more full than they’ve ever been. Teachers are now pressured more than ever which falls on the students. This is a challenge for us as we seek to invest in our students on an ongoing basis.


Our Leaders- Sunday School and Small Group Leaders- Pray for our hearts and our love for God above all else

Our Students- More to come soon about the Pray 4 Me campaign. Pray for students to be passionate about reaching the people in the places God has placed them.

Connecting with students- We have students in our ministry who have little to no parental involvement when it comes to spiritual matters. Pray for our leaders as we stand in the gap for these students.

Women’s Ministry As part of its goal, the Women’s Ministry Team seeks to engage women in our church in Kingdom service exercising their spiritual gift; to reach women in our sphere of influence with the gospel message of Jesus Christ and to encourage our women to grow in their walk with God. One major way we accomplish this is through a women’s Bible study, usually offered in the spring and fall. The


ministry team consists of 8 – 12 women of all ages, single, widowed and married, who have expressed an interest in women’s ministry by supporting our activities and exhibiting a heart of love and service. We have an annual meeting to plan activities/events for the coming year. And each year at this meeting, we are reminded that if we do not love women, this is not the place for us to serve. Over the past three years we have tried to offer different activities seeking to reach out to all women and their various interests. Some activities have been ministry oriented, while other activities have been social events to help develop friendships among the women. A goal of the team has been to bridge the gap and develop a bond of camaraderie between younger women and older women. Most of the activities have been attended by a small number of women, certainly not the participation we have expected. Our biggest challenge is how to engage more of our women in joint fellowship. We would be so much more effective in Kingdom ministry if there was more unison among the women.

Team accomplishments and activities for 2013:

Bible Study (Spring-12 weeks and Fall – 10 weeks)

Made birthday cards to send to our Seniors during the year

Diapers were collected to help Community Kitchen families

Cooked and served dinner at one of the Seniors “Young at Heart” dinner

Cooked and served lunch for youth leaders and parents in May

Provided bags for Jamaican mission trip to give as gifts

Planned a Single Mom’s night, but cancelled due to lack of response

Hosted a cookie swap for a “sweet” fellowship of church women

We would ask for MVBC to pray that our team would be responsive and obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit as we plan out activities to minister to the women of our church and to seek ways to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with women in our community. We would also ask for prayer that we would remain steadfast in our yearly commitment to love God and to love women.


Janie Ghaffari and Jenny Crawley

Men’s MinistryParticipating members of the Men’s Ministry Team included Mike Kean, chairman, David Conner, Don Crawley, Walt Kean, Lee Kirkman, Randy Liendecker, Sam Nakamine, Daniel Noels and Pastor Gary.


The Vision of our Men’s Ministry is nurturing a culture in which men can grow together by following Jesus in order to provide loving leadership at home, in the church and in the community.

Our Men’s Ministry started the year following up on our very successful Be The Man! Workshop which was held in October 2012. Following our Vision, we:

had a group study on “Your Work Matters to God” had a group study on “Disciplines of a Godly Man” Hosted the church-wide “All In The Family” dinner with Jay and Julie Baumgardner from First

Things First who spoke on strengthening your marriage

In the first part of the year, we solicited input from our 40+ of our men what they would like to see in a Men’s Ministry program. The responses in order of most asked for topics of discussion were:

Leading in the family, marriage, family communication, fathering Leading in the church, discipleship for men Financial & estate planning Time management Sexual temptation Work, integrating our lives with God’s call

We began meeting regularly on a monthly basis for a time of fellowship, worship and instruction. These meetings alternate monthly from a Saturday morning breakfast to a Friday evening gathering and are intentionally designed to meet at least one of above requested topics.

We ended the year with a Chili Cook Off and a presentation by Dustin Morgan on “Leading Your Family To Financial Health”. Afterwards we gathered around a campfire for a time of singing.

Several men have expressed an interest to join the Leadership Team for the upcoming year and we hope several more will come aboard. Events in the works include a Retreat, developing a personal mission statement, studies on topics such as loving your wife and shaping your children.

We are excited about what God has in store for our men in 2014!

Sunday School MinistryThe Sunday School ministry provides an opportunity for our church family to study the word and pray together in a more intimate setting than the full service. We have groups for all ages and walks of life. We are currently studying The Gospel Project. By the time we finish this study, we will have taken an in depth look at the entire bible. Our children as well as the adults are doing this study. Sunday School is also a time to share with our classmates prayer concerns. Each class spends a period of time in prayer as well as study. Classes have been known to also meet socially and help out each other in times of need. Sunday School has also proven to be an excellent place for visitors to get to know us as a church better. Our ministry is comprised of several dedicated teachers and co-teachers. They work hard to see that they do a good job for their classes.


It can be a challenge to get all of our church family to see what a valuable asset attending a Sunday School class is. We would like everyone to know that this time is important in your Christian walk. It will help build your faith as well as important church family relationships. It is also difficult to find people willing to help teach and lead groups. Some of our teachers currently have no substitutes for when they need to be away.

In the coming year it would be wonderful to see all of our classes grow to the extent that new classes will be needed.

Personnel TeamThe Personnel Team has had a busy year. Historically this team is composed of 5 members. After losing one member our active members were David Conner, Karen Wilson, Jay Cookston and Sharon Robinson.

Our primary focus this year has been to develop a “Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual” and more formal job descriptions. Once this was complete it was presented to the session and staff and accepted.

This manual was not finalized until midyear and is being phased in to insure a smooth transition. Its primary purpose is to insure that staff is aware of what is expected of them and to empower them to represent MVBC as a Christ centered church not only on campus but in our community.

The most challenging part of this has been presenting changes. Change is never easy and making them without having any staff member feel singled out has presented difficulties. We have worked through these and have a cordial working relationship.

The Personnel Team works closely with the Senior Pastor as he assumes the responsibility for the day to day activities at MVBC. Pastor Gary has played a very active role on/for our team.

In the coming year the implementation of the manual will continue. We will be conducting yearly reviews, establishing goals for the coming year.

We are here to support the staff and the congregation.

House and GroundsThe House and Grounds Committee for 2013 consisted of Jay Cookston (Chairman), Ron Jeffers, Lewis Hall, Buddy Kemp, Ron Standefer, Tommy Standefer, Jim Sedman and Gus Wilson. We also recognize that there were many other members of our church that assisted this committee as well. The main purpose of this committee was in overseeing the maintenance of our facilities and grounds.


Some of our major accomplishments this past year included the following:

Striping the parking lot Painting the outside handrails Updating the emergency lights Fixing various plumbing issues Constructing additional shelves for storage Replacing an electrical power pole Installing seven programmable thermostats Updating the lighting in the fellowship hall Replacing numerous ballasts and light bulbs

There is still much to do. The porch roof over the walkway outside the fellowship hall needs replacing and there is much needed repair to the facial facade along the walkway. Also, the front parking lot needs to be repaved. Unfortunately, we lack the necessary funds at the present time to tackle these kinds of projects.

As we look to the future, pray with us that the members of MVB will be faithful and generous in their financial support. This will allow all of our ministries to prosper and will enable us to maintain our facilities and grounds in such a manner that will be pleasing to God. Also, pray that in the not so distant future we will be able to hire a fulltime custodian/maintenance person.

Nominating CommitteeChurch Officers House & Grounds TeamTreasurer - Candyce Rector Jay Cookston Tommy StandeferAsst. Treasurer - Jason Cookston Lewis Hall Gus WilsonModerator - Earl Kretzschmar Ron Jeffers Ron StandeferClerk - Becky Kean Buddy Kemp Bryan AllsenTrustee - Jimmy Brown Jim SedmanTrustee - Bill Haney Trustee - Earl Kretzschmar Technical Services Team Jeff MartinFinance Team Ruth DammannJason Cookston Daniel Noles Mike MurphyLee Kirkman Gary Suttle Stephanie Standefer Recreation Team Mike MurphyPersonnel Team Gus WilsonDavid Conner Jay Cookston Counting TeamBruce Gentry Christie Brown Linda BrownSharon Robinson Jennifer Cookston Lee KirkmanKaren Wilson Betty Standefer Candyce Rector Sharon Robinson Stephanie StandeferNominating Team Marsha Gentry Social/Floral Team


Walt Kean Becky Kean Stacy ConnerTommy Standefer Joy Hicks Dana LasleyRandy Liendecker April WyattCaryn Kretzschmar - Sunday School Director Benevolence TeamExecutive Association Board Janie Ghaffari Melissa StricklandMickey Rector Bereavement TeamBlood Assurance Sharon Liendecker Sharon RobinsonPat Kean Pat Cookston Ann ScottDianne Kean Vicki Suttle Senior Adults Baptismal TeamLinda Brown Walt and Becky KeanJoe and Karen Wilson Mike Kean Ushers LibraryLloyd Goggans - Coordinator Kathreen HortonBarry Branam Bruce Gentry Gary Hicks Buddy Kemp Joy Group TeamSam McNabb Gus Wilson Randy & Sharon LiendeckerJoe Wilson Bruce & Marsha Gentry Joe & Karen Wilson

Sunday School Sunday School Director Middle SchoolCaryn Kretzschmar Chris and Dawn Morrow Candice SneedChildren's Department High SchoolNursery Coordinator Zach and April WyattAmy Kelley Ladies IRotating Nursery/SS Workers Jenny CrawleyBirth - 2 yrs. Mandy Jones Ladies IIElizabeth Vandergriff GiGi EllisVolunteers Dana Lasley Ruth Ann Bradford3 & 4 Year Olds Michael and Melissa Strickland Ladies IIISubstitutes - Bruce & Marsha Gentry Frances McClure Kindergarten and 1st Grade College & CareerSharon Robinson David ConnerSubstitute – Jenna Lofton


Men's Class2nd and 3rd Grade Earl KretzschmarGary and Joy Hicks Adult Couples Class4th and 5th Grade Mickey RectorStacey Conner Zach WyattSubstitute - Melody Noles Adult Bible Fellowship (Coed) Pastor Gary Scott Ron Jeffers Ron Standefer Pat Brown Gary Suttle Randy Liendecker


Recommendation for EldersMiddle Valley Baptist Church recently convened an ordination council to interview and evaluate men who desire to serve this congregation as an elder. There were two men, Mr. Gary Hicks and Mr. David Conner that were examined for their character, their giftedness for ministry, and their ability to commit the time necessary to care for the people of MVBC. The council unanimously recommends both men be affirmed to serve as elders at MVBC.

Mr. Gary Hicks

Mr. David Conner

The Session Of Deacons’ Recommendation For DeaconThe following two men were recommended by the Congregation and have agreed to serve as Deacon and are being recommended by the Session for affirmation by the Congregation:

Daniel Noles Michael Strickland

The following men are currently serving as Deacon Associates and are being recommended by the Session to be affirmed by the Congregation as full Deacons:

Ron Jeffers Mike Kean Ron Standefer

The following men (who have previously served as Active Deacons) have completed a one year Sabbatical and have agreed to resume the role of Active Deacon and are being recommended for affirmation by the Congregation:

Pat Brown Harold Jennings Lee Kirkman

The Session also wishes to update the Congregation of those Deacons who will remain Active for 2014 and those who are completing their three year term and will become inactive for 2014:

Current Session members who will remain Active in 2014

Don Crawley Bill Haney Walt Kean Randy Liendecker Mike Murphy Tommy Standefer

Current Session members who will become Inactive in 2014

Bruce Gentry Earl Kretzschmar


Financial Analysis Year End Review:

The year 2013 has been a very difficult year for finances at MVBC. We have seen a $36,000 dollar loss through the month of October. We have seen a $32,000 decrease in giving from 2012. Our deficit is a result of decreased giving not over spending. We have spent $5,000 less in 2013 than we did through October 2012.

Comparison of Giving from 2012 to 2013:

Comparison of Bank Account Balances for 2012 to 2013:


Overall Church Debt in excess of $800,000 Increase Giving for rest of 2013 and 2014. Find possible new income streams for the church to pursue. Continue to control expenses as we have done in 2013. Repairs and Maintenance to our property and buildings. Encourage greater use of online giving to increase financial regularity.


Pray that God will give our people a heart to give over and above the 10% the Lord requires of people.

Pray that God will remove the debt placed on our congregation. Pray that God will help us be good stewards of the financial resources of what He has given us.


Middle Valley Baptist Church

2014 Proposed Budget

2013 2014 Difference

Expenses Budget Budget (Inc) Decrease


5110 - SBC-Cooperative Program $ 8,500 $ 7,500 $ 1,000

5120 - TBC-Cooperative Program 5,000 4,200 800

5125 - Compassion Intl - Student 3,600 3,600 -

5130 - Hamilton County Baptist Assoc 2,600 1,500 1,100

5150 - Local Missions 2,700 2,000 700

5151 - Choices Pregnancy Resource Ctr 2,300 2,300 -

5155 - Romainian Missions 2,500 1,600 900

5156 - Heather Lusk 1,200 1,200 -

5161 - Bethel Bible 1,200 1,200 -

5162 - Ed & Diane Lacy Ministry 1,200 1,200 -

5164 - Student Venture 1,600 1,600 -

5165 - MVBC Short Term Missions 10,620 - 10,620

5170 - Benevolence/Bereavement 500 - 500

Total Missions $ 43,520 $ 27,900 $ 15,620

$400,000*.06 = $24,000


5200 - Debt Retirement $ 88,500 $ 88,500 $ -

5210 - Properties/Auto Insurance 9,500 9,000 500

5230 - Technical Services 2,500 - 2,500

5240 - Building Equipment/Repairs 9,000 4,560 4,440

5260 - Lawn Maintenance 1,300 500 800

5280 - Building Fund Facilities 8,750 - 8,750

Total Buldings/Automobiles $ 119,550 $ 102,560 $ 16,990


Education & Promotion

5310 - Library $ 275 $ - $ 275

5340 - Educational Resources 7,500 8,000 (500)

5400 - Music - - -

5420 - Children's Ministry 2,400 1,750 650

5422 - Women's Ministry 750 - 750

5425 - KidStuf Ministry - - -

5430 - Creative Arts Ministry-General 1,300 700 600

5490 - Socials-Churchwide 800 - 800

5520 - Staff Convention Expense 1,800 - 1,800

5530 - Evangelism/Outreach 500 150 350

5550 - Youth/College Ministry 7,000 5,745 1,255

5580 - Young at Heart 250 - 250

Total Education & Promotion $ 22,575 $ 16,345 $ 6,230


5710 - Pastor's Salary $ 20,450 $ 18,287 $ 2,163

5720 - Pastor's Annuity 6,000 6,000 -

5740 - Pastor's Health Insurance 10,650 10,650 -

5750 - Pastor's Housing Allowance 24,000 24,000 -

5760 - Pastor' Auto Expense 5,500 5,500 -

5765 - Pastor Ministry Expenses 5,500 5,500 -

5770 - Worship/Arts Leader 26,448 25,655 793

5780 - Associate Pastor's Salary 8,441 7,163 1,278

5790 - Associate Pastor's Auto Expense 750 750 -

5800 - Associate Pastor's Insurance 5,300 5,300 -

5810 - Associate Pastor's Housing 24,000 24,000 -

5815 - Associate Pastor's Annuity 3,120 3,120 -

5820 - Associate Pastor's IRA - - -

5825 - Assoc. Pastor's Ministry Expense 1,000 1,000 -


5830 - Instrumentalists 1,030 1,030 -

5831 - Youth Pastor 7,550 6,469 1,081

5832 - Youth Pastor Housing 20,000 20,000 -

5833 - Youth Pastor Insurance 4,300 4,300 -

5834 - Youth Pastor IRA 1,200 1,200 -

5835 - Youth Pastor Auto Expense 2,000 2,000 -

5836 - Youth Pastor Ministry Exp 1,000 1,000 -

5840 - Secretary Salary 16,902 16,902 -

5841 - Financial Secretary 5,191 5,191 -

5865 - Church Cleaning 3,900 3,900 -

5880 - Custodian 2,678 2,678 -

5890 - Pulpit/Ministry Supply 200 - 200

5900 - Employer's FICA/Medicare 4,200 4,200 -

5910 - Workman's Comp. Ins. 1,500 1,500 -

5930 - Staff Anniversary Gifts - - -

Total Personnel $ 212,811 $ 207,295 $ 5,515


6010 - Office Supplies $ 3,700 $ 1,500 $ 2,200

6011 - Postage 1,250 700 550

6020 - Office Equipment/Repairs 7,500 3,000 4,500

6030 - Utilities 45,000 39,000 6,000

6040 - Floral Expense-Funeral/Church 100 - 100

6060 - Janitor Supplies 3,000 1,700 1,300

Total General $ 60,550 $ 45,900 $ 14,650

Total Expenses $ 459,006 $ 400,000 $ 59,005


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