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YEAR 2011-2013














1st year M.Sc Nursing





Padmashree College of Nursing, Bangalore




1st year M.Sc Nursing,

Medical Surgical Nursing






A study to assess the effectiveness of

Mustard oil with garlic as a remedy for

relieving cough and sore throat among

adults with acute respiratory infection

residing at selected rural area, Bangalore.




“It is but for the pollutants released by us that we would have been

otherwise living healthy lives”

Respiratory system is one of the most important system in our body. Any

infection of the respiratory tract is perhaps one of the most common human ailments and

is a source of discomfort, disability and loss of time for most average adults. It is also a

substantial cause of morbidity and serious illnesses in young children and in the elderly,

including inflammation of nasal tract, nasopharynx, pharynx and larynx. It needs

immediate management also.

An acute upper respiratory tract infection is an infection of the airways of the

nose, throat, upper airways. Most people know this kind of infection as the common

cold. Common symptoms include sore throat, cough, runny nose, nasal and chest

congestion, ear pain, headaches, and body aches and pain. In young infants and in the

elderly, or in persons with impaired respiratory tract function, bacterial super infection

increases morbidity and mortality rates.1

A study conducted in united states on 1996 to identify the prevalence of acute

respiratory tract infection showed that 1-2% of all patients attending out patient

department have acute respiratory tract infection . In that acute pharyngitis account for

0.3-0.8% and acute bacterial sinusitis develops in 0.5% to 2% of all cases.

Approximately 20 million cases of acute sinusitis occur annually in the United States.

About 12 million cases of acute tracheobronchitis are diagnosed annually, accounting for

one third of patients presenting with acute cough and sore throat. The estimated

economic impact of non–influenza-related URIs is $40 billion annually.


However, the incidence of cough cases in the United States has increased in recent

years, reaching 5.3 cases per 100,000 population in 2006.Adolescents and infants

younger than 5 months account for many of these cases. In 2004, adults aged 19-64 years

accounted for 7,008 (27%) of 25,827 reported cases of cough in the United States.

Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) are among the most important causes of death in

all age groups. It has been estimated that about 2.2 million deaths occur from ARI

throughout the world. According to Registrar General's published figures, ARI accounts

for 13-20 percent mortality in India. It is estimated that ARI accounts for 630,000 deaths

annually among pre-school age group. 2

A variety of terms have been used to describe health related approaches that are

considered outside the main stream of the dominant system of health care. These

approaches are called as complementary and alternatives therapies. Complementary

therapies are defined as a broad domain of healthy resources that encompasses all health

system, modalities and practices and their accompanying theories and beliefs, other than

those intrinsic to the periodically dominant health system of a particular society or

culture in a given historic period.

Alternative medicine is the medicine of many different names. It is sometimes called

as complementary medicines. This word suggests that a type of medicine which

complements standard medical practice. This term has been combined in recent years

with alternative medicine to produce another term, complementary and alternative

medicine. It is often refers to as a treatment either compliments or alternative to standard


The ancient Egyptians used herbal oil to embalm bodies in preparation for next life.

Priests of that period were also doctors and used herbs and oils for the treatment of the

sick as well as for beauty.

Globally, respiratory diseases are set to occupy the third most common cause of death

and the fifth most common cause of disability by 2020.In India, chronic respiratory

disease was estimated to account 7% of all deaths and 3 % of DALY’s (Daily Adjusted

Life Year) lost.4


In 1990, the World Health Organization and the World Bank Global Burden Of

Disease study estimated the global prevalence of chronic respiratory disease to be 9.33

per 1000 individuals for men and 7.33 per 1000 for women. The prevalence was

observed to be higher in industrialized countries.5

Complementary and alternative therapies are harmonious with many of the values

of nursing. These include a view of human as holistic beings, an emphasis on healing,

recognition that the provider – patient relationship should be a partnership and a focus on

health promotion and illness prevention.6

National Center for Complementary’s Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) has

proposed a classification system for complementary therapies that include 5 major

categories with various types of approach under each category:

1. Alternative medical system (Herbal Therapy)

2. Mind body interventions

3 .Biological based therapies

4. Manipulative and body based method

5. Energy therapies7

It is estimated by the World Health Organization that approximately 75-80% of

the World’s population uses plant medicines either in part or entirely. For many this is

out of necessity, since many cannot afford the high costs of pharmaceutical drugs.

Growing numbers of American health care consumers are turning to plant medicines for

many reasons – low cost and seeking natural alternatives with fewer side effects.

The use of herbal supplements has increased dramatically over the past 30 years.

Herbal supplements are classified as Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act

(DSHEA) of 1994.That means herbal supplements – unlike prescription drugs-can be

sold without being tested to prove that they are safe and effective.


 Tradition of medicinal plants use in India is about 4000 years old. In the

Ayurveda, about 1400 plants are documented in various texts. In Charaka Samhita,

Sushruta Samhita and Ashtang Hridaya we can find more than 600 plants. Rig Veda

(4500 to about 1600 BC) is perhaps the oldest document where medicinal plants have

been described. Atharva Veda, also describes medicinal uses of large number of plants.

Another treatise Dravya Guna Shastra provides information about medicinal plants from

pharmacological point of view. Similarly, Unani and other systems of medicine practiced

in India are largely dependent on medicinal plants. The wider acceptance of herbal based

formulations is the growing recognition that natural products are non-narcotic and almost

without side effects.

The Indian herbal market is rising sharply and is expected to hit Rs 14,500-crore

mark with exports reaching Rs 9,000 crore by the year 2012. The herbal market has an

annual compounded growth rate of 20 and 25 per cent, respectively. India is followed by

China as the largest producer of medicinal plants having more than 40 per cent global

diversity, Ayushkati Ayurved's promoter Pankaj Naram said. Worldwide, the ayurvedic

industry is put at $3 billion and is slowly gaining acceptance as an alternative system of

medicine and health care, Naram said. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has

projected that the global herbal market will grow to $5 trillion by 2050.8

Herbalism has a long tradition of use outside of conventional medicine. It is

becoming more mainstream as improvements in analysis and quality control along with

advances in clinical research show the value of herbal medicine in treating and

preventing disease. Nearly one-third of Americans use herbs. A study in the New

England Journal of medicine found that nearly 70% of people taking herbal medicines

were well educated and a higher-than average income people. They use complementary

and alternative medicine.


Today numerous systems of medicines continue to co-exist with allopathic medicine.

Some of alternative medicine which are commonly used in disease disorders are

Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, Herbal, Homeopathic, Acupuncture, Yoga etc.


  People have been using herbs and plants as medicine since the dawn of time.

Prescription drugs are a fairly new concept in terms of the last century. Issues of

infertility, emotional disorders, organ trouble, brain function, pain, arthritis, among

countless others have all been experienced since creation. These health issues are not

new. For thousands of years these problems have been fixed and cured by natural


Therefore, there are so many alternative and complementary therapies in relieving

cough and sore throat in which mustard oil with garlic is one of the remedy which can be

used in relieving cough and sore throat among Acute Respiratory Tract Infection adults

as mustard oil and garlic possess both anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial property.


“Alternative therapies can be very effective to help treat problems and

create a healthier, younger and more vital you”

Cough and sore throat account for about 76 % of people with acute respiratory tract

infection. A cough is not always a medical problem, although coughing can at times

indicate the presence of some health condition or infection. Coughing is not really a

condition in itself, but is simply a natural reflex to keep the throat and airways clear.

When caused by some condition, then coughing is simply one of the many possible

symptoms of that condition. At other times a cough may simply develop as a result of

irritation to the throat or respiratory passages. Because of the frequency with which we

are afflicted with coughs and colds most people prefer using natural methods of

treatment to deal with a regular cough. Cough remedies are particularly popular,

because many over the counter drugs can be quite strong and are not ideally suited to

frequent administration particularly in children.9

The sore throat is the most frequent symptom in humans with the average adult

contracting two to four infections a year and the average child contracting between 6 and

12.An estimated 22 to 189 million school days are missed annually due to a cold. As a

result, parents missed 126 million workdays to stay home to care for their children.

When added to the 150 million workdays missed by employees suffering from a cold, the


total economic impact of cold-related work loss exceeds $20 billion per year which

accounts for 40% of time lost from work.10

Recently the World Health Organization estimated that 80% of people worldwide

rely on herbal medicines for some part of their primary health care. In Germany, about

600-700 plant based medicines are available and are prescribed by some 70% of German

physicians. In the last 20 years in the United states, public dissatisfaction with the cost of

prescription medications, combined with an interest in returning to natural or organic

remedies, has led to an increase in herbal medicine use.11

According to WHO, herbal medicinal plants distributed in different geographical

section serve the health needs of about 80% of the world’s population, especially for

millions of people in the rural areas of developing countries. Large sections of Indian

population still rely on traditional plant medicines as they are abundantly available,

economical and have little or no side effects in addition to their cultural acceptability.12

The use of alternative medicine in developed countries appears to be increasing. A

study has shown that the use of alternative medicine has risen from 33.8% in 1990 to

42% in 1997. In Africa traditional medicine is used for 80% of primary health care and

in developing countries as a whole over one third of the population lack access to

essential medicines.13

Herbal therapy continues to be practiced in India, where nearly 80 percent of the

population uses it exclusively. It is also practiced in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and

Pakistan. Most major cities in India have an Ayurvedic college and hospital. The Indian

government began systematic research on Ayurvedic practices in 1969, and that work


Alternative medicine is a major enterprise in India. In November 2009, the

government’s Ministry of Health and Family Welfare announced the steps it would be

taking to promote ‘Indian Systems of Medicine’ in the country, including spending Rs.

922 crore on the promotion of AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga, naturopathy, Unani, Siddha

and Homoeopathy). Major claims have recently been made for alternative medicine


such as that Ayurveda can be used for anaemia or ano-rectal ailments, and that

homeopathy can be used to prevent or cure swine flu, or to treat Aids and malaria.14

Natural herbal remedies do not alter hormone balance, change chemical

levels in the brain or trick your body because herbs contain certain properties that are

meant to regulate functions of the body to promote healing and health. They are not

synthetic or man made, they are simply from the earth and are here to help with

problems that we face.15

More than one-third of patients who saw a doctor received an antibiotic

prescription which has implications for antibiotic resistance from overuse of such


In the past twenty years garlic has been the subject of more than 2,500 credible

scientific studies. A well documented health benefits include reducing cholesterol and

triglycerides, improving circulation, reducing blood pressure, improve colds, cough

and flu. Garlic has good anti bacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, antioxidant, anti-

inflammatory and immunostimulant properties. Atleast nine epidemiological studies

show that garlic significantly decreases the incidence of respiratory symptoms among

those who consume it regularly.17

No other herb comes close to the multiple system actions of garlic, its antibiotic

activity, and its immune-potentiating power. Garlic is not only an antibiotic, it is also

directly effective against viruses. It is also anti-fungal and anti-parasitic as well as

important for colds and flus.18

Mustard oil and mustard oil glycosides are natural antimicrobials. According to an

article published in "The Journal of Food Science" in 2010, researchers found

components of mustard oils were effective against a wide range of bacteria. Different

isothiocyanates significantly inhibited up to eleven different strains of bacteria,

including salmonella, shigella, listeria and staphylococcus. Ingesting herbs or

vegetables rich in mustard oils may you fight against pathogenic organisms that cause

the infection and provide relief of symptoms.


Mustard oil is generally safe and well-tolerated by the majority of the population,

but should be avoided if you suffer from ulcers or other digestive complaints. In a

study published in the German medical journal "Arzneimittelforschung" in 2006,

researchers compared the effectiveness of mustard oil-rich herbs, such as nasturtium

and horseradish, to antibiotics for treating acute sinusitis. Nasturtium and horseradish

compared favourably to antibiotics, with 81 percent of patients noticing a relief in their

symptoms. In addition, the herbs were better tolerated than antibiotics and had fewer

side effects.19

Medicinal plants, spices and their essential oils have been used for millenium to

provide distinctive flavours for food and beverages around the world. In addition to

contributing flavour to foods, many medicinal plants and their essential oils also

exhibit antibacterial activity.

Hence, as experienced by the investigator herself that by using mustard oil with

garlic it helps in reducing the level of cough and sore throat. The investigator has also

observed that people in Meghalaya have been adopting this home remedy for

themselves and their siblings in relieving cough and sore throat and which is seen to be

effective. Therefore, the investigator felt the need to conduct this study in Southern

India, Karnataka in Sullikere Rural Area, Bangalore as it has not yet been implemented

in these areas.



A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Mustard Oil with Garlic as a remedy for

relieving Cough and Sore throat among Adults with Acute Respiratory Infection(ARI)

residing at selected Rural Area, Bangalore .


1. To assess the pre assessment level of cough and sore throat among adults of

experimental and control group with ARI .

2. To administer mustard oil with garlic preparation as a remedy for relieving

cough and sore throat for experimental group .

3. To compare the pre assessment level of cough and sore throat among

experimental and control group

4. To compare post test level of cough and sore throat between experimental and

control group

5. To evaluate the effectiveness of mustard oil with garlic in relieving sore throat

and cough by comparing the pre assessment and post test findings of

experimental and control group.

6. To associate pre assessment level of cough and sore throat of experimental and

control group with their selected demographic variables.

7. To associate post test level of cough and sore throat of experimental and control

group with their selected demographic variables.



It refers to the reduction of cough and sore throat after administering mustard oil

with garlic to the subjects as elicited by modified Borg scale and self administered



It refers to a rapid expulsion of air from the lungs typically in order to clear

the lung air ways of mucus or accumulated secretions or foreign material.



It refers to the inflammation of the throat such as the pharynx , larynx, and

tonsils often caused by hemolytic streptococcus or adenovirus as manifested by

cough, hoarseness of voice, throat pain, difficulty in swallowing, enlargement of the

neck nodes.


It refers to an acute infectious disorder of the upper respiratory tract

characterized by nasal congestion or discharge that may be accompanied by

sneezing , cough , sore throat , head ache , malaise and fever.


It is a type of oil which is obtained from mustard seed which contains an

ingredient (omega-3-fatty acids)which is essential and useful for treating cough and

sore throat as it is having an anti-inflammatory effect.


It refers to the plant of the onion family which has key ingredient- allicin and

diallyl sulphides which has anti-biotic (broad spectrum) with an anti-bacterial

action , which is extremely helpful in relieving symptoms of cough and respiratory



1.The most distressing symptoms usually experienced by ARI patients are cough and

sore throat which can be relieved by many alternative therapies .

2. Use of mustard oil with garlic may reduce cough and sore throat in ARI patients

since it is having an anti- inflammatory and anti-bacterial property.



1. H1: There will be a significant difference between the post test level of cough and

sore throat between the experimental and control group.

2. H2: There will be a significant difference between the pre assessment and post test

level of cough and sore throat among the experimental group.

3. H3: There will be a significant association of pre test level of cough and sore throat

of the experimental and control group with their selected demographic variables.

4. H4: There will be a significant association of post test level of cough and sore throat

of the experimental and control group with their selected demographic variables.



The relevant literature has been organized and presented under the following


1) Literature related to incidence of acute respiratory infection

2) Literature related to home remedies for cough and sore throat

3) Literature related to garlic as remedy for relieving cough and sore throat

4) Literature related to mustard oil as a remedy for relieving cough and sore


Literature related to incidence of acute respiratory infection:

A study was conducted to determine the incidence of Acute Respiratory

Infection in Kenya hospital. The study reveals that respiratory tract infection account

for 20% of hospital admissions and 25% of death in Kenyan hospitals. Focus on

people living in rural areas as they are characterized as vulnerable populations,

predisposed to poor health outcomes due to lack of sanitation and limited access to

preventive health care. There is an increased mortality associated with presentation to

rural health facilities.

A cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the prevalence of

respiratory symptoms among Malaysian hajji pilgrims. .The mean age was 50.4 ± 11.0

years. The study concluded that common respiratory symptoms were: cough

91.5%,running nose 79.3%,fever 59.2%,and sore throat were 40.1%.The symptoms

lasted less than 2 weeks in the majority of cases. Only 3.6 % did not suffer from any of

these symptoms.20

A cross-sectional study was conducted in Karnataka, Mysore to estimate the

individuals were prevalence of cough, phlegm and sore throat in the absence of

dyspnea and wheezing and its associated factors in Mysore district .A total of 4333

adult subjects were enrolled in the study with 2333 males and 2000 females. The study

concluded that the prevalence of chronic cough was 2.5% and chronic phlegm was


1.2%.A significant association was observed between chronic cough and age ,gender,

occupation and smoking.21

A study was conducted in Delhi to study the prevalence of respiratory

morbidity and its associated factors. All the residents aged above 18 yrs or more were

administered questionnaire to identify the major symptoms of respiratory tract

disease- chronic cough, sore throat ,dyspnoea and phlegm. The study concluded that a

total of 3465 individuals were interviewed of which 1756(50.68%) were males and

1709(49.33%) were females . The prevalence of chronic cough ,sore throat, phlegm

and dyspneawas5.8%,4.2%,2.9%,and 9.9% respectively. Individuals between 51 and

69 years of age were nearly three times more likely to have these symptoms, while

those above 70 years were six times more likely to have chronic cough, sore throat,

phlegm and dyspnea.22

A descriptive study was conducted in Karnataka to ascertain the time taken in

seeking care among persons found to have cough of three weeks or more in the

preceding 6 months. The samples selected were 10,000 urban and 10,000 rural people

from two districts in Karnataka. The study concluded that the reported prevalence of

cough of any duration in the preceding 6 months was nearly 6% and 14% had cough

for three weeks or more. Cough increases with age and is more common in males and

in lower socio-economic groups.23

A Community – based intervention trial was conducted in Kelantan, Malaysia

with the aim of reducing severe ARI infection among adults. Intervention includes

health education on ARI and training of health staff on case management. A house to

house survey was done in which 1382 and 1107 adults above 50yrs were selected in

the intervention and control group respectively. The reduction in the incidence of

severe ARI cases in the intervention area was significantly greater than in the control

area. The results indicate that with simple interventions, reduction of severe ARI may

be effectively achieved.24


Literature related to home remedies in relieving cough and sore throat:

A comparative study was conducted in Japan to investigate the effectiveness

of Bakumondoto (TJ-29)(a traditional herbal medicine) in the treatment of bronchitis,

bronchial asthma, and cough. The investigator performed a multicenter randomized

controlled trial treating patients without TJ-29(group A, n=11) or with TJ-29 (group

B, n=8) for a total of 2 weeks using a beta 2 stimulant as the basal agent. Efficacy and

safety were compared by a cough diary, VAS and sleeping questionnaire. At 4 and 5

days after treatment, the cough score of group B showed significant improvement

compared with group A, demonstrating an early anti tussive effect. The study

concluded that oral TJ-29 administration could be useful and safe for the treatment of

post-infectious prolonged cough.25

An experimental study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of Echinacea

to reduce symptoms of cough ,headache ,sore throat, lethargy, aching limbs among

patient suffering from flu like illnesses .The study shows that Echinacea administration

to people immediately after they have started showing signs of getting a cold, resulted

in them showing improvement in cold symptoms much sooner than in the placebo

group i.e. the length of illness was reduced from 13 days to about 9.5 days, when

Echinacea was administered.26

For cough from respiratory infections, sinusitis, or allergies: An experimental

study found that honey was more effective than over-the-counter cough medicines,

including those containing dextromethorphan or DM, at treating cough and easing sore

throat. Honey can be mixed with a herbal tea or just warm water.

An article on herbal therapy states that another sore throat-cough remedy is by

drinking water boiled with holy basil leaves .However, it yields essential oils such as

eugenol, methyl eugynol, carvacrol etc. that aid in destroying bacteria so hence it is a

valuable sore throat and cough remedy.27

An article on Traditional Medicine describe that one of the sore-throat cough

remedy is by drinking hot milk with a pinch of turmeric and a teaspoon of pepper. This

should be taken preferably for 3-4 nights continuously. Turmeric has antiseptic


properties that combat the bacteria and virus which cause throat infection and


Herbal Therapists in their article state that by mixing one pinch of powdered

dried ginger in one tablespoon of honey then slowly consume this paste little by little.

This mixture soothes the throat by reducing the irritation and cough.29

Literature on garlic as a remedy for relieving cough and sore throat

An experimental study was conducted in Battle East Sussex, U.K. There

were 146 subjects selected in the study who took a garlic supplement or a placebo over

a 12 weeks period. The result of the study shows that garlic treatment provided

effective protection against the common cold than those who did not take garlic.30

A study published in Advances in Therapy states allicin-containing

supplement can prevent attack by the common cold virus.31

BBC news published a study that confirmed that supplementation of Garlic

everyday reduce the probability of catching a cold by 50%.The study also showed that

the group who were taking the supplement and caught the cold were more likely to

recover speeder than those who were not taking the supplement .After then garlic is

considered as a major drug in treating common cold symptoms such as cough and sore


An experimental study of nearly 150 people supports the value of garlic for

preventing and treating common cold symptoms. In this study, people received either

garlic supplements or placebo during cold season between November to January. The

study concluded that those who received garlic had significantly fewer colds than those

who received placebo. Moreover, when faced with a cold , the symptoms of cough and

sore throat lasted a much shorter time in those receiving garlic compared to those

receiving placebo.32

An article on Natural and Complementary Medicine states that garlic has

antibacterial properties which are primarily ascribed to the compound allicin which


is a strongly smelling organosulphur-containing compound which is released when

garlic is chopped or chewed.33

An article reported a unique medicinal plant uses among the Nyishi Community of

Arunachal Pradesh. Garlic as a medicinal plant is not only useful for conservation of

cultural tradition and biodiversity but also for community health care and drug


Literature related to mustard oil as a remedy to relieve cough and sore throat:

A study was conducted on mustard oil in relieving cough. It reveals that betel

leaves when soaked in mustard oil and warmed can be applied to the chest to relieve

cough and difficulty in breathing.35

A study was conducted on the use of mustard oil in case of long cold ,bad odour

from nose ,red yellowish discharge from nose and the study reveals that by adding 7

drops of water to 7 drops of mustard oil and instill the solution into the nose with the

help of a dropper will relieve symptoms of common cold.36

In the article on Herbal remedies among the Khasi Traditional healers and

village folks in Meghalaya describe that garlic fried in mustard oil is used for

massaging newborns and it can be taken orally for relieving cough and sore throat.37




Data will be collected from the adults with Acute respiratory Infection, residing

in selected rural area , Bangalore



The research design selected for the study is a true experimental design in

which repeated measure design is chosen.


a)Dependent variables

Level of cough and sore throat of ARI adults residing at sullikere community

area, Bangalore.

b)Independent variables

Administration of mustard oil with garlic to ARI patients

c)Demographic variables

Demographic variables of adults with ARI such as age ,gender, religion,

education, occupation, income, marital status, duration of illness.


The setting where the study will be conducted is in Sullikere rural area,




ARI adults residing in sullikere rural area, having symptoms of cough and sore



A sample of 80 adults with ARI who is fulfilling the inclusion criteria will be

selected as samples in which:

40 subjects will be allotted for experimental group and

40 subjects will be allotted for control group.



1. Adults residing in sullikere community area of Bangalore .

2. Adults suffering from Acute Respiratory Infection having symptoms of cough and

sore throat.

3 . Adults with ARI who are in the age group of 21- 60 yrs.

4 Adults having ARI for the past two days.


1. Adults who are not willing to participate in the study.

2. Adults who have ARI with other respiratory disorders.


Probability - Simple random sampling technique in which the lottery method will be

used to select the sample.


Section A : Demographic variables of adults with ARI such as Age, gender, religion,

education, occupation, income, marital status, duration of illness.

Section B : 10 point Modified Borg scale to assess the level of cough


Section C: A self administered dichotomous questionnaire to assess the level of sore



After obtaining necessary permission from the medical officer in PHC, Sullikere,

Bangalore ;the researcher will collect the data in three phases.


Pre assessment level of cough & sore throat among adults of experimental and

control group will be done with the help of modified borg scale and self administered



The investigator will administer mustard oil and garlic as a remedy for relieving cough

and sore throat for experimental group. 10 ml i.e, 2 teaspoon of mustard oil with garlic

preparation will be administered to the experimental group for three days i;e once in the

morning hours and another preparation will be administered in the night time before


Phase III:

The investigator will assess the post test assessment of cough & sore throat among

adults of control & experimental group after one hour of administration of mustard oil

with garlic preparation to the experimental group to evaluate the effectiveness of mustard

oil and garlic in relieving sore throat and cough with the help of assessment tool.


The data collected will be analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.

Descriptive Statistics:

Frequency, percentage distribution, mean, Standard deviation will be used.

Inferential Statistics:


i) Wilcoxon’s test will be used to compare the pre and post test scores of cough and sore

throat in both experimental and control group.

ii)Freidman’s ANOVA will be used to compare repeated measure on cough and sore

throat in both experimental and control group.

iii).Mann Whitney U test will be used to compare between groups

iv) Chi Square analysis will be used to associate the level of cough and sore throat with

demographic variables.


The investigator is planning to assess the effectiveness of mustard oil with garlic as

a remedy for relieving cough and sore throat among ARI adults. The investigator is

trying to prove that the experimental group undergoing mustard oil with garlic therapy

will be having better relieved of cough and sore throat as compared to control group who

follows routine home remedy.

7.3 Does the study require any investigation or interventions to the

patients or other human beings or animals?

Yes. mustard oil with garlic will be administered to the adults with ARI.

7.4 Has ethical clearance been obtained from your institution?

Formal permission will be obtained from the concerned authorities of the

community area, informed consent will be obtained from the research subjects and

Institutional Ethical Committee review report has been enclosed.




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9. Signature of the Candidate :

10. Remarks of the guide : The study has significance in alleviating and relieving

the respiratory symptoms of ARI adults in rural area.

11.1 Name and Designation of : Dr. Fathima .L, Principal &H.O.D of Medical-

Surgical Nursing.

the guide

11.2 Signature :

11.3 Co-guide : Miss Shoba G,Associate Professor

11.4 Signature :

11.5 Head of the Department : Dr. Fathima . L,Principal

11.6 Signature :

12.1 Remarks of the Principal : The study is relevant and appropriate to the

field of nursing and speciality chosen .

12.2 Signature :


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