we talk little if we do not talk about ourselves. -william hazlitt (1778-1830) day 2

Post on 14-Dec-2015






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We talk little if we do not talk about ourselves.

-William Hazlitt (1778-1830)

Day 2...

TTYP (Turn To Your Partner)Exercise 2, T p. 27

What are the effective things you have seen a public speaker do?

What are the ineffective things you have seen a public speaker do?

De Inventione Cicero~85 B.C.E.

Inventio – InventionMaterial, ideas, content of the speechComposingResearch

Dispositio – Organization

Structure or Arrangement of the ideas in a speech

Elocutio – Style of LanguageWord choice and expression


Memoria – MemoryPreparationPractice

Memoria – Memory

PreparationPracticeDelivery Aids

Pronunciatio – DeliveryEye contact

Pronunciatio – Delivery


Pronunciatio – Delivery

Body language

TTYP (same people) Associate items on your list of Effective and Ineffective Characteristics with one of The Five Canons of Rhetoric

Invention (inventio)—material, ideas, content

Organization(dispositio)—arrangement, structure

Style (elocutio)—word choice and expression

Delivery (pronunciatio)—verbal and non-verbal

Memory (memoria)—how to prepare and remember to share what you prepared

You need to THINK as you SpeakExtemporaneous speaking is goal.Able to respond to feedback.Able to adjust to situation.Achieve conversational delivery.Have fun as you go.But FEAR inhibits thinking….

-Eleanor Roosevelt

“I believe anyone can conquer fear by doing things he fears to do, provided he keeps doing them until he gets a record of successful experiences behind him.”

A little nervousness can HELPIncreases adrenaline

Eyes shining

Gives edge and excitement - lends drama to performance.

They want you to succeed!

They feel empathy for your anxiety.

They are eager to listen and learn.

They hope to be taken away by your enthusiasm and excitement about the topic.

Some things you should know about your audience

Tips for Controlling Nervousness

Think positively

Use visualization.

Know that most nervousness is not visible.

Don’t expect perfection.

Focus on the message you want to communicate.

Tips for Controlling Nervousness


Work on content early.

Be at your best physically/mentally.

Work especially hard on introductions.

Practice from start to finish.

On your speaking day, be proactive.

Do simple muscle relaxation.

Use eye contact.

Take slow deep breaths.

Tips for Controlling Nervousness

The Introductory Speech2 minutes in length.

No grading categories for delivery!

4 options to choose from.

Sample Speeches!

Attend Lab Friday

Pearson Hall


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