viral and social marketing | diffusion media

Post on 09-May-2015






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How to create successful viral and social campaigns by Diffusion Media.



The beginning...

Maturing into...


In 2001 Trojan blamed a lack of brand awareness for failing to enter UK Market


the big dilemma...

Traditional media challenges..

• 78% of consumers trust peer recommendations, only 14% trust ads

• Only 18% of TV campaigns generate a positive ROI

• 90% of people that can skip TV ads, do.

Social media challenges..

•Over 20 hours of video content is uploaded to You Tube every minute.

•You Tube alone now receives 1 billion views a day

•325m users of Facebook, 500k new sign ups every day

•Users are too fluid to lock down to single touch points

•You can’t control what people are saying about you (only organise it)

The points of entry now look so different..

Create ideas that move through all mediums..

Don’t tell your audience the story,

allow them to tell your story for you..

Viral is now beyond a funny video or game..

• Sell tourism in a new and original way beyond banners, posters and TV ads.

• Agency created "The Best Job in the World" – a position that sounds too good

to be true.

• Look after a deserted Island for several months and get paid!

• 35,000 videos created in 197 countries

• During campaign the site was receiving 6M unique visits per month

• Substantial news coverage across shortlisted countries (50) - BBC ran an hour documentary on the final.

• Media coverage estimated at over $100 million from a campaign budget of $1.2 million.

• And the agency estimates the campaign has reached 5 billion people through media coverage

• Agency: Cummins Nitro

Campaign results


Fiesta Movement case study

• No media spend.....

• Ford targets You Tube generation with Fiesta launch

• Engage popular digital story tellers to market your product

• 6 month online campaign only

• Covered extensively by “offline” media

• Different themes; travel, technology, style and design, social activism, adventure and entertainment.

• The story tellers broadcast regular updates via You Tube, blogs and Twitter.

Campaign results

• 4.3 million YouTube views thus far from 1000+ videos created by storytellers

• 500,000+ Flickr views from 13,000 photos created

• 3 million+ Twitter impression

• 600+ Blogs posted content

• 37% of Gen Y audience were aware of the Fiesta before its launch

• 50,000 interested potential customers, 97% of which don’t own a Ford.

Agency: JWT/Undercurrent

• Burger King launches a Facebook application, encourages users to remove Facebook friends.

• Delete ten friends from profile and get a free Whopper.

• 230k friends were removed by 83k people in less than a week.A great example of real engagement from users....

• Facebook shuts it down, citing privacy issues..

• Estimate investment; $50,000

• Estimated return: $400,000 (press/media value)

Campaign results

Agency: Crispin Porter

• Keep your objective simple and plain

• Be blunt, don’t over crowd your message

• Use viral video as a conversation starter

• What does the press release look like?

Tips for successful viral campaigns

Thanks for your time

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