web security for software testing

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web secure testing


  • A Case Study on Web Application Security Testing

    with Tools and Manual Testing

    LaShanda Dukes, Xiaohong Yuan, Francis Akowuah

    Department of Computer Science

    North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University

    Greensboro, United States

    ldukes@aggies.ncat.edu, xhyuan@ncat.edu, fakowua@aggies.ncat.edu

    AbstractWeb application security has become a big issue because of common vulnerabilities found in web applications.

    This paper illustrates a case study on conducting security testing

    on an example application, Tunestore. The example application

    was tested using a number of tools such as Paros, WebScarab,

    JBroFuzz, Acunetix, and Fortify. Manual testing was also

    conducted. The testing results of different tools and manual

    testing are compared and discussed. Our case study shows

    manual testing is very important since some vulnerability types

    can only be found through manual testing and testers observations, and it is important to utilize a variety of tools as

    well as conduct careful manual testing in order to find the most

    number of vulnerabilities in a web application. Based on this case

    study, hands-on labs can be developed for teaching web security, software security testing, and other topics.


    Web applications today are highly functional, and rely upon a two-way flow of information between the server and browser. Security becomes a big issue because no one wants to use a web application if they believe their information will be disclosed to unauthorized parties [1]. Vulnerabilities commonly found in web applications include injection, cross-site scripting, cross-site request forgery, security misconfiguration, broken authentication and session management, and more.

    Penetration testing and static code analysis may be used to assess the vulnerabilities of web applications. Penetration testing is a method of security testing through the simulation of an attack. Static code analysis, also known as source code analysis is a code review process that examines the softwares source code for common coding errors and defects without execution [3].

    This case study uses an example web application, Tunestore to conduct security testing. It illustrates web application security testing using tools and manual testing. The tools used to conduct testing on Tunestore are Paros, WebScarab, JBroFuzz, Fortify, and Acunetix. Our case study shows manual testing is very important since some vulnerability types can only be found through manual testing and testers observations, and it is important to utilize a variety of tools as well as conduct careful manual testing in order to find the most number of vulnerabilities in a web application. Based on this case study, hands-on labs can be developed to

    teach about web application vulnerabilities, software security testing, and other topics.

    This paper is organized as follows: Section II discusses some common web application vulnerabilities. Section III describes the tools we used for web application security testing, Section IV gives a description of the example application used to conduct security testing, and Section V and VI discuss the results from testing the example application using tools as well as through manual testing. Section VII provides further discussion on the testing results and Section VIII concludes the paper.


    This section discusses common vulnerabilities of web applications. They include SQL injection, cross-site scripting, cross-site request forgery, broken authentication and session management. These vulnerabilities were listed in OWASPs Top 10 Project as among the Top 10 critical web application security risks [4]. They also appear significantly in the Web Hacking Incident Database (WHID) [5]. A brief discussion is provided here. A more detailed discussion can be found in [6].

    SQL injection is a vulnerability type where an application accepts malicious scripts that are later parsed and executed. The fundamental way of attack involves the direct insertion of code into user-input variables that are concatenated with SQL commands and executed. A rare and indirect way of attack is where the malicious code is injected into strings that are destined for storage in a table or as metadata. Subsequently when the stored string is concatenated into a dynamic SQL command the malicious code is executed. An attacker can anonymously read and modify data contained in a database as well as take full control of the server by exploiting the SQL vulnerability.

    An application is vulnerable to cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities when it takes untrusted data and sends it to a web browser without proper validation and escaping. This allows attackers to embed malicious JavaScript, VBScript, ActiveX, HTML or Flash into a dynamic page to trick the user, executing the script on his machine in order to gather data, hijack sessions, redirect users to a malicious site or deface the website. Furthermore, a successful attack may result in the compromising of private information, manipulation or theft of cookies, creation of requests that can be mistaken for those of a

    This work is partially supported by Department of Education under grant

    P120A090049 and NSF under grant HRD-1137516. Any opinions, findings,

    and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of

    the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science

    Foundation and Department of Education.

    978-1-4799-0053-4/13/$31.00 2013 IEEE

  • valid user. It might also cause the execution of malicious code on the end user systems. Three types of XSS exist. The first one is Reflected XSS, in which dynamic web pages take text submitted by a client or user and simply renders this text back to user within its response. The second type is Stored XSS. It occurs where some malicious user-submitted data is stored in a database to be used in the creation of pages that will be served to other users later. Thus, visitors of the web page fall victim for this attack. Lastly, Local XSS exploit targets vulnerabilities that exist within the webpage code itself. Usually, this happens when Document Object Model (DOM) is wrongly used in JavaScript. As a result, opening another web page with malicious JavaScript code in it at the same time might actually alter the code in the first page on the local system.

    Broken authentication and session management is the vulnerability whereby the application does not implement its authentication and session management functions correctly. The attacker uses leaks or flaws such as exposed accounts, session IDs and passwords in the authentication or session management function to impersonate users. When successful, an attacker is able to do anything the victim could do. The situation worsens when the administrator is the victim.

    Cross-site request forgery usually occurs where HTTP cookies are primarily used to transmit session tokens. Where precaution is not taken against the misuse of the token, an attacker can trick an authenticated user to perform actions of his (attacker) choosing. Victims are forced to change data and perform functions they are allowed or authorized to do

    Insecure direct object reference is a common web application vulnerability regarding access control. This occurs when an application wrongfully exposes a reference to an internal implementation object. An attacker, usually an authorized user, exploits this vulnerability by simply changing a parameter value that references a system object. This enables him to access unauthorized objects.


    This section briefly describes the tools used in this case study

    which are: Paros, WebScarab, JBroFuzz, Acunetix and


    A. Paros

    Paros [7] is a free web application vulnerability assessment

    tool written in Java by ProofSecure.com. It can be used as a

    web spider, vulnerability scanner, proxy, and a fuzzer. The web

    spider function is used to discover the content of a website by

    parsing a webpage for links to other content, requesting these

    pages, and continuing this process recursively. The scanner

    function scans the web application to identify common

    vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting, SQL injection, forms with autocomplete enabled, old versions of files, etc.

    Paros can also trap HTTP and HTTPS requests and responses

    so they can be modified manually [1, 8].

    B. WebScarab

    WebScarab [9] is an open-source web application security testing tool written in Java. The tool is a part of the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) [10]. It can be used for

    analyzing applications that communicate with HTTP and HTTPS protocols. WebScarab operates as an intercepting proxy, in which the user is allowed to review and modify intercepted requests that are created by the browser and responses from the server. Similar to Paros, it can be used as a web spider to discover the content of a website. The fuzzer feature of WebScarab allows a user to test a web page by taking a list of test strings and trying them in the input fields automatically [11].

    C. JBroFuzz

    JBroFuzz is a web application fuzzer written in Java and is

    a part of the OWASP Project. The fuzzer is for requests made

    over HTTP and HTTPS protocols [12]. The fuzzing feature is

    used to create a HTTP request to send to the web application.

    A fuzzer can be added to a parameter field to add attack

    payloads. The payload feature has attack strings of several

    vulnerability categories such as Injection, XSS, Integer Overflow, XPATH Injection, SQL Injection, and more. HTTP

    responses are displayed in an output window showing the

    payload and the HTTP response status code. The responses of

    the web application to the attack strings are also shown. The

    graphing feature can generate different types of graphs to

    visualize the fuzzing results. There are six types of

    graphs/charts: Status Code Pie Chart, Response Time Bar

    Chart, Response Size Bar Chart, Jaccard Index, Hamming

    Distance, and Response Header.

    D. Acunetix

    Acunetix is a product of the Acunetix Company [13]. It is a

    web vulnerability scanner created to replicate hackers methodologies to find vulnerabilities in web applications.

    Acunetix crawls through the websites to analyze the content

    including flash content, SOAP and AJAX. The scanner

    includes features such as advanced and in-depth SQL injection

    and cross-site scripting testing, penetration tools which include HTTP Editor and HTTP Fuzzer, and others. The cost

    of the tool ranges from $1,000 - $12,995. It has a free trial

    version that can only scan for cross-site scripting

    vulnerabilities in a web application. In this case study, the free

    trial version was used to test the example web application.

    E. Fortify

    Fortify is a static analysis tool used to find root causes of

    security vulnerabilities in source code. Fortify supports a

    range of languages, platforms, build environments and

    software component APIs. Fortify can detect more than 480

    types of software security vulnerabilities among 20 different

    languages. The tool displays results sorted by severity of risk

    and guidance on how to mitigate the risks [14]. The

    demonstration version of the software that comes with the

    book Software Security: Building Security In [3] only scans for SQL injection, buffer overflow, system information leak,

    and HTTP response splitting vulnerabilities. In this case study, the demonstration version of Fortify was used to test the

    example web application.

    Table 1 summarizes the automated tools used for the case



    The application used to conduct security testing is the Tunestore web application developed by Dr. Bei-Tseng Bill

    Chus project team from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. The Tunestore web application is a .war file installed

    on a server on an Ubuntu Virtual Machine to conduct security

    testing. Tunestore is an online retail store of songs. A user has

    to create an account to gain access to the store and its database

    of songs, although users may view the list of songs without

    being a registered user. Registered users are able to select

    several options within the store: add balance, friends, profile, CDs, and log out. The add balance option allows the user to add money to their account by using a credit

    card to purchase songs. The friends option allows the user to add and view friends, as well as accept friend requests. The

    profile option provides the user with their username and their current account balance. The user may also change their

    password under the profile option. The CDs option displays a list of songs the user can buy, send as a gift, or make

    a comment under the CD. This option also shows the users purchased CDs. The log out option logs the user out of their profile and redirects them to the homepage of the store.


    The Tunestore web application was tested using the five

    tools described in Section III. This section describes the testing results of using these tools.

    A. Testing Results with Paros

    Using the scanner feature of Paros, 37 potential

    vulnerabilities were discovered in the Tunestore web

    application. These vulnerabilities are listed below. The

    number following the vulnerability refers to the number of occurrences of the vulnerability.

    Obsolete File (7): It indicates that miscellaneous items including files, backup, unused, or obsolete

    files exist. If these files contain program source,

    information such as server logic or ODBC/JDBC

    user IDs and passwords may be revealed since these

    file extensions may not be processed by the web server.

    Obsolete File Extended Check (7): It also indicates that miscellaneous items including files, backup,

    unused, or obsolete files exist.

    Password Autocomplete in Browser (7): This vulnerability means the AUTOCOMPLETE attribute

    is not disabled in the HTML FORM/INPUT element

    containing password type input. Passwords may be

    stored in browsers and retrieved.

    Session ID in URL rewrite (7): URL rewrite is used to track user session IDs. The session ID may be disclosed in the referer header. Besides, the session

    ID can be stored in the browsers history or server logs.

    SQL Injection (4): SQL injection is possible. User parameters submitted will be formulated into a SQL

    query for database processing. If the query is built by

    simple string concatenation, it is possible to modify

    the meaning of the query by carefully crafting the


    SQL Injection Fingerprinting (4): SQL injection may be possible.

    Tool Functionalities Cost Operating System

    Paros [7] Web proxy

    Web spider

    Automated vulnerability scanner

    Manual request with proxy, fuzzer

    Free Linux, Apple Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows

    WebScarab [8] Web proxy

    Web spider

    Manual fuzzer

    Manual vulnerability scanner

    Manual request with web proxy, spider,

    fuzzer, history

    Free Linux, Apple Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows

    JBroFuzz [11] Automated fuzzing


    Built-in attack payloads

    Free Linux, Apple Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows

    Acunetix [12] Automatic client script analyzer SQL Injection and Cross-site scripting


    Fast scanner crawls

    Port scans on web servers

    Commercial $1,000 -


    Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Windows Server, Microsoft Windows 2008 Server

    Fortify [13] Automated vulnerability scanner

    Source code analyzer

    Commercial Linux, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, Oracle

    Solaris, HP-UX

    Table 1. Automated Tools used in the Case Study

  • Cross-Site Scripting (1): Malicious scripts may be injected into the browser which can appear to be

    genuine content from the original site. These scripts

    can be used to execute arbitrary code or steal

    customers sensitive information such as user passwords or cookies.

    B. Testing Results with WebScarab

    Using the fuzzer and the proxy features of WebScarab, we discovered potential SQL injection and cross-site scripting vulnerabilities:

    SQL Injection: An input attack file was created which included SQL injection attack strings. This attack file was submitted to the WebScarab fuzzer to test the login page of the Tunestore web application. Some of the attacks were successful.

    Reflected Cross-Site Scripting: Using WebScarabs fuzzer feature, an input attack file was created which included cross-site scripting attack strings to test the login page of the Tunestore web application. The scripts were executed showing that the login page has XSS vulnerabilities.

    Stored Cross-Site Scripting: Using WebScarabs proxy feature, comments submitted by the user was intercepted and changed to malicious scripts. The malicious scripts were then saved on the server, and would be activated when someone views the comment on the CD.

    Other input fields such as those related to the registration, friend, and add balance options could also be tested using WebScarab. However, in this case study, those fields were tested using the manual approach instead of WebScarabs fuzzer feature.

    C. Testing Results with Fortify (the Demonstration Version)

    Using Fortify Source Code Analyzer, 30 potential

    vulnerabilities were discovered. These vulnerabilities are

    listed below. The number following the vulnerability refers to the number of occurrences of the vulnerability.

    SQL Injection (27).

    System Information Leak (2): It means system data or debugging information is revealed, which

    can help attackers learn about the system and plan


    HTTP Response Splitting (1): It means unvalidated data in HTTP response headers can

    enable cache-poisoning, cross-site scripting,

    cross-user defacement or hijacking attacks.

    D. Testing Results with JBroFuzz and Acunetix

    JBroFuzz was first used to test for SQL injection and XSS

    vulnerabilities. However, a bug in the tool was discovered. For

    some valid SQL injection attack strings, JBroFuzz generated

    invalid requests to the web application, and thus could not

    identify the SQL injection vulnerability. Because of this bug,

    JBroFuzz was no longer used to test for other vulnerabilities in

    the Tunestore web application. However, the payloads

    embedded in JBroFuzz were used in manual testing to

    discover some of the vulnerabilities in Tunestore.

    Using Acunetix (free edition), cross-site scripting

    vulnerabilities were discovered.


    Using manual testing, authentication, access control, injection, cross-site scripting, cross-site request forgery, and integer overflow vulnerabilities were discovered. Some of the vulnerabilities confirm those found through automated tools. Others were not reported by the tools.

    The vulnerabilities found through manual testing which confirm those reported by the automated tools are the following:

    SQL Injection This allows illegitimate users to login as a legitimate user.

    Reflected Cross-Site Scripting Malicious scripts may be injected into input fields of the login page and be executed.

    Stored Cross-Site Scripting Using WebScarabs proxy feature, a malicious script can be stored in the comment field.

    Using manual testing, we were able to confirm some of the vulnerabilities reported by some of the tool. Acunetix indicated cross-site scripting vulnerabilities in the login page of the Tunestore web application. Although, the tool reported true positives, manual testing also revealed cross-site scripting vulnerabilities on the comment page. Malicious scripts were stored into the comment field and stored in the database. This indicates a typical case of stored cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability.

    The vulnerabilities found through manual testing which are not reported by the automated tools are the following:

    The application allows users to register with weak passwords. It does not have a minimum or maximum length for passwords. It does not give users feedback on password strength. This vulnerability can cause an attacker to carry out brute force attacks and enumerate existing users on the system.

    The application does not have a lockout policy for failed login attempts. This makes the application have a high risk of brute force attacks.

    Unencrypted credentials are transmitted over HTTP protocol.

    Forgot password feature was not implemented. Registered users will not be able to access the system if they do not remember their passwords.

    The application implements a stay logged in feature. This makes the application have a high risk of session hijacking.

  • Insecure storage of credentials. Username and passwords stored in the database are not encrypted. As a result, an attacker can eavesdrop on the network and gain access users unauthorized information. Thus, an attacker is able to gain access to the database to view users data.

    Horizontal privilege escalation The application allows users to view friends CDs and view comments on CDs without logging into the application.

    Cross-Site Request Forgery Malicious scripts may be injected into the comment field of Tunestore which includes a crafted link. When a victim clicks on the link, it causes some actions to occur, such as logging the victim out, etc.

    Integer Overflow The submission of large numbered values will overflow the balance field

    on the account. The add balance option will no longer operate correctly.

    An attacker can add an amount to the add balance feature in their profile by using SQL injection techniques. Hence, an attacker can

    successfully create a new user account with a

    substantial amount of money added to their account without providing valid credit card

    information. As a result, the attacker is able to

    purchase CDs for free. This vulnerability was

    discovered through examining the source code.

    Insecure Direct Object Reference. Requests for protected resources, in this case the music files,

    are made directly to the static resources, which

    are located within the web root of the server. The

    music filenames are predictable. The last names

    of the artists are used. Changing the values in the

    download link permits a user to download any song from Tunestore without purchasing them.


    Our case study shows that Tunestore is a good example

    application for teaching students about web security. It can be

    used to demonstrate various web application vulnerabilities to

    the students. Limited by our academic environment, we do not

    have the full versions of Fortify and Acunetix. Therefore the

    testing results from the demonstration or the trial version of

    the tools are very limited in this study. Universities can apply

    for the Hewlett-Packard Company Educational Software

    License Agreement to receive the full version of Fortify for

    free for educational purposes. However, we could not get the full version of Fortify because our university did not agree

    with the user agreement for the license for the Fortify


    The web spidering and proxy features of Paros and

    WebScarab are very useful for web application testing. The

    web spidering functions allow testers to understand the

    content and structure of the web application. The proxy allows

    testers to intercept and modify requests and responses

    transmitted between the client and server to conduct attacks.

    The scanner feature of Paros is quite limited. It does report

    some main vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, cross-site

    scripting, and session ID in URL rewrite, etc. WebScarabs fuzzer feature can be very useful because a large number of

    attack strings can be submitted to test the application

    automatically. Some of the manual testing conducted in this

    case study, such as testing for buffer overflow, integer

    overflow vulnerabilities, could have been done using

    WebScarabs fuzzer feature. JBroFuzz does not have good documentation on how to use the tool. From our use of the

    tool, we discovered a bug in the tool, and did not think the tool

    worked properly as it is supposed to. However, the attack

    types and payloads embedded in the tool can be useful. The

    payloads can be used for manual testing, or testing with

    WebScarabs fuzzer feature.

    Manual testing discovered most of the vulnerabilities

    especially the design flaws. Some of them are the same as

    those found using Paros, Fortify, Acunetix, for example, SQL

    injection, and cross-site scripting vulnerabilities. Most of the

    authentication and access control vulnerabilities can only be

    found through manual testing based on testers observations. Therefore it is important to utilize a variety of tools as well as

    conduct careful manual testing in order to find the most

    number of vulnerabilities in a web application.


    This paper describes a case study of testing for security vulnerabilities of an example application Tunestore. It provides an overview of web application security testing tools

    such as Paros, WebScarab, JBroFuzz, Acunetix, and Fortify. It

    presents the security vulnerabilities found within an

    application by using these tools, and by manual testing. While

    commercial tools are not easily available in an academic

    environment, open source tools can be used to conduct

    security testing with limited results. Our case study shows

    manual testing is very important since some vulnerability

    types can only be found through manual testing and testers observations. It is important to utilize a variety of tools as well

    as conduct careful manual testing in order to find the most number of vulnerabilities in a web application. Based on this

    case study, hands-on labs can be developed for teaching web

    security, software security testing, and other topics.


    [1] Studdard, D., & Pinto, M. The Web Application Hackers Handbook: Discovering and Exploiting Security Flaws,

    Wiley Publishing: Indianapolis, Indiana, 2008.

    [2] The Open Web Application Security Project, Testing: Introduction and Objectives, 2012


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    Pearson Education: Boston, Massachusetts, 2006.

  • [4] The Open Web Application Security Project, OWASP, Top Ten 2010 Main, 2010, www.owasp.org/index.php/Top_10_2010-Main, retrieved

    on January 13, 2013.

    [5] Web-Hacking-Incident-Database. Retrieved on Jan 6, 2013 http://projects.webappsec.org/w/page/13246995/Web-


    [6] Top 10 2010. Retrieved on January 10, 2013: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Top_10_2010-Main

    [7] Paros, Paros for web application security assessment, 2004, http://www.parosproxy.org/, retrieved on

    November 6, 2012.

    [8] Paros, User Guide for Paros v2.x, 2003, http://www.parosproxy.org/paros_user_guide.pdf,

    retrieved on November 6, 2012.

    [9] The Open Web Application Security Project, Category: OWASP WebScarab Project, 2012,


    bScarab_Project, retrieved on November 6, 2012.

    [10] The Open Web Application Security Project, OWASP, 2012, www.owasp.org, retrieved on November 6, 2012.

    [11] Dustin, E., Nelson, L., Wysopal, C., Zovi, D. The Art of Software Security Testing: Identifying Software Security Flaws. Symantec Corporation: Upper Saddle River, New

    Jersey, 2007.

    [12] The Open Web Application Security Project, JBroFuzz, 2012, https://www.owasp.org/index.php/JBroFuzz,

    retrieved on November 6, 2012.

    [13] Acunetix Ltd., Acunetix Web Application Security, www.acunetix.com/vulnerability-scanner/, retrieved on

    November 6, 2012.

    [14] HP Enterprise Security, HP Fortify Static Code Analyzer, 2012, http://www.hpenterprisesecurity.com/products/hp-


    analyzer/, retrieved on November 6, 2012.

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