water words

Post on 11-Jul-2015






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Water Words

Increasing your vocabulary


Water Words

● Flood /fl d/:ʌ to cover with water

● Flow /fl /:əʊ to move easily in one direction

● Pour /p r/:ɔː to cause to flow into or out of something

● Seep /si p/:ː to move out of or through something permeable

● Trickle / tr k.l/:ˈ ɪ ̩ to flow slowly in a thin line e.g. a small flow from a tap


Water Words

can be used about the movement of...

● Light: As the door opened the room flooded with light.

● Money: Money flooded into the country.

● News: News about the scandal flooded the press.

● People: At 4pm children flooded out of the school.

● Products: New models flooded onto the market.


can be used about the movement of...

● Ideas: In a good brainstorming meeting ideas flow freely.● Money: The company had severe cash flow problems.● People: A steady flow of people were leaving the station.● Traffic: The parade disrupted the flow of traffic into the city.● Work: The work-flow was complex to say the least.● Words: The conversation flowed as freely as the wine.


Water Words

can be used about the movement of...● Feelings: There was a public outpouring of emotion when

fans heard of his tragic death.● Money: It was like pouring money down the drain.● People: At six o'clock people poured out of their offices.● Words: Apologies simply poured from his mouth.

Water Words


Water Words


can be used about the movement of...

● Energy: His illness caused the strength to seep from him.● Feelings: A sense of fear began to seep into his bones.● Money: Money was somehow seeping out of his account.● People: People slowly seeped back into the building.● News: Despite his best efforts the news seeped out.

Water Words


can be used about the movement of...

● Energy: Electricity began to trickle into the battery.

● Money: The crisis caused revenues to slow to a trickle.

● People: Fans were slowly trickling into the stadium.

● News: The news gradually trickled down to the workers.

● Traffic: The traffic dwindled to a trickle.

● Work: Work slowed to a trickle after the price rise.

Other Water Words

Water Words

Of course, these words are not the only water words that can be used about the movement of other things. Here are three more that you can try to find other uses for:

● Surge

● Drip

● Stream

Increasing your vocabulary

The end

Water Words

Increasing your vocabulary

The end

Water Words

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