vita coaching t3 jem2 introduction guide

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Introduction Guide

VITA Coaching Trimester 3, Jade Egg 2 2

Jade Egg for Sexual Healing This module is all about using the jade egg for sexual healing, and you will learn practices

and a session that are specifically used for healing.

An additional thing you’ll learn is a release ritual with the jade egg that helps a woman to

release something that she is struggling with whether it is a person or an event that she

needs to psychologically, emotionally and energetically let go off in a ritualistic way.

The jade egg practice is unique in how it offers women the ability to release guilt, shame and

fear and replace it with celebration, love and joy. It is a tangible tool with a practical process

that gives women a container and structure for doing healing work as well as enhancing their

pleasure and sexual potential.

In this module you will learn three core categories for sexual healing with the jade egg.

Category #1: Psycho-Emotional Healing This means integrating troubling or challenging emotions and belief systems that a client has

in their sexuality, for example: releasing their fear of what will happen if they allow their full

sexual expression. Through jade egg practices, you can help her gently melt away and

integrate that fear.

Other examples: • Body hatred • Guilt • Shame • Disgust with oneself

Through jade egg healing, a woman can release contracted and stagnated energies that

cause her to disconnect from her sexuality and that also fester and create a rejection of

herself, her beauty, her body and authenticity. The movement of that contracted and stored

energy, and the clearing of that psycho-emotional space, allows the body to reintegrate and

come to its natural state of acceptance, love and embracing of sexuality.

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VITA Coaching Trimester 3, Jade Egg 2 3

Ultimately, psycho-emotional healing heals alienation and sexual loneliness, and the sense of

disconnection and missing out of the full sexual potential. Eventually, after the healing and

clearing is done, it is replaced with a fully integrated mind/body system and the vibrant,

youthful and playful sexuality.

Tools for Psycho-Emotional Healing You are already familiar with these tools from the coaching system, and you will use them

with the jade egg coaching: • Present a loving acceptance to what is. • As they do the jade egg process, continuously show and teach them to locate the

part of themselves that is deeply loving and accepting of everything inside of

themselves. This is an opportunity for them to source their deep inner acceptance and

love and have that meet all of the fragmented parts of their sexual experience. • Use all of the different powers in the Integration Adventure to integrate and create a

feeling of sexual wholeness within. Using the Integrative Powers will make the

process of meeting all the unintegrated pieces (fear, guilt, fantasies, etc) feel less

overwhelming and scary and gives them a way to keep moving forward in their

process. • Just like in the coaching process, the more a person integrates all parts and deep

corners of themselves, the more personal power they have and space for their

authentic sexual expression.

Psycho-emotional healing takes place in the verbal and psychological layers of the mind. So,

it’s important to create this psychological space and an understanding of what exists

internally, especially for sexuality.

But there is also a deeper layer that is pre-verbal, as it’s energetic and sensational and it

goes deeper inside of someone’s sexuality. When you liberate and heal at that level, you

work with tools that don’t need words or need the story.

One of the key ways to understand these tools, is to understand Wilhelm Reich, a modern

developer of our understanding of sexual energy, trauma and issues.

He saw that social conditioning and trauma produces trapped or stagnant energy inside of

the sexual system. That creates a level of tension and holding which then creates

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VITA Coaching Trimester 3, Jade Egg 2 4

disassociated patterns and body tension that leads to desensitizing and numbness, and also

pain. As you relax, open and let energy move, you are also simultaneously liberating social

conditioning and sexual trauma.

Use the different tools to take your client through this healing journey: 1. Encourage your clients to go into a deep enough space where they feel safe and held. 2. In this place, they can perceive their energy, places of contraction, fear or shame. 3. Go into the sensational level of it.

There are two parts to this healing journey: 1. Psycho-emotional healing with the coaching and Integration Adventure 2. Sensational healing at the pre-verbal energy level, beyond the story

Anything that liberates energy is healing, if the problem is stuck energy.

A lot of people have created stuck energy by repressing their sexuality, through not being present to their sexuality, through disconnecting and unhooking from it. This creates stuck energy patterns that physiologically creates tension and pain, and on the emotional level, that creates layers of disgust, fear and shame and disconnection from pleasure, passion, sensitivity, etc.

Key Ways to Liberate Trapped Energy

Breath • Deep, full, relaxed breathing invites a client to both feel more intensely and open up the

layers of the psycho-emotional space, such that they can go deep enough and are able to get to the sensational level.

• Breath also helps to move and liberate energy and emotions, which eventually allows a client to complete the stress cycle.

• Breath opens them to complete, to release and liberate trapped energy, and come back

into an integrated and healed state inside of the body.

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VITA Coaching Trimester 3, Jade Egg 2 5

Sound • When a client sounds the vibration of the sensations, the energy and their emotions, they

allow the stuck energy of the emotional pattern to move and be liberated. • Sound has a tremendous healing capacity, when sounding is authentic. • Deep authentic sexual sounding not only liberates the energy, but it allows for the

underlying sexual turn-on and sexual essence to activate and be expressed. • Deep and powerful sounding can bring mind-blowing experiences.

Movement • Stuck energy locks the body into rigid patterns and letting the body move will liberate that

energy. • Allowing and encouraging movement can invite a freedom of movement that is healing and

liberating in sexuality. • Also, as you know by now, movement can be a completion of the stress cycle, such as

shaking, kicking or running, just make sure that you teach and guide your client through that experience so they understand what is happening.

Intention • Intention is a valuable asset when it comes to healing. • Also, ask the client to pay attention to intentional qualities of how they want to receive

the healing, meaning that they request how they want the healing intention to manifest. • Intentionality of healing combined with intentionality around the healing experience can

help people heal in a way that feels manageable, digestible and safe. • The intentionality can make the process feel balanced and not rushed, but instead gentle

and loving.

Ritual • This final key is optional, but some clients will thrive from sexual rituals. • In your coaching, you can also encourage your clients to create a ritualistic space

when you feel the client will benefit from it. • It can support releasing and letting go by signaling this liberating work to the

conscious mind.

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VITA Coaching Trimester 3, Jade Egg 2 6

Rewiring Another important aspect of psycho-emotional healing is the combination of clearing with

the new high vibration emotions, so the client learns to associate their sexuality with the

desired experience, emotions and feelings.

You’ve heard me say this before: neurons that wire together, fire together. Most people grew

up and wired their sexuality with certain kinds of emotional qualities and belief systems and

then have never revisited it.

So, this psycho-emotional healing is about visiting that wiring and bringing conscious,

present, loving awareness to their experiences, conditioning and current wiring.

As you work to clear and liberate the old wiring, it is so important to re-wire positive,

affirmative and celebratory emotional experiences.

Now, shame and guilt and similar emotions can still play a role in sexuality if it is present

time and alive. So, remember to not use positive and negative in the sense that negative

emotions should never be experienced. All emotional vibrations can be felt in sexuality and it

is healthy and be a positive experience, as long as it is felt with present loving attention to

the emotions.

To release and rewire is of course a process, and it will take time to bring present loving

awareness to everything inside. But with time, it can become conscious and connected and

eventually personal empowerment will follow. That’s when a person is able to rewire it fully.

Every time you work with psycho-emotional healing, you want to cover the following pieces:

1. Work on what they have cleared

2. Work on what they want to replace it with

Create and make space for practices that both clear the old wiring and focus on the desired

rewiring that they want to replace it with, for example: • Clear nudity wired with judgement • Replace it with nudity wired with bliss

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VITA Coaching Trimester 3, Jade Egg 2 7

Category #2: Physiological Healing Physiological issues that are possibly healed with jade egg practice are pain, tension,

prolapse and disease among other things. No scientific studies have been done on the jade

egg, but there is research on pelvic floor exercises that show positive results in physiological


Western Medicine and Pelvic Health The information below is gathered from the book Pelvic Health by Emily Howser and Stephanie Hawn. Western Medicine recognizes that the following issues stem from a weak pelvic floor:

Incontinence • Any kind of incontinence, resulting from aging, ill health or birth

• This is incredibly common – 26% of women experience some kind of urinary incontinence

from the age of 18 years of age onwards.

Prolapse • A prolapse is when some or all of the organs in the pelvic area fall through and descend.

It can cause anything from mild discomfort to severe issues that sometimes need surgery. • Prolapse happens when the pelvic floor muscles, fascia and ligaments aren’t strong

enough to hold the internal organs in place. • 3-6% of women will experience severe prolapse in their lifetime that will disrupt their

physiological functioning and sexuality. • 43-76% have some degree of prolapse where they should be taking regular action to

counter action the potential health effects. • Pelvic floor exercises strengthen the muscle tissue and this can prevent prolapse from

happening or heal it once it has already happened.

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Pelvic Tension and Numbness • Both of these issues are attributed to a lack of strength in the muscle tissue. • I argue that it also comes from a lack of neurological sensitivity that results from a

woman’s emotional disconnection and lack of presence in her sexuality. • In Western Medicine, it is recognized that the lack of strength needed to hold the

organs in place will result in tension in the muscles to compensate for that lack of strength.

• Tension creates things like pain, discomfort, difficulties to experience sexual pleasure and desensitization.

• A lot of sexual issues can stem from this lack of strength in the pelvic area – basically it is a lack of pelvic fitness.

• 40% of women report sexual dissatisfaction. • 46% of women have some kind of sexual dysfunction.

Since research has shown that doing pelvic floor exercises such as Kegels has an improved

effect on pelvic health, combining this with the jade egg practice, even though there isn’t

direct scientific proof, would indicate that it would create the same level of physiological


When you are dealing with sexual healing, it is also important to consider other lifestyle


• Diet

• Acupuncture

• Other holistic therapies or treatments

• Quitting smoking

Considering these other lifestyle practices and encouraging your client to incorporate that in

their lives can take the healing to the next level.

Eastern Medicine and Pelvic Health Eastern Medicine recognizes that issues stem from sexual energy stagnation and these problems can be healed by creating energy liberation and flow. Remember to point out to clients that no scientific studies support this.

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VITA Coaching Trimester 3, Jade Egg 2 9

These issues are: • Fibroids • Polycystic ovaries • Intense PMS or period pain • Infertility • Chronic yeast infections • Chronic bacterial infections • Urinary tract infections • STD outbreaks • Challenging or difficult menopause

For all of these things, there can also be an underlying emotional component or trauma to

the issue and once that is released or alleviated by regular jade egg practices, healing can


When you talk to your clients about this, keep integrity and don’t promise things that you

can't guarantee. You can, though, share the philosophy of Eastern Medicine and the

transformation that you or other clients have had. So, you can speak with openness and

honesty about the possibilities of the jade egg practices but without over promising.

If someone has a severe medical issue, you can always encourage them to ask their doctor if

the practice is safe for them, so that you are protected should anything happen.

Yeast Infection/STD When someone has an active yeast infection or STD outbreak, they shouldn't do jade egg

practices. If a client is dealing with recurrent outbreaks, they can do the process with the

egg inside. Doing regular jade egg practices when there isn’t an outbreak can cure the

infection over the long run, but never in the active outbreak phase.

PMS, Period Pain, and Cramping Regular jade egg practices can alleviate these issues as most PMS happens from energy

stagnation and cramping is due to stuck energy and heat.

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Practices that support energy and heat movement specifically in the phase from the end of

the last day of the period to ovulation: • Microcosmic orbit • Pleasure circuit • Ovarian breathing

Menopause Jade egg practices can be tremendously supportive to women going through menopause and

allow them to have healthy, vibrant and the best possible transition. It also helps to retain

their pelvic floor strength and sexual vibrancy.

Pregnancy I don’t, and the Taoist tradition doesn’t, recommend that you use the jade egg during

pregnancy. There have never been any studies that confirm that using a jade egg during

pregnancy is healthy, so even if we can question why the tradition discourages the practice

during pregnancy, it’s not something that you want to jeopardize.

Strong healing processes that are triggered by the jade egg practices can be disruptive to

the body when it’s pregnant, and that’s why I don’t encourage the practice for pregnant


It is fine to do jade egg practices to increase fertility during the time when she is trying to

conceive, but as soon as she feels she might be pregnant or it is confirmed, she should

discontinue the practice.

Using the jade egg postpartum is highly recommended. As soon as a woman can start having

sex again, she can also start using the jade egg. Research has shown that women who do

pelvic floor exercises postpartum experience more orgasm, more ease and have more sexual

desire, which can counteract the experience many women have after giving birth of losing

their sexual desire, passion and orgasmic capacity.

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VITA Coaching Trimester 3, Jade Egg 2 11

Healing Reactions The jade egg, much like a lot of other holistic healing treatments, can sometimes make

things worse before it gets better. It can also trigger a healing reaction. Common healing

reactions are:

Fluctuation in the menstrual cycle • It can disrupt someone’s period for up to 90 days, and after that, it seems to stabilize. • Mid-period spotting.

Rashes and fevers In the Eastern holistic tradition, it is believed that you can push things out or clear issues,

traumas and past experiences through illnesses, rashes or fevers. I have seen this over and

over again that there is link between deep healing and these kinds of healing reactions. This

reaction on the physiological level is the final level of healing, after it has been healed on the

energetical and emotional level, and this is the physical reaction.

If it is something that lasts over a longer period or the client feels worried about it, always

tell them to see their doctor or gynecologist. Work with your intuition and discuss with your

client to know when to encourage them to see a medical professional. You never want to tell

a client that a serious underlying medical issue is just a “healing reaction” … this can be

dangerous to their health! So, err on the side of letting clients know that what they are

experiencing is likely a healing reaction, but to go see their doctor or gynecologist to

absolutely be sure.

Category #3: Trauma HealingTrauma healing is very connected to psycho-emotional healing but sometimes it has a

deeper component. This means that it may be necessary to go very deep to address traumas

from either the past or present lifetime, sometimes things that feel like generational or

ancestral traumas.

The jade egg offers a simple, daily and gentle practice for integrating trauma.

If someone has heavy, deep trauma that they haven’t addressed yet, then I wouldn’t

recommend starting with the jade egg as it can be too much for women who have a massive,

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VITA Coaching Trimester 3, Jade Egg 2 12

heavy and deep trauma. If they want to do the jade egg, I always recommend that they see

a trauma specialist or licensed therapist who has experience in working with trauma to

support them working with their jade egg process.

Doing trauma healing with the jade egg is a process on the somatic level that involves the

body and lets women work directly on their sexuality. It is also a process that you can learn

and then do on your own and that empowers you to continue your healing work on your own.

Trauma healing is very close to psycho-emotional healing, but the difference is that there is

a specific intention of healing and integration of their trauma.

So, in trauma healing you will be working with: • Integration of psychological and physiological patterns that have resulted from

trauma • Integration Adventures and present loving awareness • Rewiring neuronal patterns • Resourcing • Stress cycle completion • Educating your clients about trauma, healing and the tools and how they work • De-armoring • Using the jade egg for healing can create so much beauty, integration and wholeness.

It is a process of learning and understanding trauma healing mechanisms for yourself and empowering your clients to have a healthy and loving approach to their own trauma, and to know step-by-step what they can do to liberate and restore their bodies to their original vibrant health.

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