w' .' ~'l' 1'4'pa*es t:, in'! se~tiods~~tion...

Post on 25-May-2020






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'" ',a en t, .•. . . t .. -. i 'j, t" ~ I,

Sp'orts Car Club,Due On Week-end



Congratulatio,~JAre Due·

Mr and Mre.. no s CUmmins.Cllpuun. Pfuenw Q a boy. bornSept. 21, no weight Riven.

sfr Bnd Mrs. Walter Troy SJI1PC,Ruldol'.Q. ptlrcntu of a boy. bornt'Jcpt. 24. wt,. Ii Ibs.. 8 Oil.

Mr. IUJd Mrs Ronnie lfl1rlnelt,nUldo:;o Downo. paren'" of n RltI,born Sept :17. Wi" II 11l9.• 1:J'~ oz.

11>65 SCORE TO PATE­GIRLS nORN....Qnoys DORN.....:I1l

SpOrUl tnt ownerll of the LuCru~Cg area. expc!cl.Cd to numbel."GO to CO peoplt. arc duL' here Sun­dB)' lor the antllUll Roiling lit N.....UMo.l RAlly, Cftl1pllrrnl Motor Ho­It'l ling reported, Tunny PntUson19 c.'tlt\lrrnan for the rally MtCI\\'/itch will h1cll1de 1I buffet lunch­con 011 Sundoy. Drivers arc to,lIfrlvc here v,1lh1n a !-ialM u.moto t'lim n \'lirt~\y of tncrl.'1ulndlsaprt~(l!l tha.\. nrc ofCcred for severall" '1'.f\til,

Serl6 01 Evenlll Set •Two olber eVelillJ ate on the

ChnJ}3rral's calendar tor eorf>' ()e.tolX!r. InclUding a m~1f at theRio O~dc Chapter of Ute SOilCOllSCl"Vtltlon Socfe!y, for which se.<;.oonton arrllngctncDla are being madeby Oerald Jordan of Cnpitan, loran 01$, 8 gntherlng: l\.nd the NeW,Mexico Sheriff's and Potlce Ch1cC!lAM.oclatlon meeting-. due to bl"1rllr200 here. Md Which Lincoln c0un­ty ~trl1Offlco and vlllage polleeof 1M areA l/.te aJl3I1'ltJng In v.-et..comlnll. lor Oct. 8-;'10.

, ,


•,: ' .

board membilr, back row, Ralph Bonnell,Glencoe, slate board mlilmber] Konnoth Nos~

ker, Gloncoe, board member] Walton Wilson,Anello. pas' presldenl bnd board member,Lvclo Zamora, Hondo, secrotory.tr,oo.urer.Not present for photo werll Tony Treat, PI.cacho. vh:e.presldont, and Bud e'agley, Cora.no, board momber.

. ~~---_.-'---_._-----

CLIP TilE COUPON - Yell, r~"cl 0'1"

spec(llt I\~ tit another ~aT' ,of tlilii Jl_P¢l'

, alld ollp tM c:ouJlon and mail It I... to

l\llar" about condominium Jlvin!f.


, >

, ,., AO "

OFFICERS-Newly elecled officers of tl1e LIn·coIn County Farm & Livostock Bureau electedat the annual moetlng hore SQturday nightat ChQpQrral MOlor Hotel woro,' from left,front row, Dimmitt Bond" Corona, boardmemberl Sid Goodloe, Capitol', board memober, Jan Gales, Capitan, chdlrw'omanl 80bGales, president] Ellis Schildknecht, CoplIon.



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Renewal of FranchiseOn CableT1l


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4~Ump~~, itNCOLN COVNT1',.N~\V ~QO'-' = i. 4 $" ,'. 'j ,: 'i

, I ;,' '. < I . , .

Olq- (lolll..l~~ .~tVlcCl c~ fie,"!) ;ro~r

insuranCe' 1I~~SJn lriany l.elc1~

Ilither, ~." bllS#n~man, ~ ~ pari- ,~er, ..' .-"om~~et, ,liS a lIPj)rbJ.om.... '&S a driv~r, Get 1h~ lI\cl" on, ' .WMt lJC'UQf~.WCl1J!l\ve yon neecJ, I

' ,

. '•,', '


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\"" ~'l' ,--{'.. i." ,'u. ""'~ _",,-. ,'<t:, )t., ': '., l .' ' • .. •

1'4'Pa*es In'! Se~tioDs~~tion A~~~.P'.J.>.blJSh~, m'tho' ~Q,th:wet!~.. Y':a" 1.J.l1llm,l1l"laYJri'IUIll"~', " ' - . '. -' ., ..

7:" Ctlitke"nsuta:f,ce',Agency ',',, • ~ " c • ' •







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Tasty, Ever Pop11lQf '

_, _,,_ I:";" . , " ., ~ '~"," ." . '\ . ,"",. ,"I-'~ "',. """:,.~,-:,•.. ",, '.,'



, .

.-A wid(! $election in kinds andprices for gift giving, for enjoy..

mg yourself- .

'" ''''\ -,.<"""':> 'II: <W IIr '. ;<',"r' ~

" ~ .' • .,11, :i f "',

,, .."


, I"



IJ\1lJ TlSSUH1. Delsey ~ roll lIe·t~L", ,

'Whole Kernel Com ••. 2for 29c',•

1..0 3 ~":IPUDS tlf.l\" 10 lIS. 59¢.

... " ~,...." DOl. 39~• ., - 1(" ".

'1"'I1"'·f E''S':I'" M!d~fit~ ~ '79¢'. ,', " ",·L4I'1SlhQ ~'. ,... ' . ", . lY.l LB••• ' ••• ;............ .

tiDEVINE6AR c; ", .

IRS .~.........,.,8~ 29«. . SIIAK I., 4'

'HOdbil;l \n' ',,',',' ' ... :.::.;..Rm~""E 'SAUSAGE,lb."SSe

. " .-",', , ~ '...".

"A1ifi~'F()k ,,!Mast .AN¥OCGASlolS', .. ,1"


, ,

'" ' "


, .

" "'R"E' OptllWE ..' ' 1; .

"for The Fabulous. New 'Winter' Sport. Sealon,



Co~. by and ~\1Sf andfiMalPok it IQmt, .

'ofth_l*oU!J. DeW sd11.'1n .xt.Bn~ •• ~'.. ' , '. '

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This Teflon-lined Ilr f This Teflon-coatedCast Aluminum Cak~ Mold .. -lJHQ-Stick" tasserole

',' ." , .. I, . . ~ .

thIs new ea1\6 mold'$6xtra healft tonstructlon -.$$ur'$ uniform baking 'and ilortoustyaotden trusts. Site 11" tn diameter by" 4" deep. it I\t\$ • no~sttct<,·no.·seOUt T.flOnlinitig for

easy clean·U(ls~ih. Tefloh..eoat~d, fib'.Uck casserole Is made of heivy ahcxJlzedaru~inumand hIS I coot aal<ellte$ttVinl bin and see.through uov.n.proOfu,'tover~ l1tt 1n.. .

dlimitttr. it hotd$ -two .qu.tts. And tl~ht now, .~..l18fOt:t J1riltt~ \'n1t~ t)hly • If •, '.

YOU c.n ;et .ifh.r ,of lh"so{wo flne tt>OkWlrf nom$. fRE£ with yourpurthl$' ()f .fttt·$t'"drrt~ ~ld(;tdc:,nl1i~. S~t~ur. et~ttic tan~G

d~fe,. $I)OP IbQu\tf'lI."~tl~) o'ffttt. Of c.n PUr i>ffl¢.for tnf~l'mattonlf. "

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l' " 1 Vi 1..', , '. \....<~ -/ - .I: · •. r\,~t·"""-,,, f' l "';}... ..'\.

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.~.~( ~.. '.' \"-"" flo .. - • '..

t .!<.~. ...... " • ~,.. t," 'p,,

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~ . "ij' t :.


For every roll of 620, 120 or 127 black an~, I

wnUe fUm processed by UlJ, we wlll give you .8 roll FREE!



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""tCUItlnlle .tll'~ _Ill) tilt ","'1ft',I 'htn·,,,''',., tCl'lI\/uttlt/l"UlIln,••," • ...Q.......,

V,It.. II t/lIIe. ,n,n


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f 0$! •< '

,... 111 ,••••••••••••••·.·.11 .








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''''. I , " ". :> " pI-, '- \: " •

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1:./'• ..i!' '.,

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20 O%. ••••• "• "•• , ••

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1 •I

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-au$a Pmcb.... ot Mol'•





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Bell- Long Green ChUi - Yellow Hot





YAMS Porlales 2 25cNo.1" • f /I ••• " , " • It • , ~ L8S.

'LEnUCE Largo Hcads ••••• ,., LB. " c'

KLEENEX 600 Count. • • ••• 2 BOXES69c

SALTINES Dixie B«tlle, • • •• •• 1 ~~x19c

RITZ· By Nobl.co. , ••• •••••••• 1LB. 39''T".U··.N"A ~t.ast·O·Chl(k.n 3· S''9'c:.. . Chunk Style. H .. 4< • • • • CANS .' .

SALMONT:it~?n..i~~~by'••••••••• , •,'a9e:,




ICE'CREAM Borden's 79c. . All Flavors, I, GlJl.. • . • • 'J

BISCUITS FrOJen Rite- 19'CButtermilk, Pk9....••••.•. , • '





(ORNISHHENSHORSE MEAT ~;I~z. Pkg.. • • • • •.25A!




.,' .'



, ,. '';" ,

, ,


~~$149,~~. .


, .




- -

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ALL FLAvons .


, ,",

, "

THURS. - FRI. - SAT., SEPT. 30~ OCT 1-2~•.•...•.•........• ~ •••........•.•.•.•.......:-- U. S. D. A. CHOICE MATURE BEEF --:.:

':RUMP' 'R'OAST .15¢:E .' . ..' " La.... , ~

.~PIKE'S PEAK· ' c~~ROAST, LB....". E

iSIRLOIN STEAK. LB. $1 09~· . ~--

: FRESH LEAN . I ' :

i3 .LBS~ .""....".......: LEAN

lRIBS,3 LBS.".. !•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••PORK STEAK LB 69c



,BA(ON·~~....... 2

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •: -AUSTEX- _ :• •:CHILI WITH BEANS 3 98c:·: . No. 300. • • • • • • • • •••. CANS :

EREEF TAMALES:~' 3 Con. 89(:• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

. . Gold Medal $1'19:FLOUR 25 Lb. P'Qper Bag, ••••••••••••••••


CAKE MiXES 3 BOXi:S·89~'



.fANTAGRAPE ... , ...oR ROOl-BEER~.

·10LB.BAG...... tI


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, .



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. . ' . '\ Sll;QUQtJ/i.;" .. 7. ,.t'~QJ!;.TJm~· ' .' .. Jt 'daso'News, .' i,Qi,. ....

. .J!'rld"y, QqwllelC 1, 19115 .,~ ... , ' .., 0 __ ..". i :1." •. " .. ' ,., =;. -,-

··PQtetJt PEttsQilnel......• .FfQm Alam99Q~qo'. '1'olUsM~SUea ." '\, ',t'~e. fQfCl~S<lrVj¢ee<md"*d oJ.

. ~me-~¥ tolP' ~l't, 23 Jor' ~e peQ.,. ,ple assl~~ tQ ··toM S1.\peno1sor'"

PWce oftl\e~l:olp. N"UWl"l '1ro~ ,I ~sr lnAlatnQttQrdo. '.l'he Ill'QUP /)f'18p~rso\'.lS vJslWCl ~e.~okey.B~ar.

.'M\1,511\PJ\.and tile 1ror¢st$ervl~· I;llgn' ~lte $Ouf.!l ol Qil.Pl~, )4\,S." llalph S<lle~hergaVe " ll}1l)rt' t"P.t .'. 'Qutlf.tl,1,rl,g ~e hJstc)ry o~ the u'lusel,lm

of $mpk~W .~e Bl:"r.· 'nom Capitan tll.e In'OlIP tr"veJed

· to SoulbJrork l:IP.nipgrqUn.d allOve,B\lp1to La\!.lI', and then to lbe SiermBlIUICll. sId Are& whlch is one .afthe m(lStpOpular IP,ttracttons of f.h:eLIn(:oln NatlQAAI FQre$t. '.l'hl$ tolll'g~ve the persounel W~o handlemUch Qf,f.he .routine bW'i1Dess of tileforeat. 11.' chlU\<:e to ~e first. bandtlll! objects of much Ilf their l~·bell', Mrs. SOleU:Il~r, who fs presi·dent. of the ~nioker Bear ClUb. reo

~mdp9inUng'he "R".Bel()w~ l.!pper classman . , PQrte~.Ann Winkels', rl9ht~ odds a llulQ more lipstick ",,,. .;,,,'._'_,•....;:_._..--.tq AmeliC! AQuilar's makeup while other .'freshmen wj:litln 11M for finishing touches"

, , " ,', '

".. , 'i ',1I

,.' ~. -<'.... :,. f·- , '

, ."

. '

VIS,ltthltBlink.sa ~llIlbltOl ttl. ,R UI DOS0):eder*1 DepDslt Iniutanea DUtbf Our 1uUIuai. g .' .Carpotanon" W. pllY the P"" .A·.' ·S·"PEN'.C'·.'.ADEmh/rtt for tn,urlnea fhit pto.

teck yout accouritt whitfler OCT. 8.9~10·Sa'Jlnp or Cblckfn'lltbi:lthe. . '. .... .#o.a·y'e' wI'" s'"f'e'.tiu ....,...... tb- (0(0"''''' Q&mImn ••CtIOn ..., nUI··1 0 -, ... one.M ..vercdlnfj.....h1I. o~

enJoyable.vanb In ~'fCl1t a~Wlrit.,.'month*fn tM~rHICIt tINt SouthW..... . . .'

- 1 . ".

. ,

- .'

, , '

Your account'INSURED, .' 4 ~

up to

. .

,,', '


~', "

'INITIATION DAY--fresnmall initiation . IQ$lWednesday ·b~gn .wlth th~ upp<lr. ~lalSmen .\)eUln9 th~ new c1a$s-....m~mber$ In. Iin«t god,l'roperty mQcle up fQrth~ work. of ~I~a"in~

.., .•




,:. I'



~ .'


•Ji •,,




'. .


Remember, when you need money for any purpose l&e)11.,

DarreU Isham, at Foundation Investment Companya~* tbfIlreetlrom lbe Post Office InRuidoso. •

Foundation Investment Company"DERnll. ISHAM, MGJt. 'HONE 257~f6t -lUID9$O

',eo• .voll.y fJn~n~ w}~. totliunkyou for th. bus}n... yOIf ~y., .~th,,,,, In t.hl palt a.,d hop" thQt Yj)u contlnu, dolngbuJtnmln th, ""19·~tJon. Th, Foundqtlon 'nv",mJnt C~mp:anfho•.~ lJIrvlnf Ih.~of,...,...pre of Hew~xI~ for tit. petit 40 yeu....


.... - ...

" -- , ... - -

. "

Xam vary h~ppy to .am'1ounce~,o lbpt 'W.:w:Ul ~1),l :Al:ri' ..any chaJ1ge in personnel. XwID Bti1l bq here Jo ~v. 'f911.~tho PAst. Ou.r ,amea, hOW."er, wi1lbe e;lCpan<led to Jndud.•real "tnt•.1~ up to $2S00.00 an~ the J»UrcbJiH oJ ,,~~ment contracts on autos, appn~ee. ·.aJ1df~ure.•• •


1"b.eJlw~~ OIflce .ofJ?ecQ.l·VPn~r Fw..~HQs~§gJd~.·

Foundation Investme~t '~COUlPa», .A NflW ,~.xfC:9 Corporpti~)D

, - - -, .'

",-., .

-', ,

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tr~ It. ~,

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; . ~.

it . ,~,~,

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Increased productionthrough conservation?

. .



a.. I -


Effective Friday, Sep~~;r 17, 1965 - The ltuJ.dQ,pS~l1JeBank will be open unlU $:00 p.m~ each Friday. .Effective Saturday, SeJ;Jtem}>er l.S, 1985 -:. Thelhddo.o SistoBalJ.k will resume its winter s<:h,(Jv!e.


9:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m. .Monday -: 'J'1nl1~ay9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Friday . -" -


8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Monday. Thu1'Iday8:30 a.m. '- 5:30 p.m. Friday


I '


: :;', -" ;;

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···.lHENEALSMITH'AMILY'JXTENQS'A M"as'T' '(:0'"RD"···J···A'·' 'J'N"V'·I'-A·":IAN'"":,,,~,:~...... :"~ , " ' ",',', ',. J-,::' ",'. :., :.1::" " N·,,': ',y,



J RELAXATION. YOU'LL ENJOY.THE'" - " '. .', .'.' - "



, .


, . :';',' ,

- ' - " '" ',. , -, -;~~'.~.' •• ~~,~~_.~•••• ~~M~••~.~~••••• ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••_.

, \i STARTED ON YOUR,FLOAT ••• ? :• •: We ",ean, do yOIl hClve ptanf for an entrv In the AspencCld. :: ParClde this yoar? We hav. som. mat.rlals that might h.lp :: make your Idea go easily and quIckly. Call on us for matorlals," :• •• paInt•• suggestion•• , •• •: TO OUR READERS ELSEWHERE, WE lNVln YOU TO THE ANNUAL :• •• A5PENCADE OCT. 8·9·10. THERE'S STILL Pl.ENTY OF TIME' TO •• •• MI\t<.E YOUR PLANS TO 8E HERE fOR THIS fUN·fIL1.£D EVENT. •• a' •· ,_.- .• •

.i Hollywood LIJI. Co., Inc. . i• •• ••• WE GIVE S " D an£EN STAlIn's •• •• t...: HIghway 70 Pho. 378-2645 ',1'. C. Delaney, MgrlO ;• •....~..~....•......•..........•...............•......•.•.•........•..•.•.•,

IN LOUiSIANA - At boot wonderful j~b. OUr t1. a. go-;,;ro. ler Md h~~' fllmtly: Mr: lUll1 Mr8."1 A, T."Warden. - •camp In Fort Polk, La. f. Pvt. meat hao come 10 our rcscUe 111!lo. -------------.:.....-:---~~------_.Coasar John Garcia, Jr., son naVe to put an end to thltl, Bye Wosupport the Ruidoso Warrlol'J-of Mr. and Mrs. Ceosar M. for now. PAYNE'S GATEWAY DEEP ROCKGarcia, Ruldolo, and former- " Love, ......ar'le SERVICE STATIONIy employee! by Ruldolo \,ill I

Cable TV. Gorcla went into ... ' '. ,- l.t U. Check YClur Car or Truck For WInter Orl'itnsathe armed force. Aug. 23 and ra~r:Pe~~~~~~:~ns:r~s~~::: B. F. Goodrich' or Zerex Anti-FreezeIs expected homo on flrat ces Vllll«nS Mrs. Howell's daugh. Bufano 8ottle. Fl/led ~••"e Payn., opered.,.leave afler boot exercise. In .• . . .Novembor. ' ., iii _ •

\l~O'nOli A, J>AQ;IS l'1VJLRUidoso News

FrIday, OQt!:lbcr 1. 1965

• •


, '

, ,

..~~ ....t


~.' "'.


:- "

PHONE 37104701

. r ..1


Lett~r To Ruidos~1lfI'\ Tells Qf Devastation,

Hardships In Jlm'dc~nE>(~j;ll~r'a ~o~: J,l'011~Wl.nll W ~.

lel~r r~~\llvesl I,wr~ bY Ul~ 1!:~Lanes from a 10ngUme frlena otMfa. Laue, a Mrs. "qJarUo" CharI- I .

son, who Ilvea In New Orleans. She itells of some aspecla of the lmrrJ.can netsy that had not been reop<!rte~ o.n !,n some p~eSll MCOU1l~.) I

Pear Hazelle:J: r~celved YO\1r letter ~ay-and I , .

J: c~\"lAln1y apprecIate your Ulo\l(;ht- I J.,,_, ,-.fulnel\ll. " :, .

DoQ't believe I' can even beglIl' *'I" W .to descrlbe the devlI.SlAtlon, misery, ,,"f'

sufferIng and heartbreak all aroundme.

Don't believe that there was .. '. ,. ".~ ,

trl!', bUIlding. wires or anythinS' ,~Ise that csuped a"maie Irom the .hurricane. There lIore houses lion Iaround me that bad theJr r09!scavc" ~ by !alUng trees.

Therc WlLa a Umo When an com·mu,nlc,Ulon, electrIcity and trans·portatlon was cut ot!.~ ...U that. is mlUUn; compared totho fiOOd (bat followed.' Mf,ny pe0­ple In the fiOOlfed areas went tobed when th(ly tboUgM the burri.cane bad PMSClt!-ancl lIOmll ofth~m nevor cUd wake lip. I JutlJUrewhen aU of the water is gone Uletewill be .some more namos to aM tothe lmt O! the dead.

Electrlo and Pbooc servleea ~VCbeen reswnod 10 cl'lrt.In acellOM arc co emnny people wllo haveor the cIty. I have both-but l' am nothing left except thelUSelVen.

There llre mnny tlUII In OVACUQtlonnot enjoying it when I know thcr~ ccntero. Tho Qdulto arp lIvlnjt ort

K-rntloD!l-but tho bablell aro flut·tering ll.IJ the milk nvnllllbio doesn't"'!tree WJth aU bll.blen.

Thcro 11) dcbrl.9 nnd filth every.where. The sanl14Uon deparlment1J.l doini 11$ very bent-bu~ there 1J.l

. so nmch 1.0 be dono, Everyone bad10 dump nil of !heir food from theirrcfrlgeratoro llIld you elln tmaglnoWhllt the beat from Frldlly mom·!ng until Tuesdny night C4D do tomelll. Wbcn X Slly Tuesday rllghlthat wa.s tn my &CleUon that wehnd our Ilrst anrbnac plck·uj)-bulUlerc nre some OOc:tIOM Utathnven't 'hnd a pick up yot,

It wm be a. long Ume before Uteywlll be able to haul away the up­rookld tree!l, roof fOP:t, gUller pipes,etc. .

AgAin J: !lilY all of Ulat au!fetlnltIrom the hurricane Is nothlng com­

. pIned to !he loss of Ufo and proS)­etly front !he flood, SOme o! Ulefellows with whom I ~'Or" lett UIclrhomes about 9 o'clock at night. l\

week ago 1bUrsdllY·and haven'toocn their bomes since. All theYpoascss is Utelr car and the c:toth~'J

lbey \\-'Ore when th(jy leU theirllouzes.

AU or thc..'iC things upset. me­but what upseln me most 1J.l thepeople wila have mado mOIleY oft otthe misery of oUlers.

'X'here were some ))C(}ple wf!hboats whO Were charitlnlt .. dollari\ hClid for rescuing people "f,1\0were clinging to rooftops. Wbat WIi$cVl:'n worse was that tbOl:(l whodldn'" ha'\le the ml1tlcy tt_d to Ji{aylinUi the VollJDteers could get themdown.

Some of tho stort'9 wbo bad brendand' milk 011 hAhd wore soUlngbread fot a doUar a lod and mUlefor II l.1ol1Bf' Jl quart. aln~ WI} hadno olecltlcJtY thoro WaS • scarcityof fce- ...and people who~ it Wercselllng 1t tor a ridiculoUS' prien.

SCrnco !IUdioM cOUld. not 0.1"crate M' theY had no electrIcIty topump the gM. 'l'bertl was a lllAtionabross thtt rIVet who had pl~ntY 01I!as-.and be Wfl.!I llelllng It tor· tlOtents Ii iridian. The gil§' wM neededdesperal.,ly to operate We hOlloWther Were USing to evacuate thcpeople. _. . '.

Sunday atkltnoorl a ftlMd broul;thlme three shiall pieces of lce-·n .Was enbu/rh fot two iaric ila$Sc$ 9tfea. X called' l/, neighbOr to colt'loover abd drltik- one or tlierif......tld .i COUldn't enjoy tilt! teallllJ 1.Iclti '.gUIlty about it When I know thefewere people all al'OUIld me Whof1Mded thilt, glaiiS at tea Wt,ltlle 1h4nt dtd.

$ve .told ·fbU Abl)J,ji tbe badtbjn,CJg .Pej)pledld bUt 'theta Weic .mOrti: ttQOd.thtiik$ 40i1t'!.TltI'f Ita- '.t!bl1ll1 Ouatd iltlAC9ilJi au.td ar~ ..$tut wot.klmt mOOd Ute '~l~k.tt'hl)city ~~ttn\cni$.J)i.tbnC:8e,nt<!(! .

, ." d hOn' .. ..' •• .. te/:'lot...... .aa.n p '.' e COtJ1 .,.. _ .


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tho emergency operattons during HurrIcaneBelloY. Shown above Civil Oofen" DirectorLeo R. J. Pugas~ (second from rIght) outlln,sIhe sltuallon' 10 Paul Malthews, Dally IberIan­Jeanerette EnterprIse News·Wlre edllor. onIcft anll Marcel Schwarlz, CO auxiliary pollctl1and Mr•• J. T. McCormlc who Clsiisted In theCD office answering fel.phones and dolnQother work.'


, .

Need A Good Used NObile Home?r.e-E[anrTvilto~,Very--s.......g±'t:-7"l~~sed~:-------i

1964 c:;teatLakes; Belmont, 12x55 • • • • ...1964 SteatLakes, 20xSO • • • • • •

,- '.

. ~

, '




' ... 'i!"''' ,

, .

This lovely 2()x52, 3:Sedroom, Furnished, Central Heot, $86'·50'. .'00:.. • . R~frrge,.at(l~ Air - Aspen(ode Spedal. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••. .,'.., •. ' ..


(R~uced Frorrt $10,141.38) - 10 Year Flnanclnlii A'lialfabJe

, .


i"" ., '.e--.,



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•,~ spenca e pecla 5




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,"JIJOUNGSIERS,180 ¥ &,'.

'OJINTHEPARADE 10" ,'" ''','; '1" ,I: ,'- , ,,'" .' ...

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, .' B, •~. ~R', . AT '.R 081$ N 'BETSY' -­ih, ;,t\Yrrlc~"_sttsy whlchJeftsuch doveSla.l10n 1n loul"ana, vllllfd New Iborla where

• 'au! Mot/hew., graduate of Ruldolo High~h~t, II .editor of the town'. dally n.wI·

. ,PfIl1or. H. "ot photo to ul:ofhls warl' In cov·;) •._l'lnQ fhe sform. Description which the photo. ,~hi; ••nt weal ClJ 'fplloWJJ 'CO HEADQUARTERS

" ", 11\ ,~., panmont of tho Iborla Parllh court·I ' ". wuttke nltrv. center fClr (OClrdlnatlngI ' .'" " ,

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OIl.l'll.'n;r 1t At .............. '1'1'aot

* * *SAr.~SUN.Steve RcOUMntn~'BABYTHE


.4' ..:..titiHt.ttio,,-"L' ,,- •• '.;-,,! . ",' -- '\\•• 1.... iIJ . ai ''-' ," ,"


Pat· Patterson.Wins .OpeningGrirl Contest·

• • ..•'.' .. .-.. ..... '.....!!.If;..,·.-........__~.~ ...........:.."'"'":". ..;;.~."""·i""'~"",,,,;""''''_'''l-''';''.'''''i:'':''::'''. """"=:::::::E:::::;=::::::=::::=======::;:;:;;;=;;';=;:;:;;=;;;;==;;;~;:;;;;;;;:~==~i:,".A '", '$; co , :'On __p¥ __ .,c,' .: awf-/'=,.'. ~- ,i,' ,tt, ""o,/. r~L", .',

~q~'W.Nh' , , H' :..J;>.MJ1!lI;l~I . ., .,'W ·1 'Sh . .Ruidoso NBW~. . ,~UPT.wmTE: ·NY ... oO;.eep· .

... "- , .~~I~~!:.!?~be.t 1:1~e~ ' . su~. ~~~~P~~~. nQ- Winn.era Listed'tltie!1 last, we~k by the ellecullvecommittee Of the .h.merlcan '~Q- At State F..al·rclatlon of Scbool AdmlnlS'\.rQ,torsthat. he flAs. been selectlld to 1011.1 Winners in thts arca In. the N~WII- ({roup at appro"Jma.tely :JO ,out· Mexico StIl.te Fair to. AlbuquerqUE! ,sllUldlng U. 6, BchQ01,admlnlr;tra- "'Ibtts. htors on a lIeld tltU,dy mlsslQn \0 fu WQol and aheep ex., ..lwe.

Ol.'rmany, AprU IHIr.a~ 9. 1.966. ln~~:~~lonfleece, .lh· 11IOOd,eWe,1Tile purpollll ot-(he trip 1s tQ Il.,udy Cooper :eros., TSmUe. ..,

Pat :Patterson Is jUdged the win· the schools at OermAny and wtlI ;FIne wool fleece _ 4th. Cooper.Jler Ql Inll first 1065 Ruidoso News InclUde an eX!1mlnatlon of >tile cur· :eros . _ . .. ..

IfOQtbJ1,1I Ullmc guesslnlf conu..>st as rlculum. standp,rds 0' llchlevement. Haif blood fleece _ 1st Coopllr.. I ,~_. metho<1s. org~Uonal pl\lterns • .

a result at his entry tUlne", n ....,. "nd administrative techniques. The :eros; 3rd, Cooper l3ros.

Iwee~ covering 20 high /Jch901• col, .. d Fine Wool DlvlJlloDlege and pro football mlUcbcs. !'elec:t study group wlJI be un or Fine Wool.-8()' sPlIUl.lngcount-Pat'll seoro was 14 right. with a the dIrection ot p.!: Martin Mayes, 2nd Oeofl.~e BlsPeros, T1nnle.

: tie brellkcr score on one game special lUlSllltaut tor educational In· Fine Wool-64's Ilplnrilng count-

I"UC!ll!ell 60 nearly correct tha~ tt tormatlon. U. S. Olflee of JJ:duce- 3rd Joe Skeen; Picacho; 4th 'rreatth d llon. WMlIlngton, D. C. The tour.R ... '01· '-ft·' .. ... ... '. ,., ..,. .,.... " .. ·l'·h··1·· 5·

gaVe him IlD edge over e secon III plal'lJled In cooperatlon w'th the Bnc... '" c"c~~. '.. HQNOREQ;';"'Elk, Mbn~ay 1'IIghtrecolvl1'1g. gold BQk~r, leRQy~ammer and JQn P.. ;)[Olt ... ,.' ~I placer. Mrs. Tommy Perteel. Mrs. Educational Travel Plvlslon of Three/EIIlht3 131ood..-56-tl(ls spin: 'C1pe1 Ilervlce plns were, from Jeft, C, H. Hut- y~ar lervic~ pins. George .p, Whlte~. not in VPertee! alflO had QUel>lWd the win· NEA who will devlS<' aJld complete ntngcount-2l:l,d. C. O. Fuller. Pi- ·tanu.· and Emil Klemm, 25-yeQr pins, W. L. picture, also rflcelved'a 2S.yepr pin. '1~1:~b~~;:e~a~~ec"~~:eC:Kil:;t ~:~ ~~n~~~~~r=I::~ril~~v::~~t;c:a;:;ge Ram Fleece-1h bl~d and f~red' ~hil~ '~~r~ln~' ~~ ~ b~lL~ ai 'Snack 'Bar -Op'~~~. • • ""Chamber tl(C_~r~~,~ali' " spC-wr°tlll-llhe picked UIO wroJlll' team In Oermany The proJect is to trlve COl'rser-lt1t. C. P. Fuller. 'rd. Vre Lalce durJnl;r the summer, llnd ' cllU guest apd spoke to ihe cluball winnerI a selec~ "ro~p ot Amerlclln SChool COOper ltancb, TInnie. wllo received. m~dlul attenUon in At Apache Motel 'about the A.spencalle prollfam.

A lie fl>r thlrlt placo between Administrators a t1rst,.l\ajld lulow- BreeclFleec~' hOapltal8 a~ A-matll1o and. Tuc\Uri.' The Apache Bna.ck Bar located _ .''fom Kirby fI,fId William Morrlson ledge at the philo6ophy. prflct.lces Winners of t!)~ brel1d neece~ carl, waS up and around last week ..n the Gatewo.y ana adjoining the AJ,AlIOGORDO ARTtSTa ,.1116plltn the cam prilto for that poSI. and problems of Ule schOOl system complltltlon inchlded: and v1s1tJ.n$' with frleJl,(1s in RUI. Apache Motel was opened th1s w,eek EXnmlTING DEBE . ~tlon. Doth iuellSed 13 WinneI'll ear· In Oermany. Uie lUIl10uncement Reg. RambouUle~ Ram 1"1eeco-: dose. H14 back was. broken by tM by Mr. an(\ Mrs. VtrgU BrandOll A number of Ala.mollor~o ArtreeUy. jl,nd were AlBo tied on t.he IlAld. " :rod. ":'l1ynO and Lois :ounJaP, Ctlf: Ileavy electrIcal charge. ~e mUllt whO ,tormerlY operated BrAndou',s Association member$. are'~rt.lcl-tlc'breaker same score. .oR\l.lph Potty, president qr the rlzoro, 3r<1 Wllyno_and Lois Pun wear SUP)lOl!t for six months for :rinyS Cafe hero. paUng In au art exhibit tl.t: ~p"r-

Wlillt m",de It hllrd for lho'cpn· RUidoso Munlclp~l SChool Doard. lap. the tnJux1. be.llald. '. . rBI Motor Horelin .RuJdl>wlPowns.tclltnnl.!l in thin Ill'llt ~ontellt thlll :Jllld WednesdlloY t1la.t the bOard had . Fireman ApprenUce Jam e" MEETING TIME: ClIANGEfj They Inoludo M3ry :J.I4eCllntock.yt'ar W(l.ll that three matcilen end· not yet hlLlt an opportunity to dis· C ~roWJ], son of Overton .R. Brown, Lion Boss Jim Hlne annO\l,l"1ced (exhibit cbalrman), Carolyn Grubb.cd In a tie. which mellnt. If t.he CUIll'l the matter, but that he thought anyon Sun VtdlO1, Vl$lted home ltl8t week- Ih1s week lhat begt.nntng TUesday. Ted Uelcman. C'arrolttWbblnB,~cO/ltetrtanlJ. dldn't IndIcate IA. tie. Whlte·s selection was II> sreat hOn- end while.enro\lte to a new staUon Oat. 6. itbo RUidoso Lions C!ull will Evelyn FISk, Esther WfiU.td, LU~UIthey were wrOl1B If tbey picked a or and thlt be llo~ arrailgements I!-h at Little Cree~ Va., near NortoUr:. meet at 7:00 p.m. instead at 7:30. eUIa Ewing, :eet;ty Townse~; EchowInner. could be made for him to make the c:rt:: DeS Mr. and Uts, ~rt AdaIlllS ot l:Ilne reporl-ed 27 prC$ent for 1ast Joh;lton. Edith BImn1S. Elf"iL Me-

1'IliB week lho News prints 1111 trip. Mr. and Mrs. cecn JeM1ngs Hobbs wC!rc M~ i\1ellts ot t.helr Tuesday's dinner meeUng wbtch Cllntoc~. I.ol8 McAfee.' 'EvelyntJllrd P~IO at 20 gamell for toUcs , , • .' leU Thursday for .. few days vl8lt neJ\bew and hJsfamlly. 14r. and inClUded -three memberl1 from U\O Carr Moo~e, Robert. $ttltb" C&rnUle

I to Iry their flklll In wlnnlns. up to T' k ~ Gi in f!;1 PallO. . 'Mra. Jim l~es, mt week. Capitan Llona Olub. Bob WaU,er, Braddock, Fern YWI,lt, Etnle Leo$4:1,50 In prlltltl. 1f you hllvcn t trIed Ie BJ,S ven Mr. lUId Mrs. O. H. Odom of The Catl )losses 1'Iave bet!n va- manasoraf t.ho RuJdosO VjlUcy Miller, Ocnev.. WteheU,UarthaIt. Ill

ve a IJUClUl. You Just might In Traffic Caaes MulCllhoc,. Tex., and Mra. HatUe CI\Uonwlrm TUM. RuidOSo-w1:I!10 /lOme 'W'inQdeliiig I; JU~~:l~r.;~~r~:o\Coun.~

IWllll TIlo contcllt hlll1 Illllh~ Jnore RSchllrd Ehret COnley, fjl,neher Flanagan. Modesto. CaUf.. vlillted 'rhe- SoI1ntty 'Biaekweldt1r famUy being dono on Mrtl. OJ'!llWJ1's cabin ty Art A&oclati()n. the exblblt. will IJIweep to go-go! 111 the l:am~1 of PClULgonlll. ArIJ•• WlL!l cited by l.he H. D. Flanagan famlly .here vi 1,..04 in'Atkan'.ll Iaot week. hore. co"unue ,tU 0.... I~. ni.'V1d Tra~

Winner/} 01 the tlrst week n can· RUldo::o poUe(! SCpt.. 28. for faU- last week-encL lI "'I'" . . d Mr and Mrs A E Propps of'" ....." IJ

. tellt may plcle up tholr prize. all UfO to yield right-of-way. when h1s Vr. and Mrs. James A. :BeaU at. Eti:~pJ:~I~~ ~:~~ts~ Knox' City. TeX.: ~nt...~tlVernl dnys ~llIn 19 prestdent of the 0'I'gan1S&-folloWII: 1~64 OId!JmobUo /llaUon wagon tended theU. N. M.-Tcx;.s Westen'! .. 10 hA·· bee· M C&rlOli in thetr Ruldollo homo llltl! week. a • , •Pa~ PMterllOll, t10 flret prim at pUlled onto lUabway '10 ~ front footbaU iatno in .Albuquerque lfollt ~t .n

brg VOnd M~ T r: Short. M. R. Mlltthew8 of san AnlJelo. • "- - '. i q'l '

Chl\rUo Locko'lI TAXi and 1'hlUlp.'l of 1004 PonUac driven by IMl\ble week-end, . .;cn e d~ HOw~rd' aarruth Te".. III In RuJdo:;o thls week on .·or '.mlly fun. 1\1114.11...'. ibe··GIl" BIRtlon. Luclllc Aldrich. Mrs. Aldrich and Mi!l!J Pam Hlne recently .ttended flI.W'.r'io~buene Tille IMt week-end bU!line!l!l. onel .

Mrll 'fommy Petteel. U ncconl1 F'llm Plcer. • plmsclltter in tho An S. A. E, fraternity Pl'l'tY at the ' • O'~to here homo Normau Whitney of Nognl was _ __". •.•. ~,prlw cllcck Pot Leonard Surmncr'll Aldrlcb CM WClre laken to RUidoso- Un1vcmUy of New 'Mexico. ~ b~~tl~:' ":0 Vlsl~ ftom Me- Ildmilted as a. paUllnt in at. Mary'o S;tro·ng C.omp·any 'II

ITfu.ollll OUlcc on lUway '10, llondo Valloy GenCf1\1 llo:lpltal ncv. and Mns. J. Frank Taylor )/ Ii' HO!ipltal In .RoswcU on sept. 27.' ~Tom KIrby I'M Wtllllm Morrl· Where lhey WClro given emergency AccompanJed their daughter and:::' ~~enaynetl \IJ here fron1 There!!A Freequez of PICAcho was Pl"-b:""q o•.H""'....u-n

flon. who tied for thlrd. a 11.25 treatment and relea.acd. nccordlnS her hUSband. Mr. and Mra. J,urty AiUCbc- "'unction, ArIz tor .. admitted IllS a paUen~ nt EBStem loU•• ~ (X, ..a.uu:JdUlCk each at OI~wIY Rexall to RuldollO pollee reportlJ. C. ·,Atbo!rut of 'l'rlpoll. Ub»1l. r-11:' mil. •." New lIolexlco M deci 1l1CCen t.HU - l(c:e"qd (and krtdfd 'Drug.. John 1l1.'nl"Y }tenle,/ of Tu'1arosa,INorth Afrlt&, Md J.(t~ Ar~l.'a "';r$~ lQtf. iteuUrin of auldoso New mli-Ieo McdlcL\l cmwr In Ito!!. PlurnbJrlti Contractor

- • died by R\lldl>tO pollee SC~ 24. molher. Mrs. W. Lutt.y ArbOPst, .~ted by her $blter, JoLtS. well on SCpt. 27. Phone 257..42$2W. U. ttOSE SELLS . ~tor DWl unci rcclt1eM drlvlnrt WaR Slaunton. Va•• to El :Paoo Monday Hf;tUeJoLcLaur1o of Lan1e.aa, Tex., ....__•_~•._,_,__. _. .........-.. ....'_._....,INTF.JU~KT IN AUTO FIRIII lined 1125 tor ihe DWl charge and whero they cau{tht. 1\ JlI~ U> J». .. a~t.lu'1i.W, Mrs. John Etter of CuuKcJ't~r "_8U. ClIl.U'1' (

W. n. lto:la hA!J GOld hl~ Interest 115 for the recldeS!l drlvwg charro Bin tholr trcb back to their * O'DOMllJl.. 'tex. and a. niece, Mm. 0 Ch h L. D. 8.'In Rl1ldO"..o MOto~. Joeal dealer for bY n. M. GrAhAm 1n Munlclpal lijX!cUve b~metl.t\.cr .. \'islt here ot JQO Baucum oiAnSon. Tex., re- ur urces Qun::;:o:r 1~:8G...~.~~.~~.....I Arnetle,," Mototll RAmbler. Mar- Court. , sevorAI days. .... tv.mel1 lUt week-end from .. trip rULL OO/llr)tL CBtllU'U ::g.~y.~~~~.,11..4lin and OUIOt \It\hlclOil. ;.ndfor tn· CY J; Le1lUld waived hearing In 'Mr. and Mrs. WoodroW n'owan., to Colorado which !nclUdCd v1stt.9 Id 1'r Jot. _tcnlA\lonal SCOut plck·ups ahd JU!lUCt'l ot ibe Peae.l COurt here on tormer nuJdosoaM. now of W1lJ1-o. 'u "'" SU"e""AU .u.l ' I0 A 10:00 ll~mr.!.'lJ~~~~seb(101 '-mit rnUJ,¥, Cllll,IIT'o1l'" "flo.ca

d to hi ....... 1n ... AI",-"WI • ~ ............ "" '1;DO L ",--Bunda)' KomIII&' Wor- <lure_ Dr.ow•• xl.lde••4I'UCG. "the 1nterflll~ w.. 001 & VWl and redtlcS!l drl\l1ng c rtf0 barral. Tex.. aro viLUUo...... Spt!nis '.fh(l thrte. T~U WOlneD .hlp . "'1••' (hm'....,.-Jl.I<l•••I J. 11, Malone or AlbuquerqUo, Who SC1It. 22. and ",m appeal' in Ul1ltr!et New YOl'k OW, attendtr\lJ the retUrnl!d to "1.ht!1r hOmes 8utlcI1;.y. '1S3 tIom.~un4.1 lll"otlltllf WorwblD lI1lnda, !:lcbOlll-t:U LllLOWtlcd Jhe balanco of the bunlnc.M. Court. IA!land ""'''ted pfOJll.lr ·bond World'ahtr.,"""'I'h ~r.-'...... "'~il. ':llO p.m. Tuelld&)' - 'YOUIIC t'jIOt'ola Mornllllf ,,""""blp-H·'.' Lm. ..

y"" -, YII>........ ...u.............. &nd Cbolt P",dl~ ·'thlu'1I4a)' Study al "t:ao pJlL Iintillo bilullht the piort. interest from a! Cl.OOO..."cordln; to court teC'- },lr. aM "!,a. FJoyd SIIl1.!J vaca- G"trl~r 14 ~ pl$bMt. Hot <;I1b$on tl:;<l 1/."" Thura411)'-Pr..,.ftr J(Mllnr. It'JSlIT l'Sy.lIlal'ra:aIMf "u"aoa ..MI\1oOO otliltial1y. ordg, Utmed wt. w~k in X'ansu. lto,m ~"et .Clty'".''I'cx.. . CUJUII:fA1f !:1CUC7ICE l!ltll.,tCJl:8 Il.. l1 ... '.),&JII....... 1oI\a~

-. ~ . ." - - , .-. • •.14'r. and MrtI. oeor."o :BrookS .,'11. ..., ,.........'l.'~::'. ," ~.~... Sams"of III1D6a,. Scbool unl__ell..•u.- Chureh ScbooL. 10:00 Lm... l'I now 1n "'"I 'ft.•• 1 • "II "'-tt.Id '¥'..........t'1flI~... 1*1 at 11:45 a,m. MornlnJll' WOl'llhlp.-U:oo tLDr.

i .ROAP 'II aEPAIKEP AREA SCOnE 8 wert! ~........... tllh ee.. . • Lo¢khdy. :rtx., arl! /lpen~lng'.. ~Y'tl11' Blltltl.)'. 11:00 "1110, 1ll Rut. OA'l'~"",A~ CllJlRC~I~" .'U~.I"ZWork Wllu compler.cd lut week TATUM WUAMS 'ZOZO 'l'hl!y arc. mak1n3ptaJa to.v.~op 'Week ~ Uielt bOn1e in Green:Me&- 10teQ Wol'MtI·. ClUb. TtlIIttMon)' meet- 8la"" CAl'iU. Ilki'

on rcs\()rln.r tha 10wor OaV11an A Ust!ng of an. football aeclre.a soan In. Arltans~ where ~. do~ and••ve lllI \betl' guests, :'ftI'1~&~~~;! r6JCUt~ attJ"'t'tllt each ';.T:I~ATsl:.~r;•.,:3IJ lU1t. . •

Canybn tC1td llial. runs ftom Uw! Ilbown lliat 10 a VUltrlet 3.0 con- brooD' mOlber. loins. H. A. So_, J¥r•• 'and MrS'. 'te'tft \>GrllJ'1th atld 1'1.8'1' BAPTlflT Ctll'RCln :':~'J'~7E~~~I;:~~1::If&olOD~Ilchool ~f(lpert)t north tI) Ood's test.. CarrlZ010 was Whipped .2OJl' lUld grandmother Uve. Uta" '1IXfutl~ llcAllami 1Sr I.oclc-i .n. Al~':f•.:~~lI~'1l.~''lIa..la' 'Wedllea"a)' '7100 Po=' Pra,er m..UDtJ:CountrY. A ~ctlou had bcl'en by Tatum. Other area teortll \z)- Yr. and Mt'" nonm~Murltzand D.t!Y' Tes ~ 4"' "undllr Si'.lJOtir. 8:~5 lU1f. LilI1I.. Dtb\<IJ etu\I, t:lO, ILIllo 'tta1ll.1'I4&7~"'"Mild out. a gUlly about Ulree fellt clUl1l!d: .. ehltdren ii! Y(!110 Were ...ee..-e.I1d~lit.'~,~. w. '1'. SW1foJd. Wot'llh.lll ~m~ 11\00 ..tIL na8~ llAnt8T clBlU&PII 'doop cutt1nw ACto!l.!J tho road, and VtI"ttlr 2(. JlolrOU d. \'tsItors here. .." . _ , \he tlUm.tne1' 1h.thclr Ttaltllnjl' ttnlclil. ,;·no f/!Do 1\n. Onid e ~

... ~... ct de It 31 co on& e "J1u!I M rvJn WhIU'1eld1i of tbt'; "'P'SJ>aY", ~"'Y'- WOl'1lblp .1:le1'\'1ll1!< 1:00 \l-.nlo. a.I4.... ii•••~ K. ~ _it bl. belen rtp&lre\l and ViUer IIU 1'0 '. r. - a . 'Ott .... ~ao.q home Jl'&v. rettltIled to W6dnHlda)' "",ht 8etvJf!e "t:CO p.nt. IlUl'htll.Y ScbOOl. t:" ..toUgh t1POt." IIttlootbedl.bd lttAded. Clllnt, 'fex. 35, llatcb, O. ViUahave been vacaUOnlnS' 111 ...,tat 1MJt..~>:~i.j".l1tlJs,;.TeX. 11Ie1 ltlLdlo sert\Ct!. U:1li lU:Il.o 21111111&1. lotomlnc wCl'1Ihllt. ,1\:N ..

........ •."_. - '" '.. • ,... 'VltglDla. . PUn. iO be "back in Ruldoto fot A88£)t..L~"o~·~~~ ctlnaca ~~~~l~:~g~p~:~08J?'m.RCA Whlrl,"t wuhers are QIe m SA'N'l'A ~ W. R. <P~tk) Long, erlUc..tty hi- Th~V1ng; .-.Iml''' <1.,....,.. ..14... WIl!1. ~I&hl Seri.ce 1:"" p.m.

..........t-..... a.It a ,...man wbo .~.. b Walter. tn.anlLl{et of th4 Rut- J..urcd. ln, au e!~C1~ ,be_= ~.'-1&tS. Rub'; ariham and 'Mrs. lin Jnk A. JSnlto.. l".dn Phillie lIlS lI-42il .••~ "" _. d - V JIll" Cbl\.I'hber or COm li!rce . . = ~ . . -- ., 4un4&)' Bchbol. ':4!I a.=. t:,A'tnouc 8J:.~O:&8 t1UblI: .J\,ll} At Gambler. 1be .ttre 0:;0 a #. m meeUPlt In santa. Fe Sept... to ~ ClInton, bOUl of san Angelo, llomln.. Wonblo. 11:00 L!il, J"ather LanIer A. lA.ndl.. l'....r ._....... ... left Wednesday f.bI$ Weilk" to at- ; . ...... ...... .........n_ ...,- week 111 ICY.nlne evanllll18Uc 1Ieffle& 'fl1O tJ.ll:l. raU,er :aeben Xb;~A""'h*"," ....:-: ;n.re;~.., . , . •.• . . tend the NIlW Ju:illco tbambet of OCt. 1. "._ .,...:~~; .";"', 7~ ..~. TU~ :J:'uJi.tn.. Wol:lle1lJl Jilallloa- (S~~~~~HASSES"" 1# ~dO'O:

DOWN·S Conuneree lUna,et's eonfUehc& . . . W¥1nd4tl)' evenl" 1:1Ki. prater tiIzIe '7:00 a.tI:I.-'t:OO a.m.-11:00 a.m.• &114 BIble alu4,. (HaV lhri1 Beptem )

. ':~ . ('WIIller)-7:00~ 11:00fl.&. 14Q" ."lOOSO U.ll"'1'18T cau.actt San Pattlelo (sanamer)Sth "

.~ ...O'at. . . MotDlu WoralUp. 11:00 ....liilIliI'* EYllnJllll 8trVlee-6:00 IU>L Hondo (SU\'Ilmer)- .UI. S 4&)'11 •

""- W6l1ne-dtlY N!tlht BillIe Stlldy....l.. 1t~~::·:~~l:s-~

~. UII..: . ~.-.., '1toad~ BIble ClUi TAlIt'adA)'- (Wlnler)-fr 0 10:00 -,ll:l. "et)" lIunl1&,. ........:tJ- . nc.«t· . r&1'iT:~~:~A:.IlJi8fJlOi( t. n

lOJ-.if£oo=..~a::·: ,,_

~ l:& ~I> . dt"r~. Llitb"r. 1'........ nllu 40lio-'li a..l:L. ..:_".-. , b 01. Uond. 8*11I...1 U.nAII.. In San Pattfelo-J:OiI &om.

YO·U·R·· l~ t SooUtleS.." lUrvleN .Il .:~ a.m.. anil ~~!:~~~:~'::cs- XiI :RUlilOM.

. ... '. '. "'(;. ': p.m. . . A.'I,.· ..' '1'''''' .- (0·Ul~- '"- llaW. , TUddat t16l'Vlcuat '7:00 P.tl1. v..... .........- -~. -... aervleu \rl SplLntall &n4 1111111:1..... ,.,J¥t~f~~llUitiIDA*!'4_ 1a~..... ilk

WALL·.... AN··.D'·,.·.·: ··~t·0..0.. '1-.· ',' .,." .' xcii' are welcome. . ..,l::k~~~~il~:llO...:::: -',.1": _ c:IU.Ht1li1Ji};-~~t'nc)l)J8T' CONFESSIONSI IDBuI4~1CYflt:r. £AD'.Q' .AR··lEtt·S .at'. \flll/..... :.c. Bleil........ ........1I&ll1l'11aY I< Ule.·I1it.r l>et..,..·,JIOlt·C·O·V'ERI··N.. ··G' H· ' ··U.:,.'... .. .'.;.. , " ···Motnlbll'Wonhlp til".... It..,.. '* lNmI'rt'4a)'. ttildf'.llW 0Bunday SCbllOI at 8:4& L.!:Il, .:00 1l.nt.1< '1:00 10 lhOl>-tJ,m. ,I."1IUerlltohll/ll Wonhlp lUOO ... C1l4peIflWfo1'll -.11 11...... .

P·•..., ...t.'UTlT·· ~.~.. .~t:'!.Winl,. .'11... iJi>'.. j~.'.~~.' ···1'oOth Miellul' £:00 1l.ffl. . iCj,ljllCUI'AIi CIIOkViP•.nU.....,u:'" ...~ ~;&U.,.,......I6) );lveatlltr 'WonbJp. Wlldlieil4ay. 'f:00 bleile-*". In A......' . . '~....samn·~ 'p,m. l!Und"p;-' Li;iL.P·hou···.... tJS'"-2871.. . <. ._. .~J,N. .. _Ii....e·; Women'. 1ffll1/!t Croup, We/ln..aay. a.ld..... ll.\TJl.....

.... " ti80 ...hI. 8und"y., 11:00· a.tIL "~ ramUt Ntclllt 1st Sunday .:00 -p.bU Bf)~,Coa:im'b'I(l1t1:oo ...r:

. ... ,. . The Business Firms Whose NamesTIm AN$~,i::' ,:, LAppearattheBQtfomQiT.4.

r~ AppU~ ot B~'~~~'~' R···u··I·.~J.O··S·~O· . S··t···.·~.. ,· ·e·, 8··.···.0·.·n···.·k··... ~':,.:>,..' -' ~ ",#',/,''''',1'r ~,;-_:~i''','' '-Ill- --,"',.,.. U,: u,,·

...... " . ,'; . ,; "',.",'.~ . "... ., >': ~~ .t.\ImtHt,,'.D. f.e. . .•

Keefh Gas Compa')y ..... ~,. ,.i1.h.Otlt.way .... Pita.,. 251i.40n . ,.";

·f-ubl/in's Skyland' Auto >Setv;cE" . <0, ·,~~~nta ..suilMofot"~pf, ....

,-. .. Wof Icmfe ....· '.2$7....n', ... ,' i~:' . .

*n' .'CHA.pEL~'(J;:;.ROSeS}( I

til Th. GQftwavN",r G<1mbl......... Jiho. ,251:2014




, ,,'. , :'" ,'" ,-",--,1-'" .,. ';,' __ , "<,,,~_. """'~''''''' __ ".,.\,,-.' .• ' ,,' '" ","',," " , .. >-'" " . ""',

:'" .. «: .....~'~."?i;.:;::'/:f,·.=.,~'-t~M~~ft1t'.or:-~~~;~~~""'"""'~~,.,t.~f~W1'_'4K~ .'i1~~;Jf<·f"""""Wl


$. 49



,Rib Steak, lb. 79cMerit, 1 Lb. Pkg.

Franks ..•.. 49cI

Baby Beef

Liver, lb. 2g-c~Wilson's Assorted


Lunch Meat3Pkgs'. 89c


Pork Roast, lb. 49c

, '

" '" .'. " " , """,' '. "" :i;,' ",:,,",,'---0. " .. '. ,

, .~"""",!,~~.,..'--iit'J.~t;~~~"~.l.'\'i~~-Z:"~':lf#i;;a~~.t:.~~ '~" ,";'~~ ,;;': :,:~ ; '.,., "

7• La.


TOMATO "SAUCE . 3'fO; 25':··DOG FOOD ScrOPP'iHH 3' fo~25C:

* * *.

. .

oeeBEANS Ranch Styl. 2·'· ~ 331:

No. ~oo. .. .. .. .... . cANS.··HUNT'S, NO. 300


- ',' I • •




FACIAL TISSUE :~ Count 5 fOR $1SALMON libby', ' 59c

Tatt Pink .••• to to to to .... It •••••


SHORTENING 3 11$ 69¢SPAM 120,.Con 49c


T ..••.• , •••• -•• 2 Bl08

X' 69cCHEESE L:;~Y .BATH SOAP ~:y~..... 2 FOR' 49C

CATSUP ~1:b6:'............ 2 fOIt 39c


TV DINNERS Morlon" •.•...••••• 39C


ICE CREAM \~Oal.. ......... 59¢POT PIES Morton·', .•....• 2 FOR 35C






, .


.', ,"

, ,

! "

.' < ~

, ,", I . t

• >, .' l.'

: :~'

, ,"' .. :,', ,"', '"

" ! "" I," I,

. . , "'--' ,.

,- ,~

", .

Prectp. aU'lce JIUl, 1 "'11 _. .21l.O7Preclp thl$ Montb... ". ..32Ave.Preclp. 19 Yrs, . 2Ml$(A. ('omplJoct by O. A. CtlJ"er lot

U, 8. We.ther Sure••)


'.: '

, ,

, ,



'I '.'

" ,

We Have A wge Stock ofCrepe Paper in AU Colors

Sudderth Drive - Downtown Rudoso

Phone 257..2966

-Black or Whlle Wall

,Mud or$now

'tubeo~T~l.,". .

For ANY CAR or

V2..'1'on Pick.Up

(W. Deln', Wont All Th. JlJu,Jn......W. Just Want Yours)ruwa)' 70 - Unllywond - "b~.Clll7U'"

(111ft 'rl,. III1>n 6-,1,Th•• '"'' p'ck.Up.) •,

THIS UliCJAt ALSO 'NelUbES1l\OUN,J1NG,,~~~ :ANt1. AllON,NGlltoNlI..P'" NI~ . •. 'w. Ctl Your Old Tlr.,......... eu..Jomw-PjP·'rmt·:

. Th... 1h·ta tatl1..~.~~dtl!0i!t!:9'-~ra,"" . '. .:

T"HA'.. -"._, - .. rOB·'t"·IIu,··o;nn··" ~'OO'~'D···· .GJ····m:'....-.-T'S··· '0' •. .... . ,.. , .'.. : .'., ". ::1. ,; \ ,- "

ti.. $.Hlwa?)'O· -:-. ··1'mf.37....tw

Are Yon Entering"A FloatIn The Aspencade Parade?-

·Get Your Crepe PaperAt The



Your cholc:. of 'wo b.auIUu) p(llntJng., rfproductdon cl'Jnva. 42·1nch... )C 26-1nch.s -

flrlt Adv*rtll.d At $2.00 - NOW $1.00. UeautUy your bomo wllb tbele e.'llleUe teP,"lIcU... \lull

atl' larler In ,Iall tw.n lhl. uewspaSW'f p....t hl ... ., lhueIlfcatbtaklnll:ly beautfful plchlrc. In yOllt h.mc w.Dd lIN "'bAt Adr.mlUe cbanJo .take. pl.('c, 'the trenl! ttd.y II lewar'. Ill, .prlnltl-/ln!1 Wele certainly .re.


Wo have :rho All New Gold Bond Sh,.t Rock InFashion GroIn, A Chole.. elf ,five Wood. Oraln•.

In ThIs Ecuy to Cut, EajylottHt"I, tal)' fofnlfaUShut Rock. S•• '1htm'

C. & L. LUMBER& SUPPLy ..··

., , •••••••••• , •••••••••• " ' , '~ .. ~'t


,; ,

'.••. .


. ",


, ;,

,'; ,

, , ,-.'~ .

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. '~

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. '~'

~',' ... ,,,~....... ' ;-4-.1

,\C',-- 'r't\ ,'~"

..{....; .·'1 ~.,"', •, ',. .J'!. >...:r,' • •

" I i-.J L.,~~ '. I'



Coin Operated

5 Minutes - 25c



Guaranteed to Clean Any CarWithout Wiping

Ii ('iEI:E=I:i-!II

Soft Wafer -- No Streaking or Spotilng E!iiiii·~''imiii~·h~~~~~~'.,~,~'~'·iiiiiiii~~WASHES ANYTHING PORTABLE: I - 1P

UNI>Sl\ NEW MANACSwn:NT i HOLLYWOODGULF SAYS,PalMer Gateway - RUidoio ... Pho. 257-2749 .. i ONLY $100 FOR 4. n.H ~•••~~~~~!.~~~.~.I!~~~.!~••••~ FIRst LINE 4..PLYNYLON TIRES .


If You Are SHU Imerested .Xu JobUbg A League


.' "AND ALL DAY SUNDAY·•.' 'Oply,35tPer.tine with This Ad

,:11 ··.··19AY BOWL·



: "~I • ""

, "

, ',' . 'l

• ,_" • J> ' ...,.~.',

'f l' ~

., 'i ~ 4 "':

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"U ar'osa"." ' " ,. I" _ • .,"


'- " . i "I .. ' J ,(" __ , g, .r; t, "'II i,;".'.' j," .. = ,1 _' ., . .... .." q 0 ,


$3395.00.. .







, .." ,Jl"

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" -, 5

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I !lit

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.... 'I", , ! b ! ..



" .'

.......~ ·1....,· ., , , " .~~.~. - ~ .

'.'to- . ,.'" " ~". ,~~.-'"


i!- "",

SIERRA B.lAfftA <MDltl· ·CO.. : ·~.:"·i·~',~ ~, .. :...,; , ,,: ,'" '"


Three. 1"0,Ch~e From. Close Out Price

·198S0LDSMOBtt£ Il981/towN SElAH.· ~'

· .Completely EqulppfJd. 01016 Oilf Plies, .

, ~ .

1965 CHE'VIlOLET EL OAMINO.BadiCl,Atdom~e TransmissIon, Close Out Price


, ,

19G5 CHEVRO~T IMPALA STATION WAGONExecutive Demo,nsfralot. Completely Equipped, Including· . ,

.Air Conditioning. Close Out Price

1965 CHEVROLE1! iMPALA CAPlUCE 4·DOOR SEDANExecutive DemolUttaiot. Completely 'Equipped Including

•AitCondition'ing. Close Out Price;



1985 CHEVY U 4·DOOR SEDANAuiomatic TranSmiSsion, Wheel Covers, Tinted WinClshield,


White Sidewall Tues. Close Out Price

. ·19B$· OLDSMOBILE O'tNAMtC "88u 4..nOOltSEDANCoinPletelrtquipp~d. ClOfe 'Out PrIce .'

, . ."


Stick Shiff, Paddecl Dash~ Tinted Windshield, P11l~ ~uUon

Radio, While Sidewa1.1' T'U'es, Power Steering. Close-Otu. Price


Shawn To The Public Next Thursday,1)cl. J~. \Ve Still Have 'In" f '

Stock the Following 1965 Models For Innnediate Sale At ABig, ':; <J It.. ~ i II' r#. 'C;1.':¥r:r~' .~-.::.~"

S.. . . toli"'I,~" .~ }-,~ II' ol'l'"

• ~, cJo t<:ta..nngs ' ~ f~ , ~ ... # .... _,,'&~.

"l'U. ." ~ f' ...... ..," ,- (< , '~.'"""'''''~ -.- ~ 5



\, ,~i:;l rl e - ,-. STOLE IT - Fullback' Jim Barcus isshQwn qu~rter Qt TvlQl'o~q ~riday nrgbt. He cQIIght.'ii :~;~;':'~'~':" bringing back On Inter,c:epled pass he stole 10 the aerial on Ruidoso's 30 'af)d stQpped a;,,' <'t,..F., halt Tular05(:1'5 scoring Ihreat in Ihesecond sle(:ldy marc:h. .

,',:,::~;:~~:{.~"p~";f: (~Ul~:S:\f~F~::r~G~~uer) - ANTELOPE" :IT'S R. H. S. ~OM~~~~'IN~ F~;;~~ ~ , , .•", • ",,,. _·"',~p~e, S<lOt~'~ ~~rc:~,! b~C:;. " '.' " , , , 'J'h13 !Jame. WU1 be the tlr$t Um~

Siolln hlL$, s(:en "QUon Ilince he was, I,njured In Ule Carr~zo oPtlnlJ:!g

;\"~:" ., ~n~, tor two ~nd II- hale~us.rte~s·, tnltlch, _

l? MAK~~,: A .SCqRE;."Fullbpck Jim' BC!.rcus 'is . ' la-yards oul In the sf:cood ~uCirlel" Friday a 31·H dl~trlct game 'to thf;\ WUd. The' antelope hunt Iqr the , per mAn, RUld06O'!I a.verage 18 142;~1 shown' sconng lor RvldosQ~s WQrr<lors fr()m. night, lD the gqme will, Tl,Ifarpso:there. " ca~:1 .1. .,,'" d/,\. 8onthe,/lter~ and ~outh\Velitern. . ' . In !.he bn.ckflold. the FQxe.s averl'-ltCc~ , , . . ' " '. , ., • ". - _ • ..' i .. .....! " ,- .... llrosa got ....0 SCQ,..... un r part•. 01 the atate to laa~ olily , Qut 156 poundil per man and ibe

~1CA'P'"TAN' 'BO'WLS OVER . M '.~. ~;- '-'d~ . f~Y f~~h~~~~stO:arl~~a~a~:; a day AIId:a balf,'1)Pens Satur- RUidoso's Wnrrlors were training' rg; Taylor, tt: LeftWich. re; ,\Vblp. Wl\rrlors aver.ge 13!. I~11 be the" .' on~ay ,,-·,uXQ , ng th \Q k ft to ~. day noon, Charlea Cockerell. Ihls week' for l\ (ox hunt-they're pie, qb: Scolt or Barcus. Ihb; Pear- 'same ston' of the courageous Wa.,..j! . , Bowling League aftllr receiving e CoO e «ame cO!ll~rva,Uonllt lot tbe twr Us ( m Ft.. Sumner wh ~ son or MUler, lb llnd Li\llo, wb. rlor bllnd ,battJ(ng another big,.~:~VAU'"GH'N EAGL-ES' 3"'-7 St 'i 'd S 1- 2':' , .... ~:st~~~~~~b~~ ~~be~~ New MexIco Pepartment of, itll~ 10:1 stu~'nt body hold 1\,$, a~- DeferJiive line-up ~111 be Fuublon brul.'llng squad-an(:l they m!Sht

'f . I' ~..~. el)t." '. th I Rul... , d f nse G.~il 41 Filth rilpOrted tIll3 nU111 Homecoming this week.eud lind Leftwich. ends. 'mylor und provide the Homecoming weekendrs . ' 'file M9~ay N~Bht M,lxed Bowl· pe~, {\ orn n ..."oso see weelt. '. SIOM. tackles: Pnyne alld Arm· with n. victory tQ break Into theCapitau'sT,lgers poPPf:d back 1n tQuchdowu in t!Ul cud ~one tn Ule Ing Lea~~ bep~ tile (tlil tmcl w1ti- all nlg~t, hitting ROnald Evans. He.predlcted Ulat the hun~ should hlghllghled by a grldlrol\ battle on strong, guards: Vnlllant. Lnnc. win colUmn,

ij!e -win .coTqmn last weelc-end on second stanza to give the Tigers ter IOUl't14rnen' 'MondaY llight Ulis on a .1·yar<l paSll and run play ~hat be very successful. Hunting Is reo Frldny eVllnlul:l': .. .mqlr home Ifeld WIlli. '" chellrlng thefr second marker. In the. third, week. ('i~pt. :1'1 With ~I~ teams. cnrl"led d,?WU to ~he,..warr,orsb I t l\trlcted to buckll only. he remind. U onn\~ut1me ~ 7.30 p,nti! lindt~t 'O~I"IUU"'''!(QlIlIu ...unql.WUli'lJlltA~'X1lllI1J''UGP'I(· 7a..7 victor)' over V"ughn's :Eagles. Peralta smasbc:1l 20 yards' to scoro Members of thU leag1,\ll' Ilro: Hol.- )'aTd line. _From ...~re ~o er ed He said' heavy rains have put me w see 11 coronll on 0 0 ' ~ 1'1. tv ,*1..._The Tigerli scored in every quar. to cllm/lx another smoolh worltlng day Bowl Team...-Jodl/t FlUeman Walker punched o'o/er lor Ule first 'rlJ~ges 1n excellent shape nnd thnt Homecoming King nnd Queen, •~ lie ,,!COulf,;T~r wlUl q\lJ,rterb~(lk BIDy La~ay 7Q.ya,rd· <!rive. LaMay llQ.Ss<:d to Justl.n~ Ji,'tUemp,n, Malflne Robert: Tularosa TD, Ktck (or extra pOint the antelope are fat and healthy.! voted on by secret bllllot Ihls week.. .: .'- III Lo Pret'ip.¥ghling f.hl~ fJreWQrJcs, wlijl a sIX· end Lynn McDonAld fQI" the ex· son and' OilY Robertipn. On the Wnf.lttOO J[~' b Id (or do e~ '."... He said In tho hunt In the northern "~IMame~ldbelrI18 })o~b~hl: QroUYlli:I\.~ou;:"unarde , . I1'1lrd scor ng run that ended- a- tra paint. giving Capitan a'healthy Ideal Llijl,ijdry.';l'eam lLf~arlotte A er "'e....g e -, w... port of tho state la8~ weok. some·' ,- '.. ""'¥-. ~~rllU/:lg ',/Q.)'ard drive, 'l'I'Y lor PAT 19.Q lead. • ltardlsWr; ~CAA.tles "HaJ'diSter. /.n- hnrd·hltUng Warriors foreed the limes tho antelope were hidden by High School column Iu' todl\Y S •~11ed on the gtound. 0 'J'he Vaughn score camo wlUl the nle K~(tb and Cmf' Keith. 'J'ho 'Cllt.s to punt .from Ulelr own high I:fr~1l that had grown' 80 from Newll.I, .0•.

. . I$ldto' !Peralta. covered a fumbled (ConUnued to Pace 2-Seo. Bj tCont(nlle<t t~':PacCl. '~C::' B) (Continued to Pace 2-Sec. B)_I the fine moisture received tn tile To report on IIctlvltlcs of Home'l<', " • • _." .,.,.\ ... ' ' - ' summer Wet spell., coming Ulls week-end, tho 8ehool ~. :. {~"~~\"\ <~~, .. '

_ , newspaper. TIle WIl.r WhOOP hu "" r hpUbllsht'd n specIal edition. replete' .0111 at. ours havewith plctur\:11 l\ud copy conccrnl.nll got to .top, FreeU You·v.Ule evt'nt. ' ,been circling this fleld

Delllde3 tile Ruldoso-Ft, Sumner f t h "footbnll "limO, otber thIulf!!l on tho or wo ours withoutHOnlecomlnll enlcndar will 1nelud& th. plow."II. dllnc(' aCtor UIll Friday night MAGNIFICENT GIANT SIZEgamo, II bonrJro on 'l1lurs(lIlY night . '. "prior to l\ Junior higil "Iuno wlUl

Caplllln a~ 7:30 p,m, wl\l kick of( ,FULL COLOR MASTERPI""CESth:o HomecomIng week·end. L 1

Coael! Kiln Newton. who hM beenhlr.h In IlJ/I pralno all week con·cerning the lighting !lplrlt ot till!

• Wa rrlors In the gnme they lost toTullJrOllll lhllrc Inst Frldll.)'. bl1Jl IInldmoot of Ule IliJurl!d wut be back Intlte ,ru~' Ml'ntn!Jt Ft Sumner-thatIII nil llxcept Quarterback Alan

d ROll!!. There Is como dOUbt. too It; Jnck SCott or John R\L.'Iliell w1U vetto plllY at center. he added, ButchFnublon will tnke over, UIO cen­ter'" chore!!> It'/} hl'l flr!lt time 10

llNEMAN-lhls week's 'Uno· try It -- . ~ .man Qf the Week' on tha Ft. Sumner ht18 (l 2·2 record•.bav·Wari'lor foothoff squod b Ins; won 0\'('1' Sl\nt.a. ROlin. And Mel. IMike Payne, a sophomore r05e Illld bnvlng Io.~t to Wellt LntIgvard

twhOle defenle wa. Vegan nllll POrlal1!9. RUidoso'1I

eXCCl'P\ttonal In Ihe; Tularosa Wl\rrloro hl\\'t' yet to brenk Into Ull',. w1l1 c01ullln. holdlUlt n o-t record

mat c h, coaches, newsmen to dDote. Conch Newton 611.ld llCoUllland (an~ voled. Tl'portlng on thr FoxeD' ml\lch last. ' _. wcek hlwl' Mid Ft, Swnncr mightShop .ur wanbouse 01 UII~ Ibe the teRm till' Warriorll can nail

furnltllro .~ appllancf.!1l to Itrcteh I 10 the wu11 to gtvc UllOm \hair Uralyour bUde'" G~mblu, the .tore victory lor 'Gl). "We're sure trllolnlnlCwith mote, (or tht\( cventullUty. in hopes we• ' .•.. ' •• ' ' '' , - ('1m mnkc Ule Uomecoml1lB 11 fes·

. Commercial UVI.' event." thll coach Mid.'n I Iger-,Uon ~-r......... 110 reported the lltnrU/1tf lIne-upa.n.8 r IIoU ~ V&~U for F'rldny uillM will [eMu",:

W!Inb$r1y Electric Ollent/lve-· Bnlcer. Ie; Vt'nnble.PbtJ;lCl Q7-2U. It: PnYl1e. IIf: FilUl>lon, c: Vaillant,

I. = ! ... ".= _ ......_=,.-=--~ .," "" A_*--=.-o:=",,.,,... '.___• __

."'•. ---H'APPY SNAPPY

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•TO "'lIUaurl'lQUll' ,


.~ 041('( TOWIt),




....TO SOCOftItO




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PIOR'S BIS.CUlT HILL CAFEOpen 5,00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Mr•. Plor'. Hot Biscuit. S.rv.d With All M.als

.Pho. 318·4265 -1- Highway 70

Free D~liverylOb/Marte and Erma wllJ

.btl hClpPY lit I,rv. you foryour pillty nHels'


• I'

'hone 251·2245 -1- Sudderth Orr....


• .. !\ J

IInb " I'a.llne Orl!rrertou •

-AntC!rlcalS I'lalt- .

I'ho. U74J15 - Drawer A

Ruldolt'l. Hew MClItI~


Carrizo Lodge

. ... ..... ' ~-'. ""

Upper CanyolI" at

NO. 32OVERFLOWING·· Bonito Loko17 mllell northwo,t of Ruldo­'0 wo, full and flowing ovor'ta ,pillway for most of tho'ummor thi, yoor bocau,o oftho hoavy rain, throughouttho warm woalhor ,oalon.Many 'pring, oro flowingagain In Iho mounlain, above­Iho lako fllhing for Iroul ilallowed horo In Iho lummerby tho City of Alamogotdo.owner of tho doop walorlako. An improved rood andaddilional camping oro a ,havo beon provid~d by IhoU. S.·foro'l Sorvlco in Iho rooglon around and abovo Bo·nlIO.

lnle,....cUlln al Nuddnlh "MCIl'lIlln! Urln

"I't'e TV In Rooml

MOD Jeau Motel

Dan Dee CabinsKUchen. - Fireplaces

1 to" Bedroomslox 144

'hone 251·2165


.-.... ............"~....##-.~..~##••,,.,..~~~~.,•••, • .,.#.,## ... .. . , . , .

Re.t In the famed An Enl'llanllnr Spot In &be

Land or l~nchanlmen'


, ,


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" GAS FOR LESSAt \be "V" Highway 70 - Hollywood - Phone P~531

~rge McClearlL Prop.Le' UI wblterlll! )'our car or truck wIth 'PrdtGno

'Wltfr a Complete Service Department'q" "t~C:'Y ~O -:- 'Pho~257~1

"• •



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,'., ~'dNrrED STATE" Dl1lPAR:TMENT O'l' "ORICU"""'R"'. . ... "luB'I\I\"W· "''''' .....', . " N' ·'do"ien" .... " ~,,,(..~........ :iC:';;': ··~"";·"'.f .~." \' • . ".''" '" .' ,. u .. v '" H'" .. "" '1' .~ U!I: .!:¢~1 ""cnl:O, . , ..."', ......... ~II ...., w "~"'" -~.. , ' . '. .• FOREST BERVICIe'H, 7()··~J'3Q"W.; 769,1"J~C~1 t.\1QPQe, .' N. llJ·02'.-o~ E., 2:lt.3'l.Jc¢,; ~f•.~, .... '· . - LAND EXCHANGIe NonCE: . N. 19'13136" W" 5$ilIJ.~ fe~t:Ut~n.(lCl;.N ••2"lO'~ E., ·1'l&2.~'feetl ~~~cei' ",1 'rl, .

, •lfO.U.I:e I.ll ll11reby given lhat on July 12. 1ge1le, ChlLdelJ 1.. Crow4er,N'.31"lil;61" W., ,2049.40 t~IlH tlum~ . ».40":16'40" 'E.. lIllO·3!» lllet; UJ~t; '. " .. :'

B'G.qIlUJlbla Drive. a. E., Albuquerque. New M~xtQO, Illt\d oftel.' to ex. $, 1la.46 00" W., ,218,621~e~j t.b~~~; .... '. N, M'-lCJ:O(I'" E.,'1lil.~t~~t;! .~;.:", .: ","

· e.under the provisIons ar lite Aet or March-:lO. Ion (42 stat, ~lS) ~q. . ~. ~'fi5'00? W" 195Q.3Q.{eet~ Uwn(l~l," -'ff.af.·M:OO'.' lll...23;teett~'t. '.'. •.. :., .,' '.,~ . d !:lY the Aclo( February 28. 1925 (43 Sl4lt. 1000> Il,n4 aa SUPPle,S, .46"4lI'OlY' W..330;64 JeeJ;tl:le~e; . . . ".. :w, ".·63'OO"'l!l,j'· 335.9a 'fl!ef;:~; •':'" " {j' '.'mlr:~'~1bY. the Act of June 11. 1960 172 Stat.. 205) '~n<i tar N,!ltUmal ;Far~.fIt S, 77»-.J)l00" W" ·1085.'1l)feef;;. t,Mn(ltH . . N! 'rO;3'1'3W'1ll., .·92U~ f~~} ~~!' .:' ..' ':',"':' . .' .' .It: . iii' offers hmd descrIbed on tbe a\tacl'led paie/J, compr~lng N. 69'~'07/ W.,· 15~,"5:'tel;lt; tberlCel' 'N. Il8 ,38'30:'E..37(1.iIlJ~.~~,·. •... ; ':<~, '.. '," •n, /'1tl jlCres Y(lthln the Santa Fe National Forest New Mexico ami N. 76'05'00" W.. 98Q.~ tee~; .thllticel . 'N.38·.t8'l!Ol!:'•• ' 117.,81 ll:et; ,th~:.. " ". " , ,'. '. ........" h b "I''' led Ul ex h"nae not 10 exce"d "n q ) v"l"" of N. ~·W20" W.. 78.1I1. teet; thence; N. 5§~M'3Q" E" ~~.~ 1e,,,,UQa·PQI.llt.',oQ,~e~ bQtiI1dafY oft!no........ e e ....n • c .. .. " .. e - ....... -n;-7l"16'40" W., ~10.69 leet tQ' a nntnt ~ .feet, mOfe o.r less; the,' PallO.n de ~.DlellQ G.. r~t. w,W."h bi!._.1'$'" ad..n.~~1.2" W.. 12."."",.O.. 1 4eet

ltUtinal F'orel)~ land descrIbed on the altached pages comprl8lnill4.· te) f <Io.ft te 11 ,._.- '0_"::4... .1/ th .1/ _~ b.... 'T...... . .~.,'...... IthJ the C 0 Cibolo OIl" Lincoln a"d Ban'" ...e...... eall. r;y' tom 'r.'''' C4m r ne o. 13..."" HVa.....O,"i e~c», ...rom~ -..llllCorn!lr~~wjeelJ~eC""00S''''I!':',AA4J2. '.1'plILN.. 1l;• .IE.. I.wacres w n rAriJO . ...... .. ,I""' .....!'. . Northe~terly. 371M14fe~t 'I\long "It "rc .(sald arc 'havln!rB radl1l,ll ~M «m sald9rant bOlUldafY AAd:·1.,ta'J!le~ ~utb~rJ:V t~ the 11. )4"

~,J'':';-ll~O~~!l~~~ll; I:n~ ~fJl~n:ii pcrtlO~ olalmlnQ' Sald)~ 01 li,:l29.~!l teet and achl>rd. Wf)lcbllears N. 43' 01'W E •• 3'l9.1lffeet); post; th.ence a)~ ~~ld. Qt.~~·\!O~d!J'f'~ Jo~ws.·· .. •. .' .'qr br.V1Qi bona fide objections to flllJd exchange an oppOrtunity to me thei1£e, "'''''''ll . A'> 1 I . 1.._ _1_ . . ,. S, 08'2'1' W;,23562.~Jeet. to Ut~ ~~M~J*l4~ ~ ., . .'. ,~..:. 'h F t Be t T b Id d 11 .. bj" tlo .. ... 4" IN 0" E .. 1...... !-let; ..",nw,'·.. ., . 0'1'5'" W " 6243'70 ."..' to 51L t· +..........:. •

p•...-\8 , ",.Il orl's rv cc· (l C COM ere. a suc... 0 "'C n" . Norlhel\.llterlY, 22l\1.0& feet. 1\-long 1l-n ..rc (s.ld Arc> ha,vl!iS' ~ rll,!S1WJ "'. 0 .,... • ...." 72 - ,-...-. .

Clr proteata ml,L!lt be·llled with th.e Reglqnnl Foreste.r at. Albuquerque, ot 1496,45 te~t ami a cll(>rd wh.1cb bea.r.s N, 40~4.,'20" E., 2U,85 feet).,· B, 08:~ w,. 261-9.~ ~~e~'le> the ~l)( pQ~; tb~Q(l, ,\n,w ~~Ico. within thIrty 130, dl.\yij of lhe first publlcaUOll of'thU! no- . S. 07·9 W., 5~8.'" .~t to ~ .. U JlQlJ!; ~c.i. I~ tJ,1ence, . . .'; . B, 08'n' W.~ '112311'.44 le,Wto UtU)4'JlClII ;:~n~; .'

· . Zll.ueA Smltb . N. 3&·28'50'/ E., 652.16 feet; thence, S. lQ·~'W,. 11280.oo tellt w the aM P9at; ~nl;e~ .

.Actin" D"':loOII.I Forester North(lMtorIY, 556.~ feet along all arc (said arC bAVlpQ' A radJUIJ or S. OO'liiJ' W.. lI81)2iOlS'fllet W ,the '.1 r.c.~ti·tJleD~, ,. . ,. ."

...""'" 10'12.96 feet ,and j)chord which bears ~. 21'S'1'2{)" E ... 550.21 feet)l S; 10·l»'. W., 6281;9.a feet.. to tM. SO.".tMa.at cO,,~r 0.11 th.e Can'"'' A,'"PublJcaUoo DateR' Seplf!mbl'r 24. October 1·8·15 Il'Ienl;:(! ... . •. ".. "'.,..

N• " , ". l\J\ • . . '- 'San PletrQQr~ti ~nce,...' .. .

. . DESCRIPTION OF' OFFERED LA D N. 0(1 4& 50 ~.• 392,..... ceet. thence, . West. CSl5.12 feet to tM northeast. corMr ,&[ f.1lo oTei;l1es ;pQeblp Qrant·A 1.raet of land wlthlo ·Iht· CI11l00 dl! 8an Diego Grant whIch 1/1 sltu· Northev.s\erly. 608.92 feet along an arc (said arc Mvlng II- r"dlUIJ 01 thence, ....•. . .... .. . \ .,

ate In TOWr\Ilhlplll6. 17. 18 und 1lJ Nol'lh. Ranllcsi. 2 and 3 E .• N.M.P.M., 2409.86 feet and a (lbOI'd Which bears N. QO'42'6O" .E., 50'1.117 Il'et>j N, 69'2'1' W., . J~4.lHJ:fe!ltto·ibe &)4 .~~ ~Ute 'J~me:?l .~eblok.noWn In the Otflct' 01 th" U 8 Surv"yor Ococrlll all Report No. 2fl. con· thence, , .' Orant; -tbence, .' ." • . . . ; ,.... . . fJfinned by the COOltr"ijt\ 01 till' Unltc·d B'IlU'1i of AmerIca, on the 2)st day N. 05~2() 10" WJ! 12116.11 feet: tbence. '. S. OO'511' W" '3930.:16 fl'el tQ the pom~ ot· be~lr. and contalnlnll. ." .' ... '. '.. . .; ..... , ' .. , .. .' .".' .. ~ . .: . .. . ..~of June. 1861. Ilnd pUtl'nu'd by th" Uolll'd Stllle'll or ....menea In accord. NorlhCa$ter)y. '16.51 feQt /llons an arc. (/l,al~ arc b,,:vlnlr II. ~adIU"$ of 13,96a.3& acres, mor~ 01; ll!$ll.,· '.' '. ". "', . '. . GROWN HERE .... Mr,.!;mme:t R15dmc:o'm, $e.c;rfiltQry of R\,lJa,9~Q~ WlUl !laId Act 01 Conllrmatlon on the 2tst dlJ,y of October. 1881. 130.112 teet v.od a chOrd whIch lJearn N. 10 29 .50 E.! 74;55 teet), thence, . ·qm.EU.LAND " Valley c;h'amb~t of Commerce is :shown with Catt/eya prchla

re<:ordlld In Vol 17. f/lll!"h 20'J (i) 118. Inclusive. In the recorda of tbe N. 211"19'50" E .• 2liO.54 teet: thence, . • ':I.'RA~ NO 3· ..... . , h· h' h' I a· C!h -I;.·"·f C . r a h0rial

Land Olllcc' In WI"hIHUlUH, [) C. aald trllel of offered land NorUlcaBterly. 231.30 fe¢t atong:,IU\ arc (sllld arc having \I. radiU$ ot ~liltmb1g at. Wlnt wblch- b~ars S~ 1lO0.e'$3" w. MO'l,35 feet. from W. Ie s .~·ra 5(1 In . ampe,. 0 ommerce w"1. OW· ere.~ more parllcullH Iy d,'''' ntJl'd u" IWl{lnnJog at a point which Is the 1409.80 fe«;.t a,nd,!" chord which be~rs N. 31"01'/lQ";EJ" 231.Oi te~~); P1ence, the 2~ milepost on the norUt bQunl'lafY ..01 fJle, \leme. ~blo Otant; Nearly tWo yec;lrs ago Mrs. polores Gpston rece,yed plantflOr alit corner 01 till" ('11m", d,. RIUl VI..ga Ornnl; thence ., N. 35 4360 E., 460.49 teet. lItence. '. . . . tben¢e along the Gr&\Dt 1)O\Uldary·. . " .. . , from Orlonc;h)! Florlaa and 9av~ It to Mr$. Re,amann. Cattleya

8. 08'34' W . flloUIt tI... 'flld Orulrl!boundary to'JI64 feet: lhence NorUteal;terly. 020.04 leet along an ar~ (,Il"'!~ arc lmvlng a radJU$ 01 8. 1l9~4$' W.. 9.'1~.06 teet,' iheJ1CeJ , ,. orchlas ara native to Central and South America and gr(lW•. 08'27' W. 8.J6758 ".,,( \.lJ Ill" dOlllOIl corner belween sllctlonll 858.10 fcet v.nd, a chOrd which bellrs N. 15 0150 :m.• 606.64 teet): thence, B. 69'56' W..I0,417.... 't.eet, to apoln~ M. the /lOuth' boundary of . 'If' a f f3 000 t 6000 f t also seem to do well» and 32. or 10 N . H J~; 'h"''''(' w•• ,.t 2.111704 feet to AP 163 on the N. 05°40'10" W.. 36'1.33 tee~; lhen~e. the- Canon de~ Plcio Gran' \U1d SE<l0rner of ~·NaUona.l F(m~st en Cl .tll '" 0 . rom" 0,. ee L J' t f

w,.( rIm of J",Ul.'Z Cally<lll. tl,,"H('" alollll.lhe west rim or Ute Jemez N. 63"00'50" E., M.44 teet: thence. . . ., .wh.1cb b~IUS: N"OO'liiJ' Ie•• 1"*,00 fe~t ~ro.m'tbe,mile ~on the sout,h her(l,Mrs. RedmC!nn said. She plans to get 9not"er p an or0&n)'0i'. NortbeastcrlY, 1194.09 teet along an arc (said arc bavlng a ra/llU$ of bounllary Pf the ~Id IJrant; tb(rnC(l alMIl Ut,e~.~ona1J'orea~ boundary. 1he Chamber Offl(Jt In 'the near future. .

N 63'30'60" W. Mil 07 fl.,.t thl!IWC. • 145-4.93 fe~t and a chord whl\lh bears ·N. 49·20·50";E.. 68'1,113 teet); tbence. N. 01·~P· W..1'1,~,111 feet to • POJDt!On tm, Nat1QlU,l Forest .....8: U'14'60" W . 1700 n f"l'l. thl'llct'. N. 3549'60" E .• 193.11 feet; thence. bOt1n(1ary, Utenee, .'. ' .. ' ,,, ' • ,8. 2(1.33'00" W . fl7470 IN'\. Ih('/){·,'. NortheasterlY. 330.00 teot along an arc (sMd arc bav1l1lI '" rlLl11WJ of N. '1:1'00' E.. 16.012••68 teet. tQAP ~; -thence" NOTICE 0:F SALE OF BECTION B • PAO:l!l!'OUB,N. 2Q'01'40" W . 10()l11l6 fl 1 Ih"ncc. 1598.32 feet and a cbord Which bears N. 29'4'1'60" 1il.. 336.00 tecU; thence, S. la'll' W" 2'7IMIO teet 10 AP 'DlI, ~~, ., RElAL. :ESTATE: . Ruidoso· ,New"8.77'41'06" W. f.72 [1:1 1 1. Ilwnl'{'. N. 23'45'50" E.. 1416.77 feet: tbence, . S. 23"21' E,. '14l1~ feet 10 JU",C8:tbe,nce, ~t. 28.OII·W· W . 1m ll3 h'N, thl'lwo. N. 60"10'50" E., ..642.28feol: thence, . S. 22"02' W.. 249.60 tee~ to loP 87: f,Mncd, . UNOER .FOlloECltOat1RE :FrIday. Ocwber 1, 11/Gli8. 72'01'30" W . [100 J7 fl'/'I tllI'lJ(·... Norlhelllltcrly, fJ77.Ol feet alonll' an aro (/Jl\ld arc havlnQ' a radlU8 of B, 02·~1- W1, J620.40 .Iee~ to AP 88; ~QCl, PECREE " " ... •8. "'411'40" W. 146200 "'1'1. IlwlJ('l'. 740.74 feet. anti a chortl wblch.bel\rs N. 34'00'1\l)" E:., 653.68fceU; thence, S. 'IWa'l' E.. 374.00 reet to AP (19: tbjt:lClt,. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIV:mN the lands; tenements, beredJ\a.8. 71':a'60" W . t210 Oll I",.t. U\('I\ce. N. 0'T"/)7'60" E., 720.39 feet: thence. s.00'1a';EJ., 121.30 feet to AF '10; tb"D~; tha· Utldet and by vlrtUti o{ '''.8. 47 '41'30" W . 2:1401>2 (1'/'1 I/wrw... . Northeasterly. 24.24 feet along lJ,n arc (said ArC havJnlt a radIus of B, 38'M' E., 881,60 teet to lIP '11: th~. •. . ..,.. menta. and. appurtenanlleS the'reun·8.00.18'30" E. 443 III I",.t. Ih"m'e. 72.96 feet and a chord wblch bears N. 17·20'60" :.E,. 2U3 feet); tbence, S. 2'7'0:.1' E.. 1311.00 feet to AF 'I1I~ th~P~. Final Judgment and Dllcree of to belqnglnll; or in any w1lle ap-8.2'1'50'00" W . /j07 Of> ""'l tllI'IIN" N. 26·59'60" E •• 1632 teet: Utcnce. B. 49'41' W., l~.oo.fee~ to AP '13; th~Ct, Fol"t.lllosure eptered by the Dl$trlct. pertaIDins-, ~d the l'everelbn and8. 14'06'20" E. 7ml 10 I....' th"ll('t': N. lW04'6~" E.. 115.2'1 (eel: lItcncc. B. 01·.(g' W.. U'l1.OO f~t to /I.P 7.: the~, Court 'of Lincoln CountY, New reversions, remainder lU1d remain·1£. qII't\l'40" W . JOt 74 (,'/'1 lIwoc... Northeaslerly, 475.8-4 feet alon!llln l'lrO (llald arc having a radlU$ of S, 48'06' E .. • 14711.20 feet tQ,.AP''1~; ~n~. :Mexico,' In the case of T. J. ders, "renta, Issucs and prc>nts.i. "'18'20" W . I:l2!l 07 (""l tl".n/·... 869.6f1 fIlet and a chord which bearB N. 30'24'20" E:., 4611.113 feet); thence, BI '10'14~ E., 450.00 teet to AP 18: ~n~, SUTHERL.....NP and tlLOIS:m C. NOT.tOE lS FURT1U!m GIVENe. 30'17'60" W . 4!174:1 1""1. Ih"Ill"·. N. 22°43'00" E., .Ullt'12 reel.: thence. . S. 31J W·;;E:., .7.20 teet to AF 71; tbebge, ~LAND, .P.LAINTIFFS, vS. UUl~ the amounta awarded by 'the•. 43'20'00" W . Jill 24 '''''1 Ihl'f'c". N. 60°31'60" E., 136.04 feet: thenco,' . S. 0II'..68"':W., 134.~ feet ~ AP '18:~, WELDON L. EMJ:;RSON /In 4 court In the said Decffi;land to be•. CI'7'69'40" W. Ii(l"J fi7 "./.\ Ihl'l'C". NorthcllJj~erlY. roO.l0 feet v.long an arc (said nrc havIng a radlU8 of 8. :n~~~E.. 3'11.00 foct to AP 711: tb~, BEI.t:.EN E: EM1ilRSON MOORE . A-

I.GG'68'30" W . Ii/II 40 "'0'1. U",nc('. 1316.61 feet and a chord whIch beArs N, 36'60'20" E., D2U'1 feet); B. 300"~1!1:W1~r;.. 113UO feet to AP 80; .tbenoo, . • o' .• reaUzed from we property ate""'. _ """ "" A ~ f_ ..... 81 ..._... • , DEF'EN.D/t.N'l'B, beLng Cause Nc>. 'oU"''''''.· -

al'lo'IO" W It/llJ f>~ ",,'1 Ih.'r)('.'. thence, B. 'I" ~" ., ........ lec¥ ......~ ; ~C.., . Ci 1 ~ " ....•. 1l"12'10" W 476 n h"'I. Ih,",lt'l'. N. 23"08'00" E .. 469.38 feet: Utencc. • 8• ...I.fO'.W.. ·IIUO lelltto AP 82; tbbnc~,. Tl42 on the vi Docket. of sald 1. The costs of sale, 1nolUdlnr" M'3S'OO" W r,II126 ""'l th/.IIl.... " Norlhell.lI!erly, 162.fJ7 reet v.lona .An arc CIlald arc having' a radIus of S. 17.•~ l1:., ~eo teet tQ AF 8S:tbllnClJ. Court, ~ntered september n. 1~. the 8ptc1al :Master's le" of .1\>0.00:.e. 64'37'40" W. 1>11241 I.....' IhN"·... &221),68 leet Iolnd Il. chord which bel\r8 N. 24'08'62.6" E" 182,M teet); S. -D·W W.. 2...40 fee~,W AP 64: UI4n<:e. the un,der(ll~d wlll ofter tor sale 2. The prlnclp~l debt of f8,.1~;27;a. 53'6s'(0" W . 45074.:"'" Ih"m·". t~enee,.' a. OO'W W., l:ll1UO feet ~ AP q: 1J*1~. and sell to the, highest bidder far tost\ther with Inter<!st at the rateh. (IQ'4I'30" W . IWI Ii!!' !c... t. U...ncc. N. 25'08'55" E.. 300.43 feet: tbcncll. 8. U~~l' E.. 535.'10 f~t «>' AP ~: tben~. . cash at 10:00 0 cloc~ A. M., on the of D~~ per annum from september8. '1"31>'20· W . 1000 Illl h'('I. Ul1'n("... North(!l\!l!erly, 2(4,87 feet along an ArC (llald arc ha'Vlnll' a radiUS of a, O'I*~ W.. 11l1.80 leet to AP. 87: UWlClt, 1st aay of November, 19M, a~-the 13. 19M. ~ the dato of salll..' ....C4.40. W . 621111U fe"'1 Ih"lIc.'. 1288.4'1 feet And II. chord wl'llch bears N. 19'42'16" E •• 2U.l\cO feet>: thence, 8. JG~~( l!l.. IllOl1.11 filet to· AP. ea, t.he~.:. • Id In SOuth.door of· the court IlDuse at The terms or the aale.•IUo· thAt., U' 31'40" W . Mil 1111 I.... l tlll'lll'''. N. 14 '15'36" E.. 9&f>.l>5 feet: thence. • Sc>UU1oO'*rly .toni an ..rO whll:1\ b.eara tQ -- ,ett (.. .arc v It i'Oanl%o~ N w MexIco the folloW . ..

102'IO'W" W. 7'111 [lJ fe"'( u...lIc... /, Norlhcn8tcrly, 110.71 feet nlontr Ian MC (said arc bavJnll' a radIus of a radJUI of ~4(O.'14 fe~ and, a chord which bear. S. 06'60' :m., 2060••" .... ,c , • the purch/l.Set' n'1U8t PJY cQb at06'13'40' fI;. G!l3 II I..,.j tJl..nr'c'. 745.56 feel nnd a chord WhIch bearlJ N. 18·51'35" E., 119.59 teen; thence. fe(lt.): Al~, .' lng-c:teacnbe<t Jlf!>,PerlYllltuated 10. too Ulno !he properw UlltrUck off

•. J2.Ot'40" E 110llltl 1",'/ \hl'll..... N. 23·27'35" E.. 370.01 Ccet: thence, S. J1~~E.. 220.81 fe~t: thtmee, LJlncoin county, New :MeXico. to- to hJm - .'.30'53'10" W . 1145 f1J ..... t 1111"11(·... Norlhcallwrly. 601..97 teet nlong an nrc (saId 11lr0 having a ra;1!ws or 8. 1CS.0410" E.. 14.5t.,1 l~t: thellCCt. . w1\: DATED TBl8 1'11b dn 01 Scpo.~'40':l0" W . 1201l 00 h••• , t)...IIC... 11)11,61 fel'lt lind Q chord which belllrll N. 10'22'f\G" E.. 596.'/5 feet): 'S "'&3'41)" E.. IM.S fee\: 'fhlll1Ce, • • " Lot ,Twelve (12), Block Four ~4). tember lQ/J5. .· ,.'60'30" W . {I1f1 ~ ,,,,.( th",...r Ulencc. sOu·".'·rly,· 1113.80 foe~ aJon" in arb be.•at to the naht (pld t1 n t tOne (1), PONDEROSA .' lsI R U U"'d .

00 W... >l" ~ ..'""lOs:...... "'...,O "ION, ...utdo...., I I:ltu>c'~l .;....~ ~ ....

· ·2lI·40·. 1/11/74/1 I...·t Ih"m·l'. N. 02'41'55" W.• 23969 teet: thence, arc havlzlr .. radiU/! of 3.22Sl.'lS8 f~t and a chOrd WhiCh beaTII!. 33-31'55- ~ ..~ ""vu ..., ~. ON .....,. ... - .

· 12'40'40" F. 11M 11 fN'\ ttll'll"". N..10·20·2()" E.. 168,72 fee\: thence. E•• 163.G(lleeU; thence. . . LIDJ:(lID <;oUl1ty. Now :MeXico, as .ll-2(' IIH·8-11l· '1' 611'30" W . 692 06 ,....1, Ih..,lc,'. Norlh!'llJlwrly, 298.97 {cc~,alonB I\n MC (said Arc havIng a r.dlus ot 8. a2'~0'10" l!l.. '12.'18 feet:~.. • shOwn bY plat thereof !Ued In the • 11 ' ..

.. oa'00'2O" W , 64072 !t·.. t lIll'l"'... 1005./15 feet "nil a chord which beArs N O'1'~'l'U" E •• m.8'l feen: SO~thJt"1.erlY. lotlO.'fUeei; -lolllJ an "ref b!,;rlni. tel ihe letHa.ld arc offle» ot tbb County Clerk and .EX. E ..1

U'34'30' W, IJ41 Of> , '1. Ihr·nc.. lItenee. ha'Vlnfl. rMtus ot 3,2111.20 feet .nd a chord whtd1 tsearIJ 8, 41-"'M" E,. oftlclo Recorder of LJlncoln County, ve '. g· !!:onl:~O: WW .. 10~2:nl 1 1. !/arnc... N. 00'41'45" W.• 251.80 feel: thenco. 1.0G4.llItHt)·thence, jIOulbe..~rll(, 2.12&.&0 lo\et a1O~ an arc beat1nlt New U'eXicoj • "'1'

IS.:;:;'.7'"00. ~ . 11l!>!.t 47 "'(/1. U\t·IICt'. N. )7'&6'20" E. 1149.&8 feet: tht'nce. to UIc 1,1t. ~..Id .~o b&vlnq •.rtlditUI of ".M (..t anc1 & chOrd ....blch

t.=..... i&.w.. E. 1112344 ",,'1 throc". NOrUIt'IlIlWrly 410.117 feet along lin arc (sald arc having aradlU/! of beats 8. 2S~'3(1.11 E" 2,104.08 feet); thence. 'l'oSe~ wtlh',n Improvement..'3 Elecirica1

J.. ..··10· W . 11211 40 ,,,,,1. Ihrul'p. 113002 rellt llnd II 'chord whIch bellrlJ N. 05·50'30" El., 4'1Ml leet): tben<:e, S. 3'1'~'06" E.. ~.w feet. to .. POln~ of ~jlnril.ntr, IJl4 cont&ln1n« IlJtuato reot:l, 1ncludlntl aU ftU1ll· -ftn_"-_ 1 m.......a-I_ IIDI II:! !I·,'I (h'·Il("p. N. OO"W20" w.. 32a.M feet: tbence. 7,0;11•.,4 acre~. more or ~C'U., ,. turo sltua~ therein; yyu;.u.utJJ' y. "",&.0C:

..' .J(II·l.a'OO· W . b:rl 31 ' ..c·1 lI...orl'. NorUteanWrly. 51.71 fect alontr nn arc lsald arc bavlnq a .radlus of TRA01' NO. • .... .-'tO

V-~eir~~.'gilr-.•-w.lth,B·ar~l.an'···~d'~,o·SU1&n't J~.. ' n ....."C1.'.' 101'13'40. W . :1111 lUI 1.·..1 I\t' tl7. lIU'IlC'·. 21~l.20 feet nnd a chord whIch bcnrn N. 00'31\'4&" E., 61.M feet.); U1cnctl. ~lntf "t. .. polnUrom whIch the "mull comer on the north boun· ~..- - ... _. - . __ ,

..,. 204082 Irpi fllnnll Ih.· wUlh bOlllldliry of Ute Jemez flprlnuo N. 0'1.20'60" E:., 232,09 feet: UtcmcCl, clary of 1I1l14 Gr~t bears N. 07'47'41.'" ;Ill., &&'~?O'l thalJU, thence.to AP 110 th.·uc·t' NOI'UtclUllerly. 330.41 feet II10na an aro (aald arc havlna' a radius 01 S.1YI·.""l.. W., 111$at.~1.·teet.~ .~~". • .' .

Ulweatorly lJ8 33 IN'1 Glut"l nil nrc lJrnrlnll to Ulll left (!laid arc 3319)11 feet and a. chord Which beara N. 10'1'1'611" E.. UO.28 feen; W~.04tee1..to 1b«"~~:r.e N.~~Otut ~ry: t.be.rlco'11~~t'dIUll of 2301 1!7 '''''1 nnd n ('hard which bears 8 22'f\G·44.6" W., Utetlce . a10Dlr tho Nat~ 7cu.'e,.~ 1.1:: " ., .='". -s ,·1 G N 5'"• r. UlI!n("~. N.' 13·ro·00· E., &:IfM:J feet: U1ence. . N.Ol·lO'OO" W.. 11,190•• If1!!ti' ~nC4l., ;. .." ., ,

11·47'00" W . 711 67 ,,·,'1 1111"11("'. Northen'ltllrly, 484&1 f('ct llJonq Iln lire (saId aro havlml' a radlU5 or 'East :11.1111.106 ted ta tbe Pllln~ 'Of~ ind con~J «1013.00 .......:.'m·~"r'''''''';Ja ,;,.._'••.. :lI(-fa""" *'.. '-&"011" W . 1/0 III IN" Ihl'l"'" 1032.3(1 fcet nnd 11 chord which beara N. ~·1l7'1l1l" tl,. 403.'1l feeni acl'tlIJ, mor. or Seas. • , . • .."..' • . .~.r,;~':;.:"I&4.,'::.'::"L:"nov••~ • .

Wt'lllA!rly SOil OJ ,....1 nlnllll nn nrc hl'nrlnll' to Ihe lert lAald arc th ., SEt;'ECtJ:11 x.ANDS' . "',. .....- ..-...... ....lNv "radlUA of 2210 13 .,.·..1 nnd II c'hord which bcarll 8. 4D'IO')4" W., etl~~.01.13'10" W.. 384.90 feeL: thence.' lCXHI.SlT A . .. • ", Call !S14HG' Apaebe MOttll:,et. .1~1. Ult·nt'tl. NorthwellwrIy. 4'1133 teel I\loUlf lin arc (silid "ro hllvlntt .. radius of Townshlp' 2S North. Rangc,1 EUt. N14Pu. ~ -' ..OJ

• • ,\M'Il2'OO~ W 216 76 h'..1 Ih"Orft 1032.39 feet and n chord which bears N. 08'18'12.&" W., .75.02 fect; Sec. 1~: . HD'27 .' ". ·11 ..... '. • " -. ,. ----:-------...:----..., ---------....-""---:...:....;.-.

I "~lhwontc'r1y 411! 14 I....' nl"'"1 no nrc bt'lirlou leU /Ilald' arc hllVlnlf thence. 'I'oWnIlblp t North. Rllfilf6. Ox.at,~",.., 'il "'0 • " sk 24".. l\l,a of It~ 3Q f..('1 and l\ churd Which hcarll 8. 3l'10'00" W.• 418,n N. 15"23'15" W.. 292.02 feet; thence, see. 3: NWIA8E%: ~v..BE~ • . ...<\' ~. ~ ,.'Of .~nco. NorthelUlWrly. 7001 Cect nlong nn arc (1I&1d arc having a radIus of sec. 4: SW~NW~,' .. ..,... :'.' "::11.$ I, 2..., 4, E%W¥.t, E%,

• :rr·lI·OO· W III 71 fN'~ loP 111\. thronct'. ~ a'uo feet nnl1 1\ chord which bcars N. 01·~'15" E,. U.90 feet); thence. &lc.l0: 8E'4NW%. NEM.. W*W~JIl1iIS1ty~ Bee. 32: 4'

fOU\.hwl.!IItc'rly, 3&920 f..rt nlollU 110 arc bearing to Ute Ion l/lald N. 30·113'4(;" E., 2'72.1'1 feet; thence, Township 10 North. Range 10 East. 'N'MPJL .. .tg: ::: ~f;4. S~,arc ohavtna a rlldlll.~ 01 23f1'1 no h,,,, llnd n ("bOrd which bl'orn B 60·'9'40" Nortbell.'ltilrly. 306.'1'1 fcet Idong an Brc (saId nc bavlnlf .. radius of Bec. Ii: Lots " " <t. SWYtN:Z:~. S\(,'NW~. 8¥.t. Township 2 N rth t:>..... 8 W ..............W., JkM (ee\l. thrllC.. 622ll,~ (eel and a chord whlch bears N. ~·00'62.(I" E •• ue.lS8 teet); sec.': N1l.ly., Nv..NWV.. E*81ll!4NVl~~E~W!~%NW%, •. &c 2' 0 iOt;i~ -3 ~$"8,'L'N-"'-'L-';<1.

~weak'rly 3o.~' 114 fcrl nl"nll no nrc bearloll to Uttl lett (/laId aro. Utenca. To1Ynlb1p" Korth.~ 13 ~t, N~~· , • • • • • '7,. n 7>i.....~.ba~ .. radlu.~ of 23\1\:11 11'..1 aud II ('hurd whIch bears 8. S6·23'01.&H N. 3&'00'00" E.. 20(1,29 leet: Ute.nc:a, Se¢. It!: TWo Pal"~ls Of laJid lrltualedtn~ 1. " 21. ~: g,.; 1.oUll, 2, 3, 4, a~N,~, Sv... .W.• ""1.113 {llllll Ult'nc.. NorUteaaWrly. 825~ feel (donS' an arc (/laId arc havIng a radIus of Sec. 21: or't. 2S N•• n. u ;m., NKPSL. ':l"aOIJ OO\i:nty. New'''''''' Lobi, ~, " ., 5, f, 1. 8~NEll. SE%NW%, E~aw~.

~thwl.!llk'rl)' 121010 h'rl nloml nn nrc bt'nrlnlT to th" letll/lald arc 1020.87 CellI. and n chord whIch beara N.U·6'1'2S" E., 803.65 fllllt>: thence. ' NexIco, &%)d morct Pll~arJ1~ as follows: SE~'.haY\nK a radlUll of 2240 II frl't lUlll n rh\lrd which bearll B. 1.·34'1/)" W.. N. 11 '13'10" W.. 213.'17 tcat: (hcnell.. 'trac~no. 1,1r'1i1 SCc,.. ::tl.·~. lW$ It.• B.13 Jr.. sec. 18: AU.110U~ tc.ol'tl th...l("t' Nortbwesl-erly. 2~.4!l f(let nlona lll\ arc (saId aro bavinlr a radIus ot'1'b&\ sltJp'ot lincf.U· eha.kl:S h\ 'malb alt1lated be. .SI:!c. 0: N~{a. tnV%. NE%SE!4. W%SE~,

8. 00·6'1'30· p; 142 12 tN'1 UU·I"'''. . 1400 fI(J fee~ Md ~ chord whIch bears N. 06'05'20" W., 2&2.15 teet): twten Tract. A and. '.rr~ J$. (If Hl!:8 No~ It lSekrtlled u 10lloWs: ~(l', 12: AAP1llOu!he."t..rI)'. 700:r.l Ir(" nl()l1~ 1)/1 nr.. brnrllllf to Iho 11'11 I!lAld arc Ulence ' BeglnnJrtr at comer No.1 of JU:S M .' me. H~

havlnlr a rlldlU" 01 3lIOII1:61...'1 nlld n chord whIch bllara 8.00'05'20" E., N.'OO·1I7'30" W.• &1.47 feet: U1ence. UlenCo N. :»'4$' E.12;"·eh&lUIt ~«>~r·'No. 3 SCc,16: AU".R fH11. U,,!O("~. N. 38'45'~" :m.. 243.88 reel: tbei1co,tbeneeS. '10·"" E •••~ c~II1I-tl>«>merNo," . &lc.20; NY.,.

,. U'13·10· E 4202 11'..1 AI' 113. l)lcnt"t!. Northe/l.\lterly. 887.02 fee~ along an MC (!I&ld arc havlnlr • radJus of Ulen¢e.8, 20"4$' W. 1,1.'1& c:b&tM to cotner No. e sec. 22: NY.t.II 1S'411'W" E . 1lG!> 3( 1 1 "1' It:l. thence. 1020.81 l(IOt l\nd l\ chord which bellrll N. 13·51'25" E .. UII.S4 feet); thenCb. t1ience 8. ·(1+30' W. 1.10 cba_ toc::ol';Qe1' No.1. polnt 'ro~."!fi 'No

AlJ" W ""' .

B. 70:41'.13· '!' 43/l11 3M ,....1. lhcllco. N. 11 ·Ol'05H W.. 144.25 teet; thetlce. of beillUllnf. . '. .. . &! "2 ·WIt '34" ","'''' ....N. 07 47 41 I) E. 411023 3:11 lrel. 10 tbe 4 milo POl'lt on the norUt N.'1&'&3~" E .. 2Uf feet: thenco.·· Tract. No. S In BeCUoM'1t an« Sl'l. T. 24 N., :R.13 E. b"~ .. : NELot;J, 'EiL8SWF~.8W%,

bouodary 01 "aId Orlllli U...n.... nlnl1l1 tltr Ornnl bOW1dary. NorlhellStcrly. 41085 toot along an arc (/II,Jd arc ha'v1nc a radius of That stt1p or 1an4 ...·chaJile'm width altua.tecl be- ""'...... •• ..... ," 1~' ......~.8. '111'08"00'" E . 10 201 40 fcot. UI..ncc. 789.13 tcet lU\d a chord whl(lh beara N. 113·lla'~" E., ~.23 leeO: ~ne». tween Tract A and Tract'B ot BD No. lot ~escnbed"foUo'WISt seo.10: AU8. l1'lWOOP F. IIMt t'l2 f"l'1 to the northeallt comer of Ute raId !'t. i,g.(K·OO" E.. 132,Clt feot: thenea. Be«l1l.nblg at comer No, 'J or Bl:8 101 see. I: All

Orapl and point 01 brutllllllill c'{)nlnlolon 10.120 22 acrOlJ more or It'lI.'l. N. 73.12'40" El.. 114.68 teot: !hence. thence N,O'13' 'E. llQ.l5ll~ to «>rnel' No. I sec: 12: WY.t,&Dd 1Ill000VUlUl thNrfroll1 thl' loll"",n\lt Ir(\c\. Northeasterly. m.41 feet alonlt an arc (sal4 arc baWnr a radJws of UIente ~ .eg*W JI:••46 eb&!n& t(j CIoTbet'ltO. • • sec. n: }i~'

TRAer NO I 131851 ICC!t and a chord whIch beara N. 68'SS'06" E:., 845.1& teeU; uumee If. o'ti' W. 29,'J2d:bajoa to «Inlet No, 2 &ie. 1 : AUBecJnnlnll III IJl.. IlQrChl'l,nC roml'r of UlI' Canon de San Dleao Orant. t!jence.· wence 1f. '10'4'1' vr. ,UC~ to~ No.5. point; sec. /:

U\enCe .t~ the elUll boundar\' of Ih.. "l\td Oranl. N. -U.6II'30" E., l'fl.4.2 fCC!t: thctice ot ber1nbtn«... . sec. i 6: AU8. 08 :&4. W . IODI G4 fr..1 thence. , Northollslerly. 23'1.32 feet along an ero (lAid arc bavttl# & radIus or Town&hJp 29 NCJT1.b. RUge l.·~NJ.fPJL =-J: E~NE"'. NE%8E~ ••. 0& 21 W. oon 3ll 1('1'1 to a poInt on the Onnt boundary: 980,24 feet and a chord which bra-fa N. 35·31'4&" E., 2&8.20 tect.); A tract Of 1Nl4ex~ from HalOS and deacrlbe<l .: ~mi,

thenCe. w,ell~ au III ft'f'l, 1I1"II('e nlollil thc ('rem ot a ridge. thcnc(J, all~a~ tu:8 101 «>r', No. J. U:IenCe N. 110' 00' sec.f:8. 11 14 W. 105(1 !Ill It'.. t 10 II point on Ute wellt rIm or lito JlIo N. 27'IB'oo" E., 450.14-Joot: thence. E. 1875/r.rto comu ~o. 2: 1bence- N. »-i2' W. :».'10': Uc. f: W%.

Ian Anto~o; Ult'u«o IlIOIIIl Un' rlln Northeasterly. 8Ul 1CC!f'aTonll tlt\ _!.i·C (11.1.14 ..re ha.vtng • rMIUII ot ~'J to «>h)er:No; 3."'tbeilClt 8. ."tlO'l'r-1'tU.'12"to comer ::.=:~~,.. 3:1.13 W. 240 If) 11'1'1 lhl'lIl'c. 8()5.39 foet l\nd a chord Which bears N. 31'10'00" E, aU5 feet)· thence No. " and tben<le B. "'·13" W. lU.W to po~ ~[ be- sei.27: Eih'4. W%.e. OS.Oft{ W. 2&6 U h'!'t th..nce. N. 3&·00'00" E" l$O.9Cl fech thence. • .,~: . . ~ : N.EIA.a. lK .01'. W . 4f1'12:l f("(u Uten«l. N. C••40·f\G" E" .J38.1M teel: Ulence, 'town&hJp:l Nortb. Ranie. Wtst:,·:NJa']d. . ~NOrth. ~e 9 West. N'MPM.:. ::.:, :.' ::~ :::It. t~::~:: Northeasterly. 410.~8 feet alO/llt an aro {~d arc"haVlila' Ii radIUS of sec.ts: LOt.n·, 4. 1.'1:%.UY~. '.~. ~pdSOu\h.E~~5'W:r:~I .1'111' It 423 30 ( t U '138.89 teot and .. ebllrd whIch beart N. d «'21.& :1:.. 40&.81 feet); 'towJ1shJp 1 NOttb.~e 15 We~ lOIP1L . . . sec. Ii: S%. .

. •• . ..". It'nCtl. tbcnoo, '. . sec.1i: Lots 1. 2;" 3.,4. ·E~8Wv...']jl~~.W%8ll~. ......... ...~.... 1 '2 .. Jl 5' • '1 S"-u ·.-.-.i ·"_fl' .· B. 10.Ml. w. 113:l 25 rC'(!t. theuce. N. 3"lIf06" E.. tn:tM lea\; thence, ·sec..»~'. W%NWV... 8W%.'W~8lC~· . ,. """...: ~" ",., .,,~ • nl"".~; DJ!O",., ..,~/..sw%.

If 10 :n. W . 3M 04 fMI. thcneo. N'or~heastllrly, 376-88 feet alona an aro (tlald arc havli11l a radtus of sec. ill: S¥.t., .'. • .. '. . "Be '1: X:~Y., . 3 A ..... "N. 8& 25 W. 480 U It'll't. Ulfmce. UI4U3 teet and .. cbord ,vhleb beAl't!I N ....1"'3·21\...... .....1\ _ 'I""'.)' 1It.... -'.i' '9"'ta 1 2.: J '4 'EfLfthL IlH. ,. . c. ..... 1, 2, ,., AIt%, ET.lW~,N, 0:1: ~' w. 1:t.15lr.J 1001 thcn~e. theMCl...· - " , ...... <I, .\1' "'''', ;~:;;:.. AU "" ........ 73. ".. ~8~: All

N. 8&. 4g. W. 4311.24 frtlt; Ult'nC(l. N. 21-.1'00" E'., 122.'l7 feet: then~, . Bec, n: LOts 1•.2,. , ••• ~W'¥.t. • ~~kw",!,%SE~, Sl!:!{SEY-t. SW~NE«. W~Nw'I,(., ,N. as.119. W. 164,~ 1 (et'~. thonce. N. tlll-1$'ll1" E.. DUO feet: \bence, '1'OWhahip 2Nortb.~ 5 Weat.:~ ." . Bel:. to: ....... . '.=: ::.::. : : ~J s: :::: ~~~:: 1...1..l!l!rtfltc~s~etlY. ~~veetlaI2nr.n arO hl"!d ..tc~.vtnr"ttrldiUfof8eo, 2: '1Ald 1. 2. *.4.,8~N~ W~~1(. 1l~1,(. sec.1H =;:~.s~~%llm~..

N".. W U) 10 fftft" Ut n~ .:: u..." ...e...nu .. .,..."" WI' c.. bear. N. 1St 15'1'21,15 ;m., lIISl.G leet) Beo.~ 1 Leta l. 2. 1. t.l S~N*1t8¥.t,·, ' , . Bee. 11: WiL· 'f"

• uu·. "" .~., v. •..enco 8e4 d j~'" NJl1~. .. • ..-nt,N. 10:5t: E.. m.ol root; .thence. N.' 4t .3~·4fJ" E.. 228.&1 leet: thence, ~- ,sec:10: .' All.:t.. ; .' .• .'. ,..' . Sec< 15: nlAU'N. &<I 111 W. 1180 O!l Cllltl. UlenCQ. Northeal'.kldY ~~ \\1 teet. aton; all arC! (said at(l havirl ... radlua -oi Be 11< ltou. .. S I .,. . ..' ~. lIS: a." •. '" N, IS·4e· W • 188 'ICl fellt; Ulonce. 318 111 f lit flI1d 1\ ~ltod .' hlclJ b N' ...... , 2"1f .. ,It . ) '~ o. • .' • ". • . lot • •• , .... . : • '. 'Sl:C.'11:. , ,,",... . • .It,C.~' W.. S0061 feot. \htmco. •N ~.2"'.!I" .... r l!i .... t .e!.r~.. ,"1 ..n... .....• 8& teet: thence, &!o-1- Uf' tAUlJ•.::t.3••• 1\, If••••,NIl~, N"NW~. U~NW~, 8e(l.111: Lotil I, 2. 3,4. :t~~EWW~"N, " ••S· W.. IOIlr.lJ fl'l't· Ulttnctl, • "."'... ..,..... ~Il.' u.~nce. . ..' . NW"I5W~. B1S8~/ ." .' . sec U· t.ot81 :I 3 4 E~ EV"W:WK 111.11'7' W 241 flO filet 111fln(lO • ....1 !f,°trUt~uter1Y. &~~,13 I~t .toU« an ar<t ($Ald arC haVh1ltr.radhilJ of sec. 15: tot't 8Jl\tSl:~I' ••. •. •. ..' .' " &!ci20;·· .~. tiw;;;,:N~Slll\(" SEU8E~~j..

N' 11 'OJ' W" 308 2:l r t' II • au .\IV ell. ~d a Cuvl'd which b...al'$N. 3$·U'49" E •• &01.117 leot) to • St\Ole:., All'. .. . . ~ " SC,.; 21'; AU '1• • ." . UIl: lfince. Mint. Which \s. MO fe~t C&lt ot UlG. center Una' of New Mexico &10 $ec':K~ Lota" 2 (LOtS .....ortb·\Sf.~ld Chi·...... Qtan1 t..ine) i· ".1:' ....r..'..., ,,", .. .. , a .. E.. 68080 fcot, UINlCO. llIghWaV NlJ • M IDeallutd .t rlrrht nltl IS to $Ald blah '. d . ........ . hi . N t.b.. '. • '.ifup . . '..-.\< .... '~:~:." AU .•

tt, M::&1: E., SOl 1m feal.: Ulcncc. Ulll' 1I(lUW 1I1i~ bt1l'l1l Jtimb.tlaptln!tll 10....'1l 1r:ct'1hetlc ....Y. 1U1_ ~ .04"~ P'~~ o~ .'. JW1ael W~. )of.1'. ~.!. :. '. . , " .,.,.,~- ,S~; • •.

'. N. 0'1 20 E.. 187.'17 tOllt. Ihenoo. . J!:Ml MIlO 63 teet to ~ J10I t . til' ·t.L...... eo ". '. ....,e.1... J:~, . .' . . . ". . ... , I .•~~:mAll "" . .It, Olf·O' W., 333 6:9 fOllt U1onco, Can~'Ot1l Uumci:ll\loo.r 'Uld r1mnaso7u.1>e ~Q ..... ot .~ ''''emu ~vet SecU8! '., ~1.2t '. f,~W*,.'1:*, sec•.28:' . AU . . . . . '.,:",N. OJ·JIt· E.. 131.9' fce~: UlCnco. _ N. 3403Q'tO" E. 64181 ~ . t. J: .Wil. BeO.,~: All.. . '" .... . ,. . . sec: 29': .'." ~'I4~E~. SWN!:~·•. W~. 8l:~.'~~~WOleao J~I~~ ~~ln~: ~t:~n~~ ~~~~~ ':l':\~~~tl~t1 ~: gr:U:~~ :; :~':::: la~i.~~!:: .~:~; ....~. ~~a~dl!l'l4 •.. ' ',~ " w .. .te; II~~.~!.~ ~~~l,,!'v3•.~~:.Z%Vl~': .... . ". ;

~ .. "''''14' E.. 86M III ffiel to northeut corl\oi' of pld Orattt and N 2."12!SO":E" If»7110 reat. ~t!rici ._ -» ."",Us i~"~'J:' W:~J'~ NW'I4, w~n?'. smY.SWt4. .,.,.. H n.u ~." " ., , . "., •• l!\ r !"'r' ~_~ 0.' bottnnltl/l. ocmiall\1na W),&lI acl'tlt. mort ~" 1,," N: lPU'10" vi:. <l".it 'ce~ithcmQt{ " ...' " . . .• !' jjp11~~".;!f71 1>tn ~t:~Itll~' ffl', 'I!'t n , ,'/ ,." . ,.. 1t;H;~f:~' 'H iH' ",,.,. .,. 'v'" . . . .' ..' . ,,,-. '; .....z .•. i' . :

••' DltSOIUV't.1~~NO:;l~~b~~~O'r.NO. I» NN.' 8,3J.·.!3~; ~.t ..1&1at~:O,1...~t:."~n~t:e. tg:::( ~'It:'.~ .•lj;·E~W."W:"~*.. ': "~' , " 1£. J ~.l W\i' .•.. ,"' .~"":t lei I.......... t uo1n th 'W 4U"" "''' '" ...... ...... ..... ...., sec 12* ...... . ,ifctrhillbl ·~t Souw,""'.'..:..(j ..... ftf"'" .............. '. f, ,.:_ ....... 1 .......110.. .. llell l on II flOUU\ ooundary <It 1M C~tm \i~ $tI S U.l0~;O E :191HIO r~; thence' .~.~4~Ali' 4 ~..,. '. h '.. • J. '" ••• sec~ ····sr tiJ't t1~~~"!i '. r\t .'.lI. '____.~rant wblch lell N 89'IIS't\'~ !C., 13'1.211 fcot f.tom tho" Wllto N. et'U'20if' E~. 4t$,H t~h th.n~ •• . 8eC' 31"'" " ;c q' .. ' ':'. ' ,', ~ . ~ '.. .''' '''.. ~ ;; •. , " .....f~8r...t1~i\~~e~~.-P!l .. (1). hl fric~ ,3*1:"',~E~ioIOmtH 'lbfInco. N ..........""'..... -1 ....... , ..... . .., • '. "'",~<l'IoU, '10'" ." '.'. ". " '. . . ""n1....... ",NW... .. If, .'41')0" \V., 101l.07tcet;thllt1~cl.N·--tOO w .. _~ ,.... "VAee.: ..",n~. . • ..., 'to'W'dllhl'p1· 4'lodb,"l:t_i1ill ·.WestrNMPJt.' • : . . ~jf<ll j(;U~b.:Jtatl"llI~:~ ." . ,. . i, • N:U·~10".. W.. .'lU2 f(lel: tbencel. ".... No :_:;:., I.~' 'l~;!.OI~~h..~!~~~,=· ~f '. ~~tlt'!> !t;~ 'XaNJif'!'~ ,: '" .• i8cie;'1,~" '.' «W~mv~,,'!' '." '. .~, '':;:i ~',t, ~. ,~fl. 00 20'-40 W.. 29Utl teet; Uu!t\e(l. N. «t'C!t'(l()If ... / '"u:-l ,~tt~l'Z~ .. ' ... .uv... , • At ...... 81l1N'~h IiIJlt" .' . , /.:...... $C(l. 2: . x.oti!'!j 1/·,SJ:~NJ:~ •.. ',' , ." ,. . ..~ ..

. .". ••1no" W.. 011.81 teet. !b(lUC4. N06"38'30'" i···liO·; ·;::.... ~~~~. ~'", ~'1":' '!...';,.., "., ~ '''. " ...,~ • '. ". . .. see. 3: Lot 1; ~. ' .. ' 4· t" . " " ,.•.~, M......-,0- W•• m~ fCK'ri: tht!Ml!. N ....~-... '\. . '''''':,I ..,.,...,.,,~. "', .,'.......' 0: • "..... ,~•. , -'.,.'.' " . ' .• ·lie.!l't::tC):... ~ W~.NJll~;"NW!(tiJCI'J·',· "'" ;.: ' .. '

. ,N. W6t'10" W.. tt#8.10 ttllQt; tbenC(l. N:;.i3~;~~. ~~t'~h.~.J:.. " '. • I,~.11~:~,~: l' "r < . ~~. ~ ~~:; ::>.' .':.~., ' ::.'!.: ~. 8B~8WY4.'I> .",;..... ·N·"'".'i'. . '.. , . "'''... . "','''. :! ;"If JO~H'lO'" w; :nIHlO teet· Uleuco N Ihte'OO'" m' -..', ~V" ~~"""" .' ............ ......... Lo .". . • - ~~~ ........~ W~ ,

, 'tit~.U{!.\01/ W,;' m,Q t(leh' thtmee~ I N' 61''''.11'''''''''' 'wo" m-~l ft:OJl~' . ,. j. ~~t' .'Al1 •.: . .',". '. "~:t .:, :...; .... :'~seo,3t: E~. ". h.. . 7 •... , "n f t.Utn.... .' _."" ,.,..",. l~' .. ,~$f$) ,,, , , ...•'""., ', '.'" . "<r")' ~. '¥Ill ~.l· _U " 11 ,.. .,·.n '"'..... ~.. """_OW' ~' , e ...... N. '40.0&'00" w;. m Ii' t"k~' .? • · .............t..f.... ........1..~">i.....,,' ,0 ......-.."· '4,' t; '.,' , .., " .. ..~ .~• .tYJ:li,.)nn.._""t..n..."l..

rt .lli1"..OJOi,...1 ~ ~. ,·.. EH"~~:~~' ~1'= ~:\: ~:' N. t!~~I" w.:. __ te.\~ ~l • , ..:..7..__.~;nl<'l'AU-~ « ~"'W~ ','.: /. ,~\, ~ "'~ , .', ".~.~1" ,~*NW*\;~a~%.a¥.l~I'SWf...·~¥~YA'W~.·)....i •• "J~.af ....t: ~ IN.......1()if,»••••~'"t:.~t' .... " '" ~l.~'··.1{.ftI·*i§ti.u _t"~~···" , . '.~.'.:...h.'U .....~ o .......~\i.ri_.., "" " ~ .'':,",' __ "" ,,"', N.110Q'4O'"».; ~.ot·ftO;\~,.~ •.. -.. ·1':" '.oM' .. f ~~~~•. , .. ''',.,.,\', .', ,_ ~ "..~~ _">NO _~""'~-...

· ·.Jt.JII'lO":l!l.. a1U()te.ot:tb~. 'N.2t.8.'OO"'J:,;··.I~Kteeti~\" " ':=:'-1';j., ~!.·'."w·~.,.''Mt.;;",u·......u.'O:t.''''''.· '. .' . '.IeO.~:· ~~.B~~.,*d~f' ".H.**'OI·6\)"15:...j()J,l.~,tf.'ttt. U\llne'e, :If. :4tt 4ntlt' "';, *01 ifti'~" -. ..-: . ~'''~'''t'';'''''_p'nl\ll,f''''~';;'' ";.:', t , '." 'iJ'o,,=rwt

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