visual aids

Post on 31-Oct-2014






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Topic: How to use visual aids in different ways

Why I choose this topic? I want to explore the uses of visual


I can reycle and reuse the materials

available in school.


What are teaching aids?Tool used by teacher to help learners

improve reading and other skills, illustrate or reinforce skills, fact or idea and relieve anxiety.

The importance of teaching aids:MotivationClarificationIncrease the vocabularySave timeAvoid dullnessDirect experience


What is visual aid?A visual aid is any object or picture that relates to the subject being taught.

Types of visual aids:Actual objects/realiaModelsPicturesChartsMapsFlash cardOverhead projectorSlides

Why visual aids are important?Pupils learns differently according to their learning styles.

Types of learners:Auditory learnersTactile learnersKinaesthetic learnersGlobal learnersAnalytical learnersVisual learners


How to use visual aids differentlyFocus: Pictures

Why? Easy to prepare

Easy to find

Pictures speak a thousand words

To recycle and to reuse the samples of pictures available

abundantly in school.


Sample 1 : Fruits

Can be used to teach:

i) Vocabulary (name of fruits)Activity: Teacher show pictures one by one and ask pupil to name fruits.

ii) Spelling and ReadingActivity: Ask pupils to write name of fruits and the whole class read aloud

iii) Adjective/ describingActivity: Ask pupils to describe fruits in terms of their shape, test, colour, smell etc.

iv) Listening and speakingActivity: Ask and respond to questionsEg: (Q) What is this/What are these?

(A) That is a……./ Those are……..

v) Grammar (Plural and Singular nouns)Activity: To identify and form plural and singular nouns.

Sample 2: Hui Lin’s FamilyCan be use to teach:

i) Ask and answer questions (listening and speaking)

Activity: teacher ask questions regarding the picture.Have you been to the beach?Would you like to go to the beach with your family?How many people are there at the beach?How many people are sitting on the mat?Is the beach clean/beautiful?How many people are swimming in the sea?

ii) ReadingActivity: Teacher provides a text for reading “Hui Lin’s

Family’. Ask pupils to read individually/ in group aloud. Teacher can use the picture to help pupils understand the text.

iii) Grammar(Present cont. tense)Activity: Teacher shows the sentences pattern.

Ask pupils to read the sentence for familiarisation Ask pupils to describe construct their own sentence according to the picture using the same sentence pattern.

iv) Writing (guided writing)Activity: Fill in the blanks with the correct word in

brackets.This is Hui Lin _______(friends/family). The are at the ___________(beach/mall). Hui Lin is swimming with her _________( father/little brother). Her elder brother is playing with ________(fire/sand). The other boy, who is playing ball is her ________(grandfather/cousin).

v) Grammar (Introducing nouns)Activity: Teacher guides pupils to identify nouns.

Ask them (in group) to list down nouns found in the picture.

Can be use to teach:i) Speaking Activity : Talk about one’s likes and dislikes. Teacher provides example.(Q)What does Sheila like/dislike to do?(A) She likes /dislike baking

ii) Guided Writing/making sentences a) Hui Lin – reading b) Amin – keeping fish

Sample 3: Hobby

iii) Write simple description Eg: Soon Heng likes camping.

Raviek likes fishing. Sheila likes baking.

iv) Reading/ comprehension Teacher provides text for reading. After the reading ask pupils to answer question regarding the text.


Reuse visual aids can save a lot of our time.

Teacher should be more creative in discovering and exploring the uses of visual aids in different purposes, objectives , activities, as well as different levels.

How to keep materials?• Laminating/ put it in a transparent plastic• Provide source bank, put in place where

you can share it with everyone.• Categorise them by themes

Thank you for your attention

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