visual communication the more you know the more you see

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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Visual communication the more you know the more you see


“I wanted to change the world. But I have found that the only thing you can be sure of changing is yourself.” Aldous Leonard Huxley, 1894–1963 Novelist, Poet, And Philosopher

Prepared by Danielle Oser, APR

Photographer Peter Eckert uses non-traditional lighting methods including candles, f lashlights, and lasers.

“I’m a very visual person, I just can’t see” Http://

What would the images say about our society

Graffiti is a social problem for cities around the world mainly because it is little understood. Street art may become the future, the one universally accepted language.

“Hobo Signs” Were Symbols Used To Communicate With Others Who Couldn’t Read.

Charles Bliss Developed The Blisssymbolics Pictograph System.

Regardless of the medium we respect word and picture combinations

Words are easily forgotten, but pictures stay in our minds

According to the author, the element that links all the chapters together is light – light creates illumination, intelligence, compassion

A goal of visual communication is create memorable images that challenge and enrich a person’s life.

Images can be recalled more easily when they invoke emotional and rational thoughts.

Photoshop Manipulations By Josh Azzarella

According to Helmet Gernsheim, “Photography is the only ‘language’ understood in all parts of the world, and bridging all nations and cultures.”

No Children Burned In Vietnam

No Students Killed In China

The Challenger Didn’t Explode

No Students Killed At Columbine

From Aldous Huxley

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