we are going to present you our timetable, the different subjects we study and the exams that we...

Post on 14-Jan-2016






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We are going to present youour timetable, the differentsubjects we study and the Exams that we have to take ..

Moreover, you will discover our specific science program !



Progress of our school year !

It’s the moment of the first meeting of teachers : they decide if you did a good work during the first quarter of the year and write your school report.

We are at this part of the year :

right in the middle !

It’s the second meeting of teachers and one of the most important moment of the school year because teachers decide if your orientation choice for the next school year is possible according to your marks and your interests.

Trip in Finland !

End of the year and last meeting of teachers

Next class :1ère

Our TimeTable during an « even » Week :Pair

WeeksMonday Tuesday Wednesd

ayThursday Friday

8H05-9H00 FREETIME GermanMiss Ging

EnglishMiss Picard

FREETIME French(Group 1)

9H05-9H55 Sciences ofInnovationMr Vilain & Mr Decker

EnglishMiss Picard

FrenchMiss Danicher

EnglishMiss Picard

French(Group 2)


FrenchMiss Danicher

Civics Mr Clause

MathsMiss Brill


MathsMiss Brill F


GermanMiss Ging





U.N.S.S (Sport)



History-Geography Mr Clause

PhyiscalEducationMiss Irion

Physics and ChemisteryMiss Cousandier

BiologyMr Duque




GermanMiss Ging FREETIME

ScientificProjects(Write a Magazine)



Unpair Weeks

Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Thursday Friday

8H05-9H00 FREETIME GermanMiss Ging

EnglishMiss Picard

FREETIME French(Group 1)

9H05-9H55 Sciences ofInnovationMr Vilain & Mr Decker

EnglishMiss Picard

FrenchMiss Danicher

EnglishMiss Picard

French(Group 2)


FrenchMiss Danicher

MathsMiss Brill

MathsMiss Brill

11H05-12H00 Maths


GermanMiss Ging





Economic and social sciencesMr Habermacher

BiologyMr Duque

U.N.S.S (Sport)



History-Geography Mr Clause

PhyiscalEducationMiss Irion

Physics and ChemisteryMiss Cousandier

BiologyMr Duque




GermanMiss Ging FREETIME

Maths Miss Brill



Our TimeTable during an « odd » Week :

During methodology lessons , our class is separated in 2 groups

Each Friday, we do practicals, that’s why we are in groups who alternate Physics and Biology

Our timetable is different according to the week, that’s why we have two different timetables : one for the « even » weeks (which has a number ending with 2, 4, 6…), and one for the « odd » weeks (which has a number ending with 1, 3, 5…)

We have also some classes only every 2 weeks …

We study the same subjects during all the whole school year, that’s why the classes are aproximately the same each week, but with some slight differences …

It’s maybe the most difficult subject we have to study ! We have to read a lot of texts ,poems and books on French litterature (Hugo,Balzac ,DuBellay..) and analyze them with precision (it’s really hard !). Moreover, we learn how to write comments and essays because that will be the kind of exercises we’ll take next year in our French final exam, called « Bac Français ». To have good marks, you must have a global knowledge, use a developed vocabulary and language when you speak and write. In my point of wiew , being philosophical is the most important !

It’s a subject we only have to study during one year : in a French highschool, « economysciences » is a lesson during which you learn the basics of economy, per example how a company works, global inflation of prices, or the functioningof the European economy. We only learn the bases of economy becausethe lesson is very short : it lasts only 0H30 per week !

This year, we study European history from thebeginning of Christiendom (Ist Century) to the French revolution in 1789. In geography,we learn how to save the world’s ressourses,and we study the situation in poor countries (Africa) and the possibles solutions to end thefamine in the world. We have 3 hours of History-Geographyper weeks, and our general exam will take place in two years.

During is a classic German lesson, we readtexts or stories, we speak about famous German places like Munich or Berlinand we also study the typical German culture (food, art ,literature ...)Sometimes, we work in groups to realize a project or a powerpoint presentationwe must present orally, to perfect our German , because it’s a really hard language with complicated grammar !

ENGLISH :During a typical lesson, we learn

how to perfect our writing and oral skills in English : we do a lot of debates, we speak about movie extracts, we realize projects for

our Finnish friends (videos, presentations). Moreover as

homework, we often have to write essays or express our opinion about something .. English

lessons are probably the most living lessons, and that’s why

everbody likes English !


In a classic lesson of Biology, we spend a few time on computers to study molecules, DNA structures or to study results of some experiences …The main themes we study are genetics, space , reactions of a body during an effort, and geology. Moreover we sometimes realize dissections (of mouses, frogs): it’s educational but It could be disgusting at the same time ! Biology isreally interesting but you must work really hard !

Maths :During a classic math class, we do a lot of exercises (we spend more time on exercises than lessons !).

Currently, we study a lot of things : vectors, inequations, statistics , geometry and trigonometry …

Besides, we sometimes go to the computer room. You must be really

attentive if you want good marks because the lessons are very fast ! It’s the most important subject in our timetable, because we have

maths lessons 5 hours per week !

The Special sCientifific Syllabus :The 2GT6 (our class ) is a specific class called « A Fond les Sciences » : it means that eachstudent is interested in the different fields of Science (Physics,Biology,Maths) and mostof us want to have a job in relation with Sciences (Medicine, Engineering..). The scientific syllabus is also very developed and harder than in any other normal « secondes » class, because most students have some knowledge in Sciences …

How to integrate the « scientific » class :

The specific scientific program of our class

« Scientific Magazine »Since the beginning of the school year, in September,we are writing the « 2GT6ence » : it’s a scientific magazine in which we speak about the dangerous globalwarming and its effects (destruction of wildlife,oceans’ currents, greenhouse gases). We presented ourwork during the open day of our highschool, in February. It is a really interesting project, because we do a lot of experiences (with Coke per example ! ), do research in Physics and Biology, and espacially we learn how to work in autonomy, because we had(in pairs) to write a few articles without really clearInstructions … and it’s difficult sometimes !

« Sciences of Innovation »



3D Solidworks Plan of a flying saucer




« Innovation Sciences » is a technological subject : we spend most of our time on computers. Currently, we are realizing engravings (on the left) or tri-dimensional puzzles like flying saucers. We use ultra-modern computers and engines, like laser cutting machines. Many times, we have to do powerpoint presentations in English. You must be concenrating and patient, because theory is sometimes more different than practice and there are often problems to solve .. Usually, we have to work in groups of 3 or 4, in autonomy of course !

TESTS we have to do !

Lesson and maths tests are the easiest exams, because you can have a very good mark if you learn your lesson ! On the contrary, essays andwritings in French are the hardest tests because they often last 2 hours and they are really difficult !

Our part of our School life is on Facebook to !We created a group very useful : we help each other

if somebody has got a problem, we write the homework to be done and .. we chat of course !

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