vocabulary lesson 1 predict meaning actual meaning (and

Post on 04-Jun-2022






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Vocabulary Lesson 1 Copy the sentence here -- underline vocab. word

Predict meaning Actual meaning (and part(s) of speech)

Hundreds of people travel to Cape Canaveral to watch the space shuttle ascend into outer space.

Over the years, the rain made the abandoned, vintage car deteriorate into a rusted piece of junk.

The dry, sunny weather depleted most of the water in the lake.

Even though the T-Rex still looked scary, the Woodsons knew the skeleton was innocuous.

This group of pencils would be much less banal if at least one was a different color.

Veronica knew Joseph was waiting for a response, but she was too demure to even look at him.

Brown bears are known as some of the most formidable bears in the world.

The lack of color in Uncle Martin’s apartment made the place look even more immaculate.

Randy hated the arduous job of shoveling all the snow off of his family’s walkway.

Mr. Douglas pointed out how easy it can be for someone to err while doing math.

Vocabulary Lesson 1 Copy the sentence here -- underline vocab. word

Predict meaning Actual meaning (and part(s) of speech)

Hundreds of people travel to Cape Canaveral to watch the space shuttle ascend into outer space.

(v.) to move upward; to move higher in rank

Over the years, the rain made the abandoned, vintage car deteriorate into a rusted piece of junk.

(v.) to get worse and worse

The dry, sunny weather depleted most of the water in the lake.

(v.) to completely use up

Even though the T-Rex still looked scary, the Woodsons knew the skeleton was innocuous.

(adj.) not offensive, dangerous, or harmful

This group of pencils would be much less banal if at least one was a different color.

(adj.) so common that it is boring and unoriginal; ordinary and dull

Veronica knew Joseph was waiting for a response, but she was too demure to even look at him.

(adj.) quiet and shy and always behave well

Brown bears are known as some of the most formidable bears in the world.

(adj.) immense in strength and size; very powerful and impressive; needing skill

The lack of color in Uncle Martin’s apartment made the place look even more immaculate.

(adj.) spotlessly clean; neat; exactly correct or perfect

Randy hated the arduous job of shoveling all the snow off of his family’s walkway.

(adj.) involving a lot of strength and effort

Mr. Douglas pointed out how easy it can be for someone to err while doing math.

(v.) to make a mistake

Vocabulary Lesson 2 Copy the sentence here – underline vocab. word

Predict meaning Actual meaning (and part(s) of speech)

Elena was very worried when her daughter Leticia was stricken with a high fever.

Heavy rains sent a torrent rushing down the stairs.

Mr. Santana’s class was rapt when the two chemicals changed color in the test tube.

Brad was so preoccupied with his phone call that he poured sugar all over his desk.

Lian was proud to possess an award-winning show dog.

The expanse of the beach seemed to stretch on forever.

Mrs. Jessup squirted her husband with the hose to retaliate against him for eating the last piece of cake.

Rodney ameliorated his son’s bleeding with a bandage.

Ralph capitulated to his boss after many requests that he work on the weekend.

The crocodile waited furtively for its prey.

Vocabulary Lesson 2 Copy the sentence here – underline vocab. word

Predict meaning Actual meaning (and part(s) of speech)

Elena was very worried when her daughter Leticia was stricken with a high fever.

(adj.) suffering from something – like an illness or guilt

Heavy rains sent a torrent rushing down the stairs.

(n.) a large amount of fast and furiously flowing water; a large amount happening at the same time

Mr. Santana’s class was rapt when the two chemicals changed color in the test tube.

(adj.) so amazed it captures your attention

Brad was so preoccupied with his phone call that he poured sugar all over his desk.

(adj.) thinking about something so much that you don’t notice other things

Lian was proud to possess an award-winning show dog.

(v.) to own and control; to have an ability

The expanse of the beach seemed to stretch on forever.

(n.) a large, wide, open area

Mrs. Jessup squirted her husband with the hose to retaliate against him for eating the last piece of cake.

(v.) to get revenge for something that someone has done to you

Rodney ameliorated his son’s bleeding with a bandage.

(v.) to make it better or easier

Ralph capitulated to his boss after many requests that he work on the weekend.

(v.) to give in and surrender; to finally accept or agree

The crocodile waited furtively for its prey.

(adj.) secretive and sneaky in order to keep something hidden

Vocabulary Lesson 3 Copy the sentence here – underline vocab. word

Predict meaning Actual meaning (and part(s) of speech)

The two enormous arches are the mainstays of the Golden Gate Bridge.

Peter began his odyssey on the long, winding trail that led up into the mountains.

Working the jackhammer was grueling, but Mark was used to it.

The wire pad was the perfect tool for scouring the dirty frying pan.

Joanne was given a trophy because she was at the top of the hierarchy of swimmers.

The last piece was integral to finishing the puzzle.

The mariachis regaled the diners with music and singing.

Polly panned the ski slope to find her friends.

Senna and Aika bowed to each other with deference before entering the room.

Because he was the epitome of his breed, Shamrock was awarded the blue ribbon.

Vocabulary Lesson 3 Copy the sentence here – underline vocab. word

Predict meaning Actual meaning (and part(s) of speech)

The two enormous arches are the mainstays of the Golden Gate Bridge.

(n.) the most important part of something; the part that supports everything else

Peter began his odyssey on the long, winding trail that led up into the mountains.

(n.) a long, eventful journey; series of experiences that teach you something

Working the jackhammer was grueling, but Mark was used to it.

(adj.) difficult and exhausting because you use a lot of effort for a long time

The wire pad was the perfect tool for scouring the dirty frying pan.

(v.) to scrub in order to clean; to search very carefully and thoroughly; to form a hole

Joanne was given a trophy because she was at the top of the hierarchy of swimmers.

(n.) a way of ranking group members based on their importance; a ranking system

The last piece was integral to finishing the puzzle.

(adj.) of key importance; forming a necessary part of something

The mariachis regaled the diners with music and singing.

(v.) to entertain

Polly panned the ski slope to find her friends.

(v.) to look slowly from side to side; to strongly criticize a piece of work

Senna and Aika bowed to each other with deference before entering the room.

(n.) polite behavior that shows respect for someone or something

Because he was the epitome of his breed, Shamrock was awarded the blue ribbon.

(n.) the best example or model of something

Vocabulary Lesson 4 Copy the sentence here – underline vocab. word

Predict meaning Actual meaning (and part(s) of speech)

The new fabric looked shiny and supple.

Janie completely disregarded the line of people waiting to use the phone.

It was hard for anybody to think of the gnarled old tree as anything but ugly.

After a week, Dana’s lilies had grown wan and wilted.

Paolo studied the chessboard and mused about his next move.

The park rangers posted the explicit sign so that no one would use the dangerous trail.

Mildred often felt nostalgic when she looked at old photographs of Robert and herself.

More than 300 veterans took part in the somber ceremony.

Thousands of penguins congregate during the winter months to find a mate and raise their young.

Many scientists postulate that the Loch Ness Monster is not truly a living dinosaur.

Vocabulary Lesson 4 Copy the sentence here – underline vocab. word

Predict meaning Actual meaning (and part(s) of speech)

The new fabric looked shiny and supple.

(adj.) soft, easily bendable or flexible

Janie completely disregarded the line of people waiting to use the phone.

(v., n.) to show little attention or respect to someone or something

It was hard for anybody to think of the gnarled old tree as anything but ugly.

(adj.) rough, wrinkled and twisted because of age

After a week, Dana’s lilies had grown wan and wilted.

(adj.) pale and weak; worn out

Paolo studied the chessboard and mused about his next move.

(v.) to think deeply and carefully; (n.) an artist’s inspiration

The park rangers posted the explicit sign so that no one would use the dangerous trail.

(adj.) explained so clearly it is impossible to misunderstand

Mildred often felt nostalgic when she looked at old photographs of Robert and herself.

(adj.) reminiscent for happier times

More than 300 veterans took part in the somber ceremony.

(adj.) sad and gloomy; serious; dark and without color

Thousands of penguins congregate during the winter months to find a mate and raise their young.

(v.) to come together in a group

Many scientists postulate that the Loch Ness Monster is not truly a living dinosaur.

(v.) to make an educated guess; (n.) something thought to be true, but not proven

Vocabulary Lesson 5 Copy the sentence here – underline vocab. word

Predict meaning Actual meaning (and part(s) of speech)

Mr. Sommers used his cane to compensate for his lack of sight.

Mrs. Livingston showed her devotion to her daughter by spending as much time as possible with her.

Wiggles is the most presumptuous pet the Delfinos have ever had; he is always getting into things he's not supposed to.

No matter what you utter, Rocco the Parrot will say it back to you.

Mr. Parker obliged Mr. Wallace by helping him off the bus.

Mr. Tyler reproached his son for shaving the family dog.

Ari was thankful when the storm began to abate.

Camille and Tanya always show extreme prudence about their outdoor activities.

Hai was so enamored of Kim that he decided to propose to her.

Emma felt chagrined by her team's loss in the semi-finals.

Vocabulary Lesson 5 Copy the sentence here – underline vocab. word

Predict meaning Actual meaning (and part(s) of speech)

Mr. Sommers used his cane to compensate for his lack of sight.

(v.) to make up for something lost or stolen; to balance the bad effect

Mrs. Livingston showed her devotion to her daughter by spending as much time as possible with her.

(n.) a deep love and admiration for someone or something; the loyalty you show through time and energy

Wiggles is the most presumptuous pet the Delfinos have ever had; he is always getting into things he's not supposed to.

(adj.) nosy; showing lack of respect by getting into things that aren't your business

No matter what you utter, Rocco the Parrot will say it back to you.

(v.) to speak or say, esp. with difficulty (adj.) complete…

Mr. Parker obliged Mr. Wallace by helping him off the bus.

(v.) to do something because you want to or because it is necessary

Mr. Tyler reproached his son for shaving the family dog.

(v.) to criticize or scold someone for doing something wrong (n.) criticism or disapproval

Ari was thankful when the storm began to abate.

(v.) to become less intense or widespread; to decrease

Camille and Tanya always show extreme prudence about their outdoor activities.

(n.) careful and wise planning to avoid unnecessary risks

Hai was so enamored of Kim that he decided to propose to her.

(adj.) fascinated by or transfixed with someone or something; in love

Emma felt chagrined by her team's loss in the semi-finals.

(n., v.) annoyance and sadness because something has not happened in the way you had hoped

Vocabulary Lesson 6 Copy the sentence here – underline vocab. word

Predict meaning Actual meaning (and part(s) of speech)

Adeola tried to balance the unwieldy basket of fruit on her head.

Ms. Navarro's favorite perfume is redolent of her favorite flower -- lavender.

It is difficult for Natalia to be patient and ignore her little sister's taunting.

Some people believe that cobras are charmed by mellifluous sounds, but most say that cobras react to movement.

When the referee raised his hands in the air, the implication was clear the Packers had scored and won the game.

Karen was not pleased with her tiny utensils and meager meal.

Emboldened by each other's presence and the safety classes, all the skydivers jumped out of the plane.

The old bridge was obliterated after several cracks were found and it was declared unsafe.

Henry was surprised when the complete stranger sitting behind him egregiously grabbed his popcorn.

Scrappy felt abashed after she was scolded for attacking the roll of toilet paper.

Vocabulary Lesson 6 Copy the sentence here – underline vocab. word

Predict meaning Actual meaning (and part(s) of speech)

Adeola tried to balance the unwieldy basket of fruit on her head.

(adj.) hard to handle because of awkward size or weight; difficult to control because it’s too complicated

Ms. Navarro's favorite perfume is redolent of her favorite flower -- lavender.

(adj.) reminiscent of someone or something; smelling strongly like something

It is difficult for Natalia to be patient and ignore her little sister's taunting.

(v., n.) teasing; saying things that are not nice

Some people believe that cobras are charmed by mellifluous sounds, but most say that cobras react to movement.

(adj.) having a pleasant, smooth musical sound

When the referee raised his hands in the air, the implication was clear the Packers had scored and won the game.

(n.) a possible future effect or result of a plan, action, or event; the unspoken meaning or message

Karen was not pleased with her tiny utensils and meager meal.

(adj.) very little of something and much less than you need

Emboldened by each other's presence and the safety classes, all the bungee jumpers jumped out of the plane.

(v.) to give confidence, bravery, and courage

The old bridge was obliterated after several cracks were found and it was declared unsafe.

(v.) to completely destroy; to cover completely; to remove or erase

Henry was surprised when the complete stranger sitting behind him egregiously grabbed his popcorn.

(adj.) shockingly bad or rude; extremely bad and noticeable

Scrappy felt abashed after she was scolded for attacking the roll of toilet paper.

(adj.) ashamed and embarrassed

Vocabulary Lesson 7

Copy the sentence here – underline vocab. word

Predict meaning Actual meaning (and part(s) of speech)

Joan's neat room revealed her fastidious personality.

Brian's haircut went horribly awry when his barber got carried away.

Abdul walked gingerly across the tightrope because he was afraid of heights.

Joe was the most malicious player on his football team.

The show in which Monty mocks Pirate Dan is the most popular show at the water park.

Bruce's fabrication of a thousand dollar bill is unlikely to fool anyone.

The birds inhabited a new nest every season.

The doctor affixed an artificial limb to Harry's elbow.

Ms. Tyson's class watched the incipient birth of the baby bird.

Scientists couldn't explain what caused the tree frog to mutate and grow an extra leg.

Vocabulary Lesson 7 Copy the sentence here – underline vocab. word

Predict meaning Actual meaning (and part(s) of speech)

Joan's neat room revealed her fastidious personality.

(adj.) neat and picky about details

Brian's haircut went horribly awry when his barber got carried away.

(adj.) not happening in the way it was planned

Abdul walked gingerly across the tightrope because he was afraid of heights.

(adv.) slowly and carefully, esp. because of fear

Joe was the most malicious player on his football team.

(adj.) wanting to hurt others or cause them harm

The show in which Monty mocks Pirate Dan is the most popular show at the water park.

(v., adj.) to imitate in order to make fun of; not real

Bruce's fabrication of a thousand dollar bill is unlikely to fool anyone.

(n.) something that is created and unnatural

The birds inhabited a new nest every season.

(v.) to live in

The doctor affixed an artificial limb to Harry's elbow.

(v.) to attach to something

Ms. Tyson's class watched the incipient birth of the baby bird.

(adj.) starting to happen or exist; just beginning

Scientists couldn't explain what caused the tree frog to mutate and grow an extra leg.

(v.) to change into a new, usually unusual, form

Vocabulary Lesson 8 Copy the sentence here – underline vocab. word

Predict meaning Actual meaning (and part(s) of speech)

Although the camera recorded the phenomenon, few people believed it really happened.

The basket was replete with berries after the excellent harvest.

Hines Ward, a Pittsburgh Steelers receiver, eluded a defender from the Baltimore Ravens.

The smell of smoke made Janet skeptical of the hair dryer at the beauty salon.

The many years that Dr. Williams had studied and practiced medicine made her a credible source of health advice.

Even though Sam and Tim's photos would be easy to debunk, they were proud of how realistic the UFOs looked.

The snow was so substantial this winter that no one will be able to use the bunker.

The idea of a dog driving a car was so implausible that no one would believe the eyewitness's story.

Even though her back was turned, Mrs. Liu conjectured that Joe threw the airplane.

The wolf fraudulently disguised himself and sneaked up on a herd of sheep.

Vocabulary Lesson 8 Copy the sentence here – underline vocab. word

Predict meaning Actual meaning (and part(s) of speech)

Although the camera recorded the phenomenon, few people believed it really happened.

(n.) an unusual and important event or person; someone or something that is extremely successful

The basket was replete with berries after the excellent harvest.

(adj.) almost completely filled; containing a lot

Hines Ward, a Pittsburgh Steelers receiver, eluded a defender from the Baltimore Ravens.

(v.) to avoid being caught or to escape, using wit and skill; to not comprehend

The smell of smoke made Janet skeptical of the hair dryer at the beauty salon.

(adj.) having doubts whether something is true, right, or good

The many years that Dr. Williams had studied and practiced medicine made her a credible source of health advice.

(adj.) deserving or able to be believed or trusted

Even though Sam and Tim's photos would be easy to debunk, they were proud of how realistic the UFOs looked.

(v.) to show proof that something is fake

The snow was so substantial this winter that no one will be able to use the bunker.

(adj.) huge; large in amount, number, or degree

The idea of a dog driving a car was so implausible that no one would believe the eyewitness's story.

(adj.) unlikely and hard to believe as true

Even though her back was turned, Mrs. Liu conjectured that Joe threw the airplane.

(v., n.) to form an opinion without much proof; the act of guessing without enough information

The wolf fraudulently disguised himself and sneaked up on a herd of sheep.

(adj.) intended to deceive people, often in an illegal way

Vocabulary Lesson 9 Copy the sentence here – underline vocab. word

Predict meaning Actual meaning (and part(s) of speech)

The effusive fans were so excited to be near their favorite stars that they tried to reach over the barrier to touch them.

Jada crooned while the band played a slow jazz song.

If he wanted to get elected to office, Mr. Tullis knew that he had to ingratiate himself with the voters in his state.

Ruma rolled her eyes saucily when her dad gave her advice.

When Joey raised his white flag, the opposing team knew he had finally succumbed.

Anthony was so tenacious that he continued to skateboard after he was paralyzed from the waist down.

Sophie made a plaintive sound when she saw a dent on the door of her new car.

The sound of the heavy metal was so strident that Edgar had to plug his ears.

The Cleveland Browns were penalized when tight-end Darnell Sanders flagrantly pulled defender Chad Brown's face mask.

Celia became petulant after being stuck in traffic for an hour.

Vocabulary Lesson 9 Copy the sentence here – underline vocab. word

Predict meaning Actual meaning (and part(s) of speech)

The effusive fans were so excited to be near their favorite stars that they tried to reach over the barrier to touch them.

(adj.) enthusiastic; overexcited

Jada crooned while the band played a slow jazz song.

(v.) to sing in a gentle, pleasant way, esp. about love

If he wanted to get elected to office, Mr. Tullis knew that he had to ingratiate himself with the voters in his state.

(v.) to do things to try to get people to like you or approve of you

Ruma rolled her eyes saucily when her dad gave her advice.

(adv.) rudely, but with a playful or amusing edge

When Joey raised his white flag, the opposing team knew he had finally succumbed.

(v.) to give up or surrender; to give in; to allow someone/something stronger to take control

Anthony was so tenacious that he continued to skateboard after he was paralyzed from the waist down.

(adj.) unrelenting; not quick to give up; determined to continue

Sophie made a plaintive sound when she saw a dent on the door of her new car.

(adj.) sad; showing regret; like crying

The sound of the heavy metal was so strident that Edgar had to plug his ears.

(adj.) harsh and unpleasant to listen to; forceful and determined

The Cleveland Browns were penalized when tight-end Darnell Sanders flagrantly pulled defender Chad Brown's face mask.

(adv.) done noticeably and wrongly with little attempt to hide it

Celia became petulant after being stuck in traffic for an hour.

(adj.) getting irritated over little, unimportant things for no reason (like a child)

Vocabulary Lesson 10 Copy the sentence here – underline vocab. word

Predict meaning Actual meaning (and part(s) of speech)

Dawn had a resilient attitude after her accident and soon returned to playing tennis.

Shannon had an inclination to choose healthy foods, so she chose the salad over the hamburger.

Humans have come to accept the rising and setting of the sun as inevitable daily events.

The soldiers knew they had to abide by the rules of their commanding officer.

The doors of the train are only open for a transitory moment.

Croco's owner used a leash to curtail the crocodile's movement.

Dominic felt virtuous after handing out loaves of bread to the hungry.

The altruistic strangers helped Mary up the steps so that she could enjoy the view from the observation area.

There is a noticeable disparity in height between the NBA's Yao Ming and Earl Boykins.

For most people, the writing on the clay tablet is incomprehensible.

Vocabulary Lesson 10 Copy the sentence here – underline vocab. word

Predict meaning Actual meaning (and part(s) of speech)

Dawn had a resilient attitude after her accident and soon returned to playing tennis.

(adj.) quick to recover from something bad; bouncing or springing back into shape

Shannon had an inclination to choose healthy foods, so she chose the salad over the hamburger.

(n.) a feeling that leads you to make a decision; slope or slant

Humans have come to accept the rising and setting of the sun as inevitable daily events.

(adj.) happening no matter what; certain; cannot be avoided

The soldiers knew they had to abide by the rules of their commanding officer.

(v.) follow; agree with; remain

The doors of the train are only open for a transitory moment.

(adj.) momentary, quick and fleeting; temporary; not permanent

Croco's owner used a leash to curtail the crocodile's movement.

(v.) to reduce; to cut back or diminish

Dominic felt virtuous after handing out loaves of bread to the hungry.

(adj.) moral; righteous

The altruistic strangers helped Mary up the steps so that she could enjoy the view from the observation area.

(adj.) taking care of other's needs before their own; unselfish

There is a noticeable disparity in height between the NBA's Yao Ming and Earl Boykins.

(n.) a great difference; inequality

For most people, the writing on the clay tablet is incomprehensible.

(adj.) when someone or something is impossible to understand; obscure

Vocabulary Lesson 11 Copy the sentence here – underline vocab. word

Predict meaning Actual meaning (and part(s) of speech)

The couple's feelings of bereavement became intense when they thought back on the wonderful times they'd spent with their deceased son.

The police officers forced Pete into subjection when they arrested him.

The essay had been censored because it contained personal information.

When Carly arrived to work late, her despotic supervisor used a megaphone to voice her disapproval.

Submissive timberwolves crouch to the ground and roll over in the presence of a dominant wolf.

Linda assiduously carves tree trunks with her chainsaw so that she can create her unusual sculptures.

Riders scream the loudest when the rollercoaster is inverted.

Cynthia and Alex stared patronizingly at their younger siblings, who had followed them to the park.

The new sign clearly explains the danger of the caustic chemicals.

The owl's artifice allowed it to hide in the tree without being noticed.

Vocabulary Lesson 11 Copy the sentence here – underline vocab. word

Predict meaning Actual meaning (and part(s) of speech)

The couple's feelings of bereavement became intense when they thought back on the wonderful times they'd spent with their deceased son.

(n.) the feeling of pain and loss experienced when a person dies

The police officers forced Pete into subjection when they arrested him.

(n.) the state of being ruled or controlled by someone

The essay had been censored because it contained personal information.

(v., n.) to remove any part thought to be harmful, dangerous, or offensive; to refrain yourself; someone whose job it is to remove questionable material

When Carly arrived to work late, her despotic supervisor used a megaphone to voice her disapproval.

(adj.) using powers in an unfair and often cruel way

Submissive timberwolves crouch to the ground and roll over in the presence of a dominant wolf.

(adj., n.) always willing to obey someone, even if they are unkind to you

Linda assiduously carves tree trunks with her chainsaw so that she can create her unusual sculptures.

(adv.) carefully and correctly completing

Riders scream the loudest when the rollercoaster is inverted.

(adj.) turned upside down or the opposite of the way it usually is

Cynthia and Alex stared patronizingly at their younger siblings, who had followed them to the park.

(adv.) condescendingly; treating others as though they are less important than you

The new sign clearly explains the danger of the caustic chemicals.

(adj.) causing damage when contacted; criticizes someone in an unkind manner

The owl's artifice allowed it to hide in the tree without being noticed.

(n.) the skill of using art and disguise to deceive; a skillful trick

Vocabulary Lesson 12 Copy the sentence here – underline vocab. word

Predict meaning Actual meaning (and part(s) of speech)

A river of molten lava flowed down the side of the volcano.

The murky water helped the alligator hide from its prey.

Cecilia was thrilled she could choose the color of her boots by her own volition.

Alicia was flushed and thirsty after her morning run.

Jessica and her friends pushed the rock as hard as they could, but it was immobile.

Laura was profoundly affected when she found her brother's name on the Vietnam War Veteran's Memorial Wall.

The soft, tropical breezes lulled Wesley to sleep each night.

Salmon swim relentlessly upstream so that they can reproduce in the stream where they were born.

Rosa Parks' refusal to give up her bus seat was a pivotal event in the Civil Rights Movement.

The July 20, 1969, landing of Apollo 11 on the moon was unprecedented.

Vocabulary Lesson 12 Copy the sentence here – underline vocab. word

Predict meaning Actual meaning (and part(s) of speech)

A river of molten lava flowed down the side of the volcano.

(adj.) melted into a liquid by extreme heat

The murky water helped the alligator hide from its prey.

(adj.) dark and difficult to see through; complicated and difficult to understand; involving illegal activities

Cecilia was thrilled she could choose the color of her boots by her own volition.

(n.) doing something because you want to, not because you are forced; the power to choose/decide

Alicia was flushed and thirsty after her morning run.

(adj.) red-faced

Jessica and her friends pushed the rock as hard as they could, but it was immobile.

(adj.) unable to move; motionless

Laura was profoundly affected when she found her brother's name on the Vietnam War Veteran's Memorial Wall.

(adj.) important and having a strong influence or effect; deep; showing great knowledge and understanding

The soft, tropical breezes lulled Wesley to sleep each night.

(v.) to make someone feel calm or sleepy; to make someone feel safe and confident; short period of inactivity

Salmon swim relentlessly upstream so that they can reproduce in the stream where they were born.

(adj.) without rest and continuing all the time to try to achieve something; never stopping

Rosa Parks' refusal to give up her bus seat was a pivotal event in the Civil Rights Movement.

(adj.) extremely important effect on the way something develops

The July 20, 1969, landing of Apollo 11 on the moon was unprecedented.

(adj.) never having happened before (or so much)

Vocabulary Lesson 13 Copy the sentence here – underline vocab. Word

Predict meaning Actual meaning (and part(s) of speech)

The two trucks jettisoned garbage into the landfill.

The "sand" sign seems arbitrary, considering it is surrounded by hundreds of miles of sand-filled desert.

Fang, the snow leopard, cowered when a larger leopard approached him.

Marco thought he saw an apparition walking along the beach, but it turned out to be a shadow.

The spooky old house and the dark swirling cloud created a brooding feeling.

Esme was sullen when her graduation party was cancelled.

The incandescent moon shimmered over the lake.

Lamont writhed on the ground after violently twisting his ankle.

In retrospect, Edna and Leanne decided that their high school haircuts looked terrible.

In the 1950s, marchers protested the iniquity of sending children to different schools based on race.

Vocabulary Lesson 13

Copy the sentence here – underline vocab. Word

Predict meaning Actual meaning (and part(s) of speech)

The two trucks jettisoned garbage into the landfill.

(v.) to get rid of because it is not needed or is causing a problem

The "sand" sign seems arbitrary, considering it is surrounded by hundreds of miles of sand-filled desert.

(adj.) random and illogical; made without any good reason

Fang, the snow leopard, cowered when a larger leopard approached him.

(v.) to recoil or shy away, esp. because it is afraid

Marco thought he saw an apparition walking along the beach, but it turned out to be a shadow.

(n.) a specter; looks like a ghost

The spooky old house and the dark swirling cloud created a brooding feeling.

(adj.) gloomy, dark; a threatening and disturbing feeling

Esme was sullen when her graduation party was cancelled.

(adj.) grouchy or surly; bad-tempered and unfriendly

The incandescent moon shimmered over the lake.

(adj.) luminous and radiant; shining brightly

Lamont writhed on the ground after violently twisting his ankle.

(v.) to squirm, esp. in pain or shame

In retrospect, Edna and Leanne decided that their high school haircuts looked terrible.

(n.) hindsight; review; re-examination

In the 1950s, marchers protested the iniquity of sending children to different schools based on race.

(n.) a situation or act that is unfair or wicked; injustice; abomination

Vocabulary Lesson 14 Copy the sentence here – underline vocab. word

Predict meaning Actual meaning (and part(s) of speech)

The plane dropped chemicals on the blaze, hoping to avert a massive forest fire.

The reporter tried to question Mr. Halloran about his company's ignoble business dealings.

Since he was never allowed food from the table, Snuggles coveted the roast chicken.

Georgina was disconsolate when the boy she liked didn't ask her to dance.

Floyd's wish to get to the city by midnight seemed unattainable after he missed the last train.

Huang saw many quaint cottages on his trip to the English countryside.

It was clear that Julio was receptive to buying the car after shaking the salesman's hand.

The book had once been worth a lot of money, but moisture and decay had degraded it severely.

Tara and her friends often loitered by their lockers at school.

Joshua had no idea that he was behaving illicitly until he saw the sign.

Vocabulary Lesson 14 Copy the sentence here – underline vocab. word

Predict meaning Actual meaning (and part(s) of speech)

The plane dropped chemicals on the blaze, hoping to avert a massive forest fire.

(v.) to avoid, deter; to keep from happening

The reporter tried to question Mr. Halloran about his company's ignoble business dealings.

(adj.) shameful, vile; dishonorable and has a bad reputation

Since he was never allowed food from the table, Snuggles coveted the roast chicken

(v.) to want, fancy, or crave

Georgina was disconsolate when the boy she liked didn't ask her to dance.

(adj.) dejected, despairing; can’t be cheered up

Floyd's wish to get to the city by midnight seemed unattainable after he missed the last train.

(adj.) futile, hopeless; impossible to get

Huang saw many quaint cottages on his trip to the English countryside.

(adj.) vintage, winsome, picturesque; old-fashioned and charming

It was clear that Julio was receptive to buying the car after shaking the salesman's hand.

(adj.) open or willing to new ideas and experiences

The book had once been worth a lot of money, but moisture and decay had degraded it severely.

(v.) to demean or taint; to damage its value or reputation

Tara and her friends often loitered by their lockers at school.

(v.) to linger or dawdle; to stay without any good reason

Joshua had no idea that he was behaving illicitly until he saw the sign.

(adv.) wrongly, in a forbidden way; illegally

Vocabulary Lesson 15

Copy the sentence here – underline vocab. word

Predict meaning Actual meaning (and part(s) of speech)

The traffic cop relied on drivers' tacit understanding that a raised hand means 'stop'.

Jack brought Lucy flowers in an attempt to atone for forgetting their anniversary.

One of the coolest sights at the Albequerque, New Mexico balloon festival is the launch of myriad balloons at the same time.

Steve was stymied by the instructions for installing the new hard drive.

Even though the package was marked 'FRAGILE', our neighbor brazenly smashed it with a sledgehammer.

Timo knew it was ignominious to drink straight from the carton, but he didn't think anyone would notice.

The taciturn monk sat for hours by the rock garden.

Because Sherry was the most garrulous member of her family, she always had the highest cell phone bill.

Diego was apathetic about the clothes his friends were shopping for.

The bullfighter seemed incongruous in the meeting room.

Vocabulary Lesson 15

Copy the sentence here – underline vocab. word

Predict meaning Actual meaning (and part(s) of speech)

The traffic cop relied on drivers' tacit understanding that a raised hand means 'stop'.

(adj.) implicit; understood or agreed upon without having to talk about it

Jack brought Lucy flowers in an attempt to atone for forgetting their anniversary.

(v.) to make up; to compensate

One of the coolest sights at the Albequerque, New Mexico balloon festival is the launch of myriad balloons at the same time.

(n.) a very large number

Steve was stymied by the instructions for installing the new hard drive.

(adj.) puzzled, mystified; don’t know what to do

Even though the package was marked 'FRAGILE', our neighbor brazenly smashed it with a sledgehammer.

(adv.) boldly, shamelessly

Timo knew it was ignominious to drink straight from the carton, but he didn't think anyone would notice.

(adj.) rude, dishonorable; shameful and disgraceful

The taciturn monk sat for hours by the rock garden.

(adj.) silent, closemouthed, reserved

Because Sherry was the most garrulous member of her family, she always had the highest cell phone bill.

(adj.) chatty, verbose; talk a lot

Diego was apathetic about the clothes his friends were shopping for.

(adj.) uninterested, bored; lack of interest or enthusiasm

The bullfighter seemed incongruous in the meeting room.

(adj.) odd, inappropriate; out of place

Vocabulary Lesson 16

Copy the sentence here – underline vocab. word

Predict meaning Actual meaning (and part(s) of speech)

When there is a profuse amount of stars grouped together, it can become difficult to identify and study them.

The newly designed bank vault was supposed to be impermeable.

The only vehicle left in the parking lot was shrouded from top to bottom.

The factory workers found producing the same design with the same fabric day after day to be extremely monotonous.

Thousands of people participated in the revel to welcome the New Year.

Aunt Molly embellishes her perfume bottles with all sorts of jewels.

The monster's wanton destruction of the city caused billions of dollars of damage.

After several days without food or water, the gaunt hyena came out of the grasslands to look for food.

The termites insidiously burrowed through the bark of a tree.

Grandma Zelda loves to dress up in garish clothing and dance around in her front yard.

Vocabulary Lesson 16 Copy the sentence here – underline vocab. word

Predict meaning Actual meaning (and part(s) of speech)

When there is a profuse amount of stars grouped together, it can become difficult to identify and study them.

(adj.) abundant, bountiful

The newly designed bank vault was supposed to be impermeable.

(adj.) impenetrable, sealed; impossible to enter or break through

The only vehicle left in the parking lot was shrouded from top to bottom.

(adj.) covered, cloaked

The factory workers found producing the same design with the same fabric day after day to be extremely monotonous.

(adj.) dull and repetitive; boring because it never changes

Thousands of people participated in the revel to welcome the New Year.

(n.) party; a loud celebration

Aunt Molly embellishes her perfume bottles with all sorts of jewels.

(v.) to decorate or ornament; added to make more attractive

The monster's wanton destruction of the city caused billions of dollars of damage.

(adj.) needless, inconsiderate; causes harm on purpose without any reason

After several days without food or water, the gaunt hyena came out of the grasslands to look for food.

(adj.) bony, scrawny, emaciated

The termites insidiously burrowed through the bark of a tree.

(adv.) sneakily, stealthily; something harmful that spreads slowly without being noticed

Grandma Zelda loves to dress up in garish clothing and dance around in her front yard.

(adj.) gaudy, tasteless, ostentatious; flashy and colorful, but ugly

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