warm up respiratory system reading and questions

Post on 15-Jan-2016






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Warm Up

• Respiratory System Reading and Questions

Respiratory System

Functions of the Respiratory System

• Breathing process

• Supplies blood with oxygen (inhale)

• Remove carbon dioxide from cells (exhale)

• Enable speech production

Structures of Respiratory System

• upper respiratory tract– nose, mouth, pharynx, epiglottis, larynx and


• lower respiratory tract– bronchial tree and lungs

Frayer Model “competition”

• With your group, you will complete sets of Frayer models using the textbook and a handout

• You will have 15 minutes per page• At the end of time, your group with get points

– Completing all parts of each Frayer model = 1 point– Having correct information in each Frayer model = 2

points– Group working together = 2 points


• You will not find a sentence that says….

“The characteristics are ….”

A characteristics is something that describes something else (normally an adjective)

Frayer Models

Respiratory System


Mouth, Nose & Nasal Cavity

Nasal Mucus & Cilia

Use Handout page 35


Textbook 40B

Respiratory System

Definition: the body system that’s function is to get oxygen from the environment and remove carbon dioxide from your body

Characteristics: very important to human life

Importance: brings oxygen into the body and humans cannot live without oxygen

Parts: mouth, nose, nasal cavity, Trachea, Epiglottis, lungs


Definition: an important gas human’s need to live

Characteristics: essential to human life, taken from the air around us

Importance: without oxygen you would die

Non-Example: carbon Dioxide

Mouth, Nose and Nasal Cavity

Definition: the way air enters the respiratory system; the first place air goes in the body

Characteristics: on your head

Importance: we need them so that we can inhale oxygen

Non-Example: Ear

Nasal Mucus and Cilia

Definition: mucus = a sticky liquid, Cilia = little nose hairs

Characteristics: inside your nose

Importance: help trap dirt and germs


Frayer Models

• Trachea (35)

• Epiglottis (35)

• Pharynx

• Larynx


Definiton: the tube that connects the upper respiratory system (mouth & nose) to lungs

Job: separates the 2 sides of the lungs

Made of cartilage tissue

EpiglottisDefinition: a flap of skin that covers the trachea, in

the back of your throat above tounge

Why is it important? Stops food or liquid from getting into your lungs

Job: Stops food or liquid from getting into your lungs



Definition: area behind the nose that leads to the throat – controls the amount of air that gets into your lungs.


Why do you think it is important?to make sure too much air doesn’t go

down into your lungs and pop them


Definition: also called voicebox, contains cords that vibrate to produce sound

Characteristic: at the bottom of the Pharynx

Importance: Without a Larynx you would not be able to talk

Warm Up – put HW on desk

Copy sentences and fill in the blanks.

The Respiratory System is important because it controls ___________, which humans must do to stay alive.

The ____________ is the part of the Respiratory System that stops food from getting into our lungs.

Warm Up

The Respiratory System is important because it controls BREATHING, which humans must do to stay alive.

The EPIGLOTTS is the part of the Respiratory System that stops food from getting into our lungs.

Frayer Models

• Lungs (39)

• Bronchial Tubes (40B and 39)

• Alveoli (39 and 40B)

• Diaphragm (40B)

• cross out picture and write “JOB”

Cross out non-example and write location


Definition: the main organ

of the respiratory system,

most complicated

Look like: a tree

Number: a human has a pair

a lungs (2)- one on each side of heart



Bronchial Tubes

Definition: 2 braches/tubes of the lungs

Characteristics: carry air into each lung, have thousands of little branches or “twigs”


Location- inside the lungs


Definition: small sacs that fill with air when we breath in.

Characteristic: very small, like a balloon

Job: Put oxygen into blood and take out carbon dioxide

Location: at the end of each bronchial tube/twig


Definition: a large muscle that stretches across the floor of the thoracic cavity (lungs)

Characteristics: very big, strong, important

Importance: allows you to breathe in and out

How it works: diaphragm contracts (get flat) = air flows in lungs, inhale• diaphragm expands (puffs up) = air flows out of lungs, exhale

– http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hp-gCvW8PRY

• http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/health-topics/topics/hlw/whathappens.html

The Path Oxygen takes through the body

• Now that you have all of the definitions, you must know the order/path oxygen takes throughout the body

• Diagram

The Path Oxygen Take Throughout the Body

1. Mouth / Nose

2. Pharynx

3. Larynx

4. Trachea

5. Bronchial Tubes

6. Lungs

7. Alveoli

Mouth / Nose

The only 2 places that oxygen can enter the body

Nose contains cilia and mucus to trap dirt and germs

2. Pharynx

Behind nose, leads to throat

- Controls the amount of air that enters the lungs

3. Larynx

Below Pharynx

Also called Voice box

Produces sounds, uses oxygen to vibrate cords and make noises

4. Trachea

• AKA Windpipe

• Covered by the Epiglottis

• Tube that carries oxygen towards the lungs

5. Bronchial Tubes

2 braches/tubes that carry air into each lung

Branch out into several more “twigs”

6. Lungs

Look like a tree

Take oxygen in And carbon dioxide out of the body

7. Alveoli

Inside lungs, on the end of the Bronchial Tubes’ twigs

Put oxygen into blood

Take out carbon dioxide


Glue, Staple or Tape diagram to the back of the foldable

Make sure you have written the correct number next to the word

After You Read

Pg 37 – cross out #7 and 6

Exit Ticket

What part of the Respiratory System actually puts oxygen into the blood?

What object do our lungs look like?

Warm Up

Study for quiz on path oxygen takes through respiratory system (use foldable from Friday)


Words CAN be used more than one time

NOT ALL words will be used


Trade and Grade

• Use a marker or different color than they wrote with!

1. Mouth and Nose

2. Alveoli

3. Mucus, nose

4. Larynx

5. Trachea

6. Pharynx

7. Oxygen, Bronchial Tubes

8. Cilia

9. Lungs

10. Trachea

Extra credit – Diaphragm


What is it? a condition that affects a person's bronchial tubes/airways.

• http://www.lung.org/lung-disease/asthma/becoming-an-advocate/


There are 3 things that happen to people with Asthma

1. Inflammation of airways, (tubes get smaller)

2. Bronco constriction – tightening of muscles

3. Increase in mucus production

All of these things make it harder for oxygen to get through to lungs

What causes it?

Different people have different triggers — things that set off asthma flare-ups

• dust mites (tiny bugs that live in dust) • mold • Pollen• Animals• perfume, chalk dust, and cigarette smoke • Exercise

How is it treated?

Not every kid's asthma is the same, so there are different medicines for treating it.

It's not like curing a sore throat or an earache, when everybody gets the same medicine. Instead, the doctor will think about what causes the asthma flare-ups, how fast the flare-ups happen, and how serious they are. Then he or she will decide on the best kind of treatment.

Common Treatment

Inhaler – works to open airway

How do you help?Help them get into a comfortable sitting position.

• Many asthma patients carry not only an inhaler, but a written instruction card as well. An asthma attack can temporarily rob the patient of his ability to speak.

• * Help them use the inhaler. An inhaler is designed to deliver a specific dose of asthma medication. The medication relaxes the patient's airways and helps restore normal breathing.

• * If it appears that they are not responding to the medication within ten minutes, call an ambulance. And continue to deliver about four puffs of medication every five minutes while waiting for the ambulance.

• The medication will help prevent the asthma attack from getting worse even if it doesn't seem to provide immediate relief.

• * Stay calm throughout the episode. This will help the patient remain calm as well. If he panics, it will worsen the asthma attack and make it far more difficult for him to breathe.

Bill Nye Respiration


1. Why is your right lung bigger than the left?

2. What happens to a person’s airways if they have asthma?

3. What is one thing that can cause asthma?


• Asthma– bronchospasms, parosysmal, productive cough, – mucolytics, bronchodilators

• Chronic Bronchitis– mucosal swelling, productive cough, chest pain– expectorants, bronchodilators, steroids

• Emphysema– barrel-chest, dyspnea, orthopnea


• Acute infectious respiratory disease

• Viral

• Fever, chills, headache, myalgia, anorexia

• Avoid aspirin in children

Pleural Effusions

• Excess fluid in pleural cavity

• associated with congestive heart failure, ascites, infectious lung diseases, trauma

• diagnosis– auscultation, percussion

• Empyema, hydrothorax, hemothorax, pnrumothorax, pyopneumothorax

• thoracentesis


• Infectious, highly communicable disease

• aerosol transmission

• primary tuberculosis, tubercles

• immunocompromised

• effects other organ systems

• drug resistant strains

Cystic Fibrosis

• Hereditary disorder, affects exocrine glands

• systemic involvement– lungs, pancreas, digestive tract

• Viscous mucus blocks bronchioles

• Gas exchange impaired

Respiratory Distress Syndrome

• Surfactant– decreases the surface tension of

the alveoli– needed for alveoli to fill with air

and expand (compliance)• Infant respiratory distress syndrome

(hyaline membrane disease)• Adult respiratory distress syndrome

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkRcdfmHqqI

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