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II B. Tech, Ist Semester (Electronic and Instrumentation Engineering)

Subject : Electronic Devices and Circuits

Subject Code : 15ECE001

Academic Year : 2016 – 17

Number of working days : 90

Number of Hours / week : 4 + 1

Total number of periods planned: 58

Name of the Faculty Member: Mr. S.Pranavanand.

Course Objectives:

To learn principle of operation, construction and characteristics of various electronic


To know about different applications of these devices

To provide the concepts involved in design of Electronic Circuits

Course Outcomes (COs): Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

CO-1: Use devices in real life applications

CO-2: Design small signal model for BJT, FET.

CO-3: Analyse and Design a few applications using these devices

CO-4: Design and construct a simple DC power supply.



P-N Junction Diode and Applications

Review of Semi Conductor Materials, Theory of p-n Junction, p-n Junction as a Diode, Diode

Equation, Volt-Ampere Characteristics, Temperature dependence of VI characteristic, Ideal

versus Practical diode Equivalent circuits, Static and Dynamic Resistance levels, Transition

and Diffusion Capacitances, The p-n Junction diode as a rectifier, Half wave Rectifier, Full

wave rectifier, Bridge Rectifier, Harmonic components in a Rectifier Circuit, Inductor filters,

Capacitor filters, LC Section Filters, - section filters, Comparison of Regulation

Characteristics of different Filters, Breakdown Mechanisms in Semi Conductor Diodes,

Zener Diode Characteristics, Shunt Voltage Regulation using Zener Diode.

Learning Objectives: After completion of the unit, the student must able to:

Draw and explain the energy band diagram of intrinsic semiconductor.

Define drift current and diffusion current

Define mobility of charged particle

Derive an expression for the conductivity of a semiconductor.

Describe extrinsic semiconductor

What is doping and why is it required.

Explain the formation of n type semiconductor

Explain conductivity of n type semiconductor

Explain the formation of p type semiconductor


Explain conductivity of p type semiconductor

Draw and explain the energy band diagram of extrinsic semiconductor

Give an expression for the conductivity of p type and n type semiconductor

State and explain Law of mass action

Explain carrier concentrations in extrinsic semiconductor

Explain pn junction diode

Derive expression for junction potential.

Explain forward bias and reverse bias

Explain the V-I characteristics of forward biased pn junction diode

Explain the V-I characteristics of reverse biased pn junction diode

Explain the effect of temperature on V-I characteristics of pn junction diode

Explain the energy band diagram of open circuited diode.

Define static resistance, dynamic resistance and bulk resistance of a diode.

Define reverse saturation current and reverse breakdown voltage of a diode.

Derive current equation of diode.

Explain the current components of a diode

State and explain continuity equation

Define transition capacitance and diffusion capacitance of a diode.

Distinguish the features of Si and Ge diodes

Explain the function of rectifier

Explain half wave rectifier and full wave rectifier

Explain the advantages of full wave rectifier over half wave rectifier

Explain the advantage of bridge rectifier

Define and derive Ripple factor, % regulation, efficiency of HWR

Define and derive Ripple factor, % regulation, efficiency of FWR

Explain how harmonic components are rectified with L filter, Derive ripple factor.

Explain how harmonic components are rectified with C filter, Derive ripple factor.

Explain how harmonic components are rectified with LC or L section filter, Derive

ripple factor.

Explain how harmonic components are rectified with π section filter, Derive ripple


Explain multiple L section and π section filters

Compare the ripple factors of a rectifier with different filters.

Explain avelanche and zener breakdown mechanisms.

Explain the V-I characteristics of zener diode

Define different zener diode parameters.

Explain Zener diode as a Regulator.

Compare the performances of different types of filters.

Lecture Plan

S.No. Description of Topic No. of Hrs. Method of Teaching

1. Intrinsic, extrinsic semiconductors, p type and

n type semiconductors

1st hour PPT + Video

2. Drift current, diffusion current, mobility,

conductivity of extrinsic semiconductors


hour Black board + Video

3. PN-junction diode FB, RB Characteristics &

junction Potential.


hour Black board

4. Continuity equation, Current components and

diode current equation.


hour Black board + Video


5. Temperature dependency of VI characteristics


hour Black board

6. Diode parameters, specifications, equivalent

circuits, problems on pn diode


hour Black board + PPT

7. Introduction to Rectifiers, Half wave rectifier

circuits, operation.


hour Black board + Video

8. Full wave rectifier, circuits, operation. Bridge



hour Black board

9. Performance Parameters (Regulation, Ripple

factor, efficiency etc.) Derivations of HWR


hour Black board + Video

10. Performance Parameters (Regulation, Ripple

factor, efficiency etc.) Derivations of FWR

and bridge rectifier.


hour Black board

11. Problems on Performance Parameters 11th

hour Black board

12. Introduction to filters, Capacitor filters

explanation, Derivations


hour Black board + Video

13. L filter, explanation, derivations 13th

hour Black board + Video

14. L-section filters, ∏- section filters 14th

hour Black board + Video

15. Multiple L-section & ∏- section filters



hour Black board + Video

16. Problems on Rectifiers and Filters 16th

hour Black board + Video

17. Break down mechanism in diodes, Zener

diode characteristics


hour Black board + Video

18. Shunt Voltage Regulators, Regulator using

Zener diode ,Series Voltage Regulator


hour Black board + Video

Assignment – 1

1. What is a rectifier? Define Ripple Factor, PIV, efficiency TuF, form factor of a


2. Define the value of forward current in case of Si junction diode with I0 = 10µA, Vf

= 0.8v at T = 3000k.

3. A Si diode has a reverse saturation current of 7.5µA at room temperature 3000K

.Calculate the reverse saturation current at 4000k.

4. The voltage across a silicon diode at room temperature (300ok) is 0.7 volts when

2mA current flows through it. If the voltage increases to 0.75V calculate the

diode current

5. What is the ratio of current for a forward bias of 0.08V to the current for the same

magnitude of reverse bias for the Germanium diode.

6. The transition capacitance of an abrupt junction diode is 30pf at 8V

Determine the value of Capacitance for an increase in the bias

voltage of 2 V.

7. Find the value of dc resistance and ac resistance of a Ge junction diode at 25 0C, I0

= 10μA and applied voltage is 0.1 V.


8. Calculate the Dynamic forward and reverse resistance of a PN junction diode

when the applied voltage is 0.2 V, I0 =2 μA and T= 25 0C. Consider Ge diode.

9. A Half wave rectifier circuit feeds a resistive load of 10KΩ through a power

transformer having a step down turns ratio of 8:1 and operated from 230V, 50Hzs

ac mains supply. Assume the forward resistance of a diode to be 40Ω and

transformer secondary winding resistance as 12Ω. Calculate the maximum, RMS

and average values of current ,DC output voltage and power ,efficiency of

rectification and ripple factor.

10. A full wave rectifier circuit is fed from a transformer having centre tapped

secondary winding .The rms voltage from either end of secondary tap to centre is

20V.If the diode forward resistance is 3Ω and that of secondary is 5Ω,for a load

of 1KΩ,calculate

a. power delivered to load

b. % regulation at full load

c. efficiency at full load

d. TUF of secondary.




Transistors, Biasing and Stabilization

The Bipolar Junction Transistor, Transistor Current Components, Transistor construction,

BJT operation, Common Base, Common Emitter and Common Collector Configurations,

Limits of operation, transistor as an Amplifier, BJT specifications, Principle of series voltage

regulators. The DC and AC Load lines, Quiescent operating Point, Need for Biasing, Fixed

Bias, Collector Feedback Bias, Emitter Feedback Bias, Collector-Emitter Feedback Bias,

Voltage Divider Bias, Bias Stability, Stabilization Factors, Stabilization against variations in

VBE, β1 and ICO. Bias Compensation using Diodes, Thermistors and sensistors, Thermal

Runway, Thermal Stability.

Learning Objectives: After completion of the unit, the student must able to:

Explain the principle of operation of transistor (pnp and npn)

Explain the basic techniques used for the construction of transistor (grown type,

micro alloy type, electrochemically etched type, diffusion type, epitaxial growth


Explain the effect of temperature on transistor characteristics

Draw the symbols and different configurations of transistor

Draw and explain the input and output characteristics of common emitter


Draw and explain the input and output characteristics of common base configuration

Draw and explain the input and output characteristics of common collector


Identify active ,cutoff and saturation regions on out put characteristics

Derive expression for collector current in CE configuration.

Explain why CE provides large current amplification while CB can not.

Explain why CE configuration is most widely used.

Define current gain, voltage gain, input impedance and output impedance.

Define αdc and βdc .Derive relationship between αdc and βdc

Calculate αdc and βdc, if base current and collector current are given.

Explain Early effect.

Explain Punch through effect

List out the applications of BJT

Explain the significance of Q point

What are the factors that affect the stability of an amplifier.

Define the three stability factors and explain their significance in BJT

List out different techniques used for biasing transistor amplifiers

Define and derive the expressions for stability factors S,S’,S”

Explain the fixed bias circuit and derive expression for stability factor S

Explain the collector feedback bias circuit and derive expression for stability factor


Explain Collector to base bias circuit and derive expression for stability factor S

Explain the collector-emitter feedback bias circuit and derive expression for stability

factor S

Explain voltage divider bias or emitter bias circuit and derive expression for stability

factor S

Explain why emitter bias circuit provides more stability amongst the five types of

biasing methods


What are the compensation techniques used for V be and I co

Explain diode compensation circuit, thermistor compensation and sensistor

compensation techniques

Explain what is Thermal runaway

State the condition for thermal stability

Lecture Plan S.No. Description of Topic No. of Hrs. Method of Teaching

1. Introduction to Bipolar junction transistor

(BJT), Construction of BJT, Transistor

operation (pnp and pnp)


hour PPT + Video

2. Transistor current components, current

amplification Factor, Common base (CB),

common emitter (CE)and common collector

(CC) configurations


hour Black board + Video

3. Common base configuration characteristics,

early effect, punch through.

21st hour Black board

4. Common emitter configuration

characteristics, active, cut-off and saturation



hour Black board + Video

5. Common collector configuration



hour Black board

6. Comparison of CB, CE, CC characteristics,

specifications, problems


hour Black board + PPT

7. Transistor biasing, operating point, dc load

line, ac load line.


hour Black board + Video

8. Fixed bias circuit & collector feedback bias

circuit- analysis, derivation of expression for



hour Black board

9. Collector base bias circuit and collector –

emitter feedback bias circuit-, analysis, S,



hour Black board + Video

10. Self bias or emitter bias circuit- analysis, S,



hour Black board

11. Problems on biasing circuits. 29th

hour Black board

12. Compensation techniques using diode,

thermistor and Sensistors


hour Black board + Video

13. Thermal run away, Thermal stability, 31st hour Black board + Video


Assignment - 2

1. Calculate the values of collector current and emitter current for a transistor with αdc=

0.99 and ICBO= 5 μA. The base current is measured as 20 μA.

2. The reverse leakage current of a transistor when connected in CB configuration is 0.2

μA while it is 18 μA when the same transistor is connected in CE configuration.

Calculate αdc and βdc.

3. The collector and base currents are measured as 5.202 ma and 50 μA respectively.ICB0

is measured as 2 μA. Calculate a) α, β and Ie b)new level of Ib to make Ic=10 mA.

4. An npn transistor, with β = 50 is used in common emitter circuit with

Vcc=10V,Rc=2KΩ.The bias is obtained by connecting 100KΩ resistor from collector

to base. Find quiescent operating point and stability factor. 5. Consider a self bias circuit ,where Vcc=22.5V, Re = 5.6kΩ, R1=90 kΩ, R2 = 10kΩ, and Re =

1 kΩ. hfe =55 and VBE = 0.6. The transistor operates in active region. Determine operating

point and stability factor S.




Small signal low frequency BJT Amplifiers

Small signal low frequency transistor amplifier circuits: h-parameter representation of a

transistor, Analysis of single stage transistor amplifiers CE, CC, CB configurations using

h-parameters: voltage gain, current gain, Input impedance and Output impedance.

Comparison of CB, CE, CC configurations in terms of AI, Ri, AV, RO.

Learning Objectives: After completion of the unit, the student must able to:

Define ‘ h parameters’ for a two port network

Draw the h parameter equivalent circuits for the three transistor configurations CE,


Explain the operation of CE amplifier as an amplifier

Explain the need of C1, C2 and Ce in a single stage CE amplifier

Derive Ai, Av, Ri, R0 of a single stage CE amplifier

Give the general steps for the analysis of transistor amplifier

Derive Ai, Av, Ri, R0 of a single stage CB amplifier

Derive Ai, Av, Ri, R0 of a single stage CC amplifier

Compare CC, CE and CB with respect to Ri, Ro, Ai, Av.

Lecture Plan

S.No. Description of Topic No. of Hrs. Method of Teaching

1. Introduction two port network devises,

Hybrid model


hour PPT + Video

2. H-parameter-hi , hf, hr, ho


hour Black board + Video

3. Transistor hybrid model of CB, CC, CE



hour Black board

4. Analysis of transistor amplifier (CE) using h-

parameters Ai , Zi Av, Y ,Avs, Ais.


hour Black board + Video

5. Simplified CE analysis ,problems 36th

hour Black board

6. Analysis of CE amplifier with un bypassed



hour Black board + PPT

7. Analysis of CB amplifier. 38th

hour Black board + Video

8. Analysis of CC amplifier, problems.


hour Black board

9. Comparison of CC, CB, CE amplifiers



hour Black board + Video

10. RC couple amplifier, frequency response

analysis(low frequency)

41st hour Black board


Assignment – 3

1. A common base amplifier has the following components: Rc = 5.6KΩ, RE = 5.6KΩ, RL =

39KΩ,RS = 600Ω. The transistor parameters are, hie = 1000Ω, hfe = 85, and hoe =2x10-6


Calculate Av, Ri, Ro, Avs.

2. Consider a single stage CE amplifier with

Rs=1K,R1=1K,r2=2K,RL=1.2K,hfe=50,hie=1.1K,hoe=24microA/V and hre=2.5*10-4

3. calculate Ri,Ai=Il/Is,Av,Avs=Vo/Vs,Ro.

4. Calculate Ri,Ai=Il/Is,Av,Avs=Vo/Vs,Ro for the CB ckt with


For the CB ckt the transistor parameters are hib=22ohms,hfb=-0.98,hob=0.49microA



FET, Biasing and Amplifiers

The Junction Field Effect Transistor (Construction, Principle of operation) –Voltage-Volt-

Ampere characteristics, FET as Voltage variable Resistor, Biasing FET, The JFET Small

Signal Model, FET common source Amplifier, Common Drain Amplifier, MOSFET

(Construction, Principle of operation), MOSFET Characteristics in Enhancement and

Depletion modes. Comparison of BJT and FET amplifiers.

Learning Objectives: After completion of the unit, the student must able to:

Explain why FET is called unipolar device

Explain why FET is called voltage-operated device

Classify FETs and give their application areas.

Explain construction of n channel JFET with neat diagram.

Explain construction of p channel JFET with neat diagram.

Explain the operation of n channel JFET

Explain the operation of p channel JFET

Draw the Static Characteristics of JFET and explain different portions of the


Define Pinch Off Voltage.

Draw the Transfer Characteristics of JFET and explain different portions of the


Define Rd, gm and μ of JFET.

Explain how Rd, gm can be calculated from Characteristic curves.

Explain how JFET can be used as Switch.

Explain how JFET can be used as Voltage Variable Resistor.

Explain how MOSFET differs from JFET.

Explain the constructional features of Depletion mode MOSFET and explain its basic


Explain the significance of Threshold Voltage VT in Depletion mode MOSFET

Draw and explain the drain Characteristics of Depletion mode MOSFET along with

different operating regions.

Explain the constructional features of Enhancement mode MOSFET and explain its

basic operation.


Draw and explain the drain Characteristics of n Channel Enhancement. Mode


Sketch graphical Symbols for n-Channel JFET, p-Channel JFET, n-Channel

Enhancement mode MOSFET, p-Channel Enhancement mode MOSFET, n-

Channel Depletion mode MOSFET, and p-Channel Depletion mode MOSFET

Lecture Plan

S.No. Description of Topic No. of Hrs. Method of Teaching

1. FET introduction, construction operation

Drain and Transfer characteristics of n-

channel and p-channel FETs.


hour PPT + Video

2. Pinch off voltage, definitions of Rd, gm and μ

of JFET. Calculation from characteristic



hour Black board + Video

3. Small signal model of JFET, analysis of

Common source FET amplifier.


hour Black board

4. Problems on JFET 45th

hour Black board + Video

5. Depletion MOSFET construction, symbol,

operation, characteristics,


hour Black board

6. Enhanced MOSFET construction, symbol,

operation, characteristics


hour Black board + PPT

7. Problems on MOSFET. 48th

hour Black board + Video

Assignment - 4

1. Explain the construction and operation of JFET.

2. Define Transconductance gm of a FET. Write the expression for gm.

3. Why a Field Effect Transistor is called so?

4. Draw the small signal model of FET.

5. Draw the diagram for the Basic Structure of Depletion mode and Enhancement mode




Special Purpose Electronic Devices

Principle of Operation and Characteristics of Tunnel Diode (with the help of Energy Band

Diagram) Varactor Diode and Schotky barrier diode. Principle of Operation and

Characteristics of UJT, UJT Relaxation Oscillator. Principle of Operation of SCR, Schockley

diode Diac and Triac. Principle of Operation of Semiconductor Photo Diode, PIN Diode,

Photo Transistor, LED and LCD.

Learning Objectives: After completion of the unit, the student must able to:

Explain the principle of operation of Tunnel diode

Explain the V-I characteristics of Tunnel diode

Explain the applications of Tunnel diode.

Explain the principle of operation of Varactor diode

Explain the V-I characteristics of Varactor diode


Explain the applications of Varactor diode

Explain the principle of operation of Schotky barrier diode

Explain the V-I characteristics of Schotky diode

Explain the constructional details of UJT

What is intrinsic stand of ratio η

Draw and explain UJT VI characteristics

Draw the symbol and equivalent circuit of UJT

Explain how UJT can be used as negative resistance device with the aid of static


List out the applications of UJT and explain UJT relaxation oscillator.

Explain the constructional details and operation of SCR, Diac and Triac.

Draw the characteristics of SCR and explain

Explain a) Holding current and b) Latching current

Explain a) Reverse break down voltage and b) Forward break over voltage

Explain two-transistor analogy of SCR

State the application of SCR

Explain which material is used for LED

Explain is photo emissive effect

Define radiant flux , irradiation , illumination, luminosity curve and light intensity

Explain the basic principle of operation of LED

Explain the constructional details of LED

State advantages and disadvantages of LED

Compare LED with normal PN diode

Sketch output characteristics of LED

Explain why LEDs are preferred in displays

Explain the VI characteristics of photo diode

State any two applications of photo diode and Photo Transistor.

Explain the principle of operation and working of LCD

Lecture Plan

S.No. Description of Topic No. of Hrs. Method of Teaching

1. Principle of Operation and Characteristics of

Tunnel Diode (with the help of Energy Band



hour PPT + Video

2. Principle of operation of Varactor Diode and

its applications.


hour Black board + Video

3. Principle of operation, characteristics and

applications of Schotky barrier diode

51st hour Black board

4. Principle of Operation and Characteristics of

UJT, UJT Relaxation Oscillator


hour Black board + Video

5. Principle of Operation, characteristics and

applications of SCR, Diac and Triac.


hour Black board

6. Principle of Operation, characteristics and

applications of Diac and Triac


hour Black board + PPT

7. Principle of Operation, characteristics

and applications PIN Diode


hour Black board + Video


8. Principle of Operation and applications of

Semiconductor Photo Diode and Photo




9. Principle of Operation and applications of




10. Principle of Operation and applications of and




Assignment - 5

1. Define Negative resistance region, peak point and valley point in Tunnel diode


2. Describe the two transistor analogy of SCR.

3. Describe the construction and equivalent circuit of UJT.

4. Explain the principle of operation of photo diode and photo transistor.

5. Describe the principle of operation of LCD.


1. Electronic Devices and Circuits – J.Millman, C.C.Halkias, and Satyabratha Jit, Tata

McGraw Hill, 2nd

Edition, 2007.

2. Electronic Devices and Circuits – R.L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky,

Pearson/Prentice Hall, 11th

Edition, 2006.

3. Electronic Devices and Circuits – David A Bell, Oxford University Press,5th




1. Integrated Electronics - J.Millman and Christos.C.Halkias, and Satyabratha, Jit Tata

McGraw Hill, 2nd

Edition, 2008.

2. Electronic Devices and Circuits – T.F. Bogart Jr., J.S.Beasley and G.Rico, Pearson

Education, 6th Edition, 2004.

3. Electronic Devices and Circuits- S. S Salivahanan, N. Sursh Kumar, A. Vallava


Edition., TMH, 2010.




II B. Tech, Semester I (Electronics and Instrumentation Engg)

Subject : Electronic Measurements

Subject Code : 13EIE003

Academic Year : 2016 – 17

Number of working days : 90

Number of Hours / week : 5

Total number of periods planned: 60

Name of the Faculty Member: D.V.Shobhana Priscilla

II Year B. Tech EIE – I Sem L T/P/D C

4 1 4



Introduction to measurements. Physical measurements. Forms and methods of

measurements. Static and Dynamic characteristics of measurement systems, Measurement

errors, Statistical analysis of measurement data.Probability of errors. Limiting

errors.Standards and Calibration : Definitions of standard units. International standards.

Primary standards.Secondary standards. Working standards. Voltage standard. Resistance

standard.Current standard. Capacitance standard. Time and frequency standards.Testing and

calibration. Traceability. Measurement reliability. Calibration

experiment and evaluation of results. Primary calibration. Secondary calibration. Direct

calibration. Indirect calibration. Routine calibration. Calibration of a voltmeter, ammeter

and an oscilloscope: case study. Learning objectives :

At the end of completion of all learning activities the student is able to

Define measurement.

Distinguish between accuracy and precision.

Explain measurement term tolerance.

Explain measurement term resolution.

Explain the significance of the number of significant figures in a stated quantity.

Distinguish between direct and indirect measurements.

Explain gross errors and systematic errors. Give example of each.

Define absolute errors and relative errors.

Describe standards and their classification

Describe the international standards of mass and length.

Explain primary standards

Explain secondary standards

Explain working standards

Explain atomic standards for frequency and time? Explain their advantages.

Explain voltage standards

Explain current standards Lecture plan :

S.No. Description of Topic No. of


Method of



1. Introduction to measurements.Physical Measurements. 1 PPT+Video

2. Static and Dynamic characteristics of measurement


2 PPT+Video

3. Measurement errors, Statistical analysis of measurement

data.Probability of errors.


4. Limiting errors.Standards and Calibration : Definitions of

standard units


5. International standards. Primary standards.Secondary

standards. Working standards. Voltage standard.

2 PPT, chalk &


6. Resistance standard.Current standard. Capacitance

standard. Time and frequency standards.

1 PPT, Chalk &


7 Testing and calibration. Traceability. Measurement

reliability. Calibration

experiment and evaluation of results. Primary calibration.

Secondary calibration.

2 PPT, Chalk &


8 Direct

calibration. Indirect calibration. Routine calibration.

Calibration of a voltmeter, ammeter

and an oscilloscope: case study.

1 Chalk & board

Total = 11


Voltage and current measurement: DC & AC voltage measurements using rectifiers,

thermocouple & electronic voltmeter, ohm meter, digital voltmeters, range extension of

ammeter and voltmeter.

Frequency Counters: Basic Principle, errors associated with counter, Different modes of

operations: Frequency, Time, Time Period, Average Time Period, Totalizing, Frequency

Synthesizer, Wave meters, Wave Analysers, Output Power Meter.

Learning objectives:

At the end of completion of all learning activities the student is able to

Sketch the construction of a permanent –magnet moving coil (PMMC) instrument

and explain its operation.

Show how PPMC instrument are used as galvanometers dc ammeter, ac voltmeter, ac

ammeters and ac voltmeters.

Calculate the series and shunt resistance values for given ammeter and voltmeter

ranged and determine instrument accuracy.

Explain in detail the working of stair case ramp DVM, giving the block diagram.

Compare the performance of different types of voltmeter.

How do you perform all- electronic capacitance measurements where the

measurement is not performed by a comparison? Explain the methods.

Explain AC rectifier type of measuring instruments.

Explain the working of electronic voltmeter

S.No. Description of Topic No.



Method of



1. Voltage and current measurement: Introduction 1 PPT+Video

2. DC & AC voltage measurements using rectifiers,


3. thermocouple & electronic voltmeter ,ohm meter- Series

and Shunt.


4. digital voltmeters. 1 PPT+ chalk


5 range extension of ammeter and voltmeter. Frequency

Counters: Basic Principle, errors associated with counter,

Different modes of operations: Frequency

3 PPT, chalk &


6 Time, Time Period, Average Time Period, Totalizing 2 PPT, Chalk

& board

7 Frequency Synthesizer, Wave meters, Wave Analysers,

Output Power Meter.

3 Chalk &


Total = 13


Bridges: AC bridges measurement of inductance, Maxwell’s bridge, Anderson bridges,

measurement of capacitance, Schering Bridge, measurement of impedance- Kelvin

bridges, wheat stone bridges, HF bridges, problems of shielding, and grounding, Qmeter.

Learning objectives:

At the end of completion of all learning activities the student is able to

Sketch the circuit diagram of wheat stone bridge, explain its operation and derive the

balance equation.

Explain the Maxwell’s bridge.

Explain the Schering Bridge.

Explain the Kelvin’s bridge used for the measurement of impedance.

Explain Q-meter.

Explain HF bridge.

define dissipation factor

define power factor

Lecture plan:


Description of Topic No. of


Method of


1 Bridges: AC bridges measurement of inductance 2 PPT+Video

2 Maxwell’s bridge, Anderson bridges + Phasor



3 Measurement of capacitance: Schering Bridge 1 PPT

4 measurement of impedance- Kelvin

bridges , Kelvin Double Bridge.

1 PPT+ chalk



5 wheat stone bridges- Measurement of sensitivity of


1 PPT, chalk

& board

6 HF bridges- Wien Bridge. Problems of shielding, and



7 Qmeter.

1 Chalk &


Total = 11


Oscilloscope: CRO operation, CRT characteristic probes, time base sweep modes, trigger

generator, vertical amplifier, modes of operations, A,B, alternate and chop modes,

sampling oscilloscopes, storage oscilloscope, standard specification of CRO,

Synchronous selector circuits. Spectrum analyzers, different types of spectrum analyzer,


Display devices and display systems, logic analyzer – state time and referenced data capture,

scalar and vector network analyzers.

Learning objectives :

After completion of the unit, the students will be able to

Sketch the basic construction of cathode ray tube and explain its operation.

Explain the basic circuit diagram of an oscilloscope.

Explain the time base operation of automatic oscilloscope.

Explain the operation of dual trace oscilloscope.

Show how waveform applied to vertical deflecting plates of CRT.

Explain the modes of operation in CRO

Discuss typical oscilloscope specifications.

Explain storage and sampling oscilloscope

Lecture plan :

S.No. Description of Topic No. of Hrs. Method of


1 Oscilloscope: CRO operation, CRT characteristic


2 PPT+Video

2 time base sweep modes, trigger

generator, vertical amplifier, modes of operations,

A,B, alternate and chop modes,


3 sampling oscilloscopes, storage oscilloscope,

standard specification of CRO


4 Synchronous selector circuits. Spectrum analyzers, 1 PPT+ chalk


5 different types of spectrum analyzer. 1 PPT,

6 Recorders

Display devices and display systems.

3 PPT, Chalk

& board

7 logic analyzer – state time and referenced data

capture, scalar and vector network analyzers.

2 Chalk &



Total = 13


Smart measuring devices: smart sensor systems, smart sensors definitions, characteristics,

architectures, buses and interfaces, smart sensors for electrical and non-electrical variables:

pressure and temperature. Standards for smart sensors.

Learning objectives :

After completion of the unit, the students will be able to:

Explain the principle of smart sensors and different types of it.

Explain the architecture, buses and interfaces used for smart sensing devices.

Explain the different type of smart sensors for electrical variables

Explain the different type of smart sensors for electrical variables

Explain standards for smart sensors.

Lecture plan :

S.No. Description of Topic No. of Hrs. Method of


1. smart sensor systems, smart sensors definitions


2. architectures


3. buses and interfaces


4. smart sensors for electrical variables.

2 PPT+ chalk


5. Pressure sensors

2 PPT, Video

6 Temperature sensors,

standards for smart sensors.

2 Chalk &


Total = 12


1. Electronic Instrumentation – HS Kalsi, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2004.

2. M Chidambaram, Computer control of processes, Narosa Publications (2002).

3. Smart Material Systems and MEMS: Design and Development Methodologies By Vijay K.

Varadan, K. J. Vinoy, S. Gopalakrishnan ,Wiley Publications(2006).


1. Principles of measurement systems, John P. Bentley: 3rd edition, Addison Wesley

Longman, 2000.

2. Measuring Systems, Application and Design: E.O. Doebelin, McGraw Hill.

3. Electrical and Electronic Measurements: Shawney, Khanna Publ.


4. Electronic Instrumentation and measurements techniques by Helfrick and

W.D.Cooper.,PHI publications.

Practice: Subject practice through EDA tools.





II Year B. Tech EIE – I Sem L T/P/D C

4 0 4



Number of working days : 90

Number of Hours / week : 5

Total number of periods planned : 60

Name of the Faculty Member : R. Sireesha



13MTH001, 13MTH002, 13MTH005, 13PHY003, 13EEE001.


1. To analyze transient response of circuits with dc excitation.

2. To understand two port network parameters, filters and attenuators.

3. To know about performance of DC machines.

4. To understand the operation of transformers and AC machines.


Upon completion of the syllabus student will be able to

1. Analyze transient response of circuits Evaluate two port parameters and design simple


2. Appreciate the working of DC machines.

3. Understand the operation of transformers and AC machines.


PO a PO b PO c PO d PO e PO

f PO g PO h




j PO k



CO 1 3

2 2

2 2


CO 2

3 2 1 2 1

2 2

CO 3

2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 3

3-storng 2-moderate 1-Week Blank-Not relevant



Transient Analysis (First and Second Order Circuits) :

Transient Response of RL, RC and RLC Circuits for DC excitations, Initial Conditions,

Solution using Differential Equations approach and Laplace Transform Method.

Learning Outcomes


After completion of this unit the student will be able to

1. Define Transient.

2. Describe Initial conditions of Basic R, L, C elements.

3. Derive equations for transient Response of RL circuit.

4. Derive equations for transient Response of RC circuit.

5. Derive equations for transient Response of Series RLC circuit.

6. Solution of above transient Responses using Differential Equations approach and Laplace

Transform Method.


S. No Description No. of

Periods (16)

Mode of delivery

1 Introduction Transients 01 BBT

2 Transient Response of RL, RC and RLC Circuits

for DC excitations

06 BBT+



3 Initial Conditions 01 BBT

4 Solution using Differential Equations approach

and Laplace Transform Method.

06 BBT

5 Assignment Questions Discussion 01 Assignment Sheet

6 Tutorial 01 Tutorial sheet


1. (a) what is the impartance of time constant of R-L circuit.what are the different ways


defing timeconstant.

(b).what is the initial condition of a circuit? Why do you need them?

2. (a) Derive the expression for transient response of R-L-C series circuit with unit step


(b).Explain why the current in a pure inductance can not change in zero time.

Assignment (1) Find i (t) for t > 0 for the circuit shown in Fig When the switch is opened at t = 0


(2) Determine i (t) for the circuit shown in Fig When the switch is closed at t = 0.Assume

initial current through inductor is zero


Two Port Networks : Impedance Parameters, Admittance Parameters, Hybrid Parameters, Transmission (ABCD)

Parameters, Conversion of one Parameter to another, Conditions for Reciprocity and

Symmetry, Interconnection of Two Port networks in Series, Parallel and Cascaded

configurations, Image Parameters, Illustrative problems.

Learning Outcomes After completion of this unit the student will be able to

1. Define port, one port network, Two port network. 2. Define various types of parameters of Two port network. 3. Derive expressions for individual Z-parameters of Two port network. 4. Derive expressions for individual Y-parameters of Two port network. 5. Derive expressions for individual ABCD-parameters of Two port network. 6. Derive expressions for individual h-parameters of Two port network. 7. Verify Reciprocity and Symmetry conditions for all the parameters. 8. Convert of one Parameter to another 9. Derive expressions for equivalent parameters when the twp port networks are connected in

Series, Parallel and Cascaded configurations. 10. Derive expressions for Image Parameters


S. No Description No. of

Periods (16)

Mode of delivery

1 Impedance Parameters, Admittance Parameters 04 BBT+




2 Hybrid Parameters, Transmission (ABCD)


03 BBT+



3 Conversion of one Parameter to another 02 BBT

4 Conditions for Reciprocity and Symmetry 01 BBT+



5 Interconnection of Two Port networks in Series,

Parallel and Cascaded configurations, Image


02 BBT

6 Illustrative problems.

02 BBT

7 Assignment Questions Discussion 01 Assignment Sheet

8 Tutorial 01 Tutorial sheet


1. Find The Z Parameters For The Two Port Network In Fig.1

Fig-1: ideal transformer

2. Find the Z Parameters For The Two Port Network In Fig.2



1. Determine the ABCD parameters for the p-network shown at Fig. Is this network

Bilateral or not? Explain.


2. For the two port network shown in Fig the currents I1 and I2 entering at ports 1 and 2

respectively are given by the equations. I1=0.5V1-0.2V2, I2=-0.2V1+V2, where V1 and V2 are

the voltages at port 1 and 2 respectively. Find the Y, Z, ABCD parameters of the network.


find its equivalent π network.

3. (a) Determine the transmission parameters and hence determine the short

circuit admittance parameters for the circuit shown in Fig. a

(b) Obtain Z parameters of the circuit shown in Fig.b and hence derive

h – parameters.




Filters and Symmetrical Attenuators : Classification of Filters, Classification of Pass band and Stop band, Characteristic Impedance

in the Pass and Stop Bands, Constantk and m-derived filters-Low Pass Filter and High Pass

Filters (both qualitative and quantitative treatment); Band Pass filter and Band Elimination

filters (qunatitaive treatment only), Illustrative Problems. Symmetrical Attenuators – T-Type

Attenuator, pType Attenuator, Bridged T-type Attenuator, Lattice Attenuator.

Learning Outcomes


After completion of this unit the student will be able to

1. Define Filter, Pass band, Stop band, cut-off frequency. 2. Describe types of filters. 3. Derive expressions for Characteristic Impedance in the Pass and Stop Bands. 4. Derive expressions for series and shunt arm impedances of Constant-k Low Pass Filter and

High Pass Filters 5. Describe disadvantages of constant-k type filters. 6. Describe advantages of m-derived filters. 7. Derive expressions for series and shunt arm impedances of m-derived filters-Low Pass Filter

and High Pass Filters. 8. Derive expressions for series and shunt arm impedances of Constant-k Band Pass filter and

Band Elimination filters. 9. Describe the function of attenuator. 10. Describe the types of attenuator.

11. Design T-Type Attenuator and -Type Attenuator

12. Design Bridged T-type Attenuator and Lattice Attenuator.

TEACHING PLAN S. No Description No. of

Periods (16)

Mode of delivery

1 Classification of Filters, Classification of Pass

band and Stop band

02 BBT

2 Characteristic Impedance in the Pass and Stop

Bands, Constantk and m-derived filters-Low Pass

Filter and High Pass Filters (both qualitative and

quantitative treatment)

03 BBT

3 Band Pass filter and Band Elimination filters

(qunatitaive treatment only)

02 BBT

4 Illustrative Problems 03 BBT

5 Symmetrical Attenuators – T-Type Attenuator 02 BBT

6 pType Attenuator, Bridged T-type Attenuator,

Lattice Attenuator.

02 BBT

7 Assignment Questions Discussion 01 Assignment Sheet

8 Tutorial 01 Tutorial sheet

Tutorial 1. What is a constant – K low pass filter, derive its characteristics impedance.

2. A low pass π section filter consists of an inductance of 25mH in series arm and two

capacitors of 0.2μF in shunt arms. Calculate the cut off frequency, design impedance,


attenuation at 5 KHz and phase shift at 2 KHz also find the characteristic impedance at

2 KHz.

3. Design a band elimination filter having a design impedance of 600Ω and cut–off


f1=2 KHz and f2=6 KHz.


1. Design a band pass, constant–K filter with cut off frequency of 4 KHz and nominal

characteristic impedance of 500 Ω.

2. Design a low pass constant–K (i) T–Section and (ii) π–section filter with cut–off


(fc) 6 kHz and nominal characteristic impedance of 500 Ω.

3. (a ) A high pass constant–K filter with cut off frequency 40 kHz is required to procedure a

maximum attenuation at 36 kHz when used with terminated resistance of 500 Ω. Design


suitable m– derived T–section.

(b) Design a m–derived high pass filter with a cut – off frequency of 10KHz; design

impedance of 5Ω and m=0.4.

4 (a) explains T–type attenuator and also design a T–type attenuator to give an

attenuation of 60dB and to work in a line of 500Ω impedance.

(b) Explain symmetrical π–type attenuator and also design it to give 20db attenuation and


have characteristic impedance of 100Ω.

UNIT-IV- DC Machines DC Generators: Principles of Operation of DC Generator, construction, EMF equation,

Types of Generators, Magnetization, Internal and external Characteristics of DC Generators.

DC Motors : DC Motors, Types of Dc Motors, Characteristics of Dc Motors, Losses and

Efficiency, Swinburne’s Test, Speed Control of Dc Shunt Motor- Flux and Armature Voltage

control methods. Learning Objectives:

At the end of completion of all learning activities the student is able to

1. Describe Faraday’s Laws of electromagnetic Induction. 2. Describe the principle of DC generator. 3. Explain the operation of DC generator. 4. Describe the construction of DC Machine. 5. Derive the EMF equation of DC generator. 6. Describe the types of DC generators. 7. Plot Magnetization, Internal and external Characteristics of DC Generators 8. Determine critical resistance and critical speed of given DC Generator. 9. Explain the Principle of DC motor. 10. Explain the operation of DC motor. 11. Describe the significance of Back EMF in DC motor. 12. Describe the types of DC motors. 13. Plot the Characteristics of DC Motors 14. Calculate Losses and Efficiency by using Swinburne’s Test 15. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of Swinburne’s Test. 16. Describe Speed Control of Dc Shunt Motor by Flux and Armature Voltage control




S. No Description No. of

Periods (16)

Mode of delivery

1 DC Generators: Principles of Operation of DC

Generator .

01 BBT+



2 construction, EMF equation 01 BBT+




3 Types of Generators, Magnetization, Internal and

external Characteristics of DC Generators.

03 BBT

4 DC Motors : DC Motors, Types of Dc Motors 01 BBT+



5 Characteristics of Dc Motors, Losses and


03 BBT

6 Swinburne’s Test, 01 BBT

7 Speed Control of Dc Shunt Motor- Flux and

Armature Voltage control methods

04 BBT

8 Assignment Questions Discussion 01 Assignment Sheet

9 Tutorial 01 Tutorial sheet


1. (a) Explain in detail the construction and the principle of operation of a dc generator

(b) The armature of a 4 – pole lap wound shunt generator has 480 conductors. The

flux perpole is 0.05Wb. The armature and field resistances are 0.05 Ω and 50 Ω. find

the speed of the machine when supplying 450A at a terminal voltage of 250V. Derive

the expression for the emf generated in a DC machine.

2. (a) Derive the expression for the EMF generated in a DC generator.

(b) A 6 – pole dc shunt generator with a wave – wound armature has 960 conductors.

It runs at a speed of 500 rpm. A load of 20Ω is connected to the generator at a

terminal voltage of 240V. The armature and field resistances are 0.3Ω and 240Ω

respectively. Find the armature current, the induced emf and flux per pole.


3. (a) What are the different types of dc generators? Draw the connection diagrams and


characteristics of each type. Also mention the applications of different types.

(b) A 250V DC shunt motor takes 4A when running unloaded. Its armature and field

resistances are 0.3 Ω and 250 Ω respectively. Calculate the efficiency when the dc

shunt motor taking current of 60A.


1. (a) Draw the speed–load characteristics of a dc shunt, series and compound motors.

(b) A 200V, 14.92kW, dc shunt motor when tested by Swinburne’s method

gave the following test results. Running light: Armature current of 6.5A and

field current is 2.2A. With armature locked: Ia=70A when potential difference

of 3V was applied to the brushes. Estimate efficiency of motor when working

under full load.

2. (a) Explain why a dc series motor should never run unloaded.

(b) A 250V, 10kW shunt motor takes 2.5A when running light. The armature

and field

resistances are 0.3Ω and 400Ω respectively. Brush contact drop of 2V.

Find the

full–load efficiency of motor?

3. (a) Discuss in detail the different methods of speed control of a dc motor.

(b) A 4-pole, 220V dc series motor has a wave connected armature with 1200

conductors. The flux per role is 20×10-3

wb, when the motor is drawing 46A.

Armature and series field resistances are 0.25 Ω and 0.15 Ω respectively. Find i) The

speed ii) Total torque.

4. (a) Derive the torque equation of a dc motor.

(b) A 500V dc shunt motor draws 4A on no load. The field current of the motor is 1A.


armature resistance including brushes is 0.2Ω. Find the efficiency, when the input

current is 20A.

Unit –V Transformers and AC Machines


Transformers and Their Performance : Principle of Operation of Single Phase

transformer, Types, Constructional Features, Phasor Diagram on No Load and Load,

Equivalent Circuit, Losses, Efficiency and Regulation of Transformer, OC and SC Tests,

Predetermination of Efficiency and Regulation, Simple Problems.

AC Machines Three Phase Induction Motor : Principle of operation of three phase

induction motors- Slip ring and Squirrel cage motors –Slip_Torque characteristics.

Alternators: Principle of operation –Types - EMF Equation- Predetermination of regulation

by Synchronous Impedance Method- OC and SC tests. Learning Objectives: At the end of completion of all learning activities the student is able to

1. Describe Principle of operation of transformer and constructional details. 2. Describe difference between Ideal Transformer and Practical Transformer. 3. Draw Phasor Diagram on No Load and Load for different types of loads. 4. Derive the expressions for equivalent resistance and reactance of Single Phase

transformer. 5. Draw Equivalent Circuit. 6. Define Efficiency and Regulation of Transformer. 7. Describe OC and SC Tests for the Predetermination of Efficiency and Regulation. 8. Learn about three phase induction motor. Principle of operation of three phase induction

motor. 9. Slip and rotor frequency along with torque calculation of three phase induction motor. 10. Learn about three phase alternator.

11. Principle of operation of a alternator.


S. No Description No. of

Periods (16)

Mode of delivery

1 Transformers and Their Performance : Principle of Operation of Single Phase

transformer, Types, Constructional Features,

Phasor Diagram on No Load and Load, Equivalent

Circuit, Losses

04 BBT+



2 Efficiency and Regulation of Transformer, OC and

SC Tests, Predetermination of Efficiency and

Regulation, Simple Problems.

03 BBT+



3 AC Machines Three Phase Induction Motor : Principle of operation of three phase induction

motors- Slip ring and Squirrel cage motors –Slip

Torque characteristics.

04 BBT

4 Alternators: Principle of operation –Types - EMF

Equation- Predetermination of regulation by

Synchronous Impedance Method- OC and SC


03 BBT+



5 Assignment Questions Discussion 01 Assignment Sheet

6 Tutorial 01 Tutorial sheet



1. (a) Single phase induction motors are not self starting. Explain Why?

(b) How is single-phase induction motors made self started? Explain one method.

2. (a) Draw the torque speed characteristics of a 3 phase induction motor.

(b) Derive the expression for the starting torque to Maximum torque

3. (a) why 1-_ induction motor is not self starting and explain the principle of Operation of

shaded pole induction motor with a neat diagram?

(b) A 14 pole, 50Hz induction motor runs at 415 r.p.m. Deduce the frequency of the

current in

the Rotor winding and the slip?


1.Explain the rotor resistance starter for an induction motor. A 3-phase, 6 pole, 400 V, 50 Hz

induction motor. takes a power input of 35kW at its full-load speed of 890 r.p.m. The total

stator losses are 1 kW and the friction and wind age losses are 1.5 kW.Calculate

i. slip

ii. Rotor ohmic losses

iii. Shaft power

iv. Shaft torque and

v. efficiency.

2.(a) How the torque-speed characteristics of a motor are modified, if rotor resistance is


(b) ( i) A 3-phase, 6-pole, slip-ring induction machine is directly driven from the

shaft by

a 4-pole3-phase synchronous motor. If stator of both the machines is given a

50 Hz supply, what frequencies are available at the rotor slip-rings of the



(ii) A 3-phase, 50 Hz, induction motor has a starting torque which is 1.25times


load torque and a maximum torque which is 2.50 times full-load torque.

Neglecting stator resistance and rotational losses and assuming constant rotor

resistance, find

(A). the slip at full-load.

(B). the slip at maximum torque and

(C). the rotor current at starting in per unit of full-load rotor current.

3 .(a) Derive the expressions for induced e.m.f of an alternator for lagging, leading and

unity power factor loads. Draw the relevant phasor diagram.

(b) Derive the relation between speed and frequency.

(c) Explain the two types of rotors used in alternators with neat sketch



1. Principles of Electrical Engineering- A.Sudhakar, ShyammohanS.Palli, TMH


2. Introduction to Electrical Engineering – M.S.Naidu and S. Kamakshaiah, TMH


3. Network analysis and Synthesis- C L Wadhwa, New Age International Publishers.


1. Networks, Lines, and Fields – John.D.Ryder, PHI publications.

2. Engineering Circuit Analysis – W.H.Hayt and J.E Kemmerly and S.M.Durbin, TMH


3. Circuit Theory by Chakrabarti, DhanpatRai and Co.

4. Network Analysis – N.C.Jagan and C.LakshmiNarayana, BS publications.

5. Network Analysis – A.Sudhakar, ShyammohanS.Palli, TMH publications


Mode of

Assessment Assessment Tool Periodicity


Weightage Evidences


Mid Terms

Examinations Twice in a semester 25 Answer Scripts

Assignment, Quiz

etc. At the end of each unit 5


Books / Quiz

sheets etc.

End Semester


At the end of the

Semester 70 Answer Scripts

Indirect Course End

Survey At the end of Semester 100 Feedback forms






Branch: ECE

Time: 3 Hr

Max marks: 70

Part-A (compulsory)

(Answer all questions) 5X1=5

1(Answer all questions)

a .The time constant of a series RL Circuit.

b. Which parameters are widely used in transmission line theory.

c An attenuator is used to………

d. In a dc machine, inter poles are used to

e. By open circuit test we measure

2 ( Answer all questions) 5X2=10

1. What do you understand by transient and steady state parts of response? How can they be

identified in a general solution?

2. What is a constant-K low pass filter?

3. Explain about the lattice Attenuator.

4. State the principle of operation of a dc generator?

5. Derive the expression for the induced emf of a transformer?

3 (Answer all questions)


1. For the circuit shown in Fig.1, find the current equation i (t), when the

switch‘s’ is opened at t = 0.



2 Find Z and Y parameters of the network shown in Fig. 2.


3. Explain Bridge–T attenuator and also

design it with an attenuation of 20dB and

terminated in a load of 500Ω.

4. Discuss in detail the different methods of speed control of a dc motor

5. Derive an expression for the induced e.m.f. of a single phase Transformer.



(Answer any four questions) 4X10=40

4 (a) What is a transient. For the circuit shown in Fig.3, find the current in 20Ω


when the switch ‘S’ is opened at t = 0.

Fig.3 (b) For the Series RLC circuit shown in Fig.4, the capacitor is initially charged to 1V, find

the current i(t), when the switch ‘S’ is closed at t=0usingLaplace transform.

Fig. 5

5 (a) Determine the transmission parameters and hence determine the short-circuit

admittance parameters for the circuit shown in Fig. 6

(b) Obtain Z parameters of the circuit shown in Fig.7 and hence derive h –


Fig. 6 Fig. 7

6. (a) Design a m-derived high pass filter with cut-off frequency of 10 kHz; design

impedance 0f 5Ω and m=0.4

(b) Explain π – type attenuator and also design it to give 20db attenuation and to

have characteristic impedance of 100Ω.


7. (a) Explain in detail the principle of operation of a dc generator.

(b) The armature of a 4–pole lap wound shunt generator has 480 conductors.

The flux per pole is 0.05Wb. The armature and field resistances are

0.05Ωand50Ω. Find the speed of the machine when supplying 450A at a terminal

voltage of 250V.

8 (a) Explain the constructional details of

i. core type and

ii. shell type transformer.

(b) A 1- φ transformer has 800 turns on the primary and 100 turns on the secondary.

The no load current is 2.5 Amps at a p.f of 0.2 lagging. Calculate the primary current

and power factor when the secondary current is 250A at a p.f of 0.8 lagging..

9 (a) Derive the relation between speed and frequency.

(b) Explain the two types of rotors used in alternators with neat sketch.






II B. Tech I Semester

Subject : Sensors & Signal Conditioning

Subject Code : 5EI22

Academic Year : 2016 – 17

Number of working days : 90

Number of Hours / week : 3 + 1

Total number of periods planned: 68

Name of the Faculty Member: A.Adithya / G.Vamshi Krishna.

Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

1. To provide basic knowledge in transduction principles, sensors and transducer

technology and measurement systems.

2. To provide better familiarity with the Theoretical and Practical concepts of


3. To provide familiarity with different sensors and their application in real life.

4. To provide the knowledge of various measurement methods of physical parameters like

velocity, acceleration, torque, pressure, flow, temperature etc. and their relevance to


Course Outcomes:

CO 1: Able to identify suitable sensors and transducers for real time applications.

CO 2: Able to translate theoretical concepts into working models.

CO 3: Able to design the experimental applications to engineering modules and practices.

CO 4: Design engineering solution to the Industry/Society needs and develop products.

Sensors and Signal Conditioning

Unit -I:

Introduction to measurement systems: general concepts and terminology, measurement

systems, sensor classifications, general input-output configuration, methods of correction.

Passive Sensors: Resistive Sensors: Potentiometers, Strain Gages, Resistive Temperature Detectors (RTDs)

Thermistors, Light-dependent Resistors (LDRs), Resistive Hygrometers.

Capacitive Sensors: Variable capacitor, Differential capacitor, Proximity sensors.

Inductive Sensors: Reluctance variation sensors, Eddy current sensors, Linear variable

differential transformers (LVDTs).

Variable transformers: Magneto elastic sensors, electromagnetic sensors-sensors based on

faraday’s law, Hall Effect sensors.

Learning objectives:

At the end of the unit-I, the student must be able to


Define the Basic terminology related to Instrumentation.

Define the basic units of a measurement system.

Define and differentiate between a sensor and transducer.

Classify different types of sensors.

Understand the construction and principle of working of various Resistive sensors.

Understand the construction and principle of working of various Capacitive sensors.

Understand the construction and principle of working of various Inductive sensors.

Understand the construction and principle of working of Variable transformers.


TOPICS No of Classes

Define Measurement and Measurement systems 01

Define a sensor and a transducer and explain classification of sensors 01

Explain general input output configuration and methods of correction. 02

Construction and Working of Potentiometer 02

Construction and Working of Strain gauge 01

Construction and Working of RTD and Thermistor 01

Construction and Working of LDRs and Resistive Hygrometers 01

Problems on Resistive Transducers 02

Construction and Working of Variable and Differential Capacitor 01

Proximity Sensors 01

Princple and working of Reluctance variation and Eddy current sensors 01

Construction and Working of Linear variable differential transformers 01

Construction and Working of magneto elastic sensors 01

Construction and Working of Electromagnetic and Hall Effect sensors 01

Problems on Capacitive and Inductive Sensors 03


1. Classify various errors and explain their significance with necessary examples.

2. Classify various transducers and give an example of each and mention their applications.

3. Describe the working and construction of resistance thermometers. Describe the materials

used for RTDs along with their properties.

4. Explain the working principle of potentiometer. Derive an expression for its loading error.

5. Describe in brief about piezo resistive gauges, mentioning its merits, demerits and


6. Explain the operating principle and working of Capacitive sensors.

7. Explain the construction and working of LVDT.

Unit II:

Self-generating sensors:

Thermoelectric sensors - Thermocouples, Thermo electric effect, common thermocouples,

practical thermocouple laws, cold junction compensation in thermocouples circuits.

Piezoelectric sensors-Piezoelectric effect, piezoelectric materials, applications.

Pyroelectric sensors - Pyroelectric effect, pyroelectric materials, radiation laws: Plank, Wein

and Stefan-Boltzmann, Applications.

Photovoltaic sensors- Photovoltaic effect, materials and applications.


Learning objectives:

At the end of the unit-II, the student must be able to

Understand the working of Thermoelectric sensors

Understand the working of Piezoelectric sensors

Understand the working of Pyroelectric sensors

Understand the working of Photovoltaic sensors


TOPICS No of Classes

Introduction to Thermocouples 01

Thermoelectric effect and types of Thermocouples 01

Thermocouple laws and compensation in thermocouples circuits 01

Problems on Thermocouples 02

Introduction to Piezoelectric effect and Piezoelectric materials 01

Construction and Working of Piezoelectric transducer and its applications 01

Problems on Piezoelectric sensors 01

Introduction to Pyroelectric effect and pyroelectric materials 01

Introduction to radiation laws: Plank, Wein and Stefan-Boltzmann 01

Applications of Pyroelectric sensors and Problems 03

Introduction to Photovoltaic effect and materials 01

Construction and Working of Photo voltaic transducer and its applications 01


1. A Quatrz crystal has the dimensions 2mm x 2mm x 6mm Quartz has the following


Charge sensitivity=21 P C/N

Young modulus= 8.6x1010N/m2

Permitivity = 40.6 x 10-12 P/m

Calculate the force, charge and voltage if the crystal is subjected to stain of 10 x 10-6 N/m2.

2. A copper-constatantan thermocouple was found to have linear calibration between 00C to

40000C with emf at maximum temperature equal to 20.68 mV.

(a)Determine the correction which must be made to the indicated emf if the cold junction

temperature is 250C.

(b) if the indicated emf is 8.92 mV in the thermocouple circuit determine the temperature of

the hot junction.

3. Explain how a thermo couple is used to measure temperature. List and explain the three


of thermo couples. What are the common materials used for thermo couples.

4. Describe the different modes of operation of Piezo electric transducers. Explain the

application of Piezo electric transducers.


5. Describe the properties of materials used for Piezo-electric transducers. Derive the

expressions for voltage and charge sensitivities.

6. Explain how temperature can be measured using Radiation pyrometers.

7. Explain the working of Photovoltaic sensors.

Unit III:

Digital Sensors: Position Encoders, Incremental position encoders, absolute position

encoders, Variable frequency sensors-Quartz digital thermometers, vibrating cylinder

sensors, SAW sensors, Digital flow meters. Sensors based on MOSFET Transistors, Charge

coupled Sensors.

Smart Measuring Devices:

Smart sensor systems, Smart sensors definitions, Characteristics, Architectures, buses and

interfaces, Smart sensors for electrical and non-electrical variables: Pressure and

Temperature. Standards for Smart Sensors.

Learning objectives:

At the end of the unit III, the student must be able to

Understand the need for Digital sensors.

Understand the working of Position encoders.

Understand the working of Variable frequency sensors.

Understand the working of Quartz digital thermometers.

Understand the working of SAW sensors.

Understand the working of Digital flow meters.

Understand the working of Sensors based on MOSFET Transistors.

Understand the working of Charge coupled Sensors.

Understand the need for Smart sensors.

Understand the application of Smart sensors for measuring various physical quantities.



Understand the working of Position encoders 01

Understand the working of Incremental and absolute position encoders 01

Understand the working of Variable frequency sensors 01

Understand the working of Quartz digital thermometer 01

Understand the working of vibrating wire strain gage 01

Understand the working of vibrating cylinder sensors 01

Understand the working of SAW sensors 01

Understand the working of Digital flow meters 01

Understand the working of Sensors based on MOSFET Transistors 01

Understand the working of Charge coupled Sensors 01

Smart sensor systems and their characteristics 02

Architectures, buses and interfaces 02

Smart sensors for measurement of electrical and non-electrical variables 02



1. Define digital sensor and explain the position encoder.

2. Write a short note on

(i) Quartz digital thermometer.

(ii) Vibrating wire strain gauges.

(iii) Vibrating cylinder sensor.

(iv) Digital flow meter

3. Write the principle of saw sensors and explain with one example.

4. Write the principle of a sensor which is based on semiconductor junctions.

5. Explain how smart sensors can be used for measurement of pressure and temperature.

Unit IV:

MEMS Sensors and Applications:

MEMS Overview: Unique Characteristics of MEMS, Typical Application Areas of MEMS,

MEMS Accelerometer, Optical MEMS, MEMS as a switch, MEMS Micro actuators,

Principles of micro sensors: MEMS for Pressure, Force and Temperature Measurement.

Learning objectives:

At the end of the unit IV, the student must be able to

Understand the need for miniaturization of devices/systems.

Understand the Unique Characteristics & Typical Application Areas of MEMS.

Understand the working of MEMS based switches & micro actuators.

Understand the application of MEMS in measuring various process parameters.


TOPICS No of Classes

Introduction to MEMS 01

Unique Characteristics & Typical Application Areas of MEMS 01

Optical MEMS & MEMS as a switch 01

MEMS Micro actuators & MEMS Accelerometer 01

MEMS for Pressure, Force, Acceleration and Temperature




1. What are unique characteristics of MEMS.

2. Write a short note on MEMS Accelerometer.

3. Explain how MEMS based devices can be used for Force and Temperature


Unit V:


Voltage dividers, Wheatstone Bridge, Instrumentation amplifier and linearization of resistive

bridge sensor, Electrostatic shield, Noise elimination using filters.

Introduction to Resolver-to-digital Converters and Digital-to-resolver converters:

Synchro-to-resolver converters, Digital-to-resolver converters, Resolver-to-digital


Learning objectives :

After completion of V unit, the students will be able to:

Understand the importance of Voltage divider circuits and POTs.

Understand the concept of Wheatstone Bridge and linearization of resistive bridge


Understand the concept of Electrostatic shield, Transistorized chopper & Capacitive


Understand the concept of Noise elimination using filters.

Understand the working of Synchro-to-resolver converters.

Understand the working of Digital-to-resolver converters.

Understand the working of Resolver-to-digital Converters.


TOPICS No of Classes

Introduction to Signal conditioning 01

Voltage dividers & Wheatstone Bridge 02

Instrumentation amplifier and linearization of resistive bridge sensor 02

Electrostatic shield 01

Noise elimination using filters 02

Synchro-to-resolver converters, Digital-to-resolver converters, Resolver-to-digital




1) Write a short note on Instrumentation amplifier.

2) Explain Noise elimination using filters.

3) Explain the working of Digital-to-resolver converters.

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