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Volunteer Guide 17th September 2017


Welcome 3

Before Your Volunteer Shift – What You Need To Know: 4

What To Bring To Your Volunteer Shift? 5 Key Contact Information

Volunteer FAQ And Info 6

Medical 6

Race Week Schedule 7

During Your Volunteer Shift – What Questions Will Athletes Ask You? 8

Transition Area 10

White, Red & Blue Bags 11

Feed Station Info 11

Spectators FAQ 12

Media & Social Media 13

After Your Shift 13

Thank You 14


BEFORE YOUR VOLUNTEER SHIFT – What you need to know: Race Venues & How To Get There

WHAT TO BRING TO YOUR VOLUNTEER SHIFT - Volunteer pack & documents

- Enough food/water to last your shift (sandwiches, snacks, fruit etc.)

- Fully charged mobile phone

- Appropriate clothing for the weather (come prepared for a sudden change in weather!)

- Comfy (and waterproof) shoes

- Sun tan lotion and sunglasses

- Notepad and pen

Remember there will be nowhere to store valuables – Please remember that volunteer bags all look the same so be careful of storing your valuables in your bags.

Key Contact Information When you arrive for your shift, your Team Leader will provide you with any phone numbers you need. Make sure to save this into your phone. Your Team Leader or your Volunteer Coordinator should ALWAYS be your first point of contact.

Volunteer Co-ordinators:

Pavilion – Melissa Gaffney 07462132455

Lodmoor Country Park – Rachel Jackson - 07793072558

In an emergency please call 0333 0111 759

Website: ironman.com/weymouth


Main Event Sites: The Pavilion, The Esplanade, Weymouth, DT4 8ED Lodmoor Country Park, Weymouth, DT4 7SX


Wednesday 13th September – General Volunteer Briefing 19:00 – 19:30

Thursday 14th September – General Volunteer Briefing 19:00-19:30

If you cannot attend a volunteer briefing, contact Weymouth@ironmanvolunteers.com to let

the Volunteer Coordinator know.


There is a Park & Ride Service, DT3 5HJ which is

open 05:00-01:00 daily – charges apply for the bus

service. There are a number of car parks in the town,

off commercial road, these include the Weymouth

multi-story car park. Please note that car parks may

not be open 24 hours.

PARKING There are numerious public car parks in and around Weymouth to use during event week. Please make sure you familiarise yourslef with that is available and the restrictions that will be in place during the week. On race day there will be some restrictions to parking and where possible, we encourage people to walk to the town and the event venues to experience the racing. Lodmoor Country Park Address : Preston Road, Weymouth, DT4 7SX Closed Wednesday 13th-Monday 18th September Preston Beach Car Park Address : Preston Road, Weymouth, DT3 6HS No access on Race Day The Pavilion Address : Weymouth, DT4 8DZ No access on Race Day

What is at Each Venue:

Registration, Expo, Race Briefing, Finish Line and Athlete Village – The Pavilion, The Esplanade, Weymouth, DT4 8ED Transition, Bike Check-in, Bag Drop – Lodmoor Country Park, DT4 7SX Swim Start – Weymouth Bay, near Lodmoor Country Park DT4 7SX

Swannery Address: Weymouth DT4 7TY This is the largest car park in Weymouth and is open 24 hours. It is a 15-20 minute walk to both the start and finish areas.

Volunteer FAQ & Information Medical

In case of an emergency on the course we ask that you:

Don’t panic!

Do not give first aid – unless you are trained and confident to do so.

Protect the casualty from further injury, or other athletes from falling over them. Do not move the casualty if there is any indication of neck or back injury – otherwise move them to a safe location (where they can easily be evacuated) Call for help – Team Leader or nearby medical staff

Stay with the casualty until help arrives

Reassure the casualty

If you cannot directly contact your Team Leader or Volunteer coordinator via their

mobile contact numbers, please use word of mouth or body language to draw the

attention of a member of staff with a radio.


17.00 18.00

12.00 13.00

09.00 16.00

09.00 11.00

08.00 17.00

08.00 15:00.00

15.30 16.30

09.00 17.00

09.00 17.00

Friday 15th September Saturday 16th September

18.15 19.00

05.00 06.20

Sunday 17th September

14.00 17.00

09.00 17.00


Athlete Registration, The Pavilion EXPO & Official IRONMAN Merchandise Store, The Pavilion Race Briefing 1 – 70.3 and Relay

Athlete Registration, The Pavilion EXPO & Official IRONMAN Merchandise Store, The Pavilion Arena Wetsuit Testing – Lodmoor Country Park Transition opens for Bike and Red Bag Check In, Lodmoor Country Park Race Briefing Two, The Pavilion Race Briefing Three, The Pavilion Ironprayer, The Pavilion

Transition Opens, Lodmoor Country Park IRONMAN 70.3 Weymouth Pro start, North Beach IRONMAN 70.3 Weymouth Age Group Start, Lodmoor Country Park EXPO & Official IRONMAN Merchandise Store, Five Arches Transition opens for Bike & Bag collection, Lodmoor Country Park

During Your Volunteer Shift – What Questions Will Athletes Ask You?

Athlete FAQ: SWIM -1.2 miles; 1 loops

What is the cut-off time for the swim? The cut off for the swim course is 1 hour and 10 minutes from the individual athletes start time. Any athlete who takes longer than 1 hours 10 minutes to complete the swim course will be withdrawn from the event.

Why is there a rolling start? This is a part of the IRONMAN Global Swim Start initiative aimed at increasing safety and reducing anxiety in the swim. It also reduces congestion and allows athletes to swim at their own ability.

Where can I leave my glasses? There is a glasses table at the swim exit where you can leave your glasses, ready for you to pick up when you finish the swim. Please place the item in a plastic bag and write your race number on it.

Can I wear Shoes to the swim start? No – Please do not wear shoes to the swim start.. Any items left at the swim start will be disposed of immediately after the swim has finished.

Do I have to wear a swim cap? Will there be spares? Athletes must wear the official swim cap provided in their allocated colour - spare swim caps will be available at the swim start.

Do I have to wear a wetsuit? Yes - wetsuits are compulsory.

Can I take off my wetsuit off at the swim exit? No- wetsuits can only be taken down to waist level before entering transition.

When do I need to be at the start line? Athletes must be in the swim start pen at least 10 minutes before swim time.

Can I wear gloves? No – unless stated for medical reasons which must be cleared in advance with the race organisers

Are Neoprene socks allowed? ONLY when the water temperature is 18.8c (65f) or colder. Race Organisers will make this call on Race Day.

Athlete FAQ: RUN – Course distance is 13.1 miles; 3.5 laps. The cut-off times will

be 7 hours from the athletes start time

There will be 3 ½ laps on the run course.

What do I do with my litter when on the Run Course? There will be designated litter zones located at the two feed stations on course. Littering outside of these zones will result in automatic DQ

Can I have people run through the finish line with me? Spectators will not be allowed to run down the finish line. This area must be kept clear for safety reasons and any athlete who crosses the finish line with a spectator will be DQ. This includes carrying children.

Is there a place for Personal Needs on the Run Course? No – there will not be an area for personal needs on the run course.

Are there food stations on the Run Course? Yes- there are three feed stations on the run course with 11 opportunities to use them.

When will I see my results? Results will be available live on www.ironman.com the day after the event. Paper copies of the provisional results will be printed and displayed on site once the race has finished on race day.

Athlete FAQ: BIKE – 56 miles; 1 loop. Athletes will have 5 and hours 30 minutes after their start time to complete the bike course Will there be bike catching in Transition? No - There will be no bike catching in the transition area, you must rack your own bike. Can I ride a mountain bike? No – you can ride road bikes or triathlon bikes only.

Can I pump my bike tyres before the race? Yes – however, there are a limited number of track pumps provided. You can bring your own track pump, but these should then be passed to a spectator/family member and not in your white bag.

Are there feed stations on the Bike Course? Yes - The bike course has 3 feed stations with 1 visit each.

What do I do with my litter when on the Bike Course? There will be designated litter zones located at the feed stations on course. Littering outside of these zones will result in an automatic DQ

Will there be mechanical assistance for my bike? There will be a mechanics touring the course. They are not on call and as they have to comply with the restrictions in place, they cannot respond to calls. As a result, athletes should be prepared to repair minor defects such as punctures. If more complicated work or expensive parts are required, the athlete will need to cover the cost.

Transition Area - Athlete FAQ Athlete FAQ - WHITE, RED & BLUE BAGS:

Blue Bags

It is recommended that athletes arrive in Transition 1 at least 90 minutes before the swim start. It is better for them to be prepared and relaxed for a while before the race than being rushed into getting ready if they are late.

What do I have to do before I enter transition on Saturday? You must wear your helmet with the strap fastened and race number displayed. Your bike must also display your race number. Entry is only given to athletes wearing their wristbands.

Can I access my bag the morning before the race? No - there will be no access to bags the morning of the race. All of your equipment must be packed in your bags prior to race day – including your race bib.

Should I cover my bike overnight? You are only permitted to cover your handlebars, seat and/or pedals. You are not permitted to cover the entire bike – for safety purposes. I think my timing chip is not working; can I get a new one? The transition Team Leader will have spare timing chips. These can be acquired at the entrance to transition. Please ask them for more information.

Where can I put my personal items? It is at the athlete’s digression to store personal items in transition bags – it is advised not to store personal items in the bag, as IRONMAN cannot be held responsible for any losses. We also recommend not storing track pumps in your white bag, as these can split the bag.

Can I have assistance when getting changed? No- You are not supposed to receive assistance from volunteers while you are changing during the race.

Is water be provided? Yes - Water will be available in every transition as well as on every feed station along the course.

Will there be toilets in transition areas? There will be toilets inside of Transition and close to the swim start as well as in every feed station and at the finish line.

How does the flow of people work in transition areas? There is only one single entrance point marked for athletes to enter and designated exit points for leaving the transition area.

I have lost something, where is lost property? Lost property will be at transition on race day and will be at the Athlete Services desk in the Registration Marquee.

I have finished the race; can I collect my bags early? No - transition will open for collection of bags and bikes at 14:00. You will need to present your wristband with your corresponding number to collect your items. It is recommended that you check you have all your items before you leave transi- tion. Transition closes at 17:00 on Sunday.

Blue Bags are for Bike Gear. You will need to put all your kit in for your cycle in this bag, including your helmet and race number. You will enter the changing tent in transition upon exiting the swim, here you can change and then head to collect your bike.

Red Bags Red Bags are for Run Gear. You need to put all your kit you will need for the run in this bag. Once you have finished the bike course you will enter Transition, change and head to the run course.

White Bags White Bags are for Dry Clothing. You are required to put in any clothes you require after the race. The white bags will be in the athlete’s finish area and will be available to collect as soon as you finish the race.

I have forgotten to put something in my bag; can I do it before the race? No - there will NO access to bags the morning of the race. All equipment must be packed in corresponding bags prior to race day.

I have been disqualified; can I collect my bags early? No - If you have been pulled or disqualified from the race then, you cannot access blue or red bags until these zones have been opened for collection however; white bags are available for collection at athlete village.

Feed Station Info There will be three Feed Stations on the bike course.

At feed stations on the Bike course, athletes can expect: • PowerBar Isoactive Isotonic Sports Drink - lemon • PowerBar Energize Bars – Mango tropical or Cookies & Cream • Bananas • Water

There will be three Feed Stations on the run course located at the harbourside and two on the opposite sides of the run course.

At feed stations on the Run course, athletes can expect: • PowerBar Gels – Blackcurrant or Lemon & Lime • Cola • Bananas • PowerBar Isoactive Isotonic Sports Drink - lemon • Savoury snacks

Athletes should be aware that feed stations will always be on the left-hand side and should be conscious of positioning with other athletes on the track. Athletes should also pass through feed stations slowly, so to avoid any incidents with athletes, staff or volunteers.

Drink from these food stations will be handed out in cups. Cups and gels should be thrown in the bins provided – not on the ground as this is considered as littering. There is no littering allowed apart from designated litter zones, any littering outside of these zones will results in DQ.

After Your Shift: Send Us Your Feedback:

Once your shift is over we encourage volunteers to continue to be involved with the event by doing any extra where you can, but also to enjoy your time with IRONMAN. Volunteers are more than welcome to watch the race at different points and cheer on the athletes as they pass.

We hope that you enjoy your time with IRONMAN and have been inspired to stay involved and to join in either as an athlete or by volunteering with us again in the future.

The IRONMAN team are always looking to improve our races each season and to do this we need to ensure we acquire as much feedback as possible with each race. After the race, we will send you a feedback form in which we encourage you to tell us about your experience as a volunteer.

Whether it is about your volunteer position; the race itself or any other matter; we look forward to receiving your feedback.

Media & Social Media: IRONMAN races are very high-profile events, which create a lot of interest from both the local and national media and has in the past meant that volunteers have been approached to answer questions. Please contact Melissa Gaffney or Rachel Jackson, if you are approached by the media. Please refer to our Social Media policy for further information.

SOCIAL MEDIA AND BLOGS COMMENTARY We encourage volunteers to engage with their experience with IRONMAN where possible and this can even be on social media pages. We are happy for volunteers to post content on their: blogs, microblogging sites, internet forums etc. but we ask that volunteers choose their content carefully and not post anything could be of an upsetting nature. Any negative comments should be communicated with your volunteer coordinator as opposed to sharing these online.

Please be aware also, that if you choose to identify yourself as a volunteer that some readers may view you as a spokesperson for IRONMAN and its brands. We ask that when posting online that you state that your views expressed are your own. However, we do encourage sharing by tagging official IRONMAN sites, hashtags etc. to share the experience.

You can also share your experiences on our Facebook page on: www.facebook.com/Ironman-Volunteers-UK-and-Ireland

THANK YOU! To all of our volunteers, who are helping make yet another IRONMAN 70.3 Weymouth an amazing event.

The event would not be possible without the support of our volunteers – THANK YOU!

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