· web viewwe passed out 210 nap kits. these were from the 4 nap kit drops and distributing...

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Sleep, Stress and Mental Wellness2013 - 2014 Year Report

Introduction: This report covers all of the major Sleep, Stress, and Mental Wellness projects that Kathleen Yumul focused on during the 2013- 2014 Academic Year under the direction of Merril Lavezzo, Sexual Health and Mental Wellness Health Educator. These projects can all be found in the Mental Wellness 2013- 2014 Folder.


FALL 2013

Programs1. Sex Jeopardy

Projects- Sleep 1. Nap Campaign 2. Nap Map Updates

Projects- Mental Wellness1. Article on Massage to The Aggie2. Relationship Booklet Distribution 3. 7 Doors to Happiness Course

Projects- Other1. Environmental Scanning Presentation


Programs2. Wellness Jeopardy3. Turn the Curve- Stress

Projects- Sleep 3. Nap Map Environmental Scan4. Sleep Campaign

Projects- Mental Wellness4. 7 Doors to Happiness5. Relationship Booklet Distribution 6. 7 Doors to Happiness Course7. Turn the Curve – Stress8. Stress Resources Document9. Happier Course

Projects- Other2. SHAWC Meeting 3. Financial Resources


Programs4. Turn the Curve - Stress

Projects- Sleep 5. Sleep Campaign 6. Nap Map Photo Updates

Projects- Mental Wellness10. Happiness Campaign11. Relationship Booklet Focus Groups12. Turn the Curve Activity Final Report13. Reaching out to Happiness Contacts

Projects- Other4. Financial Resources

FALL 2013

Programs1. Sex Jeopardy

a. Noelle Owen and I facilitated Sex Jeopardy together on Thursday, October 24th, 2013. We presented the jeopardy for Student Housing at Webster residence halls in Cuarto. We had about 25-30 attendees and we presented at 8:00 pm.

b. The crowd was very engaged in the game and I generally think the program went well overall. I really enjoyed getting to facilitate sex jeopardy. With the large amount of people attending, the crowd did get a bit loud at times but I would give reminders to quiet down or ask them questions about the answers given which would help with the noise. However, the room was silent during the demos and they were really interested in how those worked. 

c. One suggestion for future events is to pass out the evaluation forms and then allow them to come up to get their free condoms. It got a bit hectic at the end where people just rushed up to get free condoms and left without filling out forms.

d. Noelle and I both thought the program went really well for our first times presenting it.

e. The Sex Jeopardy script can be found at: De/tt/file_convert/5ab38ff47f8b9ad9788e31ea/document.docxx

Projects- Sleep

1. Nap Campaign a. This Fall Quarter I ran the Nap Campaign during week 7 from Tuesday,

November 12 to Friday, November 15. We used the same imagery from last year with the blobby magician and the slogan “Magically Turn Your Z’s into A’s.”

b. My timeline was as follows: 5 weeks before the campaign I choose dates for campaign and took Nap Kit Inventory. 4-5 weeks before the campaign: contact Nap Kit Sites, contact sites for Nap Kit Drops, reserve MU Display Case, reserve Table Tents, contact Holly and turn in media request form, and contact Adam and Social Media Coordinator for social media ideas. 3-4 weeks before: draft social media language, create Twitter schedule for Nap Kit Drops, and turn in volunteer request form. 2 weeks before: remind nap kit sites and drop off sites. 1 week before: post on Facebook, deliver Nap Kits to nap kit sites and nap kit drop off sites, and pass out flyers during volunteer meeting. The Week of Nap Campaign: check on social media, check Aggie Ads, and monitor that the Nap Kit Drops take place. Post-Campaign: send thank you cards to Nap Kit Drops and Nap Kit sites.

c. We passed out 210 Nap Kits. These were from the 4 Nap Kit Drops and distributing nap kits to 5 campus organizations. We had 19 volunteers participate in the advertising by putting up flyers. Two volunteers put up table tents and 6 volunteers did the Nap Kit Drops.

d. Merril and I discussed details and planning things during our one-on-one meetings. I met with Holly once to discuss marketing materials for the campaign.

e. We may use the information we gathering from the Nap Kit Drops for the future Sleep Campaign in Spring 2014.

f. All documents used for the Nap Campaign can be found at: Departments:HEP:Mental Wellness:2013 - 2014:Nap Campaign.

2. Nap Map Updatesa. This quarter I updated the Nap Map online to reflect the most up to date

information on the top spots to nap at on campus. b. This is an on going project as I update the Nap Map when I find out that

information on it is out of date. c. I updated 2 spots this quarter. I took off The House Massage Chair from

the map because The House is undergoing construction. I also removed

Wellman Lounge because they turned that area into a computer printing room.

d. No meetings were conducted for this project. e. I will continue updating the Nap Map as needed. A large update will take

place after the Nap Map Environmental Scan is completed in Winter 2014. f. The Nap Map can be found online at: http://www.shcs.ucdavis.edu/sleep

Projects- Mental Wellness

1. Article on Massage to The Aggiea. I was able to connect CAPS/The Mind Spa and Physical Therapy at SHCS

with The Aggie to have a story published on massage and the benefits of getting a massage.

b. I worked on forming this connection early Fall quarter and it was completed in about 1 week. The article was published in the Aggie on October 31, 2013.

c. No data and numbers were collected.d. No meetings were conducted. e. No future plans are scheduled.f. The article on massage can be found at:


2. Relationship Booklet Distributiona. I am working on distributing the Relationship Booklet that the previous

Sexual Health Student Assistant completed last year. Merril and I brainstormed a list of potential places to distribute the booklets and I have emailed those places to ask if they are interested in having them. I am recording the email responses as they come in. I took an inventory of the available booklets we have.

b. Merril and I brainstormed places to distribute the booklet around week 7 or 8. I sent out emails to the organizations during week 9 and 10. I am currently collecting responses as they come in. We are scheduled to distribute the relationship booklets to the interested organizations during the beginning of Winter 2014.

c. We currently have 1,977 relationship booklets for distribution. I am currently still compiling the list of interested organizations. As of now, we have 6 organizations interested and 12 emails have been sent out. We are offering a maximum of 30 booklets to each organization for the first distribution cycle.

d. Merril and I have discussed this project at our weekly one-on-one meetings.

e. We plan to distribute the booklets to interested organizations during early Winter 2014.

f. Information on Relationship Booklet distribution can be found at: Departments:HEP:Mental Wellness:2013 - 2014:Relationship Booklet:Relationship Booklet Distribution.docx.

3. 7 Doors to Happiness Course a. We would like to evaluate the current 7 Doors to Happiness Course that

we offer to UC Davis students. I am asking our HEP Student Assistants to go through the course and then give feedback on their experiences and how they like the website. I looked through the Survey Monkey feedback form and with Merril made any necessary changes to the survey.

b. I presented this to the student assistants at the final SA meeting of the quarter and I requested that they complete going through the website and filling out the feedback form by the beginning of Winter 2014.

c. No data has been collected for this project. d. This was presented at the last Student Assistant meeting of the Fall 2013. e. We plan to have all the feedback in by the beginning of Winter 2014.

From there we will evaluate the next steps we need to take based on the feedback we receive.

f. The 7 Doors to Happiness Course can be found at: http://shcs.ucdavis.edu/topics/happiness.html

Projects- Other

1. Environmental Scanning PowerPoint a. Several student assistants are planning to conduct an environmental scan

in Winter 2014 so Hilary and I gave a presentation on environmental scanning. We explained what an environmental scan is, the purpose of it, how it is completed, and then gave some tips and tricks.

b. I had worked on putting the PowerPoint slides together last year during Spring 2013. Since the majority of the PowerPoint was complete, Hilary and I just made some minor edits to the content. Hilary and I then met up two weeks prior to our presentation date to go over the PowerPoint and figure out who was talking about which slides.

c. No data has been collected for this project. d. This was presented at the November 19 Student Assistant Meeting. e. The content areas scheduled to do environmental scans will run them in

Winter 2014. One may be in Spring 2014. f. The environmental scanning presentation can be found at:

Departments:HEP:Mental Wellness:2012-2013:Environmental Scan PPT.


Programs1. Wellness Jeopardy

f. Natasha Fowler and I facilitated Wellness Jeopardy together on Thursday, February 13, 2014. We presented the jeopardy for Student Housing at Emerson residence halls in Cuarto. We had about 7 attendees and we presented at 8:00 pm.

g. The group was engaged and answered the questions. Everyone was participating.

h. Thinking we would have a whiteboard to keep score, we did not bring a giant post-it to track the points. When we found out there was no whiteboard, we taped up regular sized paper to the wall and had to use that for the points. The room itself was not super quiet because since it was in the main lounge of the first floor it was very open and people would pass through during the whole game.

i. Noelle and I both thought the program went really well for our first times presenting it.

j. The Wellness Jeopardy script can be found in the Wellness folder.

2. Turn the Curve- Stress a. Merril and I facilitated a Turn the Curve activity together to students

enrolled in an undergraduate public health course. The activity occurred on Thursday, February 20th from 1:15 pm – 3:30 pm.

b. The class was engaged and cooperative when giving their feedback. Merril and I worked well together presenting.

c. It went really well so the only improvement I can think of is to arrive at the class a little bit earlier.

d. I enjoyed facilitating the activity and the professor was interested in having us facilitate another one.

e. All documents can be found in the following folder: HEP:Health Ed:Mental Wellness:2012-2013:Turn the Curve- Stress

Projects- Sleep

1. Nap Map Environmental Scana. This quarter I presented the Nap Map Environmental Scan to the

volunteers for them to work on. Volunteers took 2 weeks to scan the locations.

b. The first week of the quarter I looked at the materials from last year scan and updated the list of locations I wanted the volunteers to go to. I made some edits to the data collection sheet. On the Thursday of the first week, I went into the volunteer meeting to explain the scanning process to the volunteers and pass around the sign-up sheet for the locations. The volunteers then had two weeks to complete the scan.

Once the scans came in, I spent about 2 to 3 weeks inputting and analyzing the data. Then I updated the Nap Map Google Map online.

c. I had 36 locations for volunteers to scan. Based on the results I put the top 25 spots on the online map.

d. I went into the volunteer meeting on the first week to pass out the instructions.

e. The map is now updated online. There are 3 more locations that need pictures.

f. The final Nap Map Ranking list can be found at: /tt/file_convert/5ab38ff47f8b9ad9788e31ea/document.docx

2. Sleep Campaigna. The Sleep Campaign is scheduled for the third week of Spring 2014. I

began planning for it this quarter. b. I proposed a door hanger as a new promotional item for the Sleep

Campaign so work on that began around week 7 of the quarter. We created a mock up of what we wanted the door hanger to look like and Holly designed it. We made some edits based on feedback from our student assistant meeting and the door hangers arrived at the end of week 9. Holly created a stuffed animal owl to supplement the campaign. Around week 7 and 8 I began brainstorming how was want to approach our social media for the week of the campaign and what posts we want to make. In week 10 I am creating language for our social media posts and then making a schedule of postings. I also must figure out which places to take pictures of with the owl and when those posts will occur. I made reservations for the MU Display Case and the CoHo table tents.

c. We ordered 500 door hangers to pass out. d. Merril and I brainstorm our ideas for the campaign during our one-on-one

meetings. Also, I met with Alexi to discuss social media strategy and we came up with a posting schedule and how and where we want to photograph the stuffed owl. She will also be working on a blog about sleep to be posted during the week of the campaign.

e. I will continue drafting language for the social media. More preparation for the campaign will be done at the beginning of next quarter.

f. All files for the Sleep Campaign can be found in the following folder: Departments:HEP:Mental Wellness:2013 - 2014:Sleep Campaign

Projects- Mental Wellness

1. 7 Doors to Happinessa. I sent out a survey to the Student Assistants at the end of fall quarter

to evaluate the 7 Doors of Happiness online resource. The purpose of the survey is to have the student assistants analyze the resource so we could evaluate its usefulness.

b. At the end of fall quarter Merril and I edited the current survey for the 7 Doors of Happiness. We allowed the student assistants to complete the assignment during winter break and gave them 2 hours of paid time. At the beginning of winter quarter I looked at the feedback from the survey and compiled a report based on the findings. Overall, feedback regarding the site was not very positive and the resource was reported as out of date. I sent the findings to Merril and Polly and they passed it along to the 7 Doors of Happiness company.

c. A large amount of data and numbers were collected for this project. A full report on the numbers can be found on the final document.

d. Merril and I met up during our one-on-one meetings to discuss edits to the survey and survey results. I also made the announcement about the survey during one of our student assistant meetings.

e. We have a phone conference scheduled with the 7 Doors of Happiness staff to discuss the findings of our survey.

f. The final report can be found at: /tt/file_convert/5ab38ff47f8b9ad9788e31ea/document.docx

2. Relationship Booklet Distribution a. This quarter I delivered the relationship booklets that I emailed

organizations about last quarter. b. The first couple of weeks of the quarter were spent looking at which

people had not responded to my request and then following up with them to see if they were interested. Merril and I divided up the organizations to deliver booklets to. I kept track of distribution on a master excel sheet.

c. I kept track of the data of organizations who wanted the booklet on my excel sheet. We gave out 30 booklets to most organizations.

d. Merril and I discussed this project at our one-on-one meetings. e. There is one more place I need to deliver booklets. Next quarter I will look

at redesigning the front cover. f. The excel sheet can be found at: Departments:HEP:Mental Wellness:2013

- 2014:Relationship Booklet.

3. Stress Resources Documenta. This quarter I edited an online document that listed a bunch of

campus resources for students. This document is primarily for staff so they can refer students to other places.

b. I edited this document around weeks seven through ten of the quarter.

c. I collected data form the various campus organization websites in order to update the information on the document.

d. No meetings took place for this project. e. The edited document will be passed around to UC Davis staff. f. /tt/file_convert/5ab38ff47f8b9ad9788e31ea/document.docx

4. Happier Course

a. I found a company called Happier that created an app and an online course that promotes happiness.

b. I contacted the creator of the company and she let me know what an app is being created for Andriods. I am waiting on her to contact me when that app is ready to use.

c. No data or numbers were collected for this project. d. No meetings were scheduled for this project. e. I am waiting for them to contact me so I can pilot their happiness course.

Depending on how the course goes, we may look into promoting it as a happiness resource.

Projects- Other

1. SHAWC Meetinga. I attended an ASUCD Student Health and Wellness Committee (SHAWC)

meeting as a HEP representative. My role was to be a liaison between HEP and SHAWC so both organizations could work together on projects with similar goals.

b. No timeline was created since I just attended one meeting. c. There were 9 people in attendance at the SHAWC meeting. d. This meeting on Tuesday, March 4th from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm was the

only meeting that occurred. e. HEP will evaluate if we want to continue sending a HEP representative to

SHAWC meetings. f. I did not create any documents for this meeting.

2. Financial Resourcesa. Continuing my research from last year, I looked for more online financial

resources that would be helpful for college students.b. I searched for financial resources in the last couple of week of the quarter. c. In addition to the resources I found last year, I compiled a list of 9 online

resources.d. To promote these online resources, I met with our Social Media

coordinator, Alexi, to discuss ideas for a potential blog post on financial stress. She will work on writing this blog post and include the resources. The posting is scheduled for spring quarter.

e. Future plans include posting the financial blog in the spring. f. /tt/file_convert/5ab38ff47f8b9ad9788e31ea/document.docx



1. Turn the Curve- Stress

f. Merril and I facilitated a Turn the Curve activity together to students enrolled in an undergraduate public health course. The activity occurred on Thursday, May 29th from 1:15 pm – 3:30 pm.

g. The students in the class participated well in the activity and were open about sharing their answers. They did not get too loud and they quieted down at appropriate times. Merril and I worked well together presenting after having done so once before. The sharing of ideas went well and it would sometimes stimulate other groups sharing connected ideas. It was a great last Turn the Curve.

h. We ran out of nap kits so maybe next time we could bring more, but I think that is our limit for bringing kits. Otherwise, I thought it went really well and I don’t have other suggestions.

i. I really enjoyed facilitating the discussion for this one and the energy of the students who participated. Making it 1 hour instead of the whole class period of 1 hour and 20 minutes was a good idea.

j. All documents can be found in the following folder: HEP:Health Ed:Mental Wellness:2013-2014:Turn the Curve- Stress

Projects- Sleep

3. Sleep Campaigna. The Sleep Campaign occurred during week 3 from Monday, April 14th to

Friday, April 18th. We successfully completed the campaign and included new components including a door hanger and a photo campaign with our owl mascot.

b. Continuing my work from last quarter, I spent the first week of spring quarter planning out the social media schedule for the campaign. I made a plan of when I wanted Facebook and Twitter postings for the campaign and what I wanted the content of those postings to be. I took photos of the owl in various campus locations for our “guess where the good night owl is” postings. I worked closely with the social media coordinator, Alexi, to solidify the social media plan. The second week of the quarter, the week before the campaign, I solidified all the reservations for advertisements and the social media schedule. I went into the volunteer meeting that Thursday to explain the Sleep Campaign, pass out flyers, and table tents. I also let volunteers know that we were adding a new photo campaign component to the campaign where students could have their photo taken with our stuffed owl mascot that Holly created for the campaign. For the photo campaign I tagged along with the Love Lab the Thursday before the campaign and the Thursday during the week of the campaign. I took photos of students with the owl in the ARC and the surrounding areas. Students could take a picture holding up the owl, cradling the owl or pretending to be sleeping with the owl. Working with Hilary, we added that the Good Night Owl would also be coming to the ARC when she did the weekly Facebook post for the Love Lab. After the campaign I thanked

the volunteers for their worked and shared the numbers and results with them. I also took inventory of the nap kit supplies so we could put in an order for more supplies.

c. Each of the 12 volunteers posted 6 to 7 flyers up and we put up 100 table tent flyers. We had at least 1 response for each of our interactive “guess where the owl is” postings on social media. The photo campaign was very successful. Many students found the owl to be quite adorable and even asked if we gave them out at the health center. We had 78 students participate in the photo campaign.

d. I met weekly with Merril during our one-on-ones to discuss the campaign. I also met with Holly once to discuss the marketing materials. I attended the volunteer meeting the Thursday before the campaign to explain the campaign.

e. The Sleep Campaign is scheduled to run again next academic year.f. All files for the Sleep Campaign can be found in the following folder:

Departments:HEP:Mental Wellness:2013 - 2014:Sleep Campaign

Projects- Mental Wellness

1. Happiness Campaign

a. Building off of my previous research done on happiness, I began setting the foundation for a new happiness campaign that is scheduled to occur spring 2015.

b. This quarter I brainstormed ideas and made potential layouts for various possible components of the campaign. My timeline was to complete the general brainstorming process, narrow down which components we want to run with, and solidify those choices so next year Jing can focus on ordering and planning. I started my brainstorming during week 5 of the quarter. First I just created a general brainstorming document with ideas for promotional items, social media campaigns, and branding. Using ideas from this list I then came up with an excel sheet breaking down the week and illustrating what would occur during each day of the campaign. I focused grouped my ideas at the student assistants meeting on Week 7. From their feedback I altered some ideas and added in new components. I met with Holly to discuss potential mascots and she drafted up some images for me that I focus grouped with the student assistants and volunteers. Then I went into the volunteer meeting to focus group what they thought about the ideas. I am recording all the data received from focus groups and hopefully that will help in the decision making process next year.

c. The data collected from the focus groups is complied in a word document.

d. The only meetings I done were my one-on-ones with Merril and going into both the student assistant and volunteer meetings.

e. The first happiness campaign is scheduled to run during the first week of June 2015.

f. Al files for the Happiness Campaign can be found in the following folder: Departments:HEP:Mental Wellness:2013 - 2014:Happiness

2. Relationship Booklet Focus Groupsa. I completed a mini focus group with the student assistants regarding

re-designing the cover and title of the relationship booket.b. A week before we had our student assistant meeting, I emailed all the

student assistants with a link to the relationship booklet. I explained to them our desire to resign the booklet and I provided the link as a tool for them to look over before the meeting so I could collect feedback from the focus group.

c. All data in the form of feedback was collected and typed up.d. I went into a student assistant meeting to gather this information.e. Work for re-designing the booklet will continue into the summer and

will use the feedback gathered from the focus group. f. The feedback can be found at: Departments:HEP:Mental

Wellness:2013 - 2014:Relationship Booklet:Relationship Booklet Focus Group Feedback.docx

3. Turn the Curve Activity Final Report a. I added in the data collected from the Turn the Curve activity in winter

and in spring to the master final report Turn the Curve data sheet.b. In winter 2014, Merril and I facilitated a Turn the Curve activity with

an undergraduate public health class. We facilitated the same activity to the class in spring 2014. I typed up the data collected from each of these activities. Then I sorted the datapoints into the categories we created in the final report. Once sorted, I updated the final report with the data in their respective categories.

c. All data for these actvities were typed up, sorted, and added onto the final report.

d. Our meetings were done when we went to the two public classes and faciliated the activity. We went on February 20 and May 29. There were about 40 students in the class each time.

e. We may continue doing a couple more Turn the Curve activities on stress with other groups on campus. We hope to provide the data compile in our final report to departments on campus to illustrate potential ideas they can adapt to reduce stress on campus.

f. The Turn the Curve final report can be found at: Departments: HEP:Mental Wellness:2013 - 2014:Turn the Curve- Stress:TTC Final Report.docx

4. Reaching out to Happiness Contactsa. In order to get more ideas for the happiness campaign, I reached out to

various people who have done work on happiness to see if I could meet with them to discuss how to put together a happiness campaign.

b. In the start of the quarter, a UC Davis student put together a 77 Days of Davis campaign that encouraged students to do all the things they always wanted to do before they graduated from Davis. The campaign encouraged students to complete one thing for each day of this spring quarter. The founder of the campaign also made an announcement for 77 Days of Davis in one of my classes so I went ahead an emailed her during week 5 of the quarter to see if we could meet up to discuss happiness. She was enthusiastic about meeting up and we exchanged several more emails to try an set up a time. Unfortunately, we are experiencing scheduling issues and she has not gotten back to me in a couple of weeks so I do not believe this meet up will work out. Luckily, her website is still up so we can refer to that for inspiration. I also reached out to leading researcher on gratitude, Robert Emmons, to see if he would be open to discussing gratitude and how we can incorporate gratitude into our happiness campaign. However, he was unresponsive to my email. Last quarter I reached out to the developers of Happier, a app created to increase happiness. After speaking with the creator of the app, she agreed to let me pilot the course for free. At that time, there was no app available on Andriods, only iPhones, and I told them to let me know as soon as the Andriod app was available. I reached out to them at the beginning of the quarter, but they did not respond back to my email.

c. No data was collected for this project.d. No meetings were solidified for this project.e. Hopefully, the next student assistant can connect with the Happier app

creator again in order to get a free pilot trail of their happiness program. Robert Emmons teaches the health psychology course on campus so we could potentially also reach out to him again. The student who developed the 77 Days of Davis campaign is graduating so it would be hard to set up a meeting with her.

f. No documents were made for this project. A link to the 77 Days of Davis can be found at: www.77daysofdavis.com

Projects- Other

3. Financial Resourcesa. Using the resources I sent last quarter, our social media coordinator, Alexi,

drafted a blog on financial stress. b. Once I sent Alexi the resources during winter quarter, I just needed to wait

for her to draft the blog. She sent us the blog in the spring and together Merril and I made our edits.

c. No data was collected for this project.d. No new meetings were done for this project.e. The blog has been edited by Merril and I and hopefully it will be posted

on the SHCS website soon.f. The draft of the blog can be found at: Departments: HEP:Mental

Wellness:2013 - 2014:Financial Stress Blog- Kathleen's Edits.docx

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