vol. china says u.s. kidnapped communist...

Post on 27-Mar-2019






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Sho St r


sual. the S.P.C..\. ha1·e lm·ciy stalls

<rticlc~ al'ailable being used to

There will be ~ol inks and candr for ' booths, pantry and 200 beautiful 1tiful clothes selllnz I $2.00.

is going to be the ~t and the general •·ited to comp 1 the fun, fan,il)·, as there

ling for ei'Cr)'OOf. I

;igns Iff Of

H n. Finlay .\lel\cemher c past three and or.e has bern assistant en l of the General has resigned his e a post with the nee Commission of wick. Jre going to the cKerrecher was ~ St. John's :half of the stafl al Hospital Dr. A. ntendent, presented 1 set of luggage. )Jr. 1 behalf of the social :tub presented or. · with a tra1el



y, M. C. A. No~a Motors Ltd. ~--:-;.~------------------··-----

Vol. 66. No. 257 THE pAlLY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S. NFLD., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1959 (Price 7 Cents) Charles Hutton & Sons

~ China Says U.S. Kidnapped Communist Diplomat • lOll Soldier l ''Forced To Make Statement"

Jn Ga.za Strip ·TOKYO r API-Red China Sun-~· statement broadcast by Radio Pe·

day accused the U.S. consulate king that the stale department ~enerd i:l Bombay, India. of kid· ''reversed right a~d wron:: anr! napping unc of. China's consular i falsely accused other people.'' starr, holdmg h11n lor 20 hours : "l am authorized to I'Oice a anrl forcing .'lim to make a stale· • serious protest against this." • mcnt against his will. Radio Peking said Chang wa! :Peki:tg was replying to \\'ash· kidnapped by personnel o[ the

tngton's charge that a mal'ine of i United States consulate ;:eneral iD the U.S. consulate general staff in · Bomba\' on :>lo1·. 26. H~ was de­Bombay was abducted and beaten: tai:ted ·as long as 20 hours and i~ the Chinese consulate friday 1 forced to makE a statement

rtllllt' lo ~ tJ;>;~:r hospital. llr 11·~, b11ricd Sunday i~ the

l;~w 1\'ar Cemetery aft~r a ru.l ,,Tal >~n·icc Hl lhe Proleslanl ! l'llapcl at Ra£a~1 in the Gaza 1

• I

~t l'ip. I 'I' pi'. .-\lin'~ wilr, . :'>Irs. Gail 1

~IM~arrt Allan, I'C>i(lCs M 19 \';~It• Str~~t. Halifax. ·

.\n army Sllokesnwn said there ! ~~-~" no worrl in ll1c initial mL'S· ·<~~e to Ottmn1 of a:l\' fmther l'anurlian casualties. btti that the .1rm~· cnmmaml~r in the :\Iiddie I :•t w:1.< beln~ asked to supply

after he showed up l~cre with the: against !tis will.. · Chinese. · On the 27th the "American kid-

The Chinese was identified by, nappers' were taking him to Born· Peking as Chang Chien-yu. a ' hay by car and he managed t1 member o[ Red China's export.' escape and run back to the Chi­Import corporation. The U.S. em·' nese co~suiat~ general, the radio hassy said he asked for asylum 1 sairl.

~~ 1·,1 ,,,,,,,,,,,.,. :111 a1·ailahle information.

"' 01 :,1· ,·r·c :•o: S8111~ 1.000 Canadians are with ··., l'::.··', ,,,. ": ·the iuteruatio:wl r or,. e. com.

In t~e United States, then cha:tged ', The Chinese consulate informed his mind. ' lhe lndia:t police authorities 1ft

The United States filed a strong: Bombay bv telephone. ,, ,, ,,. , \ ,.,., mat•,:lcrl h:· Canada'; :llal.·Gen .

. ~ .. ;·,,,i T' .1: E. 1.. .:\I, nurn~. whic~ has pa· -~;;,;:;,.,.,, ,,:·~:·· trolled tit~ border since the Suez

protest with India Saturday, saY·' "Soon alter, the Bombay police !ng the abduction of Sgt. Robert authorities dispatcher\ persons Armstrong, 34, or Los ,\,;cles. w~o look away the American," it was "a high·ha:tded 1·iolation o£ sairl. ~~·~~· ,,:.,~ 1h··! l'~l cri"i~ in !n:1fi.~i.

t''''' -- --------- ------ -~------ the Jl(!rsonal rights of a Cnited Th~ l.'.S. l'ersion is that Arm· States citizen." . strong wa; h~\d for six hours,

Wea1thy Americans REVERSE RIGHT, WRO:\r. bound, beaten and questioned a:td

A spokesman £o1· the Red C~li·' was released onlY when Indian , ncsc forri~n mini:-;tl·~· ,<.aiel in ;1 1 ~lnlitr arri\'ed.

To Kidnap Roosevelt \'and<·tbilt. ~ 11ritcr. ~n R>~O·:

,,~:~ uf 1\uo,l'lt'il. ancl himself A

11''.'11\i>er u[ R 11<'"1\hl' >ocirl\' r11mily. ~~y;-; l1c wa~ pl'i·\'~' tn eli~-' n,,ions nmun~ thr nnti-noos~1·elt r;n:uwinl ~roup thnt "rc;llly mean! hu~inc~s."

Bi!t he sa~·s tile)' :tclel' wrnl tllrou~·, with lite scltcme. aftcl' he \1 "' nllowcd \0 lip Ill em orr I hat Huo;~wll and the fni knew allnnt it.

Thr l"B! hod no t·ommcnt to n111kc when informed of lhc storl' ' in Vanderbilt'.< book hut Ll. E. R:1ughnwn. chief of t:te secret ~rrl'it·e which ~u;mls pt·e;;iden\s, .'<lid he had nel'er heard of ~t1ch n plot.

C:lliC:\C':O-Gcncrnl view of the .Ierne after n four-engine TWA frci~ht plane crashed into a rrsidcnnnl arc~t :'io1·.

2-Ith. The plnne wa~ nttcmptin~ tn nwke an cmcq~cncy landing at .\lidway Airport which i1 ncarhy. Al lc<t.lt fil'e

nrc cll':ICI HIHl manv arc ~till mis~in~.-(l1 Pl Tclcphotul.

\ - - -- ---- -

Mr. K. In Hungary H)· ,\:\THO:\\' PEAHl'lc pl;,:~:ed ki,es nn holh ~ltceks.

RU)AP~ST <.\P •-SO\ irt Pre· Thne was no banrl and M micr Khrusliche;· arri1·ed Sunday ~uard n£ ~onor. Rut little llungar· lo attend the fit·>t full-sc;;le cnn- ian ~irb. drc:;scrl m tit~ uniform

· ~~·ess of tile Hun~·ari;m Commu· uf you:h pio:1ccrs. p r c sent e d ntsl party since tbe 1~o6 illlli-So1·· K'll'tbllchcl' and his wife with iet uprisb~. bouquets of r e d ro>es. The

The congt·css npcnin~ toda)' is Khrusltchc1·s then wal~cd alon~· schcllulcrl to di,cuss the uprising, side the crowd. followed by clap· crushed by Sol'icl tanks. K:1rush·: pin~ and dteering. che\' is c.xpecled to make <1n im·: Hu;arian o[fictals at th~ air-

P,\:".U\.\ t.\P< - P.anamanio:l 1hat his troops woul() hare to Panama's independence r r o rn violence 0:1 JjO Panama national· portant speech some time before, port included Premier Ferenc and L'.S. Ai'my troops, usin~ tear open fire lo defend t:temselv~>. · Sp~in. i3ts who drove here !rum west· the sessions end Thursday. '~luc:tnich. deputy party leader ~as nne\ lire hoses. joined [orce~' The demnn>tratot·s, shouting· CROWDS FRUSTR.~TED ern Panama in " "motorcade or As Khrushchel', accompa~ied Gyoer~y :'.Iarooan and Foreign

All Quiet In Panama After Riot Saturday nl~!tl to beat hack :mo "Gnngn go home," hur~ect Uncle i Rocks were thrown through sol'erei~nty" to support this coun-, by his wife, :-<ina. appeared in· "linister Enrlre Sik . rock • throwing anti . American Sam In efli~Y. I 11indows a:td buses were ol'er-, try·~ demands for sol'erei~nty 1 the doorway of tile TL'-10-l jet air·· The K!1rushchev party then

------ .. ----- --- : demonstrators tryi~~ to force Panama police Snntlay were' turned by the frustrated crowds · Ol'er the Canal Zone. 1 liner, a crowd of about 500 broke 1 drol'c away in a motorcade to their way into the U.S.-controlled' rounding np known anti-Ameri·: as 1~1cy rellll'ned to Panama City . . . · into enthusiastic applause. 1 the ~ol'ernment's guest house, a

sIs In For Canal Zone. The situation ap· i cnn a~ i 1 a lor s. Aulhorities' from the Can:t\ Zone. U.S. aut~onlte~ .lndtcnled that Khrushchev dof£ed his hal and' hillside Yilla i~ the Buda section pear~d quiet Sunday. : sources said 30 or 40 persons' Helmeted Panamanians stood' as a result of Panama's help '.n waved it. Janos Kadar, Commu· i or the Hungarian capital. Secur-

A dozen American soldiers and i were u~der arrest. i ;uard at the U.S. em~assy ch~- co_ntrolhng the disorders, negotl· nist party leader. stepped for-I ity p;ecau~ions for the . Sovet t9 Panama~ians-18 demonstra· 1 The demonstrators, 111 o s tl y 1 eery and II~ U.S. ~~rormat1on atJo~s may olJ(!n earlier t~an ex· ward to g~eet Khrushchev. T~c! leaders I'ISit were mconsptcuous tor.< and one national guardsman; youths who split a•1·ai· lL'um ani ~cr.•irc IJUilding>-bof~ stor.ed by pected on Fanamu complamts t'P· S01 iet leader embrace~ him· znd


anrl relaxerl. -wer~ injured In the melee. 'orderly JndependenL-e Day rally,; demon<t.rators in similar riots, gardm~ the Canal Zone. Panama --- ·-------

:'l!ounted Ponamania~ police fl.: were trying to plant a Panaman· i ~o1·. 3-and at various foreign i wants Jts !lag to fly over t~e zone N c R'l Sl s . na\ly drove off the mob uiter the

1 ian flag In th~ Ca~al Zone to' business establishments. a~d ~~-a~ts ~n end ~ 0 w~at 1 ~ .calls A F Rl C A

1 U.S army commander wamed: mark the 1361!1 annil·ersary •I The Panama press blamed the dtsc:tmmal!on agat_nst liS ctllzens . · ___ .. _._. ---· -------·------- ___ ----- ----- -- : m JObs and busmess opportu-litical Scrap ' 1 ties in the zone. BUILDING UP

'flw hoard put down the big In· ' AI • H Q t• l l'I'Ca.<~to"mark~tlintpl'OI'emt•nt", gerla, ungary ues IOns I Ph t h in Otll!rating efficicnr)' a~d ~lr. llee~ to\d rcj>OrLer' there 11'3S' 0 ograp

i ' R.1· ARTHUR G.\VSIIOS I low, some B.ritish ministers be r.o;o;oo;.; (.~P'- The crisis in llir1·e.

Floor ~~~lll~~·:~~ee~o~~eo~r~c~~~~n~sl:;~: ·May Cause B1.tt er Debates. o ma:ic toll collection equipment cean was instnllcd o~ the hl'idge ahotll

Britain's three centra\ Africa:t T~1is drama is being played out . terrilories- Southern and :'\ort~· in both the sun drenched bus!1· ern Rhodesia., and ;>;yasaland-is! lands of the federation and the building 11p. · Parliament.

The ~impte is.1u~ i>: \\'ill Brit· The federation was intended to

II~ .WSEI'R ~lnrSWEES three month., ago. ~lt111ro. 11hn strr>><'<l widr>PI'l'nll li~ht of con I in \1 e ct reprisa:s • • • ain's project ro1· the i:tdependentlweld the Rhodesias and C\yasa· concern "rc~ordin" the imminent agai:lsl the l!l.i~ rebrls. \1'..\SHIC\Vl'll\ '.\r '--'t'ltr rle- l"cntt·al .·\ f 1· ,·can """"1·at 1'01t-' l•nd ,·nlo a s1·n~le, ,·ndepende.·l

EXI'EilT 1\' fli'PflStTI(l,'li f;~11ailian Prr" Starr Wrllrr .. ' ,.,,,_ " ~ .• 'tiO<sihilill.' of fm·tltc\' e\ccutioos" St:Et\ ~;;>;!) OF WAR fpnce dep~l'\lllrnl l1as rcka;cr\ a r,IJillld"d ,·n 1"."•' 'li"CCcd 01' fat!'. i st·'tr. Thr l.ihcral.< are [ortunatr In ll;>;lTED :'o::\TIO:>IS, :\.Y. i\,P< - ' ".r-o' " i11 I he Comntunisl·ruled rnu:tlr:.:._ This super-heated >uh.irct wi\\ photo~r~rh of t':lr P~cilir. Orr. an SU"''"·'· '· woul(! nt"an • ne. 11·! Its 3[l().flllr1 whitrs now wield pal·

:Ita\ tiles li~IC on their [rol\1 ('anada hn> inincd in ro·,PUIISOr. I' '' ' n

I I I k ll I . wlwrr rrbelliotl Wos <·rushed by' 'liat·r ntlenlion at the L':'\ lll~ floor t;~krn ~I R rrcorn rlrr•h o: r· 01111110n,1·c•lti1 sl"i" llott\d ,,.,·.,r 1.· ili<:<ll ""~PI' o1·cr i,OOO.OOO :>iel

'''Ill' t a man 11· to '11011 s a \lc m; a resolution on lhr qur>tio:J " "' " •·v . Sn,·\ct tanks in ta.io. week 11·ith the qne>lion nf ..\l~erin lR.IilllJ fert. 1'n tn' e '· tt·•tr~ 1·c, m1·neral . •,· 1···h! r""·'· lls premier. Sir Ro,_· Wc\~n 1•'' II tth a;HI onls o! I he transporl pori· 11[ Hun~ary, sdteilnl~d for de hale -nnnl~ter perennial .•nhjccl .. \fro· 1 r ;·[ : , 1· · ' k - t' n ·z fi"'lte · i~ "'or.tr,. [

11\in. romwr tran,port minist~r in the 14th (;cnrt·~i A~semblv o! ~luni'o. >pccial l':'\ rr.prroenla· · The rlCilRrtment .,,irl Salttt·da_,. 1earl o "nca. 1• II'Jn~ exam·. s )'. a one nne ,n e ,. 1, ' 1· 11 ·" th A,ian nation~ prcpat·ert ~ r~:<ohl· ' 1 f bl k 1 · · · · 1· t tu " ali J.innt•l Chel'rirr. the l'niled :\at ions t~i' week . ll·e otl tltl~ary, salu ere wa> the picture. II lticlt res~ntbles a r c o ac . w Hie part:Jers.llp a .'Octa IS. rnc•J.COltscrv I'E

·-- ---··--.. I · • a prolong~d blad<o',\1 o:1 e>senlla\. lion l'alli~~ for •ctilemrnl or the Iieser\ s•·ene wa, taken 1111.011 •h 11o11lrl offer an altcrnati1·~ to thr The stahts of the federatiOn

Tl Ro b ll 'II r II 1 war in which france h<~< br.r.n ' · ~ 1 · 1· r · h 11 "· d t ar


1 1e .·mem rt• a"em 1 y w1 '1\CII'S rom 11ngary-1e was not battling ~loslcm rebel~ for fil'c the eig;, 1 . 1 ~ch thick plastic win· bll'lltc st5tprehm<~c1vyo ICY o ne1~ · 11'1 '"' N'l'le\\'e :~ex ye ·

1JJJal PlaJJS consider a hluntl.v worded reporll allowed to l'isil t~1e country-but: ~ears. . rlows or the u.s. :o.l<tn· hath,·scaph, onn~ ,Oll\ ·' mn. . _ , . o~ .-..ew :\ea\and's Sir Leslie I new el'idente now had come to ' , . .· . . . ",Trieste. · · ' Fa1\ure wo11lct _lead whttc·rulr.d

1 \\estern counlltrs - In< ludtn~. ·Southern Rhodesia to \mk up pol· Cana_da-ha\'e express~d hope for! The trieste made its record· . itical!y with Sonth Africa. In

T Charges 'Pol ice Snooping' Prcs,de~t de Ganl!e ~ P.lan fori breaking descent in the Marian·; time t~e nationalism or these o·ur ' peace, orrcnn~ A\gen.a mtegra-1 nas trench orr Guam :-lOI'. 15. :souther:\ whit.es would clash with Jon, !ree assoc1al1on w1lh France 1 The nal'y· said the previous rec·' the ever·rising nationalism of the

, ·Rt~tersl- Oi['c'·•l' LONDON <A~l-A fi,erce con- I fession, , and mdepen~cn_ce through a vote I' ord for an ocean desce~t was 13,·' northern ~egroes. The world's 1 1 cine~ ih'ol'~; 0• ,,·t White House press secretary troversy over wlretappmg Is ex· i Dr. Kenneth fox, 46, _11as to be held w1t~1~ four years after 4DO reel. I first all-out race war mi"ht fol·

Winnie Celebrates Birthday


and \ ' '·" · .Jnmes Hagerty previewed the peeled to break in Parllame:1t I struck off the medical regtster nighting ends, I ------~"--,: . ··on~ .\fricn , tour earlier this month on a this week. It will probably bring Friday alter a public hearing The Algerian de bale is bound to "'3• Prera":Hionl 1 week·long trip in the plane the rene':"ed charges that police are I by the ~e:tera) Medic~!. Council be sh~rp, althouglt the French ------------------' l lor Prc•trlcnt ' president will use. abusmg their powers. , found him gUiltY of mfamous have mdicat~d they w\1 not at· tsto: 1' ~o~r\. H.agerty, the president's so~. Several members of \he House I conduct" by committing adultery 1 tend t~e discussions, b line with

stans nrx: Thurs· . ~I J h E' I l I . aJ. o n tscntower, appo nt· of Commons were a\\ reported with a woman patient w~o later 1their country's argument that Al·

ments secretary. Thomas Step~ens ' preparing angry questions for t~e commitled suicide. He denied the: geria is n domestic issue.

lh ' i

of e b_eauty of . lllilt I, thm thorns I • o do the nrne


and s?~~ 50"o!ftcla!s mapped out : governl!lent. They are. disturbed accusations. ; The opponent,s of France, par· >ccu~il): or oanizahon and com· 1 by a disclosure that Wlretappl:\g Part or the testimony against ' ticu\arly some new stales b Af. mnn1~at1o~s .for the tour. .


was instrumental In getting a o·r. Fox carne from a police sten-1 rica, arc :10t noted for restraint. .Arrt\'lng 10. Rome friday, ' physician barred from his pro- ographer who liste~ed in on his: France, criticized earlier by the

1-:tsenhower Will have t11·o d~ys -------------- phone. : UN for her plans to test an atomic, for conferences wIth Prcm1er CaliS for , Home secrrtat·y Richard A.: bomb in the Sahara. has much


Scgni. Butler will be asked why police· at stake In the way of prestige. · took this action and w~y thry'

Buries Family

Dog In


C t I Of passed orl information ft•om wire· on ro tapping to the medical council. , Search They sny that Dr. fox had . For

Media , committed no crime under British ! law and that the Ge~eral Med· I ical Council has 110 more legal

· ! status than any ol~cr professional Missing

: LONDON IReutersl - William' burly. I p • t ! Ca_rdlnal G.odlrey, Roman. Cat~- 1 Tlte ntass cit·culation Stmdav: fleS

IJOftlJl':AUX, France I nrut· I A hb h r w ' · o IC rc IS op o eslmtnster, I Pictorial charged in a front page · ers '-Is t~1e family do~ le~ally called Sunday r.or gol'ernme~t I artlc'le under b 1·~ black heatl\1'", "S .'[,\", '11 .. \ d a member of the family and. as t 1 1 1 1 t di

1 •. ·" " ,, -· 'AP• -The li1·e· ay.

such. entitled to be buried In the con ro 0 en er am~en me a, lo thai Fox was a victim of "secret · search for a Canadian Boman : family \Rmb? comb~t a threa~ of mcreased ll1l· police snooping." i Catholic priest reported missin~'

'f morahty an.d dlsh.onesty., · Buller has been under repealed in the wilds nf ~lindanao lsl~nrl " es," said George~ Blo\s, 1,. The Cardt:~al, En. glands r,ank· fir~ ln the Commons recently lt"'s so far pro\'C" "~c~ati1·e," a

7!i, whose rloi: Felix was burled R c th l \ ~ - '1

•• in the family lomb in the com· mg oman a 0 le c ~rgyma~, from members disturbed hy re· srokcsman for ~!anita's rescue muna\ cemetery of the village said in a pastoral lette.~ read Ill por{s of police overstepping the control centre said loday. I of Artigues de Lussac, :lear London churches that a. strong \\mils of their .. power. But he emp:tasized rescuers here. legislator would put as1de all. slill have hopes or finding the 1

timidity and remove these cor· Rev. Jacques Desparts of Mont· "No," said village Mayor AI· rupt 1 n f 1 u en c e s from our · p t A t ' rna!, a '2-year-old missionary of

bert Lacroix. A former friend rotes mnes y " " or Blais, the mayor originally minds." Quebec's for~lgn missio~ society, authorized Fe\\x's burial in 1~ He warned t!tal the public, par- and his Filipno Plot. tomb, but later ordered the tlcularly young persons, will start A Philippne ar force plane dog's exhumation. to regard as fairly normal con- B nUS S E L S lReutersl - A swept over a IOO·mile jungle area

Blois has threalfned to take duct the "Stories of killings crowd of warne~ whose sons and east of Davao City Sunday. le"ol action adnln·.tthe ma•or'• and shootings ... l~fitleiity in husiJands were execul~d by the J.'ather Despurts anti his pilot HILADELP"<IIA D • I N 'f . I ~ ~ ' ' ' 1 · · 1 h'lrl N · h s ~ 1 1 1· 1 1 r P ' , Pa.- urmg a test at t 1e al'y 1' alene order, claimln~ that Fe\\x wa

9 marr age, illeg1l1mu e L' 1 ren, · uzs durmg I e war . unuu)' et look off in a 1g ll p a:1P rom

a membel' of I he familv and that dl.<honesty and tlte like . . . a crowd or ahotl\ .10.000 demon·. Du\'ao City on Mindanao's west Center here, .\lercury Astronaut M. Scott CW"penter mol'cs the lnmily plot was !ti's private "No doubt there would be the strators Ill a marc~ to prole~t. an i co_as~ last Monday to Vlstl r'~~~~tc hi~ arm to rlcmonstratc mohility while wcnring 11 prototype PI'O!lCi'l)'. 1, u.1ua\ outcry against what would amnesty lor convtcted war-t1me mtsstons on t~e sol1\her:1 P,htlhp· f h . 1 f II . In 1 • h

be called inlerference with per- collaborato1·s. There now are 230 pine island. They have not been o t e proJect ~ ercury u pressure smt. t ns test, t t'

The difiere:tre has not only made biller enemies or Blois anrl the ma~w. it also had divid~ the village.

' sonal freedom, yet this is simply aartime collabora\ors b Bel· heard from sinC". . pressure on the astrorraut's.body was five pounds per square t~e empty c\~or of tnose who gium's prisons. They include 58 An alarm went out Wednesday 1 inch-equivalent to atmoS[Jheric pressure at 27 000 feet lov~ \lce~ce rather than a free· conl'icled traitors on w!tom death after they failed to check i~ at ! .t. I I (UPI T I I ) ' dom worthy of the name." sentences )lave been suspended. •their destination. '....,ove sea eve.- e ep wto •

LONDON meutersl -Sir Win· slon Churchill will celebrate h\s 85th birthday today with a birth· day cake co~taining ingredienl.l

1 from 130 countries. Churchill drove from his coun·

try ~orne outside London to ~ town house after lunch Sunday to prepare for today's festivities. r.ms and greetings from all over the world have poured i~lo both homes,

lie will hal'e dinner today with his family and older grand-chi\·

, dren. · 1 T:te former prime minister and


1 war. time leader will . receive a birthday albwn of greetings frorP

I leader~ and officials from ma:1y counlnes.

He will cut into a four-tiered , cake that wei~hs 60 pounds and is chockful or ingredients ranging from Australia~ raisins to Fin· nish liqueur.

The most unique ingredient though came from Panama - a small bottle or water taken from the Panama Canal. A drop was put in t~e cake. ............

Weather Overcast with lntermitt·

ent s~owers, changing this afternoo~ to snow flurries. Turning colder this even· in g.

TEMPERATURES Moncton ........ 39 QueiJec .......... 24 Montreal ........ 21 St. Jllhn's ....... 48


27 23 61

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• THE DAILY ST. JOH~~·s. NFLD., MONDAY, NOV ~·----------------·------------------~--------------~--------~~~~~~~~~~~~~



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~tar.int to: S:an'H · ' ror a m~~e:.~~ c't:~f . ' ·.nr.h.o lie€,,.

one ro~:.:!

: the 111\le h• ~a! ril!, "A• soon a~ ml. ·~ 1.-as allo·,,ed lo b!'p weekly paper -counted on h~ M~. HA:oiOY B~!ILT

"We 2\wan ~~ one )11-<t about (~ " oper3le the lir.o:~ we did ~ca•l!e \t~ 11 starr we had."

I The elde;l !Ol ..

a paper at Ka;:o. BC:

I tendh~ l'nirer;':!y d. Deni.~ i~; 3~ R~·e~~:P!

I Toro n 1 o. 11ud':'i · 1 Daughlor .'':~Ia ~ ~ .

I' a_nrl help r., aL ~;., :'iew<.

! :'-.1!'~ s•ar.:(l\'

. my wr •. \· "r.ac{ ~o !~ ·

i "T!·.':' ro . ."•.:ry P~f*, 1 men11o~ 'lrs. Jc~~· 1 ~~n h·1: '.\~ Ct:'t.C; I ~lr.< .lo"p< tea 1: 1 I €'\'fr·~ n:-,f v. an~' ~o.

I n~ighi;or '-' ~o:): rParh· kn~·.~ a~~ ~"'!::

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·' I, i ! " I \' . ~ :. f'

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1 otordonis l 1 ost andsome levvard Hm i~ 11 couple who ~eek the finest this world has to offer, •. for their home, their family, their life together. From experience, they know th.at only tlr4 fi:nt!t can he so gratifying, ~uch ~n infinite pleasure to own. Th~t is why c~clil\ac, and Cadillac alone, ia their choice of automobile.

And Jor 1960, Cadillac expresm its owner's wis­dom to a magnificent new degree. The new Cadillac is even more inspiring to behold thm ever, combining

u it does classicly simple }inta and a IUhtle use of adornment.

Within the rar, a mHI'ellous. 11ew dignity,,, refinement, , . and high degree of craftsmmship, are instant.!)' ~pparent. Costly fabrics complement velvety leathers to create a aalon de;pnce. Controls and appointment• reflect the superb imasination of Cadillac designers.

But, of counc, it is only when you drive a Cadillac

that the run, breathtaking .lgnilkance J this auto• motive achievement iaappreciatcd. Nner hu a oar so willingly mponded lo your every command, made ercry elfortles•milu rr·;clation in hushed smoothness.

Yes, Cadillac il rich in reward•. If you are thinking of a new car, why not follow the example of wise motor­ists everywhere? Your authorized Cadillac: dealer will be pleased to introduc~ you to the Standard of the World, May WI au&gest you viait him tomorrow?





Briefs n ThE News'

FIRES flrernen responl e~lls Saturda:

At 11.« a.I • ialse alarlll WI

fact orr Lane. ._,,.,.1• out th

M 9.50 p.t a rlre in No. 8 resulted in I AI 2.42 p.m.

1 trucks res1 rrom th• Grat

trfl~re a strang; detected in room. AI 9.1

1rucks 'll·ere core Road

fire had bro~ a stnr~. The fi

'llhen th A call •

struck by s1 vehicle,

HIT 8\' CAR! old Frank F

. He wa! the Genera I

II ~·as found he no injuries. At

, ~Iaureen ~Ia Col'e Road W< near her no:

across the str to the

car, bridge a

, had apparet the east sii

The car had h after 1 a.m. o

of the owne Berteau Al'l

Tl'R!'i!m VI m owned b\

140 Forest · ltolen ;t 1

was r 0 '

.~venue at nme da•·.

G:\s l.E.\1\.\ f.nd firrmrn Brazil Squ:ll

n~n hour s,


fishermen . · U1in1 1UtJnns wer . e. Jn I

rs. overpaid Insurance be . ave to be ,,!oyment n.

;l·O\'FR l('p,

)' or :'\ aku;p, Br nd newspaPt'r

her hu1band t!1~ Arrow La;,

·P. 70 m1le< nnrth eek!l' newspa~r ~~ of ROO . . ion~ Stan!e~·. here nwetm~ of the

' \\'eell' c ha~ ·~n 1i lat'('r busi~E~.~ 1~·f'<i in r:~ll ~ nuirln't wo:l! ;ni: a:ly'.'l'hert 1 n M mt~n·lel\'

~•anle"< h~~~ 1 dau~hl~r •~d aU· e for the h11•in~11 H';, one rould l!t. me he "·as nine," soon as ~ach ~·as allowed to )l(!lp Jl'J! iy paper -ed on his help. DY FA~IIT.Y 'e always ~mtd just about l'1e lle the linotype. lid because \hat we had."

e eldest so~. Alan. per at Kaslo, B.C; i~g Univl!rsity o! s is at Rymon , n to, studyi~g

ghter Shela is in helping at the

11.- n•DITH "o:mo:-' •cP

Bob )roach. :'llot for \Jioned "e:c~lng!" :s a girl tn come mosaics.

;uch enterpri~ 10red so I went !rtment in Bohemle d heard his sto!')'. t was all on t~.e lliamson, it turntd 1·ear-old ~atil'e o! ;.e up ~is studiH rs!ty of Toronto altfl 1t he would rathfT be on a mining englntfl· in 1906 he headed for ught a o~e·man bOll rg paddled It eiOPI d 'finally wound ~P

thP Frenc!l :.OURISHISG Williamoon . ntlv over the 1J~ s boat to the yach~ •ra1·a former wife lr.an'. and ~ow he ~ tolls. '"for months I had " th~ hartxlr - n . I r"11en one a) h m HP told 1111' .e ,. ooat but hadn t -~ h!>cau'e I looked Wiile in Ca~n!l. iendly with HJ~lm'!0 · · 1 work1nl 1 10sa1W diaD Jdio. The. cana n hil lg ill moslalcs llded 10 ed it and dec I" field. Encouraged by ! tilt Br!ti'h patron oboal,

amson sold his olldon ann set uP s

N he ~B' 'a ' OW . t'V : " r~ren '· nc;Jn,.:;:c: nP

n:f<'e tahlP' fox~' ornt ,tort an rl ror 'ir~ <0·51)'1e hra 1 n rli~nl. , T,IJIT,F. lf'RKS 0:"' IM'' The studio Is a wall'

Jom. Atong oneent o~talning dllfe~lc tone and cer~abl!l re two laril doni· ctual work Is !J pi This, brieflY. 11

The Daily News • I


~===~-~----------------------------------------------------------~·----~·-----------!More Ships New Salvation Regional High School Army

~riefs In The ,, ''News

rtHES lirflliU rr~ponrlrrl to

11111 Satnrrla~· and \I iUl a.m. Sal·

I ;, alarm was ran~ I I~ L' I rarto~· ].an~ , ores

·oue At B. I. BELL ISLAND (Staff) -

Latest reports indicate thst the ore·sh!pp!ng trade wlll be quite brisk dul'ing the next six cr se\'en days,

Two :-.1orwelg!an frelghter8. British freighter and the two

j freighters engaged ln the Syd· 1 ne):, N.S., Wabana ore trade, · are expected to sail from Sea·

lla Pier with ore cargoes dUr· !ng that period.

llio~n! out th• ~a!11 111(~.~. .\1 9.~0 o.rn .. "a . JRS T y· I Orr in So. ~.II rsl· • Q lsit

altrd In II I I I t .~t !.I! p.nl ~ r•trr· '

I trllr~< rr;ponlied Cflll' . II rllrtJ!l th• (,prr ns· 1 .. 1 1 tr•n~r nrlnr ,,rr Premier J. R. SmallWood will

~rtrrtrd 1" Jhr rr· leave next SaturdAy night for ' rt'Orn· .\t ~.o:, l>.m. 1 Hamilton. Ontario. He will

1n1rk< 1'm J":llird , be in that city for two days . CW no•rl 11·hrrr Sunday e1·en!ng ·he will ad·

' fi1r harl hro1'.'' 11 out dress an nudienre of 1,700 In . •W'· Tht fJrr ll"as . a Corum held after the regu·

· ~hrn thr flrr· lnr church services In Grace · ·' \ call 11 tn . .i.i United Church. ll!ii<U•. , I

!Jtll hoU<r on 1 rrs I· ~londay e1·enlng ~e will Rd·

111d, ~hrrr an oil ; dress the students o{ Mc:\!.15· 111 ghln'. IT 011blr, ter L'n!verslty in a gen~rnl as·

!a~'l arll\111•'· I sembly. flt"!l.ll!'i(; The following day, th~ pre·


.._, ____ _

.. ·. ~·:. ~ ,, : '

ARCH I ~ECT'S SKETCH 0~ THE NEW SALVATION ARMY REG JONAL ll!GE SC.HGOL presently under construction in St. John's. Th.e p~OJcd. vnll c.o~t app;~x1mately a quarter of a million dollars. In this conuection the Educational Fund-raising campaign which is now ~emg Deld 1~. r~ce1v1ng w.10esp~·earl and s~·mpathetic response. The new school wtll be ready for occupanc~' oin September 19!i0. Architects for 1.ne new bUJlclmg are Cummmgs and Campbell. with construction being dtme by Allied Construction Cu.

------ --------~---·------·

._ .. ,

I -.

· 1 i~·Jr of r.:~n.1o'r ,\ir· mler will go on to Ottawa, !r.r~ ,,1

rl 21. ~ 01 1rt 1ir· where he will attend an ad· ld b' I ~\;:_';~ admirer! " nr~.'· ~~~~~\,:t:~~~~~r~;cc~~~e;!u:~~! Go en Ju ilee Of Terra Nova I ~~:~;l~e ~/es~~~.erJ.gu~~~\1::~!~ ~santa May Be NDP con eludes . · '"l'nlr: J' .. " ll'lll~l ,. Thr :1remler will return to St. · onrl Wm. ~!. Howlett, the for·.

··, · of nwrlrr:J ort "'

i~:;;:?:?,·;:::.:, '~~~~"';·;~ice !;~~~;~~~:. ~;: ~~;~:~;:;: ;~ :.:;~:,;:~ ~~ ~};;~~~ft!i~;~~:r~j~~~1 ,,~~:~'~:~~~;~~~: ::·:1

Policy Meetings Pi~r. ~J /larnrs :Council !lio. 1452. Knights of any one time. ll was estimotcd .Joe Fitzgibbon. J. A. Gihb!, Q. rHndrers to reoell st. .John's ~p.~rl~d 111 rit.' pnll•·r Certl"f"ICateS : Co!umbm was instituted. Its that well over five hundred at· c .. A. ~1. Duffy. ~l.H.A .. A. E. this winter. If this week rnrl's ll'lll·:ss RELEASE! . date in the provincial election

•lih hi, rar "a' p~rk· !first Grand Knight was till' late tender!. The council's organist .Jackman. and :-1 . .1. \\'adMn. weather is an)' indiralinn of Top oflicials and pl11nnrrs of.last August. he and other party ~~~~ ol hi• hou'r hr· F DO"CO M John Barron. prominent St. ~lr. J. J. Slottery rendered the Also presrnt were the presi·. 1•:hat wintPI' will he like, il !he Xrwlounrlland DenlOlTatic! planners were "by no means /W o.m. 011 ~.11nrdav or ~ en 'John's merchant. Pnpr's march during the entry dents of sistrr Calholir socielics doesn't :onk like this will be a Party cnnl'iurlrd a srries of discouraged"' by the election n·

11111m. ~r·'•rrla)·, It ~ . This vear it was necessan· to of His Groce and the orricia! ond (;rand Knights, anrl repre· 11hite Christmas. polit)" and pl<~n11in' meeting' sulls. 1

on 1h~ l•ft ,!dr BELL !SL:\XD (StaHl _ · advanc~ the date o~ celebra~tio1: party. sentalh·es from outside coun· · But those ritiHns whore at the :\cwfoundlanrl Hotel ··Analyzing the voting stati~· un· Em,J!oyccs of Dnsro, Wabann of the Golden Jub~lee anllll'rr· ells. member l~st ~·ear's b~cl storms Frid~y l'l rning. and p~rly !carl·; tic>, we find I hat in the 19 di~· ~lines. who hnl'e •ttaill<'" sary, because of c1rcumst~nces The ChairmRn w~s ~lr. \1' .. 1. wn11"t fee! too badly about this, cr F.d F1n11. Jr. said thai "a 'tricts we contested, we attained

" " b d th t 1 f th E Ashley, Grand Knight, who a\ A!trr the Toast to "THE 1•·c're sure broad program rnr t•xpanding about 12 percent of the popular

m R\' nne; membership In the twcnty·fll'e ey.on e con ro ~ e xe· the conc!us1·011 o! dinner, pre· QUEEN"' had been honoured · s · · r 1 'd F , r

1 f ~nd tortv·~·ear clubs durin". cut1ve of the Council: • aturday the· tempcratur·.• and ~onso irlating the :\DP r ur- ·vote" he said. "1\'c ha1·e a solid

'· rans ""'. rr o • ~' Th k 1

· senterl the distinguished guests. the Chairman presented I he went up to 55 rle~recs. Thi.; in!: the nrxt year has been map·, nucleus of support among the ~~ "a; str;1r'; hr a' the past year. will receive loll~: ti e ~·ec · ong ~,~rte~ o( ~un· namely; His Grace Archbishop Toastm~stcr ~lr. Halley who was a recorrl "igh for this n:lt•. pet! nul." . Hltcrs of !';cwfound!and. and

Go11rr S1 ot 1'2 30 sen·/ce membership ceJ'tlfl· '1 c ons . egan on ' on ay ' 0:· sk1'nner, H,· •. Excellencl' Bishop formal !I.· introduced the rlislin· l'rCI'J.0\1>1)', tl1c llJ.N!Jc.· 1 fn1· · 11· · ~ f · · t d I 1 b tt d I

16th w1th an attend nc f 1

' · · ~ '· · c Julcnn ,.,.,,, sonn In sl,rt our prospects or mcreaslng ca cs an ape u on5 ur nr a e 0 s x O'',''c'lll, the ch1'cf Jt1stice of ~\IJ.shnd spc•kers. :\ b 2 l I h ' a company sponsored function hundred Knights at Holy )lass •' " • " · 01'em rr R lRl een 52 rle· ;cltin~ up "'·tin• cor:,:itttrncy that support :1rc extremely

h 1

d C · 1

h :\rw[ounrlland. Hon. R. S. Fur· "The Archhishop, Bishops. grers, rcerrded in 194:1. os'snd:1tions in ,, m" 11 ~· rirlin~s goorl. Onr thin~ is certain -

Til [n·Jn~ hr h~d .<tis· t~ be ,1e d at

1the C

1abnadlan LP· aTnh om! nhlUmotn n 1 e .BasGilica. loll", lion. E. S. Spcll"Cr, ~lin is· •nrl l'!crN'.·": Prop .. ~tr .. 1. A. \'nt t'o11tcnt w1'tl1 sell l·n'.'. 011r "I ·' c 1 c F e c c r n

1 HI • ' " ' as wr ran," he s;sid. "'1\'r will when II!~ next elrction is railed.

:e,~prir<. AI 240 p.m. ~on :. morba 7

111 ' on r:· ,

1 t Rc ap Jl'assk. s rC~cJ•e ler of Finonce, rcprcscntin• Ryan, Stair Deputy; Resp .. \lost rcrorrt, the lhHmnmrtcr t'ii•Jib· .



h • 1

. un)', ;,ol'em er 2 t 1. ., os e1•. , . mner, . . ' Jl p J Sk' (" J , 1 1 t cl " 1 " al>o sl'l IIJl lllilchinrr~· fnr dis. wr won't he caught unprcpar· . mt<n. ' rr. '· o ' Emp!OI'CCS of the compnnv ~1. D.D. who was ;us!stcrl hy Han. Dr. .J. Jl. Sm~!lwoorl. C\', . , • • mncr, ..... ·• rr o " uegrrrs ;,·rs eruR\". ll'ihulin= arrroprictlr litrr>lllrr rd''. r~~~ Road '.las st~u<·k

1 who prc.v!ously attained ':he Mdnsign~r O'Keefe and Fr.: Premier of Newfouncl!anrt, Hon. D.D .. Mrhhishop of St. .lnhn's. The prel"ious high fnr :\o· to our stlppnrtel'.' anrl krrpin~ The 1\IJP lcorlrr arldrrl that

!l!Wr h~r llo:nr ~~~~n long 5erl'icr status, will at· ~lcNeilly. Many of the Rt. Rev.,Dr. G .. A. Frcrker, ~1inister n£ "Ncwfounrllanrl": Prop .. \!r. ;;~~~~~~~~. 20 · srt in 1n



04 lhrm informed of all rlrvclop· thr naturP o[ the recrnl talk~

!troll I r htrrrt. • ~ lend the event. ; Very Rev and Rev. Fathers. EducatiOn, Hon. Senator J. G . .l~s. .1. Greene, )I.A.. llon. Sot only rloc.< it look likr il mrnls. , in Sl. .John'~ ~r.cJll~ to h~,·e been to I r Grnrr~ . Entertainment .will be pro· I were pres;nt in the Sanctuary.' Higgins, Mr. Jas. J. Greene, Leader or the Opposition; Jlcsp.. '·Thr irlr~ i~ t11 spPnrl lhr misunc!rr~lood in ~orne quar·

d 1 1 ~I A H 1 d Hon. E. S. Spencer. ~linistrr or worm winter, hul ~ wet win· 1'1 cd and atcr In the CI'Pni~g, The Chaplain o[ the Council • · ., on. .ea er of the Op· tcr. The precipitation for tile next )''"r or so prep~rin~ for tcr~. f~Jnrl nn •rparent ; refreshments will be served. ! \'ery Rev. Fr. Sullivan was the I. position .. ~!r. Joseph A. Ryan, Fin~ n c c. , represent in~ /~c month of :-/ol'cmhcr ha~ bern a party conl"rntion tn he atlenrl· "Thi~ 11a~ not ~ part~ ron·

I Preacher on this special oc·\r:p.resentlng the Supreme 1Prcm1Crof:-/[Jd,Hon.Dr ... · 10 inches, which Is neorlv rct by rlrlegatrs from ail over ,·enlion."he~aid."\\'ewon'tb@ SIDESII'lPEil 1 cas! on. Kmght, Luke E. Hart, Rt. Rei', Smallwood. double the nor mol rate. Th~ the isla Jul. 11 is pussiblr "e m:~~· rearly lor " conl'ention Cor l!!tnllnc tn ~trphrn Greene GOeS I on Monday at 10.00 p.m .. I ~Ions; Summ~rs •. V.G .. Rt. Rev.. Terra·Novo council No 1452.: number or hours of sunshine he re~rly for Sllch " convention some time. 1t was simply a gel· ~tabh Crurl. WR~ I more than three hundred nJem· ~Ions E. J. 0 Brten. State Chap· Add . 'I \\' J Ashier is down to 50 houn too. by next Fall. and il will err· together of the founders of the

by annlhrr rar To Convent"lon 'bers and their wives and lady c1ahin. l:eryf RTe\'. FNr. Sulclivan, Gra~~s~nig;i. . . . ' So Santa better ca;TY anum \oinly he held no later than the party to chart the program 1\'C 11 Prnny11rll RM<I. ~ frlen~s were present at St. Pal· ap am o erra ' o1·a oun· · , brella, and come by guided Sprin{; of 1961". must ha1·e in order to get the c!lh~ m 11hich i rick's School Auditorium for ell, ~lr. E. J. Phelan, Q.C., K.S. 1 Presentation~ or sou1·enlrs missile, to ~et throu~h any pos· ~!r. Finn 5aid thai. although party on a solid, functioning

Umllt 1\"!' l~t~r ~r· .Tames Green, house leader the Grand Ball. The Princes G .. ~!r. Jas. J. Halley, L.L.B., 1

1 and fifty year pins were made sible fog. the NDP f;1i!ed to elect a cancti basis." td rhar~rrl 11lth of the Newfoundland Progre5·1 Orchestra presented

8 delight·, PG. K.,: Toastmaster; Mr. Jas. to ~!essrs Kent and O'~!ara' _________ .. -------- -- · -·-- -------------

.n~~~[~ r.\R ~~·)~ ~~o;~e~~ag~·tasw~~ft yester· i~!.r~~~~ab~! ~~!~ingan~a~ ~~t.H!~~~s, ~~;;s~~~~;)' ;~~(;~~:. ~~:;~!n.~~;~b~~.~-o~rilc~~lfo·:r Got Any used Toys?


, car. fnunrl on · ~lr. Green will attend a spent by all. i ~!aher, and O'Keefe; the R.ev. Dalton Council, 1448 Harbour 1 • •

brid!~ at 2

a.m. party conference to discuss I ·Christian Brothers Supenor, Grace presented to G. K. Ash·' . appmn!ly collin· resolutions. He, along with The State Banquet was held. Nash, Darcy, and ~lurray; , lev 8 golden "gavel" suitably. other Newfoundland delegates,\ ln St. Patrick's Scilool Audl· i Honoured Charter ~!embers P. in~cribed in rHognition of the. Last week the Boy Scouts' i ~risp again. dip the book into' That rag doll can easily be

· \11 mt side of the . w!fl a,ttend the three day PC torium on Wednesday Nol'. 1l J. Kent and Peter O'~lara. occasion. 1· Association ~?mplaincd that a.soluticn of starch and water,, stitched up and cleaned. ~lay· tar had hPPII stolen conl'entlon. · lBtb, whlch saw the largest Regret was expressed at the . its annual dme to collert used 1 a.1d 1ron 11 h1lc still rlamp. he a new bit of yarn will give

lim !am. n,ll<tde the


The Grand Knight. ~!r. Ash· !D)'S for needy children was, Fra)·ed edges can he trimmed her golden curls or pigtails. II !he o..-rN. n~u~las lei' also announced that Terra not getting much response. : with pinking shears. It may take a bit or effort, Bll'teau A'"'

1111r IWA R • s It is )lard to beliel'e that nt \\'hat about that dirl)' old but Isn't that the spirit of

epresentatlve ays i !\ol'a Council would donate to l~a~t 90':; of the homes in this J>ancta brar: Brushrcl off. or Christmas:

!II llnert h' II1Jh•rt 'His GrfacSr20thOcODAr(cthhisthhop th~ l'lty do not ha,·e olti toys thr)· \'a<"uunwd. !a's ont• stc·p along -----------' '11m o · 0 · \I'O· ousan .. •·oulrl contribtJt• to tl1ls l\"01"111)", ll I t I '·1~1 o ti ~J'k Ill r . J :dollar.·) the ,·,,t•rn•. t 011 \I.LI'eh ' c \[' roac () l:l)lp~· (',\I" I ll . I ·o,·, an·

orr1t ""'"· rr· ' c '·' 11 cause. .\ lo! ol stuffo•d to.1·s ran be o'rn at iJO p.m. NBWW s d• L wnu!d rstahlish an a r. n u a 1 '!'lte toys, or rnmse. shoultl nlacl1inr wa'lletl. !lip the sl'alll '" f 0 II n rl nn uspen Ing oggers st•holnr.ship in perlwtuil)" for not be "too rar ~one"-ll!lt .just a bit. alld ,,.,. what kind At G d

.\lenurlt ~JO p.m. the students or lloh· Heart of even 1he simplest toy will dt'- uf stuffing tht• Ill)" lias. If it is ,an er ill! d". . ~tar~· Rr~ional High 'school. ann light a little l'hild on Chr:st· brll\1 nish l'•llllUrt·" ['Otlllll. Ul' 0 G.\:\DEH -- The first deputy

I camps", ~II'. "cCool sa'td. "h.1· · eop,1· or the constitution. I( it woul1l he known i!SI "The Terra mils lla.1·. All narPnts who mllltil'olored fibres. it is lwst · ,. premier of the l'SSR. A. ~!Jko·

~~~ l.F..I K.lr; E L-A1Jr~"r11 ·.•c':e l"all· lnlil Squ1rr •hnrt/J·

:~Ql hour ~a111r:lar t~ Ill! !Om~ V' lh.lt. harl bJ!h frnm a parked

~!embers of the Newfound·; !mpo~ill" "the drastic penaltl' of exists, it ccl·taini,l' hasn't been :\'ol'a Council K. of r .. Golden have ~t·rn lhl'ir yollll~stcr's not to mal'llinr wa,h, as the " )"an deplaned at Gander Sotur·

!anti Brotherhood of Woods· suspension, which in effect. de· distrib11terl to the lo~"crs who .T11hilee Scholarship: 11is Grace fare !igh1 up wilh jo~· c~n stuffin~ will stain til" <·m·n· ~" day evening 11'hile his turbojet

\I"OJ'kers are being suspended pr!ves the o!Cending loggers o! hal'e been ~onscripted !ntu the expressed his drepe;t thanks imagine what l'ffl·d an un·. in g. F"r till''" tu~·s. clean by' airl'raft was bein~ refuelled. or expelled "for daring to erltl· lhPir jobs. The~· are not allow· Brotherhood. [or tlii~ generous gift. ·expected preseut will h:m· o:1; u•in)! bru,IJ dippt•cl in stiff. )lr. ~likol'an. who wa! return· <"i1.e the NBWW's officials anrl ed to work {or either of the twd · "It is abso!ulel · r " t" . . . any rhild. I dry sur!;. Hinse with a dean ing to n1;,ia. was a~companied


methods", a representative of I' paper compan!es-Bowaters or. and rel'o!tin" that \h~ 1"'j/'dlngf An. el'ent wlmh _will lin Cor· Clotl1 book,, for examplr. II"<'! t•lot!J or sponge. . . 1

\ d k n AN h , ~ . Is 111 0 Her 111 the memones or all pre· can almost a!wal's br wa;l1rd. Sponge. r1nsr. but don t by approximately fifty official~. the lnte~nat10na Voo wor ers t e D Co.-unless t e) are p~ssure continues .~o be ap· sent .concluded with the sin~·, and come out ·looking like\ dunk, to)"S with mel'hanica! in: A second refuellmg stop Wi13

of AmeriCa said, today (Satur·l regl~;ered members of the NB, plied to our peo~.le , ~!r. ~lc·: !ng of "The Ode to Newfound· I new. Aller washing, to ·m1ke sides, like music boxes. . planned at Keflav1k. R. day I In St. Johns. I WW • I Cool declared. It Is even 1 d" and "God Save the I ·:.::.::..:.....:..:..:.:.:....::.::::::.::..'~::_::.:.:::_:_..:..:..::=~.:-=--:.::.::=....::...~---~----------

.John r. ~!cCool, IWA repre· · worse, In many respects, than· an ·, ' sentative !or Rr~ion 2, now He said thnt .the men who lhe blacklist being applied Q!~~n ~~ , stationed at Drer Lake, charger! hAve been expelled so hr h~ve. against so many !o~gers by the t d 1' ~IT day even in~ an est!-~ that the ;"J;BWW ha~ expelled not been given a hearing, or two paper companies. , ~a e C~~bo membrrs attended ~t ln~~rrs for exprrssin~ criticism. any opportunity to defend : e r.ooms St. Clare!, on the grounds that they are themselves. "They are simply I "It Is another terrible ex·· ~·e~ue to witness the exempli· I "working contrary to the In·; told that ad\'me criticism of 1 ample of the extent to which •

1rcatt~on 0°~ the Second Degree I leresis of the union". 1 the NBWW Is · against the thi~ go\'ernment • controlled i

0 e r ~r. . ..

"The NBWW h•~ muzzled· Brother hood'~ con~t!tution.! union will ~n to bludgeon men! Th;:t week~' Adii'J}Je~ ,,r.oncllld· i lrecdom of _,peerh in the' None nf them has e\'er ~cen a· inln ~ubmi~sion", he conclnrlerl.! P1rl

111 h Rn A~ 1Hnrlme at !h~! · c uh rnom~ on ,,a ur a:r e\·enlnl! ·

:when more than fil'e hunrlrPrl · i mPmhrrs, thPir wi1·es" Rnri lad1· 1 frirnrls ~prnt R mnst ~njoyahl~ I ~ct-loJ:rlhrr. Cml.~ were playrrl I and the Dancing 11as to the ! music of the Princess Orchestra. ':A presentation was made to i Charter Member Peter O'~lara, who attended during the even· · ing. The Grand Knight was also : presented with a suitable gilt i by the Chairman of' the Com· I mittee, In reco-gnition or his efforts on hehalf of the Golden

·Jubilee Celebration.

I Apprecintive rcfrrcnrcs w~rr i made to the Prrs5. anr! sci'Prol radio stations for :-\e11S col"er·

1 age during I he week. · So it is, !he p~sl fi [I y yr;,rs ; are now history, anrl Terra i

1 Nol"n Council approaches the \next fifty with hope for the ' , future.

On Leave BELL ISL:\ND fStaff) - .

I JI~ITI' f'lcr~e of West ~iiii<'S i~ . . I. .





Modern Floral - Scenic Patterns on white ground.

36. 38" Wide SPECIAL ................ sgc. yard

BARK CLOTH Beautiful Patterns Modern,

Scenic 'n' Tri-colours.

All 46" Wide

SPECIAL ................ $~ .45 yard

'he tablt ~~~h th' rease In w_ drawn i nal work 11 ~~~

l.Ul':S'fS AT K. OF C. BANQUET-Front row, left to right:-Hon. Dr. Fred,er,

Chit£ Justice Furlong, Hl!l Grace. the Archhisliup, W. J, Asliley, G.K., dwillllilll; llis Excellency Bishop O'Neill, Hun. E. S. Spencer, Minister of Finnnl't!, rcprc·.

~cnting Hon. Dr. J. R. Smallwood, Premier of Newfnunclllinc\. Bnck rnw:­

E\rcutive mcmhcr~ of Terra NnYa Council, lrft In ri~ht, P. J. ~!ndrlcn, T. T. Cnltma~ P. J. KaYAnagh, Augu~tu~ Curti~, A. J. Hutchings, ]as. J .. Tobin, Chas. ), Doyle, a!Jo Rev. Bro. Nuh and Rev. Bro. Murray.

: spending !care w1th hi' pal'·· I ents, :llr. and Mrs. William ·

I are " The co ors ·xture " nrl .: plaster.ml·ih! l'h~n t~!s drJ~S tabl' , 01-,cl from ~e ll'hch s back-rou waU nything !rom a 1blt tOP·


I, Pierce.

Har1·y is scnin~ in lhr Can· i ~rlian Army. liP srrl"rd thr I pa~t two·and·a·hal£ ~·ears ~~ \ I Germany.


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"4 THE DAilY NEWS, ST. J ~ •.•. 1 .• ~FlD., MONDAY, NOVEMBER '··:

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'I '·!i I II 11/E DAILY NL~W~ 'How's That Again?' I . 1\

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I ,.1 :' • ' ' \ . • ' I , ~rn Newfoundland's Only Morning Papsr

"Th2 World's Getting Sm~ller Every

~ ·. I I .I •' 1. • i' I j! l :•

The DAILY NEWS Is a momlng paper established In 1894, and pub-

By BRUCE BlOSSAT Politicians generally give themselves,

and their fellows, a lot of leeway when It comes to consistency,

Kennedy hili, drew 90 per cent of ito reform features from the latter hili. /;:/ --:~- ~



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Canada ...... . Sl::!.OO per rumum United Kingdom

and all forei~ countries Sl-1.00 per annum Authorized a~ second class mail Post Office Department, Ottawa.

. lished at the News Building 355-339 Duckworth St.eet, St. John's, New· foundland, by Robinson & Company, Limited. · ·


The Canadian Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news despatches in this paper credited to It or to the Associated Press or Reuters and also the local news published therein.

All Press service and feature articles In this paper are copyrighted and their reproduction is prohibited.

Member Audit Bureau

of Circulation.

ii!ONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1959.

Safe Driving Week The Safety Councii of New·

foundland is joining with the Can­·adian Highway Safety Conferem·e in sponsoring Safe Driving Week which starts tomorrow. At one time December was Canada's most dangerous month, traffic wise. Over the Years, Canadian motor­ists and p~de~trians ha\'e come to realize its dangers and December Is now se\'enth on the list of the \'ear's highway-dan~erous months.

dents more mishaps are occurring. This should not be. and it means that people are not heeding the messages of the Safety Council or have set themsel\·es up as being immune to such appeals becausP. thev think they cannot have acci­det;ts no matt~r how they live.

The Safety Council naturallv deals with al·l kinds of promotion~ designed to protect life and limh. They back the Safe Driving Week and, other programmes throughout the vear designed to make the pub1i.c safety-conscious at ho~c. on the highway, in the machme shop and office, on holiday, in air­craft. swimming, etc.

After all, when you talk a good deal, often hard to remember what you said, and where you said it. And, too, can· ditlons change. In this age when big event! strike suddenly, who can be held to a promise or a statement made be­fore some new, overriding fact became known?

This is the generous altltude our statesmen take toward their own trade. Nevertheless, there are limits to their generosity.

They don't fuss over inconsisten~ics they \'lew as minor, or accidental, or in­escapable In the light of altered Hents. But they look pretty coldly on the flag­rant variety, especially if they can't see the -excuse for it.

Right .'now they must be gazing hard, to no 'a\'Bil at the current behavior of Democratic Sen. Wayne ~lorse of Ore­gon.

Morse has made himself the avowctl enemy of the new labor reform law. He is not only attacking the law ns a sell­out of labor, but is I'Ogorously campaign­Ing in Oregon and many other states against the measure's original author . Sen. John F. Kennerly, presidential pros. peel,

Morse is plunging into this effort likl' a man possessed. Since this is so. it is interesting to note what he had to say of the bill, and Kennedy, just before labor reform became law. On an Aug. 30 television program he said:

"We have done a great job of ~iving

unions themseh·es the procedural wea­pons that they need in any judgment to clenn their own house. We are pretty much in agreement on that. And that is the Kennedy bill."

He obserl'ed that the harsher House Landrum-Griffin bill, blended with the

The AFL-CIO's two top officials, George ~lenny and Walter Reuther, both credited Kennedy with leading the fight to tone down the harsher aspcc\.5 of the Landrum-Griffin proposals when th~

two bills were compromised in a House­Senate conference. ~lorse, speaking on the Senate floor Aug. 2~. ~Pemed to agree:

"In my 15 years in the Senate, l have never served undrr a leader in a con­ference who did such a magnificent job, who dcmonstrat~d su~h a complete impartiality, who· was so considerate of the rights of his ~oileagues . as was the senator from ~lasachusetts."

This is the man ~lorse is now trying to defeat, on the ground that he ~a­

authored nn "antilabor" bill.

SWOI!IlS !:'iTO PLOWSIL\RES H will not he surprisinig if Wt· .<lwuld

read somc•l'hcre soon thai L.1tin ,\mni­can has begun to infiltrate the United States.

When the Communist sold arms to Egypt, that was the fear. And so it has been wllene1·er arms deal; hal"e poppL•:: up.

:\aturaily, then, thccr has to be worry in this new s1tuntion. The e~ntral Amer ican nation of Costa llica has just an­nounced it is seiling its surp1·.1.s arms to a U.S. company in retlurn for farm tractors.

The fellows in the Krcmlm ·x,'l 1

burning the 4 a.m. oil trying to figure out just what thts CosL1 Hica nrms beachhead north of the border rcail:-: mL~nns.

Of course the fears could he liltS· placed. Could be ~enor Echandi just want.; the arms out of hi.s countrynt:•t!"s reach. It makes for a nice scn1rc feel­ing_ \\'hocl'cr heard a[ st~lting a re1· elution with tractors?

- ~-- ·- -·· ,_ - -

lVhat Others Are Saying IT ADOS UP

(Kitchcncr 1\"aterlco-Recordi NOT AT ALL SHY

f1c llel'ill e 1 n tc II igl'IICL'l'


jl \ 1,~\, I \.. /.'.. Service, Inc.


The '.lontreal Ll' !Jcn,;r outliur.> t';c 1 eLgious background of the l'ro\"inre o[ QuebL·c Iilli>:

' ' 1

Like other parts of Canada, the automobile in Newfoundland has. ,been responsible for too many fatalities. It seems as the car pur­chases increase the accident rate rises. This meai1s that too many drh·ers, old and new, are not driv­ing as careful!~· as the.v should in "iew of the road conditions orten existing. Drivers have to go,·ern themseh·es according to road anrl other situations. You cannot dri\'e o\'er an ic_,. road at 50 miles an hour and hope to reach the end of the journe.'· intact. Some dri\'ers think they can dri\'e with the s<1me speed in winter as in sum­mer. Beneath a snow-covering on highwa~·s there may be ice and if b.rakes are applied suddenly a skid will ine,•itably result.

With winter driving about to starl with its slippery thorough­fares, occasional sno\\"drifts. ic~· patches on streets and other haz­ards. e\·ery driver should take a \'OW here and now to make ~me his \'ehicle is in excellent shape and carrying chains or winter tires; also, equally important, to

Fur what a car costs nowado)·s in taxes, insuran~e and parking fees, a person could have owned altd operat· ed a ~ar 40 years ago.

Tlte)· were a n•ry ycung co~tplr. ·~ul

not at a!l shy as they walked into a busy Chinese l"cslnmant here al nr'ntl. Thry seated tiH'msell·cs at a Llhlc­

anct opened their lunch \Jux~s. A \1 aitl'r tame by and spoke a fL'W >oft words. Soft words arc suilcrt for gil'ing k:ndly ac!Yice 11·hcn n ,-ounk is very )"Otlllq, say six for the mnn

"In FrL•ncil-Canada it was frequent· lv IIH! rhurcil which was first buill r;P tilL' spot; it::; pric:'ts accompanirri, "'metimrs JH"el'L'dl'd tile scltlcrs. \',"!Jrn 3 pieL·c• of l:tnrl is cll'an•d, when a mi11p is nrH•nrrl. when a hydraulic pl;ont is built. t'w first step is al­WJI"o to ftx tile site of the church; tlti.; br'L"OJillcs the c·c!llrc around v. h:l'li rel~girlUS, ~m·ial and lay acti\'i· til'~ l'L'\'oi re.

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_Since the formation of the New· foundland Safety Counci I it seems that its propagandizing often mis­fires and rather than prevent acci-

. ·restrict speed and exercise caution at all times.

If Safe Dri\·ing Week is to mean anything we must all get behind the authorities sponsoring it and do what we can to make it a suc­cess. Safe Driving Week was not as successful as it should have been because of some selfish motorists failing to yield right of way or stopping at stop signs.

:· ''

Seaway Benefits Far From Clear

. :


:·:Although the St. Lawrence Sea­way has handled a tremendous tonnage in its first season, its ultimate benefits are still far from elear, says J. D. Leitch, President of Upper Lakes Shipping Ltd. . Writing in the Northern Miner's

Annual· Review, Mr. Leitch polnts out that shipping costs for iron ore, the seaway's biggest freight item, have to be competitive with ocean rates; and, on the basis of the first ieason's record, it's not certain that -~Is has yet been achieved. ·: Shlpping costs are only one phase ~~ the iron ore industry dealt with exhaustively in the Northern !Miner's Annual. Production of iron ore, it ls pointed out, has in­creased a hundred-fold since 1939, when it totalled just 200,000 tons. But 20 years from now it will have suadrupled from present levels to a total of 90 million tons annually,

I I worth close to three-quarters of a billion dollars. Canada by that time will have become one of the world's leading iron ore sources. :. This year, with output worth

· $187 million, Iron ore will set a new record. However, the whole Canadian mining industry will do ~kewise, for many metals besides fron have been doing better.' With the late recession well into history, business has been good this year in ~t of the metal-consuming in­

: d~ries throughout the world.

l l')lanks to increased demand, and • . fi{'some cases higher prices, it is ' estimated that Canada's mineral

output (not including petroleum or natural gas) will exceed all previ­ous records with a total of $1.9 billion. This means, too, that min­eral exports will also reach riew heights, since most of Canada's. mining output i~ sold abroad .

For a few minerals, 1959 has been a troublesome year. Tungsten, lithium, cobalt and other metals in the specialty category are in a heavy over-supply. So is urani­um, still the biggest single item in Canada's list, but due for re­trenchment when present sales contracts are filled. Coal continues to shrink in favor, still losin.~ ground to oil and gas as a source of heat and energy.

However, the. favorable aspect of mining greatly outweighs the ad­verse, and new records can be ex­pected to keep appearing for a long time to come. For many metals, the short term outlook is clouded by the fact that installed product· ion capacity is in excess of current demand. There are few of the shortages that were common a few years ago. The industry is confid­ent, however, that consumers' needs wil1 continue to grow, and that this pres~nt excess production capacity will disappear as demand continues to improve.

Certain!~· mining of iron ore will be big news in Newfoundland dur­ing the forthcoming year with Carol Lake and Wabush mining projects getting closer to product­ion,

GREASING THE PALM Irish Digest, Dublin

During tile days of knlgllts. men of chil'alry tack great pride in tl1cir np­pearam·e. Since soap was unknown, colognes and ~piced goose gt·ca>e were the fal'orites of immaculate gentlemen.

Pet'fumed and spice~ goose ~reasc was extremely expensil'c, and >o it was frequently used as present.1 to men of position from whom !al'or was sought. At the presentation of such a gift, the donor would comment that he had brought some "grease for the palms."

By the 16th century, had real'hed the present day le\'els of more tane­gible values, but from this ancient custom we derive our present day expression: "Greasing the palm.''

FUNNY MONEY St. Thomas 'l'imes-,Journai

It has come to our attention that one Robert :llcCormick of Ballston, :\.Y., incensed at the size of his school taxes, has given the shirt off his back to pay the bill. :llcCormlck made out a perfectly negotiable cheque [or $163.3~ on the back of a white shirt and presented It to the tax collector.

This method presents even more fascinating possibilities than paying bills all in pennies. We had heard of one cheque made of a thick slab of metal and cancelled with a machine gun. Pardon us while we reach for a chisel. That garage mechanic. who must be made to regret an impudent· l)' large repair bill, will hal'e to use his tow truck to take our cheque to the bank.

DOLLAR HAIR-CUT STAYS Fort William Times-Journal

A six-months battle to establish the haircut price at $1,25 has been ~i,•en up by barbers of Brandon, Man. It was announced lately that they are return­ing to the old price of one dollar. A lpoke.'!man for the union said that, sur­rounded by smaller farming communi· ties whose barbers continue to cut hair for one dollar, the Brandon barbers just could not compete. With thP intruduc­tion of the $1.25 haircut, business had fallen off, and, in spite of high hopes, had never come back. Truck driver>, travellers, district men who ordlnarily had their hair cut during a visit to "town," simply gave their patronage to the barbers In the smaller places, who 1tlll charged a dollar.

with a little experience in the lo­cation where the party intends operating.

It is no joke to be lost tempor­arily and those who have had the unfortunate experience will re-

Those Missing Persons . member the event for many years. If their misfortune is really grave because of the nature of the lo­cation of their misadventure, then it could have a telling effect upon their health. Exposure to the ele- . rnents in any season but summer here will have a telling effect. Let us hope that the Safety Council Message, so often broadcast and printed, will remain uppermost in the minds of all persons who some day intend going on what appears to be a minor adventure so that it will not turn into a tragic episode.

. Some Newfoundlanders should • · i not go hunting, fishing or berry

·. picking because they have liUle if : any knowledge of direction in case : they do get lost temporarily. Any ·boy who served a year ·or two ! with the Boy Scouts or other youth ' movements is unlikely to get lost : in the woods because he makes : mental notes of landmarks as he I wends his way through forestland 'Or" up rivers to ponds on trouting

trips. In the past few years the recur­

ring incidents of lost people from berry picking parties, rabbit hunt­ing, seal fishing and so forth, creat­ed many major news stories. Some of the cases also cost governments a lot of money because of costly air and sea searches. ·

The best and safest approach to this problem would be the ipclus­ion in all such parties of a 'person ·

and >el'en for the wam:m. 'l'hr)' ~~thereci up their t•oats, and their lunch boxes. and trotted to the front of the restaurant. where they climl1ect onto stools and ale their lunell with­out i.nlrrferi:1g with the ~eating of their restaurant's regular patron>. :\ol c\'en a gla>s of milk did they order. There were a few rai<ed eye­brows among the other cuslom~·rs­

but throughout the noon-hour ei'Cl')' so-called inscrutable Oriental fare puckered up periodically into a wide grin el'ery lime the waiters glanced at these self-serve customers.

A COUNTRY WITHOUT TAXES St. Thomas Times-.J ournal

The income lax wns "invented"' hy !he younger Pitt tn liOO to help fi­nance the wars that scc!lled to aill·:~,·s

i:wolve Britain somewhere in the world. hut subscqucn~ly it hcramr a permanent fixture. :\lost ol11cr coun­tries adopted it also. Premier Khru­shchel· has been boasting recent!)' that­in a few yr:~rs time he will abolish the in rome tax in Hmsia ..

That seems a st:~rtling ob.iertii'C and if true it would mnke Hussi:~ ap· penr a splendid country to li1·r in. Of cnur.se he could aboli.sh tile income tax-by merely saying it is done-hut the income tax would in fact remain. Only about 15 per cent of the n:~tion·

nl income is cteril'ed from income tax. The rest is deril'cd from what is call­crt "a turnover'' or sales tax on Cl'ery­lhing a Russian buys. But Khrush­chel' docs not call the "tumo\'er'' tax a lax at all.

Aholishing income taxes ean be easy for Khrusche\'. To replace rev· enuc lost, he can simply adjust turn-

. over taxes-prices-to meet his needs. As it is. the tumover tnx raises the priees or goods bought hy Hussian consumers by around 100 per cent. on the a1·erage. Hales l'ary. though, as :\loseow thinks best. Hetail pl'iccs of beef. s,1y, or soap may include a tax of 60 to 70 per cent. Other rates run lower. still others very much higher. Fact remains that the tax takes a bile out of every consumer ruble spent in a stale store.

For Khrushchev, a turnover tax hidden away in CO!lSUmer prices has · special advantages. He cnn step up tl;e tax-price, that Is-when he needs to put the brakes on consumption The "takes"· from these taxes can be diverted to heavy industry, including armament, without risking Inflation. And, since Khrushchev says the turn­over tax isn't a tax. no one in Russin can safely say It Is.


Strength For Today By EARL L. DOUGLASS


Installment" buying has become a powerful factor in modern life, There are many who disapprove of it. But, on the whole, an dif not entered into reck­lessly, it seems to be the best way to secure many of the things which make life worthwhile and to secure them while they can be enjoyed.

Those who object to installment bur ing usually advocate thrift as a sub-

'"The toponynoy of (~urbec prol'ince i> an interminable litany of the nonws uf saints. Tltcre is nothing as1oni,\lin~ about thi,, seeing that tile parisil was tile first public body acmc,t alll"ays to be born on the spot; i', ~en,•rall\" precedes the constitution of . the m~ni~ipality and the school !Hla:·rl; for reasons of com·cnicncc or because of a lack of imagination, the people generally ndopt the patron of tl,eir di-trict as t11e name to gi1·e to tile cinl munitipality and the school bo;11·d.

'Tile church is likewise generally· the flrst to set going ll'o•·i.:s of et!uca­tion and of rhar:t)', and to organize mutual inter-aid. L"nrlcr the French :cgimc, parish gchools were numer­ous, the Jesuits at Qurbrc nnd • the Sulpil:iatis at ~lontn·al werre the only ones IC~ teach the humanities. The :it. VincL·nl rle Paul soeictics, the fir'l forn~ of org:m;zcd Ia)· charities, adopted t:1c paroL·lliJl fram·P\vork. :\lutual ftrp in:-;u:·:1nec societies, ~a\··

in~ groups, ~rl'd:t a>,ociations and l;:bor unions were patterned origin­ally by the parish framework."

+ + + Tlw nrc of sL•llin~ goorls in French

Canada is ctiscu>Scd by the Three Ril'ers Lc :\oul·rllistc> in thesp terms:

"It is important that those who d<"al with what is callcLi the French market should knew the characteris­tics. Such n market is re;:;nnlcd as one of the most interesting in the countr.1·. one or tlw;e for which there has to he the kr<·ncst struggle in or­der to conquer it.

"If there is no awnrenrss or this . Frem·h market and publicity men ot·ganize their campaigns without Inking into aecount its characteristics, methods are u<ert whirh do not de· rive from it e\"ery possible advan· tr,ge, and attacks arc made, the aims of which arc not quite certain or their target.

"One would likr also that French Canada shoulcl realize tile importance of publicity in its economic and soci· a\ progre>.s. so that publicity men may be obliged to give their full efforts to the task and endeavor to excel them· se)l·es in good service to their pro· fession, their country and to the Frcnl'!1 group in Canada.

"Those who hnve little experience mal' recall the blundering manner in wl;kh certain outside enterprises

~litute.-You should ne1·er buy anything, thel' tell us until 1'011 hal"e the money in ha~d to buy it. There is a lot of wis­dom in a position of that sort. Some

·people buy nothing but futures and pay for these futures out of t:--oney they do not hal"e. If we had de~ -~·· prisoTl.'l today, such peoplr • would be crowded together five to ten in each cell,

But thri(t can go too fnr. What ap­pears to be thrift is sometimes avarice. Thrift is one of lhosce virtues which while you are gazing at it, it nimbly jumps across the line and becomes a vice.

To say this is not to minimize the value of thrift but just to sound a warn· in~ lest one pay loo dearly for thrift. incss.

Some people who think they are thrifty arc jLtst plain stingy, avanctous, and beastly mean about money!

lnslaiimenl buying and thrift both have their goods points, but they have their dangers also. In this, as in most things, true value arises from thf cap· acity to maintain balance.


It's an old l"nw:r:;,_;t tnc~

the hoariest in tho· 1Jook. lo ;:~~

thing from anothPr nJtto1 t! with a gre3t .'l't'.'1w 0[ ~·~~ret m.~:~

to return part of tho• >~olen Pi\ "settlement."

The Peipin~ ~.,., rrntr.er.t :U dusted that one otf Jt:d tr:M ::~ dia. Fortunatci~ for lhr.r lut,:t · the Indians are ll':orrc,r.~ lo fraud in tilL' pr11p•1· •I'

This i.s a ca>o· ·.1 hr•re :h, · · recent months h.n r n~.1r.r a I

deep thrusts it:l•o :::oltJn Some of these penctrJ".:Jm lr!

of 40 miles. Pciping now prn[1 l•t·.· :b: 1 ·

Indian buffer wne he em·.~.

each side pullinc !•ack w:J': India's skep·.1c:<rr. 1; ·:.

when it is reali1eol II"'.: :r. s.tc\ ~ as Ladakh, Red l t: "' su,;e;:J 1

drawal of 12 mdt·' :-1:' ... e ii h~ · pushed 40 milL'' :n:n lr.d:!: there, that wou!d $~ Pe:;::! gain of ~8 mile> 11 tth >:1! a :"lc'~~

Only Comnnont-h h.ole :b! to offer swinrllr-' of thts ''~ ~

deals. India cannot a~c·rcl an

that is desi~nrct 1" rirfr,ud :1

e1·er sit.s down '•' :he bargaid:i Nor has it rt'.ll"'d ._, Jr::ccv lo suiting elcmenl' 1:~ Pr"r,1!r Cix lai's letter 1•1 i": ·· · I::·.:•·,: · Chou makes it > 1 J ,1 ·-' if ct:l the wronged I'-'··:· mously prep;Jrerl .o ::~J'.;e · in the interr~L ... rl: :;r:.~tt'

.. '··-···•f• By thts t1~1r. ' ·'I -··-'' ·""" ing's altr.~rrl

more than olrl. u · rl ·,r:ck~­

pcd. Perhap., thee•· :- ····::·· .-·. ·

· fa·' ·:£ to be taken fnvn :~.e ·• : China ha> m:o'! -''-' P'l"1 '~ '

There may bt.• ~~ 1 n~t' faL~t .c:~ Peiping mi~h: ;11·,1 t't' ~ fro:r. ?~r:!" euvers to ~rctti~h fl::l'S. tCi

A good m:l:lY rl:·~r:\~r~ ~ .. ~ is possible. Th··-' '::e !he_\l~l· offer on the ;,, -" ' o! \:\1.1

.' . · . \II a!·::i chev s Petptn~ ·. " · · I · ·· th' MJ~ sought to p J 1 • · • ·· . • ••

hope publiely j:~·, ~~ ;t:t:r.e.JL.

-h~;.~ ·t;·ied :11 ,. .. .-". 11 1 ~ 11 . d · . I . , ..... ,., 1i! dtans w 1o~c :,,, ... .~ .... · . ~

ing and bioi •. ":,:,' reJ:uoJ • • , ' , 3 .. k~t II norcd. 1 llUJ)" ,o., r.. ' .• .-,

• 't ~"!~:de, ... known hut !' h ~~ _ .... ~ ' k1r.l 'I p us do olll" p<trt "' ma "· ,

tcr known." Of Qncht'l ·; lit'"

power rleYl'lll;':J\o'!\t,. :'.latin oh>rriTS: --~I

"The work ~~~ 1t.l~:':r~·

power ha.• ri 1·T .• ldrd Tltt' · skill and abi!•1'

the Bersinu- r:~ ,-~ na.< _ f ( 'I ,. 1 neer:o o the part o • j(l t .. -.~ ; ~

d , .. , ,. .,, ["anad.l bee Hl' rll-r' '··'· · most part-:. o·.::n:ll~r of

. .,. Jub to for lt was 11 11 C··'· 10 forces of notLil'l' and ~

r:1ur,e5 lands and waler · -~

. "I" 10 t. I them be of ;rl 1 't of electric it)·. . _ 10 r«~ "It . fjttin('f l!kf'\1 ~~e

IS ~ . rs ~ the thousands of wor•.\,rJ ~ at Bersimis ltal"r r .. J •

. c' time the ~.a~inJUO" ': •l

• c: o'"~ar .. :. Labrievillc. ltfr 1• ' ,

·arr anu a wav tliat trntpot .th tbl

• d 1\1 emplovrs ran lea · 1 •. -1 . norll\! of their !nmt ) · 3

1 lilt able· cxistrMe. almo' the great cil ie> rrnr!

"Finally. new;pa~:~ of noted that the gradul .

. t'l t . have nical ms 1 u C> •11

til an apprcciahlr role 1

· of our tric expan>JOn the i Hon Paul Sauve. 81 th .• A

· f you lll' was :llinlster o allarl

. d · ,ht to was mdee rt" 1hr great importance 10

11 · . . ctudrn . .A trammg of oor · . of ,..

·panston A tremendous e~ · 1

il 1\"" . li d schoO '· at spec1a ze 11 ~~

been necessar)· to cat ·~d nco •· the manY pcrnla .. ;i~l . · (larll•·

tasks rcqu1red 111


in:eresti:lg to r twenty-six p.

for mcmbe and during 1

part in ni: This is I

lor in gymna;um acth· o~ in t~e iibrar)

room and era Boys Club is a t

is t~ way we


s hove of this

, ones. a bservers think

cite the timin! els of Nikita sit. .~1\ aion! IWn the dispute ~ settlement.

new ments,


of harnessing cmanded y. The 1ver has d , engineers of

C nadtans l'nch· a It umber of dlfflcU easY Job to

1re and to ler counes rvice in the

likewise to f workers on

0 j ved have en °' ·imum§ of :e Is organi~ed mporarY an~ lead, with B v a normal ~' aJrnost Jllte



CONCEPTION BAY NEWS 1 Hilda Saunden, George Janes, I 1 Wl!lie Butt, Mary Parsons, Max i Parsons, Melvin Snow, Albert .

Obituary ! (NIB Collection Wareham, · Florence Pilgrim, , , B.\Y. RO.BERTS - The annual ~!elvin Penney ~!alcolm Le· MRS. SOPHIE JOYCE Kll'i I:H c~llectiOn In aid of the Canadian Grow, Gerald Pen.ne .


~ARBONEAR, Noy. 2Bth .. - Xatio~al Institute for the Blind,

----------------------------------~--------------·--------- Grade X, C ol My Cl M!Sa Sophie Jeffers recc1ved I has noW been concluded In this . ar cores, ar· 1 d M d Th d 1 r ence Butt David M 0 w·J. wor , on on a)' last that her 1 area. ~ gran ~ota o $<;73,10

' 0 res, 1 cous1n, Mrs. C. !!. Kinch, had [ were realized. Director of this

S h D A U . · · Hllam ldC~mNeroln, RGebraldt TMaylor, died In Montreal, following year's collection was Miss R. F.

d Ch, h A d aro oe o er • core . 1 p 't' , 1 All D

Peec a t t R d , ' , ' some months of Illness. De· arsons WI ~ "rs. an awe, . y lll e urc ca emy ay.~on . Noel, Sterling Pike, ~eased was the former Sophie Coley's Point'; Mrs. Elizabeth

ltla>ld P1ke, Stephen Penney, I J f th' 1 d th Sparkes Shearstow~· and M-F d · k 1 · ' oyce o IS own an e . - , ,,,

. re enc Powel (he), Charles d ght [ th 1 t Ed d Walter Caravan Country Road


C 'RBO''EAR N 28 I b t t t hi · · Cr n Lo · • N' h I\ "''11' au er 0 e a e war · ' ' '' ·' • ov. -- a .~ rae eac ng. I students have gone crn to same opportunities. Don't be a ' 0 .' mse IC ? · " 1 lam and Em ira Jeffers Joyce. Her, as asSlStants. · Speech day for the senior 1 2. The child learns best by further education at unlversl·! seat warmer if you want to be\ Dav1s, Harold Ross1ter, Guy F. girlhood and early womanhood


. Collectors were as follows: elusses cC the United Church 1 doing. Therefore il Is neces·, ty level as from the classes of th t th ' !! t ld Earle, Flora Penney, Hatold t h 1 h d BAY ROBERTS · ·

1 1 lt•l'ltl\, 'Acndem'' was held last even· sary !hal the teacher win the I the years before that time As tha' hen! warmhlseaf' ·1°u s de \Parsons, Shirley Butt, Elizabeth 'hwas ~pten Dierde, ater sd et aSnt Mrs. James Dale Mrs Joh.il

:, - 1 ·lth ~I J 1\1 i ll' Ill th 1 1 · e sc oo were s ma war s Pil · . 1 er s1s er a em move o . K • · •. 1

'""urclnv ng II • r. ames oore, p p s good w wl au try ng a further indication of the in· 1 ll ' gnm, Dav1d Soper. 1 J h , h h . s 1 earley, $!!2.60. ,~;:I\D-l 1~.·: 1 ;, bo;.~ Cnl!l'men oftheBoardofEdU· to assert authority, and the creased interest tn education °,~upt:· t h 'd "Y 1 Grade XI; (Honours ~!atricu·[to n~, ~here! t es·l'ia~ hecrtl Mrs. William Spark.es, Mr.s.

::-: l~tr. ... " B~ll e~tlon, as Chairman. Follow· Ideal way of work is democrat· here of ten boys in last ear's 0 e pa.ren 5 e sal ' ou llation). Charles ~!oores, Edwin ary 0 e a e lr 0

n · 1 Lewis Sparkes, $37.92. . : ;.'~ \nh'·i·Jil,\\' I''"· lng the s!n~lng of 0 Canada, lc cooperation. grad~ eleeven class seve: have I deserve praise for what you I~~ a r t i n, Ernst Prvstawick, I P.ud?ester for many years, re· Mrs. William Crosbie, Mrs. \Iii:-;:;,:< ·'::•:."·

11,, :;,:c the Chairman extended a wei· "3. All punishment I! a •gone to Universlt¥. This Is en· i have achieved, but your eforts Harold Butt, Ada Wareham, 1 slgmng to marry )!r. C. H. tor Sparkes, $26.80 .

. ,.,,~·.~~·"·'",I'll' bovs c~me to the lar~e audience, breach of. democracy and 1 coursging, but are reminded for the future must be even '!Calvin Pilgrim, Yvonne Oates, Kine~. of Barbados. After her Mrs. IDr.l Leslie, Miss Pearl , ,. , ·,'.',,it: rr~ilk With a special nne to :llr. and might be the cause of physic I dally of the pressures brought greate~ than those of the past. Christiane Franzen, Pat s Y I mamage in :l,lontreal, ~he and I Elms, $210 ~5.

':'." ., lll'll,.llull1 :\Irs. Charles H. Roberts. /\ shock, ar at least discourage: I to bear on our students, pres· To sa~ that educati~n is free, Fraize. (Pass): Robert Harnum, her husban~ went to.thelr home Mrs. Wilham J, Walsh, Mra. · L1 ', ·,,, lh"· one act play entltlcrl "Rory 1 ment for the pupil, A discus- sures which necessitate a re· is a fallacy, education Is too Roy Snow Margaret Soper on the \\est Ind1es Island, Warren Bradbury, $36.60 . . " · :. :•· ., :.. ~~~. Morcsnld" was staged by l\Iary sian with friendly persuasion turn to strLcter discipline and .good a thing to be free. It Is Lorraine Parsons, Helen Bur: where she stayed unhl the Miss Betty Long, Miss Jean

:. ,-.:ru" 11 ' 1, t 110, Horwood, Gerald Ta~·lor, Da· is better. harder study not free In any part of the gc S hi R d G . death of her husband m 1948. Delaney, $47.00 ,, 'ir , ... I ,' '. II ' . d I Ill b I ss, op e a gers, eorgle R t . t M t l h t k I 11! . r

1!;1:. , ,

11 ,_,.

11 l•op ,. < ~l~ol'C<, Robert ~!oore, "4. It is better to judge the I "This change of philosophy, civilized worl .. t w never e Forward, Virginia T a Y 10 r, e urm.ng o on rea, s e oo rs. Clarence Fre~c~, ~Irs .

• 1"1.1r.. .

111" Clarence Butt and Ronald whole pupil and not just his does not mean that all the new I free, no good thmg Is e\·er free. El . Kl /\d E 1 up res1dence once more w1th Augustus Badcock, $19 25.

il: 1:•1• ..... •1

.. : to n llnwell. and was thorough\)' examln~tlon record. Ideas wlll disappear. It's not Our Governments are o ng a HOUSE AWARDS er SIS er, e on Y. surviVIrr~, n rs. Raymond Bradbury, 1\!rs. ~ ,, ~ g·: ',l· l'. , 11 I d 1 11 o1se ng, a arc. h · 1 th 1 · · 1 'I

· 1 ,:~.:: f .. · . 11 ~ L'njoyed. The stage was then "In this view discipline Is likely that education will ever they can for education and we, p t d b , 1 El member of the fam1ly and to George French, $22.i0. .. ~·



1 lh1~, rc·arrangcd and r. and :\Irs. rowned on. If the free de· again become mere book learn the people, must do the rest., Davis. w om we en er most s1~c~re . C,OL,El 'S POINT. r ~~~, " w ' ~ Ill f ' I res en e y ~ rs. mer h 1 d . , ,

; t! .,I ., .. fnriV Roberts, Rn·. ~Ir. and :\Irs. B. velopmen~ of junior should lng, Extra·currlcular actlvi· There are still slackers, tilose 1 A d . C . R bl sympathy. Her last surnvmg 1 :\!iss V1rgma Dawe, M1ss Mar· :)''':'' '\~11 •1 ' •<cnl· B. Snow, Rev. Dr. and ~Irs. !llsturb his elders, they are ties such as school year books who refuse to pay their fair 1 ca emlc up. 0 nson I brother, Rev. Dr. J. G . .Joyce,· garet Dawe. $34.55. · :~a.1~~\'~, .:"::~.',j 111c !sane Davis, ~Irs. Jame~ llloorc 1 the ones to give way , .. It's debating or public speaking I share towards providing an edu· ~ouse, tccer~ed by Carol! predeceased her by s om e I Miss Phyllis French, Miss ~~.o 1"~"' 1 Fir ,1 ,\,d and :\lr. H. Guy took seats on 1 the younger generations that clubs, student councils, glee cation for their children, the oores, . Cap ·. · , months. We remember the late Max.me ;.t,ercer •. $39.34, .~bJ.a·~ ...

111.,. of lhr thP platform with the Prine!· really count. l\!any people, clubs, physical education class· rest of us wlll just have to drag Athletic Cup .. Gu~ House, ac· 1 ::l!rs. Kinch as a modest person I ~llss Kathenne Greenland,

"'1 :.e be~~~:c: .,, 1it h~ pnl, Vlcc·Prlncipal and other surprisingly enough, welcom- es, inter school sports have all them along. He gave figures to cepted by David ~!oores, (V. and of a very retirin~ nature,' M1ss Joa~ Badcock, $20.61.

f:S ct~·"; fnn:•, ln members of the staff, all of ed this change, though some definitely won the right to show that we here In New- Capt.).. . . attributes that would endear: ~HEARSTOWN llr~ n:~'li'- ,lin•ady 1 whom were introduced by the found It abrupt and deplored stay, found are not payln~ anytblng Shield. ~obmson House, ae· her to all with whom she came I \l~rs. Elizabeth ~arkes, S~ears

ihl g;11:,

1111 othrr Chairman. the disappearance of old val· "But let us admit now that near as much as people In other cepted b) BIll Cameron, in contact, and we were sorry· 1011 ~ nort~, $2~ 0>.

o\e; Cl:.h ll<>'e llffn The Principal. :\lr. Huds~n I ues. But all could see that It to become a useful citizen it arts of Can da. To show how (Capt.). . . I to hear of her passing, I ll:lss Ehzabe,h_ Ear~. Shears-~·! B'. · F'·, \d ond Davis, prefaced his remarks was difficult to go back to the Is necessary to accept dlsci-1 f th US A~ 1 h d of New- The official Votes of Thanks I I to~n south, $22.9o. 1cc.:;e m /'.'' '"'m;na· by ~nylng that the Academy old ways. pline in school and to stud'' 1 far dle d· 1· · ds 3 teloan he said 'were «iven by Rev. B. B. Snow: 1 ~!iss Ski!fington, Butlerville,

~ '~ up '0' r ' ' h d t t d t t " I I "D J t h ' I oun an n e uca ' ' T M C H R b f h' I $7 88 ~-·~·. II:··:· t'lm;t· a sen m~rc s u ens o vn .


ur ng recen yean, ow- hard to acquire the fundamen·l. States thev are doing o ~· . . a erts or 1s • • · , · • • ·1·'\ r · p,, ;11 ,,1 ii~S nrslty dunng the pnst two ever, a reaction has been show· tals of learning, without which In ~any hi h schools splendid address and far mak- F h T . CO~ TRY ROAD

. .I """ 'rOll]) )'Car< than It hnd In the ten lng itself against this tenden· the most beautiful diploma I awa). wl~h .small! ~ on s lng a great sacrifice to take I as lOll lpS .tllss SilVIa French, MISS Lorna · 10 3; 01' '.,.

11," 11 ~ previous ones. Of last year's Icy. It Ia becoming evident 'means nothing For very soon land are navmg 0t Y arg~ 1 e' time out of his busy schedule 1 Spencer, $40.20. Total $673.10.

~ fi:•:. ,,·11'1 · :"' 10 1t class, seven of the ten boys that In the training of special· o:!n this age, there will be n~ I while we are 011" Y ne,Hv e euRrgnend· to attend; to the Chairman and' A new blow-up han"er has

,,.,.:, .. ,, ' d I tt d I I hi h I lng to get sma one!. " I N 8 • f . ',0~' :i,r ',, lrf)'' gra uat ng were now a en ' sts \\' c th s age so sorely room for short cuts in educa· i et behind our me;nber~ of the Board of Edu· hecn inve:Jted that is ideal [or I ewsy rie t::' , : ·' lng University. He made the needs , , . and In the growing tlon ... and very little place 1 his hearers to g d t' calion, who are constantly mak-! drip·drying clothes because it 1 ;:o~

c-"·';con' cq 111 pnwnt follnwln~ remarks: need for e\'eryone to have the !or the half educated.'' educatlo~ pr~~f~n~n~~l an~ lng sacrifices and also working 1 does not stain wet fabrics and its BAY RQBE,RTS _ The ladic~ 11._

1 .,, .,

1 the THE NEW TREND IN best education possible, we 1 ~lr. C. H. Roberts, Supt. of, help It 8 ong t, • · hard for the good of the school; I rounded shape allows air to cir-: all~iliary a[ the local branch o[

, ilr . ,,11


e EOUCATIO~ 1 must turn again to stricter 1 Education for the United; moral suppor · f 0 . 1 mas to the Principal and teaC'hers: culate within t!l.e garment. Canadian Legion held t~eir an· ,

111,h ,

1 :•1c 11 a1 c Back To Th• Four R 1: R••dln,: methods of instruction. i Church, who was to be the Presentation ° . IP 0

·' I for a good vear's work· to the' ~lade of light·wcight "[abrilite" 1 nual sale of work and after 1 ., 1 ~~ ···: m·. ·nho.•: ,, R ~.~In, R l.t~mel!c and lh• Rod "In too many of our schools 1 guest speaker, was introduced ; Scholarships Rnd pnz:~s w~;re ! Home and 'school Ass~ciation: 1 it f\atte:1s completely for tral'ell-: lea on Wednesday afternoon.0~0~~

:::,r ::,. ,.1,: '": l>t'l'!1 . In eal\lcr dnys m our la.nd. education has become geared· to the gathering. He said in: made by ~Irs. Rob: Ja~cs 1 to the parents and fin<~lly to, ing and is easily rcinr.ated. 1 vember 25th. Proceeds wer•

1. ,~ .~ 11 :'1. ·.,, '11'H' 1 o.•ry 11 hen people had to. de1 ate to the average student, with I part: "That while this was not I Hudson DR\ IS. ~nd M s. , the pupils who had done the • • • ''cry gratifying and happ to say r·t 5<: \-.:"rl 1.10!15 n~ost or their en erg) to sur· the result that he, his parents, i his first time addressing such I ~!oore, respech\ e\~. I entertaining. You can work wonders to-. above last year. , 'c::~r,•ct •On"' 'cr~· l'~ral. ":here they had to wrest Indeed his teachers alS<J have I a gatherillj! here, it was his The Confederal!on Schola;·: He concluded by asking all waros renewing vour velvet, --

:r:r.~.J· .lm , q 1,1,11 ,,, 111 fl om p11mltlve natur~. the land been misled ... lulled into a first time as Supt. of Education, [ship and the Boyle ScholarshiP , his hearers to work together d•ess, if you first brush off as~ BAY ROBERTS - 0~ Wedne!l­._;:/1 ,-.. 1.1 .:.1 ; 11 , or· or the fruits of the sea nec.d· false sense of achievement, .. ! and that he was very happy to to Carol Moores. . I for a hetter and wider cdu· much dust as you can. the~ turn I day, ~!rs. Florrie French 11as f:l: :::; ,q1::::1'1L''H ~r- 1 e.d to ke.ep their families all\~ and the bright pupil has suf·l be present. He referred to the C?nfederaUon Scholarship~ to 1 cation for the youth of our! the dress inside out and hang it 1 hostess to a stork shower held l:~a::o.:n: 1111! h~ glV·I t!Jc~·e'c~~.m;~ hart tal fc~ . fered most of all through lack.last time he was here, he wasiDand Moores, ClarencP. Butt 'generation and also for those I in the bathroom while you takelat her home for ~irs. Arthur . •;::·)J; ,.,,1.,,, oi equ1p· 1 or 1msc · ere cou d e of challenge. Let me lllus· then Judge of the Juvenile i and Gerald Taylor. 1 of future generations. i a hot s11ower. After it has slea· i :\!ercer. T~e usual party games ··a:·. a~~.· .. ,,, :h.1nk the but little concern for the finer Irate from our high school C rt H h . d th . The Prlu list was as follow~: j h . 1 mcd this wav. let it drv com· 1 were played, following which Mrs. (;:, !o: 1nr1:· g,•nerosit)· P.~~~~~l a: educatlo~i Fa~~d sraddes.

1 Now .Pfrumably a h~uw~ulcle n~~P t~~~z~ecess~~; ~~ · Grade VI: 1st., Phyllis ~· th T ~ tog[ a_:~~ clo~ei~ ~.1 th; plet.cly before you handle it. !llercer was showered with many

" 1 1e,e necess es, e 1 gra e nne eert teste means 1

' , • • Forward: 2nd. and !st. place m 1 e.· a lona n em, 0 Ol'omg a~ain. . gifts for the happy event. for head of the fa mil~· looked to that one is equipped to go to: a strong, health~ ~lsclpllnc l.n: ~!nthematics. Elizabeth Taylor; i which a. ~~p of tea was served:.:: ____ - - --- -.- . - , which she sincerely thanked ~er the schools to g11'e his cllll- grade ten and a grade ten 1 the classroom, J1dd1~g that 1t, 3rd Llna Gillespie; 1st. place i ~o the VlSltmg guests, the teach·: calion and the Executive of the· friends. A buffet lunch was ser· dren only the basic essentials certificate equips one to go to • makes for better Clllzens. He , E !ish Sandra Stentaford.: 1ng staff, the Board of Edu- ·Home and School Association. i ved, of Instruction, readin, ritln grade eleven and a grade elev· said he was going to make what m G nf v'n· 1 t a d 1st In'-------- - - -·-- .. -----· and rllhmetlc as indispenslble en certificate equips one to go he chose to call a double·barrel- E rl~he D ·h s · B n d n· ·1 t I ~ii!'a..a~~!NI:a:ita~~lta~I'Aa:iil~~~la;;l~~a:.ltaii_.a.~~ra;llillla:;llraiilriili!~

. ,,a·•< ,.01 n and tools for making a living. And on to higher education. But led address, one barrel for no~t IS · 8? ne,1 tuhr e P, ,! ; f/1 •· "' •· 'I' · . h , and 1st. 1n ·' a s, e"l .-. ;:o:11, Two wood he 11anted them in a urr), we now have three species of pupils, the other for parents, (ti ·) 3rd Anne

::c;1, :r.rc: wl'ekly, · then to work the went. Under·, grade elevens , .. honours rna· one was the counterpart of the ca;neron; e .,

. ·1,1 ~~o:':~r ~roup of suC'11 condlltons there could be .1

· trlculatlon, matriculation and other and, in his opinion, the Skmner. • . d lst In ,

1 ••. , do ., 0r·, work , little place for finesse In the grade eleven, and the one paren!J one Is the more lmpor-1 Grade 'ill!. 1st. an · I

. ~·c~.'t~: .,,;. ar" wilh: · clloice of school courses or which Is called grade eleven tant. Speaking to the pupils he: E~glish and ::l!alhs., Audre~ • . L~oder,':ip is al· · teaching methods. This was is not really grade eleven at told them they wee the stars of I Kirby: 2nd.. Eleaner ~!a ore, i :o: a moriel planes. the status of education tn all. It certainly does not equip the drama then being enacted, 3rd., Elaine Horwood. 1

. most of the new world. In the one for higher education. It Is they were graduating, going on Grade IX; 1st. and ~~r~~: ::!:1;:::.g :o ~o:~ I hat. early days. Deeply r~ligious, not a step on the educational from one rung of tbe ladder to I English and French.

:<!::y.;i\ i.><::·iods a; honest but rigid, the !lrst edu· i ladder. Why not? Because lt Ia 1 higher one. 1 Penney; 2nd. and 1st. In Science l :o: :remucc.< in tile: cators drew their principles possible to obtain this grade "You are victims of 1 contra- I Gerald Power; 2nd., Hunter •·d ct··•n' ·n·. 11·c·nk' from the Bible and particular· eleven certificate with but dl tl t b . d'Earle (tie); 1st. In !>l'aths. Rose ~ ..... · ' ' , c on you are o e enne ?a~ in ni"e rlifier·

1 ly from the old Testament. minimum attainment. The one and at the same time !tied I Hiscock .

. Thi• 1, lh~ ~:orv :\I any young Newfoundlanders compulsory subject ls English, i d b f th g P t '. Grade X: 1st. snd 1st. In ,. for in 01 cldition of the 19th century heard these whereas !or the honours matrl· en\e lt!ecaust~ ~ e rea op- · En"lish (W. and J. ~loorP.s

""'!~Jm ac'll 1i;, are stern words taken from pro· culatlon certificate the r~ piotr! udnb ea a arllel byour\sl, i pri;e of ~2~.00). and 1st. in ···-· · ' · '· ti · · p e ecause you w e ca · 1 ~ ~ ''e l·'···ar,· -ames verbs: 'Without not correc on qulrements are English, Mats, d k th 1 1· :\laths and French, Carol • :~;~ar:rl.cr~f:,"room.,from the'chilcl; for If thou History, a.F{)relgn Lani!Uage, e upontoma e emostvta 1 )Ioore.s.; 2nd. and 1st. in ... {",' ·. h··. . t beat est him with the rod he i a Science and one other sub· choice of any generation. Past Is 1 Cl B tt· 3rd I ,,, '··' I• ; . ·'' ~po t' h k 't 1. c ence arcnce u . .. , ~ :~t 11 a, ., 1 : k~ it to 1 shall not die. Thou ~hall beat I ject. Yet these people with gen~ra Ions •. as to rna e Vl a , David i!oores. i

· 1. him with the rod, and s~all de· I their widely different stand· cholc~~rtchho~s thaht tsul~edt~n: Grade XI: 1st. and \st. place' i liver hsi soul from hell. ards of attainment are all 1 re · e c 0 ce 0 e: in En !ish, French and Science ..

"The methods used in those classed as grade elevens. The fourteenth century led to a new· Ch 1 g M . 2 d Edwin I days were fitted to the needs day ls coming soon when Eng· birth, It marked the transition 1 ~~ a~.e~ 3· dooresd ls~ " Ia e in i

of the era and they produced !Ish, Mathematics, Science, from medieval to modern his· ~~arthm, Er · atn p · 1' Peke · 1

,, a s rnes rvs awl . generations of peop e accus· History, Geography and a tory and is known as the Re· · ·· DIPLOMAS tamed to work. Foreign Language will be nalssance. The choice of the (. Ord ~f ~eritl

"It was not until about compulsory In all academic alxteenth century led to the Re- 1n er . For thirty years ago that the old high school grades. Spelling formation, the eighteenth cen- Grade ,VI: Phyllis. R. . · ideas began to be transformed. and Grammar wlll regain the tury saw an Industrial revolu· w~rd, . Ellzobeth Ta~ lor. Lma

GF.ACE-The first Strictness of discipline and place they once held. With tion and the twentieth century., Glll~sple. Sandra Stentaf~rd., :.~·~i

0: t~e Harbour rigid curriculums had had the consolidation of our re· what Of i!J choice, it will be .Tumor Penney, Ken~cth Powell. I

t:; of lhe Can~d:an aCn· their day. Freedom for the pu· glonal high school scheme the the choice of life or death, a I Hubert Burden: "·endell For·; . ill r.eld <~'. the liar- pils and democracy in the better student should be glv· choice of using the means at ward, Ruth H1scock. Eleanor I

Liirary on Friday schools became the slogan of en the opportunity to have 1 our disposal to preserve life 1 Horwood. E 1 e an or :\!oores,

2;1:1 '"·i:h ~lr. education. Indlvidduallt1y was freer rein for his talent with· or to destroy It and It will be i Carb~l TOat1es, REtil~l sf~:t~~:~~·~

, in tr.e cha:r. , to be allowed to eve ?P ven out having to walt for his less up to you, and young people i R? m ay or, ena e · b:ltr we!corrcd those

1 at the cost of the childs stud· well endowed colleagues. Prl· like you, to make the choice. if 1 R1chard P?rsons, Gerald ;ar·

tl;oecial:y )lr. Hedlev. les so school work was made mary schools will have to do yo can hold your •aanlty the I sons, Calvm French. Ho,1ard · · smmry of th~ lighter, promotion was made the same. , fu~re will hold happiness and 1 Soper. Elsi~ Forward. Walter

Cl.:(er Stint,· who easier. Simpler courses re· In this school within the instead of death and Burden, Ke1th Burgess, Gerald !:lm St. John·i' 10 be placed the old drilling and limits of our resource& w~ ~:~~:;uction, and generations Howell, Lest~r Forward, Gerald 1

hard study. have 11ought to raise our edu· b •11 prals you II! read- Pilgrim, Sylv1a Horwood, Ernest 1 In the United States ... and catlonal sights, and we can un orn Wl e ' Soper.

there we must look for much see encouraging signs that we ers. Grade VII; Peggy Cameron, of our philosophy has been are making progress. There "If there Is to be a world at ., i Daphne Burden (tie), Anne

~ liar•·'. l". ''· patterned on theirs In recent !s certainly unquestionable the end of the twent eth cen· '·1 .,,, SkIn n e r. Raymond Walters. lhow;ngs ho.l. he en years. A new educational gos· evidence that the level of at· tury lt will ba I wonderful Gwendolyn Bishop. Jut! a Rein,

R!&:cna! rr.eet:n~'· and. pel spread, which might be' talnment has i mproved con· world. Lorne D. Janes. Phillip Earle, dtn!in~ w1··,·n such summarized thus: slderably in the last two "However, it will be a com· " h 1 d · Gwendolyn Horwood, Pauline

Cilllpaign elc · "1. The teacher s ou d es· years. petltlve worl and those w1th par 8 0 n s, Christine Parsons. r11uits hali bee~ • tab!lsh a relationship between "At the risk of sounding like the best education will be in Frank Davis, Donald Horwood.

Th~ de1egalt'\ fro~ the school subjects and the something out cf a Liberal the forefront, 10 by best word ~.l attended t~~ c·on. dally life of the pupil. No manifesto I would like to point to you 1a to 1tay in school as Helen Saunders, Helena Dean; ~~ ' 1 h 1 h 1 1 1 t h t f 1 t i 1 Tolson Penney, Helen Boutcher. The i~ St .. John'; in onger • ou d e re y so e Y I au t a rom our as two long as you can, take matr cu · Grade VIII: Audrey Kirby,

il:.l· boo:h which had on the exercise of memory and graduating classes as many atlon. and any other richer Eleanor Moore, Elaine Hor-t·· 11 to tr.:, II arbour, course offering, there must be ; lor L·.e Tr:nity·Con· ,I buy 8 n d U 88 one compromise between low wood, Margaret· Snow, Anna

had b~en let up by I 'and high, a school·leaving certl- Penney, Max Powell. Sandra . ~: Fi~ld . Secretary: f!cate will not be enough. Moores, Joan Powell, Robin · ,,'·?ed ,lo !llmulale in·. c H R I ST M-AS "Continuing, he said carbon· Penney, David Snow, Judy Par·. ~ ,wor~ of the !Jnit. ear looms 11 a star In todayls sons, Cecil Reid, Everrett Bur-

_.h, Sclrc:ary's re· educational system~ with a new i den, Carol Pike, Elaine Burke, · :ntorm•d those 1 1 high In course of con· .


John LeGijOW, Harold Penney, h · · reg ona . J P

• ad heen ac.· sEALS tl n and the promise of a oan arsons. I o'u ,y tonlerences held strucl o I hool there will be Grade IX: Norma Penney. "" au•u · · vocat ona sc ' E 1 G rald Power G~ ' mn at Cor:1er tltlon between them, Hunter ar e, e H Falls and st. I no compe inte ated and will (tie), Gladys Batten. Great ~ d!rr.onstrated by I ~ey w~~ebewlth ~ch other. His Reid., Ronald Howell (tie),

. . placards how the anne . e Is that the twen· D e s m o n d Bishop. Sharon

Shippsrs Ahoy!


all • w1nter



When a service maintains a leading position in its field for 38 years it must have real value. As further evidence of this leadership, CLARKE will operate this winter a greatly increased frequency of sailings from Halifax and Saint John, N.B. to St. John's, Newfound­land, with two large steamers: "NOV APORT" and "HIGHLINER" Fixed weekly sailings will permit money­saving planning and inventory control for shippers and their customers, throughout the winter season.


From HallfaK, N.S. every Friday

From Saint John, N.B. ·tv try Tuesday

Arriving St. John's, Nfld, every Monday

All th••• familiar CLARKE advanlagu Ia shlppor1 a,. .vailallt•:

• OPII lingle ltaaklna, from •nr ,.1o1, lr( ool"l Clarka Llfto, C.P.R., C.N.R., umltl,rnleo frlllht ..,..lc ••

• C:ompotlllvo Rotto

• Sl01,.tldty of 11111"1

Rtquutt fer lnfermatlon and cargo opaco will receive prompt att.ntlon from your C.P.R., C,N.R, ag•nt, ar from ow n1aN1I CLARKE oHicll,

Harvey & Co. Limited, ~IR. R. SELLARS, Steamship Department, Clarke Steamship Co,,

Limited, St. John's, Nfld. P.O. Box E·5182, Tel: 2151. St. John's. Nfld.

Tel: 9·0977. 7tlf

• Mllrloo loovrao~co

"First in The Gulf of St. Lawrenca" I

ea,~;de ~r lhe fight gre~tes~d~!~nd pupils under Whyte, John Penne)', Ross H.is-

, ~~ loo~oui~e h~l~ ~i r £or . ~~:~~:~u~pe~rv~o~ls~lo~n~s~h~ou~l~d~h~a~v;e ~th~e~c~oc~k~, ~J~a~m;;e;;s ;;P;;I;;k;;e,;;;;E;;lk;;e;;;;H;;e;;;m;;;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~::-:-~-~ .. :-=· -:·-:;;~-:-=·~-·::-~--:-~-;;·,;-:·· ::::~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ or orr,cer.l for the. .,.; DANGEROUS DRIVING DAYS

~r. the Harbour nit ~·ere first ap­th~ Present as

lo!U,s A. o·~ell!, R.~. Mrs. L. c.

W P Sl ~r;, Wapleion, Mr. E. l!r. ~· A. Oke, Mrs. I ~ ' · ~lor~an, Dr. I

. ~ ~~~~~ following were I

Mr E C ~ -. rocker r. ~1. P. Stap:

· ~lrs. L c · ~lr. S. ~or: Chairman, Dr. 1

Chalrma.1 i , I f'lght tuberculosis

So ..•



MARINE, DIAL 1!0021 · 7



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6------------------------~------------------------~~------------~~------~T~H~E~D~AI~LY~N~E~W~S~T~.J~O~H~N~'S.~N~F~LD~.,~M~O~N~D~A~Y,~N~~~ •

Dally Recipe Gum Unhealthy

Condition ~~~ llll!·respectlnl eook co~·

alden ber recipe files complete wlth11ut a load col!tcUon of those , It was a story that was being, all~ncompuslnl main dishes I increasingly !wad in one varia!· w~eh IJIIWer to the ~neral ion or another. In all the years term of euaerolel. CaMed ul· she had bee3 going to a dentist, mi:l fiDdJ lt.s way Into may of l~ere had only been a JTJinimum thi helrllelt aDd testiest of tha.se. / amount of work to do-a cavity, To add to your repertoire of real· • or two, cleaning, once an absess· !y delectable dllhea wb!eh can be ed tooth removed. served with eQual pride and 11t· PERSONAL She had strong, good teet~. WactloD to a hunil7 family or 8 1 Th But o~ tHis last examination the lUella lathered for an evenln' CHIT CHA etween . e dentist had seen a warning rim bullet, tbt Fla!lellies Auoclatlon • T of dark congestion · just below a! B.C. pusSI a!O:Iil the recipe e • • the gum line. "Better se.e a per· for a picture-pretty Salmon Po- u iodontisl"-a name u~famlliar to tato Pu!f. The incomparable ANNUAL FALL IIALE S M p so many of us--the designation fluor 11! pink salmOn !1 ~t off St. Thomas Women's AJsoc· t of a new grou~ of oral specia· by I plqUADt blend Of celery JOUp lat!on will be holdln& their ID· a ure are n t • lists fighting t~e loss of teeth and ehopped dill p!ckle.s, lemon nual Fall Sale 011 Tueaday, Women through neglect of infcct.ed gums. rind addl:!l an lntr!IUinll aeent December 1st, at Canon Wood By scalbg, by packing, and of ltJ ow. A puffy erown of Hall. The nle will 1et under- other methods, the periodontist fluffy ma.shed potatoet with a way at 3.00 p.m. STIFLING CHILD'S teach her now to set it on the can help alleviate a gum condi· sprinkle of shredded cheese Is 1 At the sale there will be llr RUTB MILLETT CURIOSITY MAY REAP dining room table. · As her in· . lion that may ~ot be apparent at re1al topplnll for this maln dish plain, fancy and woolen work LATER .DISINTEREST terest 1:! it was forbidden, she · all Ia t~e. palicnt in its early &em offered as a Fla!l 'N' Sea·

81 well as home eookery. There MEDICINE for a BLE MOOD: may not recover it until she ac· · stages. IBI~eding gums are gcn·1

food Week treat. will alao be 8

novelty stall SOMETHING NEW OR B:r MRS. MURIEL LAWRENCE, qmres table silver of her own erally an mdtcatlon of an ad·· I!IALMON POTATO PUFF Afternoon tea will be served CREATIVE Knives, forks and spoons came I For a long time to come, she'li 1 va~.ced condition!. Btlt as one I

, l·lb. cans pink salmon and eosls f!rty eenls. The ad· out of the. top drawer in the din·' leave the goin"s and comings of pcnodonlist says· and he speaks 1 1, 10.0 u n c e Cl:l eonden!led mlulon to the sale Ia ten eents. When a woman Is' feeling low lng room sideboard, and went ~ommy's tab!~ silver to her. ' f~r the majority-it's the care you i

. eream of celery IOUP she can almo.!l always 1et a lift back L1to it. And Mommy may often wo~der gLI'e your teeth and gums each 1

. ¥a eup ehopped dill plcklea from- ' Cindy reallred this after sup· at her growing daughler's res is· day, tn your own bathroom, I

1 tJp, &rated lemon rind ANNIVERSARY GREETINGS WalkinJ Into 1 beauty salo:1 per one evening when s~e was' lance to setting the table. thnt can menn lhe difference be-l '4 tJp. salt BELL ISLAND, (staffl-Mr. and saying, "I'm sick ol the way nearing her 4th birthday. She

1' This Is the danger of too many tween hai'J:lg your own teeth and 1

Da.sh of pepper and Mn. Charles Nelli, Bryan !a I've been wearing my hair I realized It suddenly. At one. stern "no's" to little childre:1"s dentures. I I to I dedium freshly· cooked Cove, Conception Bay, eelebrat· don't care what you do to ·it- moment Mommy just had a l~~~rerest in household equipment. I Certa1nly you hrus'l your teeth

pDtatOK ed the Mtb. annlvenary of their Juat so it Ia 1 complett change." habit of making a. melodious I There is always a moment re~ular!y. But how?. There is One third eup acalded milk marriage en Tuesday Nov. 24tb. Splurging 1 little on 1 dress clatter by droppmg knives, forks i when this interest in table sillw ' the real c1·ux. Brush1n~ methods t tbsps. butter or mar&arlne Their daughter Bertha and that "docs somethbg" for her. and spooM Into the sidebo~rd; ilben closets, hose faucets-yes: have changed radically in 11\c 1 t!p. Dakinc powder son-in-law Fran'k, Mercer St., S~ovlng the furniture around and at the next,· Cmdy realtred I even matc~es, scissors and gas last fifty, the l8st twrnty. the ~ eup ehredded sharp cheddar send Jll"eetlngs to thc!n. to give her hou~ 1 new look. the truth. jets-is true, inlcnse and innn·' bst f~w yc~rs. !low yn11 learned

chee.M I 1t Is 1 coincidence that their· Rollillg up her ~lee1·~.s and pit· In the sideboard !here w.as a, cent. Like Cirly, the lillie chid to b:·u':' :JS. a child tif ;·ou're Preh~~at Ol'tft It! S~ ~grHA r. daughter, Mrs. Frank Recs. chlng into the Joh of house· drawer she'd never !een that' suddenly realizes I he u•e of I he 01."-1' fort;· I " nul m o rl rd. To·

rmodeutely hntl. Grta~ an' ~fercer St .• retehrated her birth· cleaning. held knives forks anrl spoon~' equipmc:1t. hrc:•k 111c l1:1hil of a lifetime l~krs 1

R-eup easserole !IT hakinl rlls!l. rl~y on Nnv. ~4th. Calling up ~ friend and 11y. Just a~ the lowe~( drawed in ~cr' Though we c;~u't alln'11 him ..., :1 hit of do in.~. To lrai:1 :1 I'OIIn~ •

Combi!!@ aalmnn (do not drain- ling, "Let·~ go shoppina and have j bureau held her sweater<<. 1 manipulal~ the ~arden hnsr. 11 ,, t·hild's 11:1111t lo 11ork the ,hl'll>h. the lll!uld rontain~ I"Riuable nil· ROMP.: ASO !lrRoOI, ltmch downtown." Eager lo explore her disco1•cry,! can support his iniCI'cs! in i~ b;· protlrri)' takl'> Hrn more, and lrten!Jl. ~1'. ~hopped p1kcles, 1 ThP rPgular monthly mePtln~! Po!ttng a plant for the ~OU!e, i Cindy ran to I he sideboard, rea-! sayin~. '"Someday y011 c:Jn usr "' lo I hi.< rnrl, a lc~•;lin~ ll\:111· le111(1n rlnd. ull and pt'pper. ~li~! of the Feilcli~n HomP and: cittting flowers and arra~sing · ch~ _for the, top drawer a:1d,: it. too. and waler 1:10 lall':l lhc llf:tetu:·rr of hru.shr.• had dr1iscrl h~htly t11 blend. Place In cass·l School As~n. wa 1 held In the i them,. or dlggm2. In the garoon. standJng on t1ptoe. pttllcd ,:t n[l!!n 1 way D:trlrly doc>." " double r\11ly brmh w:1ii'h i11or·. •T?lt. ~lash polato~s, blend In, college auditorium on Wednes· Do1n,11 .~omethm~ lhoughtful Ther~ Indeed, m neal files lay Rut 1f we a1·c , 0 scared lh;il ou~hl)· c\c;m, nil sur'acrs of the' mtlk and buller, ~·.1th ~all and: dav Nol•ember 25th. at 8:15 for someone whose !roubles the. kmvcs, fork~ and spoo~s. he may mi~usc the ho.<c thnt ll'c lcl'th 1rith onr. >L'I nf hrisllc•. !lf!Jlper to taste, ~attn~ h~hlly un· p.m'. The members were wei· I make her own look small by . l•n"!orlunatcly, ~lommy com· su~g~st it'~ our cxdusilc pro· while a:1o1hc1· row n[ bristle.<. II~ nuffy .. Fold Ul bakmg pow~r. corned bv the Vice President, 1 companson. 1 1ng 1n from t~e k1lc~en thou~ht pert;·, ou1· )'nlln~slcr nw)· de1·r. m;J>,:t:,es tl•c '"IIIllS. steps up cir· Ltghll~ ~ile on tip of ul,mon mlc· M B C~owther. ln the absence:

8 k" k . , . 1 ~he was planm~g so~cthmg dan lop a my,lcrious a1·crsion lo any cllla:ioll. fi:·1ns !he ~mns Each

ture, Jiihn& Wllh bottom of spoo~ fr. h · p ld t d the meet·: b a l~g a ca e. stunng up a. geJ;Ous wtth the knt1·cs, forks'. work on the lawn. ~roup of ilrio:b. one is blue, •·

1 •• attract!•- al d ff 1 o I e res en an ' atch or homemade bread or and " Sl 'd .. ,. ' t'1e ot 11cr h,·, · f tl t 11 "" "" ... r se e ec · !ng was In the form of 1 sociRI' making jell ~ ' . s,oons. , le sal ·. ·'0 ·! . Our wholesale hons on inlcrcst · ' "' ,c. ''

0 te

5 rcng


Sprlnkw 1hredded eheese on top. evenlnl Prize• were won by, y. Ct_ndy, no. \ o.u musln t play 13 household cquipm~nt mav ac· anrl lype to do its job to perfect· Bake In pre~ealed oven about 30 f


1 bm·


Planning 1 party-deciding With the table stll'er, Close the count for modern children·; dis· ion. Rlll lhe IJ~st pn1·1 of all is mlnube.s, until thoroughly heat· the o ow llC mem · , L'te on drawer." · t · _ . . thnt e1·en shollld you u>e this eel and top In lightly brow:red Ladlea: !st., Mrs. D. Arns;. guests, p!annlnl the menu, y th ·. . m crest In c~ore,. 1\r lise their double d·.,~y bn~>h incorrect:)·,', Makes

8 servl gs · ·

2nd Mrs B Spurrell 1 a~d so on. et at moment of C1:1dy s · tmpressJonaiJ!e year.; to make il 'l Wot'ks coiTect\1.·: I

' n · 13

·• i,y. ':o.! ' J Pea~cey. ' Deeidlg to join an exercise supreme lnterest in t~e table sil·' too clear that the I able si!rer i; M~~s: "1st~.~- M~. Geo. Cook; class

1,1 1

take a1

hsewlng rourse, or ver was also the moment to i our private business. This Dollble o1111. brush has 1

2 d Mr B Crowther. enro n a n g t school course. M h h --· - ------ hc~n lr>lcd by thou.sands of dcJ·'

Sla~hes Mother nB~oby:" 11!~. !saae Barnes. Gettl:!g out 8 can of paint and ot er-C ild Hi!!.h ~·Iurrler tL•i> clld periodontist;. Tlle maj.l "' . Can;·lng prize was won by d bru5h and going to work on a u ority con>idcr it just abo:~t as

Far Monday, NO'ttmbtr JO

Present-For You and Yours ... Eat a good break· fast and !lore up er~trp for a fut-moving day. Siic" to busi· ness and adopt a bll5ineulike at­titude in dealing wilh olhers. If you r~ceive a zood offer, can­!ider ii, bU( only after thorough legal investigalion. Profit is VEl'}'

in most charls lhis week.

.•• John Bunyan, English Future ... The aod preacher, was bap· ing 11, 11 h

on Nov. 30, 1628. He 1 IVt 110 "Pilgrim'! 1Progress," a ing la1~ Ia -ol't

which has been watch that , more language1 Vibllill

. any other book except the alarm '~s off 'ill B1blc. wearer.

I he !Jay Under Your Sign ARIES I lorn t.lorr.h lito Apra "I Rntuint i• morr rUrctin than blunt• aeu. Try an indirrct .ap;'rC4ch.

TAURUS !April 20 to !.loy 20) B• ~Ltr :a.t hDmr ani 1rr tu:;• quicklt th :a.lm01{1htrr dnrs up.

GEMINI I !.loy 21 to Juno llJ Think twio:r brfOI't rnd:inr a job chltl' You might rti(TCI lhr mou.

CANCER IJ•n• 22 to July 21) Dday m11 haw• d.amptntd ,wr ardCI1

but don't ai\'e" up now.

LEO (July l2 lo Au9. 21) M cnyKl-J' arQuaintattc:r may try Lo lOW 1rrrh oJ. di•conlrrH in yoor family,

VIRGO jAu;. 2llo Sop!. lll \'MJr ~forts tr• hrl., :a.rr ntA. :aM'rtciat~. Sf"'t ti!"e, ¥1-:ILt until ,-fJIJ'rt ukrd.

PARIS !Reutersl -Schoolgirls Mrs. B. Vateher. The meeting i ~~::lt~~m or an old piece of Relationship Rate fine a brus:l "s is made. aged betw~n six and el!lht saw 'coneluded with the usual c\Jp of 1 V!"hen ~ woma 1 t 1 : Another important part of the • their teacher attacked ln their n s momen ar · 1 , •l··-oom Sunday b• b•r

22·"elr· tea. ly depresred or dissatisfied By HAROLD TILLEY o:·~ re~ime is the tl'e of a m011~h' · • """' ' ~ ' - th C dl p c d 1 DURI1 1:\, South Africa I .IP'- • • ' \ · , aid •on, ~ho •!••'". •d his moth•r's ~re are do!eru of ways she ana an ress orrespon en ,. ulld.\'!iJ.IC. , :1c·,,. concept m or·. • " • ~"~ ~ 1· he If SYDNEY' (CP! - Austral'ta"s \\ tth 503 nnu·ders ;ir.co J•tlll", r;·. al •nt1's" · · h t'rl h hI

throat with a razor. Pollee sald SJSTERS OF 8ERVICI! can wor" rse out of the dol· · u " " · · 'psiS 15

cxe ' ne w c the son gave himself up without AUXJUARY drums. T~e only Important outspoken Presbyterian cleric Jo~annesbu,·g now hils the h:gh. h.1s h~rn prol'ed in clinical >tud· • res!stanee but gave no reason for The Annual Fall Membenb!p thing Is that slle &et busy oolng grev. Gordo:l Powell, says "mom:. est murder rate in the \l'r-irrn ies to be highly effec:ire against' the attaek. His mother was I~ something. lsm"-the dominance ol women' world, the DurbaJ Suntla;· Tri· trouhlemn''ing bacteria in t1e

~ · Tea of the Sisters of Service in the home-is undermining the' b.une s~irl Sunday. It added that moulh. BI~di:1 g, pain and gin·, erltleal eondltlon. Aux!Harv was held on Sunday M M k position of Australian fathers. . :-.;ew \ark was n~xt in line for ~i,·aJ inflammation respond to the· I 1-;2/

afternoon, Nov. 29th., at the 300efS a e Mr. Powell; m:1ister of St.· the sam; period with 306 mur. rcgula1· u;e of hexeldinc u1at is i Sisters Residence, 7 Garrison Stephen's C~urch in th.e heart of ders. Chlcago harl 29\i and !.on-. pre,ent in a nL'II" anli>eptic mouth "J' , Hill G t! th t d F

don 1"' 1 K ... tmmy s kind of stran""'! He doesn't hill . ree Ill t guesS an n"ends Sydney, wa~ commentin"o on a "· wa.'h ealll'il Slcri·>ol. .,-

h co~n[eves',"

membeu~nte~omQ ~t~me~byJohnRob•on.rli· ~~~~~~;~·~-~~-~~~~~-~--~-~--~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~=====~=·:·-:·=-~~~ President, Sr. 'Fitzpatrick, and I 1 rector of the father a~d son wei· the President. ~{rs. J. L. Cole· • \''he th 1 · fare movement in Australia, that

l , C h d '' n ere s a woman guest f h . . man. !I! sses ,,{ary oc rane an . al a famil, rt' t b~ : at ers were mann~ away from· Olive Breen were in ~barge of !lOst ~err c.: the'"~~st 8lir~i ~~~ 1 t~ei; position of authority and dis· .

I the membc!rshlp fee~. th, ho•tes• And . ·th"' . 1 c1~lme · 1n the home.

i · d 'r · · , Pier~ '"~ ~' 1 Robson sad psvc~ialr>t~ were· 1 The tea WBI . under the 1 ~assc 1 ~ 1 ~~ l~le .'~oman guesl. ·. placng great cmphass i o~ the 'general cnnvenorshlp of MrR. '!'.I need for a good mother·child rc· J. Fitzpatrick, misted hy the I lationship In the child's early. . . ' fol!owinl ladle~: Mrs. J. R. year~ hut fl!lOr father-child rela· O'Dea, Ml~s Mary Goodland, Beauty Tt'ps tionshlp~ existed In manv rami·' Mrs. "R~nemary Carter, Mls~ ie'!!. · · Eva Harris, ll!lss Nova Power, '"Momlsm' i• increasin~." ~!r., Mn. J. Lawlor, MrR. E. Nose· I Powell sad, "because father• are, worthy, Mrs. P. Noonan, ~Irs. , ' falling In their dutl~s as family! Mary Kent, !\Ira. Margaret Fitz· A leadmg ~ermatologlst salcl : disciplinarians. 1

grald Mrs. Gertrude Keou~h. recenlly that countless young "It would be a great bctness' . · women are suffering from skin for fathers to whack the pants 1

_Hi Ills. I've been reedvin1 Pourlnl tea were: Mra. B. blemishes they could hav• es· of their children when they need: qUite a bit of mall lately, some Doody Mrs. A. Croke, Mrs. E. eaped just by lear~lng to keep It 1 Interesting, some amualng, some ! Mulro~ney, 1\!n. L. E. Lawton, 1 their hands in ~heir laps. Often 1 ·,.H you don't hit them thev will ! illlulUna. Here are a eouple of , Mrs. B. A. Norris. :l.{lss G. 1 tiny and unnoticed bLemishes throw bricks at policemen or '1

excerptJ that may be of 1eneral Phelan, Miss K. Hayes and · under the surface of the skin are l1

break windows. 1

~rest. Mrs. J, Slattery. Irritated by ~ands that u~con· "Children be~me anti-social if I • selously plck and poke and they do:1't get punishment when

. Dear Joe, spread them to the outer eplder· they deserve it." I ;What can I do with bro'ken mls where they are all too ap· Mothers held many families 10.

0~· atuek z!ppenT Fashion . Tips parent. gether while fat~ers were out . . Mn. J. S. ;, • • earning a living, possibly work· I ~er: Buy a new zipper _ . lng at a couple of jobs, :"llr.

l~d replace it yoursell, or send It's a good Idea when buying Even though we' seem to be a Powell said. "Thls makes mum\ !lit garment to Cousins with ln· dres~s or skirts ·to look for sltllnK - down nal!o~ when li the anch~r of the family and puts 1

struct!ons to repla~e or repair 1

those th&t are u~ed to prevent comes to exerclr.e, women still the lather Into the background." th.l :ripper. We do plenty of ereases or bulging. ~ave aching feel. One reason Is There was a te~dency in Aus·J almllar jobs, and carry zippers 1 Improperly fi.tll.ed shoes or wrong I tralla for dad "to rus~ home and ·-· t k • • • h f .., m.l DC · Here are a few simple rules to 5 oes or the occasion. Fool go off again to th.e clubs or

·Dear Joe, apply when you're looking for a exerc!r.es wlll help strengtheJ pubs." . ~Y husband got 1 el11arette hat. Know In advance the effect foot muscles and also ease ten· A Sydney psychiatrist said he ·

bi!!Jl In ,hla brand-new suit. I'm that you would like to create slons ol the day, One good exer· thought most fathers capable of ~aid Its ruined, Is there anJ· with the new hat. Have your else is to stand barefoot on a controlllcg their children "but ililnll I ean do? ~air style and makeup the way towel and .pleat the towel with I they've got to keep on the ball to

Mrs. G. M. H. they will be when you are wear· your toes. This Is flOod lor the slop t.'teir kids becoming impulse· "An1111rr: Buy your hu~hand In; it.. Select style~ that do arc!le!. ridden l!!!~~~~r~rs~·· . ____ i

II\' ashtray, and let u~ have •1 ~ometh~ng lor you, not to you. 1 - i look at th~ ~ult, without know. Don't be too influenoed bl' fa~·' In' the kind or material In the: hi on ma~alioe~. but chosoe what i 1\!lt. the ~ize nf the hurn and~ suit.! you hesl. Rememher that 1

ita' lncatlon, I can't tell \'OU too i a hal i~·lhe s:reate~t a\11· a IO"D· · m~ch. But thP euil p~ob~hlv' rna~ r~n '131'e In dra~atizinS: ' iii!!" I ruined. There are l'er~· 1 her bios I pninl~. Shop on a day ! few minor mi1hap~ that wp cant i when you ha1·e plenty of lime. 1

dortor u~ ~om~11ow. , :-in hat should ever llf! bought In ;near Joe. ! a hurry. ~ever bu;· a hat with·, :1 think your column Is In·! out trying it on as you stand he· •

aultin& to men. Why do you' f?re a lull·leng!~ mirror. This! alde with the women so much7 1 Cll'es you the whole head-to-toe Mjybe your wife really writes I picture, a:~d this Is tile way tlll! eolumn, or maybe you need others will see you. Above all, a:punch In the nose, heh? , remember that s!mpllclty Is the

': . Jl!r. B. R. W. 1 found at ton ol goo,~ tastto. As the ;Aftl"lll'er: My eolumn Is direct·' old sa)·tng goes, A woman ls as,

ea· to the gals, • brigble)•es, be·: old BS her ~at." I

cause they're the ones who look • • • aften the famll)• clothes. About A new blow· up hanger has · 80 percent of Cousins business been in1·e~!ed that Is Ideal for· climes, dl~eclly from the ladles, dr!p·drying clothes he cause it' blw em, And I'm not Insulting dD!!s not stain wet fabrics and Its 1

til' men. I just think women 1

rounded shape allows alr to clr· • are smarter than men when il culate w I t h I n t'l~ garment. : eo,mes to clothlng care - and I Made of li~hl·weight "fabrllite". I'¥ a tick to my 11uns. Now


1t flatte~s completely fnr tra1·ell·l about the punch In the nose ln11 and Is easily reinflated. 1

Send me by. realstered lettc~ · • ;







Plain and two-tone style; ll't\h white and cnlour~d fur trim. Soft soles. Si1es ~ to 9.

$1.29 t_o 1:95 PAIR

complete details as to our age, I • • ; H'elaht, wel~~:ht, reach, and how 1 You can · work wonders to- SEE fut you can run. Then I'll. wards renewing your velvet know whether to flwht. run, or I dress, II )'Oil first hrush of! as b"uy you lunch the next ttme I. :~uc~ du<t n~ you cJn, thc:1 tlll'll see you - Brock! · , i e le~s Inside out and hang It',



~If any other readers hal"e: n hthe ~athroom while you take '· · hi · 1 b•' a at s .• owcr. After It has stca· ~lhtng care pro ems I 1 , ., • m:rt thi.1 ll'ay. 1~1 It rlrv ~om·' ~d to h~lp. .lu~t rail or \HI c ll'•' ,,,. bclor h · d ·

' •· 1 'B l ·-·· • e you nn le It m.e. at Cous ns. ye or now. <J~aln. · ·


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• ' "!I'( j. ·'

nl.Jkrr:;. nf ;\(IW[11tlrtr\land'~; f-1\ 11111'1:r ht·:··t ,~ "1',_ 1:! CllllH's a n('w, imprnrerl line nf ,,,p.quJ::~.1 ,·o.c~~m rnnk1r.<. 1r:·

Look for thr ltr\1' rli,l il:!'\11 r hl•lr .1'Hi ' 1 ~ 111 r··c' ~.~cs e1·e•)' one hrarin~ the ~old >tnpc' t!r:n': 1n~Jotl flavour. \nur fanuly WJI!!ol'e tllc;e '"nl'd~rfu\ ~~ land·ma~c biscuils. , \!. Et1

Available now at all grocers on,\ ;upermar.,e Sm!E-


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, three l>i took c ri~l I

forl11 th I.,, , ;cicJltlStS b~ 1r . reasoll to ~ IS llO . . or

11 rcdlscol er,. sha . al and chel

h)'SIC p ~·hich once c

directed the c• .. sal'S Gaffro!

authOriii· on phol




I Crer



>ur Sign

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He '" ..


''The 'right kind' mr.ans rom Unircrsily. ~Iiller l'ecrcated nml fold together au ~utirc pru·

sdcntJSt Says 'Yes' 'pounrls whieh are abundant In the watcrmethane-hydrogcn-am· tcin in a test lube. llow mnril ' the lil'ing worl!.l and are uni· mania mixture in a closed con· of life, shall we ~ar, has, has. . rcrsally utilized by living ~·lis' '.aincr in the laboratory. He· then been extracle1l !nlo th~·

Elizabeth -. Create Life In A · for the synthesis or vital cell' bombarded this mixture with· test tube'!" ~· • -

1 Only In recent years has it co~stiteunts," Gaffron says.. 1

, c~cctric_ discharges instead of· The enormity of tile nrublem ~rt;.eCGVerlng Test Tube?

become respectable ln scientifie 2. Hydrogen began to d1sap· Natures ultraviOlet rays. is emphasized whc11 ,,,,:. :eJiiz~s .. · . circles seriously to consider that pear from the earth's atmos· When he analyzed the result· that "protein.; arc s11ch <:omplex : life might be created· in the i ph ere. and was repacc_d b: traces ant brew. somet~~ng new had slrudures that only on•·•· in 1 laboratory, says Gaffron. 1 or oxygen. Ullral'lolet rays been added-:-a vancty of anuno many billion years. ~·'''''' the I And for good reason. Darwin's were stopped from ~ombardmg awls, the butld1ng blocks u! pru·, most favorable cunuiti.u1.;, ·ni~ht

~;!~\\' \'0!11\ .1.\!'1 ,',(',; -". Elizabeth Taylor. slri~:;~:l ;· 1:t double virt~< pm:un~o:1i~. 1\ ao re· · ported doing well Frida:: .

theories about the rise and rail the earth by oxygen •r. the form \Cl~. . .. the right number and !h•~ r!~h; .. of .•p•c1·.s hal'• be•n prol•ed. or uwnr. New en erg)• source_s '1 he c.h.e1mst hns sutccc<.lcd m kind of amino acid~ "-;~···"~ate . ,, • , • • flut ho ;pi tal ~utllwili~> >aid 1 But theories about thr s.t•ps were _usr.d- loe_al_ heat_. organw synthcsJ.zlng only one smad ~.<~rl spontaneous!:,. 10 !urm ,,n en

I " h I d bl 1 h Th f th I f b th d l liu~y t•ouid no: pl'edict huw long -

. tha~ led to the nt·t'"t· 11 of 11·re re· r emt_r.a s, an .''.lSI. e tg t. e o e t c-su ,_-ta_nccs. e_ •mmo zymc 1 an 1 1cre al'e many. . ld • b 11 ll'<:u lake the rli,,a~f to run


main onl'' theories. organic suiJolanccs became acids, from 11luch prote1ns arc many enzyme muleeulc.1 in a ' 1 d 'I 1 k h , 11 " (' (f ils rouro<'. : "Whal exist~." ~ar~ Gaffron. more cump ex.. . ma e. r e a so ·nuw~ ow .n re 1, says Ja ron. : "Is only the scientist's wish not "Bet wee! I th1~ _and l~le next, make nearly all the ot!1cr ~mall. "Part of the fasrinaliun 'lllJl·h lh:uiJlc pnc:llllfllli<~ w·~;111 , huih ·

to admit a discontinuity in Na· step. Jh~ {Irsl hv1ng thmgs ap·, molecules. whtch the lil'lng c~ll the problem of the origin u( life lungs arc i ,fccted. while 1·irus· · ture and not to assume a crea· pc~red m a _way _we are unable, converts mto the baste consttl· holds for us stems from the ap· pilclununia is " primary tn1e tive· act forever bc)·ond com· a.s )_'Ct. to tmagme," obserres ue_nts of ~ur foods-sugars, htly parent neeessity to bclierc in· caused hy IJaclel'ia inrauin~ in prehension." New discoveries: Gaf!ron.. . . , ac1d, purms. ercnts which happen unly onec otherwise l1~all'1y ver,on. ·

. ip the sciences have brousht: 3. Ltl'l\1~ orgamsm: . created, But, to ct·eate a protein. the -tantamount to acts of special , new urgencv to the wlsh. , on the baSIS of an OX)gen-lack·. amino acids must be arranged creation and therefore ncrcr to

·• • • ing atmosphere gradually ex·· in patterns that are incredibly, be ohseTI'cd in the labor<Jtory,''

~!iss Taylor rntrr~d lin.' II; I a! Thursday arter >nfferin~ I rom a· persistent eough for two we~ks

!!orne one and 8

haJ,.billion haustcd the supplies of energy complicated. They must he. says Gaffron.

Years ago, as scientists reckon, stored in organic cnmpol!nds.' aligned and spliced along a cen·: • • • C II h

. h d · th · 1 c•d c~ntcr of imparlance."

Primitive living cells appeared e 5 w tc enve e1r energy ter chain of carbon and nitrogen, "It would cerl:tinl•· he a tri·. f

· 'bl tight 1 t ' Despite the gaps in current on earth. They were :he basis rom. ~" 161 e came n ° atoms. and there may be sev· · umph of science if it could be 1 knowledge, Gaffron is optimislic

:for all life we know today, prommen~e. , era! hundred special bonds to·~ demonstrated convincingly that :1bout the laboratory creation of ~These cells owed their exi~lence 4. The era of photosynthesis tit• the amino acids together. :life must ha,•e arisen bv a pro· life. Consider, he 531.;;, the bio·: ' partly to an em·ironment ne1·er followed. Green pl~n~; general· Nererthcless. since cell con· cess which could occu; hardh ' chemiral ur.dcrstanding guinda

1: seen again ''" earlh except in ed oxyg~n. forever dri1•ing tile stituents ran be extracted and 1· at all in the lifetime or ~n'.' one durin~ one human ~cncr"lion·;. i the laboratory. oxygen-lacking organisms fro.n obsen·~d In their nakPd state.' of the planets which :Jc•c·omp:•nv lifetime.

Generally, scientists agL'Ce on, thei_r posilio~ of domin_a~ce. Or· Graff on says: (billions of stars in millions ~~ the four stages in prehistory. gan1sms which can utilize oxy· "To a biochemist 1t seems, galaxies. This would coni<':: '·In contrast to mindless Na·

1 which led from the lifeless to gen now had the upper hand. onlv a matter of a fe'V \'Pars or: upon the fact of our rxis''~ncc turr. which h;:d to spend • a II 11Js a loglral but profountl ce~din~ly prlmitil'e t)·pes. ·the Ji·Jin~: • • • furiher imaginativ~ work along! a sigmlicuncc rcachir1~ fur iJc. billion years for the r'eulion nf

;tc•p from this to nne of the Modern science carries this I. Earth was covered with a Somr rvldence that sta~e one this line until he shall have· yond our earthly limits. life, m!ncHul :\aturc ha> a pOr mo.-1 important of Darwin's ron·, thought even farther back: there. layer o[ water vapor-methane. hypothesized a hove was indeed, succeeded in can·in~ nut rf the' "Such l future fin din:: ,r·c•ms. po.'r and l;1ww' \11•.· outcome riu;inns. If life had procecrled must hare been the first priml· (a ga5l- hydrogen- amnh'nla. 1 tile enl'ironmenl in which life cell the necessary coml,ination· howeHr, <l'ilikcly; for h!stor;; Thus th~ tiillt' needed to s<lil'c !iy c·1 rr improl'in~ and crer cia· live !iring cell or group of celh. Under the energizing in(Juence, originated was prortueed in 195:1 of proteins and m;cleic acids has shown that with intrc,,,ilq our prohlrm may he Irs; tha11 hor;1tin~ types, thrn, at one And if Nature could mAke this of the sun's ultraviolet ray·.· by Stanley L. ~~iller. then ~ neatly aligned in <Jne miero.; krlJIWicdge 0111' po,iti•Jn in til<· "thousanrt yc11rs .. \ftrr •ll. wh-~1 limP in ihr pa~l. life must harr cell, the Mcientists conclude, ao or~:anic substanre8 of the "right ~raduate student at the Unll'ers· structure which, w:1en fed tiiC unircr~e " •l1ifling fa:·lhrr .illri 11·r w<ml " o,;l :.to re-create

11;\SS G.-\H'ROS In his laboratory,

lw~nn with ~ n•latircly few, ex· can man. , kind" accumulated. it)' of Chicago, now at Columbia· proper amint~ acirlr. will knit farther a'.I'"Y from ~11_; 1111:1~iu· .'lmplc lirir.~ crll." -------------------·--- ------------ -· ---------·--------·-------- --


-:.·,~·< :/~ ' i~'+:~i:'·, ' . ' 't •

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t· ~-----------------------------------------------------

Air C d are Flight Lieutenant Harvey club taking part in the pro· ,

IS on a ' and Fi)'!ng Off!cers Da\'e Bur- M'essages were heard from .

'-·- I I B nd ' a ets Bishop, Commanding Of!icer, jcct

Wing Commander Gerrv nell and Bill \'all. All three Club President Bill Adnm-; ·

I I P rty 8astow, DFC. commanding of- men rose from the ranks of· and Deputy Governor :\oel nnua , a fleers of the four St. John's air the squadron to receive their~ Goodridge. I 1 cadet squadrons, will be guest commission. 1

t · speaker at tonight's Kinsmen Instructors to the air ca· B F• } I" ,turday, ~overnber 2Sth, a~ club rneetlng. Other guests dets are Ed Bennett, Ed Hick- evan Ig ltS ~ ;_,'D cloek, approximately 6 will be the officers and In· F d s i R I h C ~bets of the Mission Band structors o' the ~14th Klns· ey, 're q u res, a P rum- I Wldet the leadership of MrE 1 mcy, Gerry Newman and Chcs: li.'Maunder gathered for their men Air Cadet Squadron. Tuck.-· 1 lly DAVE OA:\'CIA annual party which opened The Kinsmen pay tribute to The Club has sponsored this ! CRnadian Press Stnfl Writer with hart devotional period 'the squadron tonight. Last squadron since the atr cadet 1 ,BLACKPO~L: Engla~d ICPI;­durln~ ~hlch tlme Miss Lilli~~ year the squadron won the movement started tn this pro\'·!~\ llh el'angeilcal [e~vor and bnl­Whitemarsh (Presbyterial Sec- new Macgllllvary shield In tnce several years ago. The: 1ant o rat or y, h~rl' Aneurm . retary of Mission Bands> the, first year of 11.5 existence, sponsoring committee consists 1 Bevan made a delcl·mmed effort . awarded the group a star In ha\ lng claimed the first shield of Sid ~Terris Chairman· Ger· Sunday to hcud off any lia>ly ac. recognition f their vear's for the third time during the ry Ly~ch, CJif[ Langin.' Don tion tha~ would split the Labor ' ~rk. At thlso tlme also·, gift previous year. Holden, Reg Woodford and party wide ope~. , . boxes Into which the members The officers of the squadron Bob Morgan-all club mem· The depnly leaders speel·h ch· ;

hers rnax~d I ~ e fierce conlroversy , !lad dropped their loose tables which were decorated · w , ol'~r Labor·.~ future thHt erupted · c:hanse durlns the year were In Mission BRnd colours green Chairman Sid ~Torris rr·' durin~ the We€kend post mortem· brou1ht forward by members and white and whkh IJJr~ ports that a drill was held Rt i into the causes of the party's Gloria Dredge and Byron Mat- cakes decorated also !n the the Kinsmen, Dona vans on , shattering election defeut. tbty.>!. same colours. Saturday past. I lt was a cardully considered .. • Mrs. Curtis, wife of our min· A games period then !allow- Tonight's meeting will take effort intended to show thai the later Rev. L. A. D. Curtis, then ed under the leadership of place at the usual meeting party leadership' is united. lt was . presented the members with ~!iss Bolton with . Mesdames place, the Newfoundland Ho· aimed clearly at rel'ivin:: the : tlleJ.r Mission Band Pins, con- G<lrdan :\!orris, Robert Camp· tel. fi~~ti~g spirit of the dejected i

ptulated them on their good bell, Misses June Plke, Shirley The Kinsmen Club took party workers and supporters. 1W!rk during the year, end ex· !\lercer, Roberta Smith and o\·er radio station VOCM on i pressed her pleasure at being Renee !\launder assisting. The Saturday afternoon as one of 1 It also was a cal~ulated a~t€mpt . ,Present for the ~easton. A lucky winners Anita Best, Jen· their fund raising projects. to show that while. he did n.ot tuestlonaire dealing with nifer Davis, Linda Sharpe! Frrlcr thr ch~lrmanshlp of! want, to challenge Hugh. Gmt,­Atrlca which Is the study for Barbara Burt, :\!arion Hynes, 1 club member Hugh Coady, a , skcll s moderate leadershiP dl· : ,tlle group this year was then Bill Broeske and Harry War- program arranged by the Club • rcctly, he did n~t abandon ,hi~ . 'DOIIdUcted by !\!Iss Roberta ford were presented then with in cooperation with the sta· • fervanii,V·held belief m lcft-1\m~ li!ii\lth. This pr~:~ved to be a prizes by :\!Iss Bolton. !!on was put on from 2:00 to i pnnclpals. ·If~ lively and Informative I At 5.30 p.m. as the members 6:00. . I LABOR MUST CHA~GF. 1 te!slon, with all members tak· left for horne, each was given Among the features was. a, Gaitskell 1ouc:1ed off the week·· .llll part. a gift box Into which they wlll Kinsmen Hit Parade dunng · e~d furoJ'c before 3.()()() ddegates :

After the bles~ing had been drop their pennie~ during the. r:hlch the ~0 years of the and visitors in the posh Opera: lald by !\!Iss Edith Bolten. dl· corning ~·ear to bring to r:al.!ty K!~smen Club in this city was Hous~ at this seaside resort when , !'ector of Christian Education the word~ or their !\TlSS!Or ""'1 <1•\d hit tunes from he threw down the puntlet to

, and Deaconess of the church, !I Band promise. . the same period were played .. Labor extrcmi;ls IJ;· sayin~ the the ladles representing the two "I belie\·e in making thb. • "" ,. ·nll~lcn·tals and an· parlv must morternize to keep in

· W.:I!.S. groups of the church' world a bett~r place for el'er)·· 1 nouncemcnts were handled step. with. the limes. Bi!I'Ved refreshment~ from 1 one and T will do m;· part." i by nrious member~ nf the • --~--------------------------------. Dozens of speak~r~ all;u·kE·rl.

Christmas Specials

I t~e party lcartrr'> opcnin:! spcecli · I b whi~h he said Lahar ccrloinly. , wants to cxlcnn pub! it· 011 ncr>hip · h some directions hut it~ ~oal

was not 100 per cent stale 011nrr·' ship.


Gait,kel! c;dlrd {nr rr1·hion of . . the ·party ~on>llllillon to rernow 1

. ;ny implicnlion tlwt lhe "only ; ! precise object we hal'e is nation- : 1 alization whereas, in fact. we i

~ I ~ .,

Gay aprons ·in red or green cotton or organdy at $1.85 - $2.25. Christmas Stockings ready for the Mantle at $1.00, also table-cloths with sea­sonal motif from $4.00.

~al'e many other socials! objec· lives." TOHO;>o;TO. Canatla-Y\'on Durelle hits the r;m\'a' nfter the knockout pnnl'h

i\ I _I'

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BHan agreed that chan~es may by Gt·orge Chmnlo (right- in the tm·lllh rouml at Toronto's '.faple Leaf Gar-hal'e to he made to meet chang- 1h·ns :'\ov. 17th. Chuv:1lo rl'taim·d hi~ Canadian hra1·\·11·ei~ht tlwmpiomhip ing conditions. by hratin!( Dun•lle. former Canadian a111\ British li~ht hl'a'··''ll'l'i~ht l'harnpiun ..

ll's a gD<Xl it!ea when buying Dnrellc was kayoed h~· nn nppt•rctlt ut 1.01 of the final round of the scla•dulcd The Jubilee Guilds of Newfoundland

dress~s or ~kirls to look for 1 J:!.roumlrr.-(lJPI Tcll'pholo', those thut are 1i:1ed to prel'ent. --·~


TI1e Mutual Life of Canada policybnlders arc accuswmed to big dividends. The company is famous for its outstanding dividend record.

The increa~;ed dh~dends that ~111 be paid t{) the policyholders in 1960 will further reduce the low net cost of their insurance. The Mutual Life has been providing policyholders with insurance coverage at the lowest.poe.sible cost since 1869, the year the company was

t'I'Pa~es o1· lnil~i ng.

' formed, and has been applying i he f'ame

principles to group insurance sinc.:e the com­

pany entered that field in 1927 .

You can share in the di\'idends that go ~1tli

Mutual Life of Canada policies. Your nearest Mutual Life representative will provide complete information on the advantages of

Mutual Life of Canada protection.

1BBI-ninety years of leadership in mutual life in&urance-1151

!ranch Office, T.A. Building, Duckworth Street. Phone 80321·80322, R. E. Good, Branch Manager.


W. E. French A. J, Murphy

M. W. Moores­CI,arenvillt

J. G. Quinton W. W. Roberts

A. R. Moulton­Burin

Y... J. Jackson H. J, Mockler H. J. Roberts

W .H. Stevenson­Harbour Groct

Ht:SL'm.; HE!XI'Ili:-.:S

C.\IIHI 'Heltli'IS'-The l'nitrd .~I'Jii Ho·pllt,lil' Hlld Hrll;il\1 '.li!i l'l''l\llW dijJlonwlil· fl-'i:ltiun,_ t:11s week afl!'f a l'll't'e . )'<'al' rlr. a ~OHTillllenl official ~Jid SutH.l:w .. ;

. J·:~ypt brohe off relation• wolh · · Brilain ;~:Hi F:·a1~c~ folo:11in~ tile :Suez crisis in October, l9YI.

EXPI.OSI\'l:S 1\11.1. 1~

.·\SA 'iSilf., India 1 1\t'llt'·:·., .- \: lril.''l 1.1 rwr . ..;on..; wr~·p h.i!lrri .RIHI

· 21HI in in reel Sun~•.v :~ir.ll! "'""" A ! store o{ P~i'IO~J\'P< f01l:l11 fir~ in '.bnHJr,,i 11.1701', 10 1111!r< {r~m


lu•rr IH:ir· ;1l rl'fHir';; ~;~id t:,,..

storfJ crm~h! firr ~i'.rl' ~n" i'L!nitrd in tln fHIJninna: 1\('\rln~ ~hop, '

11.1·. OOITOI1S' \'llllfll.Ul \'.\\\OP\'1-:n ,r·p, .-The S11n

· ~uolr., an IIIHienlific·d \'ancll\11 .. ,. tlorio:· as s~yin~ ~IIIHI.'l half t!:c physicians a~ct slir~cons in B1·i: . ish C o 1 urn b i a did not mnke enough money last year to pay ncome tax. "~!any hare to ~tru~· gle to make a bare !io,·ing," the newspaper quoted :lim as saying. "Ma~y ~re so cle€ply in debt thJt tl·:·::. crl'di~ ho.; llt:en cut off." 1

· The Sun saitl the doctor blamed I the situation on the opinion that rncdicne in B.C. B an orer­crowded fi~ld.

P.~nrs rReulers' - S!'liool~irls · aged bei\\'Cl'n six and eight .-:il'.\'

thl'ir t~acher altac~cd in !heir classroom SnnriJ)' b;· her ~2·.1'l'ar- : old son. wllo sla>~IPd his mother's throat with a ra1.0r. Police said the ~on ga1·e l1imsrlf np wilhm1t !'l!sistancc hut ga1·e nn H·a,on for the Rltack. llis mother w~s b Cl':lira! rondit:on.

Weeki/ Sailings

from Gloucester, Mass.


St. John's and

Newfoundland Outports


from Gloucester1 FOR ST. JOHN'S

M.V. Blue Peter November 4 - 5th.

Blue Peter Steamships

Limited 'Phone: 3661' 7460'

and 4124

FURNESS, WITHY & CO., L TO. Ltv~rpool St. .loin·~

t" to Hfx & St . .lul1n\ Bo,ln ~

":\l'llflll\ll<!l:o:,d' lh•t• ., '':\'o1·a ~entia" llt'<'. 4 Dec 12 '·\:l'" \t.lltHll;tiHI"' Dl'l' ;w .Jar:. ti ":\li\J .Sculla·· J:,n. 8 J:111. 16

Boston H1li':o~ St Jnhn' to to to

Halifox St John'' L'poo

[)p(', '8 !Jf'l', 1~ !),., .. 14 !Jt•r. IS Omi:tin~ Call .Jan. 12 .ian. J!j .l:ltl. 18 Jan. 22 .Jon. 26 Jan. ~B

Pt•r>on• cnntemplallti~ nas'o~e to F.nrope ~hould miikc bo,kings well in R<il'ance.

,\JTI r:\~.c;\r;I·~S AllllA:\GEn !\\': BO.AC .. KJ.\1., r.\N ,\\IU;ll.',\:\ A!R\\'AYS, SCA;>;Df:"I:AVJA:-1. T.W A. aoo Cf)nr.cctm;! AirlinP.Ii,

(~IISI!]t \IC r~~Jtdir·.~ \'Ollr 1: ·o,·c[ t>rPOlc!l11.


Nfld.- Canada Steamships Ltd . FREIGHT SAILINGS 11.\LIF,\X-ST. JI)H.'\'S

:'IT.S. "Bedford 11"

.\I.S. ''Fauvette"

~\.S. "Brlle Isle If''

~l.S "H!'dfurd fl"

Ll'J\'ing Dlle H.1lifax Si John'~

.. :\'ul'. 30

Dec. 2

Dec. B

Dt•c. B

Dec. 4

Dec. 10

Drc. 10

(~u!Jj!'cl to chJnge without noticr)

t:or immetliJte clearance per d1rec1 sailings. for rates ~pace and othet' information apply:



R. N. COLE, Special Representative, St. John's OIAL 2207 OR TO





Montreal to

St. John's · Complete lnsurante


Through Rates via


Herrlgerated Cargo

Space to St. John's S.S. NOVAPORT, GULFPORT and HIGHliNER

Sailing from MONTREAL every Wednesday.


R. SELL.\I!S SpeciJI Hepresentaltve

Tel. 5iS:I or 2151 t'ur l·'• dglit

Hl•se: \'J(iun~ Ct~nf;trr 11.\H\'EY .'i'I'I·:,Ul·

Sllli'S LTU. Agents

.\ ~1 ·r . .1: r.fu !'

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\t• .I (IJ l:,d!a!id. , { , \ .'' ,i rl.1 ~ h"~ 'Pri

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\'iclor Giol'nnnini, Joan Kearne

~nnie Lou Lake pathriria LockyE

Rose SlaneY, I LCO Slaney, Vincent Slane;

. Josephme Whelan.

Grado IX Slaney anr

. tie [or First

H~lr,\'. t>t Diploma :wd r· Lawlor, ~nd P

Diplomn and l'r Slaney. :lrd I

Diploma and Pr Oiplam• and Pr

abelical ( ina Dr!

Emmanual Edwards, ValE

Carmel Fil Fitzpatrick, A

Regina Harnett, , Brendan Kell Ena Loder, Jen

John Roule. Robert Slar

Louis Stacey, Imelc

Strang, C~ ~lary Tarrant, 1 Walter Turpin

Srbll Turpl

~avigab-le Waters


~·-one dr!.!rrr.~

:~rwr o! thirty i ~ mnrr or 1m br ' Pork tn point' tl('l'lllf'llll.

gul~r H. 10 a.m. St .Tnhn\ ~!

wrll m:r kr ·nli~ with \lntor P.al flu~ a"ri \\"Ill rnti~ Hay.

'i:'\F.CTIO'i r.Rt:ES ~FRYICF.

ain "Thr cwbou" .Jnlil' , li:J•,da:· · makr rnnnrctinn

e with ~!.\'. ('odrn,r· ports G re~n Ill)'







Let us mall copies from our mailing room to your friends away .from home. All Provinces of Canada 25 cents per copy; Eng· land, U.S.A., and all other countries 30 cents per copy.





l '' t ,


,1 i ·j . '

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I ·)! t ~ i ~ It

14 •• . .. I I ~ • 'I .·

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: ~ ' ri I,' , I

.l 1 •\


What's Happening At Carol Lake? .. (This is the first of three 11rticlcs thAt will tell the storv In the Jundion at m1lc 224, ancl. Approximately 5UO men are For yc~rs people ha~·r.

Training Eskimos The Best Way to Say "Merry

1 CALGARY fCPl-An oil com· co•••• · ,0 , 0

f lh C rol Projcd what hils hullilCnl•cl nnd whRt wiil 1 then along the 3BU mi\rs of the l wor~lng at ~arul La~e now, thought of Labrador as a O . e a • • ' . i Quebec North Shore and lab. I making possible the f1rsl steps: wild and rugged coastline, happen. Mr. C. K. Howse, Newfoundlmul representative of 1 rador 1·ailway to Sept-lies. \of this vast program. Soon thl'.i peopled only by fishermen the Iron Ore Company, is to be thHnke<l for his cooperation I Aller It reaches foumlric~ in: families of these northc~n: and hunters. Now they must

' I t . E ,,. c••••• 1000 ± ' "

· work drilling rigs in the Far 1 : , pany s p an o tram s,1mos to ~· •. 1 ~: 't\" 1

I ~orth is s:10wing good results in ~ ·'''·.\ \i i ~ 1ts early stages. I ·

in making possible these 11rticlcs. This 11rticlc <lenh with 1 many parts of the wurld, tron • worlle:s .will be• able t_o JOill think again, as this huge

he h. h d 'bl tl C I p · t rl tl 1 ore from Labrador Will become them m the new townsttc that untouched area begins to

I !Story .t at m~ e poSS! e 1e uro roJCC • 110 IC I steel, srrving a multitude of is beginning to take shape out yield ils ancient wealth.

I Charlie Thrash~r a~d Frank H 1 f' hi Tl 'I.Jue Esagok recently completed' • P Ig six months training on the rigs

. of the Peter Bawden Drilling --- ----history that it is creating.) . I purposes throughout tne world. I of this former nothingness. History is in the making.

. . I -------- -----------------------I Com,>any Limited. The_y will join



I a Bawde::1 rig in the Mack~nzi~ River della, I ,200 miles north of ; It Is our privilege to live in a :

country where the spirit of ad- 1

venture fs still strong, where It 1 ·

la still possible to contribute to i the growth of an, entirely new I community. .

For the second time In ten. yean, the Iron Ore Company of i Canada and its associates are [ creatlna a new town In the former wilds of the north. The lint was Scheffervllle, located just acros.s the Newfoundland­Labrador border in Quebec. To­day It Is a thril'lng modern com­munity of about 4,000 people.

The Carol Lake project lias come a long way this

. p11t summer, and present ample opportunity for those Newfoundlanders who 'are lntere•ted In a pioneering life and In the de,•eloplng 11f a hlgll Blandard of living for themselves and a wider· outlook for their children. Until about 100 years ago, the

fur trade· .1as the pioneer in· dustry in Canad~. However, ll did not bring much in the way of settlement and dcl'elopment. The most lnstrumcntnl Industry in opening up Canadian fron!l­rrs has been the mining Indus- , try. One of the most remote of : these frontiers was once Labra· , dor. I

II Is rumored that the Norse-men \'lsited the coast of Labra· dor as early as the 11th eel.· tury, and that John co:.ot in 1498, Corle Real 1n \500, and Jacques Cartier in 15:!4 sighted Labrador. Sebastian Cabot in 1~08 Is reported to have skirted the coast line. But the only white men to go there for many decades were the fishermen and , the fur trappers, :

This area, 110,000 square ' miles, was seen to be nothing more than a land of bleak rock and perpetual winter.

The first settlement started In the 19th century, but cun­listed mostly of fi.shing station and Moravian Missions. The white settlers, particularly the missionaries, began to hear re· ports from the native Indians and Eskimos of lArge areas of Nred gold'' In this lost land.

In the 20th cen~ury, geolog­llta of :he Labrador Mining and Exploration Company looked In­to then vague reports. The actu.l discovery of iron ore de­posits occurred in 1933, fJut tl· deposits were poorly regarded due to their low Iron content.

In 1949, the Labrador Mlninl and Exploration Mining and Exploration


I Ed manton. · A tjird Eskimo, who came i

south with Thra1her and Esagok last spring, returned home last month. He preferred life in the

I North to work in Alberta. , , Bill B\ackie. prrso~nel man·! : agcr of the company, says his ,

firm is looking far a~wad to th~ lime when oil drilling will be car·

. r~d cut on a lar~c >cafe in the Ardc. Finding expcrenccd dril·

, lcrs who wll slay i:1 the :\orth · could be a major pl'Oblcm-onc :

lhe company hopes to beat by . 11·aining Eskimos.

TIH·ec more Eskimos will he , brought ~outh lor training n~xl , spring.

"T~1e men we arc lcaclli:lg now will pass their knowlcd~e on to

' fiiiiii'C Eskimo cmplo~·ecs." ~Ir. : Rlackie said, The plan is a ion~-: 1

term 01~c. The company may i eventually staff norl~er~ crews I'


chiefly wilh Eskimos, but this is i 10 to 15 years away. 1

------ ----- ---------------

Company sampled thr re11ion, and saw the possl­•lllty of economl1·al con­tentratlon of the ort found In the Lake Wabush area. !Iince 1951 drilling has been continuous, and the kn~wn ore reserves at Carol aluue are about 700 million tons, wllh the possible reserves 11! 2 billion ton~. Produt·· lion from the Carol Projr.ct lias 'been schPrluled for 1962, at a capital cuNI nr

I 1 This aerial photo sh~ws th ebunkhouses that shelter the 500 men 11·orking present\_,. at the c,nol Lake

;'rujed. This is the present that is making the future and history Rt the same ~ime.


a1~o.D~o.ooo. The main plant In hP buill b)'


the Iron Ore Company will hr almost entirely on the south·: THt: NFLD.·GREAT LAKES

' I Lr;winE Hostnn J)rr·. R !nd

llla\ifax Drr. 12. rlue St. .John's Ore. \4. Sailing agilin ·~mr day for J.ii'CI'pooi.

:o\OVA SCOTIA t.•al'in~ Lll'· rrpool Ucc. 4, due St. .luhn'~

· Dec. II. Leaving for Halifax western shore ol Lake Wabush. STE,\~1SHIP LTD. and the residue from the bene·: ,\1.\'. Zelluila loarlinll: RL ~nrt Boston Dec. 12. due Hall· fleation process will be !lumped ~lontl·e~l Drccmhcr 4·5th for f1a7x LDrc .. 14 Rand BosDton D1e8c. Into Like Wabush. St. .Jolm'~. i • cav.1nl'! oston cc.. . .

The mill at Carol will be 1 NI'LD. CAN AnA STEAMSHIPS due ·llalifax De~. Hl. Sa~lmg located about 10 miles from the M.S. Belle Isle II enroute I d~;t~~~0~2Hallfax for Liver· t~wnalle now under construe· fr,ow Montreal, due St. John's


. P Newlo~ndl~nrl leaving Llv· tion. Mining cars will be run ~ ov. 30th. . erpool Dec. 30, due St. John's

I. from the mill out to the miner· M.S. Eed!orrl II salllnil from Jan. 4. Leaving for Halifax al deposit, running part of the Hall~ax ~ov. 3oth, due St. and Boston Jan. 6, due Halifax way underground. The ore will Johns Dec. 2nd. . . Jan. a and Easton Jan. 10. be dropped fro~ the open pits )l'.S. Fauvetle SBI!mg from Leaving Boston ""Jan. 12 and

j. 1ome 200 feet mto the under-~ Hallf,ax Dec. 2nd, due St. Halifax Jan. 16, due St. John's 1round cars. Johns Dec. 4th. Jan. lB. Sailing again same

The cars will then take M.S. Belle Isle II sailing from day for Liverpool. the ore to the mill for pro· Halifax Dec. 8th, due St. FURNESS RED CROSS LINE

I ceuln1. The am_azlng fad John's Dec. lOth. . S.S. Gurnsey, leaving New . . about this railway Is that ~.S. Bedford II sailing from! York, November 2Bih, Saint

there will 'be DO operators Hall~ax December 8th ,due st.', John, N.B. Decelllber 1st, Bali·


on the can. The whole trip Johns Dec. lOth. [lax, N.S .. December 5th. arriv-i, will be electronically con· CLARKE STEAMSHIP C~. ing st. John's December 8th.

trolled from a panel at the • High liner In pol'l, leavJ~g ·leaving December loth. for Cor-mill. This Is the first time ~ov. 27 (Bay Ro_berls. I ner Brook, Halifax and l'\ew auch a thlnll has been done _•Gulport leav1ng ~!ontre~l; York. -anywhere In the world- ~ov. 25th, arrh:e St. Johns' S.S. Guernsev lea1·ing :\ew,

11 ' .. the company Is proud to :\u.v: 30th. lcavlllJ; Dec, 2nd.' York Dccemb~r 261 h. s~iul:

•~Y. The story of machl~~s D :\0\2'apdorl lelavlns~:t :lloJnthre~l: .Tohn, N.B., December 29th, repladnl men In the muu· cc. n • arr ve · 0 n 5 i H l'f D b 31 t arriv· · ' 1~ b h , Dec 7th a 1 iiX ccem cr s , ·', It ern world Is o u, ut t a. · . · I ing St John's Tanuary 3rd

·,.I I ., It should be done In such 1 Hlghhncr Jt'avlnl{ Hnllfax 11 . · J · 6•th f C ., - D lllh · st J h • · eavmg anuary . or orner , remote place •• Labrador cc • arnvc · 0 n s B k H J'f 1 N y k

, .'· :·· Is amazing Dec. 13th. leave Dgc, 14th. I roo ' a 1 ax aJH ew or .

Therels Something Speci::tl about M ~ ~u-· 1!3j-, ~ ~ - -~ nJ ~ F!f,

Your very first puff lells you there's something special about a du MAURIER cigarette. You discover the mild, sweet flavour of du MAURIER's choice Virginia tobacco. You discover the easy-drawing action of du MAURIER's exclusive "71(if1c.c.d; Filter Tip ... the most effective

~Iter yet developed.

And to assure positive freshness, du MAURIER1s superior quality cigarettes are protected ih heavy insulated foil cartons. : :': _ 1 1.;.T~ere has 'been 1 changing •Novaport leaving St. John I •

:. • : ~:attitude regarding working in Dec. 15th, leaving Hall~ax Dec. G d H l 0' , · . :, I ~Ilabrador. At first a lot worked 18tth, arrive St. Johns, Dec. 00 Un Jnb

"' ,,. .• ,·~ ; for ahort tim ell earning as :I.Oth, leaving Dec. 21st. I ROCKV MOUCI/TAIN HOUSE ' I r ·mueh money as' they wanted, D High2l2lnder !leave! gst.H .T\Iofhn: Alta. fCPI-Spo;tsmen have hnd 1 ~- 1 ft N h ec. n eav n a ax . . .' r........... e . ow many ave D 26th' I St J h ' I good hunting L~IS year Ill the

-~ :, have caught the vision of the Dec. 2Blh '1 arr v~ ·29t~ n 9 Rocky Mountain House area. 1 : good life they can find In Lab· :c Refrider~~v~ ec. · The hunters meet guides in this

. '1' rador. • 0 · • 1 town, 150 miles southwest of Ed· I.. Notea on the future-A prlv· GULF AND NORTHERN mondon, then strike out act·oss


' ately owned radio station will SHIPPING CO., LTD. the North Saskatchewan River · carry no advertisements. May- •Fergus leaving Charlotte- and bto the Big Horn Range of ' 1 be children will .learn to sing town :olov. 27lh, arriving St. l!!e Rockies. The heavily forested

1 nursery rhymes again, Instead John's Nov. 29th, leaving Nov. area abounds with big game. of commerc!al jln~les--when ·a 30th. Guide B.C. Learned of Sylvan whole town Is laid down at once, •Fergus leaving Charlotte- Lake and Isaiah Crawler of he there will be· little room for town, Dee. 4th, arriving St.! Eig Horn Indian Reser1•e guided complaint~ about property bord- ;~~n s Dec. Bth, leaving Dec.~ lhrce California hu~lers into the er llries, or slum area.q, or m~ny .. , 'Pinto Lnke orca. HO miles north·

ills or the average tow'n f ergm, lt•nl'e ~harlolle·: wrst of IH're and cuch bnggt•d an

h c that haR ~prung up town Der. 11, nrrll'l' St. ,John's. tlk anyw er · IJe(• l'l lt•uve Dl r 14 · · 1 · 1ver 1 long period or lime ~nil •II' •f' l, I ' · · ' Four . IUillers from llouslon, have archaic lawA governin)1 }·~~~~~on. , Tex .. gunled uy C~estt'l' S~nds or ~:Delli Truly a town plan.1rr's COMPI~~· \UTIIY & lal psu2dmountab !louse cae

' t Y LIMITED Rocky ~luunlain House came

1 co~e si:u~illlon tons a Xewloundland due· St. John' back wllh four goals, lh.ree sheep

By 96 , . . Dec.]. Leaving for Halifax and and an elk. A second party from ,ear of benellc1atcd nre Will go Eoslon Dec. 2, due Halifax I Akron Ohio ba~:~ed four gnats down the 1teel road from Carol Dec: • and Boston Dec. 7. three ~lk and a moose. '


A Really Milder High Grade Virginia Cigarette

with the EXClUSrvE "'?l(#pe fiLTER nP

$ •

THI is





~ ~~;,;:;~,) I


~£CTION II The Daily News

THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S. NFLD., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1959 ------------------------------------~-

World Events In· Pictures

-·-· •• • . . • --- --· -···-- • ..... •. J ---· ....

York Gov. Nelson Rockefeller (right) is greeted by feminine members of the eommittee on hand to meet him on his arrival here. Approximately 1,000 persons were pres­

Rockefeller. Saying he wants no part of second place on the GOP ticket in 1960, Rockefeller is touring the Far West to see what his chances are to run for the top spot.- (UP! Telephoto)

• I

NEW YORK-As a keeper closes in with his net. an ~lusive Pelican zigs and zags ac!oss the lake at t~l Bronx zoo in an effort to avoid capture. The tricky b1rd, an eastern black-backed pehcan froJ? Australla. was the last of seYen pelicans· to be snared by the pursuing keepers. The pelicans were bemg rounded

up for transfer to the birdhouse for the winter months.-(UPI Photo)

SEATTLE. WASJI.-A missile-nosed :!-Iarlin B-57 Canbrrra jet bomber takes off on a test hop here !Jrior to its departure for the F.glin. Florida Gulf test ,·an~•e. The H.l'lJl'ide aircraft gained its needle-nosed <ippearanre when the no;;;c and part of the guidance ;e~tion of the nc\1. Boeing-built Eoma:·c-B missile was grafted on up forll'<~rcl. The eon1·crtcd B-57 ll'ill ,;cryc ;;;; :l ;;imul<1tcci Bomarc air defence missile. lts JOb ll'dl be to t:hec:k the Gulf test range's t·apac ;ty for handling flights on the 400-mile-rang~ Romart:-R.-1 ul-'l Photo·, .

1ip9ee itS the ...

LAST rooAy

THIS is a









Reg. $19.50 FOR

s13.so 20 ONLY




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BENCHES Reg. $99.50 Reg. $2.25

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(lnc]ud· IT'rrNI j lflg s 1;, s 1l Centre maiJ lp .

HA court Pl!ances) LF of Glfts



e RED e GREEN e BEIGE e PLATINUM Reg. $339.00

for 218.


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. Hero Of RevolutiQn Charges Castro Plans To Exe<ute Him On Trumped Up Charges

. ly LEON DENNEN I Copyright 1&!19 by Nf:A Servlee 1

. NEW YORK-(NEA)-From' 1 cell In Morro Culle pr!Bon In I Cuba, one of the ortwlnal heroeB cf Fidel Caatro's revolution I thargeB In 1 amug~!ed alate· ment that Cutro plana to exe· eute him on trumped up eharaes.

The atltement, which l have In the handwriting af the auth·


or, Ia by Major Hubert Matoa. : beloved ~ehoolmaater of Cama· 11117 proV!nee who fought be­lide Cutro In the Sl~rra Mae&· Ire. Matoa reaigned 11 head of the rebel army In central Cama· 1118Y In mld-Oetober In ~ro­tetl 111in11 Communist. In· filtration of the Cuban aimed foreea and arrar!Rn reform movement.

By radiogram he asked Cas· · lro to allow him to return to

his home. By trusted messenger he followed up with a letter to Fidel "as R comrade in arma," explaining his motives. "No one can talk lo ~·ou on the com­

. munism issue," he told Castro.

Matos Hten waited at hi~ camp lo tum over command to a substitute. Castro' Isolated

, :\!alos' headquarters, flew there ' in R towering rage and denoun-ced i>latos as a "traitor" in a nationwide broadcast. Matos was arrested, together with 36 of[lcers o[ the Camaguey re· gimcnt who demonstraterl !or him by singing the national anthem and shouting that Cas-

:Resigned to death If It must ·· eome, Matos challen!lel Intel· MO:RRO CASTLE, HAVANA: "I am writing from this uncomfortable and miserable cell ..• "


protelt to Castro, who, he said, fessor in· a normal school. "believe• hlmsrlt God."

"I went through life v.·ith ltonor and If It 1 B tlm e for me to loae It (life) without sub­'f!lltllnJ(, I rhall (!lartly die," Malot writes.

. . . ~ When Fidel Castro flr~t took i

refuge In the Slerrn Mnestre .. Malo~ anrl one G11erra Matos ~­(no relation l took a company of men and two truck loads 1 • • •

!•hlo~ !'hsne~ that h~ ;~ hrlrl of ~rm~ to Ca5lro. They were Incommunicado. un~~lP to ~H ~pottrd h~· Bnti~tn force~ and I l!IIWIPapermrn or l~wYrr~ ~lotos hrcnmr R f11r,iiil'r. l~trr "'PeoplP who coul~ rlrfrnrl m~ .ioinin~ lite tiny army in the \n Cuh~ are afrairl the~· will · mn1mtain<. abn winnd up behind _pri~on On ordrrs of Ca~tr,o. 'loto~ walls." h~ a~srrt~. 'rscaped to Costn Ril'a to ~eek

To understanrl hn1v Huhe;t nelp for thr rrl'ollltinn. While 'Matoa ha~ been tr~nsforme~ there he surcredrrl in <lnU~~­from a pillar of the 2Rth or ·lin!( hi~ wife and children out 'Jul:V movement to R "war crim· ·of Cuba. mal." II to undrr.~tand the He took part In an expPdition lradual metamorphMiR of the which carried the first modern · Cuban revolution ~!nee Castro weApons to Ca!tro. Jml before C.me to power. · hls ~rrest, :tlalos told this anec· · 'MaiM a powerful. tlear· dole:

~TRJ. Jlubrrt :ll~tos

I he advanced to major. When the war was over. Castro nam· ed nim chlef of Santiago and a few days laler called hi:n to command the province of Cama-guey.

Here the trarltrr's tact and i trainin~ enHh1rrl him to carry out Cn>trn's land r~rlir.trihutinn

111C3"1rCs in SIICh a 1\'R)' !hat he hr1d the symp~th)' and rc>Pr<"l

·of rirtuall;· all citizens o[ that · rattlr-rich area. \\'hen ~l:1tos rr-1 signer! as the prol'incial ~01-rr· nor. thP nn:cors 0f all tnllniei­nalilies anrl the directors of the 26th of .lull' mo1·cmrnt ac\lterl their resign~tions to his.

• • •

Thi~ !~ ~ photo~raph of the last pnra~raph of llaj. ~la!ns' '!at~mrnt, a translation of 11hirh Is rarril•rl on. this pa~e. tro h:HI hanrlrrl the country orrr to lhe Communilts.

In place of ~tatos. Castro ldt 'tajor C a m i I o Cien!u~o~. who>e mysterious disnppear· cnce on a short airplane flight h~s been followed by rumors of defection and as~assination.

~!at,os' friends assert that he I hos not lost faith in the revolu- · --=---~==~===='========~~==:====~~ lion, that ne has never wavered

iy~ fl~re of a man. wa~ "Before I left with the ex· !j,uch belcwed In ea't~rn Cuba. pedltlon I aslml my wile that H~ wa~ horn In the l'ill~c~ nf 11 thr rhllrl she II'R! about to ''~ra nf hnmhlP pRrrniR~~. his hrnr tltrnrrl out to he R hoy, father ~ fnrm~r. hi1 mnt hrr n >he llflnlr him Firlrl A1r~Rnr1rr. if.l'hMI tP~~h~r. R1· rnmt1ininc ·Rill ~hr latrl' 1,11r1 mr thnl Gnrl t~arhin~ with fnrmi11~ hr mnn·

Tltls art i:•t

p~11 p:n·lra't by :o;EA \Iilii';)\' Olrll'\ :11Ril \\':IS

from r;,,.rnt pltotograr.lts.

B\' micl-Octohrr, 'latn; was con;·incecl that ,he Fidel o[ the mountains had become irr~tion· nl and Irresponsible. The ap· pointment of Raul Castt·o, Fi· del's Rrd-tnlnted brother. as hrnd of the Cuban nrmerl force' 11·n~ the crownlnil blow to \In Ins.

in his belief in a free, demo·' s.·ng•"ng Wai"ter catch the lyrics. I like that man. cratic and independent Cuba. "I£ you put a gun to my head "He wu the

... ----- --- B ~:~dsasi~e~n;~o:~ ·~·a:n ~;e~ ~ ~i;~I8~~ ~aU I~Pd tn ~~\'P ~non~h tn nhl:>in tnnk ril.1· on hrr hr1'allsr lhr!

rhitrl she hnrr II'H~ ~ ~irl, niJ! a e durrP In rrl11rRti'111 '" that 11 h,n th~ TH"lnt 1nn hr·~~~~ to bny." hh •hap~ in tltr nrnrlo~·. Thr Cllllrrrt~ri ]wd:~~ogllr w.1~ · !)lnUntRiO>. ~till OS •,qs ~ pro- R ll:il\11',11 ~n!dirr. ~·root pril'i1te ·

• 27

hear, Is not so well these past • ~ HAL BOYLE " I couldn't do it-not even to aave him. It's all right 14 frw days, and is under dallv · NEW 'I?R~ (APJ - _Some 1 my life." but not if it lmt~ attention by the District. p€Op~ d~,n t hke to get up m t~e SINGISG WAITER TUCKER TOPS !I LAMALINE ;o>urse, :\!iss Little. I ?,lormng,_ sa!d Eddie Jackson, The banjo • eyed veteran, "There hn1 b!c

1 __ 5,~ the~ go mto show ,.busmess. slowed up a bit by a double: great female ·

Peter Walsh returned home !visiting the Burin Peninsu.a Birthday greetings are ell:· I rh~t 5 how It was l'.lth me. I her~ia operation a lew years the best of tht:n ~ a few days ago and is present· I dul'ing Ute past week, spent 'i tended to Paul :\~addlgan and! cou dn t get up enr!y enough 1~ ago still L~ one of·the most ac·

1 around~phi! Turll!' ly spending his I'Dl'nlion with· Tliunday nfl~rnrJon at Allan's


l'atlterine Drake who celc-: look. for a:l)' otlll;r ~md o[ wurk. llil'e' survivors of L'le heyday of ~:ddie cam1 1m 1

his parents, \lr. anrl ~.Irs. !'Rl· Island l'l~ltlng her old fr_lrncts .. bra ted their twelfth birthdny Dtxieland mu~~c IS har.l<. .111 ~~e.~ 1 vaud~ville. Eddie, now 6~. ilr 1hi, falhfr tl< . '!·

1,. 1 "Wlor <pen! tltll'lfeu. rl . th t k ,.. 1 , tlwn l'rrr. nnd Struttm ~.drl1P. . . . . · ctd rlrk Wal~h. Lords Co1r. ·' · s •" · . Ul'tllg e pas wPe . uree · 1 t h h . . 't f 45 <tarled as a smgmg watler m pe ler' and 1r.~t

-·- : ,1'\'C.I'S at Lnnw:ine With ht•r ings come from their school' ~.1 .. as _ee~. s;ngmg I or . Rrooklyn. llr teamed in his salad slrugg1e illm5!~

I 'll"s 'l•·l'nda Fil·"l'ltrll'k 11ruli1l'l', HL'\', L H. Lnwinr .. jlnls I }l'Ht.,, ". <as.ung IU

11 ~ t_he boom jJast with Jmmv Durante and t~~ hio lime " , ·' · ' ''' ' ' ' . , 1 · t' 1 .. · · •• "I don t k111111 an1· n1 111'r k111rl · • ·

1 LonJ'g Cnv~. left for 'i'orb~y. f .I. Dut In~ t 11s tme ' 1P ~·"; -- ol music, be said· "I like the the late Lou Clayto~. playfd at He rentemh!rs on :\'ol'. 12 where she will en·, I' WI')' l'UIIl't~ous nnri ·h obii;III;g·: :llr. and :ltrs. \\1aurlce Doyle, I beat r '0 ·k ·n· rol; but 1 e~n·l I he old Pn!a~ here, the mecca he "_·a• Ju•:

.. ::

,-. •, ., ·,

' .. '··



plane for Halifax. · ar!cl lite fr trnds "" om ~ Je St. Lawrence and their six I 0 r " '· :of vaude1·1le, no less than 29 mo~e,·, "• 1i•it!li 1! • made thrn, sltll rrmember lu;r ehildren spent the weekend I ~aler. spent :\!onday afternoon , times. pul two t1~ bi:l•

:\Irs. Cathrrlne ii'R1<11, Poinl w1tl1 lul'e and affectwn. "~ 1 with :\Irs. Doyle'~ parents,! hrre in the Interest of their 1 :\~ he talkPd of tht old dars., "Th•nk•. mr


;.1a)', mm·cd to Allan's Island· hnpe your stay 11'111 be _longet • :llr. and \Irs. Albert Rennle.: firm. 1 Eddie cocl<ed hi• ~fad sidewal'~ thP•P." !hF "'d.

recently to sprnd tile winter· the next time )'OU vtstt us, • Allan's Island. I ! a~ if he were listening to the l'a11'. !.e«lv m:o !hi pCiil

l'e;ter f lern1ng. ll<•r many ' '!r .. Joe Erlwarrl' and Mr. : extend hirtllrhy ~reeting~ to 1 "The greatest entertainer that "\\'hat ~ rn·1 ~ I

mnnths 1:·!th _:llr. anrl ~lr~. S)·l· \II'S Lawlor. I ·-- Frlenrl~ ftt LamalinP wish to i faint ~rho of ~ dislant ~on~. drr«

frirnrls wish hN mueh 11n)1· · ,,, <. Arthur Firming. hrr Stephen Rrockervil1e, sales-' :\fr!. Llnu~ Green at Seal Cove, e\'1'1' lh·ed was .~I .Tolso~." hP I plrtc•ss anrl rn~~tcntmrnt in her


mRill fi·irnrls w11l reg.rt tc,. men fnr Peter HRlP.y, whole·: C.B. :~aid. ":\o man e~!'r_~~:l~~rl me i new surrnunumgs.

1 ·- •

w~ are ~!lac! tn ha1·~ our 1

WI'\' effi~ient District •:11r>P. 1

:IIi;~ Little. l:>~ck with m: · again. Since there arP ~o many

sick folk~ ln thi~ area at th~ I present time. h<!r services are· badly neerled. I


i ConJZratulation~ arP extend·: : Prl to \!r. Ernr.;.t \lcC~rth;·.:

Allan's I>l~nrl. whn re1ebratcd i his 78 birtltday on ~;o,·rmbcr' 25. Greetings come from all : his friends. '

On l\'ov. 19, the C.F..W.:\. ladies helrl their annual sale In the Parish Hall. During the 1'\'enlng retreshmrnls were


sHred and dant•ln~~ was enjny- i

ect bv all tho.~e who attended ' until. 1~ p.m. '

The lndl~s ol St. _.\nne's 'o Cil'tv ht•Jd a card pa1t~· In tile Par.ish Ct•ulr<· uu :\'ul'. ~1. Win· ner of the first prize was 'lr>. .lark ltnlcy. second pri1.!', :\lr.; John Fleming, third pri1.r. • !llrs. Bcnj. Haley. Canteen ser-1 vices were avatlable during the night.

£to.ID£D OC10B£R 31st, 1959 FOR THE YEAR '"

1HE FACTS .._,0 lt\l fiGUREs


WHAT THE B of M HAS TO MEET ITS OBLIGATIONS: CASH: The 8 of ~t has ca'h in i11 vault• and money

on depo;it with tho Hank of Can1.Jo and olher bank~ amoun:n1g to .

CHEQUES and or her items in tr"n1it- repre,~nting til~ nee amount of the mon<)5 mo1·ing bc1wrcn b1 an•he• of the IL1nh allll in!U cho Bot ~I '""" other banks on ac~ount of cu~tumcrs' tun-;·


INVESTMENTS: The R o[ M maint~ins a 1trong liquid position through inl'c~tments in high-grade ~overnment bonds which have a ready m~rhet. Listed on the Bank's books at amniti:ed mlu~. they amount to •

The B o[ M has other iDiestments- including a diversified list of higb-quality short-term issues. These inveslments are carried at

~· .. :;;:.. '~' .. v



WHAT TI4E B of M OWES TO OTHERS: DEPOSITS, While rnanr bu>iness ftrms, manulac·

tnr.rs, mrr<h~nts. f.urners anil people in •very l)pe of business bJYe sub$1aotial depo•its wiab. the B ol ~1, 11dl o•·er half of the money on depusi! v.ith the ll•nl> i• the pcrsonol saViDil of more than two nllllion priva11 oitiLelll. The totill oi all deposits is •

OTHER liABiliTIES: ~lis•cllaneou& items, repr~sent· iog m:unly commumenls uoderla~en by the Bank on behalf of cu•tomers in their foreign and domcslic trade transactions

~~ ~


j: . '

!llr. and 1\lrs. John Brett • Allan·~ Island, returned from St. John's on :\'OI'. 14 in a new 1959 Ford Station Wagon, i which they recently purchas-~ ed at that town.

CAll LOANS: The B of M bas call loans which are fully protected by quickly saleable securities. These loan! amount co .



1'1 •. 1

I l

Thera's lxtra Yalua, New Comfort In NuCut fl .. ca·Linad Undarwearl


,.27 ..

This overlapping cne·bulton NuCut front e~nd thkkly-fleeced fgbric, kups you warm In winter-h1ips protect your health. You sava money, because Penmcns' Qre mode from f\nett fobric and last longer. Extra care and attention to detail guarantees you high quality. Available in Shirts, Drawert, Union Suits an.d NuCut. For Men and Boy1.


Mr.· Thomas J. Cusack is presently visiting her sister· ln-law, Mr!. Verno Turpin, at St. Lawrence.

Mrs. William McCarthy, Al· Jan's Island, celebrated her SA hlrthrln)' on :\'ov. 24 with a blrthrla_,. pnrty whit-It II'R' ~)\·. rn ltrr h1· her rlau;lht<:l'~. ~Irs. :\l~r.1· ~l;·Gr~lh and hPr two

i ~l':lltrlt:hilc1rrn. Tnn1n1y ~nrl ! AnnP. ~~r~. l\l1·C:;~rlhl' rn.inys

fntrll' good health, hut !1<1' · hern' · IJedritlri~n durin2 the!. pnst yrar. Hrr dnul!hlrr. \Irs.; :llt•Grath. c~ntr hrl·r rel'rnli)'

I from St. iil'irlc's, PJ1. to r:m · i fnl' Iter mothPr rluri11~ tit~:

wlntrt' months. ~lr~. ~lt:Cnr·l t!11'~ frirnrl.~ wi'h lo rxtrnd to hc'r best wishes !or a "Happy D!rthday."

Mr. Fred Cake, Jr .. Lama·. line East was treated for an' eye lnfec'tlun recently at the I St. LawrPnce :llemorial Hos·l pita!. llis rnany friend~ will be glad to learn that he is much improved and back at his Job again.

' !'.H!s Elizabeth Lawlor, !'lt.

1 Bride'~, P.B., .,vho hu been

QUICKLY AVAILABLE RESOURCES: The resour~ listed above cover 51.6% of all that the Bani: owes to the public. These "quick assets" amount to

LOANS: During the year, many millions of dollar1 l1ave oeen lent tn hu•ine1s nod indu<tria! enter· pri1e1 f0r prndurtiun nf nery kind- to f,mero. fi;hermrn, oilmen, miner\, lumbermen •nd ranchm- tn riti7.en! in all walh< nf lik and to Prol'inriat and l\111nicipal Governments and School Di.11rict~. The•c lonn.1 amount to

MORTGAGES and hyrnlhrc• in•ured unMr th~ ~atinnal Hou•ino: Act, \954- repre~enlin~: on· \an•CI to homchtlilders

BA~IK BUitDitJGSI rn hamlels. villa~es, toWOI And large citie.1 from co11~t to coa•t th~ R M M •erves its customer! nt 800 offices. The value of the buildln&s owned by the Dnnl:, together with fur­niture and equipment, ia 1hgwn on itJ bt>t>ks at

OTHER ASSETS• Thm chiefly represent liabilities of customers for commitments made by the Bank on their behalf, co\'ering foreign and domestic lr•de lran>Mctions




1,353, I 8 i ,079





This figure of $201,350,731 is made up of money ~ub~tr.'bed~ the shareholders and, to some e:~t!ent, of earnings which ~u; tit time to time been ploughed back into the business Ia brN ~tc(l Bank's services and to give added protection for the depOI·





SINCE 1817


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~Y wb~n'bed try Nhich have fro!ll s to broaden the r the depositors.

N s IN





Grand Bank Notes goods soon found ready 3nd 1 with his friends. i at present visiting friends at ·elsewhere are pleased to learn many purchasers. Teas were 1 · He was a member of the St. Jo>,n's. ·Dominic Goulding to Brigadier served from 6 p.m. onwnrds: Loyal Orange Association for; Congratulations to )!r. and ~!ajar Goulding and fami!y and there were so man~· p~rs·l many years, and a delegation Mrs. John Osmond who ceJe. were stationed here before be·

I ent to avail of enjoyln.: !11e ::rom that organization attended. brated their sisty second wed· ing transferred to Gander.

I excellent food ~ffered that I the funeral service to pay their' ding anniversary on Nov. 20th. SHIPPING several successtve sl!tln;:s i last respects to a faithful mem· ~ Messrs. Tomlinson and Foran M.V. "Reo II" sailed for

, . were necessary to accommo·l ber. . . of St. John's wer~ here last North Sydney to load general . . \OI'. ~5th.: rhcy will have aluminum J requesting that Immediate at· place to round out and con· date all. , The funeral services were. week on Scout buSiness. car~o. · · ·

· s.I~I\~Q~ ~ ;al'age: holds with a carrying en·. tent\ on be given to this mal· elude the celebre lions. The receipts of the ~rro;ts 1 held on Wednesday afternoon,: Rev. James Cof!in was in M.V. "Merilyn Clair" loaded : , 1 •c 1 ~,1 ll'rck


paclty of three hundred and ter. All services were. attended. of the .ladles amounted .o t.~e! Nov. 18th. Rev. W, J. Baker: town over the weekend to con·. boxed and cask fish and sailed . t· 1~' rondilions., twcnt)' !\l•e thou~nnd pounds Following the meeting th~ I by large full house con~rc·' ~P\~nd_Ld ~~m ~r~~~en h~nd~~d. conducted the services at the, duct services at St. Albans, !or Halifax. ,,n:r;1 !oil'' with I or fish. They will be equl~ped visiting delegates were enter·, gations. Senior Capt. Thomp·l ~ ars. en a 1 5 ~ lC house and graveside with en· i Churrh. . ! ~I.V. "Nina w. Corkum" sail·

~·(.)~C·rrnllll'C.' rc·l with 680 horsepower marine talned at Clawbonnle by the• i son and ~Irs. Thompson of the g 0~~ r~ I dcfld 110 e ro~·, terment In the United Church of the promotion of Major· ed for St. John's with general

, :rr:1P1hrl'i'' winds! industry diesel englnes for a Grand Bank Town Council to • Gmnd Bank Corps, assl<ted gr~ 1u at~· ~n le :I h succc,~, Cemetery. 1 His many friends here and' cargo. · ,.uwr h·~~ r\rrr ! cruising speed of ten knots. refreshments, It Is hoped that In the celebration ~r\'lN•s aga n 15 .) ear w c rc~re '1 Deceased Is suri'ived by one· --~-- --~-- ~ --- •

lhrh•hr pn•,·l.,us · ~lr. Spencer advised that a further meeting of the Joint The Grand Bank Corps Banrl[ se~ts a .t~at t~eall ~f e!tri lbrot'her Charles residing here i r1r '' rrch ship wlll carry crews of' Councils will be conl'ened was also present and took part at \1'01

•1 or e n ercs 0 ·~as well as a l~rge number of buy and U88 :i 111 r 11,.,,t se\'enteen men each, all of shortly to consider several In these services. I t le c lUr~ 1' other relatives and a wide

:)! . arr rr~ 71 • 11 111 or: whom will be 1\'ewfoundland· other matters which generally 1 The whole community here '1 OBITUARY 1 circle of friends. To the be· CHRISTMAS

we h~l·< h.1d no 1

ers. The ships will probably affect the Burin Peninsula, joins 1\;ith their Salvation Archibald Rose , reaved the deepest sympathy of 01 ~, 1 of u~ 1 arrh·e here next summer and 1 area. J Army fellow citizens In con·, T\. 1 th f G d B k'' ·the whole town Is extended. ·intr1 \1',•1th· will commence operations in j' - gratulating the Fortune Corps: le ( ca . 0 ran an ' • sEALS

~ brtirr tne•l early autumn. The acquisition FORTUNE SALVATION I on Its signal achievements 1 oldest resident, Archibald! PERSONAL!! · J rnu~rr , 11 rt fnc r' th•se new trawlers will ARMY ANNIVERSARY Tile corps has played an im· 1 Hose, ,0 c.curred here on ~!on·'

•111 .1 1 f 1r the gh·e the Fortune operation of I · , : portant part In the commun·' day, !'iol · 16lh. Deceased was ~!r. Charles Roberts, Superln· ~~' prr;~;hrr1

01u1um:1 the company a fleet of four The Salvation Army Corps· lty and spiritual life of For· i ninety three years a£ age. tendent of Education, was in

;J~ 0•. 1 11 "'•\ will ensure al at Fortune Is this year ccle· tunc over the past scl'rnt~·l The late illr. Rose was af·. town O\'Cr the weekend. >t11:· rlln ~f · . ',,. full twelve month !lshln~ p•n· brat!ng Its scl•ent!eth annil•ei'· l'enrs and we trust that It fcdiOnatcly known as "Uncle '! H d p 111 R , • • • nrxt I'll '". • I h ' . ' ' . \rch" bl' the whole commun "essrs. azen an a t ,. ' \ .. t 11'will hr m~:,. _ ... ·•'" L. 1 a1 the plant as well ~ary as a carps. n onoui' c , will continue to rlo so In the : · . · sell have returned to St John's

)~nlr , 'll'l'l'll' as great!" \ncreasln~ the pro· I this outstanding event In the \'Cars that lie ahead 1\y. Althou.:h in an adnnccd : fl h . . t ' b . lan• an" . ., . ' hi t lh I 1, ' . a"e h en loved remarkable: a er eing m own on I ust· ?· ·.

1•1111 : 111 ". t\1r rluction of the plant and a\~u. s ory or e corps a .<peen __ ~ e . . , . 't

~~~.oo,c ' 1111 , ~rra. the labour force. 1 three day anniversary pro· GUILD TEA 1 goad health 11p .until a re~v, ness VISI · . '·r •h·rh 10

1 'I ·hi! 1 1 · gramme was held 1 weeks before h1s death. ll1s ~lesm. r~ ril and Donalrl ,,. , 1 '''r mnnt 1 " can\\ c, cer a n reno··, · ' · . . , 1.1 1 rt f B · t ' 'lroU•·1 •· , · It t' d 1 . On Saturday e1·en\ng last The annual lurkrv Ira <air' rner~v and Interest m hfe ·' I es e or onai'IS a over • ,, 11. unrlr:·;lollll. \'allons. a era 1ons an m· • · 1 ' · · · · · lh k d I

·· r n·Ln·• ,1 nf :1rm·cments to the Fortun,• I the pro~tramme commenced: of wol'k and pnntL·y stnll n[ and. work was unusual and up e wer. en . ~~:1 1 rn. ,,ll:ainc:!. plant are now progres5in~ and! with a special public meet·: the Frazer Guild took pto;'''; unlll a few years. ago, was Councillor R~bert Stood!~)' Is

1 ~~~~ br

0,.1, lin' \li~ wi\i ronllnue through the win·, lng, On Sunday afternoon H Jon Thursday, :>~ovrmbcr IOU.· nl·tii'Cl~' engaged In the in· at ~resent YISltang St. Johns on

· :a rrP · , wrr trr to enable the pia 1\ tu' great cltl1.ens ralh• was held The event was held in Fr·.;·N >hore fishery With h1s broth· bt1s1nes~. • arr nHI~''' 11 ' ' ' d hi. 1 · r 1 ' 11 1 11 t· s l I \ I ~!' A · B '1 f .. ... . . r 111 ,111 iilr~· ;~gain rrsumc operation I e:u·\y In the C\ta el w c 1 was o · a .1 and was 1•ery we ~" , rr, , amur , II' 10 was. a so n . Iss n.n1e . rau cy o t"c:

lhl! ~r•. 1 anrt next spring lowed at night with a special' romzcd. - ' h1s Clglttles at the t1mc. Up Dept. of F1shencs has resumer\ I ~~n prt'li~'"' ~ h~rn · holiness meeting, On ~Iunday I The salr of work was 'IIJCil· ! until about a forlnight a~o her duties following 1 vacHtion 1 nQmbr~ 111 "\~'"'rl'rr T. B. SEALS Henlgn 1 social and enkr·l ed at 5 p.m. by Rev. W .1. j Uncle Arch made hi• dail;, at St. John's. · flght tuberculoal• 1\! cou lhil ,1111 , 1 0 [ Thi.< week lora! rcslrlenls talnmenl programme took' !lokrr. Tl1c large variety of ''\sit up town and to \':,it' Mr. and ~Irs. Eric Tibhn nr ~~.:~~will .1i1'i mrlt will be rrreil·ing their sh~et.>, -------- ·~ -- .. -- .. ·- · · ------... -- .. ------ ----

ll' ,, ihr •1wr"- or Christmas Seals. Apart i a;:;~ 1 ~ hu 1·.: 111rm. from remlnrlin!l us all th~l i t ~· .~·,rral rr•:rlrnl• 11! l'hristma• I~ just around the!

· 11,c :'kr:1 ·""ani· <·or ncr it also reminds ~· that: ,, rlri

1rr -r·'''"'"l we arc brin~ called upon:

''1;1d h!lr brrn 'lit" a~ain In sup;lOrl linanci~ll,l' ·r"lir· :hrll anm"l thr wcrk 11{ the :>~cwfnunn·,

~;:~r'nr;;,:lr 1·r;,,·11 lalHI Tuberculosis A~socl· 1

~ .• ,,, 1r;;rl "I';~•,, I: nr a lion. · · ·. •'mh :1r11t It ~"'' without sa,1·in~ that '1

•. r~ 1 y 1 ,. .. ,1 111 nwl· lhr :'\CII'foundlanrl Tuber· •nrl 111 • <\r.1nrlrcl r'lilll~i~ :\ssoriatinn is doing R

'rc. rll."· 11 ,, '1\I'IT"· trcn1cnd"u' anrl sur~r.ssful joh (~;( II o"rkrnd i11 thr fight aga\nst tuber·

.. · rr~<r1 'Ti111·11·'~ I' culnsis in :'\ew!oundl~nd. \\'p · ..... :rrt io illr ;·,·. 11-n niclcnrc of til\~ II'OI'k all , .. 1 1t•n:"l ,·:11\\1' I'• ~rouuct ·liS in our own com· '~ whrn ~ohr ~: ;~, nwnlt~·. where ~e,·erfll rlti·

~;ud H"wrrrr. ih~< 1rns hal'e hc~n reh~billtated .';:~~."! 11 1\y rdl .. a:d, a!trr being di~rharg~d from · d '~'" 1«:<trrt In the sanatorium. The~e peopl~

... , "\\':nlrr<" f1 r.•. are nll in useful and ~elf· : c. \\'inler<'' '\If· supportln~ occupations and :,·~ama:r. ,od. !n!· ~re taking their places in the !'JTI·ry. hn:•hr,\ r\L'· community ~~ respectable c\11· rar;o ard prMrrrirr\ zrns. This autumn tile mobile 11 ,:, Thr re«rl i< X·rAI' unit \'isitPd here And

1o: G 1nd .\. !luf!rll mani· other communltle~. ~s ~i 1, romm•nded hy oirl · the "Christmas Seal".

F:1ni Pco!r f:l·er~·body here, who so wish· 1111 ralrhc< !Jy lhe crl, was gl\'cn the opportunity

t:eet 11rrr pool',' of a rrce X·ray. Such ser· "L•Jckimre" vices require funds and it Is

two hundred [or this and other services pounds. but thr that public subscnptlons

L\ hid small <itches. through the seal~ campaign ~ij)td that frou1 noll' arp u>ed.

clll :~.r >DPPI' ol :\gn!n this ~·Pnl' the local ~ ·.::1 U•nk• w:li >!Hill' Fuurfult! Group \' cllll<llll'tlug

.\; 1el. t!wn· haw \lip !listri!Julion of the ~eal~ · of h;HhlDl'k ~nd L·ollecting the coLlll'lbut· on S1 l'l~I'I'C Ions. They are expectlnl a

generous public support again this year for this wonthy

1 Fuh 2 T·:.l\i.·"r'.£n

l>hri, ~ 'R'1y·l n:a:1, 4 D1:•:nrt r"rl

· ~ ~n~ 'A ~ 1 •rr @ G•Jlir'l's n•·'• , HI\I,IJ\ ~~ 'hll!l


JOINT COUNCILS MEET .\ merlin~ nf the Joint

L'oum·il~ of the Burin Penin· ,ula wa~ held here nn Mnn· da,l', :O.:n~·cmbcr 16th. The meeting '\l'as prrslded o1•cr hy the chairman, ~!ayor Then. Etrh~ar.1', n! St. LawrencP. Burin, ~larystown an~ Grand 1 r.ank. and the Community f

r--lllci! o! I,awn, were pres·, enL

,d,n present were :llessr~. Singleton and LeFeUI'l'! of lhc Dept. of Highways, who rlisrusscd with the members several matters affecting high· roarls policy and programme on the Burin Peninsula. The winter snow clearing pro· ~ramme on both the Bnrln Peninsula and Terrencel'l~le highways was considerably ctisc\Jssed. Another matter was tllr urgent necessity of a highroads maintenance depot on the Burln Peninsula tu Improve and speed up vehlc· Ilia:· repairs and maintenance. At the meeting a r~solutlon W<.> a(iopted tu be forwarded 1,1 III.- :\llnbtt>J' of lll~hw~v•

Answer 10 Prevlatll Puu1e·

n•·••lt- ~4 CoarS< •1 G1eek let\er ''''' hominy ~J Princely·

I Ch•mh :~Shrub genu! 44 Yawn >HI:or "6 Shake~ptarenn 45 Wicked

9 r;,utLcal term king 46 Youna ladr \Q Utilizer 27 Things don'll 47 No\ ion 11 £\ectrlf.ed 20 Male awlne 49 Sallcna

Plllicle. JO Alway1 &0 Mortaare ~!Jrcon nf ~~Proportion &I Blblteal naml

b-.~rl"~"' .,., PI ' "" H lk n 21 li .. , ''" r.l<r, u• a I 1 ~t~r 3i Sturiin:-~ • native

23 ''"'"'":" 40 Brtrl le•! ~~ Rlv•r (Sp.)

\ I> 16 18 i 10 II

I' 113 I ~4

I) II& 17

II 19 21

- li! ... '" 'I) 16 11 121 ~ 31 !J2 lil

13!' :" 11 -... ...


" II ~ 41 II IIU ~1 ~

)I 54 " )I

~ 119 Ill

81 ~ 211 - ~ -·--·--··

' . '



Fro11itMC lil'o-door Srdan, u:ilh tilr neu• lhin-pillar linrdlop look-one of Ford of Cnrtada'!fillr rnra.

TE c.

Enjoy yourself and save-on gas, oil, tires, insurance It's an event-when you and five passengers can enjoy motoring for all the pleasure it can bring. Luxurious new appointments ..• plenty of room for six adults ... deep-seated com­fort that makes a long trip enjoyable ... and trunk room enough to go on one! * All this, plus fine performance going and stopping, is yours in the eventful Frontenac at a saving. You drive over 30 miles to the gallon of regular gas ... up to 4,000 miles between oil changes. Frontenac's 13-inch tires cost less and last longer, because of near-perfect weight distribution front and rear and a light car weight of under 2,400 pounds. It comes from front engine design and light-yet-strong unitized construction. + Other savings? Quick replacement' of front fenders and easy-to-serVice design means insurance should cost you less, too. * So if yon want savings every mile.,...real, noticeable savings-and you still want to enjoy driving, see your Meteor-Mercury-Frontenac Dealer. He'll show you how-in an eventful new Frontenac!

Look for these ?lew Fronlenac fwt,Jre.<:: A. Clean, sculptured Can~di"n Styling. Quality bak~~ enamel fmish. Only 181 inches bumper·lo·bumper-up to three feet shorter than regular-size cars. B. Unitized construction keeps weight down, strength an~ roo mines~ up. Notice, teo, the extra silence and freedom from body noic.os ... tho ~rm, suro door fits. C. Tho Sllori-Stroko F ronlen~c Six develops 90 li velyhorse· power-delivers over 30 miles per gallon. Its front-mounted po' i 110n con I ri bu lcs to d ~rcct1 onal stability and driving safety. D. Choose from op\1onal new automatic, or standard 3-speed llansmission with a shift lever that's moun led on thestser­ing co 1.umn out of your passenger's way. E. Frontenac's big brakes set new standards in safety and efficiency 1 You stop straiQht-and-sure every time.

See the eventful 1i.ew Frontenac at your Meteor-Mercury-Frontenac' Dealer soon! SEE FORD OF CANADA "STARTIME"-TUESDAYS ON CBC TELEVISION SUPPORT SAFE DRIVING WEEK-DECEMBER 1-7 . .



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I 'I

Guards Take First


' ' . SILENT SAFETY WINTER TIRE See the newest and biat dealgned winter tire for Nfld.




Practice Corner The Guards Senior Hockey

team will hold an open pr<~clice . at the Prince of \\'nles Arcnn tonight. The workout will sl<~rl

; at 6.30 p.m. and Rl\ those in· ' terested should attend. t:D \'ATCJIER

1 The St. Eon's Senior Hockey iu the St. Pal's tone. , squad will hold an opl'll prnr- The ~oal tlwl li1e~i illl' g;;mc . !lee at the Fomm tonight. All c:ornr ll'ilh ouc mi!lllte and 17 i those 1nterestect in trying for a secnnols rronainin:: in r<';!lllatioll 1 berth wilh the team shoulct al· time. r;unrds coach \!t'L'ki•r had i tend the drill s!nted for 7.15 his gn .. Jic out ami nu r:-trn at 'p.m. '·tacker lldore St. Pol's knew 11 '

* -

and the dt'.1dlorkin~ score Cilme

from !·~d Vatl'hl'r just nine se­conds afler Billarrl left his nets.


Billard ''·"s a big .cog in the ' Guorl1~ victory. ~[ol'illg out or ' O\'Cr lo cut the angles he hlock­cd many screened dril'es and appeorrd lo ha1·c no trouble on Jon.~ drives. With few rebounds left on his doorstep he looked ~oud \\'hen a St. Pat's pla)'er du\ hrrak f1·ee in close.

<I n·hound

Dio·k Po.1tor "<I tit lr•nrcm"" r,: the ill! snilrl. prrforrn;nce o~ I

hlurlr:Jr· 1ci 1:; rnar,y • , rushr, Hr notched tit ln.;;h Ill .Jr. ~~·r u~ 11 .... ,...~

Irish goalie Boh Lane madr

!liCK 1'0\\'EH

' " ,.~.(1

Bill Lc.1 :ror b!~·oJ 11 , . I•

l'lli'Pl'' p,>\ I !ItO ll! w:l h (Ji'.l."> ltl!lr ·

~Ill' m·idt~lt• ~~anu

m;~dL· it ~-: (;r.rr.or. IJIIit·d lr1:· ~· l'a:'•

.'c\·eral exlro gnarl SIO[lS. hut · had thrl'e of tl1e C:uarct' tallies ~o in !Jetwepu his skntes He 11 as \\'ell srceeurd o:1 lhese ll'ith \'ulcher's tally comi:Jg on

,J:J:: ~)[IY, 1,i ~:~~~f~ I

that f·.·:~·r-.: 'iit~ 0\'i·:":~ .~:lx ~1!: •• ;:• ~,:~.~r':(·r! I!

·Pol'.< Zc::,:'. [J:•••c~ ~l:;~h shnt ,1i !. 1 c ~nd .

. rd thr : •'''(U~:~ Krar-1t·\· ·.1 h11 ha~

rr.i'rl\(• •,, ii:"t1 !ht r~c~

L't.ll" i.;.~ ~~ _,eccnC•tt st:lr~ Di ··~r orrrti~t c!

. hardwn1

to i''''··'• ""' 1:\•l'rlrt! Jt!Ti ] 1•':1\('r r;a!t·~

cnmr oc ·r.r !.u!ld!

r; ua rr I~ rrl ~rH', i , !1 nr· ,, : · · iJJ:::: 1. 1 ('I

Dr·:··: · ·.~ollr d Fi11r,, .. , , \\m :r.r I:C w:1.rcl~ · :·· .1'. :Ht GjL-b nFl"! :rr:1~:f

\"(1t'" .1~ ~he toa:! ~e. ture r.:rr.l" ·.d1i!t a!r d righ! !ri!1·'r pena:~:u"' ,in~ "r:~rrl

i nr "1'.11' a•;istJ. or ~h.11~ o~ ~roal !~

· wiJj :wt ~,~, f'r.te:trlln :cord~ t,1·.1,~.rrl~ tht ~L~ and GL:1··rl; and St.

. h:J \'r "~ rni~.ls ton:ll 'tr:1111 q;n:.En~~. ' r; L\ nOS: Goal: Ei / Drfr;Lrt~: Jim Dro\'!f, :Prier;. 1 ro Burk~. ()II 'wortlll'. Fnr·.rare;: Ed 'Bnh ll!.oLnrk. Ira >fl!J K1':'J'IP1'. Bill \\':liT. r;rnfl

. y " , , :1 r n. Bob : Gnn l.:o•ll , ~·r 1'.\ rs· Goal: ~ : })pft•:H'(·: nn·J~ Pht!J1. , Po11cr. Jont )!al~ I Hor'" Fonnrd•. Ill I ,.., ' nl i riek. Lo11 Poorer. Ill Derm Connell)'. rratl

1 hur>l. John Perr)·~. 1 Gorrlon Gnobit. Ji~ 'Ten Knni1P . jJ4I!

Rdrrre: r.orrlo~. fll!l Linc;mrn: Charll!

Jack Rt•:Jrctipn. g First rrriod: tiEl

Gordon Goobll p~ 7.02. Prnn!lio>: D.

I Camphcll. t 1 78 . 1 ;. Srconct rrnorl. ~ In· ,. Po~~"•''· Hoi. , lC• (Ji~ 'Bill Taylor. 1

lin "6 rcnJllir~: "·· . 4 Thlrrl Prriod: oro!!fl.

· Vatrhrr. (,lim 1.ti P<'nnlti.,: phrlans5l­~.~3. KrarJr)·~ 1101. J.u;h. 1 "~~,fo

LARRY Wli'\DERS (left) wutchcs a play under St. Pat's bnskct in the second gHme of the lntcrmcdinlc B'n~ketbnll finuls nn Saturday nftcmoon. \Vim King of ~fcnwrial grnhs n rebound from Don~ Plll'lan while Bcm :r.tarshall (No. 19) aml Steve Angel of the Irish and :\1 Hames of ~IU:\' watch. ~lcmoriul won 51·35.-(Royal Photo Service).

overtime: 5 G' .. ~ 0 oo 6 ,.

Kearley, ·••· · Kearley .. 4 °6\nr·l · Pe11alltr;: · or'

ST • 16 i 15 '

Billard 6 i 1


' l -··----~______:_ ___________ _

the third strai: Red Win

o! the conte An ex-Red

Wilson, starte wilh a fir1

Gordie Howe co· who turned l

Howe's second it close, hut

Gerrr a goal 10

Dick Duff ~ith a not her

lrnrcd for Dr later, interc

the Leafs' blue a 40-!oo\cr ave

and Duff lor the Lea

in simila . In front t

Bol•vert YORK (AP)



ars GREY CUP WON BY WINNIPEG .. J, ,2 1 ble .Paves way For • STATISTICS ·Basketball

. ' I

tu .7 Wtn By Bombers . r -*- ~

JUNIOR HOCKEY Mike Fitzpatrick, stickhandling wizard of St. Pat's,

finilihed second in the Individual scoring race of Junior Hockey laat sea1on. At the end of the first round thb year Fitz has movrd out front in the scoring race. The latest figures do not include Satmday night's playoff gt~me as it will not count in the reeords:-


Memorial Even Finals; Defeat St. Pat's 51-35

Jnd. Power

Drm'Pr st,rte.d the •reed the ul'rrllme. ·,rns all3rk<·rs in

"ne. Drnl'rr slaperi 1 : L:~nt• anrl \"atcher rebounrl.

·ir:·. who harl rira~n pcnoltie1 eRr!ier i~ grn hhrd ~!ril·in

• to llrr !h~ puck i u~l 22 ~e('onus I )f the o1Wiime nrking win~er wu ·rrr the lour mlnule c h the insuranc1

Drm·er p~oyed nn lhe r.uardl Lo~ Rurk~ a! ' clefrnrler. >rl nn the r.uard! ·ith Bill 'l'aylor 1I1D ell. -n Connolll' and trick were 'the lriih

that gs1·e Guard.l rouble. ·~ of the goal! In came while 1nY minor penaltlu rver!.

goals, usisl.l, ols on goal In ot be entered ln towards the seuon

;uards and St. Pit's six poiniJ toldllll ~·landings. \RDS: Goal: cc: Jim Drover, , . Len Burke. Clrll -:, Fnrwards: Ed ladcoclc, Ira ;earley, Bill G~ort .,.,nho!ll.

rl c n. Bob Lush. -• PAT'S: Goal: B'"'

rc: Doug phelan. Jim ~!alone,

· ForwJrds: !dike .ou Power, Bern Connolly, Frank John Pem'•

1n Gooble, Jlr!l <nopp. .0 ft. ~ree: Gordon u · ' rsmen: charlie Reardig•n· 'at. ;I Period: 1.~ ,11 Gooble I ·· Penalties: D. bell. 11.28. 2. nnd Ferlod: 3 powr.r. 14.~1. ' nyJor. (Jlrd Penalties: t<elfllfl~'

rd period: ~4~· • ...,M;l·'

er. (Jim ties: phe]lln•

Kearley, 5·~' Lu•h, l~-48· .11 GUll" '

·rtlme: ~8. Gu•rdl• ey, o.22. · cy. 4.06. tallies: 1?~:S 1 s !5 !6 7 1 r1 e 1

, ll'I.III'.IS . 1 J>Onetro~e Into Hamilton territory I !nJury·rlddied Bomber team S2·7: JIC~2· _Tf.t' ltnnil!r " unl)' tw~ce from the opening kick· lin the !957 cup final. .

. t. ,. in i>H•:I•;J:! orr unttl the first play o! the · The big crowd sensed that a: . }'J.B ·.n:!>el'' pru~t·d [ulll'th quarl~r. · break was necessary to blow the ~< ..


11i:·::: •.lwy Ti·cats narrow!)' mls~ed scoring' came wide open and t,t w&n't

. ~ •')ianu::u:: Ti:,:t·r· a touchdow~ in the second quar· lo~~ coml~g. · . :· a ,,

1 :~.,·nt 1111 rltrtr tt•r w~en the ·ball squirted from S~epard kicked· hla llrst sln11e,

:'.1;:,c1 l'ul' , :dory l'elcr~n Vince Scott's grap In the a 36-yarder, at 2:4~, and just !:; ;· 1·ul.tl l•'':"tr.tlc 1\'lnnlp!!g end zone after he had more than two minute• later

· • :Ma! p•>tltttc·,l tH block~d n kick. There waa the Bombers &ot their llrat touch· · , ·n 11 .;wtm·· tilird-quarter play when the Hnm· down. :::;'; ::,,r·,:, ~·:n't' iito:: board of wateg)' called lor McDou&all's fumble was picked 1 .,•n: : .,. ,,.~d· a thtrd·down !lelcl goal with Tiger. up on the Hamilton 49 by tackle

, ·,,,tr:: .u; inro Cats In po~session on the Win· Buddy Tinsley, at !5 the "old .. ~·IJ · ''.'u::~tt:l' lor npcg two-yard lne and Tclats man" ol the Wlnnlpei club and •

1 ~~.~: b~ntc.l ,,, : 1\'tn· behind only 3·1. tl'fme:~dous performer throu&hout

~ "':J ,:rni;·: l':q> :n· llut .the biG play, and th~ one l!le afternoon. r ~~, 1 BcngJ, illl~ rltr that will be talked about. was the , Jim Trimble ln front ol the Tl&tr·

•·. " Ill 1:·.,, :.t•l ,t~ fumble by fullback Gerry ~1~ 'Cat be:~eh, quarttrback Kenny ~~ .e · Dougall eurly in the l!na! session Ploen whipped a perfect strlkt to

that Bombers turned Into their end Farrell Funston 11 the llvt ll'inning touchdown and an 11·7 and he was downed on the! thru.

1 lend. Shepard smacked over frOJV SHEPARD TOPS I there on the play that broke Up 1

The 23-year·old S~epard. for· the t!ght·!itlbg game. T!lere was 1

merly ll'ilh :">orlh Texas State and an Ironic twist to the touchdown. 1

Pittsburgh Stt'€lers,' scored from ! Ralph Golston, the best deep rhree yards out after the fumble. ! pass ddender in Eutern Canada l!e lllloted !our singles-two of I pro football, had just returned to them on quick kicks-was top : the Ham!llo:l bench from the ~rollnd gainer lor the Bombers dressing room where he had an 1

ll'i:h :>l ynrds on 18 carries and Injured ankle lroten and Trimble i l'oted by sports wrIter a and had In 1 e r ted 1ophomor. Len 1

rl:e broadcasters ns the ousta.,dlnl Chandler 1:1 his spot. , p!~)·er in 1~1e game. The 23-year-old Canadian. who '

It': c~ 1\r 1'~".,, to The Bombers started to move. had bc9n used mainly en klcko()ff :!1 ;s-~8 "'"'" ·~ 'ill' I u!rer Steve Oneschuk had kicked \ runbacks dur!njl the season, was

1\':~~h·; tn 1:1ii1. 11111 1 h1s second field goa! at 14:41! of·, practically deked out of his uni· , . in r.y l:t:· 1,1"".'1>· tlte third quarter, .a 27-yarder 1 form by Funston. 1 late cut this

11 ~. :x\ln·, r .. : ~,,,d:c·k thnr put Tl~er·Cats m front 7·3.: season by Cleveland Browns of, . :c:.:3J r~":·::r Sltt·r· · That. as it turned out, wa~ the , t!le :>lations! Football Lea,ue.

dying ~nsp of t~e T!ger·Cats, the 1 Funston had been touted as the I

trarn that steam · ro!lcred over i man to watch In pre-gamt &OS· I Big F'mu· opp~sition durin~ the 's!p and hi.~ catch li1sUfled hla >raso~ and that had whipped an : prcs.1 clippings.

Take Second; Red Wings 4-1

. ~~mend plat'e Sun· .'min~ to a 4·1 :'>a·

!.~ley LeJgue rrium11h lli!l Ol)mpia Stadium

'!! :hird 5tral~ht lo;~ t!a~· Red \\'in~;. who

,; o: rhe coni rsl !rom An ex-ncrl \I'm~.

Wt:lon, !larlcrl ihm \ilh 1 fir;t.pcrind

Black Hawks and New York matches. They tied with Chi·\ Rangers, lied for fifth place In cago and Toronto. the National Hocey League, Montreal •cored two flrat· ·, struggled to a 2·2 tle Sunday period II<Jals, the first by· nlRht In the 1econd 1ame of Dickie Moore at 1:11:1 of tile their weekend aerie~. I period while Boston was 1

The Black Hawks drew even 1 man short. Claude Provo5t with :\'ew Yor In t~e standing! I scored In the first period and ll'iln a 6·2 victory at Chicago again In the third. Jean Bell· Saturda)'. 11 was the Ranj!ers' I \'eau scored In the seeontl per· eighth !traight game without 1 lod for Canadien!, who out· 1

l'ictorv and their third tie In , skated Boston throughout the h

• 1 111ame. t nt str ng. · Bronco Horvath •cored both

SCORING G :\ Pen Pts.

~like Fitzpatrick (SP) .... .... .... .... 4 Derm Connolly (SPl .... ..... .... .... 2 Eric St. George (SB) ..................... 7 Dave Batten (F) ........................ • . fl Dick Power (SP) .... .... .... .... .... 6 Bill ~Ialone (HC) .... .... .... .... .... . 4

6 4 10 4 4 g

1 n R 2 6 8 ~

,, R 3 ll 7


Tols Chapman (F) .................... .. Ed Billard (Gl ......................... . Bob Lane {SP) ............ ..

John ~tapleton (HC) ~like lleulry (SB)

1 1 4 9 4 14 2. ]()

.4 :!:3

TEA:\1 STA~Dl~GS GP \\' L GF C.\

Guard~ ................ , . 4 3 l ::!9 ll St. Pat's .... .... .... .. . .. . .... ..4 :1 1 :-13 H

· Felldians . .. . .. .... .... .... ... .... .... . 1 2 2. 13 ::.1 Holy Cross .......................... 4 1 :J 1~ 2fl St. Bon's .... .... .. . . . .... . .. ... . 4 3 :!I ~:l


1.00 :!.25 3.50 5.00 5.i5

Pis. !I fl 4 2. 2

The stundings' of High School Hot:kr\' ~fter the fir~t rrmnd as compiled from the Daily !\cws rrc('n\s:


Holv Cross ...................... 4 4 0 St. Pat's ........................ 4 3 1

18 46

St. Teresa's : ............. ~ ........ 4 " " Curtis .......................... .4 1 3 Macpherson ................. :. 4 0 4

10 8



~like ~!nrphy (SP) .............. .. Orville Hong (SP) .............. .. Tom Conway (SP) .............. .

4 10 8 '" 4 13 3 " 4 4 10 ... 4 q 2

G.4, Pas.

12 8 10 6 2A 4 21 2 23 0

Pen Pts. 6 l8 () 16 4 14 8 11 Peter Byrne (HC) ...... : ....... ..

Pat Hearn (HCl .............. .. 7 l!l 11 ... 4. 4


M. Evoy (ST) ...................... .1 1 l.Oll 7 .B58 G. Dawson (SP) .................... 1 2 2,00 14 .857 M. Haire (SP) ................... .1 2 2.00 7 .714 E. Gregory (SP} ................... 3 S 2.67 44 .Sl8 J. Finley (HC) ................ 3 10 3.33 65 .848

Haynes Hits For 17 ·Points; Deciding Game Tonl~ht Memorial deadlocked the Intermediate Basketball

fiDls on Saturday afternoon as they defeated St. Pat's 51-35 at the ~lemorilll University gym. St. Pat's took the opener of the finn! 35-30. The deciding game is

on tap to-night. ~lcmorial were leading 22-17 nt halftime on Satur·

dny but they netted 29 while holding the Irish to 18 for the big Yictory. The two teams are playing a best of three games series for the Honour Veitch Trophy. St.

~at's are defending champions. AI Haynes paced the MUN \'iclory with a 17 point

output while Bob Redmond added 12 points for the winners and Joe Browne got a even dozen markers for

St. Pat's. ; St. Pat's and :ll~morial bat· I ' lied on el'cn terms in the · :llemoria! went back to their ' opening half as the encounter zone defense as they out scar· 1 began a~ a basket for bnsket ' erl the Patricians in the !ina! 1 a!fa!r. stanza 29·18 to pkk up the'

St. Pat'~ using a man to man victory and force the third and dcfemJI'e. setup that was su deciding game. ~lfecl1ve m _tllC openmg game, With AI l!ayt!es hilling w;tlt · AL HAYNES Just c~uldn t hold bac~ U~e: his .iump shot from the ~ide, J::i1·en him thirty·one point; m :11< lc~!onal ~qua.d ats the~ v.hele: early in the final hall :ITem·, the t\\'o gJme playoff to lead oo .. lng fol a '.1m o keep t ctr orin! mo1·cd into an eleven 1 all scorers. hope~ al11·~ I 1 · 1 · · · Tl

1 ·

1 1 d , po nts lead as t1c !mil mtsscd 1 Intermediate basketball enrh

f 1e. cad c Janged Jan ~ a with their sctshots !rom the 1

tonight \\'hen the same two c~ limes 1n a rast mol'rng : kry. 1 teams meet in the final )!arne

fnsl hal! as both teams u~cd St. Pal's, howc1·cr. kept fight· ur the best two of three serit! the fast break to go w1th tlle!r , ing baek and rlosrd the gap to·. for the Vcitrh ~!emoria! TrlJ· man to m~n defence. 1 six points with time running phy at :l!cmuria!. Game tim~

:'IIemotlal guards Bob Hrd· , out but that was as close as i 7:~0. Both team re · mond and ~ave Ward sparl,ed 1 they l(ot. p~eclcd to usr their ~a~e ~~~~ the :l!emor.tal attack that mov·


In the final stages of the ups. , ed them mto the .lca,rl JUst · game the Patricians played ncfcrccs: Larry Winden : before the half. The) u. cd the i wide open basketball but using anrt Ra · Gill a \ screen play that has thr gaard : their height advanta"e and 1 ~ m. 1 dr!_ve around the sirle for a ! fast hrea-!dng ~!em;ria! In· j BOX SC.OIIt.E 1 Ia) ~P- . . creased their lead continuous· I Memorial: FG FT PF Pt1.

I \11th D~\~ \1 an!. ~nd . AI ly. They picked up their final· A. Hayne~ 8 1 1 17 Ha.ynes. htt!Jng for SIX pomts i six points on free throws. H. Dwyer o 3 2 3 apJecc .m the openln~ h~lf. I St. Pat's ran into a lot of W. King 3 3 2 9 :llemor1a! held a f!l•e ilDlnl trouble in the second stanza as D. Ward 4 2 1 10 22·17 lead. . . :llemoria! used the zone de· B. Redmond 5 2 1 12

Dave Ryan p1c~ed up s1x fense. E. Fowler o o 0 0 p01nts for the Patnc:ans m the Failing to get through the C. Noseworthy 0 0 1 0 opening hair as he hit w1th zone the Irish were forced to G. Neal 0 0 0 0 close In jump shots to help 1 shoot from well outside the · !II. Steele 0 0 0 0 his team along. key, Totals 20 11 9 51

Both team! m!ssert on dose ,Joe Browne wao the onlv one St. Pat's: FG FT PF P!l. in shots ns they seemed to to hit from well out. H~ did B. l\Iarshall I 0 0 2 hurry their shooting. This most ol the Irish scoring In :!;r D. Ryan 2 2 4 e could have made a big differ· second half but h!s scoring D. Phelan 1 ll 4 5

I encc in the final outcome. was not enou~h to stop Mem· S. Angel 3 0 4 6

St. Pat·~ forward Bernie or!a! who outsrored them by J. Browne 5 2 1 12 , :l!arshal! appeared to have the i eleven paints. Browne swish· T. Angel 2 0 0 4

I most trouble with his shooting! ed eight of his teams eighteen , G. Haynes 0 0 0 0 , as he missed with Ills setshot points In the final frame. ' D. ~!a!oney 0 0 0 0 and failed to pick up a single . A! Haynes potted eleven of I H. Bennett 0 n 0 0

I point In the first hal! for the · hi• team's second half total J. Voiscy 0 0 0 0 I Irish. ~ with his jump sllot, thlt l1as Totals 14 7 13 ~5

------ ------. I I

, Curling Schedule Neither learn showed much Boston J(lala, hla llltll and Haw1 ro11:n clt•nl ol a conslste~t, well-organlz~d 2oth of the season, In the sec­

tho turnen h!ek ~R ·attack .. Prenhce beat Glenn ond period. Horvath, the lea· 3m's mont!· p,•nort lin !I tw1ce when ttle Chicago gue's leading aC(lrer achleVId

---------- Dr. ~lar;,ha!l R. Gallagher

Two Games Toni~bt In

.Junior Hockev 'lticle. hut anolhrr goalie was out of position tc his 20 goal~ in just'24&ames. MERCANTILE HOCKEY Tl'ESDr\Y, DEC. l,t. H. :\Hiler · G I r r )' Ehman, stop hlm. Slx ol those goals were First name uf each team is H. F. Dove

1 goal ;o mon(l! Erie Ne~terenko and E, ddle &llalnst Montreal. TEA:\1 SHNDil\'GS Skip. D

•• , n ff . kl 7. 30 G,eo. ~!acdonald (' Thompson I The first ~lond~:r night

"" 11 qttiL' \' Litzenberger 1ot the Chicago The final an 1•ccnd1 o! the GP • \\1 I. T Pt•.. ·n.





· "" ' ·' · R. Knnl .'. P. D. Le11· 1·• J. P. llender•on j!lnior hockev. doubleheader Ia

"'" r~ ~('nre o goal!, getting free of errattc ll&me were delaued bv a roullh E F ,., 3 0 0 " H. \\'msor • 0 o


•• '"I f 1 • ' B•rne• " " ·I '! c. R. L'ot·bc• iS. Ca11nun L. Neville on tap tonight at the Stadium.

"'' "" 0 rrJ: t. Rangers defence for compara· house match between Beliveau · · p • "" " ' C. ·' ercer ' 0

d!net:erl t:Crl !lrew· h N t k, B 1 g's ., 1 1 1 1 'E' B J. Hiscock' A. :-iickerson C. J. Do)·ie In the first gamr ~~ 7.00 p.m., lil'ei)' rasy s ots. eH eren o 1 and Boston's Leo Labine. owr n .... .... '1

• >·

0011~ ·1 f St B ' t\lt at !he nrt Ruth l 1 th d A1 d b 1 -'· ' 3 1 1 1 1 D Sh W. Coughlan Holy Cross 11'1! ace . on!. '"' i\ort·har.l.c·,\ when goa! ~amed e~\y ~ e .seeon ter dthey ha een npar- Roya BRru. .... .... .... ... · arpe Saturday's Results while Guards and.Feildians will rc~ad ~r~:~~ th:"atart' ~~nthe:~~~:d.soon ~~~r ~~Y ~~~~ree~~l; .. r;:~c:~ Cana,da Pack!!'rt .............. , .......... 3 1 1 1 3 ! F. E. Hue T. Stentaford Mixed Bonsoiel: R. Lel'itz. F. clash at 9.30 p.m. For the re· lt11~ >lar•rd ' ~·.1iek The Rang~ra. atronR on

111• Beliveau _IUddenly luhtd La· Ayres ............................... : ....... 2 0 1 1 l iT. Dunne R. H. Baggs Snow. ~Irs. Pippy, J. '!urpny. • ma!nrler of the regular schedule of 1n•l• th I H krn

0 0 2 0 0 B. Jeans Ayre's Knock-out Series the lcRgue will ka\'e two games

.... , R · 10 e ~. ressil·eness but weak on pass· I blne with hi! stick. ic an's .................................. ~ Dr. Coyle R. '.lacncr'!! • n·1·nner· ........ P. Rockwell, D. on '.fonda·.· and "'ednesdav. ""'' rm I on'-< a m~ and shooting, outshot ttle!r The engaged Labine eharg- 1 . --·-·-- - -·-. V. )Iacdona!d -• " '' -' ' rrl:l.l!ter Ron ~~e11,1r1 opponents in e

1·ery period. Hall ed at Beliveau swinging h!8: triumph over New York Ral\· gna! at 19:32 or the second:\ Tiller, L. Bowering, V. ~lc· 'ni~ht~.


'-t o! rli~gtn• anrl marie 41 saves to 22 for New I stick. Neither did much dam· gers at Chicago and mo1·cd In· per:ocl. It was .Jean'5 Uth th1s 1.r. ll. :\'orris A. J. Lush' Donald. 1

Tn their first round l(ame.s. ~lo p<Jsition wr I he York's :'rlarcel Paille. age and finally were sent off, to a fifth·place tie with Ran· year. . R. Bartlett P. Templeton 1 Runner·up: H. Wylie, P St. Bon'• racked up a 12·3 wm BIJSTO' ICPl _ ""'"'' oooh wtth two mto" P'"''' I'"· It "" Howko thlod wto LIAFI, IRULNS TLE A. """'' J. ""'"' . LodL"'''m, f. N"ow"'thy, G .. om Holy '""· ~>11• folld· ~~rt~ lor Dolr•>t' t•.1·n . C'anadlens, who hPven't lost tle!. thla year ever the skidding 1n the othar Saturday game. B. Collins G. B. :\Ialone 1 Tapper. : ians were 3·1 Winner! over

laitr, intmpptlr.'.! a in their last 18

National Hock· Some of Saturday nlll'ht'l New Yorktra who have gont the Maple Leafs sslvagcd a 2·2 I :Guards. ill Luis' b!·Je !ir.e a \HI ey LeaGue games, won their National Hockey League inter- 11V111111mes without a victory. tie with Boston Bruins at Tor·, J. Cheii'Ers E. L. Hickman ' C"t C • 11 Holy Cro~s will have nne cer· l~iooler OYer ROIIPr's eighth In aucces&lon Sunday est !hlfted to the bottom of The Canadien• meanwhile onto, lifting the Leafs into a D L Cooper G. Burnell I y ommercla 'taln lineup .change tonight.

, night In whipping the Boston the league 11 the ft:ont-rOn· strekhed their unbeaten seoond-place deadlock with N. B. tt n :.1. Finn; • ! Jack :llonohan will be seeln!( led Duff ~cuntcrt . Bru!na


Bruins have won nina: Montreal Canadien• con· 1trln1 to 17 with a a lim 1-0 win Detroit. · a lne s. Herder.\ Bo'•r}infl' Legue I his first a c t 1 ° n for the fcr the Leaf1. Both 1 only one· of their last 10 t!nue maklnl lhe tllP a runa· ovtr Detroit Red Wing~ at Rookie Stan Mikita paced Dr. K · g n ~ ; Cruuders. Both Mona\lan, who

Q:e in 1lmilar fashion , games way. . Montreal. J~cquu Plante the Chlcaa:o attack on Rangers' n•. Weir ., T 1 ton 1 was team captain last season, I r · · 1 '" H ..... 1 '" d '" " hi 1 d hutout li v 1 P Ill lth " "· emp e t d Q ron! of Detroit ! Canadlens who lead the Ch cago Blac.. IWu p c .. e mar .. e .. Up I econ I new goa e .-.arce a e w C. Godden H. Kelly SCHEDULE FOR. WEEK. and John Mason are expec e

t Boill'ert. ! league by a ~Ide marilln have ed up their fourth win of thl of the 1eaS(Jn while Jean !:!ell· a two-goal performance, Bob J Templeton to see action both on defence _YORK (APi-Chitngn i won all but two ot tho~e 18 aeuon with a decl1lve 8-1 veau rapped In the w!nnln~ Hull, Ron :Murphy, Ken War· D. Johnston · P. Crosbie Tu~day, Dec. bt, and up front. Work has pre-~- . _ -----·-·--· ren and Edie Litzenberger N. McGrory -71~- vented Monahan from playing

counted the others. Camille 11.30·10 • 1·2-M. Workers vs Marshall's to date. Should the doctor l(lve

-SCHEN ~~ ~y AWARD WINNERS-The outatanding football players In Canada, as cho1an by football experts ~ ~~'ll hare Johnny Briaht, Roger Nelson and Run Jackson. Bright (centre), a 1tar with Edmonton ~ ~r011 t~ ~~n Canada's outstanding football player r' the year. Jackson (left), Ottawa Roughrider quarter­~ the Lin henley Award u the moat valuable Canadian player, and Nelson (ri&ht), also of Eskimos, W115

eman of the Year. ,

Henry and Dean Prentice pot· 'A LC CJO"' 1 Ed Sh ter I• also 11 F. A' Colbourne , 3...- cct.>_ . B vs ,, • !tis approva , ap o .

ted the New York goals. H. Wy e 1 f th C Derenceman Tim Horton was Dr .. JoBepheon F. Kle!ley I 5-5-Harvey's vs A-United I sl~tcd to start or e rusa· 1 B' J' D•vlne ! -8 30- , · den. He has b~en out wlth a

the Toronto savior, eonnectlng R. Mart n • late In the third period for .1 C. Tobin R. Christie 1-2-0'Regan's V! Mammy! ! bruised moulder. • 34-Council 2 vs Hickman's Guards will likely use the

the tying goal. Ron Stewart , 1 • ~ got the other. For Boston, iT. s. Clift \\'. Hermanson · 5-5-Dom. D!st. vs U.T.E. 'same lineup that won ... ,. over • h d • K \r. Gunn · -9.4~- St. rat's on Saturday night.

Dug .-lo ns an Don !he en· 1 W. Horner 1 t d t nd 1 k J. B. An••! 11·2-Bennrtt's 1'5 B-Sa r,s Feildiam ~rr expec e o se

ney were 1e mar smen. ; G. Tapp~r •• · ts STASDINGS 1

B. Lynch c. Fortney . 3-4-Munn's vs Parkers • Dave Dowden b1~ In the ne Nat!oaal League : 5-5-S.-Surs vs Horwood'> :md use their regular lineup.

W L T F A Ps. ; c. F. Horwood R coupland · St. Bon's will ha\'e the snmr 17 2 4 81 41 38 i G. Knight ·,.,;, Petten ! Wednesday, Dec. ~nd, team with the likllhood of Joe

Mon!rEal Toronto Detroit . Boston C~lcago New York

II 5 6 56 49 28 IT. Griffiths c. Reid -9.25- Slaney being back In town for 10 B ft 62 56

2226 '.·. L. Levitz H. Roberts !-:-Harvey's; va ParkH's the encounter.

9 11 4 78 87 3-4-Bennett'a va CJON ------4 lC 4 52 67 12 i G. ~t Stirling 5·6-:l!amrny'a \'& Mmhall's DOT Takes Win • • 1!0 87 12 I J, Laws 3 I.. • 1 L. Slead B. Rockwell I A C · Thunday, Dec. 3rd.

Terry ~awchul\ Improves

D~TROIT (AP)-AII!ng De· trait Red Wlna s;o.,lie Terry Sawchuk Is makln!l "remark· able Improvement" and may be able to. return to National Hockey League action next weekend, doctors said Sunday.

Sawchuk was stricken with a form o! neuritis Thursday and ru1hed to a hospital with BeV· ere leil pains.

I F. D. Butt · rane , -7 15 L N th r G. Baird · · -. a e son 1-2-B.-John.ston vs O'Regan's

L. Goldstein J. Bul'ieSS

0. W. Boyd T. Williams

R. F. Horwood H. Goodridge

3-4-CJON vs Parker's · O·S--Bennett's \'S S.·Sears

-8.30-1-2-Horwood's vs UTE 3-4-~1. Workers vs Munn's

1 11 •o 5-6-A-United vs Council 1.

~ .• -9.4~

H. B. Murphy R. Doyle

W. Tiller K. A. Clarke M. Rideout J. Halley

H. Angel S, Ayre J. Noseworthy J.D. Grieve

G. Bearns ~1-2-Accts. BLC vs Marshall's Jerry Ma~donald 34-Dom.Dist. vs Hickman'!

M. Whelan 5-6-Council 2 vs Mammy's C. F. Cote __:__

W. Allan R. Murphy

R. Johnston B. Cue

NOTE:-So 11 to have the League finish before the Christmas season, It will be necesnry to roll 11ame1 at 9.45 Wednesday nights.

The final same of ttle first round of Gander senior hocke3 was played at the Gander Gar dens on Saturday nlgbt. DO'I came up with a 11-8 victo~ over RCAF to take second placl in league standings. Airline! are out front on a pair of wins

Feild Bowlin~ . The schedule for the Fel~

Bowling leaeue tonight: · · (8.30) . '

1-2-Reds vs Dodgers , 34-White Sox 1'5 Yankees· ··::

E. Warren C. Dearin K. O'Regan P. Cook

A. Hallett W. Sheely

G. ~!acNamara Another

ANTI·H-BOMB MARCH (9.45) OXFORD. England !Rcutersl- 1-2-Cardinals I'S Pirates

More than 700 anti-H-bomb dem· '3-4-Tigera \'S Braves onstrators. led by a JaZZ baq.d. .---- .. - -·--·--·-·--

Dr. Charles Karlbo. Red Wing physician. said Sawchuk's pains have been disappearing. The doctor sald Sawchuk may lea\'e the hoso!tal today and possibly could he able to ekate Tues· day. · .

, Gilles Boisvert. A minor !~a· : i aue netminder, has heen sub· 'R. B. ~lo)'n

took part Sunday in an eight-hour · were protestinc a~ainet J. K. Pratt march from a larse America~ air • the·r!ock H . bomb flights R. Godden : base near ~Jere to Oxford. They , the ba5e, at Briz.e Norton.

atltul!n& for Sawchuk. C. H. Ballam


'I I I

t: '' '

'. ,I






'J '

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$229.so ·, TO


• -=~; .•.

' ""' ..





OIL RANGE This factory-built range is en­

gineered to the latest standards

of safety and ltrvice. It features

a breeze-pot type burner, dur­

able white porcelain enamel

finish and polished steel top.

An important feature of the

President is its ability to con·

tinue burning without electri-./l

· city , ~ , a blessing in the event

of a power failure.




The L'lslet range has built a reputation for dependability and service in hundreds of homes all over Newfound­land. The finest materials are combined with modern foun· dry engineering methods to

·produce a range ideally suit· ed to local conditions. From the gleaming white porcelain enamel finish to the sturdy cast-iron fire box, it is a com­bination of strength and beauty that spells real qual· ity and value.


L'lslet models are also avail· able with factory-installed units that enable them to burn coal, wood or oil with· out a change in the firebox • , • only $85.00 exfra, with fuel tank.

. '





220 VOLT

Appliance timer cutlet. Automatic cantral clock

time control.

Surface element indi· cator lights.

Permanent automatic fuses.

Fluorescent View • All lamp and loads of other fine features to make your new Roy Electric Range a real joy to ownl


• , '

Jacoby ·On Bridge


BY OSWALD JACOBY Here is another hand from

the Mid-Atlantic Women's pair. This time Mrs. Pel! encouraged

·,Mrs. Silverman to get to a i spade slam and Mrs. Silverman i : obli~ed by .making t~e hand , against a mce defensive play ; by West. ; West opened the king of ~hearts. Mrs. Silverman ruffed In dummy, led the nine of

! spades and finessed the jack. ·,If West had been kind enough ~~~~-------------


SORTH (D) 30

• 9 B 4 ¥None + K 10 7 ~ oloAKQS54


o41 K 53 ¥KQ1042 • 6 53

• 10 2 • 8 7 6 3 • Q J8

... 9 3 ... J 10 B 7 SOUTH .AQJ16 ¥ AJ 9 5 + A94 ... 2

East and West vulnerable North East So11lh West 1 "' Poss 2 • Pass 3 "' Pass 3 ¥ Pass .3 • Pass 3 N.T. Pass 4 • Pa.s S • Pass Pass Pass

Opening lead-• K'

to take her king right then ~nrl there ~!rs. Silvcrll\)!n would have made her contract easily

I but West simply played a low ; spade. I If ~Irs. Silverman had return· cd to dummy for a ~econri spade finesse \\'est would have poun·

1 ced with the king, led a club

·back anr! beaten the h~nd but ~Irs. Silverman auspected this plot.

She ruffed another heart in dumm)'. Played the ace of clubs, ruffed a club, played the ace of

·trumps and noted that both op­ponents had followed to the sec· ond trump. Now !he played a

, third trump . West made his king but that

was tile only defensive triCk. The club !Ult was set up for all

i the discards needed.

: CARD Sense ; Q-The bidding has been: i West North East South

l "' I • Pass 2 • Pas~ 3 • "l'~ss ?

Yuu, s,Hilh, holt!: .1\J-13 ¥A~H7 +32 "'961

, \l'h~l du yuu do' i A-Bid lour ~PMd~s. \'uur 1

raise was very sound, : TODA Y'S QUESTIO~ ' Again your partner has over-/ called West's one club opening 1 with one spade. This time you

1 hold: lfiK.I4 .A9878 +32 ... AS~

What dn you do?


AnswPr Tomorrow


lf es;p do their IISUal pri.e1! 1 lump =e willie' the U'l ol.' hen can laugh at the 1006f: that laid the 1lllden egg,

• • • It ~ rill !I for ptop! e lilt

1111 DUt D! thrir \041/ to hunt ffllf - e!'Q'17M71 t Oftll/ to loH it. • • •

Luclt;r tbe hubby whose homf. 1

eomlnc kiss tum. tbe wlfe'ri pout into 8 J)llCker, I

•••• P~ IDIIII tteu> f'CirJ don't

1oo! 111, While driving In 11\/J. Uw!/'re 11llo driving in dt~bl,

A new excltinK · prolei:l and lanolin shampoo waves and curls your hair 1.!1 you wash it. You us@ the shampoo the ~arne way as ynu do ordinary ~ham· poo, Aller lellin~ lhl! lather re·

1 mAin fil·e lninUII's, you rins~ ~1d

I ~Pt. Then your ~air care i.1 rom rtet~. , __ _

' .

i I .



Will Knock at Your Door ·, with Gifts and Greetings

from Friendly Business Neighbours and Your

Civic and Social On the occasion of•

New Comer to the City. The Birth of a Baby,

PHONE 94865,' 3582 or 90943



r "PTA IN EA:. f


c:,~~c"'- ~oo· 'i''l:. ,.....L.,_~.~----.~ Ml~~ iO ~~~~ \?\OU>.\\00, ~na ~ \t't;.~-"'il~\.1 ~\jS~ t>.~tl ~"'\'{·, ~\S 'il't't~~~ t""" t.Oto\'\'\'\..~ C:.\10~ l~

._,_..,..,,._, \.{0~'.



OOPJ; '{0\J COME 6AD: 5001J, B~AU>E I. 5TI LL l[).JE 'l'OU ~ ~ MUC~. ~...,.-'11

1'<~'0 ~~ ('..'il"i:. ~liE ?\C:.WR't;.S 'I. \OOR \0 00 u:l\\i-\ ~\

~U.. 'OE ~"' \C ~"C t.':i~ COV..V..OIOO""i'i l~C:l \).) (I'~~S':.\ .... ~, ~"{ \\~'t.\ ,.-=-...,.,..

this: he~r c1 •crrrt!)"

colon . d as al 35qucra c .

111 nrcr a fll 10 unc .

after warnuH:. [~Jioll' who tncr

knife in hiS b <i:uthS it up .. d . knock·dol>ll· hiS ! U'

with "I \C .' 'crgrant II

lOP · . · a ur hero JOtllS

0 •kc• rricnds Olo . • · rl "l!cal'cn .

. name . . el' . colonel' ,c, o! the ~an~ .

colonrl is mur our hero Cl

Sex~· Wife hodY a

'[ar concern" It > • . t

our hf'ro a~ Wife burns n~

. utc eon!cs>ton mtn f our hero rom

the T\' pril'a n "our old f;

~ .J.ack Krtl;· mall :'\

. in mm·il 1r Krll,·"

column. '

nr\'Lnc is I~

for -till oil• Oil 1'\'. Bul

if lhr



N~S~T.~J~OH~N~'S~·!N~FL~D~··!M~O~N~D~AY~,~N~O~V~EM~B~ER~30~,~1~95~9--~------------------------------------------------------~-------------------l7 . Radio Programmes

.. ..., • '

Capitol Today

I -------------
















P. Jj--Spll:-t~(':t'~ BAJ----Gn·;;k~;,~l ~\'lth ~ s;)---.".:l·~;-~

Q!J\1-~.',!on~;::.i:' ll:J~f

~ \j ... J.!•:.tt..· i-'11~: Lr:ve

7.00-Shillelagh Showlimt 7.15-Shtllelagh Showtime. B.OU-Cream ol the Crop. 9.45-News. <0.00- VOC:II All Tim• Hit

Farade LU ~u-Eventtde Medila!IUnl lU 45--S~urlscasl LU.5;..-News 11.00-Torbay Weather 11.05-Ciub 590 ---------· CJON

MOS!I.\ Y, ~ul'~llthcr 30th.

t).~ 1 -.\l'W~

ti.J~--( i~Jb :1.1 7.UU-.'."c·s~ ..

G.Gil--'.L' :. · E.Ut--1:, .• : I.

'i.·. ,•J .. II '.I' .. ·. ·.

~:_Pd-- ~::··_, ..•• :. ~d:r:t'un.J;

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I U.~J---~Furl.-. 10.~:> -.llu;11· :n :lie :'\i,:hl. ll.UU- \~110 Hi~hlight~ ?nd


.IUJl--\ltlsic ir, lhP :-llghl. IL:JU -- :>;ew~ and 1-linl:onal. 1~.35-~!llsic I nlhb Ntgbl. l.UU-:-;ew~ in a !lllnule. 1.01--Tht Queen ar.~ •ign off.


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HlR REST-Bedsitling room, AUTO PARTS (Whole) I on hus line. he~lcd home.

wilh cuokin~ [al'ilil1cs. Suil· :'\Bd. ahle fur one or two girls.


\Where To Stay ~~Fast i I Balsam Hotel · \ Taxi Service 1 BARNEll ROAD ; 0 ·~ Ci~~~uated Ill the Re&rt o1 tl1e


I pb':~ Comfortable An-I':\ Dial2424-2410

Dial 92847-A.

A-('CO~IMOilATI0:-1 is avail· ahle for three male buar!l· rrs. down lown arra. transients 11ekomc. Lowest rates. !'hone 6~7iJ.ll.

Now accepting an additional number of

registrations for the Winter Term.

(Beginning January) ..

For information Phone

MISS B. A YRE 80049


WE offer For Sale, the followin1 list ef Commercial Propezties:

A nENTION - . We have two fine Com·

mercia! Buildings for sale, near the

new post office. These buildings are in

good ahape and are ideal for any

type of busineu. Make an appoint·

ment to inspect them today. The prices

are very reasonable.

TOPSAIL RD.-2 Storey Building with

large store and warehouse. Excellent

condition. Real bargain. Freehold

land. WATER ST.-Restaurant and Two Apart·

ments. Entire building renovated. New

wiring, new plumbing, new furnace.

Excellent buy.

TORBAY RD.-57 Acres of Land. Mostly

farmland. All structures on the land

included in sale.

32 GEORGE ST. - Three storey building

containing Snack Bar. Excellent down·

town location. Bargain price.

151-153·157 New Gower Street and 32 Waldegrava St. Three Apartmenti and

Suite of Offi~s. DRUG BUSINESS-Gcod location.

WATER ST. WEST-Building suitable for showroom.

WATER ST.-Shop and Restaurant.

LeMARCHANT RD. - House and Shop.

Furnace heated.

FRESHWATER RO.-Shep and Two Apart•

msnt;. . SEJtV!t~ 5TATION-Csn!r~l lote~tion.

FOR RENT-Pt:!rl of very mcclern building

on Wt:~tsr St. 719 WATER 5T.-5ht!p with Two Apart•

msnts and larae block of land. Re­duced to just $12,000.00.

WATER ST.-Two Fine Buildings right in

the heart of business.

Blackmarsh Rd.-Large Modern Building.

Two well-established Businesses For Sale

on Water St.

For Reaerval.lona and 11>· \ ; \ QUEEN'S ROAD formaUDII \ \ ·

1 1 Open from 6.30 to 2 a.m.

Dial 6336 1 ': l P""~B.Iyr MRS. JoHN r ... cu I

\msl.~ea1~t Man._rrss l, THIS COULD BE YOU :\ Cheap Reliable Electricity 1

In or.d Around St. John's

GREAT EASTERN : :\ell' industry in ;o-;ewlolltlll·: . --OIL & IMPORT land with a product that has tlll •

competition. Needs men or CO., LTD. women to complete stall. ~lu't ·

Racllo, Television, · W~shers, be 30 or Ol'l'r h~l'c a car anrl Refrigerators, Deep Freezer& Rr~ looking for R futurr. Ot:r

Electric Ranges, present siR If Rre eamin~ up to' Floor Polishers, $300.00 weekly Rl'!'oss t'an~da. ·

Gramophones Sales expericnec would hr hrlP· Public Address Systems. f11l but not neerS>ar~ "' ~·ou


For all your Buildi11g Rcquin•mrnls cal:




can lie oiltJIIll'd 111 {'0:\:\0I:S llJtl'f; STOltE

331 W.\TEH ST. llL\L ~·!U6




Sparkling, Chimnr~· HL·pairs at n•;~sonahle rates, Dial !l:l~ \9-F. tlllliR tlm)

FllH SAI.t:-Strnrtural Steel, I lloam; II IIP:Jill~: :\n~lts; f'h1111nrl•: l'lales: Shartill~ Ptl' .. \Atillll~ Si1eS.. r\flcl ~iJI,·age &. Salr~ t'o., l.ld., II l'at:·irk Slrrrt; 'l'lwDII 770~}.

mar \9 ll'rar

ITH~I'ft:Ht: HEI',\IHS-He pairs \o spring fil!rt! ma: .. \1'1"'"'·'. l'hr,terf ... td "'; 1 r•s al.'o n•llllill. Fifty )'l'a:·s 1'\l'l'l'll'lltt•. Krals ~I:Jitrt'" F;~dnn·, Hi :ount B".'"l .\l'enu~ lli<~l qz'i5~ c ~li~6. ll0119t1ml

Tapa l\ccordcrs will he tr~inerl. To Rrron~r for REl'AIRS AND SERVIl:t Rll intcriew phnnr Krn Fo" Rl

5 LINES lhc :"\ewfoltnctlanrt Hotrl .\ton The General Hospit-. COMPANY, LTD.

A,::!t'llt:Y Dc}larlmPnt

riTY .\:'\ll ~l'lll'RI\:\\ li.\Bil.\(;J·: ('OI.LEl"l'IO:'\ w~ ('\01111 (ianlrns, "'"cmrnt,,

Two Commrrrial l'itk·lll'>· lli.\L 93212.

DIAL 3001 to 3005 rla)·. 30th :'\'ul'rmhrr. l'ountr~

WATER STREET in~uirics m wrlcome :" we nerd rcprcsrntalil'r., in Hrll

al acknowledges the 213 \\'atn st. Dial ~102 receipt of sixty dollars YULI~t_~;Lrr;:~~Alll£

1101'18 (\Ill)

1~il=n=26=·=1Y=· ======~' Bell Island, (;ranrl Falls, Corner : Brook.

($60.00) Conscience

Tried Rescue, Dies I

Money. :HEAP ~ PARTNERS Rep!)' in writing slating full, -·-· __ .-·--···--- ·-- I (NFLD.) LTD.

par\!culars lo: \\'irin." ~.lol<'l'i<ll.', \\'ire a~d

FOil HE~T - One hasomrttl. ,uitallll' l·llr ~tor<1~e. In 1i~· i"ily of Bailway Station D"il 2<:ri.




MERRILL, Wis. (..\.Pl - A · lather fled with his wile and three of their children from a' flaming lnrm~ouse late Saturday ' night, but dieG with his parent.' , ,-...;::."' a:1d two of his sons when he ~· turned to try to rescue them.



NORFOLK. Va. (APl - Sum·' uel Leroy Slol'er. 86, chairman of · the board of :\'orlolk·Portsmmtlh :\'ewspapers Inc., and n promi· nent fi~ure in journalism lor 5:, 1·ears. died at ~is hom~ here Sun· day. He had bee:~ in dcdinin,; health for two years.


i !





Gerry Halley Surveys Ltd.




ALL SM.All GIFT ITEMS our Center Court of GIFTS

(excluding small appliances)

HALF ~®.,___ PRICE

~ ~ (/!) "'~"·::,.· RETAIL CLOSE OUT



' i I ' ' '


l'Jhlr·>, \lolors StC~rlr•rs,

Lamp>. S\1 itdw;. I.ighling Fix Itt re.<. ell'

WAH!:IIOl'SE: 1'1:1:'\CE'S ST. llL\L:.O~.'>


CROSBIE & CO., LTD. o\~•·uls [or


l.i ill' H.\'t'l·:S IlL\ L :oll3L


HARRIS & HISCOCK, LTD. (ieneral llanhnre

Distr:lnt:ors fnr Sunbeam Elt•t·trical Appl iancrs,

Spons goods and Sports wear for all lliTasions.

HL\1 50L6


\\'..\!1:\l Alit CO:'\Il!TIO:-il:\G 2111 \\'.\TEll ST.

Jli.\L 4183


C. A. HUBLEY, LTD. l'LL.\Ifi!V; anti m;.\TJ:'\G

CO :\Til ACTOilS Rrp. (;cncral L!cetrlc

~li King's Hnatl Dial 2n1u

RADIO-TV REPAIRS - .. -------------- --------



APPL!A:\CES Dl.\1. 3001 !o300~


OTliEil l'All'l'S 1:\ STOCK DIAL 21i:JU 01( 9"~53.



i>ll\'~7 .~ll.:\0 '

REPAIRS TO R AD I 0 S, Stl'alll Iron<. \';u·l!Ltl\1 l'll'•ilH'r'. Flour Puli,lll'r'. t·k.. l'orlll'l' l·:lt·l'lrit• Shop. 7 111'111'.1' St .. Jliat snsu II. lnl.IIIIY.:.!tLdt·t·:!7

I:XPEJ:tt·:~n:ll H,\KIIER •t n)~tr :'t·n t('t1 • lltil•t·rt 'fltl..'ht'r,

~li t'oo~b\IIW!l Ho:lll,

- .

,E,\L E~T:\TE- \'aluatur o! ciL:. r:mm and outport pro· 1 I ie.,. 01w 40 )·ear,;· r~·

pc•rience. .Joh11 '1. O'lll'l'· coil. Auclioltel'r an1l Rral K'l:t'.r ,•.gent. Dial 90:!12. oct8.<tf)

THE- I.:ENTHAL BA!tllER SHOP. 1\'e are now operat· ing ci:;hl chairs. You can be "'·'·,trcd of the best pos,ible scrl'icc plus the leas! pos· silJlc waiting, 24 .Sew C.o11·rr St., opp. Adelaide ~!otors.

. -------- -- ----Wall Washing

\1'.\1.1. 11'.\Sntt\G - 11'~\la cll'aned by nell' machi~e. llc;ulls perlcrt·. 5a1·es paint -:'\cw Method Rug and Wail Cirancrs. Freshwater Road, 'Phone 91033. --------~--- ----

t'fE\V METHOD RUG CLEMo· EHS. P..UGI a11d Carpel made to look like nrw. Von Schrader process adds year~ trl tile of rugs. Cleaned in home or at our plant. 'l'hmtc 910J3. New ~le.lhod Rug Cleaners, freshwater Road.

1..\RGEST ('011PA~Y nf ils kind re<iLiires man or wo· man to handle distribution ,,f nationally advertised products in Bonal'i.'la or BIJCtn Peninsula. ~lust he ambitious anrl po;~rss lfa•l t•r.;hip quJ!il it'S. r:xecllenl prom ot icJII:Jl o pporl!tn i 11e '. l'rodu":s gu~ranter•d to srll. F!t·munl·r~ttiun Ulll~t;tnd:ng [ruin the sl::rl. \\'ritt· P~"""'pt:~· fur f1r·e !It-tail' :u \lr. 1\\;.t·k. :l~ll ~1. Hoch Str<l'i. \1uolreal. P.Q. 1101 ~.t:l.~:l.:IU


Gower St.-Store with Two Apartments.

Commercial Land - Blackmarsh Road. -

40' X 500',

FOil A l'All YOU l'A~ DE!'E:\U 0\ C'AI.L

.\DJ:L,\IIJE ~IOTO':S LTD. ".\ Comllletr Storr At Your

IlL\ L 31W•

TO LET-Suite 4 oflires tn Rul'al B3nk UuEdin~. Wes: End. Ideal for shipping firm or cuslom~ brokrr Ilia! ~l\312 . .John D. O'Dris· coli, Real &;late Agent. jlyA,( If)

Two Blocks of Commercial land fronting

\: on the railroad, 600' to 700'. , .. Commercial Land on We~te,rford Bridge Rd.

Goulds Rd.-Three Shops in one-Good

h11siness. I .. _.

1.•.\~ .: Modern Three Storey Building, right in 1 .· the heart of the city. Only eight yeatJ

• I • old. Furnace heated. . ·, ·•· ) For further Information regarding any

(·::of these business opportunities ••• drop

)n at our C?ffice, or make an appointment

··to lnspm them.

DIAL 7848 • 7103. 4813

Published · By Autholity· The following· li~t of persons whose licences to operate motor vehidcs hove been suspended is published in accord once wilh the provisions of The Highway Traffic Act, Chapter 94 of The Revised Statues, 1952 as amended.


1 Scel'iour, Geor;:e . . .............. 114 Cnmphl'll .\l'cnue O'Rourke. M1chacl ................... ,Outer Cove Gleason. Richard A ..................... TopsR\1 Dll')'er, ~laxll'ell .......................... 75 Valley Ro~d. Comer l>rc•JI' B;Tne, John ............................... 1 Penn;·wel\ Road Young, All.' tin ............................ Groves Road' Kane, Walter .............................. 27 Prince's Street

Section o{ Act

nate of Susltcnsion

:-l'ov. 3, 1958 Oct. 22, 1958

:-l'ol'. 15, 1958 1'\0I'. 17, 1958 Dec. 18, 1958 Dec. 23, 195R Del', ~9, 195R .Tau. ~1. J95H

\ GROCERS (Retail)

1 HUTC~~~~~~ ~.~~~~r

1 5:l William ~lrrrt

I lli:tl 71!i0 nut! ~llf;2 I

' l.. HF.AI.EY Cro~s Roa1l< ~n•l Watrr Sired

])ial ~l):!fi



JOB BROTHERS & CO. LTD. Water Street

Dial 2658-41~3

MEEHAN & CO. i T. A. Bldg., Duckworth St. . Dl~l 70~6·7047



Temple llhlg.1 P.O. Dox 168, 3U Dnekworth St. Ilia! 8U37U or 7756

Cullen, Margaret and !'atrlck .... 27 Central Street Bishop, David .............................. 164 L'asl1in Avenur .tau. ~~. 111 ~~ DRUG STORES

JJtt. :n, E15!1 1·---~~__.---­Dny, George ............................... Fortune

----- -·-. -- ---- --------• 1'.\Ji:Tl~(;, DE('ORATINfi­

Fot' all extrrior, intP.rior prtioling, rieanin~, rapPr•

1 llan~ing Reasonabl~ price!. 'Phone 7397-11, Mr. L. Howell.

. -- -----------

Notice Threr \\'PP.k~ afler date Rppli·

~"" 1 ion will be marie to thr Hoard of Liquor Control for R

license to sell beers and wine' in a building situate 300-A \\'ater St. in the City of St. John's. (Sgd.) CAPITAL LOUNGE.


Cor. Mayor and Merrymeeting Rd.

nlal 7388


Dial 9!12d

... M' PJJt· .. . ... ., ." ... ,., .... ~ .. , ....... Climbing Mishap 1

Nugent, Mary ................................ Kl•lligrews Walsh, llfnedirt ...................... 184 Hum ilion Avenur

91 91 91 9t 91 91 91 91 Yl !ll !II 91 Hl

J•"· :ll, 1959 Fell ~. \959

\l:1r. 19. \959

M. CONNORS I TD. 334 \\'.\TER ST. I MURPHY'S . Dial 2'!UG i DRUG STORE r- ·. · ::-:· / , .. ,. . · '- 1

,· .. ···-····, . ,'. .· , .... ,· .,.,. . ,. ....... -... ,.~, "" .. ,. 1. '.··· . " • . .. ~ ............

. . Advertise In The DAILY NEWS

, ('(Jf.ORADO SPRJN(;S Colo 1 '1' 'l' . . ''.

1- wo tr~n · n~e boy> In· .

' sptred by a mountai~ climbln~' t lllm tried lo scale a sheer cliff ' in :-lnrth Cheyrnn~ C~nyon S~l· ! urriay. One fell :\00 feel Hnrl \\'"·' :· , killerl. HI~ companlo~ lander! o a. ' arro11· \ed;r. and ~ulfered a 1 1 broken right ankle. I

Buttou, Hal'v<y ....................... R.C'.A.l'. Stn., Cau1p Outnn~

1\'ay, Harry ... .. .................... ~l!11uly Ponti Road 'l'~ylor, 'l'lwnws .................... -!5 Snii'H S1n•et UniT)', (lonalcl L ...................... CurliJtg l'larkc, Raymond .................... Paradi~c \\'alsh, William J, .................... 10 York Slrert Ryall, Rnherl ....................... 1ll Brazil Street .lamr~. Rnnalrl . .. .................. 7 Pro.1pcrl Str~cl Curran. naymonrl P ..... , , ... .42 •\lc.~andl'r Sl,. Drukcn, Cecil ·and .John ......... Blarkhc"d Road Pen'neY. Rlchanl ..................... Salmoild Cu1e


91 91 91 91 ill ~~

!II nt 91 91

\!Jr. 23. 1959 April ~II. JH:iU

)lay H. \95\1 \lay H. l9:i9

.July :n. 1959 Jtily 31, IO~D

Aug. -1, Jn59 Au~. 2A. J9jn ' ~epl. 15, Jn59 Sept. 21, 1959

---...;..---~--- 1 119 Mlliiary Road AYLWARD'S

l'IIAH~L\CY Cor. ~1onclty & ElllJlire A1·e.

Dial 90010

KEI-ll'ltDY'S 2Ut tlo('k\\'orth St.


Dial Z38l

Dial tiH6

FLEMING'S 265 l'cnn)'ll'ell Road

Hial 92937

MOBILE GROCETERIA Store ,\1 \'nur Door

Dial 93490


... ,

SEE ,<.~OS: or DIAL 93631

1958 DODGE tong Box 'pe:I!C

i 0111on . Ful!t · I 6 ply t:rel, f,!C'~

lltfrcller. Reg. S18io~OO


s 1545·~

How · ·




I 21 16 18 25 26 19 27 17 20







er. ~g. $1850.00


l, .. J

~llenl rnni,ITI"'

h (Snow eg. $700.00·


5 STUDEBA ~ood condi eg. $950.00·

, ....




I N G 0 21 41 46 65

16 31 49 68

18 37 57 74 25 44 58 72 26 33 60 66

19 32 51 64

27 42 53 73 17 38 4& 61 20 55


Kin - Help Kiddies



Thomas Women's Ass'n.

FALL SALE In Conon Wocd Hall, DECEMBER 1 Jt

, Fcncy and Wool Work - Home Cookery, Novelty Stoll, also Christmas Tree.



Watch for these Specials:

1957 METEOR NIAGARA 300 Good Tires.

2-Door - Tutone Paint Job, Was $1695.00

Now ...................... $1 SOO·oo

Munn Motors Ltd. St. John's Dial 7008 • 9


Gerry Currie Bob O'Neil

Ray Davis Andy Green

10 ------ .. -- ,. ---------


St. John's

Wanted Immediately A MUSIC TEACHER· l:r Bi1ho 1 C h, , P ollege. A teacher Interested In

~ llnging d f~ . an music appreciation preferred.

r Inform t' Iter Ci 10" may be obtginec:l from th•

t1Qry cf h . 1 8 Board at Bishops College,

Road. Phane 9481 Q.

In The News

'PARISH FAIR' Tonight! Tonight!



Attractive and Generous Cash. Prizes again included in our prize list this


CARDS ............ $1.00

- 30th Game Worth $500.00 -

First Game 8.30 p.m.

Usual Nightly Door Prize - $25.00

Saturday's Winning Number - E-2911

All tickets purchased eligible for Grand Bank Night Prize on Saturday night and worth $500.00.

TICKETS - 6 FQR 25c:.



The regular Monthly Meeting of Terra Neva Council No. 1452, Knights of Columbus, will be held en

Tuesday, Dec. 1st, at 8:45 p.m. The S·acond Degree of the Order will be ex­

emplified at this meeting.

All eligible candidates are requested to present themselves at 7:4.5 p.m.


By order G.K.


Fincncicl Secretory.

Bargains- Bargains May we auggest a few "Christmas Specials". Gina

for your husband, brother or sweetheart. Practical glftl that he can uae. and enjoy, not only for just this Christmas but In years to come.

BRAND NEW LONG 'RANGE 'I x 50 NAVY BINO· CULARS with coated lena, Individual eye or center focua. Plush lined pig&kin case with two carrying straps. What could be a nicer gift.· Christmas Special $39.50, Original coat much higher.

BRAND NEW TWO-MAN II.UBBER DINGHIES­Heavy rubber canvas coated material. Each aide inflates aeparately to ensure safety. Free repair kit. Folds up to small parcel when not In use. Wouldn't you be sur­prised to wake up Christmas Morning and find a rubber boat in your Christmas atockinll? Special 1ffer only S59.75.

BRAND NEW NYLON SI,EEPING BAGS with rub­ber ~ruLIIId sheet atUiched, 100 Inch ~ipper, mea.o;ures 72 x 72 when opened up. Sultabl1 for man, woman or child. Cllrlstmn Spedal 19.50,

BJIAND NEW B-29 NYLON HRl.o\8 with datllchable hoodo, calor n~1·y, bea1·y quilted lined, buttons and bea1·y duty zipper. thre~-4uarter style. A real hat deQI. . Chrht­ma~ Specl~l 119.75.

BRA:'oiD SEW ALL-WOOL KHt\Kl SWEATERS­V-ne~k, long slee\'es; large 1i1e only, Christmas Special S3.75. Al~o cho"ulnle color soft wool &wealers, all 5izes, at $2.M.

BRASD NEW ALI.-WOOL KHAKI BEA:'oilES, for use 11 i~. or under your parka hood One aize fila all. Chrlstma~ Speclal Oc.

BRAND NEW TWO·PlECE RUBBER RAINCOATS with parka type hood. olive drab color. Use it on the street or in tbe bush. A bargain at $10.95.

FIVE ONI.Y ARMY SURPLUS RECONDITIONED REFRIGERATORS, priced from .75.00 to S9&.00, amord­ina to size. A real girt at a real price.

These are only a few Items picked at random from oar huse atocka. Mall orclen promptly tilled.

Army & Airforce Surplus. Sales 149 DUCKWORTH STREET, ST. JOHN'S.

"All my IUrpha IOOd an IOOd 10ods,"

Not lnaerttd by !.L.C.

SPEECH STUDIO Film Presentation Ass'n.

TO-NIGHT, MONDAY, NOV. 30, at 8 p.m.


ANASTASIA Upstairs lounge, War Veterans' Club

(Opp. Capitol Theatre)

MEMBERS ONLY (Membership available at door, or Telephone 7724)

December's Presentation: 'The King and I'


TONIGHT 8 P.M. at our Premises




1951 BUICK


1953 BUICK




Baird Motors Ltd • DIAL 80378 MERRYMEETING RD.



In aid of Roman Catholic Pre~bytery

(Portugal Cove) Rebuilding Fund.

Door prizes. Tickets $1.00 --------------------------- . "-·----



132682 Winner can get his prize any night after 7,30 at the Club Rooms, Harvey Read.

( t c I I ---------------.


Construction Superintendent Experienced in Industrial and Commercial Build­ings. Must be efficient an_d able to assume complete responsibility fer project. State educa­tion and experience.

Reply-P.O. BOX 406.


.. ~ ... firestone


Nfld. ·Armature Works Ltd. BAMBRICK ST. DIAL 7191 • 7192

19 .:



The Canadian Players


"The Devil 's Disciple" SATURDAY, 5 Decemb1tr at 8 p.m.



"The Comedy Of Errors" MONDAY, DECEMBER 7th at 8 p.m. Preceded by a specidi appearance by



$2.00, $1.50 and $1.00 rickets on Sale at Chas. Hutton and Sons Ltd., and from members of the Kiwanis Club.


A meeting will be held in the Lodge Rooms, Carpasian Rood, en THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3rd, 1959, ct 8:15p.m.

AGENDA: Installation of Officers.

lly order of the Exolled Ruler



R. J. POWER, Seer~ 'ory.

I 1 For night work only. Mu~t . I hove references and experi· ;

I ence. Apply i

Murohv's I

I Snack Bar Military Road Dial 6015 --------··-- ---

FOR SALE Two cabinet ail heelers and tunnelling in per· fed condition, also oil drum. ?rice most rea· sonable.


Available at J.~ROINE'S

HARDWARE STORE 165 Water Street

Dial 5567 1\nl?.,lm

Apply to: I'LL 364 Duckworth Street,

DIAL 3330



i i I




GENERAl BLACKSMITH i no•·tl,tm ~


by a local firm to work on a solary and commis-. sion basis. Experience in car sales, etc., will be considered valuable.

Apply BOX NO. 1000

c. c Daily News.

l 9 55



l Sh · .. ·: , .. ~1~t she was do­

illg ll'hr.n ~he used Kem-­Glo Enamel ~C!UM ·:

• ltm-llt ;lm ptrlect l'tllltl)lft lurl m t~ll .

• Ltots u4 w11M1 Wk1 bill ttl "-lllltl

• Dilts In 011ly !llrtt "' let! heals.



$&so.oo· JARDINE: ' I

i!~!~~~~~~s~~~~ BROS. Lt~ DIAL 80378·"' 165 W~TER STREE~"':"·

7 PHONE 5567 . .




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\ ill, ;

; 11 !

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20 l' ~ :

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CURRANTS 11 oz. Pkgs.

APPLE JUICE 20 oz. and 48 oz. Tins




, P.H 0 N l 7 3 131 ' I 1 Electronic 1---TH-E-sT-o-RY_o_F--:


C L d NEWFOUNDLAND · entre t ' Second Edition


90 CAMPBEll AVE. : · A. B. Perlin $2.00 . After hours 'PHONE 6401 A' Postage 15 Cents


CLEARY - Died on Friday. , Nov. 27th, John Wlifred. young·


Norman Peale ..... $4.25 · ·est son of the late Philip J. and E THE

11i: ,,

~.:,"MONARCH" PASTRY FLOUR :catherine Cleary. Funeral to· THESE AR 'take place in Toronto to.day, MARITIMES ~!onday.-(tel). Will R. Bird .4,~0,

I FERNEAUX- Passl'rl pcaec· IN THE DAYS OF THE ..... 1

fully nway, Eliza. Fcrneaux., WINDJAMMERS 1 , wife of the late Capt. Samuel

: Fcrneaux. Leaving to mourn: John Congdon 1 .· 7 7's

two daughters, Gertruilc and Crowe ................ .. :\!iriam \Mrs. Samuel Webber



of Toronto); two sisters, one MY EYES ARE IN MY


brother and five grandchildren. HEART ·Funeral to·day, Monday, at 2.30 T d H · 4 95 i p.m: from Barrett's Funeral e usmg ............ ' Home to General Protestant KENNETH GRAHAME \

:Cemetery. 1

Peter Green ........ 6.00 i ' BRUFF - Passed peacefully 1 THE liFE OF SIR :away on Nov. 29\h, catherine ALEXANDER FLEMING Bruff. In her BOth year. Leav· . .

b~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·, ing to mourn five daughters,: Andre Maurots ...... 5.50 ! Lucy (Mrs. James Grouchy), 1 A S • · F lis !Margaret D!rs. Joseph White), 11N DARKEST DOMESTIC Winger a ' : :'rlary (Mrs. Alex Bruff), Ann I Eric Nicol ............ 2.75

D• I (~Irs. Jack Power), Kitty (Mrs. Ies· i Gerrv R9sslter); three sons, 1 BLACK SATURDAY

1. :-lEW YORK lAP) - .. ~\bel'~o ~~~~:~ 'Ba:U~f; Rot~::t br~ls:ee;!: '. Alexand-er McKee .. 4.00 'I ')' 1 Amnneeo, 30-w~o pollee s~1d .John and William Hawkins. also NINE LIVES

.. 11 1 : .. - .. ---·····--· ... ~~4• ~ ~LI_ ~·· 1... often swung from roo~ lops With a large number of granrlchil·' Alan C. Deere

I ----- · · . a rope al'ound h1s wa"t JU>t be· Funeral from her \ate : l'r ' · lContl:lued from Page Iii It \\'<IS a l111l~in~. quJe~.erl . cause lie liked to-fell to his deatli '~ren. Admiral's Col'e, Cape' THE FIRESIDE BOOK t ~I first lime .. He placed one hand munstel' that. had come lll\h I SoJunlay. Amandeo fto\1 ~ix floors IC~ldence, OF FISHING ~ 'I on his hip in a gesture of mild! roari1v,: feJ'OCl\,1·. and yet secret- i from tlie roof of his west·side Bl u) I e.

': ;.1 threat. "Young man." he said 1)'. through the grayne.,s of the te~ement ilo\lse. A pieee of rort· Cl!A~!BERS __ P<~ssrrl P''a!c· Raymond R. Camp .. 7.95 ,' 1,\ firmly, "you'd be\lcr watch )'our da)·. Th1• ran, open at the rear knotted around his waist was fully :lWa)' at the St. Patrick'> CAPTAIN COUSTEAU'S

1 .~ 1 tone. Now. get up out of that and tl'ailing a wooden ramp broken. Another piece of l'O]l!' ~lcrcv Home on :\o1·. 27th.: UNDERWATER TREASURY

1 ., 1! junk and \eal'e it alone. ll's · dow11 1o the street. was painted wa, fou11d tied to a pipe -on t~1c \lall~ail. aged 82 ye;~rs. wife of· ' · old and dirll'. ~nn \'1·c alreucly white nn the onlside with a roof. I he \ate \\'alter ~lcKay Chain·' Jacques-Yves Cousfeau

· · : ·;; t~ld )·ou we' ~ren'l krpin~ ~ny wide hlur slripe through thr ______ .. ___ hL•rs. Lc~1·in~ to mourn >i\ and James Dugan 'I 1:· ~f il." t·enter that borr. in ll'hitc >nns ., 11 ct fil'c daughtrrs. Th•· I I :1': Uudcr his f~thcr\ <lc<Hh. srripl. I hr. name. l'liillirs' ~!ill'· \\'1:-.'ll~ll·ml.n ~11,\TTE!lS l'l'lllilins nrc rc>ting ;lt (':mH"II' o· k & c Ltd d , ~:ne. DaiT~·. rclinquishNI his in~ Srn·ic'r. Rrluw thi.s. in J.n:\110:" :J1r.lllr1'.<1-Tiir wind· Funeral llome. 2G Cm:hr~lll' St !( S 0., •

1, 1 ; hold on the ohjrct. '.<mallrl'. lcll'l'in~. 11·a~ a phnnr >hirlrl nf ;1 ''"r !'arr)l:l: l'rin~r rl'il<ltr f 1111 r 1·~1 to·tlay. ~lnnrl")'. 1 ~ ''I'm sorr)·," he said ~rud;. number, hut Tlal'r)' dirl nol ~lini,lr.r ,\l<t!'mill~n s 11 rl n r n i) f't 11.011 o'clock In 1hc An;:'i•·an

· 1

· ins;l:. ton~el'IJ himself wilh I hat. \\'i!h .<IJaltrrrrl fnr no knn11·n rc;Mn l'emrlery, Fol'esl Rnarl. \~ 0 . ·11 l ',.,: "It'.~ all ri~ht." Hi.\ f~lher ~ ;:rowin~ interc,l, he pulled i Snnrla)·. ~n nnr. ll'o' i~jurrrl ;HI flowers hy request).

• ' 1miled. "But 1 think you'd bel· him•elf forwarrl a111l out tn·' ~lacmill;;n rnlllplelrrl ~1i< trip in Spin 442.S or 2008 or 3191: 1 : ~ i.', tt'r ~o on b~ck up to your' ward I he steps. r~s~lngly, he a polk~ car. CllA~E - Dicrl .<udctcnl~· ~l ,i '

1 1 ·,,,'' mother. It's easier for her lo re~sonerl \hal his mother i1arl the General Hospital on Sun·:---~·

~. • 1. i• , keep an eye on you up \her~.", forblrlclen him on!)' the pnl'k;

1 rial' morning, November 29l~-1 !

· · ·1·'1 · , • Davey watched In blenk de so·' she had not said ahsolulely he: s " \'!SIT Ll~wellyn C. Crane, agrd . , I . 1 RCS HIPS 0,, . . t '"lfe . _1

1\1.: · ;1 latlon as his father, led by ~!r. ~could not go outside. 'I A:\'1'\\'ERP, Belgium rAP I- l'ears. Leaving o mourn " ·: ·~· 1 McCracken, disappeared into· Lcokinl( into the foyer, Davey ·.Four Royal Canadian ~a\')' de· ~ne daughter, Hilary; mother 1 1. i • i · >· the deep shadows behind the saw the blond man approaching,~ slroyer escol'ls-Aigonquin, Athn· and father, one brother. Angu~.

\ ' lt : , hul'icr of trunks; boxc~ and the rolled lll'lng.roorn carpet; baskan, Iroquois, a1d Sioux- The funeral will take place 0 ~' ~) 1• ' ·, r~rrlboard rartons that ren('1Jrd slun~ over ills shoulder. Be· 1 moored !n Anlwel'p harbor Sun· Tuesday, DPcember 1st.; at 2·30

. :1: : ·l,: 1lmo~t to the ceiling at the hind him was the dark man., day for a four·day l'isit. p.m. from Carnell's Funeral : '·\: ).: ·:.11 r~,. cml of the room. Bnlnnced upside down on his I Horne, 2B Cochranhe Sthtreet. !too

~I · 1 ' • h 11 ' · S\ Th as' Churc enc• )I . . ! 1.,: •.· ''I Sounds from hthe tuhpper a • head was the !lvlng·room cof- i apartment house. th. A 0;:'11.c•n Cemet.er)' F~rest 1 1 1 \: ~r.y told him I at e movers, fe table. In his free hand he Slowly. returning his allen· e no " ' · 'I , ~ ;;; 1 :he blond man and the dark, carried, back to back, the two :lion to the truck, he put his' Road.

1 1 1 • >ne, were carrying something ! small chairs that Davey bad • foot down upon \he sidewalk.: CARTER _ Passed peaceful· 1 : 1· . , I. j i: · ~cross the marble floor of the :once untlerslood hls mother to O~ce lha~ was done he had com· ly away early Friday . morning, 1 '

1 ,, .oyer toward the big front door 1 say were mane of carved cher· m1t1erl himself. A foot on the ::-~ 01. 27 th at his restdence, 1 _ 1 i 1

· 1 ;: 1. \hat led out to the steps and; ries. 1 sidewalk. Davey stepped down. Co\~nia\ street Hugh Maxwell

. /· I .I ,:' .he atree~. Th~re1 hwas 1~ g~un~! As the two approached. and glancing qu1ckly upwanl ('ariel', aged 53 years. Lrav1ng, I \· 1. :• n11 .soun • an en e a.~ Davey scramhled to his feet., moved out toward the rear of ~~ mourn wife. Emily; one fos· · 1 •

1 '1 ':" nan s voice echoed down angn )' The blond mnn emerged, cast the !ruck. ter daughter. 'Irs .• Jean Haines.

1 t • o where Dal'ey stood. 'a quick uncertain glance in Behind the ll'uck, hirlriPu of the Citr·. two sisters, ~Irs .. 1 ' I ;j. "Pull yo~r end ?round!" he Davey's direction. then passed from the omniscient e)·es of lhe Florence Ne,ary. City. \Irs. )Iii·:

I I ' 1 1 · :ro~led. 'Aili!~~ lt through, quickly, almost furtively down' windows. i1is moremen1s became dred Anstey. of Brooklyn. USA: __ _ ~ 1••

1 tuptd, angle it. . the steps and onto the ramp less restrained. Standing on two brothers. Leslie, of the ___ _


The Booksellers


Dial 5181 - 2 · 3



f11ocl{ ~ Sl ~ HUNT'S





FOR SALE Doors-Doors-Doon






Diabetic Detection Campaign Successful

(Just off Water Street)

build a , .

c&Yo?'i .. {\ in your h

~ There was more scuffling and Jeariin~:up into the van. The tiptoe, craning his whole bndy Citr. Grorgc. of Bronki)·n, CSA. llinTHS I'; \'hen, 15 ~he blo?d ~an evl~en\· dark man. however. catching upward, he tried to see into the Th~ funeral will take place \o· A report from thp Canadian 1 ', · · Y comp.h~d . With mstructlOns, 'sight of him. slopped. Holding interior of the I' an. Ed~ing for· dal'. ~lonctay, at 2.30 p.m. from DialJctie Associ~ lion stat••s

easy budget. terms

'. \

1 .. i,·.i .. : :f h~ dlmmtshmg sounds of re·, hls head ri-gid under the weight ward, he presently found him· c·;rne\l's Funeral Horne, 2R SEY~IOUTI - Born In ~lr. lllat response to the detect:""

' t " ;mrl ~\l'S . .r. Seymour, a daugh· •· rea· . i, of the table, he turned his self, at the bottom of \he ramp. Co"hrane St., to St. Th11m_ a; campaign was o1·crwhclming. : I r •. ' ter on :\'o1·. 28th. at the Gr~ce ·1 ~· • • • ·gaze down in Dal'cyl's direction.: He considered this for a mo. Church, thence tu the Anghcan t..:pward of 40,0[}() requests for '

• '\ ~ Lo.oking out into !he foyer "Hi, tiger," he said. I ment and then, first trying the , Cemetery, Forest Road. l!ospit~l. testing material have been re

I :: . )avey could see that the wide,: • • • ramp with one fool as tho11gh I ~IULCAI!Y - Rurn tn )lich· ceil'ed. It will probably take ron·arllled front doors were 1 Davey remained where he: he imagined it might be nn· '. PEN~EY - Pas.serl .rracc· act anrl Agnes ~rulcahy (nee two to three weeks brfore all halned back. And beyond, out J was, !taring with rigid pre·oe· 1 sle.arly he neath his slight . fully away, after a sho.rt lilnael~l~ Kelly) al st. Clare's Mercy Hos- orders can be sent out. Ap· n the atreet, he saw something


cupatlon off down the street un·l weight, he stepped up onto 11. at the Genera~ Ho~ll~l ; 8th. pita! on Nol'. 27th, a son. (A 1

r.arenlly, heavy malls at that lse-a wide, !!at expame of' tll1he two men completed their 1 Still cranning to see insitle, be. Saturday mornJn~, 01 · ·• brother for sharon). j time, was the reason for lhr· •hiteness ltlat he guessed was I activities inside the truck and \inched cautiously up)vard. ! Bride, beloved wife of Ber1tram counter cards and coupons ar· he top of the moving van. I gone up the steps Into, the (To Be Continued)' I Penney, aged 66 yearsh. heav· STONE - Born to ~!r. and riving late in the drug store~


(Fuliy 1uarantHd)

:BUY 2 bulbs I I I I I Get 1 FREE

BUY 1 doz ••• Get ¥2 doz. F.REE

·auv 2 doz I. I Get 1 doz. FREE "YOUR FAVOURrrE KODAK SUPPLIER"


I ing to mourn, bes1des er us· :\!rs. Douglas Stone nt St. hand, one dau~hter, Jean (~.II'~:· Clare'ii ~lercy Hospit~\ at ~.00

'Dugald Bowermg) of !he Cll>' am. Sunday, Nov. 29th, a son. When there is a woman guest :two sons, B~rt and Fre~, of the, (:\Irs. Slone was formerly Miss at a family dinner table, the • HORWOOD LUMBER CO., :City; two sisters, Ne\he (~fs. :Lillian Hynes of 15 Froude


host sen·es the guest first, not '

I Chr;sley Ad&t;JS) o~ the 1 Y: 1 Avenue). the hostess. And everythbg is I Juha of Whtte Plains, N. Y., · passed first to t~e woman guest.

1 two brothers, Leo and Fred, of i _____________ _,:.:~~~~~===;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;lliiiii_,ii~ . New York. The funeral will 1

1 lake place to·day, Monday, No1• . . 30\h, at 2.30 p.m. from her 1 duughter's residence, 20 Byron · Street, to Mount Pleasant Ceme· tery.



$1.69 Yd.






During November we are offering


B. C. FIR DOORS on all

. l 2 panel and S panel doors.

French doors, 12 and 1 S light.

Standard B.C. flush doors, interior and exterior.

Exterior flush doors with lights.

We also have in stock:

Birch and Mahogany, Paint and Stain Grade Flush J)oo!l

Garage doors . Aluminum combination doors.

Exterior entrance doors. In all sizes and patterns.



top related