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Post on 10-Feb-2020






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Pre-Colonial America Review Questions

1. Based on this image, Europeans explored and colonized new territory in order to….

A. Increase their resources and

money.B. Spread their religion.C. Have servants bring them food.D. Gain access to wine from around

the world.

Fish, grain, meat, and lumber were shipped to the West Indies where they were traded for molasses and fruit; these were shipped back to New England where they were turned into rum. The rum and other manufactured goods were then shipped to West Africa where they was traded for Africans who had been captured by slave traders. The captured slaves were shipped to the West Indies where their labor was needed in the sugarcane fields to make more molasses.

______ 2. What system is being described in the passage above?A. MercantilismB. SlaveryC. Plantation economy

D. Triangular trade

______ 3. What can you infer from the passage above?A. The purpose of European exploration

was to spread religionB. The purpose of European exploration

was to gain access to more resourcesC. The purpose of European exploration

was to enslave peopleD. The purpose of European exploration

was to manufacture goods

Pre-Colonial America Review Questions_______ 4. Based on the drawing by Thomas Harriot in 1588 in Roanoke we can infer that Harriot

A. was interested in the customs and culture of the Powhatan.B. looked down on the Powhatan natives as savages.C. was not interested in the Powhatan but was just interested in finding gold.D. was interested in finding a way to defeat the Powhatan.

5. Who created this painting?


_____ 6. Which of the following could NOT be inferred from this painting?

A. Agriculture was an important part of Native American society.

B. Villages were organized in a community structure.C. Native American culture included rituals and

ceremonies.D. Fish was a major part of the Native American diet.

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