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Post on 22-Jun-2020






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Name: ___________________ Date: ___/________/________

Grade 2

Science Revision Sheet

CH2, L1Q1: Complete from the word bank

(Nutrient – Roots – Stem – cone plant – flowering plant - cone)

1. …………………. are parts of the plant that hold the plant in place and

take in water and nutrient.

2. …………………. is part of the plant that carries water and nutrients to the leaves.

3. ………………… is food material that living things need to live and grow.

4. Seed plants are ………………….... and ……………………....Seeds in Pine tree are formed inside the …………………….


Q2: Fill the space from the words below


Q3: Write the correct answer to help Jack


Q4 : Circle the correct answer

1- The part of the plant that gets water from the soil is _____________ . a. roots b. stem c. leaves

2-The part of the plant that connects the roots to the other parts is ______ .

a. roots b. stem c. leaves

3-Flower has sticky powder called _____________ .a. pollen b. chlorophyll c. seed

4-What is the first part of the plant life cycle?a. root b. stem c. seed

Q5 : Use the words below to answer the question:

( roots – light – water – fruit – seeds – stem - leaves – flower )

1- To grow, plants need ___________ and _______________.

2- _______________ of the plant helps to make __________ and ___________.

3- ____________ absorb water and hold the plant in the soil.

4- _____________ use sunlight and air to make food for the plant.

5- ___________ carries water from roots to the rest of the plant.


CH2, L2Q1: Put T if true and F if false :

1- Spiders are vertebrates. ( )

2- Worms are animals with backbone. ( )

3- Young amphibians live in water. ( )

4- Amphibians are covered by dry skin . ( )

5- Birds are covered by hair or fur. ( )

6- Birds have two wings ,two legs and one beak. ( )

7- Reptile’s body is covered by scales. ( )

8- Reptiles lay eggs in water . ( )

9- Mammals young get milk from their mother. ( )

10-Fish have fins to help them swim in water . ( )

11-Insects have three body parts . ( )5

12- Insects have eight legs . ( )

Q2 : Choose the best answer :

1- Animals are divided into with backbone and………….

(vertebrate – without backbone animals)

2- Mammals are covered by ………………….. (fur – scales )

3- Reptiles are covered by ……………… ( fur – scales)

4- Reptiles lay eggs …………………. ( in water – on land)

5- Fish lay eggs in ………………. (hard shells – soft shells)

6- Spiders have………………………… (8 legs – 6 legs)

7- Most insects have ……………………. body parts (three – two)

8- Antennae help some insects ………………. (feel – move)


Q3 : Fill the label from words below:


head Thorax




CH2, L3Q1: Complete using the word bank

(Shelter – scoop – poison- air – thin – hide- food-long – insects – lizard- water – Shelter- camouflage)

1- ___________ is a safe place to grow in.2- Animals need ___________, ___________ , ___________ , and

___________.3- A pelican uses its beak to ___________ fish.4- A woodpecker uses its strong sharp beak to dig ___________ from the trees.5- A robin’s beak is ___ _______ and __________ ,so it uses it to catch

earthworm.6- ___________is the change in color and shape to make the animal hard to see.7- Spines and horns are hard parts for ________. 8- Pill bug can roll into a ball to ___________ from animal wants to eat it .9- Coral snake has ___________ fangs.

Q2: Fill in the space:

1- Animal needs ___________ to drink.2- Animals need ____________ to eat .3- Animals need ____________ to live in .4- Animals need _____________ to breathe.


Q3: Match the bird with its food


Q4: What is the way the animal uses to stay safe?

(Camouflage – hard body parts – poison )


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