virginia: before the virginia state bar disciplinary boardmay 16, 2016 virginia: vsb clerk's...

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VIRGINIA: Before the Virginia State Bar Disciplinary Board

In the Matter of

William Henry Yongue, IV VSB Docket No. 16-000-105188 Attorney at Law On May 16, 2016, came William Henry Yongue, IV and presented to the Board an

Affidavit Declaring Consent to Revocation of his license to practice law in the courts of this

Commonwealth. By tendering his Consent to Revocation at a time when allegations of

Misconduct are pending, the nature of which are specifically set forth in the attached affidavit,

Respondent acknowledges that that the material facts upon which the allegations of Misconduct

are pending are true.

The Board having considered the said Affidavit Declaring Consent to Revocation, and

Bar Counsel having no objection, the Board accepts his Consent to Revocation. Accordingly, it

is ordered that the license to practice law in the courts of this Commonwealth heretofore issued

to the said William Henry Yongue, IV be and the same hereby is revoked, and that the name of

the said William Henry Yongue, IV be stricken from the Roll of Attorneys of this Commonwealth.

Entered this 17th day of May, 2016

For the Virginia State Bar Disciplinary Board

By _______________________________________________ Barbara Sayers Lanier, Clerk of the Disciplinary System

- - - - ... -- ------- ------. ---- _ .. -


May 16, 2016




William Henry Yongue, IV. after \>ei.Qg duly sworn, states as follows:

1. That he was licensed to practi~e law in the Commonwealth of Virginia on

October 9, 1987;

2. That he submits this Affidavit Declaring Consent to Revocation pursuant to the

Rules of Court, Part 6, Section IV, Paragraphs 13-22 and 13-28;

3. That his consent to revocation is freely and voluntarily rendered, that he is not

being subjected to c6ercion or duress, and that he is fully aware) of the implications of consenting

to the revocation of his license to practice law in the Cortunonwealth of Virginia; \

4. He is aware that there is currently pending a Proceeding involving allegations of

Misconduct, the docket number for which is set forth above, and the specific nature of which is

hereby incorporated pursuant to the Transcript of Plea atta~l)ed hereto as Exhibit 1 and Judgment

and Commitment Active Punishment-Felony attached ·hereto as Exhibit 2;

5. He acknowledges that the material facts upon which the allegations of

Misconduct are predicated are true; and

6. He submits this Affidavit and consents to the revocation of his license to practice

law in the Commonwealth of Virginia because he knows that if the disciplinary Proceedings

based on the said ~leged Misconduct were prosecuted to a con~lusion, he could not successfully

defend them.



Executed on - -=S--"/__,__,,/1-"('---'/'-y..__ ______ _



1t11; l William Henry Yongue, fV Respondent

, to wit:

The foregoing Affidavit Declaring Consent to Revocation was subscribed and sworn to before

me by William Henry Yongue, IV, on WAJcu; I /fh t/J. J &,

c;Jn~lf:~ My Commission expires: 3 -8 -1.{)Z / .


~t:i.L. =stair . Peace, Esq. Guardian Ad Litem for William Henry Yongue, IV




MY COMM. EXP. ~2021


-~~~~Mec~-~1t1e~-~~_bura-=-~~~-- CoUQ:&u-~----~~~-~NTY~--, MECKLENBURG CCU . In The General Court Of Justice

FILED #1 <:>9 O Oastrict il Superior Court Division

Hlghtdlew! ~ ~· .' - .:.;.~_M TRANSCRIPT OF PLEA

11115/1958 57 po _ •. C--~- -- ·:·-::,-.• -

NOTE: Ua this nc:bon ONt. Y wtten thi,' Coutt ts m;edlng the jlej ·~,,,.,,; . · - · -

O The plea arrangement set forth w1tt11n ttus transcnpt ts hereby re18Ct8d and th& clerk shall place ttus form 1n the case file r,...s m • ~~on or,,,.,o.c.NW1, 200f J

ihe utldeijignec:tjUcSQe. haVIng add~·~ def8nd.nt ~~tty In ppen ~fir.di that the dei9ndaf!t (1) was duly awom or affirm~. (2}entered 8' plea of ~g - liJ Pg f.. a: --_ _ £ on l)Q no contest, and (3) o~ the fODOW1ng ~to the quest10ns set out below- -

A"' you able to hear and understand me?

2 Do you understand that you have the nght to remain sJ!ent and that any statemerrt you make may be used against you?

3. At what grade 18Y81 can you re~ and wnte?

4 (a) Are you now under the 1rifluence of ~hol, drugs, nar~ti~. medicines, pills, or any other substances.? (b}. When was the last bme you used or consumed any such substance?

S. Have 1he Charges been expl&Jned to you by your lawyer, and undeistand the nat.n of the charges. you 'understand ~ element of each charge?

6 (a). Have you and your lawv'!r ~1scussed the possible defenses, if any, tQ the charges?

(b} Are you satisfied With yi:Jur ~wyer's legal S8f'V1ces?

7. (a) Po you undetStand that yc)u have the nght to plead not guilty ana ~ tned by a jury? (b). Do you understand that' at such tnal you have the nght to confront and tQ cross examine Witnesses

against you? (c) Do you unders~nd ~~t et a jury tnal you have the right to hav\t a iury ctetenn1ne the existence of any

aggravating fac:tcrs that may apply to your case (and. If •pplltitlbli. iildttloneJ nnr.nang JIO/fltS not reMIMI to pnor conll!dlOMJ'!>8yond a· reasonable doubt? - - -

(d) Do you understand th~~ by your plea(s) you give up these and ottier valuable constrtutional ngh1s to ~ jury tnal (end, IJ epp/lcable. l'ifitlts ~-to aetrtencinQJ?

An rs (1)

(2) -

(4a) ::1t (4b)M~~

'1!1'' '-J_""~ (6•)~ (6b).-¥=

(7•) ·- ~4 (7b) l~A

(7C)~ (7d) - ~

8 9a yDI,! i,mderstancl that. If you are not 8 ~n of the· Unrted:State~ of A!nenca, your\p~a(~)' of guilty or no (8) - NIA contest may r1!i5\Jlt in your deportat!_On ~m this country, yciur fXdUSIOft from 8~rTIIUIOn to this cOUntry, or the den~ of your natura/iZation yn~er

0 9 Do you understand that upon conviction of a felony you may forfeit any State heenaing pnvllegea you have 1n the event th~ you,ratuse probation or that your probation is revoked?

10 Do you understand that following a ~ of guilty or no contest there are ltmitatio~ on ya.Jr nght to appeal?

11 Do you understand that your plea of guilty may Impact how long biological evidence related to your case (for OJCample, blood, hair, skin tissue) wall be pf858N8d7

(9) NIA

(10)~ (11)~

1~\ TRUE COPY (Owr)

<URK SUPERIOR AOC·CR-300,'Rev 3115 " 2015 Adminls~ Office of the Courts

12. Qi:> you u~~tand that you are pleading fil O · j (DeSctrbe c/lilPff,1"'.!"I meK!~.;!!-m..,--i.,~ .. ....:-:,..'_"*_nfs. __ end_. -eppfii---....-......-.;o---__,.-....,........,,...""' (12) ·~~~

{ Pfn• -Count

Offe- •

Guilrv 14crs249633 Second Oearee Murder l;lfe

. 0 See a~ched A6C-CR:-300A. for addrtional cha-- · · _

q1e (U# tf .m.ndng pomta .,. Had beloWJ Have you admitl8d the exis'8nC& of the sem.ncrng ~ IJOt relatBd· to prior convictic;ms shown ~low, have you agreed that there 18 evidence to SIT~rt these pointa beyond a reasonll;ble d.Qu_bt,.have you agreed.that.ttie Court may accept your ad!nlssion-to these,p011'iqa, .i!nd do you Ounderstand'that ~-1!79 'l{Bllling any notice requf~"'-~t that the State ~Y h'-Yi With regard to these senlBricli:ig P9ints_ CJ agree tha_t the ~tate has provided you With appropriilte,n~ !¢Out.these sentanang.po1nts? '" ao. 18\lfew the senf'ttnt:lng pchQ writt the defendant)

{18) _ ....... Nl~A~-

17 Do you undersWI~ .a~ have the nght CSU ring a sent9f'.1cang heanng to Pt'9"8 to the Court the existence of any mrti;ating factors ttult may apply to your case?

18 Do you ~nd rNt the courts _h! ~roved the prac:tce of plea arrangemen1S ana you can disaJss {18)=--;.A..~..,,... .. your plea arrangement With me ~4t fearing my disapproval? \ ~ • """I • (. -

: \ t K.Ut;. · CU K f'ErtlOR -AOC-CR-300, Stde lWo, Rev 3115

c 201 S Admlrustnrtrve Office of the Couns


STA TE VERSUS 14ers249633


19 Haveyouagreedtoplead Jig., '8St aspartofapleaarrangement?(ffso, 191.'11WIMtenn.s (19)_..~.._ __ of 1119 plea e11'811gemenl u hDtl In No 20 low wifh tlle defendant}

20 The proeecutor. your lawyer and you have informed the Coult that these are all the terms and conditions of your plea·

PLEA ARRANGEMENT William Henry Yongue will plead suilty to Second~ Mwdet llDd will receive a miniznwn sentence of 192 months, as to which the conupoodin1 muimwn sen11:11ce is 'Jl4 months. He has ~it for 310 days pre-trial confinement

-Z.'t3,~ WJ,

'0 ,p·~

j'9,l..- ~ \.1 klP" f.1)

~~ v~ I O The State d11m1NH the d\arge(s) set out on Page Two, Side Two, of this transaipt C &l The def&ndant stipulates to restJtutfon to the party(188) in the amoun1S set out on "RestJtubon Worksheet. Notice And Order (llllbal

Sentenang)" (AOC-CR-811 ).

21. Is the plea arrangement as set forth wHtnn ttns tral"9cnpt ancs as I haw just CSescnbed rt to you correct as (21) -"-----betng your tvll plea arrangement?

22. Oo you now pelliOnally accept thlS arrangement? (22) ~ 23 (Other ltran the pie• 811allgement .oetMen you ln<J ftle ~has anyone promieed you anything or (23) ~

threatened you 1n any~ to cause you to enter this plea against your wishes?

24 Do you enter ttns plea of your own free wiU, fully understanding what you are dotng?

25 Do you agree that there are facts to support your plea .[]•:•ad: issi:obb k> amta:al!h g' 7 "I i;:;J $ aM SSS ?11!12' :• Ii I 1 ' 0 pm• ;llOM, and do you consent to the COLlt heanng a summary of the eV1denoe?

26 Do you have 1ny Questions about what has just bean said to you or abOut anything else conn~ to your case?


(24)~ (25)~

(26) Lf-'

1 have read or have heard all of these Questions and underStand them The answera 1hown are tha ones I gave 1n Ol)8n court and ~ are tN& and accurate. No one hes told me to give false answers 1n order to have the Court accept my plea 1n Uus case The terms and conditions of the plea as stated wrttnn this transcnpt, If any, are aCCl.lf'Bte


I hereby oertify that the terms and conditions stated within this transcnpt. 1f any, upon which the defandanfs plea was entered are correct and they are agreed to by the def&ndant and myself. 1 further certify that I have fully explained to the defendant the natura and elemen1S of the c:hatges to which the defendant is pleading, and ll'le aggravating and mi11gatJng factors and pnor record points for sentencing, if any. "-Of UW)W' F-or o.twldettf {TYJ» OTPMt} ~ Of l..llw)olr Fw

0110712016 Jcaa 8 . ~Wien I H~ M. Little, Jr. {L> . •• CERTIACATION BY PR

As preseeuter for this ProseQJtonal Distnct. I hereby certify that the condrtiona statad Within 1hls transcript. If any, are the terms and JIS L conditions agreed to by the defendant and h1sJher lawyer and myself for the entry of the plea by the defendant to the Charges 1n this case


Olf-07n016 NetM OI P1DnaJtor fTW- Or PnrrfJ William C. Bunting, Jr.

AOC-CR-300, Page Two, Rev 3115 C 2015 AdrnmistratJve Office of the Courts


___ _____ ___,, __ . __

. . r , -- -· - -- - --~...;,.;;;,,,,........,..,....,........,.="':"=""=-~~

_ P- . ADJ DI &TlON_ _ . ·~~·. i-___ =·~ - . ~ -. -. . : , ....... ~ .··~ .- . . '\ - ~-~

tfs>Oi! ~of the i8cOrd proper: evidence or ~~ta~--:0.-nd, ·~ of the defend11nt. statamenta.Of the t8wyer for itie-d~~t, an~ ~tern~ of the.proeec:W>r, the undersigned find• that J, f.11-iit Ii a.f_acluil basis for.thee~ of the ~ (•ntltor the./lt/rrldalon a to agvrilvdlg ~ andbr~ points}, 2. Iha def&l:ldant'ia utlsWwHh ~~ lawyer's ·legal se_rvlces,. ~- Tli,t ~~tlt ~~teft!.t9 itand ~I. 4 t:j, The:Stlim has pnwtded the-defendant W!tfl ~pprapnale Rotica as to the.aggravating fac:tois ind/or points, 0 The defendant has

wiNed·not1ce . .- tothe· 5. nae plea (Md dri»Jof!J is thi infoiTned Choa cl the defarldant ~~ ~~ freely; volun'-"IV and undelatandiAgly.

· '. The de~ndanra plea cw ~J 111heriby ac:cePted by tt\e ¢~rt·and e or:derad'f8COrded.

~- -- 01/07120'16


AOC.,C~4Q9. P@l99-Twi>, Side~. Rev. 3115 Cl iQ115 Actml~~"Otllm Of the cowu

CA1iJON1BY PROSECUTOR.·- _. I~: -~: • ~~: _.- • • \. - . • .~ '. •• ,. ~ . • '\: -: • '"

--- --- --· -- --·- -

,~t~-;,"1J\r1.1).~<-,,'?~~'\f:·}·.,~,·~·· ~·' ~°'~!;:,~~ .. '\.;~ ........ ~,~~~M~· :·-' t·~~ ·~ ~·~to\,\~\'\<.~~~~:\ .. ~·~ ... ~ .. ,.\'-\~~~~:--·,'1.'"~ \•\'""' . '\.~.'

:i·-:i~':\'Eihibit 2 'i,·\~·

r r- ~t~~;~, ~ 1~· ... .':.,'G~.:.\'~'' "~~~1 •J~~~.:~;~;\~~~" ~~\~:~~\~ .:,:\

- ~~~\1~"i~~\:~~t' ~~~ ~F~ltNo 1' STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA 14CRS149633 --

- - - - .. ~1-ME~URO. County . CHARLOTI'E Seat of Court In The General Couft Of JU$tlQS NOTE: . {Titts lbrm,. io bti 11-1 tor ..1:/,, flillll' otrena<aJ ~ (1J _n$«MmeeJio1.°""5f{rJ. ~ .,.. OD1s1nd r&J Supenor c.~urt DMslon -..obd•ted '°' ~ .,,-y /lilf!V ~•) vu.AOO:CA,34.2lfHDWl'denAl(-11


.. ACTIVE PUNISHMENT .. FELONY · ".Q~OUE,WiLLIAM,HENRY - (STRUCTIJRED $.eNTENCING) 1'eci (For c;onvlctlons On Or After J•n. 1, Z01Z)

B JS•• M I De,.°',,,,,,,

11/IS/l~SB - . GS 15A-1301 - 134013 Attanley Fer Srili 100ar ~ oo•f Muwd

~y Ftir 0.19Matil Ip)~ '101 .. ,tlrOM. wtU~ C BUNTrNG Nelln6iant ~ JEAN BLAWsQN __ 1lf!taut.d_ CM

The defendant I plecf guilty a I pursuentlo AKolV) .to I IWn found guilty by'the'Court of-- I Jwis_fo~ gually by a·Jur)- cf I) Plt!9 110_contest to File Off. - Offense Descnamon Offense Date l'Hl. No. Fiii .CL ..._Q.

14CRs14§63j SI SECOND DEGREE'MURDER ·ii1Wio1• 14-17{B) F 81

. -- -·-· -- . -- ---- - - ·- ---~NOTE:· En~minl 1fdttfMntfrrim"und.t1y1ng o,,.,,.. 0.11 (J)utw&Mtt11tdiai repnjsem11 1 8181W orinhtiitolmWiti 'PRIOR · fl\e court . 1 has dete'r'inlile!I. pu11:U11~t ~o Gs· !5+13"'o 14, !ht pnor ~rd pcimti ofthe defenda!ll' ~o ~ ~ RECORD Ii) I ,0 IJI .Q V

Ally .pnar record. level point under G S 1SA·1340 -14(bl<n 11 ~sed on the 1ur(s detemunetton of this LEVEL: L) II 0 IV 0 VI isiue btiyond-a. r~asO!'lable ·Qc>ul>t or t11e oefenilanrs admllltort to tttta rs.sue

O 2 makes l10 pnor record level ftnC1ing because none 11 required for Claes A felony, 111olent habitual felon. or drug lraflldgng otrenses _ .

-TheCou11-'rl;""'!tfr:ZWS·r·tie~J . [&I t ITl8kes no wntten findings beeauae lhe term Imposed IS 181 (a) in the Otll!T'¢Ye renge 0 O>) for a Class A felor:iy 0 (c) for adjU(ltJ:*!On

asa 11101ent ~1tual felon, GS 14-712 0 (d) fo:Jdrvg lrdiclung for,~ the Coll! ftnda the defendant pnMded &ubstantlal 1SS1Stance. GS 90-95(h}(li} 0 (e).1n lhe aggravated range, pursuant to GS 20-141 .C(bX1a}

0 2 find"' ,[]the Deterri11nat1on of aggr1V11tlng end mttigat1ng flctors on t~ !lltB~ed AOC-CR-605 0 egregious aggravation under GS 14-V 2A orG S 14-27 4A. on Ille attaehed AOC-CR-&18. ~lch requ1'81 a sentencie in ex~ of that auttlonZed by GS 15.(;_1340 17

0 3 [!:,"~es ine defenc1ant>16 l>_f! a hal>~ual felon·to be sentenced O<~~oelvl90.C • . .2011; 11 a Class C felon (ohtius commrflffon 0t11fe1~ ' · 201tJ four classes higher than ~.PMCpal felony (nci hl;hetlllM PJ 8 4 ldJUOQea the defendant to be 1.h1b1tua1 b1111t1ong and entenng 11a1111 otrenaw. to be sentenced as • 'Clasa'E felon

5 1cssuc1ge1 the detendant to ~ an· armed l'labttual t81on to be 18nte!lcecfan Class C f91on (unles1 sentenced herein u a Cius A. 81. or B2 felon)

0 6 and With a m1t11mum lerin of 1mpnsonment of no less than 120 month• finds enhancement pul'5Ulnl to 0 G S 9<H5(e)(3) (drugs) 0 GS 14-3(c) (hate cnme) 0 G S 508-4 1 (domes1Jc violence) Ocs·14-so22 (g·ang> ,Ootner -· ·- -- -· - This fndmg IS based' Oft the 1ury's detef1Tllll8b0n or trilS-1ssue beYond a reasonable doubt or on ttie defendanrs 80rivSS1on

0 1 finds tha1 the del'endant c:omm1U.d hi felony t)y USJ'19, dlspllylng, or thr~lt!ning11he.use·or dlspley of~ h!~ or deadly weapon a~ adr..\lf'Y possessed 11\e firearm or ,,.,..pon about his or her person Thl1 llndlng 1s based On·~ J~• ~munatfon d this ~Lie lleyond a reasonatile doubt or on the defendant's aornisston Pu'suant to Gs 15A-1340 16A. Ile couit tias 1nc:rea&&il1tl'le mrnlfn!llTI sentence by (d'raclr on/'t oneJ B (ClnsA-E felany--UllOpnorlO Oel 1. J073J 60 months 8'Cl~A-EllllDnycorrwrWftdon oran.tOet 1. J07JJT2 monlha

ro... For G '91ot!y 00/Mfl#..ed,,,. onffwOd t . JOU) 36 months _{Cl1u H Of'.l~y~on or~ --- • -.;1,12 monlha O e finds the above-des19nated otrense<s! is a ~rtab!e COIMcilon u~ ~ s· _ 1~208 8 tdl«Jt or11y-.J . Me_C~RG COU · r a a anO ll'leretore makes the addrttonat finclrngs and orde11 on the attached' AOC-CR-SIS, Side One fJ~ NTY

b but makes no lindnrig or order conceming reg1Strall0n or utellrt~sed nionrton~ due to a sentenc t of 111e11al11.Q9.rore 0 9 finds the abow-des1gnated offense<sl involve<! the O phy11i:81 or ~I EJ sexual ebUse of a m ,or

(NOTE: II~$)•• 110/ 1.tso • repOlfJlb/1 ~ m No f •~. 1111 lll'*"tJ ~!no fllttfMr "9Dfl l>y 6- C1;11 rt) .if4 1310 !Inds that a 0niot11r11Ch1cle D comrnerc:aal motor ~1de was used in 1he ~iru~!>f:.1 of tne~ot! nte·~ _ t~ ~tbe~ t0 01 IV

finds ~~·IS an offense 1nvolWig aiiiutt, communicating a ttYeat. or an act.defined by GS 508·1(i), .,, ~~defendant had ii~~ rel1bo !Ship ,~

IS·defined by G•S 1 5Q~1(tl).Yl!fttl lhe•V1dlm _ T::... _. . -.. _ , ·811.32 roir.~s commtfftl on°' •trw OK 1. zoOi. on&J fln4s•che ~~iiated otreNe(S)'1nvohled atmnal ,_ai' '1£501~M .

did not grant a conditional d \Scharge irder G S '~96(a) becaUle (dtidt 11 fhlt apptyJ 0 \he detanda •• "'l:dIJ r~ mmmawon orattwOec t , 20,l. OlllyJ 11'1' C<Ut finds. Wllh 1he egreemeni of the Distnct.Attcimey. lhat ltle offender 1s ~tie-ra'm11N1t1a discharge for f!ctors related to the otfe,_

814 finds !hill the defendant used or displayed a fiiearm wtule committing IN felony.GS 15A-13a2 2 15 (tOf JlldQ,,.,,ts •nt91Wd on or., Die 1: 2013. only) finds !hat ltlll wit an olfenae tlMllvmg c:htld abwe or an offenM 1nvohn1'19 assault or any o1 lhe acta

as defined 1n GS 508,1 a ',commstted a atnS1 a rinnor.G S 15A-1382 1 11 The Co¥rt. having conulerea ev!Oiri!!8. a~ntt of ccunsil and atatement at defendant. Ori:lers that the above offenses. rt more tnan or;e, be CGJISOltdateCI for ment.and bl defendant be aentenced dl8dl . - .

0 10 "If' lmpnsonmeiit 'Mii!Out·1earore for 0 ciiss A FelOl)Y [&)Class 81 ·FelOny '"the" Cwlody of _ 0 V1olerit H~ih,lal ~C!!I. 0 G S 14-27 2A_qr_ G S 14-27 4A ·With ~~·gus a;grav~- [gJ N c DAC

0 to_!._1!9J_mpnsonment·~_'Paro[e,, $ $ Chalrtet 15A, Mele 81 B. Part '2A 0 Other tor a miiumum term of . - - ariid a maximum term of 0 ASR tenn (Olmr No 4, SJC111 ~) -- - - - :

192 - . ..months - _ 243 months - monttls q to Death,_ abclled DeelJI ~llt w c.tllafNJ

B The sentence unpo~ ~ shaii begin at the ~rallon.of in sentences wtudl•ihe detend,nt 11,pme;cry· ~led - - _ ~ l!l!t'nce 1mposed.1bove ~Jlbegin at the exPtraf!C?n_of lhe senten~ l!!IP..Oted"lll fle caS'e reterenced below 1 _ A1-NO 0"9nsl COllflty Cii~ -

- - liiienii Olllll*• - ~-,,_ toOt •.,.girileo ;, ~ AOC-CR.001. Rev 12114. C 2014 Adm1n1stratJve Office of 1he Courts (IMI) ·

Tll• Court further oni.;.: (dtedt., INt ~ .

eosn · ~ R.abfulrort" Al!ome1'• fNs SBM FH Appl FHNise s 000 s s 0.00 s 000 s 000 $ 000

1 The defendart shall pay to !he Clerlt Of Supenor Court the "Total Amount 0ue· shoWn belOw Total Amoutlt O.­$

:...~ attie:tied ~Resbtubon Worksheet. Nebo& and Older (lnrtJal Sentenong)." AOC-CR-611, ~IS incorporated by reference

3 fhe Court finds f11St cause to warve costs. as ordered on the attad'lod 0 ~QC'(fR~ta 0 Other _ ~ 2 ;fhti Court fiilds t111t reabtution wa1 reconvnencled as part of the defendant's pie~ a~n~ement

4 Wthout otiiectson by the State, the defendant shall be admitted to IN Advanced Supervlalid Release (ASR) program lftne defendant co~letes tne nsll reduction rncenbvea as Identified by the OtV1$1on of Adult Conection, then he 0t she wiU be released at at lhe end ofthe·ASR term speetfled on Side One GS 1SA--134018

I [&) 5 Otller 'REST 4620 SO ClVIl. JUOGM'ENT

Tiie Court recommends. - .

8 1 SIJtistance a1>U$e treetme..nt 0 2 P1yCrl1a1nc and/or ~ycnolog.t?I COIJllSelmg Q 3 Wort ~'!l~ese . 0 s_hould ,q sh~U!CI not be griritild . .4 P~nt as a condlbon of post-re4ease·supei:vis1on or from·wort,release earnings, 1f applicable_. Of the "Total Amount 9!-Je· ~1·.!IUf ·above• . O ~IJI "'_,CO!,!~. d~· n~~ r:.~om!"end re_al!l~on ~1p&ld• 0 C!.5 a!lllon of post.release aupeM!Mon 0 from~~-~~~ 4!8mings Th• c:Ourt further •...c:ommenda:


D It is C:lRDEREo ~flhe Cler1t delJver bm cittlfti!i:I copies of this Judgment and ComnvtTneiiiiO the sheriff or other Quallfied.offioef enc!'ttilt the of'llcer eau~e it,, def9nd8nl to be detrYered wth lhese cop111 to the aistody of .named on 1he reveru to serve ll'le sentence imposed or until tne defendant anill nave CO!Tl>lled witn.trte ~ns or release peM"ll appeil · The de.~~nt g~ nobc:e of appeal from the Judgment of 1he tiial court to the Appellate'C>1V1s1on Appeal ertnes and any cond1bon1 of pC>SI conw:tiortrerea-se ri M l forth on form AOC-CR-350

......... ~_~Sl~G~N~A~TU~R~-E~-O~F~JU~~~ .....

It Is ORDERED that ll'iii"·Jii!gman1 Iii ex~ It IS F\,JRTHER'ORDEREQ ht the shetiff,altesffif<lefindanl, ,, necessary, and rec:omrrlftii ilifendant to the cusrooy of !he agercy.named., tt\11 Judgment Ori the reveiM 1nd furrnl\ that agency bm cer1tlled c:op195 of~ JudQment ancs Commttment as ·~ for. Ille eomrmment and detertion otihe defendant

CERTIF.ICA'.flON I certify thit this Judgn\erit·~nd Commrtment With the attachment(s) marud below IS ii true and complete copy of the ong1nalwtiic:h IS on ftle 1n this case

8 Appellate•Entnes·(AOC-CR·SSO) 0 Reslrtubon W'orbheet. Notice And Order (ll"Dtlal Sentenong) FelOny ~~ment Fmdlngs Of Aggravating And M1t1gabng Factors (AOC~R~11) (AOCCR-605) 0 Jud1aai Findings And Order FOf Sex Offenders • Active Punishmenl

0 JuOJdat Anoings As To FOrfe11ure or ueensmg Pr1vtreges · (AOC-CR-015. suse One) (AOC.CR-317) § Addlbonal F111d1ngs (AOc-cR-618)

8 VICbm Nollflcation TradGng Form ccirwu:ied So Ofl'ender Permanent No Contact OnSer (AOC-CR~) ~l!IOnal File No.(s) And Offense(s).CA~f!~ __ Olher _


01/0712016 ~·~Tei Shenff

.. 01107120!6_ - -- . SEAL

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