vol. ii. no. 8. august 1, 1931. - australian institute of...

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A monthly paper for circulation among the Aborigines of Australasia.

VOL. I I . No. 8. AUGUST 1, 1931.

Price 1d. Posted to any address.

If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.— Rom. 10, 9.








2 T H E AUSTRALIAN EVANGEL. August 1, 1931.

FLOODS OF BLESSING. 2 Kings 3, 6 and 25.

BL E S S E D is the man that maketh the Lord his T R U S T . " Many who read this page wil l know how true are the words of the

psalmist. Blessed is the man who takes R E F U G E , who L E A N S U P O N , who R O L L S

U P O N God all his troubles. That 's what the litt le word "trust" means in the Old Testament. But the psalmist was not the first to find out the wonderful blessedness of

trusting in God—nor wi l l we be the last. From everlasting to everlasting, throughout all ages, wi l l men prove how good it is to "trust" in the living God.

I want to tell you the story of 2 Kings 3 -6x25 . The children of Israel, in the land of promise, were paid tr ibute—or taxes—

by the nations around them. Taxes—as many of us know—are heavy to bear and hard to pay.

Mesha, King of Moab, refused to pay his tax of 100,000 lambs and 100,000 rams to the King of Israel.

W a r was declared. Three kings bound themselves together to compel the King of Moab to pay this tax. These three kings found out how good and how blessed it is to "trust" in the Living God, for as our story will show there was none other could help in the terrible t ime of need through which they were to pass. The call to war was sounded, and a very great company of men, the soldiers of three great kings, answered the call .

Armed, in battle array, with chariots and horses, the march begins. The way led through a wilderness, and for a while all went wel l . By and bye a " G R E A T N E E D " arose—there was no water. For seven long weary days they searched, but found none.

Al l these hundreds of men,—all their cattle, in the wilderness—perishing, perishing of thirst. The weapons of war, so strong and bright, so destructive could avail them nothing. Their horses, usually so swift and sure, were, like themselves, faint and perishing for water. No wonder the King of Israel said "The Lord had called them together to deliver them into the hand of their enemies." It did seem like it, didn't it. Had the King of Moab met them then, they were lost men. But the King of Israel did not know the blessedness of trusting in the Living God—he, poor fellow, worshipped idols, he had got away from God.

But Jehosaphat, King of Judah, knew the power of the God of Israel; he knew God could deliver them. "Is there not here a prophet of God?" he asks. Yes, there was El isha—the man with the double portion of the spirit of His Master; he would inquire of God the way out of this awful trouble.

What an U R G E N T I N Q U I R Y that would be, no lukewarmness there. Men were perishing, a batt le which they must win was ahead of them, life-giving water was needed, God alone could help.

Does God hear? Oh yes—"make this valley F U L L of ditches,—holes that valley S H A L L be full of water." (Verses 16, 17). W h a t ! dig in the dry, barren ground when they were faint and weary; when wi th parched throats and swollen tongues they were ready to perish? Did God expect hard, humble work under such conditions?

" M a k e this valley full of ditches" (holes) . . . " that ye may drink . . . and your beasts." What mattered hard work, or aching bodies—water, drink was needed; so they began to dig.

Soon the valley was full of holes, each man digging his own ditch. God's M E S S A G E had been V E R Y C L E A R , and the digging was the outcome of their "trust." They prepared for the blessing,—they made room for God.—In the morning, without a sound of wind, or a sign of ra in—that valley W A S filled with water ,—every man's ditch had become a wel l , a flood-tide of blessing was theirs. It was an A B U N D A N T S U P P L Y , all-sufficient for man and beast.

God's answer to prayer is always to the ful l . Give to Him, and it shall be given to you again,—full measure, pressed down, and running over.

And what was the result of taking God at His word, even under such circum­stances and in such an unexpected way.

(Continued on page 3).


Dear Little Cousins, I read a nice story lately about a

church bell—it had a lovely sound. One night there was a dreadful storm and the poles that held the bell gave way and the bell fell down and it got —broken? No, cracked. They rang it and its sound was all spoiled, and they knew it was no good putting it up till they tried to mend it. But how could they do it? Some said "patch it." They did this but it was no bet­ter. Then someone said, "Get some of the stuff the bell is made of, and melt it and run it into the cracks." This was done, so beautifully that you could scarcely tell it had been mended. They put the bell up; it was a little better, but nothing like it was before.

W h a t could they do? At last a wise old man said he knew

a way they could get back the lovely sound. It was hard to decide to let him try, for if he failed the bell would be spoiled forever. At last they gave it to the old man and he took it to the place where it was first made. Some men smashed it all up and put the little bits into a fiery furnace and melted it all down into boiling liquid. They run this into a mould the shape and size of the bell and let it cool. Then it was taken and planed and polished and put up in the bell tower, and oh what do you think, it rang out clear and lovely, and everyone re­joiced. And oh how they loved the

old man who had done this for them! Now what had been done with the bell? It had been made over again. Yes.

Now this is a good picture of our­selves. We have all sinned—have all been spoiled. God made us beautiful, but we fell. The Bible teaches us that we must be made over again. It is uselss to try to mend ourselves or to try to be good. We must be made anew. Please send me a verse from the Bible which tells us we have fallen and one which says we must be made over again. This will be our Compe­tition this month for the big boys and girls over 11 years. Your cousin


"Evangel" received another batch of competitions just too late to put in July paper. They are from Cummera-gunja. Well done!

Class 1, over 11 years.—Olive Walsh, Audrey Nelson, Margaret Nelson.

Class 2, under 11 years.—Grace At­kinson, Ruby Nelson.

Next Competition.—Class 1, over 11 years.—Read Cousin Evangel's letter on this page and you will find what you have to do.

Class 2, under 11 years.—Find Luke the 15th Chapter, verse 18, and write it out nicely and send it to Cousin Evangel, 62 Johnson Street, Chats-wood, N.S.W.

FLOODS OF BLESSING. (Continued from page 2).

I t was revival . Strengthened by the life-giving waters, rejoicing in a wonder­working God, having His promise of final victory (verses 18 and 24) they became as new men. A mighty revival had come their way.

O h ! blessed indeed is the man who—under any circumstances—maketh the Lord his trust.

Coming this way; Yes, coming this way;

A mighty revival is coming this way. Keep on believing, Trust and obey.

A mighty revival is coming our way | your way \ my way J

4 T H E AUSTRALIAN EVANGEL. August 1, 1931.


AUGUST 2. Lesson: Moses' Task, Exodus 3, 9-22.

Text : John 10, 10. Hymns : "Once again the gospel

story," "Come to the Saviour." Moses' task is described in verse 10.

He was to bring God's children out of Egypt , where they were in cruel bond­age to the Egypt ians . Our work is to tell o thers of a Divine Deliverer Who will bring them out of a living death (2 Cor. 1, 9-10).

Moses' humility, verse 11. See our ins t ruct ions in 1 Pe t e r 5, 5, "be clothed with humili ty," not always th inking ourselves impor tant .

Moses ' Master, verse 14. See John 8, 58, where Jesus calls Himelf by the same name. Note John 10, 30.

Moses' message, verses 15-18. Our's 2 Cor. 5. 20-21.

The children should be taught to unders tand they have a work for God and they must be humble, not "s tuck up." Give their message clearly, and r emember tha t J e sus the i r Master is a lways near .

AUGUST 9. Lesson: Moses' objec­tions, Exodus 4, 1-31.

Text : John 2, 5. Hymns ; "When we walk with the

Lord," "Anywhere with Jesus ." Moses had two reasons for not lik­

ing God's plain for h im: (1) He thought people would not believe h im; (2) He was not a good speaker . As if God did not know about these when H e called Moses. See 1 Cor. 1, 26-28. In answer to the first one God gave Moses two signs, verses 2-4 and 6-7. Perhaps we may give the children a simple lesson from this . The rod was likely Moses' crook he had used for the sheep. It was a sign of his work, work thrown away, cast down, a wasted life soon tu rns into something of the devil. But a life work taken up for God is a power. You will notice how often Moses uses this rod after­wards . So to unbelieving people the work we do is a sign to them tha t e i the r we do or do not belong to God. See J ames 2, 14-20. In answer to Moses' second objection, first God re­buked him (verse 11), then God pro­vided for him by giving him Aaron, verses 15-16. Notice the last verses of th i s chapter , 29, 30 and 31.

AUGUST 16. Moses at work, Exodus 5 and 6.

Tex t : John 8, 36. Hymns : "I am th ine O Lord," "Once

mv way was dark." In Chapter 5 you will read how

Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and asked him to let the chi ldren of Israel go, but they only asked him to let

them go " three days journey." They did not ask him to let them go alto­gether . The " three days" reminds us of the Lord Jesus on Calvary, in the tomb, and in resurrect ion, and if we believe in Him then those " three days" of His will separa te us, once for all, from the enemy. But we do not only need to go that far, we need to ascend with Him too into "heavenly places." See Ephes ians 2, 6. So we too must learn the lesson to go far enough. However Pharaoh refused and made them work ha rde r than ever.

How God dealt with this is told in seven "I wills." It would be a good plan for the children to memorise them (Chapter 6, verses 6-8): —

(1) I will br ing you out ( 2 ) 1 will rid you out of their bondage (3) I will redeem you ( 4 ) 1 will t ake you to me for a people ( 5 ) 1 will be to you a God ( 6 ) 1 will br ing you in unto the land (7) I will give it you for a her i tage As God did for1 Israel, so Jesus does

for us.

AUGUST 23. Lesson: Miracles and Judgments, Exodus 7.

Text : Luke 1, 37. Hymns: "I am saved from my sin,"

"Have you in the Lord believed." Moses and Aaron agnin go to

Pharaoh, Moses a man of eighty, Aaron eighty-three.

Verses 10-13. The miracle of the rods. Aaron's serpent eating up the wise men's serpents reminds us that Jesus conquered the devil. John 3, 14-16: 1 Corinthians 15, last part verse 54.

Verses 14-25. The water turned to Mood. Notice the use of Moses' rod.

AUGUST 30. Lesson: Miracles and Judgments, Exodus 8.

Text : Romans 10, 10. Hymns: "Come to the Saviour,"

"Tis so sweet to t rus t in Jesus ." All children enjoy the stories of the

plagues, but the teacher must be care­ful to point out that each one is a miracle by God, and a judgment upon Pharaoh .

God does mighty things before un­believers, yes and before believers also, but for everyone tha t they refuse to take notice of it comes as a judg­ment too. For instance, often a per­son will have a child sick and the doctor gives up all hope. Then the Chris t ians pray and the child healed. Tha t is a miracle . But if the pa ren t s do not believe, then tha t mirac le will come back upon them as a judgment , because God, wil say "Did I not shew you a miracle, and then you did not believe." Every miracle is God's call to men and women to believe in Him.


V O U are busy making spears, Jim? What a lot you have made!

In olden days the people used to fight with them, didn't they?

There wouldn't be much hope for a man if his enemy threw those spears at him. Of course, he could use a shield to keep them off, and he would throw his spears at the enemy, too, wouldn't he?

How would you like to stand in front of a man who had all those spears if you did not have a spear or a shield? Do you think you could get the victory over him? No, you would feel afraid, wouldn't you?

But I can tell you about a young lad who stood before a giant who had a spear bigger than any of those you have made. He also had a sword and a shield, and he was dressed in a suit of steel—and yet this young lad had no spear, no sword, and no armour of steel to protect him, but he got the victory over the giant and killed him.

How did he kill him? With a small stone and a sling. That was all he had to fight with, but he had faith in God. What is faith? That means he trusted God. He said to the Giant—"Thou comest to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a shield, but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of Hosts—this day will the Lord deliver thee into my hands."

This young lad, whose name was David, was a shepherd boy, and while looking after his father's sheep one day a lion came and took a lamb, and a bear came another time; and he proved how God could give him power to kill the lion and the bear, and he was then able to go out and meet the giant.

He took his sling and put a small stone in it, and slung it, and it hit the giant in the forehead and killed him.

Yes, that was wonderful, Jim; but it was God who gave David that power, and in the same way He gives power to those who trust Him to overcome sin. Yes, He will give you that power, Jim. Yes, I know you have been trying for a long time to give it up, and you have failed. You have tried to do your best, but that will not save you.

What have you to do? You have not to try, but trust. Jesus did everything. He died on the cross to save you

—all you have to do is to believe on Him; as God says—• "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." What about your sins? "The blood of Jesus

(Continued on page 6).



FOR ME. "Mother dear, can you please put

this in for the Chinese children?'' Her mother looked up and said, "Why Ruth dear, your new picture Bible!" "I want it to go, really I do. Mother. Please, it has got to go." And Mother took both the Bible and her little girl into her arms and kissed her. Then she turned to the box and found there was just room left for the Bible, and as some of the Chinese could read English she knew they must ask God to bless the Bible to the one who would receive it. "Perhaps if they cannot read. Mother, the pictures might tell a lot. especially the one of Jesus on the Cross. It was that one which made me want to send it, be­cause it tells how much the Lord Jesus loves us all." So Ruth's gift went all the way to China, and with it her prayer, "Please God bless my gift." It arrived in China in time for the prizes which the boys and girls had worked hard for.

"Now Sing-mee, 1 am so glad to be able to give you the first prize for knowing God's Word. You have done very well." and the missionary gave him a large book done up in scarlet paper, with strange looking signs written in gold. Sing-mee looked very happy when he saw it was a lovely picture Bible He knew quite a lot of English and wanted to learn more. How proud he would be to show it to his father who was a clever Chinese in the village where his family lived. But he never could get his father to read his school Testament.

i To be continued).

"Oh, Mother, will you please look at Queenie, her leg has come off?"

"Wait just a few minutes. Ruthie dear. I must finish this box for the poor little Chinese children, or it won't be there in time for Christmas."

Ruth forgot all about her doll as she looked at the things her Mother was so busy packing for the children she seemed to know so well, for her Aunt Betty, a missionary, had sent a book of Chinese pictures on her birth-day. She liked them very much, so she thought she must give a gift her­self to go all the way to China. "Wait a minute, Mother. I want to put in a small gift myself." She ran off to her playroom and looked around. There was a tract lying on a seat. Ruth had heard that the Chinese people, both big and small, had never heard of the Lord Jesus and His love.

"I will send them this tract." she said, "but that did not cost me any­thing, so must find something else to be a real present from me."

Ruth stopped and thought about her things, and somehow found herself wondering about her new Bible, with all the beautiful coloured pictures. Not that! Not that, but any of her other books telling of Moses and Joseph, anything except her lovely picture Bible. Still she felt God wanted her to give what would cost her most. God had given His only only Son, Whom He loved, to die for us, and could not she give her best? It was hard to do, but if she did not hurry her Mother would close the box. Bravely she picked up her Bible and ran down to the dining room.

OLD FOLKS' PAGE. (Continued from page 5).

Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin." Of course that means you. It does not matter how old you are. Jesus saved an old man named Nicodemus.

If you trust Him, you will prove that He is able to keep you from falling, as St. Paul said- " I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him."

Yes, you will go into Heaven with Him, when He comes for His people, too.

I am glad, Jim, that you believe, and that you are going to trust the Lord Jesus Christ, Who is able to save you, and to keep you from all evil. You must tell others about Him, too, and pray that they will believe on Him.



1—Sat.—Choose you this day whom ye will serve—Josh. 24, IS.

2—Sun.—Serve ye the Lord—Josh. 24, 14. 3—Mon.—Fear the Lord thy God and serve Him—Deu. 6, 13. 4—Tues.—Him only Shalt thou serve—Matt. 4, 10. 5—Wed.—No man can serve two masters—Matt. 6. 24. 6—Thurs.—Present your bodies . . . a reasonable service—Rom. 2, 1. 7—Fri.—Servants of Christ doing the will of God.—Eph. 6, 6. 8—Sat.—Doing service as to the Lord—Eph. 6, 7.

9—Sun.—Ye serve the Lord Christ—Col. 3, 24. 10—Mon.—Servant of the living God—Dan. 6, 20. 11—Tues.—God . . . Whom I serve with my spirit.—Rom. 1, 9. 12—Wed.—God Whom I serve with pure conscience—2 Tim. 1, 3. 13—Thurs.—Serving the Lord with all humility—Ac. 20, 19. 14—Fri.—Fervent in spirit, serving the Lord.—Rom. 12, 11. 15—Sat.—We will serve the Lord—Josh. 24, 15.

16—Sun.—Serve Him only—1 Sam. 7, 3. 17—Mon.—Henceforth we . . . should not serve sin—Rom. 6, 6. 18—Tues.—Serve the living and true God—1 Thess. 1, 9. 19—Wed.—Serve God acceptably with reverence and Godly fear—Heb. 12, 28. 20—Thurs.—We should serve in newness of spirit—Rom. 7, 6. 21—Fri.—Serve the Lord with all your heart—1 Sam. 12, 20. 22—Sat.—Serve Him in truth with all your heart—1 Sa. 12, 24.

23—Sun.—Serve Him with a perfect heart—1 Chr. 28, 9. 24—Mon.—Serve Him in sincerity and in truth—Josh. 24, 14. 25—Tues.—Serve Him without fear—Lu. 1, 74. 26—Wed.—Serve Him and cleave unto Him—Deut. 13, 4. 27—Thurs.—God Whom we serve is able—Dan. 3, 17. 28—Fri.—His servants shall serve Him—Rev. 22, 3. 29—Sat.—All nations shall serve Him— Ps. 72, 11.

30—Sun.—Serve Me . . . follow Me.—Jn. 12, 26. 31—Mon.—If any man serve Me, him will my Father honour—Jn. 12, 26.

CALLED UP HIGHER. Three dear old dark women of

N.S.W., well known where they lived, have passed away since Easter.

Julia Brian, of Yass—Such a fine old lady, well respected by the white people, she had worked for many of them when she was younger. She loved the Lord Jesus and her little home was a bright spot through her shining for Him.

Then Condobolin lost its oldest na­tive, Annie Free, 112 years old. What a long life! Old residents of Con­dobolin say she was an old woman 60 years ago. In her last days she could say: "I love Jesus, Jesus loves me. Some day we will meet bye and bye on that beautiful shore."

The third was Ellen Anderson, aged 85 years, of Salt Pan. She was born at Wollongong. and 20 years ago came to live at Peakhurst (Salt Pan), near Sydney. She had many relations along the coast. The night Mrs. Anderson passed away she called all the people together and they sang her

favourite hymns. After a rest she asked for one over again. She went to bed and before break of day she went to meet the Lord Whom she loved.

We called all these three dear old ladies "Granny." They are all with Jesus now, where our dear ones are gathering Home one by one.

ANOTHER TESTIMONY. One of our women at Cowra, lately

converted, who has been a great gam­bler, says:—

"I was wanting 2/- and thought to myself, go back and have a gamble and you will soon win 2/-." but some­thing said to me No don't do that, go and pray.' so 1 did not go near the gamblers and haven't since I got con­verted. Coming down the town I met an old friend, who said. There is 4/-to buy something for your little girls' (her granddaughters), so you see God gave me that 4/-" Lovely wasn't it?



JUST A WORD FOR THE LORD, Dear Friends,—I have the feeling I

must speak a word for Jesus. I am not ashamed of owning the

Lord Jesus as my Saviour, and I can say since I came to Him I found in Him a resting place. I was one who used to travel about to different places with concerts and enjoying myself with all sorts of pleasures. I used to be a great one for going to dances, concerts, pictures and suchlike worldly pleasures. I hardly missed anything that was on. The more I went to funs the more I wanted, but all the wonderful pleasure of this world did not satisfy my life.

One day I was thinking about the Lord coming again, and I thought to myself, "Wouldn't it be terrible if the Lord Jesus came in the cloud and caught up all those who love Him, and 1 was left behind in the darkness. God whispered to me and said, "Come to your Lord Jesus Christ as friend," and He is the best. Now since I came to Him I lead a different life. I don't even trouble about the worldly pleasures because God has filled my heart with the heavenly joy and happiness, the satitsfying joy. Oh! I can thank God for all that He has done for me, but above all I thank Him for a loving Lord Jesus to die on the Cross for me. Oh friends I accepted the free gift and found the best gift of all is to take the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour; and for those who have never accepted the Lord Jesus yet, taste and see that the Lord is good, and I am sure you will be satisfied.

May God bless each one of you with Christian greeting from


THE BEST ROAD. Jesus saith unto him: "I am the

way, the truth and the life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me." —John 14, 6.

At one time I was a sinner and did not care for the Gospel. I didn't like going to Church, but Jesus did love me. I had to give my heart at the lust moment to follow the right path, and ever since I gave my heart I still walk the narrow way and I will love Him to the end.

At one time I was a sinner and I heard the Gospel preached to me and didn't take any notice, it went in one ear and came out of the other in my early years. Now I find this is the best way to walk, and it is only hard for a little while. I always have trial and temptation, but never mind, I keep on looking up to Him and I will find He is the true friend. Friends may fail, He will never fail. Let us truly trust in Him with all our heart. He will find you friends wherever you go.

I shall never forsake Him, I will follow Him right to the end in Christ Jesus. Amen.

From your loving friend in Christ Jesus,



Dear Friends,—What a wonderful change and difference in my life since the Lord Jesus came into my heart! I was such a terrible gambler and one that would fight any time. I sat and gambled all day without a bite to eat, all for the sake of winning a few shillings from the poorest person that I could take down. Because this hand of mine was so cunning and shifty, many a poor one it used to take down. When I realised what a wrong thing I was doing it nearly broke my heart, so I turned from the sins I committed to the loving Saviour Who died on the Cross for such as I. Now I am free from the chains of the devil that once bound me, now I am happy because set free by the precious blood of the Lord Jesus, and both my husband and I are serving our King. We have four children and we are bringing them up to love and serve the Lord Jesus.

Dear friends, it gives me the greatest joy to take my stand in the gambling ring, which once I was chained to, and tell the people of the loving Lord Jesus Who has washed me in His own precious blood and can do the same for each one of them. May this testimony be a blessing to a gambler, because it is a dreadful thing to gamble. Let us look up to the Cross of our Lord Jesus and follow Him faithfully. With Christian greetings to all from your sister in Christ Jesus,


T. Dimmock Ltd., The Printers and Stationers, West Maitland.

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