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Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ

As the Year of Faith draws to a close on November 24, 2013, we in the Office for Evangelization and Catechesis recall Pope Benedict XVI’s Apostolic Letter Porta Fide. In which the Holy Father summoned us “to an authentic and renewed conversion to the Lord, the One Savior of the world”. In other words, the Year of Faith was an opportunity for us Catholics to experience a conversion – to turn back to Jesus and enter into a deeper relationship with him.

At this year’s 2013 Annual Catechetical and Ministries Conference: Encountering Christ Today - Through an Authentic Witness of the Faith, on October 19, 2013 at the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center we continue to celebrate the Year of Faith. It has been a year of many celebrations and events from a year-long training for ARISE Together in Christ to the John Paul II Vatican Exhibit.

For the Most Rev. Placido Rodriguez, CMF and us in the Office for Evangelization and Catechesis the changing of not only the name of this department but of its mission has been a time of adjustment and reflection. It’s been a time of renewed emphasis on the baptismal call to discipleship and passing on our faith.

We are reminded in the U.S. Bishop’s documents that the first step in evangelization is an encounter with Jesus Christ, who came for us, lived for us, suffered and died for us, and rose again to heaven where he waits for us. It is not sufficient to know about Jesus Christ. We must come to encounter him as a living person. While this encounter can take many forms, in its essence the encounter with Jesus Christ moves from an object for our consideration to a subject with whom we enter into personal relationship through authentic witness to him and our faith.

We look forward to seeing you at this year’s conference and we challenge you bring someone that has never attended or hasn’t attended in a while. The conference is open to all.

Let’s spread the Good News!!!

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Office for Evangelization and Catechesis Diocese of Lubbock

P.O. Box 98700Lubbock, TX 79499

(806) 792-2234October 2013

Office for Evangelization and CatechesisEncountering Christ Today - Through an

Authentic Witness of the Faith Annual Catechetical and Ministries Conference

October 19, 2013Lubbock Memorial Civic Center

Schedule of the Day8:00 am Door Registration and visit exhibits: Brother John’s Catholic Bookstore,

RCL Benziger, Our Sunday Visitor, and Lighthouse Catholic Media, and Pflaum Publishing Group.

9:00 am Welcome and Morning Prayer— Most Rev. Plácido Rodríguez, CMF

9:10 am Theology of the Body for Jr High and High School

9:10 am Keynote Address: Divine Wonder: The Sacraments as a Joyful Surrender and Rebirth into the Mystery of Love. The theme for this year’s Conference Encountering Christ Today Through an Authentic Witness of the Faith is inspired by the Transfiguration of Christ. Let us climb the mountain with Peter, James

and John and savor the divine wonder of the sacramental mystery. Learn how to take the “mountain” of encounter with Christ, with you, wherever you go.

Rev. Richard N. Fragomeni - Richard Fragomeni, a priest of the Diocese of Albany, N.Y., is Associate Professor of Liturgy and Homiletics, and Chair of the Department of Word and Worship at the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. In addition to his teaching, preaching and other duties, he serves as spiritual director for the Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii in Chicago’s Little Italy. Fr. Fragomeni has written on a wide variety of topics; his latest works include “Blessed Art Thou: Mother, Lady, Mystic” and “At the Name of Jesus: The Way, The Truth, The Light,” with Bro. Michael O’Neill McGrath.

10:10 am Break/Visit Exhibits: Brother John’s Catholic Bookstore, RCL Benziger, Our Sunday Visitor, and Lighthouse Catholic Media, and Pflaum Publishing Group will have exhibits.

10:30 am Breakout Sessions A and Theology of the Body for Jr High and High School

11:30 am Lunch (provided)

12:45pm Breakout Sessions B and Theology of the Body for Jr High and High School

1:45 pm Break/ Visit Exhibits: Brother John’s Catholic Bookstore, RCL Benziger, Our Sunday Visitor, and Lighthouse Catholic Media will have exhibits.

2:00 pm Breakout Sessions C and Theology of the Body for Jr High and High School

3: 15pm Closing prayer and sending forth: Most Rev. Plácido Rodríguez, CMF

Breakout Session A – 10:30 AM

A1. You Want Me to Teach Students with Disabilities Too? Come learn how to create environments that help everyone succeed! Explore various reasons for behaviors and the motives behind them. Gain knowledge of successful teaching strategies and useful tips that will improve behaviors and aid in the education and assessment process of all learners. Increase your ability to offer support to families that affirms their Catholic identity. Discuss Church documents and resources that support inclusion. Charleen Katra is an Associate Director in the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis for the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. For the past fourteen years her responsibilities have included Ministry with Persons with Disabilities and Early Childhood Catechesis.

A2. His Needs Her Needs - Introduction to His Needs Her Needs by Willard F Harley, Jr. Christian Marriage Counselor says his job is to keep couples in love with each other. Come see his 10 basic needs of married couples. That Man is You is a faith building program for men. Its main focus is spiritual leadership of the family. Richard and Elaine Ybarra, Office of Marriage and Family Life.

A3. I’M A DRE – NO, WAIT! I’M A PCL – WHATEVER THAT IS! - Intended for the Parish Catechetical Leaders throughout the Diocese, this breakout session will be an attempt to explain the reason for the name-change, as well as cover a number of issues of concern to them – like textbook selection, safe environment training, and forms to be completed and returned to the Diocesan Office for Evangelization and Catechesis. Sister Lale Pelikan, RSM.

A4. Stewardship and the New Evangelization: Tending our Faith Responsibly. Theology and Spirituality of Stewardship - Good stewardship is a key element in sustaining and furthering the mission of the Church. As we ARISE Together in Christ, let us learn about stewardship as a way of life, a way of holiness. Session will cover the four qualities of a good steward and the impact that these qualities make in the life of the Church: gratitude, responsibility, generosity and making a return to the Lord with increase. (Includes resources for Catechists, Youth Directors, pastors and lay leaders.) Renée Underwood and Rachel Martinez, Office of Stewardship and Development.

A5. How to Create a Vocation Culture in Your Parish – In is breakout session Sister Olivia will share resources and helpful tips for creating a vocational culture in your parish. Sister Olivia will share some characteristics of someone who may have a vocation to the priesthood or religious life and how the Diocesan Office for Vocations can assist your parish. Sister Olivia Rico, OSF, Office for Vocations.

Breakout Session A – 10:30 AM

A6. Theology of the Body - "In the beginning it was not so . . ." Have you thought about JP ll's reason for writing Theology of the Body? Come get answers and learn why it is important for our YOUTH TO BE EMPOWERED by such awesome insights about who they are and why they were created. Ellie has been a part of the TOB retreat team for the past 4 years which goes out to parishes and helps our youth discover God's plan for love and life for them as a young people. The TOB retreat team has also started to reach out to our Jr. High age students. The main focus for our Jr. High students is to help them discover that they are uniquely created and they are a gift from God--as we all are!!! Help our youth fight the battle of the "sexual revolution." Ellie Contreras, St John Neumann Church.

A7. Keeping our Kids Safe - Domestic minor sex trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery in which victims under the age of 18 are subjected to force or coercion for the purpose of commercial sex. Human trafficking is a rapidly growing and very profitable industry in Texas and in our community. It is estimated that 100,000 to 300,000 children are forced into sexual slavery in the United States; the average age is 12-13 years old. This session will provide information on the sex trafficking industry, including how traffickers recruit and groom their victims and who buys them, so that we can work together to protect our children from these predators. Stacy Lambright and Leslie Timmons, Voice of Hope.

A8. Creative Art Lessons for Primary and Intermediate Classes - The breakout session will provide hands-on art activities that enhance lesson plans and are not just fillers!!! Heather will focus on grades Kinder to 8th. There are only 40 spots available, so register early; first come, first served. Heather Ruiz, Art Teacher, Christ the King Cathedral School and Stephanie Rincon, Holy Spirit Church.

A9. Discipleship Training - Helping children and young people be like Jesus - Discipleship is the goal of all of catechesis. The National Directory for Catechesis states it this way: “The fundamental task of catechesis is to achieve this same objective: the formation of disciples of Jesus Christ” (NDC, p. 59). This breakout session will focus on this discipleship and the ways in which we can achieve it in our religious education sessions. The six tasks of catechesis, parental involvement and creative, engaging activities will all be part of this workshop. In the end, good, hands-on ideas ready for implementation will be shared. Janie Hernandez and Angelica Villa, Our Lady of Grace, Lubbock.

A10. Creative Methods for Capable Catechists! In this breakout session, the variety of catechetical methods used to learn about our faith will be presented. These eight “Human Methodologies” are described in the National Directory for Catechesis. Each method will be explained, and practical, creative examples will be offered for both classroom and family use. Anne Campbell, Senior Sales Representative RCL Benziger.

Breakout Session B – 12:45 PM

B1. You Want Me to Teach Students with Disabilities Too? Come learn how to create environments that help everyone succeed! Explore various reasons for behaviors and the motives behind them. Gain knowledge of successful teaching strategies and useful tips that will improve behaviors and aid in the education and assessment process of all learners. Increase your ability to offer support to families that affirms their Catholic identity. Discuss Church documents and resources that support inclusion. Charleen Katra is an Associate Director in the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis for the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. For the past fourteen years her responsibilities have included Ministry with Persons with Disabilities and Early Childhood Catechesis.

B2. Hosting a Stewardship Sunday – where do we start? “I’d love to help the parish, but I’ve never been asked” Many quality volunteers are standing in the wings of our churches, hoping for that personal invitation. When hosting a Stewardship Sunday the invitation begins with God and ends with you. This session will take us on the journey of leading our parishioners to commit to Time (in prayer), Talent (in ministry) and Treasure (in goods and services). Find out how Stewardship Sunday is more than just a Ministry Fair. (Includes planning guides and material from real U.S. parishes successful in Stewardship Sundays) Renée Underwood and Rachel Martinez, Office of Stewardship and Development.

B3. Open Your Parish or Ministry’s Virtual Doors - Explore ways to connect your parish and/or ministry with fellow South Plains Catholics in the Diocese of Lubbock & Catholics around the world through electronic media. This breakout session will include tips and guidelines to using social media to communication within and outside of your parish. Lucas Flores & Nicholas Flores, Office of Communications.

B4. ARISE Together in Christ – This breakout session is for ARISE Parish Team Members. Come and share your successes and challenges now that we are into Season One. Bring your brochures, t-shirts, banners, etc. for show and tell. Learn from others who may have had the same challenges and ask any question you might have. Alicia Alvarez, Office for Evangelization and Catechesis.

B5. How to Create a Vocation Culture in Your Parish – In is breakout session Sister Olivia will share resources and helpful tips for creating a vocational culture in your parish. Sister Olivia will share some characteristics of someone who may have a vocation to the priesthood or religious life and how the Diocesan Office for Vocations can assist your parish. Sister Olivia Rico, OSF, Office for Vocations.

Breakout Session B – 12:45 PM

B6. Keeping our Kids Safe - Domestic minor sex trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery in which victims under the age of 18 are subjected to force or coercion for the purpose of commercial sex. Human trafficking is a rapidly growing and very profitable industry in Texas and in our community. It is estimated that 100,000 to 300,000 children are forced into sexual slavery in the United States; the average age is 12-13 years old. This session will provide information on the sex trafficking industry, including how traffickers recruit and groom their victims and who buys them, so that we can work together to protect our children from these predators. Stacy Lambright and Leslie Timmons, Voice of Hope.

B7. Discipleship Training - Helping children and young people be like Jesus - Discipleship is the goal of all of catechesis. The National Directory for Catechesis states it this way: “The fundamental task of catechesis is to achieve this same objective: the formation of disciples of Jesus Christ” (NDC, p. 59). This breakout session will focus on this discipleship and the ways in which we can achieve it in our religious education sessions. The six tasks of catechesis, parental involvement and creative, engaging activities will all be part of this workshop. In the end, good, hands-on ideas ready for implementation will be shared. Janie Hernandez and Angelica Villa, Our Lady of Grace, Lubbock.

B8. Making Disciples Through Prayer - “Pray for us, too, that God may open a door to us for the word, to speak of the mystery of Christ” Colossians 4:3. Make prayer a part of every class! Not just an opening or closing must do – but introduce them to different prayer forms. Prayer activities, crafts, and services to help you not only lead the children in prayer but inspire them to take it home with them. Sister Kathleen DiMartino, OSF, Sacred Heart, Plainview.

B9. Getting a Running Start - Helping new Catechists get started on the right foot. This session is for beginning Catechists, and will cover the basic skills, tasks, and tools that will help us become good Catechists for our students, regardless of grade-level. Sister M. Lalemant Pelikan, rsm, Office of Christian Formation, Diocese of Lubbock.

B10. Creative Methods for Capable Catechists! In this breakout session, the variety of catechetical methods used to learn about our faith will be presented. These eight “Human Methodologies” are described in the National Directory for Catechesis. Each method will be explained, and practical, creative examples will be offered for both classroom and family use. Anne Campbell, Senior Sales Representative RCL Benziger.

B11. PASSING ON THE JESUS IN YOU! This breakout session is for those teaching Pre-K through 2nd grade. Come allow yourself to engage in communication activities deeply rooted in Catholic tradition. The use of short story telling that extends your CCE curriculum encourages attentive children. Bobby Hiracheta, Christ the King School.

Breakout Session C – 2:00 PM

C1. His Needs Her Needs - Introduction to His Needs Her Needs by Willard F Harley, Jr. Christian Marriage Counselor says his job is to keep couples in love with each other. Come see his 10 basic needs of married couples. That Man is You is a faith building program for men. Its main focus is spiritual leadership of the family. Richard and Elaine Ybarra, Office of Marriage and Family Life.

C2. Stewardship in Your Parish Religious Education Program and Youth Groups - We form our attitudes about giving sometime between the ages of six and ten. Will that attitude be “The World Owes Me” or “I Owe the World”? As we ARISE Together in Christ let us learn how a parish focuses on the basics of stewardship as discipleship in its programs for children, youth and families. By involving the families with children/youth and children/youth with the community, you will create a Stewardship Parish, full of young stewards. (Includes NEW practical ideas for school and CCE programs, youth groups and family activities.) Renée Underwood and Rachel Martinez, Office of Stewardship and Development.

C3. Open Your Parish or Ministry’s Virtual Doors - Explore ways to connect your parish and/or ministry with fellow South Plains Catholics in the Diocese of Lubbock & Catholics around the world through electronic media. This breakout session will include tips and guidelines to using social media to communication within and outside of your parish. Lucas Flores & Nicholas Flores, Office of Communications.

C4. What is The New Evangelization? Beginning with the Second Vatican Council, the Church has been calling its people to mount a “new” evangelization. It proposes that all of us need to be evangelizers and are constantly in need of evangelization ourselves. This breakout session will reflect on what this means for “ordinary” Catholics, for society and culture, for our church, for parish, and for our marriage and family. TBA.

C5. Theology of the Body - "In the beginning it was not so . . ." Have you thought about JP ll's reason for writing Theology of the Body? Come get answers and learn why it is important for our YOUTH TO BE EMPOWERED by such awesome insights about who they are and why they were created. Ellie has been a part of the TOB retreat team for the past 4 years which goes out to parishes and helps our youth discover God's plan for love and life for them as a young people. The TOB retreat team has also started to reach out to our Jr. High age students. The main focus for our Jr. High students is to help them discover that they are uniquely created and they are a gift from God--as we all are!!! Help our youth fight the battle of the "sexual revolution." Ellie Contreras, St John Neumann Church.

C6. Making Disciples Through Prayer - “Pray for us, too, that God may open a door to us for the word, to speak of the mystery of Christ” Colossians 4:3. Make prayer a part of every class! Not just an opening or closing must do – but introduce them to different prayer forms. Prayer activities, crafts, and services to help you not only lead the children in prayer but inspire them to take it home with them. Sister Kathleen DiMartino, OSF, Sacred Heart, Plainview.

C7. Getting a Running Start - Helping new Catechists get started on the right foot. This session is for beginning Catechists, and will cover the basic skills, tasks, and tools that will help us become good Catechists for our students, regardless of grade-level. Sister M. Lalemant Pelikan, RSM, Office for Evangelization and Catechesis.C8. PASSING ON THE JESUS IN YOU! A teaching technique rooted in our Catholic tradition of storytelling, this session for 3rd through 5th graders engages you in the art of storytelling. Come allow yourself to experience active engagement that creates successful classroom community. . Bobby Hiracheta, Christ the King School.

The Diocese of Lubbock and the Office for Evangelization and Catechesis is most grateful for the generosity of Our Sunday Visitor for Sponsoring the Thirtieth Annual Catechetical and Ministries Conference: Encountering Christ Today Through an Authentic Witness of the Faith.

Encountering Christ Today - Through an Authentic Witness of the Faith Pre-Registration Form—Deadline October 18, 2013

Name: Phone/E-mail: Address: City/St/Zip: Parish: Ministry/Grade:

Please check one (1) in each column as your choices.

Breakout Session “A”A1 KatraA2 Ybarra/YbarraA3 PelikanA4 Underwood/MartinezA5 RicoA6 ContrerasA7 Lambright/TimmonsA8 Ruiz/Rincon A9 Hernandez/Villa

A10 CampbellBreakout Session “B”B1 KatraB2 Underwood/MartinezB3 Flores/FloresB4 AlvarezB5 RicoB6 Lambright/TimmonsB7 Hernandez/VillaB8 DiMartinoB9 Pelikan

B10 CampbellB11 Hiracheta Breakout Session “C”C1 Ybarra/YbarraC2 Underwood/MartinezC3 Flores/FloresC4 TBAC5 ContrerasC6 DiMartinoC7 PelikanC8 Hiracheta

MIDDLE SCHOOL - Theology of the BodyPre-registration is $10.00 ($20.00 at the door)

includes a hot lunch, registration packet, coffee, water, and snacks

Method and amount of payment:Cash $ Check$

HIGH SCHOOL - HIS LOVE IS FURIOUSPre-registration is $10.00 ($20.00 at the door)

includes a hot lunch, registration packet, coffee, water, and snacks

Method and amount of payment:Cash $ Check$

Encountering Christ Today Pre-registration is $25.00 ($35.00 at the door)

includes a hot lunch, registration packet, coffee, water, and snacks.

Method and amount of payment:Cash $ Check$

Make checks payable to the: Diocese of LubbockMail to: ALICIA ALVAREZ

P.O. Box 98700, Lubbock, TX 79499(806) 792-2234 x 222 or e-mail:

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