vocabulário português ii: a casa

Post on 03-Aug-2015






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1. Vocabulrio Portugus II Vocabulaire Portugais II Portuguese Vocabulary II 2. A casa La maison The house 3. A entrada L'entre The hall 4. A cozinha La cuisine The kitchen 5. O lava-loua L'vier The kitchen sink 6. O armrio Le placard The cupboard 7. A despensa Le garde-manger The larder/pantry 8. O frigorfico Le rfrigrateur The refrigerator 9. O fogo La gazinire/cuisinire The cooker/stove 10. O forno Le four The oven 11. O forno microondas Le four micro-ondes The microwave oven 12. A mquina de lavar loua Le lave-vaisselle The dishwasher 13. A mquina de lavar roupa Le lave-linge The washing machine 14. A mquina de caf La machine caf The espresso machine 15. A cafeteira La cafetire The coffee pot 16. A chaleira La bouilloire The kettle 17. A torradeira La grille-pain The toaster 18. A frigideira La pole The frying pan 19. O tacho La casserole The pan 20. A panela La marmite The pot 21. A panela de presso L'autocuiseur The pressure cooker 22. O grelhador La rtissoire The grill 23. A sala de estar La salle de sjour The living room 24. O sof Le canap The sofa 25. A poltrona Le fauteuil The armchair 26. A lareira La chemine The fireplace 27. A estante La bibliothque The bookcase 28. O candeeiro La lampe The lamp 29. A televiso/O televisor La tlvision/Le tlviseur The TV set 30. O leitor de DVD Le lecteur de DVD The DVD player 31. A aparelhagem La chane stro The hi-fi 32. O quadro Le tableau The painting 33. A janela La fentre The window 34. Os cortinados Les rideaux The curtains 35. A sala de jantar La salle manger The dining room 36. A mesa La table The table 37. As cadeiras Les chaises The chairs 38. O aparador Le buffet The sideboard 39. O louceiro La vaisselier The cupboard 40. A travessa Le plat The platter 41. A terrina La soupire/terrine The tureen 42. O prato L'assiette The plate 43. Os talheres Les couverts The cutlery 44. O garfo La fourchette The fork 45. A colher La cuillre The spoon 46. A faca Le couteau The knife 47. A chvena La tasse The tea or coffee cup 48. O pires La soucoupe The saucer 49. O copo Le verre The glass 50. A toalha La nappe The tablecloth 51. O guardanapo La serviette The napkin 52. O escritrio Le bureau The study 53. A secretria Le bureau The desk 54. O candeeiro La lampe The lamp 55. O computador L'ordinateur/Le PC The computer 56. O computador porttil Lordinateur portable The laptop 57. A tablet La tablette The tablet 58. A impressora L'imprimante The printer 59. O telefone Le tlphone The telephone 60. O telefone sem fio Le tlphone sans fil The wireless telephone 61. O telemvel Le tlphone portable The mobile phone 62. O smartphone Le smartphone The smartphone 63. O lpis Le crayon The pencil 64. A caneta Le stylo The pen 65. A borracha La gomme The rubber 66. O clipe Le trombone The paper clip 67. A tesoura Les ciseaux The scissors 68. O agrafador L'agraffeuse The stapler 69. O agrafe Lagraffe The staple 70. O furador La perceuse The hole punch 71. A fita-cola Le ruban adhsif/scotch The sellotape/scotchtape 72. O dossi Le dossier/classeur The folder 73. O quarto La chambre The bedroom 74. A cama Le lit The bed 75. A mesa de cabeceira La table de chevet The bedside table 76. O candeeiro La lampe de chevet The bedside lamp 77. A cmoda La commode The chest of drawers 78. O roupeiro Le garde-robe The wardrobe 79. O espelho Le miroir The mirror 80. A casa de banho La salle de bain The bathroom 81. O lavatrio Le lavabo The washbasin 82. O chuveiro La douche The shower 83. A banheira La baignoire The bathtub 84. A sanita La cuvette de WC The toilet 85. O bid La bidet The bidet 86. O autoclismo La chasse d'eau The flush 87. O esquentador Le chauffe-eau The water heater 88. A escova de dentes La brosse dents The toothbrush 89. A pasta de dentes Le dentifrice The toothpaste 90. A escova de cabelo La brosse cheveux The hairbrush 91. O pente Le peigne The comb 92. O algodo La ouate The cotton wool 93. A cotonete Le coton-tige The cotton bud/swab 94. O lcool L'alcool The alcohol 95. O penso rpido Le pansement The plaster/bandaid 96. O jardim Le jardin The garden 97. A relva Le gazon/La pelouse The grass 98. As rvores e as flores Les arbres et les fleurs The trees and the flowers 99. A garagem Le garage The garage

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