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Vulnerability Assessment of Arizona's Critical Infrastructure

10th International Conference on Short and Medium Span Bridges

Quebec City, Quebec, Canada,

July 31 – August 3, 2018

Improving Live Load Rating of Culverts Using Structural Health Monitoring

Okeil, Ayman 1,3, Ulger, Tuna 2 and Elshoura, Ahmed 1

1 Louisiana State University, USA

2 Bulent Ecevit University, Turkey


Abstract: Older culverts with low fill heights are known to produce lower load rating factors when simplified AASHTO-LRFD procedures for live load distribution are followed. Nevertheless, the performance of these culverts is typically acceptable, and they rarely show signs of distress. The purpose of this paper is to assess the load rating of representative CIP-RC box culverts from the Louisiana DOTD inventory with low earth fill heights. In the first phase of this research, field live load testing of the culverts was conducted after instrumenting each culvert with a structural health monitoring (SHM) system consisting of a total 48 sensors including displacement, strain, and tiltmeter sensors. In the second phase of the research, refined three-dimensional (3D) finite element (FE) models were built for each tested culvert and were calibrated using measured field data. AASHTO’s Manual for Bridge Evaluation (MBE) rating methodology was followed in this research to distribute the live loads through the soil fill, and project drawings were used to develop connection details in FE models. AASHTO’s design truck, HL-93, and legal trucks were passed on the calibrated culvert models, and the resulting straining actions were used to estimate load rating factors. This paper provides details about the methodology used in this study, field test data and 3D FE models, and load rating factors for the 8 culverts covered in this study. Finally, recommendations and research needs are presented.


It is known that conventional AASHTO load rating methods (AASHTO 2011) often result in unacceptable low rating factors. Consequently, action is typically required from bridge owners to address the low rating factors; leading to additional strain on the limited available resources. The inherent conservatism is mainly attributed to simplified live load distribution formulas adopted in AASHTO specifications (AASHTO 2014) and manuals. Furthermore, reinforcement detailing of these culverts also has its implications on RC box culvert rating. Multicell structural systems are highly statically indeterminate, and therefore are capable of resisting larger pressures than similar ones with lesser degrees of indeterminacy. However, the degree of indeterminacy of multicell box culverts may be reduced if the reinforcement detailing at the corners is not capable of transferring internal forces produced in such systems. Many of the are cast-in-place (CIP) reinforced concrete (RC) box culverts in Louisiana’s were built with old details that may fall under this category. Figure 1 shows one of these details, which reveals that: (1) exterior wall reinforcement is not adequately embedded in the top or bottom slabs of the box, (2) a single layer of reinforcement in these walls and at the ends of the top and bottom slabs make them incapable of resisting negative moments that would generate in a fully rigid corner joint. Engineers have typically considered these connections to behave like hinges rather than rigid connections.

Figure 1: Old LA-DOTD standard detail for a three-cell CIP box culvert.

According to the National Bridge Inventory (NBI), the State of Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (LA-DOTD) has in its inventory roughly 2600 buried culverts. Many of these CIP-RC box culverts were built using the aforementioned details. Based on visual inspections and on discussions with engineers involved in culvert load rating in Louisiana and elsewhere, their real field performance does not show any signs of distress despite their old age and contrary to what AASHTO load rating calculations show. The goal of this paper is to provide a methodology for dealing with CIP-RC box culverts in the LA-DOTD’s inventory that were built using old standard details. The developed methodology is complemented with field live load testing for a select few culverts from LA-DOTD inventory to better understand the actual behavior of CIP-RC box culverts in service.

Live Load Distribution and Live Load Rating of Buried CIP-RC Box CulvertsLive Load Distribution on Buried Culverts

There are fundamental design differences between culverts and other type bridges. Box culverts are highly statically indeterminate structures and encased with multiple soil interactions. The single axle loads or sometimes single wheel load are controlling the section forces due to live load as opposed to the gross vehicle weight (GVW), which controls the section forces in a typical bridge span. The hydraulics and roadway geometry at the culvert location have great effects on the fill height beneath the roadway which has significant impact on the live load effects on the buried culverts. As such, buried CIP-RC culverts are three-dimensional (3D) structures. However, engineers often simplify culvert models and use two-dimensional (2D) models instead, which requires an approximate assessment of the live load distribution on the culvert. Several researchers studied this topic and a few of these studies are described next.

Abdel-Karim et al. (1990) conducted a live load test on culverts that have fill heights ranging from 2 ft to 12 ft by placing pressure cells on the top surface to investigate the live load distribution. The pressure is generally distributed over a square area in both transverse and longitudinal directions, and the intensity of the pressure becomes more uniform and distributed over a larger area. It was noted that the rigid pavement provides additional load distribution especially for the lower fill heights, and pavement thickness was represented with an equivalent fill height. The flexural rigidity of the top slab itself also helps the distribution of the wheel loads trough two-way action. According to the McGrath et al. (2005), AASHTO LRFD specifications yield relatively more conservative section forces than AASHTO Standard specifications yield for the culverts that have 15 ft or less box span length. Furthermore, different distribution widths were proposed for different section forces. In another field test study conducted by Orton et al. (2015) it was indicated that the AASHTO LRFD specifications is overly conservative in predicting the straining actions for culverts with fill heights smaller than 8 ft in comparison with field data, and suggested that the 6 ft can be a threshold to disregard the live load effects when the live load effects less than 10 % of the dead loads`. Wood et al. (2015) suggested depth-calibrated method which estimates the live load pressure at each critical section by defining its own out-of-plane load distribution width instead of using top slab cover depth; therefore, the conservative section forces were attenuated in 2D FE culvert modeling. In another study, Wood et al. (2016) compared three different FE models, structural-frame model, top-slab calibrated soil-structure model, and fully depth-calibrated soil-structure model, to show that load rating could be improved by inclusion of depth calibrated method. The proposed method provides improved result for wall and bottom sections; however, top slab, i.e. most significant section, was not affected significantly due to negligible difference, i.e. half thickness of top slab, between cover fill height and depth calibrated fill height for extracting the section forces. Acharya et al. (2016) conducted field tests considering the static and moving live loads to study the effect of axle load, pavement type and speed of the load on the top slab of culvert. It was concluded that concrete pavement distributes the load over a larger area, and reduced the vertical displacements nearly 2 – 3 times when compared to unpaved road surface under static load. It was also observed that the moving live load resulted more vertical deflection than the static load.

Live Load Rating of Buried Culverts

In 2010, National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 647 (Li et al. 2010), “Recommended Design Specifications for Live Load Distribution to Buried Structures”, provided simplified design equations (SDEs) for buried structures after conducting three dimensional (3D) analysis of 830 buried culverts. In the report, the presence of pavement in live load distribution was not considered which can further distribute the axle load before reaching culvert. For design purposes, this can be considered a conservative approach; however, not taking advantage of this additional distribution penalizes the in-service culverts buried under rigid pavements. According to AASHTO-LRFD Commentary C4., AASHTO provisions for live load distribution are based on “distribution of shear forces.” Therefore, it can be said that another source of conservatism is added because critical sections for shear and the axle position causing maximum shear are typically close to the supporting walls. Conversely, axle loads causing maximum positive and negative bending moments are typically positioned closer to mid-spans, which are known to distribute the load over a wider area. Furthermore, experimental tests have shown that failure of RC box culverts is highly unlikely (Abolmaali and Garg 2008). According to AASHTO, a wheel load at the road level is distributed over an area defined by two dimensions, and , as can be seen in Figure 2.

Figure 2: AASHTO live load distrubution with soil depth

The dimensions of the distribution is given by the following formulas





where  = factor for distribution of live load with depth of fill,  = depth of fill from top of culvert to top of pavement (in.),  = clear span (ft), and  = length of tire contact area parallel to span (in.).

Field investigated culvertsCulvert Description

The number of culverts tested in the scope of this project was eight and they were selected by LA DOTD from various parts of the state. Only cast-in-place reinforced culverts were investigated and the priority was given to culverts with lower fill height. Only two of eight culverts had a fill height that exceeded 2 feet. Because of space limitation, only three culverts are presented in this paper. The characteristic of each culvert and their GPS locations are given in Table 1. The final instrumentation plans were produced and implemented in the field before the tests. The selected culverts for presentation here are nonskewed. The roadway was paved with asphalt for the presented culverts.

Table 1: Characteristics of Selected Culverts and GPS Locations



Opening Size

(m x m [ft x ft])

Slab / Wall Thickness

(mm [in])

Number of Openings

Skew Angle (o)





1.83 x 1.83 [6 x 6]

203 / 152 [8 / 6]







2.44 x 2.44 [8 x 8]

229 / 203 [9 / 8]







3.66 x 3.66 [12 x 12]

305 / 305 [12 / 12]





The roadway profile was surveyed to estimate the earth fill height for each culvert, and concrete core specimens were extracted from the walls of each tested culvert and tested to have a better assessment of the actual concrete strength. It was decided that one exterior and one adjacent interior barrel were sensor instrumented. Only one barrel was instrumented for the culvert with two barrels (Sulphur, LA) due to symmetry. The thickness of concrete walls was confirmed with the field inspections; however, the slab thickness was not verified in field due to soil cover. All available data for the culverts are provided in Table 2. Noting that, the concrete finishing in site pouring creates variations from project dimensions especially for the slab sections. The load pressures at culvert level are also given in Table 2.

Table 2: Culvert Material Properties and Calculated Loads



(m [ft])


(MPa [psi])

(GPa [ksi])


(kPa [ksf])


(kPa [ksf])

EH (KPa [ksf])


(kPa [ksf])


(kPa [ksf])




























































*cored specimens, FH = Fill Height, A = Asphalt, C = Concrete

Instrumentation Plans

In this project, a wireless structural health monitoring system was employed. Three different sensor types were instrumented at critical locations inside the exterior and interior barrels. The total number of sensors allocated to this project was 48; 4 tiltmeters, 8 Linear Variable Differential Transducers (LVDTs), and 36 strain gauges. A typical instrumentation plan is shown in Figure 3, where tiltmeters were bonded to the wall and top slab in the exterior barrel to measure the relative rotations between them, the LVDTs were placed at the mid-span of the exterior barrel to measure relatively larger vertical deflections of the top slab. One LVDT was also placed in the second barrel. The remaining 36 stain gauges were bonded to top slab or wall sections as shown. It should be noted that the instrumentation was repeated at three locations across the culvert’s length where three load paths were planned as will be seen later.

Figure 3: Typical instrumentation plan for a straight culvert

Live Load Tests

The roadway was marked for each load path according to in the instrumentation plans. Loaded dump trucks with two axles (single front/double rear) crawled at a speed of about 5 miles per hour which can be considered static loading. Each load path was repeated for at least twice to ensure repeatability of the results. The trucks used in these tests were measured and weighed. Table 3 lists these properties. Readings from the sensors were recorded for all passes at each of the three paths indicated on the instrumentation plans. The readings were then used to calibrate 3D finite element (FE) models for each culvert, which were then used in load rating the tested culverts.

Table 3. Properties of Loaded Test Trucks


Test Truck GVW

(kN [kip])

Front Axle (kN [kip])

Rear Axles (total)

(kN [kip])

Front Axle Spacing

(m [ft – in])

Rear Axle Spacing

(m [ft – in])


254.1 [57.1]

56.1 [12.6]

198.1 [44.5]

3.66 [12” – 0’]

1.37 [4” – 6’]


187.5 [42.2]

42.4 [9.5]

145.1 [32.6]

3.66 [12” – 0’]

1.35 [4” – 5’]


229.4 [51.6]

57.8 [13.0]

171.6 [38.6]

3.99 [13” – 1’]

1.37 [4” – 6’]

Finite Element Model DevelopmentFinite Element Model and Calibration

Shell elements were used to model slab and wall sections. The presence of haunches at top corner connections between the top slab and walls allowed adding offsets in FE models to account for the rigidity of this relatively larger concrete region. In addition to half the member’s thickness, the wall and slab offsets were further increased by two-thirds of the haunch length. The rigid concrete regions that defines the shell element offsets are shown in Figure 4. The connection of the non-rigid (i.e. wall and slab) and rigid shell elements (i.e. offset region) were connected with the rotational springs. The continuity of the elements or the reduced stiffness could be defined as a fixed-connection or with reduced stiffness values, respectively. External loads were applied on the model as pressure acting on affected areas. For example, the earth fill weight was applied over the entire top slab surface, while linearly varying horizontal earth pressure was applied on the exterior walls. Truck axle loads were applied as a pressure acting on the area affected by the wheel/axle loads according to AASHTO’s formulas for load distribution (Eqs. 1 or 2). Figure 5 shows one of the full 3D-FE models. More details about the model can be found elsewhere (Okeil et al. 2018).

(a) Actual Structure

(b) FE Model

Figure 4: Rigid concrete regions and shell element offsets

Figure 5: Full 3D FE model

Each FE model was calibrated to minimize the error between the field measured response and the numerically obtained response. The error function that was implemented in post-processing is given in Equation [3], where is the sensor data obtained from field test, is the sensor data obtained from FE model, is the number of sensors used in one load path, and is the number of load tested truck path. Several iterations were needed to reduce this error below 20%, which typically was much higher (over 100%) if nominal properties were used in the model. Figure 6 shows the plots for the readings of three sensors and three cases of model adjustment including the initial nominal case (Case 1). As can be seen, nominal values result in a response that is substantially higher than the measured response. Calibrating the model improves the response such that the error is within acceptable limits.


Figure 6: Sensor data for nominal case (Case 1) and modified cases (Case 2 and 3)

Load Rating

Load rating was conducted for two design and 10 legal trucks typically considered in Louisiana. Straining actions (bending moments, shear forces, and axial forces) were extracted at the nine critical sections (① through ⑨) shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7: Critical sections for rating factor calculations

The rating factor, , was calculated using the following equation in which the nominal capacity, , is factored by condition and system factor, and , in addition to the typical design factor, , to obtain the member’s capacity, . AASHTO BEM (AASHTO 2011) load factors, , were considered for: component dead loads, , wearing surface, , verical and horizontal earth pressure, and , uniform earth and live load surcharg, and , and live load plus dynamic load allowance, .


Table 4 lists the results of the load rating calculations for the three culverts presented in this study. As can be seen, the rating factors for all culverts exceeded 1.0 under all truck loads (inventory, operational, and legal). It should be noted that using conventional methods following AASHTO LRFR procedures resulted in rating factors less than 1.0 for all three culverts. For example, the rating factor for Culvert #4 was 0.03 under HL-93 at the inventory level. This shows that there is a lot of conservatism in the conventional methods that unnecessarily produce such results.

Table 4. Rating Factors for Inventory Level Design Truck at Critical Sections




Rating Factor

Section Number

Section Location



Inventory Level



Exterior Top Slab Corner Shear




Exterior Top Slab Mid-span Moment




Exterior Top Slab Corner Shear



Operational Level



Exterior Top Slab Corner Shear




Exterior Top Slab Mid-span Moment




Exterior Top Slab Corner Shear


Type 3-3



Exterior Top Slab Corner Shear


LA Type 6



Exterior Top Slab Center Moment





Exterior Top Slab Corner Shear


In this research, structural health monitoring (SHM) was utilized to assess the load carrying capacity of three cast-in-place reinforced concrete (CIP-RC) culverts from LA DOTD inventory. Field tests were conducted on each culvert after installing a 48-sensor SHM system that recorded strains, displacements and rotations under known truck loads. Three dimensional (3D) FE models were developed and calibrated using the field measured data. These models were then used to load rate the culverts following AASHTO load distribution formulas and load factors by considering critical sections for the design truck, HL 93, and legal trucks. All three culverts whose rating factors were less than 1.0 according to conventional methods resulted in rating factors that are substantially higher than 1.0 using calibrated 3D models.

Based on the results it is possible to conclude that utilizing 2D models for load rating of culverts using the current formulas in AASHTO documents adds another layer of conservatism, which can be attributed to:

· AASHTO load distribution formulas, which are based on shear sections despite the fact that bending moments control load rating more often.

· The inability of traditional 2D models of modeling the rigid behavior of slab-to-wall connections, especially for connections with haunches.

Therefore, it is recommended that live load distribution formulas be revisited in such a way that separates the soil’s ability to redistribute wheel loads through the earth fill from the structures ability to redistribute the load as a typical 3D structure.


The work presented herein is part of a research project sponsored by Louisiana Transportation Research Center (LTRC Project No. 16-3ST). The support of Dr. Walid Alaywan, Project Manager, Dr. Dana Feng, Dr. Ching Tsai, and Dr. Qiming Chen, Bridge Design, is greatly appreciated. Mr. Marco Canales was instrumental in conducting field testing with support from Bridge Diagnostics, Inc. (BDI). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the sponsoring agencies.


AASHTO. 2011. The Manual for Bridge Evaluation, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, D.C.

AASHTO. 2014. LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, D.C.

Abdel-Karim, A. M., Tadros, M. K., and Benak, J. V. 1990. "Live Load Distribution on Concrete Box Culverts." Transportation Research Record, (1288): 136-151.

Abolmaali, A., and Garg, A. K. 2008. "Effect of Wheel Live Load on Shear Behavior of Precast Reinforced Concrete Box Culverts." Journal of Bridge Engineering, 13(1): 93-99.

Acharya, R., Han, J., Brennan, J. J., Parsons, R. L., and Khatri, D. K. 2016. "Structural Response of a Low-Fill Box Culvert under Static and Traffic Loading." Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 30(1), 04014184.

Li, G., Kitane, Y., Nelson, C. R., McGrath, T. J., and Petersen, D. L. 2010. Recommended Design Specifications for Live Load Distribution to Buried Structures, The National Academies Press, Washington, DC.

McGrath, T. J., Liepins, A. A., and Beaver, J. L. 2005. "Live Load Distribution Widths for Reinforced Concrete Box Section." Journal of the Transportation Research Board: 99-108.

Okeil, A. M., Ulger, T., and Elshoura, A. 2018. "Live Load Rating of Cast-in-Place Concrete Box Culverts." Baton Rouge, LA, 369.

Orton, S. L., Loehr, J. E., Boeckmann, A., and Havens, G. 2015. "Live-Load Effect in Reinforced Concrete Box Culverts under Soil Fill." Journal of Bridge Engineering, 20(11): 9, 04015003.

Wood, T. A., Lawson, W. D., Jayawickrama, P. W., and Newhouse, C. D. 2015. "Evaluation of Production Models for Load Rating Reinforced Concrete Box Culverts." Journal of Bridge Engineering, 20(1), 04014057.

Wood, T. A., Lawson, W. D., Surles, J. G., Jayawickrama, P. W., and Seo, H. 2016. "Improved Load Rating of Reinforced-Concrete Box Culverts Using Depth-Calibrated Live-Load Attenuation." Journal of Bridge Engineering, 21(12), 04016095.



WallsBottom SlabTop SlabEdge BeamsRigid Joints

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