web application debugging webinar

Post on 28-Jan-2015






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Debugging InduSoft Web Studio web applications


InduSoft Web Studio v7.1

Web Application Debugging


• Client overview• Configuring InduSoft to support web-based clients• Configure and highlight security settings for using Microsoft

Internet Information Services (IIS) web server• Client-side considerations• Common issues and troubleshooting techniques for

debugging applications• Q&A

Hosted by: Larry CombsVice President, Customer Service and SupportInduSoft, Inc.

Client Overview

Web Thin ClientThe user access the application from an Internet Explorer Web Browser.

Ideal for multi-purpose stations (e.g.: Manager’s computer).

Secure Viewer Thin ClientThe user access the application from any computer with another

instance of the Viewer. Ideal for operator stations or dual-monitor.

Mobile Access (MA) Thin ClientThe user access the application from any browser that supports HTML5.

Ideal for mobile devices, such as tablets and smartphones.

Mobile Access (MA) Thin Client “Tabular”The user access the application from any browser. Ideal for legacy

mobile devices with web browsing capabilities.

Thin Client Solutions

MA Thin Client (HTML5)

Server(Indusoft Web Studio)

MA Thin Clients

MA “Tabular” Thin Client

Server(Indusoft Web Studio)

SMA “Tabular”Thin Clients


Server Thin Client

Web ServerIIS, Apache, etc.TCP Port 80, 443

Data ServerInduSoft TCP/IP Server

TCP Port 1234

End-UserDesktop / Laptop

Internet ExplorerInduSoft ISSymbol Control

Application Files(e.g.: screen files,

tags list, etc.)

Online / History Information

(e.g.: tag values, trend history, etc.)

Typical Deployment

Server Thin Client

Web ServerIIS, Apache, etc.

Data ServerInduSoft TCP/IP Server

Public IP1234

Private IP1234

Public IP80|443

Private IP 80|443

End-UserDesktop / Laptop

Internet ExplorerInduSoft ISSymbol Control

Port Forwarding

Server Thin Client

Web ServerIIS

Data ServerInduSoft TCP/IP Server

Public IP80|443,1234

Private IP 80|443,1234

End-UserDesktop / Laptop

Internet ExplorerInduSoft ISSymbol Control

Web Tunneling Gateway


Web Tunneling Gateway

Configuring InduSoft


• Configure your project settings– Use defaults in most case

• Publish web pages• Enable TCP/IP Server task• Configure Mobile Access• Configure Mobile Access Tabular

Configuring IIS


• Installing IIS• Configuring IIS

– Physical Path– MIME types

• Configuring Windows Security– File / folder security– Firewall

• Install Mobile Access Virtual Directory• Optional: Install Web Tunneling Gateway

Client Considerations


• Browser security• Windows security and UAC• 32-bit versus 64-bit• How / why does Web Thin Client work• ThinClientSetup.exe• Secure Viewer

Common Issues and



• Works locally, but not remotely• HTTP errors

– 4xx, 5xx

• ISSymbol Errors– The Red X– The white screen– Error Popups

• Enable Logging• Windows Tools

– Telnet– Netstat– Wire Shark

Q & A

Q & A

Email(US) info@indusoft.com(Brazil) info@indusoft.com.br(Germany) info@indusoft.com.de

Support support@indusoft.comWeb site

(English) www.indusoft.com(Portuguese) www.indusoft.com.br(German) www.indusoft.com.de

Phone +1 (512) 349-0334 (US)+55 (11) 3293-9139 (Brazil)

+49 (0) 6227-732510 (Germany)Toll-Free 877-INDUSOFT (877-463-8763) Fax (512) 349-0375

Contact InduSoft Today




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