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Volume I : Issue No. 2 July - September, 2014


Features• A Mother’s Gentle Presence • Top Five Effective Study Habits • Don Bosco’s Dream at Nine - Where It All Began • Parish Logo Launched • Marian Feasts for the Coming “Ber” Months

CONTENTS:News Briefs

Diocese of San Pablo celebrates 48th World Comms Day 2SJBP-SCM Hosts 3rd Diocesan-SCM General Assembly 3Ministries Revisit SJBP Vision - Mission 3New Salesian Provincial Installed 9News Features

The Sacrament of Confirmation: A Faith Journey 4Let StewardSHIP set sail! 5Bringing God’s Word within People’s Reach 8Beyond Sexuality: Purity in the Family 9

The Official Newsletter of St. John Bosco Parish & Center for Young Workers / Sta. Rosa, Laguna • the.sower.sjb@gmail.com

discussions between the talks.CFC-FFL has been organizing LCSC

seminars in different venues since the movement was launched last year in response to the Church’s call for the New Evangelization—to proclaim God’s Word in new ways, new expressions and with renewed fervor.

By understanding their role in the New Evangelization thru these seminars, and with the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit, parishioners, especially the volunteer members of parish ministries and Parish workers, are able to find and know Christ in everyone they meet in the parish: neighbors or strangers, rich or poor. Knowing Christ, they are able to share Christ, not merely with words, but with Christ-like lives, even as they find more meaning and

inspiration in serving God by actively serving their respective parish communities, villages and barangays.

Let’s all live (like) and share Christ with everyone. God bless us all!

By Kathryn Miranda and Glenda Vallejo

To prepare for the celebration of 500 years of Christianity in the Philippines in 2021, the Couples for Christ - Foundation for Family and Life (CFC-FFL), under its Live Christ, Share Christ (LCSC) movement, conducted an LCSC Seminar last 16 August in the SJBP Conference Room of the JP II Hall.

Representatives from the different SJBP ministries and Basic Ecclesial Communities (BEC) attended this event. The whole day affair featured seven speakers who shared their personal experiences to emphasize God’s abundant love for us and other aspects of our Catholic Faith. Immediately after each talk, everyone joined in singing praise and worship songs. Likewise, all participants shared their insights and realizations during the small group

Vol. 1 Issue 2 JULY - SEPTEMBER 2014

The Sower : The Official Newsletter of the St. John Bosco Parish, Sta. Rosa, Laguna


The SOWER Newsletter is published quarterly by the St. John Bosco Parish & Center for Young Workers

Sta. Rosa, Laguna.For inquiries, comments & suggestions: e-mail us at


From the Parish Priest

St. John Bosco Parish & Center for Young WorkersSocial Communications Ministry


Kathryn MirandaEditor-in-Chief

Agnes SantosAssociate Editor

Nora S. BunsoCopy Editor

Br. Donnie Duchin Duya, SDBEditorial Consultant

Rem ArgandaManaging Editor/SCM Head

Fr. Richard Varela, SDBAdviser

Kathryn MirandaWriters Team Lead

Athena Macatangay John Emmanuel De Ocampo

Marion LebrillaWriters

Felix PioGraphics Team Lead

Zacharie Venice RembonArnel Eugenio

Design / Layout / Graphic Arts

Xerxes TovillaPhotography Team Lead

Eliz SabayBenjie BalarbarDan Alvarado

James Patrick ClavecillasPhotographers

Becky ChrismaPatricia Onte

Leonela PrimaGlenda VallejoNikki Yambao


ugust 16, 2015 is the Bicentenary of the birth of St. John Bosco, our Father and Founder, the Patron Saint of our Parish.

We rejoice with the whole Salesian Family in thanking the Good Lord for giving St. John Bosco to the Church as His gift for the Young.

St. John Bosco was born on August 16, 1815 at Becchi, Castelnuovo d’Asti, Turin, Italy during the Industrial Revolution. Young people from the surrounding provinces flocked to Turin to look for a job. There were many factories being established. But the young were exploited as they were unskilled.

St. John Bosco felt the urgency of gathering these boys on Sundays and started the Oratory of St. Frances de Sales where they could play, pray and eventually learn a trade.

Our Parish is in a similar situation. We are surrounded by factories and companies whose young workers come from the different provinces. They flood our barangays, looking for places to board. Many of them have no relatives here.

The Salesian Society of St. John Bosco accepted the stewardship of this Parish because of the presence of the youth and the young workers. We are challenged to do something for these young people, the apple of St. John Bosco’s eye.

We recently organized the Ministry of Young Workers to help these young workers. We intend to make our presence felt in Laguna Technopark, even to the casuals and agency workers of the companies.

May the Bicentenary of the birth of St. John Bosco enkindle in us that same zeal in saving the young and establishing the Kingdom of God here in our Parish. As we are reminded, it is not enough to know Don Bosco; we also need to imitate him.

God bless!

Fr. Bobby Mac Roxas, SDBSt. John Bosco Parish & Center for Young Workers


To celebrate the 48th World Communications Day, the San Pablo Diocesan Commission on Social Communications held its 2nd Diocesan-SCM General Assembly at St. Paul the First Hermit Cathedral in San Pablo City last 31 May, The SJBP–Social Communications Ministry (SJBP-SCM) actively participated in the meeting. The Diocese discussed its plans to launch a monthly newsletter and issues on utilizing today’s social media to evangelize about the Catholic Faith. Everyone agreed on the importance of having a communications arm to unify all parishes under the Diocese. SJBP-SCM sponsored the subsequent General Assembly last 21 June, at the SJBP Parish. (See Parish Events in Photos, p. 6)

Volume I : Issue No. 2 July - September, 2014


St. John Bosco Parish Hosts 3rd Diocesan-Social Communications Ministry General Assembly

By Marion Lebrilla

Barely a month after the previous General Assembly, last 21 June, SJBP-SCM opened the doors of the Pope Francis AVR, to welcome delegates of other parishes’ social communications ministries to the 3rd Diocesan-SCM General Assembly.

The meeting highlight was the recap of each of the parishes’ celebration of the recently concluded 48th World Communications Day. In hopes of encouraging parishioner involvement and participation in upcoming celebrations, such as the 49th World Communications Day next year, future plans include online contests in Facebook and Twitter as well as raffle draws and video-making contests. Definitely something to look forward to in the coming months.

Last 26 July, all SJBP ministries met to revisit the Parish’s vision, mission and objectives. During the whole day meeting, facilitated by Agnes Santos of the Family and Life Ministry (F&LM), participants presented their analyses and recommendations on which of

their ministries’ current programs and activities are relevant to and aligned with the Parish’s vision, mission and objectives. Discussions geared towards improving the ministries’ existing programs and planning more relevant activities for the whole Parish


Fr. Bobby Mac Roxas, SDB, our Parish Priest, and Fr. Richard Varela, SDB, the adviser of some of the ministries, attended the Parish event.

By Kathryn Miranda

Representatives from the different ministries put their heads together during the group activity, showing camaraderie and teamwork.

Agnes Santos of the Family & Life Ministry (F&LM) shared her thoughts during the forum about the upcoming activities of the Diocesan-SCM.

The Sower : The Official Newsletter of the St. John Bosco Parish, Sta. Rosa, Laguna


The Sacrament of Confirmation: A Faith Journey

By Nikki Yambao

The preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation is no different from a faith journey. The collective effort begins at home. At baptism, parents promise to guide their children through the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation). Thus, the Parish conducts seminars to evangelize not only the candidates, but the parents and sponsors as well.

As we invite our youth to receive the Holy Spirit, let it be known that the reception of this sacrament does not mean one has ”graduated” in some way or another. This is a life-long process of Faith formation leading to a more intimate union with Christ, allowing the Spirit to work in our Christian life. By using the gifts one has received in this sacrament, one continually learns and matures in faith, growing in service for God and others.

Marking the Feast of the Pentecost last 8 June. The Most Reverend, Bishop Emeritus Leo M. Drona, SDB of the Diocese of San Pablo celebrated the Mass with the Rite of Confirmation in the SJB Parish Church, assisted by Fr. Bobby Mac Roxas, SDB, our Parish Priest, and Fr. Joey Paras, SDB, the Parish Catechetical Ministry priest-in-charge. Ninety-three candidates (confirmands), including eight children from the Autism Society Philippines, received the Sacrament of Confirmation.

The Parish Catechetical Ministry organizes the rite of Confirmation in SJB Parish twice a year. The first is held every February for SJBP public schools, including other schools who wish to participate; the second is held for the general parishioners every Pentecost Sunday.

Ninety-three confirmands received the Sacrament of Confirmation at SJB Parish Church last Pentecost Sunday

The confirmation slap - a reminder to spread and defend the Faith

During the Confirmation Rites, Bishop Leo Drona, SDB anoints confirmand with the oil of Chrism

Our actions become the Spirit’s leverage on us, where we become true followers of Christ through His grace to carry out our baptismal vocation.

To all the confirmands of last Pentecost Sunday, may you keep the Spirit burning within you in your commitment to follow Christ in your life-long journey of Faith.

Editor’s note: Aside from being a contributor to The Sower, Nikki Yambao is also the head of the SJBP Parish Catechetical Ministry. She was the former editor of the first newsletter of the Parish, even before the Social Communications Ministry was formed.

Volume I : Issue No. 2 July - September, 2014



Editor’s Note: Aside from being the Associate Editor for The Sower, Sis Agnes heads the Family & Life Ministry (F&LM), with her husband, Fred.

A mother writes in her diary:

I came home with my sixteen-year old daughter.She had visited her cousins, while I visited my mother. My daughter was unusually quiet. “How are your cousins? Did you have fun?,” I asked. Her answers were the usual, “Yes”, “No”, “I don’t know.”After some time, she straightened up. “I have something to tell you, Mama. I met this boy; I think I like him.”I did not react, but not because I am insensitive. I wanted to give her the space to express her feelings. I predisposed myself only to listen.With difficulty, she shared her dilemma. She cared a lot for the boy. However, she had doubts because he belongs to a different religion. Also, he did not hold certain values, which are fundamental to her. She shared the upheaval these emotions stirred and the perplexity these caused.

I said nothing, not because I did not care, but because I too felt her suffering. Three months had passed, when I noticed that my daughter seemed troubled.“This thing is really hurting, isn’t it?”“Yes, Mama. Tomorrow I am going to see him. I don’t know what to do.”I kept silent. I knew that only she could decide for herself.I stayed with her till late. I hoped she would open up, express her doubts, her love for the boy, including her confusion. Those hours together, in shared suffering, helped my daughter decide.“Something inside tells me I cannot commit my life and my love when I feel this uncertainty inside,” she declared.Seeing her suffer after she broke up with the boy she loved, I asked, if I could help in any way. “I am at peace, Mama. I just need to be firm, no matter how much it hurts.”

I will always treasure and enrich them in the best way possible. In performing my roles as daughter, teenager, student, writer, and choir member, I always bear in mind that God will always be my top priority. Being a Bosconian, I value the words of St. John Bosco, “I love therefore, I serve”, as they echo in my mind and heart. As members of a Salesian Parish community, may we all be encouraged to do as St. John Bosco did—to love and to serve.

And as we venture into the sea of life, we sail through the waves and move with the Lord’s tides for He serves as our eternal guide. No matter how many obstacles we face, no matter how roughly we sail, our burning desire to serve will always calm and smooth out all the roughness of the waves, enabling us to fulfill our mission as true stewards of the Lord.

The 21 June formation talk on stewardship by Br. Jose Luis “Joey” Clemente, Executive Director of the Socio-Pastoral Institute, has inspired me and other attendees from the SJB Parish ministries, to appreciate why we serve, and more importantly, Whom we serve.

Our Lord has given each of us different talents. Awesome or ordinary, our talents count among the greatest gifts He has given us, His beloved children.

My own experiences as a member of two different Parish groups – the Bosconian Voices Chorale and the Social Communications Ministry – further test my stewardship. As a high school student, I sometimes feel overwhelmed when catching up with lessons and projects and participating in these Parish groups’ activities at the same time. Nevertheless, nothing can stop me from using my God-given talents in singing and writing to serve the SJB Parish community. My talents are beautiful gifts from God and

Let StewardSHIP Set SailBy Athena Macatangay

Br. Joey Clemente, together with his wife, talks on “Stewardship: A Way of Living.”

The Sower : The Official Newsletter of the St. John Bosco Parish, Sta. Rosa, Laguna


Parish Events in Photos

The SJBP-Social Communications Ministry hosted the 3rd Diocesan-SCM General Assembly, a gathering of the representatives of the social communications ministries of the various parishes under the Diocese of San Pablo last 31 May at the Pope Francis Audio Visual Room (AVR).

The Parish has mandated that, starting June 2014, all ministries shall set aside the third Saturdays of the month exclusively for the monthly formation talks; no other ministry activities may be scheduled on these days.

The Live Christ Share Christ (LCSC) movement conducted an LCSC Seminar on 16 August 2014 at the Conference Room in JP II Hall. Members of different Parish ministries and guests from other parishes attended the event.

Br. Joey Clemente of the Socio-Pastoral Institute delivered the first monthly formation talk last 21 Jun on “Stewardship, a Way of Living.”

Members of the Salesian Family of the Philippine – North Province (FIN) gathered in joy and thanksgiving in Caritas Don Bosco School last 16 August for the 199th Birthday Festivities and kick-off for the year-long celebration of 200th Birthday of St. John Bosco in 2015.

Photo by Edith Claveria

Members of the SJBP – Social Communication Ministry (SCM)

Fr. David Reyes Jr., Director of the San Pablo Diocesan Commission on Social Communications, meets with representatives of parish SCMs.

Concelebrated Mass with the Most Rev. Patrick A. Buzon, SDB, DD of the Diocese of Kabankalan as main celebrant

Volume I : Issue No. 2 July - September, 2014



In preparation for St. John Bosco’s 200th birthday next year, The Sower presents a four-part series, featuring the highlights of hislife and teachings, based on the annual themes of the Salesian Congregation’s three-year preparation and year-long celebration.

Year 1 (2012): “Let us make the young our life mission, by coming to know and imitate Don Bosco”

Don Bosco’s Dream at Nine: Where It All BeganBy John Emmanuel de Ocampo

aint John Bosco, a.k.a. Don (Father) Bosco, known today as the “Father and Teacher of Youth” and the founder of the Salesians of Don Bosco, was born 199 years ago on 16 August 1815 in Castlenuovo d’Asti, Piedmont, Italy.

When he was nine, John Bosco dreamed of unruly children who were fighting and using foul language. Upset, he angrily and forcefully tried to stop them. Suddenly, Jesus appeared and gently rebuked John, telling him that he could correct the children by befriending and leading them—not by fighting with them.

As John became confused with this seemingly impossible mission, Jesus introduced him to His Mother, John’s new Teacher. Mary called to him, gently held his hand and told him to look towards the field where the children were. But they had vanished, and in their place, were wild animals!

Mary told John that this field of wild animals was where he must work, and by becoming humble, strong and steadfast, he would be able to help her children become “gentle lambs”. When he looked again, the wild animals had become lambs!

John cried in confusion and begged to understand the meaning of everything he saw, but Mary assured him that he will understand everything in due time.

Next day, John told his family about his dream. They offered different interpretations, but Mama Margaret somehow understood her son’s dream as she asked, “Who knows he may become a priest someday?”

At that time, little did the young John know that the mission entrusted to him in that dream—Teaching virtues to the young with kindness—would become his life mission.

2012 Strenna of the Rector Major Fr. Pascual Chavez, SDB

The Sower : The Official Newsletter of the St. John Bosco Parish, Sta. Rosa, Laguna


By Becky Chrisma

The Basic Ecclesial Communities (BECs) consist of individuals and/or families gathering weekly to study the Word of God. Our Parish has a total of 12 BECs to date. They aim to spiritually nourish the communities through the Word of God, enabling them to cultivate It in their way of life, thereby, inspiring them to share and help in bringing His word to other areas of the Parish. There are four aspects of BECs, namely: Neighborhood, Word of God, Action and Link to Church.

Each of the communities meets to study the upcoming Sunday Mass readings. They study the Sunday Gospel verse by verse, according to the context in which it was written during our Lord’s time. They then reflect on how each verse applies to our present lives. After examining the interconnection of all the readings for a common theme, they conclude their study of the Gospel by praying with the Psalms.

Aside from studying the Word of God, members also go out to different communities within the Parish to evangelize and to win back those who had gone astray. Last June and July 2014, the BECs conducted evangelical missions to different barangays through its “House-to-House Bisita Pamilya Evangelization” every Saturday. That BECS were welcomed with open arms in nearby areas around our Parish reveal that many of our brothers and sisters are spiritually hungry for the Word of God. Those who participated in the BEC activities praised and thanked God for the Good News of salvation and for sending modern apostles in their midst.

However, the work is not yet finished for our Lord said, “The harvest is abundant, but the laborers are few.” In this Year of the Laity, everyone is encouraged to be living witnesses of His word to other people, just like the BECs.

Beyond Sexuality: Purity in the Family

By Leonela Prima

“Blessed are the pure in spirit. They shall see God—God who is Pure Love.”

St. John Bosco Parish’s Formation Talk last 21 July was on Purity in the Family. A full-time missionary worker of the Live Pure Movement, Charita Sarmiento gave the talk.

Starting with the quotation above, she emphasized the need to be pure, saying that our body is not our own but is part of Christ’s, a temple of the Holy Spirit. Purity (chastity) is truth proclaimed in the Gospel.

Purity in the Family is:

• Keeping marital relations within the bounds of marriage

• Being faithful, committed, loyal, and loving to one’s spouse

• Avoiding occasions of sin that may lead to extramarital affairs

• Protecting oneself from the corruption of marriage and family

However, Purity in the Family goes beyond the sexual aspects of family life. It also includes the following attributes as foundations of purity:

Piety: dutiful devotion to God and observance of religious principles

Honesty: uprightness, freedom from deceit or fraud

Humility: not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less

Innocence: lack of guile and corruption

Integrity: doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching

Our parents would always emphasize to us the importance of staying pure. Although they would kiss in front of us, they would later remind us that kissing is only for married couples. As a child, I used to be disgusted with such intimacy. I regarded those displays of affection as “grown-up” stuff. However, as I matured, both in age and wisdom, I eventually understood that intimacy entails commitment. Being pure is something we should value, no matter what age we are.

God has given us the model of Purity in the Family:

The Holy Family of Nazareth—where only Pure Love exists.

Charita Sarmiento of the Live Pure Movement

Volume I : Issue No. 2 July - September, 2014


News Brief

New Salesian Provincial InstalledBy Br. Donnie Duchin Duya, SDB

ne day shy of celebrating the Solemn Feast of the Pentecost last 7 June, the Salesian family of the Philippine-North Province (FIN) received a precious gift in the person of Fr. Anthony Paul Bicomong, SDB, installed as new Provincial Superior.

In his first homily as Provincial during the Holy Mass, he waxed philosophical by quoting his favorite existential philosopher, Martin Buber, to emphasize the necessity of having a solid relationship with the Lord, and with one another.

After the homily, he installed 11 newly appointed rectors, one of

whom is his very own biological brother, Fr. Jun Bicomong, SDB the new rector of SJB Parish Makati.

Editor’s Note: Br. Donnie was the first editor-in-chief of The Sower. He is currently finishing his theological studies at the Don Bosco Center of Studies. He maintains a blog at http://onapensivemood.wordpress.com.

Have you ever wondered how, as a student, you can make the most out of this school year? Find out, with the Top Five Effective Study Habits every student can apply:

1. Homework Time!

Devote at least one hour every day for homework. Or even if you don’t have any homework, make reviewing or rewriting your notes a priority. After all those hours of studying, you’ll reap the rewards during exams.

2. Notes Matter

The best students often have a good stash of notes for reference. Learn how to take notes efficiently. You don’t have to copy each word from the board or your teacher’s lecture. Write only what is important. Include your questions, solutions, and insights that will help make study time at

By Patricia Onte

home more interesting.

3. All in Good Time

Time management skills are essential to students who want to make the most out of school. Create a realistic study schedule. Learn to prioritize, and stick to your checklist. If you master time

management while you’re still in school, keeping on track at work in the future will be easier.

4. Cramming is a myth!

Cramming doesn’t increase your chances at acing an exam. Forcing your brain to retain facts and formulas hours before the

Editor’s Note: Patricia is currently in her senior year in the University of the Philippines – Los Baños, taking up A.B. Communication Arts. She loves to write about children and the youth during her spare time.

exam only adds stress. While you may be lucky to memorize a few concepts, you’ll probably end up experiencing mental block. If you want top scores scores, then allot enough time to study.

5. R&R is Important!

Make room in your schedule for Rest and Recreation. Remember that outside your academics, your family and friends would love to spend time with you. Rest, pray, and enjoy your time outside of school. You deserve it.

Studying can be a breeze if you cultivate these habits. Work hard, enjoy learning, and savor the rewards.

Fr. Anthony Paul Bicomong, SDB signs his appointment papers as FIN Provincial while his predecessor, Fr. Eligio Cruz, SDB, looks on.

Souvenir group photo of Fr. Anthony Paul Bicomong’s Salesian confrères who attended his installation as FIN Provincial.


The Sower : The Official Newsletter of the St. John Bosco Parish, Sta. Rosa, Laguna


Marian Feasts for the Coming “Ber” Monthsby Nora S. Bunso

As a people so in love with Mary (Pueblo amante de Maria), Filipinos faithfully celebrate all Marian Feasts, including these, which fall within the Pinoy-dubbed “ber” months.

Saint Pius V established this feast to commemorate the 1571 naval victory of the Christian fleet at Lepanto against overwhelming Turkish

forces. Before the battle, crew members of 200+ ships prayed the rosary while the rest of Europe held rosary processions invoking the

Madonna of Victory’s intercession. When the battle ended, most of the Turks’ 300 ships had been captured or sunk.

We commemorate the Presentation of the Child Mary who, according to ancient tradition, was offered in solemn thanksgiving to the Lord’s service by her parents, Sts. Joachim and Anne. From age three onwards, Mary lived, served and was educated in Jerusalem’s Temple—a fitting preparation for the future Temple and Mother of God.

Mary’s Nativity is one of only three births celebrated by the Church along with the Births of Jesus (25 December) and John the Baptist (24 June).

Maria Bambinella - Holy Infant Mary

No less than a solemnity, a principal Church feast, befits the celebration of an infallible truth of our Faith–that God extended an extraordinary grace to Mary who, unlike all humanity, was

preserved unstained by original sin* from the instant of her conception in her mother’s womb.

Ave Maria, conceived without sin, pray for us! * Adam and Eve’s wretched legacy to mankind

Depiction of St. Anne, with Mary in her womb

Volume I : Issue No. 2 July - September, 2014


We are a community of families and young workers centered in Christ and inspired by St. John Bosco.

The new Parish logo speaks of the vision of the Parish. Put into graphical presentation by Architect Avelino Micu, it passed thru the process of discussion, analysis and revisions in the Parish Pastoral Council before it was finally approved by the House Council. The human figures holding hands represent the families and young workers. The image of St. John Bosco

Bosco, with arms outstretched, is our inspiration and guide. The big, white circle in the middle is the Eucharist. The figure of the Church is the Parish Church; its blue color symbolizes our devotion to Mary Help of Christians. The Parish is within a bigger yellow structure representing the whole Church where it belongs. — Fr. Richard Varela, SDB

Calling all medical doctors, nurses, and social workers:

The Social Action Ministry-Health Desk is looking for volunteers who will help provide some level of assistance to the

needy parishioners of SJBP.Those interested to join may leave their name with their contact details (e-mail address, contact #/s) at the Parish

Office. For inquiries, you may contact Sis. Amor Herbster at (0925) 5234888 / ascfherb@yahoo.com.

RECYCLE FOR A CAUSE! Donate recyclable materials such as old newspapers, cartons/boxes, bottles, cans and the like to St. John Bosco Parish & Center for Young Workers. These will be sold to junkshops to gather funds for the Social Action Ministry - Outreach programs and relief operations.

Drop in your recyclable materials at the designated areas and containers at the back portion of the Parish Church. For inquiries, you may contact Bro. John Palacios at (0905) 3113600.

Share inspiring tales of your experience of God’s love and goodness! Be these stories on blessings you have received or challenges you have overcome.

The Sower : The Official Newsletter of the St. John Bosco Parish, Sta. Rosa, Laguna



ConfessionsEvery Friday, during the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament after the 6:00 pm Mass or as requested.

BaptismEvery 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month, at 11:15 AM

Pre-Jordan Seminar (preparation for baptism)Every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month

WeddingsTuesdays to Saturdays, at the following timeslots: • 9:00 a.m. • 11:00 a.m. • 3:00 p.m.

Pre-Cana Seminar (preparation for weddings)By appointment

Sick CallsAnytime, depending on priests’ availability

D A I L Y M A S S E S Days TimesWeekdays (Mondays thru Fridays) 7:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m.Saturdays 7:00 a.m. 6:30 p.m.* (SJBP & Don Jose)Sundays 7:00 a.m. 7:30 a.m. (Sto. Domingo) 8:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. (Kampo) 10:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. (Malamig) 6:00 p.m. (SJBP & Mesa Homes) 7:30 p.m.* Anticipated Sunday Mass

For inquiries or concerns, you may contact the Parish Office at (049) 541-1134 / 502-2897 or visit us during our office hours: Mondays thru Sundays, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Lunch break is from 12:00 noon to 2:00 p.m.)

M I N I S T R I E S ’ A N N O U N C E M E N T S

Choir Groups for the Saturday and Sunday MassesDAY

Anticipated Sunday Mass



6:30 PM

7:00 AM

8:30 AM

10:00 AM

4:30 PM

6:00 PM

7:30 PM


Shepherd’s Voice Choir

CDBS Choir / La Paloma

Fructus Benedicti Choir

Pastol ng Bayan Chorale

Bosconian Voices Chorale

Koro Salesiano


MINISTRY ANNOUNCEMENTSSJB Parish Ministries that wish to have their announcements

published in The Sower, our quarterly Parish newsletter, may contact Sis. Kath Miranda at (0939) 9285598 or

email their announcements to the.sower.sjb@gmail.com.

Deadline for submission of announcements for our next issue (October to December, 2014)

is on 6 December 2014, Saturday, at 12 MN.

MASSES IN VILLAGES, ONCE A MONTH: 9:00 a.m./1st Sunday - San Jose Village 3 (Ph. 6) 8:00 a.m./2nd Sunday - Santa Rosa Estate 2 6:00 p.m./3rd Saturday - San Jose Village 1 (Ph. 3B) 10:00 a.m./4th Sunday - San Jose Village 2 (Ph. 5)

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