waling on sunshine- robert capa

Post on 04-Jun-2018






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  • 8/13/2019 Waling on Sunshine- Robert Capa


    Bu Charlie Rideout

    Artist to artist

  • 8/13/2019 Waling on Sunshine- Robert Capa


    What song and which artist?

    I decided to use Empire of the Suns song Walking on Sunshine. As Ibelieve that the song connotes doing anything for love or loved ones. I

    also used Robert Capas wartime artwork as I find his artwork

    interesting and fascinating; he has captured very historical shots of the

    war and showed what it was really like to be there.

    I felt the two would link both harmonically and visually. The shots ofconflict show that people are willing to do anything in order to protect

    their loved ones this conveys the meaning of the song.

  • 8/13/2019 Waling on Sunshine- Robert Capa


    What do they connote?The two artists when put together can easily connote many meanings.However I feel that the wartime shots of war fit the meaning of the song

    as it conveys men doing anything (killing other men) in order to protect

    their loved ones. However, the shots are upsetting and the song is

    upbeat this could also create a juxtaposition between happy and

    sombre.I also believe that the video connotes the contrast between pain and

    love as the shots of war convey pain and love when the family is

    reunited. Additionally, it could connote hope as the war was such a

    traumatic time it was hard to see any hope. However, the shots of the

    families whether this was a dream of a solider or in the future, connoteshope as there is the hope of the families becoming reunited once again.

  • 8/13/2019 Waling on Sunshine- Robert Capa



    I think the video includes a symbolic code as there areconflicting and contracting ideas. As the war images are

    opposite to the family pictures.

  • 8/13/2019 Waling on Sunshine- Robert Capa


    Proairetic, Hermeneutic codesI have included a proairetic code and an hermeneutic code tocreate suspense in the narrative. Suspense is caused because

    there is an unanswered question: did the men at war ever become

    reunited with there families. Or was it simply a dream or a fraction

    of the soldiers memory.

    However it could also be the memories of there loved ones back athome who are imagining the scenarios that they are experiencing.

    For example the plans going to bomb a city. This is unanswered;

    thus causing the viewer to make their own ending. Whether it is a

    positive or negative one, they decide.

  • 8/13/2019 Waling on Sunshine- Robert Capa


    How does the Video represent myself?

    I think that the video represents me as an optimistic person; eventhough some of the images are upsetting. I think this because the video

    shows that there is always hope even after such a traumatic event. As

    the video shows the families reunited and happy once more. The video

    might also possibly represent me as being cheerful as the song is

    upbeat and jolly; so are some of Capas photos.

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