we wish a merry xmas

Post on 02-Jun-2018






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8/10/2019 We Wish a Merry Xmas

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/we-wish-a-merry-xmas 1/4

bells candle sleigh

Christmas tree presents

Wreath Christmas

lights reindeer(2)

snowman Christmas cand

Exercise 1: Work with a partner. Write questions and answers as inthe example. Use the words in the box.

1  __Whats that! ____ 2 _What are these! __ 3  _________________________ 4 _________________________

"ts a wreath____ _#heyre presents__ __________________________ __________________________ 

5  ________________________ 6  _________________________ 7  _________________________ 8  _________________________

 __________________________ _________________________

 _________________________ _________________________

9  ________________________ 10  _________________________ 11  _________________________ 12  Whos __________!

 __________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _____________________

Exercise 2: $ook and study the chart below with your teacher and then pronounce

the words in the box and put them in the correct column. %sk your teacher i& you arenot sure. #hen listen and repeat.

bell candle sleigh

Christmas tree present

wreath light reindeer

candy wish 'erry

appy ew *ood

tidings bring and

kin us some +ggy

pudding it right



8/10/2019 We Wish a Merry Xmas

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/we-wish-a-merry-xmas 2/4

Exercise 4: %nswer the &ollowing


1. When is Christmas! __________________________________  _________ 

2. What do you do at Christmas! __________________________________  _________  __________________________________  _________  __________________________________ 


/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 

Exercise 3: $isten to the song and link the

words according to what you hear.

We wish you a 'erry Christmas (x4)%nd a appy ew 5ear

*ood tidings we bring to you and your kin6*ood tidings &or Christmas and a appy ew


7 bring us some +ggy pudding (x4)and bring it right here. 

We won8t go until we8e got some (x4)so bring it right here.


Activity types: 9honetics6 listening &or linking words

Level: 9re:intermediate-"ntermediate

Langage !"cs: %merican ;nglish owel sounds

#"tes: <We Wish 5ou a 'erry Christmas< is a popular sixteenth:century ;nglish carol &rom

the West Country o& ;ngland. #he origin o& this Christmas carol lies in the ;nglish tradition

wherein wealthy people o& the community gae Christmas treats to the carolers onChristmas ;e6 such as +ggy puddings that were ery much like modern:day Christmas

puddings. "t is one o& the &ew ;nglish traditional carols that makes mention o& the ew 5ear




$re%listening activities

1. %sk the students to work with a partner. %sk them to write questions and answers as in the

example and use the words in the box


1 Whats that!"ts a wreath

2 What are these! #heyre presents

3 What are these! #heyre bells

4 What are those! #heyre reindeer

5 Whats that!"ts a Christmas tree

6 What are these! #heyre Christmas


7 Whats that!"ts a candle

8 Whats this!"ts a sleigh

9 Whats that!"ts a reindeer

10 Whats this!"ts a snowman

11 Whats this!"ts a Christmas


12 Whos that!"ts =anta Claus

8/10/2019 We Wish a Merry Xmas

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Exercise 2:

1. %sk the students to look and study the chart and then ask them to pronouncethe words in the box and put them in the correct column. #ell them to ask you i&they are not sure. #hen ask them to listen and repeat the words.


/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /Christmaskinwishitbringherereindeerpuddinguntil







go ew candlecandyappyand

Listening activities

Exercise 3:

1. #ell the student that they are going to listen to the song and ask them to link

the words according to what they hear

2. 9lay the song.

&ey :

We wis' y" a 'erry Christmas (x4)

%n( a appy ew 5ear

*ood tidings we bring to you and your kin6*ood tidings &or Christmas an( a appy ew 5ear.

7 bring s some +ggy pudding (x4)and bring it right here. 

We won8t go until we8e got some (x4)so bring it right here.

3. 9lay the song again. =tudents check their answers in pairs or in small groups.

5. Correct in open class6 play the song again and sing together>

!"ll") p

Exercise 4: As* t'e st(ents t" answer the questions.

1. When is Christmas!2. What do you do at Christmas!3.  What do you eat - drink!

8/10/2019 We Wish a Merry Xmas

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We wish you a 'erry Christmas (x4)%nd a appy ew 5ear

*ood tidings we bring to you and your kin6*ood tidings &or Christmas and a appy ew 5ear.

7 bring us some +ggy pudding (x4)and bring it right here. 

We won8t go until we8e got some (x4)so bring it right here.


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