wap notification services greg bean cybergroup, inc. gbean@cybergroup.com copyright © 2001,...

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WAP Notification Services

Greg BeanCybergroup, Inc.www.cybergroup.com


Copyright © 2001, Cybergroup, Inc. , All rights reserved.

WAP Applications

AbleCommerce ‘PortAble’ - extending store management and ordering functions to mobile users

AbleCommerce AuctionBuilder - bid notification services for mobile users

EvolutionB’s ‘Synergy’ Intranet - applications available through mobile devices

WAP Overview

Notification Services

Web model is synchronous– client requests file; server responds

WAP notification model is asynchronous– Server, without request, sends data to client

Notification Services

Stock Alerts Auction Outbidding Notifications Traffic Reports Etc.

“Push” or “Notification” Transactions include:


1. The Web service posts the notification to the UP.Link server. 2. The UP.Link server issues the notification to the UP.Phone. 3. The user chooses the alert, causing the UP.Phone to request the URL specified

by the alert. 4. The UP.Link server relays the request to the Web service. 5. The service returns the content for the URL. 6. The UP.Link server relays the content to the UP.Phone.

Notification Example

AbleCommerce AuctionBuilder ‘Plug-in’ A series of CF templates Alerts the mobile user to outbids and winning

bids, and allows rebidding

AbleCommerce AuctionBuilder

Auction - Notification Alert

Auction - Outbidding Notice

Auction - Choose Payment Method

Auction - Re-bid Amount Entry

Auction - Authentication

Auction - Re-Bid Successful

Auction - Win Notice

Developing Your First Application

You’ll need a set of tools We’ll assume the use of Phone.com’s platform There are differences among various vendor

platforms so we’ll identify the concepts and illustrate Phone.com’s notification service

Development Environment

You will need an: Emulator (UP.SDK) or Phone UP.Link Provisioning/Subscriber ID UP.SDK COM Object (available if you install

the SDK on the server)

Phone Simulator

Phone.com (now Openwave.com) Tools Simulates phone on your desktop PC UP.SDK (contains UP.Simulator)

– Available at http://developer.phone.com/dev/ts/

Phone Simulator


Subscriber ID identifies a WAP user to the WAP gateway

Each device/phone has a unique ID Your simulator needs a subscriber ID ‘Synch’ the ‘phone’ through the Provisioning



Provision Accounts - create & administrate as many as 5 subscriber accounts

These subscriber accounts enable the UP.Simulator to access applications and services via a production UP.Link Server environment.

UP.Link Provisioning Login– http://developer.phone.com/dev/ts/up/provision.html

Provisioning at phone.com

Add Subscriber

Find Subscriber

Find Subscriber Results

Sample Notification Program

A sample program to illustrate notifications Incorporates the Phone.com COM Object A ‘Hello World’ of sorts Code is included in the conference CD

Alert Test - Sender Form

Purpose:• The scenario is you’re sending an alert to a mobile user to get them to check a message residing on the system. • When phone user receives an alert, they’ll see “message from ‘Bob Jones’, view it now?”• Once they’re alerted, the user will follow a link to get the message.• This program runs from your desktop browser.

Alert Test – Alert Message

Alert Test - Recipient’s Message

Code for the Message Form<html><head> <title>Send Message</title></head>


<H1>Message</h1><p>Please enter the sender's name:<br>

<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="sendmessage.cfm"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="sender" SIZE=20 maxlength="40"><INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="SUBMIT" VALUE="SUBMIT"></FORM>



COM Object

The UP.SDK includes a Component Object Model (COM) notification library for Windows. This library is language-independent; you can call it from code writtenin a variety of languages (such as C++, Visual Basic, J++, Perl, and, of course, ColdFusion).

Configure your development environment so that your code can reference the library.

Create a notification object instance Use the methods detailed here to implement



Code to Send Notification

<CFOBJECT CLASS="Ntfn3Client.Ntfn3Client.1" TYPE="com” ACTION="create” NAME="ntfn">

<cfoutput> #ntfn.NtfnSetHost("devgate2.uplanet.com")#

#ntfn.NtfnPostAlert('980122756-1676_devgate2.uplanet.com', '', 10, 'D---', '#form.sender#', 10)#


<cfif ntfn.NtfnGetLastResult() is "204"> Your message was sent successfully!<cfelse> Your message failed... </cfif>


PostAlert Function Parameters

Syntax: NtfnPostAlert (subs, url, ttlSeconds, alertType, alertTitle, len)

Parameters: subs - the Subscriber ID url - the URL to which to go if the user chooses to follow up on the

alert ttlSeconds - the time limit for notification attempts

# ntfn.NtfnPostAlert('980122756-1676_devgate2.uplanet.com',

'', 10, 'D---',

'#form.sender#', 10) #

Parameters (cont’d)

alertType (Made up of four characters)– First character can be - or D. D represents a signal which is

device-dependent.– Second character can be -, 1, 2, 3, or 4. It controls sound.– Third character can be -, 1, 2, 3, or 4. It controls visual

signals.– Fourth character can be - or 1. A value of 1 sets the device to

vibrate. alertTitle - Title of the alert len - Number of bytes in the alertTitle

# ntfn.NtfnPostAlert('980122756-1676_devgate2.uplanet.com','', 10, 'D---',

'#form.sender#', 10) #

Parameters (cont’d)

alertTitle - Title of the alert len - Number of bytes in the alertTitle

Code for Actual Message<cfcontent type="text/vnd.wap.wml"><?xml version="1.0"?>

<!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN" "http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/wml_1.1.xml">

<wml> <card id="getmessage" title="Get Message">

<p>Hello, This is the message that was sent to you.</p>



Obtaining the Subscriber ID

To alert users we’ll need their subscriber ID To get the ID, we’ll need them to ‘sign up’ for

the service The subscriber ID resides in a CGI variable

Subscriber Sign up

Form for Alert Service ‘Signup’<cfcontent type="text/vnd.wap.wml"><?xml version="1.0"?><!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN" "http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/wml_1.1.xml">

<wml><card id="subscriber_login" title="Subscriber Login"> <p> Subscriber<br/>Login<br/> Username:<br/><input name="username" format="M*M"/> Password:<br/><input name="password" type="password" format="M*M"/> <do type="accept" label="Submit"> <go href=""> <postfield name="username" value="$(username)"/> <postfield name="password" value="$(password)"/> </go> </do></p></card></wml>


Subscriber ID Operation Successful

Obtaining the Subscriber ID (cont’d)

<wml><card id="subscriber_authenticate" title="Subscriber Authentication">

<CFQUERY DATASOURCE="#Application.HallDataDSN#" NAME="Authentication">

SELECT User_name, Password, Person_IDFROM AuthenticateWHERE User_name = '#Form.Username#'</CFQUERY>


Obtaining the Subscriber ID (cont’d)<CFIF Authentication.RecordCount IS 0>

Username is<br/>incorrect.<br/> <CFELSEIF Decrypt(Authentication.Password,Application.CRYPTKEY)

NEQ "#Form.Password#"> Password is<br/>incorrect.<br/> <CFELSE> <CFQUERY DATASOURCE="AB_Notify" NAME="Update">

UPDATE PhoneNotify SET Account_No='#CGI.HTTP_X_UP_SUBNO#’ WHERE Person_ID = #Authentication.Person_ID# </CFQUERY> </CFIF> Operation<br/>successful. </p></card></wml>



Identify Your Applications Download the UP SDK Install the Simulator and COM Object Set up Provisioning Write an Application

Helpful Resources

WAP Development with WML – Ben Forta Wireless Programming Forum -

http://www.systemanage.com/wml/index_h.cfm Phone.com site – http://developer.phone.com


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