volume ix—nq. 18. ocean’grove- times—saturday, may; … · in reference to the rogers house...

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The Ocean drove Times .

VOLUM E IX —NQ. 18. O C E A N ’G RO VE- TIM ES—SATU RD AY, MAY; x8,; i 901. Subscription .$ 1 .0 0 p e r y e a r ^ i


Atlantic Coast Company W ill L igh t Town­ship at $80 a Lamp.

T h e contract fo r ligh ting the town­ship by o leetric lty was practically awarded W ednesday night at the m eet­in g o f the Tow nsh ip Com m ittee to tho

• A tlan tic Coast E lec tr ic L igh t Com­pany.

Mr. Cam pbell representing the com ­pany was present at the. m eeting o f the com m ittee, and stated that the company would not agree to furnish

. 23 arc ligh ts a t $77.50, the price sub­m itted to the last m eeting fo r 40 lights, but would ra tify last y ea r ’s, contract fo r the ensuing year, which was $80 a ligh t a ye a r fo r the 23 ligh ts. A fte r som e fu rther discussion. Com­m itteem an Shrove was em powered to close the con'tractt7naklng the best aiv

; rangem ents possible. .\y VIn re ference to the R ogers house

located at A sbury avenue and Lang­ford street, Mr.. H avens reported tha t .a fter consulting w ith the township counsel it was ascertained that tho com m ittee could take no actionv ,ns Langford s tree t w as not ,a township road.

/The contract fo r pain ting the sprink­lin g wagon was awarded to Mr. R ltten- house at his bid fo r $7.00.

T h o bond o f Samuel S. W h ite , as constable, w ltli, John Thom son, W ll- ' 11am Jt. M ille r and Thos. W yncoop as bondsmen', and the bond o f L . C. Ilub- bert; fo r the same o fllc e ,'w ith H a rr i­son W ard and H en ry W illiam son as bondsmen, w ere la id over fo r accept­ance until, the n ext m eeting.

Com m itteem an Shreve presented a number o f recom mendations, covering the duties and fee s o f the police jus­tice, constables and poiico officers, which w ere adopted. Under the re­commendations the pollco ju stice is

^appointed until A p ril 1, 1902, and the' tw o police o fficers ’ hours w ill be from 4 p. m. to 4 a. m., a t the salary o f $G0 per. month each. T h e sa lary of. extra

’ officers w ill be fixed at the tim e o f th e ir appointm ent. Mr. Shreve was appointed a com m ittee to draft' an o r­dinance covering the above recom m en­dations.

I t was reported that the amount o f back taxes from *1888 to 189s, which could’ not be collected , amounted to $2,244. T h is covered properties which could not be located, firem en ’s , and m ilita ry exem ptions, and property bought with penslon money. ‘

A fte r the- passage o f a number o f bills,.the com m ittee adjourned to m eet a t tw o o ’clock this (Satu rday) a fte r­noon. ••

W om an's Home Missionary Society.

A n all-day m eeting o f tlie . ,N ew Brunsw ick d istr ic t W om an's H om e M issionary Society ' was h e ld in St. Pau l’s church on Thursday, fo r which an in teresting program, was prepared. R ev . 13. C. H ancock made a ve ry hap­py addross o f w elcom e and conductcd the devotional exercises a t , night. M rs. Packer, o f Sea Bright* responded to the address. D elegates brought th e ir lunches, but/the St. Paul ladles

• had ligh t re fre s h m en t served in the ' parlor, furn ish ing an opportunity fo ra deligh tfu lly socia l tim e., Mrs. C lay­ton, d istr ic t president, occupied the chair in the a fternoon. Mrs. H ick ­man, o f K cyport, led, the afternoon de­votions, w h ile .M rs . W e lls and Garrison, con ference secretary , and

.p res id en t, rev iew ed the w ork and bIiow- ed the need o f grea ter effort. A de­ligh tfu l d u et’ w as vendered by M iss A nn ie O rr and M iss F lora : Jenkins. Mrs. Julia Grant Cram er was introduc-; ed and spoke her appreciation o f the

•w o rk being done. Rev. A .>13. Ballard extended a w elcom e on behalf o f tlie Association/ and M iss Corbin; t lie deaconess at Castle Garden, made a m ost fitting speech fo r the benefit o f those com ing from a distance and who could not bo p resen t*a t night.. Rev. W . R. W eddderspoon, who .was adver­tised fo r the evening, being absent, Ills* place was ably filled by the pastor o f W est G rovo church, after, which M iss Corbin thrilled the audience w ith a re ­c ita l o f tho m agnitude o f the w ork an it opened up to her. H er enthusiasm is unbounded and her labors untiring. Mrs. Parsons, w ith M iss Patterson as organist, gave a choice musical selec­tion, and so ended an insp iring day to tho w orkers in tlie Hom o department.

. T h e fo llow in g officers w ore e lec ted : Presiden t, M rs. H ickm an; V ice-P res i­dent, Mrs. R e ly ea ; Rec. Secretary, Mrs. F inch ; Cor. Secrotary, M iss Er- rlckson ; Treasu re !,. M iss Roe.


Modern Science and Bible Truths Dlscussi*;. ,-“T ed Last Monday Morning'.

T h e re m ust have been some specia l a ttraction on the tapis to b ring \so m any o f the M ethod ist clergy, togetlior on la s t M onday morning, about tw.en-; tyrftve being presen t a t the w eek ly as-: sem blage in the church parlor o f St. Pau l’s, Ocean G rove. And the num­ber would have been .larger, if; pastoral duties;had not preven teil many others from attend ing the m eeting, .. . ;. ' The attraction proved to be an o rig ­inal and ; h igh ly ' en terta in in g . a n d . sug­g e s tiv e paper, prepared and read by R ev . J. B. HaineS, o f R ed Bank, on “ Scientific illustrations o f H igh Spir­itual Truths.” .

. E lec tr ic ity in its m ysterious and . m a n ifo ld . properties and.1 uses fu r­nished the -essay is t ’ w lt li h is m ost strik ing elucidations re latin g to sp iiy Itu a l'life ;:and experience; Th e paper' was highly,comm anded,'anu the' au thor• received a . hear ty vote: o f Lhanks fo r the pleasure and prpfit it ga ve to those who heard it. I t was w orthy o f publi­cation in th e . Q uarterly B e v lew , the highest^ literary; period ica l' in the: Church. " r • " , *. : Incidentally, the order o f each, m eet­ing includes Quite a program o f -m inor practical details, such as com m ittee reports^ an account, o f the condition of. each church .represented, arid, the seiv monsrpreached; on ,th e preced ing .Sab­bath. x.-.-.In regard to attendance,.action was taken in broadening the scope o f m em ; bership, which includes a ll 'tlie. m in is-' ters and lo c a l, preachers on the N ew Brunswick D istrict, a ll unstationed members fo f conference residing.' wlth- •in its bounds, and' a ll v is it in g . preach­ers ■ and taym.dn introduced’ b y ‘-any m em ber o f the m eeting; ,

Am ong the congratu latory item s bearing^on church progress and pros­perity . noted,., was the- s ign ificant fa c t that In severa l instances th e ’ sa laries o f the pastors had been increased ..for the present year.

T h ere w ill be another in teresting es ­say read on next Monday m orn ing by Rev. T . S. Brock,


The Chemical Engine Companies Hold Honors for Ensuing “V e a r ..; v :

T h e election .o f c lile f arid assistant ch ief o f Neptune F ii’e- D is tric t; No. :i-, whicli; com prises .Q e e a li. ;Grove and W est Grove; w a s ; Held.: on Monday, ever ning la s t a t the: quarters of. the; ’differ* • ent com panies, and ■ resu lted in the e lec tion o f Thom as M artin : o f . the E. H . Stokes chem ical com pany as ch ief and Justice ;of the P,6a c^U nexcelled .cheniibal com pany; as as-. sistarit ch ief. > V y:\syy- -y . John F rank lin ,’ o f W a s liln g to iie h * : g in e company, was .a;: candidate for eh le f again'st M artiii, and Silas Bafton, o f Unexcelled^ r a i l , aga inst • Dodd lo rthe honor o f being, assistant ch ief. - .

The polls e re -k ep t open fo r one hour‘: from 7 to 8 o ’clock, and when th e . votes o f each; com pany;'had . been re*:, corded, they w ere turned o ver to the fire comm issioners, who heici a jn e e t in g : in the pa r 1 o r o f Eagle; lioolc a rid! 1 ad tier, company, fo r the purpose o f receiv ing and con firm ing the ’ election . T h e re­turns as certified by the comm ission­er? w ere : . . ~

Mar-. Frank- Dodd. Bar-' tin. lln. ton.

W ashington ..1 5 20 . 32 8 ’S to k es -................ 12 .0 J) 3E ag le . . . * . . . . . .1 0 ■ 0 10 0Unexcelled . . .4 4 3 21 20

To ta l . . . . . . S7 20 . 78 37

A Dad Fall. :

On Thursday m orn ing Burt Thom p­son, son o f J. B. Thom pson, o f W ebb avenue, m et w ith a ve ry painfu l acci­dent. Burt, w ho w as sen t on an e r­rand, was rid ing his wheel through the

• stablo grounds, w hen tho fron t fo rk 6f tho b lcyclo ga ve away, throw ing him v io len tly to the ground, cutting Ills fa ce in severa l p laces 'and break ing (w o.teeth . . H e was considerably bruis-

*' Chestnut St., Ph iladelph ia ; *i J r uotir- laonder, Jr., Passenger Agen t, BalU -

. m ore D istrict, Baltim ore and C a lvert Sts., B a ltim ore ; M d.; C. ytudds, P as­sen ger A gen t Southeastern D istrict,

■ 15th and G Sts., N . W ., W ashington,D. C.; or address Go6. W . Boyd, A s ­sistant. General Passengor,1 Agent, B road St. Station, Ph iladelphia.

. Commissioners Nominated.,On W ednesday even ing the prim ary

fo r tho nom ination o f fire com m ission­ers to succeed W illiam E. T a y lo r andC. C. Clayton^ whose term s w ill oxplre this month, was held-in the parlor ol W ashington engine houso on Main avenue. B . Frank W uinright, cha ir­man o f the last prim ary, called the m eeting to order, and was re-elected chairman, and I la r r y G. Shreve sec­retary. T h e .fo llow ing nomlnatiouB w ere made: '

F ire Comm issioners— W illia m E. Taylor, C. C. Clayton, Ira S. Ferris and- Joseph Peterson. ' •: ; . ... •, ”, :

Ju'dge— Ernest N . W oolston.Clerk— H arry G.‘ S lircve.Inspectors— 0. Frank W a ln rlgh t and

jilonzo. W h ite . .A discussion e.risued re la t ive to piit-

ting the regu lar appropriation o f $3,50(1 also on the ticket, and it was finally le ft to .the Judgment o f t l io . chairman and the secretary, as to w hether it was necessary. T h e election w ill takeplace at the W ash ington 'eng ine house on Saturday o f next week,, the polls re ­m ain ing open from 3 to 7 p. m. -

. Obituary. ' 1 r'-

F L O Y D F. K A N E died at the’A laska : House, Ocean G rove,’ on May 14th, In his sixtieth year. The rem ains w ere taken to. N ew Y o rk on Thursday, the funeral being held tit t lie W ashingtonSpuaro M. *13. church on t h a t ' day,Mr. Kune was a summer v is ito r to tho Grove fo r many years. * : -

A U G U S TU S T . A N D E R SO N , aged 71 years, died a t his h om o 'a t A llen - hurst on Sunday oveniug. Funera l.ser­vices held oil F r id a y afternoon riit T r in ity Episcopal, church, R ev . A . L . Long ley officiating.

' CO tJNT v E U G E N E S T A N IS L A U S DE M 1TKIEW 1CZ died a t his hom e on S ixtli avonue, Asbury Park , on -Mon­day h ig lit o f h eart disease, aged 48 years. A w ife an d .a ch ild , su rv ive him. . Funeral arrangem ents in charge o f-U ndertaker John N . Burtls.

School Teachers Goln^'Away.

T h e Neptune Townsh ip Board ot E'ducatitiri a t;th e ir meeting- on Tuesday.: received, th e ..; resignations o f seven ;; tencheis to take eltect/at tlie en d oJ this term ., T h ey .a re : M iss Theo..Hughes, ";s iib . "prim ary; v . J l i s s ’ Busu, fo iirtli/ g i^d e jv iliss A d d le :B rbwn^ixiix> gra d e ; boys ; ::M issXAia>;Meda- :EVt?rI tt;;' fo.i/rth - g ra d e ; VMiss vE lizabeth .SIroni- inger, seVtintlr grade g ir ls ; o f . the high school, and M iss M ary S. -jtiUi).} «'»na Miss M. F. W yck o lf o f . th ’(J' .liraiiiey Beach school.

T h e teachers o f the Prosp ect ave­nue; Sprliigwood nvenue- and. B radley P«rl< schools have all been re-engageti.

T h ere a re now tw o teachers, on the sick list, Carl Hughes, Instructor; of tlie coinm crclal departm ent, and Miss P . M arvine, instructor o f d raw ing aiid music. M iss M’arv iiie 1ms been ill for. som e " tim e,. and 'Svill^^;hbt;be ;-a:bie to re-: sume her. duties this term.; 'During .the; interveningL tim e .■ untii; feeliool closes,} ;M iss; E . B lanche Bennett - w ill have charge oif. the music» and tho assistant d raw in g . teachor, M iss Maud'. Hainan, w ill havo charge o f that depa.rtmenl.

; Marteil Sentenced. . . V jv

Postm aster H am ilton on Thursday. Veceived notice that Thos. M artell; the ( le r k in station I-I o f the* New- Vork postofilce, who" about A p r il 1st robbed tlie m ail o f nearly, a hundred letters, and utter tak ing all the .m oney they. contained, tied them in a bundle and threw them in the East R ive r , from ’, where they fo llow ed the course o f the Ocean until th ey reached a spot oppo- eite L iila g o re ’s pavilion, Ccean G rove; where they w ere cast upon the beach, has been sentenced to tw o and a haff years iii the sta te ’s prison.

T h e details o f the finding o f tlie let­ters , by tw o boys upon the beach on A'l)ril 3'd,- was printed in. the Times- o f that week.


Local Epworthians Celebrate' Ft'iiildlng o f the Order in the M. Ei Church. •

T h e ;. . t\v bl f th": anti lv e rsary 6 f ; t h e ; founding o f the ]Gpworth Leagu e In.the- Method 1st ,-0hurch ;w as cele lirated ; by th e■ local, chapter at--St. P a u i’s church ; I as t': S unday e vfe n in g l' A sei:yice o f song .waa g iv en , w ith ;Mr. F .-H ille r as. clio- f is t e r . . Mr, E.' N, AVbolston ;- was in : charge.; o f tlie service. v :A n irihbvation was .the read ing o f .;brlef liistories^of the hymns siing during: the. service,’ as .

; fo llow s : '• /.V./ V-.;“ Oh, fo r a Thousand T o n g \ \ e s re a d

b y ' Mrs. E. N ; W oolston ’; sung l^y . tlie congregation . ;;1 "r■ ■ ■ ■ ■ - j:

; -‘A b id e ;W lt lj: Mb.V read ; b y . M iss . Carrie 'Neison;.: solo,' by - J liss M argaret; A say. ' "v-V ; ■'; ■ •; ;>• V'..'- ■ : --'V; ?;}1 J.V “ Stand up,. Stand up fo r Jesus,*’, read by M r. N . I I . .K ilm er;:sung by the cbct,.gregatloti. :-/• • '^y y y y ; v.V:■ ': - 'V ,’.•:

.“ Guide Me,- O; TIiou. (Jreat Jehovah,” ;; read by Mr. Joseph .Johnson; duet by Mrs. Charles Parsons and Mrs. Robert Snow.

“ Jesus, L o ve r o f My- Soul," rend by M rs . A . H . W alton ; v io lin solo by Miss E d ith Condit.

“ T h ere W ere N fnety and N in e.” read" by ' M;iss F lo ra Jenkiiis; so lo by .Vi’s. R. H . Carr. - ..

‘•‘R ock o f Ages,” read l»y M r ..F ..H il­le r ; duet by the M isses Grace Hoffman and E lfr id a Goodnow.

Dr. G eorge I.. D. Tom pk ins read a com prehensive h istory o f ; St. Pau l’s chapter sinee 1 ts organ ization; in Aprll/ 1&91. An; array*Xrf facts' .arid;;.figures, w e re p res eh ted ,x show ing t l i a t t h e 1 Leagiio was responsible fo r mucli good w ork. . Rescue M ission on South Main street,, ju st outPldc_of the Ocean Grove, gates, was started fiy this ieague.. Th is nnnlverr-nrV serv ice was of more. then. or. . iw y in terest. •


P o r R e n t .A ve ry desirable store on M ain ave­

nue, opjiosiio th e post ofllce,. fo r rent qkeap. E xcellen t location: fo r any business. A p p ly to E . N . W oolston, successor to W . H . Beegle, 50 Main avenue, Ocean Grove*. N . J.

S to p s th e C o H fh a n d W o r lc s O f f th o C o ld .

lA xa .fivo B rom o-Q n lnh io T ab le ts euro a «oM In o n o day . No etrre, no P * y . IPrico 2S eeata.

A rriva ls o f the W eek.

A L A S K A — M rs . A lfre d Cookman, Germantq\vn, P a .; Mrs. Rebecca Dob­bins, Colum bia ,.Pa .; H enry N . Shedd, Philadelphia, Pa .; R ev . A . R . Macar- bray, W h ite P la ins,.N . Y.*, Jas. F . Rus=. ling, Trenton, N . J.; Mr. and M rs. T a ll Esen M organ and son Paul, B loom field, N . J.; H en rietta A . Bancroft, W ash ing­ton, D. C.; Mr. and Mrs. Duyme, N ew ­ark, N . J.; M rs. W . W . Bostw ick, M iss S tella Bostw ick, Brooklyn, N . Y .

Q U E E N — M iss W . C. Mossman,' Buckhannon, W . V a .; Mr. and Mrs. John H. Dungan, Philadelph ia, P a .; Evelyn Jefferson, W ashington, D. C.; Mrs. W . F. Gudiey, E. T*.Thom pson,E. A . Fiinn, M r. and. Mrs. Thed ford , N ew Y o rk C ity. a .

I - Barn Burned. .

' A firo .w h ich occurred on Thursday afternoon destroyed the barn belong­ing to Charles Parker, o f Corlles ave­nue, W est Grove, besides' a num ber o f other s m a ir buildings ad jo in ing; Th e fire companies responded to the alarm , but tho fire h av ing gained much head­way, it was im possible to save the buildings. M r. P a rk er lost a ll his car­penter’s, tools, and many o ther artic les which w ore stored In the barn.

Looking A fter Water Gates.

W ater Inspector Van C levo and his assistant w en t o ve r a ll tho ga,tes o f the : w ater m ains in the G rovo tills week, and turned.them o ff and on to seo .that they w ere in thorough w ork ing order.

Directors Elected.-

A t a m eeting o f the stockholders o f the Empl.ro Batli company held Mon­day night! the fo llow in g d irectors w ere e lected fo r the ensuing y e a r : M ilanRoss, W . H. . Shaffer, Gedrge. A . Sm ock; L . O scar Grenelle, W illiam H. Stalce, W iliam ;T. Cooper and Adon. L ippincott. Tho directors m et W ed ­nesday even ing and 'elected .these.'of­ficers: . ' . . . ‘4, Presiden t— W illiam J: Cooper. ;. V ice-President— G eorge A . ‘Smock.Secretary-Treasurcr— Taulm an . A.

M lile ivW illiam H . N u tt was selected, as gen­

eral manager, and Mrs. John G, Em ­mons ns m anager o f the priva te baths.

• v 1 A. P. W. Committees.

T h e 'com m ittee*;'of the Asbnry. Park W heelm en fo r the ensuing yea r have Just been, announced by the new pres­ident. Jesse Minot. T h ey are:

H ouser-M ownrd LeR oy. Dr. E. B. ■Reed, W a lte r T. Hubbard.

M em bersliip-^Ur.' Ji F. Davison, b. L. W ilcox , .T. Ed. Dayls., ; ' *

A .uditin"— James D. Carton, GeorgeF. ita lnear, C. E. F. H etrick .

Entertainm ent— L. H . VanSant, C. E. Ancker, L . B. Sanders, F . D. Dudley, E lv ln C .B u r t fs .. :R 6ad and A th le tic— O. E. Eskew. Dr. :HV;C. M illar,; H a rry. A . W a ts on; S,” ;K .; R e ifsnyde iv Charles E . Sch’anck.

T h e new. board o f governors , which is com prised o f the chairmen o f the

• com iftlttces (those- firs t nam ed) with, those e lected,'d irectly, held their, first mooting on W ednesday night. '

— r ]' Veterans Danquet.

* T h e .veterans o f Company . A ,; Th ird | N ew Jersey Voluuteer In fan try, gave | their third, annual banquet' in the’ W luck ier building last M o n d a y eve­ning. A bou t one hundred guests 'W ere seated at the tables.* Th o .committee, consisting ot Lieut. Guerin, Sergeants .H ow e and-G eorge E. Ilu lick , had pre­pared a sumptuous repast, to which e v ­ery one present did am ple justice, a f­ter which an entertainm ent o f rare m erit was en joyed. .

A fittfn g clim ax o f t)io occasion was the; presontatibn to.Capt. John 11. Ryno o f a set o f engrossed resolutions and a lieau tifu lly engraved s ilv e r loviiig cup.’.; y

A Pleasant Reception.

A very plcasanC.reception was ten­dered by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Hager- man to their son, Mr. H en ry Hagerm an and his bride, on W ednesday evening, at “ T lie Crowm,” M ain a.venue, Ocean Grove, attended by the m em bers o f vtho fam ilies.

M r. and M rs..Hagerm an a fte r a very p leasant trip to N e w -Y o rk and W ash­ington, are ' now resid ing a t Red Bank, w here Mr. Hagerm an is m anager o f Charles L ew is ’ .lumber depot. . •

Attended Annual Convention.

. Mrs. M. L. .W ym an ; president o f the local branch o f tho' In ternational Sunshine Society, attended tlie annual convention o f that, body a t the hotel Savoy, N e w York , this w eek . • Th e so ­cie ty Is in n ve ry flourishing condition arid has now 1055 branches,.and is re­presented *in eve ry state o f the Union. T h ere is much activ ity in the local bianch, and Uioy are now endeavoring to raise m cnoy to carry on th e ir work.

W illa rd Home Closed.

T h o W illa rd orphanage on Corlles avenue, W es t Grove, lias been closed fo r good. R ev. H en ry M . W harton gavo Superintendent Andrao a .b i l l o f sale fo r all tho household utensils, and h o .w ill go to T ren ton in a ’ few weoks to assume charge ,o f tho ch ildren ’s home at Trenton. Mr. A nd rae has placcd tw o children in loca l homes, and w ill take tho other ono w ith him to his new location. . •

Conterno to Play On the Beach.

A fte r m any debates in the common council, A sbury Pa rk has a t last awarded the contract fo r the beach music to Coriterno’s Th irteen th R eg i­ment band o f N ow York . Th o prico w ill bo $4,500 fo r a season o f tw e lve weeks, w hich w ill probably begin- on Saturday, Juno 22d. Chairm an W il­bur o f tho music com m ittee received m oro than fifty bids fo r the contract.

New stamps. • ,The Ocean G rovo postofilce has re­

ceived a co n ^ lg n m e^ p t jth o n ew Pan* Am orican E xposition stamps o f the de^ nom inations o f one, two, .four, live, e ight and ten cents, which are now on sa le . '' • • Y

Joseph Stout Brought Home.

M i. Joseph Stout, w ho has been-so: seriously ill a t Ta llapoosa, Ga., was brought to .the home o f his brother, A tto rn ey W es ley B . . Stoiit, Ocean Grove, on Thursday o f last week. Mr. Stout’s condition is im proved. .H e le ft the Soutli on W ednesday, attended by friends. A t Ph iladelph ia the ' patient was m et by Dr. Sam uel Johnson, of Asbury Park , and at Jersey City, w here he was transferred to .th e train fo r this place, his b rother W esley g reeted him.'

Exempt Firemen’s Convention.

M essrs.' M ilo C. Grifiln, Jolm J. Smith, Charles-H . Chamberlain, W il­liam R. O ’Brien and F red . A . L eggett represented the Nop tune township ex­em pt firem en ’s ‘ association ’a t their' convention in Bayonne on W ednesday o f th is week. Mr. G rifiln was sclectad as a m em ber o f the standing com m ittee from the th ird.congressional district.

Program m e ot.tlie Relig ious Exercises to t ;::: , ’ lie ;Held. This Summen -

'Roy. A aron -E. B a lla rd , D. D., y ice- pr.esK1 en t o f the Ocean G rove Camp ^Meeting. Association (o f th e : M ethod ist1 E p iscop al,Church,:haWmat}e public the complete-, program o f :sp ed a l services, to •• be held.; bn the cam p /grorinds,. be­ginn ing on S.aturclay, June.22, and con-: tinn ing d a ily u n t il :Sunday,., Septem ­ber L. - •\ T h e bamp m eeting w ill begin bn Sat- u^day, August 17, and- continue until; Sunday, Septembev i . -During tlie camp, teri m eetings w ill be 'held on and . a bout; th e cam pgrou nds daily.

•The -,inusicai serv ices in the audi: toritim- w iil .b e 'In c h a r g e o f; Prbf. Ta j I Esen MorganV ^ss ls ted by a c tio lr- 'o r 2<I0 yoices, an orchestra and. the Bra'dr. fo i’d Quartet.-. ' > ' ' '. A l l services w ill be in . charge: o f the;

p evotio ria l Com m ittee :. oV ,- the Camp M eeting Association, consisting o f Bishop James N . F itzG erald , ReV. Dr. A . E. Bailard and R ev. j ; H'. Amuy, M. D. ;

T h e program In deta il Ife as fo llow s: Jiino 22— Opening concert in the

Auditorium.,. • ,. June 23— Opening services , in the

Auditorium , > ;. . \ - ‘ ...June 30— National day.July 4— Oration by R ev . Dr. T . Do*.

W itt T a lm a g e ,'a t 10 a .- in.; evening, patrio tic -concert. \

July 7— Hospital Sunday.July 8-12— Sunday school and Chau­

tauqua Assem bly, R ev . Dr. B. B. Loom- l57T3f ~Round Lake, le 'a c je r .^ ■

.July 13— Sunday School' Assem bly concert^ :

Ju ly 14— Sabba'th O bservance Asso­ciation. ;

July 17-18— Lectures by Ttev. Dr. F. Davenport, on “ Pa lestin e.”

July 10— Th e K in g ’s Daughters. Mrs. M argaret Bottome, o f N ew York# leader.,. r • .

'July* 20— Auditorium concort. .July 21— Children ’s day, Rev.. Char

les H. Yatnmn leader..July 23*21— W om an ’s Christian Tem ­

perance Union.July 20— National Tem perance So­

ciety , Rev. Di*. J. B. Dunn, secretary. July 27— The H o ly C ity. . . . .July 2S— Tem perance Day.Ju ly 29— Annual m em orial service

and Ocean Grove anniversary.July CO to August 9— Sum mer'School

o f Theo logy, in charge o f Bishop F itz ­Gerald. - . - „ .• August 11-14— W om an 's Foreign Mis­sionary Socicty ’ and W om an ’s Homo M issionary Society. Mrs. Clinton B. F isk and Mrs. E lw ood H. Stokes, leaders

August 13— Oratorio o f E lijah . ' August.14— Young P eop le ’s Fra ter- j

niil dny,t Rev. Charles H. Yatm an. 1 leader. . , ’/ ' • . j" August 17 to Septem ber 1— Annnuai;( eam p m eeting. • „ 1

'S ep tem ber 1— School o f M iss ions.’ During the season, th e ' liollness

m eeting, in' charge . .o f .Mrs. L iz z ie j Smith, i and the young people ’s meet- Ing. in charge o f R ev . Charles H. Ya t­man. \V.lll be held da lly at 0 a. mi Rev. Dr. T liom as O’Hanlon. president o f Penn ington ’S em in ary; w ill ’ hhVe ch a rge1 o f the Sunday afternoon Bible class: ’

E. H. Stokes Company Electioni

T h e election o f officers o f E . 11. S to res ch em ica l'eng ine company was held last Monday even ing In -tlie office o f E. N. W oolston, w ith the fo llow ing

''l1 .?>]§• '■ •• -K ’ ••President— T . Nelson . L illagore.F irst V lce-President-^G eorge F. Rai-

near, . - ' ' ,Second V ice-President— W illiam E;

Tay io r. ' •Secretnry-’i'reasurer— Ei N . W ool-

ston. ;? ’ V;.' ' ^ .Fon 'm nn— Andrew T . Van C leve. •• F irst Assistant— G eorge L . D. Tom p­

kins. , •Second Assistant— Frank Sampson. Engineer— W alter Clayton.F irs t Assistant— Jairies 'W oglom .. Second Assistant— Ira S tricklin .F ire Po lice— T. Nelson L illagore,

W illiam E.. T a y lo r and WMlliam H. Ham ilton.

Clever Debate.

T h e ’question, “ Resolved , that eve ry man is tho- arch itect o f iiis own fo r: tune,” , was cleVerly debated by the mem bers o f; the Ocean G rove High School literary and debating society last F r id a y a fternoon. W hen both sides had concluded the ir arguments, the judges thought the negatives had a shade the better o f the proposition; Th ose on 'th e , a ffirm ative side were L s te r Van IVfiddleswoi’ th. M iss G eorgie woodw ard. Frank vatiG llluwe, Miss Edna Coble. Those w ho argued in the n ega tive w ere Harold Johnson, Miss W in ifred Crosse, M iss F lo rence -H er­bert, Jesse H itchcock.

Ryder Captures First Bass.

P ro f, W . S. M. Ryder, o f the Grove, had^tho honor o f catch ing the first striped bass o f the season, on Monday at Shark r iv e r Inlet. .

W h ile the bass was not a b ig o n e - w eigh ing about tw o and a half pounds — It wns a bass juflt tlie samo, and the P ro fesso r is entitled to the cred it o f landing the first one of* he season.

F iv e D o lla rs R ew a rd .

F iv e do llars ’ reward fo r tho arrest arid conviction o f the person w ho stole the tar paper covering from a boat, ly in g in the yard of. 95 H eck avenue,

J. A . C A S T L E .— adv.

' ;'( Z lq c ' bn d Gr 1 rid i n g .Makev •

D ovoe Lead and Z inc P a in t wear tw ice as long .as lead arid o il m ixed by hand. : ' ‘ \. p (

W ork .Started on Engine House.

P re lim in ary w ork on Ocean G rove ’s new engine' house was com­menced last Saturday, when the first shovelfu l o f d irt fo r the foundation wns lifted . I t Is the intention o f the F ire Comm issioners, under whbso su­pervision the building is to be crectcd, to push It to rapid com pletion. Olln street, tho site o f its location , has been the ob jec tive point this w eek o f many visitors', who find tim e to watch' tho progress o f tho work.

Tith ing Plan Adopted. *

A s a means o f ra is in g m oney to be appliod to the parsonage debt, tith ing bo.oks lm ve: been distributed by tho W es t G rove M. p . church to members 9f the congregation. Each o f the books w ill hold $5 in dimes. These boolTs a re to be returned on o r be fo re Sep­tem ber 15. T h e m em bers w ho have the books, expect to fill them w ith lit t le difficulty.

Passes Aw ay at His Home in New Bruns- . * w ick on Monday. .

Rev. John It. V anK lrk , a member ot the O cean 'G rove Camp M eeting Asso­ciation ami a prom inent citizen o f N e w Brunswick* died in that c ity on Mon­day, aged 82 years. T h e deceased was a 'su m m er resident o f the Grove. H o leaves a w ife anil, one daughter, Mrs.W . H. T . Reeves;

Mn]jor John C. Patterson 4ind T . M. D ickey acted as-pall bearers, and w ith R ev . A . E. Ballard, represented tho Ocean Grove Association . Th e In ter­

m e n t was j i t W oodlaw n cem etery.R ev. Jolin R eeder VanK irk , an o r ­

dained, elder in tlie M. E.-Church and ti m em ber: o f tlie Ocean Grove Camp

-M eetin g Associatlpn, passed his ea rli­e r years In Trenton,; N . J., from whero he afterw ard rem oved t,o Newark, and thence to N ew Brunswick, at which- la tter place lie resided from mlddlo life until its close, M ay 13th, 1901, When In liis S2d year he passed from earth to heaven.

In his early manhood lie was called out by the church In its m inistry, and served fo r a ye a r In that capacity, when he came to .th e conclusion that he could be more useful to the 'g rea t cause by the devotion o f a business life , aiid entered ' such as Captain o f - the steam er then running between N ew ark and N ew York , in which ser­v ic e lie remained until the service was superseded, when he was appointed to a positlbn In the g rea t Stevens estate, which he held until advancing years made It proper fo r lilm . to relinquish a c tive business pursuits other than those pertain ing to the personal estate o f h im self and w ife , and in the m6nths of-the season, to the.interests o f Ocean*■ Grove, to which institution in varied capacities he n ever fa iled .to g ivo his useful and laborious’ service,

Som e forty-five years ago he w a s - united In m arriage to,M iss Anna Shra- dy, o f N o w 'Y o rk , which union w as blessed .with one daughter, named a f- te r lie r mother, whose m arriage to Mr.. W . T . R eeves, a law yer in N ew York, ga ve two boys as gr^ind-cliildren, who a ltogether have, made a model Chris­tian homo .a N ew Brunsw ick..

in N ew ark he was t l ie (special fr iend , o f Dr. Charles W h itaker, and for somoV years was an inm ate o f h i3 home. In that c ity lie fionned the acquaintance o f Dr. Ballard, then n young preacher In the conference and with whom a personal intim acy whs form ed, which on ly closed when the m aster called, . “ Come,up h igher.”

H e-n ever gave uphills active Chris­tian w ork as a local preacher o f moro than average ab ility, and in this ca­pacity was a lw ays the pastor’s friend and w ise adviser. I t was from -another o f these personal in tim acies born out o f ‘personal friendship, that Interested . Dr. Stokes with Dr. Ballard In his va l­ue to the Ocean G rove Association, o f which body he becam e a member iti : 1S£0, and. en joyed the ir unlim ited con­fidence .a iid ’ fu llest respect fo r a ll tho \ rem ain ing .years o f his lite, g iv ing his summers to the grea t work contcm- ! plated by that institution, in forma w hich m ake It difficu lt to replace him.. Mi*. V anK lrk cam e o f a sturdy an- • cestry, and Inherited a rem arkable v ig o r o f constitution, v.-hich only suc­cumbed at last .a fte r four months o f. In tense suffering, resu lting from an at­tack o f the grip, fo llow ed by a severo cold setting in t ill the>O dH ’y organs and cen tra liz ing in the heart,; until a t last Dr. Baldwin," the m ed ica l friend apd adviser fo r the forty-five years o f th e ir N ew Brunsw ick residence. ’ was com pelled to assure; him that recovery was ’. Impossible. ‘ During the four months of. his confinem ent no Impa­tien t word escaped .hini* H is suffer­ings w ere greatly, a liv ia ted by the de­votion o f ills w ife and ^laughter, who gaVe In their untiring presence and w atch fu l care* day and n igh t a sense o f ; pleasure to him, which brightened a ll the gloom o f his pains.

Up to within a short period o f his death he cherished the hope o f a t least one m ore, summer in lils_ beloved . Ocean Grove; arid In the v is its made him by Dr. Ballard frequently so ex­pressed himself, g iv in g special dlrec-

'tlon to the summer preparation o f his home. W hen it becam e certain that this would n ever be, he acquiesced; w ith a joyous patience which took in­to the accdunt the. mansions o f the N e w Jerusalem; H e was never . de­m onstratively enthusiastic, but in view, o f the world .beyond If is soul ox- uited. ’ H o quoted. “ I see a world o f spirits bright,” w ith o ther o f the ex­ultant'hym ns o f M ethodism as his per­sonal experience. A t one time, a few days previous to his death, when to a ll appearance he was en tering the land o f shadow's, he - ca m e ' back to earth w ith the sta tem en t.tha t ho had been met by a heautifiil sp irit who had showed him such g lo r y as ho had nev­e r seen and coiild not express, -who told him lie could com e back, to earth fo r a few days m ore to te ll his beloved ones what there w iis fo r him beyond this life , and then it would come fo r him again to guide him to his heaven­ly home. Dream o r vision, w h ichever it m igh t be— who knows? A t a ll even ts It was real to him. and in somo form ; there is no doubt, is being veal- led by him now. ,

W hen the announcem ent o f com in g ' departure was raatle to him, ho called his fam ily together, te llin g his w ife that tho hardest tria l o f a ll .was sepa­ration, even fo r the short period o f life , from her— hardest fo r her. fo r she would be lo ft alone. F o r tho ono prec­ious daughter it w as the same, except that she had her husband and ch il­dren, to the son-in-law and grand­children he gave h is blessing. H o nam ed k indly friends, whom he w ished his fam ily spec ia lly to remem ber, spec ia lly Bishop W ilson and Dr. Bal­lard. the friend o f h is youth, as wen ag . la te r days, and then rested in peaco w a itin g fo r the end, w hich came peace- fu l anil calm, as lie en tered Into l i fe eternal.



lo re lies nslcep.. What, ilrcams l>c' round htm ■ ilironplTur

l'ccts mny pn»«s. .Hut ho Is Urcd M lmpi* of Innslnjj,*;

. , Of |us>lon*H Mro?.—Tired, throiiRh lo«^ years, from tlio world’s first

V. bcgljinln?; ,. •. Too tired to.waV*'*** . . .

At wealth's loud call, ut hi-auly's. wldspcr, \dri*- ' i. ntng. ■'' . _ .v - .

. Or t«h«wcr maJ.ci Y* •• Tlioufih king command mid ndtwticl, in trui*.

meter,''•Plead, praise and weep— • •

Than anylhlnpr nn <>nrth, nh,-rest is sweeter 1 . . Love lies n>leep. .

•• Lol Two. yownjy pilgrims corne from woodland closes.. ; *■'

iWefoot, ycl piy, ' -Clothed with scarce due than garlniitl. veils of

•v roses, . J 1. . vSwectTbpggars, they—

Full of hcalth*fl liliss, of life, of joy, immortal, .Untouched by sin,

Who.knou:-not why they sin# hopidL4 love’s portal 'T i l l love joins in: * ; ‘ ‘ •

—iludcline Hridgcs in Life.


g O A A O S A A C O A A O »A A Q O A A O O A A C g

| M Y R IVAL . J^ — ■ • v " ’ . • ^


OOWOOT GOVVOOTVOOTVCOVVOOi ennnot sny that I. thought much o f

Mftcklntosll. l i e scorned to tric.ti great prig. Goo<l Iooklug? W ell, yes, in a barber's block sort o f w ay—curly, o il­ed hair, plnlc. complexion,, w h ite teeth. H is teeth w ere good, 1 must say, and when ho sm iled bis appearance varied, from that o f a skull to that o f a dog out o f temper about bones. In the-

’ ^rummer I hat] met Dr. and Mrs. Cher- 'ry , who wore friends o f mine. W e had been a t Delhi once together! T h e j* . w ere going out again in .Decem ber aiul

' in ten d in g to take their.daughter Ellen Tftjth them. She w as an exceptionally

/ iilce 'g lrlj “w ith tt& lithn ir and blue eyes ;^ n d a low , musical vo icg. ( r jnust say . I like blondes, and a luu^h Voice Is one o f my crosses), and I saw a good

1 d ea l'o f'h e r avid should have seen inoro only Mackintosh .whs rather in the way.- ; j ' ;; ’

f h o w e v e r , . I found o u t . that my friends proposed to go to India by the steamer leaving M arseilles otV'.Tan. *2. And; that w as just the tim e m jv lea ve

>' was up. I t w as In the days .when one steamer started from S'outlmmpton

.a n d a fe w days a fte r another from Marseilles, and th eym et in E g y p t T lio journey w as cheaper by the bay, and I had Intended to.take thnf.route,.but I met M aekintosh 'at the olllce and.found ho. was go ing .'from- Southampton to please it chum. You would setireely believe It, but It. w as the case never­theless, .that the M arseilles passengers thought themselves rather more hi so­ciety than the: Southamptons. So I pondered, “ I f m y agen ts-w ill UiuV the money, I w ill g iv e M aster Mackintosh the go by.” I look a .Southampton

; berth, b in .th e clerk said I m ight change it f o r . n ‘ M arseilles one a fter- w ard i f I liked. A nd this I did. L

. started ’ from D over the day a fter; Christinas .day and at Paris went, straight to the I lo ie l Byron, w here i

Y 'khew the Cherrys .were staying.“ Friend Mac,” I said to m yself, "w ith

tlio brand o f Southampton 01*1 his brow,,w ill n ever be able to cope w ith my

Y.’ continental prestige.” , ;I traveled w ith m y friends In a

leisurely, w ay. W n ga ve 24 hours to Lyon s and reached M arseilles on tiie even ing o f Deci 31. Our inn, the I)u M id i, w as on the road to th e 'N e w

• ; Quarter, and I have been told, sincethe building specuhitloiw^werc not so successful, it has been ait(^Ht^aj[iiM^r out In flats. But at thut.dfly it w a^ n high,, w e ll like house, haying a court­yard in the middle, adorned w ith pomegranates In green boxes, where w e sat a fter table d ’hote- aml drank cofCee and cognac. . ■ .’ Mrs. Cherry had a le tter that evening •by the post, and I observed that its receipt crcatod Interest, and I hearjl one, or tw o observations which did not, however, Iti any w ay interpret them­selves to me at tho time. “ Really ;

; a fte r a il?” “ But Is-there tim e?’* “ H ow has it been managed V" and so on.

A nd when I asked w hat projects w ere In v ie w fo r seeing the place next day Mrs. Cherry onljf replied, ‘ ‘Some*

■ tiding w U l suggest itself."• • r Jan. I was a general .holiday, and• from an early hour the streets began

Y to fill, fo r tlte peasants eanjc in from the neighborhood, and all the artisans turned out in their gayest costumes.

. Th e Cherrys had liroaUfus'g^n their own apartments, and I on returning

. from the salle a manger w en t Into my ow n bedroom, which ■wns high up, npd. sat a t the w indow sm oking a ciga-

‘ rette. n ea rin g a nol.se below, I look* ed out*and saw the Cherr.vs starting, w ithout g iv in g me notice. Elleii, how-.

• ever, observed ,mc.V “ W here are you o ff toV” I called

down to her; , ." W e arc going,” she sak l; “ to .walk

in the Canebiere. I t w ill be great fun! (Joine a long!”

Come along? O f course .1.would! I-. snatched up m y hat and a dustcout and oh rushing from m y room observ-. ed slight iron gates and w ithin a lift , stationary. There was no gas In It nor any attendant, and 1 had not no­ticed it before o r heard o f people going

, up or down. But the thought struck me, “ I.m ay as w ell use It, tim e w ill be saved.” Tho gra ting w as unlocked. I

! enteredi took a seat and pulled the rope. T h e l i f t began to destend. D ark­ness, but only fo r a moment or two, nnd then another grating, aiid on—Into tho darkness again. Suddenly I fe lt

’• that the seat I was occupying was los­in g ito horizontal position. It sunk on

’ . ono side. ! There was grievous creak- . Ing,.scraping, crashing and then stop­

page. H a lf w ay between tw o landing places the machine had stuck Im mova-

.r v . b ly fa s tO f course It w as very, aw kw ard, but

there w as apparently no cause Tor. alarm. I knew I should got out In time, but still it m ight h o ‘a longish job.I did not hoar inueii noise nnji conclud­ed I was am ong thick w alls aud not iiotir a grating. Hut there was sotno rum bling and shouts as I thought. In a short time, however; a ll. w as still. ‘ I had not called out, fo r I was anxious to show I was conl arid ti.it disturbed by a trillin g aecideiit o f the sort. In- ilced I had planned to coine out smokr ing.’ for I liad a fnsec and a c igar ease, w ith tiie. A s there \vjis no vent. how-. ever. I put. olT ligh ting tip till m y re­lease w as near til hand. 1 did not wisjh the a ir to. be cl<»si?r than It was.

I had .itUt thought vaguely, “ They wJil get. tne-'uul. .arid. 1 ‘ w ill emerge smoking.” ! I ’ ui. two tilings aliruptly occurred to mo, “ i io w w ill they got yony out?" and theii,; ‘.‘A ro . you su^e tliey* Svill ;h»ok fo r yoti?” D y-heaven ! Th is In fer -Idea became . serious. T h e - l i f t must hnvi). been out o f repair,.-unlit for- use. It was;eareles's to leave the grnt- l i i g .unlocked/ lliit st ill rhore. w as uo - attendant, as there would have been i f the th in g ^md*been In w ork ing trim. T h ey might perhaps think the l i f t pass­ed down o f Itg own. accord and that no';ono'-was I n i t ; ' •'• •. {• ; ; • )•

In point o f fa c t this was ro. The Cherrys, it seemed, walked s low ly oh and. as I did not fo llow , thought I was engaged and busied themselyt?s about the drama o f the streets. No one was; near when 1 entered the /naehlno, and it had sunk a w ay once before, it was said, .without any one touching it, and indeed it was, disorganized nnd not em­ployed,

The chambermaids w ore a t the w in ­dows, the w aiters at tho door, tho oc­cupants’o f rooms w ore am ong tho gay throng .on the pavements en joy ing the suhshi.ne o f the' south, Which: dnnced in a 'thousand dimplea on tho. bTilo px- pansQ j»f tile ^rediterranenn'. I d id .n o t vjis]^ j o 'st>ein fr lglitened . ° r Tv i’ raritls- and so -on ly called out ’ fo r j ie lp a t Iti.- tervals and In an unexcited, voice, arid ho oiie heanl. or, hearing, fa iled to localize iji? SOllU'd.

1j'h e Chci'i,y=J w ere out fo r three hours and on returning, finding no trace o f uig trtid hearing o f the fa ll o f the lift, at last conceived the idea that I m ight be inside o f it. * O f course when this suspicion w as jtmce set ..on fo o t there .was great .excitement, but it w as not very easy to do anything. .' In the tlrst place, oil account o f the fete, there w as an unavoidable delay in getting workmen, and when they w ere procured the part o f the wall w here ’ the lift had-'Jammed ran. down amid tiie w alls oC several small apart­ments and behind cupboardsj and to find w h ere 'th e aperture should bo be­gun was no ligh t m atter.. W ith a fiisce l could sec* iny watch. I entered the lift a t I t and .n t.fi wins still there,

‘though the voices w ere close at hand, and the pickaxes s6ctried to be pene­trating the fn im cw ork o f my little box. Even then it appeared long be­fore* fr iend ly hands helped 'm b down in to -th e chamber, whence. I reached fhe body o f the house. . ..

I t w as pleasant being nn object o f feii?_nlo.:V^clridriessYfUid, > solicitude, ;but Dr. Cherry was anxious and d es irous I should keep rpilet. W hen I w en t to bed, I found he; had had .reason for some apprehension'.' Sleep “en tirely de­serted me. and nn ’ access o f rioryous excitem ent' ensued. T w e lv e o'cloclc. strtick and then 1. It was intolerable. I.should be a ltogether tihmanhed w ith­out rest. I had hydrate o f chloral in my portmanteau, butr.-thoro .was. no night light. H o w e v e r , 1 managed to ge t the bottle and the toile t tumbler nnd m easured w ith my finger. The fluid seemed a good deal In drinking, but took e ffect iit once.:

hen 1 awoke, I heard an exclama- U oim TTrelief. T h ere werq tw o o r throe persons .in • the room. I t .was broad, daylight. A 'fo re ig n doctor, w ho spoKe English w ith nn accent, fe lt m y pulse. “ H e w ill do now,'* he said to the oth­ers, and,, turning to me, added, “ You have had n squeak.” ,

“ I must get up/’ I said. “ The steam­er goes at noon;” : • •

There was a laugh.' “ It Is long.past noon,” said tho land.-

lord, who w as a polyglot, and a young man, an Interpreter who attended the tra lnsrpn t In, w ftli a grin, “ I saw tho steamer w ith m y eyes pass Chateau d’i f and a lon g ta ll o f smoko fo llow - Ing.” :

I soon learned that I had taken nn overdose o f chloral, was discovered In

i ri jiypfound• stupor a n d c o u ld not’ bo awakenedi fDrlrCherry had done eve ry­thing for-jne. T h e Mossengeries steam­er w'as going-the next day, and the P. anti O; 'agent had transferred m y pas-

,j?ago m ost.k ind ly to .the Fren ch ;boat. •: Dr! Cherry had called In Bernar­

do, a local doctor, and intrusted m y case to iilin. M y pulse bad been care­fu lly watched and suitable, measures taken to Insure m e against fa ta l el- feets. . ; v. B y the w ay o f cheering me tho In­

terpreter said: “ Your friends Iulvo lost •ono comrade:and got.another. A gen­tleman arrived from Paris ea rly this morning. l i e was aggrieved at your uc-

' cident nnd accompanied your good doc­tor and madam and the young lady on board the steamer.”

“ W lm t waa his name?” I asked.“ 1 cannot say-hls name. I t w ill bo In

the book.”“ Do ge t U.”The book was brought. rBohold the

entry, “Jan. 2, from Loudon to Bom ­bay, M. Mackintosh, rentiert”Vi “ Cohf.ountl the ,fel 16w i” t baw led out, .‘ ‘H e: must hayo changed Ills plans at the last m oment! . Bandbox! • l?rlgl . In tr n dor I ■ Oh,' that l i f t ! ” Y y L*‘Y p t i . are V i>etter,?! observed - the - in-; ; terpreter,; “ but yoii tiiust not overdo.”

■ S o m i: J a s o n sWhy You Should Insist on Having

v i u e a u a l^ l .hy a ny o th e r .; ''F ffjitdcrs h a rd lea th cr so ft. Y - •■•. r^5pecia lly prepared, f Jeeps ou t water. . ' Y& hd\vy bodied o il.

cH A R M E S S.M il e x c e llen t preservative/R e d u c e s cost o f y o u r harness. .

o v e r burns th e le a th e r ; its •. . . . vKO-euiacy is vncrenseil. • •. .S ‘H;rrfea best serv ice. . YS t itc h e s k e p t from B reak in g .

© 8 L - ‘Ss.sold in pit

[Localities^ MnnufficttirM byPtnndnrd O il (!ompn!nr.

Wantedou four desirable lots Cookman and Clark avenues, near- Dela-

• ’ ; ware. Very little cash required, t


50 Main Ave.Ocean Grove, N. J .


/.••Y rT Iie N o r th P o le , ...T h e nortii pole hi the' mathem atical

point nt the northern term ination o f the earth’s axis. W hother land or V a tc r be tUete the pUenomcnB. o t-tb e sun durlup the polar tiny or o f the Btars daring tlio n igh t would Indicate its


BTOAIOK SMOCE,-;i . W liolcsrilonnd Kctnll

Dcnlers In ‘ /

«<LU W IBER>«Builders’ Hardware, Paints

and Oils

Cornor Main St. and Asbury Avenue.



Adam an t W a l l . P laster, . Our ow s manufacture o f Cedar Shingles, icing's W indsor “ Cement P laster,” Cedar SiUiblo Bedding.

A. R, S H R E V E S

M iU tBest Quality of Meats Only

1 C ' v.

Main Street -Opp. Ocean GroVe School House.• .. 'Y. ■ Y '•

A s b u ry Par!;, N . J,

Monmonth and Safe Deposit


Asbury Park, New Jersey.

C a p ita l, $ 100,000

S u r p lu s , $ 2 5 ,0 0 0

t • • •Execu tes a ll trusts known to tho law .

Loans m oney on Bond and m ortro c * .Rocoiyeo depoBlta subject to chock and

a llow s intferrst on da ily balance®. A cts as Trustee, Ito r is tra r and T ra n a fw

Aircnt. 'P a y s conpona. • .

M akes demand and tim o loans on ap* proved collateral.

Sa fe deposit Vaulta. Y

. \ " . ■ ' : Y . ■' : •

A . a T W IN IN G , Prooldont.

B . O.^M. H A R V B T , V ic o proa iden i,

B R U C E S. IC E ATO R , Soccotary.

D . C. C O R N E L L , Treaauror.



(Sa trfS . •„

DR. B E E G L ENo., 78 M ain Avenuo, O cean ;G royo , N „ X

Ofllcb H ou rs :;;• • ;T to 9 A- ’M ;, 12 to 2, (J-to 8 P^ M..

D A Y ID H A J IV E Y ,. J i t , C O U N S E L O R -A T -L A W .

M onm outh Biiltdlnfi:, A sbu ry P a rk , N . J, Com m issioner o t Deeila o f N ow YorU and

Pennsy lvan ia . A clu iow iedgem onU i.. tak» cn o f a ll States.

E R N E S T N . W O O L S T O N , ' .



,60_Maln Avenue,Ocean Grove, N . J,

W A L T E R B. P IE R S O N , A U C illT E C T .

OOlco a t h ogero MIllo, A sb u ry P a rk . N . J.

P . o . B ox. 785. :

D R. G EO RG E B. H H R B E E T , ' D B N T A X , S U R G E O N .

■ OlTIco oppoelto tho D opot, o v e r th e A ‘> bu ry P a rk and Ocean G rovo B ank, cornor oC M ain S treot and Miattlson. A vaauo, && bury P a rk , N . J. H ours, S A . M . to 6 P. M . Goa a<l m Ini stored. Appolntm onta m ado by m all o r In person.

GKO. L . D. T O M P K IN S , D. D. a , D E N T IS T . '

R oom s 2. 3 and 4, Poatoffloo Building, . Aabury Park, N . J.

Qflloo Hours, V A . M . to 6 P . M. Gas adm inistered.

D R. H . S. T A Y I jO R. D E N T IS T , .

. G raduate U n lvorsity o f Pennsylvania* Cor. Cookman A ve . and E m ory BC

Oppoalto Pofatofflof, o ve r LoMfiUatra'a Ent^anco on E m ory ot.,Asbury P a rk , N . J.

O lllco Hourei 0 to 6.


G. B . M . H a rv e y D , C. C ornell,

Isoao C. K ennedy, Thom aa F . R yan ,

W in . J. H arriaon , Geo. P . K roeh l,O. H . B row n ,

. A . C.

J. H . Buchonon, John P . O 'B rien , H . H . V roe load ,

G. D. W . V room*; H «a r y M ltcbeU .

B rnce S. K flfttor, : Milan Roaa, *

T w ln ln c .-

JS A A O C. 103NNK D Y,A 'r T O R N E T -A T -L A W .

Solicitor.M aster in Chancery and N o ta ry PabJJa

Special a ttention p ivcn to exam ination o f tltlca , etc.

Monmouth Building, Aflbury Park»

• H A W K IN S & D U R A N D ,

a t t o r n e y - a t - l a w .A sb u ry P a rk and Ocean G ro ro Bank

; Bnlld ln ff, A flbury Parle , N ; . J, I,

M. E. SEX TO N ’SNew Livery and Boarding Stable

Next to Now School Building. The only brick, Fire-Proof L ivery Stable on the cciust.


. . . . . F O R R E N T . . . . .

...Ice Cdeam ES&fden...w ith a ll Its equipment, Including a T u ft Soda Fountain (10 syrups). Seat­in g capacity 200.. One: o f the fin es t ice cr.eam; gardens on t iie coast. F o r term s and particulars address, ; -Y'

c . h ’ m i l l a r ;3 04 S tv c n tb A ve iiw e , A s b u iy P a rk

Particular *Attontlon Given toBoarding Horses.

A ll kinds o f c4iiTlrt«eK't/> h|ro. .Special ae- eoinmodutlouK fiir Ktm\v*rUllnu parties; clos od earriagOfl for fune^ila utut weudltiKS. '

Branch oHIccr: W . U. Ueejjlo and Captain Rulncor’a tent houbo.; Telephone a i-B


BBCHANOH & SIOCKW holesale aud RoUvifjJDcxUcra In


Fu ll' L in e and BW t Grades;

Mixed Paints, Leads, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Etc. .

’ ; K in g ’s W lhd*or Coaaent, Piaster. , . Onr ow n manu&wjthro o f Oedar Shtnglea.

Offloo, Sal'caroom and Y a r d ; ; .-"‘

RAILROAD AVENUEBetween Seoond and Third Avenues



Residence, . No. 66 Heck Avoam

©ctioia C ra v e , K . J .


*TJaderUker &ad Embdswc,*; . 708 Mattieon Ayewue,

ftUUK. N. j , ' ■ .. ' ■

v eaJBns and » w t e l an hand c r ftur*ntatoti to dafiez. Ho*»tnl -•^ssstiwft g iven t* fra>after ^lotcbse. V*i*phoiM DC.

W.E-TA.YiiOn , A .D . Olaiuk


OKlea: 36 PUtrim M h n y ■' P. O. Box ,7 OCEAN OROVB, N. J.


House Painterand Grainer

OCEAN OROVE, N. J... ' . DOX 3013, ■:


W IL L IA M It . C A R M A N , . A rch itect and Bu ilder,

Office:M ain A re . , n ex t to A flsoclatlon B*Id&

P t o s and eatlmatea prom ptly , . . fum lshed. ■ . ;

Residence: 103 Em bury Avo.


H i

SEWING lA C HIMEDoiiot bo deceived by .those who ml- vertiso a $GO.t’0 Sowing Macliino. for

$20.00. This kind ofa machine cnu . ho bought from us or any oCour

dealera from $10.00 to 518.00.WE MAKE A VARIETY. •


Htrong points makes tlio New iKomo tho best Sewing-Matihiuo to'buy.

W n te te C iR C U U R S S iS Sw o manufdeturound prlecs beiuropurchasluy


23 Union Sq. N , Y ., Chicago, 111., A tlanta, Ga., SU Louis,Mo., Dallas.Tex., San Francisco, Cal


P E R R IN E & Y J a c k s o n


M e a ts ^ P o u ltryI REStI STOCK



No...iaS H eck A ven u e

Cor. WhlteQeld

«o rcA .rc e s t « V E , r o . j .


Sanitary Hum berOpp. Ooean G rore M ain Avo. GateB

Asbury Park


C f ) S * V I 6 H Q A + 1 B 5 S K 6 R Y

Bread, Pio a «d Fancy Cako, '

EJouth M ain Starod, Oppastte Broadway Gates

fjfijBBon ’xars' s j , a*- ;


*• AMOS LIPPINCOTT, Hfijghant Tailor and Sen’s Furnisher

; 210 Main Stroet,Oppoeae &. B . Stotism. A .bO Tj P a * t , M» J,

Pennsylvaniia R;./•• T h e .S ta n i ia r d R a ilr o a d , o f A m o r io a ;

Oil. and arter A p r i l 27,1901. YT R A IN S L E A V E : O C E A N G R O V E —

, Y * ;^^VEEIv-DAYS.; ■F o r N ew Y o rk nml N ew a rk , 7.1Q, 8.50' a.- ni;, if.20 and p.Jiy, p. ,m . • . ■F o r- E lizabeth , S.C0 a. m:, 2.25 : and C.3I• p. m.-F o r ItjiIiw ay , 8.50,0. in., 2.SS and Bfa3*W*m.:' F a r M iitaw tin , if.DO i i : « » . , ‘z.25 and-C;31 •; p.. ,rn.* ' ' • ■'■ ■■ • ■; .F o r Long* Branch. 7.10, '8.50, .11.00 a. in.;

2;la,'-2.25v-S.USi 6.40 and ) 7.0T' p. 'm.F o r Red Bank, 7.10, .8.50 a. m., 2.25 and

5..'!3, p. m. ;-.':v F o r - Ph iladelph ia,: B road St.. and. T ren ­

ton, 7.2U, 8.05 . a, in .V . 32.15 and 4.0T• p. -m.,v'.F o r Camden^ v ia "T roh ton • arid Boi*deh»

town, 7,23 and 8.05. a . m ., 12.15 and 4.07 p. n v . : '■

■For Cam den and I'hWadelp'hia, v ia T o m '* R iv e r , 1.25 p. m.. ’ , •/

F o r .T o n i's R iv e r , Island I-Ielghts, and in- .term ediato Stations, l.l!5 p; in. ,

Fot*. P o in t P leasan t and In te rm ed ia te S ta- t,lona,. 11.01' a. ■ rn., 2.53, 5.13 and .6.48 p .: m ..

F o r NoW. Brunsw ick v ia M onm outh Juno-' tion, 8.05. iu m., 12.16 and 4;07; p. m.

T R A IN S . L E A V E N E W Y O R K F O R • O C E A N G R O V E .. Y

F rom W e s t Tw en ty -th ird S tre e t Station*' •... 8.55 a. m.V I2.40> 2.25 and 4,55 p. m.- Sun-• daya/9;L’5.a,; m; and. 4.55-p ;m .F r o m . Deabrosses S treet S tation , a t 9.00 a.

m.y .12.60, -3.40 and 5.10 p. m. Sundays,9.45 a m. and 5.15 p. m.

F ro m C ortland t S treet S ta tion , a t 9.00 «u m ., la.GO, 3;40 and 6.1Q p< m. Sundays,9.45 a. m. and 5.15 p. m. - On Sunday* •will stop a t In terlaken and A von ■ in •plfieo o f N o r th Aabury P ark -an d Anbury ■Parle to. le t o f f 'passengers.


A t 8.20, 11.03 a. m., ,1.30 and 4.00 p; m. w eek-days, M arket • S treet , W h a r f, v ia Cam den and Tren ton , 7.28; 10.30 a, an d ^3.20, p. mV. L ea v e .Market.- S treet W harf/ v ia JamesbULrg, 7.2S a. m „ 4.00 • p.v m. ‘w eck -da i's .i. . - . .

W a 8 8 i i i s i ^ t « n a n d t h e S o i i t f i .L E A V E B R O A D S T R E E T / P H IL A -

- D E L P H IA .F o r B h ltlm ore and W ash in g ton —3.60, 7.20,

8.32, 0.12, 10.23,- XL23, 11.33 a. m i,. (12.31,

in., -1.1S i'd In Ing-cur), 3.13. 3.20,4140,6.2.5, 0.05, 0.55 (d in ing ear), 7;»1 (d in ing car) p. m., and 12.20night, VY'--v'r ‘•-•r-.'V; Y^Y-

. T lm o tab les o f a ll o th er tra ins o f th « system m ay bo obtained a t tho tick et o f ­fice^ or. a t the stations. '

3. ,R. W O O D , Gen- Pass. ' A c t ,Jv B. H U T C H IN S O N , Gen. M anager. '

New York and Long Branch R. R.

T im e-tab le - In ofTect N ovem b er 25, 190®

V .:S T A T IO N S I N NEW \ .Y O R K :.: Cen tra l R* R . o f N e w Jersey,- fo o t L ib e r t y '. and W iiiteh&U street^ (Sou th F e r ry ).; P en n sy lvan ia R . R ., fo o t W e s t 23rd, C ort-:

lan d t.an d Desbrqssea streets. .:.;?•li'eavo N E W Y O R K fo r O C E A N G R O V H

and A S B U R Y P A R K .:F o o t L ib e r ty street—4.30, 8.30, 1L30 a-' m.,

.4 30,. C.23 p.. m. -::.Y • - . "Yc^F o o t W h iteh a ll street, (Sou th Ferry . T e r r !■; m iria l)—8.25, 11.25 a, m., 4.25, 6.10 p. m . ■ F o o t W iest .23d street—8.55 .a, m ., 12.40,: *3.25, •4.55;, p.: m..

F o o t C ortland t . street—9.00 a. m ., 12.50, •3.40,-6.10 p .m .

F o o t Dcsbrossos street—9.00 , a. m., 1?.50, *3.40, -540 p .;m . . ; y \ : ; ;Y';;:. .- ‘u -n .-y

L E A V E O C E A N G R O V k A N D A S B U R Y ;. P A R K : ' ,'Y -Y

F o r E lizabeth i-N ew a rk and j N ew " Y o rk — =-. 0.17, C7.10 N ew a rk and N e w " Y o rk o n ly ) - *8.00, 8.60 a. m., 12.10, 2.25, 4.00, 5.33, 6.Z9 :

.. p. m. v . V ' i y .v' Yv' :F o r F reeho ld , T ren ton and Ph ilade lph ia ,

v ia Sea G }rt—7.29, 8.05 a, m ;, 12,16, ' 4.07 - p.. m : > . •. .v

F o r T ren ton and Ph iladelph ia , Bound V B rook Route—0.17, 8.00.a. m .» 12.10, 4.0« p. m. • • : -vr-

F o r . T o m 's ' R iv e r and in term ed ia te sta- o tions to Camden, yla ‘ Seaside ParkT-l-Si

' p. 'm. . . o - r - . - Y Y Y Y F o r BelToar,', Spring Lake,- Sea G irt and^

Manosnuan~-7.09 , 7.29 . 8.05,. 10.35, U.04 a . ■ ; m., 12.15, 1.25, 2.53, 4.07, 5.19; 0.23 , 6.48, 8.22

p. m .: '■:•••''......-Ml JF o r P o in t P leasan t—7.09,' 10.35, li:o4 a. m .t ;

1.25..2.6:{, 6.19; <T.23,.fl;48, 8.23 p. m.,F o r L o n g Branch and R ed Bank—0.17, 7.10,

S.B0, 8.50, (11.00 Lon g B ranch o n ly ) , .n,.' m., 12.10, (2.15 L on g B ranch on ly ), 2.25,4.00, 5.33, (5.40. Long B ranch on ly ), 6.10, (7.07 Lon g Branch on ly ) p. m.

• D enotes express trains, , i •! J» R . W O O D , I

G. P . A . P . R. R . • I• H . P. B A L D W IN , .

O. P . A . C. R . R . o f N . J.' RUFUS'B I.ODGETT.

, supt. N. Y . & L. B, R , . R,


Estimates on se\?er and water connections promptly furnished.

Low prices and good work.


flans and speolileationB dmwh fi>r oil kin da o f modem woodtatoae or brick buildings. For- workmanshlp and prices \ 41 re Aw to all <hr whom I havo done work In tbo Grove and, I'Blk. Bstimalea ehecrftjUy given. • * - ■.Box 2087* Pitm aa Avenue*; Oceon Grove


Cpntractdrs^BuildersBsiim dtea fumlBh*d on a l l htanehtfii •: J

1 ' • o f work. }Bradley Beach, New Jersey

i 1. o. Box 63 Odd 67

N o tice Is hereby- g iven that tho sub­scriber, . adm in istratrix o f Jobn M. L a lgb t, Ooceused, w ill, imrsunnt to an o rder o f the Orphans’ Court o t Mon- motitli County, N ew Jersey, made tho tw en ty-fifth day o f A p ril, n inetoen hundred and one, o ffer a t public sale on 'M onday, Juno tenth, n ineteen hun­dred and one. at e leven o 'clock, a m „ a t P a rk 'H a ll, A sbury Park , N ow Jersey, tho fo llow in g descHbed prem ­ises:

A l l that certain tract or parcel ot land in the Townsh ip ' o f Neptuno,’, County o f Monmouth and S ta lo o f N ow Jersey; being n ea r 'th o .w estern boundary o f the/Borough o f Asbury Park (n ow c ity ); I3EG1NNING a t a point in tho southeviy line o f Sunset A venue, distant four hundred. (100) fe e t -svestorly. from the sou thw est cor­ner o f Sunset Avonuo nnd R a ilroad Avenue, as located by P e te r Soure, surveyor, A . D., 1881, running thcnco w ester ly a long tho sou therly lino o f Sunset Avenuo, fifty (50) fe e t; tlienco sou therly-at right, angles w ith Sunsot Avenuo, one hundred anil i£ty 'vH 60 ) . Ic e t, thence easterly para lle l -with Sun­se t: Avenue. f ifty (SO) fe e t : tlienco n orth erly aga in .a t r ig h t angles, w ith Sunset AVenUe, one hundred and fifty (150) f e e t to the place o f bogln ing.

■"- T erm s cash. - >Dated A p r jl 29th, 1901.

A N N A M. L A IG H T , A dm in istra trix .

S- A . P A T T E R S O N , / > '' P roctor,

10-20 • \


Lo\v, R o to S um m er T ou rs to the P a ­c ific Coast and ilQ u n ta ln s o f the

Canadian N o r th w e s t v ia the Pen n sy lva n ia R a ilroad .

In v iew o f th e ex trem ely low rates au thorized by tho various trunacontl- uc-ntal linos on account o f tho In terna­tional Conference o f tho Epworth Lenguo at San Francisco In July next, tho 'Penn sylvan ia R ailroad Company anuounccs a th irty-day tour across the continent, lea v in g N ow Vcirlt, N ew ­ark, Philadelphia, Baltim ore, W ash­ington ,and other stations on its lines east o f PittsbiiiK , on M onday, July 8, return ing to N ow Y o rk Tuesday, Au­gu st (i.

T h e route w ill Include stops at a ll the rea lly Im portant points fo r .rest and sight-seeing, am ong thcirt' being Chicago, Omaha, Denver, Colorado. Springs, G ienwood Springs (w ith a d ay ligh t rldo through tho ltoc lty Moun­tains, including llio R oya l G orge and Grand Canon o f tho A rkan sas); and at S a lt I,alto City, a rr iv in g a t Hnn Fran­cisco 10.00 a. m „ Tuesday, July 1G, be­fo re tho convention opens. Six days w ill be a llo tted .to San Francisco, for which,; tlm o no hotel accomm odations o r o ther features w ill be Included In the tickets. L eav in g San Francisco Mon­day (morning, July, 22, M onterey, Santa Barbara and Los A ngeles w ill be v ls lt-

• ed, a ll travelin g o ve r -the now Coast L in e o f tho Southern Pac ific Compaily being dono by daylight, In order, ito v iew w hat Is reputed to bo the most a ttra c tlvo scenery In. California. L e a v in g Los Angeles, Snti Jose w ll bo v is ited , thenca Portland, w ith two days ' stop, a fter which w ill come tho crow n ing feature o f tho trip, tho jour-'

'n e y hom eward v ia tho Canadian i'a c l- ilc R a ilw ay through the unrivaled mountains o f B ritish Columbia.

Th o schedule over the Canadian P a - ' c lllc R a ilw ay w ill bo prepared w ith

"e s p e c ia l care, and tho train side-track­ed a t nights w here necessary, In order th a t no p art ot this de ligh tfu l feature m ay bo missed by n ight-traveling. T h is In itse lf Is a ruro opportunity. In addition, stops w ill be m ade a t Banff

' H o t Springs and St. Paul.T h e tourist w ill trave l in tlie h ighest

grade o f Pullmnu equipment,, and tho specia l tra in w ill be composed o f vestl- buled d in ing car, sleep ing cars, and an observation car. T lie la tto r car w ill be Blm ilar to those used on tho famous Pennsylvan ia l im ite d .

"With the exception o f tho tim e de­vo ted to San .' Francisco, passengers w ill bo located on the specia l train during tho en tire tour. Breakfast, luncheon and dinner w ill be provided in tho d in ing car w h ile en routp, nnd

. when side-tracked, at tho various plac­es v is ited . Our patrons w ill therefore avo id the expense o t h igh-priced hos- to lries, tho hurry, and annoyance o f m eal stations, and the unsatisfactory accom m odotions afforded by ia ferlor hotels.

A thoroughly experienced Tourist A g e n t and it'Chaperon w ill accompany the party, and In fa c t,'th e en tire tour w ill bo conducted under the samo care fu l m anagem ent that lias made tho “ Pennsylvan ia T ou rs” world fa- nious.

f " T h e total rato fo r the en tire trip as outlined above, covering ono double berth and. a ll meals in d in ing car, from N e w York , Philadelphia, Baltimore, W ash ington , Harrisburg, A ltoona, and points on tho Pennsylvan ia Railroad east o f P ittsburg, w ill bo $188.60; two persons In a berth, each S1G8.50.

R ate, go in g w ith tho m ala party, w lt li Pu llm an berth nnd meals up to a rr iva l a t San Francisco, returning from San .F rancisco independently by any d irec t route, w ith transportation on ly on re lurn trip, $118.10; tw o per­sons In a berth, each- $V0S.10.

R ate, transportation, Puiman berth) and m eals on special tra in to San- Francisco, w ith transportation .on ly re ­turn ing Independently v ia Portland aud Northern Pacific R a ilw ay , or Can­adian Pacific Railw ay and St. Paul, un-

, t i l AuguBt 31,i $121.10; tw o In a berth,. each, ?117.10; Th is route w ill espe­

c ia lly appeal to those w ho desire to . v is it Yo lllow stono P a rk on their re ­

turn journey. Tho tlcktes. . .admit o f stop -over at Livingston, a t which point a t ick e t covering five and one-half days ’ hotel accomm odations, w ltli sta ge transportation through Ye llow -

' stone Park , muy be purchased fo r ?49.D0.

Rato, .covering samo as precoding trip up to San Francisco, w ith trans­portation only returning Independent­ly v ia Los Angeles, San Francisco, Po rtlan d and Canadian Pacific , or N orth ern Pac ific and St. Paul, ?131.60; tw o In a borth, each $121.00.

R a tes from Pittsburg, $5.00 less than above figures.

Fo r in form ation o f those who ilcslro , to tra ve l Independently a fte r arriva l

a t San Francisco, It should bo noted that tickets perm it stop-off w ith in lliu-

■ its o f August 31, a t nnd w es t o f Den­ver , Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Colo., and w es t o f St. Paul. S top-over w ill

1 also be a llow ed ... until August 31,-at N ia gara Fa lls and Buffalo, fo r Pan- Am erican Exposition, on t ick ets read­ing through thoso points.

D escrlp tlvo book let w ill shortly bo issued, g iv in g tho schedule and f u r ­ther details. Diagram s are now opeu, and as the number who can bo accom- m odatod w ill ho s tric tly lim ited , namos should bo reglBtored im m ediately.

F o r fu rther in form ation app ly to T ou ris t A gen t, 11SG B roadw ay, Now Y o rk ; Thos. Purdy, l ’assongor Agont L o n g Branch D istrict, 789 Broad- St., N ew ark , N . J.; J. K . Shoemaker, Pas- sen gor -Agent M idd le D istric t, 1-111 Chestnut St., Ph iladelph ia ; B. Cour-

' laender, Jr., Passenger A gen t, Ba lti­m ore D istrict, Baltim ore and Ca lvert Sts., Baltim ore, lild.; C. Stiwlds, Pas­sen ger A gen t Southeastern D istrict, 15th and G Sts., N . W ., W ashington,D. C.; or address Goo. W . Boyd,. A s ­sistant General Passenger Agent, Broad St. Station, Philadelph ia.


. . . A T . . .

Located west of Bradley. Park and West Gro^, three-fourths of a mile from Asbury Park

-:'7\-'7 .. and Ocean Grove.

AV limited number, of lots will be sold according to location at the following ridiculously

low prices, viz.r

$40, *50, m, *75 and H00LOTS ON G0RL1ES AVE. ONLY $125

V These prices are less than one-half value, and no lots equally as desirable have been offered along the Monmouth shore at anything approaching so low a figure.

LIST OFProperties for Rent

The. season com prehends, fo u r moriths— from June to Octobor, ■ In gomq ca&otf the ’, tim e of. oecupanciy is lim ited to. a shorter period, and in many, cfis.es It m ay be ex ­tended i f desired. : T h e various 'boiipcs d i f­fer. w ide ly ;.ltv -ch a ra c te r o t furn ish ings, but- usually contain - tho ( needed artic les outside o f -linen; bed rcoyerinir, s ilver a rid ; cutlery;! I t is ' dilHctilif' to , g ive by le t te r an y sa tis factory - description. - of* the fo l-. ipW ln jf properties, and it is rocommcndcd1 tha t applicants cornu Irt person to inspect them . Th ey to.i\ lie exam ined nx any tim e; and the subscriber's olilces aro prom inently located •at 51) M a in avenue, Ocean G rovo, opposite A ssocia tion l3ulld~ Ing. •'

Tho Ocean O rovo s tages m cot a ll trains, and any o f them w ill t r jn g passengers dlrcvit vo U\e v>tUce». JAap-ol grounds am i: o th er In form ation w ill bo forw arded upon application. , *


' 101. A Wall furnished 11-room cot- tiigu ojv i 'i im a n avenu es lVa blocks^,.; - from -the bc.eun, good b a th - .. . .• • .-4 3uQ.Q9

iuy. -'A haindaomp ten-roum co ttage With bath, - on- o ilm a n avenue, - 1 :^ .bloclc i’roin -the; o cean ' .7 7 . . . . . . . ; 3 7 5 .0 0

201. ■-■ A n e legan t lti-room bouse w ith , b a th , tw o •• b locks from the • 7 . -v ocean an^ w ltli a, line .view o f tlio . •sam o and near. I*'ieteher X i a k © 4 7 a . 0 0 ; Hjj.- A well- furnished ton-roOin co tta ge a t tho - corner o f (Jentral . and Clark, avenues,..w ith bath, ex>\: .. :ce ile ilt v iew o f the ocetiii 7 . . ; 350.00 ■ lOU..: On . viambury.; avenue,, one, - :./■ block -.from t.ho' ocean, ten ‘rooms. ' .. •and f bnth:*;*. *»•.. >v< . . . .......*■./.' .7 ; 32o,00

10b’; : handsomo; 12-room : house, '; ,d ltectly , o n ; the ocean irou t, w ith '_ buth atfd: e lec tric ligh ts ,. /?-.i

200. Ot,



Corlies avenue is to be-improved under the State Road Act, and will be the Grand Boulevard leading to the County Seat at Freehold and all the back country.


to acquire valuable property for a very little money. Come in before all the lots offered at these• special prices have been -taken up.

Maps and full information upon application to

22^ flain Street Asbury: Park, NL J.

F o r R en t.. A ve ry desirable store on Main ave- svue, opposite post oflleo, fo r rent cheap. E xcellen t location fo r any ■business. A pp ly t o 'E . N . W oolston , successor to W . H . Boegle, GQ M ain avenue, Ocoan Grove, N . J.

Stops the C o i|h nnd W ork s OS! tlie Cold. •

L a xa tiv e Bromo-Qnlnhtfl Tab le ts ctzro a «oM In one day. No cure, no Pay.

25 cents.

. 110. \A p leasant 12-room, co tta ge on . .B ath ;aven u e;; o n e : bloclc/ from,, t lie ;• A

! o c e a n . . . . . . < ; / . . • * • • 300*00. 112.-r ■ On U roadw ay^ ZVa-: • Ijloclca. • >.

from th e ■ oeean; 22-room boafdlng- : house i ;.v.v. i a . * * . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . • - 4o0.00

liA. On P itm an avenue, lV i blocks - from* tho: ocean, a Very desirab le U - ■ room co ttage w ith bath4. 3 months 350.00;■ 115. ■ A w e l l - lo c a t c ;d -;7rroom cot- ;. ta g e on. 5smbui»y .avenue, n ea r the , „ ocean. . . . . . ; . . ; . . . . . . . .V•'• *• • • • .♦>■«•'».’ ^00.00• 110. - On C lark avenue, 2'^; blocks 'from the ocean; % .o£ a .d o u b le ;c o t- :. „■■ . taye,;euhtalulUB U r o o m s 125.001 ll7.i-.Su.me- as .110... . • . V v , \ >•ll'J. A 17-room hoard ing, house. 1

bloclc from tliu o c «an , on Webbavenue ..................................................... 450.00

120. A cozy 7-room co tta ge on C lurk avenue, 2>/£j blocks from thoocean loO.OO

J211 A w ell furnished 0-room c o t - % tage w ith bath, on liitth avonue, u<j blocks from tho ocean, term .5 k ,months ........ ‘........... 300.00

122. A p leasant Hl-room co ttage on A b b o tt avenue, 2 blocks from •the ocean, w ith bath . . 7 . . . . < * . . 275.00■ 125. • On B roadw ay, 2 blocks from :.S; v; the ocean, 15-room board ing .house ■ atid .ba th :7.V. ; . >vi; . . - . . . . . • • • • • 350.00

. 12(J.On B roadw ay, a p leasan t 15- • rooni hoard ing house, 2.blocks from ■ . .the ocean ....... 325.00‘ 128. A v e ry deslraolo 9-room cot­tage w ith bath, on. Ocean P a th w aynear ocean ...............................................350.00

130. On Km bury avenue, 2 blocks from tho oecun, a p leasant 12-room -c o t t a g o ................. 275,00. 132.: A w ell furnished 11-room cot-

-tago on A bbo tt avenue, 2 . blocksfrom tho ocean ........................ 225.00

13-1.- A desirab le 15-room hoarding houso on .Embury avonue, 2 blocks •frOrn the ocean ...............'. 350.00

130. On P itm an avenuo, 1% blocks from ocean, S-rooin co tta ge w ith bath a n d 'e x tra lo t .'.......................... 276.00

142. A cozy 7-room co tta ge on B a th avenue, 2 blocks Crom ofonn 175.00

143. O a A bbott avenue r.enr me ocean, % o f a double house, e^n. ,•

;ta lh in g 7 rooms . i-.>* . . . ; . . , . 175.00 . 144. A handsome ll-rroom cottage w ithVbath an d .e leetrle .llR h ti piano.. ; -

Cr lv a te fam ily , W ebb avenue# 2% locks from <ocean. . . . . 450.00. 145. A b b o tt avenue,-2 blocks from . • •

tho ocean, 12-room co tta g e 350.001-16. A . v e ry desirab le 12-room cot-

tago w ith , bath, on M ain avenue, 2 b locks from-.tho ocean 450;00

148. A-13-rdom. board ing house on /’ v ; A h b o tt avenue, 1 b lock fro m ; the - ocean . . , ; . . . ■ * W ...........350 .00

149. A well.iiocated 8-room co ttago ; on W eb b avenue, : ! ' b lock from the v o cean . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . i7.. . . .; 275.00• '161.:-- A b b o tt avenue, - 1% blocks from ‘ the ocean, o f a double house, contain ing 9 rooms, and bath 250.00

152. B roadw ay, Vfa- b locks fromthe ocean, 9 rndms and hath .........300.00. 163. ‘On Main a ven u e ,-n ea r the fccean,' a .d es lrab lo 8-room cottago and bath ’. ........ 350.00

154. Stnall-slze board ing house on Burf avenue. 1% blocks fro m tho ocoan, contain ing 11 room s ............. 300.00

105. Cozy 7-room co ttago o n 1W ebb avenue, near th o -o c c a n 225.00

luS. A w ell-estab lished 27-room board ing house on A h bo tt avenue, l . b lock from the ocean, w ith l in o -v iew o f samo ....V ................ 750.00

ICO. E a s t side o f the D e law are H ouse on Cookman avenue, 3 blocks from tho ocean, conta in ing .9 room s 175.00

161. W e s t side / o f the D e law are .House; sam e location ; 31 b locks from ... ■'ocean, conta in ing 8 room s and bath .225,00■ 168. . Abbott:. ■■■ avenue > ■ near . t h e ..........ocean,- w est: side.- o f a double cot­ta g e ,. contain ing 5 rooms 7 . . 1 2 5 . 0 0

16-1. O n . M a in : avenue, . 2 i blocks from the ocean/ 23-room board ing house ■ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,7 . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . .’ 600.00

,. 165. On Central avenue, near M ain-avenue, 4,-room co ttago 75,00

166. A handsome-14-room co tta ge . w ith bath , e lectric iiKhts, on E m ­bu ry-aven u e, 2 blocks from tho ocean, p riva te: f a m i l y . . . . . . . . . . . 400.00. 1G7.-- On H eck avenue, 2% bldcks fro m ocean, a cozy G^room co ttage w ith hath • . . . . . . . . . i ...7 .7 .7 ....150 .00

171. On .W es ley L a k e terrace, -1, b lock fro m ocean, a 45-room board­in g house (41 ,bed room s), w ell

vfurnlshed . . . . . . . . ; » i . * . . . 1400.00174. A handsome 9-room, co ttage

w ith ba th 'an d a ll im provem ents on S tock ton avenue,: n ear Cen tra l aiv'e- nue, fin e v iew o.f, ocean and la k e .. vS25.00

17(5. A room y 10?room co tta go on Em bury- avenue,’ : ?£ b lock .from- ocean . . . . . . . . . . . . . i-y225,00

177. Ori- Moiln avenue, 2lA blocks . . from ocedn, 32-room board ing house 7Q0,00

178. On W ebb ' avenue; !1, b lock • f r o m ' ocean, 10-robm co ttago . . . . . . . . 230.00

179. A : p leasant 8-room co ttago on S u rf • avenue; . % block *. from ocean ..i.- i.. . . , i \ . . . . . : 250.00 ‘ lSO.- '.O ri.OceanYFathway, o f a doub le house; - contain ing. 12 room s, •" - . p r i v a t e .v .. . . . . . . . . . . ; ; 4 0 0 . 0 0

182. On W ebb avenue, iy_. b locks from ocean, Ja-room cottago , . . . . .v 370.00

153. A pleasant 9-t-oom co tta go on B roadw ay. blocks from occan 175.00

155. A pleasant 9-room co ttago On A b b o tt avenuo, Ufc blocks fro mocca n , w ith - bath ........ * ............ 250.00

. I t A handsome 12-room co ttago on A b b o tt «i.Vi'nuo, 3 blocks from ocean, -with bath and e lectricligh ts ................... .................................. 400.00

190. D irec tly on the ocean fron t,10-room cottngo. w ith bath, e lectricllRlits, s ta tionary tubs ................... <i00 00

11*2. A Inindsomo 10-room co ttago on H ook avenue, Id o o r from ocean, w ith bath , electric ligh ts . . . . . . . . . . . 4f>0 1)0

193. A hapdsome 10-room cottago on E m bury avenue. 1 door from ocean, w ith bath, o loctric ligh ts .. 450 00

194. A pleasant 6-room co ttago w ith bath, on Em bury avenuo, near occan ........ ............. ........................ 200.00

197- O h . B road w ay .-. w ith in ' 3 :b locks ; front ocean, a v^ell-furnlshed and. d esirab le 8-room cottago w ith bath ... .......7 ..7 .7 ....7 . .............. •. 275.00

195.: On H eck avenue, ono and a»v,x-..-;;n- h a lf b lock from .the ocsean, a. desir-al>lo tw olve-room co ttago w ith bath;^825.00 • Ipn. A pleasant^ th irteen -room > v '•* ;

board ing houso, I lo e k avenuo, tw o : • blocks from ( o c e ^ n . . 350.0ti• 202. Ah .. 8-room .co tta go o n ; W eb b . avenue; tw o ana one-halt blocks from 1 th e ocean ; . . . 125.0t-

204. A .w ell i ‘established hording- houso on Ocean P a th w ay , 'w ith 38 .

• room s „ , . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . .7., 950.00•205. A com fortab lo 11-room cot-. v ■;

tago on A b b o tt avonue, one b lock from ' tho 'ocean, with* bath •...7..7 850,60

06. A io-room cottago , tw o and. one-ha lf blocks fro m tho ocoiu t... . 250.00

207. A cozy 4-room co ttago on A b b o tt avcsroio, near tho o c ea n .... 125.00 '208. A n 8-room, co ttago on B a th -.

avenue, two 'blocks from , the ocean' 225.00 • 2u9. A desirable. JJO-room boarding •

house • oh' Em bury avenu e,;' one b lock from the ocean .. . . . . .> 7 .... . . . 425.00.210.' A pleasant 10-room cottage

on: Em bury avenue, one and one- • .h a lf blocks from the o c ea n .... . . ; . 200.00

211.' A . handsome 13-room cottage, : w ith bath, on: Main avunue, neartho ocean, w ell fu rn ish ed .... . 450.0c.212, Oir A tlan tic avenue, - ono .

b lock from th o ‘ ocean, 7-room c o l­la g e ........................................... . . . . 175.00

213. Same as 212.215. A desirable 11-room cottago

on A tlan tic a ven u e .... ................... 450:0021 ti. A pleasant 12-room ' bfiard-

in g house ori A bbo tt avenuo, near . the ocean, w ith board fo r ono. per-- eon ....... 250.00

217. On. Sea V iew avenue, tw o , b locks fro jn the ocean,- 8-room: cot-v V - •••:-• tago w ith b a tlj. . . . . . . . . . . - .v ;. 350;0o

218. On* Em bury - avenue, near the • ocean, one-half o f a ' double house contain ing 9 'r o o m s . . 7..7 200;C0 ; 219. Sam e-as 7J18. . • , ,v ; - 7 ‘ 1 v'1-’ :220. On A b lio tt avenue,- one block

fr«»m the ocean, conta in ing 9 rooms 225.00 .221. A handsome l»-rooom cottage w ith bath, e lectric ligh ts, on M a(n avenue, near the ocean, Juno 1stto August 1st................................. .

222. A - bnmlsome p r iva te resi­dence on Occuti P a th w ay ,' contaln- In g It rooms, to Septem ber 15th....

224. An 8-room c o tta ro on . A b ­bott avenue, fo r .lane and Ju ly,twob locks .from tho o cean . .......... £0.00

22^:: -On ■ C lark 'avenue, near P il- ’ ■.grim\XJathw ay,, '4rroom- c o tta ge ...7 ■ 100.00 , 227. A pleasant ,9-rooni co ttago -7 • 'on B road w ay, • tw o and one-half : blocks from the ocean, w ith b a th :. 275.00

228; A c o z y ti-rooin co ttago on H eck avenue* / three .blocks from . 7 1 he ' ocean , a v .:;.7v,;7-.:.:.v i ’.-i. ;7 ^ ;;v v . ' 150.0i>.. :-229.“ :On-P itm an.1 avenue, near, the ocean,. a :9 -roon i-C ottage .. . ; . . . . . .7 ; '. . 275.00

Ji30._ 26-room boarding: bouse, on/i W ebb avepuo;, tw o 'blocks from the • Ocean .7.'..ly..... ..... . . i . A : ; .;.

231;!‘ 6-room co ttage on W ebb av ­enue, east o f Central a ven u o ....j; . ;

232. . Th o w'est .Side o f a doublo house contain ing C room sv on H eck avenue, three, blocks’ from the ocean

233.., O n ' W eh bv ayehue, nea.r the •.O.Dean, - 8-room :co ttago w’ ith bath.'.

231. A desirab le 9-room co ttage on Cookman avenue, n ear Centralavenue; w it l i ’ b a th . . . . , 250.00

236. One o f the m ost handsome p r iva te residences in the Grovo, con ta in ing: 12 ' rooms- w ith , bath, 7 handsom ejy ; furn ished,' located on ■ : ’ • • W ebb . ayenue, two. . and ' one-h a lf - ■? blocks from tho ’O c e a n , . . . . . A . 525.00

242., On H eck avenue/ near P il- - - ■ . grim .P a th w a y , 10-room co tta g e ... . 225.00.•244., D irectly : on the ocerin. front/ ' • •

13-room co ttage with. b a th .. A . . . . . . <100.00 ' 240. On H eek . avenue, one' an v l. .one-ha lf blocks from ,.the ocean, ;19- 7 - ■room boarding house ................... COO.00.248. A pleasant 7-room cottago

on M ain avenuo, near Central av-onuo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... ; . . . .......... .. -225.00

249. A pleasant 9-room * c o t ta g e 'on ISmbury avenue, near the-- ocean ................ A A . . . . A A . 200.00


150.0 :



o f N e w Jorsey.- 11-room co tta go .... 200.00474.. On Alt. H erm on W a y , near •

K ew i:Y o rk , avenue, 17-room board­in g house .. 300.00


Tlie Beegie Real Estate and Insarance AgencyE. N. WOOLSTON, Prop.

5o Main AV© ., OCEAN GROVE. N. J .

T3ot/cn o.s* T oo th ac iik . Instant relief, 15c. Rough on* H eadache, T a b le ts , 15c .R ough on W orms. Liquid, easy taken, 23c. R ough on' Corns. 1 For hard or soft corns, Ce, R ough Corns. Don’ t make the feet sore, ICc. R o tiau os CORNS. Tho old reliable standardise , R ojugh o n Corns. Sells around the world, ffic.

ROUGH ON B ILE , T adlets. I f nothing else clears tlie bile out o£ you, thcso w ill, 2Co

ROUGH ON BRO NCH ITIS , T a iiLETS. Tho worse tlie case the moro marked <ind noticcablo the.relief. Simple coughs and colds may. be helped by simple means but thoso severe cough- ; ing spells that rack the bronchial tubes and lungs, deep ssated colds, coughs and bronchial, throat, chest and hmg affections, severe per­sistent tickling, hacking nnd irritation can bo onickly cjuietcd. hclped, soothed and cured by this remedy only. 23c..nt d ruggists or by mail.

CORN REM ED IES M AY.CO M E A N D GO,bu t‘ *Uough on Corn»*’ goes on forever;remains the standard, tho old and ever rollable, never- fa iling cure, for hard or soft twrn*. Kc. at druggists. . • ‘ j . /"

“ H o u g h o a I ia u lo a s . ” •/N ew and succef^fal treatment, only complete,

juro. G ives ease and comfort at once. Sub- lucr. inflammation. A llays fever, pain, sore­ness, tenderness. Reduces swelling nnd en­largement \jf joints. T o tired, sore or feveredfeet it g ives relief and comfort at once. Best possible remedy for sprains, mashes,contusions, black eve*) etc. 85c. ot druggists or sent prompt­ly b r mad. E. S. W ELLS, Clwjmbrt, JeBGey

W EST o r r I LG H IM P A T H W A Y .

•100. On Cookman avenue, near N e w Jersey avenuo, 7-room cottage,p a rtly furnished .........A . . . . . . . . . 125.00

401. On A bbo tt avenue, near N ew Y o rk avenue; 9 rooms, furnished 175.00- . 403.: A , cozy :. 7-roOm co tta ge on

M t..T ab or-W ay ,: near P en nsy lvan ia -• a ven u e A A . . . . v . v . i A ;. .‘.-.7 A-’,. 7 ...,. - 125;l . 404. ; A -handsom e lOrroom cottago •-with bath i . on- M ain avenue, near ;'• -N e w Y o rk avenuo .......... . . . . . . . a .. . 400.00

405. A w ell-furn lshed and deslr- ab lo 15-room residence, w ith laun­d ry and hath on C la rk avenuo, nearP ilg r im P a th w ay ........... 400.00

407. A cozy 4-room co ttage on A b b o tt avenue, neur Pennsy lvan ia•avenuo . . . . j .... ...................................... 100.00; - 40S; - 'A ' '6-room cottage' oh M t. Car- • m el W a y , near - N e w Y o rk avenue 7 '125.00• 409. . O n .B roadw ay, corner Qf N ow Y o rk avenue.: 10-room co ttago . . .A . 225.001 7413/ On P i lg r im ’ P a th w a y a t tho ■ corner- o f Abbott, 8-room co ttago 7 150.00

415. A pleasant 9-rOom cottage.' w ith - bath,* On P ilg r im ' P a th w a y ! near. W eb b avenuo ; . . . . . . . . - . . . ; a . ...’ 200.00,; >116. - A ddslrable 8-room co ttago 7 on E m bury avenue, a t . the corner : o f N e w Jersey avonue- . . . . - . ./ . .A . . iCO.OO•

417. A ' cozy 7-room co tta go on . ■ .A b b o tt ayenue; n ear N e w Y o rk avenue 7 . A . :..... .A A . . . . . . . . . . . . i . ; 135.00

419. On W ebb avenue, near Penn- sy lvan la avenue; a.verj', desirab le 9- ro o m .co ttage w ith bath 7 .7 .. . . . . . . . . . 250.00 -

420. On L a k e avenuo near N ow •.Jersey avenue, a 7-room co ttago . 250.00 , , 423. A cozy C-room co tta ge o n : :M t. T a b o r -W ay near P ennsy lvan ia avenue A . A .7 ..A . A .A . A . . . . , ; , , . A . .123.00

425. • A-;- handsom e 9-room co ttage • d ire c tly on W es ley Lak e , fine v iew :V ., o f . th e .ocean fr o n t , bath.; .A;»'.A-.„w 300,00

426. ’ .On- - E m bury . avenue, near D elaw are- avenue, 10-room cottageand bath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A . . . . . , . . . . . . ; 300.00.

427. A pleasant 7-room co ttage ; on H eck avenue,: near D e law are ;. a ven u e ., 3 month3/w.elV 'furnished .■ 150.00

.‘428..-O n . C lark aVenue, .n ear . Pll^ g r im Pathw ay,-.10-room co tta ge . .A 200.00

429. On 'D elaw are avenue, near E m b u ry avenue, a pleasant-7-room cottage,- 2 months . A . ' . . . ' . A , . . I Q a . Q G

430. A desirable 10-room . co ttage on .; B roadw ay; ’. h ear N ew Jersey , avenue v . U ;. 7.. A A ; ,' .v. 4 0 0 . 0 0

431. A pleasant 8-room co ttago on Clark/avenue; near. N e w Y o rk ... a 200.00

432. A handsome 11-room cottage,•Main avenue, near N ew Y o rk a v - . enuo ................. 400.00

433. On Asbury avenuo. near Pen n sy lvan ia avonuo, 8-room cot- ta go ; ................. 275.00

436. On Cookman avenuo, near N o w Jersey avenue, 5-room co ttage 105.00

437. Same location as No. 436,6-room co ttago ........................ j 120.00

433. A pleasant 9-room co ttago on BrondW ny, near N ew Jersey, well fu rn ished, fo r tw o m onths 150.0U

439. A handsome io-room co ttago on a ft. Carmel W ay , a t tho corner o f-P en n sy lvan ia avenue, w ith bath, e lec tr ic ligh ts 350*00

440. On W ebb avenue, near Penn sy lvan la , 10-room co ttagc w ith bath 325.00

441. A pleasant-7-room cottage, 'o n ■:M t . z f o n • W a y 7 i • . . . . , . . . . . . . • 175.00,

'443. A .p leasant 8-room > Cottage, . .M t. -Herrrion -W ayi n ea r Pen n sy l- : -

:va n ia avenuo » . . . . . , ■ 275.00.• 444.. On M t. T abor W iVy; -nr.' N e w •Y o rk avenue, 8-room,' co ttage ...... A 2Q0.00

445. On M ain avenuo, near. Penn- ■ sy lvan la avenuo, 7r-room 1 co tta go ..; 150.00 . -446., D ire c tly on tlie lake, , n e a r ; P en n sy lvan ia avenue, ll- ro o m cot- ‘ .-7. t a g o . - » • ; ; . A . . 1; . . . . A*.V 250.00 : 447. O n : H eck , near N ow : Jersey . .. .avenue, 10-room .eo tta go vA .,A ;A a : .7200.00' , : 448. M t. -..-.Tabor: -W ay; near N ew •: ; - Y o rk avenue, C-room co tta g e ... . 7 . ,150.00- - 449. On. - W eb b avenue, n ear; P il-:. >. g r im P a th w a y . 14-room . co ttage , . v. • 300.00 ' 450. O n . OIark;i n ear W h ite fie ld ,

a ven u e .: 5-room fc o tta g Q .... . .A ..A A -120^00451.- On M ain, n ear D e law are a v - •

onue, 10-room c o t t a g o . A A . . . ' 250 ;00452. On.-M t; Iie rm on W a y , n ear '

N o w Jersey, avenuo,- 7-room cot-ta go ,\-t , .-.A....AA.-..- . , . . v ,..7 t. .150 .00 ,

.A 453...:A >veryTdeslrab lo ' 9-,room' • cot- . tago w ith bath, on M t; T a b o r W a y , n ear W h ite ile ld - avenuo -vv'i A . . . A;:.'-200.00

454. H eck , near Pen n sy lvan ia a v ­enue, 8-room co ttago w ith b a th .... 373.00

455. - H eek , near Benson avenuo, 11-rodm co ttage w ith bath ............ 400,00

456. A t . tho corner o f M t. Z ion - .W a y , and Pennsy lvan ia avenue, 9-room co tta ge ............................. 2GO.OO. 457. A desirab le IC-room cottage, su itab le fo r small board ing house, E m bu ry 'avonuo; n r,-P ilg r im P a th ­w ay ...................... .'....... . . . . . . . . . v ,A . 375.00

453. A la-room boarding house on E inbu ry avenuo, nr. P ilg r im P a th - ' w ay . . . . . . ; ............... ...7 . . . . . . : ............ 2TC.00

459. A cozy 7-rooni co ttago on Ab b o tt, near Now- Jersey avenue,,3 m on th s-............... IGO.CO

460. A cozy 5-room co ttago on F rah k lln avenuo, n ear N ow Y ork avenuo ....... ;........................125.00

4C1. On M t. T ab or W a y , nr. N ow .Jersey avenue, 9-room co ttn g e ... . . 150.00

462. On M t. ILc-rmon W a y , near N o w :Y o rk avenuo,.8-room co tta go .. 175,00

4 6 1 .0 n :M t. T a b or W a y , nr. N ew ,Jorsey avenue, 10-room co tta go ;... 200,00 - 465. OnvJNLt; . Hermon- -W ay,., h ea r - ’

N o w Jersey avenuo, 7-room co ttago • 115,00 460, W eb b : avenue, near P ilg r im

P a th w a y , 7-roOm co tta g e ; ....... 150.004674: 5-room co ttage o il , M t. H er-

m on W a y , near N ew . Y o rk avenuo 85.00 4G71-2.-, .W ebb avenuo, near p i l- ' •

g rirr i. P a th w ay , ti-room cottageA -..; 1Q0.0Q 468. A 33-room-boardlng house on

Mai<n avpnue, near P ilg rlrh P a t li- ,w a y 700.0»

409; , ,A 6-room co ttago on C la rk avenuo. near N ew Jersey aven u o ... 100.00

470. E a s t side o f a ‘doublo co ttago con ta in in g :e igh t room s, on W eb b • avenue, n ea r P ilg r im P a th w a y .. . . . 150.00 v 47L’ - On W eb b avenue, n ea r N o w .Jorsoy avenuo, S-room cottncr© 150.00

472.. A 10-room co ttago on W es leyL a k e , n ea r D e law aro avonuo 200.00

473. On Stocktoni avonuo, c o m e r /

ilicaela of Ucaliae.I v y Poison, Itch, Salt Rheum, Eczcmn, cured

ay W E LLS ’ “ .MIRACLE OP H E A L IN G ” paw- lcr. Cures ulccr^, skin diseases, felons, boils, jurns. scalds, eruptions, mosquito and till in- ;cct bites, dog bites, wounds or scratches by in y animal. A s nn injection, is cleansing, cbf- •cctlve, henlingxcuratlvc. 22c. bottles nt drug- psts or sent uy mail promptly on receipt o£ , >ricc. E. S. W ELLS, Chumist, Jersey City,Jf. J,

(<Rough oa Piles/*Used largely in this and foreign coontrles.

Only complete, absolutely successful, never- f i l in g cure. Relief at first application, and luickcure. External and internal* treatment ' o tho ono package-. Price GOc. at druggists or ent promptly by mall. E. S. WELLS,Cncmiat, 10 Grand St., Jersey City. N. J.

Dog, SnnUe o r Spider Biles,dosquito and a l l . insect bites, wounds or • cratches bv any animal, cured by Wells’ 'Miraclo o f Heaunpr'' powder: K ills Iv y Poison, tch. Salt Rheum, Lczcma; miraculous in heal- ng power. Cures ulcers, skin diseases, felons, »tnls, burns, scalds, eruptions. Disinfectant, lcausing. Makes perfect injection. Cures any oro on man or beast. 25c. bottles at drug-, jists, o r sent by mail promptly on receipt o f >ricc. E. S. W ELLS, Chemist, Jersey C ity, N j ;

A rc You oa Your Feet ?I f you walk or stand much, andyour“ fo e tge t

ired; pain and adhe; i f they aro tender, fever- sn or sweaty, “ Rough on Bunions’* ’w ill g iv o • ;aso and comfort at onco, and hardens tho feet :o stand any demands mado upon them. Tho mly real euro for Bunions, and cannot bo ap* jroached as a remedy fo r spraias, mashes, con­cisions. etc. Ask lo r “ Rough on Bunions/’ 15c. at druggists or sent by maiL E. S. W ELLS. Dliemlst, Jersey City, N. J. ^

Sores, Iteh , Sail Rheum, Eczema.W E LLS ’ “ M IR AC LE O P H E A L IN G ” Pow-

it*r, a marvel o f healing. K ill3 Iv y Poison, ;tch, Salt Rheum, Eczema; Cures ulcers, skin Useases, tclons, boils, burns, scalds, eruptions, nosquito and all insect bites, wounds or cratches by any animal. Cleansing, corrective, lealing, curative, ns an injection. 256. bottles t drupgists, or sent by mall promptly on re- eipt of price. E. S. W ELLS, Chemist, Jersey -ity, N. J. *

THEO. OSBORN,'Successor to




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Estim ates furnished fo r a ll kinds o f . Blue Stono W ork , a t any po in t In tb . S tate o f N ew Jersey. F la g g in g and Curbing a Specialty. '. . . ,

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The Literary EraA M onth ly Reporting o f the F ie ld ot

Literature, w ith the choice from over

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No. 116 Beck Arenne/OCBAN’OROVE. N. J



<<fl’ M A IN A V E N U E , O C E A N G R O V E

J. E. QUINN, . - W . II. liECaiJJ,

Editor and Publisher

• • Associate Editor

Eotcred nt tl»«» pontnflUtont Oeenh Grove, New Jursey;jis miillur.


TO C O lU U C SrO N D K N TS -A V o aliall bo g lad to receive item s o f news anil com-.

, niunlcatlons on ,su b jeo ts o f in terest «to Uils community. W r ite on ly on ono side o f the sheet.

The fulHinme nnd address o f tho writer' should accompany all communications, not necessarily for publication, but as a guarantee of'pood faith. Anonymous let­ters v il l i not bo noticed.

Address all communf.catioris, either .for tho editor or. news departments* to . '

' 1 T III3 ED ITO R, .Ocean Grove, N.’ J.


Ono year ............... ;....,$1.00Six Months . . . . i . , . ....... 60Three Months ...... 35.

’ Single Copies 3 Cents Each. •

S A T U R D A Y , M A Y KS, IflOi.

I-Iail to the chief!-. Thom as M artin Is the new ch ie f o f the d istrict fii'o de­partment. l i e w ill m ake a- good one, because he is an ardent fireman.

T h ere is ta lk o f e lec tin g ex-Town- -ship C lerk H arris as a F ire Commis­sioner in the W e s t P a rk d istrict. Joe, who was recen tly e lec ted to the town­ship’ school hoard, is having honors fa ir ly thrust upon him. W e ll, he de; serves a ll that his fr iends can g iv e

him. , ...

Hotels and Coltag’cs arc - B d n £ Taken Rapidly In Ocean Grove*

.W ith' the,w arm w eather has brought a il ad d itiona l’ a c t iv ity in the .renting; o f ; cottages and boarding houses tor . the com ing season, and there is -n o

.doubt now that this season will- b'e up to tlie usual, dad probably, w ill surpassa

. A m ong tlie persons who* h ave recent* ly r c n te d :c 6ttn gesU U rb u gh tlieagen cy o f 13; N." Woolston/ successor to \V. H . B c eg leV u re 'th e ’fo llo w in g : tI James vH;i B lack, o f New-., Yo rk , w ill Occupy Mrs. Bank’s ban'dsome -cottage on Oiln; s treet; ,W ells, o f .N e wYork , w ill reside In one o f C. I. Baum- ga rth er ’s cottages on Abbott avonue; Airs. J. I-Ioesly, Newark, lO W ebb ave­nue; Airs. J. Buekbee, 8 l le c k avenue; H e w E. G. Richardson, o f N e w York , -13 H eck avenue; M iss Fannie S. G lllls, o f New. \o rk , 8(5 Abbott avenue; Mrs. M. J.-Davidson,’ . Pa.. *!0 B roadw ay; G eorge P i.dhatn, Ocean G rove, J1D A b ­bott avenue; G ran t: C. Tu lla r, Chica­go, 5 1 .Em bury avenue; Mrs. Em m a Kurness. New ark, M cNaughton cot­tage, Ocean avenue; Charles S. Shep­ard.. W ashington V illa , Ocean Path ­w a y ; Mrs. N . M ills, B rooklyn, 85-P i l ­gr im P a th w ay ;-P . M. Gould. Paterson , 01 Em bury avenue; C larence T . A tk in ­son, Camden, 22 Sea .V iew . avenue; Mrs. R M cIntyre, N ew Y o rk , 10 W ebb avenue; .1; T . .. Reford. N ew ark , 70 C lark, avenue; Frederick A . W ilson , E lizabeth ,' 53..Clark avenue; I. Shoe’n- tlia l, N ew ark ; 85. O lin s tre e t;-J o s . C. -Mcliwuin, P iiiladelphia, '.75 P ilg r im P a thw ay; T . F . Loftus, N orth Adams, Mass., 11 OHn s treet: F reder ick F o r­rester. Brooklyn, -.. Em bury avenue; Lowe. Dean. New ark , 97 Centra l ave­nue; Mrs. Charles T . M ackenzie, N ew ­ark. "T h e W indsor,'.' W ebb avenue; C. H. Preston . Brooklyn, ;J. E. Johnson’s handsome house on W ebb avenue.

T h e death of. John R. VanIvirk , a m em ber of the Ocean G rove Cainp M eeting Association, is a .very sad be­reavem ent to his fam ily and many

‘ friends, and his loss w ill be keenly fe lt in,Ocean Grove'.,* H e was closely asso­ciated w ith the re lig ious services lieijl at this • place during the summer months. ■

The Proh ib ition S tate convention ‘ ,has,nom inated fo r governor Joel W .

Brown, o f Jersey C ity. A new State com m ittee lias been selected, to con­s ist o f tho R ev , Jam es Park er, o f N ew ­ark ; Joel W . 3 rown, o f Jersey City, and W . H . N icholson, o f Camden, as .members-at*large, who, w ith the chair­men o f the severa l county comm ittees are to constitute the en tire S tate com­m ittee. ■ .v . ■:*1; .

The publication and,business omco o f the Ocean G rove T im es Is now lo ­cated on the second floor of. W ashing­ton engine house, 44 Main avenue, ju st w est of- Central. A fte r t l ie ' firemen vacate the ir presen t quarters fo r their new houso now In course o f erection;, the building w e now occupy w ill be en tire ly rem odeled and refitted, and then the T im es w ill m ove in handsome offices downstairs. T h ere is a scarci­ty o f elig ib le locations fo r a newspa­per office in Ocean Grove. W e w ere m ade aware o f. this in our recent fru itless search fo r a suitable building. A ft e r exhausting eve ry e ffo rt in this d irection , the m em bers o f ‘W ashington F ir e Company, learn ing o f our predica­m ent, nobly came to-the rescue (as th ey a lw ays do In tim e of n eed ), and re lieved us o f our em barrassment by v o tin g us at .t l ie lr annual m eeting the use of^tlielr parlors. So It com es.that by the grace o f the W ashington fire-

: men wo a re com fortab ly housed In a central location; apd w e w ant to say to the boys that w o appreciate their kindness m ore than w ords can ex-

‘p ress.’Our friends w ho .have business to

transact w ith us, o r w h o ‘w ant to ca ll on us personally, w ill now-And us a t

’ our n ew . location, and the office latch- string, Is alw ays on the outside. T lie T im es has many warm friends ana ar­dent supporters, fo r all o f which w o ' a re tru ly thankful.

Real Estate Transfers.

The fo llow in g rea l estate; transfers In Neptune township have been record­ed in the office o f the county cleric at* Freehold fo r the ’ w eek ending . May.

-18th:P e te r F. Dodd to Ida M , Shaw. P iece

o f property, ?J3>71.Jordon 15. Slocum to M ory J. Morris.

P iec e Oi property, ?1.• A sbury Park to Thom as C. Sirnon- ton, Jr. L o t a t Asbury Park , $1.

Sam uel A . Patterson to H en ry W il­liamson and others. L o t at W es t .As­bury Park, $1,200.

Obadiah E. Davis; sheriff, to .Lewis N . DeCou.. L o t at W est Asbury Park , $800.

L . H arry Van Sant to M ary E. Anc* ker. L o t ut W es t Asbury 7 Jark, $1.

H en ry M andeville to M ary Jane M andeville, lo t a t Ocean Grove, $1-

Cornelius M an deville to H en ry Man­dev ille . L o t at Ocean Grove, ?1.

Ralph E. Thom pson to Calicla S. Thompson. Lot- a t B rad ley Park , $1-,G00. • __________ ; ■

Letter List. .

T h e fo llow in g is the lis t o f advertis­ed ' letters rem ain ing in the Ocean Grove postonice, fo r tho w eek ending

« M ay 15, 1901. . . ‘ '. Jas. Y . Bordon; Chas. G. B arto ; Mrs.M . B. B oyd ;1 M rs. A rch lo ’C a ldr Mrs.

•A. D. D ickinson; Mrs. Lucrotia Falk- ner; Irv in g H unt; Thom as Hunt; John W . K e lly ;. M iss Anna N ew ton ; Mrs. R oger ; Mrs. H. B . Shaw ; W . 13.' S trong; J. M. ThomaB; W . L . Vande- veo r; Mrs. W . C, W ilson ; Clarence W ilson , ‘ V * ' "

W . H , H A M IL T O N ,. P .M .-

P en n sy lva n ia Railroad S um m er E x ­cursion T ick e ts to B u ffa lo , N iagara

Falls and O ther-Sum m er R esorts

On A p r il 30, 1901, tho Pennsylvan ia R ailroad Company w ill place on sale sum m er excursion tickets to Buffalo on account o f. tho Pan -Am erican Ex- sitlon, and to N iagara Falls.

On M ay 1, li fo l, the regu lar,sum m er ''excursion tickets to all tho principal sum m er resorts ea s t ‘o f P ittsbu rg and Bu ffalo w il eb placed on sale a t t icket offices o f the Pennsylvan ia Railroad Company.'

T h ese tickets w ill bear ‘ the usual sum m er excursion lim it o f October. 31,* 1901,excep t that tho N iagara Fa lls tic ­kets w ill bo good to return until N ov. 30, 1901.' -- T h e Pensy lvan la Railroad Sum mer Excursion Route Book fo r 1901 w ill bo issued, as heretofore, on June 1st.— I t

Cheap P rop erties .

An 8-room furnished co ttage on W ebb avenuo, tw o blocks from the, ocean, sow er and water. P r ice , $1,800.

N e a r St. Pau l’s M. E. church, a 10- room cottage, w ell furnished, fine bath, tw o fu ll lots.. P r ice $2,G00. .

, L a rg e 4-room cottage, furnished, located on a corner.- • Could be made into a G-room cottage. P r ice , $1,200.

AddVess E. N . W oolston R ea l E sta te & Insurance Agency, 50 M ain avenue, Ocean Grove. , .

. M o rtgages .

W anted , on first bond and M ort­gage, $1,200 at six per cent/, on new house, six rooms and bath, 2 lots, v a l­ue $3,000; $1,000.at six per cent, on new house, G rooms and bath, 2 lots, value $2,500; $5,000 at six per cent, on handsome, residence property, value $12,000; $2,000 a t five per cent, on 12- room house; 2 lots, value $4,500. •

W . H. B E E G LE ,39 Cortland St., N e w YorJc;

T h e Chicago & North -W estern and Union Pacific have g iven n otice o t the Bale o f excursion tickets to Colorado and Utah during tho com ing sum m er on the fo llow in g basis or ra tes : , :

From July 1st to 9th, inclusive, and Septem ber. 1st to 10th, inclusive, tic­kets w ill be so ld .from Chicago to Den­v e r .Colorado Springs and Pu eb lo and return a t ra te o f $25.00; G len wood Springs and return $35.00; Ogden and Salt L a k e C ity and return $40;00; tic­kets to Colorado points- to be lim ited to O ctober 31st, and to Utah points. 00 days not to exceed O ctober 31st.

From June 18th to 30th, inclusive, and July iOth to August 3 lst, inclusive, tickets w ill be sold from Chicago to D enver, Colorado Springs, Pueb lo and return a t rate o f $31.50;. G lenwood Springs and return $43.50; Ogden, S a lt Lak e C ity and return $44.50. T ic ­kets a t these rates limited, to 30 days, excep t th a t on tickets sold o n ' June 18th, 25th, July lGth, 23d arid '30th, August Gtli, 13th,. 20th arid 27th, lim it w ill be October 31st on Colorado tic­kets, and on Utah tickets 90 'days, but In no case to exceed O ctober 31st.

Stop-overs to bo given on Colorado tickets on go in g tr ip 'on ly a t Colorado common points w ithin final lim it;

S top-overs to be given on U tah tic­kets lim ited to 90 days not to exceed O ctober 31st a t nnd w est o f Colorado cpm m on’points in both d irections w ith ­in 30 days go ing and r e tu r n t r a n s it lim it. ■ . .. Stop-overs on Utah 30-day t ickets .in both d irections ,at and w est o f Colora dc comm on points within final lim it.

T h e “ Chicago Specia l” — one n igh t to D enver— leaves Chicago 10.00 a, m. e v ­e ry m orning, and arrives a t D en ver2.00 p. m. the. n ext . afternoon . Th o “ Paoififc E xpress" loaves Ch icago li.3 0 p. ra. ev e ry n ig iit and a rr ives D en ver ea rly the second morning. T h e “ O ver­land L im ited " leaves Chicago G.30 p.m. da ily , on ly tw o days to Utah.

Su m m er C o ttag e W on ted .W anted ,’ a furnished co ttage, w ith

im provem ents, e ith er in Ocean G rove o r Asbury Park , fo r the last two, w eeks In July and tho month o f August. Must bo near tlio ocean., Address E . N . W oolstdn, 50 Main avfenue, Ocean Grove.

M o n e y to Loan .

M oney to loan in amounts from $400 to $G,000 on bonds and m ortgages. E .

,N . W oo lston R ea l Estate and Insur­ance A gen cy , 50 Main avenue. Ocean

^Grove. J. ^

WASHINGTON LETTERKrom Our Uegnlai Cun t^pomlent.

Secretary. G age declines to say any­thing- lo r publication concern ing tho W ail s tree t crash o f last, week, but it is. known that he. fe lt greatly;: re lieved when the d isturbance did not extend outside the ranks o f the speculators. A s a financier I o f long experience lie knows that th e re is a lw ays . danger that ,,t|iese. spcQulati.ve.;.orgies .may d o . grea t damage to the country when the i n ey i table col lapse comes, by nnBet- tling Values m id shaking confldeuce throughout: . business circles. The governm ent .lias no control o ve r these things, but there a rc times when the Secretary o f t h e ' T reasury m ay . do much tow ard preven ting financial trouble o f a serious nature. For that reason Secre ta ry G age kep t a close watch on W a ll s tree t speculations. H e was preptfred to do w hat he* could had the necess ity arisen, but is f/ory glad tiia t in tliis .case lie* was not ca ll­ed on to do anyth ing. H e is still buy­ing short tim e U. S. bonds, w henever they are o ffered a t a price that malcos' it advantageous fo r the governm ent to buy, and w ill continue to do so, be­cause thereby he not on ly puts the m oney t lia t .is: in the .treasury back In­to circulation, bu t saves in terest fo r , tlio governm ent.

Secretary R oot made short work o f o f the officia l ca reer o f a W ar Depart-, ment official, who offered to sell copies of official correspondence 'to the Coun- s.el o f N ee ly , w ho is ciiargdd w ith tlie em lieazlem ent o f Cuban postal funds. T h e /offer w as mado by W . D. WH- liaurs, p riva te secretm-y fo r Col. Ed­wards, Ch ief o f the Insular D ivision of the W ar D epartm ent,.to Judge Lin- say, o f N ew Y o rk ,‘w ho at once report­ed- It to A ttorney-G eneral Knox. De­tectives had no d ifficu lty in tracing the o ffer to W illiam s, w ho acknow ledged his guilt. S ecre tary R oot a t on ce dis­missed him from the governm ent ser­vice, H e would a lso have been prose­cuted, but Inasmuch as the oopies he had offered to s e ll w yre all recovered,- mid would in any even t have been o f no value in the case, it w as'docideu that dism issal w as sufficient punish­m ent. ■ . ■ /

Mr. C. M. Schwab, president* o f the new ly founded s tee l .trust known as the United S tates ^ vec l Company/was ono o f thp 'm ost in teresting w itnesses ye t heard by the Industrial Commis­sion. H e was a ve ry frank and w illin g witness, g iv in g a ll.th a t was asked ex­cept a copy o f the syndicate agree­ment,, which he said he thought was private m atter that he would not care to furnish a t this time. H e said the new company controlled about"76 p e r cent, o f the steel products o f the coun­try, and expressed the opinion that the consolidation under.one head would be beneficial a ll around. W hen asked what e ffect It would have' on prices, ho replied: “ I think the tendency w ill towards som ew hat low er prices. I do not.think there Is a p robab ility o f high­er prices, unless som eth ing unforseen happens." W hen asked what, i f any effect, the ta lk o f tho-.remova! o f the tariff on steel products, would have on his company, he rep lied : "Reduce th e ta riff and tho w ages o f labor w ill lie reduced. Labor form s the la rgest e le­ment. Our g rea tes t exports have been in rails, and b illets, w herein labor Is the least factor com paratively, and not In the lines upon which tho m ost labor is exerted ." W hen asked to state what effect corporate consolidation would h ave on the chances o f men fo r em­ployment, he said': "Opportunitiesw ere never so g rea t before as they are now, for men o f brain and energy, who are w illing, to w ork . T h ere was never so grea t a scarcity o f the special men who aro requ ired by manufactories. Men with such exceptional ab ilities have chances equal to any such men ever had. I doubt, however, I f men with sm all capita l h ave." Ho said tho average wages paid by the Carnegie Company at Hom estead, last year, was $4 a day. T h e low est was yl.5G, but

.Mr. Schwab said ho was ashamed to te ll w hat the h ighest was.

M in ister Conger is in W ashington. H e declines to. discuss the Chinese question, fu rther than -to say that-he thinks it w ill be im possible fo r China to pay the amount o f the indem nity that tho represen ta tives o f the powers

.have decided to demand.W h ile it would be obviously im proper

fo r the D epartm ent o f S tate to take anyn io tice officia lly- o f the constantly repeated reports o f e fforts being made to form a com m ercial* combination o f the grea t European nations, fo r the purpose o f m aking w ar upon Am er­ican ti’ado, o fficia ls o f that departm ent say in p riva te conversation that no such reports would be in circulation, had the Senate ratified the reciprocity treaties n egotiated w ith European na­tions, >as P res iden t M cK in ley, in pub­lic messages and in conversation w ith Senators> r.ePOatedly requested; T h ey add that; in th e ir ' opinion,\ it is - still possible fo r th e Senate to head' b ff any European com m ercia l combinc aga inst us by prom ptly, a t the netft session, ra tify in g such o f those treaties as aro still a live, particu larly that w ith France.

O ffic ia ls.in W ash ington cannot, o f course, speak p os itive ly fo r Presiden t M cK in ley , but none .of them has the rem otest idea tha t Pres iden t M cK in ­ley w ill take.an y officia l notice o f the resolution adopted by tho Hawaiian legislature, asking fo r the rem oval, o f Gov. Dole, because he has not a llowed hlrhself to be.con tro lled by tlie major­ity o f the leg is la tu re. ;

O regon, W ash in g ton and Idaho

arc tho states to which a largo im m i­gration is now directed. You should take advan tage.o f the opportunities,', and the - grea tly reduced rates. T h is wonderfu l country fully, and accurate­ly described :arid illustrated - in a now book let -with a la rg o map, which w ill be mailed to any address upon receipt/ o f six cents in postage by W . B. Knls- kern, 22 F ifth avenue, Chicago.— May 18, Gt '. -

F o r R en t.

Furnished house, 15 Ocean Pathway, north-east corner Beach avenue, 9 rooms and .bath ; a ll com plete; n ew ly painted, etc. James -F . quisling* 224E. State streot, Trontbh '^N . J., or X). C. Covort, G. W . Evans or thei Beegle R ea l Estate and Insurance Agency, Ocean Grove, N , J.

L e t te r to N. J. T a y lo r .

■ Ocam Groi c, iV. J. 1

D ear S ir: T h ere aro severa l ways o f cheating in milk. An old-fashioned, w a y ' is to W ater it . ' N o b o d y , w a ters ' it now. A b etter w ay Is to take out all the cream — rich m ilk, w ith the cream .taken out is us good as poor m ilk w ith its cream all in.

But w e needn’t go Into particulars.You d o n T ro l)-you r JnIlk and. your

customers..P a in t Is as easy as m ilk to cheat

w ith. Good pain t Is as raro as good m ilk ; fo r human nature Is much the same In milk-inen and palntrmon.

You arc ju st and true w ith your m ilk ; so arc w c with our paint. D evoe lead and zinc Is tw ice as good as pure w hite-lead ; lasts . tw ice as long. T h ere ’s tw ice as much butter in it.

•' Yours tru ly,F. W . D E V O E & CO:

i^OR R E N T — An upright piano fo r the season, to p riva te fam ily , a t rea­sonable price. Address Box 85, Ocean Grove.— adv.*


A.SHURY PA IUC, N. ,I„. A t the close of business, April, i!1,11)01."

• • ,Jti:souucEs.I/Ordb and discounts .......OTerdrufts...................... .'.................8 tock %, Hecurltlcs, etc;..,................ .Han kin? bouw ....................Furniture and Fixtures .....Otlicr. realenUite..............................Horidsand M orteages .........huo from othM banks, e tc .....:.....Cliceks andCHKh Item s ;............C «sb ou baud ................... ;

L IA U U d T lK S

...S577,50.1 17

..r - 1,389 73.... io,cr-) oo

S«,000/('-5 .... 3,CC I C3.... it),()»8 m

- 0,071 30. . . . So.OV.S 82.... 1,128 03 -J 4.00i 08

.8730,505 2

Cupiuil stock paid l.n„ ...............$ 60,000 00.Surplus fund........................................ 50,000 00Undivided prollts,less f:\pennes and

taxes p a id ..................;...................... . b.595 03Due to otbor b»nkn,rto .....;....... 10,778 t»7Indlvldimldei»os||f>».ubJ»*cttoonfcflk 678,443 52Demand certillcates o f deposit 4,100 COCertified che«:ks............... - &10 86CVtBhler’s checks nuiatumiinK....:. 78 25Notea a iid blits rc'-dl^counted.... 27,028 70

[ Totnt..St a t k o f N k w J EltSRV, l__Co u n t y o * Mon m outji. j ” ,

H en ry c . Wlnsor, President, and EdmundE. Dayton, Casljierrof ibeubove-numod banfl, being BovernUy duly sworn, each fo r b lm so lf Bays that, the foregoine statement is true to the be«t o f his knowledge and belief.

H E N R Y O W INSO U , President, EDM UND E D A YTO N , Cashier. ,

Subscribed and 6Worn to before mo tbit 8th day o f M ay, A . D. MOl.

Jkssis M in o t , N o tary Public. (For N . J.)

Co rr*ot—Attest: •C. C. Cl a y t o n ,

.T . F «A K K A l ’ l’ LRUY,N. E. BUCHASJON.



Ocean Grove National BankOCEAN GIIOVE. N .J ., . ..

A t tho cioso o f business, A p r lt 21,1001.’


lo a n s and discounts ..... 052,882 BflOverdrafts, secured au iiM L-cured ... 683 10U, 8. Bonds to secure ciroulatton 25,000 00Prem iums on U. B. Bonds..:.................. 017 08Banking house, furniture, and fix ­

tures................................................. 1,820 00Duo from National Banks (not Re­

serve A gen ts)................... ;.............. .*. 250 01Due from approved reserve agents..:. 7,653 35In iernal-Itevenuo Btamps.............. 83 00Notes o f otbor National Banks 460 0QFractional paper currency, niokels, " . •'

nnd cont^............................................ S8I 12Law lu l m oney reserve in bank, v i z :Specie............................ 81,827 70LW al tender notes ....'.... 875 0* 2,502.70Redem ption fund w ltU U. dl Treas-

urer (5 per cent, o f c lrca la tion );..... 1,250 60

Total....;................................$03,COS 18


C apita l etock paid In ...........825,000 00Burnlus fund................. 5,000 00Undivided profits, less expenses and

taxes paid............................................... 0G8 77National bank notes outstanding.... 25,000 00Ind iv idua l deposits subjoet

to check.:.;............. 338,017 81 > .Certified checks...:.........................6 60<

. 88,02141

Total.; .STATK OK NEW JEK8WY, 1 Co u n t y o f M o nm o u th , f

l . T . A . M llier, Cashier o f tho above-nariied bank, do solem nly swear that the above statem ent 1* true to tho best o f m y knowledge and belief.

T. A. M IL L E R , Cashier,

. Bubfcrlbed and swe.n to before me this 10th day o f M ay, A . D. IflOi,

E h n k s t N . W oolsto k , N o ta ry Publie, (K o rN .J ;)

Correct— A ttes t:STE PH E N D. W O O LL1Y , N A T H A N J. T A Y L O R ,

.W ; II. H AM ILTO N .Directors.

F ire A larm s— Asbnry Park17—B an cs and Cookman avenues. • .19—Cookm an avenuo and M ain s treoL 28—Cookm an and Bangs avenues.36—Second avenuo and M ain street.37—M ain street, and M unroe avenue.44—Second and Grand avenues.4G—Asbury avenue and E m ory s treet.Cl—S ew o lf avenuo and H eck street. ' 55—Asbury avonue and K in g s ley street. C3—Fourth avenuo and Bond street.

•54—F o u r th - and Grand avenues. .72—Second and Borgh avenues.73—Fourth avenuo and K in g s le y street. 82—S ixth and Grand .avenues.84—Seventh avenue and Bond street.

. 91—Seventh avenue and W eb b street.93—Sunsot and W ebb streets.

S ign a ls : C—C—C—General alarm.2—F ir e out.

Arriva l and Departure o f M alls

M a ils C lo s e F o r N ow Y o rk and points north—-7.30,

U.45 a. ra.; 3.30, 6 p. ra.F o r T ren ton , Ph iladelph ia and points

south—7, 1L45 a. m .; 3.30, G.0Q p. m. •F o r Aabury P a rk —7, U.45 a. m.; *.00 p. at.

M a lls A r r i v e P rom N e w Y o rk and poin ts north—7.30,

10.30 a. m .; 4.00, G.30 p. m.F rom Tren ton , Ph iladelph ia and points

south—7.30, 10.30 .U.30 n. m.J 4.00, 6.00 p. m.F rom A sbu ry P a rk —7.00 a. m .; 12.00 noon,

and 6.00 p. m..

C o l l e c t i o n s a n d D e l l v o r i e s C ollections made from le tte r boxes a t

6 and 9,30 a. m., 12.00 noon, and 6.00 p. m. D eliveries by carriers a t 8 and 11 a . m., and 4.30 p .m .

Fire alarms—Ocean Grove22—C layton 's store, M ain avenue,13— Surf and Beach avenues.24—E m bury and Bnach avonues. 25^Main avenue and P ilg r im P a th w ay . 26—P ilg r im P a th w ay and B roa d w a y ,.29. M cC lin tock s treet and Beach a v « .

* 82—C lark and N ew Jersey avenues.34—H eck and W h ite flo ld avenues. ■ - 1 .as—M ain avenue eates. .

f 42—Corlles and South M ain , W e s t G rova43—U nexcelled E ngine House, W . G rove.

S ig n a ls4—4—4—F ire is out o f town. •6—6-6—General alarm. »

Ocean Grove National Bank\ A s s o c i a t i o n B u i l d i n g , M a i n A v e .

. - - . O C E A N G R O V E . N . J .


$ 2 5 ,0 0 0 $ 5 ,0 0 0

W. H . B e e g l e , Pres. W . H . H a m i l t o n , Vice Pres.T. A. M i l l e r , Cashier. 1

Board of Directors :W il l ia m I I ; B rkoi.k W i ia ia h I I . H a m ilto n Ca l v in V Htfnunr

Stisi’ iiEN I ). W ooli.ky NA.ntAS J. T a y i .oh' J acou St ii .e s 'T . N klsoh I jIllao o h h • \ v i i .i.ia m M o iia n - -

Transacts a general banking business, issues letters of credit ■ available ill the principal cities of the world,

. /Colioctions carefully made and promptly ratnitted.

“ Tlio statutes regulating tho operations or National uunks aro o f suoh wisa conception that, oonaolontlouBly, conformed to by officers and d irectory no institution o f banking ap­proaches tho Natlouul fo r deserved confldouco o f and aecurlty.to patrons*”

Geo rg e F. ICfiOKiiL, President.

. .* M a u t in n . Scorr, Cashier.

Da. Sa s iu k l Jo h nhon , V ico President.

J. E, Da v is , Aest, Cashier,

FIRST NATIONAL BANKOrganized Fobruary, 1888

Mattisori Avenue and Bond Street


Tffiav^ o f i a Kancml banJilat,- tjuHluc.3, iottonj o'orcdlt ft va lla blo In tlio nrinoipiil cities o r tbo world. For­eign and dowiesUo exchanges honght and sold. Collec- Uojjs co jcfuBy vnode and prom ptly aaoountod fOr. D liv couut mootings hold Taosdayg and Fridays a t8 a . ar.

Boaiid of Diheotous : . . ■

G. B. Kroth l, A lbert O. Tw in ing, Isoao O. Kennedy, S. \Y. K lrkbnde, O livar H . Brown* Barn^ uel Johnson, Mabton R, MargerumJ iX O. Covort, W m . H . B «ctte, W m . Hathaway,

H. O. ^YIlTSOU, President'

E. E. Da y t o n ; Cashlor

C. C. Cl a y t o n , V ice President

J k se M in o t , Asst. Cashier

Asbury Park $ Ocean Grove BankOrganized January, 18S0

C A P IT A L , $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 S U R P L U S , SSS jO O O

Mattlson Avenue and Main Street, Aebury Park

M a in A v e . and P ilg r im P a th w a y , O oean d r o v e

‘ftranaocU a Banking Business, Issue:* Foreiga ana D im a lia Drafts. Prom p,attention given to all matu>ra entrusted to us. Your patronage solicited,


DinHOTOOS: N . E , Buchanan, J, 8, Fexguaon, Geo. \V. Evans, 0. C. Clayton, Goo. W . Treat, Or. J. A , H etrick , John Hubbard, KoUry O. W loflor, T. Frank Apploby, Lew is Rain- oar, Anaos Tilton.


Electric Supplies Machinery

is not complete without k cosy little bath room. You can have it as elaborate or inexpensive as you please, but if you know' how to order you can make a little money go a good ways. Better come in and see those we have had fitted up ot our store. It won’t cost you a cent and may save you money. .

m m iIfflHDSIm r n u

S T I L E S 'E X P R E S ST ^ K t D S T H G E L I N E

C H I S is H ie o ld e s t es ta b lish ed l i m in O ccan G ra v e a e d

A s b u ry P a rk . S p e c ia l fa c i l i t ie s fo r th e p ro m p t and

ca re fu l b a n d l in e 'o f a ll k in ds o f F tt ia itttre , Ptanog,

B o ile r s and S a fes . S h ip p in g ta g s fa m is h e d f r « e .

S to ra g e fo r a li k inds o f g o o d s . S ep a ra te co m p a r t­

m ents . E ach , in d iv id u a l fu rn ish ed w ith a key..

i J H C O B S T I L E SO F P IB B S !, w

7 ©8 M « t t i » o n A v » „ R a ilroa d D «n o t , A s ta tr y P a rk . ' 4 S G orllaa A v a , , WB H m h . W h i a * ® . O ffloe , D a m n a n > y t . Pent• W m * • a « n , m s h a r . P a rk , U , J .



Pleasant Penclllngs About tbc People, Place and Property.

■ Mrs. A lfre d Cookman Is among tnb- lato arr iva ls a t tlio A la s k a ..

The boardw alk throng on Sunday was a rem inder o f summ er days.

M r. W illia m C liattlo v l s l t o i l I l l s m other in the Gvovo over Sunday last.

M r. S idney T . Ham pton has lieen ap­pointed superintendent o£ Rescue Mjs-

■' slon. •V-i.'-.jMrs. W illiam T . H ill, o f Mt. Z ion

W ay , lias been seriously i ll for a weelc past, v ; ' . : 1:

M rs. M. D. Stout, o f Philadelphia, is occupying her co tage m . 14 Ocean

. avenue. , \ H-.'. ’’ ’ 'M r. .and M rs. B. Frank W n in righ t

.’ . returned last Saturday from a w eek ’s v is it to N e w York .

Mrs. N . MeCabo, o f Freehold, is tho guest o f the fam ily o f Dr. I. N . Beegle, fo r a tow w eeks. v. -

K em em ber; the .en terta inm ent o f St. Pau l's Sunday school a t the church

■ this (F r id a y ) evening.. N e v r singing books w ere ys'ed at the

: w eek ly p rayer m eeting In St, Pau l's On W ednesday evening. ' •>

The semi-annual mooting Of the O cean ,G rove Association w ill be held on W ednesday next, 22(1 Inst. *

Jas. Tom pklnson, o f Ph iladelphia, Is superintending the im provem ent on his p o tta ge a t 03 Franklin avenue."

Mrs. Thom as D. M cClelland, o f Now-' ark, .is: resting fo r a fe w days. at. the

'. Law rence' House on Main aventie..Mrs. W a lte r F, B u ck ley, and-: M iss

Byrd Stevens, o f Ph iladelphia, are v is ­it in g 'M rs . J. A . Hood, M ain avenue.

Friends o f M rs .. Sarah E . Mcail, o f that sho is s low ly declining. H e r son, R ev . C. H , Mend, Is now In t lia G ro ve .:

Charles Raphael, o f N ew York , came / ;'d ow n last Saturday even ing and.spent

Sunday w ith his parents at. G rove H all, P ro f. T a ll Esen M organ ,..w itli his

! . w ife and son Paul, w ere .v ls lto rs to the G rove during the ea rly ’ pa rt ot tho ■week. \ ' .‘..V-!s~-

T h e store o f L . ’ vanGllluwe, nt tho corner o f O lln s tree t and Central a ve ­nue, is undergoing extensive ex terio r repairs.

Capt. Parsons spent Sunday a t his home in the Grove. He- le ft tho llrst

\ o f the w eek to .join Ills vessel a t N o r­fo lk , Va.

D irector T a li Esen Morgan conduct­ed tho first rehearsal o f the summer chorus on Thursday even ing in Thorn- le y chapel. *

Thu P itm an avenue drug store o f A . A . W h ite is now open w ith a new line ’ o f drugs and novelties. It w il l , pay you to call.- George F. Rainear, cashier o f tho Ocean G rove Association , spent last Sunday w ith his parents a t W arden- cly ffe, L . I.

Ph ilip H. Fow ler and fam ily , o f Glou­cester, a rr ived in the Grovo yesterday ,'

,find took possession o f the ir Lak e nve- ■'•nue residence.

M iss Rose H awxliurst. who has been confined to h er bed fo r th e past B is wcokB- w ith muscular rheumatism, is s low ly im p ro v in g .

M iss M innie Hoagland, o f Main a ve­nue, Ocean Grove, h'as returned home a fter v is it in g re la tives in P la in fie ld

. and Bound Brook. /M iss Lou io Goodnow, who spent

som e w eeks w ith friends in M ontcla ir and N ew York , caino home on Friday evening o f last week.

Tho T im es office is now located on the second floor o f the’ W ashington engine house, on Main avonue, Just w est o f Central avenue.

The Nownrk, N . J., postmaster, Jhs, L . Hays, paid a b rie f v is it to the (Jrove

. last Tuesday. H o Is a m ember o f tho Ocean G rovo Association.

Mr. and M rs. W illiam J. Tuto, ot Brooklyn, w ere guests at the A laska o ve r Sunday. M rs.-Tate Is a sister to Mrs, M argaret Bottome.

M. A . Dawson, ot Ph iladelphia, Is now gettin g the B ryn M awr, corner o f H eck nnd Central, avenues, tn condi­tion fo r summ er occupancy.

Mrs. Chas. F . A llium and daugnter, Frances, have returned to their homo in tho G rove a fte r a seven w eeks’ ab ­sence, spent In Philadelphia.

Mr. O liver G. Andrus, a Mount H o lly newspaper scribe, rode from that place to the G rovo aw lioel on Monday, and

... paid his respects to the T im es. , . A fte r som e days Bpent In look ing

a fte r her property on Bath avenue, Mrs. S. A . M orrow returned to her hom e In Philadelphia, on Tuesday. \• Itov. W . R. W edderspoori, o f F ir^t M . E . church, A sbury Park , w ill ad­dress, the m eeting In Rescuo Misslon- on W ednesday even ing o f n ext week.

O fficer and M rs.-Frank Tantum v is ­ited the ir son John a t Lakew ood on Sunday lost. They-w ere: accompanied

■ by the ir daughter, M iss L iz z ie , (Tan-; turn. .■ / , ’ ’

. V ictor. W ysock l lias opened a barber 1, shop In . the Evans building, W a ll

street, in (h e rear o f the Association building. L o o n -W y s o c k l . w ill . ho in charge.

In teresting re lig ious serv.ces are kep t up eve ry .'night in tho w eek a t tho M ain stree t Rescuo M ission. -RoV.'Dr, W a lla ce w as the preacher last Sabbath evening. • V ,

M iss H en rie tta Bancroft, daughter o f tho lato R ev. Goorgo Bancroft, Is at present In tho .G rovo look ing a ftor her severa l cottages^ She Is stopping at tho Alaska.

On Tuesday Judge W illiam A . Uay, o t W ashington, D. C., and his w ife and child, w ere v is ito rs to the Grove. Mr. Day was look ing a fte r ms property on Heck avenue. -,

J. D. D ailey, o f Buffalo, was a 'visit- ; ' o r to the Groyo on Thursday.. H o is ' leader o t tlio D a iley quartette, which

sang In the Auditorium during the : summer o f 1899,

A notice on tho postofilce bulletin requestB a ll m em bers o£ P ro f. M or­gan ’s ' summer chorus to report a t Thorn loy cliapol fo r roliearsals on Thursday evenings..

In our trips about town wo notice the cottages o f Sooator Sklrm, General Rusllng, Mrs. Stout,’ and H o te l La

P ie rre are .much im proved .by rece iv ­ing a new coat o f paint.

.Miss'.8 .- M. Tfhier, o f Baltim ore, Is a guest ot the Law rence - H o u s e ,'fo r a short time. M iss U lile r lias purchased a property on W ebb .avenue, and w ill occupy It some tim e In June.

Mrs, E1,1-I. Am or, o f N ow Brunswick, is now registered at the Bath Avenuo House fo r a fe w days.' She Is having her cottage, a t 33 Bath avonue, put in exce llen t shape fo r summ er tenants.';■ A com m ittee from, tlie Hom o M is­sionary Society was in' attendance at St. Pau l’s church on Tuesday to re­ce ive contributions; o f money, clothing, etc., fo r lue Jacksonville- flro -sufferers.

.Mr. and Mrs. ■ M yron W . M o rse ,;o f . N ew ark , came down last Saturday and spoilt seve'rhl days in the Grovo at the A laska. T h ey w ill return in a f e w . weeks and open the ir' Em bury avenue cottage. . / .. A raro trea t Is In store fo r a ll those who atend the enterta inm ent this (F r i­day) even ing In St.- Pau l’s church for the benefit o f the-Sunday school. The program .is rep lete w ith tho best tal­ent., / - / - ■1 ' ;

This Association fo rces have, repair­ed the tar. w alk bordering along W es­ley lake. Th is Is a g rea t Im provem ent as there w ere m any breaks which w ere of- grea t annoyance to pedes­trians. . . . "v . '■ \ '

M iss Burdick; o f Cookman avenue, rece ived ,a .te leg ram on W ednesday from W ashington, fcqhtaihlng the sad- news o f lier b rother’s : death. . H e dfoppepd dead • w h ile hastening to catch a car. • . / .' •

M iss E m ily A . lt lc e has returned from Charleston,.S. C:, "wliere-she has been 's ince closing her.cottage last'fa il. H e r home, Itice V illa , 77 C lark avenue, is being put in thorough order fo r summer occupancy.. M r.’and. M rs. J. H . Faraday, w ith the ir son Charles, o f B rook lyn , w ere over-Sunday vis itors tp the Grovo, spending a few days a t tho cottage No. 721*2 Em bury aveUne, which they have leased fo r the summer.

R ichard W ilson- and w ife, o f Hcclc avenue, returned last Saturday a tter a

' pleasant weelCs vacation . •• Mr, W ilson d rove to Pem berton to v is it his daugh­ter, and la ter they v is ited Trenton, Ph iladelph ia and Burlington. Mrs. Frank- W ilson accompanied, them. ■;■ Mr. a n d ’Mrs. F , C; Ross returned to the G rove,las t Friday from Brooklyn, w licro they resided during the past w inter. On Saturday theyi le f t for Camden, fo r a fo rtn igh t ’s vis it, a fter which they w i.. return fo r the summer and occupy , their c o t ta g e 'a t 95 Era-, bury avenue." , ; v

T h ere are now th ree vacancies in the Ocean ' Grove .Association, and it happens that the ir successors must be selected from .the la ity .' T l ie . places to bo filled are those o f Coi. Jnmes S. Yard and Hon, H olm es . W . Murphy, both of. Freehold, and. Mr., J. R , Van- K irk , o f N ew Brunswick, N . J. The last named died on Monday, M ay 13.

A fte r nearly a w eek spent very p leasantly In Ocean Grove, those com­pris ing the. house-party g iven by Miss B lckerton at the B ickerton cottage on W ebb avenue, have returned to tlie lr homes In Philadelphia. T h ey w ere : Mrs. Am bler, Mrs. M agee, Mrs. A ther- holt. M iss Halstead, M iss Fagan, M iss F le tcher, 1 Miss M cCall and. M iss B lc­kerton. - :

Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows.: '

'. On M onday o f n ext w eek th e , grand lodge o f th§ Independent O rder o f Odd F e llow s w ill hold a specia l session in the. room s o f Asbury Pa rk Lodge, No. 253, in the W inck ler building: on Mat- tison avenue, Asbury Park , Fu lly 450 members o f the grand lodge are expected to be present on thist occa­sion, i t being the first tim e that body has m et here. ,■ T h e open ing exercises w ill -take place a t 2.30 In the a fternoon, and ail adjourned session w ill: be held at 8 o ’c lock th e sam e even ing.1

: A m ong the past grands from Ocean Grove, who arej members o f the grand lodge and w ill attend the.’ session, are, R ichard W ilson , James F. Brelsford, H olm es M eglll, B. F rank W ninright, Charles H . Chamberlain, W illiam 1-1. P in e; Andrew T . Van C leve, Silas Bar­ton, M ilo C. Gridin, W es ley B. Stout, W illiam . T . H ill;. Edw ard L . Letts , G. A . W ills , O. II . Tonipldna, Dr. G eorge L. D. Tom pkins, James Prldham , 'John J. Sm ith; Aaron Reed, .W illiam H. Ham ilton, Charles N . ICmery and Carl Hoffm an.

Courts Declared Him Dead. '.C .;C . France, a residen t o f Davis,

this county, recen tly d iscovered that he was o ffic ia lly dead. H e had moved to tho- tow n from Coblesklll, N . Y., tw e lv e . years ago, and Ills w here­abouts .: was .’ unknown. H o secured worlc.w ith George Hunt, a farm er, who reeeh tly , a t the request o t France, sub- scrlbed fot' a CobleskllL paper. W hen the first .number arrived , France 'was g rea tly surprised to read therein that ho-was dead and had been so declared by the courts; /Tho court accordingly ordered that his b rother was entitled to the property under his mother's w ill. T h e land is w orth . |i,400, and France, is now try ing to . make tho courts be lieve he is.a liye.

Asbury Park’s Board of Trade.

. A d vertis ing Asbury P a rk was the principal them e fo r d iE cu ss ion before the Board o f T rade o f that c ity on Tuesday afternoon. The; o ffer o f Mr. Boyd, o f the Pennsylvan ia Rallrp'ad, to spend $15,000 In advertising,.-pro- v id ed A sbury P a rk would orect a ilrst- class hotel fo r w in ter business, creat- eu considerable enthusiasm, M cbsi-h H enry :Stoinbach, Sam uel W . Kirk- bride, and - N . E. Buchanon each agreed to g iv e $5,000 tow ard such a hotel project/and severa l others o ffer­ed sm aller amounts. M r. Stolnbach w ll outline n plan o f action a t tlio next m eeting. ________

\ Services at St. Paul’s. ••;... P re a c h in g . tom orrow (Sunday at 10.30 a. m. Sermon b y tiie . pastor, R ev . E. C. Hancock,, top ic "G race Abounding.” . Sunday school a t 2.30 p. m.; Epw orth League, 6.30 p. m. Gospel song servlcO 'ttt 7.45 p. m. E x­tra music by tho choir. Seats free and a ll welcome.


A 'M ilita ry Discourse, and Epworth League Activ ity . ; ;

T lK / in in ll boy, o f whoin there a re all uncounted liost iu and' around Ocean Drove, found a specia l attraction in attendance a t church., last Sabbath morning.

T ills was tho precise and o rd e r ly ’ inarch o f Company 11, in undress uni­form , across W es ley lake ami tow ard St. Pau l’s, w h ile the deop-toned bell In its tow er ahuounced th e hour o f di-vinu 'serviee. ■■■- -...■ ■. - - ;

punctually a t the proper' m inute the m ilita ry entered from the rear, ma.rch1- i i ig down tlio m iddle a is le ’ and deploy-; lag Into the fron t-sea ts reserved ’ fo r their accommodation,•‘w h ile the graud organ gave them, a decorous w elcom e.

Th e ed ifice was crowded to fts- ut­m ost capacity, arid. Pastor H ancock .seemed at his best: in m aking a ll tno services im pressive, and tlio musical fea tu res-o f the m orning len t an added' charm to 'th e .occas ion .

T h e sermon was en tire ly m llltn n t'in its scope, and character, i t wiis found­ed. on an ineidisnt in the days, o f K in g Saul and a yonng hero D avid, when a grea t battle was pending betwoen the ls rae lltlsh arm y and the boastfu l P h il­istines.' ; v \ V. -. H e rev iew ed the h istory o f wars, nn- c le iit nnd modern, the life o f a so ld ier and his . duty, and discipline, and the character " o f a . t r u e fo llow er o f tjie g rea t Captain o f our salvation , the L o rd Jesus Christ. , ' '•

T w o grea t arm ies are in battle a rray representing: the forces o f ligh t and darkness, sin and.righteousness.. G od is on the side o f the righ t aga inst the wrong, w h ile the d ev il has marshalled his legions in tlie,cause o f evil.

Addressing, the m ilita ry .company, who sa t a tten tive ‘to ev^ ry word, he pictured tlie beauty o f aii . earnest Christian life , the sa fety and success o f conquering sin, and the blessedness o f the w arfare which ends In a crown o f g lory .

A no ther large congregation w as present in the evening, i t being the ann iversary o f the Epw orth League. A n appropriate discourse was preach­ed by the pastor, from , the te x t 'M a rk 13:34, “ T o ev e ry man his w ork.” i t was a .p ra ctica l/ ' Insp iring appeal to Christian a c t iv ity , . and m ade a v e ry genera l and. ve ry profound im pression on tho m inds o f a ll present.

The Letter That Never Came.

C. A .'F o r t, assistant postm aster a t A tlan tic H ighlands, recen tly received a le tte r fo r a lady in that tow n which had been mallod in Syracuse, N , Y., on M ay 27 1898. On the back o f tho le tte r was the fo llow in g w hich ex-’ plains the delay:

Post Office, N ew York .— Th is p iece o f m ail was delayed by acetdontally faliin ig in an opening o f one o f the d is­tribu ting tables rit the genera l post- office, w here It was d iscovered today, C. Van Cot-t,"Postmaster.

A ll ihe W ay by Trolley .

The V and egrlft Construction . .Com­pany, o f Philadelph ia, which has bought out the plant and franch ise o f the Monmouth and ; M idd lesex E lec­tric L igh t, H ea t and P ow er Company, proposes changing the m otive pow er o f the horse car .line b etw een . Matar' wan and K eyport. and South Am boy to a tro lley system, and la ter to ex­tend Its tro lley line to Freehold and A tlan tieyH jg lilands, which w ill make a continuous tro lley road from Belm ar to South Am boy.

Irish R iflem en rit thc_ Girt.

S ir Thom as L ip ton and tw enty Irish sportsmen, us an escort to the .Irlsjli team o f sharpshooters, w ill be : the lions at the in ternational lt iile contest to be held a t S ea 'G irt, the first w eek o f S ep tem b er.. G roat intorest ' Is a t­tached to tlie appearance, o f the Irish contingent, because tlie selected team fi-onf the N ew .Jersp y sharpshooters is to hold up the end o f the United States d irectly aga inst the Irish team o f eight. A ’ v ic to ry fe r tile Jei'seymen would make them ’the champion m arks­men o f the .world. '• G eneral; B ird W . Spencer, president o f the ' Nationa l R ifle Association , i s . authority for. .the assertion, that Sir. Thom as L ipton w ill be th e . leader o f . the Irish marksmeii, and lie w ill have much to say in the selection o f the e igh t men who are to com prise tho team . T h e men w ho w ill, accom pany-. the Irish shooters w ill com prise some world-famed sports­men, • •

Hobart’s Mausoleum.

Contracts liuve been made fo r ’ the erection o f a mausoleum over the body o f the luto V ice-President G arret A . Hobart, which lies In Cedar Lawn cem ­etery, a t Paterson. Mrs. 'Hobart- re ­cently purchased e leven lots adjo in ing tho present fam ily p lot to accomm o­date tho la rge marble structure which she intends to put up. Th e entrance to the mausoleum Is to be ot massive m arble columns, Inside o f which w ill be heavy Iron doors. D irectly under the high dome the body o f Mr. Hobart w ill rest In a m arble sarcophagus.. Room w ill made l’or another sarcoph­agus, In which the body o f Mrs. H o­bart w ill rest a fte r death. Around the tomb there , w ill be'.niches' fo r other members o f the fam ily . The mauso­leum w ill cost upward o f ?80,000.

Makeup ot the Grand Jury.

Fo llow ing are the persons sitting as the grand ju ry o f Monmouth county fo r the M ay term : W illiam A . N ew e ll,Joseph Holm es, Jr.,.M atthias W oo lley , John Guire, T . Form an Taylor, James E : L lpplncott, C lark Conine, A b ija li

:F lslier, -Charles P.. C o n ove r ,' Aaron E lilr ldge, W illiam i . . R eid , A lfre d H a r­dy, Charles A . Geran, G eorgo A.- Fountain, James P . Hopping, Thom as W yncoop, G eorge W . T rea t, Benjam in J. Parker, James S. Throckm orton, H erbert VanArsdale, Christian L. Berge, Thom as G. c iayton , John G. Schanclt, Som ers T . Champion.

C o ttag e F o r S (ile Cheap.

A re you looking fo r a bargain? H ere Is one. A- 10-room co ttage on Cook­man avenu e,-five b locks - from the

.ocean, furnished, w ith tw o fu ll lots, one o f which is on a corner; n ice shade trees, seW er and w ater, h igh ground. Price, $1,700, and tho pur. chaser gets the ren t fo r the cottage, which is a lready rontcd, amounting to $125.00, m aking cost o f property hut $1,576. AddressE . N . W O O L S T O N R E A L E S T A T E &

IN S U R A N C E A G E N C Y,50 M ain avenue. Ocean Grove.

M o rtga g es .

W anted, on first bond and M ort­gage; $1,200. a t s ix per. c e n t , on new house, six-room s and bath, 2 lots, v a l­ue $3,000; $1,000 at s ix per cent, on new house; 6 rooms and bath, 2 lots, value $2,600; $6,000 a t six per cent, on handsome res id en ce , property, value $12,000; $2,0u0 ttt five per cent, on 12- room house, 2 lots, value $4,500.

W . H . B E E G LE ,. 89 Corrtand St.,.Nftw io r lt .

« ❖ O ♦ ♦

I: f$*: *i

i .

I Different: i m a m ■

i —Largest stock of

y. Pianos and ji Organs on the J - ' Jersey Coast.

# . — ’^ Free delivery5 bet. Hay Head j> and Seabrigiit

f i T o le p h o h o i C a l l 131 b

new Eocatioti:

645 IHatfisoti floe.flsDitrv Pativb.J.


Wyncoop & Upper Lehigh C?al . a Specialty

HulshartD e a le r s in 'v


BEST GRADESat Lowest Prices

Oak and Pine Woodby Cord or Barrel

Yard and Office:

79 South Main St.T e le p h o n e 5 9 A


Tinning:, Gutters and Leaders. Hot Air and Steam Heating


Pilgrim Pathway, Opp. Postoffice


. H . C . F A R R E L L , P r o p . J. L. B L A C K , M gr.

Crosbie Furniture CompanyTHE WHOLE

.. is interoated iti what >ve Imve to fhv. Wo’vo never talked tho beat, anjl sold the most ordinary. Wo guarantee every­thing wo eell, and everything wo gay. ,If yon don’t'want to buy, don’t; out look. Our window will show you some of tho best bargains in

Qo*Carts, $7 .0* to $9.00 Sideboarda, 7.50 to 2 S.00 Reed Rocker.i, 1 .5 0 ( 0 4 .5 0 Rug*. - l.oo to a.5o Combination Bureaus and Stands, 8.00Chiffoniers, 5.00 to' 13 .00 Whips. 15c. to l.5oCarptts—Ingrain, - 4o to toe., Brussels, 6Sc. to l.ag

M attings, 16c. to j o d

And Stoves o f a ll kinds at prices that can’ t be beat. Come and sec mem. .




i Just received, a large aasortmeut of inexpensive £ ic but very pretty effects in bed-room papers t tiling for hotels and boarding houses.

Just the (i: ' fit'

. $ 9. It 9.

. %Grand, Cookman and Summerfield Avenues £

Open evenings until S.30.

ASBURY PARKI :. , - *}, Beni 10 em it fa r 11 tuiortca pent.

GEO. W. PATTERSONThe Leading Custom

For Men and Boys



G.L,.Faraday SiCo.40 Pilgrim Pathway,

> Ocean Grove, N. J .

B le c tr ic a l G o n tr a d o r sD esign ers an d M an u fa ctu re rs of G as, E le c ­

trical and Com bination Fixtu res, R efinishing, P latin g and R ep airin g. E x p e rt L o ck sm ith s an d B ellh an gers. E s tim a te s ch eerfu lly g ive n .

Brooklyn Address, I442 Broadway

A. Pi W E B S T E R , Manager


TH E ESTERDBOOK STEFI. PEN C01 20 John Bt., Now Ytrk. - t



i Hattcrcd anil 1i raised and uitrn rttxl old,Bereft of hl« mnne nml mil.

| A vclernn .chnrRer simirh ni\>\ lio’ il, ..; Ho lins.wcntKcrod lift*'? fieri t-,t t;alc—. '

l T)m hero Of many n LMllnnt mid, ,J In.ninny n 1iSi«m1Ic<s v.-nr. V, '■ / '

A-BoWivr of formiiv, im.H.nuyeil ■ ’ - ; Jiy burtlo niul wimnd/iwl sour I

! ’ Nc.itli tlio touch of n'Hlliv hand

i’ . He lisa tiavcliul niitity a tr.Me-Thfo«Kb the womU'rbil n'ohm of \M-.iyUUo I.nntlj

Where the spiriis of fancy 6mlUv • • •

But, strnnpe to f:iv.' iirii}.«linhlist fl^ht,T)iQii|;h he lulled or rested not. •

TbrouRb aJt liU travels l*y day ami ’ ’He has Blood in the solfstaiiio spot!

He was ridden fir. JiO was rlihien hard,;llo has borni* llerre-hrunts ami blows

And o ft lias (ell, ns a swvcl reward,* A kiss on Jus trijfnoiit nose..

i Ami; though he I•* rullier tliu worse tor-wear And Is cripidcd and iitarrcif ainl ohl,

I In the eyes of 1d« master. he still, is fair \ And worth Ids weight In jinM.

■ / ~Hcrni(| jind Presbytcr. '

Aiki>AlAi A / al AiAftMfrAAA


B y t \ . Q u a d ; :

copvricht, looi. hr 0. i«is.

Tho crciv o f (ho Anicrfcnu l>rte Nemo had boon pnltl olYnt Cmlly. Anti as mate I wns looking fo r another berth when a young nml good looking-m an, who wns stroll Ing about the; W harf as H* In search o f some one accosted me with; on inqu iry as lo m y capability as a n av iga tor and la tor oil ashed me to ac­company him to a en fe -fo r a talk. As the young man was a "Brazilian and a landsman m y curiosity was naturally aroused, l i e w as ratlim* slow in com* lug to the poliit. being evidently desir­ous o f slfchig mo up, and I had begun to grow n llt l le impatient when ho leaned across the table and said: .

"Senor,’ I ha'vo drcidetl to trust you and tell you tlio triith. It is an expedi­tion to carry ofl* a young Indy.”

“ I f it is a scheme, to abduct a woman, I w ant nothing to do w ith It,” 1 re­plied.

“ D o not m istake me. senor. I am a Brazilian. I am from , one o f the hlgh- est fam ilies In our country* I am in Jove w ith a Spanish lady, a young lady o f highest birth, h ilt her people are op­posed to our marriage. I uni not only In love w ith her, but she returns m y


passion. She has vow ed to tho.V irgin tha t she w ill n ever g iv e her hand to an­other, Indeed, she Is ready to die If she cannot m arry me.”

“ And w hy do her people ob ject? ' I asked, th inking that i f his looks did not belie his character any fa ther In Spain m ight be proud o f him fo r a son- in-law. . ..

“ I t was n feud between our fathers, ecnor, partly political and partly busi­ness. T h ere was bnd blood, and, though my fa ther died years ago, Don Kami-

, npz still holds his bitterness. H e has a son w ith whom I have fought a duel, and that I .wounded and vanquished him lias but added to tho bitterness o f the situation.’.* .

“ W hy, this Don Ram inez Is a gov­ernment official o f some sort, isn’t he?” .

“ n o is governor o f the. provluco o I Cadiz, senor.” . •

i “ I f he is rich and pow erfu l nnd rip: posed to the marriage, your cake is dough. You seem to run more o f a chance o f being shot than o f becom ing his son-iu-law.”

Senor D a Costa, tis he had glvei\ me his name, looked troubled for a. mo­ment, and then a Hash tam o to his eyos as he qu ietly asked: .i “ In your country, senor, w hat do they, do. In such casesVf. “ T h e lovers? W e ll, i f the old folks are opposed there is .generally a ru n -, a^yay match.” :j,. “ r lu ivc heard soi and. there w ill be ono In ib is case. W e would both have It otherwise, but It is the last resort \ must take the sonorita to Brazil to be*, come m y w ife . I t was settled that w ay lost evening,’-, “ But have you counted on the old man?” 1 asketl. a little annoyed by the young man's cooliiess In disposing o f 'the case. “ H e ’ ll bo a fte r you in* tw o ; hours, and he lias tlie lega l-r igh t to take his daughter o ff the steamer and )put you behind, th e bars.. I should say he would be a bad man to foo l w ith .”

.‘ ‘L isten , senor,” quietly replied the lover.' "Y ou w ill find In this port a c ra ft fo r sale o r charter. She. may be, small, but she nnist be fast. I t w ill be

.better fo r many reasons that she is a 'sa il’ vessel. You shall, buy her and •clear liqr. fo r some w estern port, and I .^ 111“sa il aw ay w ith the senorlta, aud she w ill become my w ife .”

“ But w a shall be pursuod,” I said.. H e shrugged his shoulders and sm il­ed. v; ;\ “ A nd i f captured it w ilVm ean years jot imprisonm ent fo r me"*. -,

• “ t o u r pny w ill be commensurate w ith the.risks. ■w.Minr, L e t us waste no m ore,tim e. Set forth at- once ..aiid fiud a cra ft."

Al. the end o f another half hour w e had the details arranged as fa r as pos­sible, and. I vvas ready to h eg ln .m y share o f tite w ork. W ith in i l l hours I hail found a sehooner yacJit from the Moditerr:\uenn. an l-’ ugllsh built c ra ft ivbos'ti owner had Hied o f p laying sail- or and le ft her in the lunuls o f a bro­ker fo r sale, it required a week to re­paint. repair. 11 ml n ercnv and ‘put provi­sions nhuanl. ami Da Costa was ready yvUh whereY .er-there.w as need for SI: It was g iven out that a yacht had been bought, fo r a "resident, o f the A stores a ml wa s t o be dell vered there, and: there .wo^i nu troulde about her clearance. : i ' . .

V.- hi le k n o w l: ig. o P con rse. that I in C iis ta . was In t 'a illz , II appeared that Don Uamlnez had neltiier Imp,rlsoned his daughter nor set a tf extra*watch on her inovements. T o dotlge her dneana. and escape from tlie house aud grounds and make her w ay lo ;nn appointed ren­dezvous must have, been a d illlcu lt mat­ter, biit .she aecoinpiished il, and two, hours a fte r , dark mu* evening a 'b o a t brought the pair o f lovers aboard. Ten miniites la ter we. w ere nn.ft^’ way, A fa irer g ir l I never looked ni^m. and-she

.was as brave its'-she w as.fa ir. .W e le ft port with' -h' -fair \^fnd,aiid.

carried It a ll n ight as w e lioaded out into the Atlantic, and the-yacht slipped along as i f driven by sleam . W e had go t aw ay so .quietly Unit 1 did not look fo r pursuit, bul daylight had scarcely broken' when. We. found a steam er In oitr wake. A s .l a fterw ard ascertained,, the girl had been missed early In the h ig lit, the sa iling o f tjm yacht discov-. ered; and w h ile o iie steamer w as head­ed fo r the Canaries a-second took the course fo r K io nml was soon ovorlmul- Ing us.

A t noon the steainer cnme up w ith us. Th e brother m is tiliottrd o f her, while the fa ther hnd taken the other route. She ’ ciime slushing nlongsUlc, With shouts and 3*(*lls froin her crew, thinking to iuako tin easy capture, but as tiiere w ere no <trmed men aboard site qu ickly sheered o lt b e fo re ’ our rl-. lies. W ith in the next tw o hours she made three d ifferent attem pts to crash into us, but c a d i 't im e our lire, which was not meant to k ill, d rove the men from the pilothouso nnd confused al). Then she settled down to pursue us, aiid, ns a m atter o f fact, she lnmg to us for. *J8 hours. She bad come ou t uu- prepared w ith fuel or provisions, how­ever, and at last hnd to turn about nnd head fo r Cndiz. I iy the tim e she reach­ed port It wns too Into to th in k 'o f fur­ther pursuit, and w e w ere le ft to mnke our. voyage la peace and land our pas­sengers In due tim e a t Ilio . I learned that Don Uamlnez and tho Spanish governm ent kicked up a grea t row ’over the affa ir,.and there was a lot o f corre­spondence and demands . aiid red fire, but D a Costa won his bride; and the rest o f us go t-sa fe ly a w ay w ith our re­ward, and, the obstinate old fa ther had nothing to do but chew the rag and ye ll “ Caram ba!”

DIcil WhlAtltnpr. >— ^Dr. W illiam Knitiss In T lie Journal:

o f Nervous and Mental D iseases de­scribes the case o f a Folish herdsman, 27 years o f age. w eigh ing 230 pounds, who some' months previous to an acci­dent hml suffered from apoplexy re­sulting In le ft hemiplegia.- H e was slow ly regaining, the use. o f his arm and leg when he wns struck by ,a train ;nnd was found uncbnsclous on the track w ith three scalp wounds. There was a depressed fra’cture o f the skull three Inches above and ono inch be­hind the le ft ear. l i e was Immediately trephined and the depressed bone re­moved.’ About .10 ‘.o’clock at n ight be began to whistle, not, however, the “ popular songs o f the day,” but the w histle calls he w as accustomed to use In ca lling or d riv ing his flocks. H e w ould continue w histlin g fo r about one mluute, then would cease fo r live- or ten minutes and kept this up at regu lar in terva ls until he died. A t no tim e w as it pos­sible to distinguish any melody. The sounds w ere o f the same pitch and inr tensity and o f the same character. T h ey w ere audible throughout , the ward and attracted the attention o f pa­tients and attendants. T o the phy­sicians in attendance it was a strange experience to hear these w h istle calls com ing from a patient In a state o f unconsciousness. ‘ I t w as impossible to rouse the patient at any tim e before or after, the accl.dent, and be d ied ,; w ldstlin g a fe w minutes before death.

?botoB T lin t tv o n ieEverybody Is try ing to make mone^

qu ickly nowadays, and. photographers, amateur and expert, fo rm ft goodly per­centage o f the total included in “ every­body.” H ero a re ft' f e w ‘ subjects that would fetch ve ry high prices:

A bouse being struck by lightning. W e have photos, o f ligh tn ing Hashes, but no.p icture o f the kind which shows a flash actually strik ing a house.

Tw o . trains In collision. Photos o f. wrecked trains aro common ’ enough,, hufe-ft-snap shot a t the ve ry .occurrence o f tlio smash remains unrecorded.

T h e crew o f a lifeb oa t in the a c t o f rescuing the sailors o f a sinking ship in a fierce storm.

A negative o f .an A tlan tic liner bat­ting w ltb .no ocean tem pest I f you ' could take a snap shot o f this subject from the deck o f another liner It would bo worth a good sum. .

A photograph o f a sprightly earth­quake in Japan o r somo other country which is troubled In* this w ay. It would be w e ll to hang up your camera and m ake It w ork automatically, as: earthquakes aro not to bo nlnyed with. Such a picture would bo jumped atl

* For.a ll.in irposea o f laboratory f i l t e r Ing paper Is superseding eve ry other appliance, nnd there Is a la rgo plant which Is doing a very profltablo busi­ness in manufacturing nothing but fil­ter, paper, "■l'

In tho southern end .of O regon, .on the ve ry sum m it o f tlio Cascade Moun­tains, Is C rater Lak e ; nnd there Is no o ther lake in tho w orld that shows even an approach to Its weirducss aiul grandeur. I t Is rap id ly com ing into notice U3 one o f tho wonders o f the world, which travolurs and sig«*,-soers cannot afford to miss. T h e lake Is e l­liptical, and is five by seven miles.'- it is 2,000 fe e t deep, tho deepest fresh w a ter on this continent,- il not in tho world . A lthough the w a te r is fresh and sw eet, the lake has neither supply: nor overflow that .can bo found. Its most strik ing., fea tu re is its walls, which r iso . nearly perpcm llcu lar to a h e igh t o f 1,000 to 3,000 feet. T h ere a re .on ly .tw o points from which, a de­scent to tho-surface o f the. w a te r can be mado, and this has lo. be done by clam bering down tho stunoiidous prec­ipice. T h e colors on-the w a ter are wonderfu l fo r b rill inner and variety . A g rea t cinder cono, evidence o f t.lte. exp irin g agony o f the. m onster volca­no, rises o ve r (100 foot from 1 he lake, aud In Its top |s a deep crater, Tlie. scene from the lo fty altitude o f the- lake’s rim Is strange, w eird and inspir­in g ; and. from the grea t e lovatlon ono sees a ll around, a m agn ificen t panora­ma o f g ian t peaks nmh range - a fter range o f mountains. The lake is ap­proached from iVIedford. Oregon, a sta­tion -on the “ S liasta Route” o f the Southern P ac ific -Company, and tlie rid e by stage tip tho beautifu l Itoguo R iv e r is de ligh tfu l beyond description. Fish nnd gam e are very-abundant.

F o r fu rther • in form ation apply to- So’uthorn Pacific Co., JM0 Broadway, or No. 1 D attory P lace, W ashington building.— adv.

David C ity, Neb., A p ril 1, 1000. Goneseo Pure Food Co., LeR oy, N< Y .

Goatlem on:— I must s a y . a w ord , tn regard to G R / iiN -0 that thero Is noth­ing hotter o r h ea ltliio r .. W e have us-ad1 it fo r years.. CAy b.ro'ther was a great coffee drinker. H o was taken sick and- the dootor said coffee was the cause of. it, and told us to use G RAIN -O . W e go t a package but did. not. lik e It a t first, but now would not be w ithout i t M y -b ro th e r has beon w e ll ever since w e sta-rtcd to use It.

Yours tru ly, < • L IL L IE SOCHOR.

The modern Garden o f Hesperldes Is Californ ia, The route to It is v ia the most sumptuous train ever construct­ed, tho “ Sunset L im ited ,” a dream o f luxury in berths, and cuisine. Ladies’ P a rlo r and Com partm ent Car, 'library, ba)bh-room, and a ll concelvablo ' homo comforts^ .. Througih. : trains - leav ing eve ry Thursday from New. O releans to San Francisco. D Irebt connection from the E ast e v e ry Tuesday. For fu ll in­form ation apply to Southern Pac ific .Co., 340 Broadway,’ o r No. 1 B attery P lace, W ash ington building.— adv.

W h a t Sh*H W e H a ve fo r D js s e r t ?Th is question arises in Che fam ily

every day. L o t us answer it today. T ry Jell-O, a delioious dessert. P re ­pared in two minutes. N o ‘baking! add hot waAer and Bet to oooh F layora :— Lem on,, Orange, Raspberry and S travriK iry. A t y->«r ©rocers. 10 eenta. »■ •

Je ll-O , th e N e w D essert.

j?lec&ee o i l the fam ily J\>ur flavors:— Lenam, Onango, Raspberry and Straw- borry- your grooers. 10 cents, f r y U today.

T o Care a Cold in O ae D ayTake lA ia t lv e Brom o Quinine Tablet*. A l l dm ggistB refund the money i f I t fe lls to cure. B. W . G rove’s signature ts on each box. 25c.

F O R T Y iDOLLAfRS se-ems like a very Tow price fo r a desirable bu ilding site, but ibhe ownons o f Albertia a re o fforing a fe w p-lots aft JtjhaJt figure. See the ad- vertisemenJt i n anobker column. The opportunity to selcairo so losv.a figure w ill not com e a'gajin.— Adv. ■

I f you are. not a T im es subscriber let us put you r name on our lis t now. Send along y.our nam e and dollar.

y r r r z r t ^

This *ign»tur® is on ovory.bos of tho gonuSnoLaxafire Bromo-Qiiinjne tomom.

Ihe remedy tbat caw a a oolri l a ono day

WHAT’S IN A NAME ?.(Benson’s Plaster Is Pain's Master.)

In tho dnys o f ‘w ild cat’ money, in tho ■\Veat, tho Araes nhovcls wero used .as cur­rency.' They wore as stable ns go ld ; their prlco did not,, vary a oout in twenty yoars. Tho very uamo of Oliver Ainew & Son, was a synonym for houosty. I t was current all over tho world. -. .. On Iho Bnmo principlo Benson’s Porous

Plnster is tho univeraol stomlard extornal remedy. T o say it ia.ti “ good” plaster does not doRcribo ifc; it is the best possible planter. For ovory dlfleaae in which an external rem­edy iB availablo, 13 on son’s Plaster is used, almost as a matter o f course. '•

Benson’s Plnster quickly rolioves and; cnrcs whero other modes o f troatnW t are oither oxoaperatingly. slow or have m good offoct whatevor. ■ Cooghs, colds, lumbago, * kidney .troublo, ihonmatbm, lamo.baek, otc., aro at once bonotited and soon cured.

Capsicum, Strengthening aud Rolladotmiv: plasters have none of tho curative virtues I of Banson’s. Jloro than C,006 physieiaus. and druggists havo' couamendod Benson’s, Plaator as a romedy in which the public may havo' implicit confidence;, while, in a comparativo tost with other plasters, Bon- son^a has Toeciyed Mgkcst awards.Bowaro o f substitutes and cheap imitations.

For nalo by ull druggists or wo w ill pre­pay postugo on any number ordered in tho: Unltod States on receipt of.25o. each.

Soabury & Johnson, fltfg. Chemists/ N.Y.


Contractors BuildersPlans aud ealimotefi'furnished.

Bradley Beach, New Jersey

P A R K E R 'Sh a i r b a l s a m

O cwi»c* mid LcauUf]ci iho lifltr.l'roirtotca a luiurlantgrowlh.

ITovcp F»lla to llojjtoro Gray Hair to tta Youthful Color.

Picvent* DtndrwIT an«I.lia)rf«l'|Jiie. 60e. and >1.00 a.tDroggUti>.

' i f h l

S t a r t s t t e J f e e #' i f ®

W l C K L E S S K L A M E

® 8 i S l t o r v e *N o F u s s

No M uss

I f your dealer does not kcop thorn, w rite to the noaroat ogoncy o f



The Underwood Typew rite rPrinciple New Writing Visible Speed Increased Touch Elastic Automatic Conveniences Operation Unchanged Tabulating Rapidity Billing Speed .Strength Maintained Actual Advantages

Manufactured by tba W AGNER TYP EW R ITER COMPANY

318-321) BROADW AY, NEW YORK Chicago Branch ; No. I 84 La Salle Street

The Sacramento River and Canyon—the Domes, Spires and Falls of Yosemite—the Charms of Lake Tahoe, and a Score More—the Impressive Stateli­ness of the Big Trees—the Varied Delights of Los Angeles and Its Environs—the Quaint Spells of the Old Missions “

o re o n ly a le w b f t f t e

Ravishing Experiences in Store for Travelers

on th e superb tra in s o f the


Passing- through the principal Pacific coast resorts o f Caiifornln, brings passengers dirctly to center o f City o f San Francisco w ithout water transfers. Two new I " j I l ­men Trains. Your cholse—d a jo gh t ride or sleeping cars.

For full information, free illustrated pamphlets, maps and time tables, also lowest rates, sleeping . car tickets, and baggage checked, apply to

R. J . SMITH, Agent109 S e u th T h i r d S treet, P h ila d e lp h ia , P e n n s y lv a n ia


The Best Cuts of Fresh Meat—Superior Quality



R05 S &; WILQUS, VLeading Paper Hangers and

DecoratorsEstimates furnished on all work at fair prices.

Orders left at Hotel Grand anc’. I37 Mt. Hermon Way, Ocean • " Qrove, will receive prompt attention.

' . P. O. Box 7 15 .

Pure flanufactured and Natural

Eichard WilsonOFFICE:

No. 108 H eck AvenueOCEAN GROVE

Deliveries, made daily. Twice on Saturday.

Order 'by postal card.

Special attention to the small trade Ihjs season,«which will be served promptly^ as ^heretofore


Steam LaundryQ U K L I T Y

U 1 C K N B S SU K N T I T Y

810 COOKMAN A V E N U EA s b u ry P a rk , N . J.

P llablo Domestic Qolah I f Ucalrcd.Hand work If doslred.Tolopfaone 40-u. * 0.3, Haubjc.

Gxcelsior M at and KooiE J. Hauwe A Son.

W o use the be«t grade o f Bed M ineral Kxoel- Bior Pain t aud D ijo n ’s Oranhlte, for a ll roor, chlinucy and brlclc work,


$10 Cookman. jFIvenue


Real Estate Money to Loan


WILLIAM G1FFARD(Iformoiily W .W h iU ys)

222 Main St., Asbury Park, N.J.CUIloe o f Towriflbip Collector

* n«w 3cr$«y Oeccratingi^cnipanv

Are tbo Lcaderd tn

Paper fengisig Pm tm

gkcoraiiitg, Be.W all Popcr in Endtc&s Yorlcty . A l! tlie

Nerw Poll Dcjigns.

W o 'iwtll docorato yuur bonso Inside and oa t In tho flnofit nmnner and best taato, by oonUract or otbonriBO, to yonr enUro Eatisfactlon.

Good Work and Low Prices

CHARLES A. BAKER6t6;Co&kmin Avenue, Asbury Park

A Branch, 177 Varona Ave.. NeSrark, IT, J.-


Contractor jsi-Builder1 Ofllco and Shop, 007 Main 8L'

. A 8 B U B Y P A R K , N . J . *

Eqttmatca’for.all kinds of work famlfiliod on tfhort notice*



Tlierc ore loyal lirnrtfi, there pro BpIrlta Tjrar** There are souls that are pure. ami.true;

Then kIvo to *jha \vorW the bcst'you Have,And U10 best shall (lome.lmch to yoii. '■

Give love; and..love to your; heart will flow, • A (strength; ln.;your -utmost ni’c(l; .

Have fait fit and a score 'ot Hearts will ahow . Their faith in your word and tlcotl..-

For-life-is.tlib-mirror of; Win? and ‘slave; 'V : ’Tis just, whnt you. .ire and.do; ;■

: Then give to the world the bait; you. hdve,-:. : And the bent will .«>mV. Wick fo you.

v.;' — : ' ' —Arionyrnoua.

l'MIXEDviENU.:'IA Stotfy. Illtis fcratiiig an In - : g

gon iou a P la n F o r K e e p - •! ■,’.Q. 'i i t g 'a ’Sbhrant;; ; $

By Charlotte W. Eastmans.

I t was a c lia ft iilii" little sitting room In w hich M rs.'M ason sat'so lving' (lain-: t y BtitciiCB.: Bcloye U01* B toodtlic serv-. an t g ir l, wlfb, w ith a stolid sta riv an­nounced that she had foun^j a place

: dow ti to iy ii.,;v • “ B u t,. M ary, you surely would not ;

i c a v e w i t l i o u t help," Mrs. Mason.' answered. •" ;• :: ;

“ I go t a place w here 1 get f r e e dol­lar.^ . ; . * * V : . ’

“ I wouid g iv e yoii ?3, hut you agreed to. w ork fo r me for.,.$2.S0 If I w ou ld teach you to talk and do the work.”

“ I go t anoder place dowp town. I say I gon ext-w ec lc .” .

En treaty and persuasion w ere alike InVvaln. I t a ll ended w ith , *‘ l go next w eek.”

One year from this time Mrs. Mason w as a w iser i f .iiot ; a ? better woman, and when Lena announced, “ I got an­other place down town,” she merely answered, “ V e r y : w ell,” .fo r this;: was the third, g ir l that; she hail tra in ed ,f o r ­th e woman; down town, i f

'When M r. Mason ciime home to din­ner that n ight,' I ie >ja.w at p iice; th at some s)iadow had clouded the idoiuestlc heaven,, hut; when his w ife had:poured .out, her tale o f w oe slie proceeded to la y before: hi in pIans f or / ii er Cuture: campaign. W hen lie liatl fu lly caught her Idea, !ho laughed; long and loud.. ‘ ‘You ’ re; a mlghtyi, smart - lUtle;.Avo- man, Maria, but' If. you try tliat game you 'll fa ll down,’ * he.announced wiieu she asked fo r his opinion o f her plans.

“ I ’ll not fa ll down any harder than I have In my other plnnsrnm l I believe I can do I t ” . . : / ’ .

“ A ll right, I ’ll back you,” he prom­ised encouragingly..

A ssu re d 'o f her husband's eo-opera- i tlon. * 3. Mtison very w illin g ly agreed / • Lena’s cousin, Christina, w ho| arr ived from the. fatherland.-In’ tiie week which Intervened before the advent o f the new domestic one m ight have supposed M rs . Mason to:-i>o a b lu e s to c k in g o f th e 'd eep est dye, for she curried a pencil. slucU in her. hair and stopped to .jot down burning,

•thoughts, on w hatever was most con­venient .to rest her notebook upon. T lio baby’s back or the bottom .of the.;dlsh- pan w ere a like available. W hen the new Christina appeared, fresh and rosy and clean; she-started a t her task w ith v igor. H er fo rm er experience taught her the best- method o f instruc­tion, nnd, taking, up one article a fter, another, slie told the names distinctly and encouraged Christ Inn to repeat It until she was sure o f Iti • T h e first performance In the 'dom es-' t ic act was to fr y potatoes fo r lunch­eon. s- . - ' ; • : .

“ This, Christina,” said Mrs, Mason as she held up the spider, “ Is a kettle, and these are eggs.” pointing to tho potatoes^ V

A ft e r this the bread and the meat, the crackers and the raisins, the coffee, and the lemons, changed places, and DO o f th e commonest utensils in the kitchen nnd the d in ing room, w ere In a confusion that had n o 'o rd er except In tho fe rtile brain o f Mrs. Mason. But she had her list w e ll memorized, and, her m istakes w ere few . Mr. Mason ga ve her enthusiastic support, and, though he feared to g iv e an order to Christina w ithout first:consu lting Ills w ife and his appealiug look at the ta-, b le when he held up the cracker ja r to Christina and asked fo r more raisins w as very amusing, he gave his w ife uif- stlnted admlratTon fo r the g lib manner In which she could order a s ix pound bread, fr ied rare, or a sm all pleco o f

• roast b ee f. fo r the w a ter pitcher.Unsuspecting Christina worked hard

a t her part o f the game, eviden tly de­sirous o f tttting herself as soon as pos­sib le fo r the “ fr e e dollar place” down town; . She jabbered ..in her 'native tongue glad ly w ith her friends, aud h e r English , that chance m ight Call into use, never intruded on the ground with, which Mrs. Mason had tampered. The excitem ent o f her experim ent added qu ite a little interest to the usually monotonous work o f train ing a green, g irl, and Mrs. Mason taught her many m ysteries in salads and soups thnt she bad heretofore kep t as stric tly private

■ know ledge. Christina had reached that stage in her' development when Mrs. Mason could g iv e an order fo r dinner and go out fo r an afternoon w ith some assurance that a.palatable, w ell served dinner would aw ait her return. Slie knew that the tim e w as near at, hand fo r tho Inevitable .announcement, and 60 when Christina snld, a . little more shyly than some o f- th e form er girls, “ M y cousin, she go t me place where I see her every day; .the woman, she say she glad to -g e t g ir l w hat you make; she have youi* g ir l anoder time,” Mrs. Mason answered clieerily :

“ A ll right,* Christina, you. can go righ t along. I ' l l get along w ithout a g ir l fo r awhile, but Mr. M ason la going to bring company home tonight, and I want a very nice dinner.” ' i

Christina sm iled ut so v M h ? aQ

acquiescence to her plans and asked, “ Mfhat I get' fo r dinner?’•’ ,: ; ' ‘. 'W e ’l l h a v e som e o f th a t n ice o a t­m ea l ereatu , a cab b age fr ie d cake,

. so m e souped leggs ,.. a ..ch icken -m nele t, a n d y o u m a y g e t som e o f the, b es t oys- •.ter. .cook ies - fr o m the! p ick le . . M akb som e c o ffe e :s o u p ,; C h ris t in a ,. and m ake

: t lio , fr e e ze r , fu l l ; ...I ;think- w e ’ l l h ave soda p ie -w ith it.” ; . , ./ :

v;;.;“ A l i -right. I do. It,” an sw ered C h ris ­t in a w il l in g ly . ‘ A n d M rs . M ason smll*.

: ed a s s lie th ou gh t o f th e ; la d y dow n to w n . “ N th v ,; lniidnnW ybu ’ r e ywelcfOmc .to th e fru it ;.o f tr.y l a l i o r *: ; , • •. J f she;,. H el t the I pa s t t .'-gu ilty, the ineniory o f the many horn's o f care and

• thought; thh t • she; had given to: the ti’.ainIng ‘o f greenVglrls. c.i ine td appease her conscience,. .. .•“ I o n ly ; .w is h cou ld see /the* o th er a c ts .” / s h e sa ld -tp ; J I r. A faso ii. -“ r ' e x ­p ec t, to lie i n th e ; tl’f t l i . : m yse lf, bu t I

i.fee l I sh a ll m iss th e t id rd ; arid ‘ fou rth .’ ’ Ch iristlna -';_ rop o rted :h r ig iit • and :ea i* iy :

a t JJ i's., J ten d er ’s , t i a g e r . t o ; p r o v e . h er­s e l f w o r th y o f her. a d van ce . C ircu m ­stances com peJlcd M rs. H onder to le a v e her- e n t ir e ly to lulr ow n dev ic es the firs t d ay , but on the m orn in g o f the second , sh e ca in e In haste In to the k itchen ..

“ Christina,’-' she said, "g e t breakfast as qu ick ly as possible. .,uMr. Bender w ants to make th a t 'ea r ly train. W e genera lly w ant, toast, but w e w ill ge t a long w ithout’ It this m o ra in e and w e l l k e i t rare,”, she sa id ,.pointing to the beefsteak. * •

“ R are !” . Christina exclaimed.“ Yes, rare. You. understand what

that is, don’ t you?” '“ Y-C-S.” ,“ W ell, w e a lw ays take it rare and.

our. coITee strong.” - '“ You take colt'ee fo r breakfast?” “ A lw ays. And w e would like it as

soon as possible,. Christina.”M rs. lender- ftitlied oy.t o f the kitchen

. tin d con fid en tin l ly told Mr. Bend e.r that the h ew y g lr 1 seemcd exceed ingiy stu­pid v or else- she’ -had :;a v e r y ; peculiar: m anner. . . .■ ; “ She i s ih 'a cbustiint : state o f Sur-' prise,” she added, "and, I declare, 1 sm ell bread toasting. I told her not to toast-it this morning*" !

rn an Incredibly short tim e the breakfast bell rang, and when the Ben* d o r ’ fam ily , sat down to the table the look o f surprise was transferred from Christliia ’s- face to^ h e lrs ,1 f o r ; o n , tiie platter la y ii iliie steak, fresh .from , the re f rlgera tor, • a nil in p la ce o f tlio pot [o f stoa m hig con'ee; kn t a pi teller o f ice cold lemonade. Mrs. Bender rang tho beli; w ith exceeding:. diiergy. ancV;when' astonished Christina appeared they, eacli mado a fran tic ed’ort. to convince the other that she was responsible fo r the mistake. Mrs. Bender grew angry., and Christina resorted, to tears,' and w hile Mr. Bender listened to their con­fusing explanations he made ids break-, fast on toast and iemonade.. .

M atters g r e w 1 worse rapidly, and In spite o f repeated and patient explana­tions Christina 's.ideas w ere in a-state o f hopeless confusion, but neither, slie. nor Mrs.. Bender ever thought o f the. little woman on the hill as the author o f all their troubles. A t the etui o f tw o 'w ee k s .Mrs. Bonder took a street .car fo r W alnut ldil and, seeking out' M rs.M ason , asked her i f she would not he. w illin g to take C h iis tlna back. M r s. Maspii a r t fu lly ' hesitated a . moment and then consented.'

,4l aiti so re lieved/ ’ .Mrs. Bender said,, " fo r I keep, her In tears h a lf o f the time, and she seems so ;anxious to please me. I can 't understand how any one can be as stupid as she is.”

So Christina came back,- and fo r four years she did, fa ith fu l s e r v ic e in Mrs. M ason ’s kitchen, and fo r the first time In her l i fe that ingenious litt le woman did not liv e in constant £oar o f “ anod- er placo down town/’-^W hat toJ:Eat.

A W o m lo r fu l S lio t.“ I • remeihber,” says Uncle 2 ek le l..

“ when a boy that Uncle Joslo Johnson, w h ile out gunning one day, got tired and -sat dowti Uy- -a,)arge p in e !tree in tiie B ig Cove and fe ll asleep, but was awakened by a noise and on looking, down at his fee t saw ;;a i a r g e : rattle-. snake. Pu ttiiig up. his gun, he was about to shoot • w heu: ho saw a ; fine: t le e r ' about eight fee t in front o f him. l i e tlien took aim at the deer, when sud­den ly lie heard a grea t flu ttering over­head, and, looking up, he saw a large llock o f w lhl turkeys. H e no sooner saw them than lie heard another noise In the .bushes at his right, and. looking round, he saw a b ig bear gazing at .him. Fearing th a t ’ ho w as about to be ;d e - ' youred, he shot a t the deer, when the^ gun busted.

"T h e bu llet killed the deer, the lock fe ll dowu the1-rattler’s throat and chok­ed him to death, the barrels shot up in­to the a ir and kllied the w ild turkeys, the stock k illed the-;bear by strik ing him, between the eyes, and the. concus­sion threw Uncle Josie backward.

“ W hen he landed ou his back in the m iddle o f a brush heap, he found he had k illed 40. rabbits, I t took a two horse team to cart the gam e home.” — Exchange. 1 .. . •

I*i?el D id n 't K n o w T cn n fson .Peel regarded a ll ligh t litterateurs as

tritlers aud poets w ith .th e ir unprofita­ble pursuits as the butterflies o f. the human species. C arlyle had prompted M llnes to press Tenuyson 's claims fo r a pension. T h e riva l claimant was Slioridari K now les, the popular dranm- tist. ' t ’ ■_

P ee l consulted M llnes as to the course which ho ought to take, accompanying the appetil by the statement ■ that 'for himself, he knew absolutely noth ing’ either o f Mr. Tennyson or M r; Know les.

“ W hat!” said Mllnes. “ H ave you never seen the nnino o t Sheridan Know les on a playb ill?”

“ No,” replied Peel.“ And havo you never read a poem o f

.Tennyson?':;'/ i :■*“ No,” was again the answer, accom­

panied by a request .that - M llnes .would le t him see something which Tennyson had written . Accord ingly M llnes sent to S ir R obert Pee l tho tw o poems o f “ Locksley H a ll” and “ U lysses.”

T H E A L A S K AN . H . K I L M E p , P r o c i - le t o r

O P E N K L L T H E V E H R .

Cozy sun parlors. Hot salt water baths. Warm rooms, and comfortable accommodations for winter guests,

permanent and transient.Nos. 3 and 5 Pitman Avenue. Ocean Grove, N.J.

T h e View H otelUnobstructed v iew ■ it'uccan unit luku.

.Service and oul.sine oxeclteiiL

Aceotninodhilonfifor .. ..

Tennis court niul ‘ (•UtWlrott’H pliiy-

n«i >4 oj»j.i»jsito i ho house.

ftpeelid rates for .lone n»ul HupU-mUor. .

l*\>v terms address 1


Ocoan Grove. N. J.

P . O . B o x I


Dii'vc!l,v nn ihc tlccnn Froal. riioi'omslily I'clittnl, including lieat,

Open th roughput the Year• For terms apply t* V- - . , • •

7 T . O L . E 7 U ^ E = r > - i T

Cesr. t e a a e. :*»» J JV.

Vi. H . S T O C K T O N? '• ’ / . • ' . " iVdprimoiV- ' ' .

. o c e s N c R O i z e , n . j .The-largest and; best equipped liptel ou the ocean front.

, Thoroughly modem;' ■ Eu larged and improved. •

T H E W A Y E R L rIt. It vU .cock * — ..

. O O E R N G f iO ^ E , N E W -J E R S E YUeopcuKSaturday. .l«n o 2 i, Sltn»it»'d on Ucean Pathway, near the bench. Im proved and

renovated throughout. • P. O. Uox J. 'dlHtiin.ee telephone.-

H B N R Y W E L S P 3 R D

Cor. Pitm an anci Central Avenues, Ocean Grove, N. J.

S is th aeason u nder t l i i ' pi-M(u iHoi-slii|i o f II*n i-y \yn isfon l. A first-c-Kiss house, conven ient, to e v o m lm i ; ; o f intuiust iii ii:u G i'ovc. K or im ntcu lars nppl'v to m o- prietor- 1*. (). H o .v -121. . . • 1


,28 to 34 Bath Avenue, Ocean Gr.oye,.N,J.Finely located between Andlldrh iin nnd oeenh.aud near baii\ln-' mounds. Special at-

tontiou to com fort o f guests. Open Juno to pftOM-r. P. O. Uox iM7.

Main Avenue, Ocean Grove. N ew J eo ey . ( onvcnlently. loeiited near ocean, Aud lterlum and.postofllee. ■ ks :.M. E .'Sru^ii, P roprlotor.; ,

Olive HouseFirst-cVftes in every particuliir..: -

Corner of Hock and Beach Avenues' Oceiih Gro.vgj N. J. One. block from the ocean. . . • . ■ •

. . Mas.. ^r.-E..SenWAKTJi.

B. N ; PU E N T i« I^ p r io to r , ; {v ; ^ OCEAN HOUSE

Ma|n Avenue, Ocean Grove, N. J. (

A pleasant fam ily hotel at popular rates.

HOTEL SPRAY VIEWAsk for booklet. Joseph W h it e , P rop ’ r.On tlio ocean front.

THE CHALFONTECorner Ootf?in and Bath avenues, Ocean Grovo, N . J. Appointm ents and fu rn lah iog i a ll new and l^ociorn. Special rates lo r June and Boptemljor. H. W . .En i^as.

.Miss Al. CUOSSETTi Proprietor.-

Cor. Main and IVcach Avenues

Ocean O rove , N . J.

Mn I o’ Avenuo. r

5 ABBOTT AVENUE.Adjoining tlie btacli Tliorouglily'irenovatcd aud refurnish­ed, aiid under new .management': . Electric'lights and im­provements.' Close to Lillagore’s bathing grounds.'

• ■ ■ ' r ■■ ' ' H. Manweiler Manager, •

^ ;, : ; v i L A N E : V I L L A -Mrs. S. A. .M. LANE - ' - '

Pilgrim Pathway and Cookman Avenue OCEAN GROVE, N.J.

Ho:; ‘ilT l ’ . . '


\r The N e w P h i I a d e I p h j aOcean P a th w a y ,Ocean Grove, N . J . , second House from the Ocean .

Mrs. O. A . (;u X , Owner und Proprietor

SUPERIO R FU R N ISH E D ROOMS TO RENTIn the rnjmi beautiful p i r t o f Uie-Orovf*. t/nobstrutsied vl*»w o f t he ocoan. Convenleul to

all pluec.-t o f Interest-.- Appointiuo'^M ilrsi-eln»*<.; Itlcyolo room. June to October.

G R O V E H H L L!4 t l i s e a s o n .

!•:. A . I I tK L A X ii , ' Proprietor

.Opposite. Thon ip«on Piirk

C o n v e n ie n t t o a ll p o in ts i.f in te res t. P O. Box 2 1 5 3 .- .'

OCEAN11 Embury Avenue, OCEAN GROV£, New Jersey.

Furnished ne\y...throughout, Ncnr a jl palms wf lntere>t, Only a tow doors from tho ocean aud bath ingpvvtllo i. ifathhiif, d-hiut;; bbttln*f. • lt-»oin-5 cool and tablo drsKdnHa. Piano. Spacious verandai?, homo eomfortM Table buartl. lvrms^fcodcruie. Opun Juno 20

- V . ' • Mas. H...F. Jr.NKt.NS, t*. <>. Ocean Orove, N . j t

LAK E VILLA. M; U’ lt.r.tAMso'*, proprietor

2>o.-i.-j Hroadwny. Oeeau ( » ‘ ove. Neu* Jersey. ' e’m-lnir »*!*.*ao, j*ilCQ and playyrounds is’ cw lv dited up. StxUi , i%w<on. ' .r.lf^’ trl.^ Halits. t>peelal rut<H foit^luiie.

LA W R E N C E HOUSEG K O V e , N . j .

p »rner .location* hear'oeeant wldi* verandus. iVaurirul sduulo treeH,.t;<«>d nnnn.M. excellent board. Tern«s, «7 and y - M*SS M W m v

T he Sum m erfield. ... » , . ' •• buie.lt. Unobstructed ocena

view and A iic ltorlum , IVrnis moderate., « p t e al till July Jtb. Oj>en Juno 1st to OoU 1st.

T H E E L DORADO VOUKAN G iu n ’ i:, N K W JKtttjKV

Fiteing o ' oanand Fletcher r^ake. Ono nnmite to Bathing grounds Api«>lnt?neritH and ficr- vleo Hi-»t.ela*>s.’ . . ._________MRS. 1). \V. F l.S llK ft. '

HOW LAND HOUSE. H5 .Muiiut Ta f'or W-.vV,-Ooe!\»vOr«)ve. New J**r.sey. .»

Cot veniently locuod near Auditorium , postotlieeand be ich. Kxoo lent «e rv ie ea t jnodem to rnH". - _________ ' - '_ M isV Ii. Woon.

HOTEL CLARENDONCorner Hlurnu Path'wav ami Mt. Tabor W av. P|etMint‘ verandas, line view o f oceaii.

♦ een tnd ly loeat*^!. ■Thonnnrbl.v renovan d nnd rrtltied . Mhh W u .i .ia m M onAM .T*

. THE AMHERSTU Pltuum Avonue. H a lf block from the occau. Convenletit to alt points o f Interest. T err

ST. to S.'2 per week. App«)lnt incuts an«l serviee homeliUe. . L i m .ik C. BkoWN.

FERN COTTAGEC orner > ew York avenuo and Mt. Ile rm on W ay, Ocoan Grove. A ll m odem improvement# Cozy and homelike. For tornis aud.pai tlcularh address, Mas. A . It. G a m ,. P, o . Box 21G3

T H E O M A H A ;Corner Ccntm l nnd r itm an avonucs. N ear Ocean nnd Audltorlunv, aud convenient to all points o f Interest. Spechd rates June and Sept. C ircular on applleat Ion. K. K/M osiieb .

QLENWOOD HOUSECorner Pennsylvania avenuo and Mt./.ion AVny, Ceoau Grove. Centrally locnted. Terraa

moderate. For particu lars address, - , M«}4. H . A tk in so n .

t h e : a r c t i c1 Su rf Aven itet Oeean Grove, N. J. D irectly ou tho Beach

* .A . Sc iik n c k , Proprietor, form erly o f The Clarendon. . ;»;■'

The New Arborton7 Sea V iew avenue. .’ K ep t by'Krlem ls. H a lf block from Ocean, near hotnnd cold baths and batlilnf; K'tound.s. .Special rales June nml St-pt. For.partleulatsaddress, H a n n a h Bo b to n .

Glen-Cairn CottageL’O.W'ebb avenue. Ocean Grove. X . J. Ono bloefe from the Ocean. Open from M ay to October. Boat for.usu <jf suesiH, 'form s S7 to £10 per wenk'. Special mtes for May • - ■■ ■.* ■_______ -j- Mttd. fc). H ; Cu.VNK—Miss M a b v A. K arR IS ; '

O AK LEY V ILLA ,: "miF orm erly the Kit wood, corner IMInrim Pathw ay and Mt. I lc m o n W ay. Opposlto postonico, near Auditorium , beach and ail points o f interest. Tenns$7 to~iQ. - Mas. Ii. V . o a k l k y .

THE ST. ELMO'i 'M 'yn Ayouuo.>j)e llt {h t fu lly located on pr'uelpa l thorouuhfarc. Open all U iovoar. ' >i to 510 a week. Special rates spi-lu-, fa ll and w inter. W r l 'e for booklet. W m . .‘foNKS,Terms


BEACH AVENUE HOUSEOno block from ocean, corner Beach and Webb avenues. Ocean outlook, tnodorn im prove­ments, yood table. Special m les for June and September. Address W . JI. K n a i*i*. '

BATH A V E N U E HOUSE..... , - • • • CoriiorContm l nnd Uailt Avenues, Occiin Grovo, N .w JerseyF tnelocnt on ; nmir llio Au iltiorlu in , W calty Lalte, oeonn untl im tliing Krourd> P leasantacoommotlutloUB. I- .o . U o x iia .. • M. !■'. M.vei-iiKitHoy, l»roprlo?or.

fu l l v low or Ben nnd lleueh l ’romeuade. - 1'wenUetU BciVsoo.

T H E H U R O R KNo. 0 A T L A N T IC AVENU13, runulug tlm )Ugh to Surf Avonuo


Broadway House ^loo. Large yerand.s. T o r™ f f to 112a w « * . A lso S S ^ 'a S ^ p T

J. D. K is o s l a b d , Mannger.

pnfegt Display ofn ow 'fir e hydrants w ill .. lie ■ tlie W es t Parle district.U H es3, tlie Red Bank touor,, engaged as soloist, and jire-

n tlio . F irst Presbyterian

— T h e annual banquet'o f tlio Asbury Park Hoard o f T rad e w ill take place at tlvo M in o t1 House on Monday ever 11 Ing next.

— Dr. 1-lenry M itchell attended tlics National Tubercu losis convention In N ew York o il W ednesday anil Tm irs- day ot t i l l ; wools • / '

— Tlio one-net com edy "A H appy P a ir ” and tlie two-act taree “ A Box ot M onkeys" w ore presented In L ib rary l la l l last M onday by the Saturday club.. • . ■ / .

— Theodore Fow ler, of 70C Summer- flcld avenue, announces the engage­m ent o f Ills daughter, M iss . Em ilia Fow ler, to Otto Chnmlicriain, o£

B.ver SSiown in This Gityis * \ ‘ 'Non on Sale at Our Store

Everything New (for Man, Woman or Child.

W:THE QUEEN QUALITY SHOEfor women is positively a work of art. They come in a variety of* materials and we have



. . A branch o f the AV, G.- V, Uplifts, boon organ ized a t the H ighlands.

’ > : , iP . 13. Coolc, a grocer a t Eatqntown, recen tly fined $100 fo r se llin g ole-

om argerine. . .. .T lie Eatontoxvn township cqmriiit-

r too lias ordered a Holloway, chem ical engine to cost ?1,G00.

. . M. C. D. Borden w ill build tw enty ■ n ew green houses on his property at

Oceanic/ at a coat o f $100,000.. .M ay 30th has been fixed ns tho

(la y fo r lay in g the corner stone o f tho ' P erth Am boy Hospita l building.

. .P e r th Am boy is to h a y e .a m e w Presbyterian church building, to cost ?20,000 w lien finished and furnished.

. ;T l ie public1 schools o f M idd le tow n townsU ipjuay^have to close on M ay 25, because? d l Jaok o f funds to jiccp them open/

. .Charles B. H orner, o f J it H o lly ;: has shipped over a dozen car- loads o f evergreen trees to the w in ter hom e o f G eorge J. Gould, at Lakewood.

; .Justice Franklin .F ort 1ms leased . W illiam T. Carter s cottage on N ew ark

avenuo at Spring Lake, and w ill spend the summ er there with his famiJy.• . .T h e Iron p ier a t Long.Branch w ill'

: be opened Saturday, June 22, a t whichtim e the steam ers o f the Iron Steam ­boat company w ill make tlje ir in itia l trip . : '

• .. T h e r igh t o f way fo r a tro lley road betw een A tlan tic HJghlantls and /Red Bank has been secured^ and w ork on

1 tho road is expected to begin about tho , firs t ot July./ . .M rs. Charles S. .Haight, o f N ew York , is said to have refused §1.05,000 f o r ’ her property a t E lbeton . A few years ago it could have been purchas­ed fo r $40,000.

. .T h ieves vacently broke in to the summ er residence o f J. It. Samuels at: Sea Girt. A quantity o r c lo th ing was taken, and noth ing elso . about tho

, prem ises ,-was disturbed....F o rm an Cossaboom, principal of

the M arlboro public school, w ill resign a t the c lose o f the present school year.

. In^the fa ll he expects to tako a olassi- ( cade coiirso at T a y lo r U n iversity .• . .A , a team licating apparatus is be* f ing put in the Grace M ethodfst par- tsonage. Red Bank, the sum o f $500

' hav ing been con tribu ted * by EJdward JCerrtn, o f the Itnmson .road, fo r that purpose, • . . •

. . ‘A ii e lection recen tly held a I !Bal- ;ontown, at which $1,500 was voted fo r the purchase o f a chem ical engine, has been declarod illegal, and another e lec­t ion 'w ill be held the la tter part o f this month /or the same purpose, *•

.AYhllo John Metfcel, of -Nevf Vbrk, and E rnest I\[ctzel*andi;W , J. Arnoid , .ot Spotswood, w ere ou t d r iv ing a t the la tte r , place, Mid horse ran uw ay and throw the men out. T h e horse step­ped oh E rnest Metzel-s hand, crushing it qu ite ’ badly. .

. .John H. Held, o f W est P o in t P leasant, w ho 'w iU -be rem em bered at Tom s R iv e r and .Lakew ood as the crack , “ b lacksm ith ’' ball, p layer o f fif­teen years ago, lm s; a lem on tree with

• th ir ty la rge lemons, a num ber o f sm all ones and some blossoms.> i . Mr. and Mrs. P. V. Broach, o f Key*

port, recen tly celebrated the 'U fty-ilrat ann iversary o f the ir m arriage. Air. and Mrs. J. M unroe , H endricks, who l iv e in the same hour,v, observed the tweuty-fil'th ann iversary o f th e ir m ar­r ia g e a t the sam e tim e.

. . A t the Juttioi*‘Epw orth Leagu e o f th e Barnegat M .E , church, each junior

j who attends church serv ice on Sunday ■; m orn ing rece ives a ticket' v u h a . Bibte

.verse. Tw en ty tickets s cure a Bible, tw enty-five tickets a JVlethodist hym ­nal. T h ere is already a m arked in­crease In the attendance. •' ; •

v .M lss V era DeNote, o f ‘ the D eN oie stock company and proprietor o f the Passm ore Inn near Oceanport, has cn -, gaged counsel to bring suit aga inst the N ew .York Sun and journa l. About

• ' >three w eeks ago tho.v published sto-• ••n’inR that M iss D eN oie,w as attacked-by

the w ife o f her leading man in an EUz- ■ abeth hotel.

. .T h e comm issioners o f l^ons Branch have granted the A tlan tic Coast San itary Compauy permission to e rect a crem atory on the .Joel'W ar-:

- .d e ll property nearly opposite the ter­minus o f M yrtle avenue. T lie 'com p a ­ny has long been endeavoring to erect, a crem atory at Long Branch, but pro- posed sites fo r ’ the plant have always been opposed.' b y , property, owners

• near them. .

; Conference at Freehold

A con ference o f .th e ;• corresponding m em bers o f the YO iing.M en ’s Christ- inn: Associations o f tlle Fou rtlTD fstrlet o f N ow Jersey/ Including tlie .counties? o f • M idd lesex ;, Monmouth and Union, w ill be held M ay .18 and 10, at: F ree­hold. Th e con ference is held, in the in terest; o f p ro je c tin g 'th e .association idea to th e ; sm all towns o f• tno state. Th is w,ill in part, be accomplished by bringing to g e th e r 't lie corresponding mombcrs representing the sm all towns h i, -this district/,-; 7/ /; '

A p rdgram ‘ o f, unusual iner 11 lias been provided, w hich w iU . beg In this (Saturday)., afternoon-,: M a y Is, with .a school o f methods, show ing how you iig men cpn . be;’ .reached* and t l ie host methods o f accom plish ing tho same. '• ; This, e v e n in g .: an address on “ Our opportunity in the sm all towns/’ w ill 1)0 de livered by an Em inent speaker; •,

Sunday w ill open w ith a preparatory service, fo llow ed by; p latform address­es in the .vai,l0'US;ciiurchesv;; I : the af-, ter no on a m ass m eeting fo i’ men w ill be held,; w h ic li w iil be -the crow ning feature o f ■ thc conference, ‘ and w il l■; i)e addressed : by a, n o te d . and bvllllafvt speaker. Separate m eetings vwill ‘also be held for, w om en arid boys.

A union serv ice in .the Presbyterian church w iU / c los e - : - tlie conference wh ich g iv es prom iso o f rich hiessing to tho delegates and peop le .o f Freehold; who h ave . generously made arrange­ments tb entertain aU delegates over; S u n d a y . ^ K '

New Coast Re&ort, '

H obart: C ity is the , nam e o f a new resort tha t, is, to be. established a t Bar- n egat B ay by the P ittsbu rg and N e w Jersey Land Im provem ent Company; It is. cap ita lized at $100,000. Th is ,is the region tha t lias so. many attrac­tions fo r ilslierm eh. I t is also tho p la ce tlia t w as once famous as tfie abode o f “ B arnega t p irates,” and It was tiien and /is stlll_ rem arkab le1 fo r the s ize and num ber of- its mpsqnltbs. N e w Jersey is a lready •: pretty, w e ll stocked w ith summer':-'resort^, good,: bad.; and .in d iffe ren t; .b u t there seems to be. room .fo r more. { Th e la te R ev. H . B : B eeg le once said to the, w riter that ‘ ‘some day the Jersey coast from Sandy H ook to Barnegat B ay would be.dotted w ith summer residences^ and that Jioithihe: could p reven t;the m arefl o f: im provem ent arid- o f recla im ing w aste lands along the sea. which had bron set in motlon Ijy the Ocean G rove founder^/' T lio prediction w ill surely come to pn^S. TU<? o f thatunique and splendid resort bullded bet­ter than they knew,— Freehold Trans­cript. . * .i

v ; Wants Bljr Damages, . .. .t

Ex-Judge J. C larence Conover o f F ree ­hold; has been reta in ed to bring suits' aga inst the D ittm ar.Pqw der, and Chorti-’ lea l Company, o f Maxim, to recover damages fo r tho deaths o f W a lte r , Reynolds and J. Clark Chamberlain, near, M axim on June 27, 1900. Both men w ere blown to .pieces w hile d is­tribu ting dynam ite on. a " field. The sum o f $5,000 damages is asked fo r the death o f each man. Sarah J. Reynolds, adm in istratrix o f W a lte r Reynolds, briugs one suit, dnd the other is brought by H a rr ie t R. Reynolds, ad­m in istra trix o f J. C lark Chamberlain. I t is expected , that the suits w ill be tried, a t this court term . Hon. A . E. JohnRton, o f Freehold , represents £he: p o w d e r.company. .

THE OPPOSITE SHOREInteresting Hems Pertaining: \o Ineldents “ ' and Individuals in Asbury Park.-

■ —rF lve n ow fi r e ‘ 1 plrtced in • the . — John

has been , cehtor: in church.

P a r k .


;.Fo.wler; v p l'ange; NyVj..

•— Miss Clara Bnmman, dau gh ter o f Mr.; and Mrs. L. Bammiiii, fs ex- peeted home June..1st from Leips lg, Germany, w here .for tw o years she has been studying voca l and Instrum ental music. ,

— Asbury Pa rk citjaena .w in .'vo te at a special election on W ednesday, M ay 2flth, w hether o r not to bond the c ity in. the sum o f $1S,000 fo r the. purpose o f securtng .possession o f the lib rary property , a t Grand and Asbury avo- nues.

— F iv e o f the teachers o f the city high school w ill s ever tlie ir connection w ith that/institution at the end of. the present school year. Th e cause o f thbir w ithdraw al a re better positions' elsewhere, it is said, or. favorab le op­portunities in o th er lines o f work.

— Th e new house o f Counselor JohnF. H aw kins at Deal has been leased fo r the summ er to H on. R obert T . L in ­coln/son o f Abraham .Lincoln. T h e house was rented to M r. L in coln be­fo re it was -bullt ; tlie plans' being sub­m itted to him ;nnd he approving them/ : --The court-of chancery lias,granted an order foi* a com m ission to inquir’e in; to tlie san ity o f Lud low W oo lley , an aged fa rm er ..liv in g ; near Deal. H is daughter,* w ho applied fo r 'the order, a lleges as one evidence . o f insanity that h er fa ther picked up a p e t cat and put i t on a red hot stove.

» —------Elevator lor the Hosnllql

'The .Monmouth M enioriaK iioap ita l a t L on g Branch is to be equippen w ith a new e le c tilc elevator,, which w ill run from the basem ent to the top floor. T h e e leva to r w ill cost §2.500, and w ill be installed at once.. Th e contract w as aw arded at a m eeting o f the board o f governors h e ld .a t the hospi­tal on W ednesday. A n e leva to r, has been needed a t tho hospital fo r-a long .time. T h e county board o f free-hold? ors lias approp ria ted , $10,000 to the hospital. • ' '

E x ce llen t Business O pportu n ity .

■ "FOR R E N T — The A rlin gton Ic i - Cream P a rlo r w i ‘uh store, fixtures, etc., fo r season o f 1 SMI. A ip ly to E; N. W oolston , sucressor to W . H. Beegle, 50 Madn.avenue, ocean Grovo, N . J;



is p o s i t i v e ly a w o r n ot art. i ney in a variety o f• materials and we have

an assortment of sizes that surely includes the one to fit your fe e t . •. ■ . ■ .•■* . The shoes we sell are serviceable and reliable - . *. *


639=4>-43 Cookman Avenue, Asbury


If Your Houseseds Painting

• From buffalo lo Asbury Hark.

•' Dr. G eorgo' F. W lb u r, T . Frank A p iileby and A. It. Parsons composed the com m ittee which appeared before the Joint Tru ffle Association on Tues­day In N ew York to advocate a special low rate from Buffalo to Asbury Purk during tlie Pan-Am erlcun Exposition . T lie com m ittee was 'v e il rece ived by-

. tbe members o f tho association, and eve ry assurance g iven that Asbury Pa rk would rece ive as im icli recogn i­tion as A tlan tic C ity or any other, sum­m er resort. Arrangem'erits w ere made w ith the olTlclals o f tho Central R a il­road to place advertis ing :m atter in a ll their offices between Buffalo and N ow York . Tho Leh igh V a lley R ailroad is also considering tlie same m atter.

To Contest Their Mother's W ill.

T w o dnughtors and a sou o f the late Mrs. M artin Curacy, o f Shrewsbury, have Instituted proceedings to appeal

" f r o m the surrogate's order adm itting her w ill to probate. These ch ildren are Mrs. G arret Sm ith nnd Mrs. John

V H ackett, o f lie d Bank, and P a trick 'C arney, ot. N ew York . Mrs. Carney's estate Is valued between $2,000 «n d $3,000. B y her w ill Blie le ft the <;ntlro esta te to her youngest soil,- M artin Carney, ot Shrewsbury.'

Mr. Baldwin Rellred.

M r. H . P . Baldw in , w ho has fo r 49 ' yearn been gonornl passenger agen t o f th e Centra l Ita tlroad o f N ow Jersey, has been retired at his, own request. M r. B a ldw in ,-w ho iB 70 years o f ago, la dangerously i ll a t his home In Rose- dale, N . J., o f Uvbr complaint, but tflo physicians lia vo hopes o f h is recovery. H o w ill reeo ivo b a ll pay during th e y o

, aa in d or ot h is l i fe /

Stewards’ District Convention.

T lio stew ards o f tbo various church- 03 In tho N e w Brunsw ick d istrict of tho N ow Jersey conference liold a ses­sion In Farm ingdn le ' on Tuesday, ut. which Rov. Dr. Thom as O 'Hnnlon. ot Penn ington Sem inary, and R ev. John Handley, o f l.ong Branch, wero the principal speakers. It was a m eeting o f .wonderful Interest aiid power. .A resolution o f condotence on the.death o f Rev. John U. V anK lrk was adopted. T l ie v is ito rs w ero h igh ly pleased >vltli .

■the reception which they rece ived at the .hands o f t lie ir Farm ingdale breth­ren. T h e convention Adlournod a fter hav ing selected K eyport as the place o f m ooting l o r n ext year.

W ill Vole un Hew School.

A special electlpn w i l l . be held tn Neptune C ity on Tuesday evening, next, to vote, first, on th e proposition to buy. a lo t and; e rec t a new school bb lld ing and fu rn is lv tlie sam e; second,, to purchase lo t No. 1 at T h ird and A t­kins avenues, Neptune City, fo r $1; third; to buy a T o tN o . i on the .Harvey tract. M a in , s tre e t,' fo r $3,200. I f lo t N o ..l Is decided ,upon, the total amdunt thought to be necessary fo r the build­in g and lo t is $10,00.0.: • I f . l o f No. 2 is p te ferred , $13,000 w ill be, required,.

County Democratic Primaries.

Pursuant to the provisions of. the . constitution fo r ' t lie govorpm ent. o f the D em ocratic . p a rty , o f tho. county o f M onm ou th , unanimously: adopted at tlie special county convention hold at Freehold pit M ay 1st; tlio D em ocratic vo ters o f t iie severa l townships in the county have been requested to hold the ir prim ary m eetings ■ on . Tuesdnyi June' 4th, ut 4 o 'c lock p. m. (;Tho pur- pose o f the prim aries is to e lec t Dem o­cratic Tow nsh ip E xecu tive Comm it­tees. Neptune township Dem ocrats w ill nsBomblo a t Pa rk H all, .an jl-w iU sclcct nineteen comm itteemen.

T ire Burned Up Four Pig's.

' H en ry D. Smock, o f W ck a tu n k , was d r iv in g n e a r the W lckatunk station W hen l ie w a s a sk ed by a neighbor if lie w as burning brush on I lls place. M r. Sm ock, did, not know that there was anyth ing burning there, and he turned around and drove baclc hotne. ■Whon ho g o t tliero lie found I l ls hog pen arid fou r p igs had been burned. H ow tho lira occurred is .a m ystery to him. H is tim ely arriva l prevented tho spread o f tho flames, as there wns no ono else on tlio farm at tho tim e.

IK . '

Losses by Jacksonville Fire.

• M r. J. B. Thompson, o f the Grpve, has received , word- from Jacksonville, Fla ., th a t his en tire stoelc o f:c iga rs In the H o te l W indsor was destroyed by the, recen t b ig fire in that city. M r. Thom pson 's loss amounts to about $260. H o carried ' no insurance. T h e ' hoto l ts to bo rehullt’ lm m edlately.

American- IMiUsD ia m o n d s Q ew eiry

Our stock always contains the latest and newest goods at right prices. Wlien yon want something out of the. ordinary in watches or diamonds, why not try us?

.Orders always receive prompt and careful attention.

fl. Hi. <Zorn«lius629 C ookm a n J tv e n u e . C/Is b u ry P a r k

) T.ot me estimate on tlie job. . T lie ' work I havo done in and around

Ocean:Grove is m y recommenda- ilott. V>'hon I pnint n hotise, tlie nniiit-is put on r ig h t ; 110 skimping in coi ners and odd places where the pnint is not liable to be seen. I understand Itarmonir.iiiR o f co l­ors, and never leave il job until it is tiuished, nnd done satisfactorily. T lion, too, m y price is r jc h t : it

■ liiust bo if I get your work. A t any rate consult me on your next job o f .painting.

W . E. HURFORDP a in t Spec ia lis t

80 Broadway, Ocean Grove, N. J.



50 Main A v e ., Ocean Grove, N. J .

P E T E R F . D O D D ,

JUSTICE of the PEACECommissioner of Deeds.

G E N E R A L C O L L E C T IO N A G E N C YHK-1'UHNH IM lO M in i.Y H B K i l l ' i i p . .

No. 47 SOUTH MAIN STREET.Opp. fJceau Urovu‘Gat«B,


D I S B R O y / ’S

TOOTH WASHfFor, C lean ing and P reserv ing t li«

Teoth and Gums# and Im parting n.R®- fr e e lin g - Tasto and Fueling to tlxc Moutlu • '

Compounded and to r sa le by •' •

S . D. W OOLLEYD ru gg is t

4-7 M a in A v e . , 9 S o u th M a in S t .

OppoHlto Ocoan Ornvc Gates.

Ocean Grove Summer Resort

BureauHaving opened above bureau at 50 Pitman avenue, I would invite the register of all hotel and boarding house proprie­tors in Ocean Grove. The bureau will be fully advertis­ed iu all large cities.

M r s . B. E. M o s h e r .

FLORISTJ. Bergen Thompson,

Cor. Lawrence and . Webb.Avenues,

O C EA N G R OVE’, N. J.I'nrks, j/cds, Vases, ctc., prepared n»il plnnted.

Six Greenhouses. • •


funerai Directw and embalmAU5 S w t. I

'J.1 'tm ot M p 1 ttuMt BBt tm

P*rlOT wwl <K1m :1 Moi 17 JHatn Stiett, A*birry Fork, Pfew A c u

ALBERT ROBBINSr e a l e s t a t e


. Hotels and Cottages for Pen t

JfortEtlgo Loans


Modern guns, with good men be­hind them, will finally win the day in the Philippines.Our repa ir shop Is filled w ith .th e finest

tools ami m achinery. T h ese are our guns, and the men behind them do e ffec tive w ork . N o boys or poor m echanics aro em ­ployed.

T lie resu lt 1b a clasB o f high-grade cy­c le repa iring that is not excelled anywhere. M y prices a re a lw ays

, fa ir. • '

C.'R, ZA'CHARIAS 725 M a tt lson A v e . , A s b u ry Pa rk

Sub agents for the Columbia.Lawn mower* and clippers ground.

Hotels, Boarding Houses and Cottages for rent in O. Grove. .

$10,000 to loan 011 Bond and Mortgage. .

Lists and full information upon application in person or by mail.

B LOG M & EID E LS B ERG6 11-6 13 Cookman Ave., Asbury Park, N. J.

to m T a ilo rs .S u its m a d e to o rd er. W e

c a rr y a full a sso rtm e n t of L a d ie s ’ C lo ak s, S u its and S k irts at m o d e ra te prices,

L a d ie s ’ an d G e n ts5 g a r ­m en ts clean ed , p ressed and rep aired . All our w o rk is fully g u a ra n te e d .



-.DENTIST71G Mattlson Avenue

Vflirtkter BalVdln*


610 Cookman Avenue, Asbury ParkEverything new in Photography of the best styles

and a t reasonable prices. Photographic Supplies for Amateur and Professional Photographers.

Developing and Finishing for the Trade. Eastm an’s Kodaks and Supplies.

Successor to Ch a b . L e w is & Co.

Doors, Sash, Blinds, Frames, Mouldings, Hardware, Paints,

Oils, Etc. .: ■

S O U T H 7u m i N S T R E E TAsbury Park, N. J .

Branch yard, fijprlnff

top related