ways to organize your study time

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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Ways to Organize Your Study Time

Students, take note.

Ways to Organize Your Study TimeAre you the kind of student who do all the work in one day? What do you usually feel? Are you happy with the results or you think you can do better if only you have enough time?

Here are some tips to better organize your study time so your B+ might become A+ next time. Because the best universities in the Philippines deserves the best students.

Image source: forbes.com

Make a calendar of events.You can use your phone, computer or a planner to keep track of your exams, assignments and social events. You can also use your alarm clock to remind you of your deadlines for the day.

Image source: nj1015.com

Make a to-do list.Multitasking only slows down your performance. It is better to do one task at a time. Make a to-do list for that day and make sure to prioritize the tasks and get them done throughout the day.

Image source: Flickr.com

Make use of your free hours between classes.Instead of roaming around the campus or checking your crush’s Facebook account, use it to review notes or to begin an assignment for tomorrow’s class.

Image source: ncad.ie

Schedule a weekly review.Plan to review each of your classes’ lessons once a week. It will help you reduce the study time needed before an exam. And you will also be prepared when there’s a surprise quiz.

Image source: womenonbusiness.com

Make time to breath and relax.Spend some time to enjoy your weekend. After accomplishing all your tasks, treat yourself. Buy yourself a coffee or cake, watch a movie or play games. It’s easier staying organized if you are comfortable and happy with it.

Image source: gameskinny.com

Time is precious and so is studying. Give enough time to study and learn new things that would make you a better person. No time is being wasted when you are learning. Just keep it up!

Image source: shutterstock.com

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