virtuocity - future city simulation

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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irtuocityA centre for future city simulation

irtuocityA centre for future city simulation

By layering complementary, but currently separate, information streams together we can reveal the bigger picture.

A shared collaborative space

Virtuocity – a centre for future city simulation, will bring together industrial expertise and academic excellence in a shared collaborative space.


A key aspect of the centre will be to explore how people interact with technologies and how behaviours must be understood and accommodated as well as how they might be influenced.


A number of virtual environments will be housed in the centre This will be a centre for virtual links to centres of expertise and other resources across the Univerity , the wider world and in simulated alternative futures.


The Virtuocity building provides a physical space for technical facilitites, people-interaction and showcasing.

Design - testing

irtuocityA centre for future city simulation

By considering these together, within a new simulation centre, we can better understand complex interactions and plan solutions in a more integrated way.

Traditional expertise and understanding tends to be based on specialisms and silos. Virtuocity will bring these separate strands of expertise together to reinforce our capability and share insight.

Cross-disciplinary knowledge

Transport, energy, wellbeing, health and the environment are just a few of the array of issues facing our future cities.

Virtuocity will translate data between specialist domains and enable the creation of shared and cross-disciplinary knowledge.

It will bring together the best expertise and facilities within a collaborative environment that stimulates ideas and helps develop a better understanding for the design of our future cities, and will shape policies by a better understanding of the impact of technological development, and their effect on user needs.

irtuocityA centre for future city simulation

Ensuring the free movement of people and goods will be essential to keep our cities functioning efficiently as they become larger and increasingly complex in both infrastructure and technology.

Virtuocity will explore how to optimise the mix of movements in an urban environment by combining simulations of multiple modes.

Intelligent mobility

Changing demands for transport and mobility are a major issue facing our future cities. Mobility will therefore be a key strand of innovation activity within Virtuocity.

It will assist in the design of intelligent mobility solutions to enhance journeys, and enable a better use of space and resources.

irtuocityA centre for future city simulation

People centred research

New, increasingly autonomous transport, will enable more efficient use of the infrastructure but will require major innovation programmes and rigorous testing to be accepted and successfully adopted.

Undertaking research and testing solutions in a real-world environment can be prohibitively complex, expensive and risky.

Understanding user behaviour and investigating when and how people wish to move in future cities, as they have access to new and advanced modes of transport.

Therefore, a new-generation driving simulator will be a centre-piece facility within Virtuocity – working within a rich environment of intelligence fed from other simulations to enable the flexible, responsive and risk-free testing of interactions and future scenarios.

irtuocityA centre for future city simulation

Virtuocity will provide both real and virtual environments for collaboration. It will create a proving-ground for innovation and continuous improvement.

This new simulation environment will provide industry partners with a competitive edge through the use of leading-edge facilities not currently available anywhere else in the UK.

Real and virtual collaboration

State-of-the-art virtual simulation facilities that incorporate strong behavioural research means we can better understand how people and technology interact.

At the same time, it will create a strategic opportunity to increase the impact of academic research, and to work in partnership to develop and exploit our joint capabilities and showcase these to the world.

With world-class universities and cutting edge companies like Jaguar Land Rover, the UK is well placed to be at the forefront of driving innovation and developing new technology. Vince Cable, Secretary of State for Business Innovation and Skills

As one of the largest research-intensive universities in the UK, Leeds engages in world-class research across an exceptionally diverse range of disciplines. This breadth of knowledge and expertise underpins our commitment to work with partners from all sectors, ensuring our research has direct economic and societal benefit. Professor David Hogg, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research & Innovation

Managing urban areas has become one of the most important development challenges of the 21st century. Our success or failure in building sustainable cities will be a major factor in the success of the post-2015 UN development agenda. John Wilmoth, United Nations

Virtuocity will provide the visualisation and simulation capacity to integrate multiple programmes and maximise our shared understanding.Erik Thomasson, Transport Systems Hub, University of Leeds

Built Environment






For further information please contact:

University of Leeds

Professor Richard RomanoChair in Driving Simulation Safety and Technology Group

Tel: +44 113 343 8466 Email:

Natasha Merat, PhD MBPsSAssociate Professor, Leader, Safety and Technology Group

Tel: +44 113 343 6614 Email:

Erik Thomasson, PhDResearch and Innovation Manager

Mob: +44 7910647626 Email:

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