wa tb7 ava tsui wing kwan - assignment 2.docx

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  • 7/23/2019 WA TB7 Ava Tsui Wing Kwan - Assignment 2.docx


    CGE 12402 Appreciation of Western Art (TB7)Student Name Tsui Win! "#an$ A%aStudent &' *0*122

    CGE 12402



  • 7/23/2019 WA TB7 Ava Tsui Wing Kwan - Assignment 2.docx





    CGE 12402 Appreciation of Western Art (TB7)Student Name Tsui Win! "#an$ A%aStudent &' *0*122


    T-is paintin! is neit-er a.out -istorica+ moments nor featurin!important su./ect matters T-e #or, simp+ depicts t-e rea+it andsocia+ +ife of peop+e .ac, in t-e das T-e .ac,!round is a corner ina c+u.$ peop+e are t-ere for entertainment$ t-e men are en/oin!t-emse+%es c-attin! and drin,in! W-ereas$ #omen in t-e paintin!are +i,e+ to .e prostitutes or +ad of escort ser%ices$ /ud!in! . t-eirpompous outt and accessories Some of t-em sit in front of t-e

    ta.+e companin! men #-i+e ot-ers are #anderin! around$ +oo,in!in t-e mirror3in! t-eir-eadpiece

    T-rou!-out t-epaintin!$ t-eartist dominant+used du++ neutra+colors+i,e .+ac,$!re$ .ro#n #it--int of tea+ -ear

  • 7/23/2019 WA TB7 Ava Tsui Wing Kwan - Assignment 2.docx





    CGE 12402 Appreciation of Western Art (TB7)Student Name Tsui Win! "#an$ A%aStudent &' *0*122

    and t-ere T-e artist restricted -im-erse+f from usin! #ide ran!e of.o+dco+ors in order to a%oid -a%in! co+or itse+f as t-e main focus oft-e paintin!$ .ut t-e messa!e .e-ind 5ou #i++ noticed t-att-e artist painted t-e face of t-e #oman in t-e ri!-t .ottomcorner #it- tea+ and pa+e #-ite contrastin! #it- -er .+ac,dress$ t-e purpose is to create de+i.erate emp-asis #-ic-!rasp t-e attention of t-e audience to t-e facia+ e3pressionof -er A+t-ou!- t-e use of tea+ co+or su!!ests peacefu+nessand ca+m$ +oo,in! into -er ees$ ou #i++ sense t-at s-e isactua++ trin! to te++ peop+e somet-in! as if s-e is %er tiredand -e+p+essSummar Co+or -as ta,en up a crucia+ position in t-ispaintin! t-at a6ect audiences fee+in! to#ards it

    8at-er t-an usin! intense so+id co+ors$ t-e artist incorporatedmoderate+i!-tness anddar,ness in t-epaintin! so asto createvaluepre%entin! it to.e 9at +oo,in!B comparin!

    t-e co+or of t-efaces$ it cou+d.e determinedt-at t-e +i!-tsource comesfrom t-e ri!-t5ou can seet-at t-e face oft-e #oman on t-e ri!-t .ottom corner$ t-e man and #oman aroundt-e ta.+e in dia!ona+$ t-eir face are a+so -it . t-e +i!-t source

    T-erefore t-eir faces are painted in +i!-ter co+or t-an t-e ot-erpeop+e around t-e ta.+e 5ou are a.+e to see t-at t-e man circ+ed in.+ac, is painted in t-e direct opposite #a$ t-e co+or used is more ofa du++ e++o#is- .ro#n

  • 7/23/2019 WA TB7 Ava Tsui Wing Kwan - Assignment 2.docx


    CGE 12402 Appreciation of Western Art (TB7)Student Name Tsui Win! "#an$ A%aStudent &' *0*122

    Summar T-e !enerous amount of +i!-t ma,es t-e paintin! +oo,smore rea+istic

    :oreo%er$ t-eartist used %isi.+elinesin t-e #-o+eart#or, ;on!strai!-t dia!ona++ines are used fort-e #ooden 9oorto s-o# !i%e aso+id$ serious andorder+ fee+ T-es-ort t-in precise

    sto,es are used ont-e detai+s of t-e#omens dressesto pro%ide us ani++usion of imp+iedte3ture t-at #erea++ fee+s t-e c+ot- A+so$ #a% +ines are used on t-e .ottom of t-edress to s-o# t-e 9o#in! mo%ements of t-e dressesemp-asi?ed parts of t-e paintin! are +ess important$ t-e artistused t-em as a met-odica+ tactic instead$ t-e ser%e as a

  • 7/23/2019 WA TB7 Ava Tsui Wing Kwan - Assignment 2.docx


    CGE 12402 Appreciation of Western Art (TB7)Student Name Tsui Win! "#an$ A%aStudent &' *0*122

    .ac,!round in order to .rin! out t-e main su./ect #it- !reater

    .ri++ianceA+so$ #it- t-e emp-asis on #oman in t-e ri!-t side of t-e paintin!$t-e +eft side .a+ancedt-e #-o+e picture smmetrica++ #it- a !roupof peop+e not as important$ !i%in! an amia.+e presentation for t-e#-o+e paintin!Summar Emp-asis in t-is paintin! is created . t-e e3a!!erateco+or contrast #-ic- direct us %ie#in! to#ards a particu+ar part#-ere t-e #oman situated

    T-e consistent use of e+ements of %a+ue$ a++o# us to !uess t-e timeand motionof #-en t-e paintin! is dra#n and t-e mo%ements oft-e su./ects =a+ue of +i!-t and dar,ness -e+ps to estimate t-at t-epaintin! is .ein! done in a constrained period of time$ eit-er t-e

    e%enin! or ni!-t$ .ut not t-e datime .ecause +i!-t source #ou+d .e%er e@cient if it is dra#n durin! t-e mornin!Summar T-is s-o#s t-at t-e artist is uite sensiti%e to t-e disp+aof time and motion$ #-ic- it mi!-t .e decisi%e for us to compre-endt-e paintin!

    As for t-e princip+e of movement$ t-e %isi.+e +ines on t-e detai+ oft-e #omens dress !uided our ees to t-e mo%ement of t-e #omenstandin! in front of t-e mirror$ #-ic- ma,es t-e paintin! moreattracti%e$ po+is-ed and put to!et-erBesides$ t-e imp+ied +ines directed our ees to mo%e t-rou!- t-e

    composition to t-e area emp-asis$ it is +i,e creatin! a pat- for us toappreciate t-e art#or,Summar ;ines are t-e dependa.+e e+ement to s-o# t-e mo%ementof a paintin! t-at a+so assists our ees dra# to t-e foca+ point

    a%in! to see t-e #arm du++ co+or tone t-at t-e artist adopted in t-ispaintin!$ it !i%es peop+e a sense t-at t-e c+u. is %er cro#ded andnois .ut at t-e same time a p+ace t-at is ++ed #it- depresses Asmentioned$ t-e emp-asis on t-e face of t-e #oman on t-e ri!-t$ t-ecoo+ co+ors of #-ite and tea+$ created a co+dness and sense of

    -ope+essness as if t-e #oman is earnin! for -e+p

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