vol 25. no. 27 saturday, june 2, 2018 pages 8, price 2.00...

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Vol 25. No. 27 Saturday, June 2, 2018 Pages 8, Price 2.00 NFA

The Emir of Qatar, Sheik Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, the Sultan of Oman, Sheik Qaboos bin Seid Al Seid, President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz of Mauritania, President Khaltmaagiin Battulga of Mongolia, President Alexander Vucic of Serbia and Henri Albert Gabriel, Grand Duke of Luxembourg, conveyed messages of congratulations to the people and Government of Eritrea in connection with the 27th Independence Day anniversary.

In their respective messages, the leaders wished good health to President Isaias Afwerki as well as development and prosperity to the Eritrean people.

Likewise, the Deputy Emir of Qatar, Abdullah bin Hamad bin

A meeting focusing on ensuring the safety and rights of children was held in Tera-Emni, Southern region. Reports on the programs implemented in the sub-zone were presented and an assessment made regarding the strength and shortcomings encountered.

Mr. Musie Hadish, Head of the Rights Children in the Ministry of Labour and Human Welfare, said that the rights of children could not be realized by government institutions alone and called for integrated effort on the part of all concerned institutions and parents.

The Head of the Ministry of Labour and Human Welfare branch in the Southern region, Mr. Haile Gebremichael, explained that the committees for ensuring children’s rights in the region are making commendable contribution through organizing awareness-raising seminars to the public and students.

A total of 98 youth including 56 females have received vocational training at the Adi Guadad Youth Training Centre. The training lasting for 2 to 4 months included photography and video camera, bee farming and poultry, electricity and solar panel installation, computer editing and graphics as well as hair dressing and drama.

Speaking at the graduation ceremony, Mr. Osman Nur, Head of projects at the National Union of Eritrean Youths and Students branch in the Central region, explained that the trainees were selected from the youth committees at sub-zonal level, and that it was aimed at creating job opportunities for the youth and that micro credit will be offered for the trainees.

The Chairman of the National Union of Eritrean Youths and Students, Mr. Saleh Ahmedin, congratulated the trainees for their successful completion and expressed expectation that the knowledge they have acquired would enable them enhance their contribution in development undertakings.

Meanwhile, the Teachers’ Association branch in Anseba region has provided training to its members with the objective of upgrading their capacity. Senior representatives from the Education Ministry’s branches, as well as school supervisors and directors took part in the training scheme.

The organizer of the training, Mr. Teclesembet Zerai, Head of the Secondary Schools in the region, noted that the training would help enhance the administrative capacity of teachers in addition to promoting the quality and competitiveness of students.

Eritrean nationals in various cities of the USA, Germany and South African countries celebrated the 27th

Independence Day anniversary with enthusiasm.

The nationals in the US cities of New York, Chicago, Seattle, Washington DC, Fresno, Visalia and Hanford, California, celebrated the Independence Day featuring programs portraying the correct image of Eritrea as well as transferring the noble societal values to the young generation. The Mayors of Washington DC and Seattle also sent messages of congratulations to the participants of the celebrations.

Likewise, Eritrean nationals in Stuttgart and Frankfurt, Germany,

The National Union of Eritrean Women branches in Switzerland and Germany conducted various activities aimed at strengthening organizational capacity.

The Swiss branch of the NUEW held its 5th Congress in Bern under the theme “Women’s Empowerment-Prelude to Equality”.

During the Congress in which representatives of different national associations took part,

Messages of Congratulations Continue

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ensuring safety and rights of Children

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voCational training for the youth

Khalifa, and the Qatari Prime Minister and Interior Minister, Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa Al Thani have send messages of congratulations in connection with Eritrea’s Independence Day anniversary.

In their messages, the leaders expressed readiness of their respective countries to develop bilateral relations of mutual interest with Eritrea.

Similarly, The United Nations Secretary General, Mr. Antonio Guterres, sent message of congratulations to the people and Government of Eritrea in connection with the 27th Independence Day anniversary.

In his message, the Secretary General expressed readiness of the UN to work in cooperation with all member states for ensuring lasting peace and sustainable development.

Ms. Nigisti Tsegai, Chairwoman of the NUEW Europe branch, and Mr. Sileshi Idris, Head of Public and Community Affairs at the Eritrean Embassy, gave briefing on the history of Eritrean women and their role in the socio-economic development in the country.

Likewise, the Chairwoman of the Swiss branch, Ms. Tirhas Tewolde, said that the Union’s branch is making efforts to develop the professional capacity of its members and enable them

participate in the nation-building process.

The Congress elected a five-member Executive Committee for a five year term.

In the same vein, at a ceremony conducted in connection with the 27th Independence Day anniversary and Mothers’ Day, members of the NUEW German branch contributed 2 thousand Euros in support of the National Fistula Center.

celebrated Independence Day anniversary staging different entertaining and educational programs.

Speaking at the event, the Charge d’ Affairs at the Eritrean Embassy in Germany, Mr. Yohannes Woldu, said that the Independence Day celebration is a platform for nationals to renew their pledge to the martyrs trust and implementation of the set out national development endeavors.

In related news, the Eritrean nationals residing in Johannesburg, South Africa, Lusaka, and Zambia, Harare, Zimbabwe, have celebrated the 27th Independence Day anniversary with patriotic zeal.

Published Every Saturday & Wednesday

Acting EditorAmanuel Mesfunamme@zena.gov.er

P.O.Box: 247Tel: 11-41-14Fax: 12-77-49

E-mail:profile@ zena.gov.er

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Azmera BerhaneSara Alem

Published Every Saturday & Wednesday

Acting Editor Amanuel Mesfunamme@zena.gov.er

P.O.Box: 247Tel: 11-41-14Fax: 12-77-49


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LayoutAzmera Berhane

Sara Alem

Published Every Saturday & Wednesday

Acting Editor Amanuel Mesfunamme@zena.gov.er

P.O.Box: 247Tel: 11-41-14Fax: 12-77-49


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LayoutAzmera Berhane

Sara Alem

Published Every Wednesday & Saturday

Acting Editor Amanuel Mesfun

P.O.Box: 247Tel: 11-41-14Fax: 12-77-49

E-mail:eritreaprofilenews@gmail.comAdvertisement: 12-50-13

LayoutAzmera Berhane

Aida Johar

2Vol 25 . No 27Eritrea Profile, Saturday, June 2, 2018

Enthusiastic Independence Day Celebrations at Home and AbroadEritrean nationals inside

the country and abroad have celebrated the 27th Independence Day Anniversary with enthusiasm. The celebrations across the globe highlighted unity in diversity of the Eritrean people and the value of independence to the nation. Highlights of the celebrations at home and in different corners of the world follow:

Independence Carnival in Asmara

A carnival was staged in the streets of Asmara on May 22 in connection with the 27th Independence Day Anniversary. The carnival which highlighted the activities of EPLF departments that were active behind the frontlines during the armed struggle for independence was opened by Mr. Al-Amin Mohamed Seid, PFDJ Secretary, and Maj. General Romodan Osman Aweliai, Governor of the Central region.

The carnival was organized by 13 sub-zones of the Central region and covered all the way from “Shida” to Harnet and Martyrs Avenue, including Bahti Meskerem square.

The carnival won popular acclaim by Asmara city residents, Eritrean nationals from the Diaspora and foreign nationals.

Southern and Anseba Regions

The 27th Independence Day

anniversary was colourfully celebrated at regional level on 22 and 23 May in the Southern and Anseba regions respectively. The regional Governors, PFDJ officials, religious leaders, members of Eritrean Defense Force and residents of the respective regions took part in the Independence Day celebrations.

At a ceremony held in Mendefera, Southern region, the Director General of the Department of Culture and Sports, Mr. Abraham Yohannes, commended the role and contribution of the Youth for the success of the Independence Day anniversary celebrations from a village to a regional level.

Mr. Efrem Gebrekirstos, Governor of the Southern region, on his part expressed admiration to the people and government of Eritrea for their role in safeguarding sovereignty and ensuring development and rebuilding of the nation over the past 27 years of Independence, and said that successful achievement that can be a foundation for better future has been registered.

Meanwhile, Anseba region held the Independence Day Celebrations on 23 May in Keren at a regional level. Mr. Ali Mahmud, Governor of the region stated during the event that major development programs

with particular focus on remote areas have been implemented since the dawn of Independence and that it has contributed to the improvement of the living standard of the society. He also indicated that Independence Day reminds the hard work ahead in the journey to build a developed nation.

Independence Day celebrations in the Southern and Anseba regions featured different cultural shows and sports competitions as well as exhibitions, and public gatherings among others.

Gash Barka region

During the celebrations in Barentu, Gash Barka region, the Governor of the region, Mr. Fisehaye Haile, stated that the heavy sacrifice the people of Eritrea paid for realizing independence and safe guarding national sovereignty attests to the Eritrean people’s love of their country and the value they give to independence.

Indicating that strong effort is being exerted to realize the newly initiated development endeavors, Mr. Fisahaye called for strengthened organizational capacity and public participation towards the success of chartered out nation-building programs.

The celebrations featured cultural

and artistic performances depicting the value of independence, military parade, marching band as well as students’ calisthenics and musical dramas.


Eritrean nationals residing in Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, have celebrated the 27th Independence Day anniversary under the theme “Vision through Toil” featuring various activities portraying their attachment with their homeland. During the celebration held in Kampala, Uganda, in which a number of nationals as well as friends of Eritrea took part, “Mereb” cultural troupe and Ugandan musical group staged music and artistic performance.

Speaking at the event, Mr. Mohammed Suleiman, Eritrean Ambassador to the Republic of Uganda, said that the Eritrean Independence was the result of relentless struggle and heavy sacrifice and that is the responsibility of every citizen for preserving it.

Likewise, Eritrean nationals residing in Nairobi celebrated the Independence Day anniversary with enthusiasm. Mr. Beyene Russom, Eritrean Ambassador to Kenya, stated that the Independence Day celebration is a reminder for renewing pledge to the martyrs trust and called for strengthening participation in the implementation of the national development drives. The nationals in Rwanda also celebrated Independence Day anniversary featuring different activities portraying the correct image of their country.

Middle East Eritrean nationals in Jeddah,

Saudi Arabia, Dubai and Northern Emirates have celebrated the 27th Independence Day anniversary with fervor under the theme “Vision through Toil”. The celebration in Jeddah highlighted cultural and sports programs.

The Head of Public and Community Affairs, Mr. Saleh Mahmud, said that perseverance, commitment, unity and sacrifice have been the noble values of the Eritrean people that made independence possible and called on the nationals to realize the

national vision through work.

Similarly, Eritrean nationals residing in Dubai and Northern Emirates celebrated the 27th Independence Day anniversary with patriotic zeal. Noting that Eritrean independence is the outcome of the committed struggle of the Eritrean people, Eritrea’s Ambassador to the UAE, Mr. Osman Mohammed-Nur, stated that the Eritrean people will repeat the miracle demonstrated during the struggle for independence in the implementation of national development programs.


Eritrean nationals in Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, England, Switzerland, France and Norway have celebrated the 27th Independence Day anniversary with deep enthusiasm.

The participants of the celebrations in the Italian cities of Milano, Brescia, Bologna, Napoli Rome, Catania, Bari, Genoa, Torino, Parma and Florence said that Independence Day is the outcome of heavy human and material sacrifice the Eritrean people paid and expressed resolve to strengthen participation in the realization of national development endeavors.

Likewise, Eritreans in the Netherlands also celebrated Independence Day anniversary in Rasivaik in which a number of friends of Eritrea took part. Also during similar celebrations in Neundorf, Switzerland, the Head of Public and Community Affairs, Mr. Sleshi Idris, the Charge d’Affaires, Mr. Bereket Woldeyohanes, and the First Secretary, Mr. Adem Osman, respectively gave briefings on the objective situation in the homeland and the progress registered in the nation-building drive.

The Eritrean Ambassador to the European Union, Mr. Negasi Kassa, said that the Eritrean people emerged victorious foiling external conspiracies designed to derail the nation’s progress and that the vision of the Eritrean people and their leadership would be realized

continued on page 5

3Vol 25 . No 27Eritrea Profile, Saturday, June 2, 2018

Compiled by Semir Seid

Goluj subzone is found in the south-west of the Gash Barka region. The town of Goluj is 45 km south east of Tessenei and 400 km away from the capital Asmara. There are 52 villages under 16 administration zones in the subzone. A total of 120 thousand people live in the subzone and six thousand people in the town of Goluj. The majority of the people, 90%, depend on agriculture and livestock for their livelihood while the rest are engaged in trade.

The farmers in the villages are

known for using their farmlands properly. From the 120 thousand hectare of cultivable land, at the moment, 100 thousand hectare is cultivated. The cultivable land in the subzone is allocated in two ways- to those inhabitants of the subzone who have completed their national duties and to investors. Inhabitant farmers are provided two hectare of land for cultivation while investing farmers can have more than five hectare of land. Around 500 entrepreneurs who came from different parts of the country are cultivating crops in the Goluj subzone.

Irrigation-based agriculture in the subzone is limited to 160 hectare of land, and this is because of the subzone’s hot climate. The ground water from the river basin of Tekeze is not sufficient to last throughout the year. To overcome this challenge and spread the use of irrigation-based agriculture in the subzone, a study has been made and the subzone plans to implement irrigation using the summer rain of 2018.

Water scarcity helped the farmers to concentrate more

Goluj Subzone; Parcel of the Fertile Gash Barka Region

on soil and water conservation programs. Farmers also conduct summer campaigns assisted by the communities. According to the head of Economic Development of the subzone, Mr. Daniel Tewelde, yields have been increasing as a result of conducting several agricultural campaigns to farmers. Before campaigns were initiated, yields per hectare were limited from three to four quintals. After farmers were taught about proper farmland management and soil and water conservation, yields increased to ten quintals per hectare. Sorghum (70%), millet and sesame are some of the products

harvested from the farmlands. The Extension Division in the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) provides farmers with best sorghum seeds. The subzone of Goluj also consults farmers on how to conserve soil and water, and provide them seeds for cultivation.

Farmers are satisfied with almost 90% of the farmland’s well-organized land redistribution of 2016. Mr. Daniel said that the land redistribution activity was important to identify how much hectare of land was distributed and how much was being cultivated in the subzone. The farmers who are cultivating two hectare of land can ask for more land if they can prove they supervise their farmlands properly, and harvest the right amount of yields. But, this is done only after a farmer’s productivity performance is evaluated. Farmers are then required to submit a study of an area they want to cultivate. After the provision of the land, the farmers are monitored by the subzone to check whether they are properly utilizing the amount of land they took. The Extension Division of the MoA provides farmers incessant training on how

to increase their yield through the practice of various seed plantation, plucking weeds at the right time and harvesting at the right time.

With the gradual flow of people into the town of Goluj social service provision has become imminent. The town eventually started to flourish in trade and agricultural activities. Mr. Daniel said that with the present masterplan the situation can also be seen as a challenge for people to establish businesses they like. However, drinking water services and infrastructures in the subzone of Goluj, in the 15 administration

zones, is fully provided. The inhabitants of the town of Goluj get their potable water from the three wells which are distributed into seven water stations built inside the town. As a back up to the available services, two water tank trucks provide drinking water to the inhabitants when needed.

For the towns which are short of some social services, the subzone, in collaboration with the administration zones, decided to relocate towns into main roads. By doing so, it will be able to provide them with the basic social services such as water, education

and health. The subzone has agreed these services have to be made available before moving the people of the towns.

Educational and health services are well implemented in the subzone of Goluj. Every administration zone has its own school and health center. In the whole subzone there are eight kindergartens, 23 elementary, nine middle and two secondary schools. Adult education is also provided in eleven stations where people move daily. Furthermore, there are 14 health institutions the inhabitants of the subzone can access. Several all-season roads connect the administration zones to facilitate trade and provide people with transport. The Tessenei-Omhajr road is being asphalted as a main project in the subzone.

Establishing roads is likely to attract visitors to the subzone. The big dams of Gerset and Bademit in the subzone have the potential to make the region more attractive for tourism. The dams have opened opportunities to develop large fields of land for agriculture. The subzone of Goluj has fertile soil surrounded by the river Tekeze and various species of wild animals.

There is a nationally recognized 12-thousand-hectare enclosure for use by the 16 administration zones of the Goluj subzone. This enclosed area is mainly used for grazing in the rainy season. Farmers are encouraged to collect animal food in good rainy seasons. Livestock of the farmers have two ponds for drinking water inside the park. Apart from this enclosure, every administration zone has its own reserved park. As the subzone of Goluj shares borders with the neighboring countries of Sudan

and Ethiopia, it is customary for shepherds and animals to move from and to these countries. Such movements might result in these animals contracting diseases from across the borders. To prevent such possibilities the subzone established four veterinary health stations in the towns of Omhajer, Goluj, Gergef and Ashela. Through these health stations any outbreaks are instantly controlled. Further, all the livestock in the subzone are immunized twice to protect them from infection. With such initiatives, Mr. Daniel said, the subzone, until the present day, has been safe from animal disease outbreaks.

Goluj inhabitants’ participation in various development campaigns of the subzone has been immense and contributed to the growth of the subzone. All the towns in the subzone are eventually growing in their agricultural and trade activities. Farmers have been consistently committed to working on their farmlands, and with an added on service from agricultural experts they hope to harvest more. Experts from the MoA advise farmers of the subzone to plant seeds provided by the National Agriculture Research Institute (NARI) and always practice crop rotation for better yield.

Mr. Daniel Tewelde

The town of Goluj

Azadela - Do People have Control over their Lives?Abrahaley Habte

If works of art reveal their creator’s belief’s about life, then for Mr. Misgun Abraha, the author of Azadela, people have no control over their lives, and it is other people, or circumstances (that they cannot control) that determine their decisions; hence, their lives. This is true both for the very poor, who have no money to influence situations through the power of money or for the powerful in the story, who can do almost anything, to change the course of events so that these events serve their interests.

Mr. Misgun published Azadela, the 266 page novel, in November 2015. I have not read another book by him, so I assume this is his first book though he collaboratively (with Ms. Aster Andai) has translated a book to Tigrigna.

The novel starts with a traffic accident in the heart of Asmara. A bus hits a mentally ill person, who dies on the spot. A character named Halyot, for some reason undisclosed to us, gets interested in the bundle the dead man carried close to his breasts. Halyot ‘steals’ the bundle, which turns out to be a pair of diaries, and goes to Lion Hotel, where he reads them. After this incident, Halyot and Hossana (another character in the story) disappear from the pages of the novel completely and we don’t read about them again. “Here is the story, compiled and edited into a book. Enjoy your reading,” the author wishes us, readers.

In many ways, the book is different from other Tigrigna novels I have read so far. It is a book divided into 74 chapters, some of them so short that you can hardly call them by that name. That is one feature that distinguishes it from other Tigrigna novels. Each ‘chapter’ starts with a quote, or a short statement that comments on the characters, or on the action that is to follow, expresses a character’s opinion, or foreshadows an event, and sometimes to ‘teach’ us, for it has quotes which are often used to make us wise. The headings sometimes make the story suspenseful, and the reader is made to read the story eagerly due to the expectation they create in us.

Delawit, a poor, young orphan,

is compelled to look after her family (her grandmother, her young brother, and her elder sister) after she lost her mother, the only breadwinner in the family, in a car accident. To support her family, she drops out of school, and has two jobs and works for 15 hours a day. Extremely beautiful but a determined and principled young woman, she decides not to entertain any notions of romantic thoughts because, she feels, that would sidetrack her determination to support her family and see her younger brother succeed in his academic performance.

However, due to her beauty she attracts the eyes of young men, who want to take her out on a date. She rejects the advances of every one of them. But two, a man named Zemui and another nicknamed Akies, (which means an evil person) give her hard time. The latter, to force her to agree to his advances, kidnaps her brother, which complicates the conflict (between Akies and Delawit), and, in turn, brings to the fore the conflict between her and Azaria, a third man, who is trying to woo her. Seeing Azaria’s intentions were real, and that they would not derail her decision to support her family, Delawit accepts Azaria as her boyfriend.

Other people (Azaria’s father, Mestyat etc) complicate the story in other ways. Due to complications in the relationships Delawit has with other characters, she finds herself in a very difficult situation, in which she finds living in Eritrea hard. She feels that she could neither support her family nor live with the man she loves and has promised to marry, and leaves the country.

In the story, the reader keenly understands her dilemma because she cannot marry Azaria as he is a student and cannot support her financially. As a human being she has the right to be happy and live with the man she loves. But what is to happen to her grandmother and her brother, if their breadwinner marries her sweetheart? She just can’t leave them to fend for themselves just like that.

After her brother’s kidnap, Delawit’s and Azaria’s relationship matures and she agrees to marry

him. As Azaria was preparing to announce his intentions of marrying Delawit, someone rapes Delawit and forces her to leave the country, which breaks Azaria’s heart, as he could not understand the inexplicable reversal of her decision. Keeping us in the dark about why Delawit changed her mind, the author heightens the suspense until he reveals the reason many pages later. The same man (that forces her to leave the country) recalls Delawit back from the Sudan, and she finds herself in deep trouble.

In the novel, Delawit is portrayed as a determined woman and we respect her for this, as we feel she should not waste her life living with people unworthy of her love. However, she leads a difficult life due to events she could not control. Blackmail and rape bring her face to face with evil people, who want to use her to further their interests at the cost of her happiness and her marriage. Try as she might to fight these evil people, she finally falls victim to their destructive determination as they were as dogged as she was very weak.

In Mr. Misgun’s novel life is portrayed as cruel that has no pity for the poor and the innocent, which crushes them despite their determination, their struggle to survive, and their innocence. They are not allowed to have their share of happiness as such life is snatched out of their hands and they are forced to live a life of destitution. Similarly, though the rich and the powerful have their share of happiness, they too are destroyed due to their greed, and callousness to the plight of the poor. The rich (Akies, Zemui, Ato Demoz etc) treat the poor as if they have no plan of theirs and are there to satisfy their desires.

Some of the chapter headings, and the end of the characters, confirm that such is the author’s view of life. In the story, many characters, especially Delawit, muse about the dilemmas that they (the poor) encounter in life. She reflects in her final moments: “A desperate person, like a dilapidated building, brings you down with him.” Repeatedly, especially at the end of the story, as her self-confidence gives way to despondency, she reflects about the injustice she

has received at the hand of life (or fate). Our conclusion about her views of life is confirmed by her earlier thoughts. In one part, while she was in the Sudan, she thinks how cruelly she was treated. She reflects about her life and rightly concludes other people just wanted to control her life.

In a diary entry, which summarises her life story, she writes contrasting her former life as a poor but hardworking woman and her later life as a rich but unhappy woman (page 254): “Who am I? I am a guest of life, [which invited me to life here]. I was born without my consent. Why did life invite me [to life on Earth]? Did she invite me to be her companion in this sad life? Or to share her joy to a life of happiness and bliss? ...” But Delawit concludes, losing all hope in this life: “May my reward be in the next world! If life is only this temporal one, I wish I had not been born!”

Azaria, who was briefly her husband and shared her short life of joy, receives a worse fate than Delawit. Seeing the fate that fell his wife and his father, he goes mad and finally has a car accident, which killed him.

In the story, even the powerful such as Ato Demoz, Zemui, and Akies, (who disappears into oblivion after the kidnap fails to achieve for him the result he desired) lose control of their lives and fall prey to the circumstances that bring about their downfall. Ato Demoz falls victim to his unbridled sexual desire, wrong perception of his importance, arrogance and brings about his downfall on himself. Zemui, similarly, gets

caught up in a conflict of interest with another man in the story because he would not live a life of moderation. He too falls prey to his wrong conception of a happy life, which he tries to live, which is not possible to do depending on the mercies of a rich uncle. Delawit’s sister, who tries to use her beauty as a ladder to a happy marriage, fails miserably as she kills the lover who gets tired of her and jilts her.

Azadela is a highly readable book. Using his strong command of Tigrigna, (which the author uses to fill his book with original and highly descriptive expressions), he gives the book the power to make readers keep on reading, and has produced a successful book.

Some parts of the book, however, are confusing. For example, the author uses short phrases twice in the middle of the book (in two separate pages, not as part of the description) to indicate the passage of time. Such usage is common in movies but not in books. I don’t know why he chose such a technique to indicate the passage of time.

The two characters at the beginning of the book do not appear again. Though Halyot brings the story to us, he makes no comments about it as if it is not related to his life, as if he didn’t know anything about it. How did the story affect him? We know nothing. He briefly tells us that he had seen the crazy man a few times, and on those encounters (he didn’t even talk to him; he barely knew him) he takes the initiative to bring the story to us. He was not his relative. He was not his friend. This doesn’t seem to be very convincing.

book review4Vol 25 . No 27Eritrea Profile, Saturday, June 2, 2018

The 1. Ministry of Health of the State of Eritrea has received a grant from the Global Fund towards the cost of HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and TB Project. It is intended that part of the proceeds of this grant will be applied to eligible payments under the contract for PRINTING OF REPORTING FORMS, WORKSHEET PADS.

The 2. Project Management Unit of the Ministry of Health now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the printing of the above mentioned PRINTING FORMS AND WORK SHEET PADS.

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Bids must be delivered to the Procurement Office, PMU/MOH, Denden Street # 82, Asmara, and Tel: 291-1-124360/122978, Fax. 291-1-124357, on or 6. before 15:00 hrs on JUNE 15,2018 . All bids must be accompanied by a bid security not less than two (2) percent of the bid amount in a freely convertible currency which should be submitted separately sealed within the bid offer envelop.

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Name of Country: EritreaName of Project: Global FundGrant No: E11-H- MOH & GAVI /HSS Date: May 29, 2018 IFB Title: PRINTING OF REPORTING FORMS, WORKSHEET PADS IFB Number: NCB 01/2018

Invitation for Bids (IFB)

5Vol 25 . No 27Eritrea Profile, Saturday, June 2, 2018

through hard work and commitment.

In the same vein, Eritrean nationals in Cologne, Tubingen, Munich, and Wuppertal, Germany celebrated Independence Day anniversary with various cultural and artistic programs. The Eritrean community in the respective cities of Germany said that the Eritrean people have paid heavy human and material sacrifice for independence and safeguarding the national sovereignty and called for transferring the noble societal values to the young generation.

The Eritrean nationals residing in Paris, France, have also celebrated Independence Day anniversary with enthusiasm featuring cultural and artistic activities. Speaking at the event, Ms. Hanna Simon, Eritrea’s

Ambassador to France, said that the Eritrean people realized their independence through their strong unity, perseverance and resilience and called for enhanced participation towards the success of national development endeavors.

During similar celebrations held in London in which over 2 thousand nationals and friends of Eritrea participated highlighted activities depicting the cultural diversity as well as unity of the Eritrean people.

Speaking at the event, Mr. Estifanos Habtemariam, Eritrea’s Ambassador to the UK and Northern Ireland, said that Independence Day celebration is the occasion in which Eritrean nationals demonstrate their unity and the attachment they have with their country. According to reports, Eritrean nationals residing in the cities of Manchester, Birmingham, New Castel, Sheffield, Nottingham, Coventry, Leeds and Leicester

continued on page 5

Enthusiastic Independence . . .

have also celebrated the 27th Independence Day anniversary with patriotic zeal.

In the same vein, Eritrean nationals in Stockholm, Sweden, Oslo, Norway, as well as Brussels, Belgium, celebrated the Independence Day with different sport competitions, cultural and artistic performance and activities that highlighted the professional and academic potential of the youth.

USA, Canada and Australia

Eritrean nationals residing in the US cities of New Orleans, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Columbus, Las Vegas, Colorado, and the Canadian city of Winnipeg, New Zealand as well as Australia celebrated the 27th Independence Day anniversary with deep patriotism.

The celebration in the cities of the USA

highlighted activities depicting the unity in diversity of the Eritrean people as well as transferring the noble societal values to the young generation. During the celebrations, the Eritrean nationals residing in New Orleans conducted a number of activities highlighting their attachment with the homeland and the Mayor of the city, Ms. LaToya Canatell, announced that May 24 be dedicated as the “Day of Eritrean Independence”.

Eritrean nationals in Canadian city of Toronto and Winnipeg also celebrated Independence Day anniversary during which different activities highlighting the nation’s correct image featured. Briefings were also given on the socio-economic, political and diplomatic progress of the nation. In another report, Independence Day celebrations in cities of Melbourne, Australia, and Auckland, New Zealand, witnessed the participation of thousands of nationals and friends of Eritrea.

The Desert Locust Control Organization for Eastern Africa (DLCO-EA) is a Regional Organization established by International Convention signed by the Governments of Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda. Our mandate is to control Migratory Pests in the Region.

The DLCO-EA invites applications for the following post:

Job Title : Internal AuditorClassification : Professional StaffPlace of Work : Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (Headquarters)Terms of Employment : 3 years Contract RenewableSalary and Benefits : Scale R4(B) - R4(A) entry

point negotiable [US$ 18,676.00 - 22,581.00) Per Annum, plus 25% House Allowance, 20% Cost of Living Allowance and other benefits as per the Organization’s Service Regulations.]

General (Summary of Duties & Responsibilities):

The Internal Auditor is responsible for developing and implementing a system of Internal Audit and review that is in accordance to accepted International Standards.

The Internal Auditor is expected to provide value added service and support to improve the systematic and disciplined approach to the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance processes. The Officer will possess a thorough knowledge of Accounting procedures and sound judgment.

He/she may be required to perform other duties which may be delegated.

The specific duties & responsibilities of this post can be accessed from our website (dlcoea.org.et/documentation vacancies).

Established by International Convention signed by the Governments ofDjibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania,

Ugandaand registered with the United Nations


Desert Locust Control Organization For Eastern Africa

Organization de Lutte Contre le Criquet Pe´lerin Dans I´Est Africain

Qualifications Required:

A minimum of Bachelors Degree in Accounting (A Masters 1) Degree in Accounting from a recognized University will be an added advantage).

A2) Professional Qualification such as CPA, ACCA, CA or CIA (from Internationally Recognized Accounting Body).

At3) least five years of experience as Auditor (post professional qualification) or responsible for the Management of Internal Audit Department.

Ability4) to work in harmony with people of different nationalities and cultural backgrounds is highly desirable.

How to Apply:

To apply visit our website (dlcoea.org.et/Documentation/Employment Application Form) and download the Application Form. Interested applicants can fill and submit the application with copies of Certificates, Testimonials and CV within 30 days after publication of the Advert to:-

The DirectorDLCO-EAADDIS ABABA, EthiopiaP.O. Box 4255E-mail: dlc@ethionet.et dlcoea@ethionet.et


Deliver by hand to:-

DLCO-EA Registry Gurd SholaCMC Road - during office hours (8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.)ADDIS ABABA


The respective Country DLCO-EA Base Station.


6Vol 25 . No 27Eritrea Profile, Saturday, June 2, 2018

Job Title & number required Foreign Purchaser (02)

Duties & Responsibilities

Reply end users’ purchase request in time and check the specification is right;Confirm with Warehouse the stock data before run the PO in the system;Send the QR to qualified venders to collect quotes and do the comparison report;Confirm with end user before send PO to vender for processing;

Issue the payment documents between Finance and vender;Update ETA information of each PO for procurement team in time;Send logistics documents to Logistics Co-coordinator for transportation preparation;

Confirm with Warehouse before cargo depart from Massawa or Asmara;Collect end user’s feedback when cargos received by Warehouse and end user;Maintain all business documents in proper way;

Write weekly and monthly report to submit for supervisor;

Any other related tasks assigned by the supervisor and higher authorities.

Perform other related duties as required.

Knowledge & Skill Requirement

English and local literacy to a conversational level. Excellent interdepartmental communication skills. Excellent knowledge of excel word and outlook. Ability to effectively plan daily, weekly and monthly work activities. Excellent knowledge of ERP system.

Education Diploma degree Marketing preferable.

Experience Required Minimum 6~10 years in foreign purchase (mining industry preferred)

Physical Requirement To be able to pass a full Doctor’s examination. To be available to work in accordance with ZMSC rosters.

General Information and other requirements: Place of work: Koka Gold Mine Site. Occasional assignment to other locations. Salary: As per Company scale.

Additional Requirement for nationals: Having fulfilled his/her National Service obligations and provide evidence of a release paper from the Ministry of Defense. Having finished registration and duty performing for the National Army, and present the release paper or registration card issued by National Army. Provide a Clearance paper from office of the Eritrean Police and present Medical Certificate from Hospital. Present Clearance paper from the current/last employer. Only short listed applicants would be considered as potential candidates for an interview. Application documents will not be returned back to the sender and/or applications should be sent through the Post Office. Deadline for application: 10 days from the day of publication in the Newspaper.

Address: Please mail your applications to: ZARA MINING SHARE CO. P. O. Box 2393. Asmara, Eritrea.

Note to Eritrean applicants: Please send a copy of your application to: Aliens Employment Permit Affairs P.O. Box 7940 Asmara, Eritrea.

Dr. Eden Against all Prejudices . . .I didn’t represent myself at the conference, I was there and they all talked about my discovery.

The discovery was given attention by numerous media outlets. A professor and chief physician at the Karolinska hospital once wrote about me saying, “ ……the Swedish National Food Administration acted unskillfully and also came close to jeopardizing her defense of her doctoral thesis while at the same time they tried to grab some of the honor of her discovery”.

You are also a single mother…

Yes. It is hard to raise kids and work hard to get your masters or PhD. However, they both were my strengths, a positive addition to my life. I was scared that I might be selfish, that I wasn’t going to be able to give all the motherly time my daughters deserved.

But I managed to do well. I never studied when I was around my daughters till they went to sleep. I spent all night studying till the morning and I went to school. If there is a will, you can manage to do anything you want.

One time there was an instrument I wanted to use for my research but a colleague of mine, who was also my completion, told me not to use his materials for any of my research. One time he asked me to teach the university students, and I asked to use his materials in return. I remember it was my daughter’s birth day on the weekends. He knew that; however, he told me to do my research on the weekends. It was a long project that I had to prove; it was almost impossible to be done in just two-three days. However, I had to do it. I moved in with my daughter to the lab for two days and managed to finish it in time. I hope to do a

further research on my remaining thesis. I hope to do a discovery from here. It would be great if I could do it from here.

However, despite all the obstacles I have faced, my researches are successful. I constantly am engaged in various chemical research, I am very passionate about it. Also, I have the high citing of my research papers. Which is a big thing for a scientist.

But most of all, for my acrylamide on heated food, a research section have been opened in universities around the world. This, I consider one of my biggest achievements.

Now that you are back, what do you plan to do?

I was fortunate enough to do an inventory on the country’s laboratory and had the chance to meet talented and potential

students. For that reason, even if I am not able to do a new discovery here, I want to produce brilliant students who will.

Anything you want to say at last?

As a female, I have faced challenges. I was married at a young age and got divorced which can be considered as a challenge. I lost some one I love who is the father of my daughter and my fiancé. Most of all, though, facing an emotional challenge due to racism. And I had to do it all while raising my two daughters. This didn’t stop me. It even motivated me to work hard to get to where I want.

And to every young Eritreans, life is short and do everything in your power to get the best of it. Now is the time to learn and be productive. Thank you for having me; it is a pleasure.

continued from page 8

7Vol 25 . No 27Eritrea Profile, Saturday, June 2, 2018

8Vol 25 . No 27Eritrea Profile, Saturday, June 2, 2018

Thank you for joining us, Dr., would you please tell our readers something about yourself?

My parents were both teachers. And I sure can say that they are the ones that influenced me to be attentive and good in my studies. Especially my dad, he was a history teacher and played a huge role in my life. He wanted me to be good in my studies and shine. He also had the love of his country and people. It always pained him to see brilliant students go to join the armed struggle. He once told us, “Almost all of my students are going to the battlefields to free this country. All the good students that had bright future and opportunity in life. Some of them might come back and some of them might not. I want you to make me a promise to be good at your school and fulfil the responsibility of those good students who are sacrificing their lives and opportunities.” This was something that motivated me to work hard in my studies and dream big. I didn’t learn for myself; I learned to keep the promise my

Dr. Eden Against all Prejudices and ChallengesAsmait Futsumbrhan

“Researching is problem solving. I was here to learn how to solve problem. If that is not what you do here I am not interested”. These are the words she confidently said to a supervisor when he told her that the research that was being done at the institution didn’t aim for the third world. And the same answer got her to join the institution in which she made one of the biggest discoveries considered in chemical research.

She is an inspiring Eritrean woman who worked towards achieving her dream of making a difference to the world through research. Not only did she have to face racism and its outcomes, but she fought to make it to achieve her dreams as a single mother too.

During her research to analyze features that might cause cancer in our environment, Dr. Eden Tareke shock the world with a discovery she made, with very limited resources, on how Acrylamide chemical is formed in heated food.

Having left her country as a teenager, Dr. Eden has always had the burning love of her country and people. She cannot wait to make other discoveries with Eritrean scientists from Eritrea. Q&A invites the brilliant Dr. Eden to share her story with our readers.

father made me carry to serve my country. But that was another kind of strength for me to be good at my studies.

I had the dream to solve the world starvation, as there was starvation worldwide at the time. I got my degree in nutritional chemistry. Then, I continued to get my licentiate examination ph. Lic , on background Carcinogens in 1998. Afterwards, I did my PhD at the department for environmental chemistry, Stockholm university, SU, “identification and origin of potential background carcinogens: endogenous isoprene and oxiranes, dietary-acrylamide”. Also, I did my post-doctoral research, at the Oak Ridge Institute for science and Education, food and drug Administration/ National Center for toxicological Research.

What was your schooling like outside your country?

It was challenging. I have experienced the racism and its

outcomes first hand. I have never been discriminated in my life before. I was confused on what was happening. I grew up respected and honored for my parents were highly respected teachers. In my high school, I was the only black student in my class; for that I suffered a lot. The students didn’t want to sit or partner up with me for any kind of school projects. So I decided that I should just focus on my studies and stop caring about who is going to work with me or sit with me. The sad thing is this kind of discrimination continued until the last time I came here, which is almost my whole life. But I had an aim; I was learning to serve my country, and that motivated me even more to keep going.

The discoveries you made on Acrylamide formed in heated food…

I was working as a laboratory assistant at the beginning. Afterwards, my professor came and told me that it is better for me to do research since I was already doing it. And that is when I started to do chemical research. That wasn’t easy, especially since I am a black woman from the third world, also a single mother. But my passion was above all the obstacles I was facing. I had a dream to chase.

Anyways, the research I did had already been started at the institution I joined. My projects focused on the features that can cause cancer in our environment, anything that we eat, drink or breathe. My theory was that, if measure chemicals are causing

cancer, low molecular chemicals can also contribute to the background in cancer. Of course, I didn’t get an immediate answer on it. But that didn’t stop me from working hard on it. It took time for me to get the results.

I the time I was working on my projects, an accident of a bridge occurred where an Acrylamide chemical leaked in the area. As a result, animals were paralyzed and numerous fishes died. So we had to do an examination to find out what happened. As expected, the important projects were given to other colleagues, who, of course, aren’t black. I was given a less important project. Well, at least that is what they thought.

I had a specialty of method development, so it was easy for me to develop a method to examine the animals that were affected by the incident. I modified the method I used on humans and applied them on animals. So I figured out that the animals which lived closer to humans had high level of acrylamide on their system as they get heated up food from the humans. And for those animals who lived far, it was less.

So, of course, it all was connected with my previous project I was working on. And that is how I came to find a sensational discovery that the heated food has a high level of acrylamide. Acrylamide is a highly regulated chemical in the world as is a neurotoxic. I discovered that heated food can create the chemical and can be consumed without our knowledge. And this shocked the world. Of course, there are many companies that profited from selling French fries

and any heated food. It was going to have economic implications.

The discovery was considered one of the biggest discoveries ever made. My supervisor wanted to call the press conference soon. I objected to hold a press conference soon, as I wanted to do more research concerning it. I continued to study what kind of food it can be created, from and the results were on carbohydrate food.

While I was in the middle of my research, I lost my fiancé’ and had to come to Eritrea for the funeral. That is when my supervisor played the trick. She called to inform me that they were going to hold a press conference without me, saying that they cannot hold it on any longer. I had to make an emergency trip and I wasn’t included in the press conference. In fact, I don’t think that they even included my name till the last minute when they heard I was making it back.

Does it have to do with racism?

Definitely. They weren’t happy, that a black Eritrean woman made this huge discovery without their help. They didn’t want to let the world know who made the discovery. That is what happens to all the black people. That is one of the many reasons I wanted to participate at the press conference. Not only did I deserve to be there, but I wanted to represent all the black people who make a big difference in the world but couldn’t. Even though

continued on page 7

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