we are proud of novokuznetsk people who contributed to the victory over nazi invaders ! wait for me,...

Post on 13-Jan-2016






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We are proud of Novokuznetsk people who contributed to the Victory over

Nazi invaders !

Wait for me, and I’ll come back!With all you’ve got!

Wait, when dreary yellow rainsTell you, you should not.

Wait when snow is falling fast,Wait when summer’s hot,

Wait when yesterday are past,Others are forgot.

By Konstantin Simonov1941

We remember!

Novokuznetsk (Stalinsk) - warriors city.

Novokuznetsk (Stalinsk) took a special place in the Great Patriotic war. It lived under the slogan <Everything for the front, everything for the Victory>.

Our soldiers fought at all fronts. Several military units were formed in the city. Among them there were 1251st, 835th, 674th

infantry regiments and 376th, 237th, 22nd famous Siberian divisions. Vilna infantry school was deployed in order to teach quite young boys how to fight on the front line.

200 young volunteers were united in the detached skiing battalions and went to the front.275 teachers fought at the front, 54 of them died the death of heroes.

6.000 Kuznetsk metallurgists went to the front as volunteers and 3.000 of them didn’t return11 evacuee hospitals were located in 5 buildings including schools №11, 12 and 17.

300 children from the sieged Leningrad were taken to Stalinsk.

Novokuznetsk (Stalinsk)- workers city.

This phrase is more often associated with the period covers the years of theGreat Patriotic War, when Novokuznetsk supplied the militaryindustry with necessary amount of metal which quality was higherthan that of famous Krupp steel in Germany.Think over! Almost half of all military production of the country was madefrom the Kuznetsk armor: 50.000 tanks,45.000aircrafts and 100 million of shells.During the war the Germans were especially afraid of <T 34> dressed in Kuznetsk armor.There is a monument to one of those tanks in Victory square.During the war the tank lost two crews. It was put out of action twice .But it reached Berlin. After the war our <T 34> with number 114 took partin the film shooting <Hot snow>. The labour heroic deeds of Novokuznetsk metallurgistsduring the war were considered as the feats of the army and our countrynoted these deeds by the First Degree Kutuzov order, the Lenin order,the Order of the Red Banner of Labour and by four Red Banners.

The high price for the Great Victory.

Our country and its people know and honour the feats of Novokuznesk citizents like Rodion Semenyuk, who rescued the Banner of Brest Fortress, A.S. Krasilov, L.A.Tsheremnov and I.S. Gerasimenko, who showed unprecedented heroism by closing embrasures of three fascist pill-boxes with their own bodies in a battle on January29, 1942.We’ll never forget Vera Solomina, Aleksei Pavlovsky and more than 15.000 other people from our city who died in the war defending Russia over Nazi invaders.55 citizens of Novokuznetsk were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. In Boulevard of heroes there is a memorial wall 90 meters length decorated with relief of great heroic deeds of Novokuznetsk citizens and the place of Glory with its eternal flame. It is a sacred/ place of the city

Today not many are with usWe wish that memory just wouldn’t go out

Suhov N. F.(1913-2010)

During the war he was a signalman who provided our troops with intercommunication.

He went through the war.(10.1941- 05.1945)

He was awarded the order of Fame of the 3rd degree, the order of the Great Patriotic War of the2nd degree, medals for the defence of Moscow, Leningrad, Riga, Valga, the medal after G.K. Zhukov, the medal for the great battle services and other awards. After the war N.F. was decorated with honorary title of Veteran of Labour and the Soviet Union.

Syrkashev I.M.(1921-1971)

When I.M. was 18 , he finished the flight school.

During the Second War he took part in the battle for Kursk.

He also defended Voronezh, Moscow.

I.M. was decorated with many battle awards.

Khrapov V.I. (1911-1986)

During the Great Patriotic War he was a soldier who fought under the command of General Sviridov. He took part in the battle for Leningrad.

V.I. reached Berlin. The country noted him by the medal for the defence of Moscow and many other battle awards.

Strukov I.I.(1925 -2001)

During the war he was a scout of the 178th tank brigade.He fought in the Immortal regiment.

Bazhenova E.S.(1925-2007)E.S. was only 16 when she became a prisoner of Auschwitz.

E.S. escaped from the camp twice and she was caught twice.

In the camp she suffered hunger, cold, cruel punishment.

E.S. was released when she was 20 on the 9th of May,1945

Today not many are with usWe wish that memory just wouldn’t go out

Our forefathers

We bow low today before all veterans of the Great Patriotic war and labour.

We wish you a long and happy life.

Let’s your sky to be clear,

The joyful star will not go out,

And noise of tanks and arms

Will go away from our lives forever!

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