volume, capacity and mass -...

Post on 06-Mar-2018






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Copyright ©

Mathletics Instant


Student Book – Series G

Volume, Capacity and Mass

Copyright ©

Series Authors:

Rachel Flenley

Nicola Herringer

Volume, Capacity and Mass – Series G


Topic 1 – Volume and capacity

• millilitres and litres ____________________________________

• cubiccentimetresandcubicmetres _______________________

• displacement _________________________________________

• linking mass, capacity and volume ________________________

• measuring mud – investigate ____________________________

• water, water, everywhere – investigate ____________________

Topic 2 – Mass

• grams _______________________________________________

• grams and kilograms ___________________________________

• tonnes ______________________________________________

• mass and capacity _____________________________________

• the chocolate challenge – solve ___________________________

• cupcakecreation–solve ________________________________

Date completed

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Copyright © 3P Learning Pty Ltd

Volume, Capacity and Mass


1G 1

Capacity refers to the amount a container can hold and is usually associated with liquid.Common capacity measurements are millilitres and litres.

1000 millilitres = 1 litre 1000 mL = 1 L

Volume and capacity – millilitres and litres

1 When we convert:

a millilitres to litres, we by 1000

b litres to millilitres, we by

Convert these amounts to litres:

a 3 452 mL = b 7 895 mL =

c 10 000 mL = d 12 674 mL =

e 56 780 mL = f 235 mL =



Solve these word problems. They all involve conversion.

a Omarwasfillingupa3Lcontainerwithcordial.Heonlyhadasmall300mLjug.Howmanytimesdidhehavetofillthejugtototallyfillthecontainer?


b Ipoured375mLoutofa2Lmilkcontainer.Howmuchwasleft?Ithenpouredoutanother375mL.Howmuchwasleftnow?


c Howmany315mLglassescanbefilledfroma1.7Ljug?Howmuchisleftover?


d Paulaismakingapunchforherparty.Sheuses1.5Loforangejuice,750mLpineapplejuice,1.25Loflemonadeand1.25Lofgingerale.Howmuchpunchdoesshehavealtogether?Howmany250mLcupswillshebeabletofill?



Convert these amounts to millilitres:

a 2.568 L = b 3.999 L =

c 10.566 L = d 1.780 L =

e 7.305 L = f 0.35 L =

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Volume, Capacity and Mass


2G 1

Volume and capacity – millilitres and litres





How much liquid is in each jug? Answer in both litres and millilitres. The first one has been done for you.

Fill the jugs below to the amount shown:

Below is a recipe for the delicious summer drink, Lava Flow. The capacity measurements are expressed in cups or teaspoons. Express them in millilitres:

Lava FlowIngredients (for one drink)

•12 cupofpineapplejuice _______ mL

•12 cup of cream _______ mL

•12 a banana

•3teaspoonsofcoconutcream _______ mL


•1cupice _______ mL

If you were going to make this drink for your entire class, what amounts of each ingredient would you need to purchase? Use a calculator if you wish. What is the most effective unit in which to express the amounts?

a ________ L

________ mL

b ________ L

________ mL

c ________ L

________ mL

d ________ L

_________ mL

e ________ L

________ mL

a 600 mL b 0.4 mL c 1800 mL d 1.6 L e 500 mL

1 L

1 L 1 L2 L

1 L

2 L

1 L

1 L

1 L 1 L1 L 1 L

These capacity measurements are useful to know: 1 teaspoon = 5 mL 1 cup = 250 mL



MethodBlendallingredients(exceptstrawberries)untilsmooth.Putthestrawberriesinthebottomof a tall glass and add the blended mixture. Decorate with a drizzle of strawberry topping.

1 L

Copyright © 3P Learning Pty Ltd

Volume, Capacity and Mass


3G 1

Use the formula l x w x h = v to find the volume of these prisms. You may use a calculator.

a b c

d e f

Volume and capacity – cubic centimetres and cubic metres



Find the volume of these shapes by counting the cubes. Each cube is 1 cm³.

a Volume = ____________ cm3 b Volume = ____________ cm3 c Volume = ____________ cm3

Shape a b c d e f


15 cm

6.5 cm

8 cm

5 cm4 cm

2 cm

11 cm3.5 cm

7 cm

6 cm 1 cm

2 cm

5 cm4.5 cm

6 cm

4 cm2 cm

2 cm


Onecubiccentimetreis1cmlong,1cm wide and 1 cm high. The symbol we use for cubic cm is cm3.1 cm x 1 cm x 1 cm = 1 cm3

One cubic metre is 1 m long, 1 m wide and 1 m high. The symbol we use is m3.1 m x 1 m x 1 m = 1 m3

Tofindoutthevolumeofanobjectwithoutcountingeachblock,wecanmultiplythe length by the width by the height.




l x w x h = v5 x 2 x 2 = 20 cm3

Copyright © 3P Learning Pty Ltd

Volume, Capacity and Mass


4G 1




Use the formula l x w x h = v to find the volume of these prisms. You may use a calculator.

a b c d

Boxes of tissues are packed in cubic metre containers to be shipped to supermarkets. How many of these boxes will fit into each container?

Work with a friend on this activity. You may either physically build the towers or choose to talk through the problem together. You are building towers using centicubes. One of you makes your first level with 4 rows of 3 blocks . The other person starts with 5 rows of 4 blocks. The first one has been done for you.

a Fill in the table to show how the volume of the towers would increase as they grow.

b Your teacher says you can only have 200 cubes between you. You build the towers to the same height.Howmanylevelscouldyoueachbuild?




Person 1 Person 2

1st level 12 cm3 20 cm3

2nd level cm3 cm3

3rd level cm3 cm3

4th level cm3 cm3

5th level cm3 cm3

6th level cm3 cm3

7th level cm3 cm3

8th level cm3 cm3

Shape a b c d



________________ boxes


________________ boxes


________________ boxes

10 cm

20 cm10 cm

10 cm

10 cm10 cm

10 cm25 cm

10 cm

7.5 m

4 m

4 m

3.25 m3 m

4 m

4 m

3.5 m

5 m

4 m

3.5 m

10 m

Volume and capacity – cubic centimetres and cubic metres

Copyright © 3P Learning Pty Ltd

Volume, Capacity and Mass


5G 1

Now use the objects below (or something equivalent). Using displacement, find the volume and capacity of each object.

Objecta b c d e f g



Volume and capacity – displacement

Rememberthatvolumeistheamountofspaceoccupiedbyanobjectorsubstanceandcapacityistheamountanobjectwillhold.Displacementistheamountoffluidthatispushedawaywhenanobjectisplacedinthefluid. We can use displacement to calculate both volume and capacity.




Try this experiment to find out about displacement. You will need a jug, a lunchbox, a tray and a 20 centicube model. Work with a friend or in a small group.

1 Stand the lunchbox in the tray.

2 Fill the box to the top with water.

3 Carefully submerge the model in the water in the box.

4 Pourthewaterthatoverflowedintothetrayintothemeasuringjug.HowmanymLequals20cm³?


Check your answer with that of two other groups. Dotheyagreewithyou?


Using what you now know about volume and displacement, how many millilitres of water would be displaced by objects with these volumes?

a 100 cm3 = __________ mL b 250 cm3 = __________ mL c 500 cm3 = __________ mL

d 8 cm3 = __________ mL e 1000 cm3 = __________ mL f 56 cm3 = __________ mL

h 86 cm3 = __________ mL i 4300 cm3 = __________ mL j 1.9 cm3 = __________ mL

Copyright © 3P Learning Pty Ltd

Volume, Capacity and Mass


6G 1


Volume = _____________ cm3

Capacity = _____________ mL

Mass = _____________ g


Volume = _____________ cm3

Capacity = _____________ mL

Mass = _____________ g


Volume = _____________ cm3

Capacity = _____________ mL

Mass = _____________ g


Volume = _____________ cm3

Capacity = _____________ mL

Mass = _____________ g


Volume = _____________ cm3

Capacity = _____________ mL

Mass = _____________ g


Volume = _____________ cm3

Capacity = _____________ mL

Mass = _____________ g



Volume and capacity – linking mass, capacity and volume




Calculate the volume, mass and capacity of these shapes by counting the cubes. Each cube is 1 cm³.

Seven tenths of the human body is water. Weigh yourself in kg then use a calculator to help you work out the answers to the following:

a Howmuchofyourmassiswater? ____________________________

b Whatisthecapacityofthiswater? ____________________________

c Whatisthevolumeofthiswater? ____________________________

If you could drain yourself of all the water (not a good idea), what kind and size of container would be suitable and why?




Copyright © 3P Learning Pty Ltd

Volume, Capacity and Mass


7G 1

Measuring mud investigate

Inthisactivityyouaregoingtousewhatyouknowabouttherelationshipbetweenmass and volume to calculate the volume of the water in mud. You will need a cup, some newspaper and a scale.

Work with a partner. This experiment may take a day or so to complete and is probably best done outside.

Collect a cupful of mud or damp soil. Make sure the mud is not too sloppy. Find its mass by weighing it.

Now spread out your mud onto sheets of newspaper and leave to dry in the sun. You may need to label your experiment so it doesn’t get accidentally cleaned up!

Once your mud has dried, carefully collect it and measure its mass. Remember to usethesamecup.Whydoyouneedtodothis?



Findarockthathasthesamevolumeasthelostwater.Howwill youdothis?Howwillyouknowthatithasthesamevolume?

What to do

What to do next

Getting ready

Copyright © 3P Learning Pty Ltd

Volume, Capacity and Mass


8G 1

Water, water, everywhere… investigate

Thisactivitycouldcomeinhandyshouldyoueverbestrandedinthebushsomewhere!Youwillneedagarbagebag,somestringandameasuringjug.Work in a small group.

You are going to predict, collect and measure the amount of water a tree branch losesthroughtranspiration(evaporation)overtheperiodofaday.Itisbesttobeginthe experiment as early in the day as possible and to collect the water as late in the day as you can. Choose a nice sunny day for your experiment. A bit of a breeze will help too.

Chooseaniceleafytreebranch.Howmuchwater do you think you will be able to collect fromit?Writedownyourpredictions.

Put your bag over your selected branch and tieitoff.Now,makeapouchatthebottom ofthebagandtiethatofftoo.

Leave the bag over the day and come back to collect the water as late as you can.

Carefully drain the water from the pouch into ameasuringjug.Whatisthecapacityofthewateryouhavecollected?


Reapeat your experiment on another day using the same branch. Are your results differenttothoseoftheoriginalexperiment?Whatwasdifferentaboutthe twodays?

What to do

What to do next

Getting ready

Copyright © 3P Learning Pty Ltd

Volume, Capacity and Mass


9G 2

Massmeasureshowmuchmatterisinanobject.Weusuallymeasurethisbyfindingoutwhattheobjectweighs.Massandweightareslightlydifferentbutweoftenuseweighttermswhenwearetalking about day to day mass measurements.Common measurements are grams (g), kilograms (kg) and tonnes (t).There are 1000 g in each kilogram and 1000 kg in a tonne.

Mass – grams





This activity will help you get a feel for different masses. You̕ll need the objects in the table, a calibrated scale or a balance scale and some small masses (10 g, 50 g, or 100 g). Estimate, then measure the mass:

Item Estimate Mass




lunch box (full)

lunch box (empty)

pencil case (full)

pencil case (empty)

Estimate and then measure how many of each of these objects are needed to balance 10 grams. Choose two objects for the last two columns.

Centicubes 5¢ Coins Drawing pins



Use your answers in to place the 5 items on the line in order of their individual mass.

Write each mass in grams, kilograms and grams and as a decimal.

Grams 1000 g 350 g

Kilograms and grams 2 kg 700 g 5 kg 50 g

Decimal notation 7.125 kg 3.2 g

Lightest Heaviest

Weight measures the force of gravity on an object and mass measures its inertia or the amount of matter that can ‘push back’. A brick weighs less in outer space where there is no gravity but its mass stays the same.

Copyright © 3P Learning Pty Ltd

Volume, Capacity and Mass


10G 2

Mass – grams and kilograms

There are 28 students in Mr Brown’s class. Being the dedicated and hardworking teacher that he is, he lugs their books home to mark each week.

a Eachmathsbookhasamassof550g.Heputsthemallinatotetraywhichhasamassof345g.Whatisthetotalmasshewillcarrytohiscar?


b Last week he took home the spelling books in the same tote tray. The total masswas9.445kg.Whatwasthemassofeachspellingbook?


c Next week, the football starts again. There goes the marking. Mr Brown will nowbesittinginthegrandstandmunchingchips,cheeringontheMightyBlues.Ifheconsumesfour375gbagsofchipsinaparticularlytensegame,howmuchdoesheeat?





Five children measured their mass.

a Usedecimalnotationtowritethemassesinkilogramsasshownonthescales:

A regular packet of cereal has a mass of 540 g. An average serving is 45 g. Answer these questions without a calculator.

a Howmanyaverageservingsarethereinonepacket? ___________________

b There are four people in Michaela’s family. Each has an average serve per day. Howmanydayswilltheboxlast? ___________________

c Thelargestsizedboxhasamassof720g.Howlongwillthisboxlastherfamily? ___________________

d Michaela’s family is going camping for two weeks. They need to take all their food with them. They want to take exactly the right amount of cereal. Howmanyboxesofeachsizewilltheyneedtotake? ___________________











b Now order the children from lightest to heaviest.

15 20 45 50 25 30 35 40 35


Lightest Heaviest

Copyright © 3P Learning Pty Ltd

Volume, Capacity and Mass


11G 2

Mass – tonnes

Tonnesareusedtomeasurethemassofheavierobjects.An average car has a mass of approximately 2 tonnes. An elephant can have mass of up to 6 tonnes.

1 tonne (t) = 1 000 kg



When we convert:

a tonnes to kilograms we by 1000

b kilograms to tonnes we by

Convert these measurements from tonnes to kilograms:

a 5 t = kg b 16 t = kg

c 56.25 t = kg d 4.125 t = kg

e 0.5 t = kg f 13.050 t = kg

3 Use decimal notation to convert these kilograms into tonnes:

a 5 000 kg = t b 12 245 kg = t

c 44 567 kg = t d 6 009 kg = t

e 450 kg __ = t f 677 kg = t

5 Complete:

a 500 kg + = 1 t b 125 kg + = 1 t c 456 kg + = 1 t

2 tonnes 6 tonnes

When converting between tonnes and kilograms we often have to move in and out of decimal numbers. Drawing the jumps can help.

6 7 8 kg = .678 t

4 1.5 2.5 120 440

4 Choose the correct unit of measurement (g, kg, t) for these objects:

Now order their masses from least to greatest:

Least Greatest

Copyright © 3P Learning Pty Ltd

Volume, Capacity and Mass


12G 2

Mass – tonnes





Write each mass in kilograms, tonnes and kilograms and as a decimal.

Kilograms 1000 kg 350 kg

Tonnes and kilograms 2 t 700 kg 5 t 50 kg

Decimal notation 7.125 t 3.2 t

The weighbridge on the expressway measures the mass of heavy vehicles.

a Calculatethemassofeachloadbysubtractingthetare(masswithoutaload)fromthetotalmassmeasuredontheweighbridge.Answerindecimalnotation.

Vehicle Total Mass Tare Mass of Load

Coach 17 t 200 kg 13.1 t

Tow truck 3 t 878 kg 2.75 t

Campervan 4 t 250 kg 2.569 t

Cement mixer 20 t 456 kg 12.842 kg

Semi trailer 11 t 300 kg 8.675 t

b Whichvehiclehadtheheaviestload? ____________________________

Louisa’s family did a big clean up at home and took the rubbish to the tip. The total mass of the car and the trailer was measured each time.

a The car’s mass was 1.78 t. Complete the chart to show thetotalmassmeasuredeachtime

b Whatisthetotalamountofrubbishtakentothetipaltogether?Answerintonnes.


A 32 seater aeroplane was filled to capacity. The passengers had an average mass of 74 kg. The average mass of the luggage was 15 kg per person.

a Whatistotalmassofthepassengersintonnes? __________________

b Whatisthetotalmassofluggage? __________________

c The aeroplane is licensed to carry 4 t. Howmuchextracargocantheynowtake? __________________

Load Mass of Load Total Mass

1 675 kg

2 935 kg

3 798 kg

The average was found by dividing the total mass by the number of people. So you can ‘undo’ this by multiplying.

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Volume, Capacity and Mass


13G 2


Mass – mass and capacity




Try this experiment to find out about the mass of water. You will need a measuring cup or jug, some balance scales and some weights.

1 Measure the mass of the measuring cup.

2 Pour 50 mL of water into the cup.

3 Measure the mass of the cup and water.

4 Calculatethemassofthewaterbysubtractingthemassofthecup.

5 Repeat for 100 mL, 250 mL, 500 mL and 1 L and record your results.

Amount of water 50 mL 100 mL 250 mL 500 mL 1 L


a Whathaveyoudiscovered?1mLofwater= gram.

b Whydidyouneedtosubtractthemassofthecup? ________________________________________

Without measuring, can you now calculate the mass of these amounts of water?

a 150 mL = ____________ g b 467 mL = ____________ g c 1.5 L = __________ kg

d 980 mL = ____________ kg e 2.75 L = ____________ kg f 8.450 L = __________ g

Ben poured the same amount of water into 5 different containers. He then measured the mass of each of them. If you can work the mass of each of the containers, Ben says your teacher will give you 5 early minutes. All the clues you need are in the table.

Container A B C D E

Mass of container filled with water

365 g 678 g 458 g 1 kg 1.3 g

Mass of container 15 g

How did you go? Did your teacher get the memo about the early minutes?




1 L

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Volume, Capacity and Mass


14G 2

Try this experiment. You’ll need ten centicubes, plasticine, a measuring cup and a tap. Push the centicubes gently but fully into the plasticine, then carefully remove them. Now, fill the holes with water. Finally, measure the amount of water.

a Howmuchwaterwasused? _____________________________________________________________

b Wasittheamountyouexpected?Ifnot,whydoyouthinkitisdifferent?


Mass – mass and capacity



Sean’s teacher asked him to conduct an experiment to find out more about the mass of water.

a Hestartedtodrawthisgraphandtable.Completebothforhim:

b Seanthendecidedtoseewhatwouldhappenwhenhesubmergedcenticubesinthewater.Thisgraphshows how much water was displaced as he did this. Use the graph to complete the table:

c UsetheinformationSeandiscoveredtocompletethefollowingtable:

Volume (cm³) 500cm³ 7cm³

Capacity (mL) 25 mL 1200 mL

Mass (g) 350 g 1 kg

Cubic Centimetres Water Displaced

10 cm3

20 cm3

5 mL

14 mL

50 cm3

100 mL

850 cm3

Mass of Water

05 10 15 20





Cubic centimetres (cm3)



es (m


Water Displaced

Volume of Water Mass of Water

100 mL 100 g

200 mL 200 g

300 mL 300 g

500 mL

600 mL

800 mL

1000 mL0








Volume of water in mL


s in


200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000





Copyright © 3P Learning Pty Ltd

Volume, Capacity and Mass


15G 2

The chocolate challenge solve

This word problem requires you to calculate the weight of two identicalchocolatebars.

Work with a friend to solve it. You only need pencil, paper and your brains.

Youhavetwoidenticalchocolatebars.Youalsohaveasetofbalancescalesandtwoweights, one measuring 100 g and the other measuring 50 g.

If you place one of the chocolate

bars on one side of the balance

scales, it is balanced by both

weights and 13 of the other

chocolate bar.



What to do

What to do next





Hmmm… I think algebra could be used here.

Getting ready

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Volume, Capacity and Mass


16G 2

Cupcake creation solve

This word problem requires you to work out how many cupcakes you could make if you had a specifed amount of ingredients.

You can work alone or with a friend.



1. Preheat the oven to 200°C and grease a 12 cup muffin pan.

2. Sift the flour and add the caster sugar.

3. Make a hole in the centre of the mix and add milk, butter, vanilla and eggs.

4. Mix gently and when combined, spoon into the muffin pan.

5. Bake for 12–15 minutes. Let cakes cool in the pan for 5 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool.

6. Once cold, ice using 112 cups of icing sugar mixed with

1 tablespoon hot water and food colouring.

7. Decorate with sprinkles.

What to do

What to do next

Ingredients500 g self-raising flour180 g caster sugar200 mL milk125 g butter, melted and then cooled1 teaspoon vanilla essence

Read the recipe (on the right) for cupcakes:

This recipe makes 12 cupcakes.

Howmanycupcakescouldyoumakeif you had:



720 g caster sugar

1 L milk


5 teaspoons vanilla essence

Getting ready

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