web technology: web search

Post on 14-Jul-2015






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Search on the Web

Victor de Boer Web Technology 2015

Slides adapted from

Willem Robert van Hage


• Search engines:

– What do they do

– How do they work?

– How good are they? How to evaluate?

• Discover information laws by counting words

How does a search engine work?

• What is a search engine?

Classic Information Retrieval model

“Bank in Amsterdam”

Classic Information Retrieval model

“Bank in Amsterdam”

Classic Information Retrieval model

“Bank in Amsterdam”

Classic Information Retrieval model

How does a search engine work?

• How does a search engine know a document matches your question?

• Words have different meaning, does the search engine know which one you need ?

How does a search engine work?

In fact, most search engines do not know what you mean, they just make a guess. If they read “bank” they do not know if you mean a river bank or a financial institution..

They usually return the pages that makes the majority of the users happy.


How does a search engine work?

• So if you enter “bank”, the search engine does not necessarily know what you mean.

• But what if you enter “bank transfer”?

How does a search engine work?

Than the search engine still does not “know” what you mean, but will just return pages that both mention “bank” and “transfer”. If these correspond with what you meant that is a “mere coincidence”

Not entirely, because the word “transfer” in combination with “bank” makes the query more informative than either of them separate.

Boolean search, ad-hoc query

Not only ad-hoc queries

• What if you do not know or what to enter as a search term? (or do not want to?)

How does a search engine work?

Alternative search strategies:

• Browsing (Wikipedia, Yahoo! Directory)

• Social bookmarking (digg, de.licio.us)

• Recommender systems (stumbleupon, Amazon)

How does a search engine work?

• How can a search return documents from all over the web in less than a quarter of a second?

How does a search engine work?

Indexing (more later)

Multiple servers in parallel

Pre-selection based on time/origin/query

How does a search engine work?

• Does a search engine lookup the results live on the Web?





How does a search engine work?

• Does a search engine maintain a copy of each document you can search for?

How does a search engine work?

No, the engine uses a kind of locally stored summary of each page.

Not all pages are included, duplicates and junk are thrown away





• How does a search engine know your site exists?

Search engines follow links of pages they do know already, so if someone else links to your site, the engines will find you sooner or later.

This process is called “crawling”




How does a search engine work?

• Can you crawl the entire web?

• How big is the web anyway?


Almost. The web has the nice property that there are very few pages that link to many others and a lot of pages that link to very few other pages.

Deep Web

In addition, there is the "Deep web" , the part of the web that isn’t being linked to with a fixed URL (for example, data in a database)

Most of the “Deep Web” is not crawled at all.

How Big is the Web?


759 Million - Total number of websites on the Web510 Million - Total number of Live websites (active).14.3 Trillion - Webpages, live on the Internet.48 Billion - Webpages indexed by Google.Inc.14 Billion - Webpages indexed by Microsoft's Bing.

Third site on the Web

Nederlands instituut voor subatomaire fysica Nikhef.




Back to building the index


1. Remove HTML tags

2. Tokenization (“I am walking.” -> [I, am, walking])

3. Remove stop words (the, I, it,…)

4. Stemming (cars, car -> car ; walking, walks ->walk)

Result: for each doc, a list of terms




Term-document matrices


Term-document incidence

1 if play contains word, 0 otherwise

Sec. 1.1

• So we have a 0/1 vector for each term.• To answer query: take the vectors for Brutus, Caesar and Calpurnia(complemented) bitwise AND.• 110100 AND 110111 AND 101111 = 100100.

Brutus AND Caesar BUT NOT Calpurnia

But? Bigger collections

• Consider 1 million documents, each with about 1000 words.

• Avg 6 bytes/word including spaces/punctuation – 6GB of data in the documents.

• Say there are M = 500K distinct terms among these.• 500K x 1M matrix has half-a-trillion 0’s and 1’s.


• But it has no more than one billion 1’s.– matrix is extremely sparse: 1 / 1000.

• What’s a better representation?– We only record the 1 positions.


Sec. 1.1

Inverted indices

Inverted index

• For each term t, we must store a list of all documents that contain t.

– Identify each by a docID, a document serial number




Caesar 1 2 4 5 6 16 57 132

1 2 4 11 31 45 173

2 31

Sec. 1.2


54 101


(sorted by docID)dictionary


Token stream. Friends Romans Countrymen

Inverted index construction

Linguistic modules

Modified tokens. friend roman countryman


Inverted index.




2 4


13 16


Documents tobe indexed.

Friends, Romans, countrymen.

Sec. 1.2

Indexer steps: Token sequence

• Sequence of (Modified token, Document ID) pairs.

I did enact Julius

Caesar I was killed

i' the Capitol;

Brutus killed me.

Doc 1

So let it be with

Caesar. The noble

Brutus hath told you

Caesar was ambitious

Doc 2

Sec. 1.2

Indexer steps: Sort

• Sort by terms– And then docID

Core indexing step

Sec. 1.2

Indexer steps: Dictionary & Postings

• Multiple term entries in a single document are merged.

• Split into Dictionary and Postings

• Doc. frequency information is added.

Sec. 1.2

Index size

• How big can your index be on a single machine?

• But let’s consider an uncompressed index of one year of Reuters news messages does that fit in main memory?

• How big does an index and dictionary become?

Reuters RCV1 statistics

statistic value

documents 800,000

avg. # tokens per doc 200

terms (= word types) 400,000

avg. # bytes per token 4.5(without spaces/punct.)

avg. # bytes per term 7.5

postings 100,000,000

Sec. 4.2

How well does a search engine work?

Measure it!

Select a representative set of queries (e.g. from a server log).

Ask a representative set of human raters to “judge” the relevance of all the search results.

Check if one engine is better than the other by counting if they return more relevant pages and less non-relevant ones (the whole truth / nothing but the truth)

For how many questions is this the case. Is this more than you would expect by pure chance?



How does a search engine work?


better system

F-measure is the harmonic mean of precision and recall:

Google eye-tracking

agent-seo.com Cornell University Eye-Tracking Study Data


agent-seo.com Cornell University Eye-Tracking Study Data

Next page?

Precision at N

• When the number of results grows larger, it might not be relevant what the precision over the entire set is, but only first N results.

• Precision at N/ P@n• P@1 = 1.0• P@5 = 0.6












0 5 10 15 20 25 30




State of the art search engines use all kinds of tricks for ranking.

Lets think of a few …

Example weighting scheme: tf.idf

Term Frequency

Inverse Document Frequency

Every word is assigned a weight for a document. Some words are more important than others.

One version:

TFIDF Example

TermTerm Count

this 1

is 1

a 2

sample 1

TermTerm Count

this 1

is 1

another 2

example 3

Doc1 Doc2

Why the “Log”

• How often does the most common word appear in a corpus? How often the second most common? Etc.– Split the books into words, cut them up on the

spaces and punctuation

– Delete all punctuation

– Sort all words

– Count the words

– Plot the counts

Zipf’s law

The most frequent word will occur approximately twice as often as the second most frequent word, three times as often as the third most frequent word, etc.

Formally: the frequency of a word is inversely proportional to its rank in the frequency table.




Zipf’s law

On Logarithmic paper

But! Heaps’ Law

• Split the books into words, cut them up on the spaces and punctuation

• Delete all punctuation

• Do not sort words

• Go over all words and count the number of unique words you have seen

• Plot the results linearly.

Heaps’ law

• How fast does the dictionary grow?

Heap’s Law


By scanning the text we will hit upon the mostcommon words rather quickly, but we will, (increasingly slower), continue to encounter (infrequent) new words.

Other Ranking tricks

• Localisation (language, but also your mobile location)

• Personalisation

• Log analysis

• PageRank

PageRank (Page and Brin)

• Absolute score for a page

• Intuition: Pages that are linked to by important pages are themselves important

i.e. the PageRank value for a page u is dependent on the PageRank values for each page v contained in the set Bu (the set containing all pages linking to page u), divided by the number L(v) of links from page v. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PageRank


• Web search is a form of information retrieval with the Web as corpus

• Inverted indexes are built using crawling, processing and indexing

• A boolean query is then matched to the index, returning pages that match

• How well a search engine works depends on user judgement– Precision, Recall and F-measure

• Ranking is key – especially in Web search– There are many strategies for ranking, and being good

in ranking can make you very rich

Oh, and optimizing for Google’s ranking can make you a bit rich, and a bit cool


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