vs3 review, 2008[1]

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SOL VS.3 updated for 2008


Virginia Studies VS32008

Created by Sarah Duncan, Social Studies SpecialistPortsmouth Public Schools

What were the reasons for English Colonization in

America?• England wanted to establish an

American colony to increase her wealth and power


What were the reasons for English Colonization in

America?• England hoped to find silver

and gold in America• An American settlement

would furnish raw materials that could not be grown or obtained in England, while opening new markets for trade.



• Jamestown was primarily an economic venture• Jamestown became the first

permanent English settlement in North America in 1607


Jamestown• The stockholders of the Virginia Company of

London financed the settlement of Jamestown

Virginia Company of London sells shares or stock

for money

Virginia Company usesThat money to pay for

Supplies, ships and crew members

The settlers send what they findTo the Virginia Company of LondonFor them to sell and make money

And pay the stockholders their share of the profits


Where is Jamestown

located?•1607 ~ Jamestown was a peninsula on the James River

•Today, Jamestown is an island on the James River


Why Jamestown?• Instructions from the

Virginia Company of London told the settlers to go inland and find a suitable place for their colony.

• The site could be easily defended from attack by sea (Spain) 2008

Why Jamestown?

• The water along the shore was deep enough for ships to dock

• They believed they had a good supply of fresh water


What was the importance of the Charters of the Virginia Company of London to the

Jamestown settlement?

• The Charters were granted by the King of England

• The Charters gave the Virginia Company the right to establish a settlement in North America

(Permission slip to go to the New World/North America)2008

What was the importance of the Charters of the Virginia Company of London to the

Jamestown settlement?

• The Charters extended English rights to the colonists

(even though you are not at school during a field trip, you must still

behave accordingly to the rules of the school)2008

As Jamestown grew, a system of government evolved/grew

• This system of government is called the Virginia Assembly.

• 1619~the governor of Virginia called a meeting of the Virginia Assembly. The Assembly called burgesses (citizen representatives) from each division of Virginia.

• By the 1640s~the burgesses became a separate legislative body, the Virginia House of Burgesses

Jamestown’s Historic Church, where the First Virginia Assembly met.


As Jamestown grew, a system of government evolved/grew

• The Virginia House of Burgesses was the first elected body in America giving settlers the opportunity to control their own government (democracy)

• It became the General Assembly of Virginia that continues to this day.

Virginia’s Capital Today2008

Jamestown by 1620

• Jamestown was more diverse by 1620 due to the arrival of two peoples:–Women –Africans


Arrival of Women

• The arrival of women in 1620 made it possible for the settlers to establish families and a more permanent settlement at Jamestown.

Brides House servants/maidsmothers


Arrival of Africans

• Africans arrived in Jamestown against their will.

• It is believed that they arrived as baptized Christians and therefore were labeled as indentured servants for a period of 5 to 7 years.


Arrival of Africans

• The arrival of Africans made it possible to expand the tobacco economy.


Arrival of Africans

• Portuguese sailors captured African men and women from what is now present day Angola. The status of these early African men and women as either servants or slaves is unknown.


The English colonists found life in Jamestown more difficult than they



Hardships faced by the settlers:

• The site they chose to live on was marshy and lacked safe drinking water.

• The settlers lacked some skills necessary to provide for themselves.

• Many settlers died of starvation and disease.


What helped them survive?

• Arrival of two supply ships• Forced work program• Strong leadership of Captain

John Smith• Emphasis on self-sustaining

agriculture ensured survival of the colony


The Powhatan people and the English settlers at Jamestown established

trading relationships and for a while had positive



How did the Powhatan people and the English

settlers interact?

Captain John Smith initiated/started/began

trading relationships with the native peoples.


• The Powhatans traded mainly food with the English in exchange for tools, pots, and copper for jewlery.

How did the Powhatan people and the English

settlers interact?


The Powhatans contributed to the survival of the Jamestown settlers in

several ways:• Pocahontas, daughter of Powhatan,

served as a contact between the native peoples and the English.

• Powhatan, chief of many tribes, provided leadership to his people and taught the settlers survival skills.

• Contributed to the survival of the Jamestown settlers in several ways.


The Powhatans…

• Realized the English settlement would continue to grow…

• The Powhatans saw the colonists as invaders that would take over their land.


1. The English wanted to colonize America to _______

A increase their wealth

B develop friendly relationships with the Indians

C send prisoners to a new place

D find good schools for their students


2. Who financed the settlement at Jamestown?

A King James of London

B Mayflower Company

C Virginia Company of London

D Tobacco Company


3. The English chose Jamestown as the location for their settlement for all of the following reasons except:

A It could be easily defended from attack by sea from the Spanish.

B The water on the shore was deep enough for the ships to dock.

C They believed it had a good supply of fresh water

D The American Indians (First Americans) asked them to settle there.


4. Who granted the charters to colonize North America?

A Captain John Smith

B King of England

C Virginia Company of London

D Powhatan Indians


5. In the 1600s, the only citizens who could vote were

A indentured servants

B African people

C adult men

D Powhatan Indians


6. The first elected legislative body in America was the _________

A Virginia House of Burgesses

B Congress of the United States

C Parliament of England

D Virginia Company of London


7. The arrival of Africans in the colony made it possible to expand the economy of _________

A coal

B tobacco

C forestry

D shipping


8. All of the following are hardships faced by the settlers at Jamestown except:

A The settlers lacked some skills necessary to provide for themselves.

B Many settlers died of starvation and disease

C The site they chose was marshy and lacked safe drinking water.

D The settlers found gold and silver in the Virginia mountains.


9. Who placed emphasis on self-sustaining agriculture, which ensured survival of the Jamestown colony?

A Captain Christopher Newport

B John Rolfe

C Governor Berkeley

D Captain John Smith


10.How did the arrival of women at Jamestown in 1620 affect the colony?

A It was possible to expand the tobacco economy.

B It was possible to meet more Americans Indians (First Americans).

C It was possible to get a right to vote.

D It was possible to establish families and develop a more permanent settlement


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