w t csc covers a snou°s;:!e:;edn ;~~n~e to 1~~~:d~:~ for their … · 2016. 3. 10. ·...

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Plans Continue For Fraternities Plan Parades and Parties Homecoming Banquets

w d d t hi SI The fra ternities a r e busy pla nning Homecoming a.t CSC covers a snou°s;:!e:;edn ;"~~n~e to 1~~

1~:d~:~ for their ann ua l HomocomtD.g ban­

good many nctlvill es nnd renches & the queen cand ida tes. The date was quets to we lcome buck alu mni. g roat many peo ple. but lte co,·erage changed f r om Octo be r ; to Octo be r Ta u Ka ppa Eps il o n plans to hold will be e ve n gr ea ter this year, for 12. Music was furnished by the Ko l- Its dinner t he evening of Saturday, WSPT. th e loca l ra di o s ta tion. will le~e Kais. Ot'tobe r I 5, nt th e La u r e l Motel. Tom present a tull cove rage o f CSC Ho me- To ni ght. a ft er th e Sigma Ph i Ep- Mora n Is the c ha irman of the ban-com in g, s ll on s 1>onso rcd to rchligh t parade, qu ot commlnee and La rry La Delle

Today a t 12:30 p.m., a prog r a m the re will be a n lnfornrn.l record and Mike No rl e kn nre · me m ber s of e nt itled " Ho mec~mt ng, ·i5" will be dance nt the Unio n. th e committee . pr esente d . ·· J-l o mecou\l ng, ' 55" was F rid ay ni ght, th e Homecoming P hi Sl g-mn Eps ilon nppolnte:d GU-reco rd ed on 1he CSC Cn mpus by !~ ~~1~1:1~\.e~hi l~n:::.nsor an Info r m a l be rt Stnsek ns Its chnlrnrnn for tho

~~o~r~t~hc;;,;h~o1~11~ec~o~ru~i1~,g~• ~• •~•~•1f11bf.i~y'~w~'i~ll~b~e'l--""i.'s,osmo~w~n~g:,;~,o~gn~,~11e• .~0"'1'""n-,..o™u~,o,.-J..H1h':1:~~~! ~:~: b

~l~~~d: : ~tr ~!;e;~. ~~;:\ !~e Sa~~~:1~; :~e 0~:~~llt~a ~!1: :::~1b::1~1~1~~~;:d r:; Saturda y e ,·entng. 111 o rnln g those peo ple wh o c1rn ·t see all s rnde nts, fn. cull y, n lu mn l. and T he Sig E 11s wil l meet fo r their 1he parade will be a ble to hea r all th e ir fri ends. Mrs. ;\lnrJo rle Ke rs t banquet on Satu r day eve ning nt •the abou t It o \'e r W SPT. Last o r a ll , the Is cha irman o r th is committee. Cor a l Roo m or the Ho l Fish Shop. e pic ba ttl e_ o r the Qu11keni and th e The S tud e nt Unio n will be 01ie n We nd elin Fre nzel announced that Po in (er i,i w ill be broadcast Saturda)' a fte r the Glee Club concert on S un . Don · Ntce was in chnrge or ba nquet a ft e rnoon . · day afte rnoo n. preparati ons.

EYidently the weo ther fo re<o;t i1 for 1un1hine. Jim Sto1ko, (left) home,oming d ioirmon, CENTRAL STATE enjoy1 o rore hoppy moment wilh port of hit ,ommillee in the mou of Home,oming

preporotiont. Seote<t left to righr ore Orv Koepke. Arlene Golom1ki, ond Homer Plumb.

0 I NTE R -' ;;;;~t~ch~~a:.ha,-----~;e-·,·; ----i-,-_,___.~ p -~ ...

For Homecoming Queen ________ _ s,_ •• _ •• _ .. _P_oin_,_. w_ ... _. o_c_,o_be_r_13_._•97"55 ________ No._ 2

. ll)' Ruth Solberg

The girls on campus that ha\'e had the bigges t s miles these PA.St days are four prett y co·eds or Ce ntral State college. It ls n · t that they ba,·e caught "the" man or got a n A in the t rust t est. It 's this : They a re qu ee n candidates to r th e 1955 CSC Home· coming.

You 've no doubt ~noticed the pub­licity these girls ha\· e been ge tting the pas t two wee ks. The halls are crammed with s logans s uch a s : "Joyce - The Students ' Cho ice ;" "Marie . t he Queen Fo r Me ; ·· " Nancy for Quee n :" nod " J oan - Sweet­h eart or csc."

Yet, with ull Ibis t'1m11111li;ulni.:, th e voters ha\·en· t gotte n th e real Ins ide lnfouna.tlou a bout these four can­dldnt es. A look al their schedules will sh ow they are ro ur bmsy g irl s on the cam pus .

A Ju n ior major in~ in Prima r y &· d ucntion Is th e ··s·· Club's c11ndldate. She Is ;\Iari e Doro. wh o hall s f r om \Vau1mca. Marie ca n be eas il y s1,ot­te d a t t he li b ra ry whe re s he works

r ~~e~~\;::111~;\~::]t~·· i::e:1~~,: . 11:;11:l;; orga ulzatlons. Yo u may ha \'C seen he r c heer in g o n t he Po inte rs. as s he has bee n a chccrlc-ade1· ror 1hc pns t t wo yea rs. At 1)rese111 . s he 11'1 11res l­de nt oC t he tj r ou p. :l lus lc ii,i o ne o f he r main l11ter~1.s. ;\larle J) lays a clar inet In th e swing bnnd a nd is a · mem be r o f t he coll ci;e cho ir. Much oC he r t ime I!> de ,·oted to the New­m a n c lub, or wh ich s he Is sec re ta r y. She· I!> treasu re r ot Omei;a ;\lu Chi i;o ro r lty an d a mem be r o f P ri mary Coun cil . Ma ri e said wh e n the "S" club asked h e r to be th e ir candida te s he was bartl ed and 1ileascd . She' sa id t hat Homecomin g Is one or the most e xcl llns times at co ll eges, a nd "es­pecia ll y th is o ne ! "

' ' I think elm TI\E':,1 urc wonde rful and n ice ,- uys!" This Is th e com me nt o f the Ta u Ka p11a Eps il o n candida te tor ho meco min g ,,u ee n. J oyce Sc hl ot­t man or Ste\'ens Po int. J oyce s pe nds he r extrtL ho urs wo rk ing nt Char­tie rs· and prac tis in g he r \'lolin . Mu ­sic has always bee n one o r he r big­ges t Jnte rests. She Is a membe r o r th e coll ege o rchestra. J oyce Is a Tau Ga m ma Be ta so rority g irl nnd at pre­s e nt ts ho lde r or th e J e an ;\taile r scbo lilrs hlp aw a rd . Recen tl y , ehe was e lec ted so11h omo re class sec re tary . J oyce pl a ns to tench home economics atte r s he g rndunles. About ho me · coming , Ril e said, "I 'm so exc it ed about th e h o mecomin g that It ls hard to concentra te 011 un y s tudying."

Is Nnncy Hager or Wa beno. Nancy Is a s ophomo re majoring In English and minoring In speech and Ge r man. She can be seen at Jus t about ever y­thing that goes on a t CSC, as she has a wide \'arlety or Int erests . He r acting and mus ical ablHty ha\'e dated way back to her grade school days. AL presc n1. she plays In the coll ege band. Nancy ts a me mber or the U­nion Board . College Theater, and the CSC c hee rleadlng squad. H er fea­t ure a rti cles In the Pointer have prO\'ed that s he has much wrhlng a bility. Nancy Is secTe tary of T a u Ga mma Bet a sor o rity and th e Lu­tberr. n Student association . Nancy th inks th e Sig E ps are a bu nch o r n ice fe ll o ws. About Homecoming, she says, "Rah-rah !"

These are the queen candidates fo r the 19fi 5 CSC Homecoming. De s ure to \'Ole fo r your cho ice or . the Queen tod a y, Then o n Frldn)., nt 1he 3 Jl.ln. pe p nsi-embly , s ho w you r 1,rc"e 11 1·e to wltnei;s th e cro wnin g o r th e CSC llomccoming Quee n or 1955.

Pa rade Line-up Listed This yea r th e h uge hom~coml ng

pnraCto ls again go ing to break nil reco rd s. It b go in g to s t a rt n t th e co1·n~r o f "Ol\'ls lon a nd Clark s t reets. tr a ,·el wes t o n Clark to Second s treet . a nd go north throug h th e :\l:irkc t s,111 nre. Tu r nin g the r e, th e 11ara:le will go ensL down Ma in St reet to th e corner o f ;\l ichlgan no d ;\!al a a nd th en dl s11erse. ·

P rizes for rl oats n re dh'ld ed Into t wo ca lego rl es . hu mor ous and se r­ious. Prizes In eac h are $5 ro r th ird. $ 10 ror second . and $15 .for firs t.

The parade line up. according to Greg Krysha k , 1mrnd e mar sh al , is a s foJJows:

I . Flng llenri!rs 2. College na nd 3. Chee rlende rs 4. Quee n 's Floa t 5. Dlgnirnry ca r G. Dig n it a ry cnr 7. S ig Eps S. S ig 1-.!ps Flre wa go n 9 . Local cit y fire tr uck

10. Mrs. CSC Club 11. 1'. K.E.

• 12. Car 13 . AKL H . r . J . J acobs High School Band 15. W es ley F oundation l G. Ome ga Mu Chi 17 . Men ·s C lee Club I S. P r imar y

•19, Car 20. Ne wman Club

Th i, Phi Sl;.:wn E ps ilo n fra te rnity •• 2 1.Coll ege Ent Shop candida te hail s from ;\los lnee. She Is 2:? . Rural Life Joan Dupuis. a sophomore majo rin g 23 . Tau Gam m a Beta tn Primary Ed ucntlo n. J oa n Is ke pt .. :?4 . Red Eagle Float

r--busy-v.·tt h mam- actiTitles:-She Is a - • 2--5-.....CaL-• mem be r o[ t he Girls' Glee club . Ke w- 26. Gam m a De lta.

m nn club, and Edelweiss c lub. J oa n 27. R ound Tab lo 8e r \'es as .n u ehcuth·o o n th e CWA 28. C."\V,A. bonrd nud Is nu uctl ve mem be r o f 0 - 29. Ke lson Hall mega Mu Chi sor ority. " With all 3 0. r... .S.A. this, and nd d to it Germ a n, It kee ps 2 1. Ma r ia HI h School Drum and

1955 Pointer Homecoming Panorama Plans Parties~ Parades and Pigskin

Ily ~'nnc)' Hage r

" From the banks or o ld W iscon­s in . . . " drifts the air or excitement from the 1955 Homecoming. It 's tim e to forge t the futu re and relive the past w ith those who were torm­e r Pointer s. Old F r iends become ne w to man y, new races become familiar, and familia r to us all Is the antici­patio n er this ann ua l cele bration.

Las t night began the series of fes­tivities p lanned for this occas io n. A dance at the s tud e nt unlqn. featur­ing the s wing band nnd 1iresentlng the four quee n ca ndidates . highli ght­ed the e \'e nlng. Phi Slgm"n Eps ilo n. In charge or th e dnnce. jntrodu ced J oan Dupuis . Mari e Doro. J oyce Sch lo unrnn . and ~ anc:-· Hnge r a s th e girls seeking the 195;:i t itl e .

"The re ' ll lH• n hoc tim e In the 'old t ow n to n ight ." as Ta u Ka 111la Eps i­lo n . nsslsted by t he Fresh ma n class. sets a m a tch to t he hontlre. The rourl ng blaze Is schedu le d to be­g in n t i : 30 n t Sch rneo'! k le f. .. ie hl. Im medi a te ly fo ll owin ~. Sig ma Phi Ep­s ilo n will- lend GSC. s tuden ts In (hu1~ In g fas hi o n to th e f'nb llc qua re. I !e re a 11c 11 r:i ll r wl ll be he ld with the torch pnra de rc t u rninJ.( 10 the cam pus.

Fr ltla y br ings !he Jlarade of ·' mis· crnb le messes" 10 CSC. as I lo ho Day begins. The re a re Jl r h:es fo r the best " un lc hes" , 1he fun nies t ·· 1t ole11" a nd th e worst " hags". Jus t sw l11e those chartre use blue -jea ns that your roommate kee11s we a r ing. bo r row your ga l's be dr oom s li1111ers. as k th e c lenn in g la dy fo r some oC h er sc rub

rags and you' ll look like a page out or ' ' Hobo Vogu e". The m1•stery or the wee k will be sol\·ed at 3 p.m. during t he pe p assembly, when th e captain or the foo tba ll t eam crowns the q uee n. Home r P lumb is th e mas­ter or cere monies for the evCnt.

J.'ridll)' e ,·e nlng fi nd:!! the :\fe n ·~ Glee club In a r eunion at the home manage n\ent house. An Informal dance for a ll CSC s tudents 3nd a lums will be he ld fro m 9-11 In the De h:ell Union.

Plua ll y that da y - Saturday -will co me ! The h a mm e ri ng s to ps. th e mus ic begins. and- t he- Homecoming parade Is und e r wu.r. Greg Kr yahak, 11arad P. murs lml , will su pen •lse th e 1:1 t rea111 of n on.ts tha t will pa rnd e O\'er Cla rk nnd ;\fain St reets to th e Pub lic Sq ua re a nd re turn . The e ,·ent wil l beg in a t 0:3 0 a. m. •

Sat urday :1rt1•rnoon ut, I : :UI o"d1 wk, the Po in te rs will be b:t ctll ni; t he Quakl;!r8 as the s lzz lin h 1,; rld lro n a t Goe r ke Pa rk becomes a mnze o r 1rnri1lo 11 11d ~old . Tl's th e l-.o ln ten1 j:Oiu g a~a inl! l Whlt e w:u e r In n ,•i(' ­trio ui,i :H te 1111it t o get~ t-h :it .1.•11lgsk l11 " and keeJl It .

F'ollowi ng 1hc game there will he 011e11 house for n il a t llelze ll 11 :t ll from ?.::u1 io :i:30. under the dirC'c­t ion of 1he fncu lt ,· a lu m ni <'o m mlt­tee. wit h :llrs. :\i arJor ie Kerst ns cha lr mu n.

JJr lngl ug th e bi~ cl ay to n l' lo~e w ill be an In forma l dan ce s110nsore,1 b \• 1he ··s" c.: lub at th e P . J. Jacobs 1-i1&1i ;;;hool gy m nas ium nt !I p.111 .

S untl:1)· t1I 2::JO In the afh!r noou,

--me- bu,rr-enoui;h. n id- J oan.--She Hu gle Co rps

r=~~':k~=~Te~hat ~he;!:! ~ :r:nrsrmmrP&'lt-=====~'F.,.-,= work ing ro r. About t he homecomin g tn gene ra l . .. s h '3 com me nted : " It 's BO exc iting ! Jus t the ho no r ot be ing a candidate ! It makes you a pprec ia te bow much you e njoy go in g to co l-

~ 1ege.1•-- ~

· Tho Sigm a Phi Epsilon. ClUldJdat.o

' 33. Cnr 3 1. Home Ee. 35 . Slasefi 36 . Phi Slgs

-•Te n tati ve • • • Not e ntered In float competiti on

the Me n's Glee club unde r the direc­t ion o r Norman E. K nut ze n, will pre,. sent th e annunl Ho mecoming con­cert . Jo"ollow ln g the program and e nding th e festivities will be Open House nt Nelson Ha ll .

Those who hnve helped to promote the success o r this 'year's Homecom­ing are - J lni Stnsko, general cha irman; Orv Koepke, assistan t : Gre g Kryshnk, parade manh&I ; J."rank Brocker and Arlene Gotomskl, publicity.

Nelson Hall Invites All To Open House on Sunday

By Jenn Rocskc

A.nlo.ng- tha ~actlvltl es- whlch the g irls o r Ne lso n Hall ure planning ror Ho mecoming Is an Open House which Is schedule d to Immediately follow th e a nnua l Me n·s Glee club concert , o n Sundar art ernoon , Octobe r 16.

Acco rdin g to J rrne t Madison, llom1e Pres ide nt o r th e do rmitory, 1 here was n meet ing on Monday :rnd lle rnacll ne Wi ckman was ai>­Jln lnted ,;e nc rol chnirman for tho a rrnlr. Addltl o nnl 11lnn!t for trim ming t he Hall. nnd fo r buildi ng a. lawn ~~ront o r the dor m we re al i,io 111 :l<J c> n t t h fs ti me. ----

T her e will bo nn en tertnlnm e n t_o r rc>frcs h me11111 prov ided, but rather, 1he 0 11eu HouSo will co ns is t or J: Ul dcd tourR t hro u~h t ho building, fo r th o11c who wo ul d no t othe rw ise he a ble to \'i c w th e Ins ide of the ll a ll .

0 11 n lio m1c IH cx 11ccted to Inst for nllout ono hour, tlnd during th is tim e e \•e ryone . at'Ud e nte, 1aculty , a nd pa r­en ts a like. are co rdia lly Invited to co me and e njoy the mselves .

Kid Stuff At the tim e or this wrltin1; the campaign ror Queen lmM Just (;Otten

unde rway. Sadl)' c nou1,:h , nlroady s tudio portraits o f tho candidates are beglnnlnJ; to dl~a1•11oar. The thdt or th ose 11lcturcM, and we be lle,·e It Is


Letters To The Editor

October G. 19G5 Ju s t thnl, Is n diMJ;::r:+.ceful thin,;-. w e nre •zult e rertaln th:tt we ore aiming nt the rl ~ht culprits when we Dc~r r~~lt~:;.selt aboartl a dHte rent . rt b~~e e~!:~nJ:eh

0::1 o;;:r ,:1\~!:r l~~t;~ui:i1::u~::~s.lt :,~

18n~~;:fnt s~1:t:t !~1;:::)~ s'hl11 this yeur and If l ex p Cl to re-

lho u ,.-: hl1 es~ 11 e~s 011 th e purl o r the ,.-: uilly . cCl\'e "Thf'! Poin t er~ nnd g l nil of

1mr-1n:11~11;'~~::~~ ~~;~;:~:":1

1::1\~c:~:;t~ 1~-~c;:tc;~H0e0~r


1t~:l~":t 8~:~~ ~1;1~ 1~0i:·; ;.:i~c,:~~~1~"~;:::.r write

--.;,,o~u,.,...,.~tmttmttrbnn·rd--ts-tuo--bttt'e-6.·lld- need8-4tll eX·llellHi-"9--llifJ ture- · I hlp_ L am ..... preso.nt.l &Or-\!Jng:-j-----to fill tho ,·:u-an cy. on Is e ng a geil In trnining Na\'al no-

• Hendlu,; thi~ over, Jl seems n little ~I lly th:lt s u ch an c(!itor lnl ns thl t1 ~en-e Pers onnel; HO ror th o 11ast shou ltl he 111·rl·:-sary hcru. Wo ,·crta!nl y 110110 it wnu't be in th o future , three months we h:1\'C boon das hing

Pleasant Repetition 111 1:10 much na thi t1 edit ion or lhe Pointer Is 11r inrnrll y dod\cutod to

11omecomlni.:. it Is 11crh:111s ju!'tly expected that this 11arti cular oo rtiun ot th e Pointer t•x1mund n few words on lhc s uhj rel. 11 ·s. not c a t-1 )' lo s ay an)·­th in/.; no w :ibnut l lorneco111lnJ:. So111chnw th e Rll lll O pat. :md probably trite. 11hr1tkcs or W1Jh'o111c and chee r :,;.cc 111 to 1101, u11, rnr ll o111ocnml n ~ h:u1 reache d lit e 11o lnt or bccomi 111-; th e• 1n10 or tr:111i1iou which mean H so me thini; dlr­rercut to C\'C r)UIII' , nnd only 1111 inclu!'in· 1,.encral tt·rms aro 1·t>ally ade11unlc to write n !( \\'t'O pln /.; wc h'onw.

Th:rnkh1ll y. !he rue t that i.ud1 old 1c rmi11oloJ;y mu s t he con~l:lntl·y re ­used does uo t in tho lea~! mean th nt it h a~ lo8t Its s incc rit)' and mc:rnin ,t. " \Velcom o b:u:k . ;\ 11111111" ii'! 11 0 more 1•rigin:1l 1111111 ··)lorry Chri:,1t111a~" but they bot h dni.: juill :u, true. ,\nd wh e th e r you rnlk about "lnlfUl/.;ible s11irlt," "rounlon or th o old cu111r:1de11 .'" or what c lkhc you use . ~·ou're tnlkl111-, about. thu iltl lllC wo ucl orful thing - llomecumi n~.

Th u~ 1hc l'oint c r cheerfu ll y conforms in wi sh ing (:ai.:ain ) tu :ill studcnl :J. rarulty 1110111bc•rH, and a lu1111- lhc h11ppie1H, most 11nlhtfyl n g hom o-comi ng e ,·cr.


1111 :111d down th o \\'CHt Coast from Vau cou,·er B. C. to Ac:qmlco. Mexi­co. i:: h ·ing these men some Ide:\ of whnt. 1ho .'.\"1\\'Y is re all y 111cc.

I h:1,•c round i1, ox1re mely interes t- ' lu~ work . and as yo u cun sec I hn\'C r('ally bcQn i.:ettin i; around the \\"oMt Coa" t.

The !Hi.: ll omccomini.: \\' cc ko nd wil l b • ,lloni.: l"h o rtly and I will 11U,·e to 1uls.s... U.. a1;,1 iu . :\layhe next yenr. llow,n·e r. I will he mos t. lnte rel!ted In rcadin ,:: nil about It In "The Pohll· er··.

ll o111eco1111 11 ~ is ;ll\\':ays a Krtmt. occ:1Ml,111 on !he c:1111 1111 ~. - election of th e Queen. th e bonfire. lhe hi ~ 11:irade, th<' foo1hall ,;-:a111c. the dunces and fratoruhy and 1-1ororllr di1111en1. 1hc (:Ice Club Cu nccn and re union. W ha t

!'lease extend my besL wishes ror 11 fine week end ror !'< ludeurs m id alumni alike! LOI'!-! 111:1ke 1he most of I t. :t n•ry s uccessrul rear 10 ;\llss Glen­non and all the members ot t he srnrr.

Sincerely yours. Fran k DeC ulre LTJG. USNll. 011erat10 11 " orncer

;\ly grcetiup:s 10 our alumni who r ~lurn. and my :111\'k(.• 10 nil l:i tudents to 11la11 to be ho rn for all or tl w act h ' ith~H. !l's a i;o111l way 111 IJecome more a 11ar1 or th e collei,:c co1111111111ily . w become u l'ol nter.

Wm. C. I la 1n;en PrC'!ildc11 1

--- --- --- ------------- ---I 1•:rlitor '11 note: Instructor to Homecoming Queen In 37 Years Is Story of May Roach

Presenting CSC's Chief · Cheering ~nthusiasts

Uy i\lnr)' ,Ju H UJ,:l,:S

"U. Huh. 11:nh ! CSC!" ' ' T - 1..:-A- M- Toam ! .. " LO Unr..: n. !" Thc,w famlllnr reCrnlns be long, of

course , to csc·s chief 11 11 e nthu­siasts. 1 h e c hecrlender11. To these so,·cn i.:lrls Is c utru!ited th o rn~k or ,;ottlni,; th o romnludcr of CSC's 1.-199 studc111 1:1 to C'hccr at 1-::1111es.

Sinn• 1hr l'l1l'1'ri 11 J,: ro111l 11 1•:.1 don't

hel'. )larilyn comes from ;\Jnrs hrle ld and is in th o 11rl111ary dh·ls lon. She !iaya ~he 's \'Cry h:q,py to be n cheer­lc:uler and will do her bes t.

These ~Iris need your ho1J1 to be rc:tlly SUCl'cssrul. 80 - 1:0UDER!

CSC Class Election Results Announced

e11rlu i: 11 11 rro111 jusL an):.wher(!. th e ·-- B,· l>an· n ,· ,·t·11111U'I girls 11rac Li cc r<'J.:ularly. At these "Star out or u mt with Tut,'~ practices th girl!' work for J; reater " Your name won't. be mud- wllh l)rec ls lo n :111d 01·r1u,lnually <:0111e 1111 n u d." aud "ha\'C a jolly c lnss with wilh n n ow c heer. "C ra cklni:;- tho .Joll y Ed.". mu! o the r "re:11 gone" slo· whip" at the 11rni:tll'e scs,; iom; i~ !,::Ill s ~ul'11 as theilc were printe d on Mli.s M:irjoric Schclrhout . th e :ul,·i- the ,·n 11111al;.:n 11osters :Hlornln,;- th e ser or !he ,::ro1111. halls or the Md1001 :1!1 " 11o lltlcs " took

Recentl y, <'111"cring trrou1s we ro the i,; 1101li ;: hl for awhil e at CSC. h old nnd two frc!( h111a11 J:lrls. 1,ay All thi i,; tanq mig nin g w:1s ror the SwlMhe r nnd Marll~·n l.llerhle r, were elcc1i o11 o r officers fur th e rcs 11ect­ndmltted to th e rol d. These girls ive dasse.s. will s tnrt. lhclr checrlead lni; •·car- t'l:1:-s m1•1•1h1J,:-l"I wt•rt• h f' hl Thurs ­e<'rs" wh e n bm!kCtball !-!Cason rolls dar. Se111ember '.!'.!, for the J}Urpose nround. A1 th e :<Crlluo tim e three of or u ()m ln:uln}-:" tho rh·e c·1t1ss officers. the regulars will bow olllof tli'e r:ICctTOliS took- place 1he followin chcorle11dini.: 11 ic1ure. They nm Marlo. \\'e dne!"day , Doro. F'ae Ellin~er. a nd J1;1dy John- C,111111:il~n m:rn:a gc re ijt111;ed\ nn nil· son. 0111 "wa r " 11111on i; themse h•es in an

i\forit• ))urn 11"1 n j u n ior from \\'n u- :itt c111 1n to 1mt their res11ecth·c cnl1-Jll1C'11. She 's In th e Jlrlmary dcplirt- ctidates in office. m ent. Amon,::: her rstrn-1· urrlcular The fros h elected to lrn,·e Dud 11.c1h· itles aro Newman rlub. mlxe'1 Zimmerman for 1helr 11rc1tldent. Oa,·e chorus. rrtmnr~ Coun cil. Swing ne,·en1,ort as ,·1cc-1l!'e&ldan1... and Hund, nnd Om ei.: n Mu Chi sorority . .Janel \\':1lters and ;\lary L·ou J{utll

i-~no Elllngor IK ah~o a ju nior :ind as ~ec re tary , and 1rcas11re r. respect­ca ll s Oxford, \\'i s.con s.i n , her home. htely. Ell Jlak a will re11resen t the Sh e's 111 secondar)· education wit h Jargl"'St rre~hmnu class In Ce ntral home cc h e r major. Fae is a me mber S11uo hhJlnrr un the s tud e nt cou ncil. o r the Home E e club . ,J:u·k Ch a r lrl"lworth w i ll be nt th e

Judy J ohnson. :1 Junior from ;\lil - helm or th e sophomore class with ,\I waukeo. Is In L and S with n major Sh1uta ns " 1·ee11," Joyce Schlo ttman in honto ec nnd a minor ht :trl. Judy is 1he secretary, l'\onn ;\lartens. th e says sh e Is " not imt is fl ed whit the trea s ure r. nnd Ue n Follz. student student r esponse 10 cheers al coun cil r c11resc n1atl\'e. games." The Junior class hend man will he

The {our cheerl e11de rM who hn,·e Jerry Drnke. Jn ck Penso was named been. and will be. around n re Kaner d ce·J)resld e nt and Jean Ge tchell. se· Hager , Cecelia Borlee, t:::llle Ros1al. rretnrr. Beur Uehl was e lected to and Marle ne Grubba. the s tuden t council .

J.'rom \\'nbcno, Wisconsin , and nn This year's c rol). o r se ni o rs will be E»cHslr mnJor h1 Knnc)· Hager . This presided 0 ,·er by Jnck Croo k. Rober-

... - extremely acth·e so1,homore is n In \'nu glrn is the ,· ice-president. member of the Union D011rd. College Kat h leen llollc kr will be soc retar)', Theate r , and Pointer. She is also and Arlene Colomskl will re1,resent t ho IB)'Out editor or the I ris. secre- 1he clnss on the s tudent counc il. l ary-tron.surcr or the band. secretary Jack Frisch wns nlso elected to be of LSA, nnd secr eta ry of h e r soro- this year's stud ent co unc il president. r l!y. the Tnu Oamma Hern .

Ellie Rostal comes r,om Merrill and she. too. 111 n sophomore. Her major ls mathemntlcs and her Faculty Alumni

-.--:~r;:~;h:~1:!Ji0 ;~E~1~! :1~>~S:1: ~ Committee Plans band and Is \'lco-presld en t of WRA. Delzell Open HOuse

Marlene Grubba lh·es h rlr e In Ste· The i,~acultr Alu mni Com~llttee vena: Point. $ho Is a sophomore ma- or CSC cordially fm·hes nil CSC Jo~g In foreign languages. He r students. n lumnl . nnd .thelr- lrlends o u t.sid e a ctivities Include German to nn Oi>e n I-l ouse ar Delzell Hnll club and Tnu Gamma Beta. . a:te.r the Ho mecoming game on

Green lln>··s <'Ontr\b u Uon to tho Saturdnr. Punch will be sen·ed

=--'.ollJp~bl(Jo!l!m'-o,.!~l!l•,l!'lf~,/l!.,~la,n'£Jte!!:l!!!:.cJf~f'!-,~~l:'!\•,·-..'.n TJJtµ1::!.J.l-',"'0:1;~~mA--rnal--~

intermediate field . She Is an active member of the Newman club.

The two additions. ll8 mentioned above, are Kay Swlaber and Marilyn B lechlor. Kay Is lo Letter& and Science a n d " halls" lr:om Waupun. K a y aays she hopes she can d o as

;\lembers or th e committee nre · ;\lrs. ;\lnrjorle Kerst, rhairman.

.'.\llss Lulu Kellogg, Miss Syble Mtt­son. Mrs. Elizabeth Pfirtner. Miss Vl\'lnn Kellogg, )1rs. Phyllis Ra­vey. Miss Bertha Clennon ond Bur­ton n . Pie rce.

good a Job aa t hose who cam.e before '------------•

LL DeG uire was editor of !ho Pb lnter In 1951 -52.

To the Editor: An anomn ly has come to pass In

our college. The Srndent Counc il hm't consid e red the students· cou n­c il. There Is a general feeling thnt It docsn'1.. re11rescut 1he students but only those who are actually Council me mbers. II will always be that way if tho student bodr d oesn't tnke an a c ti\·e interes t In its council.

Thus . we or th e Student Council. ex tend an hwitntlon to ench s tudent to· u'ie his or her st uden t go,·ornment. T e ll your re11resentnth·es your i:: rlpes . d is likes. or tho ch anges you thlu h.-sh o n ld be- mnde. Anyth ing you sugges t will be g il'en the utmos t 1\ttenllon and consideTntlon . We need your h elp to bo ncth-e and func­tional.

on nnothcr <·aree r", he re marked,

Surprise. ;\llss Ro:lch? Or lrn\'e ~~'.;: ~l~~\1n~:~. 11 ha\'C to retire her nll

it~:u~~:~;;f1:g a~::;11 1:~~~ f~;;:~;/l~ft~~~ Shr 1111.-. rt·t·1•h 'l'f) 1111111)· n wa rd~ In noon you will be n:rni cd the lion- he r lou g and rnrled c:,reer . In 19 51 ornry Queen or CSC. prese ni cd s he 1·oceh ·cd t i,\! P ro 1::cc leslnst ls et by th e Studcm Council. nrlin~ In be- Pontlfice )lcdal and was made n Pa­halt or th e whole student bod)'. Con- 1ml L:idy hr l 'o11e Pim,. In 195 3 Lhe gra tulallons. Quee n :\lay, our lica n s Di s linguil! hed Clllzen award of tho

::~;;:i:{!•;/'~i;.";~~,°'~,:~}'.'.!/ :'.': E~::~.i::::~~;;,~•cJ;:~;~:o c\'.:;,,:;·, ,1~~

or course, Jiracticallr e ,·e ryoue d ocs. On )lonrl:i,·. Oc.1obor 5. tho Chnm-

hu~ , d~1~ot~





th e :;~~ ~~n~;i:::::f~;:·~n~::.:;:e~~.'::n::~n~-1


gods would destroy, th ey rirst 11ir1kf.' :.'.~~:::1

~ '. :~11~~ -~~:~s ;!:~~I \~.c:-;~c~1

01~~11:;! e~


.:t sc h ool 1cncher. but 1to111cwh<'l'C thero mu s t be a di s:i Jl llOlnlcd liltlc Cl'er lh·lug 11101111111ont"g ll'e n in honor

\\'e welcome all of you to nuend ~od, IJecn uKe. e \·cn aft e r 50 years. or 11 tru ly i.: rent tc:u·h e r w ho has de­nnr or all of o ur meeti ngs. They :\llss Hoach is prncth:ally indcsirucl- l'Oted her lire to CSC. aren't sec ret but are 011cn Ill a ll abl e. :\ l11y WI' , 1lw ;,,l m h- 11 11"1. express our times to e,·eryone. For time and Born in .a fa rmh ou!'lC 0 11 her fa. ;:::ratllud e IO "Our Miss Roach" on place or our meetings consult the the r'fl farm jus t ou is idc i-:au Claire. thl~. 1he oct·:l~ion o r he r las t hom e­Stud e nt Counc il bulletin board on \\'ia,·ous ln . 011 ;-..o,·ember I. :ill corn in ~ ns one of us. Li\·es s he hns second floor. Decause we are writ- Sain ts Day, her int e res t has always tuu c.he d .ire 1111111y . :md tcuchcrs she Ing ::l new Council Constitution this been In rural life. E\·er s.l nce the d:w has ius 11lre d wlll go on 10 Inspire year to. re11lace the out-dated one, s he came ·lo the little rural demon·- 81ill others wilh the rlro 1hat she .·our sugg~t lons nt-tbe.p1cet.l.n.g5..5vlll. __alntO.Qn ,.chooLciu.La.LCJal.cr in 1~ 14 has k lndlcd . be 11.llJ)rectat!d-;----- :tS the c riti c teach e r, her aim hasr~ =~-====~--- -

Yo ur Student Counc il members nre been lo J)reJ)are co 1111le te 11t teache rs Alpha Kappa Rho Plans as ·follows: .Jack Frisch. Arlene Oo- for rural educ:uion. lomsk l. Roberta Vaughn. seniors; 111 mi ;, l'r••s ilh-n l ,lo h n F' . Sims Its Annual Breakfast Jack Pease. Al Shudn, Juniors: Dot- as ke d he r to beco me a member of Al11h11 Knp1m £tho, honorary 11111-ty Behl. Den Foltz. sophomores; th o StC\'ens Point Kormal Sc hoo l fa- sic frutcrnlty on cnm1rns, will s11on· DRYe l)evenport and Ed Haka. culty. Jl e rc s he became a teaeher In so r lhc :aunu:11 llomecomlng Break-rreshmen. the Hurni dh'ls ion who8e head was l:l!(f for t1ctl\·e11 untl :ll umnl o n Suu-

The Student Council Oscar W . .'.\"eale, now retired. She hrts d:ay, Oc lohcr 16. al !l run. Ill 1ho ~~~1st~~~. been a rliat part of t hat dh·ls lon llot Fb1h Sho11. Thi s o,·cn t. Is an ln-

C\'Cr !:li nco and Is now assoc iate di- rornw l yeurly ;:-ct.-1oge1.her nnd la

Dear Editor. Aft e r :'luendin s two home gnmef!

It dawned on me lhat some thing wns amiss. The band .wasn't playing " The Srnr Spangled Banner" before th e g ames began.

Is n't this few minutes of 11011,1; Im­portant enough to rate a 111aco he­rore the game?

If there we re uo members or the bnnd 11resent. or there w re no In­struments. I co uld unders land IL but It s ure doesn't como throug h to me wh)' they cannot g:1a 1, ronh with It.

Jim MIiler

Edelweiss Club Has Year's First Meeting

Whe n lhe E,le lwelss dub held il s rlrs t mceling o f the ye nr, the 11reHl­dent. ;\larlene Gruba. 011c11ed th e

rector o f it. alway1:1 11J:11111ed o n Lhe Sunday morn­;\ll !ls Hu:, rh Is one oC the mo8 t lnJ; or l lomocom iug week-e nd , RO

lny:d an,! c nthus i:1s li c rans our that It docs not lnt orfore wilh o ther teams can hoo'e. and seldom does a sud ,11 ncth· illes IIHll week-end. 1-;:11110 hei.:in without h or. She s it s In James And en.;en nnd l\trs. Doro­the front rQw and yell s loudly :at lhy Allen are In c harge or tho nr­eac h 11la y, ready . with he r 11rnlse ran1,:emcnts 1rntl IR\' ilntlo ns. Or. an1l M11ar11c with any criticism. llu;:-o l\larpl c h; ndvlscr ror the

:\ lt ho u i.: ti l wr l i(c l rns bt•t•n full i;rouJ). and her re w:uds ha,·e boo n 111:111 )',

;\I iss Hoa ch luok!i forward 10 ue:<t Juu o and relirement with a sort or nos. ta lslc c a~crness. \\'hen as ked al11Jt1t her 11lans tor ne xt year. she told or lookln ;.; rorw:ard to ~ll:iyl ng home. kP.e 1,i11g hu111;e. :rnil cookl nK lunch <'H ror he r schoullea1'11 c r ais. te rH , Aun e :11111 Laurcue, 111 lh olr home In J•:au Clui ro. S ho 1·1111fcHH tHI, howo ,·or. l lmt 11 ho l!m't s ure lhnl llu·y arc lookin~ forward 1.0 her e11uki11i.:. Dr. Quhu'y llmulna had s.t lll another Mlllnl 1m he r retlrcmrmt when 11 0 rc rnarke• I 1ha1 h e halml fl, rPllrc her hi!l'IHI KC "11hr•' II 11rohahfy Htart Olll

Try-Outs Monday Try-mu s ror n one-act studio rre­

ncn t,1tlou will bC h e ld on Mo nday, Octohcr 17 , nt l 2: :rn nnd •I : O~ 11,111. in room :!07.

A,1,·0110 Jnte.re11tcd In t his t)' l>C of drnmnt lcs Is hn •ll e d 10 nuond 1hese tryou ts .

Vote Today for

~::,~:~~ c11,:~~·:


1!~i: p~~~:::c rv~OOLL:-. ,v, -----:TTI.hc;:-· ,, ::c:::,,:::or::: .. ;-, cs:::, a::-,c=-. -;p::-,,7i,::-u:::c-,-====v.o;:.::;... _ _j

~u~0:e;·o~::u~:n "~~~ct:;1~ 11~r1e~~~ I~~:! =,,=.,,,~;~~u~:1:~::::"~4";,~::'.,~.:::'..:'::~!:1L~;~,~,:'.,l'..~',1°:'1


:~; ~.~~a;~:; ~~~~\~~.:~h~~~~r ~~~I::~:~ un,lc~11t~;c~~t!,tt.i':7;~cl;.'\;;ri:r M.1y 26, l!m, ;II lht pon lificc JI Sle\'!n1 P:nt,J \WJCOIWA,

. Queen

er which Or. Kron e r did llk(•wl110 with a rew German lmllads.

I l{!..\\'. .. Jll_~ u.L.01:K LJ'ml Ucss. s howed iso mr ril111s ht• 'd tnk '11' while s1;1tlo ned in f:r"rmn11y. Apf1•l ­s 1rue1leJ•-..,fild mllk wero 1wn,•d l)y the re rro!'lhmeut romrult lN!. A Wh l· come hnnd Is e:<1e11 dec l to n11ym1 0 111 .. t ere~ led In becomiuK a truimbcr ot tho 8delweh:1s e luh . . Notice o r the noxl ni eetlng will bo on th o hullotl n bonrd.

October 13, 1955

Miu Nyqui11

written mnny articles and g h·cn lec­tures on 11 er Inte resting trave ls.

Ha\'ln g taught In J)llblic school s nnd unh·ersl tles a ll o ,·er th e Unite d Sta tes, Miss Nyquist has begun t eaching nt. CSC - a i,chool she es­pec ially l1dmires ror it s " dcmocrnlic and~ f"ri endly ,spirit .··

Of C'our:,:c• lll'r <'11if•f hu c•n•st Is in t h o llt crnl'y fi e ld . '.\11~s :-,:y qui s t has been lhc 11romotion editor of Ginn and Couqmny in lloston, besides do­In g m:rny blogr:tphicu l ske t ches for dif(crent magazines. Art. musi c and photog r:1111ty :1re amon; he r nu me r­o us other Inte rests. '.\liss :-,:y(lul::ct has t a ke n many colo red s lides o n her exc·11rs ion1:1 to E urope, l\tcxlco, Gu ate­mala, and throughout th e Unil cd

l St~:~:;11 nurlln i,:: ton , Wiscons in , ........_conies rmlfj> Rell(· Dei n . t l!ac 1cr u

nnalomy and 11h yslcal edtH'atl on. li e will nlso d u su111c assls1:111t c·o:a<: h lni;

Mr. Reuchlei"

of footba ll and baske tbal l. Il l s po· s ltl o n is t e111 11ora ry a nd he was hire d for th e balance of th e year on ly.

Al't c r ,; rndu :nlng fro m LaCrosse Slat~ coll ege In 19 fj2, 1\tr. Re uch\e ln bega n s tudying to r hi s :'\ laster's de· g ree at the Un h·e rs ity of Wisco ns in . He 111 In t he process of reac hi ng h is goa l ni)w.

~\11 n lhlC'llc•:-, hunlinJ: 111111 fishi ng make 1111 :\Ir. Re uchlel n 's mai n In· .e.r.~tff. While in se r vice he tra\'eled

over mu ch of E uro pe see in g many of the s pots rilos t peo ple can o n ly r end or hear abou t.

- At th e m~nenl l\Jr. n cuchl e ln and bi s wlfo a rc in th e 11rocess o f se t·


Annual-History-A ;ard Announced-­In Memory of the Late Mr. Steiner

besides rls hln i;. hu nting, and r end· iu!;, Dr. Cle m e nt s nlso e njoys si ng­ing . Whil e a tte nding college he re. he san g und er 1\tr. Knutzen.

• lln1u·c~S4-tl with t h e " fricudl)' a t­tit ude" and 1he "solidity o r the fa. culty" Dr . Cle me nts s lat ed with si n­.eerily, " I 'm haJtJt)' to be back ."


·quee~ as \ : ;::



1~·1e;1~7;nsts:~~\~n~;r~ Sororities Prepare

land w. J,"'o therg lll. n parHlme In• Homecoming Activities tJ tructor or h isto ry and po litical Hy \ ' irglnlu ,rc n ~f'n science. :\Ir. Fothe rg ill ea rned his B. Le t 's tnke a s nrn ll 1>eek Into t hree A. degr ee from th e Unh'erslt}' of Te- l1111)ortnnt social groups o n the CD.Ill· xus. and hi s :\1. S. fro m the· Un Ive r - 1111 s a nd see what some o r th e 1•laus M CSC N Cl b s it y or \\'isco nsi n . He tau ght fo r the are whi ch go to make n s uccess rut· · rs. , ew U ,

!·~·i~I t;,~:l;·e:;~e::. ~ orthwest · Mis· ho ~1.~~c~~11\~~;i-l soror il)' ltoo bu;.r bus t- Organizes on Campus S in g in g i:,3 a ta \·o rlt e hobby of hi s. ll ug n round wi th pre iiaratio ns Cor a The s uccess or a clu b Is orten de·

a nd he e njoys s in g in g in th e cho ir fl oa t for th e parade Sa turday morn- termlned by .th e str e ngth o r th e co m· of the loca l :'o l e lliodl s t church . :'olrs . In g, Immediate ly followin g th e 113• mor. bo nd ho lding the members to·

F'oth ~rg lll. bes id<>s be in g mo ther to rude . th e re wllJ be nn Informal Cot· ::1~;:~d a;;1~nw~~t

1~1~"!:!e~:b: r: t~~;


th ch two dau ~ lu ei-s. te aches art at rec I-lout· for th e alums In th e Ho me ,.. r-.:m c r son Junior Hi g h . ~tr. },"'o t her- F:conon1lcs Pa rl o rs Saturda y night nuu:ne d. und e il he r attending CSC J: 111 h,- cs i1ecla lly Impressed wi[l~ will be hi g hlight e d b)• 8 - 11omeconF -tl1e.msch·c.s o r ha , lng. hua bands wh o ne w llhrary. where he mar freci ue nL · lug Ua nqu e t at th e Ho te l \\'b iting do " This Is th e so le qua lHl catlon fo1 Jy be seen 1,orln ,: t h roug h dU !i lY \'ol· In ho nor o f the a lu ms. )t lss Doro· me milers hi J) In 011.e or o ur coll ege's um es of ihe Xew n c imbli c m:igazine. Lhy (;crne r will be the gues t SJ)eak· ne wes t or1,:anlzatlons. th e :\lrs. CSC This s t1Hh' w ill for 111 th e bas is for the er. Geri Ueye rs tedt will be th e toast· c lub. di s.se rta ti;Jn he ls Jireiia rlu g in pur. mis Lress. The theme. " !\l oment to T!1 c f irs t meetin g o f thi s club was

i.ui t or hi s doctora te from th e Uni· ~~::u;,::b~~·,~~;;·~!~ be carried through · ~~I~~.~:'.. \~;;~:;:si ,:;·,;0°~~:'~~~r ~~r:~ 6~= \·e rsity o r :'\llnuesotrt . · 1)011 meeti ng J o l)au ie l. 11re~lde n t flcers were e lecte d at th is mee tin g

Xt·w·· 111 1111' <'•·111~· ti :-.tnc <• music f T G 8 1 1 1 11 1 and are : :\Iris. J ohn Le lt:.111. (Jres l· de11artm c11 t is J ose pl l-le ury o r TO· ~ere;~rn i; •;:;:\\

1: of et'i~~1/

1s! : 6r l~;. ,~.e~l; den t: :'olrs. On• Koepke. vice 11rc1:1l­

le do. Ohio. :\Ir . Il e , y now directs bro ug ht 10 li gh t. Me r e nthus ias m . a s de n t ; :-O t rs. On,1 1<1 Secord. secre tary: the co ll e~c han<I and he lps tench mu - s he mentio ned th e ir fl ottt tO be In :'\ l rs. Dean Cayo, treas ure r : nnd s ic at t he Cnm 1111s Laboratory ~choo l. t he mornin g im rade nn d th e foll ow- ~lrs. Char les NOma dy , soc lnl chnlr·

ing ac1h·itles o f the day, s ho uld b E! mnn. AlnO n l,:" lh c 11lans mad e wa~ a --=~+goocl- proOr-ot--some-ttne- phmirbclu l>la.1 (or- a- home om ing.-lloal....-Tl1

ca rr ied ou1 to th e " nth " degree. fo"'ol· followln 1,: com 111l1ttee was seleclefl : lowi ng th e 1mrndP at 11 o"cloc k . they :'\lrs. James \\'c hs tcr. chair man : and w lll ila\'C a Coffee !lo ur In 1he Union '.\Ir~. Robe rt Gilbert. :\!rs. Xo r bcrL tor 1hc r e turni ng a lums. At G::rn In Yin ~llng. aud :\!rs. Oa\'ld _Christian . th e e ,·cnln g th e ir ll o meco ml ng Ba n· son . <iuet. under the th e me or "'.\lo m e nts T he latest meeti ng o r t he club wa ~ t o Remembe r " will be he ld in ho nor he ld o n \\'e dn esdar. Octobe r 12 . of th e ir :11ums. Denn 1<; 11 znbcth Prir. :n 7:3 0 1,. 111 .. In th e Co ll ci;o Ho me rn c r will be the facu lt y Sl)Cn kor . :'\llss Eco nomics Parlortt. An y murrlc d WO·

Clndys Le hman n . t he a lum 81,eake r ma n who a u c nds CSC o r whose hus· n ud Lol a Sch lottman, th e toas l m is· hand goes to co llege her e was in,· ite d tress.

011u•g.1 :'olu ( "hi wlll bt• "flu1ul11J,;" in t h e J)arade. sa ys .J oyce Thurs ton. their pres ide nt. After 1he 1inrade

t o att e nd . Por furth e r Information. 11Jem,e call :\!rs. Lurry Stratton . 252 1J .

::: : ;·~ ;;~:11~cn~ ~:~~~\t',~1~;11~~ ·;;:r!~~; Photography Display crnnln g . :n G::rn . th e :-. tcad owH will At Library Theater IJc t he setting o r th e ir Homecoming A pho to.; raphl c dis 1,1ay or llict u r eH Banq ue t. by R ichard Sroda, Amh e rs t f resh·

Thege a rc bul three grou ps on o ur man . Is cur re ntl y on d ls JJlny nt th e He aue nded the Eastman School or cam1m s . but wit hout th e m llome· library theale r . Sr oda rece rllly won l\luslc o r th e Unh·e rs lt y o f Roches ter . co mi ng wou ld not be Homecomin firs t 1,rize In th e '.\lilwaukee J o urn a l and he ho lds a mas te r 's . degree In to many 1,eople. 11ho tog rnph)' contest a nd his prlzc-

~r~;ilr~c:r:nm o~h~~ i: c;1oc~~f~~l1~d~:s ::: 1-,-.-,.-,.-,-•• -.-w-•• - g-a l_h_e_re_d_n_b_o_ui- , -,,-s. :t:.:~;o::. now com 11etlng fo r natio n­

form e r condu ctor of t he Hill e l Little Al~~~9~an~~n1:: r t t:~ne

1~: ~che:;nlrely The dls pln)' Is being presented UII·

~1: ~1;~l~~~n: 1:;ojt~~~ ~;

11: .:rs~~ :~1 ~i; new at CSC as s he taught o ne ~ee; tl~~::1~~~,:~:: . or ;~~sLll~~:~:~·11!:::~~

and gu idance to bis students an d as:i;ociates over J.he yea rs.

I know ih\t He rbe rt would heartily approve and e ndorse your thoughtful actio n. He would be gm.titled and proud to know tba.t his Ideals we re so meaningfu l to those among whom he worked, that they chose to perpetuate his mem ory' by carrying his ideate forward - a gen uin e a nd sincere -r-~bu-te-t-0--a-r-e&pected ol1sag.u

I am deeply appreciative. t hat you have chosen to ho nor Herbert In t his way.

Sincerely, ( Mrs. H . n . ) Myrle Steine r an d fam ily

Miss Roach Honored At Annual Chamber Dinner

Miss 1\t ny Ronch, o ne of CSC's an d Ste,·ens Po int 's most Jlromineot and be lo,•ed c itize ns. was ho no re d nt the nnnua l Chamber o f Commer ce din­ne r a t Hore l Whiting o n Monday, Oc· to be r J. With Dr. Quincy Doudna se n •in,: n!': maste r o r ce re monies, a cle \'e r program was vresented .

" This Is Your Lire." a s tory of th e career o f Miss Roach , was narrate d by Roy Me nzel. It Co vered th e lm-11o rtant e ,•cnts ot her life from the ti me . age two mi nutes. wh e n s he Indignantly exclaimed to the doctor, "Unhand me, you villain, " up to the present. ----

The h ighlight o f tllt• prugr1un came wh e n s he wns presented with a scroll a nd news or 1he establishme nt of " The May Roach Student Loan J,"'und." This fund will be used to he lp need r c~ll cgc s tudent s . These loans will be made without Interest, and a committee cons is tin g o f the college 11resldcnt. Dea n o r Men. Dean of Women. and a boa rd of direc to rs 111nde 111> o f tow ns11co ple, will adm l­nlHte r th e fund .

:'o1iss Roach . In her speech o f nc~ cepta nce . 11aid trlbu1 e to he r pare nts who g uid ed he r so we ll , to th e (acui­ty of CSC who have bee n so good Co work-w it h- and to_ Osca.L...W.....Nealo fo r me r direc tor o f th e Hu rni Ulvl­s lnn . wh o 11rc11entc d so 1111m Y o ppor­t uniti es fo r he r to grow.

I n 1111ditlu11 10 llw orii.:hml fun d , w hich included 111 0 11 cy tron\ e ach ti cket a nd fro m the Kiwanis c lub , don :llio n!I- larkC nn d small have been arrl\'lng dall y. These Include $50 cnch fro m th e Lions cl uh and Lulln­bye Cor po ration. and :u1othe r $50 from II pri\•atc J)urty.

Am on ~ th e mo re th a n 200 g uests nt t he dinne r were r e1>resen1.atlves o r th e State Co ll imc Ooard of Rc­genl is~ t.he-M t·at fl e purt m c nt- ot--pu­hlic e du ca t lo 11 , th e \Vl11co11s ln Edu­ra li o n asimc lat io11 , a nd t he National r:<1uc:1t io n assocl11lin 11 ,

!\lo,•icM we re tak e tl by Raymond I·:. S11cch L :1t I he lm 11 1111 c t. T heso wc rl). i;ent to W· BA Y H:lev lHlon sta­tion a 111! te lecas t ove r lhe !i 1i'. m. and I O 1>.111. news Hhows t ho fo ll o wing day.

Welcome rh'e yea rs. ::::t se i~:~;:: 0t 1

~~,~~ Y~:~. ;~~; cha irman. The com mittee i" plan ·

;·c:~~;· i!!c~:;~1:a~J,~1~~ : ~;1/1~)~~t~~r\:~ year s he Is teachin g t hree Mrs. ;;

11~rt\1 1~~~r:

1~\~11 ~~ e1:.rre;:~

1~Y di:~·~~~

hi . 1 1 d F I h I Daniel possegsea a n :'\t. S. deg ree In weeks In t he theater . All st ude nts I a m pleased to joi n th e rest o f


~~~=l 1~~~:1~teban;~

11~.1~.i,•f rna n~ ;;~~\:;


11:~~ 1~ n:;·:::~l!r)?'aci::~~ nnd faculty mem he rs a re co rdially ~!:~1l:! ~~~~11~el1:•~~~~t:,~~:1::~ll:oer~


\ 1~1~~~~~.g 0~~ll:!\hl: e:;:~:c~~~ 111 Iowa a nd :'\laS8a chusetts and a lso lm·lte d to "lcw the m. e r stud e111 s who arc back to r J-lome-

oL1.q:lng_to Hcltmu~ Cam· ~tni:!1~~\ ~:::.~.r )~;~~~~; :i~: ~~~ List Round Table Movies ~t~\!:;· y~:; ~:1~:ie:e:~·att!


1! ~~= ~~~0

~1111:~ ut~cn~~:s~~=~ ~~r~ ! c~~i~! n~ ha,·e a nlne-year-o l augh fer:"" Ho und Tilblo"- ti,-ngai rr-sponsor-- th e- collcJ;e;-at-len,11.- ror-t h ls- semes

of th e coltese are. as he puts it , ··ex· ~~~:1!1 .mo;~1~1at~nt~1:~~!~:1~for~~~e:~ ~~f,;~l; lo~tu~~~1'~~~s ~?~;;1:e~11lt~:~;1~;!~ ~~1:~r:s1,;·~~11: ·1i~s 1~:. <~?;'~1\1~·~"~e~:~; treme ly nice". tl o ned edi to r a nd re porter com bi ned. Xatu re's ll u lf Ac re" a nd "Seal 18· 12 00 stude nts, a n Increase o r about

tll ni; t he ir apar tm e nt u tte r the trek :\ 1•1uu·<·nlly lhc ne w !\!. edit o r. o f th e u p here Cr o m Mad ison. As fo r h is Pointer Is not awa re th a l this r e· opin ion o r CSC, Mr. Reuchleln says. po r te r flunked plane geo me t ry. or

A bu Ry homemake r , Mrs . Dan iel land", will a ll he s ho wn o n \\"e dn es- :Hi 70 O\'C r last yea r 's r ecord e n r o ll­li s ts knitting and sewing as he r fa. day , Octobe r 2G . They are Wnlt Dis- rnent. I know that the nu rnctlveness ,·o rite ho bbres:---A fu rther In vest ga. ne )·- productl ontt pcrta n n ,: to co n· of t h is schoo l to hli:;h school g ra.­tl o n o f th e famil)' an g le re\'ealed th a t sc n ·a tl o n. Each Is In technicolor , and duates IH In some largo measure due l!olnicf_ J b::U_3D:te-~taer-ln-l11w om -oC-Gar-t.oon~:u.ur:aL to...the·succMs nf nnc-nlnmnl-nnd::nlsn­o f Mrs. Danie l. Wh en asked for he r sho ts. So come to Disneyland. Th e to th e OCC3!donal good word you may lmpreRSlons. :'\frs. Daniels a ns were d place: Llb r:iry Theater . Time : Octo - say about your Alma Mater. It le

- , ~e.e en--yery-lon~bu h&-\\'..Ou.l<L.ne.,· • assl ned him - "the school seems- to-be extremely ~o=tnten-tc-«-,r-muthomatlc ~ lnstcuc.-

fr lend ly." tor whose hus band is e mployed b)' J\ n n.lumnu;i o r CSC Is back t o h is Hardwa r e 1\tutua la as an a ctu a r ht l

&I ma mater · teachin g mathematics mathematician . Suc h we re the Cond i· and E nglish. Or. William Clements. t fo ns unde r wh ich th e fo ll owing In-

t~;l~:~1s8~0;::~~- ~as a \'c ry Cin e 11tate ~i:; :oGtie!/~l~~ne~t!:,.3 0. Price: 3 fjc i;oo~;~o ; h n\'o you he~~lncy Doudna

4 THE POINTER October 15, lffl

• I

- ---~,

Thh h (.-nlr.'>I S·,,1c-' , foo1boll teo,:,.; which on SClturdoy wiil ' ploy Whi1eworer for Homecoming ot C oerlo, )K'• I. Tl" u n ' '-' t, l, o n1 ld1 10 ri9h1: Standing, Cooch John Roberts , Don Nite, Dove H1.1tlbu1, Kl"n Roloff . Jim rlt' ig, Cod J \l ,gt' lln, T1·uy Peou~. Al Shvdci , Joel C,ool , Diel So1,1thW0r1h , Bob Bouod, f r,m Br od, l,•y, lh1 rch So" '"lo n crnd John Smith ; lo.nl.'e ling, Auhrnni Cooch Chuck Ab,ohom1on, 0 0¥11

Je·Hy, Wayne Jqhn,on, Jerry Scheel, Arva Britt•n. Ru u S1imoc, Bob Marko, Ed Poock, Jerry Vonc;e, Gene Woll, Hetb Schot1, Jiggs Ml'uret , F,on Romon c'"d Monoger Ed Holto; iilting, Nubb1 Millu, Phil Cole, George De Puy, Didt Spindler, George Romon, John Boy!'III, Jerry Wurltell, Wayne Schmidt, Dudley Zimmerman, and Joclt Chcirl!iworih. Abumt at the lime piclure wa1 taken wa1 Ted ludeman.

APO Schedules Open House - - On Octoh('r I S :u -; ;3jJ P , '\1.. ,\l-

11lm l'hl Omega wllt hold --:'ln- ~ l11u1 ~(1 ut Delze ll Hall Stude nt rnlon.

• :cah1ue.n. wl be &(lt\'ed . All men lnt(lrested In o n ni.; t

l'lm Phi Omegn.. <'ommonly k n,,wn ,. , I'! ·l..,-.nr:C-.ilu:iI.t!.d to iu tt>nd this t!l)f'II hflllF(', A . P .O. 11 R "natiou ,,i i:rf· ,· It-(' .fral(lrnHr. Requircrn(llll i:. Cor meti ...r Ip nre nn Interest fn 1be Scl#1 " mo,·erne.nl. nnd n one 1,oint J:rJUl<';._!l ,·era~e. _

1 J J l J l I



October 13, 1955 '.J"HE POINT ER

Pointers--- Face Quakers I Roberts' Roster -1 · . ·1 csr u. · ,.,o · r·1t C,\IU , JGHG>OLLA - - l]_J ~ a_OJ])e'-J _mmg_ I - - Cnrl. or "Egor..!!-.to hls-Lenmates,-1

The 195 5 Homecoming battle o n t f Saturday, October 15, with White­

water m a rks the-fourth tim e the two t eams have m e t in CSC Homecoming b:ltllcs since ., 1941. The Pointers

t ha,•o won three anft lost wte - the Joss canting in th e firs t meeting In 1 9 H by a 19-1 3 score. --

Ct•111ral St.nto h ns won t en or .. t of th e ir e le ,·eu H o mecoming games

dating hack to 194 1. T hat s in g le Joss cam':l in 1953 at the ha nds o f Plnt­t e\'ill e by a 19- 1:? scor e.

\Vhlt ew:u e r s ho uld be well " u11 " ' , ror 1hls conies< as they hnve yet to

win a i,;:une thi s rear . The Quakers will als o be out t o a\'cnge the ir 11re ,•io us Homecom in g encou nt e r hero :it. CSC and lhe lr de feat al th e haruls o f th.e Pointe rs las t 11ea.son by n :!G-6 mn r g lu . Coach E dgar Schwa­J,:cr ·i; cle \•en has heen derc:.tled by l~au Claire :~:1-7 nnd Plauo,·lllo 14-1 :!. The Quakers :rnd th o Os hkosh Tit,rn!J alla yed to u scu1·cless dead M lock in their second g:uno or the season.

,. le ,. d

'l'h c Point('~ will fr)' to ex te nd the ir win s treak t o fl\' e In a row. B.obe1·ts CX ))C.Cl s a ru gged battle a1Hl ~ ll )'S. " They' re know n to g h·c Poin t

•f a loui,: h g:11ne dci;1)ite t hC'lr record." I The llo beruunen arc in so'?d ~ha11e 1 11hysicnlly and fin e erro rt !I are ex-

Pointers Meet Titans Coa ch ·n o hcrt takes his J;rlds tc rs

to O;;hkosh Saturdny, October 2:!. to meet tho Titans In an a rt c rnoon gaurn s tarting :tt l : 3 0.

The records s how Oshkosh as th e unde rd og with n 0-3- 1 i:; lalo thus far. Coach Bob Ko lf's Tltnns lw\'e lus t to Eau Clttlre 2 1-0; '.\Jllwankce 12-0; nnd Plalte\'llle ';-6. Whit e water . Poin t's Homecoming guest, tie d th e Kolfme n 0-0 .

Oshkosh w:ts Central St at e 's 1954 Homecom ing \'I Ctit11 hr a :! 1-0 mar-g in. ~

' Past Homecoming Games l !J3G Point 12 De Kalb 14 1n1 Point 16 l\lilwnu kec 19 19 ~8 Point O Ma ukato 0 19:rn Point 6 i\lllwaukee 27 19 ·10 P o int t:.! Oshk osh 0 l!l,11 Point 1:i Whitcwntc r l!l 1!142 Point 26 Oshkos h 0 1 0•13

War Years - r-.:o Games 1944 1945 ' Point 13 Whltcw:. tc r G 194G Po int 25 White water 14 l !Mi Point 20 l"lntte ,•11.lc G 1 948 Point 22 Plo.tte\• lll e 12 1!'.H9 Point 40 Os hk os h 13 1950 Point 2 1 Rh•er Fall s 7 1951 Point 1 3 Milwaukee 13 1952 Point 13 Whllewaic r G

195:? Point 12 Plalte\' lll e 19 19 54 Point 2 1 Oshkosh 0 195 5

·won-10 Lost-G Tie d ~?

(By the Assoc iated Press ) 1.andlngs W L T T C au Clnlre 4-0 . .... .4 O O 100 39

~ olnt 1-0 ..... .. ... 3 O O 67 39 mwa ukee 2-2 ...... 2 l O 53 48 a Crosse 2- 1-1. ... 2 0 , j 33

Jthei\ Fnlls 3- 1.. .. .. 2 0 H 39 Platte"llle 2-2 .. ..... 1 33 33

t ou t t -2-1.. .. ........ 0 3 1 7S u 1>cr lor 0-<1 · 1-... . . 0 I S 49 hl tewater 0- 2-1.. 0 19 47

shkosh 0-3-1.. ..... 0 3 G -10

ellow Jackets " Stung" y Hard Driving Point The Point.e re made it two ,·lctorles

a ro w at home a s they turne d lack...... wcaLSupe r.lor- elo.,•en-25-G ...

turdny, Octo be r J , at Goerke fi!rk.


Afte r dornlnatlng 1,lay nt th e out­illt or the ga me. th o Su11er lor e lo,·en "'"er go t In tbo game unlll t h e e nd of th e third fJIHtrter whe n they

re d t11 e lr lo ne TO. o hn Sm ith scored twi ce. with l er nnd 'llostnd ench drl\'ln g to

lllrl for tw o mo r e tou chdow ns. Rolo ff made his debut as u

ed qua rte rback an e xce ll e nt one o passed and hnndlc d th e ball a veteran fie ld general. Miller, , was th e to p ground ga ine r 137 yards l.n 20 ca rries. Russ c and John Smith a lso ran well

t up the P o inte r touchdowns .

one or the se\·ernl hometown plny-11ected or the shifted quarterback . er s. He has Just returned from ser­Ken RoloU, and l110 s peedy tullbnck. ,·Ice aud is In his soPhomorc yenr. .. Nubbs" l\llll e r . A careful eye must Curl Is an L nnd 'S s tude nt nnd plans also be ke1a on Quaker qu:irterbnc~ on- majoring In mnthematlcs. "'e lgh­Jack Lelc hl e nbe rg, a former CSC'er, In g 220 pou nd s and standing 6' l" , anti halrback Da,·e Uurry. Curl ls one or the hen,·i est Pointers

The Po inte r line-u1, in cludCs: - Bob on the team. Althoui; h he was nwny Uost ad and T erry Pense at ends; two years, hi~ r eturn found him Ca r l :Jurgelln and Al Shuda or Jnck back in th e right t:tckle SJ)Ol, a po­Cr ook tac kles: Butch Sorenson or sit io n he a lso rill ed in 19 52 dur­Geor~e Rournn and Geo rge OePuy in g h is rre11 h ma n rear at CSC. S tu­ur J o hn Uoy uo g uards : Dave Hu r l- dyln ~ iii one o r " Egor '~" favorite hut cent e r; Rolo rf quarte rback : 11astl111 cs. Ru ~s Stimac and J o hn Smi th half­backs : a nd '.\lill e r running from tho fulllJack SJJOl.

Fumlif.ng with Fred By 1-'rt·cl llubtc·y

\\'ha h a 111)en : \\'e mus t ha\'e r_e­t'O \'ered 80lllc or o ur ow n rumbl es. Ou r batting :t\'entge fo r LH'Cd lc tl o 11 t. umde In t he last Pointe r issue was . U7i' ( :!I fo r 3 1 ) , and a lo ng with this we leurne d n cou11lo o r i11111o l't­:aut.. l'O iuts: l. Don' t 11lck t ies. t . and dou ·1 pick LOO 111:lllY u 11s.e1s. Belo w a re th e HClcct 1,re dl t llous ror this torniug weeken d. ·

Oh. by !he w:ty! \\'e didn't ca ll th o Wo rld Serles ,·fctory br llrook lyn, bu t e ,·en·one knows we would h:t\'C. .\ sk the iJo~·s at the Ca1111m s Cafe, we 11ahl off.

Bil,:" T,•11 \ \ ' ls..:o ns ln O\'er Southe rn California Illi11ols. over :\lluncsotn ) l lchi b:t n o\'CI' Nurthwcs ler n :-.=o t rc Dame O\'er '.\lichlga n State Ohio Stale O\'e r Duke Pul'du e o,·c r Io wa ludl :rna o\'Cr \"illano,·a

Oth,•r S('hoo l:,1 r\ 1'111 )' O\'e l' Sy1·:u·11 se S 1n·y o\·e r Penn Stale )lt1rr land o,·e r Sorth Caro lina Ok la homa O\'Cr 1,ausas Cludnnati o ,·er '.\Iarque tte Te,; as O\'Cr Arkans as S. :\.1.U. overll ice -Yal e o\'cr Co1·11 e tr l'c nn o ,·c r Ceo r~e \\'ash lngto n U.C. L..A. o,·er S1anford Oregon o ,·e r Cit li tor nill Bay lo r o ,·c r Wash ingto n T .c. u. O\'Cr Texas A. & :\1. Ccor;: ia Tech o ,·e r Auburn Princo10 11 O\'e.r Colgat e

\\' b,1·o n :-: l11 ( 'ollt'J.:f' C"onft•t'f' nco SIO\'C II S Point O\'e r \Yhlle wllte r Hh·c; Fnll s o ,·e r Stout L.a Cros80 o ,·er '.\tllwaukce i-:au Cln lre o,· c1· S uJ)e rlor P latte,111le O\'er Oi.hkos h

Pro J.Yt01b1tll Chicago Cnrrllnal s o ,·e r New York Clc ,·elaud O\'Cr Washington Sait Francisco o ,·er Detroit Los Angeles O\'or Gree n Bay Chicago Hea rs o ,·e r Baltim ore (U 11-seq

.J11r;.:C' ll 11 U,•1 111r

,a:oma,: m•:r ,·,· De 1111 y. who is 2 1. 17 :i lhs. nnd 11

~ua r1l o n the P<li UI. foothnll i:;r111ad , hall s rro111 L.nug!l fur•I. Pcn nsy l,·n n la . where he 11ln)·e1I (ootball and 1mr-1lci11ated In lral'k .

U11u n <;0 111 1,IP.t ln ~ h \J.: h sc hool. Ccoq:e e n lh:ted In th e Culle d Sta tes ~\ir J•'orce fur four year!!, !mi n~ Htn ­tion cd t. t:llC8l du a i. a Co ntrol Tower 011e r11 tor.

\\'ilh his m il itary ollll ga ti o ns be­hln rl him. Dc 1111 y e nro ll ed In Point aR n J,'re!l hman In th e LettcrR nnd Science Oi\'ISlo n with a bus iness ma­jor.

Sorl'll l'OII ~lurko

lll:TCII ~OHESSOS Butch Sore nso n, a rreH hm a n fro m

S1e,·ens Point. and a guard 0 11 th e team has a lot o r ex11erle11ce In root­hall be h in d him. t or ro ur ycar!l he 11Jaycd roo tlmll In hl ~h schoo l and t hen. 1hree ycfll's or se n ·lce rootlmll.

l\la jors 111 con,·ersn1ion a nd biolo­,-::y :i nd a minor In '11hys lcal e du ca ti on :are th o J:;oal o r thl ~ 6 toot . 184 po und man o r 22 .

Butch doesn 't hav e an y extra- cur­ri cul a r acth·ilies o th e r than foot­ball. but with a h igh school back­gro und o r wres tlin g nnd track . he will ll ro babl)' be nb le to snr " just ath latl cs" when as ked .

A heod-on colli1ion on Cl footbotl f i1ld found Run St/moc (right) of C•r,trol Sto ll or,d Al toi,ei of Superior in thh potilion ir, lh1 third quorl1t. Thi Poinlen w1r1 ,topfMd on thil ploy but not for th, ni9h1 01 th1y won o 25-6 bo1tl1 from th1 Y,llow Jocht1.

Choll, up 20 yo rd1 for Nubb1 Mille r. Cenlrol S,o;• fullboclt , who is going oround end in lhe thi rd qvorter of the Poinlen' 25·6 ¥ic101y O'l,er Superior. Oo...e Ouncor, of the Yellow Jacltcu e¥er,luolty pu1hcd Mille r oul of bound,.

HOH ~I .\ H I\O Hoh ) larko. 1hh1 y('nr, h nK IJ('(l n

U!iC·tl ho1 h al lc fl h:1\r uml rl ,-: h t hair. thus 11 h1)Will ):" 1he ex1em nf lloh 'K athl ,.• t i1· ahi l it ,• f•1r 1·.,arh Hobc rt !I· Po i111 e1·s. The,· 1 we 11t y-11 ni: · yea ,· olll .\lo!:' im:c !-Cla r ~ain ed 111 tH'h of t hi !-1 a bi Ill y by pl:ayi 11 J; I wu years 11(

ton ;.:-i1 !len ·lce hall wlth lh \! A1~11 ,-:: r ll asc te:1111 , 111 .l:q1:rn. lloh i!I u fr ci. h-111:111 in Ll' tters a11d Sl'icnce, nnd he 11la ns Tu wo r l, ro r a rnajur In hl !:I· wry.

T h£' \1 ' 9 .. . 17 :, lh .. scnth:a<" k ln ­tendis Lo 1iar1 lci 1mle In hn sf: hall lll'X l s 11r l11 1,: a t ~lth c l' second ha~c or :; hort• sto11.

Pointers Top Milwaukee In A Free Scoring Tilt

Ce ntral St:u e·s 'roiulni. J..:afi'ierc d 1 heir rou rth l:0 11 :se cut h•e ,·le i orr without a 10101 la !lt Saturday wi th :t

rnuis ln g :HJ-:....,_ wi n m·c r - )lllwnuk'cc S tate m )lihrnukce.

CSC w ok the 01tc11lng kil'k -orr and went til e dl s t:.lllC" fo r lhe fir s t tuu d1 -down or th e ~a 111c. Co11\'Cl'te d r1uar-1e rb11c k l'\ e n Ho lorf 11\nnJ;e d lhro u~h ro r 1)le score :ind S uhhs )!Ille r ki ck­ed tho cx trn 1101111.

The Green f:tflht marched b:i f' k :rnd tonk a 14 -i ad,·antage. The Po ime rs Lied Lhe score on :\llll c r ·s th·e-n1rd to uclulown r un, :tM we ll as hi ~ 1;o lnt a flc r.

)lilwaukee i:wored a ~ain \llld le d nt 1he ha lf 20- H bul after lnterml ~­s ion, Central S ta to wns - 1101.. to ho s to 1,11ed . Conch Robc rl"H c t111r~c11 111 0\'ert In to a ::5-20 lead on to uch­downs hr Rol off . Russ S ti m ac. a nd Jo~rnn Homan. )tille r hooted two o r th o Inst three ex tra llOi 111s, with Ro­lo tr con,·e rting on th o o the r.

The Po inte rs now 1:1 tand In s eco nd 1, lnc13 In th ~ \\' h1cons ln State co ll ege conf")rence with a :\-0 reco rd . E:uu Clnlro hold R rlow n th e 1011 ru ng with four wins wit hout a de tcnl.

Siasefi News At n r ecent meeting o f th e Sl:u~c­

fl he ld In r oom I Hi, th e follo wing s lnte or o rfice rs was e lected : Car l " Oobo" \\'ohlhler. J)rc11 ide nt : Ji m nold in g , \' l{'o-11rei. ide n1 : De an Ca)'O. sec r,?tary-troasure r : Tom " Tl~e r'' Tnte, 11rcss rc1, rc1:1cntath·c; n a,·e Stuiher. t.e rgant·at-arm11: J im '.\tar­ko and Dave Shafton. ente r ta in ­me nt ; a nd Juck r:rce n. f' haurre r .

This year a we ll ro und ed s la te or pr og rams haM bee n 11lanne d . m:dnl)' wit h th e Idea or hencfilin~ . CSC In some wa,· or an oth e r , fi UCh as n Chrls trnn~ Sing, th e unnua l Slascfl s pring. winte r . nnd fall partl K, and 111nny o th e r ac tl\•lll cs. too numer ous to me nti on. Plnn 1; arc be in g mnde to

pal'l id 11111c In lhC' II OUH.'1;0 111i n g po.­radt•. The J.,:: rn11 11 nhm 11lans 10 wo rk rl 11:,uoJy w it h th e l{C'd C r11 1_1.11 a ud oth er d1ari1ahlf' or~1111hmt lonl'I.

r•L:~:::•~:;~~:·~~;H• ! By C1~r l lluhc rly

It Is a t 1hls tlmo whuu we s hould ~i\' c 111uch cre,lll l O the CSC Po inte rs o n the incredibl e Joh they ho.ve do uc t hu l'I far thiH i;e:uwn. L •son •lng crndlt must :tli.o ho g ive n lo Coach .John Hohert11 :uul h itt couchln,:: s taff u r ll n le Quand t. Ch uc k Abrahamson, aml .lohn l'olt c r . 'l'h e hc rty Abra­hau u.o n 111:i yc d for l'lauo,•llle Stale in 1:14!1-r, 1. lie t·omes tn CSC rut a i;11cl'inl s l.udont a r1 e r u sCr\'lco hitch. l'OII Cr 11luyc d UIHI C I' Quundl In 1948-r,o a111I 13 ahm a fl 11ecl:1l istude ut while usi:1 h1 1 In ~ ll nhertH.

Jr th e PoiulcrK continue on the ro:1d or , ·h-w n · It will ma rk the rtrst lime a CSC te~un lmK J:;onc und e fea t­ed . l ,ut· i. ho pe th e llnbe rtK- me u make h it.torr th lt; ~easo n.

The Pur11 le 111111 C:o lfl ha ve n na­limnl le:1dc r bol Kte rl ng th e Poi nter ,;rifl tHC r!-1. I-l o IH fullback Norbert "Nuhlit;" Mill e r who wus leading oll 1"111111 11 coll c,-:e bac ks In yards J,:nined th roush Or·t obc r 7. Allhough no t r&­coi; ulzed a s I ho tOJI mnn because Cen t ral Stale IK no t n membe r ot the NC A..t.\ , Nubbs h tu1 gulned 37 3 yn. rd K, wh ich gl\'CS him n remarkable n,·cra J;e o r G.8 yards pe r try.

We no ti ced the Polntor11 were gl'f­e n a ,·c ry thoro ugh lntlld UJI In the ii.sue o r th e Wisco ns in Sta te Times 1,re ·cdln,:: th e CSC-Mllwaukee S lat e battle . Arte r reading IL ,we noticed th e re110rte r was Da,•e Zimmerman, a ro rm e r Pointe r 1:111ort11 re po rter. Da\'C. trnnKfe rrcd to Mi l "A:aukeo S late thiK fa ll. IL loo ks like Dn\'o waa prn isl ug th o r ight team. . . .

Althou g h CSC bo ls ters nn unblom­l!4hcd record 1111111 far this seaso n Eaa Clall'c S rnt.e t o ps th e WSC t.onms. The Ulu go lth1 ha,·c won four gnmee to the Poi nte rs· thr e. The ir last vie­to n waK a 26- 19 triumph O\'Cr S tout o n ·sa turtlay, Oc1.o hc r 8. Othe r WSC result !! f rom Saturday are : btt0 r I S. S 1111e rl o r G; llh•er Fnlls 7. Osb­ko~h G: nnd l'lall e \'i ll c H, Whlte­wutc r 12.





W1't1 1olltir,9 oboul ihe Senior por lroil. h ' l p1obobly_ 1he moil importor, t or,1 you'll

ev1r ho¥e tolte r, , The impreu ior, you molt,, through your opplicotior, porlroi ll, moy git ...

~ • .. . you o fin e t~ chir,g podlion. You r1eicf~ lru y prof; uiol1ol portrOit • :-,

. corefully po,ed, lighled or,d prir1ted. Ar,d thot' 1 the or, ly lc ir,d of work: WI de. ..

Phor,1 or come in todo y for or, oppoit1 lmer,I. Or, if you whh, '°"loct our mon on

lhe compu1 ' ... PH It tA l EIKE. He' ll be glod lo rnolte o ll th1 orror,g:rner,h for you.

B~ c. e /.a,J,

4 14 Main St. Phone 2507

~--6 THE POINTER Oc1obcr 13, 1955

Men's Glee -c1u1>- Plans Friendliness-and-Perseverance-Hel

A Week~End of Music Blind .~t~~~~!u,,~diust ~~ .~~l.~e!~"~~!~.,.n.,-By l A·nore (Onylonl

!!Jus t S in j:;lug Aloni;" ~ould 11er­h aps be n good motto fo r the )len·s Glee club this coming week-e nd. To sta.rt (hlngs ou t. t he alums. the ir fri e nds nnd · relath·es will be wel-

--c on~ b · tho 1 9!i5 Glee club at nd "01>en Hou He" Friday e ,·en ng rrom 7 to 10 11t tho ll o me ni:rnagement h ouse. l\lrs. f' r:rnk K S11l11dler nnd :Mrs. Herbert H. Ste ine r. who h:w e been Glee c lub u11.1thers for years. will net ns hostesses for the Glee club the r e.

After the pnr:ule Saturday morn. Ing. an Informa l J:at herlng and r e­hearsal o t the enti re Glee club and a 1uii1s will rnke place In the audlto· r ium .

F o llo wl111,t tlwlr 11111111111 llomecorn­co 111in~ 'tradition. !he dub will ,:;In? a Sunda>· arternoon concert in th e auditoriu m al '.! :30. T he COU('ert th is year Is in memory of th e late H e rbert IL Steiner. who was always a rrlN1d of t he Glee clu b.

A s 11ecln l feature or the conce rt "\\' Ill be the ns~ls t ln ,: a lu mM. \\'lllln m Theise n. Loyn l. Wisco ns in .' wl ll si n ,::: th e sa me buss solu ho s an g ht the rirs t Glee club 20 yellrs :1~0. P;rn l

·z el. tenor. and his cousin. Jack Ze l baritone. will also be rct\t ured ns sol­oists. Acco11111=1,11ylug will be the )lre­s cn t a<"co 11111n11ls1, Helen St'11lac k and Mur,;nret Ann Clrrls t. Huth Ann Charleswor1h. 11lanl st, a nd F red Ste· phnne k. or,:::n nhJt. bo th t 9r,:i i;rnd­u a.tes. will also be feature d.

c:r1·1·1l 11,:s will lw ,:h',•11 by Prt's l­dcnL Willi am C. 11:tnse u for the co l­lege. )llss )l ny Houch ror the a lu ms. Proresim r William C:olomskl. Mar­queltf' Uul\'er;~llr. pres ident o r 1hc CSC .-\111 111 111 nllsocl:1110 11. and ) lrs. SJ)lndler . Glee Club mothe r.

The 11ro~ra111 wlll be dh·ldetl Into t hree main secllnns. The rlrs t in­c lud es "Brothe rs Sln1,: On" - Grieg; "The l-la1111y \\' :111derer .. - ) loll er ; "M ~11 or lla r\cr h" - nrranJ:Cd by Nord l' n. The iti'l'Olld 1:ro1111 ,·onsists

o( ·~lmnls A Coming - Oa rth o- At -l p. m. last Wednesday after- ,·Ill e, and Talking Book records. One lomew; "G h·e ·:i.1 e Your Tired. Your noon th ? s ubject fo r this lnten·lew dlsndrnntage to a book In Brnllle POO r" --Ucrlin-Rlngwttld: " Wayt:i1:;. ~ lk e d mt o the Pointer'" Office, took Is that an a,•ernge sited ,•olume In e r ·s Xl ~ht Song" - Martin -Salt e r ; I\ seat at-one- o f the s ide desks. and. normal print. is ntultlplled to dlc­"Exaltation .. - Gibb . These son ,::s wnlted tor thi s reporter to s ta,rt ask- llonary proportions when printed In will be !)resente d by th e 195·1-55 Glee Ing him questions. Aft e r a .qu ic k In- Brntlle. Falling aslee p reading a c-Jub men. trod uc tlon by o ne or his rr1 e nds. th e nrnlll e book In bed.could ·e ry enslty

h rn:n,·ecrton-wlll- fealur l b. real bus iness o r the afternoon hogan . result In suffocation. Talking Book_ l 955 ,::: ro ui> o r 50 \'Oices and th e ir 111 ac · Kch1>tmr rure ndc t1:-J'lfbs- reco r s nre recor ngs o iooxro alums sin~in,::: "Jui,1~ Sln ,::: ln i; Alo ng" t he n . th e essenti a l l~~!u~ry . "When mug Rzhies. and these too cnn be \'Cr)· - ~t oorc: "SlOut -ll cn rted ~ten" - did )O~ bc~o me blind · Fo r the pe r- enJoyRble . nlth0ug h constant plny­n om bc r,:;: "Uatt lo 11~·11111 o r thS! n e- so n hem,::: •. mte n ·lewed wns nay Le- In g wil l act less as a stimulus than 11ubllc"· - 'Ste ffe- Hln ~wn ltl; a nd the 1mk, CSC s on ly s tudent without as a lu ll a by .

~:::;~!~ -~:~d!l~l~ Cold " - Pray- s li;ll::~:Y wn:o: born on Ft•br1mr)· :?, 1920, lt.iy ,mys tlmt t•n·T')·one here has In r:d,:;ar. Wisconsin. l-lls early bee n \' Cry helpful to him, he hiln g schooli ng wa~ acco m11llshe(J. In Ed- him to find e)usi\'e places and nr­,:;:ir amt ~l osi nee: then. In 1940 . he li clea. We know that e \'eryonc will c:ime to CSC and took th e two-year continue to do so. And , we also rum! course. 111 :1 c lasses Included ku o w th a t ...a s tud e nt like Ray, who


11;~{~\ 11'~ ;;~r:~ 1t:~1d

1 ! :~~:~c~~~S o~!~ a~~n~~:~~: ,t~: c:~;:~; Morie Pow•u wilt ploy the leod in ihe forth-

biology course under Dr. Pierson. to h:1ve the most s uccess ful co ll ege :;'i;~~ ::::~;.;Pi:,o,h~'l~;,M:~~~;:·;i.,;:hi: Dr. Pie rso n was fluite n youn g chap ca re er possible. October 25 01 8 p.m. in those da ys. :ind ,·cry allrnctll'e. 1-------------'------------ . ,

a nrl ll a y UOI Cd that all th e g irls 1955-56 Po"mter Staff Presented wer.e de,·elo1>in_g :1 blolo,:::y crnze. Then. urter ~raduatlng. rtny taught In )Iarnthou Count)• rural schools. Hy ) l:ar:,· Br11nlz rol l. i\lanltowoc ; and Jim Miller, He wns mnrrl ed in 194 -l lO th e rorm - Uy now, mos t Pointer renders


wl1J . Platte\' l~ le. ' e r De lfl lii ne Kurzej kn . ' A year later ha\'e come to the co nclusion th nl Ju.:,-1 so )·o u kliow lhnt tho.se head-he became II m e mber or t he .Army th e re Is some sort o f a guiding force !Ines nre writte n nnd not Just Air Force. Arte r his ter m of se r- behind the whole thing _ and that's s natched out of 11ure air, here ore

A Welcome ,·Ice was o,·er. ho r eturned to tench- tru e. This bl-wee kly n"ewsheet Is the t ho peo1,10 who 1iroduce them . J erry ._

The ncli\'ity und exc ltomcut. whiclL Ing. Then. In I 950, Ray decide d to produ ct. o r n great deal o[ work, (nnd ~;~~srot~,~~ai::~~~J:~ ~\~::Ufi~~llt~~:

mark t he 11re1mrntlons for ou r an- :;; ~111

:~t~l- ~~t1~1~~1:ii e. ,~·::!1r: - ~!.:t1;~ ~~:~s~~~:~e.~h;;~

1:d~I!:~: ~~:)?>b:I~~~ Hob P~le llpJ) , lloths~hlld :- ~.nd Wen•

uual 1-lo meco mlni,: are here o n th e unexpected ex plosion . which cos t to pick or blarney to In,· on should de lln Frenzel.". l\tnrs hfl e_ld . Trample 4

Ca1111ms ai;aln. The pictures of th e Ra y his s i~h t nnd his le ft hnnd. be directed to these peop ie who write Those Titans a~hle,•ed hnrnortnlity •1 ~::: ~:::,~~~~s Y~;

1;1g((ll=~~:~e:rew~~n c~i~= Tiu~ first )'t•ars urh•r t ht• ex1>loslon nnd organize th~ Pointer for you. ~:~!,:~::o~c~:~~~:! ~~:!a~!. be some

the walls. Committ ees ore busy with wer e s pen t In adjustment to· hi s new l.,C'nd lug Ille s tnft In hlW<'rlnJ.: nu- The hand-writing decipherers and the ,·:iriou:1 e,·euts or the whole 1>ro- thorlty and height Is Ear l Ctow. E· )londny-nf,:;ht 81:n ·es are the t)'J>lsts : C> ~ram. The )len's Glee club a re ln dltor- in-Chl ef from Shawano. This ) lary Puwnlowskl, Ruth Wright , and· fine form for t he ~·oncert o n Sunday Is Ea rl's second yearns Pointer head . Pat Ho th , nll or Ste\'ens Po int: Cllf-:1rternoon. Our s11le11did football ns D:il'e Hehrendt. s lat ed for the po- ford Mnns. Lodi ; Janis Nottlemnu. te:1111 I~ at the tOJI o r th e ladde r. nnd sltlon. transferred to th e nh·e rs lty Shnwnno; Barbara Coburn. Rhine-th e re is C\'l' r )· l11dicn1iou our boys o r \\'i sco n!'ll n thi s fall. Althoug h !antle r : :rnd llo b 1-1:unmc rs mlth. I will i:,; 1ay th e r e. Earl 's a senior. we expect h is l'\ e nnon .

The e limlll: or the res li\'ltles will f~!.<!1;;~ ... s1;:;.~~1~~dt;~:111

~:·;n~: rb~r~~~~ Those who put In th e ir time 0 11 . be the 11 l111hn i who re turn 10 our :\I- "' T11 e1:Hlny nft e rn oo ns. checking proof

1 ma ~lat e r, whether It be S.P.X.. next ye ur: us it comes fro m th e 11rlnters. nre [ C'.S.T .C .. or CSC. The nnme 111nr ln charge or th e re1>orters are th o 1he J)roofreatle rs. They nre: Bonnie

d d1:111~e: the henrt remains Lhc s nme. two Xc.ws Editors. J oyce Soence r nnd Orl sco ll . • Glllc ~t: Pm Sc lrn!Lz. Bear , Foreign Movies Arrange i ll e re I~ a s ln<'e r e nnd Joyous wel- :'llary Ur ri.atz. Joyce Is n so11homo rc creek: Sally Hose. ~oyn e u e: l)oro- ·

1 1 'Penny Whistle" Next l't)lllo,? (O e:1ch and e,·c ryone o r you from \\'au11aca: )larr a !:i011ho mo re _lh)' Cu rr. )IOrtO U\'lll e: aud Mnrgnrct r IC u iher i·oll~·~t~i' ~·an ha\"e 11 from :i n nlum na who h a!'I renrnlned trom Ste,·eni, Point. All this goes lO ChrhJt,_ N'ew Loudon . _

"F0reh~ n Film St'ril'r., ~~1 (':ln csc:·· here :u hom e moi-t o the r l ife. Let' s show Mj 1ha1 if you write e noui;h 'l'lll'II, ur1dyl n1,: lrlbuh· must bi• This i~ )lri~. C:,•rtrnde llixon·:,1 firm h;n·e :i good time together. lon g features you ore c ,·entu n\ly 11a id to J:imes Ko!'lmlc kl. Po inter llh O· o11inlo11 . )Ir~. nixvn lit on lhe libra- )lny )1 . Roach placed In a J)Os ition where you ca 11 to1,;ra11her from S teve ns Po int : :md

1 1 1 1 make som~one e lse do th em. Belly lle hl . c.irtoonlst from AnLlgo. ;:/,~r;~~t.~ l~·,


1;. \~~~,.,~!~.' Tl~l':~·::::~: AKL Holds First Meeting .:~~t.· 111lnl to ll ll)' n t.·w~11:11wr ~,arr. 0 11 e 1lln11re m:iy not always hl'

,· ies. whkh h:i ,·c won intt•rn:itional Alpha Ka1111a Lamhd:1. the frat· e ,·en ours. a re the reiiorters. lly worth l ll.fl('IO words. but It hel11l'!.

~;;~:;v::;e ,;,~!11r:0 /


11: 11


1::i,:~ ~1:

1:,\t)~ls f~\~·st t·~1:::t;:·1:~t l~~

1 tl~~

11: c~:~; j ·' Roy lepak ~~-:71!!11~~lll~lu~::e~o~;:~~~~~~;';

1 ~ 17i~1:~ to;~!:~s i[:~,:J~~~. G!1~:~


1)~m~:~d ~;,~~~

mc~~h~~.r~,1~1~:111:t ha,·l! been sold tu ~-<~;;,,~~1r ~:i1::i°',1:,1:e:1c~:·ri:~s~~1~·,

1:1\\ !:1:: I :~~!·s:~!t:.~


1: :;~\;~~:·:a ':;~{11~~: ~~~~

1~·0 i~~1f:!~ ~:1:~e;0\1 ~·;;1~::~\~ ~~·~,: ~~,~~~:~;ertl~~ r/::~1~t~:i~~!

11~1~d :,~;~~,~~

--a.buut ~11 :tttHl,!nti,;. :.uhl are i;ilill be- den ti'. Hefrei-hmcnts were sen·ed af- left e ye Is the o nly thing pre ,·entlng Glarus: Lenore qaylorrl. ;\ekoos:i: :iµ:omcnt.) ing "' l1l, I. ll 11ld1•ri- uf 1rnh:wri 111!011:- i;.et . ter the nlee ting . + 11 r.11 from rei;alnl 11 J;' a l)Ort lon ot his · ....:1:lluf' ---XelSOn.- F rlcffiJ:,hif•: nob .'hwo. money ba.!! a nas ty wnr or . in fur a r('dt11·c1l prh'e anll han• the Offkeri. of the frater nit y are )like :<:l~ hl . Au operation was tr ied. and Priel!Jlfl. Rothschild : J tirry )1:tdiso n, heln.~ ue,·eJo1g:1rr .1 the t'ointe r S laf (Tii-=-· adnrnt:ai;:c ll( 1•h1ai11ini: the f ir11,t Farro!!. presiden t : Elhrld~e Curtis. ll. :t~· s!1ys. .. \\'hen It was O\'er. l Janel )fad Ison. nnd Tom \\'Irk us. a ll clud1..'M n llus lncss )lanage r . Arn ·scr­seat ~. The dimnc upcn fl>r otla•r i. tu- ,·ke-11r<'i-l cl £'nl: .John l-.. urrel l. sec re· 1 co uld see !he dOl'to r :1.nd n urse: 111 tra m )lars hfleld: Lois Gc hres. Au- ,:;en Inn . ~lndhwn. and a busl nC'to:S cl cnt:1 Ill uliuntt•i< h,•f,•h.' t hl! i'how~ 1:1ry; and Do u Pni;:e. treas urer. ! l~ast I could le ll which was wh ich ." lrnrnd:il e: n usse ll Gardner. Crau- st:i cr : i'.:tualee Henh . Oshkos h ; Jl. nse­ing. I .l :ttnes \ 'an llu se r. u senior nnd Xe,·erthe lellil. the 11.:sue grew Im k . 1011 : O:n·ld Kuhnch. Bcloil : na\'C mary J ose11h, S1c ,·e11 s Point; :11111

'"Pt:'ltll\' \\'hlJlli<' lllui"'~ : · so111e1i111e:- <·onsenatlon major. s11oke about Hi s how• now res ts In whether med l· I>e,·enport. Tomahawk: Jorcc ll nn· La rr_\· Plorcc . Amherst. These 11en11lc cn ll Pd :.)l:t~k 1.::tr1l1•u." w\11 he his cx pt'rlem·ei- in work in g for lhe l <'Il l $de1we <·an come up with nuy- ne mnnn. )le r rlll: Ba rb:'\ra llre nl•r, ha ndl e th e ac l-i;e1tl11~ for th e Point · s hown Thunidar u1ul Friday. Ot.'to- l'nited S1ate11 Furl'SI Sen-Ice out thini; 110\\' which will e nub le h im to \\' l!ICOnsln HnJ)ills : B:irlwra Cohurn. er . ber :! tl and:! I. :it ·I o'd,wk. li : ::fl .anll wes t durin ~ th e past snmmer . :u Tl ~er his l'!ig h t hack 1)e r 111aneutly. Rhlne liuuler; a nd Bradley J ohnson, The Clrf' ulatl o n n e 11nrtme111. Is lc1I S:3ll. lL I!- a t·,1111e,h· fr11111 1hc L"nion . \1.::1. ·s lailt meeti n~ on October l '.!. T he ~ummers of t!l:1 3-5.a-5:; were )lary J o nu ;i;s. a nd ~lary J o Brei- hy .lo ;\Q\\':lk, Phl lll 11s.- und het-.!IS.· or South Afrh'a . In · th£' uuwle n hur- 1 nurln~_ 1helr !:1s t ml'e1ini;- In . _Oc- s 11e111 in at tendin g :summer schools tenste ln . a ll or Ste,·ens Po int . !'! ls1ant. llc rnl ce Jl a hn . )l e rrill. Uo­glnr hhl cs hi~ lo1H in :1 ,.:ardl!n. n tohe r . Ah.I.. 11Ians to lm\'e Chie r \\ ar- 1 ror 1he adult blind. held near Janes• .. aack again for the second yea r _ bcr1 T. Anderson is the Bus iness Ad·

: ~:;le '~::l~\:·ru'~~1:~11 .i'x1~1:,'!1c ~,;~;;~~:! :\~:\~~:t~la nd from ~1:idl so n. ns g 11 est1 ~·111'il1~;nerT~~~s~~=rl/t~r~:~~: l~f n~ll:~:I~ ; ~:~r~:-~:l~~~t r::,~..-el~e ~~-ca: ~ ~I~~ ,·Js.r,:~I In t-n~,· you 'n- lm•plr1•1 I J1y

~>~= /;;:,1;:·,: i:~~~ 1: .1:\

1;!"11~/~1: 1~: ti~~~~ Ka:~:·: i'_'1~1\ :;:~~e~0~1~;:;e1~011~i:1t~.1~~~ ~:::11\ ~

1; 1~!1

1~~ 1~0

;~e!~cl~;::~j01~1~\;~: be rt r. Ca rl Is n senior. nnd hi s Inte r- ::::~~1:1


1: rr::~~~,~~1

1;;ieth : 1



t o reco,·er it. :ire th e s 11011!W rl11g or n a float In Ing. dicfo phone an d . switchboard ::lssk;~i!;\~e n:il~e 0s~: !;ts;h~r::;l~I :a;~~ rememher that I here Is no such thin ~

th :7}~~:~r~u~l;::::1;r~'ci:~:~1~~-r c~~

1~,!~ ~~:~ ~~~1~~~~1; 1 ~~ 11 ~~~:i,~~nl~I~:~ d~,t~~;; ~';~:!~~- ~::~i!~:~:~~l.ng~.0!::.1:~~ ln~~ 11orters. tind e r hi m wo1"k: Ed Maka. ;:~t!~;s:~:

11 j;1 \0:c!~~~~!f ;·~~~~~t:~ :~;

· Ste,·eus Po int : Har ry Bucher. Fond- "' 21. at .a o·t'l,wk - :!j..: fur s1t1dents 1· on Decem be r 3. and the readlns and w riting o r du Loe; Paul Rasm ussen . Io la : 13111 lhC news Jll\ller gend e r , fill out :111 :111-nnd 40..: ror fncully. or at 6 : 30 or • AKL hol_ds It s meet ings on t hese- Braille nre nil taught here. nay has Sekal. Bea\'er Dam; oa,·e J e rsey. Al- jillcnlion bl nnk In tli e Pointe r ortke.

~~;~n;.;-ll)~.5c ror studi'nts and aoc l ~~~1:t l~.ncl fourt h \\'ednesdnys o r each ~~~;~~: b~-1~;~ld~~o:1~~e;~s 1~,l s~1\:~~~~ morvl : Fred llu b ley. Ch lJipc wn Falls : ~~.'~0w:,::~.:1~ r~~:n:~tdt:Ye )~:~n~i:!ti:;

ed a good dea l about Braille. To Jlggs )le ure l. \\'a usnu : Uob Scheu- an l-:dlt o r too. read by a system o f raised dots wh~n the se nse or touch ls unncc us tomed to It Is a ,·err difficult task. but. a s R:iy says. "A perso n Just makes u1, his mind to do It. "

.·\ r,•nr ai:o. he dt>d1lt.·cl to 1·0111<· back to CSC. so that he could ob tain a degree In Liberal Arts--atfa ge t n Job in counseling o r socia l "}Or k.


0~:~~;::·~t~~t~~b~~~~~::t'3;~;~: t i---:,,--.w=is' h" Y"o- u- '"''"G"o-o-,-,L~u-ck''InYciurS ucfies--

\'errt1t1nc seeme~·old. but the main building had not chani;ed 100 much since 19 ·10. and so me of th e teachers we re still the same. He cn n get a round by hlmselt ,·ery well. wijb ntne o.sslst a nce-from tt.n\•bodi.·r

Ra~· st:t~·s at Delzell Hall.' H0

ls roommate. Tom Da,·ls. does the ne-cessa ry reading ou t loud to hl111°.

15 so ,·es many oCJilisTuilr pro -

_ _ \ 1 ::;15;db\~\ i~u~:11:1g0:/e~~11 ~s· :~e~h\1~1~ • -·· -· -- - l human \'Olc.e Jags after a few ho urs

See no e¥il, ,peok no e¥il, etc. The fovr don poweo-that,be ouemble in the Painter office ~~letehe rf:cc~·. !!~S~~etim~sd T~m f~II: lo ho .... 1hei, ochie.,emen1 ,e,orded. ltfr 10 right they o,e Dvdley Zimme,mon, p,uiden1 I • - P ~ · 111 mes O, · sm e

V Are Rooting For The Pointers .

- \/- Hope--You-AII-Have-A-Successful-Ye~,- =,...-,--H11,

=-1UA" FoocFS ores cover-tne'eruii'i consin. They ore oWned and operated by peo­ple in your home town - people who are sin­cerely interested in your continued good

___ of the Fre,hmon clou; Jock Cho,luworth, Sophomaru; Jerry Droke, Jvnian, ond Jock Crook. l Ray. . ---pot•n1a1e.of- th1Lt1gecLS..niot1 _ ,,,,. Other s tud) and recreatlo n aids . '-:------~- - ---------------

. heohh and svcces~ .•

ti October 13, 1955

Ho-;.;;e Ecelub Numbers Usuid l y n ftcr t he m ont hl )' meet-ing or the club ,refreshments In some

Increase For New Year torm are served. l\lnry Lou Utter-Uy Xonn Grol.z.kc- mark l s head of this group. l\lnrga-

What can 100 members In the ret Bolander, JoaD Valenta, Nerita Home Economics club do in a year ? Bourn, '.\1.\ry Rieth. and Joanne We-The lne mbe rShlp of the Home Ee. ber will help her concoct Id eas . clubs has incr eased from iO mem- 'fhe Mame Ee bulletin board will bers In 195 •1-19 55 to ap1lrodmately h:we. a new face e very week . Kancy· 100 for ·19 ;;1'5- 19 5 6. Ones are s till Coon antl Nona Grotzke are co-



""' co ming In .:utd th e refore th e trnnl cha irm en o f this committee. Evelyn _ \ membership has n o t bee n deter- Kij<?k, Pat l\l eich e r. Audrey Ct"rby-4 mined, bul it will be right around s hak . Doroth y Richte r. Nancy Young ,

tni- to o--nrnl' -nnd-Neil1l . ·e1son-ttre"ilmon-g-the-tlnH-i=-----=:....:::......_::.:c::....=:...:::=====--=-UU.O"'"on-the-D-ial~ ~ ---=------------t---: The Mon10 Ee. ctub. nlon g with ones to decornte th e board . Later.

the o the r organizations in school. o the r cou1>les will be appointed for has gou en things well under way s pecific weeks. for the $Choo! year. At the firs t Phil Kn Ofl, Nancy Monson, Grace meeting on Se11te mbc r 2 S. commit· Ande rson. llosemary Axte ll , Pat t ees were :ll)llOinted to 11crform the ~le icher. a nd Audrey Ge rbys ha k a r e dHf<! rent task8 th nt make the c lub on tho 11 ros ram committee of which el lc k . Ca role Fab lch Is cl1alrman. This

On ~l o nd:t\' . Octobe r 3. :, ~et-ac- g rouJ} 11lnus fo r any 1,roress lonal'ex­tJirnlnted pic1;ic wus hclcl nt Unkolt JlCrie ncc that might be Included at Pnrk . Joanne \\'obe r was chalrmnn th e reg ul a r mee\ln i;:s. 1m ch as a de m­f tor this e ,·ent . with Mary u<>u Utte r- ons tl'ation on fl o~nl n'rr:m i;:e me nt , a

_J11 a rk. Ne ita Nelso n. Janice Bachl e r. book re \·le w. etc. Rosemary 01Jichkn. 1-; 1nlne Els . )lax- T Iie ~cr,·lcc c-om 111 1th•t· has us co­inc Czc rwonka . tt n tl Na ncy Monson as chairme n Janice Oaehl e r and Nancy he r co rnmlll ee. :'il onson. Nnn cy Youn g 1.111d ~lnrr La-

!10111ccomlug wouldn't be MonlC- urltze u will orre r th e ir ass is tance. comlni,: w ithout tarty a1lples. i\largn- This E:: roup works ouislde th e isc hoolS r e t Bola nde r Is chairman fo r this as we ll as In . Already on N'ove mbe r com mluce ; Donna Was ne r. Mnrjo- 22 . they h:we bee n as ked to g h·e the rle ~l:las . Pu1 Lortl s . Loue lla ~lur- IJros ram ror the Jerre rson School dock . Syh · la Ha1u~on. Monicu Wod- P. T. A. on "Holidays with Lh c Fam­lanJki , Inga I..uhrlni; . Audrey Blas ko- lly .'' Through out the year t11 e}' will ws ky. and Lucy Welch will be tho he rendy to orter their se rvi ces for ma in nu cle us . Othe r membe rs who \'a r io us occas ions s uch us this . rind that they li:n·e time to hel11 will Sharon :t.eutne r was ap1>ointed al so contribute the ir sen·ices both chairman tor the annual l·fom e~Ec. in making and selling. · Christmas s:.1le Decembe r ·1. Work

Ma ry Laurit zen :.ind Donna Sul- Is starting now on thi s annual e ,·ent. dzln skl with the ir committee w ill .\ nd lu-rt• nre i-oruc Joynt Home s how the ir ini.:enulty In the Home 1-:c. Ec.'e rs ro r you! Whil e the greatest rtoat in the parade th is yenr. ~tom- shnre or lhe m will be laking 1mrt In he rs or thh1 commiuee are: l\targe the ,·nrl ous resth•lll es or Homecom-O'Kce re. E\' elyn Kij e k . Carol Braun , Ing, J oa n Vnl e nrn. Audrey Ge rby­Sophle Da\' h!O . Dorothy R icht e r , E- s hak. nnd Wanda Stac ko will be lninc Els. Au dr ey Ulas kows ky . Rh on- a 11e ndl11 g the Home Eco no1l1lcs Col-


da Karl ow, Pauline ,\ ln s worth, and lege club 1;t :Ue com ·e11tlon In l\lil· enrol n uuke. AJ:;n in. othe r me mbe r s wa uk ee on October 14 a nd 15. nt will he lp thi s g roup ns the re 111 lo ts )lount ~lary college. or work connected with making n Las t summer nrt e r school was out.

• fl o:\,I . Two years ago th e club won from Ju ne :!S to Jul y I. th o :mnua l

------ Presented by - -----


• Crosley TV and Appliances

• Quality furniture

• Open til nine, Tues. and Fri . nite

• Hiwa y 51, So. City limits

• Only 29.9c per Gallon

• Valuable Free Gifts

• A Symbol of quality and savings

Thurs. 12:30, Fri . . - Assembly, direct from Auditorium Sat. - Parade & Ball Game


Main Street Caf~ Speciali ze in Home Cooking & Baking

24 Hr. Service

onomlcs Is a wonderful field and l each tries to do he r share In mnln­tnlnlng Its nobl\lty. with the nble and willing ass is tance or the Home F..:conomlcs starr: '.\llss · Youmans . ~llss Emllr \\'lls on. und )liss Doris

_________ _.!

We lcome Alumni & Students


421 Main St.

l first 11nze us a result of \tlss You- 111 ee tl11 1,: o r the .American Home Ec­mans ' ha, m~ " a nl ;.; htma1 e" The onomlcs assoc iation wn!J he ld in g irls are «: till w111tlug fo r he r to ~linneapolls . Thrre we re 3 -IG coll ege csc Will Play Host hm e o ne this r ear cl ubs re 11resc11ted at th is com·cu-

'( T hi s bt•i n;.: t h4• M'll ior ;.: 11 1,,.' 1,l!JI li on with ,1 ,G9 0 ref.;: ls trnnt !J . - The re As Reg·istrars~Meet t lo111 eco111lni.:. they decided IL ,,ould were 10 or our numlle r that au.end- The lllinual con,·entlon or the Wls-lJe run 10 rteco1 :n e the 1 lome , 1.rn- cd - some o r Ins t ye:1r 's seniors: cous in Association or Reg hitrars and agcment Jl ouse the msel\ eS, 80 the .Ian Schroede r . Chloe Orody , Lou Admissions Officers will be held In _DISTRIBUTORS OF PHILLIPS "66" PRODUCTS

~nod time. The seni ors are : Carole Re ine kin g, l{ a thy Co no \'e r and Octobe r '.!1. The meetings will be '---------------,--------------1 [

I underclassmen won' t s 1101l the ir Brcy ni;mn , \"irs:;l nia Brlcco. l::ldora S te \·ens Point this rear , on Frldo.y.

Fablch . Grace Ande rso n. Rosemary '.\ large Smith . and three of thi s year's he ld In the library , with rcg-lstratlon Axt e ll . Phil 1..:1101l. K:iy Gu e ll . Kathy i;e uior s : Rosemary Axtell. 1-"'alth Po- beg inning- at 9 : t 5 a .m. Cllbert ·w. Moll c: ky. J~111 Srh e ll ln, Lois Schroe- mcr cnin g, and Lois Schroede r. At- J,"'au s t. re~ls t rar . anp Dean Qu incy der, Valth Pomorenlng , Alice Steiner tendin g u con,·e11tlon or this sort Doudna will r c ilrcscnt thi s co ll ege. nnd Anne \\'e lshro t. The club a1wrc- he ighte ns a 1>crson's enthus ias m for About 50 school orrlc ials nre expect­d aics th e ir good leadershi1• In nil homa e·co nomlcs. broade ns he r con· ed Lo he pr·cs,,nL __ club ncti,·lti cs. cc1lt of It s 1>oss lbillt les. and lncr eas · ) lain topics to be cons ide red, con-

For th e mee tlnJ,!S throu ghout the cs he r unde rs tanding or the ll ro fes- cernlng secondar)' school nnd college _ year , Joyce Schlottnrnrr-:rnd Nerita -s1on a nd the Assodntlon thnt re prc- cno1lc rntion. are: a dlscussiOO of Bourn we re made co-chairme n of th e sent s It. It nlso nCfords an OllJ)Ortun- present status; J)robl e ms nnd wnys e nte rtainment committee. Oounn ity to make fri e nds with othe r su1- :rnd menus to more e~e coopor ­Wa~nc r . Inga Luhrin g, nnd '.\lonlca de nt s In home economics from nil atlon: pre -college f.ou.ns?ling nnd Wodlnrs kl will he l11 !)Ian "llltle mix- part s o r the country. guida nce: college acl.mlss lons ; stu-

_•_••_ .. _,_. ,_,h_o_,_ne_e_ll_n_s•_••_•_d_d_,_·a_,_••_•,_· . .:__T_h_•_•·_••_,,_••_•_:c_•_•_,1_, _u_, 1_n_k _h_o_m_•_•_•·. , 1: ~,!i:~::nnti~~c~ld;/n:t"nc:.nnagned o~e~~=

f uoblishment of ' 'The Moy Rooch Student Fund" wo, announced ol o dinner honor• ng 1},ie wtdely,known tecicher who is ,etiril'IQ from the Central Stole coll~• focuhy ed sprinv. lntere1t f rff loo", will tJ. mode to "eedy stuclel'lh through the fund. icl." 1ales to the dil'lner pro¥ided o ,tort 10 the fund, ond ii wos Ol'\nounced that he Kiwol'\il club ho, o lio mode o contribution. Here Miu Rooch tl"tiu 0

• icroll resented to her, while Roy Mel'\i.el (left) o nd Quincy Doudna look on.

Ing. Arte r a noon luncheon there will boa bus iness mee tin g nt 1 :15 and group mce ngs "beginning at. 2: 15 ll, lll,


Phone 621

Complete line of o ccenoriu v

Wothing - Greasing Corner Cron & Moil'\ - Steven1 Point, Wh,


DowntOWI'\ Store So\lth Side Store 111 STRONGS, AVE, 7.52 CHURCH ST.


ARENBERGS Foshionoble J ewelr


2nd Door from Journal Bldg.


H. W. Moeschler South Side ·


I 50 million I tmes a aa·~ry~ ---1

at home, at work

or on the way

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There's nqJhing like .a·.:_ I

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SO QUICKLY ·.- ·= -~----' =~6a17 :::vc:c:;.e. c-----1 jujcy g,,_ra,,.pcl= rw,,,·,.r. ______ _



., . . :. ' ~

(Richard Srodo Photo) Point's ho rd runnir,g bodr.1 will b. hordpreued for gains thi1 coming SoJurdoy a gainst Whitewater If thiJ picture h any indicolionl Whilewoter linemen ore shown huddled around th.Tr coach 0 1 the Quakers gear to 1lop CSC. We' re not worried, though. We know the Point.,, will rho to the hnk.

"The Medium/' Menotti Opera, To Be Presented in CSC Auditorium

· Hy nti'..nt1 Bloom terru·pttons and makes a r e treshtng An ou·ts ta ndln g e ,•ent of the col- curt a in-raise r to th o melodramatic

Jege assembl>· se ries wlll be the ap- t one o f " The Me dium." Student& pearance on October 25 at 8 p .m. who wer e here la.st year will remem­ln. the auditorium of th e acclaimed he r this Interes ting opera when it Menotti operas. " The Medium" and was presented and televised by m u­.. The Te lephone," starrin g Marie sic pupil s o f Ml88 Patricia R eilly. Powers, In the first national tour of AJdltlonul ticke ts w tll be made t hese Important works. anllable to those members of the

A IJllcn t<"d 1,.rroup o f ) 'Otutg s ing- faculty and student body who want !ng stars make up th e supporting the m , says Dr. Hugo Marple, ehalr-

THE POINTER October 15, 19!15

ALL TYPES CAMPUS CAFE · of Instrument Everyone is wekome to eat at the Campus Cafe Rental & Lessons Students - Faculty and Towns People

At Try our home cooked meals, ·fast cafeteria and counter service -

G'RAHAM-LANE - Home Made Pies & Cakes Our Food is De licious - At Reasonable Pricis--

MUSiC-ShO Sandwiches & Short Ordon

J --"-"";~~~ ~7:L---lt l-- ..:.__......][rx:--0:9.!u!_!rJD2!•!!!licious Hot Fish SandY1"ich - 25¢ On Sout~ Side Ba eaRam _on Bun~ 25,r -------

We've had 57 yea rs experience in the field of Graphic Arts . 't'hy not let us sha re this "know-how" on

Also our Hot Beef or Pork Sandwich with Two scoops of Potatoes & Home-Made Gravy - 40¢

Still serving top grade Coffee - 5¢ a cup


your next pri nting ·job? llf============j;,;:=:;===========:


SPORT SHOP 422 Main StreeJ

Colored Sweat Shirts



Fred's Paint Store Mautz Paint

cozy KITCHEN PJ,one 2295 748 Church St. 5;<,uth Side

Your own

COLLEGE BOOK STORE "in the tunnel"

Open Monday - Friday

10 A.M. - 2 P.M.

Stop in soon

=~t~~ t!~re~~~:leb:n~r::!~helth:a~:= ~~-~~ch 0 :orth:n a:::~ub!~em~~~~~l~~e~ / ::===========~ STUDENTS HEADQUA RTERS


Garbers Supply Co. ban . with cos tumes a nd scenery, wee k ly bulletin. Tickets may also HAROLD'S CLOCK SHOP I t hese operas, b>· o ne o f th e world 's be procu red at the Travel Shop In

greatest living co mposers, p romise Hot el Whiting. t o be o ne of t he o uts ta nding novel- M1ule Powers In " The Medium."


. Metale rgic Engineers

North end of Prairie St. ties of th e present concert season preceded b)' "The Tele phone" will Nut to ty,ic Th~ter . in America. a ppear at the Pabst Theater In Mil- Steven, Point, Wi1eoniin

Sport Shop Bldg.

th ~1::c~:~~e nrn s\::~t~ra mi!~

0t~~ i- ~~~~~~~ia0nn~c~~~;~ 28

•2~ ~~~~========~J

English ts as su itable as any other The New York He rald" Tribune lang uage for oper:n lc per(ormance, sars o f "The Medium" : " Me notti and that th e mu s ica ll y untrained au- com bines words. music and story­dlenco likes Of)e ra if It ca n under- te lling wi th <'Onsumm a te Brtls try . A stand whnt is being su ng a nd Is In- work of n r t o f th e top drawer. 'The t eres ted in the s ubject. '.\T edium' h.i.s Imagination. emotiona l

GIRL'S Whiting Hotel


.. T he )h'dlum" Ii- th1• w-i111dnJ;:, al- fo rce and s howmansh ip. Viva , Me­most le rrlf)' ing. La le o f an hallucln- not ti!''

-NC>RMINGTON'S Laundering &

Dry Cleaning


Setting out ot costll

WESTENBERGERS The shop that special izes in your

Type of Ha ircutting

atcd m ediu m . Madam J•'lora. who ,-------'--------,1r------------, eventuall y be ll c ,·cs he r ow n seances. Ope ra stn r '.\!uric Powers as I he f :­clnatln~. s tar-c rossed s piritua l is t. sln(;~ tho rofcilichad .made lute r-­naUonall)' famous .

SENIORS " Tito Te lephone .. ls n witlr, mod­

e rn nu mber abo u t th e difficu lt ies of

HANNON Walgreen Agency

- Prescription~Phormocy--· _ - ~hone 555

44 1 Moin St. a 11ro11osal beca use of te le phone In- :============:;

STUDENTS WHAT? ... Clonified Adi Sell ANYthing?

YESI... Clouified Adi S.11 ANYTHING!

-- - When your gos tClnk' s doW;,;-­Or your oil runs low.

----To ploc,~ ----For Sole od1

Just stop at Rudy's East Side Then go man go.

11 EASY Simply coll 2000

S"-vens . Point -

DAIL t,,/OURNAL "Phillips "66" Produch

Main Street

RUDY KLUCK, Prop. AtJc for Ml11 Adtoke,



IT'S the MOST! convenient location friendly folks dependable service distinctive portraits

t e D"Ol~-WlRNEJl~.STUDIO--"across fro_m tnecollege"


---.- SINCn-883 . ---

The Bonk Tha t Sponsors CSC's Sports On. Radio

civeY-ou Heard About Our Student- Checkjng~ccount P-lonL.

Norm's Barber Shop

"Get trimmed now,

~~~~ j Discriminating students have al-W//itew(lfer" ways had their1,ortraits made by

========1r1- ~::...:.:::..:.:=:::.:~_ 1_J Pete's Barber Shop PHILLIP'S STUDIO

South Side 11 Jock & Pete"

422 Main

HETZERS South Side




We can boast of large Photograph­ing. A long line of people who demand the best. These include many profe­sional men and leading business men in this area, who must be ·certain of the results.

Recent portraits, Joyce Schlottman · - and-Marie-Doro, presently- hanging_in_ _ --your college, exemplif.y-=our-=-moderrL

styling and .lighting methods. -:- . ----- -

-- 306 Main Street - -

Just Above_Dutc_h's...Me~s__Store

top related