waiting for godot

Post on 29-Oct-2014






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English Assignment


Waiting for GodotBy: Jonathan K. García Vázquez


• Samuel Beckett was the father of the Theatre of the Absurd and Author of Waiting for Godot. He influenced many of the dramatist of the decade. 

• He's objective was not to understand the lack of sense of life, but to show  how absurd life is, were liberty,justice, psychology and language(basically everything) are just approximations of a doubtful reality in which is open to interpretation.  A reality that is  just disappointing.

About the Play

• Genre:tragedy, comedy

• written in French in 1948 by Samuel Beckett

• It’s important to know about it because it was one of the first and best known plays of the Theater of the Absurd.

• It’s also important because the Theater of the Absurd preformed many situations that were not preformed before at theTheater.

• It represents he development of the Theater itself and history.

Let's talk a little about the category or classification.

• This drama is part of the Theatre of the  Absurd. This term is a classification that contains many dramatist of 50 decade. It's consider a response  against the traditional concepts of the Theatre. It's also recognise as Anti-Theatre

• The absurd was a form to confront anxiety and the inexplicable. 

• The fantasy, the nightmare are some of the elements that are part of the essence of the Theatre. 


• Their purpose was to present something undesirable and unexpected to the public. Where logic and philosophy were not applicable.

• It wanted to bring to the scene questions and problems about life and let every spectator interpret  and analyze based on their own experiences and ideologies.

Let's talk a little about the characteristics of the Theater of the absurd.

I find this important because it will help us analyze the play itself.

1.Plot with poor significance

2.Repetition of dialog

3. Humor 


5.lack of  character expression and communication


• In Waiting for Godot, we never know where the play takes place, except that it is somewhere at a “country road."

• Also mentions a tree, but some performances avoid having it.

• It could be anywhere by my undestarding.


• Waiting for Godot is about Vladimir and Estragon, two homeless that get together and wait for the arrival of a third member, Godot. While waiting for his arrival, the two find themselves wandering around and many unexpected things begin to happen. A messenger comes every night to tell them that Godot won't come today, that he will surely come tomorrow. The two were stuck at a loop waiting for someone who never comes and then they decide to stop the wait for the night and leave.


• Main characters: Estragon and Vladimir

• Secundary Characters: Pozzo, Lucky and the messenger boy


• Internal Conflict

• The characters want to wait for Godot to come.

• Complications

• The messenger comes and tells them that Godot will not come to night and that he will come tomorrow, but he never comes.

PresentingWaiting for Godot

Play segment

• "But that is not the question. Why are we here, that is the question. And we are blessed in this, that we happen to know the answer. Yes, in this immense confusion one thing alone is clear. We are waiting for Godot to come.

• I choose this segment because it tells the reader the purpose of their wait.

Personal Opinion

• I think the play was very interesting. Very different because it goes against the Theater old ideals. I found it quite humorous and enjoyed watching it being preformed. I also liked that no one can prove you wrong in your analysis of the play. The analysis of the play is something personal and that everyone is incline to their opinions. I highly recommend it.

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