warm-up 4/23/09 lets look at some propaganda for a few minutes

Post on 13-Dec-2015






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Warm-up 4/23/09 Lets look at some propaganda for a few minutes. Slide 2 Slide 3 Slide 4 Slide 5 Slide 6 Warm-up 4/24/09 Look at your terms for 10 minutes Slide 7 Chapter 25 Section 2 Retaking Europe United States and Great Britain agree to the Atlantic Charter (1941)basic principles to lead the two countries through the war and the years after the war Slide 8 Chapter 25 Section 2 Retaking Europe Americans Join the Struggle U.S. joined the war on the side of the Allied PowersAxis powers were controlling most of Europe and moving into Northern Africa Germany and Italy were feeling very confident of their chances of winning the war!!! Slide 9 Chapter 25 Section 2 Retaking Europe Americans Join the Struggle Great Britain and the U.S. were trying to control the Atlantic trade routesGerman u-boats were making the task very dangerous Slide 10 Battle of the Atlantic German u-boats were attacking many U.S. and British shipsthe U.S. and Britain responded by using the convoy system to protect their ships the best they could Slide 11 video War of Atlantic Slide 12 Chapter 25 Section 2 Retaking Europe Americans Join the Struggle American soldiers help to make German and Italian soldiers surrender in Northern Africa Retaking Northern Africa was key to the Allied plans to retaking Europe Northern Africa would be used as a major area of planning during 1942 and 1943 Slide 13 Video North African campaign Slide 14 Warm-up 4/27/09 Write the question down How did the allied decision to delay an invasion of Western Europe and fight instead in North Africa and Italy affect the Soviet Union? Slide 15 Invasion of Italy After North Africa, the allies invaded Sicily. This frightened the Italians and they lost faith in Mussolini. He was removed from office. Italys new government surrendered and joined the allies. The Germans surrendered in April 1945. Slide 16 Invasion of Italy Mussolini was shot and killed and hung as he tried to flee across the northern border. Slide 17 Chapter 25 Section 2 Retaking Europe War in the Soviet Union The Germans attacked the Soviet Union breaking the Non Aggression Pact Many Soviet citizens welcomed the Germans because they thought they were going to be saved from the control of StalinHitler ordered the killing of any Soviet citizen and soldierno surrenders or prisoners would be accepted Slide 18 German Soldiers Invading the Soviet Union Slide 19 Chapter 25 Section 2 Retaking Europe War in the Soviet Union The German and Soviet soldiers had a stand off in the city of Stalingrad Stalin knew that if they gave up Stalingrad, the Soviet Union would have to surrender to Germany Hitler knew if he was able to defeat the Soviets in Stalingrad, the Soviets would surrender The Soviet Union used the harsh winter to their advantagehelped defeat the Germans who werent used to the winter in the Soviet Union Slide 20 Soviet Soldiers in Winter Gear Slide 21 Video Stalingrad and allied air war. Slide 22 Warm-up 4/28-09 If you were planning bombing raids in Germany, what would you target? Slide 23 Allied air power For a successful invasion of western Europe, The allies needed air superiority. The British begin a technique called carpet bombing. Bombing dropping large numbers of bombs over a wide area. Slide 24 Slide 25 Allied air power The U.S initiated daylight bombing raids but took huge losses due to the lack of fighter cover. With the advent of The P-51 Mustang, bombing missions to Berlin begin. Slide 26 Slide 27 D-Day Video Slide 28 Europe Before the D-Day Invasion (1944) Slide 29 D-Day June 6, 1944 Allied Forces invade France to drive out the Axis Powers (Liberate France) Almost 5,000 Allied Ships 23,000 Allied paratroopers 150,000 Allied soldiers **the invasion was key to the Allied Powers attempts of pushing the Germans back to Germany Slide 30 Allied Paratroopers Slide 31 Allied Troops Waiting to Land on the Beach (Normandy, France) Slide 32 Slide 33 Allied Troops Landing on the Beach (Normandy, France) Slide 34 Warm Up 4-29-09 Explain the significance of the D-Day invasion. Type 2, 5-6 complete sentences with supporting details. Slide 35 Chapter 25 Section 2 Retaking Europe As the Germans are being pushed back to Germany, they put up one final stand Battle of the Bulge(Mid-December 1944) Involved 600,000 troops (Allied Powers) 80,000 Allied soldiers died 100,000 German soldiers died **Germans lost the battleGerman leaders recognize that they lost the warGermany surrenders to Allied Powersagainst Hitlers wishes Slide 36 the bulge the bulge Slide 37 Soviet forces advance The fighting between Germans and the soviets was fierce. 11 million soviets and 3 million Germans died. After the hardships the Soviets endured, they believed the capture of Berlin a matter of honor Like Stalingrad the battle of Berlin was house to house and hand to hand. Slide 38 Berlin Slide 39 Germany Surrenders Hitler commits suicide on April 30 th 1945. Germany surrenders on Mat 8 th 1945. This becomes V-E Day and millions of Americans celebrate the end of the war in Europe. Slide 40 Chapter 25 Section 2 Retaking Europe Yalta ConferenceU.S., Great Britain, France, and Soviet Union agreed to split Germany into 4 zoneseach zone controlled by one country Berlin also spilt into 4 zones **Stalin (Soviet Union) did not live up to the agreement of free elections in his controlled areafoundation of many disputes between Soviet Union and U.S. in the future Slide 41 Slide 42 Warm Up 5-1-09 **Analyze the map on pg. 844 in your book. ***Which country do you think was changed the most by the Holocaust? Why? Slide 43 Chapter 25 Section 3 The Holocaust HolocaustNazi Germanys systematic murder of all European Jews Holocaust Era included the following: Concentration camps Death camps Genocide Warsaw Ghettoarea in Poland, where all Jews in the area were forced to live **pg. 844 in your book has the estimated number of Jews killed during the Holocaust Era Slide 44 Auschwitz Main Gate (Death Camp) Slide 45 Slide 46 Slide 47 Slide 48 Slide 49 Slide 50 Auschwitz Prisoners Slide 51 Video clip time Slide 52 Warm-up 5/5/09 How did World War 2 help the U.S. get out of the great depression? Type 1 5-6 lines Slide 53 War in the Pacific After Pearl Harbor, The Japanese were winning battles against the allies with staggering victories. Slide 54 Philippines April 1942 the Philippines fall. Many soldiers facing starvation in the islands, the U.S Army surrenders (76,000 Filipino and Americans troops. The Japs create the Bataan death march, 15,000 soldiers died. This was against the Geneva Convention. Slide 55 Philippines General Macarthur is forced to retreat by PT boat. He told the Filipinos I shall return This becomes a rallying cry during the Pacific war. Slide 56 Defending Burma and China China joined the allies in 1941. Chinas ragtag forces were suffering defeats from the Japs regardless of American volunteer units like the flying tigers. Slide 57 Defending Burma and China The Allies were forced to retreat into India. Leaving the Burma road to the Japs. The allies relied on air power to deliver supplies to allies in China. Slide 58 Warm Up 5-6-09 Do you feel that dropping the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was the correct solution to ending WW2? Explain why or why not. If you disagree, provide an alternative solution for ending WW2 against Japan. Slide 59 War at Sea After Pearl Harbor, America gets payback when Colonel Doolittle uses B-25 bombers to bomb Tokyo. The raid doesnt do much damage but it is a huge moral booster at home and shocked Japans leadership; Why? Slide 60 War at Sea Battle of the Coral sea. This sea battle involved air craft carriers from both sides. Though both sides suffered, the battle was considered a draw. But it prevented the Japs from invading Australia. Slide 61 War at Sea The Battle of Midway. In the Pacific, this is the turning point for Allied forces in the pacific. The Japanese lost 4 aircraft carriers and 250 planes with most of Japan's skilled pilots. After Midway Japan could not launch any more offensive battles in the Pacific. Slide 62 Battle of Guadalcanal Midway victory allows the allies to go on the offensive. Marines land forces on the island of Guadalcanal. This is the first of the island- hopping campaign by the allies. Slide 63 Battle of Guadalcanal The marines slog through swamps and jungles to the Japanese for Henderson field. From here the Japs can mount bombing attacks against Australia. This is Americas first island hopping campaign. From this victory they began to roll Jap forces back. Slide 64 Philippines Campaign Battle of Leyte Gulf was the greatest naval battle in world history. The Japs introduced the Kamikaze into their strategy. This battle virtually destroys what left of Japanese's navy power. Slide 65 Philippines Campaign October 1944 MacArthur and 160,000 troops invade the Philippines. MacArthur proclaimed I have returned 80,000 Japs died defending the islands. The islands are finally won in June 1945. Slide 66 Chapter 25 Section 4 War in the Pacific Battles in Iwo Jima and Okinawa (islands near Japan) Japanese soldiers were fighting to the death to stop the Allied advance into Japan More than 25,000 Allied soldiers killed during the battles for the 2 islands Slide 67 Iwo Jima and Okinawa Slide 68 Slide 69 Chapter 25 Section 4 War in the Pacific FDR authorized the Manhattan Project top secret project to develop the Atomic bomb FDR died suddenly in April 1945 Harry S. Truman (vice president) took over as President of the United States Slide 70 Chapter 25 Section 4 War in the Pacific President Truman considered many possibilities for ending the war against Japan because the U.S. had so many soldiers killed: Massive invasionwould kill millions of Allied soldiers Naval blockade of Japan Demonstration of atomic bomb on deserted island to pressure Japan to surrender Softening of Allied demands to help Japan decide on unconditional surrender Slide 71 Chapter 25 Section 4 War in the Pacific Truman decided to drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki Trumans goal was to force Japan to surrenderdid not want anymore Allied soldiers to die Japan surrendered 4 days after the bomb was dropped on NagasakiEND OF WW2!!! Slide 72 Chapter 25 Section 4 War in the Pacific **the 2 atomic bomb blasts killed at least 80,000 people **90% of the buildings in the 2 cities were damaged or destroyed Slide 73 Slide 74 Slide 75 Notecheck Assignments Notes Terms Review 3 Warm Ups-Which country was changed most by the Holocaust? How did World War 2 help the U.S. get out of the great depression? Should we have dropped the atomic bombs? Slide 76 During the Test WRITE YOUR NAME and TEST FORM LETTER ON YOUR SCANTRON WRITE SHORT ANSWER ON BACK OF SCANTRON KEEP YOUR EYES ON YOUR OWN TEST WHEN FINISHED, GRAB A WORD SEARCH STAY QUIET UNTIL I TELL YOU EVERYONE IS FINISHED!!! Slide 77 Warm Up 3-17-08 Explain some of the difficulties the Tuskegee Airmen had to endure during their training.Give at least 2 examples!! Predict some of the difficulties they may have to face during the movie today. Give at least 2 examples!! Slide 78 Get Your Tuskegee Paper Ready to Turn In and Share With the Class Slide 79 Tuskegee Airmen Assignment

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