war of the hearts

Post on 05-Apr-2018






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  • 8/2/2019 War Of The Hearts


  • 8/2/2019 War Of The Hearts


    Book 1

    She would love her soul mate, but also another


    I set my laptop down. Stories. They take forever to write. My story flooded into my head. A girl

    that finds her soul mate, a king. It is prophesied that she would help him rid his kingdom called Serlifia,

    of the evil that surrounds them. But then another prophecy appears. She is destined to love her soul mate,

    but must love another and in the end choose to save only one from destruction. Her choice would affect

    the entire world.

    I still havent decided whom she will choose. Will she choose her tall, brown haired soul mate, or

    the mysterious, black haired, multi-colored eyed stranger?

    I stood up and walked to my mirror that hung on my wall. It was set so that from my bed, I could

    see intruders without looking at the door. I know, I take my stories to seriously. I looked at my reflection.

    I was taller than your average 18 year old. My extremely blonde hair and bright green eyes were

    dominant though. I sighed and looked at the clock on my desk. 1:00 am. Wow, time flies when youre

    busy creating fairytales. I will finish this chapter later, I thought. I need more ideas. That isnt very hard

    though. I can almost see my characters every day, any time I want. I can feel their emotions, their pains. I

    have a very vivid imagination.

    I sighed and went to bed. Maybe tomorrow I can write some more.

    . . .

    The next morning came quickly. I sat up and looked at the clock. 10 am. I overslept, but oh well.

    I walked into the kitchen and saw a note on the counter.


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    Went to visit family. Be back on Monday.


    Mom and Dad

    Yes! I have 4 days to myself, I thought, smiling. The calendar said it was Friday. You lose track

    of days during school breaks I wandered back into my room, rereading the note. I walked to my desk and

    reached my hand out. I grabbed air. I looked down and saw that my laptop was gone. Funny, I could have

    sworn I put it there last night, I thought to myself. I turned to look around my room and stopped. Standing

    in my doorway was a man, holding my laptop, reading something on the screen. I grabbed the baseball

    bat I had by my bed and attacked, being careful not to hit my laptop. It was my life.

    The man looked up and grabbed the bat as I swung. He yanked it out of my grip easily. I backed

    against the wall and closed my eyes, waiting for the hit to come back. It never came.

    I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the man. He was still reading something on my laptop

    while he twisted the bat absentmindedly. I studied him while he was busy. He looked familiar, but I

    wasnt sure from where. He was tall, skinny, but looked muscular. He had short, black hair. He was very

    pale skinned. I couldnt see his eyes though. They were shadowed from the light above. After a few

    minutes, he looked up at me.

    These stories are very good. I can sympathize with one of the characters, he said in a somewhat deep,

    smooth voice.

    He looked me in the eyes. His eyes were bright with almost every color of the rainbow in them. I

    gasped. I realized where I had seen him. No wait, read about him. He was a character from my story. I fell

    against the wall and slumped on the ground.

    This cant be. Youwhat. your not real, I stuttered. I must be dreaming.


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    A confused look came across his face. Of course Im real, he said in a mock hurt voice. You

    made me real.

    No, you, or Vek, is a character from my story, I said, confused.

    Ive always been real, he answered, a slight smile in his voice. Dan, me, everyone, have always been

    real. We put these stories in your head for you to document. These really happened to us. To you Star, he

    explained, pointing to the laptop. You are Star. It may seem like it hasnt, but you have a spell on you

    that makes these memories seem like just thoughts to you. Youve pictured us before remember. I guess

    you could say, were there, but just out of reach of your physical touch. I know this is a lot to take in, and

    I had to explain fast, but now we need your help.

    Wait, how do I know this isnt just a dream, I said shakily.

    He rolled his amazing eyes and then set the laptop down. He walked over to me and held out his

    hand. I looked at it. What did he have planned?

    I dont bite, he said as he rolled his eyes again.

    I reached out hesitantly and took his hand in mine. I smiled. His hand was warm and smooth. He

    pulled me gently out of my room and into the family room. He took me to the TV. He touched the screen

    and then stood back. The screen lit up and on it you could see a huge castle with bright green trees

    surrounding it. I knew it instantly. It was the castle of Serlifia. He took me back to my room and sat me

    on my couch.

    Do you believe me now? he asked quietly, turning to look down at me.

    Well, its not much proof butsure. I believe you, I said, looking in to his hypnotic eyes. So why are

    you here?


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    Oh, right, he answered, shaking his head as if he had been in a trance. We need your help. As you

    know, we arein a bit of a pickle. He looked at me when I was silent. I had no idea. He raised one

    eyebrow. Come on. Think of your stories, he said.

    I thought through my stories. The last thing I wrote about was that the castle was being overrun


    Oh no, I said wide-eyed as I realized what he meant.

    Yes. Dans dead, Vek said sadly. But as you know, he is on a journey to get the superpower of legend

    that will help him defeat all evil and that he has trials he that he has to go through while hes dead to get


    Where is he at? I asked quietly.

    His body is at the castle, being watched every minute of every day, Vek said. But the problem is, to

    wake him in four days as we have planned, we need an amulet that is hidden somewhere. I need your help

    finding it.

    But why me? I dont know anything about Serlifia or this amulet, I said.

    But you do. Its all in your stories. All we have to do is find the amulet and bring it back to the castle.

    Itll be easy.

    When I sat quietly, he asked, Dont you trust me? As he said that, he leaned in closer to me,

    putting his hands beside my head and leaned forward until his face was inches from mine. I looked into

    his beautiful eyes and got lost in the blue, green, and gold sea of colors. I forgot where I was and what we

    were talking about. Yes, was all I could say.

    He smiled and leaned in closer. Then I heard my CSI ring tone blare in the quiet. He sighed sadly

    and leaned back, running a hand through his dark hair. He sat down next to me and gestured toward the


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    phone on my desk. I got up shakily and looked at the number. It was my friend Emma. I looked at Vek.

    He smiled and nodded. I answered the phone.

    Hello? I said quietly.

    Hi Star! Its Emma, the girl said. You want to go to the movies?

    Well I said and looked at Vek. He shrugged and nodded.

    Sure, I said. But do you mind if I bring a friend?

    Oh sure! Emma said happily. The more the merrier. Ill see you there then. Then she hung up


    Wow, not even a goodbye, I mumbled. I looked back over at Vek. He was standing again, leaning

    against the wall.

    Im sorry, I said, hanging my head. I should have said no and not dragged you into this.

    Vek smiled. Its fine, he said warmly. We have four days. Were hoping to find it in two, if my

    sources are correct. He walked over and took my hand. Lets use my car, he said, an odd look in his


    Ok, I said uneasily.

    The look in his eyes vanished. Sorry, he said. I like my car because its fast. We can take yours if you


    No, its fine, I said with a smile. I like going fast too.

    He smiled and handed me my coat. Then he pulled me gently out the back door. When we got to the

    driveway, I stopped.


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    This is your car!?! I said loudly, gasping.

    In front of us was a sleek, jet-black Shelby Mustang. The gloss shined and the dark windows glistened. It

    looked fast.

    Vek looked at me, confused. Yes, he said, putting on his black shades. This is mine.

    Its amazing! I said, walking around it. Vek smiled, came around, and opened the passenger door. I

    smiled widely and got in. He closed the door and got into the drivers seat.

    The inside was complete leather. The seats were black and red. It had huge speakers and gadgets

    that I didnt even know existed. He turned the key and the engine purred quietly. I looked at the

    speedometer. The highest speed on it was 250mph. I was speechless.

    He pulled down the driveway and slammed on the gas. I smiled. He smiled back. I felt like we

    were flying.


    I like movies. I like sitting around being lazy, which I never get to do. But as we turned the corner

    to the theatre, I knew things were going to be crazy. I was right. When we got out of the car, six

    screaming girls swarmed us. Star looked at me apologetically, and I smiled. We went in and watched the

    movie. Of course, it was a sappy chick flick, but I didnt complain. I stuck my shades on my head and sat

    down on the edge of the row by Star. Now here we are, halfway through the movie, six girls crying, and

    Star and I staring at the ceiling. I felt something touch my hand. I looked over at Star. She nodded to the

    doors. I smiled and looked at the other six. They wouldnt miss us. We snuck out the back to the car,


    That was the worst movie Ive ever seen, Star said.

    I agree, I answered, smiling. We hopped in the car and started driving out of the parking lot.


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    So where to now? Star asked when we were driving very fast down the road.

    Well, I explained, leaning back with only three fingers on the steering wheel, Back to your house.

    Then to Serlifia Castle, where we will get some horses and head out searching.

    Whats at my house that will get us to Serlifia? she asked, glancing nervously at my hands.

    Oh, youll see, I answered. And I do know how to drive so dont worry, I added, grabbing her

    shaking hand.

    When we got back to her house, I pulled up the driveway. I ran around the car and opened her

    door. I smiled as she got out and I leaned on the car, pointing up at the roof of the house.

    Thats how we will get there, I said, smiling.


    I looked up and gasped. Perched on the roof of my house were two huge creatures. My mind went

    blank from shock. What were they called again?

    Dragons, Vek answered my unspoken question, smiling. I smiled back. The two dragons flew down

    from the roof and landed quietly on the front lawn. The first one was smaller and had jet black scales. His

    bright, intelligent, yellow eyes looked back at me. The second one was a little bigger. He had pure white

    scales and bright, shining yellow eyes that looked at me, a happy gleam in them.

    The smaller one is named Shadow. The bigger one, Arkadion, is your dragon, Vek explained.

    My dragon? I said in disbelief.

    Well, yes and no, he answered, laughing. They arent owned, just best friends. Hes been waiting for

    you for a while.


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    I looked at Vek. I wanted to touch the dragons. He smiled and nodded. I walked over to the white

    one, Arkadion. He put his head down and I hesitantly put my hand out, but stopped. The dragon noticed

    my hesitation and I thought I could see him roll his eyes. He pushed his head into my outstretched palm. I

    felt power run though my hand and everything went fuzzy.

    . . .

    When I woke up, I was laying against Veks shoulder. He had my hands in his, turning them over,

    examining them. We were sitting on the grass, Arkadion and Shadow lying on the green grass nearby. I

    looked up at Vek. He smiled.

    You fainted, he explained. He then put my hand up. I was making sure you werent hurt. You said

    something about your hand hurting. I think it was because when you touch your dragon, you transfer

    powers. You gain the ability to share the dragons magic.

    Did I really say my hand hurt? Because it doesnt now and I dont remember saying that, I said sleepily.

    Vek laughed and helped me to my feet. When he was sure I could stand on my own, he walked to

    his car and opened the back up.

    Go inside and get some clothes, your laptop, and whatever else you will need for a few days, he said,

    pulling a laptop bag out and closing the trunk.

    Whats the bag for? I asked curiously.

    Juststuff I have to have, he explained nervously. Ill explain later.

    I shrugged and went inside. I got a bag from my closet and put my laptop in it. When I looked at

    my bed, I found a pile of warm clothes and a book on it. Vek, I smiled, put all of the stuff in my bag and

    then closed it. I got a curious feeling, so I looked outside the window. I saw Vek petting and talking to the

    dragons. I wondered about Vek. He seemed so kind and gentle, but he had a dark, dangerous air around


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    him. Maybe he is kind inside, but covering it with a hard outer-shell, I thought. I felt like he had a secret

    he was hiding. I leaned against the window frame and watched him. He kept smiling and gently stroking

    the two dragons heads. He cant be bad, I thought. I will ask him about his past later. I smiled, and then

    noticed that one of the dragons had a saddle on its back, while the black one had a few bags on it. I

    walked outside.

    Good, Vek said, taking my bag and putting it on Shadows back. All ready to go? he asked, smiling.

    As ready as I will ever be, I said. Are we both going on Arkadion?

    Vek frowned. Its a long ride and I figured that if you were to pass out again, we may be in trouble.

    Oh, I said, not thinking about it that was. Ok, I said smiling.

    Vek helped me on to Arkadions back and hopped on after me. Vek smiled at me and then I could

    feel the dragons leg muscles bunch up. Next thing I knew, we were soaring upward. I smiled. This was

    fun. A little while later, I felt my whole day crash down on me.

    Sleep, I heard in my ear quietly. Then I was out.

    . . .

    When I woke up, I felt us slowing down. I opened my tired eyes.

    Were pretty much there, Vek said, pointing down.

    I followed his finger and looked down. Below, I saw rolling green fields and herds of weird, deer-

    like animals running from us as we flew by. I looked out in the distance and saw towering mountains. But

    something caught my attention. I saw something getting bigger as we flew closer. A village lay quietly

    below, leading to a huge, amazing, white gate. After the gate you entered into a wooded forest. A path led

    from the forest to steps that led up to two giant, wooden doors. Two dragon statues stood guard of the

    front doors. And then in front of us, I saw a huge castle.


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    The big, snow-white towers speared the sky with flags flying proudly from the tops. We flew

    over the little village first, then over the gate, the forest, and slowly descended down onto the front lawn

    of Serlifia Castle. Arkadion landed softly on the grass, Shadow following. Vek hopped off Arkadions

    back. Three people were waiting on the steps for us to arrive. Two ran to Shadow to get the few bags. The

    other one waited silently for us. Vek helped me down, ran over and got his bag and mine, and then ran

    back and handed me mine. I was so going to have to find out what was so important in his bag. He always

    had it with him and he was always protective of it. I put my bag over my shoulder and followed him up

    the steps of the castle to the man who I recognized as the tall, blonde haired guy named Talon. The look

    on his face when we got up the marble steps made my heart drop. It had that look of sadness engraved in

    it. He must have seen my look, because he said, Its just been a long few months.

    I bet, I said silently.

    Talon smiled grimly and gestured to the door. I walked up to it and stopped. There was no handle.

    I turned around and looked at the two behind me, puzzled. Vek smiled and said, Its magic. Put your

    hand on it and if you have good intentions, it will let you in. If not, it bars up and NOBODY can get in.

    Its a good defense Dan came up with. At Dans name, his eyes looked at the ground.

    I turned to the door and laid my hand lightly on its wooden surface. After a few seconds, the

    doors swung silently open and I was gazing into an enormous room. I walked in slowly. Everything was

    white. It was everything opposite of what people thought castles were like. White marble lined the floors

    and walls. The room split off in two directions. There were pictures everywhere, pictures of wars, armies,

    and people. But the picture that stood out the most was at the top of a grand staircase, which was in front

    of me.

    I slowly walked up the staircase, not caring if Vek and Talon were following me. But before I got

    to the top, strong hands grabbed me, towed me gently down the hall to a tower. Vek pulled me up the

    stairs of the tower. We went into the only room at the top. When we walked in, everything was silent.


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    There were many people in this big room. Monitors were on the white walls and a piece of glass

    separated me and the others from the other half of the room. I was towed to the glass and we looked in.

    Inside the other half of the room was a table. On the table was a person. He had brown hair, only shorts

    on, and his eyes were closed. On his chest there were wires hooked, which connected to the monitors

    behind us. In front of us was Daniel.

    I looked back at one of the monitors, the one for the heart. All the monitors had motion, except

    for this one. It was silent. I felt my eyes fill and my heart collapse. As I fell to the ground, strong arms

    caught me and pulled me to him. I rested my head on his shoulder. He slowly smoothed my hair


    I know it looks bad, but he isnt really dead, Vek said quietly in my ear. It just looks that way.

    Everything is still functioning but his heart. Thats because he is in another world, fighting to get the

    power to save us all. Here we can monitor him and heal him if he gets hurt there, because his body in the

    glass shows what happens to him.

    Slowly I got hold of myself and looked up around the room. I saw some faces I recognized from

    my stories. Tom, Dans best friend, Asriel, my father, and one special person, Ajax, one of my friends.

    They all looked sympathetically at me. Then they all walked out. All that was left was Vek, Talon, Dan,

    and me.


    Ok, lets go get that amulet to save him, Star said to me while pointing at Daniel. I looked at her

    confused. She seemed to have gotten over the whole death thing.

    I smiled and pointed to the door. When she walked past me, I looked at Talon.

    Good luck, Talon said grimly.


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    I nodded and walked after Star. When she hit the front doors, she stopped.

    Where are we going? she asked, turning around to look at me confused.

    The stables, to get horses, I answered and led the way.

    I knew the way pretty well. After living here for years, you get to know a place well. We went out

    the back of the castle and walked into the huge stable. Man, everything here is so big. I still couldnt

    grasp that. When you walk in, horses surround you. Two thirds of the cavalry were horsemen. We used

    that to our full advantage. But the horses we were looking for werent warhorses.

    I made sure Star was still following me and then walked through the stable, passing stable

    keepers, castle dwellers, and a few army men. We walked to the back, out the doors, a little ways down

    the path, and then came up on another stable that was a little smaller than the one we were just in. Inside,

    there were no pens, just a big corral with the saddles and equipment hanging on the wall nearby. In the

    corral were white-gray horses, the purebred, only used by the royalty and close friends. I set my bag down

    by a wall near the saddles we were going to use.

    Like them? I asked Star while leaning on the fence posts that surrounded the corral.

    Theyreamazing, She said, staring at the horses. Wait, whose is that one? she asked, pointing at the

    middle of the corral.

    I looked and saw the pure white, biggest, strongest horse in the corral. He was also the tamest.

    Thats Daniels horse, I said quietly.

    Wow, was all she said.

    I smiled and walked over to the saddles a little ways away. Then I turned and whistled two notes,

    and two horses galloped over to the fence by us. I picked up one of the saddles and took it to the horses to

    saddle them up.


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    I watched Vek walk away. He was clearly busy and not going to be paying attention to me. I

    slowly say down by his bag. While keeping an eye him, I undid his bag and peeked inside. The inside was

    fairly empty. All I could see was a bottle pills, some money, and a few water bottles filled with red water.

    Wait, what! I looked again. Those were for sure water bottles with dark red liquid in them. I dropped the

    cover to his bag and stood up, a memory flooding back to me. I ran out of the stables frantically, trying to

    get away. When I hit the path to the other stable, I ran into someone. He caught me tightly.

    Wheres the fire? Ajax asked jokingly, helping me to my feet.

    Vekbagred water, was all I could get out.

    Wait. Slow down, Ajax said. You looked in Veks bag I take it?

    I nodded, out of breath and still confused.

    Well why are you running? he asked, as equally confused as I was.

    Hes going to take me to the forest and suck my blood! I said, trying to get away from Ajax. He held

    my arms tighter and laughed.

    He is not, he said, still laughing. I blushed, mad and confused. Vampires arent all bad. Vek is one of

    the best vampires I know, except for me of course. He smiled, flashing his teeth.

    I stopped struggling. I had known Ajax for quite a while, and never realized what he was. I was

    always wondering how he could lift so much weight and run so fast when he played football and

    basketball. I looked at him closely. He was very pale, had bright green and gold eyes, dark brown hair,

    but the thing I never noticed was that his two canine teeth were sharp and milky white. I always felt

    comfortable around him and if he was a vampire, how bad can Vek be? I turned as I heard someone

    behind me.


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    I put the saddle on one of the two white horses that I had called over to me. As I tied the straps, I

    thought about Stars reaction to seeing Dan for the first time. She took it well. At least shes willing to go

    find the amulet. While I was preoccupied, I didnt hear Star get into my bag and stand up. But then, I

    heard running. I looked over to where Star should have been and saw she was gone. I stood up from

    where I was kneeling and looked around the stable. Then I walked to where she should have been. I saw

    footprints in the dirt, heading towards the doors. I looked down at my bag and saw it was undone.

    Shoot, I whispered and ran to the door.

    I threw it open and saw Ajax talking to Star, who had her back to me. Quietly, I walked to stand

    behind her. I got to about three feet away when she turned around. Her face looked tormented and sad. I

    did the first thing I could think of. I reached out and wrapped my arms gently around her. I felt her head

    under my chin, so I reached up and slowly ran my and down her hair, trying to sooth her. I knew how she

    felt. I had a friend that I found out was a vampire.

    I remember the feeling of betrayal, sadness, and being scared. Then I remember how the person I

    thought was my friend shocked me with magic, knocking me to the ground while he fed on my blood and

    left me to die. I was still conscience while he was doing that. Then, before I was fully drained and dead,

    someone, who I later learned was Talon, forced me to drink a potion and left me. I was dead on the

    ground. Then I woke up and everything was clear. I could run fast, lift very heavy things, shape-shift, and

    do magic. Though I got all those powers, the thought of that betrayal still made me clench my fists. Star

    looked up at me.

    Are you mad? she asked quietly, noticing my quiet anger.

    I sighed to myself. No, I said.


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    Im sorry for going through your stuff and running off, she said, looking down. I noticed Ajax smile

    and leave, and I smiled back at him.

    I laughed. I would have done the same thing, I said, then looked at the sun. We better get going.

    We walked back to the stable and I finished saddling

    the horses. We packed our things and Star swung up into one of the saddles. I led Stars and my

    horses to the back of the stable and opened the big doors. I swung easily up onto my horse and we rode up

    a hill into the forest. When we got to the top of the hill, we stopped. I looked over at Star to see her

    reaction to what was below us. On the other side of the hill, there was a huge basin with a flat bottom. In

    the basin there were over ten thousand people in black uniforms with a few red uniformed people on

    horses in the mix. Star looked wide-eyed at them. I smiled.

    What is this? she asked me.

    That is the Serlifian army, I answered proudly. Well, part anyway. They are working on drills and

    routines. The ones in black are the soldiers. The ones in red are corps leaders. We have five leaders to

    every corps and we have about ten corps with ten thousand soldiers in each. There are other people, the

    generals that have white uniforms. We have about five overall generals, me included. Those in the back,

    he pointed at the soldiers towards the back of the huge group, are the band. We have about fifteen

    drummers and two trumpet players for each corps. The drummers do specific patterns together to alert the

    soldier what their next moves are to be, as told by the top general, aka Daniel.

    Wow, that complicated, Star said, looking down. We sat for a while.

    Well, I finally said. We better get going. I moved the reins slightly and we started along the ridge of

    the hill. I looked back at Star. She was following, but still watching the training grounds.


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    We kept going slowly and finally the grounds were out of sight. When they were gone, I edged

    the horse into a fast trot. I looked back at Star but was startled to see her come flying past me, full gallop.

    I smiled and followed. We raced until we hit the trees, when we slowed to a stop. There was a lake to the

    left, and the sun slowly going behind the trees.

    Are we going on? she asked me.

    No, I said after a few minutes of thinking. It will be to dangerous going in the dark. We can make

    camp here.

    I hopped off my horse and we put together a small camp. We had a nice fire with dinner cooking

    on it and a small wind block on the left.

    It looks like a nice night for being under the stars, I said while we ate some bread and cooked meat.

    Yep, Star said. Wait, I thought vampires dont eat food, she said when I ate some bread.

    Well, I said, thinking. Im only part vampire. I dont have to eat, but it helps with my powers.

    What powers do you have? she asked.

    HmmI can lift heavy things, run fast for long distances, all my senses are heightened extremely. Oh,

    and I can do magic and shape shift, I explained.

    Like a werewolf? Star asked. Wait, do werewolves exist?

    I laughed. Yes they do. There are two kinds of werewolves; shape shifters can transform into a

    wolf at will, while a werewolf only does on the full moon. But they arent evil like the stories. They just

    become a normal wolf at the full moon. Most just curl up at their homes until morning. They have full use

    and control of their minds. But no, I can only shape shift into a panther.

    Why do they only shift at night? Star asked curiously.


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    Well, during the full moon, the moon is at its strongest point, I said, lying against my horse that was

    sleeping. In a werewolf, there are special molecules that when the full moon is up, the gravity pulls the

    molecules apart, making the person change. After, the molecules go back together. Kind of like the tides.

    Wow, she said. Thats amazing.

    We sat for a while. I looked into the dancing flames of the fire. Star broke the silence.

    So where exactly are we going? she asked.

    I looked up. I thought you knew. Talon told me you would know where to go.

    No, she said, confused.

    Maybe I stood up suddenly and walked over to Stars bag. I got out her laptop.

    Hey! she said, trying to get the laptop from me.

    Give me a minute, I whispered, turning the laptop on and going to Stars stories. I walked around, Star

    following, while I scanned the story. When I got to the part I was looking for, I sighed.

    What!?! Star yelled.

    Calm yourself, I said. I know where were going. Your story says it all. Were going to the heart of

    that mountain. I pointed at a mountain in the far distance. Star grabbed the laptop and looked at the


    How do you know? she asked. This is all gibberish. I dont even know what it says, and I wrote it.

    I sighed. Its a mix of Italian and Serlifian. It says a poem about how the amulet is in the Stormy

    Mountain Pass. Its a cave at the heart of the Stormy Mountains. Now I say it is time to sleep. Tomorrow

    will be a long day.


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    We spread out the sleeping bags and Star fell quickly asleep. I stayed up to keep watch for a little

    while. I mean, Im a vampire so I dont need as much sleep as normal humans. While I kept guard, I

    looked over at the sleeping Star and smiled. She looked just like an angel, with her blonde hair shining in

    the almost full moon. Stop it! I thought. You cant fall for her. Shes Daniels soul mate. They have to be

    together or the world will be destroyed. But shes so perfect, I argued with myself. But I cant let our

    relationship become more than friends. I cant let that stupid prophesy about her having to choose out of

    to guys in the end to happen. After arguing with myself for over an hour, I laid down and fell asleep.

    . . .

    A ray of sunlight filtered through the trees, making light shine warmly on my back. I slowly

    opened my eyes, looking out at the sun. It was barely coming through the trees. I sat up, stretching, and

    looked around. I counted two horses, one fire, andsomething was missing. I stood up, thinking. Two

    horses! I looked around. Where was Star? I walked around camp and found some footprints leading

    into the forest. I ran to the horses and realized the horses were packed already. I grabbed Stars horses

    reins and hopped on my horse. Then, I galloped into the forest.

    . . .


    I woke. The sun wasnt up yet, but I couldnt sleep. I got up and moved around quiet. I looked at

    Vek and smiled. He looked so small and fragile when he slept. I looked at his face that was slightly

    glowing in the moonlight. I sighed and looked around. Well, I can at least work while Im not busy, I

    thought. Vek will probably like to leave as early as we can. So I got to work packing up. Thankfully, the

    horses stayed quiet while I loaded them. I didnt want Vek to wake up. He needed his rest. When I was

    done, I looked at my work. Not bad for a first time, I thought smiling. Then I looked around. The sun

    would be up shortly. I wonder how far we have, I though to myself. I looked back at the sleeping Vek and

    then at the trees. Only a few minutes, I told myself as I walked into the forest.


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    I had walked a little ways into the forest when I saw something white flash past me and run in the

    direction I was going. I hesitated, and then ran after it, curiosity getting to me. I ran for what seemed like

    an hour before I caught up to the white mystery. I was a little disappointed, but surprised at what I saw. I

    had chased a weird, white squirrel that was about the size of a cat. It looked at me, and then ran up a tree

    and out of sight.

    I sighed and looked at the moon. Man, its been probably a half an hour since I left camp. I

    sighed. Oh well. I looked around me. Trees surrounded me, and a small river flowed close by. I looked up

    and walked to the nearest tree. I climbed up, reaching for each branch and pulling myself up. When I got

    to the top, I was amazed.

    I saw the most beautiful scene I have ever seen. A huge river flowed in the distance while the tops

    of green trees stretched as far as the eye could see. Trees and enormous mountains surrounded me. A

    slight breeze gently blew my hair and the sunlight that was barely breaking the horizon line warmed my

    face. I smiled. I looked back the way I came and saw that I was a long ways away from where I started. I

    sighed and looked down. I was probably about fifty feet above the ground. I started down. About five feet

    down from the top, my foot slipped and I fell.


    I rode through the forest as fast as I could, following the tracks of a girl that had been running. I

    rode for about fifteen minutes before the tracks stopped. I looked around. All I saw was a stupid white

    squirrel. I could feel my heart racing as my mind flew to the worst situations for Star. Maybe she was

    kidnapped, or maybe we were attacked and I was to asleep to notice. Thats when I heard a peculiar

    sound. I looked up and saw something flash from the treetops and land on the saddle in front of me. I

    grabbed her waist before she could fall off. When I looked down, I had found Star.

    She looked up at me. I smiled, relieved. I looked into her eyes. Then I couldnt stop myself. I

    reached my hands up to hold her face. I leaned my face down to hers and kissed her.


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    I fell out of the tree and landed hard on something that I hadnt expected, a saddle. When I

    landed, I started to slip off and I felt strong arms wrap around my waist and lift me back up. I looked up at

    the face, scared of who I would see. Would it be a robber, or maybe a druggy? Who I saw startled me. I

    looked up into amazing, hypnotic, multi-colored eyes. They were warm, welcoming, loving. The next

    thing I knew, he was kissing me, and I was kissing back.

    When he finally pulled away, I could see shock on his face.


    No! I yelled and jumped off the horse, grabbing my head. Stupid, stupid.

    What? Star asked, hopping off the horse too. She stumbled and I reflexively grabbed her arm to stable


    This! I growled, letting her go gently and storming away. I cant do this. I know out past, and you

    dont. I cant let this go any farther. You have to be with Daniel, not me. I kneeled on the ground.

    I heard Star walk over to me, and I felt her hands on my face.

    What happened in out past? she asked kindly.

    I looked up at her. I knew pain was visible in my eyes, but I didnt care. It was time she knew the


    About three years ago, you lived in a place, on Earth. A little town in North Dakota. This was before you

    met Daniel, I started to explain, trying to hide the pain I felt. I lived there too. We went to school. The

    town was small. Time went differently there than here or anywhere else. I stopped, struggling to keep the

    words coming out. We were about twenty when Talon showed up and took you, on the dayon the day

    I was going to propose to you, I said, stumbling.


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    They took you to Serlifia and erased your memory. I followed when they told me they needed you to

    save the world. I believed them. So I let you go. I lived in the castle, to make sure you were safe. You

    were happy, I stopped, shaking. After a minute, I continued. Then, two nights ago, Talon erased your

    memory again and had you write them down on your laptop. You lived all your stories. I told you that big

    story about you writing them for us as they happened, but that was the only way to get you to believe and

    trust me. Everything you think happened on Earth really didnt happen, I looked down. Now you know

    why I couldnt tell you the truth. If you dont end up with Daniel, both worlds will be destroyed in chaos.

    We all die.

    She stroked my face softly. Im so sorry, she whispered in my ear as she hugged me.

    Just promise me you will forget me? I asked quietly back.

    I cant. I remember everything now. You telling me this must have broke the spell. But I will do as you

    say. The one thing I wont do is forget you, she answered.

    We sat in silence for a long while when I finally said what had been bothering me.

    I love you, I told her so quietly only she could hear me. Then more silence.

    I love you too, she answered back. How about we let whatever happens happen. No holding back

    anymore. It causes more pain in the end.

    Ok, I said quietly.

    We sat in silence for a little while longer, Star holding my face. Finally, I drew myself up from

    off the ground, a big weight lifted off my back. I felt better not having to carry that secret of Stars past

    without her knowing. I reached a hand down to Star, where she was kneeling on the ground. I looked up

    at the sun. It was almost noon.


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    We should go, I said, leading her to where the horses were grazing quietly. We swung up silently into

    the saddles and started off.

    We rode for a couple hours, stopping here and there to let the horses rest. My legs started to feel

    stiff, so when we started off again, I took my horses reins and walked, Star riding beside my horse.


    So I said after a while, trying to find the right words. How did you become a vampire?

    Well, he started, looking at the ground. When I was young, I had a brother that I was very close to.

    When I turned 15, he started to act weird, always getting mad and yelling. He always had this look in his

    eyes, an evil glow, he stopped, his eyes far away, remembering. Then one day, he just left. I never saw

    him again. Back then, we lived in an area near Rome, Italy, so he could have been anywhere. A few years

    went by, and on my 20th birthday I went for a walk in the woods behind our house. I heard a noise and

    turned around. It was my brother. He was smiling and the evil glow blazed in his eyes. He started talking

    to me about getting power, and ruling this land like Julius Caesar. When I said no, he laughed. I felt

    something sharp go up my back, knocking me to the ground, he flinched, reliving the memory.

    I hopped off the horse to stand by him. He continued, I felt something pierce my neck and felt a

    pulling sensation. Then I felt extreme pain, a searing pain thought my whole body. My vision started

    blurring. Then, as quick as it started, it stopped. I heard a laugh and someone walk away. I though I was

    going to die. He looked at me, his eyes showing the pain. Then I heard other persons footsteps. I felt

    something forced down my throat and I was lifted into the air. His eyes snapped back to the present. I

    later learned that the person who saved me was Talon. I slept for a few days then I woke up to how I am

    now. Talon game me something that would make it so I would change, instead of die, he finished

    explaining. We walked in silence for a while.

    After a while, I broke the silence. So what happened after that?


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    Talon taught me how to be agood vampire, Vek said, smiling. Then, I got sick of being cooped up

    in the castle, which was where Talon took me after he found me. He has always been the Kings right

    hand man. I left, and went to live in North Dakota, where I met you. Then you know the rest, he said,

    looking at the ground. We lapsed back into silence. What I didnt know was that we were being watched.


    A crystal hung suspended between two purple, glowing walls of magic fire. In the crystals deep

    surface, a man walking and a girl riding a horse was portrayed.

    Tisk Tisk, said a deep voiced shadow that was watching the scene in the crystal unfold. So stupid,


    The man walked forward. A black cloak waved slightly around his tall, thin, muscular body. His

    short, spiky black hair blew gently from an unknown source. The purple light emitted from the crystal

    gave his pale skin an eerie glow. His bright, multi-colored eyes had a dark, evil red gleam in them. He

    crossed his arms and watched the crystal.

    Think you can tell her everything and hope things can go back to normal, he said, laughing. Good

    luck. Now lead me to my crystal. He watched silently. How is the plan going Fendrel?

    A deep, growling laugh was emitted from the shadows opposite from the man. Then, two big,

    blood red eyes were glowing in the light. Slowly, a black muzzle, a head, and then the rest of the body of

    a huge monster stepped out of the shadows into the crystals light. It had the head of a wolf, the slim body

    of a leopard, and a mess of thick, sleek, black fur.

    Everything is going as planned Coback, the monster named Fendrel answered in his very deep,

    menacing voice. He smiled, showing long, sharp, pure white teeth.


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    Good, said Coback, smiling. Thanks to my idiot brother, we are making progress to the amulet.

    Though it is going slowly. I think I may be able to find it myself faster.

    Would you like me to take care of them? Fendrel asked.

    No, Coback answered, looking at the crystal. We need them alive to find it. I dont know exactly

    where it is yet.

    Fendrel bit his lip. Oh man, was all he said.

    What? Coback asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

    Well Fendrel said. I already sent out some grokals.

    Coback sighed and put his hand to his forehead. I guess we shall see how strong my brother

    really is then. He looked back into the depth of the crystal, watching to see how the scene will go.


    I rode on the back of my horse, thinking silently. When Vek told me the story about my past, I

    felt like a floodgate had been opened in my mind. I remembered everything. I remembered my little house

    in North Dakota. I remembered going to school then coming home and sitting with Vek on the couch for

    hours doing nothing. IJ remembered his plan on the date that he was apparently planning to propose to me

    on. We were going to go horseback riding into the mountains after a fancy breakfast. Then for dinner, we

    were going to have a picnic in the mountains and watch the sunset. I remembered lying in his arms,

    watching the twilight sun shooting brilliant colors across the sky.

    I remembered him turning to me, holding out a ring that I now wore on a chain around my neck.

    Until today, I didnt know why I had it, but for all these years, I thought I should wear it. I remembered

    him putting the ring on my finger, then a sharp pain in my neck. Vek caught me as my muscles went limp

    and a man stepped out of the bushes. Vek recognized him as Talon. I remembered the exchange of words


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    between Talon and Vek, then Vek passing me to Talon and my mind going black. But I remembered the

    tortured look in Veks eyes when he handed me over. Then, I remembered waking up in a castle. I lived

    in the castle, my memories of Vek gone, and falling for Daniel. Another memory wipe happened, after

    which I ended up in my current life.

    I looked at Vek, who was now on his horse next to me. He was sitting quietly on his horse,

    looking quietly off ahead of us. I could picture that look of pain from so long ago on his face. I would

    never do that to him again. I would never put him though that pain.

    We stopped in a clearing when the sun was in the middle of the sky. I looked in front of us. A

    dark forest loomed ahead. Its gloomy trees were packed tightly together. A thin train led into its deep,

    dark depths. I shivered slightly at the though of what lay watching us inside. Vek saw my shiver. He

    smiled gently.

    Dont worry. I wont let anything hurt you, he said. Then he slid gently from the ground. He patted his

    horse and reached inside his not-so-mysterious bag. He pulled out two water bottles, one with clear and

    one with dark red liquid in them. He handed me the clear one. I took it and looked at it hesitantly. He


    Its just water, he assured me. I drank a little of the cool liquid. I smiled. Yep, just water. He drank

    some of his drink.

    So is that animal or human blood? I asked hesitantly, but curiously.

    He looked at me for a minute then said, Human. I got it from a hospital on Earth. The reason its

    human, he said quickly after he saw me grimace, is because the animals in the forest have built up a

    poison in their blood. Anything that drinks their blood, including vampires, dies of poison. They adapted

    that way because so many vampires lived around here. Animals went scarce and then extinct. Human


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    blood also makes vampires stronger, which is why Im drinking some now. Were going to need our

    strength to get through this forest. Animal blood wont last me as long as human.

    I nodded, understanding. You normally drink animal blood then?

    Yes, he answered. I only drink humans in times of desperate need. I will have to drink more by

    nightfall though probably. Im going to be using a lot of energy keeping my senses high today. We dont

    want to run into the inhabitants here.

    What inhabitants? I asked curiously, twiddling the reins of my horse in my hands. Vek walked over and

    leaned against my horses side, looking up at me.

    Lets just say, they arent the friendliest bunch, he answered. He smiled and walked over to his horse.

    He hopped up onto the saddle, looked back at me, and started towards the dark forest.

    I urged my horse forward. He edged nervously forward, swiveling his head to look at me with

    one big blue eye. He was edgy and nervous like me. I patted his head encouragingly, and looked forward.

    My horse looked around and finally skittered up to be next to Veks horse, so close that I could feel Veks

    leg against mine. When we entered the edge of the forest, I felt the atmosphere change. I felt the darkness

    crushing down on me. A shiver ran down my spine. Vek looked over at me. He reached across the tiny

    gap between our horses and put his hand over mine. I looked up into his warm, multi-colored eyes. He

    smiled reassuringly at me and rubbed his thumb across the top of my hand. I knew he wouldnt let

    anything happen to me.

    We had slowly made our way deep into the dark, misty woods. We had been traveling for a few

    hours when we reached a big river. We stopped and let the horses drink. I sat against a tree, Vek leaning

    against it beside me.


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    I heard a crow up above us. Rain started falling. The horses looked up from their drink. Vek

    turned suddenly, looking behind us. Then the horses turned rigged and suddenly I was being lifted up and

    standing against the tree, Vek pinning me to it, his hand over my mouth.

    When I say run, get on your horse and ride as fast as you can. Find a way to cross the river. Ill be right

    behind you, he whispered in my ear. I tried to ask him what was going on, but it ended up a mumble

    against his hand. He seemed to understand because he whispered, Grockals are coming.

    Vek looked cautiously around the tree and I felt him stop breathing. We stood there silently I

    could hear the quiet padding of paws on the soft ground, getting closer. After what felt like hours, Vek

    whispered, Run, and ran suddenly form behind the tree. He went a little ways off, and then stopped. He

    crouched down; a deep growl came from him. He looked like a panther waiting for his prey. I ran to my

    horse, hopped on, and started to ride off when I heard a howl. I turned and saw what was after us. Three

    big, black, wolf-like monsters were coming towards us. One ran at Vek. Vek waited until it was almost on

    top of him, when he grabbed the muzzle of the grockal and flung it against a bolder nearby. It slumped to

    the ground, motionless. Vek ran to his horse, hopped on, and galloped towards me yelling, GO!

    I turned and urged my horse forward. Vek caught up to me and we galloped through the woods,

    following the river. I turned around and saw nothing. Where did the animals go, I thought.

    Whatever you do, keep going and cross the river, Vek told me as we galloped through the forest.

    Up ahead, I could see a bridge crossing the river. My hopes slowly went up. But why cross the

    river, I thought to myself. My thought was interrupted by a crash, and I saw a black shape hit Vek,

    knocking him off his horse. I stopped my horse and turned to look at Vek. He was wrestling with the

    beast. He looked up, face covered in blood. Run! he yelled as the other grockal barged out of the



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    I turned my horse towards the bridge and galloped towards it. I could hear the fight behind me

    and the other grockal following us. We got to the bridge just before the other grockal got us. My horse

    jumped onto the bridge. I looked back and saw the grockal land heavily on the wooden bridge. Next thing

    I knew, the bridge was collapsing with a loud crack and the grockal, my horse, and I was plummeting into

    the icy cold water. Then everything went black.


    The monsters came out of nowhere. When I first saw them, all I thought about was not letting

    them see Star. Now my main worry is getting her out of here. When that black beast hit me off my horse,

    all I could do is tell at Star to run. I felt its massive claws dig into my back. I went to bite it when I

    remembered that their blood was poison to me. All I had was my strength and speed. I tried to toss the

    monster from off me, but it wasnt letting go. So I let my instincts take control. I grabbed its muzzle as it

    came to bite me and ripped them open. The grinding sound was terrible, but I got it off me and I ran a

    ways away to regroup. Thats when I heard the crack of the bridge breaking.

    I turned and saw Stars horse go under with her on its back. I looked for my horse, but found

    nothing but the grockal coming back after me. I ran to the river, looking for Star. I saw her, still on the

    horse but unconscious. Her horse was trying to get them to shore, but the current was too strong. I saw her

    fall off the horse. By then, she was floating below me. The horse got to the shore without her.

    I jumped off the cliff, the grockal stopping on the edge right behind me. I landed in the icy cold

    water. The rain and the waves crashed down on me, sucking me under. I swam to the surface and saw Star

    a little ways off. I used all my strength to swim to her. I grabbed her waist and lifted her head up. She was

    unconscious, but breathing. I got us to the shore and got up on a bank, bring her with me. I laid her on her

    back, trying to wake her up, but she wouldnt or couldnt. She was ice cold and I was to. I had to get us

    warm or risk hypothermia and death. I looked around for danger and saw or heard none, so I got to work

    as fast as I could, ignoring the pain of my bleeding back.


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    I woke up slowly. I remembered the water and the grockals. Was Vek ok? I felt my panic slowly

    creeping up. Then I realized I was warm. I slowly opened my eyes and saw a fire blazing right in front of

    me. I turned to look behind me and realized I was lying against someone, his or her legs up against the

    outside of mine. I could feel their low body heat and realized we were wrapped in a blanket. I turned my

    head and saw that it was Vek. He was asleep, his arms wrapped around me, trying to keep us warm. We

    were a little ball; Vek laying against a tree and me on him with the fire in front of us. It was the best way

    to keep us both warm. I tried to move as little as possible as I went to touch his paler than usual face. It

    was way colder than his usually warm temperature.

    I realized we were both wet. I also noticed that he didnt have his black jacket on. It was on me,

    over my jacket. I felt a pang in my heart and a shiver ran down my spine. He must have felt that, because

    I watched his eyes open and focus tiredly on me. Then he smiled a smile that made my heart pang again.

    Im so glad your not seriously hurt, he said. I thought you might not wake up.

    I looked up and saw the moon above us. How long was I out? I asked quietly, not wanting to

    break the silence of the forest.

    About six hours, he answered. I was getting worried.

    Wait what happened to the grockals?

    Grockals are afraid of water. When you fell in, they wouldnt follow. Theres no place to cross the river,

    so we should be safe from them. Are you cold?

    Not really, I lied. He raised an eyebrow. Ok, maybe a little. But its not bad. Im more worried about



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    Im a vampire. I can take the cold fairly well, he answered. He moved his shoulder a little and couldnt

    hide the grimace of pain that followed. Then I noticed the blood on his neck.

    What happened? I asked, turning in his arms to look at him. I undid his shirt and slid it off his shoulders

    before he could answer. I could see in the firelight three deep gashes that went from his shoulder down to

    the middle of his back.

    Its nothing, he said, pulling his shirt back on slowly. It will be pretty much healed by tomorrow night.

    Vampires heal fast.

    I turned back around to pace the fire, Veks arms pulling me tightly to his chest. I laid my head

    against his warm shoulder. I thought back over the day. It was my fault he got those gashes. If I had run

    when he told me, he wouldnt have had to wait for me. I could feel he was in a lot of pain because of it,

    but he wasnt going to show it. I felt the day crash down on me. I felt my eyes fill up with tears, and then

    they ran down my face. Then I felt a hand gently wipe them away. I looked up at his face. His beautiful

    eyes were warm.

    Dont blame yourself, he said, knowing my thoughts. None of this was your fault. Then he leaned

    down and kissed me softly. When he pulled back, he kissed my forehead and said, Sleep. You need


    I didnt have the strength to argue, so I turned to look into the fire. I felt his quiet intake of breath

    and his slow heartbeat. I slowly fell into a calm sleep.


    I awoke to the feeling of warmth on my face. I slowly opened my eyes. It was bright. The sun

    was just coming up. I looked down at Star. I couldnt tell if she was awake or asleep. I lifted my hand and

    laid it gently on hers, which was resting on my knee. This was nice, her being close. I knew that when she


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    was in my arms, she was safe. I wanted to stay like this forever, but we had to get going. Just then, Star

    moved. She turned, looked up at me, and smiled. I smiled back.

    We should get going, I said quietly.

    She nodded and stood up. I followed slowly. As I stood, I felt burning pains in my back and I

    gasped involuntarily. My vision blurred from the pain and I leaned against the tree. I closed my eyes and

    breathed deeply. Slowly, the pain eased as I drew energy to my back, and my vision cleared. I opened my

    eyes and realized Star had a hold of my arm with a worried look on her face.

    Im fine, I said slowly, trying to make my voice not sound strained.

    She came forward and wrapped her arms around me. I felt her hands on my back, then a flow of

    energy that dulled the pain even more. She was giving me power and energy. I tried to pull away, but the

    tree was in the way. After a few minutes, I felt the energy flow stop and Star looked up at me.

    Better? she asked, smiling.

    Much, I answered. The pain was gone, but it still worried me how much energy she gave me. She hid

    how she felt well. When did you learn to do that? I asked her back.

    That book you had me bring, she answered. It had some interesting stuff in it. Speaking of which, do

    you know where its at?

    I looked around. I saw her horse a ways away, grazing, with her bag on its back. I wondered if her

    computer still worked after getting wet. Then I realized something was missing. I scanned the area around

    us and figured out what was gone. I ran to the river. I could hear Star following me, but I kept looking. I

    looked for tracks, and found none. When I stopped moving, Star caught up to me and grabbed my arm.

    Whats wrong? she asked nervously, looking around.

    My horse is gone, I whispered. Along with my supply of blood.


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    I saw realization hit her. What are we going to do? she asked. How long can you go?

    Not long, I said. The longest I had ever gone without blood was two days, and that ended in trouble.

    And theres nothing around here thats blood wont kill me.

    Except me, she whispered, looking up at me.

    No, I said firmly. I wont take your blood.

    Why not? It can help you, she said, pulling on my arm.

    No, I said finally. Lets go. We only have one more day to get the amulet and get back to the castle.

    We should make it back to the castle my nightfall. I should be fine until then. Then she must have

    realized she had my jacket on, because she took it off and handed it to me. I tried giving it back.

    No, its yours, she said. Then she knew I thought she was still cold, but just trying to be nice. The suns

    up and its getting warm.

    I sighed, put the jacket on, and walked back to the camp. I got her horse, and waited for her to get on.

    You cant expend your energy walking, she said, crossing her arms. She knew my intentions to well.

    I rolled my eyes. Ill be fine, I said, sighing. This was going to be a long day.

    It will be faster if we both ride, she said back.

    I sighed and hopped up on the horse. I put my hand down and she put her hand in mine. I felt my

    hand tingle, but I pulled her up behind me and let go. I need to have less contact, I thought. It will make

    things easier in the long run. But then she wrapped her arms around my waist and I couldnt stop a smile.

    Wait, not any more contact, I thought to my self. I urged the horse into a gallop and we headed off to the

    pass. It wasnt far. The river had carried us almost to the mouth of the pass. As we slowed and got closer,

    snow started to appear on the ground and trees. We came out of a group of trees and looked into the


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    gaping mouth of the pass. But it wasnt a pass exactly. It was a massive cave. I urged the horse through

    the opening.


    Vek and I looked up and saw giant icicles hanging from the mouth of the cave. He stopped the


    We should walk from here, he said, hopping down from the horses back, then helping me down.

    Why? I asked. The horse can get us in faster. As I said that, I walked a few feet farther in. I felt an ice

    patch under my feet and I slipped. I felt strong arms catch me before I hit the ground. Vek laughed


    Thats why, he said, helping me up. Horses dont do well on ice.

    Neither do I apparently, I grumbled. He laughed again. I loved his laugh. His somewhat deep voice had

    a velvet tone to it that made his laugh contagious. I laughed too. He seemed to be in a good mood seeing

    as we lost his supply of blood, got chased by a bunch of monsters, and almost died last night.

    He started into the cave, me following close by. A couple of times I lost my footing and had to

    grab his shoulders to stop myself from eating ice. He would make sure I was okay; we would laugh at my

    gravity attacks as he put it after about the third time.

    It started getting darker the farther we went in. After a while, I could almost not see my own feet

    and we were walking through a barely human wide part of the cave.

    Vek, I said nervously. How much farther is it?

    He stopped and turned to look at me. I think not far, he answered. Im not sure.

    I hope its not far, I said nervously. If it gets to much darker, I may be in trouble.


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    Vek smiled encouragingly, his pure white teeth shining in what little light there was. He took my

    hand in one of his. I forget youre not a vampire. It doesnt seen dark to me, he said, laughing a little.

    Just stay behind me and Ill lead you.

    He turned around and led me farther into the cave, still holding on to my hand. Slowly,

    everything went black and all I could hear was our quiet breathing. Only the warmth of his hand kept me

    from running back to the opening. But slowly, I felt the muscles in his hand tense up.

    Whats wrong? I asked, jumping at the loudness of my voice in the silence.

    He sighed, reluctant to tell me. I just thought we would have ran into someopposition by now, but we

    havent, he whispered.

    I didnt have an answer. It was weird having nobody trying to get us. We were almost to the most

    powerful weapon in both worlds and nothing was guarding it. It made my nerves go up. Vek must have

    noticed because he squeezed my hand encouragingly. Then I heard a sound.


    We had been walking slowly through the cave for a while. After telling Star about my

    nervousness, I started thinking about reasons why nobody had attacked us. I must have been so caught up

    in my thoughts and watching where we were going, that I didnt hear what Star heard. She jumped all of

    the sudden and I felt her arms wrap around me. I was startled, jumped, and turned, causing my feet to slip

    out from under me. I landed on my back on the ice, and Star fell on top of me. She was shaking, so I

    wrapped my arms around her protectively.

    What happened? I asked.

    I heard something, she whispered, burying her face in my jacket. What she said made me stop and

    listen. I turned my head to put my ear to the floor. I pushed power to my ears and listened for the slightest


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    sound. Then I heard what she must have heard and laughed. What she had heard was just a rabbit that was

    hopping down another passage.

    Whats so funny? she asked angrily.

    It was a rabbit you heard, I informed her, still laughing. She smacked my chest, pushed herself up off

    me, and stood up, eyes blazing like fire. I followed. I could see easily in light, or dark I guess, that her

    cheeks we flushed like a red apple. I smiled. Though, I said, trying to make up for my laughter, I have

    never known a human that could hear that good.

    Magic, was her short reply. She forced me to turn around and start walking, though I felt her grab my

    hand again. I walked and rubbed her hand with my thumb.

    Im sorry, I said quietly after a few minutes of walking. I shouldnt have laughed.

    No, she said, sighing. It was pretty funny. I should be apologizing for getting mad.

    No, I copied her. I would have gotten mad too.

    We both laughed. We kept walking, and slowly it got even darker. As her nerves got worse, she

    slowly got closer to me, until I felt her hand leave mine and wrap around my waist. She was nervous. I

    felt bad for her. I should have brought a light so she could see, I thought to my self. I remembered from

    my human days being afraid of the dark. And now it was pitch black. I put my hands over hers. Her arms

    were long enough that she could reach around me, cross her arms, and rest her hands on my sides. Either

    that, or I was just skinny. I guess most vampires are skinny. While I thought about this, we slowly got

    farther into the dark depths of the cave. We had been traveling for what felt like hours when I saw some

    light shining way off in the distance. I started moving faster, and Star noticed.

    What is it? she asked, her voice shaking.


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    I see light ahead, I answered. The cave slowly got wider. I reached behind me and pulled her to my

    side. As we were, walking I grabbed her hand and pointed towards the light with it.

    Can you see it yet? I asked her.

    Yes, she answered. I have been able to for a while.

    I looked at her, confused. I could see her face in the light now. She looked calm. She must have

    been using magic to see.

    We started going faster and ended up running to the end of the tunnel. I had taken us about an

    hour and a half to get to the end of this tunnel. When we hit the end, the light that was there blinded us. At

    the end, we stepped into a big room. It was a huge circle with four tunnels leading out of it.

    It was full of magic. To the west, the tunnel was big, and had wind flying through its depths. The

    tunnel to the east was overgrown with vines and green grass. Across from us to the south, the tunnel was

    ablaze with bright red flames mixed with blue and black flames. I looked behind us, and realized we had

    entered the ice tunnel. We were in an element cave.

    The center between the tunnels was made of pure crystal. A big, flat rock was in the middle. I

    walked over to the platform. This was where the amulet should be, I thought. I looked down, and saw an

    imprint of magic in the crystal rock. The amulet was gone.


    Walking into the cave was like looking at the sun. Bright white light blinded me. I could feel the

    magic the cave was giving off pulse through my body. I felt warmth coming from the fire tunnel after we

    left the cold ice tunnel. I smiled in the light. I saw Vek walk to a platform in the middle of the cave and

    stop, looking down. Then I saw the muscles in his arms tighten, and I jumped when his fist crashed down

    upon the crystal surface of the platform, cracks growing and eventually shattering the table. Then he put


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    both his hands on the surface, leaning on them with his eyes closed. Then, the cave was filled with bright


    Colorful flames slowly grew along the base of the broken platform and covered Veks hands. I

    went to grab his hands to move them, but it didnt seem to hurt him, so I stopped. As they went up, the

    platform became one whole crystal. In a last flash of light, the table was fixed. I walked up behind Vek

    and put my hand on his shoulder. He sighed.

    Whats wrong? I asked, not being able to see the platform.

    The amulet it gone, he said. The cave must have thought we were going to use the amulet for bad

    purposes, so it transported itsomewhere.

    I gasped and looked over his shoulder. Yep, the amulet was gone. What are we going to do? I asked


    Vek sighed. I dont know, he admitted.


    We stood there quietly for a few minutes. I guess its no use staying here any longer, I said, defeated.

    But I would rather not go back through the ice tunnel.

    When I turned towards the earth tunnel, we heard a loud boom echo through the tunnels and cave.

    The floors and walls started to shake and crack. Slowly the booms started getting closer, coming from all

    sides. I had heard booms like this before, but I couldnt figure out where. Then it dawned on me. I

    remembered back when Earth was going through World War II.

    Who would think of bringing bombs into Serlifia! I yelled. There arent supposed to be modern things

    in Serlifia. It can mess up the whole dimension.


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    Then, a bomb went off very close. I picked Star up and ran down the earth tunnel. The cave

    started to crumble all around us. I ran as fast as I could, trying to get to the outside. I saw the light of the

    outside getting closer. Then a boom went off, and the mouth of the cave collapsed. I stopped and turned

    around to go back, Star still in my arms, looking nervous. I turned and started running. I heard another

    boom and the tunnel in front of us collapsed. We were trapped.

    I stopped and looked around. I saw a tunnel going downwards on our right. I put Star down and

    said, Follow me. Then I jumped down into the cave and slid down into a small underground cavern.

    Star quickly followed and I caught her at the bottom. I grabbed her and sat back against the wall, then

    pushed her to the ground, trying to shield her with my body from all the debris falling on us. We sat like

    this for quiet a while before the booming stopped. The rocks stopped falling and I looked up at the way

    we came in. It was completely blocked. I sat up, letting Star sit up.

    What she asked, whispering, but I stopped her mid-sentence with my hand over her mouth.

    I heard something up above us. I strained my hearing, and heard rocks being pushed onto the

    ground and heard footsteps in the main tunnel above us. Shhh, I whispered in Stars ear. Then I heard

    talking above us.

    They went down here, said a male voice.

    Well, I know that, said a very deep, growling voice mixed with the soft padding of what sounded like

    heavy paws. I can smell the vampire. Vampires have a distinct vanilla scent to them.

    Well, they couldnt have gotten out, said the male voice again.

    Yes, the scent stops here, the deep growl said. There was a sniffing sound, then the growling voice

    said, I think they have been crushed. The sent ends under this pile of rocks.

    So what do we do? the male voice said, worried.


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    There was a pause, then the growling voice said, I guess just go back and tell him they were

    crushed. The amulet is not here, or I would be able to feel its power. It must be gone. We will go and

    search for it.

    I heard footsteps going down the hall and out of the range of my hearing. We waited a little while

    before we spoke.


    Well, that would be why the amulet was gone when we got here, Vek whispered. They must have

    followed us after the attack. Though I know I dont want to run into whatever that monster was above us.

    He sounded big.

    I nodded, and then looked up at the entrance. What are we going to do? I asked. We dont

    know where the amulet is, were being chased by monsters, and were trapped in this cave.

    Vek smiled at me, and looked at the entrance. Well, to start, we will get out of here, he said. He

    walked over to the rocks covering the entrance, took his jacket off, and rolled up the sleeves of his black

    shirt. He put my hands on them, and pushed gently, probably trying to figure out how much I needed to

    push on it to get it to move. He probably wanted to do it quietly in case the monster and other person was

    nearby. He pushed on the rock, the muscles in his arms bulging. His jaw went tight and I could tell he was

    straining to push the rocks out of our way. The veins in his hands and arms slowly began to show. And

    then, there was a pop, and the rocks tumbled into the tunnel above us.

    Vek stepped quietly into the tunnel where I couldnt see him, looking around the bend. I heard

    footsteps, then a crash. Then Vek looked back into the tunnel. He nodded for me to come up, so I

    followed him into the main tunnel. He leaned against the wall and looked over to the ground. There was a

    body lying against the wall. I looked at him, and he shrugged.

    Hes just unconscious, he said, sounding exhausted.


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    I looked around the tunnel. It was destroyed. The grassy vines that had covered the walls before

    we went into the small tunnel were charred and gone. I looked at Vek. He looked concerned. Then he

    smiled when the tunnel lit up with light and flames. The tunnel fixed itself and everything re-grew into its

    beautiful, green self.

    I was worried it wouldnt be able to fix itself, Vek said. But I guess its a lot more powerful than I


    I looked back at him. He looked exhausted. He was leaning heavily against the wall.

    Are you ok? I asked him, touching his arm.

    Just tired, he said quietly.

    No, theres more youre not telling me, I said angrily. I could feel the muscles in the arm I was touching


    He looked at me carefully. Ok, you want the truth? he said. I nodded. I dont normally go this long,

    doing as much as I have been doing without blood. Its wearing me out.

    I raised my eyebrows. Why wont you let me help you? I asked. I hate seeing you like this.

    Because, he said, I wont put you through that. I dont want to make you weaker, just to make me

    stronger. No, I will be fine. Now we just have to get out of here and figure out what to do next. And that

    guy will be awake shortly.

    He stood up and looked at me. I gave him the this isnt over look, which he rolled his eyes at,

    and started towards one of the tunnels ends.

    Um, the outside is the other way, Vek said, hiding a laugh.


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    I glared at him, and turned around. When I went past him, I smacked him, and walked outside. It

    wasnt very far. I stepped out into a big meadow, with trees surrounding it. There was a big, grassy hill in

    front of us. I turned back to Vek, who was not to far behind me.

    So what now? I asked, still mad that he wouldnt take my help.

    He looked at me. I dont know. I have no clue where the cave would have sent the amulet, he said.

    Then he sat down against a tree heavily, putting his elbows on his knees and laying his head on his hands.

    I walked over and sat down by him. I rubbed his back. He was way tired, but I didnt want to argue with

    him anymore. We sat like this for a few minutes when his head shot up. He squinted against the sunlight,

    and looked up at the top of the hill. I followed where he was looking and gasped. Standing on the top of

    the hill, silhouetted against the sun, was a big, beautiful snow leopard.

    I looked at the leopard. It had long, white fur with black spots speckled all over its body. It was

    lean and strong. It looked back at us with bright, smart, yellow eyes. I knew exactly who it was. I stood up

    slowly as the leopard walked down the hill and got within 20 feet of us.

    Hello Shasta, Vek said, looking at the unmoving snow leopard.

    Hello Vek. Hello Star, the snow leopard named Shasta said in a soft, female voice. But the leopard

    didnt say it out loud. I heard it in my head, which made me jump. I looked up at Vek to see if he heard

    the voice. He was looking at the leopard and then he said, Youve been gone for a while. Everyone has

    missed you.

    Shasta nodded, and then said, You know why I left.

    Then it was Veks turn to nod. Yes, he said. But we really could have used your help these last few


    I will not return until he does, and you know that, Shasta said.


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    I was still freaked out by the voice in my head, but I asked, Wait, what are you two talking about?

    They both looked at me, realizing I was there. Then Shasta said, I left when Daniel died. I will not return

    to the castle until he is back.

    But why? I asked, confused. I got closer to her. Why leave the castle?

    Because Daniel is my master, and my friend, she answered. I couldnt stand around seeing him dead.

    So I went out in search of the amulet.

    Well, its not here, I said, frustrated.

    Thats because it was sent to the volcano about fifteen miles from here, she answered.

    Vek, who had sat back down on the ground, looked up at the leopard. Its that close? he asked. I

    should be able to feel its powers this close.

    You are weak right now, so you shouldnt be able to, Shasta said. Then something amazing happened.

    Shasta bowed her head, and her fur started to shimmer. In a bright flash, standing where the

    snow leopard had been, was a huge, beautiful, snow-white dragon. Her scales shined in the sunlight, her

    big yellow eyes looking at us. She walked over to Vek and put her head down so she was eye level with


    Touch my head, she commanded.

    Vek raised his hand and hesitantly put his palm on the flat spot between her nose and her eyes.

    Shasta closed her eyes, and a deep humming came from within her. Then Veks hand started to glow and

    it moved up his arm, covering it. Vek closed his eyes. Then, the humming stopped and Shasta stepped

    back from him and Vek lowered his hands. Slowly, he opened his eyes.

    Thank you, he said softly to Shasta.


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    Shasta smiled. Your welcome, she said. That should last you a little while. Dont overdo it though.

    Now, she said, turning to look at Vek and I. I will take you to the volcano. Your horse is already there.

    She leaned down to let us climb up on her shining back. Vek stood up and gestured for me to get

    on. I walked cautiously over to Shasta and touched her back. I felt her warm scales underneath my hands.

    I smiled and hopped up carefully on her back. Vek followed, putting his hands carefully on my waist.

    Then Shasta jumped up into the air, her big wings pumping air underneath us as we flew higher. We flew

    silently through the sky, and slowly, the volcano got closer.

    As we approached it, Shasta said, Be careful. This is no place to mess around. Get in and get out.

    We both nodded. We slowly started descending down to the lip of the top of the volcano. We

    landed softly and then Vek and I hopped down to the ground.

    Thank you, Vek said to Shasta. She smiled and leaped into the air, flying up into the clouds.

    Vek turned to look into the volcano. There were paths that lead down into the bottom of the volcano,

    where we could see something bright glowing on a rock. Magma flowed quietly through the insides of the

    volcano. Vek took a deep breath. I turned to him.

    Whats wrong? I asked him, touching his arm.

    Im not a big fan of lava, he said nervously. Vampires and heat dont mix well.

    I looked up at him. I can go down and get it myself if you want, I suggested.

    No, he said firmly. Ill be fine. Ill just have to be careful. Then he turned to the paths that lead all the

    way down. He started towards it, and then stopped. He turned to me and took my hand gently.

    Its just as dangerous for you as it is for me, he said. He led me carefully to one of the paths. We started

    carefully down it.


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    Every so often, a rock would slip or the edge of the path would crumble under our feet, down into

    the lava below. We tried to keep as close to the wall of the volcano. We slowly made it down to the

    bottom of the cave. At the very middle of the crater was the amulet. It shined in the light. It was oval

    shaped, and small. It was a clear, pure crystal. It was sitting on a rock that was on flat ground. A little

    ways from the rock, there was a river of lava that circled the whole rock.

    How are we going to get it? I asked.

    Vek smiled and walked to have his back to the wall. Then he started running to the river. He jumped right

    before he hit the lava, throwing himself forward with enough speed to easily clear the river and land feet

    first by the rock. He walked over to the rock and gently picked up the amulet.


    I held the amulet. It was light and felt almost weightless. It was clear. I didnt understand what

    was so special about this, but they finally got what they came for. I turned back to Star and held up the

    amulet, smiling. She smiled back at me. I ran and jumped back over the river. I walked over to her and

    handed it to her. She took it and looked carefully at it.

    It doesnt seem like much, she said. So much work to get this little thing.

    I laughed. Thats true. But now we can go back to the castle and wake Dan up. I felt pretty good now.

    Ever since Shasta gave me some power, I could finally move without my muscles being sore. We also had

    the amulet, which was a big plus. Now we could go back. But by the look of the sun, it would be night

    before we got back. Lets get heading.

    Star put the amulet in her pocket and we started back up the way we came. We had to get to

    ground level before we could get out of the volcano, or we could go all the way back to the top and go

    back down the outside of the volcano. I looked up and at about ground level, I saw a tunnel that must


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    have lead out of the volcano. We headed up the steep incline. I helped Star up some of the slippery steep

    spots. We had almost got to the tunnel when the ground underneath us suddenly gave way and we fell.

    Thanks to my vampire reflexes, I was able to keep my balance, but Star was behind me and she

    started to slide towards the edge of the ledge. I lunged forward and grabbed her hand just as she went over

    the edge. She fell off the edge, but I had a good hold on her hand with both of mine. I started to slide with

    her. I found a hole that I was able to put my foot into and we stopped. Star was holding on to my hands

    with both of hers, a scared look on her face. I was hanging from my waist off the edge. Then, I heard the

    cracking of the ground.

    The ground started to crash around us. Then, it gave way and we both fell. I reached out and got

    hold of the ledge. The cracking stopped, and we were hanging from the edge. About fifty feet below us

    was a river of bubbling lava. I was holding on to the ledge with one hand, while holding on to Stars

    hands. I looked up and tried to think of a way to get us both up without cracking the ledge. We hung for a

    few minutes.

    Vek, Star said nervously. What are we going to do?

    Idont kn.ow, I struggled to say. I felt my muscles starting to weaken. The power Shasta gave me

    was wearing off. Exhaustion started to overcome me. I felt my hand start to slip. Only one plan popped

    into my head. I had to save Star. She had the amulet, and I would never let anything happen to her, even if

    she didnt have it.

    I felt my hand reach the edge of the cliff. I gathered up all my strength and flung Star up over my

    back and up onto the ledge. I felt my hand slip, and I fell heavily towards the ground. Luckily, I landed on

    a ledge just above the lava flow. I felt my hand and arm miss the ground and hit the lava. I felt the searing

    pain of the heat up my arm. I removed it and flung off all the lava I could. I looked at it. It was bleeding

    badly and hurt worse than anything I had ever experienced. I ripped off part of my shirt and wrapped it

    around my arm. Then I remembered Star.


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    I turned and looked up. Star was leaning over the edge laying with her head on her hands. Then

    she looked up, tears running down her face. She smiled when she saw me, and I smiled back up at her.

    Then I felt exhaustion overcome me. I slumped forward on my hands. I heard her gasp. I looked back up.

    It was a good fifty feet above me to where Star was. I mustered up my energy and started to climb up the

    wall. I felt my energy draining, but I reached the top. I climbed over the edge and collapsed on my back,

    my hand on my stomach, with my eyes closed. Star crawled over to me. I felt her put her hand on my


    Are you alright? I heard her ask worriedly.

    Justtired, I said. I felt something remove the wrap from off my arm and I heard a gasp.

    Thats what fire does to you? she asked.

    Yes, I sighed. I felt myself start to loose consciousness and my mind blurred.

    You need blood, she said.

    I didnt have the strength to say anything but, Yes.

    I heard movement, and then felt something near my face. Take mine, Star said.

    No, I said as firmly as I could.

    I heard a sigh, and then something being picked up off the ground. I heard a scrapping noise and a gasp.

    Then I heard what sounded like a rock being dropped on the ground. Then Star did something I wished

    she wouldnt have. She forced her cut arm into my mouth.

    I felt the warm blood drip onto my tongue, and then I lost control. I grabbed the arm and drank

    deeply from the cut. My mind fogged, and all I could think about was the warm energy that was flowing

    into my body during every taste of blood. I felt energy flow into me, and I felt whole again. I barely heard

    the gasp through the red fog in my mind. I realized what was going on and tried to pull away. I tried to


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    think of who made the gasp. I thought back and remembered a name. Star. I wrenched my eyes open I

    forced the arm out of my mouth, stopping the flow of energy. I felt something collapse in my arms, and

    reality came back to me.

    I looked down and saw an unconscious Star in my arms, her arm bleeding badly. I went down

    and, resisting the urge to drink, licked her arm to stop the bleeding. She had lost a lot of blood, to me. I


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