we, the parish of saints mary and mathias catholic church, welcome … · 2019-09-19 · my own...

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We, the parish of Saints Mary and Mathias Catholic Church,


Ss. Mary & Mathias Church 215 W. 8th St. Muscatine, IA 52761

From the Pastor’s Desk December 9, 2018 - 2nd Sunday of Advent When we first call to mind the word,

“Repentance,” we might associate it with the

need to “repent” of our sins. This word, used

o�en by the Lord and his first followers, means

so much more. The full and richer meaning of

repentance is a complete re-orienta!on of

one’s life, a turning away from sin, and the turning back of

one’s heart to God. Because I have invited Jesus to be at

the center of my life, my life has a completely new

purpose. I act, and speak, and live in a way that reflects

my faith and love for the Lord.

Yet, repentance is not a once and done decision.

Repentance is a life-long process that requires me to

con!nually say no to the tempta!ons of the world. By

saying no to the tempta!ons of the fallen world we live in,

my own sinful flesh, and to Satan, I can more readily say

yes to Christ, to making my heart a fi.ng dwelling place

for the Lord.

This weekend, as the second part of our Advent Message

Series, “Your Best Yes,” unfolds, we will focus on how

repentance and saying yes to God can bring us a newfound

sense of freedom as we con!nue to prepare the way for

the Lord to enter more fully into our lives.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebra�on:

Sunday December 16th

The en!re Saints Mary & Mathis Parish Community is

invited to the annual celebra!on of Our Lady of Guadalupe

which will take place Sunday Dec. 16th

at Saints Mary &

Mathias School Gym. The Spanish Mass at 12:30pm will be

followed by a Mexican Feast featuring the fes!ve music of

a live Mariachi band. Please join us as we honor Our Lady

of Guadalupe, patroness of the unborn and of the


Formed.org Advent Resources

Go to the website www.formed.org. If you have not yet

registered, click on the “parish code” icon and enter our

parish code: KQ3HRW. Next, choose a username and

password and click on the series, “Advent Reflec!ons.”

You will find this and so much more to help you grow in

your Catholic faith.

In Christ,

Fr. Troy

December Liturgies & Events

Dec. 16th - Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass

12:30 PM - Ss. Mary & Mathias School Gym

Dec. 17th - 23rd - Posadas

6:00 PM - Gannon Hall

Dec. 24th Christmas Eve Masses

4:00 PM - Ss. Mary & Mathias Church

4:30 PM - Ss. Mary & Mathias School Gym, 2407 Cedar St.

6:00 PM - Bilingual - Ss. Mary & Mathias Church

December 25th Christmas Day Masses

Midnight Mass - 12:00 AM - Ss. Mary & Mathias Church

10:00 AM - Ss. Mary & Mathias Church

December 31st - Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God Mass

Holy Day of Obliga�on

5:00 PM - Ss. Mary & Mathias Church

Adora!on following Mass un!l Midnight

January 1- Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God Mass

Holy Day of Obliga�on

10:00 AM - Mass

December 9, 2018 Saints Mary & Mathias Parish, Muscatine, Iowa Page 2

This Week

G=Gannon, Ch=Church, C=Council/CommiGee,

AOP=All Our Parishioners

Monday, December 10th 10:00 AM - Prayer Shawl Group - G

10:00 AM - Mass @ Lutheran Homes

Noon - Rosary - Ch

4:30 PM - Confession 5:15 PM - Mass - Fred Kopp

6:00 PM - Catholic Daughters Mtg - G -

call Ann Bahn (563-260-6398) if

you need a ride

6:00 PM - Men’s Evening of Recollec!on -

Ch then G @ 8:00 PM

Tuesday, December 11th 7:00 AM - Mass - Marie Schmalz

6:30 PM - Seeds of Faith - G

Wednesday, December 12th 7:00 AM - Mass - ColeGa Logel

7:30 AM - Touched by Faith - G

8:30 AM - Mañanitas - Ch then G @ 9:30 AM

6:30 PM - Spellman SCG - G

Thursday, December 13th 7:00 AM - Mass - Barb Gross

7:30 AM - 5:00 PM - Adora!on - Chapel

Friday, December 14th 7:00 AM - Mass - Spec. Int. - LoreGa


7:30 AM - 5:00 PM - Adora!on - Chapel

10:00 AM - Mass @ Premier Estates

7:00 PM - Hispanic Choir Prac!ce - Convent

Saturday, December 15th Food & Shelter Weekend

3:45 PM - Confession

5:00 PM - Mass - Lee Barnhart

Sunday, December 16th Donut Sunday and Food & Shelter Sunday

8:00 AM - Mass - Gary Richmond

10:00 AM - Mass - Leon & Albina Ziabski

12:30 PM - Mass in Ss. MM School Gym -

AOP - por la convercion de un

esposo & padre & Jorge Fourneau

12:30 PM - 4:30 PM - Our Lady of Guadalupe

Celebra!on - Ss. MM School Gym

4:30 PM - 6:00 PM - Parish Rosary & Potluck

- G

Open Mass Intentions

January & February Lots of Dates Open

6 Simple Ways to Enrich Your Advent Season


When I was a nominal Catholic, I liked to pretend that I knew a lot about Catholicism. Realis!cally, I knew slightly less than the average 7-year-old knows about the workings of a combus!ble steam engine. Back then, for me, Advent was the Catholic word for Christmas. I was, for a lack of a beGer term, a theological idiot.

Webster’s Dic!onary gives three meanings for the word Advent:

1. The arrival of a notable person, thing, or event. The advent of Christ. The advent of television. The advent of the day my husband will finally pick up the pair of socks that have been in the same spot on the floor for six weeks.

2. The first season of the Chris�an church year, leading up to Christmas and including the four preceding Sundays. So, all of December.

3. The coming or second coming of Christ.

If you knew this, you’re doing beGer than I was most of my life. One of the many drawbacks of being a lukewarm Catholic is blindly going through life thinking you know enough about the faith, yet really knowing very liGle, including the why and how behind most of the Church’s teachings. For a number of years, I was part of the misinforma!on problem. Advent is a trifecta of celebra!ons:

1. Celebra!ng Christ’s birth. 2. Wai!ng for Christ to return to Earth again. 3. Wai!ng for Christ to come into our hearts.

In a culture where everything is instant, we most certainly have lost the art of wai!ng. I blame Amazon because faith has no Prime shipping. We’ve lost the wonder and contempla!on needed to appreciate the beauty and mystery of Advent. How can we find Christ at Christmas if we aren’t watching and wai!ng for him? How can we appreciate the !me we have to wait when we can’t even wait two minutes for a slow Wi-Fi confec!on?

Advent gives us a chance to really put our minds where it maGers most, on the next life. Here’s how:

Quit being too busy to be spiritual

I know you have to do the thing with the thing before the thing and then you have to rush off to the other thing, and in the words of INXS, “There’s not enough !me…” If you wait for the !me, it’ll never come. So, make room. Turn off your phone. Set aside your to-do list. Light a candle. Say a prayer. Sit in the chapel.

Sacrifice all of the things

Then, subs!tute them with Jesus. Give up some part of your daily rou!ne to fit in 20-30 minutes for Christ:

• Pray on your a�ernoon run. • Dedicate a decade of the Rosary to someone you don’t know who needs prayers. No Rosary? No problem. God gave you 10 fingers. • Listen to Scripture or faith-based books/podcasts on your commute. • Grab a Bible and pick a psalm. Find a sentence and make it your daily medita!on. Apply those words to your day and try to uncover their meaning in your life.

Take your Christmas playlist to a higher level

Tradi!onal Christmas music is one of my favorite things about Thanksgiving through Epiphany. There’s a rumor going around that I even indulge in summer. Once or twice a week, or an hour before bed, listen to some spiritual songs, like a Gregorian chant or (my favorite) “Advent in Ephe-sus” by the Benedic!nes of Mary Queen of Apostles. They are prayers that feel as tradi!onal as Bing Crosby’s “White Christmas” but are spiritually upli�ing, calming, and peaceful. cont’d on pg. 3

December 9, 2018 Saints Mary & Mathias Parish, Muscatine, Iowa Page 3

To report child abuse contact: Iowa Department of Human Services Child Abuse Hotline: 800-362-2178 and if it involves clergy or church personnel also no!fy

Alicia Owens, the Vic!m Assistance Coordinator, 563-349-5002; vac@diodav.org or PO Box 232, BeGendorf, IA 52722-0004. New (Oct. 2014)

Faith Formation/Mazzuchelli Calendar December 11 RCIA class—6:30-8:00pm—“The Bea!tudes / The Commandments”—Fr. Steinle

December 12 Religious Educa!on Classes—Grades K-10

December 18/25/January 1—NO RCIA CLASSES


NEEDING SOME HELP: We are looking for volunteers from our parish to join other Chris!ans for the Salva!on Army

Christmas campaign. Specific roles include organizing toys and clothes that are being donated in the days leading up to

December 17th. We also need people to serve as personal shoppers to parents on December 17-19th. Our goal is to not

only shop with them, but to pray and invite families to the Chris!an community churches in town. Please contact

Debbie Mussehl at debbie.mussehl@calvaryonline.org, or Alissa Jirak at alissa@calvaryonline.org for more informa!on.

Thank you for helping us!

CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE WEEKEND: St. Ann’s and our Lady of the River. Women’s Retreat: January 18-20. The purpose

of the Chris!an Experience Weekend (CEW) is to strengthen and enrich your rela!onship with God. The weekend

provides a special !me and place away from the busy rou!ne of daily living, where a true Chris!an community can

develop in a variety of ways.

CEW is not a retreat consis!ng of silence and medita!on. Rather, it is a shared Chris!an experience which grows out of

the realiza!on that the Chris!an life has to be experienced before it can be fully appreciated.

Two of our Saints Mary and Mathias Parishioners are part of this CEW Weekend: Amanda McKee and Erin McKee. For

more info on the women’s weekend, please contact: Brenda Kroeger (563-349-4725)-c.kroeger@aA.net

Faith Ac�ve & Alive

cont’d from pg.2

Give, give, give

You don’t always have to give away money. Give your !me, talent, and friendship. Be kind to an enemy. Pay someone a compliment who doesn’t deserve it—bonus points if you do it a�er they’re rude to you. Hold open a door for a stranger. Offer to help someone carry their groceries. Write inspira!onal quotes on cards that serve as compliments to people and randomly place them on car windshields. Remember that the smallest act of kindness is s!ll a huge act of love.

Have Sunday Advent dinners

If the good Lord gave you the gi� of culinary skills then by all means, give Glory to God with tradi!onal Advent meals. I was given no such skills. I am a terrible cook. Use these meal ideas to spark conversa!on and invite talk about Advent, God, prayer, and, of course, to eat. Obviously, feasts are important to Catholics, since we celebrate one every day. End these meals by ligh!ng the candle on your Advent wreath for the week.

Go to Confession

Advent is diet Lent. Cough it up, fess up, spill it out. Get into Confession because if Advent is the !me to celebrate the Second Coming, we should be ready at all !mes. No one wants to greet Jesus with a dirty soul.

I know. Gah. Bleh. Confession. Eye roll.

I get it.

No one who ever lived ever rolled their eyes at the idea of going to Confession harder than I did once upon a !me. I’d even toss in a “pffY” with the eye roll because I was a terrible person. The truth is, without Confession we really can’t allow Christ into our hearts, which is needed for deeper conversion, and that is what this is all about. That’s what it’s always been about. If you do nothing else during Advent, consider, at least, Confession.

Let’s go into Advent this year as Catholics ready and willing to serve our God. Let’s be humbled and filled with everlas!ng love for each other so we can show the world what true Chris!anity is all about. Let us find this season the path of peace and the ability to let Christ enter our hearts so that one day when he comes, we can kneel in reverence, bow our heads, and know that we served our purpose in this life: serving and loving.

You can’t find either of those on Amazon.


Chris!na Antus lives with her husband and her three cute, but

noisy, kids. When she's not wri!ng, she's running, reading, fold-

ing forever-piles of laundry, and probably burning dinner. You

can read more of Chris!na's wri!ng here. heykristeenuh

December 9, 2018 Saints Mary & Mathias Parish, Muscatine, Iowa Page 4

Readings for the Week

Monday Is 35:1-10; Ps 85:9ab and 10, 11-12, 13-14; Lk 5:17-26

Tuesday Saint Damasus I

Is 40:1-11; Ps 96:1-2, 3 and 10ac, 11-12, 13; Mt 18:12-14

Wednesday Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Zec 2:14-17 or Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Jdt 13:18bcde, 19;

Lk 1:26-38 or Lk 1:39-47

Thursday Memorial of Saint Lucy

Is 41:13-20; Ps 145:1 and 9, 10-11, 12-13ab; Mt 11:11-15

Friday Memorial of Saint John of the Cross

Is 48:17-19; Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4 and 6; Mt 11:16-19

Saturday Sir 48:1-4, 9-11; Ps 80:2ac and 3b, 15-16, 18-19; Mt 17:9a, 10-13

Sunday Third Sunday of Advent

Zep 3:14-18a; Is 12:2-3, 4, 5-6; Phil 4:4-7; Lk 3:10-18

Upcoming Events

December 17th 6:00 - Posadas - G

December 18th 5:30 PM - Liturgy Team - G

6:00 PM - Posadas - G

December 19th 6:00 PM - Posadas - G

December 20th 6:00 PM - Posadas - G

December 21st 6:00 PM - Posadas - G

December 22nd 6:00 PM - Posadas - G

December 23rd 6:00 PM - Posadas - G

December 24th & 25th Parish Office Closed

Christmas Eve

4:00 PM - Mass - Christmas - Ch

4:30 PM - Mass - Christmas - School Gym

6:00 PM - Mass - Christmas - Bilingual - Ch

Christmas Day

12:00 AM - Midnight Mass - Ch

10:00 AM - Mass - Christmas - Ch

December 26th Parish Office Closed

2:00 PM - 6:00 PM - KC Blood Drive - G

6:30 PM - Spellman SCG - G

December 27th Parish Office Closed

December 28th Parish Office Closed

10:00 AM - Mass @ Bickford

December 31st New Year’s Eve.

Parish Office Closed

5:00 PM - Mass for Solemnity of Mary

6:00 PM - 12:00 AM - Adora!on

January 1st New Year’s Day

Parish Office Closed

10:00 AM - Mass for Solemnity of Mary

Annual Diocesan Appeal ADA Goal = $ 124,000

Total Pledge = $100,200

(nearly 81% of goal)

Who is the Parish Council Church & Family Life Rep?

My name is Robin Edwards and I am on the Parish Council,

helping Laura Cus!s on the Church and Family Life CommiGee.

My husband Fred and I have 3 children together, Jeff, Stephanie

and Billie Marie. I have been a lifelong member of Saints Mary &

Mathias. I am re!red from what is now called Rock Valley Physical Therapy

where I was a technician and later returned to school becoming a Physical

Therapist Assistant for a total of 21 years. Ushering, being on the expansion

and welcoming commiGee, along with being on the Parish Council allows me

to stay close to the parishioners. My goal is to bring people together, help pa-

rishioners grow in their faith and realize how blessed we all are. I want to stay

focused on the posi!ve aspect of our faith.

Youth Ministry Boon Supply Co. Fundraiser

Do you s!ll have Christmas Shopping to do? Do you love suppor!ng the youth

of our parish? Please visit www.boonsupply.com where 50% of your

purchases will come back to our youth ministry program. Click “find a

fundraiser” and type “Saints Mary and Mathias Youth Ministry NCYC 2019.“

Boon Supply has a ton of items such as home goods, bags, jewelry holiday gi�s

and more. Contact Tommy Fallon with any ques!ons. Thank you for your

ongoing support of the Young Church.

Video-Making Contest for Youth Grades K-12

As part of the Vision 20/20 process all youth (individuals or groups) of the

diocese are invited to create a 30-90 second video to celebrate their Catholic

faith. The winning submission will celebrate with Bishop Zinkula.

Entries are due by January 15. For contest rules go to


2019-2020 Preregistration

for 3-year old & 4-year old Parish Preschoolers will begin Monday,

December 17, 2018. Students must be 3-years or 4-years by September 15th,

2019 and fully poGy trained to be eligible for the respec!ve classes. Please

call the school office 563-263-3264 for further informa!on on how to enroll.

December 9, 2018 Saints Mary & Mathias Parish, Muscatine, Iowa Page 5


Pueblo de Sión mira que el Señor va a venir para sal-var a todas las naciones y dejará oír la majestad de su voz para alegría de tu corazón. Cfr. Is 30, 19. 30

Cuando llamamos por primera vez a la mente la palabra "arrepentimiento", podríamos asociarla con la nece-sidad de "arrepentirnos" de nuestros pecados. Esta palabra, usada a menudo por el Señor y sus primeros se-guidores, significa mucho más. El significado completo y más rico del arrepentimiento es una reorientación completa de la vida de uno, un apartamiento del pecado, y la vuelta atrás del corazón de uno a Dios. Porque he invitado a Jesús a estar en el centro de mi vida, mi vida tiene un propósito completamente nuevo. Actúo, y hablo, y vivo de una manera que refleja mi fe y amor por el Señor.

Sin embargo, el arrepentimiento no es una decisión hecha una vez. El arrepentimiento es un proceso de toda la vida que requiere que yo continuamente diga no a las tentaciones del mundo. Al decir no a las tentaciones del mundo caído en que vivimos, mi propia carne pecaminosa, y a Satanás, puedo decir más fácilmente sí a Cristo, a

hacer de mi corazón un lugar apropiado para el Señor.

Este fin de semana, como la segunda parte de nuestra serie de mensajes de Adviento, "Su Mejor Sí", se desarrolla, nos en-focaremos en cómo el arrepentimiento y el decir sí a Dios pueden traernos un nuevo sentido de libertad mientras continuamos preparando el camino para que el Señor ingrese más plenamente en nuestras vidas.

Celebración de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe: Domingo 16 de Diciembre

Toda la Comunidad de la Parroquia de Santa María y Matias estan invitados a la celebración de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe que se llevará a cabo el domingo 16 de diciembre en el gimnasio de la escuela Catolica. La Misa Misa sera en español, a las 12:30pm. Será seguida por una fiesta mexicana con la música festiva de uno Mariachis en vivo. Por favor únase a nosotros mientras honra-mos a nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, patrona de los no nacidos y de las Américas.

Recursos de Adviento de Formed.org

Vaya al sitio web www.formed.org. Si todavía no se ha registrado, haga clic en el icono "código Parroquial" e ingrese nuestro código de la parroquia: KQ3HRW. A continuación, elija un nombre de usuario y una contraseña y haga clic en la serie, "Reflexiones de Adviento". Usted encontrará esto y mucho más para ayudarle a crecer en su fe católica.

Unas Palabras del Padre Troy


Monaguillos: Cecilia Ocampo, Cristobal Ocampo, Vanessa Madrigal

Lectores: Mayte Juarez, Anahi Ceniceros

Hospitalidad: Melissa Najar, Anahi Ceniceros, Gerardo Madrigal, Adrian Madrigal, Jared Lopez, April Casillas

Vino Sagrado: Lizbeth Torres, Saul Ocampo


Dom. Dic. 09 - Iglesia 215 W 8th St. @12pm, Jazmin @?? Lun. Dic. 10 - Maria Andrade 1503 Mill St. @5pm Mar. Dic. 11 - Isabel Prezenegron 2915 Patick Ln. @11am Mie. Dic. 12 - Aurora Olivas 320 W 8th St.@12pm

Muchas Gracias a todas las familias que nos abrieron sus casas y nos dejaron acompañarlos en el Rosario.



Iluminación de la Corona: Jesus y Graciela Suarez

Ofrendas: Teresa Ochoa y Veronica Ochoa


Todos estan invitados a compañarnos a cantarle las Maña-nitas a la Virgen el Miercoles 12 de Diciembre a las


Domingo 16 de Diciembre Celebracion a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe

Misa a las 12:30pm en el gimnasio de la Es-cuela Catolica, con una convivencia despues

de Misa.

SCRIP Se estaran vendiendo tarjetas pre-pagadas para diferente tien-das todos los domingos en Diciembre. Un buen regalo para un cumpleaños, y para navidad. Lo que se venda de las tar-

jetas son para beneficio de nuestra escuela catolica.

December 9, 2018 Saints Mary & Mathias Parish, Muscatine, Iowa Page 6



11 de Dic. Clases de RCIA a las 6:30pm a 8:00pm—“Las Bienaventuranzas/Los Mandamientos”— Padre Steinle

12 de Dic. Clases de Doctrina - Grados K-10 18/25 de Dic. NO CLASES DE RCIA


19 de Dic. Práctica de Música para la Misa de la Nochebuena a las 5:30pm en el cuarto de música en el Centro de Mazzuchelli (Cantors y los que tocan instrumentos)

24 de Dic. Misa de Nochebuena a las 4:30pm en el gimnasio de la escuela Santa María y Matias. Damos la bien-venida al Padre Wally Helms como nuestro celebrante.

LLAMANDO a los músicos: La Juventud conducirá los ministerios de la Misa de las 4:30pm durante la Nochebuena en la escuela de

Santa Maria y Matias. Si alguno de nuestros jóvenes/adultos jóvenes toca un instrumento y quiere compartir en el Ministerio de música para esta misa, por favor llame a la hermana Cheryl-263-3848 o envíe un correo elec-

trónico a srcheryl-marymathias.org. ¡ Gracias por su disposición a compartir su regalo de la música!!


ORACIÓN DESPUÉS DE LA COMUNIÓN Saciados por el alimento que nutre nuestro espíritu, te roga-mos, Señor, que, por nuestra participación en estos misterios, nos enseñes a valorar sabiamente las cosas de la tierra y a poner nuestro corazón en las del cielo. Por Jesucristo nues-

tro Señor.


Domingo 09 de Diciembre - *Rosario antes de Misa @12pm,

Misa @12:30pm

Lunes 10 de Diciembre - * Confeciones @4:30pm, Misa


Martes 11 de Diciembre - * Misa @7am, 8:30am en la


Miercoles 12 de Diciembre - * Misa @7am, Mañanitas a la

Virgen @8:30am

Jueves 13 de Diciembre - * Misa @7am, Adoracion 7:30am a


Viernes 14 de Diciembre - * Misa @7am, Adoración 7:30am a


Sabado 15 de Diciembre - * Confeciones @3:45pm, Misa



Programe su sesión de retratos en línea. Vaya a: ucdir.com Nombre de usuario: ia109

Contraseña: stmm2018

Estas fechas están disponibles en línea:

Miercoles 02 de Enero 2019, Jueves 03 de Enero 2019, Viernes 04 de Enero 2019 y Sabado 05 de Enero 2019


Lunes 17 de Dic. - Caballeros de Colon Martes 18 de Dic. - Miercoles 19 de Dic. - Jueves 20 de Dic. - Familia Leza Viernes 21 de Dic. - Sabado 22 de Dic. - Familia Toledo Domingo 23 de Dic. - Familia Cenic-eros Lunes 24 de Dic. - Comunidad


La Natividad Del Señor

Nochebuena 4:00pm - San Matias 4:30pm - Escuela Catolica 6:00pm Bilingual - San Matias

Misa de Media Noche 12:00 media noche - San Matias

Dia de Navidad 10:00am - San Matias

31 de Diciembre 5:00pm (Adoracion Eucaristica hasta la Medianoche) - San Matias

Santa María, Madre de Dios 1 de Enero 2017 10:00am - San Matias

Ss. Mary & Mathias Parish Office 215 W. 8th St.

Office: 563-263-1416

FAX: 563-263-2782


8 a.m. - 5 pm M-F

Administra�ve Assistants

Linda Niedergeses


Maria Frausto - habla español


Pastoral Staff

Rev. Troy Richmond, Pastor


Rev. Hai Dinh, Parochial Vicar


Dc. Dennis McDonald



Principal - Ben Nietzel


Faith Forma�on - Sr. Cheryl Demmer


Youth Minister - Tommy Fallon



CALL 563-263-2321

Ss. Mary & Mathias Catholic School & Mazzuchelli Faith Formation Center

2407 Cedar St.

School: 563-263-3264

Rel. Ed: 563-263-3848

Fax 563-263-6700

Administra�ve Assistants

School - Chris�ne Compton


Faith Forma!on - Molly Shellabarger


Ss. Mary & Mathias Business Office Business Manager - Konrad Wilke


marymathias.org TwiGer: @ssmarymathias Facebook: Search SS Mary & Mathias myparishapp



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Formed.org (Online Faith Forma!on Resource)

Enter KQ3HRW parish code.

Next page: set up your password.

Mass Schedule

1st Saturday - 1er Sabado 9:00 pm Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am & 10:00 am Sunday en espanol 12:30 pm Monday 5:15 pm Tues -Fri 7:00 am

Misa día de la Semana

Lunes 5:15 pm Martes -Viernes 7:00 am

Reconciliation (Reconciliacion) Mon. (L) 4:30 pm - 5:00 pm Sat. (S) 3:45 pm - 4:45 pm 1st Sat. (1º S) 7:45 am - 8:45 am

Parish Leadership Contacts Parish Council President

Angie Schillig


Finance Council President

Kevin Zeimet


Board of Ed President

Dave Meloy


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