warm up - lose baby weight · place your hands behind your head on either side to support your...

Post on 12-Aug-2020






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Music makes exercise more enjoyableListen to songs with 120-140bpm to get the most benefitsMusic can increase your endurance levels by 15Its a great distraction when things get toughYour mood is guaranteed to be lifted and yoursquoll feel motivated

Use this tool to record your results for each test which you take three times throughout the challenge At the end of the challengeyou can see how you have improved


Push Ups in 60seconds

Squats in 60seconds

Plank - maximumduration

Burpees in 60seconds

Day 1

Day 14

Day 28

Warm Up

Shoulder Rolls

Starting PositionStand with your feet parallel and hip width apart Hold yourarms out to the sides at shoulder height palms facing down

ExecutionStart by making small circular motions with both armsPerform 20 circles forward and then 20 circles backwardBreathe in and out as you perform the motion


Shoulder and arm warm up

Body Twists

Starting Position


BenefitsUpper and lower body warm up

Stand tall with your feet spread wider than hip width apartHold your arms by your side and clench your fists

Extend your arms and move them toward your left hip as youlift your left leg and move your left knee toward your right hipto perform a torso twist Keep your core engaged and loweryour leg back to the starting position Exhale as you lift yourknee and twist your upper body Perform the exercise on theopposite side

Slow Jog

Starting Position


Stand with feet flat on the floor with feet hip width apart

March briskly and then start a slow jog on the spot Graduallybuild up speed and lift your heels behind you keeping yourhead up Keep your hands at waist height by your sides bendthe elbows and maintain a straight posture while landinggently on each foot Breathe in and out naturally as youperform the exercise


Cardiovascular exercise and leg strengthening

Side Step Butt Kicks

Starting Position



Stand with feet flat on the floor in a wide stance Cross yourarms in front of you with palms facing downward and engageyour core

Bend your knees and lower your body down a little furtherthen push up onto your left foot extending the left knee andkicking back with your right foot to touch your butt Loweryour leg down and return to starting position Repeat exerciseon opposite leg For higher intensity increase speed of kicksand transitions

Cardiovascular exercise and leg strengthening

Day 22

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Squat Jumps

Lateral Leg Raise

Reverse Lunge

Elbow Hamstring Plank

Squat Jumps

Starting PositionsPlace your hands behind your head on either side to supportyour neck Keep your head in neutral alignment with yourspine

ExecutionsInhale and push your hips backward into squat position(imagine you are sitting down on a chair) Keep your back flatspine in neutral alignment and knees in line with your toesLower your body down until your thighs are parallel to theground As soon as you squat down exhale and push off fromyour toes Jump and extend your legs so your feet leave thefloor Keep your hands behind your head and ensure yourback is as straight as possible Lower your body back downinto squat position and repeat exercise

BenefitsCardiovascular exercise and leg strengthening

Lateral Leg Raise

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet slightly apart and knees unlockedHold your arms strong by your side with a dumbbell in yourright hand Lift your right arm out to the side and hold atshoulder height to assist with balance

ExecutionPress down on your left heel exhale and lift the right leg outto the side keeping your body centered and hips facingforward Slowly return left leg to the starting position andinhale Repeat for 30 seconds then alternate arms and legsand repeat on opposite side for 30 seconds

BenefitsStrengthen legs hips and shoulders

Reverse Lunge

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet hip width apart hands strong by yoursides and knees slightly bent

ExecutionKeeping your upper body tall take a long step backwards withyour right foot and bend both knees lowering your body into alunge position Exhale as you tighten your glutes and pushback up through both feet to standing Alternate legs andrepeat exercise

BenefitsStrengthens legs and glutes

Elbow Hamstring Plank

Starting Position

Begin by lying on the floor on your stomach Place yourelbows directly under your shoulders make fists with yourhands and bring them in with palms facing eachother Engageyour core by pulling your belly button toward your spine andlift up onto your toes into basic elbow plank position

ExecutionKeeping your torso strong and straight exhale and lift yourleft leg off the floor bending at the knee Push your foot uptoward the ceiling keeping your foot flat and hips facing downtoward the floor Lower your left leg down slowly inhale andreturn to basic elbow plank position Engage the core onceagain and repeat exercise on opposite leg


Strengthens legs glutes and core

Day 23

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Reverse Woodchop

Criss Cross

Pike Walk

Plank with Arm Raise

Reverse Woodchop

Starting PositionStand with your feet parallel and a little wider than hip widthapart knees slightly bent Sit down into a squat positionpushing your hips backwards and keeping feet flat on thefloor Hold the medicine ball next to your right knee with bothhands keeping your arms straight and upper body upright

ExecutionKeeping your body in alignment exhale and twist your rightfoot as you lift the ball diagonally until your arms areextended fully over your left shoulder Then engage your coreand bend your knees as you bring the ball back down to thestarting position Repeat movement for 30 seconds and thenalternate sides for a further 30 seconds

BenefitsStrengthens arms chest and shoulders

Criss Cross

Starting PositionLie on your back with your arms by your sides and lift yourlegs straight up toward the ceiling Pull your belly buttontoward your spine and slowly take your legs out to the sideskeeping your feet flat Lower your legs to a comfortableposition ensuring your core is engaged and lower back isfirmly planted on the floor

ExecutionEnsuring your lower back is flat on the floor bring your legstogether crossing your left foot underneath your right Engageyour core and return to starting position Breathe in and outthroughout the movement Repeat the exercise by alternatinglegs and crossing your right foot underneath your left

BenefitsStrengthens lower abdominals and legs

Special ConsiderationsIf you have abdominal muscle separation avoid this exerciseand instead perform a Bird Dog(http20wwwlosebabyweightcomauexercisehubbird-dog-pose) exercise

Pike Walk

Starting PositionBegin by standing up tall facing forward with arms by yoursides

ExecutionBend your knees and slowly move your hands down to theground walking your hands out in front of you Exhale as youstraighten your legs and walk your hands as far forward aspossible or until you reach full plank position with your handsdirectly below your shoulders Hold this position for onebreath Keep your core strong bend your knees and walk yourhands back in toward your feet Roll up slowly through eachvertebrae to starting position

BenefitsStrengthens abdominals core back and hips Increasesflexibility in lower back legs and hips

Plank with Arm Raise

Starting PositionStart in plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders Keep your upper body strongand engage your core while keeping your back straight

ExecutionShuffle your right hand in to centre your body and exhale asyou slowly lift your left arm out to the side Engage yourcore by pulling your belly button toward your spine and holdyour arm at shoulder height for one breath Keep your backstable and strong as you lower your left arm to the floor andreturn to starting position Repeat on the other side

BenefitsStrengthens core and upper body

Day 24

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Golf Squat

Side Step Butt Kicks

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Mountain Climbers

Golf Squat

Starting Position


BenefitsFull body strengthening core activation cardiovascularendurance

Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width apart holdingdumbbells in either hand in front of your body Inhale as youbend your knees and lower into a squat position keeping yourfeet parallel and chest upright Exhale and push up throughthe heels to standing rotating your torso to the left as youraise your arms above your shoulder Ensure you keep yourhead high and a neutral spine in this movement Slowly lowerarms to starting position Repeat exercise on opposite side

Push your hips backward (imagine you are sitting down on achair) keep your back flat head up and knees in line with yourtoes Lower your body until your thighs are parallel to theground continuing to hold dumbbells at shoulder height Asyou push back up through the heels press the dumbbells upoverhead and extend your arms (keeping a slight bend in theelbows) Slowly lower your arms and return to startingposition Repeat exercise

Side Step Butt Kicks

Starting Position



Stand with feet flat on the floor in a wide stance Cross yourarms in front of you with palms facing downward and engageyour core

Bend your knees and lower your body down a little furtherthen push up onto your left foot extending the left knee andkicking back with your right foot to touch your butt Loweryour leg down and return to starting position Repeat exerciseon opposite leg For higher intensity increase speed of kicksand transitions

Cardiovascular exercise and leg strengthening

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart Holdyour hands relaxed in front of you

ExecutionStep your left foot out wide to the side bend through the leftknee and descend carefully as you exhale Keep your feet flaton the floor drop your shoulders and reach your hands to theground Your right leg remains straight Move carefully back tothe starting position Repeat exercise on opposite leg

BenefitsStrengthens legs lower back and core

VariationsTo increase the level of difficulty thrust your hands overheadas you step out and in

Mountain Climbers

Starting PositionStart by lying on the floor on your stomach and pushing upinto plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders (elbows slightly bent) Keepyour upper body strong and engage your core while keepingyour back straight


BenefitsLeg strengthening core activation shoulder strength

Special ConsiderationsIf you have abdominal muscle separation avoid this exerciseand instead perform a Bird Dog(httpwwwlosebabyweightcomauexercisehubbird-dog-pose) exercise

Exhale and bring your right knee up toward your chestplacing your toes on the floor Placement of your right footshould be centred in between your hands as far forward as iscomfortable Ensure the gap behind your knees is closed andhold this position for one breath Keep your left leg extendedfor balance Repeat exercise by alternating legs For higherintensity try switching leg positions with greater speed

Day 25

Bent Knee Push Ups

Starting PositionStart by lying flat on the floor on your stomach Lift both feetoff the floor and bring your heels toward you to form a 90degree angle at the knee Place your hands down onto thefloor at shoulder height beside you keeping elbows bent

ExecutionExhale and push your upper body away from the floor byextending arms straight keeping a slight bend in the elbowsat the top Tighten your core area and keep your neck backand hips in alignment Inhale bend your elbows slowly andreturn your body to the floor Keep elbows as close to yourbody as possible Hold for one breath with your chestapproximately 3 inches off the floor Repeat

BenefitsIncreased chest tricep and core strength

Side Step Reverse Fly

Starting PositionStand with your feet shoulder width apart and your kneesslightly bent Holding dumbbells with palms facing each otherstraighten your arms at shoulder height in front of you

ExecutionExhale step out to your left side and bend the left kneeextending your arms back until your arms are in line with yourshoulders Your right leg remains straight Keep a slight bendin the elbows and return to starting position Repeat onopposite side

BenefitsStrengthens shoulders upper back and legs

Bent Over Row

Starting PositionStand with your feet hip width apart knees bent and bendforward at the waist keeping your back straight Hold a pair oflight dumbbells in each hand and let your arms hang down infront of you


BenefitsStrengthens back and upper arms

While keeping your torso in alignment squeeze your shoulderblades together exhale and lift the dumbbells to reach thesides of your waist Slowly lower the dumbbells to the startingposition Repeat

Tricep Extension

Starting PositionStand with your feet close together knees slightly bent anddumbbells in each hand Raise the dumbbells above andslightly behind your head and slowly bend your elbows untilthey are almost at a 90 degree angle This is your startingposition

ExecutionSlowly extend your elbows and move dumbbells overheaduntil your arms are straight Squeeze the triceps to straightenthe arm without locking out at the joint Keep your head upback straight and upper body in alignment Exhale as youextend your arms

BenefitsStrengthens triceps and shoulders

Day 26

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Lateral Jumps


Mountain Climbers

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart Holdyour hands relaxed in front of you

ExecutionStep your left foot out wide to the side bend through the leftknee and descend carefully as you exhale Keep your feet flaton the floor drop your shoulders and reach your hands to theground Your right leg remains straight Move carefully back tothe starting position Repeat exercise on opposite leg

BenefitsStrengthens legs lower back and core

VariationsTo increase the level of difficulty thrust your hands overheadas you step out and in

Lateral Jumps

Starting PositionPlace a ruler or dumbbell on the floor on your left side andreach your arms out behind you to start

ExecutionSit down into a quarter squat and exhale as you jump to yourleft pushing off with your heels and landing on both feet onthe other side of the ruler or dumbbell Land with toes firstand then heels Return to starting position and jump againpushing off and landing to your right Repeat exercise

BenefitsStrengthens legs glutes and hips


Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart withyour arms close to your body at your sides

ExecutionSwing your left leg out to the side while moving your arms tothe left side of your body Transfer your weight from the leftside to the right and simultaneously move your arms over tothe right side For higher intensity lift your legs a little higherwhile increasing speed

BenefitsCardiovascular exercise and full body strengthening

Mountain Climbers

Starting PositionStart by lying on the floor on your stomach and pushing upinto plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders (elbows slightly bent) Keepyour upper body strong and engage your core while keepingyour back straight


BenefitsLeg strengthening core activation shoulder strength

Special ConsiderationsIf you have abdominal muscle separation avoid this exerciseand instead perform a Bird Dog(httpwwwlosebabyweightcomauexercisehubbird-dog-pose) exercise

Exhale and bring your right knee up toward your chestplacing your toes on the floor Placement of your right footshould be centred in between your hands as far forward as iscomfortable Ensure the gap behind your knees is closed andhold this position for one breath Keep your left leg extendedfor balance Repeat exercise by alternating legs For higherintensity try switching leg positions with greater speed

Day 27

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Bird Dog Pose

Pike Walk

Reverse Crunch

Plank with Arm Raise

Bird Dog Pose

Starting PositionKneel on a mat on all fours with your knees hip width apartand fingers facing forward Ensure your back is flat and bellybutton pulled in toward your spine

ExecutionKeeping a neutral spine exhale as you simultaneously lift andextend your left leg and right arm up until they are parallel tothe floor Keep your hips facing down back straight and coreengaged through the movement Inhale as you slowly returnyour arm and leg to the starting position Repeat exercise withopposite arm and leg

BenefitsStrengthens core muscles glutes and legs

Pike Walk

Starting PositionBegin by standing up tall facing forward with arms by yoursides

ExecutionBend your knees and slowly move your hands down to theground walking your hands out in front of you Exhale as youstraighten your legs and walk your hands as far forward aspossible or until you reach full plank position with your handsdirectly below your shoulders Hold this position for onebreath Keep your core strong bend your knees and walk yourhands back in toward your feet Roll up slowly through eachvertebrae to starting position

BenefitsStrengthens abdominals core back and hips Increasesflexibility in lower back legs and hips

Reverse Crunch

Starting PositionLie on your back with your palms facing down and fingersfacing forward Bend your knees and lift your feet in the airkeeping your lower back firmly planted on the floor

ExecutionExhale as you raise your hips off the floor and crunch yourupper legs in toward your body Hold for one breath andslowly lower your legs back to starting position Repeatexercise

BenefitsStrengthens lower and mid abdominals

Plank with Arm Raise

Starting PositionStart in plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders Keep your upper body strongand engage your core while keeping your back straight

ExecutionShuffle your right hand in to centre your body and exhale asyou slowly lift your left arm out to the side Engage yourcore by pulling your belly button toward your spine and holdyour arm at shoulder height for one breath Keep your backstable and strong as you lower your left arm to the floor andreturn to starting position Repeat on the other side

BenefitsStrengthens core and upper body

Day 28

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Bush Walking


Walking the Dog


Bush WalkingGoing bush and taking in some nature is good for the bodyand soul Spending just one hour walking in the bush will haveyou burning over 400 Calories

GardeningJust 30 minutes of gardening can burn off 315 calories andyoursquoll be working your arms thighs calves and shoulders ndashand if you do it for over 20 minutes you get your heart rate upand boost your cardiovascular system

Walking the DogWalking the dog offers some great resistance and cardioexercise ndash take your pup out for a long bracing walk and youcan burn off up to 200 calories an hour

SwimmingA visit to the pool is always great fun for the whole familySimply splashing around treading water and generalswimming will have you burning over 250 calories in an hour

Bike RidingGetting the bikes out of the garage is a great way for thewhole family to get moving and enjoy some fresh air Theaverage 75kg person cycling for 30 minutes will burn 281calories

Cool Down

Baby Pose

Starting PositionKneel upright on a mat with knees apart slightly



Slowly sit back on your heels and bend your chest forwardtowards the floor Bring your arms above your head and placeyour hands flat on the floor in front of you Gently rest yourforehead on the mat Hold this position for 30 seconds

Lower back and shoulder stretch

Bicep Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Interlock your hands behind you and then rotate them sopalms are facing out Raise your arms up push back and holdfor 15 seconds

Bicep stretch

Chest Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet close together arms by your sidesand knees slightly bent

ExecutionOpen your chest and lower your shoulders then take yourhands behind you and connect your hands behind your backKeeping shoulders relaxed and core engaged slowly raisearms behind you Breath in and out as you hold the stretch for15 seconds

BenefitsChest stretch

Lying Hamstring Stretch

Starting Position


BenefitsIncreased flexibility in quadriceps

Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your left kneetoward your chest keeping the right leg extended on thefloor

Slowly begin to extend your left knee pulling your leg gentlytoward you with your hands Keep both hips on the floor andyour head and neck relaxed through the stretch Breathedeeply and hold the stretch for 20 seconds Repeat onopposite side

Lying Quadriceps Stretch

Starting Position



Lie on your right side with your legs out straight Support headwith right arm and relax the head and neck

Bend your left knee and hold your left foot with your lefthand pulling your heel toward your glutes Gently push yourhips forward to increase the stretch and bend the right knee alittle if you require more balance Breathe in and out as youhold the stretch for 20 seconds

Increased flexibilty in quadriceps

Shoulder Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Bring your left arm across your chest and hold with your rightarm above the elbow Pull your belly button toward yourspine and stand tall with your head up Hold the stretch for 15seconds and release

Decreased tightness in shoulders

Side Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet wider than hip width apart and armsby your sides



Bend the left knee and bend your upper body slowly to to theleft side taking your right arm up overhead and your left armstrong by your side or resting on your leg Exhale as you bendto the side Ensure your upper body moves straight to the sideand you refrain from leaning forward or backwards Inhaleand gently return your body to the starting position

Upper lower and middle back

Spinal Twist

Starting Position

ExecutionRest your hands at the sides of your body and exhale as youturn your hips to the right gently dropping your knees to thefloor Keep your core engaged and back straight turning yourhead to the right side to enhance the stretch


Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your knees

Lower back stretch

Tricep Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet hip width apart and arms by yoursides


BenefitsTricep stretch

Lift your right hand over your shoulder and place your handon your upper back elbow pointing up toward the ceiling Useyour right hand to gently rest on the elbow and push itdownward Hold the stretch for 15 seconds and alternatearms

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Body Twists

Starting Position


BenefitsUpper and lower body warm up

Stand tall with your feet spread wider than hip width apartHold your arms by your side and clench your fists

Extend your arms and move them toward your left hip as youlift your left leg and move your left knee toward your right hipto perform a torso twist Keep your core engaged and loweryour leg back to the starting position Exhale as you lift yourknee and twist your upper body Perform the exercise on theopposite side

Slow Jog

Starting Position


Stand with feet flat on the floor with feet hip width apart

March briskly and then start a slow jog on the spot Graduallybuild up speed and lift your heels behind you keeping yourhead up Keep your hands at waist height by your sides bendthe elbows and maintain a straight posture while landinggently on each foot Breathe in and out naturally as youperform the exercise


Cardiovascular exercise and leg strengthening

Side Step Butt Kicks

Starting Position



Stand with feet flat on the floor in a wide stance Cross yourarms in front of you with palms facing downward and engageyour core

Bend your knees and lower your body down a little furtherthen push up onto your left foot extending the left knee andkicking back with your right foot to touch your butt Loweryour leg down and return to starting position Repeat exerciseon opposite leg For higher intensity increase speed of kicksand transitions

Cardiovascular exercise and leg strengthening

Day 22

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Squat Jumps

Lateral Leg Raise

Reverse Lunge

Elbow Hamstring Plank

Squat Jumps

Starting PositionsPlace your hands behind your head on either side to supportyour neck Keep your head in neutral alignment with yourspine

ExecutionsInhale and push your hips backward into squat position(imagine you are sitting down on a chair) Keep your back flatspine in neutral alignment and knees in line with your toesLower your body down until your thighs are parallel to theground As soon as you squat down exhale and push off fromyour toes Jump and extend your legs so your feet leave thefloor Keep your hands behind your head and ensure yourback is as straight as possible Lower your body back downinto squat position and repeat exercise

BenefitsCardiovascular exercise and leg strengthening

Lateral Leg Raise

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet slightly apart and knees unlockedHold your arms strong by your side with a dumbbell in yourright hand Lift your right arm out to the side and hold atshoulder height to assist with balance

ExecutionPress down on your left heel exhale and lift the right leg outto the side keeping your body centered and hips facingforward Slowly return left leg to the starting position andinhale Repeat for 30 seconds then alternate arms and legsand repeat on opposite side for 30 seconds

BenefitsStrengthen legs hips and shoulders

Reverse Lunge

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet hip width apart hands strong by yoursides and knees slightly bent

ExecutionKeeping your upper body tall take a long step backwards withyour right foot and bend both knees lowering your body into alunge position Exhale as you tighten your glutes and pushback up through both feet to standing Alternate legs andrepeat exercise

BenefitsStrengthens legs and glutes

Elbow Hamstring Plank

Starting Position

Begin by lying on the floor on your stomach Place yourelbows directly under your shoulders make fists with yourhands and bring them in with palms facing eachother Engageyour core by pulling your belly button toward your spine andlift up onto your toes into basic elbow plank position

ExecutionKeeping your torso strong and straight exhale and lift yourleft leg off the floor bending at the knee Push your foot uptoward the ceiling keeping your foot flat and hips facing downtoward the floor Lower your left leg down slowly inhale andreturn to basic elbow plank position Engage the core onceagain and repeat exercise on opposite leg


Strengthens legs glutes and core

Day 23

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Reverse Woodchop

Criss Cross

Pike Walk

Plank with Arm Raise

Reverse Woodchop

Starting PositionStand with your feet parallel and a little wider than hip widthapart knees slightly bent Sit down into a squat positionpushing your hips backwards and keeping feet flat on thefloor Hold the medicine ball next to your right knee with bothhands keeping your arms straight and upper body upright

ExecutionKeeping your body in alignment exhale and twist your rightfoot as you lift the ball diagonally until your arms areextended fully over your left shoulder Then engage your coreand bend your knees as you bring the ball back down to thestarting position Repeat movement for 30 seconds and thenalternate sides for a further 30 seconds

BenefitsStrengthens arms chest and shoulders

Criss Cross

Starting PositionLie on your back with your arms by your sides and lift yourlegs straight up toward the ceiling Pull your belly buttontoward your spine and slowly take your legs out to the sideskeeping your feet flat Lower your legs to a comfortableposition ensuring your core is engaged and lower back isfirmly planted on the floor

ExecutionEnsuring your lower back is flat on the floor bring your legstogether crossing your left foot underneath your right Engageyour core and return to starting position Breathe in and outthroughout the movement Repeat the exercise by alternatinglegs and crossing your right foot underneath your left

BenefitsStrengthens lower abdominals and legs

Special ConsiderationsIf you have abdominal muscle separation avoid this exerciseand instead perform a Bird Dog(http20wwwlosebabyweightcomauexercisehubbird-dog-pose) exercise

Pike Walk

Starting PositionBegin by standing up tall facing forward with arms by yoursides

ExecutionBend your knees and slowly move your hands down to theground walking your hands out in front of you Exhale as youstraighten your legs and walk your hands as far forward aspossible or until you reach full plank position with your handsdirectly below your shoulders Hold this position for onebreath Keep your core strong bend your knees and walk yourhands back in toward your feet Roll up slowly through eachvertebrae to starting position

BenefitsStrengthens abdominals core back and hips Increasesflexibility in lower back legs and hips

Plank with Arm Raise

Starting PositionStart in plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders Keep your upper body strongand engage your core while keeping your back straight

ExecutionShuffle your right hand in to centre your body and exhale asyou slowly lift your left arm out to the side Engage yourcore by pulling your belly button toward your spine and holdyour arm at shoulder height for one breath Keep your backstable and strong as you lower your left arm to the floor andreturn to starting position Repeat on the other side

BenefitsStrengthens core and upper body

Day 24

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Golf Squat

Side Step Butt Kicks

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Mountain Climbers

Golf Squat

Starting Position


BenefitsFull body strengthening core activation cardiovascularendurance

Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width apart holdingdumbbells in either hand in front of your body Inhale as youbend your knees and lower into a squat position keeping yourfeet parallel and chest upright Exhale and push up throughthe heels to standing rotating your torso to the left as youraise your arms above your shoulder Ensure you keep yourhead high and a neutral spine in this movement Slowly lowerarms to starting position Repeat exercise on opposite side

Push your hips backward (imagine you are sitting down on achair) keep your back flat head up and knees in line with yourtoes Lower your body until your thighs are parallel to theground continuing to hold dumbbells at shoulder height Asyou push back up through the heels press the dumbbells upoverhead and extend your arms (keeping a slight bend in theelbows) Slowly lower your arms and return to startingposition Repeat exercise

Side Step Butt Kicks

Starting Position



Stand with feet flat on the floor in a wide stance Cross yourarms in front of you with palms facing downward and engageyour core

Bend your knees and lower your body down a little furtherthen push up onto your left foot extending the left knee andkicking back with your right foot to touch your butt Loweryour leg down and return to starting position Repeat exerciseon opposite leg For higher intensity increase speed of kicksand transitions

Cardiovascular exercise and leg strengthening

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart Holdyour hands relaxed in front of you

ExecutionStep your left foot out wide to the side bend through the leftknee and descend carefully as you exhale Keep your feet flaton the floor drop your shoulders and reach your hands to theground Your right leg remains straight Move carefully back tothe starting position Repeat exercise on opposite leg

BenefitsStrengthens legs lower back and core

VariationsTo increase the level of difficulty thrust your hands overheadas you step out and in

Mountain Climbers

Starting PositionStart by lying on the floor on your stomach and pushing upinto plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders (elbows slightly bent) Keepyour upper body strong and engage your core while keepingyour back straight


BenefitsLeg strengthening core activation shoulder strength

Special ConsiderationsIf you have abdominal muscle separation avoid this exerciseand instead perform a Bird Dog(httpwwwlosebabyweightcomauexercisehubbird-dog-pose) exercise

Exhale and bring your right knee up toward your chestplacing your toes on the floor Placement of your right footshould be centred in between your hands as far forward as iscomfortable Ensure the gap behind your knees is closed andhold this position for one breath Keep your left leg extendedfor balance Repeat exercise by alternating legs For higherintensity try switching leg positions with greater speed

Day 25

Bent Knee Push Ups

Starting PositionStart by lying flat on the floor on your stomach Lift both feetoff the floor and bring your heels toward you to form a 90degree angle at the knee Place your hands down onto thefloor at shoulder height beside you keeping elbows bent

ExecutionExhale and push your upper body away from the floor byextending arms straight keeping a slight bend in the elbowsat the top Tighten your core area and keep your neck backand hips in alignment Inhale bend your elbows slowly andreturn your body to the floor Keep elbows as close to yourbody as possible Hold for one breath with your chestapproximately 3 inches off the floor Repeat

BenefitsIncreased chest tricep and core strength

Side Step Reverse Fly

Starting PositionStand with your feet shoulder width apart and your kneesslightly bent Holding dumbbells with palms facing each otherstraighten your arms at shoulder height in front of you

ExecutionExhale step out to your left side and bend the left kneeextending your arms back until your arms are in line with yourshoulders Your right leg remains straight Keep a slight bendin the elbows and return to starting position Repeat onopposite side

BenefitsStrengthens shoulders upper back and legs

Bent Over Row

Starting PositionStand with your feet hip width apart knees bent and bendforward at the waist keeping your back straight Hold a pair oflight dumbbells in each hand and let your arms hang down infront of you


BenefitsStrengthens back and upper arms

While keeping your torso in alignment squeeze your shoulderblades together exhale and lift the dumbbells to reach thesides of your waist Slowly lower the dumbbells to the startingposition Repeat

Tricep Extension

Starting PositionStand with your feet close together knees slightly bent anddumbbells in each hand Raise the dumbbells above andslightly behind your head and slowly bend your elbows untilthey are almost at a 90 degree angle This is your startingposition

ExecutionSlowly extend your elbows and move dumbbells overheaduntil your arms are straight Squeeze the triceps to straightenthe arm without locking out at the joint Keep your head upback straight and upper body in alignment Exhale as youextend your arms

BenefitsStrengthens triceps and shoulders

Day 26

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Lateral Jumps


Mountain Climbers

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart Holdyour hands relaxed in front of you

ExecutionStep your left foot out wide to the side bend through the leftknee and descend carefully as you exhale Keep your feet flaton the floor drop your shoulders and reach your hands to theground Your right leg remains straight Move carefully back tothe starting position Repeat exercise on opposite leg

BenefitsStrengthens legs lower back and core

VariationsTo increase the level of difficulty thrust your hands overheadas you step out and in

Lateral Jumps

Starting PositionPlace a ruler or dumbbell on the floor on your left side andreach your arms out behind you to start

ExecutionSit down into a quarter squat and exhale as you jump to yourleft pushing off with your heels and landing on both feet onthe other side of the ruler or dumbbell Land with toes firstand then heels Return to starting position and jump againpushing off and landing to your right Repeat exercise

BenefitsStrengthens legs glutes and hips


Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart withyour arms close to your body at your sides

ExecutionSwing your left leg out to the side while moving your arms tothe left side of your body Transfer your weight from the leftside to the right and simultaneously move your arms over tothe right side For higher intensity lift your legs a little higherwhile increasing speed

BenefitsCardiovascular exercise and full body strengthening

Mountain Climbers

Starting PositionStart by lying on the floor on your stomach and pushing upinto plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders (elbows slightly bent) Keepyour upper body strong and engage your core while keepingyour back straight


BenefitsLeg strengthening core activation shoulder strength

Special ConsiderationsIf you have abdominal muscle separation avoid this exerciseand instead perform a Bird Dog(httpwwwlosebabyweightcomauexercisehubbird-dog-pose) exercise

Exhale and bring your right knee up toward your chestplacing your toes on the floor Placement of your right footshould be centred in between your hands as far forward as iscomfortable Ensure the gap behind your knees is closed andhold this position for one breath Keep your left leg extendedfor balance Repeat exercise by alternating legs For higherintensity try switching leg positions with greater speed

Day 27

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Bird Dog Pose

Pike Walk

Reverse Crunch

Plank with Arm Raise

Bird Dog Pose

Starting PositionKneel on a mat on all fours with your knees hip width apartand fingers facing forward Ensure your back is flat and bellybutton pulled in toward your spine

ExecutionKeeping a neutral spine exhale as you simultaneously lift andextend your left leg and right arm up until they are parallel tothe floor Keep your hips facing down back straight and coreengaged through the movement Inhale as you slowly returnyour arm and leg to the starting position Repeat exercise withopposite arm and leg

BenefitsStrengthens core muscles glutes and legs

Pike Walk

Starting PositionBegin by standing up tall facing forward with arms by yoursides

ExecutionBend your knees and slowly move your hands down to theground walking your hands out in front of you Exhale as youstraighten your legs and walk your hands as far forward aspossible or until you reach full plank position with your handsdirectly below your shoulders Hold this position for onebreath Keep your core strong bend your knees and walk yourhands back in toward your feet Roll up slowly through eachvertebrae to starting position

BenefitsStrengthens abdominals core back and hips Increasesflexibility in lower back legs and hips

Reverse Crunch

Starting PositionLie on your back with your palms facing down and fingersfacing forward Bend your knees and lift your feet in the airkeeping your lower back firmly planted on the floor

ExecutionExhale as you raise your hips off the floor and crunch yourupper legs in toward your body Hold for one breath andslowly lower your legs back to starting position Repeatexercise

BenefitsStrengthens lower and mid abdominals

Plank with Arm Raise

Starting PositionStart in plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders Keep your upper body strongand engage your core while keeping your back straight

ExecutionShuffle your right hand in to centre your body and exhale asyou slowly lift your left arm out to the side Engage yourcore by pulling your belly button toward your spine and holdyour arm at shoulder height for one breath Keep your backstable and strong as you lower your left arm to the floor andreturn to starting position Repeat on the other side

BenefitsStrengthens core and upper body

Day 28

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Bush Walking


Walking the Dog


Bush WalkingGoing bush and taking in some nature is good for the bodyand soul Spending just one hour walking in the bush will haveyou burning over 400 Calories

GardeningJust 30 minutes of gardening can burn off 315 calories andyoursquoll be working your arms thighs calves and shoulders ndashand if you do it for over 20 minutes you get your heart rate upand boost your cardiovascular system

Walking the DogWalking the dog offers some great resistance and cardioexercise ndash take your pup out for a long bracing walk and youcan burn off up to 200 calories an hour

SwimmingA visit to the pool is always great fun for the whole familySimply splashing around treading water and generalswimming will have you burning over 250 calories in an hour

Bike RidingGetting the bikes out of the garage is a great way for thewhole family to get moving and enjoy some fresh air Theaverage 75kg person cycling for 30 minutes will burn 281calories

Cool Down

Baby Pose

Starting PositionKneel upright on a mat with knees apart slightly



Slowly sit back on your heels and bend your chest forwardtowards the floor Bring your arms above your head and placeyour hands flat on the floor in front of you Gently rest yourforehead on the mat Hold this position for 30 seconds

Lower back and shoulder stretch

Bicep Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Interlock your hands behind you and then rotate them sopalms are facing out Raise your arms up push back and holdfor 15 seconds

Bicep stretch

Chest Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet close together arms by your sidesand knees slightly bent

ExecutionOpen your chest and lower your shoulders then take yourhands behind you and connect your hands behind your backKeeping shoulders relaxed and core engaged slowly raisearms behind you Breath in and out as you hold the stretch for15 seconds

BenefitsChest stretch

Lying Hamstring Stretch

Starting Position


BenefitsIncreased flexibility in quadriceps

Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your left kneetoward your chest keeping the right leg extended on thefloor

Slowly begin to extend your left knee pulling your leg gentlytoward you with your hands Keep both hips on the floor andyour head and neck relaxed through the stretch Breathedeeply and hold the stretch for 20 seconds Repeat onopposite side

Lying Quadriceps Stretch

Starting Position



Lie on your right side with your legs out straight Support headwith right arm and relax the head and neck

Bend your left knee and hold your left foot with your lefthand pulling your heel toward your glutes Gently push yourhips forward to increase the stretch and bend the right knee alittle if you require more balance Breathe in and out as youhold the stretch for 20 seconds

Increased flexibilty in quadriceps

Shoulder Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Bring your left arm across your chest and hold with your rightarm above the elbow Pull your belly button toward yourspine and stand tall with your head up Hold the stretch for 15seconds and release

Decreased tightness in shoulders

Side Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet wider than hip width apart and armsby your sides



Bend the left knee and bend your upper body slowly to to theleft side taking your right arm up overhead and your left armstrong by your side or resting on your leg Exhale as you bendto the side Ensure your upper body moves straight to the sideand you refrain from leaning forward or backwards Inhaleand gently return your body to the starting position

Upper lower and middle back

Spinal Twist

Starting Position

ExecutionRest your hands at the sides of your body and exhale as youturn your hips to the right gently dropping your knees to thefloor Keep your core engaged and back straight turning yourhead to the right side to enhance the stretch


Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your knees

Lower back stretch

Tricep Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet hip width apart and arms by yoursides


BenefitsTricep stretch

Lift your right hand over your shoulder and place your handon your upper back elbow pointing up toward the ceiling Useyour right hand to gently rest on the elbow and push itdownward Hold the stretch for 15 seconds and alternatearms

copy Copyright 2014 Lose Baby Weight All Rights Reserved

Side Step Butt Kicks

Starting Position



Stand with feet flat on the floor in a wide stance Cross yourarms in front of you with palms facing downward and engageyour core

Bend your knees and lower your body down a little furtherthen push up onto your left foot extending the left knee andkicking back with your right foot to touch your butt Loweryour leg down and return to starting position Repeat exerciseon opposite leg For higher intensity increase speed of kicksand transitions

Cardiovascular exercise and leg strengthening

Day 22

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Squat Jumps

Lateral Leg Raise

Reverse Lunge

Elbow Hamstring Plank

Squat Jumps

Starting PositionsPlace your hands behind your head on either side to supportyour neck Keep your head in neutral alignment with yourspine

ExecutionsInhale and push your hips backward into squat position(imagine you are sitting down on a chair) Keep your back flatspine in neutral alignment and knees in line with your toesLower your body down until your thighs are parallel to theground As soon as you squat down exhale and push off fromyour toes Jump and extend your legs so your feet leave thefloor Keep your hands behind your head and ensure yourback is as straight as possible Lower your body back downinto squat position and repeat exercise

BenefitsCardiovascular exercise and leg strengthening

Lateral Leg Raise

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet slightly apart and knees unlockedHold your arms strong by your side with a dumbbell in yourright hand Lift your right arm out to the side and hold atshoulder height to assist with balance

ExecutionPress down on your left heel exhale and lift the right leg outto the side keeping your body centered and hips facingforward Slowly return left leg to the starting position andinhale Repeat for 30 seconds then alternate arms and legsand repeat on opposite side for 30 seconds

BenefitsStrengthen legs hips and shoulders

Reverse Lunge

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet hip width apart hands strong by yoursides and knees slightly bent

ExecutionKeeping your upper body tall take a long step backwards withyour right foot and bend both knees lowering your body into alunge position Exhale as you tighten your glutes and pushback up through both feet to standing Alternate legs andrepeat exercise

BenefitsStrengthens legs and glutes

Elbow Hamstring Plank

Starting Position

Begin by lying on the floor on your stomach Place yourelbows directly under your shoulders make fists with yourhands and bring them in with palms facing eachother Engageyour core by pulling your belly button toward your spine andlift up onto your toes into basic elbow plank position

ExecutionKeeping your torso strong and straight exhale and lift yourleft leg off the floor bending at the knee Push your foot uptoward the ceiling keeping your foot flat and hips facing downtoward the floor Lower your left leg down slowly inhale andreturn to basic elbow plank position Engage the core onceagain and repeat exercise on opposite leg


Strengthens legs glutes and core

Day 23

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Reverse Woodchop

Criss Cross

Pike Walk

Plank with Arm Raise

Reverse Woodchop

Starting PositionStand with your feet parallel and a little wider than hip widthapart knees slightly bent Sit down into a squat positionpushing your hips backwards and keeping feet flat on thefloor Hold the medicine ball next to your right knee with bothhands keeping your arms straight and upper body upright

ExecutionKeeping your body in alignment exhale and twist your rightfoot as you lift the ball diagonally until your arms areextended fully over your left shoulder Then engage your coreand bend your knees as you bring the ball back down to thestarting position Repeat movement for 30 seconds and thenalternate sides for a further 30 seconds

BenefitsStrengthens arms chest and shoulders

Criss Cross

Starting PositionLie on your back with your arms by your sides and lift yourlegs straight up toward the ceiling Pull your belly buttontoward your spine and slowly take your legs out to the sideskeeping your feet flat Lower your legs to a comfortableposition ensuring your core is engaged and lower back isfirmly planted on the floor

ExecutionEnsuring your lower back is flat on the floor bring your legstogether crossing your left foot underneath your right Engageyour core and return to starting position Breathe in and outthroughout the movement Repeat the exercise by alternatinglegs and crossing your right foot underneath your left

BenefitsStrengthens lower abdominals and legs

Special ConsiderationsIf you have abdominal muscle separation avoid this exerciseand instead perform a Bird Dog(http20wwwlosebabyweightcomauexercisehubbird-dog-pose) exercise

Pike Walk

Starting PositionBegin by standing up tall facing forward with arms by yoursides

ExecutionBend your knees and slowly move your hands down to theground walking your hands out in front of you Exhale as youstraighten your legs and walk your hands as far forward aspossible or until you reach full plank position with your handsdirectly below your shoulders Hold this position for onebreath Keep your core strong bend your knees and walk yourhands back in toward your feet Roll up slowly through eachvertebrae to starting position

BenefitsStrengthens abdominals core back and hips Increasesflexibility in lower back legs and hips

Plank with Arm Raise

Starting PositionStart in plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders Keep your upper body strongand engage your core while keeping your back straight

ExecutionShuffle your right hand in to centre your body and exhale asyou slowly lift your left arm out to the side Engage yourcore by pulling your belly button toward your spine and holdyour arm at shoulder height for one breath Keep your backstable and strong as you lower your left arm to the floor andreturn to starting position Repeat on the other side

BenefitsStrengthens core and upper body

Day 24

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Golf Squat

Side Step Butt Kicks

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Mountain Climbers

Golf Squat

Starting Position


BenefitsFull body strengthening core activation cardiovascularendurance

Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width apart holdingdumbbells in either hand in front of your body Inhale as youbend your knees and lower into a squat position keeping yourfeet parallel and chest upright Exhale and push up throughthe heels to standing rotating your torso to the left as youraise your arms above your shoulder Ensure you keep yourhead high and a neutral spine in this movement Slowly lowerarms to starting position Repeat exercise on opposite side

Push your hips backward (imagine you are sitting down on achair) keep your back flat head up and knees in line with yourtoes Lower your body until your thighs are parallel to theground continuing to hold dumbbells at shoulder height Asyou push back up through the heels press the dumbbells upoverhead and extend your arms (keeping a slight bend in theelbows) Slowly lower your arms and return to startingposition Repeat exercise

Side Step Butt Kicks

Starting Position



Stand with feet flat on the floor in a wide stance Cross yourarms in front of you with palms facing downward and engageyour core

Bend your knees and lower your body down a little furtherthen push up onto your left foot extending the left knee andkicking back with your right foot to touch your butt Loweryour leg down and return to starting position Repeat exerciseon opposite leg For higher intensity increase speed of kicksand transitions

Cardiovascular exercise and leg strengthening

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart Holdyour hands relaxed in front of you

ExecutionStep your left foot out wide to the side bend through the leftknee and descend carefully as you exhale Keep your feet flaton the floor drop your shoulders and reach your hands to theground Your right leg remains straight Move carefully back tothe starting position Repeat exercise on opposite leg

BenefitsStrengthens legs lower back and core

VariationsTo increase the level of difficulty thrust your hands overheadas you step out and in

Mountain Climbers

Starting PositionStart by lying on the floor on your stomach and pushing upinto plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders (elbows slightly bent) Keepyour upper body strong and engage your core while keepingyour back straight


BenefitsLeg strengthening core activation shoulder strength

Special ConsiderationsIf you have abdominal muscle separation avoid this exerciseand instead perform a Bird Dog(httpwwwlosebabyweightcomauexercisehubbird-dog-pose) exercise

Exhale and bring your right knee up toward your chestplacing your toes on the floor Placement of your right footshould be centred in between your hands as far forward as iscomfortable Ensure the gap behind your knees is closed andhold this position for one breath Keep your left leg extendedfor balance Repeat exercise by alternating legs For higherintensity try switching leg positions with greater speed

Day 25

Bent Knee Push Ups

Starting PositionStart by lying flat on the floor on your stomach Lift both feetoff the floor and bring your heels toward you to form a 90degree angle at the knee Place your hands down onto thefloor at shoulder height beside you keeping elbows bent

ExecutionExhale and push your upper body away from the floor byextending arms straight keeping a slight bend in the elbowsat the top Tighten your core area and keep your neck backand hips in alignment Inhale bend your elbows slowly andreturn your body to the floor Keep elbows as close to yourbody as possible Hold for one breath with your chestapproximately 3 inches off the floor Repeat

BenefitsIncreased chest tricep and core strength

Side Step Reverse Fly

Starting PositionStand with your feet shoulder width apart and your kneesslightly bent Holding dumbbells with palms facing each otherstraighten your arms at shoulder height in front of you

ExecutionExhale step out to your left side and bend the left kneeextending your arms back until your arms are in line with yourshoulders Your right leg remains straight Keep a slight bendin the elbows and return to starting position Repeat onopposite side

BenefitsStrengthens shoulders upper back and legs

Bent Over Row

Starting PositionStand with your feet hip width apart knees bent and bendforward at the waist keeping your back straight Hold a pair oflight dumbbells in each hand and let your arms hang down infront of you


BenefitsStrengthens back and upper arms

While keeping your torso in alignment squeeze your shoulderblades together exhale and lift the dumbbells to reach thesides of your waist Slowly lower the dumbbells to the startingposition Repeat

Tricep Extension

Starting PositionStand with your feet close together knees slightly bent anddumbbells in each hand Raise the dumbbells above andslightly behind your head and slowly bend your elbows untilthey are almost at a 90 degree angle This is your startingposition

ExecutionSlowly extend your elbows and move dumbbells overheaduntil your arms are straight Squeeze the triceps to straightenthe arm without locking out at the joint Keep your head upback straight and upper body in alignment Exhale as youextend your arms

BenefitsStrengthens triceps and shoulders

Day 26

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Lateral Jumps


Mountain Climbers

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart Holdyour hands relaxed in front of you

ExecutionStep your left foot out wide to the side bend through the leftknee and descend carefully as you exhale Keep your feet flaton the floor drop your shoulders and reach your hands to theground Your right leg remains straight Move carefully back tothe starting position Repeat exercise on opposite leg

BenefitsStrengthens legs lower back and core

VariationsTo increase the level of difficulty thrust your hands overheadas you step out and in

Lateral Jumps

Starting PositionPlace a ruler or dumbbell on the floor on your left side andreach your arms out behind you to start

ExecutionSit down into a quarter squat and exhale as you jump to yourleft pushing off with your heels and landing on both feet onthe other side of the ruler or dumbbell Land with toes firstand then heels Return to starting position and jump againpushing off and landing to your right Repeat exercise

BenefitsStrengthens legs glutes and hips


Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart withyour arms close to your body at your sides

ExecutionSwing your left leg out to the side while moving your arms tothe left side of your body Transfer your weight from the leftside to the right and simultaneously move your arms over tothe right side For higher intensity lift your legs a little higherwhile increasing speed

BenefitsCardiovascular exercise and full body strengthening

Mountain Climbers

Starting PositionStart by lying on the floor on your stomach and pushing upinto plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders (elbows slightly bent) Keepyour upper body strong and engage your core while keepingyour back straight


BenefitsLeg strengthening core activation shoulder strength

Special ConsiderationsIf you have abdominal muscle separation avoid this exerciseand instead perform a Bird Dog(httpwwwlosebabyweightcomauexercisehubbird-dog-pose) exercise

Exhale and bring your right knee up toward your chestplacing your toes on the floor Placement of your right footshould be centred in between your hands as far forward as iscomfortable Ensure the gap behind your knees is closed andhold this position for one breath Keep your left leg extendedfor balance Repeat exercise by alternating legs For higherintensity try switching leg positions with greater speed

Day 27

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Bird Dog Pose

Pike Walk

Reverse Crunch

Plank with Arm Raise

Bird Dog Pose

Starting PositionKneel on a mat on all fours with your knees hip width apartand fingers facing forward Ensure your back is flat and bellybutton pulled in toward your spine

ExecutionKeeping a neutral spine exhale as you simultaneously lift andextend your left leg and right arm up until they are parallel tothe floor Keep your hips facing down back straight and coreengaged through the movement Inhale as you slowly returnyour arm and leg to the starting position Repeat exercise withopposite arm and leg

BenefitsStrengthens core muscles glutes and legs

Pike Walk

Starting PositionBegin by standing up tall facing forward with arms by yoursides

ExecutionBend your knees and slowly move your hands down to theground walking your hands out in front of you Exhale as youstraighten your legs and walk your hands as far forward aspossible or until you reach full plank position with your handsdirectly below your shoulders Hold this position for onebreath Keep your core strong bend your knees and walk yourhands back in toward your feet Roll up slowly through eachvertebrae to starting position

BenefitsStrengthens abdominals core back and hips Increasesflexibility in lower back legs and hips

Reverse Crunch

Starting PositionLie on your back with your palms facing down and fingersfacing forward Bend your knees and lift your feet in the airkeeping your lower back firmly planted on the floor

ExecutionExhale as you raise your hips off the floor and crunch yourupper legs in toward your body Hold for one breath andslowly lower your legs back to starting position Repeatexercise

BenefitsStrengthens lower and mid abdominals

Plank with Arm Raise

Starting PositionStart in plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders Keep your upper body strongand engage your core while keeping your back straight

ExecutionShuffle your right hand in to centre your body and exhale asyou slowly lift your left arm out to the side Engage yourcore by pulling your belly button toward your spine and holdyour arm at shoulder height for one breath Keep your backstable and strong as you lower your left arm to the floor andreturn to starting position Repeat on the other side

BenefitsStrengthens core and upper body

Day 28

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Bush Walking


Walking the Dog


Bush WalkingGoing bush and taking in some nature is good for the bodyand soul Spending just one hour walking in the bush will haveyou burning over 400 Calories

GardeningJust 30 minutes of gardening can burn off 315 calories andyoursquoll be working your arms thighs calves and shoulders ndashand if you do it for over 20 minutes you get your heart rate upand boost your cardiovascular system

Walking the DogWalking the dog offers some great resistance and cardioexercise ndash take your pup out for a long bracing walk and youcan burn off up to 200 calories an hour

SwimmingA visit to the pool is always great fun for the whole familySimply splashing around treading water and generalswimming will have you burning over 250 calories in an hour

Bike RidingGetting the bikes out of the garage is a great way for thewhole family to get moving and enjoy some fresh air Theaverage 75kg person cycling for 30 minutes will burn 281calories

Cool Down

Baby Pose

Starting PositionKneel upright on a mat with knees apart slightly



Slowly sit back on your heels and bend your chest forwardtowards the floor Bring your arms above your head and placeyour hands flat on the floor in front of you Gently rest yourforehead on the mat Hold this position for 30 seconds

Lower back and shoulder stretch

Bicep Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Interlock your hands behind you and then rotate them sopalms are facing out Raise your arms up push back and holdfor 15 seconds

Bicep stretch

Chest Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet close together arms by your sidesand knees slightly bent

ExecutionOpen your chest and lower your shoulders then take yourhands behind you and connect your hands behind your backKeeping shoulders relaxed and core engaged slowly raisearms behind you Breath in and out as you hold the stretch for15 seconds

BenefitsChest stretch

Lying Hamstring Stretch

Starting Position


BenefitsIncreased flexibility in quadriceps

Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your left kneetoward your chest keeping the right leg extended on thefloor

Slowly begin to extend your left knee pulling your leg gentlytoward you with your hands Keep both hips on the floor andyour head and neck relaxed through the stretch Breathedeeply and hold the stretch for 20 seconds Repeat onopposite side

Lying Quadriceps Stretch

Starting Position



Lie on your right side with your legs out straight Support headwith right arm and relax the head and neck

Bend your left knee and hold your left foot with your lefthand pulling your heel toward your glutes Gently push yourhips forward to increase the stretch and bend the right knee alittle if you require more balance Breathe in and out as youhold the stretch for 20 seconds

Increased flexibilty in quadriceps

Shoulder Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Bring your left arm across your chest and hold with your rightarm above the elbow Pull your belly button toward yourspine and stand tall with your head up Hold the stretch for 15seconds and release

Decreased tightness in shoulders

Side Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet wider than hip width apart and armsby your sides



Bend the left knee and bend your upper body slowly to to theleft side taking your right arm up overhead and your left armstrong by your side or resting on your leg Exhale as you bendto the side Ensure your upper body moves straight to the sideand you refrain from leaning forward or backwards Inhaleand gently return your body to the starting position

Upper lower and middle back

Spinal Twist

Starting Position

ExecutionRest your hands at the sides of your body and exhale as youturn your hips to the right gently dropping your knees to thefloor Keep your core engaged and back straight turning yourhead to the right side to enhance the stretch


Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your knees

Lower back stretch

Tricep Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet hip width apart and arms by yoursides


BenefitsTricep stretch

Lift your right hand over your shoulder and place your handon your upper back elbow pointing up toward the ceiling Useyour right hand to gently rest on the elbow and push itdownward Hold the stretch for 15 seconds and alternatearms

copy Copyright 2014 Lose Baby Weight All Rights Reserved

Day 22

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Squat Jumps

Lateral Leg Raise

Reverse Lunge

Elbow Hamstring Plank

Squat Jumps

Starting PositionsPlace your hands behind your head on either side to supportyour neck Keep your head in neutral alignment with yourspine

ExecutionsInhale and push your hips backward into squat position(imagine you are sitting down on a chair) Keep your back flatspine in neutral alignment and knees in line with your toesLower your body down until your thighs are parallel to theground As soon as you squat down exhale and push off fromyour toes Jump and extend your legs so your feet leave thefloor Keep your hands behind your head and ensure yourback is as straight as possible Lower your body back downinto squat position and repeat exercise

BenefitsCardiovascular exercise and leg strengthening

Lateral Leg Raise

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet slightly apart and knees unlockedHold your arms strong by your side with a dumbbell in yourright hand Lift your right arm out to the side and hold atshoulder height to assist with balance

ExecutionPress down on your left heel exhale and lift the right leg outto the side keeping your body centered and hips facingforward Slowly return left leg to the starting position andinhale Repeat for 30 seconds then alternate arms and legsand repeat on opposite side for 30 seconds

BenefitsStrengthen legs hips and shoulders

Reverse Lunge

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet hip width apart hands strong by yoursides and knees slightly bent

ExecutionKeeping your upper body tall take a long step backwards withyour right foot and bend both knees lowering your body into alunge position Exhale as you tighten your glutes and pushback up through both feet to standing Alternate legs andrepeat exercise

BenefitsStrengthens legs and glutes

Elbow Hamstring Plank

Starting Position

Begin by lying on the floor on your stomach Place yourelbows directly under your shoulders make fists with yourhands and bring them in with palms facing eachother Engageyour core by pulling your belly button toward your spine andlift up onto your toes into basic elbow plank position

ExecutionKeeping your torso strong and straight exhale and lift yourleft leg off the floor bending at the knee Push your foot uptoward the ceiling keeping your foot flat and hips facing downtoward the floor Lower your left leg down slowly inhale andreturn to basic elbow plank position Engage the core onceagain and repeat exercise on opposite leg


Strengthens legs glutes and core

Day 23

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Reverse Woodchop

Criss Cross

Pike Walk

Plank with Arm Raise

Reverse Woodchop

Starting PositionStand with your feet parallel and a little wider than hip widthapart knees slightly bent Sit down into a squat positionpushing your hips backwards and keeping feet flat on thefloor Hold the medicine ball next to your right knee with bothhands keeping your arms straight and upper body upright

ExecutionKeeping your body in alignment exhale and twist your rightfoot as you lift the ball diagonally until your arms areextended fully over your left shoulder Then engage your coreand bend your knees as you bring the ball back down to thestarting position Repeat movement for 30 seconds and thenalternate sides for a further 30 seconds

BenefitsStrengthens arms chest and shoulders

Criss Cross

Starting PositionLie on your back with your arms by your sides and lift yourlegs straight up toward the ceiling Pull your belly buttontoward your spine and slowly take your legs out to the sideskeeping your feet flat Lower your legs to a comfortableposition ensuring your core is engaged and lower back isfirmly planted on the floor

ExecutionEnsuring your lower back is flat on the floor bring your legstogether crossing your left foot underneath your right Engageyour core and return to starting position Breathe in and outthroughout the movement Repeat the exercise by alternatinglegs and crossing your right foot underneath your left

BenefitsStrengthens lower abdominals and legs

Special ConsiderationsIf you have abdominal muscle separation avoid this exerciseand instead perform a Bird Dog(http20wwwlosebabyweightcomauexercisehubbird-dog-pose) exercise

Pike Walk

Starting PositionBegin by standing up tall facing forward with arms by yoursides

ExecutionBend your knees and slowly move your hands down to theground walking your hands out in front of you Exhale as youstraighten your legs and walk your hands as far forward aspossible or until you reach full plank position with your handsdirectly below your shoulders Hold this position for onebreath Keep your core strong bend your knees and walk yourhands back in toward your feet Roll up slowly through eachvertebrae to starting position

BenefitsStrengthens abdominals core back and hips Increasesflexibility in lower back legs and hips

Plank with Arm Raise

Starting PositionStart in plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders Keep your upper body strongand engage your core while keeping your back straight

ExecutionShuffle your right hand in to centre your body and exhale asyou slowly lift your left arm out to the side Engage yourcore by pulling your belly button toward your spine and holdyour arm at shoulder height for one breath Keep your backstable and strong as you lower your left arm to the floor andreturn to starting position Repeat on the other side

BenefitsStrengthens core and upper body

Day 24

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Golf Squat

Side Step Butt Kicks

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Mountain Climbers

Golf Squat

Starting Position


BenefitsFull body strengthening core activation cardiovascularendurance

Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width apart holdingdumbbells in either hand in front of your body Inhale as youbend your knees and lower into a squat position keeping yourfeet parallel and chest upright Exhale and push up throughthe heels to standing rotating your torso to the left as youraise your arms above your shoulder Ensure you keep yourhead high and a neutral spine in this movement Slowly lowerarms to starting position Repeat exercise on opposite side

Push your hips backward (imagine you are sitting down on achair) keep your back flat head up and knees in line with yourtoes Lower your body until your thighs are parallel to theground continuing to hold dumbbells at shoulder height Asyou push back up through the heels press the dumbbells upoverhead and extend your arms (keeping a slight bend in theelbows) Slowly lower your arms and return to startingposition Repeat exercise

Side Step Butt Kicks

Starting Position



Stand with feet flat on the floor in a wide stance Cross yourarms in front of you with palms facing downward and engageyour core

Bend your knees and lower your body down a little furtherthen push up onto your left foot extending the left knee andkicking back with your right foot to touch your butt Loweryour leg down and return to starting position Repeat exerciseon opposite leg For higher intensity increase speed of kicksand transitions

Cardiovascular exercise and leg strengthening

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart Holdyour hands relaxed in front of you

ExecutionStep your left foot out wide to the side bend through the leftknee and descend carefully as you exhale Keep your feet flaton the floor drop your shoulders and reach your hands to theground Your right leg remains straight Move carefully back tothe starting position Repeat exercise on opposite leg

BenefitsStrengthens legs lower back and core

VariationsTo increase the level of difficulty thrust your hands overheadas you step out and in

Mountain Climbers

Starting PositionStart by lying on the floor on your stomach and pushing upinto plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders (elbows slightly bent) Keepyour upper body strong and engage your core while keepingyour back straight


BenefitsLeg strengthening core activation shoulder strength

Special ConsiderationsIf you have abdominal muscle separation avoid this exerciseand instead perform a Bird Dog(httpwwwlosebabyweightcomauexercisehubbird-dog-pose) exercise

Exhale and bring your right knee up toward your chestplacing your toes on the floor Placement of your right footshould be centred in between your hands as far forward as iscomfortable Ensure the gap behind your knees is closed andhold this position for one breath Keep your left leg extendedfor balance Repeat exercise by alternating legs For higherintensity try switching leg positions with greater speed

Day 25

Bent Knee Push Ups

Starting PositionStart by lying flat on the floor on your stomach Lift both feetoff the floor and bring your heels toward you to form a 90degree angle at the knee Place your hands down onto thefloor at shoulder height beside you keeping elbows bent

ExecutionExhale and push your upper body away from the floor byextending arms straight keeping a slight bend in the elbowsat the top Tighten your core area and keep your neck backand hips in alignment Inhale bend your elbows slowly andreturn your body to the floor Keep elbows as close to yourbody as possible Hold for one breath with your chestapproximately 3 inches off the floor Repeat

BenefitsIncreased chest tricep and core strength

Side Step Reverse Fly

Starting PositionStand with your feet shoulder width apart and your kneesslightly bent Holding dumbbells with palms facing each otherstraighten your arms at shoulder height in front of you

ExecutionExhale step out to your left side and bend the left kneeextending your arms back until your arms are in line with yourshoulders Your right leg remains straight Keep a slight bendin the elbows and return to starting position Repeat onopposite side

BenefitsStrengthens shoulders upper back and legs

Bent Over Row

Starting PositionStand with your feet hip width apart knees bent and bendforward at the waist keeping your back straight Hold a pair oflight dumbbells in each hand and let your arms hang down infront of you


BenefitsStrengthens back and upper arms

While keeping your torso in alignment squeeze your shoulderblades together exhale and lift the dumbbells to reach thesides of your waist Slowly lower the dumbbells to the startingposition Repeat

Tricep Extension

Starting PositionStand with your feet close together knees slightly bent anddumbbells in each hand Raise the dumbbells above andslightly behind your head and slowly bend your elbows untilthey are almost at a 90 degree angle This is your startingposition

ExecutionSlowly extend your elbows and move dumbbells overheaduntil your arms are straight Squeeze the triceps to straightenthe arm without locking out at the joint Keep your head upback straight and upper body in alignment Exhale as youextend your arms

BenefitsStrengthens triceps and shoulders

Day 26

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Lateral Jumps


Mountain Climbers

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart Holdyour hands relaxed in front of you

ExecutionStep your left foot out wide to the side bend through the leftknee and descend carefully as you exhale Keep your feet flaton the floor drop your shoulders and reach your hands to theground Your right leg remains straight Move carefully back tothe starting position Repeat exercise on opposite leg

BenefitsStrengthens legs lower back and core

VariationsTo increase the level of difficulty thrust your hands overheadas you step out and in

Lateral Jumps

Starting PositionPlace a ruler or dumbbell on the floor on your left side andreach your arms out behind you to start

ExecutionSit down into a quarter squat and exhale as you jump to yourleft pushing off with your heels and landing on both feet onthe other side of the ruler or dumbbell Land with toes firstand then heels Return to starting position and jump againpushing off and landing to your right Repeat exercise

BenefitsStrengthens legs glutes and hips


Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart withyour arms close to your body at your sides

ExecutionSwing your left leg out to the side while moving your arms tothe left side of your body Transfer your weight from the leftside to the right and simultaneously move your arms over tothe right side For higher intensity lift your legs a little higherwhile increasing speed

BenefitsCardiovascular exercise and full body strengthening

Mountain Climbers

Starting PositionStart by lying on the floor on your stomach and pushing upinto plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders (elbows slightly bent) Keepyour upper body strong and engage your core while keepingyour back straight


BenefitsLeg strengthening core activation shoulder strength

Special ConsiderationsIf you have abdominal muscle separation avoid this exerciseand instead perform a Bird Dog(httpwwwlosebabyweightcomauexercisehubbird-dog-pose) exercise

Exhale and bring your right knee up toward your chestplacing your toes on the floor Placement of your right footshould be centred in between your hands as far forward as iscomfortable Ensure the gap behind your knees is closed andhold this position for one breath Keep your left leg extendedfor balance Repeat exercise by alternating legs For higherintensity try switching leg positions with greater speed

Day 27

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Bird Dog Pose

Pike Walk

Reverse Crunch

Plank with Arm Raise

Bird Dog Pose

Starting PositionKneel on a mat on all fours with your knees hip width apartand fingers facing forward Ensure your back is flat and bellybutton pulled in toward your spine

ExecutionKeeping a neutral spine exhale as you simultaneously lift andextend your left leg and right arm up until they are parallel tothe floor Keep your hips facing down back straight and coreengaged through the movement Inhale as you slowly returnyour arm and leg to the starting position Repeat exercise withopposite arm and leg

BenefitsStrengthens core muscles glutes and legs

Pike Walk

Starting PositionBegin by standing up tall facing forward with arms by yoursides

ExecutionBend your knees and slowly move your hands down to theground walking your hands out in front of you Exhale as youstraighten your legs and walk your hands as far forward aspossible or until you reach full plank position with your handsdirectly below your shoulders Hold this position for onebreath Keep your core strong bend your knees and walk yourhands back in toward your feet Roll up slowly through eachvertebrae to starting position

BenefitsStrengthens abdominals core back and hips Increasesflexibility in lower back legs and hips

Reverse Crunch

Starting PositionLie on your back with your palms facing down and fingersfacing forward Bend your knees and lift your feet in the airkeeping your lower back firmly planted on the floor

ExecutionExhale as you raise your hips off the floor and crunch yourupper legs in toward your body Hold for one breath andslowly lower your legs back to starting position Repeatexercise

BenefitsStrengthens lower and mid abdominals

Plank with Arm Raise

Starting PositionStart in plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders Keep your upper body strongand engage your core while keeping your back straight

ExecutionShuffle your right hand in to centre your body and exhale asyou slowly lift your left arm out to the side Engage yourcore by pulling your belly button toward your spine and holdyour arm at shoulder height for one breath Keep your backstable and strong as you lower your left arm to the floor andreturn to starting position Repeat on the other side

BenefitsStrengthens core and upper body

Day 28

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Bush Walking


Walking the Dog


Bush WalkingGoing bush and taking in some nature is good for the bodyand soul Spending just one hour walking in the bush will haveyou burning over 400 Calories

GardeningJust 30 minutes of gardening can burn off 315 calories andyoursquoll be working your arms thighs calves and shoulders ndashand if you do it for over 20 minutes you get your heart rate upand boost your cardiovascular system

Walking the DogWalking the dog offers some great resistance and cardioexercise ndash take your pup out for a long bracing walk and youcan burn off up to 200 calories an hour

SwimmingA visit to the pool is always great fun for the whole familySimply splashing around treading water and generalswimming will have you burning over 250 calories in an hour

Bike RidingGetting the bikes out of the garage is a great way for thewhole family to get moving and enjoy some fresh air Theaverage 75kg person cycling for 30 minutes will burn 281calories

Cool Down

Baby Pose

Starting PositionKneel upright on a mat with knees apart slightly



Slowly sit back on your heels and bend your chest forwardtowards the floor Bring your arms above your head and placeyour hands flat on the floor in front of you Gently rest yourforehead on the mat Hold this position for 30 seconds

Lower back and shoulder stretch

Bicep Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Interlock your hands behind you and then rotate them sopalms are facing out Raise your arms up push back and holdfor 15 seconds

Bicep stretch

Chest Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet close together arms by your sidesand knees slightly bent

ExecutionOpen your chest and lower your shoulders then take yourhands behind you and connect your hands behind your backKeeping shoulders relaxed and core engaged slowly raisearms behind you Breath in and out as you hold the stretch for15 seconds

BenefitsChest stretch

Lying Hamstring Stretch

Starting Position


BenefitsIncreased flexibility in quadriceps

Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your left kneetoward your chest keeping the right leg extended on thefloor

Slowly begin to extend your left knee pulling your leg gentlytoward you with your hands Keep both hips on the floor andyour head and neck relaxed through the stretch Breathedeeply and hold the stretch for 20 seconds Repeat onopposite side

Lying Quadriceps Stretch

Starting Position



Lie on your right side with your legs out straight Support headwith right arm and relax the head and neck

Bend your left knee and hold your left foot with your lefthand pulling your heel toward your glutes Gently push yourhips forward to increase the stretch and bend the right knee alittle if you require more balance Breathe in and out as youhold the stretch for 20 seconds

Increased flexibilty in quadriceps

Shoulder Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Bring your left arm across your chest and hold with your rightarm above the elbow Pull your belly button toward yourspine and stand tall with your head up Hold the stretch for 15seconds and release

Decreased tightness in shoulders

Side Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet wider than hip width apart and armsby your sides



Bend the left knee and bend your upper body slowly to to theleft side taking your right arm up overhead and your left armstrong by your side or resting on your leg Exhale as you bendto the side Ensure your upper body moves straight to the sideand you refrain from leaning forward or backwards Inhaleand gently return your body to the starting position

Upper lower and middle back

Spinal Twist

Starting Position

ExecutionRest your hands at the sides of your body and exhale as youturn your hips to the right gently dropping your knees to thefloor Keep your core engaged and back straight turning yourhead to the right side to enhance the stretch


Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your knees

Lower back stretch

Tricep Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet hip width apart and arms by yoursides


BenefitsTricep stretch

Lift your right hand over your shoulder and place your handon your upper back elbow pointing up toward the ceiling Useyour right hand to gently rest on the elbow and push itdownward Hold the stretch for 15 seconds and alternatearms

copy Copyright 2014 Lose Baby Weight All Rights Reserved

Lateral Leg Raise

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet slightly apart and knees unlockedHold your arms strong by your side with a dumbbell in yourright hand Lift your right arm out to the side and hold atshoulder height to assist with balance

ExecutionPress down on your left heel exhale and lift the right leg outto the side keeping your body centered and hips facingforward Slowly return left leg to the starting position andinhale Repeat for 30 seconds then alternate arms and legsand repeat on opposite side for 30 seconds

BenefitsStrengthen legs hips and shoulders

Reverse Lunge

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet hip width apart hands strong by yoursides and knees slightly bent

ExecutionKeeping your upper body tall take a long step backwards withyour right foot and bend both knees lowering your body into alunge position Exhale as you tighten your glutes and pushback up through both feet to standing Alternate legs andrepeat exercise

BenefitsStrengthens legs and glutes

Elbow Hamstring Plank

Starting Position

Begin by lying on the floor on your stomach Place yourelbows directly under your shoulders make fists with yourhands and bring them in with palms facing eachother Engageyour core by pulling your belly button toward your spine andlift up onto your toes into basic elbow plank position

ExecutionKeeping your torso strong and straight exhale and lift yourleft leg off the floor bending at the knee Push your foot uptoward the ceiling keeping your foot flat and hips facing downtoward the floor Lower your left leg down slowly inhale andreturn to basic elbow plank position Engage the core onceagain and repeat exercise on opposite leg


Strengthens legs glutes and core

Day 23

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Reverse Woodchop

Criss Cross

Pike Walk

Plank with Arm Raise

Reverse Woodchop

Starting PositionStand with your feet parallel and a little wider than hip widthapart knees slightly bent Sit down into a squat positionpushing your hips backwards and keeping feet flat on thefloor Hold the medicine ball next to your right knee with bothhands keeping your arms straight and upper body upright

ExecutionKeeping your body in alignment exhale and twist your rightfoot as you lift the ball diagonally until your arms areextended fully over your left shoulder Then engage your coreand bend your knees as you bring the ball back down to thestarting position Repeat movement for 30 seconds and thenalternate sides for a further 30 seconds

BenefitsStrengthens arms chest and shoulders

Criss Cross

Starting PositionLie on your back with your arms by your sides and lift yourlegs straight up toward the ceiling Pull your belly buttontoward your spine and slowly take your legs out to the sideskeeping your feet flat Lower your legs to a comfortableposition ensuring your core is engaged and lower back isfirmly planted on the floor

ExecutionEnsuring your lower back is flat on the floor bring your legstogether crossing your left foot underneath your right Engageyour core and return to starting position Breathe in and outthroughout the movement Repeat the exercise by alternatinglegs and crossing your right foot underneath your left

BenefitsStrengthens lower abdominals and legs

Special ConsiderationsIf you have abdominal muscle separation avoid this exerciseand instead perform a Bird Dog(http20wwwlosebabyweightcomauexercisehubbird-dog-pose) exercise

Pike Walk

Starting PositionBegin by standing up tall facing forward with arms by yoursides

ExecutionBend your knees and slowly move your hands down to theground walking your hands out in front of you Exhale as youstraighten your legs and walk your hands as far forward aspossible or until you reach full plank position with your handsdirectly below your shoulders Hold this position for onebreath Keep your core strong bend your knees and walk yourhands back in toward your feet Roll up slowly through eachvertebrae to starting position

BenefitsStrengthens abdominals core back and hips Increasesflexibility in lower back legs and hips

Plank with Arm Raise

Starting PositionStart in plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders Keep your upper body strongand engage your core while keeping your back straight

ExecutionShuffle your right hand in to centre your body and exhale asyou slowly lift your left arm out to the side Engage yourcore by pulling your belly button toward your spine and holdyour arm at shoulder height for one breath Keep your backstable and strong as you lower your left arm to the floor andreturn to starting position Repeat on the other side

BenefitsStrengthens core and upper body

Day 24

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Golf Squat

Side Step Butt Kicks

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Mountain Climbers

Golf Squat

Starting Position


BenefitsFull body strengthening core activation cardiovascularendurance

Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width apart holdingdumbbells in either hand in front of your body Inhale as youbend your knees and lower into a squat position keeping yourfeet parallel and chest upright Exhale and push up throughthe heels to standing rotating your torso to the left as youraise your arms above your shoulder Ensure you keep yourhead high and a neutral spine in this movement Slowly lowerarms to starting position Repeat exercise on opposite side

Push your hips backward (imagine you are sitting down on achair) keep your back flat head up and knees in line with yourtoes Lower your body until your thighs are parallel to theground continuing to hold dumbbells at shoulder height Asyou push back up through the heels press the dumbbells upoverhead and extend your arms (keeping a slight bend in theelbows) Slowly lower your arms and return to startingposition Repeat exercise

Side Step Butt Kicks

Starting Position



Stand with feet flat on the floor in a wide stance Cross yourarms in front of you with palms facing downward and engageyour core

Bend your knees and lower your body down a little furtherthen push up onto your left foot extending the left knee andkicking back with your right foot to touch your butt Loweryour leg down and return to starting position Repeat exerciseon opposite leg For higher intensity increase speed of kicksand transitions

Cardiovascular exercise and leg strengthening

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart Holdyour hands relaxed in front of you

ExecutionStep your left foot out wide to the side bend through the leftknee and descend carefully as you exhale Keep your feet flaton the floor drop your shoulders and reach your hands to theground Your right leg remains straight Move carefully back tothe starting position Repeat exercise on opposite leg

BenefitsStrengthens legs lower back and core

VariationsTo increase the level of difficulty thrust your hands overheadas you step out and in

Mountain Climbers

Starting PositionStart by lying on the floor on your stomach and pushing upinto plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders (elbows slightly bent) Keepyour upper body strong and engage your core while keepingyour back straight


BenefitsLeg strengthening core activation shoulder strength

Special ConsiderationsIf you have abdominal muscle separation avoid this exerciseand instead perform a Bird Dog(httpwwwlosebabyweightcomauexercisehubbird-dog-pose) exercise

Exhale and bring your right knee up toward your chestplacing your toes on the floor Placement of your right footshould be centred in between your hands as far forward as iscomfortable Ensure the gap behind your knees is closed andhold this position for one breath Keep your left leg extendedfor balance Repeat exercise by alternating legs For higherintensity try switching leg positions with greater speed

Day 25

Bent Knee Push Ups

Starting PositionStart by lying flat on the floor on your stomach Lift both feetoff the floor and bring your heels toward you to form a 90degree angle at the knee Place your hands down onto thefloor at shoulder height beside you keeping elbows bent

ExecutionExhale and push your upper body away from the floor byextending arms straight keeping a slight bend in the elbowsat the top Tighten your core area and keep your neck backand hips in alignment Inhale bend your elbows slowly andreturn your body to the floor Keep elbows as close to yourbody as possible Hold for one breath with your chestapproximately 3 inches off the floor Repeat

BenefitsIncreased chest tricep and core strength

Side Step Reverse Fly

Starting PositionStand with your feet shoulder width apart and your kneesslightly bent Holding dumbbells with palms facing each otherstraighten your arms at shoulder height in front of you

ExecutionExhale step out to your left side and bend the left kneeextending your arms back until your arms are in line with yourshoulders Your right leg remains straight Keep a slight bendin the elbows and return to starting position Repeat onopposite side

BenefitsStrengthens shoulders upper back and legs

Bent Over Row

Starting PositionStand with your feet hip width apart knees bent and bendforward at the waist keeping your back straight Hold a pair oflight dumbbells in each hand and let your arms hang down infront of you


BenefitsStrengthens back and upper arms

While keeping your torso in alignment squeeze your shoulderblades together exhale and lift the dumbbells to reach thesides of your waist Slowly lower the dumbbells to the startingposition Repeat

Tricep Extension

Starting PositionStand with your feet close together knees slightly bent anddumbbells in each hand Raise the dumbbells above andslightly behind your head and slowly bend your elbows untilthey are almost at a 90 degree angle This is your startingposition

ExecutionSlowly extend your elbows and move dumbbells overheaduntil your arms are straight Squeeze the triceps to straightenthe arm without locking out at the joint Keep your head upback straight and upper body in alignment Exhale as youextend your arms

BenefitsStrengthens triceps and shoulders

Day 26

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Lateral Jumps


Mountain Climbers

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart Holdyour hands relaxed in front of you

ExecutionStep your left foot out wide to the side bend through the leftknee and descend carefully as you exhale Keep your feet flaton the floor drop your shoulders and reach your hands to theground Your right leg remains straight Move carefully back tothe starting position Repeat exercise on opposite leg

BenefitsStrengthens legs lower back and core

VariationsTo increase the level of difficulty thrust your hands overheadas you step out and in

Lateral Jumps

Starting PositionPlace a ruler or dumbbell on the floor on your left side andreach your arms out behind you to start

ExecutionSit down into a quarter squat and exhale as you jump to yourleft pushing off with your heels and landing on both feet onthe other side of the ruler or dumbbell Land with toes firstand then heels Return to starting position and jump againpushing off and landing to your right Repeat exercise

BenefitsStrengthens legs glutes and hips


Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart withyour arms close to your body at your sides

ExecutionSwing your left leg out to the side while moving your arms tothe left side of your body Transfer your weight from the leftside to the right and simultaneously move your arms over tothe right side For higher intensity lift your legs a little higherwhile increasing speed

BenefitsCardiovascular exercise and full body strengthening

Mountain Climbers

Starting PositionStart by lying on the floor on your stomach and pushing upinto plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders (elbows slightly bent) Keepyour upper body strong and engage your core while keepingyour back straight


BenefitsLeg strengthening core activation shoulder strength

Special ConsiderationsIf you have abdominal muscle separation avoid this exerciseand instead perform a Bird Dog(httpwwwlosebabyweightcomauexercisehubbird-dog-pose) exercise

Exhale and bring your right knee up toward your chestplacing your toes on the floor Placement of your right footshould be centred in between your hands as far forward as iscomfortable Ensure the gap behind your knees is closed andhold this position for one breath Keep your left leg extendedfor balance Repeat exercise by alternating legs For higherintensity try switching leg positions with greater speed

Day 27

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Bird Dog Pose

Pike Walk

Reverse Crunch

Plank with Arm Raise

Bird Dog Pose

Starting PositionKneel on a mat on all fours with your knees hip width apartand fingers facing forward Ensure your back is flat and bellybutton pulled in toward your spine

ExecutionKeeping a neutral spine exhale as you simultaneously lift andextend your left leg and right arm up until they are parallel tothe floor Keep your hips facing down back straight and coreengaged through the movement Inhale as you slowly returnyour arm and leg to the starting position Repeat exercise withopposite arm and leg

BenefitsStrengthens core muscles glutes and legs

Pike Walk

Starting PositionBegin by standing up tall facing forward with arms by yoursides

ExecutionBend your knees and slowly move your hands down to theground walking your hands out in front of you Exhale as youstraighten your legs and walk your hands as far forward aspossible or until you reach full plank position with your handsdirectly below your shoulders Hold this position for onebreath Keep your core strong bend your knees and walk yourhands back in toward your feet Roll up slowly through eachvertebrae to starting position

BenefitsStrengthens abdominals core back and hips Increasesflexibility in lower back legs and hips

Reverse Crunch

Starting PositionLie on your back with your palms facing down and fingersfacing forward Bend your knees and lift your feet in the airkeeping your lower back firmly planted on the floor

ExecutionExhale as you raise your hips off the floor and crunch yourupper legs in toward your body Hold for one breath andslowly lower your legs back to starting position Repeatexercise

BenefitsStrengthens lower and mid abdominals

Plank with Arm Raise

Starting PositionStart in plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders Keep your upper body strongand engage your core while keeping your back straight

ExecutionShuffle your right hand in to centre your body and exhale asyou slowly lift your left arm out to the side Engage yourcore by pulling your belly button toward your spine and holdyour arm at shoulder height for one breath Keep your backstable and strong as you lower your left arm to the floor andreturn to starting position Repeat on the other side

BenefitsStrengthens core and upper body

Day 28

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Bush Walking


Walking the Dog


Bush WalkingGoing bush and taking in some nature is good for the bodyand soul Spending just one hour walking in the bush will haveyou burning over 400 Calories

GardeningJust 30 minutes of gardening can burn off 315 calories andyoursquoll be working your arms thighs calves and shoulders ndashand if you do it for over 20 minutes you get your heart rate upand boost your cardiovascular system

Walking the DogWalking the dog offers some great resistance and cardioexercise ndash take your pup out for a long bracing walk and youcan burn off up to 200 calories an hour

SwimmingA visit to the pool is always great fun for the whole familySimply splashing around treading water and generalswimming will have you burning over 250 calories in an hour

Bike RidingGetting the bikes out of the garage is a great way for thewhole family to get moving and enjoy some fresh air Theaverage 75kg person cycling for 30 minutes will burn 281calories

Cool Down

Baby Pose

Starting PositionKneel upright on a mat with knees apart slightly



Slowly sit back on your heels and bend your chest forwardtowards the floor Bring your arms above your head and placeyour hands flat on the floor in front of you Gently rest yourforehead on the mat Hold this position for 30 seconds

Lower back and shoulder stretch

Bicep Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Interlock your hands behind you and then rotate them sopalms are facing out Raise your arms up push back and holdfor 15 seconds

Bicep stretch

Chest Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet close together arms by your sidesand knees slightly bent

ExecutionOpen your chest and lower your shoulders then take yourhands behind you and connect your hands behind your backKeeping shoulders relaxed and core engaged slowly raisearms behind you Breath in and out as you hold the stretch for15 seconds

BenefitsChest stretch

Lying Hamstring Stretch

Starting Position


BenefitsIncreased flexibility in quadriceps

Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your left kneetoward your chest keeping the right leg extended on thefloor

Slowly begin to extend your left knee pulling your leg gentlytoward you with your hands Keep both hips on the floor andyour head and neck relaxed through the stretch Breathedeeply and hold the stretch for 20 seconds Repeat onopposite side

Lying Quadriceps Stretch

Starting Position



Lie on your right side with your legs out straight Support headwith right arm and relax the head and neck

Bend your left knee and hold your left foot with your lefthand pulling your heel toward your glutes Gently push yourhips forward to increase the stretch and bend the right knee alittle if you require more balance Breathe in and out as youhold the stretch for 20 seconds

Increased flexibilty in quadriceps

Shoulder Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Bring your left arm across your chest and hold with your rightarm above the elbow Pull your belly button toward yourspine and stand tall with your head up Hold the stretch for 15seconds and release

Decreased tightness in shoulders

Side Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet wider than hip width apart and armsby your sides



Bend the left knee and bend your upper body slowly to to theleft side taking your right arm up overhead and your left armstrong by your side or resting on your leg Exhale as you bendto the side Ensure your upper body moves straight to the sideand you refrain from leaning forward or backwards Inhaleand gently return your body to the starting position

Upper lower and middle back

Spinal Twist

Starting Position

ExecutionRest your hands at the sides of your body and exhale as youturn your hips to the right gently dropping your knees to thefloor Keep your core engaged and back straight turning yourhead to the right side to enhance the stretch


Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your knees

Lower back stretch

Tricep Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet hip width apart and arms by yoursides


BenefitsTricep stretch

Lift your right hand over your shoulder and place your handon your upper back elbow pointing up toward the ceiling Useyour right hand to gently rest on the elbow and push itdownward Hold the stretch for 15 seconds and alternatearms

copy Copyright 2014 Lose Baby Weight All Rights Reserved

Elbow Hamstring Plank

Starting Position

Begin by lying on the floor on your stomach Place yourelbows directly under your shoulders make fists with yourhands and bring them in with palms facing eachother Engageyour core by pulling your belly button toward your spine andlift up onto your toes into basic elbow plank position

ExecutionKeeping your torso strong and straight exhale and lift yourleft leg off the floor bending at the knee Push your foot uptoward the ceiling keeping your foot flat and hips facing downtoward the floor Lower your left leg down slowly inhale andreturn to basic elbow plank position Engage the core onceagain and repeat exercise on opposite leg


Strengthens legs glutes and core

Day 23

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Reverse Woodchop

Criss Cross

Pike Walk

Plank with Arm Raise

Reverse Woodchop

Starting PositionStand with your feet parallel and a little wider than hip widthapart knees slightly bent Sit down into a squat positionpushing your hips backwards and keeping feet flat on thefloor Hold the medicine ball next to your right knee with bothhands keeping your arms straight and upper body upright

ExecutionKeeping your body in alignment exhale and twist your rightfoot as you lift the ball diagonally until your arms areextended fully over your left shoulder Then engage your coreand bend your knees as you bring the ball back down to thestarting position Repeat movement for 30 seconds and thenalternate sides for a further 30 seconds

BenefitsStrengthens arms chest and shoulders

Criss Cross

Starting PositionLie on your back with your arms by your sides and lift yourlegs straight up toward the ceiling Pull your belly buttontoward your spine and slowly take your legs out to the sideskeeping your feet flat Lower your legs to a comfortableposition ensuring your core is engaged and lower back isfirmly planted on the floor

ExecutionEnsuring your lower back is flat on the floor bring your legstogether crossing your left foot underneath your right Engageyour core and return to starting position Breathe in and outthroughout the movement Repeat the exercise by alternatinglegs and crossing your right foot underneath your left

BenefitsStrengthens lower abdominals and legs

Special ConsiderationsIf you have abdominal muscle separation avoid this exerciseand instead perform a Bird Dog(http20wwwlosebabyweightcomauexercisehubbird-dog-pose) exercise

Pike Walk

Starting PositionBegin by standing up tall facing forward with arms by yoursides

ExecutionBend your knees and slowly move your hands down to theground walking your hands out in front of you Exhale as youstraighten your legs and walk your hands as far forward aspossible or until you reach full plank position with your handsdirectly below your shoulders Hold this position for onebreath Keep your core strong bend your knees and walk yourhands back in toward your feet Roll up slowly through eachvertebrae to starting position

BenefitsStrengthens abdominals core back and hips Increasesflexibility in lower back legs and hips

Plank with Arm Raise

Starting PositionStart in plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders Keep your upper body strongand engage your core while keeping your back straight

ExecutionShuffle your right hand in to centre your body and exhale asyou slowly lift your left arm out to the side Engage yourcore by pulling your belly button toward your spine and holdyour arm at shoulder height for one breath Keep your backstable and strong as you lower your left arm to the floor andreturn to starting position Repeat on the other side

BenefitsStrengthens core and upper body

Day 24

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Golf Squat

Side Step Butt Kicks

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Mountain Climbers

Golf Squat

Starting Position


BenefitsFull body strengthening core activation cardiovascularendurance

Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width apart holdingdumbbells in either hand in front of your body Inhale as youbend your knees and lower into a squat position keeping yourfeet parallel and chest upright Exhale and push up throughthe heels to standing rotating your torso to the left as youraise your arms above your shoulder Ensure you keep yourhead high and a neutral spine in this movement Slowly lowerarms to starting position Repeat exercise on opposite side

Push your hips backward (imagine you are sitting down on achair) keep your back flat head up and knees in line with yourtoes Lower your body until your thighs are parallel to theground continuing to hold dumbbells at shoulder height Asyou push back up through the heels press the dumbbells upoverhead and extend your arms (keeping a slight bend in theelbows) Slowly lower your arms and return to startingposition Repeat exercise

Side Step Butt Kicks

Starting Position



Stand with feet flat on the floor in a wide stance Cross yourarms in front of you with palms facing downward and engageyour core

Bend your knees and lower your body down a little furtherthen push up onto your left foot extending the left knee andkicking back with your right foot to touch your butt Loweryour leg down and return to starting position Repeat exerciseon opposite leg For higher intensity increase speed of kicksand transitions

Cardiovascular exercise and leg strengthening

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart Holdyour hands relaxed in front of you

ExecutionStep your left foot out wide to the side bend through the leftknee and descend carefully as you exhale Keep your feet flaton the floor drop your shoulders and reach your hands to theground Your right leg remains straight Move carefully back tothe starting position Repeat exercise on opposite leg

BenefitsStrengthens legs lower back and core

VariationsTo increase the level of difficulty thrust your hands overheadas you step out and in

Mountain Climbers

Starting PositionStart by lying on the floor on your stomach and pushing upinto plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders (elbows slightly bent) Keepyour upper body strong and engage your core while keepingyour back straight


BenefitsLeg strengthening core activation shoulder strength

Special ConsiderationsIf you have abdominal muscle separation avoid this exerciseand instead perform a Bird Dog(httpwwwlosebabyweightcomauexercisehubbird-dog-pose) exercise

Exhale and bring your right knee up toward your chestplacing your toes on the floor Placement of your right footshould be centred in between your hands as far forward as iscomfortable Ensure the gap behind your knees is closed andhold this position for one breath Keep your left leg extendedfor balance Repeat exercise by alternating legs For higherintensity try switching leg positions with greater speed

Day 25

Bent Knee Push Ups

Starting PositionStart by lying flat on the floor on your stomach Lift both feetoff the floor and bring your heels toward you to form a 90degree angle at the knee Place your hands down onto thefloor at shoulder height beside you keeping elbows bent

ExecutionExhale and push your upper body away from the floor byextending arms straight keeping a slight bend in the elbowsat the top Tighten your core area and keep your neck backand hips in alignment Inhale bend your elbows slowly andreturn your body to the floor Keep elbows as close to yourbody as possible Hold for one breath with your chestapproximately 3 inches off the floor Repeat

BenefitsIncreased chest tricep and core strength

Side Step Reverse Fly

Starting PositionStand with your feet shoulder width apart and your kneesslightly bent Holding dumbbells with palms facing each otherstraighten your arms at shoulder height in front of you

ExecutionExhale step out to your left side and bend the left kneeextending your arms back until your arms are in line with yourshoulders Your right leg remains straight Keep a slight bendin the elbows and return to starting position Repeat onopposite side

BenefitsStrengthens shoulders upper back and legs

Bent Over Row

Starting PositionStand with your feet hip width apart knees bent and bendforward at the waist keeping your back straight Hold a pair oflight dumbbells in each hand and let your arms hang down infront of you


BenefitsStrengthens back and upper arms

While keeping your torso in alignment squeeze your shoulderblades together exhale and lift the dumbbells to reach thesides of your waist Slowly lower the dumbbells to the startingposition Repeat

Tricep Extension

Starting PositionStand with your feet close together knees slightly bent anddumbbells in each hand Raise the dumbbells above andslightly behind your head and slowly bend your elbows untilthey are almost at a 90 degree angle This is your startingposition

ExecutionSlowly extend your elbows and move dumbbells overheaduntil your arms are straight Squeeze the triceps to straightenthe arm without locking out at the joint Keep your head upback straight and upper body in alignment Exhale as youextend your arms

BenefitsStrengthens triceps and shoulders

Day 26

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Lateral Jumps


Mountain Climbers

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart Holdyour hands relaxed in front of you

ExecutionStep your left foot out wide to the side bend through the leftknee and descend carefully as you exhale Keep your feet flaton the floor drop your shoulders and reach your hands to theground Your right leg remains straight Move carefully back tothe starting position Repeat exercise on opposite leg

BenefitsStrengthens legs lower back and core

VariationsTo increase the level of difficulty thrust your hands overheadas you step out and in

Lateral Jumps

Starting PositionPlace a ruler or dumbbell on the floor on your left side andreach your arms out behind you to start

ExecutionSit down into a quarter squat and exhale as you jump to yourleft pushing off with your heels and landing on both feet onthe other side of the ruler or dumbbell Land with toes firstand then heels Return to starting position and jump againpushing off and landing to your right Repeat exercise

BenefitsStrengthens legs glutes and hips


Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart withyour arms close to your body at your sides

ExecutionSwing your left leg out to the side while moving your arms tothe left side of your body Transfer your weight from the leftside to the right and simultaneously move your arms over tothe right side For higher intensity lift your legs a little higherwhile increasing speed

BenefitsCardiovascular exercise and full body strengthening

Mountain Climbers

Starting PositionStart by lying on the floor on your stomach and pushing upinto plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders (elbows slightly bent) Keepyour upper body strong and engage your core while keepingyour back straight


BenefitsLeg strengthening core activation shoulder strength

Special ConsiderationsIf you have abdominal muscle separation avoid this exerciseand instead perform a Bird Dog(httpwwwlosebabyweightcomauexercisehubbird-dog-pose) exercise

Exhale and bring your right knee up toward your chestplacing your toes on the floor Placement of your right footshould be centred in between your hands as far forward as iscomfortable Ensure the gap behind your knees is closed andhold this position for one breath Keep your left leg extendedfor balance Repeat exercise by alternating legs For higherintensity try switching leg positions with greater speed

Day 27

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Bird Dog Pose

Pike Walk

Reverse Crunch

Plank with Arm Raise

Bird Dog Pose

Starting PositionKneel on a mat on all fours with your knees hip width apartand fingers facing forward Ensure your back is flat and bellybutton pulled in toward your spine

ExecutionKeeping a neutral spine exhale as you simultaneously lift andextend your left leg and right arm up until they are parallel tothe floor Keep your hips facing down back straight and coreengaged through the movement Inhale as you slowly returnyour arm and leg to the starting position Repeat exercise withopposite arm and leg

BenefitsStrengthens core muscles glutes and legs

Pike Walk

Starting PositionBegin by standing up tall facing forward with arms by yoursides

ExecutionBend your knees and slowly move your hands down to theground walking your hands out in front of you Exhale as youstraighten your legs and walk your hands as far forward aspossible or until you reach full plank position with your handsdirectly below your shoulders Hold this position for onebreath Keep your core strong bend your knees and walk yourhands back in toward your feet Roll up slowly through eachvertebrae to starting position

BenefitsStrengthens abdominals core back and hips Increasesflexibility in lower back legs and hips

Reverse Crunch

Starting PositionLie on your back with your palms facing down and fingersfacing forward Bend your knees and lift your feet in the airkeeping your lower back firmly planted on the floor

ExecutionExhale as you raise your hips off the floor and crunch yourupper legs in toward your body Hold for one breath andslowly lower your legs back to starting position Repeatexercise

BenefitsStrengthens lower and mid abdominals

Plank with Arm Raise

Starting PositionStart in plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders Keep your upper body strongand engage your core while keeping your back straight

ExecutionShuffle your right hand in to centre your body and exhale asyou slowly lift your left arm out to the side Engage yourcore by pulling your belly button toward your spine and holdyour arm at shoulder height for one breath Keep your backstable and strong as you lower your left arm to the floor andreturn to starting position Repeat on the other side

BenefitsStrengthens core and upper body

Day 28

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Bush Walking


Walking the Dog


Bush WalkingGoing bush and taking in some nature is good for the bodyand soul Spending just one hour walking in the bush will haveyou burning over 400 Calories

GardeningJust 30 minutes of gardening can burn off 315 calories andyoursquoll be working your arms thighs calves and shoulders ndashand if you do it for over 20 minutes you get your heart rate upand boost your cardiovascular system

Walking the DogWalking the dog offers some great resistance and cardioexercise ndash take your pup out for a long bracing walk and youcan burn off up to 200 calories an hour

SwimmingA visit to the pool is always great fun for the whole familySimply splashing around treading water and generalswimming will have you burning over 250 calories in an hour

Bike RidingGetting the bikes out of the garage is a great way for thewhole family to get moving and enjoy some fresh air Theaverage 75kg person cycling for 30 minutes will burn 281calories

Cool Down

Baby Pose

Starting PositionKneel upright on a mat with knees apart slightly



Slowly sit back on your heels and bend your chest forwardtowards the floor Bring your arms above your head and placeyour hands flat on the floor in front of you Gently rest yourforehead on the mat Hold this position for 30 seconds

Lower back and shoulder stretch

Bicep Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Interlock your hands behind you and then rotate them sopalms are facing out Raise your arms up push back and holdfor 15 seconds

Bicep stretch

Chest Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet close together arms by your sidesand knees slightly bent

ExecutionOpen your chest and lower your shoulders then take yourhands behind you and connect your hands behind your backKeeping shoulders relaxed and core engaged slowly raisearms behind you Breath in and out as you hold the stretch for15 seconds

BenefitsChest stretch

Lying Hamstring Stretch

Starting Position


BenefitsIncreased flexibility in quadriceps

Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your left kneetoward your chest keeping the right leg extended on thefloor

Slowly begin to extend your left knee pulling your leg gentlytoward you with your hands Keep both hips on the floor andyour head and neck relaxed through the stretch Breathedeeply and hold the stretch for 20 seconds Repeat onopposite side

Lying Quadriceps Stretch

Starting Position



Lie on your right side with your legs out straight Support headwith right arm and relax the head and neck

Bend your left knee and hold your left foot with your lefthand pulling your heel toward your glutes Gently push yourhips forward to increase the stretch and bend the right knee alittle if you require more balance Breathe in and out as youhold the stretch for 20 seconds

Increased flexibilty in quadriceps

Shoulder Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Bring your left arm across your chest and hold with your rightarm above the elbow Pull your belly button toward yourspine and stand tall with your head up Hold the stretch for 15seconds and release

Decreased tightness in shoulders

Side Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet wider than hip width apart and armsby your sides



Bend the left knee and bend your upper body slowly to to theleft side taking your right arm up overhead and your left armstrong by your side or resting on your leg Exhale as you bendto the side Ensure your upper body moves straight to the sideand you refrain from leaning forward or backwards Inhaleand gently return your body to the starting position

Upper lower and middle back

Spinal Twist

Starting Position

ExecutionRest your hands at the sides of your body and exhale as youturn your hips to the right gently dropping your knees to thefloor Keep your core engaged and back straight turning yourhead to the right side to enhance the stretch


Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your knees

Lower back stretch

Tricep Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet hip width apart and arms by yoursides


BenefitsTricep stretch

Lift your right hand over your shoulder and place your handon your upper back elbow pointing up toward the ceiling Useyour right hand to gently rest on the elbow and push itdownward Hold the stretch for 15 seconds and alternatearms

copy Copyright 2014 Lose Baby Weight All Rights Reserved

Day 23

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Reverse Woodchop

Criss Cross

Pike Walk

Plank with Arm Raise

Reverse Woodchop

Starting PositionStand with your feet parallel and a little wider than hip widthapart knees slightly bent Sit down into a squat positionpushing your hips backwards and keeping feet flat on thefloor Hold the medicine ball next to your right knee with bothhands keeping your arms straight and upper body upright

ExecutionKeeping your body in alignment exhale and twist your rightfoot as you lift the ball diagonally until your arms areextended fully over your left shoulder Then engage your coreand bend your knees as you bring the ball back down to thestarting position Repeat movement for 30 seconds and thenalternate sides for a further 30 seconds

BenefitsStrengthens arms chest and shoulders

Criss Cross

Starting PositionLie on your back with your arms by your sides and lift yourlegs straight up toward the ceiling Pull your belly buttontoward your spine and slowly take your legs out to the sideskeeping your feet flat Lower your legs to a comfortableposition ensuring your core is engaged and lower back isfirmly planted on the floor

ExecutionEnsuring your lower back is flat on the floor bring your legstogether crossing your left foot underneath your right Engageyour core and return to starting position Breathe in and outthroughout the movement Repeat the exercise by alternatinglegs and crossing your right foot underneath your left

BenefitsStrengthens lower abdominals and legs

Special ConsiderationsIf you have abdominal muscle separation avoid this exerciseand instead perform a Bird Dog(http20wwwlosebabyweightcomauexercisehubbird-dog-pose) exercise

Pike Walk

Starting PositionBegin by standing up tall facing forward with arms by yoursides

ExecutionBend your knees and slowly move your hands down to theground walking your hands out in front of you Exhale as youstraighten your legs and walk your hands as far forward aspossible or until you reach full plank position with your handsdirectly below your shoulders Hold this position for onebreath Keep your core strong bend your knees and walk yourhands back in toward your feet Roll up slowly through eachvertebrae to starting position

BenefitsStrengthens abdominals core back and hips Increasesflexibility in lower back legs and hips

Plank with Arm Raise

Starting PositionStart in plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders Keep your upper body strongand engage your core while keeping your back straight

ExecutionShuffle your right hand in to centre your body and exhale asyou slowly lift your left arm out to the side Engage yourcore by pulling your belly button toward your spine and holdyour arm at shoulder height for one breath Keep your backstable and strong as you lower your left arm to the floor andreturn to starting position Repeat on the other side

BenefitsStrengthens core and upper body

Day 24

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Golf Squat

Side Step Butt Kicks

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Mountain Climbers

Golf Squat

Starting Position


BenefitsFull body strengthening core activation cardiovascularendurance

Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width apart holdingdumbbells in either hand in front of your body Inhale as youbend your knees and lower into a squat position keeping yourfeet parallel and chest upright Exhale and push up throughthe heels to standing rotating your torso to the left as youraise your arms above your shoulder Ensure you keep yourhead high and a neutral spine in this movement Slowly lowerarms to starting position Repeat exercise on opposite side

Push your hips backward (imagine you are sitting down on achair) keep your back flat head up and knees in line with yourtoes Lower your body until your thighs are parallel to theground continuing to hold dumbbells at shoulder height Asyou push back up through the heels press the dumbbells upoverhead and extend your arms (keeping a slight bend in theelbows) Slowly lower your arms and return to startingposition Repeat exercise

Side Step Butt Kicks

Starting Position



Stand with feet flat on the floor in a wide stance Cross yourarms in front of you with palms facing downward and engageyour core

Bend your knees and lower your body down a little furtherthen push up onto your left foot extending the left knee andkicking back with your right foot to touch your butt Loweryour leg down and return to starting position Repeat exerciseon opposite leg For higher intensity increase speed of kicksand transitions

Cardiovascular exercise and leg strengthening

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart Holdyour hands relaxed in front of you

ExecutionStep your left foot out wide to the side bend through the leftknee and descend carefully as you exhale Keep your feet flaton the floor drop your shoulders and reach your hands to theground Your right leg remains straight Move carefully back tothe starting position Repeat exercise on opposite leg

BenefitsStrengthens legs lower back and core

VariationsTo increase the level of difficulty thrust your hands overheadas you step out and in

Mountain Climbers

Starting PositionStart by lying on the floor on your stomach and pushing upinto plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders (elbows slightly bent) Keepyour upper body strong and engage your core while keepingyour back straight


BenefitsLeg strengthening core activation shoulder strength

Special ConsiderationsIf you have abdominal muscle separation avoid this exerciseand instead perform a Bird Dog(httpwwwlosebabyweightcomauexercisehubbird-dog-pose) exercise

Exhale and bring your right knee up toward your chestplacing your toes on the floor Placement of your right footshould be centred in between your hands as far forward as iscomfortable Ensure the gap behind your knees is closed andhold this position for one breath Keep your left leg extendedfor balance Repeat exercise by alternating legs For higherintensity try switching leg positions with greater speed

Day 25

Bent Knee Push Ups

Starting PositionStart by lying flat on the floor on your stomach Lift both feetoff the floor and bring your heels toward you to form a 90degree angle at the knee Place your hands down onto thefloor at shoulder height beside you keeping elbows bent

ExecutionExhale and push your upper body away from the floor byextending arms straight keeping a slight bend in the elbowsat the top Tighten your core area and keep your neck backand hips in alignment Inhale bend your elbows slowly andreturn your body to the floor Keep elbows as close to yourbody as possible Hold for one breath with your chestapproximately 3 inches off the floor Repeat

BenefitsIncreased chest tricep and core strength

Side Step Reverse Fly

Starting PositionStand with your feet shoulder width apart and your kneesslightly bent Holding dumbbells with palms facing each otherstraighten your arms at shoulder height in front of you

ExecutionExhale step out to your left side and bend the left kneeextending your arms back until your arms are in line with yourshoulders Your right leg remains straight Keep a slight bendin the elbows and return to starting position Repeat onopposite side

BenefitsStrengthens shoulders upper back and legs

Bent Over Row

Starting PositionStand with your feet hip width apart knees bent and bendforward at the waist keeping your back straight Hold a pair oflight dumbbells in each hand and let your arms hang down infront of you


BenefitsStrengthens back and upper arms

While keeping your torso in alignment squeeze your shoulderblades together exhale and lift the dumbbells to reach thesides of your waist Slowly lower the dumbbells to the startingposition Repeat

Tricep Extension

Starting PositionStand with your feet close together knees slightly bent anddumbbells in each hand Raise the dumbbells above andslightly behind your head and slowly bend your elbows untilthey are almost at a 90 degree angle This is your startingposition

ExecutionSlowly extend your elbows and move dumbbells overheaduntil your arms are straight Squeeze the triceps to straightenthe arm without locking out at the joint Keep your head upback straight and upper body in alignment Exhale as youextend your arms

BenefitsStrengthens triceps and shoulders

Day 26

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Lateral Jumps


Mountain Climbers

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart Holdyour hands relaxed in front of you

ExecutionStep your left foot out wide to the side bend through the leftknee and descend carefully as you exhale Keep your feet flaton the floor drop your shoulders and reach your hands to theground Your right leg remains straight Move carefully back tothe starting position Repeat exercise on opposite leg

BenefitsStrengthens legs lower back and core

VariationsTo increase the level of difficulty thrust your hands overheadas you step out and in

Lateral Jumps

Starting PositionPlace a ruler or dumbbell on the floor on your left side andreach your arms out behind you to start

ExecutionSit down into a quarter squat and exhale as you jump to yourleft pushing off with your heels and landing on both feet onthe other side of the ruler or dumbbell Land with toes firstand then heels Return to starting position and jump againpushing off and landing to your right Repeat exercise

BenefitsStrengthens legs glutes and hips


Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart withyour arms close to your body at your sides

ExecutionSwing your left leg out to the side while moving your arms tothe left side of your body Transfer your weight from the leftside to the right and simultaneously move your arms over tothe right side For higher intensity lift your legs a little higherwhile increasing speed

BenefitsCardiovascular exercise and full body strengthening

Mountain Climbers

Starting PositionStart by lying on the floor on your stomach and pushing upinto plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders (elbows slightly bent) Keepyour upper body strong and engage your core while keepingyour back straight


BenefitsLeg strengthening core activation shoulder strength

Special ConsiderationsIf you have abdominal muscle separation avoid this exerciseand instead perform a Bird Dog(httpwwwlosebabyweightcomauexercisehubbird-dog-pose) exercise

Exhale and bring your right knee up toward your chestplacing your toes on the floor Placement of your right footshould be centred in between your hands as far forward as iscomfortable Ensure the gap behind your knees is closed andhold this position for one breath Keep your left leg extendedfor balance Repeat exercise by alternating legs For higherintensity try switching leg positions with greater speed

Day 27

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Bird Dog Pose

Pike Walk

Reverse Crunch

Plank with Arm Raise

Bird Dog Pose

Starting PositionKneel on a mat on all fours with your knees hip width apartand fingers facing forward Ensure your back is flat and bellybutton pulled in toward your spine

ExecutionKeeping a neutral spine exhale as you simultaneously lift andextend your left leg and right arm up until they are parallel tothe floor Keep your hips facing down back straight and coreengaged through the movement Inhale as you slowly returnyour arm and leg to the starting position Repeat exercise withopposite arm and leg

BenefitsStrengthens core muscles glutes and legs

Pike Walk

Starting PositionBegin by standing up tall facing forward with arms by yoursides

ExecutionBend your knees and slowly move your hands down to theground walking your hands out in front of you Exhale as youstraighten your legs and walk your hands as far forward aspossible or until you reach full plank position with your handsdirectly below your shoulders Hold this position for onebreath Keep your core strong bend your knees and walk yourhands back in toward your feet Roll up slowly through eachvertebrae to starting position

BenefitsStrengthens abdominals core back and hips Increasesflexibility in lower back legs and hips

Reverse Crunch

Starting PositionLie on your back with your palms facing down and fingersfacing forward Bend your knees and lift your feet in the airkeeping your lower back firmly planted on the floor

ExecutionExhale as you raise your hips off the floor and crunch yourupper legs in toward your body Hold for one breath andslowly lower your legs back to starting position Repeatexercise

BenefitsStrengthens lower and mid abdominals

Plank with Arm Raise

Starting PositionStart in plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders Keep your upper body strongand engage your core while keeping your back straight

ExecutionShuffle your right hand in to centre your body and exhale asyou slowly lift your left arm out to the side Engage yourcore by pulling your belly button toward your spine and holdyour arm at shoulder height for one breath Keep your backstable and strong as you lower your left arm to the floor andreturn to starting position Repeat on the other side

BenefitsStrengthens core and upper body

Day 28

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Bush Walking


Walking the Dog


Bush WalkingGoing bush and taking in some nature is good for the bodyand soul Spending just one hour walking in the bush will haveyou burning over 400 Calories

GardeningJust 30 minutes of gardening can burn off 315 calories andyoursquoll be working your arms thighs calves and shoulders ndashand if you do it for over 20 minutes you get your heart rate upand boost your cardiovascular system

Walking the DogWalking the dog offers some great resistance and cardioexercise ndash take your pup out for a long bracing walk and youcan burn off up to 200 calories an hour

SwimmingA visit to the pool is always great fun for the whole familySimply splashing around treading water and generalswimming will have you burning over 250 calories in an hour

Bike RidingGetting the bikes out of the garage is a great way for thewhole family to get moving and enjoy some fresh air Theaverage 75kg person cycling for 30 minutes will burn 281calories

Cool Down

Baby Pose

Starting PositionKneel upright on a mat with knees apart slightly



Slowly sit back on your heels and bend your chest forwardtowards the floor Bring your arms above your head and placeyour hands flat on the floor in front of you Gently rest yourforehead on the mat Hold this position for 30 seconds

Lower back and shoulder stretch

Bicep Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Interlock your hands behind you and then rotate them sopalms are facing out Raise your arms up push back and holdfor 15 seconds

Bicep stretch

Chest Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet close together arms by your sidesand knees slightly bent

ExecutionOpen your chest and lower your shoulders then take yourhands behind you and connect your hands behind your backKeeping shoulders relaxed and core engaged slowly raisearms behind you Breath in and out as you hold the stretch for15 seconds

BenefitsChest stretch

Lying Hamstring Stretch

Starting Position


BenefitsIncreased flexibility in quadriceps

Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your left kneetoward your chest keeping the right leg extended on thefloor

Slowly begin to extend your left knee pulling your leg gentlytoward you with your hands Keep both hips on the floor andyour head and neck relaxed through the stretch Breathedeeply and hold the stretch for 20 seconds Repeat onopposite side

Lying Quadriceps Stretch

Starting Position



Lie on your right side with your legs out straight Support headwith right arm and relax the head and neck

Bend your left knee and hold your left foot with your lefthand pulling your heel toward your glutes Gently push yourhips forward to increase the stretch and bend the right knee alittle if you require more balance Breathe in and out as youhold the stretch for 20 seconds

Increased flexibilty in quadriceps

Shoulder Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Bring your left arm across your chest and hold with your rightarm above the elbow Pull your belly button toward yourspine and stand tall with your head up Hold the stretch for 15seconds and release

Decreased tightness in shoulders

Side Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet wider than hip width apart and armsby your sides



Bend the left knee and bend your upper body slowly to to theleft side taking your right arm up overhead and your left armstrong by your side or resting on your leg Exhale as you bendto the side Ensure your upper body moves straight to the sideand you refrain from leaning forward or backwards Inhaleand gently return your body to the starting position

Upper lower and middle back

Spinal Twist

Starting Position

ExecutionRest your hands at the sides of your body and exhale as youturn your hips to the right gently dropping your knees to thefloor Keep your core engaged and back straight turning yourhead to the right side to enhance the stretch


Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your knees

Lower back stretch

Tricep Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet hip width apart and arms by yoursides


BenefitsTricep stretch

Lift your right hand over your shoulder and place your handon your upper back elbow pointing up toward the ceiling Useyour right hand to gently rest on the elbow and push itdownward Hold the stretch for 15 seconds and alternatearms

copy Copyright 2014 Lose Baby Weight All Rights Reserved

Criss Cross

Starting PositionLie on your back with your arms by your sides and lift yourlegs straight up toward the ceiling Pull your belly buttontoward your spine and slowly take your legs out to the sideskeeping your feet flat Lower your legs to a comfortableposition ensuring your core is engaged and lower back isfirmly planted on the floor

ExecutionEnsuring your lower back is flat on the floor bring your legstogether crossing your left foot underneath your right Engageyour core and return to starting position Breathe in and outthroughout the movement Repeat the exercise by alternatinglegs and crossing your right foot underneath your left

BenefitsStrengthens lower abdominals and legs

Special ConsiderationsIf you have abdominal muscle separation avoid this exerciseand instead perform a Bird Dog(http20wwwlosebabyweightcomauexercisehubbird-dog-pose) exercise

Pike Walk

Starting PositionBegin by standing up tall facing forward with arms by yoursides

ExecutionBend your knees and slowly move your hands down to theground walking your hands out in front of you Exhale as youstraighten your legs and walk your hands as far forward aspossible or until you reach full plank position with your handsdirectly below your shoulders Hold this position for onebreath Keep your core strong bend your knees and walk yourhands back in toward your feet Roll up slowly through eachvertebrae to starting position

BenefitsStrengthens abdominals core back and hips Increasesflexibility in lower back legs and hips

Plank with Arm Raise

Starting PositionStart in plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders Keep your upper body strongand engage your core while keeping your back straight

ExecutionShuffle your right hand in to centre your body and exhale asyou slowly lift your left arm out to the side Engage yourcore by pulling your belly button toward your spine and holdyour arm at shoulder height for one breath Keep your backstable and strong as you lower your left arm to the floor andreturn to starting position Repeat on the other side

BenefitsStrengthens core and upper body

Day 24

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Golf Squat

Side Step Butt Kicks

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Mountain Climbers

Golf Squat

Starting Position


BenefitsFull body strengthening core activation cardiovascularendurance

Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width apart holdingdumbbells in either hand in front of your body Inhale as youbend your knees and lower into a squat position keeping yourfeet parallel and chest upright Exhale and push up throughthe heels to standing rotating your torso to the left as youraise your arms above your shoulder Ensure you keep yourhead high and a neutral spine in this movement Slowly lowerarms to starting position Repeat exercise on opposite side

Push your hips backward (imagine you are sitting down on achair) keep your back flat head up and knees in line with yourtoes Lower your body until your thighs are parallel to theground continuing to hold dumbbells at shoulder height Asyou push back up through the heels press the dumbbells upoverhead and extend your arms (keeping a slight bend in theelbows) Slowly lower your arms and return to startingposition Repeat exercise

Side Step Butt Kicks

Starting Position



Stand with feet flat on the floor in a wide stance Cross yourarms in front of you with palms facing downward and engageyour core

Bend your knees and lower your body down a little furtherthen push up onto your left foot extending the left knee andkicking back with your right foot to touch your butt Loweryour leg down and return to starting position Repeat exerciseon opposite leg For higher intensity increase speed of kicksand transitions

Cardiovascular exercise and leg strengthening

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart Holdyour hands relaxed in front of you

ExecutionStep your left foot out wide to the side bend through the leftknee and descend carefully as you exhale Keep your feet flaton the floor drop your shoulders and reach your hands to theground Your right leg remains straight Move carefully back tothe starting position Repeat exercise on opposite leg

BenefitsStrengthens legs lower back and core

VariationsTo increase the level of difficulty thrust your hands overheadas you step out and in

Mountain Climbers

Starting PositionStart by lying on the floor on your stomach and pushing upinto plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders (elbows slightly bent) Keepyour upper body strong and engage your core while keepingyour back straight


BenefitsLeg strengthening core activation shoulder strength

Special ConsiderationsIf you have abdominal muscle separation avoid this exerciseand instead perform a Bird Dog(httpwwwlosebabyweightcomauexercisehubbird-dog-pose) exercise

Exhale and bring your right knee up toward your chestplacing your toes on the floor Placement of your right footshould be centred in between your hands as far forward as iscomfortable Ensure the gap behind your knees is closed andhold this position for one breath Keep your left leg extendedfor balance Repeat exercise by alternating legs For higherintensity try switching leg positions with greater speed

Day 25

Bent Knee Push Ups

Starting PositionStart by lying flat on the floor on your stomach Lift both feetoff the floor and bring your heels toward you to form a 90degree angle at the knee Place your hands down onto thefloor at shoulder height beside you keeping elbows bent

ExecutionExhale and push your upper body away from the floor byextending arms straight keeping a slight bend in the elbowsat the top Tighten your core area and keep your neck backand hips in alignment Inhale bend your elbows slowly andreturn your body to the floor Keep elbows as close to yourbody as possible Hold for one breath with your chestapproximately 3 inches off the floor Repeat

BenefitsIncreased chest tricep and core strength

Side Step Reverse Fly

Starting PositionStand with your feet shoulder width apart and your kneesslightly bent Holding dumbbells with palms facing each otherstraighten your arms at shoulder height in front of you

ExecutionExhale step out to your left side and bend the left kneeextending your arms back until your arms are in line with yourshoulders Your right leg remains straight Keep a slight bendin the elbows and return to starting position Repeat onopposite side

BenefitsStrengthens shoulders upper back and legs

Bent Over Row

Starting PositionStand with your feet hip width apart knees bent and bendforward at the waist keeping your back straight Hold a pair oflight dumbbells in each hand and let your arms hang down infront of you


BenefitsStrengthens back and upper arms

While keeping your torso in alignment squeeze your shoulderblades together exhale and lift the dumbbells to reach thesides of your waist Slowly lower the dumbbells to the startingposition Repeat

Tricep Extension

Starting PositionStand with your feet close together knees slightly bent anddumbbells in each hand Raise the dumbbells above andslightly behind your head and slowly bend your elbows untilthey are almost at a 90 degree angle This is your startingposition

ExecutionSlowly extend your elbows and move dumbbells overheaduntil your arms are straight Squeeze the triceps to straightenthe arm without locking out at the joint Keep your head upback straight and upper body in alignment Exhale as youextend your arms

BenefitsStrengthens triceps and shoulders

Day 26

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Lateral Jumps


Mountain Climbers

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart Holdyour hands relaxed in front of you

ExecutionStep your left foot out wide to the side bend through the leftknee and descend carefully as you exhale Keep your feet flaton the floor drop your shoulders and reach your hands to theground Your right leg remains straight Move carefully back tothe starting position Repeat exercise on opposite leg

BenefitsStrengthens legs lower back and core

VariationsTo increase the level of difficulty thrust your hands overheadas you step out and in

Lateral Jumps

Starting PositionPlace a ruler or dumbbell on the floor on your left side andreach your arms out behind you to start

ExecutionSit down into a quarter squat and exhale as you jump to yourleft pushing off with your heels and landing on both feet onthe other side of the ruler or dumbbell Land with toes firstand then heels Return to starting position and jump againpushing off and landing to your right Repeat exercise

BenefitsStrengthens legs glutes and hips


Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart withyour arms close to your body at your sides

ExecutionSwing your left leg out to the side while moving your arms tothe left side of your body Transfer your weight from the leftside to the right and simultaneously move your arms over tothe right side For higher intensity lift your legs a little higherwhile increasing speed

BenefitsCardiovascular exercise and full body strengthening

Mountain Climbers

Starting PositionStart by lying on the floor on your stomach and pushing upinto plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders (elbows slightly bent) Keepyour upper body strong and engage your core while keepingyour back straight


BenefitsLeg strengthening core activation shoulder strength

Special ConsiderationsIf you have abdominal muscle separation avoid this exerciseand instead perform a Bird Dog(httpwwwlosebabyweightcomauexercisehubbird-dog-pose) exercise

Exhale and bring your right knee up toward your chestplacing your toes on the floor Placement of your right footshould be centred in between your hands as far forward as iscomfortable Ensure the gap behind your knees is closed andhold this position for one breath Keep your left leg extendedfor balance Repeat exercise by alternating legs For higherintensity try switching leg positions with greater speed

Day 27

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Bird Dog Pose

Pike Walk

Reverse Crunch

Plank with Arm Raise

Bird Dog Pose

Starting PositionKneel on a mat on all fours with your knees hip width apartand fingers facing forward Ensure your back is flat and bellybutton pulled in toward your spine

ExecutionKeeping a neutral spine exhale as you simultaneously lift andextend your left leg and right arm up until they are parallel tothe floor Keep your hips facing down back straight and coreengaged through the movement Inhale as you slowly returnyour arm and leg to the starting position Repeat exercise withopposite arm and leg

BenefitsStrengthens core muscles glutes and legs

Pike Walk

Starting PositionBegin by standing up tall facing forward with arms by yoursides

ExecutionBend your knees and slowly move your hands down to theground walking your hands out in front of you Exhale as youstraighten your legs and walk your hands as far forward aspossible or until you reach full plank position with your handsdirectly below your shoulders Hold this position for onebreath Keep your core strong bend your knees and walk yourhands back in toward your feet Roll up slowly through eachvertebrae to starting position

BenefitsStrengthens abdominals core back and hips Increasesflexibility in lower back legs and hips

Reverse Crunch

Starting PositionLie on your back with your palms facing down and fingersfacing forward Bend your knees and lift your feet in the airkeeping your lower back firmly planted on the floor

ExecutionExhale as you raise your hips off the floor and crunch yourupper legs in toward your body Hold for one breath andslowly lower your legs back to starting position Repeatexercise

BenefitsStrengthens lower and mid abdominals

Plank with Arm Raise

Starting PositionStart in plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders Keep your upper body strongand engage your core while keeping your back straight

ExecutionShuffle your right hand in to centre your body and exhale asyou slowly lift your left arm out to the side Engage yourcore by pulling your belly button toward your spine and holdyour arm at shoulder height for one breath Keep your backstable and strong as you lower your left arm to the floor andreturn to starting position Repeat on the other side

BenefitsStrengthens core and upper body

Day 28

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Bush Walking


Walking the Dog


Bush WalkingGoing bush and taking in some nature is good for the bodyand soul Spending just one hour walking in the bush will haveyou burning over 400 Calories

GardeningJust 30 minutes of gardening can burn off 315 calories andyoursquoll be working your arms thighs calves and shoulders ndashand if you do it for over 20 minutes you get your heart rate upand boost your cardiovascular system

Walking the DogWalking the dog offers some great resistance and cardioexercise ndash take your pup out for a long bracing walk and youcan burn off up to 200 calories an hour

SwimmingA visit to the pool is always great fun for the whole familySimply splashing around treading water and generalswimming will have you burning over 250 calories in an hour

Bike RidingGetting the bikes out of the garage is a great way for thewhole family to get moving and enjoy some fresh air Theaverage 75kg person cycling for 30 minutes will burn 281calories

Cool Down

Baby Pose

Starting PositionKneel upright on a mat with knees apart slightly



Slowly sit back on your heels and bend your chest forwardtowards the floor Bring your arms above your head and placeyour hands flat on the floor in front of you Gently rest yourforehead on the mat Hold this position for 30 seconds

Lower back and shoulder stretch

Bicep Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Interlock your hands behind you and then rotate them sopalms are facing out Raise your arms up push back and holdfor 15 seconds

Bicep stretch

Chest Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet close together arms by your sidesand knees slightly bent

ExecutionOpen your chest and lower your shoulders then take yourhands behind you and connect your hands behind your backKeeping shoulders relaxed and core engaged slowly raisearms behind you Breath in and out as you hold the stretch for15 seconds

BenefitsChest stretch

Lying Hamstring Stretch

Starting Position


BenefitsIncreased flexibility in quadriceps

Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your left kneetoward your chest keeping the right leg extended on thefloor

Slowly begin to extend your left knee pulling your leg gentlytoward you with your hands Keep both hips on the floor andyour head and neck relaxed through the stretch Breathedeeply and hold the stretch for 20 seconds Repeat onopposite side

Lying Quadriceps Stretch

Starting Position



Lie on your right side with your legs out straight Support headwith right arm and relax the head and neck

Bend your left knee and hold your left foot with your lefthand pulling your heel toward your glutes Gently push yourhips forward to increase the stretch and bend the right knee alittle if you require more balance Breathe in and out as youhold the stretch for 20 seconds

Increased flexibilty in quadriceps

Shoulder Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Bring your left arm across your chest and hold with your rightarm above the elbow Pull your belly button toward yourspine and stand tall with your head up Hold the stretch for 15seconds and release

Decreased tightness in shoulders

Side Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet wider than hip width apart and armsby your sides



Bend the left knee and bend your upper body slowly to to theleft side taking your right arm up overhead and your left armstrong by your side or resting on your leg Exhale as you bendto the side Ensure your upper body moves straight to the sideand you refrain from leaning forward or backwards Inhaleand gently return your body to the starting position

Upper lower and middle back

Spinal Twist

Starting Position

ExecutionRest your hands at the sides of your body and exhale as youturn your hips to the right gently dropping your knees to thefloor Keep your core engaged and back straight turning yourhead to the right side to enhance the stretch


Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your knees

Lower back stretch

Tricep Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet hip width apart and arms by yoursides


BenefitsTricep stretch

Lift your right hand over your shoulder and place your handon your upper back elbow pointing up toward the ceiling Useyour right hand to gently rest on the elbow and push itdownward Hold the stretch for 15 seconds and alternatearms

copy Copyright 2014 Lose Baby Weight All Rights Reserved

Plank with Arm Raise

Starting PositionStart in plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders Keep your upper body strongand engage your core while keeping your back straight

ExecutionShuffle your right hand in to centre your body and exhale asyou slowly lift your left arm out to the side Engage yourcore by pulling your belly button toward your spine and holdyour arm at shoulder height for one breath Keep your backstable and strong as you lower your left arm to the floor andreturn to starting position Repeat on the other side

BenefitsStrengthens core and upper body

Day 24

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Golf Squat

Side Step Butt Kicks

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Mountain Climbers

Golf Squat

Starting Position


BenefitsFull body strengthening core activation cardiovascularendurance

Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width apart holdingdumbbells in either hand in front of your body Inhale as youbend your knees and lower into a squat position keeping yourfeet parallel and chest upright Exhale and push up throughthe heels to standing rotating your torso to the left as youraise your arms above your shoulder Ensure you keep yourhead high and a neutral spine in this movement Slowly lowerarms to starting position Repeat exercise on opposite side

Push your hips backward (imagine you are sitting down on achair) keep your back flat head up and knees in line with yourtoes Lower your body until your thighs are parallel to theground continuing to hold dumbbells at shoulder height Asyou push back up through the heels press the dumbbells upoverhead and extend your arms (keeping a slight bend in theelbows) Slowly lower your arms and return to startingposition Repeat exercise

Side Step Butt Kicks

Starting Position



Stand with feet flat on the floor in a wide stance Cross yourarms in front of you with palms facing downward and engageyour core

Bend your knees and lower your body down a little furtherthen push up onto your left foot extending the left knee andkicking back with your right foot to touch your butt Loweryour leg down and return to starting position Repeat exerciseon opposite leg For higher intensity increase speed of kicksand transitions

Cardiovascular exercise and leg strengthening

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart Holdyour hands relaxed in front of you

ExecutionStep your left foot out wide to the side bend through the leftknee and descend carefully as you exhale Keep your feet flaton the floor drop your shoulders and reach your hands to theground Your right leg remains straight Move carefully back tothe starting position Repeat exercise on opposite leg

BenefitsStrengthens legs lower back and core

VariationsTo increase the level of difficulty thrust your hands overheadas you step out and in

Mountain Climbers

Starting PositionStart by lying on the floor on your stomach and pushing upinto plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders (elbows slightly bent) Keepyour upper body strong and engage your core while keepingyour back straight


BenefitsLeg strengthening core activation shoulder strength

Special ConsiderationsIf you have abdominal muscle separation avoid this exerciseand instead perform a Bird Dog(httpwwwlosebabyweightcomauexercisehubbird-dog-pose) exercise

Exhale and bring your right knee up toward your chestplacing your toes on the floor Placement of your right footshould be centred in between your hands as far forward as iscomfortable Ensure the gap behind your knees is closed andhold this position for one breath Keep your left leg extendedfor balance Repeat exercise by alternating legs For higherintensity try switching leg positions with greater speed

Day 25

Bent Knee Push Ups

Starting PositionStart by lying flat on the floor on your stomach Lift both feetoff the floor and bring your heels toward you to form a 90degree angle at the knee Place your hands down onto thefloor at shoulder height beside you keeping elbows bent

ExecutionExhale and push your upper body away from the floor byextending arms straight keeping a slight bend in the elbowsat the top Tighten your core area and keep your neck backand hips in alignment Inhale bend your elbows slowly andreturn your body to the floor Keep elbows as close to yourbody as possible Hold for one breath with your chestapproximately 3 inches off the floor Repeat

BenefitsIncreased chest tricep and core strength

Side Step Reverse Fly

Starting PositionStand with your feet shoulder width apart and your kneesslightly bent Holding dumbbells with palms facing each otherstraighten your arms at shoulder height in front of you

ExecutionExhale step out to your left side and bend the left kneeextending your arms back until your arms are in line with yourshoulders Your right leg remains straight Keep a slight bendin the elbows and return to starting position Repeat onopposite side

BenefitsStrengthens shoulders upper back and legs

Bent Over Row

Starting PositionStand with your feet hip width apart knees bent and bendforward at the waist keeping your back straight Hold a pair oflight dumbbells in each hand and let your arms hang down infront of you


BenefitsStrengthens back and upper arms

While keeping your torso in alignment squeeze your shoulderblades together exhale and lift the dumbbells to reach thesides of your waist Slowly lower the dumbbells to the startingposition Repeat

Tricep Extension

Starting PositionStand with your feet close together knees slightly bent anddumbbells in each hand Raise the dumbbells above andslightly behind your head and slowly bend your elbows untilthey are almost at a 90 degree angle This is your startingposition

ExecutionSlowly extend your elbows and move dumbbells overheaduntil your arms are straight Squeeze the triceps to straightenthe arm without locking out at the joint Keep your head upback straight and upper body in alignment Exhale as youextend your arms

BenefitsStrengthens triceps and shoulders

Day 26

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Lateral Jumps


Mountain Climbers

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart Holdyour hands relaxed in front of you

ExecutionStep your left foot out wide to the side bend through the leftknee and descend carefully as you exhale Keep your feet flaton the floor drop your shoulders and reach your hands to theground Your right leg remains straight Move carefully back tothe starting position Repeat exercise on opposite leg

BenefitsStrengthens legs lower back and core

VariationsTo increase the level of difficulty thrust your hands overheadas you step out and in

Lateral Jumps

Starting PositionPlace a ruler or dumbbell on the floor on your left side andreach your arms out behind you to start

ExecutionSit down into a quarter squat and exhale as you jump to yourleft pushing off with your heels and landing on both feet onthe other side of the ruler or dumbbell Land with toes firstand then heels Return to starting position and jump againpushing off and landing to your right Repeat exercise

BenefitsStrengthens legs glutes and hips


Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart withyour arms close to your body at your sides

ExecutionSwing your left leg out to the side while moving your arms tothe left side of your body Transfer your weight from the leftside to the right and simultaneously move your arms over tothe right side For higher intensity lift your legs a little higherwhile increasing speed

BenefitsCardiovascular exercise and full body strengthening

Mountain Climbers

Starting PositionStart by lying on the floor on your stomach and pushing upinto plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders (elbows slightly bent) Keepyour upper body strong and engage your core while keepingyour back straight


BenefitsLeg strengthening core activation shoulder strength

Special ConsiderationsIf you have abdominal muscle separation avoid this exerciseand instead perform a Bird Dog(httpwwwlosebabyweightcomauexercisehubbird-dog-pose) exercise

Exhale and bring your right knee up toward your chestplacing your toes on the floor Placement of your right footshould be centred in between your hands as far forward as iscomfortable Ensure the gap behind your knees is closed andhold this position for one breath Keep your left leg extendedfor balance Repeat exercise by alternating legs For higherintensity try switching leg positions with greater speed

Day 27

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Bird Dog Pose

Pike Walk

Reverse Crunch

Plank with Arm Raise

Bird Dog Pose

Starting PositionKneel on a mat on all fours with your knees hip width apartand fingers facing forward Ensure your back is flat and bellybutton pulled in toward your spine

ExecutionKeeping a neutral spine exhale as you simultaneously lift andextend your left leg and right arm up until they are parallel tothe floor Keep your hips facing down back straight and coreengaged through the movement Inhale as you slowly returnyour arm and leg to the starting position Repeat exercise withopposite arm and leg

BenefitsStrengthens core muscles glutes and legs

Pike Walk

Starting PositionBegin by standing up tall facing forward with arms by yoursides

ExecutionBend your knees and slowly move your hands down to theground walking your hands out in front of you Exhale as youstraighten your legs and walk your hands as far forward aspossible or until you reach full plank position with your handsdirectly below your shoulders Hold this position for onebreath Keep your core strong bend your knees and walk yourhands back in toward your feet Roll up slowly through eachvertebrae to starting position

BenefitsStrengthens abdominals core back and hips Increasesflexibility in lower back legs and hips

Reverse Crunch

Starting PositionLie on your back with your palms facing down and fingersfacing forward Bend your knees and lift your feet in the airkeeping your lower back firmly planted on the floor

ExecutionExhale as you raise your hips off the floor and crunch yourupper legs in toward your body Hold for one breath andslowly lower your legs back to starting position Repeatexercise

BenefitsStrengthens lower and mid abdominals

Plank with Arm Raise

Starting PositionStart in plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders Keep your upper body strongand engage your core while keeping your back straight

ExecutionShuffle your right hand in to centre your body and exhale asyou slowly lift your left arm out to the side Engage yourcore by pulling your belly button toward your spine and holdyour arm at shoulder height for one breath Keep your backstable and strong as you lower your left arm to the floor andreturn to starting position Repeat on the other side

BenefitsStrengthens core and upper body

Day 28

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Bush Walking


Walking the Dog


Bush WalkingGoing bush and taking in some nature is good for the bodyand soul Spending just one hour walking in the bush will haveyou burning over 400 Calories

GardeningJust 30 minutes of gardening can burn off 315 calories andyoursquoll be working your arms thighs calves and shoulders ndashand if you do it for over 20 minutes you get your heart rate upand boost your cardiovascular system

Walking the DogWalking the dog offers some great resistance and cardioexercise ndash take your pup out for a long bracing walk and youcan burn off up to 200 calories an hour

SwimmingA visit to the pool is always great fun for the whole familySimply splashing around treading water and generalswimming will have you burning over 250 calories in an hour

Bike RidingGetting the bikes out of the garage is a great way for thewhole family to get moving and enjoy some fresh air Theaverage 75kg person cycling for 30 minutes will burn 281calories

Cool Down

Baby Pose

Starting PositionKneel upright on a mat with knees apart slightly



Slowly sit back on your heels and bend your chest forwardtowards the floor Bring your arms above your head and placeyour hands flat on the floor in front of you Gently rest yourforehead on the mat Hold this position for 30 seconds

Lower back and shoulder stretch

Bicep Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Interlock your hands behind you and then rotate them sopalms are facing out Raise your arms up push back and holdfor 15 seconds

Bicep stretch

Chest Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet close together arms by your sidesand knees slightly bent

ExecutionOpen your chest and lower your shoulders then take yourhands behind you and connect your hands behind your backKeeping shoulders relaxed and core engaged slowly raisearms behind you Breath in and out as you hold the stretch for15 seconds

BenefitsChest stretch

Lying Hamstring Stretch

Starting Position


BenefitsIncreased flexibility in quadriceps

Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your left kneetoward your chest keeping the right leg extended on thefloor

Slowly begin to extend your left knee pulling your leg gentlytoward you with your hands Keep both hips on the floor andyour head and neck relaxed through the stretch Breathedeeply and hold the stretch for 20 seconds Repeat onopposite side

Lying Quadriceps Stretch

Starting Position



Lie on your right side with your legs out straight Support headwith right arm and relax the head and neck

Bend your left knee and hold your left foot with your lefthand pulling your heel toward your glutes Gently push yourhips forward to increase the stretch and bend the right knee alittle if you require more balance Breathe in and out as youhold the stretch for 20 seconds

Increased flexibilty in quadriceps

Shoulder Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Bring your left arm across your chest and hold with your rightarm above the elbow Pull your belly button toward yourspine and stand tall with your head up Hold the stretch for 15seconds and release

Decreased tightness in shoulders

Side Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet wider than hip width apart and armsby your sides



Bend the left knee and bend your upper body slowly to to theleft side taking your right arm up overhead and your left armstrong by your side or resting on your leg Exhale as you bendto the side Ensure your upper body moves straight to the sideand you refrain from leaning forward or backwards Inhaleand gently return your body to the starting position

Upper lower and middle back

Spinal Twist

Starting Position

ExecutionRest your hands at the sides of your body and exhale as youturn your hips to the right gently dropping your knees to thefloor Keep your core engaged and back straight turning yourhead to the right side to enhance the stretch


Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your knees

Lower back stretch

Tricep Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet hip width apart and arms by yoursides


BenefitsTricep stretch

Lift your right hand over your shoulder and place your handon your upper back elbow pointing up toward the ceiling Useyour right hand to gently rest on the elbow and push itdownward Hold the stretch for 15 seconds and alternatearms

copy Copyright 2014 Lose Baby Weight All Rights Reserved

Day 24

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Golf Squat

Side Step Butt Kicks

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Mountain Climbers

Golf Squat

Starting Position


BenefitsFull body strengthening core activation cardiovascularendurance

Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width apart holdingdumbbells in either hand in front of your body Inhale as youbend your knees and lower into a squat position keeping yourfeet parallel and chest upright Exhale and push up throughthe heels to standing rotating your torso to the left as youraise your arms above your shoulder Ensure you keep yourhead high and a neutral spine in this movement Slowly lowerarms to starting position Repeat exercise on opposite side

Push your hips backward (imagine you are sitting down on achair) keep your back flat head up and knees in line with yourtoes Lower your body until your thighs are parallel to theground continuing to hold dumbbells at shoulder height Asyou push back up through the heels press the dumbbells upoverhead and extend your arms (keeping a slight bend in theelbows) Slowly lower your arms and return to startingposition Repeat exercise

Side Step Butt Kicks

Starting Position



Stand with feet flat on the floor in a wide stance Cross yourarms in front of you with palms facing downward and engageyour core

Bend your knees and lower your body down a little furtherthen push up onto your left foot extending the left knee andkicking back with your right foot to touch your butt Loweryour leg down and return to starting position Repeat exerciseon opposite leg For higher intensity increase speed of kicksand transitions

Cardiovascular exercise and leg strengthening

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart Holdyour hands relaxed in front of you

ExecutionStep your left foot out wide to the side bend through the leftknee and descend carefully as you exhale Keep your feet flaton the floor drop your shoulders and reach your hands to theground Your right leg remains straight Move carefully back tothe starting position Repeat exercise on opposite leg

BenefitsStrengthens legs lower back and core

VariationsTo increase the level of difficulty thrust your hands overheadas you step out and in

Mountain Climbers

Starting PositionStart by lying on the floor on your stomach and pushing upinto plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders (elbows slightly bent) Keepyour upper body strong and engage your core while keepingyour back straight


BenefitsLeg strengthening core activation shoulder strength

Special ConsiderationsIf you have abdominal muscle separation avoid this exerciseand instead perform a Bird Dog(httpwwwlosebabyweightcomauexercisehubbird-dog-pose) exercise

Exhale and bring your right knee up toward your chestplacing your toes on the floor Placement of your right footshould be centred in between your hands as far forward as iscomfortable Ensure the gap behind your knees is closed andhold this position for one breath Keep your left leg extendedfor balance Repeat exercise by alternating legs For higherintensity try switching leg positions with greater speed

Day 25

Bent Knee Push Ups

Starting PositionStart by lying flat on the floor on your stomach Lift both feetoff the floor and bring your heels toward you to form a 90degree angle at the knee Place your hands down onto thefloor at shoulder height beside you keeping elbows bent

ExecutionExhale and push your upper body away from the floor byextending arms straight keeping a slight bend in the elbowsat the top Tighten your core area and keep your neck backand hips in alignment Inhale bend your elbows slowly andreturn your body to the floor Keep elbows as close to yourbody as possible Hold for one breath with your chestapproximately 3 inches off the floor Repeat

BenefitsIncreased chest tricep and core strength

Side Step Reverse Fly

Starting PositionStand with your feet shoulder width apart and your kneesslightly bent Holding dumbbells with palms facing each otherstraighten your arms at shoulder height in front of you

ExecutionExhale step out to your left side and bend the left kneeextending your arms back until your arms are in line with yourshoulders Your right leg remains straight Keep a slight bendin the elbows and return to starting position Repeat onopposite side

BenefitsStrengthens shoulders upper back and legs

Bent Over Row

Starting PositionStand with your feet hip width apart knees bent and bendforward at the waist keeping your back straight Hold a pair oflight dumbbells in each hand and let your arms hang down infront of you


BenefitsStrengthens back and upper arms

While keeping your torso in alignment squeeze your shoulderblades together exhale and lift the dumbbells to reach thesides of your waist Slowly lower the dumbbells to the startingposition Repeat

Tricep Extension

Starting PositionStand with your feet close together knees slightly bent anddumbbells in each hand Raise the dumbbells above andslightly behind your head and slowly bend your elbows untilthey are almost at a 90 degree angle This is your startingposition

ExecutionSlowly extend your elbows and move dumbbells overheaduntil your arms are straight Squeeze the triceps to straightenthe arm without locking out at the joint Keep your head upback straight and upper body in alignment Exhale as youextend your arms

BenefitsStrengthens triceps and shoulders

Day 26

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Lateral Jumps


Mountain Climbers

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart Holdyour hands relaxed in front of you

ExecutionStep your left foot out wide to the side bend through the leftknee and descend carefully as you exhale Keep your feet flaton the floor drop your shoulders and reach your hands to theground Your right leg remains straight Move carefully back tothe starting position Repeat exercise on opposite leg

BenefitsStrengthens legs lower back and core

VariationsTo increase the level of difficulty thrust your hands overheadas you step out and in

Lateral Jumps

Starting PositionPlace a ruler or dumbbell on the floor on your left side andreach your arms out behind you to start

ExecutionSit down into a quarter squat and exhale as you jump to yourleft pushing off with your heels and landing on both feet onthe other side of the ruler or dumbbell Land with toes firstand then heels Return to starting position and jump againpushing off and landing to your right Repeat exercise

BenefitsStrengthens legs glutes and hips


Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart withyour arms close to your body at your sides

ExecutionSwing your left leg out to the side while moving your arms tothe left side of your body Transfer your weight from the leftside to the right and simultaneously move your arms over tothe right side For higher intensity lift your legs a little higherwhile increasing speed

BenefitsCardiovascular exercise and full body strengthening

Mountain Climbers

Starting PositionStart by lying on the floor on your stomach and pushing upinto plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders (elbows slightly bent) Keepyour upper body strong and engage your core while keepingyour back straight


BenefitsLeg strengthening core activation shoulder strength

Special ConsiderationsIf you have abdominal muscle separation avoid this exerciseand instead perform a Bird Dog(httpwwwlosebabyweightcomauexercisehubbird-dog-pose) exercise

Exhale and bring your right knee up toward your chestplacing your toes on the floor Placement of your right footshould be centred in between your hands as far forward as iscomfortable Ensure the gap behind your knees is closed andhold this position for one breath Keep your left leg extendedfor balance Repeat exercise by alternating legs For higherintensity try switching leg positions with greater speed

Day 27

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Bird Dog Pose

Pike Walk

Reverse Crunch

Plank with Arm Raise

Bird Dog Pose

Starting PositionKneel on a mat on all fours with your knees hip width apartand fingers facing forward Ensure your back is flat and bellybutton pulled in toward your spine

ExecutionKeeping a neutral spine exhale as you simultaneously lift andextend your left leg and right arm up until they are parallel tothe floor Keep your hips facing down back straight and coreengaged through the movement Inhale as you slowly returnyour arm and leg to the starting position Repeat exercise withopposite arm and leg

BenefitsStrengthens core muscles glutes and legs

Pike Walk

Starting PositionBegin by standing up tall facing forward with arms by yoursides

ExecutionBend your knees and slowly move your hands down to theground walking your hands out in front of you Exhale as youstraighten your legs and walk your hands as far forward aspossible or until you reach full plank position with your handsdirectly below your shoulders Hold this position for onebreath Keep your core strong bend your knees and walk yourhands back in toward your feet Roll up slowly through eachvertebrae to starting position

BenefitsStrengthens abdominals core back and hips Increasesflexibility in lower back legs and hips

Reverse Crunch

Starting PositionLie on your back with your palms facing down and fingersfacing forward Bend your knees and lift your feet in the airkeeping your lower back firmly planted on the floor

ExecutionExhale as you raise your hips off the floor and crunch yourupper legs in toward your body Hold for one breath andslowly lower your legs back to starting position Repeatexercise

BenefitsStrengthens lower and mid abdominals

Plank with Arm Raise

Starting PositionStart in plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders Keep your upper body strongand engage your core while keeping your back straight

ExecutionShuffle your right hand in to centre your body and exhale asyou slowly lift your left arm out to the side Engage yourcore by pulling your belly button toward your spine and holdyour arm at shoulder height for one breath Keep your backstable and strong as you lower your left arm to the floor andreturn to starting position Repeat on the other side

BenefitsStrengthens core and upper body

Day 28

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Bush Walking


Walking the Dog


Bush WalkingGoing bush and taking in some nature is good for the bodyand soul Spending just one hour walking in the bush will haveyou burning over 400 Calories

GardeningJust 30 minutes of gardening can burn off 315 calories andyoursquoll be working your arms thighs calves and shoulders ndashand if you do it for over 20 minutes you get your heart rate upand boost your cardiovascular system

Walking the DogWalking the dog offers some great resistance and cardioexercise ndash take your pup out for a long bracing walk and youcan burn off up to 200 calories an hour

SwimmingA visit to the pool is always great fun for the whole familySimply splashing around treading water and generalswimming will have you burning over 250 calories in an hour

Bike RidingGetting the bikes out of the garage is a great way for thewhole family to get moving and enjoy some fresh air Theaverage 75kg person cycling for 30 minutes will burn 281calories

Cool Down

Baby Pose

Starting PositionKneel upright on a mat with knees apart slightly



Slowly sit back on your heels and bend your chest forwardtowards the floor Bring your arms above your head and placeyour hands flat on the floor in front of you Gently rest yourforehead on the mat Hold this position for 30 seconds

Lower back and shoulder stretch

Bicep Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Interlock your hands behind you and then rotate them sopalms are facing out Raise your arms up push back and holdfor 15 seconds

Bicep stretch

Chest Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet close together arms by your sidesand knees slightly bent

ExecutionOpen your chest and lower your shoulders then take yourhands behind you and connect your hands behind your backKeeping shoulders relaxed and core engaged slowly raisearms behind you Breath in and out as you hold the stretch for15 seconds

BenefitsChest stretch

Lying Hamstring Stretch

Starting Position


BenefitsIncreased flexibility in quadriceps

Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your left kneetoward your chest keeping the right leg extended on thefloor

Slowly begin to extend your left knee pulling your leg gentlytoward you with your hands Keep both hips on the floor andyour head and neck relaxed through the stretch Breathedeeply and hold the stretch for 20 seconds Repeat onopposite side

Lying Quadriceps Stretch

Starting Position



Lie on your right side with your legs out straight Support headwith right arm and relax the head and neck

Bend your left knee and hold your left foot with your lefthand pulling your heel toward your glutes Gently push yourhips forward to increase the stretch and bend the right knee alittle if you require more balance Breathe in and out as youhold the stretch for 20 seconds

Increased flexibilty in quadriceps

Shoulder Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Bring your left arm across your chest and hold with your rightarm above the elbow Pull your belly button toward yourspine and stand tall with your head up Hold the stretch for 15seconds and release

Decreased tightness in shoulders

Side Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet wider than hip width apart and armsby your sides



Bend the left knee and bend your upper body slowly to to theleft side taking your right arm up overhead and your left armstrong by your side or resting on your leg Exhale as you bendto the side Ensure your upper body moves straight to the sideand you refrain from leaning forward or backwards Inhaleand gently return your body to the starting position

Upper lower and middle back

Spinal Twist

Starting Position

ExecutionRest your hands at the sides of your body and exhale as youturn your hips to the right gently dropping your knees to thefloor Keep your core engaged and back straight turning yourhead to the right side to enhance the stretch


Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your knees

Lower back stretch

Tricep Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet hip width apart and arms by yoursides


BenefitsTricep stretch

Lift your right hand over your shoulder and place your handon your upper back elbow pointing up toward the ceiling Useyour right hand to gently rest on the elbow and push itdownward Hold the stretch for 15 seconds and alternatearms

copy Copyright 2014 Lose Baby Weight All Rights Reserved

Side Step Butt Kicks

Starting Position



Stand with feet flat on the floor in a wide stance Cross yourarms in front of you with palms facing downward and engageyour core

Bend your knees and lower your body down a little furtherthen push up onto your left foot extending the left knee andkicking back with your right foot to touch your butt Loweryour leg down and return to starting position Repeat exerciseon opposite leg For higher intensity increase speed of kicksand transitions

Cardiovascular exercise and leg strengthening

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart Holdyour hands relaxed in front of you

ExecutionStep your left foot out wide to the side bend through the leftknee and descend carefully as you exhale Keep your feet flaton the floor drop your shoulders and reach your hands to theground Your right leg remains straight Move carefully back tothe starting position Repeat exercise on opposite leg

BenefitsStrengthens legs lower back and core

VariationsTo increase the level of difficulty thrust your hands overheadas you step out and in

Mountain Climbers

Starting PositionStart by lying on the floor on your stomach and pushing upinto plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders (elbows slightly bent) Keepyour upper body strong and engage your core while keepingyour back straight


BenefitsLeg strengthening core activation shoulder strength

Special ConsiderationsIf you have abdominal muscle separation avoid this exerciseand instead perform a Bird Dog(httpwwwlosebabyweightcomauexercisehubbird-dog-pose) exercise

Exhale and bring your right knee up toward your chestplacing your toes on the floor Placement of your right footshould be centred in between your hands as far forward as iscomfortable Ensure the gap behind your knees is closed andhold this position for one breath Keep your left leg extendedfor balance Repeat exercise by alternating legs For higherintensity try switching leg positions with greater speed

Day 25

Bent Knee Push Ups

Starting PositionStart by lying flat on the floor on your stomach Lift both feetoff the floor and bring your heels toward you to form a 90degree angle at the knee Place your hands down onto thefloor at shoulder height beside you keeping elbows bent

ExecutionExhale and push your upper body away from the floor byextending arms straight keeping a slight bend in the elbowsat the top Tighten your core area and keep your neck backand hips in alignment Inhale bend your elbows slowly andreturn your body to the floor Keep elbows as close to yourbody as possible Hold for one breath with your chestapproximately 3 inches off the floor Repeat

BenefitsIncreased chest tricep and core strength

Side Step Reverse Fly

Starting PositionStand with your feet shoulder width apart and your kneesslightly bent Holding dumbbells with palms facing each otherstraighten your arms at shoulder height in front of you

ExecutionExhale step out to your left side and bend the left kneeextending your arms back until your arms are in line with yourshoulders Your right leg remains straight Keep a slight bendin the elbows and return to starting position Repeat onopposite side

BenefitsStrengthens shoulders upper back and legs

Bent Over Row

Starting PositionStand with your feet hip width apart knees bent and bendforward at the waist keeping your back straight Hold a pair oflight dumbbells in each hand and let your arms hang down infront of you


BenefitsStrengthens back and upper arms

While keeping your torso in alignment squeeze your shoulderblades together exhale and lift the dumbbells to reach thesides of your waist Slowly lower the dumbbells to the startingposition Repeat

Tricep Extension

Starting PositionStand with your feet close together knees slightly bent anddumbbells in each hand Raise the dumbbells above andslightly behind your head and slowly bend your elbows untilthey are almost at a 90 degree angle This is your startingposition

ExecutionSlowly extend your elbows and move dumbbells overheaduntil your arms are straight Squeeze the triceps to straightenthe arm without locking out at the joint Keep your head upback straight and upper body in alignment Exhale as youextend your arms

BenefitsStrengthens triceps and shoulders

Day 26

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Lateral Jumps


Mountain Climbers

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart Holdyour hands relaxed in front of you

ExecutionStep your left foot out wide to the side bend through the leftknee and descend carefully as you exhale Keep your feet flaton the floor drop your shoulders and reach your hands to theground Your right leg remains straight Move carefully back tothe starting position Repeat exercise on opposite leg

BenefitsStrengthens legs lower back and core

VariationsTo increase the level of difficulty thrust your hands overheadas you step out and in

Lateral Jumps

Starting PositionPlace a ruler or dumbbell on the floor on your left side andreach your arms out behind you to start

ExecutionSit down into a quarter squat and exhale as you jump to yourleft pushing off with your heels and landing on both feet onthe other side of the ruler or dumbbell Land with toes firstand then heels Return to starting position and jump againpushing off and landing to your right Repeat exercise

BenefitsStrengthens legs glutes and hips


Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart withyour arms close to your body at your sides

ExecutionSwing your left leg out to the side while moving your arms tothe left side of your body Transfer your weight from the leftside to the right and simultaneously move your arms over tothe right side For higher intensity lift your legs a little higherwhile increasing speed

BenefitsCardiovascular exercise and full body strengthening

Mountain Climbers

Starting PositionStart by lying on the floor on your stomach and pushing upinto plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders (elbows slightly bent) Keepyour upper body strong and engage your core while keepingyour back straight


BenefitsLeg strengthening core activation shoulder strength

Special ConsiderationsIf you have abdominal muscle separation avoid this exerciseand instead perform a Bird Dog(httpwwwlosebabyweightcomauexercisehubbird-dog-pose) exercise

Exhale and bring your right knee up toward your chestplacing your toes on the floor Placement of your right footshould be centred in between your hands as far forward as iscomfortable Ensure the gap behind your knees is closed andhold this position for one breath Keep your left leg extendedfor balance Repeat exercise by alternating legs For higherintensity try switching leg positions with greater speed

Day 27

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Bird Dog Pose

Pike Walk

Reverse Crunch

Plank with Arm Raise

Bird Dog Pose

Starting PositionKneel on a mat on all fours with your knees hip width apartand fingers facing forward Ensure your back is flat and bellybutton pulled in toward your spine

ExecutionKeeping a neutral spine exhale as you simultaneously lift andextend your left leg and right arm up until they are parallel tothe floor Keep your hips facing down back straight and coreengaged through the movement Inhale as you slowly returnyour arm and leg to the starting position Repeat exercise withopposite arm and leg

BenefitsStrengthens core muscles glutes and legs

Pike Walk

Starting PositionBegin by standing up tall facing forward with arms by yoursides

ExecutionBend your knees and slowly move your hands down to theground walking your hands out in front of you Exhale as youstraighten your legs and walk your hands as far forward aspossible or until you reach full plank position with your handsdirectly below your shoulders Hold this position for onebreath Keep your core strong bend your knees and walk yourhands back in toward your feet Roll up slowly through eachvertebrae to starting position

BenefitsStrengthens abdominals core back and hips Increasesflexibility in lower back legs and hips

Reverse Crunch

Starting PositionLie on your back with your palms facing down and fingersfacing forward Bend your knees and lift your feet in the airkeeping your lower back firmly planted on the floor

ExecutionExhale as you raise your hips off the floor and crunch yourupper legs in toward your body Hold for one breath andslowly lower your legs back to starting position Repeatexercise

BenefitsStrengthens lower and mid abdominals

Plank with Arm Raise

Starting PositionStart in plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders Keep your upper body strongand engage your core while keeping your back straight

ExecutionShuffle your right hand in to centre your body and exhale asyou slowly lift your left arm out to the side Engage yourcore by pulling your belly button toward your spine and holdyour arm at shoulder height for one breath Keep your backstable and strong as you lower your left arm to the floor andreturn to starting position Repeat on the other side

BenefitsStrengthens core and upper body

Day 28

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Bush Walking


Walking the Dog


Bush WalkingGoing bush and taking in some nature is good for the bodyand soul Spending just one hour walking in the bush will haveyou burning over 400 Calories

GardeningJust 30 minutes of gardening can burn off 315 calories andyoursquoll be working your arms thighs calves and shoulders ndashand if you do it for over 20 minutes you get your heart rate upand boost your cardiovascular system

Walking the DogWalking the dog offers some great resistance and cardioexercise ndash take your pup out for a long bracing walk and youcan burn off up to 200 calories an hour

SwimmingA visit to the pool is always great fun for the whole familySimply splashing around treading water and generalswimming will have you burning over 250 calories in an hour

Bike RidingGetting the bikes out of the garage is a great way for thewhole family to get moving and enjoy some fresh air Theaverage 75kg person cycling for 30 minutes will burn 281calories

Cool Down

Baby Pose

Starting PositionKneel upright on a mat with knees apart slightly



Slowly sit back on your heels and bend your chest forwardtowards the floor Bring your arms above your head and placeyour hands flat on the floor in front of you Gently rest yourforehead on the mat Hold this position for 30 seconds

Lower back and shoulder stretch

Bicep Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Interlock your hands behind you and then rotate them sopalms are facing out Raise your arms up push back and holdfor 15 seconds

Bicep stretch

Chest Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet close together arms by your sidesand knees slightly bent

ExecutionOpen your chest and lower your shoulders then take yourhands behind you and connect your hands behind your backKeeping shoulders relaxed and core engaged slowly raisearms behind you Breath in and out as you hold the stretch for15 seconds

BenefitsChest stretch

Lying Hamstring Stretch

Starting Position


BenefitsIncreased flexibility in quadriceps

Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your left kneetoward your chest keeping the right leg extended on thefloor

Slowly begin to extend your left knee pulling your leg gentlytoward you with your hands Keep both hips on the floor andyour head and neck relaxed through the stretch Breathedeeply and hold the stretch for 20 seconds Repeat onopposite side

Lying Quadriceps Stretch

Starting Position



Lie on your right side with your legs out straight Support headwith right arm and relax the head and neck

Bend your left knee and hold your left foot with your lefthand pulling your heel toward your glutes Gently push yourhips forward to increase the stretch and bend the right knee alittle if you require more balance Breathe in and out as youhold the stretch for 20 seconds

Increased flexibilty in quadriceps

Shoulder Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Bring your left arm across your chest and hold with your rightarm above the elbow Pull your belly button toward yourspine and stand tall with your head up Hold the stretch for 15seconds and release

Decreased tightness in shoulders

Side Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet wider than hip width apart and armsby your sides



Bend the left knee and bend your upper body slowly to to theleft side taking your right arm up overhead and your left armstrong by your side or resting on your leg Exhale as you bendto the side Ensure your upper body moves straight to the sideand you refrain from leaning forward or backwards Inhaleand gently return your body to the starting position

Upper lower and middle back

Spinal Twist

Starting Position

ExecutionRest your hands at the sides of your body and exhale as youturn your hips to the right gently dropping your knees to thefloor Keep your core engaged and back straight turning yourhead to the right side to enhance the stretch


Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your knees

Lower back stretch

Tricep Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet hip width apart and arms by yoursides


BenefitsTricep stretch

Lift your right hand over your shoulder and place your handon your upper back elbow pointing up toward the ceiling Useyour right hand to gently rest on the elbow and push itdownward Hold the stretch for 15 seconds and alternatearms

copy Copyright 2014 Lose Baby Weight All Rights Reserved

Mountain Climbers

Starting PositionStart by lying on the floor on your stomach and pushing upinto plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders (elbows slightly bent) Keepyour upper body strong and engage your core while keepingyour back straight


BenefitsLeg strengthening core activation shoulder strength

Special ConsiderationsIf you have abdominal muscle separation avoid this exerciseand instead perform a Bird Dog(httpwwwlosebabyweightcomauexercisehubbird-dog-pose) exercise

Exhale and bring your right knee up toward your chestplacing your toes on the floor Placement of your right footshould be centred in between your hands as far forward as iscomfortable Ensure the gap behind your knees is closed andhold this position for one breath Keep your left leg extendedfor balance Repeat exercise by alternating legs For higherintensity try switching leg positions with greater speed

Day 25

Bent Knee Push Ups

Starting PositionStart by lying flat on the floor on your stomach Lift both feetoff the floor and bring your heels toward you to form a 90degree angle at the knee Place your hands down onto thefloor at shoulder height beside you keeping elbows bent

ExecutionExhale and push your upper body away from the floor byextending arms straight keeping a slight bend in the elbowsat the top Tighten your core area and keep your neck backand hips in alignment Inhale bend your elbows slowly andreturn your body to the floor Keep elbows as close to yourbody as possible Hold for one breath with your chestapproximately 3 inches off the floor Repeat

BenefitsIncreased chest tricep and core strength

Side Step Reverse Fly

Starting PositionStand with your feet shoulder width apart and your kneesslightly bent Holding dumbbells with palms facing each otherstraighten your arms at shoulder height in front of you

ExecutionExhale step out to your left side and bend the left kneeextending your arms back until your arms are in line with yourshoulders Your right leg remains straight Keep a slight bendin the elbows and return to starting position Repeat onopposite side

BenefitsStrengthens shoulders upper back and legs

Bent Over Row

Starting PositionStand with your feet hip width apart knees bent and bendforward at the waist keeping your back straight Hold a pair oflight dumbbells in each hand and let your arms hang down infront of you


BenefitsStrengthens back and upper arms

While keeping your torso in alignment squeeze your shoulderblades together exhale and lift the dumbbells to reach thesides of your waist Slowly lower the dumbbells to the startingposition Repeat

Tricep Extension

Starting PositionStand with your feet close together knees slightly bent anddumbbells in each hand Raise the dumbbells above andslightly behind your head and slowly bend your elbows untilthey are almost at a 90 degree angle This is your startingposition

ExecutionSlowly extend your elbows and move dumbbells overheaduntil your arms are straight Squeeze the triceps to straightenthe arm without locking out at the joint Keep your head upback straight and upper body in alignment Exhale as youextend your arms

BenefitsStrengthens triceps and shoulders

Day 26

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Lateral Jumps


Mountain Climbers

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart Holdyour hands relaxed in front of you

ExecutionStep your left foot out wide to the side bend through the leftknee and descend carefully as you exhale Keep your feet flaton the floor drop your shoulders and reach your hands to theground Your right leg remains straight Move carefully back tothe starting position Repeat exercise on opposite leg

BenefitsStrengthens legs lower back and core

VariationsTo increase the level of difficulty thrust your hands overheadas you step out and in

Lateral Jumps

Starting PositionPlace a ruler or dumbbell on the floor on your left side andreach your arms out behind you to start

ExecutionSit down into a quarter squat and exhale as you jump to yourleft pushing off with your heels and landing on both feet onthe other side of the ruler or dumbbell Land with toes firstand then heels Return to starting position and jump againpushing off and landing to your right Repeat exercise

BenefitsStrengthens legs glutes and hips


Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart withyour arms close to your body at your sides

ExecutionSwing your left leg out to the side while moving your arms tothe left side of your body Transfer your weight from the leftside to the right and simultaneously move your arms over tothe right side For higher intensity lift your legs a little higherwhile increasing speed

BenefitsCardiovascular exercise and full body strengthening

Mountain Climbers

Starting PositionStart by lying on the floor on your stomach and pushing upinto plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders (elbows slightly bent) Keepyour upper body strong and engage your core while keepingyour back straight


BenefitsLeg strengthening core activation shoulder strength

Special ConsiderationsIf you have abdominal muscle separation avoid this exerciseand instead perform a Bird Dog(httpwwwlosebabyweightcomauexercisehubbird-dog-pose) exercise

Exhale and bring your right knee up toward your chestplacing your toes on the floor Placement of your right footshould be centred in between your hands as far forward as iscomfortable Ensure the gap behind your knees is closed andhold this position for one breath Keep your left leg extendedfor balance Repeat exercise by alternating legs For higherintensity try switching leg positions with greater speed

Day 27

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Bird Dog Pose

Pike Walk

Reverse Crunch

Plank with Arm Raise

Bird Dog Pose

Starting PositionKneel on a mat on all fours with your knees hip width apartand fingers facing forward Ensure your back is flat and bellybutton pulled in toward your spine

ExecutionKeeping a neutral spine exhale as you simultaneously lift andextend your left leg and right arm up until they are parallel tothe floor Keep your hips facing down back straight and coreengaged through the movement Inhale as you slowly returnyour arm and leg to the starting position Repeat exercise withopposite arm and leg

BenefitsStrengthens core muscles glutes and legs

Pike Walk

Starting PositionBegin by standing up tall facing forward with arms by yoursides

ExecutionBend your knees and slowly move your hands down to theground walking your hands out in front of you Exhale as youstraighten your legs and walk your hands as far forward aspossible or until you reach full plank position with your handsdirectly below your shoulders Hold this position for onebreath Keep your core strong bend your knees and walk yourhands back in toward your feet Roll up slowly through eachvertebrae to starting position

BenefitsStrengthens abdominals core back and hips Increasesflexibility in lower back legs and hips

Reverse Crunch

Starting PositionLie on your back with your palms facing down and fingersfacing forward Bend your knees and lift your feet in the airkeeping your lower back firmly planted on the floor

ExecutionExhale as you raise your hips off the floor and crunch yourupper legs in toward your body Hold for one breath andslowly lower your legs back to starting position Repeatexercise

BenefitsStrengthens lower and mid abdominals

Plank with Arm Raise

Starting PositionStart in plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders Keep your upper body strongand engage your core while keeping your back straight

ExecutionShuffle your right hand in to centre your body and exhale asyou slowly lift your left arm out to the side Engage yourcore by pulling your belly button toward your spine and holdyour arm at shoulder height for one breath Keep your backstable and strong as you lower your left arm to the floor andreturn to starting position Repeat on the other side

BenefitsStrengthens core and upper body

Day 28

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Bush Walking


Walking the Dog


Bush WalkingGoing bush and taking in some nature is good for the bodyand soul Spending just one hour walking in the bush will haveyou burning over 400 Calories

GardeningJust 30 minutes of gardening can burn off 315 calories andyoursquoll be working your arms thighs calves and shoulders ndashand if you do it for over 20 minutes you get your heart rate upand boost your cardiovascular system

Walking the DogWalking the dog offers some great resistance and cardioexercise ndash take your pup out for a long bracing walk and youcan burn off up to 200 calories an hour

SwimmingA visit to the pool is always great fun for the whole familySimply splashing around treading water and generalswimming will have you burning over 250 calories in an hour

Bike RidingGetting the bikes out of the garage is a great way for thewhole family to get moving and enjoy some fresh air Theaverage 75kg person cycling for 30 minutes will burn 281calories

Cool Down

Baby Pose

Starting PositionKneel upright on a mat with knees apart slightly



Slowly sit back on your heels and bend your chest forwardtowards the floor Bring your arms above your head and placeyour hands flat on the floor in front of you Gently rest yourforehead on the mat Hold this position for 30 seconds

Lower back and shoulder stretch

Bicep Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Interlock your hands behind you and then rotate them sopalms are facing out Raise your arms up push back and holdfor 15 seconds

Bicep stretch

Chest Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet close together arms by your sidesand knees slightly bent

ExecutionOpen your chest and lower your shoulders then take yourhands behind you and connect your hands behind your backKeeping shoulders relaxed and core engaged slowly raisearms behind you Breath in and out as you hold the stretch for15 seconds

BenefitsChest stretch

Lying Hamstring Stretch

Starting Position


BenefitsIncreased flexibility in quadriceps

Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your left kneetoward your chest keeping the right leg extended on thefloor

Slowly begin to extend your left knee pulling your leg gentlytoward you with your hands Keep both hips on the floor andyour head and neck relaxed through the stretch Breathedeeply and hold the stretch for 20 seconds Repeat onopposite side

Lying Quadriceps Stretch

Starting Position



Lie on your right side with your legs out straight Support headwith right arm and relax the head and neck

Bend your left knee and hold your left foot with your lefthand pulling your heel toward your glutes Gently push yourhips forward to increase the stretch and bend the right knee alittle if you require more balance Breathe in and out as youhold the stretch for 20 seconds

Increased flexibilty in quadriceps

Shoulder Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Bring your left arm across your chest and hold with your rightarm above the elbow Pull your belly button toward yourspine and stand tall with your head up Hold the stretch for 15seconds and release

Decreased tightness in shoulders

Side Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet wider than hip width apart and armsby your sides



Bend the left knee and bend your upper body slowly to to theleft side taking your right arm up overhead and your left armstrong by your side or resting on your leg Exhale as you bendto the side Ensure your upper body moves straight to the sideand you refrain from leaning forward or backwards Inhaleand gently return your body to the starting position

Upper lower and middle back

Spinal Twist

Starting Position

ExecutionRest your hands at the sides of your body and exhale as youturn your hips to the right gently dropping your knees to thefloor Keep your core engaged and back straight turning yourhead to the right side to enhance the stretch


Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your knees

Lower back stretch

Tricep Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet hip width apart and arms by yoursides


BenefitsTricep stretch

Lift your right hand over your shoulder and place your handon your upper back elbow pointing up toward the ceiling Useyour right hand to gently rest on the elbow and push itdownward Hold the stretch for 15 seconds and alternatearms

copy Copyright 2014 Lose Baby Weight All Rights Reserved

Day 25

Bent Knee Push Ups

Starting PositionStart by lying flat on the floor on your stomach Lift both feetoff the floor and bring your heels toward you to form a 90degree angle at the knee Place your hands down onto thefloor at shoulder height beside you keeping elbows bent

ExecutionExhale and push your upper body away from the floor byextending arms straight keeping a slight bend in the elbowsat the top Tighten your core area and keep your neck backand hips in alignment Inhale bend your elbows slowly andreturn your body to the floor Keep elbows as close to yourbody as possible Hold for one breath with your chestapproximately 3 inches off the floor Repeat

BenefitsIncreased chest tricep and core strength

Side Step Reverse Fly

Starting PositionStand with your feet shoulder width apart and your kneesslightly bent Holding dumbbells with palms facing each otherstraighten your arms at shoulder height in front of you

ExecutionExhale step out to your left side and bend the left kneeextending your arms back until your arms are in line with yourshoulders Your right leg remains straight Keep a slight bendin the elbows and return to starting position Repeat onopposite side

BenefitsStrengthens shoulders upper back and legs

Bent Over Row

Starting PositionStand with your feet hip width apart knees bent and bendforward at the waist keeping your back straight Hold a pair oflight dumbbells in each hand and let your arms hang down infront of you


BenefitsStrengthens back and upper arms

While keeping your torso in alignment squeeze your shoulderblades together exhale and lift the dumbbells to reach thesides of your waist Slowly lower the dumbbells to the startingposition Repeat

Tricep Extension

Starting PositionStand with your feet close together knees slightly bent anddumbbells in each hand Raise the dumbbells above andslightly behind your head and slowly bend your elbows untilthey are almost at a 90 degree angle This is your startingposition

ExecutionSlowly extend your elbows and move dumbbells overheaduntil your arms are straight Squeeze the triceps to straightenthe arm without locking out at the joint Keep your head upback straight and upper body in alignment Exhale as youextend your arms

BenefitsStrengthens triceps and shoulders

Day 26

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Lateral Jumps


Mountain Climbers

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart Holdyour hands relaxed in front of you

ExecutionStep your left foot out wide to the side bend through the leftknee and descend carefully as you exhale Keep your feet flaton the floor drop your shoulders and reach your hands to theground Your right leg remains straight Move carefully back tothe starting position Repeat exercise on opposite leg

BenefitsStrengthens legs lower back and core

VariationsTo increase the level of difficulty thrust your hands overheadas you step out and in

Lateral Jumps

Starting PositionPlace a ruler or dumbbell on the floor on your left side andreach your arms out behind you to start

ExecutionSit down into a quarter squat and exhale as you jump to yourleft pushing off with your heels and landing on both feet onthe other side of the ruler or dumbbell Land with toes firstand then heels Return to starting position and jump againpushing off and landing to your right Repeat exercise

BenefitsStrengthens legs glutes and hips


Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart withyour arms close to your body at your sides

ExecutionSwing your left leg out to the side while moving your arms tothe left side of your body Transfer your weight from the leftside to the right and simultaneously move your arms over tothe right side For higher intensity lift your legs a little higherwhile increasing speed

BenefitsCardiovascular exercise and full body strengthening

Mountain Climbers

Starting PositionStart by lying on the floor on your stomach and pushing upinto plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders (elbows slightly bent) Keepyour upper body strong and engage your core while keepingyour back straight


BenefitsLeg strengthening core activation shoulder strength

Special ConsiderationsIf you have abdominal muscle separation avoid this exerciseand instead perform a Bird Dog(httpwwwlosebabyweightcomauexercisehubbird-dog-pose) exercise

Exhale and bring your right knee up toward your chestplacing your toes on the floor Placement of your right footshould be centred in between your hands as far forward as iscomfortable Ensure the gap behind your knees is closed andhold this position for one breath Keep your left leg extendedfor balance Repeat exercise by alternating legs For higherintensity try switching leg positions with greater speed

Day 27

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Bird Dog Pose

Pike Walk

Reverse Crunch

Plank with Arm Raise

Bird Dog Pose

Starting PositionKneel on a mat on all fours with your knees hip width apartand fingers facing forward Ensure your back is flat and bellybutton pulled in toward your spine

ExecutionKeeping a neutral spine exhale as you simultaneously lift andextend your left leg and right arm up until they are parallel tothe floor Keep your hips facing down back straight and coreengaged through the movement Inhale as you slowly returnyour arm and leg to the starting position Repeat exercise withopposite arm and leg

BenefitsStrengthens core muscles glutes and legs

Pike Walk

Starting PositionBegin by standing up tall facing forward with arms by yoursides

ExecutionBend your knees and slowly move your hands down to theground walking your hands out in front of you Exhale as youstraighten your legs and walk your hands as far forward aspossible or until you reach full plank position with your handsdirectly below your shoulders Hold this position for onebreath Keep your core strong bend your knees and walk yourhands back in toward your feet Roll up slowly through eachvertebrae to starting position

BenefitsStrengthens abdominals core back and hips Increasesflexibility in lower back legs and hips

Reverse Crunch

Starting PositionLie on your back with your palms facing down and fingersfacing forward Bend your knees and lift your feet in the airkeeping your lower back firmly planted on the floor

ExecutionExhale as you raise your hips off the floor and crunch yourupper legs in toward your body Hold for one breath andslowly lower your legs back to starting position Repeatexercise

BenefitsStrengthens lower and mid abdominals

Plank with Arm Raise

Starting PositionStart in plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders Keep your upper body strongand engage your core while keeping your back straight

ExecutionShuffle your right hand in to centre your body and exhale asyou slowly lift your left arm out to the side Engage yourcore by pulling your belly button toward your spine and holdyour arm at shoulder height for one breath Keep your backstable and strong as you lower your left arm to the floor andreturn to starting position Repeat on the other side

BenefitsStrengthens core and upper body

Day 28

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Bush Walking


Walking the Dog


Bush WalkingGoing bush and taking in some nature is good for the bodyand soul Spending just one hour walking in the bush will haveyou burning over 400 Calories

GardeningJust 30 minutes of gardening can burn off 315 calories andyoursquoll be working your arms thighs calves and shoulders ndashand if you do it for over 20 minutes you get your heart rate upand boost your cardiovascular system

Walking the DogWalking the dog offers some great resistance and cardioexercise ndash take your pup out for a long bracing walk and youcan burn off up to 200 calories an hour

SwimmingA visit to the pool is always great fun for the whole familySimply splashing around treading water and generalswimming will have you burning over 250 calories in an hour

Bike RidingGetting the bikes out of the garage is a great way for thewhole family to get moving and enjoy some fresh air Theaverage 75kg person cycling for 30 minutes will burn 281calories

Cool Down

Baby Pose

Starting PositionKneel upright on a mat with knees apart slightly



Slowly sit back on your heels and bend your chest forwardtowards the floor Bring your arms above your head and placeyour hands flat on the floor in front of you Gently rest yourforehead on the mat Hold this position for 30 seconds

Lower back and shoulder stretch

Bicep Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Interlock your hands behind you and then rotate them sopalms are facing out Raise your arms up push back and holdfor 15 seconds

Bicep stretch

Chest Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet close together arms by your sidesand knees slightly bent

ExecutionOpen your chest and lower your shoulders then take yourhands behind you and connect your hands behind your backKeeping shoulders relaxed and core engaged slowly raisearms behind you Breath in and out as you hold the stretch for15 seconds

BenefitsChest stretch

Lying Hamstring Stretch

Starting Position


BenefitsIncreased flexibility in quadriceps

Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your left kneetoward your chest keeping the right leg extended on thefloor

Slowly begin to extend your left knee pulling your leg gentlytoward you with your hands Keep both hips on the floor andyour head and neck relaxed through the stretch Breathedeeply and hold the stretch for 20 seconds Repeat onopposite side

Lying Quadriceps Stretch

Starting Position



Lie on your right side with your legs out straight Support headwith right arm and relax the head and neck

Bend your left knee and hold your left foot with your lefthand pulling your heel toward your glutes Gently push yourhips forward to increase the stretch and bend the right knee alittle if you require more balance Breathe in and out as youhold the stretch for 20 seconds

Increased flexibilty in quadriceps

Shoulder Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Bring your left arm across your chest and hold with your rightarm above the elbow Pull your belly button toward yourspine and stand tall with your head up Hold the stretch for 15seconds and release

Decreased tightness in shoulders

Side Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet wider than hip width apart and armsby your sides



Bend the left knee and bend your upper body slowly to to theleft side taking your right arm up overhead and your left armstrong by your side or resting on your leg Exhale as you bendto the side Ensure your upper body moves straight to the sideand you refrain from leaning forward or backwards Inhaleand gently return your body to the starting position

Upper lower and middle back

Spinal Twist

Starting Position

ExecutionRest your hands at the sides of your body and exhale as youturn your hips to the right gently dropping your knees to thefloor Keep your core engaged and back straight turning yourhead to the right side to enhance the stretch


Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your knees

Lower back stretch

Tricep Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet hip width apart and arms by yoursides


BenefitsTricep stretch

Lift your right hand over your shoulder and place your handon your upper back elbow pointing up toward the ceiling Useyour right hand to gently rest on the elbow and push itdownward Hold the stretch for 15 seconds and alternatearms

copy Copyright 2014 Lose Baby Weight All Rights Reserved

Bent Over Row

Starting PositionStand with your feet hip width apart knees bent and bendforward at the waist keeping your back straight Hold a pair oflight dumbbells in each hand and let your arms hang down infront of you


BenefitsStrengthens back and upper arms

While keeping your torso in alignment squeeze your shoulderblades together exhale and lift the dumbbells to reach thesides of your waist Slowly lower the dumbbells to the startingposition Repeat

Tricep Extension

Starting PositionStand with your feet close together knees slightly bent anddumbbells in each hand Raise the dumbbells above andslightly behind your head and slowly bend your elbows untilthey are almost at a 90 degree angle This is your startingposition

ExecutionSlowly extend your elbows and move dumbbells overheaduntil your arms are straight Squeeze the triceps to straightenthe arm without locking out at the joint Keep your head upback straight and upper body in alignment Exhale as youextend your arms

BenefitsStrengthens triceps and shoulders

Day 26

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Lateral Jumps


Mountain Climbers

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart Holdyour hands relaxed in front of you

ExecutionStep your left foot out wide to the side bend through the leftknee and descend carefully as you exhale Keep your feet flaton the floor drop your shoulders and reach your hands to theground Your right leg remains straight Move carefully back tothe starting position Repeat exercise on opposite leg

BenefitsStrengthens legs lower back and core

VariationsTo increase the level of difficulty thrust your hands overheadas you step out and in

Lateral Jumps

Starting PositionPlace a ruler or dumbbell on the floor on your left side andreach your arms out behind you to start

ExecutionSit down into a quarter squat and exhale as you jump to yourleft pushing off with your heels and landing on both feet onthe other side of the ruler or dumbbell Land with toes firstand then heels Return to starting position and jump againpushing off and landing to your right Repeat exercise

BenefitsStrengthens legs glutes and hips


Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart withyour arms close to your body at your sides

ExecutionSwing your left leg out to the side while moving your arms tothe left side of your body Transfer your weight from the leftside to the right and simultaneously move your arms over tothe right side For higher intensity lift your legs a little higherwhile increasing speed

BenefitsCardiovascular exercise and full body strengthening

Mountain Climbers

Starting PositionStart by lying on the floor on your stomach and pushing upinto plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders (elbows slightly bent) Keepyour upper body strong and engage your core while keepingyour back straight


BenefitsLeg strengthening core activation shoulder strength

Special ConsiderationsIf you have abdominal muscle separation avoid this exerciseand instead perform a Bird Dog(httpwwwlosebabyweightcomauexercisehubbird-dog-pose) exercise

Exhale and bring your right knee up toward your chestplacing your toes on the floor Placement of your right footshould be centred in between your hands as far forward as iscomfortable Ensure the gap behind your knees is closed andhold this position for one breath Keep your left leg extendedfor balance Repeat exercise by alternating legs For higherintensity try switching leg positions with greater speed

Day 27

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Bird Dog Pose

Pike Walk

Reverse Crunch

Plank with Arm Raise

Bird Dog Pose

Starting PositionKneel on a mat on all fours with your knees hip width apartand fingers facing forward Ensure your back is flat and bellybutton pulled in toward your spine

ExecutionKeeping a neutral spine exhale as you simultaneously lift andextend your left leg and right arm up until they are parallel tothe floor Keep your hips facing down back straight and coreengaged through the movement Inhale as you slowly returnyour arm and leg to the starting position Repeat exercise withopposite arm and leg

BenefitsStrengthens core muscles glutes and legs

Pike Walk

Starting PositionBegin by standing up tall facing forward with arms by yoursides

ExecutionBend your knees and slowly move your hands down to theground walking your hands out in front of you Exhale as youstraighten your legs and walk your hands as far forward aspossible or until you reach full plank position with your handsdirectly below your shoulders Hold this position for onebreath Keep your core strong bend your knees and walk yourhands back in toward your feet Roll up slowly through eachvertebrae to starting position

BenefitsStrengthens abdominals core back and hips Increasesflexibility in lower back legs and hips

Reverse Crunch

Starting PositionLie on your back with your palms facing down and fingersfacing forward Bend your knees and lift your feet in the airkeeping your lower back firmly planted on the floor

ExecutionExhale as you raise your hips off the floor and crunch yourupper legs in toward your body Hold for one breath andslowly lower your legs back to starting position Repeatexercise

BenefitsStrengthens lower and mid abdominals

Plank with Arm Raise

Starting PositionStart in plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders Keep your upper body strongand engage your core while keeping your back straight

ExecutionShuffle your right hand in to centre your body and exhale asyou slowly lift your left arm out to the side Engage yourcore by pulling your belly button toward your spine and holdyour arm at shoulder height for one breath Keep your backstable and strong as you lower your left arm to the floor andreturn to starting position Repeat on the other side

BenefitsStrengthens core and upper body

Day 28

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Bush Walking


Walking the Dog


Bush WalkingGoing bush and taking in some nature is good for the bodyand soul Spending just one hour walking in the bush will haveyou burning over 400 Calories

GardeningJust 30 minutes of gardening can burn off 315 calories andyoursquoll be working your arms thighs calves and shoulders ndashand if you do it for over 20 minutes you get your heart rate upand boost your cardiovascular system

Walking the DogWalking the dog offers some great resistance and cardioexercise ndash take your pup out for a long bracing walk and youcan burn off up to 200 calories an hour

SwimmingA visit to the pool is always great fun for the whole familySimply splashing around treading water and generalswimming will have you burning over 250 calories in an hour

Bike RidingGetting the bikes out of the garage is a great way for thewhole family to get moving and enjoy some fresh air Theaverage 75kg person cycling for 30 minutes will burn 281calories

Cool Down

Baby Pose

Starting PositionKneel upright on a mat with knees apart slightly



Slowly sit back on your heels and bend your chest forwardtowards the floor Bring your arms above your head and placeyour hands flat on the floor in front of you Gently rest yourforehead on the mat Hold this position for 30 seconds

Lower back and shoulder stretch

Bicep Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Interlock your hands behind you and then rotate them sopalms are facing out Raise your arms up push back and holdfor 15 seconds

Bicep stretch

Chest Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet close together arms by your sidesand knees slightly bent

ExecutionOpen your chest and lower your shoulders then take yourhands behind you and connect your hands behind your backKeeping shoulders relaxed and core engaged slowly raisearms behind you Breath in and out as you hold the stretch for15 seconds

BenefitsChest stretch

Lying Hamstring Stretch

Starting Position


BenefitsIncreased flexibility in quadriceps

Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your left kneetoward your chest keeping the right leg extended on thefloor

Slowly begin to extend your left knee pulling your leg gentlytoward you with your hands Keep both hips on the floor andyour head and neck relaxed through the stretch Breathedeeply and hold the stretch for 20 seconds Repeat onopposite side

Lying Quadriceps Stretch

Starting Position



Lie on your right side with your legs out straight Support headwith right arm and relax the head and neck

Bend your left knee and hold your left foot with your lefthand pulling your heel toward your glutes Gently push yourhips forward to increase the stretch and bend the right knee alittle if you require more balance Breathe in and out as youhold the stretch for 20 seconds

Increased flexibilty in quadriceps

Shoulder Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Bring your left arm across your chest and hold with your rightarm above the elbow Pull your belly button toward yourspine and stand tall with your head up Hold the stretch for 15seconds and release

Decreased tightness in shoulders

Side Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet wider than hip width apart and armsby your sides



Bend the left knee and bend your upper body slowly to to theleft side taking your right arm up overhead and your left armstrong by your side or resting on your leg Exhale as you bendto the side Ensure your upper body moves straight to the sideand you refrain from leaning forward or backwards Inhaleand gently return your body to the starting position

Upper lower and middle back

Spinal Twist

Starting Position

ExecutionRest your hands at the sides of your body and exhale as youturn your hips to the right gently dropping your knees to thefloor Keep your core engaged and back straight turning yourhead to the right side to enhance the stretch


Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your knees

Lower back stretch

Tricep Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet hip width apart and arms by yoursides


BenefitsTricep stretch

Lift your right hand over your shoulder and place your handon your upper back elbow pointing up toward the ceiling Useyour right hand to gently rest on the elbow and push itdownward Hold the stretch for 15 seconds and alternatearms

copy Copyright 2014 Lose Baby Weight All Rights Reserved

Day 26

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Lateral Jumps


Mountain Climbers

Lateral Lunge Touchdown

Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart Holdyour hands relaxed in front of you

ExecutionStep your left foot out wide to the side bend through the leftknee and descend carefully as you exhale Keep your feet flaton the floor drop your shoulders and reach your hands to theground Your right leg remains straight Move carefully back tothe starting position Repeat exercise on opposite leg

BenefitsStrengthens legs lower back and core

VariationsTo increase the level of difficulty thrust your hands overheadas you step out and in

Lateral Jumps

Starting PositionPlace a ruler or dumbbell on the floor on your left side andreach your arms out behind you to start

ExecutionSit down into a quarter squat and exhale as you jump to yourleft pushing off with your heels and landing on both feet onthe other side of the ruler or dumbbell Land with toes firstand then heels Return to starting position and jump againpushing off and landing to your right Repeat exercise

BenefitsStrengthens legs glutes and hips


Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart withyour arms close to your body at your sides

ExecutionSwing your left leg out to the side while moving your arms tothe left side of your body Transfer your weight from the leftside to the right and simultaneously move your arms over tothe right side For higher intensity lift your legs a little higherwhile increasing speed

BenefitsCardiovascular exercise and full body strengthening

Mountain Climbers

Starting PositionStart by lying on the floor on your stomach and pushing upinto plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders (elbows slightly bent) Keepyour upper body strong and engage your core while keepingyour back straight


BenefitsLeg strengthening core activation shoulder strength

Special ConsiderationsIf you have abdominal muscle separation avoid this exerciseand instead perform a Bird Dog(httpwwwlosebabyweightcomauexercisehubbird-dog-pose) exercise

Exhale and bring your right knee up toward your chestplacing your toes on the floor Placement of your right footshould be centred in between your hands as far forward as iscomfortable Ensure the gap behind your knees is closed andhold this position for one breath Keep your left leg extendedfor balance Repeat exercise by alternating legs For higherintensity try switching leg positions with greater speed

Day 27

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Bird Dog Pose

Pike Walk

Reverse Crunch

Plank with Arm Raise

Bird Dog Pose

Starting PositionKneel on a mat on all fours with your knees hip width apartand fingers facing forward Ensure your back is flat and bellybutton pulled in toward your spine

ExecutionKeeping a neutral spine exhale as you simultaneously lift andextend your left leg and right arm up until they are parallel tothe floor Keep your hips facing down back straight and coreengaged through the movement Inhale as you slowly returnyour arm and leg to the starting position Repeat exercise withopposite arm and leg

BenefitsStrengthens core muscles glutes and legs

Pike Walk

Starting PositionBegin by standing up tall facing forward with arms by yoursides

ExecutionBend your knees and slowly move your hands down to theground walking your hands out in front of you Exhale as youstraighten your legs and walk your hands as far forward aspossible or until you reach full plank position with your handsdirectly below your shoulders Hold this position for onebreath Keep your core strong bend your knees and walk yourhands back in toward your feet Roll up slowly through eachvertebrae to starting position

BenefitsStrengthens abdominals core back and hips Increasesflexibility in lower back legs and hips

Reverse Crunch

Starting PositionLie on your back with your palms facing down and fingersfacing forward Bend your knees and lift your feet in the airkeeping your lower back firmly planted on the floor

ExecutionExhale as you raise your hips off the floor and crunch yourupper legs in toward your body Hold for one breath andslowly lower your legs back to starting position Repeatexercise

BenefitsStrengthens lower and mid abdominals

Plank with Arm Raise

Starting PositionStart in plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders Keep your upper body strongand engage your core while keeping your back straight

ExecutionShuffle your right hand in to centre your body and exhale asyou slowly lift your left arm out to the side Engage yourcore by pulling your belly button toward your spine and holdyour arm at shoulder height for one breath Keep your backstable and strong as you lower your left arm to the floor andreturn to starting position Repeat on the other side

BenefitsStrengthens core and upper body

Day 28

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Bush Walking


Walking the Dog


Bush WalkingGoing bush and taking in some nature is good for the bodyand soul Spending just one hour walking in the bush will haveyou burning over 400 Calories

GardeningJust 30 minutes of gardening can burn off 315 calories andyoursquoll be working your arms thighs calves and shoulders ndashand if you do it for over 20 minutes you get your heart rate upand boost your cardiovascular system

Walking the DogWalking the dog offers some great resistance and cardioexercise ndash take your pup out for a long bracing walk and youcan burn off up to 200 calories an hour

SwimmingA visit to the pool is always great fun for the whole familySimply splashing around treading water and generalswimming will have you burning over 250 calories in an hour

Bike RidingGetting the bikes out of the garage is a great way for thewhole family to get moving and enjoy some fresh air Theaverage 75kg person cycling for 30 minutes will burn 281calories

Cool Down

Baby Pose

Starting PositionKneel upright on a mat with knees apart slightly



Slowly sit back on your heels and bend your chest forwardtowards the floor Bring your arms above your head and placeyour hands flat on the floor in front of you Gently rest yourforehead on the mat Hold this position for 30 seconds

Lower back and shoulder stretch

Bicep Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Interlock your hands behind you and then rotate them sopalms are facing out Raise your arms up push back and holdfor 15 seconds

Bicep stretch

Chest Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet close together arms by your sidesand knees slightly bent

ExecutionOpen your chest and lower your shoulders then take yourhands behind you and connect your hands behind your backKeeping shoulders relaxed and core engaged slowly raisearms behind you Breath in and out as you hold the stretch for15 seconds

BenefitsChest stretch

Lying Hamstring Stretch

Starting Position


BenefitsIncreased flexibility in quadriceps

Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your left kneetoward your chest keeping the right leg extended on thefloor

Slowly begin to extend your left knee pulling your leg gentlytoward you with your hands Keep both hips on the floor andyour head and neck relaxed through the stretch Breathedeeply and hold the stretch for 20 seconds Repeat onopposite side

Lying Quadriceps Stretch

Starting Position



Lie on your right side with your legs out straight Support headwith right arm and relax the head and neck

Bend your left knee and hold your left foot with your lefthand pulling your heel toward your glutes Gently push yourhips forward to increase the stretch and bend the right knee alittle if you require more balance Breathe in and out as youhold the stretch for 20 seconds

Increased flexibilty in quadriceps

Shoulder Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Bring your left arm across your chest and hold with your rightarm above the elbow Pull your belly button toward yourspine and stand tall with your head up Hold the stretch for 15seconds and release

Decreased tightness in shoulders

Side Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet wider than hip width apart and armsby your sides



Bend the left knee and bend your upper body slowly to to theleft side taking your right arm up overhead and your left armstrong by your side or resting on your leg Exhale as you bendto the side Ensure your upper body moves straight to the sideand you refrain from leaning forward or backwards Inhaleand gently return your body to the starting position

Upper lower and middle back

Spinal Twist

Starting Position

ExecutionRest your hands at the sides of your body and exhale as youturn your hips to the right gently dropping your knees to thefloor Keep your core engaged and back straight turning yourhead to the right side to enhance the stretch


Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your knees

Lower back stretch

Tricep Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet hip width apart and arms by yoursides


BenefitsTricep stretch

Lift your right hand over your shoulder and place your handon your upper back elbow pointing up toward the ceiling Useyour right hand to gently rest on the elbow and push itdownward Hold the stretch for 15 seconds and alternatearms

copy Copyright 2014 Lose Baby Weight All Rights Reserved

Lateral Jumps

Starting PositionPlace a ruler or dumbbell on the floor on your left side andreach your arms out behind you to start

ExecutionSit down into a quarter squat and exhale as you jump to yourleft pushing off with your heels and landing on both feet onthe other side of the ruler or dumbbell Land with toes firstand then heels Return to starting position and jump againpushing off and landing to your right Repeat exercise

BenefitsStrengthens legs glutes and hips


Starting PositionStand in a neutral position hips shoulder width apart withyour arms close to your body at your sides

ExecutionSwing your left leg out to the side while moving your arms tothe left side of your body Transfer your weight from the leftside to the right and simultaneously move your arms over tothe right side For higher intensity lift your legs a little higherwhile increasing speed

BenefitsCardiovascular exercise and full body strengthening

Mountain Climbers

Starting PositionStart by lying on the floor on your stomach and pushing upinto plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders (elbows slightly bent) Keepyour upper body strong and engage your core while keepingyour back straight


BenefitsLeg strengthening core activation shoulder strength

Special ConsiderationsIf you have abdominal muscle separation avoid this exerciseand instead perform a Bird Dog(httpwwwlosebabyweightcomauexercisehubbird-dog-pose) exercise

Exhale and bring your right knee up toward your chestplacing your toes on the floor Placement of your right footshould be centred in between your hands as far forward as iscomfortable Ensure the gap behind your knees is closed andhold this position for one breath Keep your left leg extendedfor balance Repeat exercise by alternating legs For higherintensity try switching leg positions with greater speed

Day 27

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Bird Dog Pose

Pike Walk

Reverse Crunch

Plank with Arm Raise

Bird Dog Pose

Starting PositionKneel on a mat on all fours with your knees hip width apartand fingers facing forward Ensure your back is flat and bellybutton pulled in toward your spine

ExecutionKeeping a neutral spine exhale as you simultaneously lift andextend your left leg and right arm up until they are parallel tothe floor Keep your hips facing down back straight and coreengaged through the movement Inhale as you slowly returnyour arm and leg to the starting position Repeat exercise withopposite arm and leg

BenefitsStrengthens core muscles glutes and legs

Pike Walk

Starting PositionBegin by standing up tall facing forward with arms by yoursides

ExecutionBend your knees and slowly move your hands down to theground walking your hands out in front of you Exhale as youstraighten your legs and walk your hands as far forward aspossible or until you reach full plank position with your handsdirectly below your shoulders Hold this position for onebreath Keep your core strong bend your knees and walk yourhands back in toward your feet Roll up slowly through eachvertebrae to starting position

BenefitsStrengthens abdominals core back and hips Increasesflexibility in lower back legs and hips

Reverse Crunch

Starting PositionLie on your back with your palms facing down and fingersfacing forward Bend your knees and lift your feet in the airkeeping your lower back firmly planted on the floor

ExecutionExhale as you raise your hips off the floor and crunch yourupper legs in toward your body Hold for one breath andslowly lower your legs back to starting position Repeatexercise

BenefitsStrengthens lower and mid abdominals

Plank with Arm Raise

Starting PositionStart in plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders Keep your upper body strongand engage your core while keeping your back straight

ExecutionShuffle your right hand in to centre your body and exhale asyou slowly lift your left arm out to the side Engage yourcore by pulling your belly button toward your spine and holdyour arm at shoulder height for one breath Keep your backstable and strong as you lower your left arm to the floor andreturn to starting position Repeat on the other side

BenefitsStrengthens core and upper body

Day 28

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Bush Walking


Walking the Dog


Bush WalkingGoing bush and taking in some nature is good for the bodyand soul Spending just one hour walking in the bush will haveyou burning over 400 Calories

GardeningJust 30 minutes of gardening can burn off 315 calories andyoursquoll be working your arms thighs calves and shoulders ndashand if you do it for over 20 minutes you get your heart rate upand boost your cardiovascular system

Walking the DogWalking the dog offers some great resistance and cardioexercise ndash take your pup out for a long bracing walk and youcan burn off up to 200 calories an hour

SwimmingA visit to the pool is always great fun for the whole familySimply splashing around treading water and generalswimming will have you burning over 250 calories in an hour

Bike RidingGetting the bikes out of the garage is a great way for thewhole family to get moving and enjoy some fresh air Theaverage 75kg person cycling for 30 minutes will burn 281calories

Cool Down

Baby Pose

Starting PositionKneel upright on a mat with knees apart slightly



Slowly sit back on your heels and bend your chest forwardtowards the floor Bring your arms above your head and placeyour hands flat on the floor in front of you Gently rest yourforehead on the mat Hold this position for 30 seconds

Lower back and shoulder stretch

Bicep Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Interlock your hands behind you and then rotate them sopalms are facing out Raise your arms up push back and holdfor 15 seconds

Bicep stretch

Chest Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet close together arms by your sidesand knees slightly bent

ExecutionOpen your chest and lower your shoulders then take yourhands behind you and connect your hands behind your backKeeping shoulders relaxed and core engaged slowly raisearms behind you Breath in and out as you hold the stretch for15 seconds

BenefitsChest stretch

Lying Hamstring Stretch

Starting Position


BenefitsIncreased flexibility in quadriceps

Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your left kneetoward your chest keeping the right leg extended on thefloor

Slowly begin to extend your left knee pulling your leg gentlytoward you with your hands Keep both hips on the floor andyour head and neck relaxed through the stretch Breathedeeply and hold the stretch for 20 seconds Repeat onopposite side

Lying Quadriceps Stretch

Starting Position



Lie on your right side with your legs out straight Support headwith right arm and relax the head and neck

Bend your left knee and hold your left foot with your lefthand pulling your heel toward your glutes Gently push yourhips forward to increase the stretch and bend the right knee alittle if you require more balance Breathe in and out as youhold the stretch for 20 seconds

Increased flexibilty in quadriceps

Shoulder Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Bring your left arm across your chest and hold with your rightarm above the elbow Pull your belly button toward yourspine and stand tall with your head up Hold the stretch for 15seconds and release

Decreased tightness in shoulders

Side Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet wider than hip width apart and armsby your sides



Bend the left knee and bend your upper body slowly to to theleft side taking your right arm up overhead and your left armstrong by your side or resting on your leg Exhale as you bendto the side Ensure your upper body moves straight to the sideand you refrain from leaning forward or backwards Inhaleand gently return your body to the starting position

Upper lower and middle back

Spinal Twist

Starting Position

ExecutionRest your hands at the sides of your body and exhale as youturn your hips to the right gently dropping your knees to thefloor Keep your core engaged and back straight turning yourhead to the right side to enhance the stretch


Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your knees

Lower back stretch

Tricep Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet hip width apart and arms by yoursides


BenefitsTricep stretch

Lift your right hand over your shoulder and place your handon your upper back elbow pointing up toward the ceiling Useyour right hand to gently rest on the elbow and push itdownward Hold the stretch for 15 seconds and alternatearms

copy Copyright 2014 Lose Baby Weight All Rights Reserved

Mountain Climbers

Starting PositionStart by lying on the floor on your stomach and pushing upinto plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders (elbows slightly bent) Keepyour upper body strong and engage your core while keepingyour back straight


BenefitsLeg strengthening core activation shoulder strength

Special ConsiderationsIf you have abdominal muscle separation avoid this exerciseand instead perform a Bird Dog(httpwwwlosebabyweightcomauexercisehubbird-dog-pose) exercise

Exhale and bring your right knee up toward your chestplacing your toes on the floor Placement of your right footshould be centred in between your hands as far forward as iscomfortable Ensure the gap behind your knees is closed andhold this position for one breath Keep your left leg extendedfor balance Repeat exercise by alternating legs For higherintensity try switching leg positions with greater speed

Day 27

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Bird Dog Pose

Pike Walk

Reverse Crunch

Plank with Arm Raise

Bird Dog Pose

Starting PositionKneel on a mat on all fours with your knees hip width apartand fingers facing forward Ensure your back is flat and bellybutton pulled in toward your spine

ExecutionKeeping a neutral spine exhale as you simultaneously lift andextend your left leg and right arm up until they are parallel tothe floor Keep your hips facing down back straight and coreengaged through the movement Inhale as you slowly returnyour arm and leg to the starting position Repeat exercise withopposite arm and leg

BenefitsStrengthens core muscles glutes and legs

Pike Walk

Starting PositionBegin by standing up tall facing forward with arms by yoursides

ExecutionBend your knees and slowly move your hands down to theground walking your hands out in front of you Exhale as youstraighten your legs and walk your hands as far forward aspossible or until you reach full plank position with your handsdirectly below your shoulders Hold this position for onebreath Keep your core strong bend your knees and walk yourhands back in toward your feet Roll up slowly through eachvertebrae to starting position

BenefitsStrengthens abdominals core back and hips Increasesflexibility in lower back legs and hips

Reverse Crunch

Starting PositionLie on your back with your palms facing down and fingersfacing forward Bend your knees and lift your feet in the airkeeping your lower back firmly planted on the floor

ExecutionExhale as you raise your hips off the floor and crunch yourupper legs in toward your body Hold for one breath andslowly lower your legs back to starting position Repeatexercise

BenefitsStrengthens lower and mid abdominals

Plank with Arm Raise

Starting PositionStart in plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders Keep your upper body strongand engage your core while keeping your back straight

ExecutionShuffle your right hand in to centre your body and exhale asyou slowly lift your left arm out to the side Engage yourcore by pulling your belly button toward your spine and holdyour arm at shoulder height for one breath Keep your backstable and strong as you lower your left arm to the floor andreturn to starting position Repeat on the other side

BenefitsStrengthens core and upper body

Day 28

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Bush Walking


Walking the Dog


Bush WalkingGoing bush and taking in some nature is good for the bodyand soul Spending just one hour walking in the bush will haveyou burning over 400 Calories

GardeningJust 30 minutes of gardening can burn off 315 calories andyoursquoll be working your arms thighs calves and shoulders ndashand if you do it for over 20 minutes you get your heart rate upand boost your cardiovascular system

Walking the DogWalking the dog offers some great resistance and cardioexercise ndash take your pup out for a long bracing walk and youcan burn off up to 200 calories an hour

SwimmingA visit to the pool is always great fun for the whole familySimply splashing around treading water and generalswimming will have you burning over 250 calories in an hour

Bike RidingGetting the bikes out of the garage is a great way for thewhole family to get moving and enjoy some fresh air Theaverage 75kg person cycling for 30 minutes will burn 281calories

Cool Down

Baby Pose

Starting PositionKneel upright on a mat with knees apart slightly



Slowly sit back on your heels and bend your chest forwardtowards the floor Bring your arms above your head and placeyour hands flat on the floor in front of you Gently rest yourforehead on the mat Hold this position for 30 seconds

Lower back and shoulder stretch

Bicep Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Interlock your hands behind you and then rotate them sopalms are facing out Raise your arms up push back and holdfor 15 seconds

Bicep stretch

Chest Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet close together arms by your sidesand knees slightly bent

ExecutionOpen your chest and lower your shoulders then take yourhands behind you and connect your hands behind your backKeeping shoulders relaxed and core engaged slowly raisearms behind you Breath in and out as you hold the stretch for15 seconds

BenefitsChest stretch

Lying Hamstring Stretch

Starting Position


BenefitsIncreased flexibility in quadriceps

Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your left kneetoward your chest keeping the right leg extended on thefloor

Slowly begin to extend your left knee pulling your leg gentlytoward you with your hands Keep both hips on the floor andyour head and neck relaxed through the stretch Breathedeeply and hold the stretch for 20 seconds Repeat onopposite side

Lying Quadriceps Stretch

Starting Position



Lie on your right side with your legs out straight Support headwith right arm and relax the head and neck

Bend your left knee and hold your left foot with your lefthand pulling your heel toward your glutes Gently push yourhips forward to increase the stretch and bend the right knee alittle if you require more balance Breathe in and out as youhold the stretch for 20 seconds

Increased flexibilty in quadriceps

Shoulder Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Bring your left arm across your chest and hold with your rightarm above the elbow Pull your belly button toward yourspine and stand tall with your head up Hold the stretch for 15seconds and release

Decreased tightness in shoulders

Side Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet wider than hip width apart and armsby your sides



Bend the left knee and bend your upper body slowly to to theleft side taking your right arm up overhead and your left armstrong by your side or resting on your leg Exhale as you bendto the side Ensure your upper body moves straight to the sideand you refrain from leaning forward or backwards Inhaleand gently return your body to the starting position

Upper lower and middle back

Spinal Twist

Starting Position

ExecutionRest your hands at the sides of your body and exhale as youturn your hips to the right gently dropping your knees to thefloor Keep your core engaged and back straight turning yourhead to the right side to enhance the stretch


Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your knees

Lower back stretch

Tricep Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet hip width apart and arms by yoursides


BenefitsTricep stretch

Lift your right hand over your shoulder and place your handon your upper back elbow pointing up toward the ceiling Useyour right hand to gently rest on the elbow and push itdownward Hold the stretch for 15 seconds and alternatearms

copy Copyright 2014 Lose Baby Weight All Rights Reserved

Day 27

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Bird Dog Pose

Pike Walk

Reverse Crunch

Plank with Arm Raise

Bird Dog Pose

Starting PositionKneel on a mat on all fours with your knees hip width apartand fingers facing forward Ensure your back is flat and bellybutton pulled in toward your spine

ExecutionKeeping a neutral spine exhale as you simultaneously lift andextend your left leg and right arm up until they are parallel tothe floor Keep your hips facing down back straight and coreengaged through the movement Inhale as you slowly returnyour arm and leg to the starting position Repeat exercise withopposite arm and leg

BenefitsStrengthens core muscles glutes and legs

Pike Walk

Starting PositionBegin by standing up tall facing forward with arms by yoursides

ExecutionBend your knees and slowly move your hands down to theground walking your hands out in front of you Exhale as youstraighten your legs and walk your hands as far forward aspossible or until you reach full plank position with your handsdirectly below your shoulders Hold this position for onebreath Keep your core strong bend your knees and walk yourhands back in toward your feet Roll up slowly through eachvertebrae to starting position

BenefitsStrengthens abdominals core back and hips Increasesflexibility in lower back legs and hips

Reverse Crunch

Starting PositionLie on your back with your palms facing down and fingersfacing forward Bend your knees and lift your feet in the airkeeping your lower back firmly planted on the floor

ExecutionExhale as you raise your hips off the floor and crunch yourupper legs in toward your body Hold for one breath andslowly lower your legs back to starting position Repeatexercise

BenefitsStrengthens lower and mid abdominals

Plank with Arm Raise

Starting PositionStart in plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders Keep your upper body strongand engage your core while keeping your back straight

ExecutionShuffle your right hand in to centre your body and exhale asyou slowly lift your left arm out to the side Engage yourcore by pulling your belly button toward your spine and holdyour arm at shoulder height for one breath Keep your backstable and strong as you lower your left arm to the floor andreturn to starting position Repeat on the other side

BenefitsStrengthens core and upper body

Day 28

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Bush Walking


Walking the Dog


Bush WalkingGoing bush and taking in some nature is good for the bodyand soul Spending just one hour walking in the bush will haveyou burning over 400 Calories

GardeningJust 30 minutes of gardening can burn off 315 calories andyoursquoll be working your arms thighs calves and shoulders ndashand if you do it for over 20 minutes you get your heart rate upand boost your cardiovascular system

Walking the DogWalking the dog offers some great resistance and cardioexercise ndash take your pup out for a long bracing walk and youcan burn off up to 200 calories an hour

SwimmingA visit to the pool is always great fun for the whole familySimply splashing around treading water and generalswimming will have you burning over 250 calories in an hour

Bike RidingGetting the bikes out of the garage is a great way for thewhole family to get moving and enjoy some fresh air Theaverage 75kg person cycling for 30 minutes will burn 281calories

Cool Down

Baby Pose

Starting PositionKneel upright on a mat with knees apart slightly



Slowly sit back on your heels and bend your chest forwardtowards the floor Bring your arms above your head and placeyour hands flat on the floor in front of you Gently rest yourforehead on the mat Hold this position for 30 seconds

Lower back and shoulder stretch

Bicep Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Interlock your hands behind you and then rotate them sopalms are facing out Raise your arms up push back and holdfor 15 seconds

Bicep stretch

Chest Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet close together arms by your sidesand knees slightly bent

ExecutionOpen your chest and lower your shoulders then take yourhands behind you and connect your hands behind your backKeeping shoulders relaxed and core engaged slowly raisearms behind you Breath in and out as you hold the stretch for15 seconds

BenefitsChest stretch

Lying Hamstring Stretch

Starting Position


BenefitsIncreased flexibility in quadriceps

Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your left kneetoward your chest keeping the right leg extended on thefloor

Slowly begin to extend your left knee pulling your leg gentlytoward you with your hands Keep both hips on the floor andyour head and neck relaxed through the stretch Breathedeeply and hold the stretch for 20 seconds Repeat onopposite side

Lying Quadriceps Stretch

Starting Position



Lie on your right side with your legs out straight Support headwith right arm and relax the head and neck

Bend your left knee and hold your left foot with your lefthand pulling your heel toward your glutes Gently push yourhips forward to increase the stretch and bend the right knee alittle if you require more balance Breathe in and out as youhold the stretch for 20 seconds

Increased flexibilty in quadriceps

Shoulder Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Bring your left arm across your chest and hold with your rightarm above the elbow Pull your belly button toward yourspine and stand tall with your head up Hold the stretch for 15seconds and release

Decreased tightness in shoulders

Side Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet wider than hip width apart and armsby your sides



Bend the left knee and bend your upper body slowly to to theleft side taking your right arm up overhead and your left armstrong by your side or resting on your leg Exhale as you bendto the side Ensure your upper body moves straight to the sideand you refrain from leaning forward or backwards Inhaleand gently return your body to the starting position

Upper lower and middle back

Spinal Twist

Starting Position

ExecutionRest your hands at the sides of your body and exhale as youturn your hips to the right gently dropping your knees to thefloor Keep your core engaged and back straight turning yourhead to the right side to enhance the stretch


Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your knees

Lower back stretch

Tricep Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet hip width apart and arms by yoursides


BenefitsTricep stretch

Lift your right hand over your shoulder and place your handon your upper back elbow pointing up toward the ceiling Useyour right hand to gently rest on the elbow and push itdownward Hold the stretch for 15 seconds and alternatearms

copy Copyright 2014 Lose Baby Weight All Rights Reserved

Pike Walk

Starting PositionBegin by standing up tall facing forward with arms by yoursides

ExecutionBend your knees and slowly move your hands down to theground walking your hands out in front of you Exhale as youstraighten your legs and walk your hands as far forward aspossible or until you reach full plank position with your handsdirectly below your shoulders Hold this position for onebreath Keep your core strong bend your knees and walk yourhands back in toward your feet Roll up slowly through eachvertebrae to starting position

BenefitsStrengthens abdominals core back and hips Increasesflexibility in lower back legs and hips

Reverse Crunch

Starting PositionLie on your back with your palms facing down and fingersfacing forward Bend your knees and lift your feet in the airkeeping your lower back firmly planted on the floor

ExecutionExhale as you raise your hips off the floor and crunch yourupper legs in toward your body Hold for one breath andslowly lower your legs back to starting position Repeatexercise

BenefitsStrengthens lower and mid abdominals

Plank with Arm Raise

Starting PositionStart in plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders Keep your upper body strongand engage your core while keeping your back straight

ExecutionShuffle your right hand in to centre your body and exhale asyou slowly lift your left arm out to the side Engage yourcore by pulling your belly button toward your spine and holdyour arm at shoulder height for one breath Keep your backstable and strong as you lower your left arm to the floor andreturn to starting position Repeat on the other side

BenefitsStrengthens core and upper body

Day 28

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Bush Walking


Walking the Dog


Bush WalkingGoing bush and taking in some nature is good for the bodyand soul Spending just one hour walking in the bush will haveyou burning over 400 Calories

GardeningJust 30 minutes of gardening can burn off 315 calories andyoursquoll be working your arms thighs calves and shoulders ndashand if you do it for over 20 minutes you get your heart rate upand boost your cardiovascular system

Walking the DogWalking the dog offers some great resistance and cardioexercise ndash take your pup out for a long bracing walk and youcan burn off up to 200 calories an hour

SwimmingA visit to the pool is always great fun for the whole familySimply splashing around treading water and generalswimming will have you burning over 250 calories in an hour

Bike RidingGetting the bikes out of the garage is a great way for thewhole family to get moving and enjoy some fresh air Theaverage 75kg person cycling for 30 minutes will burn 281calories

Cool Down

Baby Pose

Starting PositionKneel upright on a mat with knees apart slightly



Slowly sit back on your heels and bend your chest forwardtowards the floor Bring your arms above your head and placeyour hands flat on the floor in front of you Gently rest yourforehead on the mat Hold this position for 30 seconds

Lower back and shoulder stretch

Bicep Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Interlock your hands behind you and then rotate them sopalms are facing out Raise your arms up push back and holdfor 15 seconds

Bicep stretch

Chest Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet close together arms by your sidesand knees slightly bent

ExecutionOpen your chest and lower your shoulders then take yourhands behind you and connect your hands behind your backKeeping shoulders relaxed and core engaged slowly raisearms behind you Breath in and out as you hold the stretch for15 seconds

BenefitsChest stretch

Lying Hamstring Stretch

Starting Position


BenefitsIncreased flexibility in quadriceps

Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your left kneetoward your chest keeping the right leg extended on thefloor

Slowly begin to extend your left knee pulling your leg gentlytoward you with your hands Keep both hips on the floor andyour head and neck relaxed through the stretch Breathedeeply and hold the stretch for 20 seconds Repeat onopposite side

Lying Quadriceps Stretch

Starting Position



Lie on your right side with your legs out straight Support headwith right arm and relax the head and neck

Bend your left knee and hold your left foot with your lefthand pulling your heel toward your glutes Gently push yourhips forward to increase the stretch and bend the right knee alittle if you require more balance Breathe in and out as youhold the stretch for 20 seconds

Increased flexibilty in quadriceps

Shoulder Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Bring your left arm across your chest and hold with your rightarm above the elbow Pull your belly button toward yourspine and stand tall with your head up Hold the stretch for 15seconds and release

Decreased tightness in shoulders

Side Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet wider than hip width apart and armsby your sides



Bend the left knee and bend your upper body slowly to to theleft side taking your right arm up overhead and your left armstrong by your side or resting on your leg Exhale as you bendto the side Ensure your upper body moves straight to the sideand you refrain from leaning forward or backwards Inhaleand gently return your body to the starting position

Upper lower and middle back

Spinal Twist

Starting Position

ExecutionRest your hands at the sides of your body and exhale as youturn your hips to the right gently dropping your knees to thefloor Keep your core engaged and back straight turning yourhead to the right side to enhance the stretch


Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your knees

Lower back stretch

Tricep Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet hip width apart and arms by yoursides


BenefitsTricep stretch

Lift your right hand over your shoulder and place your handon your upper back elbow pointing up toward the ceiling Useyour right hand to gently rest on the elbow and push itdownward Hold the stretch for 15 seconds and alternatearms

copy Copyright 2014 Lose Baby Weight All Rights Reserved

Plank with Arm Raise

Starting PositionStart in plank position with feet spread wide apart and armsdirectly underneath shoulders Keep your upper body strongand engage your core while keeping your back straight

ExecutionShuffle your right hand in to centre your body and exhale asyou slowly lift your left arm out to the side Engage yourcore by pulling your belly button toward your spine and holdyour arm at shoulder height for one breath Keep your backstable and strong as you lower your left arm to the floor andreturn to starting position Repeat on the other side

BenefitsStrengthens core and upper body

Day 28

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Bush Walking


Walking the Dog


Bush WalkingGoing bush and taking in some nature is good for the bodyand soul Spending just one hour walking in the bush will haveyou burning over 400 Calories

GardeningJust 30 minutes of gardening can burn off 315 calories andyoursquoll be working your arms thighs calves and shoulders ndashand if you do it for over 20 minutes you get your heart rate upand boost your cardiovascular system

Walking the DogWalking the dog offers some great resistance and cardioexercise ndash take your pup out for a long bracing walk and youcan burn off up to 200 calories an hour

SwimmingA visit to the pool is always great fun for the whole familySimply splashing around treading water and generalswimming will have you burning over 250 calories in an hour

Bike RidingGetting the bikes out of the garage is a great way for thewhole family to get moving and enjoy some fresh air Theaverage 75kg person cycling for 30 minutes will burn 281calories

Cool Down

Baby Pose

Starting PositionKneel upright on a mat with knees apart slightly



Slowly sit back on your heels and bend your chest forwardtowards the floor Bring your arms above your head and placeyour hands flat on the floor in front of you Gently rest yourforehead on the mat Hold this position for 30 seconds

Lower back and shoulder stretch

Bicep Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Interlock your hands behind you and then rotate them sopalms are facing out Raise your arms up push back and holdfor 15 seconds

Bicep stretch

Chest Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet close together arms by your sidesand knees slightly bent

ExecutionOpen your chest and lower your shoulders then take yourhands behind you and connect your hands behind your backKeeping shoulders relaxed and core engaged slowly raisearms behind you Breath in and out as you hold the stretch for15 seconds

BenefitsChest stretch

Lying Hamstring Stretch

Starting Position


BenefitsIncreased flexibility in quadriceps

Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your left kneetoward your chest keeping the right leg extended on thefloor

Slowly begin to extend your left knee pulling your leg gentlytoward you with your hands Keep both hips on the floor andyour head and neck relaxed through the stretch Breathedeeply and hold the stretch for 20 seconds Repeat onopposite side

Lying Quadriceps Stretch

Starting Position



Lie on your right side with your legs out straight Support headwith right arm and relax the head and neck

Bend your left knee and hold your left foot with your lefthand pulling your heel toward your glutes Gently push yourhips forward to increase the stretch and bend the right knee alittle if you require more balance Breathe in and out as youhold the stretch for 20 seconds

Increased flexibilty in quadriceps

Shoulder Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Bring your left arm across your chest and hold with your rightarm above the elbow Pull your belly button toward yourspine and stand tall with your head up Hold the stretch for 15seconds and release

Decreased tightness in shoulders

Side Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet wider than hip width apart and armsby your sides



Bend the left knee and bend your upper body slowly to to theleft side taking your right arm up overhead and your left armstrong by your side or resting on your leg Exhale as you bendto the side Ensure your upper body moves straight to the sideand you refrain from leaning forward or backwards Inhaleand gently return your body to the starting position

Upper lower and middle back

Spinal Twist

Starting Position

ExecutionRest your hands at the sides of your body and exhale as youturn your hips to the right gently dropping your knees to thefloor Keep your core engaged and back straight turning yourhead to the right side to enhance the stretch


Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your knees

Lower back stretch

Tricep Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet hip width apart and arms by yoursides


BenefitsTricep stretch

Lift your right hand over your shoulder and place your handon your upper back elbow pointing up toward the ceiling Useyour right hand to gently rest on the elbow and push itdownward Hold the stretch for 15 seconds and alternatearms

copy Copyright 2014 Lose Baby Weight All Rights Reserved

Day 28

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Bush Walking


Walking the Dog


Bush WalkingGoing bush and taking in some nature is good for the bodyand soul Spending just one hour walking in the bush will haveyou burning over 400 Calories

GardeningJust 30 minutes of gardening can burn off 315 calories andyoursquoll be working your arms thighs calves and shoulders ndashand if you do it for over 20 minutes you get your heart rate upand boost your cardiovascular system

Walking the DogWalking the dog offers some great resistance and cardioexercise ndash take your pup out for a long bracing walk and youcan burn off up to 200 calories an hour

SwimmingA visit to the pool is always great fun for the whole familySimply splashing around treading water and generalswimming will have you burning over 250 calories in an hour

Bike RidingGetting the bikes out of the garage is a great way for thewhole family to get moving and enjoy some fresh air Theaverage 75kg person cycling for 30 minutes will burn 281calories

Cool Down

Baby Pose

Starting PositionKneel upright on a mat with knees apart slightly



Slowly sit back on your heels and bend your chest forwardtowards the floor Bring your arms above your head and placeyour hands flat on the floor in front of you Gently rest yourforehead on the mat Hold this position for 30 seconds

Lower back and shoulder stretch

Bicep Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Interlock your hands behind you and then rotate them sopalms are facing out Raise your arms up push back and holdfor 15 seconds

Bicep stretch

Chest Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet close together arms by your sidesand knees slightly bent

ExecutionOpen your chest and lower your shoulders then take yourhands behind you and connect your hands behind your backKeeping shoulders relaxed and core engaged slowly raisearms behind you Breath in and out as you hold the stretch for15 seconds

BenefitsChest stretch

Lying Hamstring Stretch

Starting Position


BenefitsIncreased flexibility in quadriceps

Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your left kneetoward your chest keeping the right leg extended on thefloor

Slowly begin to extend your left knee pulling your leg gentlytoward you with your hands Keep both hips on the floor andyour head and neck relaxed through the stretch Breathedeeply and hold the stretch for 20 seconds Repeat onopposite side

Lying Quadriceps Stretch

Starting Position



Lie on your right side with your legs out straight Support headwith right arm and relax the head and neck

Bend your left knee and hold your left foot with your lefthand pulling your heel toward your glutes Gently push yourhips forward to increase the stretch and bend the right knee alittle if you require more balance Breathe in and out as youhold the stretch for 20 seconds

Increased flexibilty in quadriceps

Shoulder Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Bring your left arm across your chest and hold with your rightarm above the elbow Pull your belly button toward yourspine and stand tall with your head up Hold the stretch for 15seconds and release

Decreased tightness in shoulders

Side Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet wider than hip width apart and armsby your sides



Bend the left knee and bend your upper body slowly to to theleft side taking your right arm up overhead and your left armstrong by your side or resting on your leg Exhale as you bendto the side Ensure your upper body moves straight to the sideand you refrain from leaning forward or backwards Inhaleand gently return your body to the starting position

Upper lower and middle back

Spinal Twist

Starting Position

ExecutionRest your hands at the sides of your body and exhale as youturn your hips to the right gently dropping your knees to thefloor Keep your core engaged and back straight turning yourhead to the right side to enhance the stretch


Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your knees

Lower back stretch

Tricep Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet hip width apart and arms by yoursides


BenefitsTricep stretch

Lift your right hand over your shoulder and place your handon your upper back elbow pointing up toward the ceiling Useyour right hand to gently rest on the elbow and push itdownward Hold the stretch for 15 seconds and alternatearms

copy Copyright 2014 Lose Baby Weight All Rights Reserved

Walking the DogWalking the dog offers some great resistance and cardioexercise ndash take your pup out for a long bracing walk and youcan burn off up to 200 calories an hour

SwimmingA visit to the pool is always great fun for the whole familySimply splashing around treading water and generalswimming will have you burning over 250 calories in an hour

Bike RidingGetting the bikes out of the garage is a great way for thewhole family to get moving and enjoy some fresh air Theaverage 75kg person cycling for 30 minutes will burn 281calories

Cool Down

Baby Pose

Starting PositionKneel upright on a mat with knees apart slightly



Slowly sit back on your heels and bend your chest forwardtowards the floor Bring your arms above your head and placeyour hands flat on the floor in front of you Gently rest yourforehead on the mat Hold this position for 30 seconds

Lower back and shoulder stretch

Bicep Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Interlock your hands behind you and then rotate them sopalms are facing out Raise your arms up push back and holdfor 15 seconds

Bicep stretch

Chest Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet close together arms by your sidesand knees slightly bent

ExecutionOpen your chest and lower your shoulders then take yourhands behind you and connect your hands behind your backKeeping shoulders relaxed and core engaged slowly raisearms behind you Breath in and out as you hold the stretch for15 seconds

BenefitsChest stretch

Lying Hamstring Stretch

Starting Position


BenefitsIncreased flexibility in quadriceps

Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your left kneetoward your chest keeping the right leg extended on thefloor

Slowly begin to extend your left knee pulling your leg gentlytoward you with your hands Keep both hips on the floor andyour head and neck relaxed through the stretch Breathedeeply and hold the stretch for 20 seconds Repeat onopposite side

Lying Quadriceps Stretch

Starting Position



Lie on your right side with your legs out straight Support headwith right arm and relax the head and neck

Bend your left knee and hold your left foot with your lefthand pulling your heel toward your glutes Gently push yourhips forward to increase the stretch and bend the right knee alittle if you require more balance Breathe in and out as youhold the stretch for 20 seconds

Increased flexibilty in quadriceps

Shoulder Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Bring your left arm across your chest and hold with your rightarm above the elbow Pull your belly button toward yourspine and stand tall with your head up Hold the stretch for 15seconds and release

Decreased tightness in shoulders

Side Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet wider than hip width apart and armsby your sides



Bend the left knee and bend your upper body slowly to to theleft side taking your right arm up overhead and your left armstrong by your side or resting on your leg Exhale as you bendto the side Ensure your upper body moves straight to the sideand you refrain from leaning forward or backwards Inhaleand gently return your body to the starting position

Upper lower and middle back

Spinal Twist

Starting Position

ExecutionRest your hands at the sides of your body and exhale as youturn your hips to the right gently dropping your knees to thefloor Keep your core engaged and back straight turning yourhead to the right side to enhance the stretch


Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your knees

Lower back stretch

Tricep Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet hip width apart and arms by yoursides


BenefitsTricep stretch

Lift your right hand over your shoulder and place your handon your upper back elbow pointing up toward the ceiling Useyour right hand to gently rest on the elbow and push itdownward Hold the stretch for 15 seconds and alternatearms

copy Copyright 2014 Lose Baby Weight All Rights Reserved

Cool Down

Baby Pose

Starting PositionKneel upright on a mat with knees apart slightly



Slowly sit back on your heels and bend your chest forwardtowards the floor Bring your arms above your head and placeyour hands flat on the floor in front of you Gently rest yourforehead on the mat Hold this position for 30 seconds

Lower back and shoulder stretch

Bicep Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Interlock your hands behind you and then rotate them sopalms are facing out Raise your arms up push back and holdfor 15 seconds

Bicep stretch

Chest Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet close together arms by your sidesand knees slightly bent

ExecutionOpen your chest and lower your shoulders then take yourhands behind you and connect your hands behind your backKeeping shoulders relaxed and core engaged slowly raisearms behind you Breath in and out as you hold the stretch for15 seconds

BenefitsChest stretch

Lying Hamstring Stretch

Starting Position


BenefitsIncreased flexibility in quadriceps

Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your left kneetoward your chest keeping the right leg extended on thefloor

Slowly begin to extend your left knee pulling your leg gentlytoward you with your hands Keep both hips on the floor andyour head and neck relaxed through the stretch Breathedeeply and hold the stretch for 20 seconds Repeat onopposite side

Lying Quadriceps Stretch

Starting Position



Lie on your right side with your legs out straight Support headwith right arm and relax the head and neck

Bend your left knee and hold your left foot with your lefthand pulling your heel toward your glutes Gently push yourhips forward to increase the stretch and bend the right knee alittle if you require more balance Breathe in and out as youhold the stretch for 20 seconds

Increased flexibilty in quadriceps

Shoulder Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Bring your left arm across your chest and hold with your rightarm above the elbow Pull your belly button toward yourspine and stand tall with your head up Hold the stretch for 15seconds and release

Decreased tightness in shoulders

Side Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet wider than hip width apart and armsby your sides



Bend the left knee and bend your upper body slowly to to theleft side taking your right arm up overhead and your left armstrong by your side or resting on your leg Exhale as you bendto the side Ensure your upper body moves straight to the sideand you refrain from leaning forward or backwards Inhaleand gently return your body to the starting position

Upper lower and middle back

Spinal Twist

Starting Position

ExecutionRest your hands at the sides of your body and exhale as youturn your hips to the right gently dropping your knees to thefloor Keep your core engaged and back straight turning yourhead to the right side to enhance the stretch


Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your knees

Lower back stretch

Tricep Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet hip width apart and arms by yoursides


BenefitsTricep stretch

Lift your right hand over your shoulder and place your handon your upper back elbow pointing up toward the ceiling Useyour right hand to gently rest on the elbow and push itdownward Hold the stretch for 15 seconds and alternatearms

copy Copyright 2014 Lose Baby Weight All Rights Reserved

Chest Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet close together arms by your sidesand knees slightly bent

ExecutionOpen your chest and lower your shoulders then take yourhands behind you and connect your hands behind your backKeeping shoulders relaxed and core engaged slowly raisearms behind you Breath in and out as you hold the stretch for15 seconds

BenefitsChest stretch

Lying Hamstring Stretch

Starting Position


BenefitsIncreased flexibility in quadriceps

Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your left kneetoward your chest keeping the right leg extended on thefloor

Slowly begin to extend your left knee pulling your leg gentlytoward you with your hands Keep both hips on the floor andyour head and neck relaxed through the stretch Breathedeeply and hold the stretch for 20 seconds Repeat onopposite side

Lying Quadriceps Stretch

Starting Position



Lie on your right side with your legs out straight Support headwith right arm and relax the head and neck

Bend your left knee and hold your left foot with your lefthand pulling your heel toward your glutes Gently push yourhips forward to increase the stretch and bend the right knee alittle if you require more balance Breathe in and out as youhold the stretch for 20 seconds

Increased flexibilty in quadriceps

Shoulder Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Bring your left arm across your chest and hold with your rightarm above the elbow Pull your belly button toward yourspine and stand tall with your head up Hold the stretch for 15seconds and release

Decreased tightness in shoulders

Side Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet wider than hip width apart and armsby your sides



Bend the left knee and bend your upper body slowly to to theleft side taking your right arm up overhead and your left armstrong by your side or resting on your leg Exhale as you bendto the side Ensure your upper body moves straight to the sideand you refrain from leaning forward or backwards Inhaleand gently return your body to the starting position

Upper lower and middle back

Spinal Twist

Starting Position

ExecutionRest your hands at the sides of your body and exhale as youturn your hips to the right gently dropping your knees to thefloor Keep your core engaged and back straight turning yourhead to the right side to enhance the stretch


Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your knees

Lower back stretch

Tricep Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet hip width apart and arms by yoursides


BenefitsTricep stretch

Lift your right hand over your shoulder and place your handon your upper back elbow pointing up toward the ceiling Useyour right hand to gently rest on the elbow and push itdownward Hold the stretch for 15 seconds and alternatearms

copy Copyright 2014 Lose Baby Weight All Rights Reserved

Lying Quadriceps Stretch

Starting Position



Lie on your right side with your legs out straight Support headwith right arm and relax the head and neck

Bend your left knee and hold your left foot with your lefthand pulling your heel toward your glutes Gently push yourhips forward to increase the stretch and bend the right knee alittle if you require more balance Breathe in and out as youhold the stretch for 20 seconds

Increased flexibilty in quadriceps

Shoulder Stretch

Starting Position



Stand tall with your feet close together and arms by yoursides

Bring your left arm across your chest and hold with your rightarm above the elbow Pull your belly button toward yourspine and stand tall with your head up Hold the stretch for 15seconds and release

Decreased tightness in shoulders

Side Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet wider than hip width apart and armsby your sides



Bend the left knee and bend your upper body slowly to to theleft side taking your right arm up overhead and your left armstrong by your side or resting on your leg Exhale as you bendto the side Ensure your upper body moves straight to the sideand you refrain from leaning forward or backwards Inhaleand gently return your body to the starting position

Upper lower and middle back

Spinal Twist

Starting Position

ExecutionRest your hands at the sides of your body and exhale as youturn your hips to the right gently dropping your knees to thefloor Keep your core engaged and back straight turning yourhead to the right side to enhance the stretch


Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your knees

Lower back stretch

Tricep Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet hip width apart and arms by yoursides


BenefitsTricep stretch

Lift your right hand over your shoulder and place your handon your upper back elbow pointing up toward the ceiling Useyour right hand to gently rest on the elbow and push itdownward Hold the stretch for 15 seconds and alternatearms

copy Copyright 2014 Lose Baby Weight All Rights Reserved

Side Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet wider than hip width apart and armsby your sides



Bend the left knee and bend your upper body slowly to to theleft side taking your right arm up overhead and your left armstrong by your side or resting on your leg Exhale as you bendto the side Ensure your upper body moves straight to the sideand you refrain from leaning forward or backwards Inhaleand gently return your body to the starting position

Upper lower and middle back

Spinal Twist

Starting Position

ExecutionRest your hands at the sides of your body and exhale as youturn your hips to the right gently dropping your knees to thefloor Keep your core engaged and back straight turning yourhead to the right side to enhance the stretch


Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sideKeep your head and neck relaxed as you bend your knees

Lower back stretch

Tricep Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet hip width apart and arms by yoursides


BenefitsTricep stretch

Lift your right hand over your shoulder and place your handon your upper back elbow pointing up toward the ceiling Useyour right hand to gently rest on the elbow and push itdownward Hold the stretch for 15 seconds and alternatearms

copy Copyright 2014 Lose Baby Weight All Rights Reserved

Tricep Stretch

Starting PositionStand tall with your feet hip width apart and arms by yoursides


BenefitsTricep stretch

Lift your right hand over your shoulder and place your handon your upper back elbow pointing up toward the ceiling Useyour right hand to gently rest on the elbow and push itdownward Hold the stretch for 15 seconds and alternatearms

copy Copyright 2014 Lose Baby Weight All Rights Reserved

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