vocabulary unit 13: top sat words

Post on 23-Feb-2016






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Vocabulary Unit 13: Top SAT Words. Vocabulary.com. Benevolent. Showing, motivated by sympathy and understanding and generosity Intending or showing kindness - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Vocabulary Unit 13: Top SAT Words


Showing, motivated by sympathy and understanding and generosity Intending or showing kindness

Choose the adjective benevolent for someone who does good deeds or shows goodwill. If your teacher collects homework with a benevolent smile, she's hoping that you've done a good job.


A partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situation

Use the noun bias to mean a preference for one thing over another, especially an unfair one.


Full of rough and exuberant animal spirits

The adjective boisterous is what you would use if you want to call attention in a loud or clamorous way.


Unrestrained by convention or propriety

With brazen disregard for the sign that said "no cellphones please" the woman took a long call in the doctor's office waiting room. Brazen refers to something shocking, done shamelessly.


Marked by rude or peremptory shortness

If you ask a salesperson with help finding something and all you get in response is a brusque "Everything's out on the shelves," you'll probably take your business elsewhere. A brusque

manner of speaking is unfriendly, rude, and very brief.


The quality of affording easy familiarity and sociability

Camaraderie is a spirit of good friendship and loyalty among members of a group. You might not like your job, but still enjoy the camaraderie of the people you work with.


Showing self-interest and shrewdness in dealing with others

If you're a canny investor, you know how to spend money to make money — that is, you're prudent, farsighted, and capable of protecting your own interests, particularly in matters of finance or business.


Large in capacity

When something is really big and holds a lot it is capacious, like a woman's capacious purse that is so big, people mistake it for a piece of luggage.

14 lb baby bornin Hungary (not a joke)


Surrender under agreed conditions

Capitulate means to give in to something. "The teachers didn't want to have class outside, but the students begged so hard, she capitulated."


Someone who has the power to see things that are not naturally seen; “seeing” beyond the five Senses

If you can predict the future, you may want to keep your clairvoyant powers to yourself. Otherwise everyone will be knocking down your door asking for the next winning lotto numbers.


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