volume 11 issue 8 st. james episcopal church the...

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Volume 11 Issue 8 THE NET Page 1

September 2016

The Net

St . James Episcopal Church

St. James’ Mission Statement

St. James is called to serve God, Christ, and the community of Greater New London.

Adopted by the Vestry May 2001

From the Interim Rector’s Desk Dear Friends in Christ,

September, time for a new program year at Saint James! And, time for all of us to adjust

daily routines from summer mode to autumn mode. Many folks are reviewing, with

nostalgia, vacation memories, visits with family from a distance, special time with friends of

long standing, the finding of new friends, travels, and the numerous wonders of the past few

weeks. Youngsters, teachers and school administrators are asking each other the age old

questions about summer days and adventures. Those who are college bound are

preparing for new academic pursuits. All of us are eagerly anticipating a break in the

humid heat of summer, as the cool crisp days of autumn creep over the horizons of our


Please take the time to enter the following opportunities, events, and activities into your

September calendars:

Opportunities of note: Please indicate your interest to the Interim Rector.


SINGERS – to join the choir – (Men and Women)

RESPONSIBILITY: to be regular in attendance at Thursday evening

Choir Rehearsals and Sunday Worship.

ALTAR GUILD – to join the team of women (men are welcome)-

RESPONSIBILITY: to prepare the Altar for Worship by cleaning

and maintaining silver, linens, candles, etc., and by preparing the

bread, wine and other necessities for Liturgy

ACOLYTES – ages 8 to adults – male and female

RESPONSIBILITY: to assist the Priest during worship by faithful

attendance (as scheduled) – specific training provided.

5 O’Clock-ers Take Note 4

Thanks 4

Birthdays 5

Music 6 & 7

Picnic 9

Church School 10

Financial Information 11

Inside this issue:

Page 2 THE NET Volume 11 Issue 8

The Net …

is the newsletter of St.

James’ Church, New

London, Connecticut.

It is published eleven

times a year

(September through

June, and a summer

issue) for the

information and

edification of St.

James’ members and


Articles are always

welcome and should

be submitted by the

tenth of the month

before publication.

While your input is

always welcome, we

would prefer to receive

it by e-mail or CD-ROM,

in Microsoft Word


Please continue to

forward your

submissions to the

Church Office or email

them to: st.james.parish@snet.net

We also welcome your

comments and

suggestions. This is your


76 Federal Street

New London CT 06320-6601



LECTORS -- Readers -- all ages – male and female

RESPONSIBILITY: to be faithful in preparing and reading



Responsibility: to assist the Priest in administering the Holy

Communion during Worship, or carrying the Sacrament to

those who are shut-in. Specific training and License from the

Bishop required.


Sunday, September 4: 8 AM, 10 AM, and 5 PM Holy Eucharist

– Church

Tuesday, September 6: 5:30 PM Evening Prayer – Hallam


Tuesday, September 6: 6:00 PM Vestry Meeting – Parish Parlor

Sunday, September 11: 8 AM Holy Eucharist I – Church

Sunday, September 11: NOON -- Holy Eucharist II, A N D


Hamburgers, hot dogs and soft beverages provided --


Sunday, September 11: 5:00 PM 9/11 Anniversary

Commemorative Concert with reception – Saint James


Thursday, September 15: 7:00 PM -- FIRST CHOIR REHEARSAL OF



9:00 PM COMPLINE – Hallam Chapel

Sunday, September 18: 8 AM Holy Eucharist I – Church

Sunday, September 18: 10 AM INSTRUCTED EUCHARIST – RITE II


Interim Rector’s Desk cont’d.

Volume 11 Issue 8 THE NET Page 3

Sunday, September 18: 5:00 PM EVENSONG (Father Miner with ANGLICAN SINGERS) at

PEQUOT CHAPEL, 857 Montauk Avenue, New London

Sunday, September 25: 8 AM, 10 AM, and 5 PM Holy Eucharist – Church

Sunday, September 25: 9:30 AM: Saint James Sunday School First Session of the 2016/17

Program Year



! ! ! ! ! N O T E F O R F U T U R E R E F E R E N C E ! ! ! ! !



+++++ Confirmation preparation for young people will begin during October, 2016 +++++


An ADULT INQUIRER’S CLASS WILL BEGIN IN NOVEMBER. This class will meet with Fr. Bob. All

adults are invited to participate. If you would like to know more about the Episcopal Church

and its beliefs and practices, this class is for you. This series will include preparation for

Confirmation, or, for reception from another branch of the Christian Church, as well as

providing an opportunity for you to enrich your knowledge and understanding of Church

History, traditions and practice. PLEASE speak with Fr. Bob if you are interested or have


Interim Rector’s Desk cont’d.

Summer Schedule Comes to an End

Our Sunday Schedule for the Holy Eucharist is

constant throughout the Year:

8 AM, 10 AM, and 5 PM

Please note exceptions: September 11 for Picnic and Holy

Eucharist at noon and 9/11 Anniversary Commemorative

Concert at 5 PM and September 18 for 5 PM Evensong at

Pequot Chapel.

We return to our regular format on Sunday, September 18.

8 AM Rite I, 10 AM Rite II, 5 PM Contemporary

We again include three readings at both morning Liturgies,

and sing a Sequence Hymn at 10 AM

Regular Parish Office hours resume Monday, September 12

Regular Office Hours



Lunch 12:30—1:30

And, afternoons:


Page 4 THE NET Volume 11 Issue 8

To All who kept their pledges current this summer—you helped your church stay afloat.

To the St. James Quilters for purchasing a fan for use at the Altar.

To All who provided financial support to make the Ecuadorian Mission Trip happen.

And welcome home to Grace Barnum, and Dan Ivey, missioners to Ecuador from St. James.

To Sue Chojnacki and Edna Miskell for providing coverage in the Parish Office during Ellen’s


To Monday Morning AA for purchasing a fan for use in the Parlor.

To Renee Ysordia, David Downes, Walter Chojnacki, Will Sieburg, and Bruce Skinner

for assisting with the Jumble Shoppe workday.

To Lori Sarkett for her work to prepare for the imminent move of the Lord’s Pantry to the

Lower Level of the Seabury Center.

5 O’Clock-ers Take Note

Our apologies … Somehow it doesn’t seem right to start a new Program Year and to

cancel services, any services. However, due to scheduling issues—the Gospel and Spiritual

Concert and the first Anglican Singers’ Evensong (at Pequot Chapel)—there will be no 5

o’clock service at St. James on Sunday, September 11 or Sunday, September 18. Please

make a note on your calendars—or highlight the date on our Parish Calendar insert—and

join us at a different service on September 11and September 18.

Violeta Chan-Scott returns Sunday, September 18.

She has graciously agreed to continue her duties as

Interim Organist/Choirmaster through Christmas while

the search for a permanent Organist/Choirmaster


Volume 11 Issue 8 THE NET Page 5

The names on this list reflect the information

as recorded in the Church Database. Is your

name (or a family member’s name) missing? If

so, please contact the Church Office and

provide us with the accurate information!

September Birthdays

1 Marina Santos-


3 Val Gagnier

3 Ryleigh Gonyo

5 Marilyn Percy

6 Eleanor Godfrey

6 Effie McCarthy

7 Tracy Smith

8 Evelyn Peyton

9 Kaycee Gagnier

9 Elizabeth


10 Sheila Saari

10 Kristine Bath

10 Paige Goebel

11 Mariea Spencer

16 Katherine Brighty

16 Roxanne Steed

17 Miles Collins

17 Nancy Vogel

17 Charles Ramey

19 Ronald Steed

19 Edward Janusz

21 Beverly


21 Lori Sarkett

24 Beatrice


26 Dean


27 Matt White

27 Peter Hewitt

28 Leslie Demlein

29 Cole Williams

29 Keith Carter

The Vestry met on August 2, 2016 at the home of Alma Peterson, hosted by Junior Warden,

Lori Sarkett. The following topics were discussed: (1) A motion was passed to accept the

auditor’s report – our financial records are in good shape with no discrepancies found. (2)

Work is progressing in renovating lower level rooms in the Seabury Center to accommodate

the Lord’s Pantry. (3) Eversource is granting us an interest free loan to replace our lighting

with long-life cost saving LED bulbs. A sample bulb will be placed in the church to

determine if there is an improvement in lighting. If so, those bulbs will be replaced with

LED’s. (3) The air conditioning unit in the parish office, Rector’s parlor, and Rector’s office

need replacements. Three bids have been received and the Vestry approved a motion

authorizing replacements as well as adding a unit in the bookkeeper’s office.

Respectfully submitted,

Jan Dargel,

Parish Clerk

Vestry Notes

Vestry’s Stewardship Statement The Episcopal Church teaches the biblical tithe as the standard of stewardship. The Vestry

of St. James believe that they and all parishioners strive to understand and meet that goal

as they personally are able. Adopted by the Vestry

Page 6 THE NET Volume 11 Issue 8

September 11th Commemorative Concert Jolie Rocke Brown and Natasha Ulyanovsky will perform in concert on

September 11 at 5:00 p.m. in the church. Selections will include a

variety of American spirituals and patriotic anthems.

Jolie Rocke Brown is a Connecticut native whose classical music

training includes an undergraduate degree from the University of

Hartford, Hart’s School of Music and graduate studies at Loyola

College and the University of Connecticut. She is known for her soul-

stirring renditions of hymns, spirituals, gospel, and jazz that inspire her

listeners. Maya Angelou noted, “Jolie Rocke Brown sings with such

passion … and compassion”.

Natasha Ulyanovsky is a notable Hartford-area pianist, organist, and

vocal coach. Ms. Ulyanovsky is a graduate of Odessa Conservatory of

the former USSR and continued her music studies at the Moscow

Conservatory and in Germany and at Queens College, Oxford. Ms.

Ulyanovsky will accompany Ms. Rocke Brown on the piano and will

provide organ interludes.

The artists have entitled their program “America My Home” in

commemoration of the 15th anniversary of September 11.

For a preview of this talented singer, Jolie Rocke Brown may be found on UTUBE.

A reception will held in the parish hall immediately following the concert.

A free-will offering will be taken to defray expenses of this concert.

Future Music on Whale Oil Row Events

at Saint James

Sunday, October 23 at 5:00 p.m. The Anglican Singers Evensong

Friday, November 11 at 7:00 p.m. St. Petersburg Russian Chorus

Sunday, December 4 at 7:00 p.m. Shoreline Ringers Advent/Christmas Concert

Sunday, December 11 at 5:00 p.m. The Anglican Singers Lessons & Carols

Volume 11 Issue 8 THE NET Page 7

Anglican Singers

Choral Evensong at Pequot Chapel

The Rev. Canon Robert Miner officiating

Sunday, September 18, 2016

5:00 p.m.

Choral Evensong at St. James

Sunday, October 23, 2016

5:00 p.m.

As customary, The Anglican Singers will open their 2016–2017 season at the historic Pequot

Chapel on Montauk Avenue. The all-British program will feature works of several composers

familiar to us, including the prolific Richard Ayleward, Gustav Holst (an Englishman though

of German descent), and a darling of the Edwardian Age, A. Herbert Brewer, as well as two

artists whose works we will be performing for the first time: Philip Moore and David Hill.

Please make plans to attend at 5:00 p.m. on September 18th.

Mark your calendars as well for October 23rd at 5:00 p.m., when we return to St. James for

our first “home” service of the season. This program (another all-British one) will include

works by Richard Runciman Terry, our own Simon Jacobs, Charles Wood, and John Joubert.

Join us in the parish hall following the service for a time of conversation and refreshments.

The Singers are pleased to announce that we will be returning to the UK from July 27–August

6, 2017, as choir-in-residence at both the elegant Truro Cathedral (in the hometown of

Director Simon Jacobs) and the magnificent Exeter Cathedral. To raise funds for that trip,

we will once again host an evening cabaret of spirited music and delectable goodies, so

plan to join us in the parish hall on Saturday, November 12th and bring a friend—or two, or

more! (Additional details will be provided in the next issue of “The Net.”)

And those of you who would enjoy hearing the choir sing in these two magnificent

structures (as well as enjoy some delightful sightseeing with us), spaces are still available.

Contact Anne Bingham (rbingham03@snet.net), Katherine Brighty (BrightKat@snet.net) or

Deb Downes (dsantydownes@gmail.com).

Anne Carr Bingham

Secretary, The Anglican Singers

Page 8 THE NET Volume 11 Issue 8

The Episcopal Church teaches the biblical tithe as the standard of stewardship. The Vestry

of St. James believes that they and all parishioners strive to understand and meet that goal

Adopted by the Vestry

November 15, 2004

Fall Parish Clean Up facilities both inside and out.

We need everyone’s help to

make our church, parish

house, and grounds a more

attractive and welcoming


Walter Chojnacki,


Buildings & Grounds

Our Annual Parish Fall Clean-Up Day will

be held on Saturday, October 8 this year.

We’ll begin at 9 AM—yes, there will be

coffee brewed and some goodies to eat.

We anticipate finishing around noon—so

we’ll provide some lunch, too!

A sign up sheet will be in the Parish Hall.

Please, join us as we clean up our

The Choir will soon be back in the stalls ready for an exciting new season!

Choir rehearsals are Thursday evenings from 7:30 to 9:00 PM. Our first

rehearsal is Thursday, September 15 at 7:30 PM in preparation for our first

Sunday back, September 18. Anyone interested in singing with the Choir

should email Violeta Chan-Scott at violetachanscott@gmail.com or call her at 860.739.6069.

We would love to have you join us for some wonderful music making in our 2016-17 season!

St. James Adult Choir

Transition Team This summer has found the Transition Team very busy. We completed the parish survey and

thank all who responded to that survey. There is a link on our website to the results as well as

a summary of those results. Armed with this information and the ideas gathered from the

parish round table discussions held last May, we have begun to draft our parish profile, the

document prospective candidates will read to learn who we are and whether they are a

good fit with our parish.

We are also working with the Vestry on redesigning the parish website, which must be

approved by the diocese before it goes “live.” Be on the lookout for changes there when

you log on. These changes won’t appear, though, for some weeks yet.

And finally, we thank you for all your prayers about our work and deliberations. Please

continue to pray for us as we attempt to discern what God is calling St. James to do and


Respectfully submitted,

Stephanie Brandon, Secretary

Volume 11 Issue 8 THE NET Page 9

Mark your calendars!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Waterford Beach Park, Shelter #1

12 noon—Holy Eucharist

Picnic lunch to follow

Hotdogs, hamburgers and soft drink beverages provided.

Please bring salads, desserts, etc. to share.

$3 per person, $10 Maximum per family, children under 5 free

The Supper Group of St. James

September’s Event: Join us at the Parish Picnic for fun, food, and fellowship

Watch the Sunday Announcements for our October Supper Group outing.

Contact person is Lori Sarkett at 860.701.0481.

It is hard to believe that it is

that time of year to start

thinking of cold weather

but we are! Please keep

your eyes open for hats,

mittens, and scarves. We

will officially start our

collection in October but

we will gladly take any

contributions at

anytime! The items may be

handmade or store

purchased. If you are

unable to do either of these

then consider a monetary

donation and we will shop for

you. A big thanks for all the

knitters who have already

been generous with their

handiwork. Thank you.

Sue Chojnacki (860 440-

3427), Theresa Bokoff, Barbara

Skinner and Lori Sarkett

Hats, Mittens, Gloves and Scarves

Page 10 THE NET Volume 11 Issue 8

St. James’ Episcopal Church New London CT

Church School Registration Fall, 2016

Parent Name(s): ____________________________________________________________________________

Address(es): _______________________________________________________________________________


Home Phone(s): ___________________________ Email Address: ___________________________________

Cell Phone(s): _____________________________

Can you Teach/Assist: Yes No

Child’s Name: __________________ Birthdate: __________ Baptism Date: __________ School Grade: ____

Child’s Name: __________________ Birthdate: __________ Baptism Date: __________ School Grade: ____

Child’s Name: __________________ Birthdate: __________ Baptism Date: __________ School Grade: ____

Any food allergies that we should know about:____________________________________________________

Any medical condition that we should know about:_________________________________________________

Church School News Church School will begin on Sunday, September 25, at a new time –

9:30 a.m. rather than 9:45 a.m. as most of the class is at church prior

to 9:30 a.m. The children will be brought back up to church a little

earlier at about 10:15 a.m. to join their families for the remainder of

the service. In order that any Church/Sunday School program may

have an impact on the spiritual development of a child, regular

attendance must occur. Barring illness, inclement weather, or

occasional family outings, our staff consisting of Flo Bath, Deanna

Bossdorf, Jan Dargel, Carol Dooley, and Nancy Kobrin look forward

to greeting your child each Sunday. We are excited and anxious to

greet the children on September 25!

Respectfully submitted,

Church School Staff 2016-2017

Jumble Shoppe News The Jumble Shoppe has reopened after its summer break.

We are currently accepting donations of new or gently used, clean fall and winter clothing,

jewelry, household and decorative items are always welcome especially bath linens.

We welcome anyone willing to volunteer weekly, monthly, or once in a while. The Shoppe is

open on Tuesdays and Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. If interested, please, contact

Dorothy Sieburg at 860.710.1649 or by email at dorothysfolly@gmail.com.

Volume 11 Issue 8 THE NET Page 11

Parish Financials TREASURER’S REPORT

August 2, 2016

This report covers from January 1, 2016 through June 30, 2016.

Total Income:

Budgeted Amount: $137,760

Actual Amount: $126,774

Amount Actual is Under Budget: $10,986

The primary contributor to budget underrun is Pledge Income, which is $12,104 below the

budgeted amount.

Total Expenses:

Budgeted Amount: $203,209

Actual Amount: $197,712

Amount Actual is Under Budget: $5,497

The primary contributor to this expenditure underrun is Clergy Benefits, which is $25,480

under the budgeted amount.

Net Ordinary Income:

Total Income: $126,774

Total Expenses: $197,712

Net Ordinary Income: -$ 70,938

Endowment Income Applied: $ 65,610

Net Income - $ 5,328

Summary: Through midyear, June 30, 2016 we are $5,328 behind where we expected to be

based on our 2016 budget.

Investment Summary:

Balance 12/31/15: $3,039,202

Balance 06/30/16: $2,979,749

Total Value Change: -$59,453

Withdrawal 5%: $65,610

Withdrawal-Loan Payment $72,000

Change Pre-Withdrawal: $78,157

Summary: Our pre-withdrawal investment value has increased by

$78,157 about 2.6%, through June 30, 2016. After factoring in the 5%

withdrawal, and the monthly payment on our capital improvement loan,

our investments are down $59,453, about 1.9% through June 30. We

have now paid $168,000 of the $240,000 capital improvement loan.

Respectfully submitted,

Gerald F. Miller, Treasurer

Page 12 THE NET Volume 11 Issue 8 Non-Profit Organization

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Classes begin

on Sunday

September 25

at 9:30 a.m.

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